lana (Lana Lutz)


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  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Sep 15 2021, 11:11 AM (142 w, 1 d)

Recent Activity

Dec 21 2021

lana added a comment to T14805: Promo video for developers about energy efficiency and BE ecolabel.

yes, I will look for it once the video is done to find the right ambience

Dec 21 2021, 9:04 AM · KDE Promo
lana added a comment to T14805: Promo video for developers about energy efficiency and BE ecolabel.

This is the story board with screenshots from the video material I would use. Looking forward for your feedback @paulb @aniqakhokhar

Dec 21 2021, 5:02 AM · KDE Promo

Oct 29 2021

lana added a comment to T14804: Create a KDE-Eco logo/badge.

final SVGs

Oct 29 2021, 1:12 PM · KDE Promo
lana added a comment to T14804: Create a KDE-Eco logo/badge.

I would not go for this one because there is too much happening, the more minimalistic the more memorable it will be

Oct 29 2021, 12:53 PM · KDE Promo
lana added a comment to T14804: Create a KDE-Eco logo/badge.

this would be my suggestion

but I attached some experimental stuff too

and I think this can be used when the name needs to be read

Oct 29 2021, 5:48 AM · KDE Promo

Oct 28 2021

lana added a comment to T14786: Promote KDE's environmental projects: Website.

Hi all,
we found external support to set up the website with Hugo because we have only a few days left until Joseph will have his talk on SFSCON (12th of November)
Since he will promote the project and the 1st sprint there we need to have at least a minimal version of the website online where people can go to and join the project or the sprint. UBA will also have to approve it so it would be great if we have a first version for them to take a look around 5th of November.
@paulb Joseph mentioned you might know what we need to do to get the website online once it is implemented in the repository? Could you help us out there?
This is a dummy Arwin (our external support) already has built:

Oct 28 2021, 7:32 AM · KDE Promo
lana added a comment to T14804: Create a KDE-Eco logo/badge.

Hi all, these are my suggestions for a KDE eco logo.

Oct 28 2021, 7:23 AM · KDE Promo