edarfoc (Fernando)


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  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Nov 4 2017, 3:06 PM (343 w, 1 d)

Recent Activity

Nov 4 2017

edarfoc added a comment to T6895: Making KDE software the #1 choice for research and academia.

I'm a mathematician working in academia, hence a heavy latex user. I've used linux for way over 10 years, with the desktop environment provided by KDE most of the time. I've used and recommended Kile, kbibtex, etc. Unfortunately I should say that, despite being an excellent piece of software, Kile has nowadays been overtaken by TeXstudio, and tools like kbibtex have been left behind in favor of more complete ones like Zotero or Mendeley. I'd love to be able to make something to revert this, hence I've written my name in the list.

Nov 4 2017, 3:22 PM · Goal settings 2017
edarfoc updated the task description for T6895: Making KDE software the #1 choice for research and academia.
Nov 4 2017, 3:17 PM · Goal settings 2017