Find your way in Plasma Mobile
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Following the discussion in T8686 and T8685 , alongside with @bshah we opted for creating a web site similar to the proposal of T8685. The web site is based on whatcanidoformozilla (many thanks to @IlyaBizyaev, I was not aware of this).

As soon as potential contributors navigate to the home page of the new site (or part of, a set of questions will guide them to a phabricator task (which in turn have been revamped).

A sample set of questions has been created, leading to tasks T6946 and T694 . Find an early prototype here.

What needs to be done?

We have to create an hierarchy of question-answer nodes having as leaf-nodes the Plasma Mobile phabricator tasks. We have just started working on this here .

P.S. Since whatcanidoformozilla is licensed under MPL, I think that there is no problem publishing our modifications under GPL, shipping original files under MPL.

dkardarakos triaged this task as Normal priority.

Findyourway web page has been created. We may use this task for any change needed.

apol closed this task as Resolved.Jun 13 2018, 4:04 PM
apol added a subscriber: apol.

Task is done, if it needs changes, a new task can be opened.