Product Manager
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The Kubuntu Council are looking to identify a suitable person to take on the role of Product Manager. The KPM will be responsible for advising on the market direction of Kubuntu, and directing development to fit with identified target markets.

Further the KPM will develop a QA team, to support the launchpad infra-structure and processes designed to trap and report bugs, and improve the quality of Kubuntu over all. Working closely with the development team to provide direction.

Want to take on this role ? Make yourself known below

I am interested!

So what's the formal process here? Or should I just step into the role like I've been doing?

I think you are doing the job. Rick created the task, so I guess he should chime in when he can.

Right.. Just a bit behind the curve as always. But Welcome Nate, and thanks for stepping up to the role of Product Manager

I'll close this Task as Done, and stand ready to support you in your role

Thanks, I already feel well-supported! Really all the credit goes not to me but to the folks doing the work! This is an amazing team of people.

Do you have any thoughts on this apsect of the role

Further the KPM will develop a QA team, to support the launchpad infra-structure and processes designed to trap and report bugs, and improve the quality of Kubuntu over all. Working closely with the development team to provide direction.

I haven't started on the QA part yet, but I have some technically-proficient Kubuntu-using contacts and leads who I may be able to tap. @acrouthamel and @sharvey spring to mind!

Uh oh :)

How can I help?

Testing Kubuntu 18.04 beta ISOs when you have a minute, basically.

Is there a written declaration somewhere of :

the market direction of Kubuntu

I get the feeling it is small/medium business from other comments I have read.

Speaking to you from Kubuntu 18.04 at this very moment. I like betas. Only had one issue in the past 10 days or so, and although it was an icky glitch, I found it more funny than anything.

And it resolved itself after a logout and hasn't reoccurred.

I don't get a "business" vibe from Kubuntu necessarily. I feel like it's a nice full-featured distro that doesn't aim for a particular niche. I'd like to see it include something for the Graphics category, like Krita. And maybe hand-pick a small selection of KDE games to show off everything we've got on offer (KMahjongg is particularly lovely).

From a technical perspective, I haven't had any issues, aside from the kicker silliness. Everything I've thrown at it runs just fine, and I'm a relentless tinkerer. I installed and activated all my favorite toys, like Latte Dock and the Desktop Cube. It's all been operating smoothly.

Let me know if there's something specific you'd like me to test.

Congratulations on running the show!

I like the idea of including some KDE games by default. That's an excellent idea.

acrouthamel closed this task as Resolved.Aug 17 2018, 4:50 AM

Closing per Rick above.

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