Update android build to work with Qt 5.15
Closed, ResolvedPublic


From a discussion in the mailing list:

However starting with 5.14 something changed in the qt android setup,
e.g in aqt qt-install you don't specify the architecture anymore:

android:              Qt 5.14:

android (optional)

Qt 5.13 or below:

android_x86_64, android_arm64_v8a

android_x86, android_armv7

The release notes say this:
On Android, we now added support for multi ABI builds, allowing you to
compile your application for multiple target architectures
in one go. We also added support for the new AAB package format, which
allows deploying of a single package covering all target
architectures in one go to the Google Play Store.

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jjazeix created this task.Nov 17 2021, 10:11 AM
jjazeix added a comment.EditedDec 19 2021, 10:31 AM

We need to check how it would work with c++, as we compile libraries (box2d, gcompris, ssl) in .so and they are architecture dependant...

See https://www.kdab.com/qt-for-android-better-than-ever-before/, https://www.qt.io/blog/aab-support-in-qt-for-android for more info

jjazeix claimed this task.Feb 9 2022, 9:32 PM
jjazeix closed this task as Resolved.
jjazeix moved this task from Backlog to Done on the GCompris board.