Port plasma-desktop/applets/kickoff from PC2
Closed, ResolvedPublic

davidedmundson claimed this task.
davidedmundson added a subscriber: davidedmundson.
davidedmundson removed davidedmundson as the assignee of this task.Mar 27 2021, 2:27 PM

actually aside from TabGroup which doesn't even use QQC2 (and is going away with the kickoff refactor?) the only PC2 component that kickoff uses is the Menu (QMenu adaptation), which seems to a blocker for most of the PC3 migrations.

it might make sense to move that to extras before we kill PC2 but that probably won't happen before KF6 branching

Thanks for investigating.

This comment was removed by mikeljohnson.
redstrate closed this task as Resolved.Jul 31 2023, 2:25 PM
redstrate claimed this task.