Improve promotion for GCompris: Announcement of v1.0
Closed, ResolvedPublic


What this is about

What we are Announcing: Release of GCompris v1.0 + 20ths Anniversary

When: 19th of November (or, if that fails, 24th)

Things we have TODO

  • Dot text
  • Social media posts
  • Art
  • List of groups and forums for teachers

List of Places to post to

Stricken out subreddits indicate that posting about GCompris would be very off topic or constitute a violation of the subreddit's rules.


  • C't(
paulb created this task.Nov 12 2020, 6:35 PM
echarruau updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 12 2020, 7:14 PM
echarruau updated the task description. (Show Details)
echarruau updated the task description. (Show Details)

I didn't though of it at the meeting but if we make a post on GCompris website, we also need to make it "soon" to let time for translators to do their work.
Except for the part where we list the status of the translation, I guess we can do it soon?

echarruau updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 12 2020, 7:16 PM
jjazeix updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 12 2020, 7:21 PM

@jjazeix yes, and we can make it in a way that we can include the actual translation status inside afterward easily. If you want to send me a draft by email or here, then we can add it on the website git repo soon to allow translations.

Something like this?

The GCompris education already offered more than 150 educational activities, now it does it while targeting kids competences. Your daughter is 6 years old and wants to learn reading hour on a clock, GCompris can limit the exercise to read the small clock hand. Your son must review his multiplication table of 3. Just choose this one. Your 3 years old cousin just learned 2 and 3, lets recognise just these quantities on a dice.

To be english native prooved but...
"GCompris now with exercices adapted to your classes!"

"GCompris now with exercices adapted to your children age!"

@echarruau For our website news I want something more similar to our usual release announcement. I'll work on it with Johnny.

But for the social media posts we can make something different, I let Paul and Aniqa work on it.

@jjazeix yes, and we can make it in a way that we can include the actual translation status inside afterward easily. If you want to send me a draft by email or here, then we can add it on the website git repo soon to allow translations.
@paulb @aniqakhokhar @echarruau don't hesitate to customize it too :) (especially on the multiple dataset part)

paulb added a comment.Nov 13 2020, 8:09 AM

@jjazeix yes, and we can make it in a way that we can include the actual translation status inside afterward easily. If you want to send me a draft by email or here, then we can add it on the website git repo soon to allow translations.
@paulb @aniqakhokhar @echarruau don't hesitate to customize it too :) (especially on the multiple dataset part)

Yeah, I will go over it and edit it a bit, if you don't mind.

aniqakhokhar updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 13 2020, 8:35 AM

@jjazeix yes, and we can make it in a way that we can include the actual translation status inside afterward easily. If you want to send me a draft by email or here, then we can add it on the website git repo soon to allow translations.
@paulb @aniqakhokhar @echarruau don't hesitate to customize it too :) (especially on the multiple dataset part)

Yeah, I will go over it and edit it a bit, if you don't mind.

@jjazeix yes, and we can make it in a way that we can include the actual translation status inside afterward easily. If you want to send me a draft by email or here, then we can add it on the website git repo soon to allow translations.
@paulb @aniqakhokhar @echarruau don't hesitate to customize it too :) (especially on the multiple dataset part)

Yeah, I will go over it and edit it a bit, if you don't mind.

I don't mind at all, please improve it, you'll do a better job than me :)

Just got an idea from kde i18n channel.
Create a carousel with different slogans:
Here are some I can think about:

Now with exercices adapted to your classes!

GCompris has new questions ready, no matter how fast kids are growing!

2,3,4 kids under 10 in your house, GCompris has activities for all of them.

One class different levels, GCompris can adapt

Instant correction, GCompris helps pupils learning by overcoming their errors

Modular class, offer training sessions using GCompris

Ever wanted to understand how a boat lock works, how gravity behaves on ships, water cycle system? Borrow your child GCompris

3,4,5,6 years old, GCompris has now exercices for every age while learning quantities.

Choose the difficulty of each lesson!

echarruau updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 14 2020, 10:27 PM
echarruau updated the task description. (Show Details)

GCompris célèbre ses 20 ans!
Beaucoup de professeurs connaissent la suite éducative GCompris. Souvent présente car offrant plus de 150 activités éducatives, gratuite, pouvant être installée sur des ordinateurs de puissance limitée, elle a également l'avantage d'être un projet libre et est améliorée tous les ans par de nouvelles contributions. Pour ses 20 ans, l'équipe derrière GCompris a surtout pensé aux écoles, et a ajouté à plus de 50 activités la possibilité de choisir le niveau de difficulté de celles-ci. Maintenant lorqu'un professeur propose de travailler sur la reconnaissance des nombres, il peut choisir la quantité qui sera travaillée. Lorsqu'il enseigne l'heure il peut proposer de ne travailler qu'avec l'aiguille des heures.
GCompris peut être installé gratuitement sur des ordinateurs windows à partir de Windows 7 et sur les tablettes android. Il est traduit en plus de XXX langues.
GCompris est un projet libre et avance pour et par ses utilisateurs. Un canal de discussion et un forum de discussion ont donc été ouverts pour signaler les possibles erreurs ou pour suggérer des améliorations.
xxx ajouter ici adresse forum

aniqakhokhar updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 16 2020, 8:27 AM
aniqakhokhar updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 16 2020, 8:48 AM

Here is the image for the birthday:

Also if you need, I've posted a few videos on youtube, that are scheduled to be published tomorrow at 10AM (CET time). They will be included in the news post on our website, but you can also use them in other posts:

activity settings:

analog electricity

baby keyboard


learn digits

learn additions and learn subtractions

paulb added a comment.Nov 18 2020, 7:53 PM

@timotheegiet Excellent image. We will post it with the social media

If you make the videos "unlisted" instead of "private" we can watch them, but they won't be public.

Also, would you like us to post them to KDE's PeerTuibe account? If you put them on share in the GCompris folder (just shared it with you) we can put them up.

paulb updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 18 2020, 7:53 PM

Like I said the videos are actually "scheduled" to be automatically published tomorrow at 10AM CET, so there's no way to make them not private until then (other than removing the "scheduled", publish them and set them unlisted, then set them manually to public tomorrow... ).

About PeerTube, yes you can add them there, actually you should be able to do it directly once they are published as PeerTube as an option to import videos from youtube (I've used that a few months ago when publishing the videos of the Libre Graphics Meeting).

paulb added a comment.Nov 18 2020, 8:33 PM

Like I said the videos are actually "scheduled" to be automatically published tomorrow at 10AM CET, so there's no way to make them not private until then (other than removing the "scheduled", publish them and set them unlisted, then set them manually to public tomorrow... ).

Oh! Okay. Thanks

About PeerTube, yes you can add them there, actually you should be able to do it directly once they are published as PeerTube as an option to import videos from youtube (I've used that a few months ago when publishing the videos of the Libre Graphics Meeting).

They deactivated that feature in the instance we are using (something to do with security or spamming), so I will have to upload them by hand.

Ah, ok. I'll upload the videos in the folder tonight after I finish uploading the installers.

paulb updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 19 2020, 10:34 AM
paulb updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 19 2020, 11:02 AM
paulb updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 19 2020, 11:25 AM
paulb updated the task description. (Show Details)
paulb updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 19 2020, 11:56 AM
paulb updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 19 2020, 7:08 PM
paulb updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 19 2020, 7:24 PM
paulb closed this task as Resolved.Dec 27 2021, 6:23 PM