Port plasma-workspace away from kdelibs4support
Open, Needs TriagePublic

vkrause created this task.Sep 10 2019, 8:11 AM

That seems to be only the Solid power management stuff, nothing beyond that from what I can see.

davidedmundson moved this task from Backlog to In Progress on the KF6 board.Nov 22 2019, 10:04 AM

Ported away from KDELibs4Support in https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-workspace/-/merge_requests/705

IIUC, the long-term plan is to use KConfigWatcher instead of manually sending a notify signal over DBus.

ahmadsamir moved this task from In Progress to Done on the KF6 board.Mar 20 2021, 6:32 PM