Make notifications accessible
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The current Notification system is not accessible:

Problem is, it doesnt get the focus.

chempfling triaged this task as Normal priority.

It's on purpose they don't get focus as they should never interrupt you. We need to find a way to address this in some way without jeopardizing the default usecase.

It's on purpose they don't get focus as they should never interrupt you. We need to find a way to address this in some way without jeopardizing the default usecase.

I agree, they should not steal the focus and interrupt the workflow.
Lets see what joanie gives us. On gnome they doesnt steal the focus as well. so my hope is that there is already an "easy" way to fix this.

chempfling added a comment.EditedJun 6 2019, 1:18 PM

I found an example extension for gnome-shell. It sends the clipboard (when it changes) to orca using ATK to make orca announce the clipboard change.

seems that there is an special role for notifications. maybe they dont need toget the focus?
I dont see any focus change directives. the example code is very small. maybe we can understand it.

It's on purpose they don't get focus as they should never interrupt you. We need to find a way to address this in some way without jeopardizing the default usecase.

We got an answer:

seems we dont have to steal the focus. we just have to emit an atk sateChange event.
would this be doable?

I added an Issue for adding the notification role: will hopefully make it into Qt 5.12.4 or 5.12.5.

And the patch is in, so starting with Qt 5.12.5 you'll be able to uses it as role. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of the linux/at-spi api here, other platforms send a notification as far as I can tell. Forcing the "notification" role on something seems pretty arbitrary to me. But we decided to play along and make Orca work, so for now that's how it's going to be.

This comment was removed by chempfling.

Awsome, Thanks!
@broulik could you take a look at? we should have now an own accessibility role for notifications what needs to be set.


cool :). So the screenreader can read them automatical when they appear on screen? or is the "history" list applet of last notifications now accessible?

cheers chrys

chempfling closed this task as Resolved.
chempfling claimed this task.

Works like a charm