Some suggested optimizations of D10621.
<keywords additionalDeliminator="@" weakDeliminator=";" />
Using KDE Frameworks 5.44, the above is only applied to the 'keywords' rules. However, when you run `./bin/testhighlighter_test`,`./bin/folding_test` & `./bin/htmlhighlighter_test`, it also applies to the delimiters of the 'WordDetect' rules.
This generates an error when I run testing binaries on the `test.sql_oracle` file, in the last line `end; ` (`<RegExpr String="\bend\b" ../>` is changed to WordDetect and ';' is not delimiter). The test files with the problem are included.
The only files where RegExpr is changed by WordDetect are `sql*.xml` and `rhtml.xml`. I do not know if it will be necessary to undo these changes or it is just a problem of the test generator.
**Fix in SQL:**
Fix bug in `sql-mysql.xml`, `sql-postgresql.xml` & `sql.xml` files: The single character '/' on a new line (rule: `<RegExpr String="^/$" ../>`) is not highlighted, because it has conflict with the '/' keyword in the "operators" list. This rule is replaced by LineContinue (with column=0) and placed before the rule `<keyword String="operators" ../>`.
* sql-mysql.xml
* [Line 481] RegExpr -> [Line 394] LineContinue.
* sql-postgresql.xml
* [761] RegExpr -> [744] LineContinue.
* sql.xml
* [914] RegExpr -> [897] LineContinue.
**Files changed:**
* prolog.xml
* pug.xml
* [Line 36] RegExpr "\belse if\b" is replaced with "\belse\s+if\b". It is much more appropriate than using WordDetect, since it is JavaScript code (is Node.js)
* qml.xml
* r.xml
* rest.xml
* [Lines 39-40] Merge RegExpr rules.
* rhtml.xml
* [Lines 586-587] Merge RegExpr rules.
* rpmspec.xml
* ruby.xml
* sisu.xml
* sql-mysql.xml
* sql-oracle.xml
* sql-postgresql.xml
* sql.xml
* tads3.xml
* tcl.xml
* template-toolkit.xml
* Duplicate rules are deleted.
* textile.xml
* [Lines 36-39] Merge RegExpr rules.
* varnishtest.xml
* varnishtest4.xml
* vhdl.xml
* [Lines 511-514] Merge RegExpr rules.
* wml.xml
* xharbour.xml
* [Line 491] RegExpr ("\d+") -> Int
* xmldebug.xml
* RegExpr ("\s+") -> DetectSpaces
* zsh.xml
* RegExpr ("[A-Za-z_]\w*") -> DetectIdentifier