360 spherical movie preview/playback
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Project Monitor should be able to display 360/spherical movie not only as equirectangular projection frames, but also as spherical projection - to check if all effects looks correctly in final form - the way the audience will be watching it.

Currently VLC supports such movies (movie have to have specific meta information injected), for still images there is solution like Eye of GNOME Panorama plugin, Hugin application, JavaScript solution like Panellum

piom created this task.Jun 11 2018, 10:04 PM
piom triaged this task as Wishlist priority.
jlskuz closed this task as Resolved.Nov 12 2023, 3:12 PM
jlskuz claimed this task.
jlskuz added a subscriber: jlskuz.

There are some frei0r.bigsh0t effects for 360 footage. Maybe these will cover your needs. Beside that it is very low priority.