SSL Misconfiguration - Periodically receiving invalid certificates
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently it appears that visiting can from time to time lead to the user being served with the wrong certificate.
I just received the certificate for '' for instance when using the scanner at

It also seems that whatever setup is being used to run interferes with the use of the scanner.
You may want to investigate this and correct those issues.

Hi Ben,

Is this still an issue?

We're now fronting the Store with Cloudflare so even if the issue is present it will be masked by Cloudflare from a users perspective.

Side note: We've seen the above issue with KDE infrastructure, and it's particularly prevalent with Apache + LetsEncrypt and is caused by only soft-reloading Apache. I'd recommend you hard restart Apache once per week as a cronjob to ensure that no old/stale certificates are being served by the system.

Thanks, I'll mark this as resolved then and make note of doing a full restart of apache after a cert renewal.

justinzobel closed this task as Resolved.Jun 17 2021, 10:21 AM