Testing Plasma 5.10 for Zesty backports
Closed, ResolvedPublic



Plasma 5.10 is available on backports-landing for testing.

I'm writing this task from Zesty with backports-landing by the way.

joselema created this task.May 31 2017, 9:13 PM

upgrade went well; everything seems to work. Yakuake does seem to scroll and unscroll in a less smooth way, but it still works.

Adding Backports-landing back to Zesty VM
131 Updates Selected
Smooth update with Muon Update Manager
New Wallpaper, krunner seems to work, kinfocenter reports Kubuntu 17.04 Plasma 5.10 KF 5.34
Kicker Application Launcher seems to work. Started konsole, System Monitor, Dolphin, and System Settings successfully.

joselema closed this task as Resolved.Jun 6 2017, 8:30 PM