QT 5.8 breaks Wayland.
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Martin requests that we update wayland package control files to force break with QT 5.8. Maybe wait for QT 5.8.1 to avoid the hassle? Need to review features of 5.8 to understand potential demand.

Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org>
11:51 AM (7 hours ago)

to distributions
Hi distros,

unfortunately Qt 5.8.0 shipped with a regression completely breaking Plasma on Wayland: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-58423

I wanted to let you know, just in case you want to ship out Qt 5.8 and Plasma 5.9 and tell your users things like "Hey, test the new Wayland stuff".

Personally I would appreciate if Qt 5.8.0 is not combined with Plasma on Wayland at all as it makes our work look really, really bad. If you want to ship Qt 5.8 that's fine with me, but then make it conflict Plasma/Wayland completely, so that no user can run it. The problem is present with any version of Plasma, so it's not limited to our new Plasma 5.9 release.
