Revise Website for Editions
Closed, ResolvedPublic


T4893 asks for an edition rename. Along that we need to revise the website design.

Previously we had User Edition which targeted users and Developer Editions that target KDE contributors. In the new world order we'll have:

  • User Edition targeting users
  • User Edition LTS which we arguably should not be marketing at all as it conflicts with the idea of neon and ultimately the quality of the product as no dev uses it.
  • Testing Edition targeting tech savvy users who can repair their system as well as contributors that wish to use pre-release software from stable branches (i.e. betas, and maintenance updates before they get released)
  • Unstable Edition targeting the very brave who can repair their system and want to live on the very edge of development from-git without any guarantees of quality whatsoever (primarily contributors)
  • Developer Edition targeting third party developers who want to write code with KDE frameworks or for KDE frameworks or using KDE code writing tools (e.g. KDevelop)

As a result the website needs changes to communicate this. User Edition continues to be the primary thing we need to push. Developer Edition is the primary thing we should pitch to actual developers who want to write code. Testing and Unstable Editions we want to offer but inform people that this can and will break and is dangerous and should absolutely not be used if one doesn't know how to recover a broken system.

The original plan never was properly implemented, so here's a chance to do it right. Testing and Unstable should be on a page that employs different (dark) colors from the default to hint that this crap is different and scary. Developer Edition probably could be pitched alongside regular User Edition as it would simply be User Edition with a full developer toolchain pre-installed.

We currently only have one download page which kinda complicates the Testing and Unstable separation. @jensreuterberg some low effort mockup drawings or something would be good to have so we know how to twiddle the website.

We'll also need to write new flavor text for the new Developer Edition and potentially revise the old flavor text for the new names of Testing and Unstable

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sitter created this task.Dec 13 2016, 10:47 AM
sitter moved this task from Backlog to Discussing on the Neon board.

I'm think we should do with a branch of the neon website which gets put at for testing changes

Are you not forgetting the Developer Stable LTS edition? (now testing LTS?)

Should be even less marketed than the LTS builds...

amunshi added a subscriber: amunshi.May 5 2017, 4:07 AM

This is a topic I can help with. How do I generate a new subdomain and update the website?

I have updated the download.php page. Marked the difference between a KDE Developer and Neon Developer. Let me know if this looks like a good starting point for the supported editions. We will have to change the actual build process to support the new KDE Developer edition and update the URLs on which these editions will be distributed.

How do I attach files to phabricator thread?

amunshi claimed this task.May 6 2017, 3:12 AM

Assigning it to me.

Sharing a preview of what the site can look like with the changes implemented in download.php

Sharing updated download.php from neon-kde-org project.

jensreuterberg added a comment.EditedMay 6 2017, 2:42 PM

Really nice @amunshi although I would prefer it if the buttons followed some colour scheme further indicating the risk inherent in the varying versions. The initial idea was to make a seperate page entirely for the testing editions and invert the colors (black background etc) to show "this is really not suggested unless you ACTUALLY know what you're doing". Essentially doing the testing version buttons on the right #31363b and the same white text would have the same effect in this case, so keeping the layout but changing the background of the two right hand options (Testing Edition and Neon Developer Edition (Git Unstable))

Also it would be awesome if we forced the distance in the text boxes above each download button to ensure that the buttons are aligned. Essentially making the text four lines for all might do the trick though.

I have updated the version to split the pages into userDownload.php and contributerDownload.php. Since much of the content was overlapping, I have extracted the common parts into downloadLiveImages.php and downloadRosa.php. Also had to modify the header.php to point to userDownload.php instead of download.php.

We need to remove the download.php and include/update the pages/css available in the attached tar file. I will try sharing screenshots of the pages.

Updated source code of the website. This only has the new/updates pages. Please remove download.php as its no longer required.

User Download page

Contributor Download page

Updated code fixing the spelling of contributors. (contributor vs contributer).

Sorry for jumping in, but I think that the Neon website, hosted on, could be tracked in Phabricator too (need to ask to the sysadmin), so you could be use the review system instead of attaching a tarball here.

Sorry for jumping in, but I think that the Neon website, hosted on, could be tracked in Phabricator too (need to ask to the sysadmin), so you could be use the review system instead of attaching a tarball here.

I am not sure how to do this.

Ping @jriddell @sitter - Let me know whether the pages look good. How do we create the required editions and rename the existing ones?

jriddell moved this task from Discussing to Ready To Do on the Neon board.Oct 3 2018, 9:14 AM
jriddell moved this task from Ready To Do to Review on the Neon board.Apr 26 2019, 1:59 PM
jriddell closed this task as Resolved.Sep 12 2019, 9:43 AM