Expose a function to know bytes contributed by author
Closed, ResolvedPublic


To implement T3243: Improve credits page on PDFs we need to know the total number of bytes contributed by a certain author.
Since WikiRating is already implementing a lot of features to access similar data, this looks like an easy addition to the project

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ruphy created this task.Jul 14 2016, 3:49 PM
ruphy moved this task from Backlog to Code on the WikiToLearn (1.0-pre1) board.Jul 14 2016, 3:55 PM

Great idea!
@abhimanyushekhawat is it easy to add an api endpoint for this information?

@ruphy consider that the wikirating engine would not be release this month..maybe pre1 is too early

Hi! Yeah it is an easy task I will do it tonight, the user contributions
will be stored in the database and will be available for direct access.

Hi! I have made a function *public static int
getTotalContributionBytes(String username); *in the *User.java* class it
return the Total Contributions in bytes for a User.

davidev added a subscriber: davidev.

Great Ab!

Although I think that the idea was the contribution of a user inside a set of pages.. is it easy to implement? if so please do it after the end of your gsoc work.

ruphy added a comment.Jul 17 2016, 5:21 PM

we can do it given a set of pages, or even given one page only. Or even, given a set of pages, get the list of authors and corresponding bytes :-)
You decide the API, we need it for OCG! :-)

ruphy awarded a token.Jul 17 2016, 5:22 PM
ruphy rescinded a token.
ruphy awarded a token.


Yes it's not very difficult to get the page wise bytes of the corresponding
authors,there is a MediaWiki query to get the total bytes contributed by
all the users but infact the engine collects so much data that this task
can be performed offline too. I will complete this task soon ! :D

ruphy added a comment.Aug 7 2016, 1:59 PM

hi! please close this task if the code is in ;-)

abhimanyushekhawat closed this task as Resolved.Aug 7 2016, 2:24 PM