Specify on which languages version the backend works
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Programming languages are updated all the time. Cantor have to modify its backends to give support on every language update. So, a solution of this trouble is to specify on which version the language was tested and is ready to use.

filipesaraiva moved this task from Backlog to To-Do on the Cantor board.Jul 2 2016, 4:10 PM

Hi @fernandoteles, can you to implement it until July 21? It would be nice if Cantor has this feature implemented to the next release.

I think you will need to add a lineedit to Cantor's backend selection window, and add the information to descriptions() functions in each backend classes.

What do you think?

filipesaraiva moved this task from To-Do to Work in Progress on the Cantor board.

Ok, I am getting this task because I want see it implemented for the next release.

filipesaraiva raised the priority of this task from Wishlist to Normal.Sep 25 2016, 3:21 PM
filipesaraiva moved this task from Work in Progress to Done on the Cantor board.Sep 25 2016, 6:14 PM