Favorite transitions
Closed, ResolvedPublic


So far, Kdenlive allows individual effects to be marked as so-called "favorites". The effects pane allows to show only such favorites. In addition, the new timeline bar also has a (effect) favorites menu button.

However, this concept of favorites currently isn't available for transitions, despite Kdenlive supporting a large set of transitions. Having favorite transitions would allow users to work more efficiently in the timeline when creat6and editing projects.

thediveo created this task.May 21 2016, 7:15 PM
jlskuz closed this task as Resolved.Nov 12 2023, 3:29 PM
jlskuz claimed this task.
jlskuz added a subscriber: jlskuz.

The main point of this is fixes. We could maybe consider to add the transitions to the button in the timeline menu bar. However closing.