Show the Generate PDF link only in the ideal pages
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The question is, Why show that link in the home page? Why show the link in page where they are not prepared/organized for that support?
As UX this can think to the user that everything is downloadable as pdf with problems in the pdf downloaded, so it is better to show only on the page where is useful.

mte90 created this task.May 21 2016, 5:52 PM

I don't really know how to implement things like this. Perhaps we should add the page we don't want to be downloadable to a category and see if we can trigger the collection extension to hide the download button for pages in that category

I will try to figure this out today.

We already know broken pages because of the "Broken PDF" category and also "Structural" pages.

crisbal closed this task as Resolved.Jun 26 2016, 2:16 PM

how do you fixed it?

mte90 reopened this task as Open.Jun 27 2016, 8:51 PM

Well it's on production?
Because i can see in the home page ( there is the link, i think that to complete that ticket we need to add a check for it.

ruphy added a subscriber: ruphy.Jun 27 2016, 9:54 PM

I think we're simply waiting for a release... so it's fixed but not out yet

It's committed in master. So the task is closed and ready for the next release.

davidev closed this task as Resolved.Jun 28 2016, 11:54 AM