Add categories for Tellico templates and scripts
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hi, once upon a time, had categories for Tellico Templates and Scripts. I don't know where the uploaded content might have gone, but could I get the two categories restored? Or if it's hidden somewhere that I need to enable, please let me know. Thanks!

Old .knsrc at and

Both categories were created and the products were imported.

ronaldv moved this task from To Do to Needs Review on the KDE Store board.Jun 12 2019, 2:43 PM
justinzobel closed this task as Resolved.Jun 19 2021, 6:17 AM
justinzobel moved this task from Needs Review to Done on the KDE Store board.
justinzobel claimed this task.
justinzobel added a subscriber: justinzobel.

I'm moving this to the done board as I see products in each category.