Save tool settings presets
Open, NormalPublic


This task is created after a suggestion of boud to fix bug 335180

The idea is to create a generic mechanism to save tool settings and options. A few things that need discussion:

  • Requirements
  • UX
  • Re-use resource system

My limited understanding tells me that this options should be added in kis_canvas_resource_provider.h because

KisCanvasResourceProvider contains the per-window current settings that
influence painting, like paintop, color, gradients and so on.

This will allow KisViewManager to automatically change the settings by changing each session, because of:

/// The resource provider contains all per-view settings, such as
   /// current color, current paint op etc.
   KisCanvasResourceProvider *canvasResourceProvider();
albertoefg triaged this task as Normal priority.Apr 11 2019, 8:05 PM

Tiar suggested three different solutions:

  1. Save last state of options in kritarc file
  2. Save options like workspaces
  3. Link tool options of brushes and dynamic brush tool to brush.