diff --git a/staticweb/pipeline-templates/kde-org.pipeline b/staticweb/pipeline-templates/kde-org.pipeline index 57de87b..7ecf1ae 100644 --- a/staticweb/pipeline-templates/kde-org.pipeline +++ b/staticweb/pipeline-templates/kde-org.pipeline @@ -1,49 +1,48 @@ // Request a node to be allocated to us node( "StaticWeb" ) { // We want Timestamps on everything timestamps { // We want to catch any errors that occur to allow us to send out notifications (ie. emails) if needed catchError { // First Thing: Checkout Sources stage('Checkout Sources') { // Make sure we have a clean slate to begin with deleteDir() // Code checkout( [ $class: 'SubversionSCM', filterChangelog: false, ignoreDirPropChanges: false, includedRegions: '', locations: [[cancelProcessOnExternalsFail: true, depthOption: 'infinity', ignoreExternalsOption: false, local: '.', remote: repositoryUrl]], quietOperation: true, workspaceUpdater: [$class: 'UpdateUpdater'] ]) } // Let's build website now stage('Website build') { sh """ find -name '.svn' -type d | xargs rm -rf """ } // We host copies of some pages on www.kde.org for historical reasons stage('Fetching other resources') { sh """ curl "https://store.kde.org/content.rdf" -o kde-look-content.rdf - mkdir dot/ curl "https://dot.kde.org/rss.xml" -o dot/rss.xml cp -f dot/rss.xml dotkdeorg.rdf """ } // Deploy the website! stage('Publishing Website') { sh """ rsync -Hav --delete -e "ssh -i $HOME/WebsitePublishing/website-upload.key" ./ sitedeployer@nicoda.kde.org:${deploypath} """ } } } }