diff --git a/src/directorymergewindow.cpp b/src/directorymergewindow.cpp index 24c6036..8dc2856 100644 --- a/src/directorymergewindow.cpp +++ b/src/directorymergewindow.cpp @@ -1,3067 +1,3067 @@ /* * KDiff3 - Text Diff And Merge Tool * * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2011 Joachim Eibl, joachim.eibl at gmx.de * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2020 Michael Reeves reeves.87@gmail.com * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "directorymergewindow.h" #include "DirectoryInfo.h" #include "MergeFileInfos.h" #include "PixMapUtils.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "guiutils.h" #include "kdiff3.h" #include "options.h" #include "progress.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct DirectoryMergeWindow::t_ItemInfo { bool bExpanded; bool bOperationComplete; QString status; e_MergeOperation eMergeOperation; }; class StatusInfo : public QDialog { private: KTextEdit* m_pTextEdit; public: explicit StatusInfo(QWidget* pParent) : QDialog(pParent) { QVBoxLayout* pVLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); m_pTextEdit = new KTextEdit(this); pVLayout->addWidget(m_pTextEdit); setObjectName("StatusInfo"); setWindowFlags(Qt::Dialog); m_pTextEdit->setWordWrapMode(QTextOption::NoWrap); m_pTextEdit->setReadOnly(true); QDialogButtonBox* box = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Close, this); connect(box, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &QDialog::accept); pVLayout->addWidget(box); } bool isEmpty() { return m_pTextEdit->toPlainText().isEmpty(); } void addText(const QString& s) { m_pTextEdit->append(s); } void clear() { m_pTextEdit->clear(); } void setVisible(bool bVisible) override { if(bVisible) { m_pTextEdit->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); m_pTextEdit->moveCursor(QTextCursor::StartOfLine); m_pTextEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } QDialog::setVisible(bVisible); if(bVisible) setWindowState(windowState() | Qt::WindowMaximized); } }; enum Columns { s_NameCol = 0, s_ACol = 1, s_BCol = 2, s_CCol = 3, s_OpCol = 4, s_OpStatusCol = 5, s_UnsolvedCol = 6, // Nr of unsolved conflicts (for 3 input files) s_SolvedCol = 7, // Nr of auto-solvable conflicts (for 3 input files) s_NonWhiteCol = 8, // Nr of nonwhite deltas (for 2 input files) s_WhiteCol = 9 // Nr of white deltas (for 2 input files) }; static Qt::CaseSensitivity s_eCaseSensitivity = Qt::CaseSensitive; //TODO: clean up this mess. class DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate : public QAbstractItemModel { friend class DirMergeItem; public: DirectoryMergeWindow* mWindow; explicit DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate(DirectoryMergeWindow* pDMW) { mWindow = pDMW; m_pStatusInfo = new StatusInfo(mWindow); m_pStatusInfo->hide(); } ~DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate() override { delete m_pRoot; } // Implement QAbstractItemModel QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override; //Qt::ItemFlags flags ( const QModelIndex & index ) const QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex& index) const override { MergeFileInfos* pMFI = getMFI(index); if(pMFI == nullptr || pMFI == m_pRoot || pMFI->parent() == m_pRoot) return QModelIndex(); MergeFileInfos* pParentsParent = pMFI->parent()->parent(); return createIndex(pParentsParent->children().indexOf(pMFI->parent()), 0, pMFI->parent()); } int rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex()) const override { MergeFileInfos* pParentMFI = getMFI(parent); if(pParentMFI != nullptr) return pParentMFI->children().count(); else return m_pRoot->children().count(); } int columnCount(const QModelIndex& /*parent*/) const override { return 10; } QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent) const override { MergeFileInfos* pParentMFI = getMFI(parent); if(pParentMFI == nullptr && row < m_pRoot->children().count()) return createIndex(row, column, m_pRoot->children()[row]); else if(pParentMFI != nullptr && row < pParentMFI->children().count()) return createIndex(row, column, pParentMFI->children()[row]); else return QModelIndex(); } QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override; void sort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order) override; // private data and helper methods MergeFileInfos* getMFI(const QModelIndex& mi) const { if(mi.isValid()) return (MergeFileInfos*)mi.internalPointer(); else return nullptr; } bool isThreeWay() const { if(rootMFI() == nullptr) return false; return rootMFI()->isThreeWay(); } MergeFileInfos* rootMFI() const { return m_pRoot; } QSharedPointer m_pOptions = nullptr; void calcDirStatus(bool bThreeDirs, const QModelIndex& mi, int& nofFiles, int& nofDirs, int& nofEqualFiles, int& nofManualMerges); void mergeContinue(bool bStart, bool bVerbose); void prepareListView(ProgressProxy& pp); void calcSuggestedOperation(const QModelIndex& mi, e_MergeOperation eDefaultMergeOp); void setAllMergeOperations(e_MergeOperation eDefaultOperation); bool canContinue(); QModelIndex treeIterator(QModelIndex mi, bool bVisitChildren = true, bool bFindInvisible = false); void prepareMergeStart(const QModelIndex& miBegin, const QModelIndex& miEnd, bool bVerbose); bool executeMergeOperation(MergeFileInfos& mfi, bool& bSingleFileMerge); void scanDirectory(const QString& dirName, t_DirectoryList& dirList); void scanLocalDirectory(const QString& dirName, t_DirectoryList& dirList); void setMergeOperation(const QModelIndex& mi, e_MergeOperation eMergeOp, bool bRecursive = true); bool isDir(const QModelIndex& mi) const; QString getFileName(const QModelIndex& mi) const; bool copyFLD(const QString& srcName, const QString& destName); bool deleteFLD(const QString& name, bool bCreateBackup); bool makeDir(const QString& name, bool bQuiet = false); bool renameFLD(const QString& srcName, const QString& destName); bool mergeFLD(const QString& nameA, const QString& nameB, const QString& nameC, const QString& nameDest, bool& bSingleFileMerge); void buildMergeMap(const QSharedPointer& dirInfo); private: class FileKey { private: const FileAccess* m_pFA; public: explicit FileKey(const FileAccess& fa) : m_pFA(&fa) {} quint32 getParents(const FileAccess* pFA, const FileAccess* v[], quint32 maxSize) const { quint32 s = 0; for(s = 0; pFA->parent() != nullptr; pFA = pFA->parent(), ++s) { if(s == maxSize) break; v[s] = pFA; } return s; } // This is essentially the same as // int r = filePath().compare( fa.filePath() ) // if ( r<0 ) return true; // if ( r==0 ) return m_col < fa.m_col; // return false; bool operator<(const FileKey& fk) const { const FileAccess* v1[100]; const FileAccess* v2[100]; quint32 v1Size = getParents(m_pFA, v1, 100); quint32 v2Size = getParents(fk.m_pFA, v2, 100); for(quint32 i = 0; i < v1Size && i < v2Size; ++i) { int r = v1[v1Size - i - 1]->fileName().compare(v2[v2Size - i - 1]->fileName(), s_eCaseSensitivity); if(r < 0) return true; else if(r > 0) return false; } return v1Size < v2Size; } }; typedef QMap t_fileMergeMap; MergeFileInfos* m_pRoot = new MergeFileInfos(); t_fileMergeMap m_fileMergeMap; public: bool m_bFollowDirLinks = false; bool m_bFollowFileLinks = false; bool m_bSimulatedMergeStarted = false; bool m_bRealMergeStarted = false; bool m_bError = false; bool m_bSyncMode = false; bool m_bDirectoryMerge = false; // if true, then merge is the default operation, otherwise it's diff. bool m_bCaseSensitive = true; bool m_bUnfoldSubdirs = false; bool m_bSkipDirStatus = false; bool m_bScanning = false; // true while in init() DirectoryMergeInfo* m_pDirectoryMergeInfo = nullptr; StatusInfo* m_pStatusInfo = nullptr; typedef std::list MergeItemList; // linked list MergeItemList m_mergeItemList; MergeItemList::iterator m_currentIndexForOperation; QModelIndex m_selection1Index; QModelIndex m_selection2Index; QModelIndex m_selection3Index; void selectItemAndColumn(const QModelIndex& mi, bool bContextMenu); QPointer m_pDirStartOperation; QPointer m_pDirRunOperationForCurrentItem; QPointer m_pDirCompareCurrent; QPointer m_pDirMergeCurrent; QPointer m_pDirRescan; QPointer m_pDirChooseAEverywhere; QPointer m_pDirChooseBEverywhere; QPointer m_pDirChooseCEverywhere; QPointer m_pDirAutoChoiceEverywhere; QPointer m_pDirDoNothingEverywhere; QPointer m_pDirFoldAll; QPointer m_pDirUnfoldAll; KToggleAction* m_pDirShowIdenticalFiles; KToggleAction* m_pDirShowDifferentFiles; KToggleAction* m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInA; KToggleAction* m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInB; KToggleAction* m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInC; KToggleAction* m_pDirSynchronizeDirectories; KToggleAction* m_pDirChooseNewerFiles; QPointer m_pDirCompareExplicit; QPointer m_pDirMergeExplicit; QPointer m_pDirCurrentDoNothing; QPointer m_pDirCurrentChooseA; QPointer m_pDirCurrentChooseB; QPointer m_pDirCurrentChooseC; QPointer m_pDirCurrentMerge; QPointer m_pDirCurrentDelete; QPointer m_pDirCurrentSyncDoNothing; QPointer m_pDirCurrentSyncCopyAToB; QPointer m_pDirCurrentSyncCopyBToA; QPointer m_pDirCurrentSyncDeleteA; QPointer m_pDirCurrentSyncDeleteB; QPointer m_pDirCurrentSyncDeleteAAndB; QPointer m_pDirCurrentSyncMergeToA; QPointer m_pDirCurrentSyncMergeToB; QPointer m_pDirCurrentSyncMergeToAAndB; QPointer m_pDirSaveMergeState; QPointer m_pDirLoadMergeState; bool init(const QSharedPointer& dirInfo, bool bDirectoryMerge, bool bReload); void setOpStatus(const QModelIndex& mi, e_OperationStatus eOpStatus) { if(MergeFileInfos* pMFI = getMFI(mi)) { pMFI->setOpStatus(eOpStatus); Q_EMIT dataChanged(mi, mi); } } QModelIndex nextSibling(const QModelIndex& mi); }; QVariant DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const { MergeFileInfos* pMFI = getMFI(index); if(pMFI) { if(role == Qt::DisplayRole) { switch(index.column()) { case s_NameCol: return QFileInfo(pMFI->subPath()).fileName(); case s_ACol: return i18n("A"); case s_BCol: return i18n("B"); case s_CCol: return i18n("C"); //case s_OpCol: return i18n("Operation"); //case s_OpStatusCol: return i18n("Status"); case s_UnsolvedCol: return pMFI->diffStatus().getUnsolvedConflicts(); case s_SolvedCol: return pMFI->diffStatus().getSolvedConflicts(); case s_NonWhiteCol: return pMFI->diffStatus().getNonWhitespaceConflicts(); case s_WhiteCol: return pMFI->diffStatus().getWhitespaceConflicts(); //default : return QVariant(); } if(s_OpCol == index.column()) { bool bDir = pMFI->hasDir(); switch(pMFI->getOperation()) { case eNoOperation: return ""; break; case eCopyAToB: return i18n("Copy A to B"); break; case eCopyBToA: return i18n("Copy B to A"); break; case eDeleteA: return i18n("Delete A"); break; case eDeleteB: return i18n("Delete B"); break; case eDeleteAB: return i18n("Delete A & B"); break; case eMergeToA: return i18n("Merge to A"); break; case eMergeToB: return i18n("Merge to B"); break; case eMergeToAB: return i18n("Merge to A & B"); break; case eCopyAToDest: return i18n("A"); break; case eCopyBToDest: return i18n("B"); break; case eCopyCToDest: return i18n("C"); break; case eDeleteFromDest: return i18n("Delete (if exists)"); break; case eMergeABCToDest: case eMergeABToDest: return bDir ? i18n("Merge") : i18n("Merge (manual)"); break; case eConflictingFileTypes: return i18n("Error: Conflicting File Types"); break; case eChangedAndDeleted: return i18n("Error: Changed and Deleted"); break; case eConflictingAges: return i18n("Error: Dates are equal but files are not."); break; default: Q_ASSERT(true); break; } } if(s_OpStatusCol == index.column()) { switch(pMFI->getOpStatus()) { case eOpStatusNone: return ""; case eOpStatusDone: return i18n("Done"); case eOpStatusError: return i18n("Error"); case eOpStatusSkipped: return i18n("Skipped."); case eOpStatusNotSaved: return i18n("Not saved."); case eOpStatusInProgress: return i18n("In progress..."); case eOpStatusToDo: return i18n("To do."); } } } else if(role == Qt::DecorationRole) { if(s_NameCol == index.column()) { return PixMapUtils::getOnePixmap(eAgeEnd, pMFI->hasLink(), pMFI->hasDir()); } if(s_ACol == index.column()) { return PixMapUtils::getOnePixmap(pMFI->getAgeA(), pMFI->isLinkA(), pMFI->isDirA()); } if(s_BCol == index.column()) { return PixMapUtils::getOnePixmap(pMFI->getAgeB(), pMFI->isLinkB(), pMFI->isDirB()); } if(s_CCol == index.column()) { return PixMapUtils::getOnePixmap(pMFI->getAgeC(), pMFI->isLinkC(), pMFI->isDirC()); } } else if(role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole) { if(s_UnsolvedCol == index.column() || s_SolvedCol == index.column() || s_NonWhiteCol == index.column() || s_WhiteCol == index.column()) return Qt::AlignRight; } } return QVariant(); } QVariant DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if(orientation == Qt::Horizontal && section >= 0 && section < columnCount(QModelIndex()) && role == Qt::DisplayRole) { switch(section) { case s_NameCol: return i18n("Name"); case s_ACol: return i18n("A"); case s_BCol: return i18n("B"); case s_CCol: return i18n("C"); case s_OpCol: return i18n("Operation"); case s_OpStatusCol: return i18n("Status"); case s_UnsolvedCol: return i18n("Unsolved"); case s_SolvedCol: return i18n("Solved"); case s_NonWhiteCol: return i18n("Nonwhite"); case s_WhiteCol: return i18n("White"); default: return QVariant(); } } return QVariant(); } int DirectoryMergeWindow::getIntFromIndex(const QModelIndex& index) const { return index == d->m_selection1Index ? 1 : index == d->m_selection2Index ? 2 : index == d->m_selection3Index ? 3 : 0; } const QSharedPointer& DirectoryMergeWindow::getOptions() const { return d->m_pOptions; } // Previously Q3ListViewItem::paintCell(p,cg,column,width,align); class DirectoryMergeWindow::DirMergeItemDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate { private: DirectoryMergeWindow* m_pDMW; const QSharedPointer& getOptions() const { return m_pDMW->getOptions(); } public: explicit DirMergeItemDelegate(DirectoryMergeWindow* pParent) : QStyledItemDelegate(pParent), m_pDMW(pParent) { } void paint(QPainter* thePainter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const override { QtNumberType column = index.column(); if(column == s_ACol || column == s_BCol || column == s_CCol) { QVariant value = index.data(Qt::DecorationRole); QPixmap icon; if(value.isValid()) { if(value.type() == QVariant::Icon) { icon = qvariant_cast(value).pixmap(16, 16); //icon = qvariant_cast(value); //decorationRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), icon.actualSize(option.decorationSize, iconMode, iconState)); } else { icon = qvariant_cast(value); //decorationRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), option.decorationSize).intersected(pixmap.rect()); } } int x = option.rect.left(); int y = option.rect.top(); //QPixmap icon = value.value(); //pixmap(column); if(!icon.isNull()) { int yOffset = (sizeHint(option, index).height() - icon.height()) / 2; thePainter->drawPixmap(x + 2, y + yOffset, icon); int i = m_pDMW->getIntFromIndex(index); if(i != 0) { QColor c(i == 1 ? getOptions()->m_colorA : i == 2 ? getOptions()->m_colorB : getOptions()->m_colorC); thePainter->setPen(c); // highlight() ); thePainter->drawRect(x + 2, y + yOffset, icon.width(), icon.height()); thePainter->setPen(QPen(c, 0, Qt::DotLine)); thePainter->drawRect(x + 1, y + yOffset - 1, icon.width() + 2, icon.height() + 2); thePainter->setPen(Qt::white); QString s(QChar('A' + i - 1)); thePainter->drawText(x + 2 + (icon.width() - Utils::getHorizontalAdvance(thePainter->fontMetrics(), s)) / 2, y + yOffset + (icon.height() + thePainter->fontMetrics().ascent()) / 2 - 1, s); } else { thePainter->setPen(m_pDMW->palette().window().color()); thePainter->drawRect(x + 1, y + yOffset - 1, icon.width() + 2, icon.height() + 2); } return; } } QStyleOptionViewItem option2 = option; if(column >= s_UnsolvedCol) { option2.displayAlignment = Qt::AlignRight; } QStyledItemDelegate::paint(thePainter, option2, index); } QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const override { QSize sz = QStyledItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index); return sz.expandedTo(QSize(0, 18)); } }; DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindow(QWidget* pParent, const QSharedPointer& pOptions) : QTreeView(pParent) { d = new DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate(this); setModel(d); setItemDelegate(new DirMergeItemDelegate(this)); connect(this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::doubleClicked, this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::onDoubleClick); connect(this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::expanded, this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::onExpanded); d->m_pOptions = pOptions; setSortingEnabled(true); } DirectoryMergeWindow::~DirectoryMergeWindow() { delete d; } void DirectoryMergeWindow::setDirectoryMergeInfo(DirectoryMergeInfo* p) { d->m_pDirectoryMergeInfo = p; } bool DirectoryMergeWindow::isDirectoryMergeInProgress() { return d->m_bRealMergeStarted; } bool DirectoryMergeWindow::isSyncMode() { return d->m_bSyncMode; } bool DirectoryMergeWindow::isScanning() { return d->m_bScanning; } int DirectoryMergeWindow::totalColumnWidth() { int w = 0; for(int i = 0; i < s_OpStatusCol; ++i) { w += columnWidth(i); } return w; } void DirectoryMergeWindow::reload() { if(isDirectoryMergeInProgress()) { int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i18n("You are currently doing a folder merge. Are you sure, you want to abort the merge and rescan the folder?"), i18n("Warning"), KGuiItem(i18n("Rescan")), KGuiItem(i18n("Continue Merging"))); if(result != KMessageBox::Yes) return; } init(d->rootMFI()->getDirectoryInfo(), true); //fix file visibilities after reload or menu will be out of sync with display if changed from defaults. updateFileVisibilities(); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::calcDirStatus(bool bThreeDirs, const QModelIndex& mi, int& nofFiles, int& nofDirs, int& nofEqualFiles, int& nofManualMerges) { - MergeFileInfos* pMFI = getMFI(mi); + const MergeFileInfos* pMFI = getMFI(mi); if(pMFI->hasDir()) { ++nofDirs; } else { ++nofFiles; if(pMFI->isEqualAB() && (!bThreeDirs || pMFI->isEqualAC())) { ++nofEqualFiles; } else { if(pMFI->getOperation() == eMergeABCToDest || pMFI->getOperation() == eMergeABToDest) ++nofManualMerges; } } for(int childIdx = 0; childIdx < rowCount(mi); ++childIdx) calcDirStatus(bThreeDirs, index(childIdx, 0, mi), nofFiles, nofDirs, nofEqualFiles, nofManualMerges); } bool DirectoryMergeWindow::init( const QSharedPointer& dirInfo, bool bDirectoryMerge, bool bReload) { return d->init(dirInfo, bDirectoryMerge, bReload); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::buildMergeMap(const QSharedPointer& dirInfo) { t_DirectoryList::iterator dirIterator; if(dirInfo->dirA().isValid()) { for(dirIterator = dirInfo->getDirListA().begin(); dirIterator != dirInfo->getDirListA().end(); ++dirIterator) { MergeFileInfos& mfi = m_fileMergeMap[FileKey(*dirIterator)]; mfi.setFileInfoA(&(*dirIterator)); mfi.setDirectoryInfo(dirInfo); } } if(dirInfo->dirB().isValid()) { for(dirIterator = dirInfo->getDirListB().begin(); dirIterator != dirInfo->getDirListB().end(); ++dirIterator) { MergeFileInfos& mfi = m_fileMergeMap[FileKey(*dirIterator)]; mfi.setFileInfoB(&(*dirIterator)); mfi.setDirectoryInfo(dirInfo); } } if(dirInfo->dirC().isValid()) { for(dirIterator = dirInfo->getDirListC().begin(); dirIterator != dirInfo->getDirListC().end(); ++dirIterator) { MergeFileInfos& mfi = m_fileMergeMap[FileKey(*dirIterator)]; mfi.setFileInfoC(&(*dirIterator)); mfi.setDirectoryInfo(dirInfo); } } } bool DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::init( const QSharedPointer& dirInfo, bool bDirectoryMerge, bool bReload) { //set root data now that we have the directory info. rootMFI()->setDirectoryInfo(dirInfo); if(m_pOptions->m_bDmFullAnalysis) { // A full analysis uses the same resources that a normal text-diff/merge uses. // So make sure that the user saves his data first. if(!KDiff3App::shouldContinue()) return false; Q_EMIT mWindow->startDiffMerge("", "", "", "", "", "", "", nullptr); // hide main window } mWindow->show(); mWindow->setUpdatesEnabled(true); std::map expandedDirsMap; if(bReload) { // Remember expanded items TODO //QTreeWidgetItemIterator it( this ); //while ( *it ) //{ // DirMergeItem* pDMI = static_cast( *it ); // t_ItemInfo& ii = expandedDirsMap[ pDMI->m_pMFI->subPath() ]; // ii.bExpanded = pDMI->isExpanded(); // ii.bOperationComplete = pDMI->m_pMFI->m_bOperationComplete; // ii.status = pDMI->text( s_OpStatusCol ); // ii.eMergeOperation = pDMI->m_pMFI->getOperation(); // ++it; //} } ProgressProxy pp; m_bFollowDirLinks = m_pOptions->m_bDmFollowDirLinks; m_bFollowFileLinks = m_pOptions->m_bDmFollowFileLinks; m_bSimulatedMergeStarted = false; m_bRealMergeStarted = false; m_bError = false; m_bDirectoryMerge = bDirectoryMerge; m_selection1Index = QModelIndex(); m_selection2Index = QModelIndex(); m_selection3Index = QModelIndex(); m_bCaseSensitive = m_pOptions->m_bDmCaseSensitiveFilenameComparison; m_bUnfoldSubdirs = m_pOptions->m_bDmUnfoldSubdirs; m_bSkipDirStatus = m_pOptions->m_bDmSkipDirStatus; beginResetModel(); m_pRoot->clear(); m_mergeItemList.clear(); endResetModel(); m_currentIndexForOperation = m_mergeItemList.end(); if(!bReload) { m_pDirShowIdenticalFiles->setChecked(true); m_pDirShowDifferentFiles->setChecked(true); m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInA->setChecked(true); m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInB->setChecked(true); m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInC->setChecked(true); } Q_ASSERT(dirInfo != nullptr); FileAccess dirA = dirInfo->dirA(); FileAccess dirB = dirInfo->dirB(); FileAccess dirC = dirInfo->dirC(); const FileAccess dirDest = dirInfo->destDir(); // Check if all input directories exist and are valid. The dest dir is not tested now. // The test will happen only when we are going to write to it. if(!dirA.isDir() || !dirB.isDir() || (dirC.isValid() && !dirC.isDir())) { QString text(i18n("Opening of folders failed:")); text += "\n\n"; if(!dirA.isDir()) { text += i18n("Folder A \"%1\" does not exist or is not a folder.\n", dirA.prettyAbsPath()); } if(!dirB.isDir()) { text += i18n("Folder B \"%1\" does not exist or is not a folder.\n", dirB.prettyAbsPath()); } if(dirC.isValid() && !dirC.isDir()) { text += i18n("Folder C \"%1\" does not exist or is not a folder.\n", dirC.prettyAbsPath()); } KMessageBox::sorry(mWindow, text, i18n("Folder Opening Error")); return false; } if(dirC.isValid() && (dirDest.prettyAbsPath() == dirA.prettyAbsPath() || dirDest.prettyAbsPath() == dirB.prettyAbsPath())) { KMessageBox::error(mWindow, i18n("The destination folder must not be the same as A or B when " "three folders are merged.\nCheck again before continuing."), i18n("Parameter Warning")); return false; } m_bScanning = true; Q_EMIT mWindow->statusBarMessage(i18n("Scanning folders...")); m_bSyncMode = m_pOptions->m_bDmSyncMode && dirInfo->allowSyncMode(); m_fileMergeMap.clear(); s_eCaseSensitivity = m_bCaseSensitive ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive; // calc how many directories will be read: double nofScans = (dirA.isValid() ? 1 : 0) + (dirB.isValid() ? 1 : 0) + (dirC.isValid() ? 1 : 0); int currentScan = 0; //TODO setColumnWidthMode(s_UnsolvedCol, Q3ListView::Manual); // setColumnWidthMode(s_SolvedCol, Q3ListView::Manual); // setColumnWidthMode(s_WhiteCol, Q3ListView::Manual); // setColumnWidthMode(s_NonWhiteCol, Q3ListView::Manual); mWindow->setColumnHidden(s_CCol, !dirC.isValid()); mWindow->setColumnHidden(s_WhiteCol, !m_pOptions->m_bDmFullAnalysis); mWindow->setColumnHidden(s_NonWhiteCol, !m_pOptions->m_bDmFullAnalysis); mWindow->setColumnHidden(s_UnsolvedCol, !m_pOptions->m_bDmFullAnalysis); mWindow->setColumnHidden(s_SolvedCol, !(m_pOptions->m_bDmFullAnalysis && dirC.isValid())); bool bListDirSuccessA = true; bool bListDirSuccessB = true; bool bListDirSuccessC = true; if(dirA.isValid()) { pp.setInformation(i18n("Reading Folder A")); pp.setSubRangeTransformation(currentScan / nofScans, (currentScan + 1) / nofScans); ++currentScan; bListDirSuccessA = dirInfo->listDirA(*m_pOptions); } if(dirB.isValid()) { pp.setInformation(i18n("Reading Folder B")); pp.setSubRangeTransformation(currentScan / nofScans, (currentScan + 1) / nofScans); ++currentScan; bListDirSuccessB = dirInfo->listDirB(*m_pOptions); } e_MergeOperation eDefaultMergeOp; if(dirC.isValid()) { pp.setInformation(i18n("Reading Folder C")); pp.setSubRangeTransformation(currentScan / nofScans, (currentScan + 1) / nofScans); ++currentScan; bListDirSuccessC = dirInfo->listDirC(*m_pOptions); eDefaultMergeOp = eMergeABCToDest; } else eDefaultMergeOp = m_bSyncMode ? eMergeToAB : eMergeABToDest; buildMergeMap(dirInfo); bool bContinue = true; if(!bListDirSuccessA || !bListDirSuccessB || !bListDirSuccessC) { QString s = i18n("Some subfolders were not readable in"); if(!bListDirSuccessA) s += "\nA: " + dirA.prettyAbsPath(); if(!bListDirSuccessB) s += "\nB: " + dirB.prettyAbsPath(); if(!bListDirSuccessC) s += "\nC: " + dirC.prettyAbsPath(); s += '\n'; s += i18n("Check the permissions of the subfolders."); bContinue = KMessageBox::Continue == KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(mWindow, s); } if(bContinue) { prepareListView(pp); mWindow->updateFileVisibilities(); for(int childIdx = 0; childIdx < rowCount(); ++childIdx) { QModelIndex mi = index(childIdx, 0, QModelIndex()); calcSuggestedOperation(mi, eDefaultMergeOp); } } mWindow->sortByColumn(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); for(int column = 0; column < columnCount(QModelIndex()); ++column) mWindow->resizeColumnToContents(column); // Try to improve the view a little bit. QWidget* pParent = mWindow->parentWidget(); QSplitter* pSplitter = static_cast(pParent); if(pSplitter != nullptr) { QList sizes = pSplitter->sizes(); int total = sizes[0] + sizes[1]; if(total < 10) total = 100; sizes[0] = total * 6 / 10; sizes[1] = total - sizes[0]; pSplitter->setSizes(sizes); } m_bScanning = false; Q_EMIT mWindow->statusBarMessage(i18n("Ready.")); if(bContinue && !m_bSkipDirStatus) { // Generate a status report int nofFiles = 0; int nofDirs = 0; int nofEqualFiles = 0; int nofManualMerges = 0; //TODO for(int childIdx = 0; childIdx < rowCount(); ++childIdx) calcDirStatus(dirC.isValid(), index(childIdx, 0, QModelIndex()), nofFiles, nofDirs, nofEqualFiles, nofManualMerges); QString s; s = i18n("Folder Comparison Status\n\n" "Number of subfolders: %1\n" "Number of equal files: %2\n" "Number of different files: %3", nofDirs, nofEqualFiles, nofFiles - nofEqualFiles); if(dirC.isValid()) s += '\n' + i18n("Number of manual merges: %1", nofManualMerges); KMessageBox::information(mWindow, s); // //TODO //if ( topLevelItemCount()>0 ) //{ // topLevelItem(0)->setSelected(true); // setCurrentItem( topLevelItem(0) ); //} } if(bReload) { // Remember expanded items //TODO //QTreeWidgetItemIterator it( this ); //while ( *it ) //{ // DirMergeItem* pDMI = static_cast( *it ); // std::map::iterator i = expandedDirsMap.find( pDMI->m_pMFI->subPath() ); // if ( i!=expandedDirsMap.end() ) // { // t_ItemInfo& ii = i->second; // pDMI->setExpanded( ii.bExpanded ); // //pDMI->m_pMFI->setMergeOperation( ii.eMergeOperation, false ); unsafe, might have changed // pDMI->m_pMFI->m_bOperationComplete = ii.bOperationComplete; // pDMI->setText( s_OpStatusCol, ii.status ); // } // ++it; //} } else if(m_bUnfoldSubdirs) { m_pDirUnfoldAll->trigger(); } return true; } inline QString DirectoryMergeWindow::getDirNameA() const { return d->rootMFI()->getDirectoryInfo()->dirA().prettyAbsPath(); } inline QString DirectoryMergeWindow::getDirNameB() const { return d->rootMFI()->getDirectoryInfo()->dirB().prettyAbsPath(); } inline QString DirectoryMergeWindow::getDirNameC() const { return d->rootMFI()->getDirectoryInfo()->dirC().prettyAbsPath(); } inline QString DirectoryMergeWindow::getDirNameDest() const { return d->rootMFI()->getDirectoryInfo()->destDir().prettyAbsPath(); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::onExpanded() { resizeColumnToContents(s_NameCol); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotChooseAEverywhere() { d->setAllMergeOperations(eCopyAToDest); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotChooseBEverywhere() { d->setAllMergeOperations(eCopyBToDest); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotChooseCEverywhere() { d->setAllMergeOperations(eCopyCToDest); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotAutoChooseEverywhere() { e_MergeOperation eDefaultMergeOp = d->isThreeWay() ? eMergeABCToDest : d->m_bSyncMode ? eMergeToAB : eMergeABToDest; d->setAllMergeOperations(eDefaultMergeOp); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotNoOpEverywhere() { d->setAllMergeOperations(eNoOperation); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotFoldAllSubdirs() { collapseAll(); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotUnfoldAllSubdirs() { expandAll(); } // Merge current item (merge mode) void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentDoNothing() { d->setMergeOperation(currentIndex(), eNoOperation); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentChooseA() { d->setMergeOperation(currentIndex(), d->m_bSyncMode ? eCopyAToB : eCopyAToDest); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentChooseB() { d->setMergeOperation(currentIndex(), d->m_bSyncMode ? eCopyBToA : eCopyBToDest); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentChooseC() { d->setMergeOperation(currentIndex(), eCopyCToDest); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentMerge() { bool bThreeDirs = d->isThreeWay(); d->setMergeOperation(currentIndex(), bThreeDirs ? eMergeABCToDest : eMergeABToDest); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentDelete() { d->setMergeOperation(currentIndex(), eDeleteFromDest); } // Sync current item void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentCopyAToB() { d->setMergeOperation(currentIndex(), eCopyAToB); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentCopyBToA() { d->setMergeOperation(currentIndex(), eCopyBToA); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentDeleteA() { d->setMergeOperation(currentIndex(), eDeleteA); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentDeleteB() { d->setMergeOperation(currentIndex(), eDeleteB); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentDeleteAAndB() { d->setMergeOperation(currentIndex(), eDeleteAB); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentMergeToA() { d->setMergeOperation(currentIndex(), eMergeToA); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentMergeToB() { d->setMergeOperation(currentIndex(), eMergeToB); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentMergeToAAndB() { d->setMergeOperation(currentIndex(), eMergeToAB); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* e) { if((e->QInputEvent::modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) != 0) { MergeFileInfos* pMFI = d->getMFI(currentIndex()); if(pMFI == nullptr) return; bool bThreeDirs = pMFI->isThreeWay(); bool bMergeMode = bThreeDirs || !d->m_bSyncMode; bool bFTConflict = pMFI == nullptr ? false : pMFI->conflictingFileTypes(); if(bMergeMode) { switch(e->key()) { case Qt::Key_1: if(pMFI->existsInA()) { slotCurrentChooseA(); } return; case Qt::Key_2: if(pMFI->existsInB()) { slotCurrentChooseB(); } return; case Qt::Key_3: if(pMFI->existsInC()) { slotCurrentChooseC(); } return; case Qt::Key_Space: slotCurrentDoNothing(); return; case Qt::Key_4: if(!bFTConflict) { slotCurrentMerge(); } return; case Qt::Key_Delete: slotCurrentDelete(); return; default: break; } } else { switch(e->key()) { case Qt::Key_1: if(pMFI->existsInA()) { slotCurrentCopyAToB(); } return; case Qt::Key_2: if(pMFI->existsInB()) { slotCurrentCopyBToA(); } return; case Qt::Key_Space: slotCurrentDoNothing(); return; case Qt::Key_4: if(!bFTConflict) { slotCurrentMergeToAAndB(); } return; case Qt::Key_Delete: if(pMFI->existsInA() && pMFI->existsInB()) slotCurrentDeleteAAndB(); else if(pMFI->existsInA()) slotCurrentDeleteA(); else if(pMFI->existsInB()) slotCurrentDeleteB(); return; default: break; } } } else if(e->key() == Qt::Key_Return || e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter) { onDoubleClick(currentIndex()); return; } QTreeView::keyPressEvent(e); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*) { Q_EMIT updateAvailabilities(); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*) { Q_EMIT updateAvailabilities(); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::setAllMergeOperations(e_MergeOperation eDefaultOperation) { if(KMessageBox::Yes == KMessageBox::warningYesNo(mWindow, i18n("This affects all merge operations."), i18n("Changing All Merge Operations"), KStandardGuiItem::cont(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel())) { for(int i = 0; i < rowCount(); ++i) { calcSuggestedOperation(index(i, 0, QModelIndex()), eDefaultOperation); } } } QModelIndex DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::nextSibling(const QModelIndex& mi) { QModelIndex miParent = mi.parent(); int currentIdx = mi.row(); if(currentIdx + 1 < mi.model()->rowCount(miParent)) return mi.model()->index(mi.row() + 1, 0, miParent); // next child of parent return QModelIndex(); } // Iterate through the complete tree. Start by specifying QListView::firstChild(). QModelIndex DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::treeIterator(QModelIndex mi, bool bVisitChildren, bool bFindInvisible) { if(mi.isValid()) { do { if(bVisitChildren && mi.model()->rowCount(mi) != 0) mi = mi.model()->index(0, 0, mi); else { QModelIndex miNextSibling = nextSibling(mi); if(miNextSibling.isValid()) mi = miNextSibling; else { mi = mi.parent(); while(mi.isValid()) { miNextSibling = nextSibling(mi); if(miNextSibling.isValid()) { mi = miNextSibling; break; } else { mi = mi.parent(); } } } } } while(mi.isValid() && mWindow->isRowHidden(mi.row(), mi.parent()) && !bFindInvisible); } return mi; } void DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::prepareListView(ProgressProxy& pp) { QStringList errors; //TODO clear(); PixMapUtils::initPixmaps(m_pOptions->m_newestFileColor, m_pOptions->m_oldestFileColor, m_pOptions->m_midAgeFileColor, m_pOptions->m_missingFileColor); mWindow->setRootIsDecorated(true); t_fileMergeMap::iterator j; int nrOfFiles = m_fileMergeMap.size(); int currentIdx = 1; QElapsedTimer t; t.start(); pp.setMaxNofSteps(nrOfFiles); for(j = m_fileMergeMap.begin(); j != m_fileMergeMap.end(); ++j) { MergeFileInfos& mfi = j.value(); // const QString& fileName = j->first; const QString& fileName = mfi.subPath(); pp.setInformation( i18n("Processing %1 / %2\n%3", currentIdx, nrOfFiles, fileName), currentIdx, false); if(pp.wasCancelled()) break; ++currentIdx; // The comparisons and calculations for each file take place here. mfi.compareFilesAndCalcAges(errors, m_pOptions, mWindow); // Get dirname from fileName: Search for "/" from end: int pos = fileName.lastIndexOf('/'); QString dirPart; QString filePart; if(pos == -1) { // Top dir filePart = fileName; } else { dirPart = fileName.left(pos); filePart = fileName.mid(pos + 1); } if(dirPart.isEmpty()) // Top level { m_pRoot->addChild(&mfi); //new DirMergeItem( this, filePart, &mfi ); mfi.setParent(m_pRoot); } else { FileAccess* pFA = mfi.getFileInfoA() ? mfi.getFileInfoA() : mfi.getFileInfoB() ? mfi.getFileInfoB() : mfi.getFileInfoC(); MergeFileInfos& dirMfi = pFA->parent() ? m_fileMergeMap[FileKey(*pFA->parent())] : *m_pRoot; // parent dirMfi.addChild(&mfi); //new DirMergeItem( dirMfi.m_pDMI, filePart, &mfi ); mfi.setParent(&dirMfi); // // Equality for parent dirs is set in updateFileVisibilities() } mfi.updateAge(); } if(errors.size() > 0) { if(errors.size() < 15) { KMessageBox::errorList(mWindow, i18n("Some files could not be processed."), errors); } else { KMessageBox::error(mWindow, i18n("Some files could not be processed.")); } } beginResetModel(); endResetModel(); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::calcSuggestedOperation(const QModelIndex& mi, e_MergeOperation eDefaultMergeOp) { MergeFileInfos* pMFI = getMFI(mi); if(pMFI == nullptr) return; bool bCheckC = pMFI->isThreeWay(); bool bCopyNewer = m_pOptions->m_bDmCopyNewer; bool bOtherDest = !((pMFI->getDirectoryInfo()->destDir().absoluteFilePath() == pMFI->getDirectoryInfo()->dirA().absoluteFilePath()) || (pMFI->getDirectoryInfo()->destDir().absoluteFilePath() == pMFI->getDirectoryInfo()->dirB().absoluteFilePath()) || (bCheckC && pMFI->getDirectoryInfo()->destDir().absoluteFilePath() == pMFI->getDirectoryInfo()->dirC().absoluteFilePath())); if(eDefaultMergeOp == eMergeABCToDest && !bCheckC) { eDefaultMergeOp = eMergeABToDest; } if(eDefaultMergeOp == eMergeToAB && bCheckC) { Q_ASSERT(true); } if(eDefaultMergeOp == eMergeToA || eDefaultMergeOp == eMergeToB || eDefaultMergeOp == eMergeABCToDest || eDefaultMergeOp == eMergeABToDest || eDefaultMergeOp == eMergeToAB) { if(!bCheckC) { if(pMFI->isEqualAB()) { setMergeOperation(mi, bOtherDest ? eCopyBToDest : eNoOperation); } else if(pMFI->existsInA() && pMFI->existsInB()) { if(!bCopyNewer || pMFI->isDirA()) setMergeOperation(mi, eDefaultMergeOp); else if(bCopyNewer && pMFI->conflictingAges()) { setMergeOperation(mi, eConflictingAges); } else { if(pMFI->getAgeA() == eNew) setMergeOperation(mi, eDefaultMergeOp == eMergeToAB ? eCopyAToB : eCopyAToDest); else setMergeOperation(mi, eDefaultMergeOp == eMergeToAB ? eCopyBToA : eCopyBToDest); } } else if(!pMFI->existsInA() && pMFI->existsInB()) { if(eDefaultMergeOp == eMergeABToDest) setMergeOperation(mi, eCopyBToDest); else if(eDefaultMergeOp == eMergeToB) setMergeOperation(mi, eNoOperation); else setMergeOperation(mi, eCopyBToA); } else if(pMFI->existsInA() && !pMFI->existsInB()) { if(eDefaultMergeOp == eMergeABToDest) setMergeOperation(mi, eCopyAToDest); else if(eDefaultMergeOp == eMergeToA) setMergeOperation(mi, eNoOperation); else setMergeOperation(mi, eCopyAToB); } else //if ( !pMFI->existsInA() && !pMFI->existsInB() ) { setMergeOperation(mi, eNoOperation); } } else { if(pMFI->isEqualAB() && pMFI->isEqualAC()) { setMergeOperation(mi, bOtherDest ? eCopyCToDest : eNoOperation); } else if(pMFI->existsInA() && pMFI->existsInB() && pMFI->existsInC()) { if(pMFI->isEqualAB() || pMFI->isEqualBC()) setMergeOperation(mi, eCopyCToDest); else if(pMFI->isEqualAC()) setMergeOperation(mi, eCopyBToDest); else setMergeOperation(mi, eMergeABCToDest); } else if(pMFI->existsInA() && pMFI->existsInB() && !pMFI->existsInC()) { if(pMFI->isEqualAB()) setMergeOperation(mi, eDeleteFromDest); else setMergeOperation(mi, eChangedAndDeleted); } else if(pMFI->existsInA() && !pMFI->existsInB() && pMFI->existsInC()) { if(pMFI->isEqualAC()) setMergeOperation(mi, eDeleteFromDest); else setMergeOperation(mi, eChangedAndDeleted); } else if(!pMFI->existsInA() && pMFI->existsInB() && pMFI->existsInC()) { if(pMFI->isEqualBC()) setMergeOperation(mi, eCopyCToDest); else setMergeOperation(mi, eMergeABCToDest); } else if(!pMFI->existsInA() && !pMFI->existsInB() && pMFI->existsInC()) { setMergeOperation(mi, eCopyCToDest); } else if(!pMFI->existsInA() && pMFI->existsInB() && !pMFI->existsInC()) { setMergeOperation(mi, eCopyBToDest); } else if(pMFI->existsInA() && !pMFI->existsInB() && !pMFI->existsInC()) { setMergeOperation(mi, eDeleteFromDest); } else //if ( !pMFI->existsInA() && !pMFI->existsInB() && !pMFI->existsInC() ) { setMergeOperation(mi, eNoOperation); } } // Now check if file/dir-types fit. if(pMFI->conflictingFileTypes()) { setMergeOperation(mi, eConflictingFileTypes); } } else { e_MergeOperation eMO = eDefaultMergeOp; switch(eDefaultMergeOp) { case eConflictingFileTypes: case eChangedAndDeleted: case eConflictingAges: case eDeleteA: case eDeleteB: case eDeleteAB: case eDeleteFromDest: case eNoOperation: break; case eCopyAToB: if(!pMFI->existsInA()) { eMO = eDeleteB; } break; case eCopyBToA: if(!pMFI->existsInB()) { eMO = eDeleteA; } break; case eCopyAToDest: if(!pMFI->existsInA()) { eMO = eDeleteFromDest; } break; case eCopyBToDest: if(!pMFI->existsInB()) { eMO = eDeleteFromDest; } break; case eCopyCToDest: if(!pMFI->existsInC()) { eMO = eDeleteFromDest; } break; case eMergeToA: case eMergeToB: case eMergeToAB: case eMergeABCToDest: case eMergeABToDest: break; default: Q_ASSERT(true); break; } setMergeOperation(mi, eMO); } } void DirectoryMergeWindow::onDoubleClick(const QModelIndex& mi) { if(!mi.isValid()) return; d->m_bSimulatedMergeStarted = false; if(d->m_bDirectoryMerge) mergeCurrentFile(); else compareCurrentFile(); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::currentChanged(const QModelIndex& current, const QModelIndex& previous) { QTreeView::currentChanged(current, previous); MergeFileInfos* pMFI = d->getMFI(current); if(pMFI == nullptr) return; d->m_pDirectoryMergeInfo->setInfo(pMFI->getDirectoryInfo()->dirA(), pMFI->getDirectoryInfo()->dirB(), pMFI->getDirectoryInfo()->dirC(), pMFI->getDirectoryInfo()->destDir(), *pMFI); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { QTreeView::mousePressEvent(e); QModelIndex mi = indexAt(e->pos()); int c = mi.column(); QPoint p = e->globalPos(); MergeFileInfos* pMFI = d->getMFI(mi); if(pMFI == nullptr) return; if(c == s_OpCol) { bool bThreeDirs = d->isThreeWay(); QMenu m(this); if(bThreeDirs) { m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentDoNothing); int count = 0; if(pMFI->existsInA()) { m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentChooseA); ++count; } if(pMFI->existsInB()) { m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentChooseB); ++count; } if(pMFI->existsInC()) { m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentChooseC); ++count; } if(!pMFI->conflictingFileTypes() && count > 1) m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentMerge); m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentDelete); } else if(d->m_bSyncMode) { m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentSyncDoNothing); if(pMFI->existsInA()) m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentSyncCopyAToB); if(pMFI->existsInB()) m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentSyncCopyBToA); if(pMFI->existsInA()) m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentSyncDeleteA); if(pMFI->existsInB()) m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentSyncDeleteB); if(pMFI->existsInA() && pMFI->existsInB()) { m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentSyncDeleteAAndB); if(!pMFI->conflictingFileTypes()) { m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentSyncMergeToA); m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentSyncMergeToB); m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentSyncMergeToAAndB); } } } else { m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentDoNothing); if(pMFI->existsInA()) { m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentChooseA); } if(pMFI->existsInB()) { m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentChooseB); } if(!pMFI->conflictingFileTypes() && pMFI->existsInA() && pMFI->existsInB()) m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentMerge); m.addAction(d->m_pDirCurrentDelete); } m.exec(p); } else if(c == s_ACol || c == s_BCol || c == s_CCol) { QString itemPath; if(c == s_ACol && pMFI->existsInA()) { itemPath = pMFI->fullNameA(); } else if(c == s_BCol && pMFI->existsInB()) { itemPath = pMFI->fullNameB(); } else if(c == s_CCol && pMFI->existsInC()) { itemPath = pMFI->fullNameC(); } if(!itemPath.isEmpty()) { d->selectItemAndColumn(mi, e->button() == Qt::RightButton); } } } #ifndef QT_NO_CONTEXTMENU void DirectoryMergeWindow::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* e) { QModelIndex mi = indexAt(e->pos()); int c = mi.column(); MergeFileInfos* pMFI = d->getMFI(mi); if(pMFI == nullptr) return; if(c == s_ACol || c == s_BCol || c == s_CCol) { QString itemPath; if(c == s_ACol && pMFI->existsInA()) { itemPath = pMFI->fullNameA(); } else if(c == s_BCol && pMFI->existsInB()) { itemPath = pMFI->fullNameB(); } else if(c == s_CCol && pMFI->existsInC()) { itemPath = pMFI->fullNameC(); } if(!itemPath.isEmpty()) { d->selectItemAndColumn(mi, true); QMenu m(this); m.addAction(d->m_pDirCompareExplicit); m.addAction(d->m_pDirMergeExplicit); m.popup(e->globalPos()); } } } #endif QString DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::getFileName(const QModelIndex& mi) const { MergeFileInfos* pMFI = getMFI(mi); if(pMFI != nullptr) { return mi.column() == s_ACol ? pMFI->getFileInfoA()->absoluteFilePath() : mi.column() == s_BCol ? pMFI->getFileInfoB()->absoluteFilePath() : mi.column() == s_CCol ? pMFI->getFileInfoC()->absoluteFilePath() : QString(""); } return QString(); } bool DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::isDir(const QModelIndex& mi) const { MergeFileInfos* pMFI = getMFI(mi); if(pMFI != nullptr) { return mi.column() == s_ACol ? pMFI->isDirA() : mi.column() == s_BCol ? pMFI->isDirB() : pMFI->isDirC(); } return false; } void DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::selectItemAndColumn(const QModelIndex& mi, bool bContextMenu) { if(bContextMenu && (mi == m_selection1Index || mi == m_selection2Index || mi == m_selection3Index)) return; QModelIndex old1 = m_selection1Index; QModelIndex old2 = m_selection2Index; QModelIndex old3 = m_selection3Index; bool bReset = false; if(m_selection1Index.isValid()) { if(isDir(m_selection1Index) != isDir(mi)) bReset = true; } if(bReset || m_selection3Index.isValid() || mi == m_selection1Index || mi == m_selection2Index || mi == m_selection3Index) { // restart m_selection1Index = QModelIndex(); m_selection2Index = QModelIndex(); m_selection3Index = QModelIndex(); } else if(!m_selection1Index.isValid()) { m_selection1Index = mi; m_selection2Index = QModelIndex(); m_selection3Index = QModelIndex(); } else if(!m_selection2Index.isValid()) { m_selection2Index = mi; m_selection3Index = QModelIndex(); } else if(!m_selection3Index.isValid()) { m_selection3Index = mi; } if(old1.isValid()) Q_EMIT dataChanged(old1, old1); if(old2.isValid()) Q_EMIT dataChanged(old2, old2); if(old3.isValid()) Q_EMIT dataChanged(old3, old3); if(m_selection1Index.isValid()) Q_EMIT dataChanged(m_selection1Index, m_selection1Index); if(m_selection2Index.isValid()) Q_EMIT dataChanged(m_selection2Index, m_selection2Index); if(m_selection3Index.isValid()) Q_EMIT dataChanged(m_selection3Index, m_selection3Index); Q_EMIT mWindow->updateAvailabilities(); } //TODO //void DirMergeItem::init(MergeFileInfos* pMFI) //{ // pMFI->m_pDMI = this; //no not here // m_pMFI = pMFI; // TotalDiffStatus& tds = pMFI->m_totalDiffStatus; // if ( m_pMFI->dirA() || m_pMFI->dirB() || m_pMFI->isDirC() ) // { // } // else // { // setText( s_UnsolvedCol, QString::number( tds.getUnsolvedConflicts() ) ); // setText( s_SolvedCol, QString::number( tds.getSolvedConflicts() ) ); // setText( s_NonWhiteCol, QString::number( tds.getUnsolvedConflicts() + tds.getSolvedConflicts() - tds.getWhitespaceConflicts() ) ); // setText( s_WhiteCol, QString::number( tds.getWhitespaceConflicts() ) ); // } // setSizeHint( s_ACol, QSize(17,17) ); // Iconsize // setSizeHint( s_BCol, QSize(17,17) ); // Iconsize // setSizeHint( s_CCol, QSize(17,17) ); // Iconsize //} void DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::sort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order) { Q_UNUSED(column); beginResetModel(); m_pRoot->sort(order); endResetModel(); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::setMergeOperation(const QModelIndex& mi, e_MergeOperation eMergeOp, bool bRecursive) { MergeFileInfos* pMFI = getMFI(mi); if(pMFI == nullptr) return; if(eMergeOp != pMFI->getOperation()) { pMFI->startOperation(); setOpStatus(mi, eOpStatusNone); } pMFI->setOperation(eMergeOp); if(bRecursive) { e_MergeOperation eChildrenMergeOp = pMFI->getOperation(); if(eChildrenMergeOp == eConflictingFileTypes) eChildrenMergeOp = eMergeABCToDest; for(int childIdx = 0; childIdx < pMFI->children().count(); ++childIdx) { calcSuggestedOperation(index(childIdx, 0, mi), eChildrenMergeOp); } } } void DirectoryMergeWindow::compareCurrentFile() { if(!d->canContinue()) return; if(d->m_bRealMergeStarted) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("This operation is currently not possible."), i18n("Operation Not Possible")); return; } if(MergeFileInfos* pMFI = d->getMFI(currentIndex())) { if(!(pMFI->hasDir())) { Q_EMIT startDiffMerge( pMFI->existsInA() ? pMFI->getFileInfoA()->absoluteFilePath() : QString(""), pMFI->existsInB() ? pMFI->getFileInfoB()->absoluteFilePath() : QString(""), pMFI->existsInC() ? pMFI->getFileInfoC()->absoluteFilePath() : QString(""), "", "", "", "", nullptr); } } Q_EMIT updateAvailabilities(); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCompareExplicitlySelectedFiles() { if(!d->isDir(d->m_selection1Index) && !d->canContinue()) return; if(d->m_bRealMergeStarted) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("This operation is currently not possible."), i18n("Operation Not Possible")); return; } Q_EMIT startDiffMerge( d->getFileName(d->m_selection1Index), d->getFileName(d->m_selection2Index), d->getFileName(d->m_selection3Index), "", "", "", "", nullptr); d->m_selection1Index = QModelIndex(); d->m_selection2Index = QModelIndex(); d->m_selection3Index = QModelIndex(); Q_EMIT updateAvailabilities(); update(); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotMergeExplicitlySelectedFiles() { if(!d->isDir(d->m_selection1Index) && !d->canContinue()) return; if(d->m_bRealMergeStarted) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("This operation is currently not possible."), i18n("Operation Not Possible")); return; } QString fn1 = d->getFileName(d->m_selection1Index); QString fn2 = d->getFileName(d->m_selection2Index); QString fn3 = d->getFileName(d->m_selection3Index); Q_EMIT startDiffMerge(fn1, fn2, fn3, fn3.isEmpty() ? fn2 : fn3, "", "", "", nullptr); d->m_selection1Index = QModelIndex(); d->m_selection2Index = QModelIndex(); d->m_selection3Index = QModelIndex(); Q_EMIT updateAvailabilities(); update(); } bool DirectoryMergeWindow::isFileSelected() { if(MergeFileInfos* pMFI = d->getMFI(currentIndex())) { return !(pMFI->hasDir() || pMFI->conflictingFileTypes()); } return false; } void DirectoryMergeWindow::mergeResultSaved(const QString& fileName) { QModelIndex mi = (d->m_mergeItemList.empty() || d->m_currentIndexForOperation == d->m_mergeItemList.end()) ? QModelIndex() : *d->m_currentIndexForOperation; MergeFileInfos* pMFI = d->getMFI(mi); if(pMFI == nullptr) { // This can happen if the same file is saved and modified and saved again. Nothing to do then. return; } if(fileName == pMFI->fullNameDest()) { if(pMFI->getOperation() == eMergeToAB) { bool bSuccess = d->copyFLD(pMFI->fullNameB(), pMFI->fullNameA()); if(!bSuccess) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("An error occurred while copying.")); d->m_pStatusInfo->setWindowTitle(i18n("Merge Error")); d->m_pStatusInfo->exec(); //if ( m_pStatusInfo->firstChild()!=0 ) // m_pStatusInfo->ensureItemVisible( m_pStatusInfo->last() ); d->m_bError = true; d->setOpStatus(mi, eOpStatusError); pMFI->setOperation(eCopyBToA); return; } } d->setOpStatus(mi, eOpStatusDone); pMFI->endOperation(); if(d->m_mergeItemList.size() == 1) { d->m_mergeItemList.clear(); d->m_bRealMergeStarted = false; } } Q_EMIT updateAvailabilities(); } bool DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::canContinue() { if(KDiff3App::shouldContinue() && !m_bError) { QModelIndex mi = (m_mergeItemList.empty() || m_currentIndexForOperation == m_mergeItemList.end()) ? QModelIndex() : *m_currentIndexForOperation; MergeFileInfos* pMFI = getMFI(mi); if(pMFI && pMFI->isOperationRunning()) { setOpStatus(mi, eOpStatusNotSaved); pMFI->endOperation(); if(m_mergeItemList.size() == 1) { m_mergeItemList.clear(); m_bRealMergeStarted = false; } } return true; } return false; } bool DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::executeMergeOperation(MergeFileInfos& mfi, bool& bSingleFileMerge) { bool bCreateBackups = m_pOptions->m_bDmCreateBakFiles; // First decide destname QString destName; switch(mfi.getOperation()) { case eNoOperation: case eDeleteAB: break; case eMergeToAB: // let the user save in B. In mergeResultSaved() the file will be copied to A. case eMergeToB: case eDeleteB: case eCopyAToB: destName = mfi.fullNameB(); break; case eMergeToA: case eDeleteA: case eCopyBToA: destName = mfi.fullNameA(); break; case eMergeABToDest: case eMergeABCToDest: case eCopyAToDest: case eCopyBToDest: case eCopyCToDest: case eDeleteFromDest: destName = mfi.fullNameDest(); break; default: KMessageBox::error(mWindow, i18n("Unknown merge operation. (This must never happen!)")); } bool bSuccess = false; bSingleFileMerge = false; switch(mfi.getOperation()) { case eNoOperation: bSuccess = true; break; case eCopyAToDest: case eCopyAToB: bSuccess = copyFLD(mfi.fullNameA(), destName); break; case eCopyBToDest: case eCopyBToA: bSuccess = copyFLD(mfi.fullNameB(), destName); break; case eCopyCToDest: bSuccess = copyFLD(mfi.fullNameC(), destName); break; case eDeleteFromDest: case eDeleteA: case eDeleteB: bSuccess = deleteFLD(destName, bCreateBackups); break; case eDeleteAB: bSuccess = deleteFLD(mfi.fullNameA(), bCreateBackups) && deleteFLD(mfi.fullNameB(), bCreateBackups); break; case eMergeABToDest: case eMergeToA: case eMergeToAB: case eMergeToB: bSuccess = mergeFLD(mfi.fullNameA(), mfi.fullNameB(), "", destName, bSingleFileMerge); break; case eMergeABCToDest: bSuccess = mergeFLD( mfi.existsInA() ? mfi.fullNameA() : QString(""), mfi.existsInB() ? mfi.fullNameB() : QString(""), mfi.existsInC() ? mfi.fullNameC() : QString(""), destName, bSingleFileMerge); break; default: KMessageBox::error(mWindow, i18n("Unknown merge operation.")); } return bSuccess; } // Check if the merge can start, and prepare the m_mergeItemList which then contains all // items that must be merged. void DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::prepareMergeStart(const QModelIndex& miBegin, const QModelIndex& miEnd, bool bVerbose) { if(bVerbose) { int status = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(mWindow, i18n("The merge is about to begin.\n\n" "Choose \"Do it\" if you have read the instructions and know what you are doing.\n" "Choosing \"Simulate it\" will tell you what would happen.\n\n" "Be aware that this program still has beta status " "and there is NO WARRANTY whatsoever! Make backups of your vital data!"), i18n("Starting Merge"), KGuiItem(i18n("Do It")), KGuiItem(i18n("Simulate It"))); if(status == KMessageBox::Yes) m_bRealMergeStarted = true; else if(status == KMessageBox::No) m_bSimulatedMergeStarted = true; else return; } else { m_bRealMergeStarted = true; } m_mergeItemList.clear(); if(!miBegin.isValid()) return; for(QModelIndex mi = miBegin; mi != miEnd; mi = treeIterator(mi)) { MergeFileInfos* pMFI = getMFI(mi); if(pMFI && pMFI->isOperationRunning()) { m_mergeItemList.push_back(mi); QString errorText; if(pMFI->getOperation() == eConflictingFileTypes) { errorText = i18n("The highlighted item has a different type in the different folders. Select what to do."); } if(pMFI->getOperation() == eConflictingAges) { errorText = i18n("The modification dates of the file are equal but the files are not. Select what to do."); } if(pMFI->getOperation() == eChangedAndDeleted) { errorText = i18n("The highlighted item was changed in one folder and deleted in the other. Select what to do."); } if(!errorText.isEmpty()) { mWindow->scrollTo(mi, QAbstractItemView::EnsureVisible); mWindow->setCurrentIndex(mi); KMessageBox::error(mWindow, errorText); m_mergeItemList.clear(); m_bRealMergeStarted = false; return; } } } m_currentIndexForOperation = m_mergeItemList.begin(); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotRunOperationForCurrentItem() { if(!d->canContinue()) return; bool bVerbose = false; if(d->m_mergeItemList.empty()) { QModelIndex miBegin = currentIndex(); QModelIndex miEnd = d->treeIterator(miBegin, false, false); // find next visible sibling (no children) d->prepareMergeStart(miBegin, miEnd, bVerbose); d->mergeContinue(true, bVerbose); } else d->mergeContinue(false, bVerbose); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotRunOperationForAllItems() { if(!d->canContinue()) return; bool bVerbose = true; if(d->m_mergeItemList.empty()) { QModelIndex miBegin = d->rowCount() > 0 ? d->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()) : QModelIndex(); d->prepareMergeStart(miBegin, QModelIndex(), bVerbose); d->mergeContinue(true, bVerbose); } else d->mergeContinue(false, bVerbose); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::mergeCurrentFile() { if(!d->canContinue()) return; if(d->m_bRealMergeStarted) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("This operation is currently not possible because folder merge is currently running."), i18n("Operation Not Possible")); return; } if(isFileSelected()) { MergeFileInfos* pMFI = d->getMFI(currentIndex()); if(pMFI != nullptr) { d->m_mergeItemList.clear(); d->m_mergeItemList.push_back(currentIndex()); d->m_currentIndexForOperation = d->m_mergeItemList.begin(); bool bDummy = false; d->mergeFLD( pMFI->existsInA() ? pMFI->getFileInfoA()->absoluteFilePath() : QString(""), pMFI->existsInB() ? pMFI->getFileInfoB()->absoluteFilePath() : QString(""), pMFI->existsInC() ? pMFI->getFileInfoC()->absoluteFilePath() : QString(""), pMFI->fullNameDest(), bDummy); } } Q_EMIT updateAvailabilities(); } // When bStart is true then m_currentIndexForOperation must still be processed. // When bVerbose is true then a messagebox will tell when the merge is complete. void DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::mergeContinue(bool bStart, bool bVerbose) { ProgressProxy pp; if(m_mergeItemList.empty()) return; int nrOfItems = 0; int nrOfCompletedItems = 0; int nrOfCompletedSimItems = 0; // Count the number of completed items (for the progress bar). for(const QModelIndex& i : m_mergeItemList) { MergeFileInfos* pMFI = getMFI(i); ++nrOfItems; if(!pMFI->isOperationRunning()) ++nrOfCompletedItems; if(!pMFI->isSimOpRunning()) ++nrOfCompletedSimItems; } m_pStatusInfo->hide(); m_pStatusInfo->clear(); QModelIndex miCurrent = m_currentIndexForOperation == m_mergeItemList.end() ? QModelIndex() : *m_currentIndexForOperation; bool bContinueWithCurrentItem = bStart; // true for first item, else false bool bSkipItem = false; if(!bStart && m_bError && miCurrent.isValid()) { int status = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(mWindow, i18n("There was an error in the last step.\n" "Do you want to continue with the item that caused the error or do you want to skip this item?"), i18n("Continue merge after an error"), KGuiItem(i18n("Continue With Last Item")), KGuiItem(i18n("Skip Item"))); if(status == KMessageBox::Yes) bContinueWithCurrentItem = true; else if(status == KMessageBox::No) bSkipItem = true; else return; m_bError = false; } pp.setMaxNofSteps(nrOfItems); bool bSuccess = true; bool bSingleFileMerge = false; bool bSim = m_bSimulatedMergeStarted; while(bSuccess) { MergeFileInfos* pMFI = getMFI(miCurrent); if(pMFI == nullptr) { m_mergeItemList.clear(); m_bRealMergeStarted = false; break; } if(pMFI != nullptr && !bContinueWithCurrentItem) { if(bSim) { if(rowCount(miCurrent) == 0) { pMFI->endSimOp(); } } else { if(rowCount(miCurrent) == 0) { if(pMFI->isOperationRunning()) { setOpStatus(miCurrent, bSkipItem ? eOpStatusSkipped : eOpStatusDone); pMFI->endOperation(); bSkipItem = false; } } else { setOpStatus(miCurrent, eOpStatusInProgress); } } } if(!bContinueWithCurrentItem) { // Depth first QModelIndex miPrev = miCurrent; ++m_currentIndexForOperation; miCurrent = m_currentIndexForOperation == m_mergeItemList.end() ? QModelIndex() : *m_currentIndexForOperation; if((!miCurrent.isValid() || miCurrent.parent() != miPrev.parent()) && miPrev.parent().isValid()) { // Check if the parent may be set to "Done" QModelIndex miParent = miPrev.parent(); bool bDone = true; while(bDone && miParent.isValid()) { for(int childIdx = 0; childIdx < rowCount(miParent); ++childIdx) { pMFI = getMFI(index(childIdx, 0, miParent)); if((!bSim && pMFI->isOperationRunning()) || (bSim && !pMFI->isSimOpRunning())) { bDone = false; break; } } if(bDone) { pMFI = getMFI(miParent); if(bSim) pMFI->endSimOp(); else { setOpStatus(miParent, eOpStatusDone); pMFI->endOperation(); } } miParent = miParent.parent(); } } } if(!miCurrent.isValid()) // end? { if(m_bRealMergeStarted) { if(bVerbose) { KMessageBox::information(mWindow, i18n("Merge operation complete."), i18n("Merge Complete")); } m_bRealMergeStarted = false; m_pStatusInfo->setWindowTitle(i18n("Merge Complete")); } if(m_bSimulatedMergeStarted) { m_bSimulatedMergeStarted = false; QModelIndex mi = rowCount() > 0 ? index(0, 0, QModelIndex()) : QModelIndex(); for(; mi.isValid(); mi = treeIterator(mi)) { getMFI(mi)->startSimOp(); } m_pStatusInfo->setWindowTitle(i18n("Simulated merge complete: Check if you agree with the proposed operations.")); m_pStatusInfo->exec(); } m_mergeItemList.clear(); m_bRealMergeStarted = false; return; } pMFI = getMFI(miCurrent); pp.setInformation(pMFI->subPath(), bSim ? nrOfCompletedSimItems : nrOfCompletedItems, false // bRedrawUpdate ); bSuccess = executeMergeOperation(*pMFI, bSingleFileMerge); // Here the real operation happens. if(bSuccess) { if(bSim) ++nrOfCompletedSimItems; else ++nrOfCompletedItems; bContinueWithCurrentItem = false; } if(pp.wasCancelled()) break; } // end while //g_pProgressDialog->hide(); mWindow->setCurrentIndex(miCurrent); mWindow->scrollTo(miCurrent, EnsureVisible); if(!bSuccess && !bSingleFileMerge) { KMessageBox::error(mWindow, i18n("An error occurred. Press OK to see detailed information.")); m_pStatusInfo->setWindowTitle(i18n("Merge Error")); m_pStatusInfo->exec(); //if ( m_pStatusInfo->firstChild()!=0 ) // m_pStatusInfo->ensureItemVisible( m_pStatusInfo->last() ); m_bError = true; setOpStatus(miCurrent, eOpStatusError); } else { m_bError = false; } Q_EMIT mWindow->updateAvailabilities(); if(m_currentIndexForOperation == m_mergeItemList.end()) { m_mergeItemList.clear(); m_bRealMergeStarted = false; } } bool DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::deleteFLD(const QString& name, bool bCreateBackup) { FileAccess fi(name, true); if(!fi.exists()) return true; if(bCreateBackup) { bool bSuccess = renameFLD(name, name + ".orig"); if(!bSuccess) { m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("Error: While deleting %1: Creating backup failed.", name)); return false; } } else { if(fi.isDir() && !fi.isSymLink()) m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("delete folder recursively( %1 )", name)); else m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("delete( %1 )", name)); if(m_bSimulatedMergeStarted) { return true; } if(fi.isDir() && !fi.isSymLink()) // recursive directory delete only for real dirs, not symlinks { t_DirectoryList dirList; bool bSuccess = fi.listDir(&dirList, false, true, "*", "", "", false, false); // not recursive, find hidden files if(!bSuccess) { // No Permission to read directory or other error. m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("Error: delete folder operation failed while trying to read the folder.")); return false; } t_DirectoryList::iterator it; // create list iterator for(it = dirList.begin(); it != dirList.end(); ++it) // for each file... { FileAccess& fi2 = *it; Q_ASSERT(fi2.fileName() != "." && fi2.fileName() != ".."); bSuccess = deleteFLD(fi2.absoluteFilePath(), false); if(!bSuccess) break; } if(bSuccess) { bSuccess = FileAccess::removeDir(name); if(!bSuccess) { m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("Error: rmdir( %1 ) operation failed.", name)); // krazy:exclude=syscalls return false; } } } else { bool bSuccess = fi.removeFile(); if(!bSuccess) { m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("Error: delete operation failed.")); return false; } } } return true; } bool DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::mergeFLD(const QString& nameA, const QString& nameB, const QString& nameC, const QString& nameDest, bool& bSingleFileMerge) { FileAccess fi(nameA); if(fi.isDir()) { return makeDir(nameDest); } // Make sure that the dir exists, into which we will save the file later. int pos = nameDest.lastIndexOf('/'); if(pos > 0) { QString parentName = nameDest.left(pos); bool bSuccess = makeDir(parentName, true /*quiet*/); if(!bSuccess) return false; } m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("manual merge( %1, %2, %3 -> %4)", nameA, nameB, nameC, nameDest)); if(m_bSimulatedMergeStarted) { m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n(" Note: After a manual merge the user should continue by pressing F7.")); return true; } bSingleFileMerge = true; setOpStatus(*m_currentIndexForOperation, eOpStatusInProgress); mWindow->scrollTo(*m_currentIndexForOperation, EnsureVisible); Q_EMIT mWindow->startDiffMerge(nameA, nameB, nameC, nameDest, "", "", "", nullptr); return false; } bool DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::copyFLD(const QString& srcName, const QString& destName) { bool bSuccess = false; if(srcName == destName) return true; FileAccess fi(srcName); FileAccess faDest(destName, true); if(faDest.exists() && !(fi.isDir() && faDest.isDir() && (fi.isSymLink() == faDest.isSymLink()))) { bSuccess = deleteFLD(destName, m_pOptions->m_bDmCreateBakFiles); if(!bSuccess) { m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("Error: copy( %1 -> %2 ) failed." "Deleting existing destination failed.", srcName, destName)); return bSuccess; } } if(fi.isSymLink() && ((fi.isDir() && !m_bFollowDirLinks) || (!fi.isDir() && !m_bFollowFileLinks))) { m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("copyLink( %1 -> %2 )", srcName, destName)); if(m_bSimulatedMergeStarted) { return true; } FileAccess destFi(destName); if(!destFi.isLocal() || !fi.isLocal()) { m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("Error: copyLink failed: Remote links are not yet supported.")); return false; } bSuccess = false; QString linkTarget = fi.readLink(); if(!linkTarget.isEmpty()) { bSuccess = FileAccess::symLink(linkTarget, destName); if(!bSuccess) m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("Error: copyLink failed.")); } return bSuccess; } if(fi.isDir()) { if(faDest.exists()) return true; bSuccess = makeDir(destName); return bSuccess; } int pos = destName.lastIndexOf('/'); if(pos > 0) { QString parentName = destName.left(pos); bSuccess = makeDir(parentName, true /*quiet*/); if(!bSuccess) return false; } m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("copy( %1 -> %2 )", srcName, destName)); if(m_bSimulatedMergeStarted) { return true; } FileAccess faSrc(srcName); bSuccess = faSrc.copyFile(destName); if(!bSuccess) m_pStatusInfo->addText(faSrc.getStatusText()); return bSuccess; } // Rename is not an operation that can be selected by the user. // It will only be used to create backups. // Hence it will delete an existing destination without making a backup (of the old backup.) bool DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::renameFLD(const QString& srcName, const QString& destName) { if(srcName == destName) return true; FileAccess destFile = FileAccess(destName, true); if(destFile.exists()) { bool bSuccess = deleteFLD(destName, false /*no backup*/); if(!bSuccess) { m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("Error during rename( %1 -> %2 ): " "Cannot delete existing destination.", srcName, destName)); return false; } } m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("rename( %1 -> %2 )", srcName, destName)); if(m_bSimulatedMergeStarted) { return true; } bool bSuccess = FileAccess(srcName).rename(destFile); if(!bSuccess) { m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("Error: Rename failed.")); return false; } return true; } bool DirectoryMergeWindow::DirectoryMergeWindowPrivate::makeDir(const QString& name, bool bQuiet) { FileAccess fi(name, true); if(fi.exists() && fi.isDir()) return true; if(fi.exists() && !fi.isDir()) { bool bSuccess = deleteFLD(name, true); if(!bSuccess) { m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("Error during makeDir of %1. " "Cannot delete existing file.", name)); return false; } } int pos = name.lastIndexOf('/'); if(pos > 0) { QString parentName = name.left(pos); bool bSuccess = makeDir(parentName, true); if(!bSuccess) return false; } if(!bQuiet) m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("makeDir( %1 )", name)); if(m_bSimulatedMergeStarted) { return true; } bool bSuccess = FileAccess::makeDir(name); if(!bSuccess) { m_pStatusInfo->addText(i18n("Error while creating folder.")); return false; } return true; } DirectoryMergeInfo::DirectoryMergeInfo(QWidget* pParent) : QFrame(pParent) { QVBoxLayout* topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); topLayout->setMargin(0); QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout(); topLayout->addLayout(grid); grid->setColumnStretch(1, 10); int line = 0; m_pA = new QLabel(i18n("A"), this); grid->addWidget(m_pA, line, 0); m_pInfoA = new QLabel(this); grid->addWidget(m_pInfoA, line, 1); ++line; m_pB = new QLabel(i18n("B"), this); grid->addWidget(m_pB, line, 0); m_pInfoB = new QLabel(this); grid->addWidget(m_pInfoB, line, 1); ++line; m_pC = new QLabel(i18n("C"), this); grid->addWidget(m_pC, line, 0); m_pInfoC = new QLabel(this); grid->addWidget(m_pInfoC, line, 1); ++line; m_pDest = new QLabel(i18n("Dest"), this); grid->addWidget(m_pDest, line, 0); m_pInfoDest = new QLabel(this); grid->addWidget(m_pInfoDest, line, 1); ++line; m_pInfoList = new QTreeWidget(this); topLayout->addWidget(m_pInfoList); m_pInfoList->setHeaderLabels({i18n("Folder"), i18n("Type"), i18n("Size"), i18n("Attr"), i18n("Last Modification"), i18n("Link-Destination")}); setMinimumSize(100, 100); m_pInfoList->installEventFilter(this); m_pInfoList->setRootIsDecorated(false); } bool DirectoryMergeInfo::eventFilter(QObject* o, QEvent* e) { if(e->type() == QEvent::FocusIn && o == m_pInfoList) Q_EMIT gotFocus(); return false; } void DirectoryMergeInfo::addListViewItem(const QString& dir, const QString& basePath, FileAccess* fi) { if(basePath.isEmpty()) { return; } if(fi != nullptr && fi->exists()) { QString dateString = fi->lastModified().toString(QLocale::system().dateTimeFormat()); m_pInfoList->addTopLevelItem(new QTreeWidgetItem( m_pInfoList, {dir, QString(fi->isDir() ? i18n("Folder") : i18n("File")) + (fi->isSymLink() ? i18n("-Link") : ""), QString::number(fi->size()), QLatin1String(fi->isReadable() ? "r" : " ") + QLatin1String(fi->isWritable() ? "w" : " ") + QLatin1String((fi->isExecutable() ? "x" : " ")), dateString, QString(fi->isSymLink() ? (" -> " + fi->readLink()) : QString(""))})); } else { m_pInfoList->addTopLevelItem(new QTreeWidgetItem( m_pInfoList, {dir, i18n("not available"), "", "", "", ""})); } } void DirectoryMergeInfo::setInfo( const FileAccess& dirA, const FileAccess& dirB, const FileAccess& dirC, const FileAccess& dirDest, MergeFileInfos& mfi) { bool bHideDest = false; if(dirA.absoluteFilePath() == dirDest.absoluteFilePath()) { m_pA->setText(i18n("A (Dest): ")); bHideDest = true; } else m_pA->setText(!dirC.isValid() ? i18n("A: ") : i18n("A (Base): ")); m_pInfoA->setText(dirA.prettyAbsPath()); if(dirB.absoluteFilePath() == dirDest.absoluteFilePath()) { m_pB->setText(i18n("B (Dest): ")); bHideDest = true; } else m_pB->setText(i18n("B: ")); m_pInfoB->setText(dirB.prettyAbsPath()); if(dirC.absoluteFilePath() == dirDest.absoluteFilePath()) { m_pC->setText(i18n("C (Dest): ")); bHideDest = true; } else m_pC->setText(i18n("C: ")); m_pInfoC->setText(dirC.prettyAbsPath()); m_pDest->setText(i18n("Dest: ")); m_pInfoDest->setText(dirDest.prettyAbsPath()); if(!dirC.isValid()) { m_pC->hide(); m_pInfoC->hide(); } else { m_pC->show(); m_pInfoC->show(); } if(!dirDest.isValid() || bHideDest) { m_pDest->hide(); m_pInfoDest->hide(); } else { m_pDest->show(); m_pInfoDest->show(); } m_pInfoList->clear(); addListViewItem(i18n("A"), dirA.prettyAbsPath(), mfi.getFileInfoA()); addListViewItem(i18n("B"), dirB.prettyAbsPath(), mfi.getFileInfoB()); addListViewItem(i18n("C"), dirC.prettyAbsPath(), mfi.getFileInfoC()); if(!bHideDest) { FileAccess fiDest(dirDest.prettyAbsPath() + '/' + mfi.subPath(), true); addListViewItem(i18n("Dest"), dirDest.prettyAbsPath(), &fiDest); } for(int i = 0; i < m_pInfoList->columnCount(); ++i) m_pInfoList->resizeColumnToContents(i); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotSaveMergeState() { //slotStatusMsg(i18n("Saving Directory Merge State ...")); QString dirMergeStateFilename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, i18n("Save Folder Merge State As..."), QDir::currentPath()); if(!dirMergeStateFilename.isEmpty()) { QFile file(dirMergeStateFilename); bool bSuccess = file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); if(bSuccess) { QTextStream ts(&file); QModelIndex mi(d->index(0, 0, QModelIndex())); while(mi.isValid()) { MergeFileInfos* pMFI = d->getMFI(mi); ts << *pMFI; mi = d->treeIterator(mi, true, true); } } } //slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotLoadMergeState() { } void DirectoryMergeWindow::updateFileVisibilities() { bool bShowIdentical = d->m_pDirShowIdenticalFiles->isChecked(); bool bShowDifferent = d->m_pDirShowDifferentFiles->isChecked(); bool bShowOnlyInA = d->m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInA->isChecked(); bool bShowOnlyInB = d->m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInB->isChecked(); bool bShowOnlyInC = d->m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInC->isChecked(); bool bThreeDirs = d->isThreeWay(); d->m_selection1Index = QModelIndex(); d->m_selection2Index = QModelIndex(); d->m_selection3Index = QModelIndex(); // in first run set all dirs to equal and determine if they are not equal. // on second run don't change the equal-status anymore; it is needed to // set the visibility (when bShowIdentical is false). for(int loop = 0; loop < 2; ++loop) { QModelIndex mi = d->rowCount() > 0 ? d->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()) : QModelIndex(); while(mi.isValid()) { MergeFileInfos* pMFI = d->getMFI(mi); bool bDir = pMFI->hasDir(); if(loop == 0 && bDir) { //Treat all links and directories to equal by default. pMFI->updateDirectoryOrLink(); } bool bVisible = (bShowIdentical && pMFI->existsEveryWhere() && pMFI->isEqualAB() && (pMFI->isEqualAC() || !bThreeDirs)) || ((bShowDifferent || bDir) && pMFI->existsCount() >= 2 && (!pMFI->isEqualAB() || !(pMFI->isEqualAC() || !bThreeDirs))) || (bShowOnlyInA && pMFI->onlyInA()) || (bShowOnlyInB && pMFI->onlyInB()) || (bShowOnlyInC && pMFI->onlyInC()); QString fileName = pMFI->fileName(); bVisible = bVisible && ((bDir && !Utils::wildcardMultiMatch(d->m_pOptions->m_DmDirAntiPattern, fileName, d->m_bCaseSensitive)) || (Utils::wildcardMultiMatch(d->m_pOptions->m_DmFilePattern, fileName, d->m_bCaseSensitive) && !Utils::wildcardMultiMatch(d->m_pOptions->m_DmFileAntiPattern, fileName, d->m_bCaseSensitive))); if(loop != 0) setRowHidden(mi.row(), mi.parent(), !bVisible); bool bEqual = bThreeDirs ? pMFI->isEqualAB() && pMFI->isEqualAC() : pMFI->isEqualAB(); if(!bEqual && bVisible && loop == 0) // Set all parents to "not equal" { pMFI->updateParents(); } mi = d->treeIterator(mi, true, true); } } } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotShowIdenticalFiles() { d->m_pOptions->m_bDmShowIdenticalFiles = d->m_pDirShowIdenticalFiles->isChecked(); updateFileVisibilities(); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotShowDifferentFiles() { updateFileVisibilities(); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotShowFilesOnlyInA() { updateFileVisibilities(); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotShowFilesOnlyInB() { updateFileVisibilities(); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotShowFilesOnlyInC() { updateFileVisibilities(); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotSynchronizeDirectories() {} void DirectoryMergeWindow::slotChooseNewerFiles() {} void DirectoryMergeWindow::initDirectoryMergeActions(KDiff3App* pKDiff3App, KActionCollection* ac) { #include "xpm/showequalfiles.xpm" #include "xpm/showfilesonlyina.xpm" #include "xpm/showfilesonlyinb.xpm" #include "xpm/showfilesonlyinc.xpm" #include "xpm/startmerge.xpm" d->m_pDirStartOperation = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Start/Continue Folder Merge"), QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F7), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotRunOperationForAllItems, ac, "dir_start_operation"); d->m_pDirRunOperationForCurrentItem = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Run Operation for Current Item"), QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F6), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotRunOperationForCurrentItem, ac, "dir_run_operation_for_current_item"); d->m_pDirCompareCurrent = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Compare Selected File"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::compareCurrentFile, ac, "dir_compare_current"); d->m_pDirMergeCurrent = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Merge Current File"), QIcon(QPixmap(startmerge)), i18n("Merge\nFile"), pKDiff3App, &KDiff3App::slotMergeCurrentFile, ac, "merge_current"); d->m_pDirFoldAll = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Fold All Subfolders"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::collapseAll, ac, "dir_fold_all"); d->m_pDirUnfoldAll = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Unfold All Subfolders"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::expandAll, ac, "dir_unfold_all"); d->m_pDirRescan = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Rescan"), QKeySequence(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_F5), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::reload, ac, "dir_rescan"); d->m_pDirSaveMergeState = nullptr; //GuiUtils::createAction< QAction >(i18n("Save Directory Merge State ..."), 0, this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotSaveMergeState, ac, "dir_save_merge_state"); d->m_pDirLoadMergeState = nullptr; //GuiUtils::createAction< QAction >(i18n("Load Directory Merge State ..."), 0, this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotLoadMergeState, ac, "dir_load_merge_state"); d->m_pDirChooseAEverywhere = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Choose A for All Items"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotChooseAEverywhere, ac, "dir_choose_a_everywhere"); d->m_pDirChooseBEverywhere = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Choose B for All Items"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotChooseBEverywhere, ac, "dir_choose_b_everywhere"); d->m_pDirChooseCEverywhere = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Choose C for All Items"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotChooseCEverywhere, ac, "dir_choose_c_everywhere"); d->m_pDirAutoChoiceEverywhere = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Auto-Choose Operation for All Items"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotAutoChooseEverywhere, ac, "dir_autochoose_everywhere"); d->m_pDirDoNothingEverywhere = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("No Operation for All Items"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotNoOpEverywhere, ac, "dir_nothing_everywhere"); // d->m_pDirSynchronizeDirectories = GuiUtils::createAction< KToggleAction >(i18n("Synchronize Directories"), 0, this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotSynchronizeDirectories, ac, "dir_synchronize_directories"); // d->m_pDirChooseNewerFiles = GuiUtils::createAction< KToggleAction >(i18n("Copy Newer Files Instead of Merging"), 0, this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotChooseNewerFiles, ac, "dir_choose_newer_files"); d->m_pDirShowIdenticalFiles = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Show Identical Files"), QIcon(QPixmap(showequalfiles)), i18n("Identical\nFiles"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotShowIdenticalFiles, ac, "dir_show_identical_files"); d->m_pDirShowDifferentFiles = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Show Different Files"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotShowDifferentFiles, ac, "dir_show_different_files"); d->m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInA = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Show Files only in A"), QIcon(QPixmap(showfilesonlyina)), i18n("Files\nonly in A"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotShowFilesOnlyInA, ac, "dir_show_files_only_in_a"); d->m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInB = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Show Files only in B"), QIcon(QPixmap(showfilesonlyinb)), i18n("Files\nonly in B"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotShowFilesOnlyInB, ac, "dir_show_files_only_in_b"); d->m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInC = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Show Files only in C"), QIcon(QPixmap(showfilesonlyinc)), i18n("Files\nonly in C"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotShowFilesOnlyInC, ac, "dir_show_files_only_in_c"); d->m_pDirShowIdenticalFiles->setChecked(d->m_pOptions->m_bDmShowIdenticalFiles); d->m_pDirCompareExplicit = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Compare Explicitly Selected Files"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCompareExplicitlySelectedFiles, ac, "dir_compare_explicitly_selected_files"); d->m_pDirMergeExplicit = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Merge Explicitly Selected Files"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotMergeExplicitlySelectedFiles, ac, "dir_merge_explicitly_selected_files"); d->m_pDirCurrentDoNothing = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Do Nothing"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentDoNothing, ac, "dir_current_do_nothing"); d->m_pDirCurrentChooseA = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("A"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentChooseA, ac, "dir_current_choose_a"); d->m_pDirCurrentChooseB = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("B"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentChooseB, ac, "dir_current_choose_b"); d->m_pDirCurrentChooseC = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("C"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentChooseC, ac, "dir_current_choose_c"); d->m_pDirCurrentMerge = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Merge"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentMerge, ac, "dir_current_merge"); d->m_pDirCurrentDelete = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Delete (if exists)"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentDelete, ac, "dir_current_delete"); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncDoNothing = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Do Nothing"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentDoNothing, ac, "dir_current_sync_do_nothing"); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncCopyAToB = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Copy A to B"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentCopyAToB, ac, "dir_current_sync_copy_a_to_b"); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncCopyBToA = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Copy B to A"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentCopyBToA, ac, "dir_current_sync_copy_b_to_a"); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncDeleteA = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Delete A"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentDeleteA, ac, "dir_current_sync_delete_a"); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncDeleteB = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Delete B"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentDeleteB, ac, "dir_current_sync_delete_b"); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncDeleteAAndB = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Delete A && B"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentDeleteAAndB, ac, "dir_current_sync_delete_a_and_b"); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncMergeToA = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Merge to A"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentMergeToA, ac, "dir_current_sync_merge_to_a"); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncMergeToB = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Merge to B"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentMergeToB, ac, "dir_current_sync_merge_to_b"); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncMergeToAAndB = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Merge to A && B"), this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotCurrentMergeToAAndB, ac, "dir_current_sync_merge_to_a_and_b"); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::setupConnections(const KDiff3App* app) { connect(this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::startDiffMerge, app, &KDiff3App::slotFileOpen2); connect(selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged, app, &KDiff3App::slotUpdateAvailabilities); connect(selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::currentChanged, app, &KDiff3App::slotUpdateAvailabilities); connect(this, static_cast(&DirectoryMergeWindow::updateAvailabilities), app, &KDiff3App::slotUpdateAvailabilities); connect(this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::statusBarMessage, app, &KDiff3App::slotStatusMsg); connect(app, &KDiff3App::doRefresh, this, &DirectoryMergeWindow::slotRefresh); } void DirectoryMergeWindow::updateAvailabilities(bool bDirCompare, bool bDiffWindowVisible, KToggleAction* chooseA, KToggleAction* chooseB, KToggleAction* chooseC) { d->m_pDirStartOperation->setEnabled(bDirCompare); d->m_pDirRunOperationForCurrentItem->setEnabled(bDirCompare); d->m_pDirFoldAll->setEnabled(bDirCompare); d->m_pDirUnfoldAll->setEnabled(bDirCompare); d->m_pDirCompareCurrent->setEnabled(bDirCompare && isVisible() && isFileSelected()); d->m_pDirMergeCurrent->setEnabled((bDirCompare && isVisible() && isFileSelected()) || bDiffWindowVisible); d->m_pDirRescan->setEnabled(bDirCompare); bool bThreeDirs = d->isThreeWay(); d->m_pDirAutoChoiceEverywhere->setEnabled(bDirCompare && isVisible()); d->m_pDirDoNothingEverywhere->setEnabled(bDirCompare && isVisible()); d->m_pDirChooseAEverywhere->setEnabled(bDirCompare && isVisible()); d->m_pDirChooseBEverywhere->setEnabled(bDirCompare && isVisible()); d->m_pDirChooseCEverywhere->setEnabled(bDirCompare && isVisible() && bThreeDirs); MergeFileInfos* pMFI = d->getMFI(currentIndex()); bool bItemActive = bDirCompare && isVisible() && pMFI != nullptr; // && hasFocus(); bool bMergeMode = bThreeDirs || !d->m_bSyncMode; bool bFTConflict = pMFI == nullptr ? false : pMFI->conflictingFileTypes(); bool bDirWindowHasFocus = isVisible() && hasFocus(); d->m_pDirShowIdenticalFiles->setEnabled(bDirCompare && isVisible()); d->m_pDirShowDifferentFiles->setEnabled(bDirCompare && isVisible()); d->m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInA->setEnabled(bDirCompare && isVisible()); d->m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInB->setEnabled(bDirCompare && isVisible()); d->m_pDirShowFilesOnlyInC->setEnabled(bDirCompare && isVisible() && bThreeDirs); d->m_pDirCompareExplicit->setEnabled(bDirCompare && isVisible() && d->m_selection2Index.isValid()); d->m_pDirMergeExplicit->setEnabled(bDirCompare && isVisible() && d->m_selection2Index.isValid()); d->m_pDirCurrentDoNothing->setEnabled(bItemActive && bMergeMode); d->m_pDirCurrentChooseA->setEnabled(bItemActive && bMergeMode && pMFI->existsInA()); d->m_pDirCurrentChooseB->setEnabled(bItemActive && bMergeMode && pMFI->existsInB()); d->m_pDirCurrentChooseC->setEnabled(bItemActive && bMergeMode && pMFI->existsInC()); d->m_pDirCurrentMerge->setEnabled(bItemActive && bMergeMode && !bFTConflict); d->m_pDirCurrentDelete->setEnabled(bItemActive && bMergeMode); if(bDirWindowHasFocus) { chooseA->setEnabled(bItemActive && pMFI->existsInA()); chooseB->setEnabled(bItemActive && pMFI->existsInB()); chooseC->setEnabled(bItemActive && pMFI->existsInC()); chooseA->setChecked(false); chooseB->setChecked(false); chooseC->setChecked(false); } d->m_pDirCurrentSyncDoNothing->setEnabled(bItemActive && !bMergeMode); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncCopyAToB->setEnabled(bItemActive && !bMergeMode && pMFI->existsInA()); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncCopyBToA->setEnabled(bItemActive && !bMergeMode && pMFI->existsInB()); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncDeleteA->setEnabled(bItemActive && !bMergeMode && pMFI->existsInA()); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncDeleteB->setEnabled(bItemActive && !bMergeMode && pMFI->existsInB()); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncDeleteAAndB->setEnabled(bItemActive && !bMergeMode && pMFI->existsInA() && pMFI->existsInB()); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncMergeToA->setEnabled(bItemActive && !bMergeMode && !bFTConflict); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncMergeToB->setEnabled(bItemActive && !bMergeMode && !bFTConflict); d->m_pDirCurrentSyncMergeToAAndB->setEnabled(bItemActive && !bMergeMode && !bFTConflict); } //#include "directorymergewindow.moc" diff --git a/src/kdiff3.cpp b/src/kdiff3.cpp index 441a248..82d449a 100644 --- a/src/kdiff3.cpp +++ b/src/kdiff3.cpp @@ -1,1063 +1,1063 @@ /* * This file is part of KDiff3. * * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2011 Joachim Eibl, joachim.eibl at gmx.de * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2020 Michael Reeves reeves.87@gmail.com * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ // application specific includes #include "kdiff3.h" #include "directorymergewindow.h" #include "fileaccess.h" #include "guiutils.h" #include "kdiff3_part.h" #include "kdiff3_shell.h" #include "optiondialog.h" #include "progress.h" #include "smalldialogs.h" #include "difftextwindow.h" #include "mergeresultwindow.h" #include "RLPainter.h" #include "Utils.h" #ifndef Q_OS_WIN #include #endif // include files for QT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // include files for KDE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include bool KDiff3App::m_bTripleDiff = false; boost::signals2::signal KDiff3App::shouldContinue; /* To be a constexpr the QLatin1String constructor must be given the size of the string explicitly. Otherwise it calls strlen which is not a constexpr. */ constexpr QLatin1String MAIN_TOOLBAR_NAME = QLatin1String("mainToolBar", sizeof("mainToolBar")); KActionCollection* KDiff3App::actionCollection() const { if(m_pKDiff3Shell == nullptr) return m_pKDiff3Part->actionCollection(); else return m_pKDiff3Shell->actionCollection(); } -QStatusBar* KDiff3App::statusBar() +QStatusBar* KDiff3App::statusBar() const { if(m_pKDiff3Shell == nullptr) return nullptr; else return m_pKDiff3Shell->statusBar(); } -KToolBar* KDiff3App::toolBar(const QLatin1String toolBarId) +KToolBar* KDiff3App::toolBar(const QLatin1String &toolBarId) const { if(m_pKDiff3Shell == nullptr) return nullptr; else return m_pKDiff3Shell->toolBar(toolBarId); } -bool KDiff3App::isPart() +bool KDiff3App::isPart() const { return m_pKDiff3Shell == nullptr; } -bool KDiff3App::isFileSaved() +bool KDiff3App::isFileSaved() const { return m_bFileSaved; } -bool KDiff3App::isDirComparison() +bool KDiff3App::isDirComparison() const { return m_bDirCompare; } /* Don't call completeInit from here it will be called in KDiff3Shell as needed. */ KDiff3App::KDiff3App(QWidget* pParent, const QString& name, KDiff3Part* pKDiff3Part) : QSplitter(pParent) //previously KMainWindow { setObjectName(name); m_pKDiff3Part = pKDiff3Part; m_pKDiff3Shell = qobject_cast(pParent); setWindowTitle("KDiff3"); setOpaqueResize(false); // faster resizing setUpdatesEnabled(false); KCrash::initialize(); // set Disabled to same color as enabled to prevent flicker in DirectoryMergeWindow QPalette pal; pal.setBrush(QPalette::Base, pal.brush(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base)); pal.setColor(QPalette::Text, pal.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text)); setPalette(pal); // Needed before any file operations via FileAccess happen. if(g_pProgressDialog == nullptr) { g_pProgressDialog = new ProgressDialog(this, statusBar()); g_pProgressDialog->setStayHidden(true); } // All default values must be set before calling readOptions(). m_pOptionDialog = new OptionDialog(m_pKDiff3Shell != nullptr, this); connect(m_pOptionDialog, &OptionDialog::applyDone, this, &KDiff3App::slotRefresh); // This is just a convenience variable to make code that accesses options more readable m_pOptions = m_pOptionDialog->getOptions(); m_pOptionDialog->readOptions(KSharedConfig::openConfig()); // Option handling: Only when pParent==0 (no parent) int argCount = KDiff3Shell::getParser()->optionNames().count() + KDiff3Shell::getParser()->positionalArguments().count(); bool hasArgs = !isPart() && argCount > 0; if(hasArgs) { QString s; QString title; if(KDiff3Shell::getParser()->isSet("confighelp")) { s = m_pOptionDialog->calcOptionHelp(); title = i18n("Current Configuration:"); } else { s = m_pOptionDialog->parseOptions(KDiff3Shell::getParser()->values("cs")); title = i18n("Config Option Error:"); } if(!s.isEmpty()) { //KMessageBox::information(0, s,i18n("KDiff3-Usage")); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN if(isatty(fileno(stderr)) != 1) #endif { QPointer pDialog = QPointer(new QDialog(this)); pDialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); pDialog->setModal(true); pDialog->setWindowTitle(title); QVBoxLayout* pVBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(pDialog); QPointer pTextEdit = QPointer(new KTextEdit(pDialog)); pTextEdit->setText(s); pTextEdit->setReadOnly(true); pTextEdit->setWordWrapMode(QTextOption::NoWrap); pVBoxLayout->addWidget(pTextEdit); pDialog->resize(600, 400); pDialog->exec(); } #if !defined(Q_OS_WIN) else { // Launched from a console QTextStream outStream(stdout); outStream << title << "\n"; outStream << s;//newline already appended by parseOptions } #endif exit(1); } } m_sd1->setOptions(m_pOptions); m_sd2->setOptions(m_pOptions); m_sd3->setOptions(m_pOptions); #ifdef ENABLE_AUTO m_bAutoFlag = hasArgs && KDiff3Shell::getParser()->isSet("auto") && !KDiff3Shell::getParser()->isSet("noauto"); #else m_bAutoFlag = false; #endif m_bAutoMode = m_bAutoFlag || m_pOptions->m_bAutoSaveAndQuitOnMergeWithoutConflicts; if(hasArgs) { m_outputFilename = KDiff3Shell::getParser()->value("output"); if(m_outputFilename.isEmpty()) m_outputFilename = KDiff3Shell::getParser()->value("out"); if(!m_outputFilename.isEmpty()) m_outputFilename = FileAccess(m_outputFilename, true).absoluteFilePath(); if(m_bAutoMode && m_outputFilename.isEmpty()) { if(m_bAutoFlag) { QTextStream(stderr) << i18n("Option --auto used, but no output file specified.") << "\n"; } m_bAutoMode = false; } if(m_outputFilename.isEmpty() && KDiff3Shell::getParser()->isSet("merge")) { m_outputFilename = "unnamed.txt"; m_bDefaultFilename = true; } else { m_bDefaultFilename = false; } g_bAutoSolve = !KDiff3Shell::getParser()->isSet("qall"); // Note that this is effective only once. QStringList args = KDiff3Shell::getParser()->positionalArguments(); m_sd1->setFilename(KDiff3Shell::getParser()->value("base")); if(m_sd1->isEmpty()) { if(args.count() > 0) m_sd1->setFilename(args[0]); // args->arg(0) if(args.count() > 1) m_sd2->setFilename(args[1]); if(args.count() > 2) m_sd3->setFilename(args[2]); } else { if(args.count() > 0) m_sd2->setFilename(args[0]); if(args.count() > 1) m_sd3->setFilename(args[1]); } //Set m_bDirCompare flag m_bDirCompare = m_sd1->isDir(); QStringList aliasList = KDiff3Shell::getParser()->values( "fname" ); QStringList::Iterator ali = aliasList.begin(); QString an1 = KDiff3Shell::getParser()->value("L1"); if(!an1.isEmpty()) { m_sd1->setAliasName(an1); } else if(ali != aliasList.end()) { m_sd1->setAliasName(*ali); ++ali; } QString an2 = KDiff3Shell::getParser()->value("L2"); if(!an2.isEmpty()) { m_sd2->setAliasName(an2); } else if(ali != aliasList.end()) { m_sd2->setAliasName(*ali); ++ali; } QString an3 = KDiff3Shell::getParser()->value("L3"); if(!an3.isEmpty()) { m_sd3->setAliasName(an3); } else if(ali != aliasList.end()) { m_sd3->setAliasName(*ali); ++ali; } } else { m_bDefaultFilename = false; g_bAutoSolve = false; } g_pProgressDialog->setStayHidden(m_bAutoMode); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // call inits to invoke all other construction parts initActions(actionCollection()); //Warning: Call this before connecting KDiff3App::slotUpdateAvailabilities or calling KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile MergeResultWindow::initActions(actionCollection()); initStatusBar(); m_pFindDialog = new FindDialog(this); connect(m_pFindDialog, &FindDialog::findNext, this, &KDiff3App::slotEditFindNext); autoAdvance->setChecked(m_pOptions->m_bAutoAdvance); showWhiteSpaceCharacters->setChecked(m_pOptions->m_bShowWhiteSpaceCharacters); showWhiteSpace->setChecked(m_pOptions->m_bShowWhiteSpace); showWhiteSpaceCharacters->setEnabled(m_pOptions->m_bShowWhiteSpace); showLineNumbers->setChecked(m_pOptions->m_bShowLineNumbers); wordWrap->setChecked(m_pOptions->wordWrapOn()); if(!isPart()) { viewStatusBar->setChecked(m_pOptions->isStatusBarVisable()); slotViewStatusBar(); KToolBar *mainToolBar = toolBar(MAIN_TOOLBAR_NAME); if(mainToolBar != nullptr){ mainToolBar->mainWindow()->addToolBar(m_pOptions->getToolbarPos(), mainToolBar); } // TODO restore window size/pos? /* QSize size = m_pOptions->m_geometry; QPoint pos = m_pOptions->m_position; if(!size.isEmpty()) { m_pKDiff3Shell->resize( size ); QRect visibleRect = QRect( pos, size ) & QApplication::desktop()->rect(); if ( visibleRect.width()>100 && visibleRect.height()>100 ) m_pKDiff3Shell->move( pos ); }*/ } slotRefresh(); m_pMainSplitter = this; m_pMainSplitter->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); // setCentralWidget( m_pMainSplitter ); m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter = new QSplitter(m_pMainSplitter); m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->setObjectName("DirectoryMergeSplitter"); m_pMainSplitter->addWidget(m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter); m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); m_pDirectoryMergeWindow = new DirectoryMergeWindow(m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter, m_pOptions); m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->addWidget(m_pDirectoryMergeWindow); m_pDirectoryMergeInfo = new DirectoryMergeInfo(m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter); m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->setDirectoryMergeInfo(m_pDirectoryMergeInfo); m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->addWidget(m_pDirectoryMergeInfo); //Warning: Make sure DirectoryMergeWindow::initActions is called before this point or we can crash when selectionChanged is sent. m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->setupConnections(this); connect(QApplication::clipboard(), &QClipboard::dataChanged, this, &KDiff3App::slotClipboardChanged); connect(this, &KDiff3App::sigRecalcWordWrap, this, &KDiff3App::slotRecalcWordWrap, Qt::QueuedConnection); connections.push_back(shouldContinue.connect(boost::bind(&KDiff3App::canContinue, this))); connect(this, &KDiff3App::finishDrop, this, &KDiff3App::slotFinishDrop); m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->initDirectoryMergeActions(this, actionCollection()); delete KDiff3Shell::getParser(); } void KDiff3App::completeInit(const QString& fn1, const QString& fn2, const QString& fn3) { if(m_pKDiff3Shell != nullptr) { QSize size = m_pOptions->getGeometry(); QPoint pos = m_pOptions->getPosition(); if(!size.isEmpty()) { m_pKDiff3Shell->resize(size); QRect visibleRect = QRect(pos, size) & QApplication::desktop()->rect(); if(visibleRect.width() > 100 && visibleRect.height() > 100) m_pKDiff3Shell->move(pos); if(!m_bAutoMode) { //Here we want the extra setup showMaximized does since the window has not be shown before if(m_pOptions->isMaximised()) m_pKDiff3Shell->showMaximized();// krazy:exclude=qmethods else m_pKDiff3Shell->show(); } } } if(!fn1.isEmpty()) { m_sd1->setFilename(fn1); m_bDirCompare = m_sd1->isDir(); } if(!fn2.isEmpty()) { m_sd2->setFilename(fn2); } if(!fn3.isEmpty()) { m_sd3->setFilename(fn3); } //should not happen now. Q_ASSERT(m_bDirCompare == m_sd1->isDir()); bool bSuccess = improveFilenames(false); if(m_bAutoFlag && m_bAutoMode && m_bDirCompare) { QTextStream(stderr) << i18n("Option --auto ignored for folder comparison.") << "\n"; m_bAutoMode = false; } if(!m_bDirCompare) { m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->hide(); mainInit(); if(m_bAutoMode) { QSharedPointer pSD = nullptr; if(m_sd3->isEmpty()) { if(m_totalDiffStatus.isBinaryEqualAB()) { pSD = m_sd1; } } else { if(m_totalDiffStatus.isBinaryEqualBC() || m_totalDiffStatus.isBinaryEqualAB()) { //if B==C (assume A is old), if A==B then C has changed pSD = m_sd3; } else if(m_totalDiffStatus.isBinaryEqualAC()) { pSD = m_sd2; // assuming B has changed } } if(pSD != nullptr) { // Save this file directly, not via the merge result window. FileAccess fa(m_outputFilename); if(m_pOptions->m_bDmCreateBakFiles && fa.exists()) { fa.createBackup(".orig"); } bSuccess = pSD->saveNormalDataAs(m_outputFilename); if(bSuccess) ::exit(0); else KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Saving failed.")); } else if(m_pMergeResultWindow->getNrOfUnsolvedConflicts() == 0) { bSuccess = m_pMergeResultWindow->saveDocument(m_pMergeResultWindowTitle->getFileName(), m_pMergeResultWindowTitle->getEncoding(), m_pMergeResultWindowTitle->getLineEndStyle()); if(bSuccess) ::exit(0); } } } m_bAutoMode = false; if(m_pKDiff3Shell != nullptr) { if(m_pOptions->isMaximised()) //We want showMaximized here as the window has never been shown. m_pKDiff3Shell->showMaximized();// krazy:exclude=qmethods else m_pKDiff3Shell->show(); } g_pProgressDialog->setStayHidden(false); if(statusBar() != nullptr) statusBar()->setSizeGripEnabled(true); slotClipboardChanged(); // For initialisation. slotUpdateAvailabilities(); if(!m_bDirCompare && m_pKDiff3Shell != nullptr) { bool bFileOpenError = false; if((!m_sd1->isEmpty() && !m_sd1->hasData()) || (!m_sd2->isEmpty() && !m_sd2->hasData()) || (!m_sd3->isEmpty() && !m_sd3->hasData())) { QString text(i18n("Opening of these files failed:")); text += "\n\n"; if(!m_sd1->isEmpty() && !m_sd1->hasData()) text += " - " + m_sd1->getAliasName() + '\n'; if(!m_sd2->isEmpty() && !m_sd2->hasData()) text += " - " + m_sd2->getAliasName() + '\n'; if(!m_sd3->isEmpty() && !m_sd3->hasData()) text += " - " + m_sd3->getAliasName() + '\n'; KMessageBox::sorry(this, text, i18n("File Open Error")); bFileOpenError = true; } if(m_sd1->isEmpty() || m_sd2->isEmpty() || bFileOpenError) slotFileOpen(); } else if(!bSuccess) // Directory open failed { slotFileOpen(); } } KDiff3App::~KDiff3App() { } /** * Helper function used to create actions into the ac collection */ void KDiff3App::initActions(KActionCollection* ac) { if(ac == nullptr){ KMessageBox::error(nullptr, "actionCollection==0"); exit(-1);//we cannot recover from this. } fileOpen = KStandardAction::open(this, &KDiff3App::slotFileOpen, ac); fileOpen->setStatusTip(i18n("Opens documents for comparison...")); fileReload = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Reload"), QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Refresh), this, &KDiff3App::slotReload, ac, QLatin1String("file_reload")); fileSave = KStandardAction::save(this, &KDiff3App::slotFileSave, ac); fileSave->setStatusTip(i18n("Saves the merge result. All conflicts must be solved!")); fileSaveAs = KStandardAction::saveAs(this, &KDiff3App::slotFileSaveAs, ac); fileSaveAs->setStatusTip(i18n("Saves the current document as...")); #ifndef QT_NO_PRINTER filePrint = KStandardAction::print(this, &KDiff3App::slotFilePrint, ac); filePrint->setStatusTip(i18n("Print the differences")); #endif fileQuit = KStandardAction::quit(this, &KDiff3App::slotFileQuit, ac); fileQuit->setStatusTip(i18n("Quits the application")); editCut = KStandardAction::cut(this, &KDiff3App::slotEditCut, ac); editCut->setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Cut); editCut->setStatusTip(i18n("Cuts the selected section and puts it to the clipboard")); editCopy = KStandardAction::copy(this, &KDiff3App::slotEditCopy, ac); editCopy->setShortcut(QKeySequence::Copy); editCopy->setStatusTip(i18n("Copies the selected section to the clipboard")); editPaste = KStandardAction::paste(this, &KDiff3App::slotEditPaste, ac); editPaste->setStatusTip(i18n("Pastes the clipboard contents to current position")); editPaste->setShortcut(QKeySequence::Paste); editSelectAll = KStandardAction::selectAll(this, &KDiff3App::slotEditSelectAll, ac); editSelectAll->setStatusTip(i18n("Select everything in current window")); editFind = KStandardAction::find(this, &KDiff3App::slotEditFind, ac); editFind->setShortcut(QKeySequence::Find); editFind->setStatusTip(i18n("Search for a string")); editFindNext = KStandardAction::findNext(this, &KDiff3App::slotEditFindNext, ac); editFindNext->setStatusTip(i18n("Search again for the string")); /* FIXME figure out how to implement this action viewToolBar = KStandardAction::showToolbar(this, &KDiff3App::slotViewToolBar, ac); viewToolBar->setStatusTip(i18n("Enables/disables the toolbar")); */ viewStatusBar = KStandardAction::showStatusbar(this, &KDiff3App::slotViewStatusBar, ac); viewStatusBar->setStatusTip(i18n("Enables/disables the statusbar")); KStandardAction::keyBindings(this, &KDiff3App::slotConfigureKeys, ac); QAction* pAction = KStandardAction::preferences(this, &KDiff3App::slotConfigure, ac); if(isPart()) pAction->setText(i18n("Configure KDiff3...")); #include "xpm/autoadvance.xpm" #include "xpm/currentpos.xpm" #include "xpm/down1arrow.xpm" #include "xpm/down2arrow.xpm" #include "xpm/downend.xpm" #include "xpm/iconA.xpm" #include "xpm/iconB.xpm" #include "xpm/iconC.xpm" #include "xpm/nextunsolved.xpm" #include "xpm/prevunsolved.xpm" #include "xpm/showlinenumbers.xpm" #include "xpm/showwhitespace.xpm" #include "xpm/showwhitespacechars.xpm" #include "xpm/up1arrow.xpm" #include "xpm/up2arrow.xpm" #include "xpm/upend.xpm" mGoCurrent = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Go to Current Delta"), QIcon(QPixmap(currentpos)), i18n("Current\nDelta"), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Space), this, &KDiff3App::slotGoCurrent, ac, "go_current"); mGoTop = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Go to First Delta"), QIcon(QPixmap(upend)), i18n("First\nDelta"), this, &KDiff3App::slotGoTop, ac, "go_top"); mGoBottom = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Go to Last Delta"), QIcon(QPixmap(downend)), i18n("Last\nDelta"), this, &KDiff3App::slotGoBottom, ac, "go_bottom"); QString omitsWhitespace = ".\n" + i18n("(Skips white space differences when \"Show White Space\" is disabled.)"); QString includeWhitespace = ".\n" + i18n("(Does not skip white space differences even when \"Show White Space\" is disabled.)"); mGoPrevDelta = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Go to Previous Delta"), QIcon(QPixmap(up1arrow)), i18n("Prev\nDelta"), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Up), this, &KDiff3App::slotGoPrevDelta, ac, "go_prev_delta"); mGoPrevDelta->setToolTip(mGoPrevDelta->text() + omitsWhitespace); mGoNextDelta = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Go to Next Delta"), QIcon(QPixmap(down1arrow)), i18n("Next\nDelta"), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Down), this, &KDiff3App::slotGoNextDelta, ac, "go_next_delta"); mGoNextDelta->setToolTip(mGoNextDelta->text() + omitsWhitespace); mGoPrevConflict = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Go to Previous Conflict"), QIcon(QPixmap(up2arrow)), i18n("Prev\nConflict"), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_PageUp), this, &KDiff3App::slotGoPrevConflict, ac, "go_prev_conflict"); mGoPrevConflict->setToolTip(mGoPrevConflict->text() + omitsWhitespace); mGoNextConflict = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Go to Next Conflict"), QIcon(QPixmap(down2arrow)), i18n("Next\nConflict"), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_PageDown), this, &KDiff3App::slotGoNextConflict, ac, "go_next_conflict"); mGoNextConflict->setToolTip(mGoNextConflict->text() + omitsWhitespace); mGoPrevUnsolvedConflict = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Go to Previous Unsolved Conflict"), QIcon(QPixmap(prevunsolved)), i18n("Prev\nUnsolved"), this, &KDiff3App::slotGoPrevUnsolvedConflict, ac, "go_prev_unsolved_conflict"); mGoPrevUnsolvedConflict->setToolTip(mGoPrevUnsolvedConflict->text() + includeWhitespace); mGoNextUnsolvedConflict = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Go to Next Unsolved Conflict"), QIcon(QPixmap(nextunsolved)), i18n("Next\nUnsolved"), this, &KDiff3App::slotGoNextUnsolvedConflict, ac, "go_next_unsolved_conflict"); mGoNextUnsolvedConflict->setToolTip(mGoNextUnsolvedConflict->text() + includeWhitespace); chooseA = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Select Line(s) From A"), QIcon(QPixmap(iconA)), i18n("Choose\nA"), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_1), this, &KDiff3App::slotChooseA, ac, "merge_choose_a"); chooseB = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Select Line(s) From B"), QIcon(QPixmap(iconB)), i18n("Choose\nB"), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_2), this, &KDiff3App::slotChooseB, ac, "merge_choose_b"); chooseC = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Select Line(s) From C"), QIcon(QPixmap(iconC)), i18n("Choose\nC"), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_3), this, &KDiff3App::slotChooseC, ac, "merge_choose_c"); autoAdvance = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Automatically Go to Next Unsolved Conflict After Source Selection"), QIcon(QPixmap(autoadvance)), i18n("Auto\nNext"), this, &KDiff3App::slotAutoAdvanceToggled, ac, "merge_autoadvance"); showWhiteSpaceCharacters = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Show Space && Tabulator Characters"), QIcon(QPixmap(showwhitespacechars)), i18n("White\nCharacters"), this, &KDiff3App::slotShowWhiteSpaceToggled, ac, "diff_show_whitespace_characters"); showWhiteSpace = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Show White Space"), QIcon(QPixmap(showwhitespace)), i18n("White\nDeltas"), this, &KDiff3App::slotShowWhiteSpaceToggled, ac, "diff_show_whitespace"); showLineNumbers = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Show Line Numbers"), QIcon(QPixmap(showlinenumbers)), i18n("Line\nNumbers"), this, &KDiff3App::slotShowLineNumbersToggled, ac, "diff_showlinenumbers"); mAutoSolve = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Automatically Solve Simple Conflicts"), this, &KDiff3App::slotAutoSolve, ac, "merge_autosolve"); mUnsolve = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Set Deltas to Conflicts"), this, &KDiff3App::slotUnsolve, ac, "merge_autounsolve"); mergeRegExp = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Run Regular Expression Auto Merge"), this, &KDiff3App::slotRegExpAutoMerge, ac, "merge_regexp_automerge"); mMergeHistory = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Automatically Solve History Conflicts"), this, &KDiff3App::slotMergeHistory, ac, "merge_versioncontrol_history"); splitDiff = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Split Diff At Selection"), this, &KDiff3App::slotSplitDiff, ac, "merge_splitdiff"); joinDiffs = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Join Selected Diffs"), this, &KDiff3App::slotJoinDiffs, ac, "merge_joindiffs"); showWindowA = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Show Window A"), this, &KDiff3App::slotShowWindowAToggled, ac, "win_show_a"); showWindowB = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Show Window B"), this, &KDiff3App::slotShowWindowBToggled, ac, "win_show_b"); showWindowC = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Show Window C"), this, &KDiff3App::slotShowWindowCToggled, ac, "win_show_c"); overviewModeNormal = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Normal Overview"), this, &KDiff3App::slotOverviewNormal, ac, "diff_overview_normal"); overviewModeAB = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("A vs. B Overview"), this, &KDiff3App::slotOverviewAB, ac, "diff_overview_ab"); overviewModeAC = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("A vs. C Overview"), this, &KDiff3App::slotOverviewAC, ac, "diff_overview_ac"); overviewModeBC = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("B vs. C Overview"), this, &KDiff3App::slotOverviewBC, ac, "diff_overview_bc"); wordWrap = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Word Wrap Diff Windows"), this, &KDiff3App::slotWordWrapToggled, ac, "diff_wordwrap"); addManualDiffHelp = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Add Manual Diff Alignment"), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Y), this, &KDiff3App::slotAddManualDiffHelp, ac, "diff_add_manual_diff_help"); clearManualDiffHelpList = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Clear All Manual Diff Alignments"), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_Y), this, &KDiff3App::slotClearManualDiffHelpList, ac, "diff_clear_manual_diff_help_list"); winFocusNext = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Focus Next Window"), QKeySequence(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_Right), this, &KDiff3App::slotWinFocusNext, ac, "win_focus_next"); winFocusPrev = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Focus Prev Window"), QKeySequence(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_Left), this, &KDiff3App::slotWinFocusPrev, ac, "win_focus_prev"); winToggleSplitOrientation = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Toggle Split Orientation"), this, &KDiff3App::slotWinToggleSplitterOrientation, ac, "win_toggle_split_orientation"); dirShowBoth = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Folder && Text Split Screen View"), this, &KDiff3App::slotDirShowBoth, ac, "win_dir_show_both"); dirShowBoth->setChecked(true); dirViewToggle = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Toggle Between Folder && Text View"), this, &KDiff3App::slotDirViewToggle, ac, "win_dir_view_toggle"); m_pMergeEditorPopupMenu = new QMenu(this); /* chooseA->plug( m_pMergeEditorPopupMenu ); chooseB->plug( m_pMergeEditorPopupMenu ); chooseC->plug( m_pMergeEditorPopupMenu );*/ m_pMergeEditorPopupMenu->addAction(chooseA); m_pMergeEditorPopupMenu->addAction(chooseB); m_pMergeEditorPopupMenu->addAction(chooseC); } void KDiff3App::showPopupMenu(const QPoint& point) { m_pMergeEditorPopupMenu->popup(point); } void KDiff3App::initStatusBar() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STATUSBAR if(statusBar() != nullptr) statusBar()->showMessage(i18n("Ready.")); } void KDiff3App::saveOptions(KSharedConfigPtr config) { if(!m_bAutoMode) { if(!isPart()) { m_pOptions->setMaximised(m_pKDiff3Shell->isMaximized()); if(!m_pKDiff3Shell->isMaximized() && m_pKDiff3Shell->isVisible()) { m_pOptions->setGeometry(m_pKDiff3Shell->size()); m_pOptions->setPosition(m_pKDiff3Shell->pos()); } /* TODO change this option as now KToolbar uses QToolbar positioning style if ( toolBar(MAIN_TOOLBAR_NAME)!=0 ) m_pOptionDialog->m_toolBarPos = (int) toolBar(MAIN_TOOLBAR_NAME)->allowedAreas();*/ } m_pOptionDialog->saveOptions(std::move(config)); } } bool KDiff3App::queryClose() { saveOptions(KSharedConfig::openConfig()); if(m_bOutputModified) { int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this, i18n("The merge result has not been saved."), i18n("Warning"), KGuiItem(i18n("Save && Quit")), KGuiItem(i18n("Quit Without Saving"))); if(result == KMessageBox::Cancel) return false; else if(result == KMessageBox::Yes) { slotFileSave(); if(m_bOutputModified) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Saving the merge result failed."), i18n("Warning")); return false; } } } m_bOutputModified = false; if(m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->isDirectoryMergeInProgress()) { int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i18n("You are currently doing a folder merge. Are you sure, you want to abort?"), i18n("Warning"), KStandardGuiItem::quit(), KStandardGuiItem::cont() /* i18n("Continue Merging") */); if(result != KMessageBox::Yes) return false; } return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SLOT IMPLEMENTATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void KDiff3App::slotFileSave() { if(m_bDefaultFilename) { slotFileSaveAs(); } else { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Saving file...")); bool bSuccess = m_pMergeResultWindow->saveDocument(m_outputFilename, m_pMergeResultWindowTitle->getEncoding(), m_pMergeResultWindowTitle->getLineEndStyle()); if(bSuccess) { m_bFileSaved = true; m_bOutputModified = false; if(m_bDirCompare) m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->mergeResultSaved(m_outputFilename); } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } } void KDiff3App::slotFileSaveAs() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Saving file with a new filename...")); QString s = QFileDialog::getSaveFileUrl(this, i18n("Save As..."), QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::currentPath())).url(QUrl::PreferLocalFile); if(!s.isEmpty()) { m_outputFilename = s; m_pMergeResultWindowTitle->setFileName(m_outputFilename); bool bSuccess = m_pMergeResultWindow->saveDocument(m_outputFilename, m_pMergeResultWindowTitle->getEncoding(), m_pMergeResultWindowTitle->getLineEndStyle()); if(bSuccess) { m_bOutputModified = false; if(m_bDirCompare) m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->mergeResultSaved(m_outputFilename); } //setWindowTitle(url.fileName(),doc->isModified()); m_bDefaultFilename = false; } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void KDiff3App::slotFilePrint() { if(m_pDiffTextWindow1 == nullptr || m_pDiffTextWindow2 == nullptr) return; #ifdef QT_NO_PRINTER slotStatusMsg(i18n("Printing not implemented.")); #else QPrinter printer; QPointer printDialog=QPointer(new QPrintDialog(&printer, this)); LineRef firstSelectionD3LIdx; LineRef lastSelectionD3LIdx; m_pDiffTextWindow1->getSelectionRange(&firstSelectionD3LIdx, &lastSelectionD3LIdx, eD3LLineCoords); if(!firstSelectionD3LIdx.isValid()) { m_pDiffTextWindow2->getSelectionRange(&firstSelectionD3LIdx, &lastSelectionD3LIdx, eD3LLineCoords); } if(!firstSelectionD3LIdx.isValid() && m_pDiffTextWindow3 != nullptr) { m_pDiffTextWindow3->getSelectionRange(&firstSelectionD3LIdx, &lastSelectionD3LIdx, eD3LLineCoords); } printDialog->setOption(QPrintDialog::PrintCurrentPage); if(firstSelectionD3LIdx.isValid()) { printDialog->setOption(QPrintDialog::PrintSelection); printDialog->setPrintRange(QAbstractPrintDialog::Selection); } if(!firstSelectionD3LIdx.isValid()) printDialog->setPrintRange(QAbstractPrintDialog::AllPages); //printDialog.setMinMax(0,0); printDialog->setFromTo(0, 0); int currentFirstLine = m_pDiffTextWindow1->getFirstLine(); int currentFirstD3LIdx = m_pDiffTextWindow1->convertLineToDiff3LineIdx(currentFirstLine); // do some printer initialization printer.setFullPage(false); // initialize the printer using the print dialog if(printDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Printing...")); // create a painter to paint on the printer object RLPainter painter(&printer, m_pOptions->m_bRightToLeftLanguage, width(), Utils::getHorizontalAdvance(fontMetrics(),'W')); QPaintDevice* pPaintDevice = painter.device(); int dpiy = pPaintDevice->logicalDpiY(); int columnDistance = qRound((0.5 / 2.54) * dpiy); // 0.5 cm between the columns int columns = m_bTripleDiff ? 3 : 2; int columnWidth = (pPaintDevice->width() - (columns - 1) * columnDistance) / columns; QFont f = m_pOptions->m_font; f.setPointSizeF(f.pointSizeF() - 1); // Print with slightly smaller font. painter.setFont(f); QFontMetrics fm = painter.fontMetrics(); QString topLineText = i18n("Top line"); //int headerWidth = fm.width( m_sd1->getAliasName() + ", "+topLineText+": 01234567" ); int headerLines = Utils::getHorizontalAdvance(fm, m_sd1->getAliasName() + ", " + topLineText + ": 01234567") / columnWidth + 1; int headerMargin = headerLines * fm.height() + 3; // Text + one horizontal line int footerMargin = fm.height() + 3; QRect view(0, headerMargin, pPaintDevice->width(), pPaintDevice->height() - (headerMargin + footerMargin)); QRect view1(0 * (columnWidth + columnDistance), view.top(), columnWidth, view.height()); QRect view2(1 * (columnWidth + columnDistance), view.top(), columnWidth, view.height()); QRect view3(2 * (columnWidth + columnDistance), view.top(), columnWidth, view.height()); int linesPerPage = view.height() / fm.lineSpacing(); m_pEventLoopForPrinting = QPointer(new QEventLoop()); if(m_pOptions->wordWrapOn()) { // For printing the lines are wrapped differently (this invalidates the first line) recalcWordWrap(columnWidth); m_pEventLoopForPrinting->exec(); } LineCount totalNofLines = std::max(m_pDiffTextWindow1->getNofLines(), m_pDiffTextWindow2->getNofLines()); if(m_bTripleDiff && m_pDiffTextWindow3 != nullptr) totalNofLines = std::max(totalNofLines, m_pDiffTextWindow3->getNofLines()); QList pageList; // = printer.pageList(); bool bPrintCurrentPage = false; bool bFirstPrintedPage = false; bool bPrintSelection = false; int totalNofPages = (totalNofLines + linesPerPage - 1) / linesPerPage; LineRef line; LineRef selectionEndLine; if(printer.printRange() == QPrinter::AllPages) { pageList.clear(); for(int i = 0; i < totalNofPages; ++i) { pageList.push_back(i + 1); } } else if(printer.printRange() == QPrinter::PageRange) { pageList.clear(); int from = printer.fromPage(), to = printer.toPage(); /* Per Qt docs QPrinter::fromPage and QPrinter::toPage return 0 to indicate they are not set. Account for this and other invalid settings the user may try. */ if(from == 0) from = 1; if(from > totalNofPages) from = totalNofPages; if(to == 0 || to > totalNofPages) to = totalNofPages; if(from > to) to = from; for(int i = from; i <= to; ++i) { pageList.push_back(i); } } else if(printer.printRange() == QPrinter::CurrentPage) { bPrintCurrentPage = true; totalNofPages = 1; } else if(printer.printRange() == QPrinter::Selection) { bPrintSelection = true; if(firstSelectionD3LIdx.isValid()) { line = m_pDiffTextWindow1->convertDiff3LineIdxToLine(firstSelectionD3LIdx); selectionEndLine = m_pDiffTextWindow1->convertDiff3LineIdxToLine(lastSelectionD3LIdx + 1); totalNofPages = (selectionEndLine - line + linesPerPage - 1) / linesPerPage; } } int page = 1; ProgressProxy pp; pp.setMaxNofSteps(totalNofPages); QList::iterator pageListIt = pageList.begin(); for(;;) { pp.setInformation(i18n("Printing page %1 of %2", page, totalNofPages), false); pp.setCurrent(page - 1); if(pp.wasCancelled()) { printer.abort(); break; } if(!bPrintSelection) { if(pageListIt == pageList.end()) break; page = *pageListIt; line = (page - 1) * linesPerPage; if(bPrintCurrentPage) { // Detect the first visible line in the window. line = m_pDiffTextWindow1->convertDiff3LineIdxToLine(currentFirstD3LIdx); } } else { if(line >= selectionEndLine) { break; } else { if(selectionEndLine - line < linesPerPage) linesPerPage = selectionEndLine - line; } } if(line.isValid() && line < totalNofLines) { if(bFirstPrintedPage) printer.newPage(); painter.setClipping(true); painter.setPen(m_pOptions->m_colorA); QString headerText1 = m_sd1->getAliasName() + ", " + topLineText + ": " + QString::number(m_pDiffTextWindow1->calcTopLineInFile(line) + 1); m_pDiffTextWindow1->printWindow(painter, view1, headerText1, line, linesPerPage, m_pOptions->m_fgColor); painter.setPen(m_pOptions->m_colorB); QString headerText2 = m_sd2->getAliasName() + ", " + topLineText + ": " + QString::number(m_pDiffTextWindow2->calcTopLineInFile(line) + 1); m_pDiffTextWindow2->printWindow(painter, view2, headerText2, line, linesPerPage, m_pOptions->m_fgColor); if(m_bTripleDiff && m_pDiffTextWindow3 != nullptr) { painter.setPen(m_pOptions->m_colorC); QString headerText3 = m_sd3->getAliasName() + ", " + topLineText + ": " + QString::number(m_pDiffTextWindow3->calcTopLineInFile(line) + 1); m_pDiffTextWindow3->printWindow(painter, view3, headerText3, line, linesPerPage, m_pOptions->m_fgColor); } painter.setClipping(false); painter.setPen(m_pOptions->m_fgColor); painter.drawLine(0, view.bottom() + 3, view.width(), view.bottom() + 3); QString s = bPrintCurrentPage ? QString("") : QString::number(page) + '/' + QString::number(totalNofPages); if(bPrintSelection) s += i18n(" (Selection)"); painter.drawText((view.right() - Utils::getHorizontalAdvance(painter.fontMetrics(), s)) / 2, view.bottom() + painter.fontMetrics().ascent() + 5, s); bFirstPrintedPage = true; if(bPrintCurrentPage) break; } if(bPrintSelection) { line += linesPerPage; ++page; } else { ++pageListIt; } } painter.end(); if(m_pOptions->wordWrapOn()) { recalcWordWrap(); m_pEventLoopForPrinting->exec(); DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->setValue(m_pDiffTextWindow1->convertDiff3LineIdxToLine(currentFirstD3LIdx)); } m_pEventLoopForPrinting.clear(); slotStatusMsg(i18n("Printing completed.")); } else { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Printing aborted.")); } #endif } void KDiff3App::slotFileQuit() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Exiting...")); if(!queryClose()) return; // Don't quit QApplication::exit(isFileSaved() || isDirComparison() ? 0 : 1); } void KDiff3App::slotViewToolBar() { Q_ASSERT(viewToolBar != nullptr); slotStatusMsg(i18n("Toggling toolbar...")); m_pOptions->setToolbarState(viewToolBar->isChecked()); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // turn Toolbar on or off if(toolBar(MAIN_TOOLBAR_NAME) != nullptr) { if(!m_pOptions->isToolBarVisable()) { toolBar(MAIN_TOOLBAR_NAME)->hide(); } else { toolBar(MAIN_TOOLBAR_NAME)->show(); } } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void KDiff3App::slotViewStatusBar() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Toggle the statusbar...")); m_pOptions->setStatusBarState(viewStatusBar->isChecked()); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //turn Statusbar on or off if(statusBar() != nullptr) { if(!viewStatusBar->isChecked()) { statusBar()->hide(); } else { statusBar()->show(); } } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void KDiff3App::slotStatusMsg(const QString& text) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // change status message permanently if(statusBar() != nullptr) { statusBar()->clearMessage(); statusBar()->showMessage(text); } } //#include "kdiff3.moc" diff --git a/src/kdiff3.h b/src/kdiff3.h index 76c45c2..a825ae9 100644 --- a/src/kdiff3.h +++ b/src/kdiff3.h @@ -1,448 +1,448 @@ /* * KDiff3 - Text Diff And Merge Tool * * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2011 Joachim Eibl, joachim.eibl at gmx.de * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2020 Michael Reeves reeves.87@gmail.com * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #ifndef KDIFF3_H #define KDIFF3_H #include "diff.h" #include "combiners.h" #include // include files for Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include // include files for KDE #include #include #include #include #include // forward declaration of the KDiff3 classes class OptionDialog; class Overview; enum class e_OverviewMode; class FindDialog; //class ManualDiffHelpDialog; class DiffTextWindow; class DiffTextWindowFrame; class MergeResultWindow; class WindowTitleWidget; class QStatusBar; class QMenu; class KToggleAction; class KToolBar; class KActionCollection; namespace KParts { class MainWindow; } class KDiff3Part; class DirectoryMergeWindow; class DirectoryMergeInfo; class ReversibleScrollBar : public QScrollBar { Q_OBJECT bool* m_pbRightToLeftLanguage; int m_realVal; public: ReversibleScrollBar(Qt::Orientation o, bool* pbRightToLeftLanguage) : QScrollBar(o) { m_pbRightToLeftLanguage = pbRightToLeftLanguage; m_realVal = 0; connect(this, &ReversibleScrollBar::valueChanged, this, &ReversibleScrollBar::slotValueChanged); } void setAgain() { setValue(m_realVal); } void setValue(int i) { if(m_pbRightToLeftLanguage != nullptr && *m_pbRightToLeftLanguage) QScrollBar::setValue(maximum() - (i - minimum())); else QScrollBar::setValue(i); } int value() const { return m_realVal; } public Q_SLOTS: void slotValueChanged(int i) { m_realVal = i; if(m_pbRightToLeftLanguage != nullptr && *m_pbRightToLeftLanguage) m_realVal = maximum() - (i - minimum()); Q_EMIT valueChanged2(m_realVal); } Q_SIGNALS: void valueChanged2(int); }; class KDiff3App : public QSplitter { Q_OBJECT public: /** constructor of KDiff3App, calls all init functions to create the application. */ KDiff3App(QWidget* parent, const QString& name, KDiff3Part* pKDiff3Part); ~KDiff3App() override; - bool isPart(); + bool isPart() const; /** initializes the KActions of the application */ void initActions(KActionCollection*); /** save general Options like all bar positions and status as well as the geometry and the recent file list to the configuration file */ void saveOptions(KSharedConfigPtr); /** read general Options again and initialize all variables like the recent file list */ void readOptions(KSharedConfigPtr); // Finish initialisation (virtual, so that it can be called from the shell too.) virtual void completeInit(const QString& fn1 = QString(), const QString& fn2 = QString(), const QString& fn3 = QString()); /** queryClose is called by KMainWindow on each closeEvent of a window. Against the * default implementation (only returns true), this calles saveModified() on the document object to ask if the document shall * be saved if Modified; on cancel the closeEvent is rejected. * @see KMainWindow#queryClose * @see KMainWindow#closeEvent */ virtual bool queryClose(); - virtual bool isFileSaved(); - virtual bool isDirComparison(); + virtual bool isFileSaved() const; + virtual bool isDirComparison() const; static bool isTripleDiff() { return m_bTripleDiff; } KActionCollection* actionCollection() const; static boost::signals2::signal shouldContinue; Q_SIGNALS: void createNewInstance(const QString& fn1, const QString& fn2, const QString& fn3); void sigRecalcWordWrap(); void finishDrop(); void showWhiteSpaceToggled(); void showLineNumbersToggled(); void doRefresh(); void autoSolve(); void unsolve(); void mergeHistory(); void regExpAutoMerge(); void goCurrent(); void goTop(); void goBottom(); void goPrevUnsolvedConflict(); void goNextUnsolvedConflict(); void goPrevConflict(); void goNextConflict(); void goPrevDelta(); void goNextDelta(); void cut(); void selectAll(); void changeOverViewMode(e_OverviewMode); public Q_SLOTS: /** open a file and load it into the document*/ void slotFileOpen(); void slotFileOpen2(const QString& fn1, const QString& fn2, const QString& fn3, const QString& ofn, const QString& an1, const QString& an2, const QString& an3, TotalDiffStatus* pTotalDiffStatus); void slotFileNameChanged(const QString& fileName, e_SrcSelector winIdx); /** save a document */ void slotFileSave(); /** save a document by a new filename*/ void slotFileSaveAs(); void slotFilePrint(); /** closes all open windows by calling close() on each memberList item until the list is empty, then quits the application. * If queryClose() returns false because the user canceled the saveModified() dialog, the closing breaks. */ void slotFileQuit(); /** put the marked text/object into the clipboard and remove * it from the document */ void slotEditCut(); /** put the marked text/object into the clipboard */ void slotEditCopy(); /** paste the clipboard into the document */ void slotEditPaste(); /** toggles the toolbar */ void slotViewToolBar(); /** toggles the statusbar */ void slotViewStatusBar(); /** changes the statusbar contents for the standard label permanently, used to indicate current actions. * @param text the text that is displayed in the statusbar */ void slotStatusMsg(const QString& text); void resizeDiffTextWindowHeight(int newHeight); void slotRecalcWordWrap(); void postRecalcWordWrap(); void slotFinishRecalcWordWrap(int visibleTextWidth); void showPopupMenu(const QPoint& point); void scrollDiffTextWindow(int deltaX, int deltaY); void scrollMergeResultWindow(int deltaX, int deltaY); void sourceMask(int srcMask, int enabledMask); void slotDirShowBoth(); void slotDirViewToggle(); void slotUpdateAvailabilities(); void slotEditSelectAll(); void slotEditFind(); void slotEditFindNext(); void slotGoCurrent(); void slotGoTop(); void slotGoBottom(); void slotGoPrevUnsolvedConflict(); void slotGoNextUnsolvedConflict(); void slotGoPrevConflict(); void slotGoNextConflict(); void slotGoPrevDelta(); void slotGoNextDelta(); void slotChooseA(); void slotChooseB(); void slotChooseC(); void slotAutoSolve(); void slotUnsolve(); void slotMergeHistory(); void slotRegExpAutoMerge(); void slotConfigure(); void slotConfigureKeys(); void slotRefresh(); void slotSelectionEnd(); void slotSelectionStart(); void slotClipboardChanged(); void slotOutputModified(bool); void slotFinishMainInit(); void slotMergeCurrentFile(); void slotReload(); void slotShowWhiteSpaceToggled(); void slotShowLineNumbersToggled(); void slotAutoAdvanceToggled(); void slotWordWrapToggled(); void slotShowWindowAToggled(); void slotShowWindowBToggled(); void slotShowWindowCToggled(); void slotWinFocusNext(); void slotWinFocusPrev(); void slotWinToggleSplitterOrientation(); void slotOverviewNormal(); void slotOverviewAB(); void slotOverviewAC(); void slotOverviewBC(); void slotSplitDiff(); void slotJoinDiffs(); void slotAddManualDiffHelp(); void slotClearManualDiffHelpList(); void slotNoRelevantChangesDetected(); void slotEncodingChanged(QTextCodec*); void slotFinishDrop(); void setHScrollBarRange(); protected: void setLockPainting(bool bLock); void createCaption(); void initDirectoryMergeActions(); /** sets up the statusbar for the main window by initialzing a statuslabel. */ void initStatusBar(); /** creates the centerwidget of the KMainWindow instance and sets it as the view */ void initView(); private: void mainInit(TotalDiffStatus* pTotalDiffStatus = nullptr, bool bLoadFiles = true, bool bUseCurrentEncoding = false); void mainWindowEnable(bool bEnable); virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* pWheelEvent) override; virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) override; void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) override; bool improveFilenames(bool bCreateNewInstance); bool canContinue(); void choose(e_SrcSelector choice); - QStatusBar* statusBar(); - KToolBar* toolBar(QLatin1String); + QStatusBar* statusBar() const; + KToolBar* toolBar(const QLatin1String &toolBarId) const; void recalcWordWrap(int visibleTextWidthForPrinting = -1); /** the configuration object of the application */ //KConfig *config; // QAction pointers to enable/disable actions QPointer fileOpen; QPointer fileSave; QPointer fileSaveAs; QPointer filePrint; QPointer fileQuit; QPointer fileReload; QPointer editCut; QPointer editCopy; QPointer editPaste; QPointer editSelectAll; KToggleAction* viewToolBar = nullptr; KToggleAction* viewStatusBar; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Special KDiff3 specific stuff starts here QPointer editFind; QPointer editFindNext; QPointer mGoCurrent; QPointer mGoTop; QPointer mGoBottom; QPointer mGoPrevUnsolvedConflict; QPointer mGoNextUnsolvedConflict; QPointer mGoPrevConflict; QPointer mGoNextConflict; QPointer mGoPrevDelta; QPointer mGoNextDelta; KToggleAction* chooseA; KToggleAction* chooseB; KToggleAction* chooseC; KToggleAction* autoAdvance; KToggleAction* wordWrap; QPointer splitDiff; QPointer joinDiffs; QPointer addManualDiffHelp; QPointer clearManualDiffHelpList; KToggleAction* showWhiteSpaceCharacters; KToggleAction* showWhiteSpace; KToggleAction* showLineNumbers; QPointer mAutoSolve; QPointer mUnsolve; QPointer mMergeHistory; QPointer mergeRegExp; KToggleAction* showWindowA; KToggleAction* showWindowB; KToggleAction* showWindowC; QPointer winFocusNext; QPointer winFocusPrev; QPointer winToggleSplitOrientation; KToggleAction* dirShowBoth; QPointer dirViewToggle; KToggleAction* overviewModeNormal; KToggleAction* overviewModeAB; KToggleAction* overviewModeAC; KToggleAction* overviewModeBC; QMenu* m_pMergeEditorPopupMenu; QSplitter* m_pMainSplitter = nullptr; QWidget* m_pMainWidget = nullptr; QWidget* m_pMergeWindowFrame = nullptr; ReversibleScrollBar* m_pHScrollBar = nullptr; DiffTextWindow* m_pDiffTextWindow1 = nullptr; DiffTextWindow* m_pDiffTextWindow2 = nullptr; DiffTextWindow* m_pDiffTextWindow3 = nullptr; DiffTextWindowFrame* m_pDiffTextWindowFrame1 = nullptr; DiffTextWindowFrame* m_pDiffTextWindowFrame2 = nullptr; DiffTextWindowFrame* m_pDiffTextWindowFrame3 = nullptr; QSplitter* m_pDiffWindowSplitter = nullptr; MergeResultWindow* m_pMergeResultWindow = nullptr; WindowTitleWidget* m_pMergeResultWindowTitle; static bool m_bTripleDiff; QSplitter* m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter = nullptr; DirectoryMergeWindow* m_pDirectoryMergeWindow = nullptr; DirectoryMergeInfo* m_pDirectoryMergeInfo; bool m_bDirCompare = false; Overview* m_pOverview = nullptr; QWidget* m_pCornerWidget = nullptr; TotalDiffStatus m_totalDiffStatus; QSharedPointer m_sd1 = QSharedPointer::create(); QSharedPointer m_sd2 = QSharedPointer::create(); QSharedPointer m_sd3 = QSharedPointer::create(); QSharedPointer m_dirinfo; QString m_outputFilename; bool m_bDefaultFilename; DiffList m_diffList12; DiffList m_diffList23; DiffList m_diffList13; QSharedPointer m_diffBufferInfo = QSharedPointer::create(); Diff3LineList m_diff3LineList; Diff3LineVector m_diff3LineVector; //ManualDiffHelpDialog* m_pManualDiffHelpDialog; ManualDiffHelpList m_manualDiffHelpList; int m_neededLines; int m_DTWHeight; bool m_bOutputModified = false; bool m_bFileSaved = false; bool m_bTimerBlock = false; // Synchronization OptionDialog* m_pOptionDialog = nullptr; QSharedPointer m_pOptions = nullptr; FindDialog* m_pFindDialog = nullptr; bool m_bFinishMainInit = false; bool m_bLoadFiles = false; KDiff3Part* m_pKDiff3Part = nullptr; KParts::MainWindow* m_pKDiff3Shell = nullptr; bool m_bAutoFlag = false; bool m_bAutoMode = false; bool m_bRecalcWordWrapPosted = false; int m_firstD3LIdx; // only needed during recalcWordWrap QPointer m_pEventLoopForPrinting; /* This list exists solely to auto disconnect boost signals. */ std::list connections; }; #endif // KDIFF3_H