diff --git a/src/kdiff3.h b/src/kdiff3.h index 53712f9..249dfcd 100644 --- a/src/kdiff3.h +++ b/src/kdiff3.h @@ -1,432 +1,434 @@ /* * KDiff3 - Text Diff And Merge Tool * * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2011 Joachim Eibl, joachim.eibl at gmx.de * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2020 Michael Reeves reeves.87@gmail.com * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #ifndef KDIFF3_H #define KDIFF3_H #include "diff.h" // include files for Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include // include files for KDE #include #include #include #include #include // forward declaration of the KDiff3 classes class OptionDialog; class Overview; enum class e_OverviewMode; class FindDialog; //class ManualDiffHelpDialog; class DiffTextWindow; class DiffTextWindowFrame; class MergeResultWindow; class WindowTitleWidget; class QStatusBar; class QMenu; class KToggleAction; class KToolBar; class KActionCollection; namespace KParts { class MainWindow; } class KDiff3Part; class DirectoryMergeWindow; class DirectoryMergeInfo; class ReversibleScrollBar : public QScrollBar { Q_OBJECT bool* m_pbRightToLeftLanguage; int m_realVal; public: ReversibleScrollBar(Qt::Orientation o, bool* pbRightToLeftLanguage) : QScrollBar(o) { m_pbRightToLeftLanguage = pbRightToLeftLanguage; m_realVal = 0; connect(this, &ReversibleScrollBar::valueChanged, this, &ReversibleScrollBar::slotValueChanged); } void setAgain() { setValue(m_realVal); } void setValue(int i) { if(m_pbRightToLeftLanguage != nullptr && *m_pbRightToLeftLanguage) QScrollBar::setValue(maximum() - (i - minimum())); else QScrollBar::setValue(i); } int value() const { return m_realVal; } public Q_SLOTS: void slotValueChanged(int i) { m_realVal = i; if(m_pbRightToLeftLanguage != nullptr && *m_pbRightToLeftLanguage) m_realVal = maximum() - (i - minimum()); Q_EMIT valueChanged2(m_realVal); } Q_SIGNALS: void valueChanged2(int); }; class KDiff3App : public QSplitter { Q_OBJECT public: /** constructor of KDiff3App, calls all init functions to create the application. */ KDiff3App(QWidget* parent, const QString& name, KDiff3Part* pKDiff3Part); ~KDiff3App() override; bool isPart(); /** initializes the KActions of the application */ void initActions(KActionCollection*); /** save general Options like all bar positions and status as well as the geometry and the recent file list to the configuration file */ void saveOptions(KSharedConfigPtr); /** read general Options again and initialize all variables like the recent file list */ void readOptions(KSharedConfigPtr); // Finish initialisation (virtual, so that it can be called from the shell too.) virtual void completeInit(const QString& fn1 = QString(), const QString& fn2 = QString(), const QString& fn3 = QString()); /** queryClose is called by KMainWindow on each closeEvent of a window. Against the * default implementation (only returns true), this calles saveModified() on the document object to ask if the document shall * be saved if Modified; on cancel the closeEvent is rejected. * @see KMainWindow#queryClose * @see KMainWindow#closeEvent */ virtual bool queryClose(); virtual bool isFileSaved(); virtual bool isDirComparison(); Q_SIGNALS: void createNewInstance(const QString& fn1, const QString& fn2, const QString& fn3); void sigRecalcWordWrap(); void checkIfCanContinue(bool& pbContinue); void finishDrop(); void showWhiteSpaceToggled(); void showLineNumbersToggled(); void doRefresh(); void autoSolve(); void unsolve(); void mergeHistory(); void regExpAutoMerge(); void goCurrent(); void goTop(); void goBottom(); void goPrevUnsolvedConflict(); void goNextUnsolvedConflict(); void goPrevConflict(); void goNextConflict(); void goPrevDelta(); void goNextDelta(); + void cut(); + void changeOverViewMode(e_OverviewMode); protected: void setLockPainting(bool bLock); void createCaption(); void initDirectoryMergeActions(); /** sets up the statusbar for the main window by initialzing a statuslabel. */ void initStatusBar(); /** creates the centerwidget of the KMainWindow instance and sets it as the view */ void initView(); public Q_SLOTS: /** open a file and load it into the document*/ void slotFileOpen(); void slotFileOpen2(const QString& fn1, const QString& fn2, const QString& fn3, const QString& ofn, const QString& an1, const QString& an2, const QString& an3, TotalDiffStatus* pTotalDiffStatus); void slotFileNameChanged(const QString& fileName, e_SrcSelector winIdx); /** save a document */ void slotFileSave(); /** save a document by a new filename*/ void slotFileSaveAs(); void slotFilePrint(); /** closes all open windows by calling close() on each memberList item until the list is empty, then quits the application. * If queryClose() returns false because the user canceled the saveModified() dialog, the closing breaks. */ void slotFileQuit(); /** put the marked text/object into the clipboard and remove * it from the document */ void slotEditCut(); /** put the marked text/object into the clipboard */ void slotEditCopy(); /** paste the clipboard into the document */ void slotEditPaste(); /** toggles the toolbar */ void slotViewToolBar(); /** toggles the statusbar */ void slotViewStatusBar(); /** changes the statusbar contents for the standard label permanently, used to indicate current actions. * @param text the text that is displayed in the statusbar */ void slotStatusMsg(const QString& text); void resizeDiffTextWindowHeight(int newHeight); void slotRecalcWordWrap(); void postRecalcWordWrap(); void slotFinishRecalcWordWrap(int visibleTextWidth); void showPopupMenu(const QPoint& point); void scrollDiffTextWindow(int deltaX, int deltaY); void scrollMergeResultWindow(int deltaX, int deltaY); void sourceMask(int srcMask, int enabledMask); void slotDirShowBoth(); void slotDirViewToggle(); void slotUpdateAvailabilities(); void slotEditSelectAll(); void slotEditFind(); void slotEditFindNext(); void slotGoCurrent(); void slotGoTop(); void slotGoBottom(); void slotGoPrevUnsolvedConflict(); void slotGoNextUnsolvedConflict(); void slotGoPrevConflict(); void slotGoNextConflict(); void slotGoPrevDelta(); void slotGoNextDelta(); void slotChooseA(); void slotChooseB(); void slotChooseC(); void slotAutoSolve(); void slotUnsolve(); void slotMergeHistory(); void slotRegExpAutoMerge(); void slotConfigure(); void slotConfigureKeys(); void slotRefresh(); void slotSelectionEnd(); void slotSelectionStart(); void slotClipboardChanged(); void slotOutputModified(bool); void slotFinishMainInit(); void slotMergeCurrentFile(); void slotReload(); void slotCheckIfCanContinue(bool& pbContinue); void slotShowWhiteSpaceToggled(); void slotShowLineNumbersToggled(); void slotAutoAdvanceToggled(); void slotWordWrapToggled(); void slotShowWindowAToggled(); void slotShowWindowBToggled(); void slotShowWindowCToggled(); void slotWinFocusNext(); void slotWinFocusPrev(); void slotWinToggleSplitterOrientation(); void slotOverviewNormal(); void slotOverviewAB(); void slotOverviewAC(); void slotOverviewBC(); void slotSplitDiff(); void slotJoinDiffs(); void slotAddManualDiffHelp(); void slotClearManualDiffHelpList(); void slotNoRelevantChangesDetected(); void slotEncodingChanged(QTextCodec*); void slotFinishDrop(); void setHScrollBarRange(); private: /** the configuration object of the application */ //KConfig *config; // QAction pointers to enable/disable actions QPointer fileOpen; QPointer fileSave; QPointer fileSaveAs; QPointer filePrint; QPointer fileQuit; QPointer fileReload; QPointer editCut; QPointer editCopy; QPointer editPaste; QPointer editSelectAll; KToggleAction* viewToolBar = nullptr; KToggleAction* viewStatusBar; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Special KDiff3 specific stuff starts here QPointer editFind; QPointer editFindNext; QPointer mGoCurrent; QPointer mGoTop; QPointer mGoBottom; QPointer mGoPrevUnsolvedConflict; QPointer mGoNextUnsolvedConflict; QPointer mGoPrevConflict; QPointer mGoNextConflict; QPointer mGoPrevDelta; QPointer mGoNextDelta; KToggleAction* chooseA; KToggleAction* chooseB; KToggleAction* chooseC; KToggleAction* autoAdvance; KToggleAction* wordWrap; QPointer splitDiff; QPointer joinDiffs; QPointer addManualDiffHelp; QPointer clearManualDiffHelpList; KToggleAction* showWhiteSpaceCharacters; KToggleAction* showWhiteSpace; KToggleAction* showLineNumbers; QPointer mAutoSolve; QPointer mUnsolve; QPointer mMergeHistory; QPointer mergeRegExp; KToggleAction* showWindowA; KToggleAction* showWindowB; KToggleAction* showWindowC; QPointer winFocusNext; QPointer winFocusPrev; QPointer winToggleSplitOrientation; KToggleAction* dirShowBoth; QPointer dirViewToggle; KToggleAction* overviewModeNormal; KToggleAction* overviewModeAB; KToggleAction* overviewModeAC; KToggleAction* overviewModeBC; QMenu* m_pMergeEditorPopupMenu; QSplitter* m_pMainSplitter = nullptr; QWidget* m_pMainWidget = nullptr; QWidget* m_pMergeWindowFrame = nullptr; ReversibleScrollBar* m_pHScrollBar = nullptr; DiffTextWindow* m_pDiffTextWindow1 = nullptr; DiffTextWindow* m_pDiffTextWindow2 = nullptr; DiffTextWindow* m_pDiffTextWindow3 = nullptr; DiffTextWindowFrame* m_pDiffTextWindowFrame1 = nullptr; DiffTextWindowFrame* m_pDiffTextWindowFrame2 = nullptr; DiffTextWindowFrame* m_pDiffTextWindowFrame3 = nullptr; QSplitter* m_pDiffWindowSplitter = nullptr; MergeResultWindow* m_pMergeResultWindow = nullptr; WindowTitleWidget* m_pMergeResultWindowTitle; bool m_bTripleDiff = false; QSplitter* m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter = nullptr; DirectoryMergeWindow* m_pDirectoryMergeWindow = nullptr; DirectoryMergeInfo* m_pDirectoryMergeInfo; bool m_bDirCompare = false; Overview* m_pOverview = nullptr; QWidget* m_pCornerWidget = nullptr; TotalDiffStatus m_totalDiffStatus; QSharedPointer m_sd1 = QSharedPointer::create(); QSharedPointer m_sd2 = QSharedPointer::create(); QSharedPointer m_sd3 = QSharedPointer::create(); QSharedPointer m_dirinfo; QString m_outputFilename; bool m_bDefaultFilename; DiffList m_diffList12; DiffList m_diffList23; DiffList m_diffList13; QSharedPointer m_diffBufferInfo = QSharedPointer::create(); Diff3LineList m_diff3LineList; Diff3LineVector m_diff3LineVector; //ManualDiffHelpDialog* m_pManualDiffHelpDialog; ManualDiffHelpList m_manualDiffHelpList; int m_neededLines; int m_DTWHeight; bool m_bOutputModified = false; bool m_bFileSaved = false; bool m_bTimerBlock = false; // Synchronization OptionDialog* m_pOptionDialog = nullptr; QSharedPointer m_pOptions = nullptr; FindDialog* m_pFindDialog = nullptr; void mainInit(TotalDiffStatus* pTotalDiffStatus = nullptr, bool bLoadFiles = true, bool bUseCurrentEncoding = false); bool m_bFinishMainInit = false; bool m_bLoadFiles = false; void mainWindowEnable(bool bEnable); virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* pWheelEvent) override; virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) override; void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) override; bool improveFilenames(bool bCreateNewInstance); bool canContinue(); void choose(e_SrcSelector choice); KActionCollection* actionCollection(); QStatusBar* statusBar(); KToolBar* toolBar(QLatin1String); KDiff3Part* m_pKDiff3Part = nullptr; KParts::MainWindow* m_pKDiff3Shell = nullptr; bool m_bAutoFlag = false; bool m_bAutoMode = false; void recalcWordWrap(int visibleTextWidthForPrinting = -1); bool m_bRecalcWordWrapPosted = false; int m_firstD3LIdx; // only needed during recalcWordWrap QPointer m_pEventLoopForPrinting; }; #endif // KDIFF3_H diff --git a/src/mergeresultwindow.cpp b/src/mergeresultwindow.cpp index 4469877..82ea49a 100644 --- a/src/mergeresultwindow.cpp +++ b/src/mergeresultwindow.cpp @@ -1,3252 +1,3267 @@ /* * KDiff3 - Text Diff And Merge Tool * * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2011 Joachim Eibl, joachim.eibl at gmx.de * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2020 Michael Reeves reeves.87@gmail.com * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "mergeresultwindow.h" #include "kdiff3.h" #include "options.h" #include "RLPainter.h" #include "guiutils.h" #include "Utils.h" // for Utils #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include bool g_bAutoSolve = true; QScrollBar* MergeResultWindow::mVScrollBar = nullptr; QPointer MergeResultWindow::chooseAEverywhere; QPointer MergeResultWindow::chooseBEverywhere; QPointer MergeResultWindow::chooseCEverywhere; QPointer MergeResultWindow::chooseAForUnsolvedConflicts; QPointer MergeResultWindow::chooseBForUnsolvedConflicts; QPointer MergeResultWindow::chooseCForUnsolvedConflicts; QPointer MergeResultWindow::chooseAForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts; QPointer MergeResultWindow::chooseBForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts; QPointer MergeResultWindow::chooseCForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts; MergeResultWindow::MergeResultWindow( QWidget* pParent, const QSharedPointer &pOptions, QStatusBar* pStatusBar) : QWidget(pParent) { setObjectName("MergeResultWindow"); setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus); mOverviewMode = e_OverviewMode::eOMNormal; m_pStatusBar = pStatusBar; if(m_pStatusBar != nullptr) connect(m_pStatusBar, &QStatusBar::messageChanged, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotStatusMessageChanged); m_pOptions = pOptions; setUpdatesEnabled(false); connect(&m_cursorTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotCursorUpdate); m_cursorTimer.setSingleShot(true); m_cursorTimer.start(500 /*ms*/); m_selection.reset(); setMinimumSize(QSize(20, 20)); setFont(m_pOptions->m_font); } void MergeResultWindow::init( const QVector* pLineDataA, LineRef sizeA, const QVector* pLineDataB, LineRef sizeB, const QVector* pLineDataC, LineRef sizeC, const Diff3LineList* pDiff3LineList, TotalDiffStatus* pTotalDiffStatus) { m_firstLine = 0; m_horizScrollOffset = 0; m_nofLines = 0; m_bMyUpdate = false; m_bInsertMode = true; m_scrollDeltaX = 0; m_scrollDeltaY = 0; setModified(false); m_pldA = pLineDataA; m_pldB = pLineDataB; m_pldC = pLineDataC; m_sizeA = sizeA; m_sizeB = sizeB; m_sizeC = sizeC; m_pDiff3LineList = pDiff3LineList; m_pTotalDiffStatus = pTotalDiffStatus; m_selection.reset(); m_cursorXPos = 0; m_cursorOldXPixelPos = 0; m_cursorYPos = 0; m_maxTextWidth = -1; merge(g_bAutoSolve, e_SrcSelector::Invalid); g_bAutoSolve = true; update(); updateSourceMask(); showUnsolvedConflictsStatusMessage(); } //This must be called before KXMLGui::SetXMLFile and friends or the actions will not be shown in the menu. //At that point in startup we don't have a MergeResultWindow object so we cannot connect the signals yet. void MergeResultWindow::initActions(KActionCollection* ac) { if(ac == nullptr){ KMessageBox::error(nullptr, "actionCollection==0"); exit(-1);//we cannot recover from this. } chooseAEverywhere = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Choose A Everywhere"), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_1), ac, "merge_choose_a_everywhere"); chooseBEverywhere = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Choose B Everywhere"), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_2), ac, "merge_choose_b_everywhere"); chooseCEverywhere = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Choose C Everywhere"), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_3), ac, "merge_choose_c_everywhere"); chooseAForUnsolvedConflicts = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Choose A for All Unsolved Conflicts"), ac, "merge_choose_a_for_unsolved_conflicts"); chooseBForUnsolvedConflicts = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Choose B for All Unsolved Conflicts"), ac, "merge_choose_b_for_unsolved_conflicts"); chooseCForUnsolvedConflicts = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Choose C for All Unsolved Conflicts"), ac, "merge_choose_c_for_unsolved_conflicts"); chooseAForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Choose A for All Unsolved Whitespace Conflicts"), ac, "merge_choose_a_for_unsolved_whitespace_conflicts"); chooseBForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Choose B for All Unsolved Whitespace Conflicts"), ac, "merge_choose_b_for_unsolved_whitespace_conflicts"); chooseCForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts = GuiUtils::createAction(i18n("Choose C for All Unsolved Whitespace Conflicts"), ac, "merge_choose_c_for_unsolved_whitespace_conflicts"); } void MergeResultWindow::connectActions() const { QObject::connect(chooseAEverywhere, &QAction::triggered, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotChooseAEverywhere); QObject::connect(chooseBEverywhere, &QAction::triggered, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotChooseBEverywhere); QObject::connect(chooseCEverywhere, &QAction::triggered, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotChooseCEverywhere); QObject::connect(chooseAForUnsolvedConflicts, &QAction::triggered, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotChooseAForUnsolvedConflicts); QObject::connect(chooseBForUnsolvedConflicts, &QAction::triggered, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotChooseBForUnsolvedConflicts); QObject::connect(chooseCForUnsolvedConflicts, &QAction::triggered, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotChooseCForUnsolvedConflicts); QObject::connect(chooseAForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts, &QAction::triggered, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotChooseAForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts); QObject::connect(chooseBForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts, &QAction::triggered, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotChooseBForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts); QObject::connect(chooseCForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts, &QAction::triggered, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotChooseCForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts); } void MergeResultWindow::setupConnections(const KDiff3App *app) const { + connect(app, &KDiff3App::cut, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotCut); + connect(this, &MergeResultWindow::scrollVertically, mVScrollBar, &QScrollBar::setValue); connect(this, &MergeResultWindow::scrollMergeResultWindow, app, &KDiff3App::scrollMergeResultWindow); connect(this, &MergeResultWindow::sourceMask, app, &KDiff3App::sourceMask); connect(this, &MergeResultWindow::resizeSignal, app, &KDiff3App::setHScrollBarRange); connect(this, &MergeResultWindow::resizeSignal, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotResize); connect(this, &MergeResultWindow::selectionEnd, app, &KDiff3App::slotSelectionEnd); connect(this, &MergeResultWindow::newSelection, app, &KDiff3App::slotSelectionStart); connect(this, &MergeResultWindow::modifiedChanged, app, &KDiff3App::slotOutputModified); connect(this, &MergeResultWindow::updateAvailabilities, app, &KDiff3App::slotUpdateAvailabilities); connect(this, &MergeResultWindow::showPopupMenu, app, &KDiff3App::showPopupMenu); connect(this, &MergeResultWindow::noRelevantChangesDetected, app, &KDiff3App::slotNoRelevantChangesDetected); connect(this, &MergeResultWindow::statusBarMessage, app, &KDiff3App::slotStatusMsg); //connect menu actions connect(app, &KDiff3App::showWhiteSpaceToggled, this, static_cast(&MergeResultWindow::update)); connect(app, &KDiff3App::doRefresh, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotRefresh); connect(app, &KDiff3App::autoSolve, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotAutoSolve); connect(app, &KDiff3App::unsolve, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotUnsolve); connect(app, &KDiff3App::mergeHistory, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotMergeHistory); connect(app, &KDiff3App::regExpAutoMerge, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotRegExpAutoMerge); connect(app, &KDiff3App::goCurrent, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotGoCurrent); connect(app, &KDiff3App::goTop, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotGoTop); connect(app, &KDiff3App::goBottom, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotGoBottom); connect(app, &KDiff3App::goPrevUnsolvedConflict, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotGoPrevUnsolvedConflict); connect(app, &KDiff3App::goNextUnsolvedConflict, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotGoNextUnsolvedConflict); connect(app, &KDiff3App::goPrevConflict, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotGoPrevConflict); connect(app, &KDiff3App::goNextConflict, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotGoNextConflict); connect(app, &KDiff3App::goPrevDelta, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotGoPrevDelta); connect(app, &KDiff3App::goNextDelta, this, &MergeResultWindow::slotGoNextDelta); connect(app, &KDiff3App::changeOverViewMode, this, &MergeResultWindow::setOverviewMode); } void MergeResultWindow::slotResize() { mVScrollBar->setRange(0, std::max(0, getNofLines() - getNofVisibleLines())); mVScrollBar->setPageStep(getNofVisibleLines()); } +void MergeResultWindow::slotCut() +{ + QString s; + s = getSelection(); + deleteSelection(); + update(); + + if(!s.isEmpty()) + { + QApplication::clipboard()->setText(s, QClipboard::Clipboard); + } +} + void MergeResultWindow::showUnsolvedConflictsStatusMessage() { if(m_pStatusBar != nullptr) { int wsc; int nofUnsolved = getNrOfUnsolvedConflicts(&wsc); m_persistentStatusMessage = i18n("Number of remaining unsolved conflicts: %1 (of which %2 are whitespace)", nofUnsolved, wsc); Q_EMIT statusBarMessage(m_persistentStatusMessage); } } void MergeResultWindow::slotRefresh() { setFont(m_pOptions->m_font); update(); } void MergeResultWindow::slotUpdateAvailabilities(bool bMergeEditorVisible,const bool bTripleDiff) { chooseAEverywhere->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible); chooseBEverywhere->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible); chooseCEverywhere->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible && bTripleDiff); chooseAForUnsolvedConflicts->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible); chooseBForUnsolvedConflicts->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible); chooseCForUnsolvedConflicts->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible && bTripleDiff); chooseAForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible); chooseBForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible); chooseCForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible && bTripleDiff); } void MergeResultWindow::slotStatusMessageChanged(const QString& s) { if(s.isEmpty() && !m_persistentStatusMessage.isEmpty()) { Q_EMIT statusBarMessage(m_persistentStatusMessage); } } void MergeResultWindow::reset() { m_pDiff3LineList = nullptr; m_pTotalDiffStatus = nullptr; m_pldA = nullptr; m_pldB = nullptr; m_pldC = nullptr; if(!m_persistentStatusMessage.isEmpty()) { m_persistentStatusMessage = QString(); } } // Calculate the merge information for the given Diff3Line. // Results will be stored in mergeDetails, bConflict, bLineRemoved and src. void Diff3Line::mergeOneLine( e_MergeDetails& mergeDetails, bool& bConflict, bool& bLineRemoved, e_SrcSelector& src, bool bTwoInputs) const { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eDefault; bConflict = false; bLineRemoved = false; src = e_SrcSelector::None; if(bTwoInputs) // Only two input files { if(getLineA().isValid() && getLineB().isValid()) { if(pFineAB == nullptr) { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eNoChange; src = e_SrcSelector::A; } else { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eBChanged; bConflict = true; } } else { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eBDeleted; bConflict = true; } return; } // A is base. if(getLineA().isValid() && getLineB().isValid() && getLineC().isValid()) { if(pFineAB == nullptr && pFineBC == nullptr && pFineCA == nullptr) { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eNoChange; src = e_SrcSelector::A; } else if(pFineAB == nullptr && pFineBC != nullptr && pFineCA != nullptr) { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eCChanged; src = e_SrcSelector::C; } else if(pFineAB != nullptr && pFineBC != nullptr && pFineCA == nullptr) { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eBChanged; src = e_SrcSelector::B; } else if(pFineAB != nullptr && pFineBC == nullptr && pFineCA != nullptr) { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eBCChangedAndEqual; src = e_SrcSelector::C; } else if(pFineAB != nullptr && pFineBC != nullptr && pFineCA != nullptr) { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eBCChanged; bConflict = true; } else Q_ASSERT(true); } else if(getLineA().isValid() && getLineB().isValid() && !getLineC().isValid()) { if(pFineAB != nullptr) { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eBChanged_CDeleted; bConflict = true; } else { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eCDeleted; bLineRemoved = true; src = e_SrcSelector::C; } } else if(getLineA().isValid() && !getLineB().isValid() && getLineC().isValid()) { if(pFineCA != nullptr) { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eCChanged_BDeleted; bConflict = true; } else { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eBDeleted; bLineRemoved = true; src = e_SrcSelector::B; } } else if(!getLineA().isValid() && getLineB().isValid() && getLineC().isValid()) { if(pFineBC != nullptr) { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eBCAdded; bConflict = true; } else // B==C { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eBCAddedAndEqual; src = e_SrcSelector::C; } } else if(!getLineA().isValid() && !getLineB().isValid() && getLineC().isValid()) { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eCAdded; src = e_SrcSelector::C; } else if(!getLineA().isValid() && getLineB().isValid() && !getLineC().isValid()) { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eBAdded; src = e_SrcSelector::B; } else if(getLineA().isValid() && !getLineB().isValid() && !getLineC().isValid()) { mergeDetails = e_MergeDetails::eBCDeleted; bLineRemoved = true; src = e_SrcSelector::C; } else Q_ASSERT(true); } bool MergeResultWindow::sameKindCheck(const MergeLine& ml1, const MergeLine& ml2) { if(ml1.bConflict && ml2.bConflict) { // Both lines have conflicts: If one is only a white space conflict and // the other one is a real conflict, then this line returns false. return ml1.id3l->isEqualAC() == ml2.id3l->isEqualAC() && ml1.id3l->isEqualAB() == ml2.id3l->isEqualAB(); } else return ( (!ml1.bConflict && !ml2.bConflict && ml1.bDelta && ml2.bDelta && ml1.srcSelect == ml2.srcSelect && (ml1.mergeDetails == ml2.mergeDetails || (ml1.mergeDetails != e_MergeDetails::eBCAddedAndEqual && ml2.mergeDetails != e_MergeDetails::eBCAddedAndEqual))) || (!ml1.bDelta && !ml2.bDelta)); } void MergeResultWindow::merge(bool bAutoSolve, e_SrcSelector defaultSelector, bool bConflictsOnly, bool bWhiteSpaceOnly) { if(!bConflictsOnly) { if(m_bModified) { int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i18n("The output has been modified.\n" "If you continue your changes will be lost."), i18n("Warning"), KStandardGuiItem::cont(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel()); if(result == KMessageBox::No) return; } m_mergeLineList.clear(); int lineIdx = 0; Diff3LineList::const_iterator it; for(it = m_pDiff3LineList->begin(); it != m_pDiff3LineList->end(); ++it, ++lineIdx) { const Diff3Line& d = *it; MergeLine ml; bool bLineRemoved; d.mergeOneLine( ml.mergeDetails, ml.bConflict, bLineRemoved, ml.srcSelect, m_pldC == nullptr); // Automatic solving for only whitespace changes. if(ml.bConflict && ((m_pldC == nullptr && (d.isEqualAB() || (d.isWhiteLine(e_SrcSelector::A) && d.isWhiteLine(e_SrcSelector::B)))) || (m_pldC != nullptr && ((d.isEqualAB() && d.isEqualAC()) || (d.isWhiteLine(e_SrcSelector::A) && d.isWhiteLine(e_SrcSelector::B) && d.isWhiteLine(e_SrcSelector::C)))))) { ml.bWhiteSpaceConflict = true; } ml.d3lLineIdx = lineIdx; ml.bDelta = ml.srcSelect != e_SrcSelector::A; ml.id3l = it; ml.srcRangeLength = 1; MergeLine* back = m_mergeLineList.empty() ? nullptr : &m_mergeLineList.back(); bool bSame = back != nullptr && sameKindCheck(ml, *back); if(bSame) { ++back->srcRangeLength; if(back->bWhiteSpaceConflict && !ml.bWhiteSpaceConflict) back->bWhiteSpaceConflict = false; } else { m_mergeLineList.push_back(ml); } if(!ml.bConflict) { MergeLine& tmpBack = m_mergeLineList.back(); MergeEditLine mel(ml.id3l); mel.setSource(ml.srcSelect, bLineRemoved); tmpBack.mergeEditLineList.push_back(mel); } else if(back == nullptr || !back->bConflict || !bSame) { MergeLine& tmpBack = m_mergeLineList.back(); MergeEditLine mel(ml.id3l); mel.setConflict(); tmpBack.mergeEditLineList.push_back(mel); } } } bool bSolveWhiteSpaceConflicts = false; if(bAutoSolve) // when true, then the other params are not used and we can change them here. (see all invocations of merge()) { if(m_pldC == nullptr && m_pOptions->m_whiteSpace2FileMergeDefault != (int)e_SrcSelector::None) // Only two inputs { Q_ASSERT(m_pOptions->m_whiteSpace2FileMergeDefault <= (int)e_SrcSelector::Max && m_pOptions->m_whiteSpace2FileMergeDefault >= (int)e_SrcSelector::Min); defaultSelector = (e_SrcSelector)m_pOptions->m_whiteSpace2FileMergeDefault; bWhiteSpaceOnly = true; bSolveWhiteSpaceConflicts = true; } else if(m_pldC != nullptr && m_pOptions->m_whiteSpace3FileMergeDefault != (int)e_SrcSelector::None) { Q_ASSERT(m_pOptions->m_whiteSpace3FileMergeDefault <= (int)e_SrcSelector::Max && m_pOptions->m_whiteSpace2FileMergeDefault >= (int)e_SrcSelector::Min); defaultSelector = (e_SrcSelector)m_pOptions->m_whiteSpace3FileMergeDefault; bWhiteSpaceOnly = true; bSolveWhiteSpaceConflicts = true; } } if(!bAutoSolve || bSolveWhiteSpaceConflicts) { // Change all auto selections MergeLineList::iterator mlIt; for(mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); mlIt != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++mlIt) { MergeLine& ml = *mlIt; bool bConflict = ml.mergeEditLineList.empty() || ml.mergeEditLineList.begin()->isConflict(); if(ml.bDelta && (!bConflictsOnly || bConflict) && (!bWhiteSpaceOnly || ml.bWhiteSpaceConflict)) { ml.mergeEditLineList.clear(); if(defaultSelector == e_SrcSelector::Invalid && ml.bDelta) { MergeEditLine mel(ml.id3l); mel.setConflict(); ml.bConflict = true; ml.mergeEditLineList.push_back(mel); } else { Diff3LineList::const_iterator d3llit = ml.id3l; int j; for(j = 0; j < ml.srcRangeLength; ++j) { MergeEditLine mel(d3llit); mel.setSource(defaultSelector, false); LineRef srcLine = defaultSelector == e_SrcSelector::A ? d3llit->getLineA() : defaultSelector == e_SrcSelector::B ? d3llit->getLineB() : defaultSelector == e_SrcSelector::C ? d3llit->getLineC() : LineRef(); if(srcLine.isValid()) { ml.mergeEditLineList.push_back(mel); } ++d3llit; } if(ml.mergeEditLineList.empty()) // Make a line nevertheless { MergeEditLine mel(ml.id3l); mel.setRemoved(defaultSelector); ml.mergeEditLineList.push_back(mel); } } } } } MergeLineList::iterator mlIt; for(mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); mlIt != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++mlIt) { MergeLine& ml = *mlIt; // Remove all lines that are empty, because no src lines are there. LineRef oldSrcLine; e_SrcSelector oldSrc = e_SrcSelector::Invalid; MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt; for(melIt = ml.mergeEditLineList.begin(); melIt != ml.mergeEditLineList.end();) { MergeEditLine& mel = *melIt; e_SrcSelector melsrc = mel.src(); LineRef srcLine = mel.isRemoved() ? LineRef() : melsrc == e_SrcSelector::A ? mel.id3l()->getLineA() : melsrc == e_SrcSelector::B ? mel.id3l()->getLineB() : melsrc == e_SrcSelector::C ? mel.id3l()->getLineC() : LineRef(); // At least one line remains because oldSrc != melsrc for first line in list // Other empty lines will be removed if(!srcLine.isValid() && !oldSrcLine.isValid() && oldSrc == melsrc) melIt = ml.mergeEditLineList.erase(melIt); else ++melIt; oldSrcLine = srcLine; oldSrc = melsrc; } } if(bAutoSolve && !bConflictsOnly) { if(m_pOptions->m_bRunHistoryAutoMergeOnMergeStart) slotMergeHistory(); if(m_pOptions->m_bRunRegExpAutoMergeOnMergeStart) slotRegExpAutoMerge(); if(m_pldC != nullptr && !doRelevantChangesExist()) Q_EMIT noRelevantChangesDetected(); } int nrOfSolvedConflicts = 0; int nrOfUnsolvedConflicts = 0; int nrOfWhiteSpaceConflicts = 0; MergeLineList::iterator i; for(i = m_mergeLineList.begin(); i != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++i) { if(i->bConflict) ++nrOfUnsolvedConflicts; else if(i->bDelta) ++nrOfSolvedConflicts; if(i->bWhiteSpaceConflict) ++nrOfWhiteSpaceConflicts; } m_pTotalDiffStatus->setUnsolvedConflicts(nrOfUnsolvedConflicts); m_pTotalDiffStatus->setSolvedConflicts(nrOfSolvedConflicts); m_pTotalDiffStatus->setWhitespaceConflicts(nrOfWhiteSpaceConflicts); m_cursorXPos = 0; m_cursorOldXPixelPos = 0; m_cursorYPos = 0; m_maxTextWidth = -1; //m_firstLine = 0; // Must not set line/column without scrolling there //m_horizScrollOffset = 0; setModified(false); m_currentMergeLineIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); slotGoTop(); Q_EMIT updateAvailabilities(); update(); } void MergeResultWindow::setFirstLine(QtNumberType firstLine) { m_firstLine = std::max(0, firstLine); update(); } void MergeResultWindow::setHorizScrollOffset(int horizScrollOffset) { m_horizScrollOffset = std::max(0, horizScrollOffset); update(); } int MergeResultWindow::getMaxTextWidth() { if(m_maxTextWidth < 0) { m_maxTextWidth = 0; MergeLineList::iterator mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); for(mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); mlIt != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++mlIt) { MergeLine& ml = *mlIt; MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt; for(melIt = ml.mergeEditLineList.begin(); melIt != ml.mergeEditLineList.end(); ++melIt) { MergeEditLine& mel = *melIt; QString s = mel.getString(m_pldA, m_pldB, m_pldC); QTextLayout textLayout(s, font(), this); textLayout.beginLayout(); textLayout.createLine(); textLayout.endLayout(); if(m_maxTextWidth < textLayout.maximumWidth()) { m_maxTextWidth = qCeil(textLayout.maximumWidth()); } } } m_maxTextWidth += 5; // cursorwidth } return m_maxTextWidth; } int MergeResultWindow::getNofLines() const { return m_nofLines; } int MergeResultWindow::getVisibleTextAreaWidth() { return width() - getTextXOffset(); } int MergeResultWindow::getNofVisibleLines() { QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics(); return (height() - 3) / fm.lineSpacing() - 2; } int MergeResultWindow::getTextXOffset() { QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics(); return 3 * Utils::getHorizontalAdvance(fm, '0'); } void MergeResultWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e) { QWidget::resizeEvent(e); Q_EMIT resizeSignal(); } e_OverviewMode MergeResultWindow::getOverviewMode() { return mOverviewMode; } void MergeResultWindow::setOverviewMode(e_OverviewMode eOverviewMode) { mOverviewMode = eOverviewMode; } // Check whether we should ignore current delta when moving to next/previous delta bool MergeResultWindow::checkOverviewIgnore(MergeLineList::iterator& i) { if(mOverviewMode == e_OverviewMode::eOMNormal) return false; if(mOverviewMode == e_OverviewMode::eOMAvsB) return i->mergeDetails == e_MergeDetails::eCAdded || i->mergeDetails == e_MergeDetails::eCDeleted || i->mergeDetails == e_MergeDetails::eCChanged; if(mOverviewMode == e_OverviewMode::eOMAvsC) return i->mergeDetails == e_MergeDetails::eBAdded || i->mergeDetails == e_MergeDetails::eBDeleted || i->mergeDetails == e_MergeDetails::eBChanged; if(mOverviewMode == e_OverviewMode::eOMBvsC) return i->mergeDetails == e_MergeDetails::eBCAddedAndEqual || i->mergeDetails == e_MergeDetails::eBCDeleted || i->mergeDetails == e_MergeDetails::eBCChangedAndEqual; return false; } // Go to prev/next delta/conflict or first/last delta. void MergeResultWindow::go(e_Direction eDir, e_EndPoint eEndPoint) { Q_ASSERT(eDir == eUp || eDir == eDown); MergeLineList::iterator i = m_currentMergeLineIt; bool bSkipWhiteConflicts = !m_pOptions->m_bShowWhiteSpace; if(eEndPoint == eEnd) { if(eDir == eUp) i = m_mergeLineList.begin(); // first mergeline else i = --m_mergeLineList.end(); // last mergeline while(isItAtEnd(eDir == eUp, i) && !i->bDelta) { if(eDir == eUp) ++i; // search downwards else --i; // search upwards } } else if(eEndPoint == eDelta && isItAtEnd(eDir != eUp, i)) { do { if(eDir == eUp) --i; else ++i; } while(isItAtEnd(eDir != eUp, i) && (!i->bDelta || checkOverviewIgnore(i) || (bSkipWhiteConflicts && i->bWhiteSpaceConflict))); } else if(eEndPoint == eConflict && isItAtEnd(eDir != eUp, i)) { do { if(eDir == eUp) --i; else ++i; } while(isItAtEnd(eDir != eUp, i) && (!i->bConflict || (bSkipWhiteConflicts && i->bWhiteSpaceConflict))); } else if(isItAtEnd(eDir != eUp, i) && eEndPoint == eUnsolvedConflict) { do { if(eDir == eUp) --i; else ++i; } while(isItAtEnd(eDir != eUp, i) && !i->mergeEditLineList.begin()->isConflict()); } if(isVisible()) setFocus(); setFastSelector(i); } bool MergeResultWindow::isDeltaAboveCurrent() { bool bSkipWhiteConflicts = !m_pOptions->m_bShowWhiteSpace; if(m_mergeLineList.empty()) return false; MergeLineList::iterator i = m_currentMergeLineIt; if(i == m_mergeLineList.begin()) return false; do { --i; if(i->bDelta && !checkOverviewIgnore(i) && !(bSkipWhiteConflicts && i->bWhiteSpaceConflict)) return true; } while(i != m_mergeLineList.begin()); return false; } bool MergeResultWindow::isDeltaBelowCurrent() { bool bSkipWhiteConflicts = !m_pOptions->m_bShowWhiteSpace; if(m_mergeLineList.empty()) return false; MergeLineList::iterator i = m_currentMergeLineIt; if(i != m_mergeLineList.end()) { ++i; for(; i != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++i) { if(i->bDelta && !checkOverviewIgnore(i) && !(bSkipWhiteConflicts && i->bWhiteSpaceConflict)) return true; } } return false; } bool MergeResultWindow::isConflictAboveCurrent() { if(m_mergeLineList.empty()) return false; MergeLineList::iterator i = m_currentMergeLineIt; if(i == m_mergeLineList.begin()) return false; bool bSkipWhiteConflicts = !m_pOptions->m_bShowWhiteSpace; do { --i; if(i->bConflict && !(bSkipWhiteConflicts && i->bWhiteSpaceConflict)) return true; } while(i != m_mergeLineList.begin()); return false; } bool MergeResultWindow::isConflictBelowCurrent() { MergeLineList::iterator i = m_currentMergeLineIt; if(m_mergeLineList.empty()) return false; bool bSkipWhiteConflicts = !m_pOptions->m_bShowWhiteSpace; if(i != m_mergeLineList.end()) { ++i; for(; i != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++i) { if(i->bConflict && !(bSkipWhiteConflicts && i->bWhiteSpaceConflict)) return true; } } return false; } bool MergeResultWindow::isUnsolvedConflictAtCurrent() { if(m_mergeLineList.empty()) return false; MergeLineList::iterator i = m_currentMergeLineIt; return i->mergeEditLineList.begin()->isConflict(); } bool MergeResultWindow::isUnsolvedConflictAboveCurrent() { if(m_mergeLineList.empty()) return false; MergeLineList::iterator i = m_currentMergeLineIt; if(i == m_mergeLineList.begin()) return false; do { --i; if(i->mergeEditLineList.begin()->isConflict()) return true; } while(i != m_mergeLineList.begin()); return false; } bool MergeResultWindow::isUnsolvedConflictBelowCurrent() { MergeLineList::iterator i = m_currentMergeLineIt; if(m_mergeLineList.empty()) return false; if(i != m_mergeLineList.end()) { ++i; for(; i != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++i) { if(i->mergeEditLineList.begin()->isConflict()) return true; } } return false; } void MergeResultWindow::slotGoTop() { go(eUp, eEnd); } void MergeResultWindow::slotGoCurrent() { setFastSelector(m_currentMergeLineIt); } void MergeResultWindow::slotGoBottom() { go(eDown, eEnd); } void MergeResultWindow::slotGoPrevDelta() { go(eUp, eDelta); } void MergeResultWindow::slotGoNextDelta() { go(eDown, eDelta); } void MergeResultWindow::slotGoPrevConflict() { go(eUp, eConflict); } void MergeResultWindow::slotGoNextConflict() { go(eDown, eConflict); } void MergeResultWindow::slotGoPrevUnsolvedConflict() { go(eUp, eUnsolvedConflict); } void MergeResultWindow::slotGoNextUnsolvedConflict() { go(eDown, eUnsolvedConflict); } /** The line is given as a index in the Diff3LineList. The function calculates the corresponding iterator. */ void MergeResultWindow::slotSetFastSelectorLine(LineIndex line) { MergeLineList::iterator i; for(i = m_mergeLineList.begin(); i != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++i) { if(line >= i->d3lLineIdx && line < i->d3lLineIdx + i->srcRangeLength) { //if ( i->bDelta ) { setFastSelector(i); } break; } } } int MergeResultWindow::getNrOfUnsolvedConflicts(int* pNrOfWhiteSpaceConflicts) { int nrOfUnsolvedConflicts = 0; if(pNrOfWhiteSpaceConflicts != nullptr) *pNrOfWhiteSpaceConflicts = 0; MergeLineList::iterator mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); for(mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); mlIt != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++mlIt) { MergeLine& ml = *mlIt; MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt = ml.mergeEditLineList.begin(); if(melIt->isConflict()) { ++nrOfUnsolvedConflicts; if(ml.bWhiteSpaceConflict && pNrOfWhiteSpaceConflicts != nullptr) ++*pNrOfWhiteSpaceConflicts; } } return nrOfUnsolvedConflicts; } void MergeResultWindow::showNrOfConflicts() { if(!m_pOptions->m_bShowInfoDialogs) return; int nrOfConflicts = 0; MergeLineList::iterator i; for(i = m_mergeLineList.begin(); i != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++i) { if(i->bConflict || i->bDelta) ++nrOfConflicts; } QString totalInfo; if(m_pTotalDiffStatus->isBinaryEqualAB() && m_pTotalDiffStatus->isBinaryEqualAC()) totalInfo += i18n("All input files are binary equal."); else if(m_pTotalDiffStatus->isTextEqualAB() && m_pTotalDiffStatus->isTextEqualAC()) totalInfo += i18n("All input files contain the same text."); else { if(m_pTotalDiffStatus->isBinaryEqualAB()) totalInfo += i18n("Files %1 and %2 are binary equal.\n", i18n("A"), i18n("B")); else if(m_pTotalDiffStatus->isTextEqualAB()) totalInfo += i18n("Files %1 and %2 have equal text.\n", i18n("A"), i18n("B")); if(m_pTotalDiffStatus->isBinaryEqualAC()) totalInfo += i18n("Files %1 and %2 are binary equal.\n", i18n("A"), i18n("C")); else if(m_pTotalDiffStatus->isTextEqualAC()) totalInfo += i18n("Files %1 and %2 have equal text.\n", i18n("A"), i18n("C")); if(m_pTotalDiffStatus->isBinaryEqualBC()) totalInfo += i18n("Files %1 and %2 are binary equal.\n", i18n("B"), i18n("C")); else if(m_pTotalDiffStatus->isTextEqualBC()) totalInfo += i18n("Files %1 and %2 have equal text.\n", i18n("B"), i18n("C")); } int nrOfUnsolvedConflicts = getNrOfUnsolvedConflicts(); KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Total number of conflicts: %1\n" "Nr of automatically solved conflicts: %2\n" "Nr of unsolved conflicts: %3\n" "%4", nrOfConflicts, nrOfConflicts - nrOfUnsolvedConflicts, nrOfUnsolvedConflicts, totalInfo), i18n("Conflicts")); } void MergeResultWindow::setFastSelector(MergeLineList::iterator i) { if(i == m_mergeLineList.end()) return; m_currentMergeLineIt = i; Q_EMIT setFastSelectorRange(i->d3lLineIdx, i->srcRangeLength); int line1 = 0; MergeLineList::iterator mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); for(mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); mlIt != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++mlIt) { if(mlIt == m_currentMergeLineIt) break; line1 += mlIt->mergeEditLineList.size(); } int nofLines = m_currentMergeLineIt->mergeEditLineList.size(); int newFirstLine = getBestFirstLine(line1, nofLines, m_firstLine, getNofVisibleLines()); if(newFirstLine != m_firstLine) { Q_EMIT scrollVertically(newFirstLine - m_firstLine); } if(m_selection.isEmpty()) { m_cursorXPos = 0; m_cursorOldXPixelPos = 0; m_cursorYPos = line1; } update(); updateSourceMask(); Q_EMIT updateAvailabilities(); } void MergeResultWindow::choose(e_SrcSelector selector) { if(m_currentMergeLineIt == m_mergeLineList.end()) return; setModified(); // First find range for which this change works. MergeLine& ml = *m_currentMergeLineIt; MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt; // Now check if selector is active for this range already. bool bActive = false; // Remove unneeded lines in the range. for(melIt = ml.mergeEditLineList.begin(); melIt != ml.mergeEditLineList.end();) { MergeEditLine& mel = *melIt; if(mel.src() == selector) bActive = true; if(mel.src() == selector || !mel.isEditableText() || mel.isModified()) melIt = ml.mergeEditLineList.erase(melIt); else ++melIt; } if(!bActive) // Selected source wasn't active. { // Append the lines from selected source here at rangeEnd. Diff3LineList::const_iterator d3llit = ml.id3l; int j; for(j = 0; j < ml.srcRangeLength; ++j) { MergeEditLine mel(d3llit); mel.setSource(selector, false); ml.mergeEditLineList.push_back(mel); ++d3llit; } } if(!ml.mergeEditLineList.empty()) { // Remove all lines that are empty, because no src lines are there. for(melIt = ml.mergeEditLineList.begin(); melIt != ml.mergeEditLineList.end();) { MergeEditLine& mel = *melIt; LineRef srcLine = mel.src() == e_SrcSelector::A ? mel.id3l()->getLineA() : mel.src() == e_SrcSelector::B ? mel.id3l()->getLineB() : mel.src() == e_SrcSelector::C ? mel.id3l()->getLineC() : LineRef(); if(!srcLine.isValid()) melIt = ml.mergeEditLineList.erase(melIt); else ++melIt; } } if(ml.mergeEditLineList.empty()) { // Insert a dummy line: MergeEditLine mel(ml.id3l); if(bActive) mel.setConflict(); // All src entries deleted => conflict else mel.setRemoved(selector); // No lines in corresponding src found. ml.mergeEditLineList.push_back(mel); } if(m_cursorYPos >= m_nofLines) { m_cursorYPos = m_nofLines - 1; m_cursorXPos = 0; } m_maxTextWidth = -1; update(); updateSourceMask(); Q_EMIT updateAvailabilities(); showUnsolvedConflictsStatusMessage(); } // bConflictsOnly: automatically choose for conflicts only (true) or for everywhere (false) void MergeResultWindow::chooseGlobal(e_SrcSelector selector, bool bConflictsOnly, bool bWhiteSpaceOnly) { resetSelection(); merge(false, selector, bConflictsOnly, bWhiteSpaceOnly); setModified(true); update(); showUnsolvedConflictsStatusMessage(); } void MergeResultWindow::slotAutoSolve() { resetSelection(); merge(true, e_SrcSelector::Invalid); setModified(true); update(); showUnsolvedConflictsStatusMessage(); showNrOfConflicts(); } void MergeResultWindow::slotUnsolve() { resetSelection(); merge(false, e_SrcSelector::Invalid); setModified(true); update(); showUnsolvedConflictsStatusMessage(); } bool findParenthesesGroups(const QString& s, QStringList& sl) { sl.clear(); int i = 0; std::list startPosStack; int length = s.length(); for(i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if(s[i] == '\\' && i + 1 < length && (s[i + 1] == '\\' || s[i + 1] == '(' || s[i + 1] == ')')) { ++i; continue; } if(s[i] == '(') { startPosStack.push_back(i); } else if(s[i] == ')') { if(startPosStack.empty()) return false; // Parentheses don't match int startPos = startPosStack.back(); startPosStack.pop_back(); sl.push_back(s.mid(startPos + 1, i - startPos - 1)); } } return startPosStack.empty(); // false if parentheses don't match } QString calcHistorySortKey(const QString& keyOrder, QRegExp& matchedRegExpr, const QStringList& parenthesesGroupList) { const QStringList keyOrderList = keyOrder.split(','); QString key; for(const QString& keyIt : keyOrderList) { if(keyIt.isEmpty()) continue; bool bOk = false; int groupIdx = keyIt.toInt(&bOk); if(!bOk || groupIdx < 0 || groupIdx > parenthesesGroupList.size()) continue; QString s = matchedRegExpr.cap(groupIdx); if(groupIdx == 0) { key += s + ' '; continue; } QString groupRegExp = parenthesesGroupList[groupIdx - 1]; if(groupRegExp.indexOf('|') < 0 || groupRegExp.indexOf('(') >= 0) { bOk = false; int i = s.toInt(&bOk); if(bOk && i >= 0 && i < 10000) s.asprintf("%04d", i); // This should help for correct sorting of numbers. key += s + ' '; } else { // Assume that the groupRegExp consists of something like "Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr" // s is the string that managed to match. // Now we want to know at which position it occurred. e.g. Jan=0, Feb=1, Mar=2, etc. QStringList sl = groupRegExp.split('|'); int idx = sl.indexOf(s); if(idx < 0) { // Didn't match } else { QString sIdx; sIdx.asprintf("%02d", idx + 1); // Up to 99 words in the groupRegExp (more than 12 aren't expected) key += sIdx + ' '; } } } return key; } void MergeResultWindow::collectHistoryInformation( e_SrcSelector src, Diff3LineList::const_iterator &iHistoryBegin, Diff3LineList::const_iterator &iHistoryEnd, HistoryMap& historyMap, std::list& hitList // list of iterators ) { std::list::iterator itHitListFront = hitList.begin(); Diff3LineList::const_iterator id3l = iHistoryBegin; QString historyLead; { const LineData* pld = id3l->getLineData(src); historyLead = Utils::calcHistoryLead(pld->getLine()); } QRegExp historyStart(m_pOptions->m_historyStartRegExp); if(id3l == iHistoryEnd) return; ++id3l; // Skip line with "$Log ... $" QRegExp newHistoryEntry(m_pOptions->m_historyEntryStartRegExp); QStringList parenthesesGroups; findParenthesesGroups(m_pOptions->m_historyEntryStartRegExp, parenthesesGroups); QString key; MergeEditLineList melList; bool bPrevLineIsEmpty = true; bool bUseRegExp = !m_pOptions->m_historyEntryStartRegExp.isEmpty(); for(; id3l != iHistoryEnd; ++id3l) { const LineData* pld = id3l->getLineData(src); if(!pld) continue; const QString& oriLine = pld->getLine(); if(historyLead.isEmpty()) historyLead = Utils::calcHistoryLead(oriLine); QString sLine = oriLine.mid(historyLead.length()); if((!bUseRegExp && !sLine.trimmed().isEmpty() && bPrevLineIsEmpty) || (bUseRegExp && newHistoryEntry.exactMatch(sLine))) { if(!key.isEmpty() && !melList.empty()) { // Only insert new HistoryMapEntry if key not found; in either case p.first is a valid iterator to element key. std::pair p = historyMap.insert(HistoryMap::value_type(key, HistoryMapEntry())); HistoryMapEntry& hme = p.first->second; if(src == e_SrcSelector::A) hme.mellA = melList; if(src == e_SrcSelector::B) hme.mellB = melList; if(src == e_SrcSelector::C) hme.mellC = melList; if(p.second) // Not in list yet? { hitList.insert(itHitListFront, p.first); } } if(!bUseRegExp) key = sLine; else key = calcHistorySortKey(m_pOptions->m_historyEntryStartSortKeyOrder, newHistoryEntry, parenthesesGroups); melList.clear(); melList.push_back(MergeEditLine(id3l, src)); } else if(!historyStart.exactMatch(oriLine)) { melList.push_back(MergeEditLine(id3l, src)); } bPrevLineIsEmpty = sLine.trimmed().isEmpty(); } if(!key.isEmpty()) { // Only insert new HistoryMapEntry if key not found; in either case p.first is a valid iterator to element key. std::pair p = historyMap.insert(HistoryMap::value_type(key, HistoryMapEntry())); HistoryMapEntry& hme = p.first->second; if(src == e_SrcSelector::A) hme.mellA = melList; if(src == e_SrcSelector::B) hme.mellB = melList; if(src == e_SrcSelector::C) hme.mellC = melList; if(p.second) // Not in list yet? { hitList.insert(itHitListFront, p.first); } } // End of the history } MergeEditLineList& MergeResultWindow::HistoryMapEntry::choice(bool bThreeInputs) { if(!bThreeInputs) return mellA.empty() ? mellB : mellA; else { if(mellA.empty()) return mellC.empty() ? mellB : mellC; // A doesn't exist, return one that exists else if(!mellB.empty() && !mellC.empty()) { // A, B and C exist return mellA; } else return mellB.empty() ? mellB : mellC; // A exists, return the one that doesn't exist } } bool MergeResultWindow::HistoryMapEntry::staysInPlace(bool bThreeInputs, Diff3LineList::const_iterator& iHistoryEnd) { // The entry should stay in place if the decision made by the automerger is correct. Diff3LineList::const_iterator& iHistoryLast = iHistoryEnd; --iHistoryLast; if(!bThreeInputs) { if(!mellA.empty() && !mellB.empty() && mellA.begin()->id3l() == mellB.begin()->id3l() && mellA.back().id3l() == iHistoryLast && mellB.back().id3l() == iHistoryLast) { iHistoryEnd = mellA.begin()->id3l(); return true; } else { return false; } } else { if(!mellA.empty() && !mellB.empty() && !mellC.empty() && mellA.begin()->id3l() == mellB.begin()->id3l() && mellA.begin()->id3l() == mellC.begin()->id3l() && mellA.back().id3l() == iHistoryLast && mellB.back().id3l() == iHistoryLast && mellC.back().id3l() == iHistoryLast) { iHistoryEnd = mellA.begin()->id3l(); return true; } else { return false; } } } void MergeResultWindow::slotMergeHistory() { Diff3LineList::const_iterator iD3LHistoryBegin; Diff3LineList::const_iterator iD3LHistoryEnd; int d3lHistoryBeginLineIdx = -1; int d3lHistoryEndLineIdx = -1; // Search for history start, history end in the diff3LineList m_pDiff3LineList->findHistoryRange(QRegExp(m_pOptions->m_historyStartRegExp), m_pldC != nullptr, iD3LHistoryBegin, iD3LHistoryEnd, d3lHistoryBeginLineIdx, d3lHistoryEndLineIdx); if(iD3LHistoryBegin != m_pDiff3LineList->end()) { // Now collect the historyMap information HistoryMap historyMap; std::list hitList; if(m_pldC == nullptr) { collectHistoryInformation(e_SrcSelector::A, iD3LHistoryBegin, iD3LHistoryEnd, historyMap, hitList); collectHistoryInformation(e_SrcSelector::B, iD3LHistoryBegin, iD3LHistoryEnd, historyMap, hitList); } else { collectHistoryInformation(e_SrcSelector::A, iD3LHistoryBegin, iD3LHistoryEnd, historyMap, hitList); collectHistoryInformation(e_SrcSelector::B, iD3LHistoryBegin, iD3LHistoryEnd, historyMap, hitList); collectHistoryInformation(e_SrcSelector::C, iD3LHistoryBegin, iD3LHistoryEnd, historyMap, hitList); } Diff3LineList::const_iterator iD3LHistoryOrigEnd = iD3LHistoryEnd; bool bHistoryMergeSorting = m_pOptions->m_bHistoryMergeSorting && !m_pOptions->m_historyEntryStartSortKeyOrder.isEmpty() && !m_pOptions->m_historyEntryStartRegExp.isEmpty(); if(m_pOptions->m_maxNofHistoryEntries == -1) { // Remove parts from the historyMap and hitList that stay in place if(bHistoryMergeSorting) { while(!historyMap.empty()) { HistoryMap::iterator hMapIt = historyMap.begin(); if(hMapIt->second.staysInPlace(m_pldC != nullptr, iD3LHistoryEnd)) historyMap.erase(hMapIt); else break; } } else { while(!hitList.empty()) { HistoryMap::iterator hMapIt = hitList.back(); if(hMapIt->second.staysInPlace(m_pldC != nullptr, iD3LHistoryEnd)) hitList.pop_back(); else break; } } while(iD3LHistoryOrigEnd != iD3LHistoryEnd) { --iD3LHistoryOrigEnd; --d3lHistoryEndLineIdx; } } MergeLineList::iterator iMLLStart = splitAtDiff3LineIdx(d3lHistoryBeginLineIdx); MergeLineList::iterator iMLLEnd = splitAtDiff3LineIdx(d3lHistoryEndLineIdx); // Now join all MergeLines in the history MergeLineList::iterator i = iMLLStart; if(i != iMLLEnd) { ++i; while(i != iMLLEnd) { iMLLStart->join(*i); i = m_mergeLineList.erase(i); } } iMLLStart->mergeEditLineList.clear(); // Now insert the complete history into the first MergeLine of the history iMLLStart->mergeEditLineList.push_back(MergeEditLine(iD3LHistoryBegin, m_pldC == nullptr ? e_SrcSelector::B : e_SrcSelector::C)); QString lead = Utils::calcHistoryLead(iD3LHistoryBegin->getString(e_SrcSelector::A)); MergeEditLine mel(m_pDiff3LineList->end()); mel.setString(lead); iMLLStart->mergeEditLineList.push_back(mel); int historyCount = 0; if(bHistoryMergeSorting) { // Create a sorted history HistoryMap::reverse_iterator hmit; for(hmit = historyMap.rbegin(); hmit != historyMap.rend(); ++hmit) { if(historyCount == m_pOptions->m_maxNofHistoryEntries) break; ++historyCount; HistoryMapEntry& hme = hmit->second; MergeEditLineList& mell = hme.choice(m_pldC != nullptr); if(!mell.empty()) iMLLStart->mergeEditLineList.splice(iMLLStart->mergeEditLineList.end(), mell, mell.begin(), mell.end()); } } else { // Create history in order of appearance std::list::iterator hlit; for(hlit = hitList.begin(); hlit != hitList.end(); ++hlit) { if(historyCount == m_pOptions->m_maxNofHistoryEntries) break; ++historyCount; HistoryMapEntry& hme = (*hlit)->second; MergeEditLineList& mell = hme.choice(m_pldC != nullptr); if(!mell.empty()) iMLLStart->mergeEditLineList.splice(iMLLStart->mergeEditLineList.end(), mell, mell.begin(), mell.end()); } // If the end of start is empty and the first line at the end is empty remove the last line of start if(!iMLLStart->mergeEditLineList.empty() && !iMLLEnd->mergeEditLineList.empty()) { QString lastLineOfStart = iMLLStart->mergeEditLineList.back().getString(m_pldA, m_pldB, m_pldC); QString firstLineOfEnd = iMLLEnd->mergeEditLineList.front().getString(m_pldA, m_pldB, m_pldC); if(lastLineOfStart.mid(lead.length()).trimmed().isEmpty() && firstLineOfEnd.mid(lead.length()).trimmed().isEmpty()) iMLLStart->mergeEditLineList.pop_back(); } } setFastSelector(iMLLStart); update(); } } void MergeResultWindow::slotRegExpAutoMerge() { if(m_pOptions->m_autoMergeRegExp.isEmpty()) return; QRegExp vcsKeywords(m_pOptions->m_autoMergeRegExp); MergeLineList::iterator i; for(i = m_mergeLineList.begin(); i != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++i) { if(i->bConflict) { Diff3LineList::const_iterator id3l = i->id3l; if(vcsKeywords.exactMatch(id3l->getString(e_SrcSelector::A)) && vcsKeywords.exactMatch(id3l->getString(e_SrcSelector::B)) && (m_pldC == nullptr || vcsKeywords.exactMatch(id3l->getString(e_SrcSelector::C)))) { MergeEditLine& mel = *i->mergeEditLineList.begin(); mel.setSource(m_pldC == nullptr ? e_SrcSelector::B : e_SrcSelector::C, false); splitAtDiff3LineIdx(i->d3lLineIdx + 1); } } } update(); } // This doesn't detect user modifications and should only be called after automatic merge // This will only do something for three file merge. // Irrelevant changes are those where all contributions from B are already contained in C. // Also irrelevant are conflicts automatically solved (automerge regexp and history automerge) // Precondition: The VCS-keyword would also be C. bool MergeResultWindow::doRelevantChangesExist() { if(m_pldC == nullptr || m_mergeLineList.size() <= 1) return true; MergeLineList::iterator i; for(i = m_mergeLineList.begin(); i != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++i) { if((i->bConflict && i->mergeEditLineList.begin()->src() != e_SrcSelector::C) || i->srcSelect == e_SrcSelector::B) { return true; } } return false; } // Returns the iterator to the MergeLine after the split MergeLineList::iterator MergeResultWindow::splitAtDiff3LineIdx(int d3lLineIdx) { MergeLineList::iterator i; for(i = m_mergeLineList.begin(); i != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++i) { if(i->d3lLineIdx == d3lLineIdx) { // No split needed, this is the beginning of a MergeLine return i; } else if(i->d3lLineIdx > d3lLineIdx) { // The split must be in the previous MergeLine --i; MergeLine& ml = *i; MergeLine newML; ml.split(newML, d3lLineIdx); ++i; return m_mergeLineList.insert(i, newML); } } // The split must be in the previous MergeLine --i; MergeLine& ml = *i; MergeLine newML; ml.split(newML, d3lLineIdx); ++i; return m_mergeLineList.insert(i, newML); } void MergeResultWindow::slotSplitDiff(int firstD3lLineIdx, int lastD3lLineIdx) { if(lastD3lLineIdx >= 0) splitAtDiff3LineIdx(lastD3lLineIdx + 1); setFastSelector(splitAtDiff3LineIdx(firstD3lLineIdx)); } void MergeResultWindow::slotJoinDiffs(int firstD3lLineIdx, int lastD3lLineIdx) { MergeLineList::iterator i; MergeLineList::iterator iMLLStart = m_mergeLineList.end(); MergeLineList::iterator iMLLEnd = m_mergeLineList.end(); for(i = m_mergeLineList.begin(); i != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++i) { MergeLine& ml = *i; if(firstD3lLineIdx >= ml.d3lLineIdx && firstD3lLineIdx < ml.d3lLineIdx + ml.srcRangeLength) { iMLLStart = i; } if(lastD3lLineIdx >= ml.d3lLineIdx && lastD3lLineIdx < ml.d3lLineIdx + ml.srcRangeLength) { iMLLEnd = i; ++iMLLEnd; break; } } bool bJoined = false; for(i = iMLLStart; i != iMLLEnd && i != m_mergeLineList.end();) { if(i == iMLLStart) { ++i; } else { iMLLStart->join(*i); i = m_mergeLineList.erase(i); bJoined = true; } } if(bJoined) { iMLLStart->mergeEditLineList.clear(); // Insert a conflict line as placeholder iMLLStart->mergeEditLineList.push_back(MergeEditLine(iMLLStart->id3l)); } setFastSelector(iMLLStart); } void MergeResultWindow::myUpdate(int afterMilliSecs) { if(m_delayedDrawTimer) killTimer(m_delayedDrawTimer); m_bMyUpdate = true; m_delayedDrawTimer = startTimer(afterMilliSecs); } void MergeResultWindow::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*) { killTimer(m_delayedDrawTimer); m_delayedDrawTimer = 0; if(m_bMyUpdate) { update(); m_bMyUpdate = false; } if(m_scrollDeltaX != 0 || m_scrollDeltaY != 0) { m_selection.end(m_selection.getLastLine() + m_scrollDeltaY, m_selection.getLastPos() + m_scrollDeltaX); Q_EMIT scrollMergeResultWindow(m_scrollDeltaX, m_scrollDeltaY); killTimer(m_delayedDrawTimer); m_delayedDrawTimer = startTimer(50); } } QVector MergeResultWindow::getTextLayoutForLine(int line, const QString& str, QTextLayout& textLayout) { // tabs QTextOption textOption; #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) textOption.setTabStop(QFontMetricsF(font()).width(' ') * m_pOptions->m_tabSize); #else textOption.setTabStopDistance(QFontMetricsF(font()).width(' ') * m_pOptions->m_tabSize); #endif if(m_pOptions->m_bShowWhiteSpaceCharacters) { textOption.setFlags(QTextOption::ShowTabsAndSpaces); } textLayout.setTextOption(textOption); if(m_pOptions->m_bShowWhiteSpaceCharacters) { // This additional format is only necessary for the tab arrow QVector formats; QTextLayout::FormatRange formatRange; formatRange.start = 0; formatRange.length = str.length(); formatRange.format.setFont(font()); formats.append(formatRange); textLayout.setFormats(formats); } QVector selectionFormat; textLayout.beginLayout(); if(m_selection.lineWithin(line)) { int firstPosInText = m_selection.firstPosInLine(line); int lastPosInText = m_selection.lastPosInLine(line); int lengthInText = std::max(0, lastPosInText - firstPosInText); if(lengthInText > 0) m_selection.bSelectionContainsData = true; QTextLayout::FormatRange selection; selection.start = firstPosInText; selection.length = lengthInText; selection.format.setBackground(palette().highlight()); selection.format.setForeground(palette().highlightedText().color()); selectionFormat.push_back(selection); } QTextLine textLine = textLayout.createLine(); textLine.setPosition(QPointF(0, fontMetrics().leading())); textLayout.endLayout(); int cursorWidth = 5; if(m_pOptions->m_bRightToLeftLanguage) textLayout.setPosition(QPointF(width() - textLayout.maximumWidth() - getTextXOffset() + m_horizScrollOffset - cursorWidth, 0)); else textLayout.setPosition(QPointF(getTextXOffset() - m_horizScrollOffset, 0)); return selectionFormat; } void MergeResultWindow::writeLine( RLPainter& p, int line, const QString& str, e_SrcSelector srcSelect, e_MergeDetails mergeDetails, int rangeMark, bool bUserModified, bool bLineRemoved, bool bWhiteSpaceConflict) { const QFontMetrics& fm = fontMetrics(); int fontHeight = fm.lineSpacing(); int fontAscent = fm.ascent(); int topLineYOffset = 0; int xOffset = getTextXOffset(); int yOffset = (line - m_firstLine) * fontHeight; if(yOffset < 0 || yOffset > height()) return; yOffset += topLineYOffset; QString srcName = QChar(' '); if(bUserModified) srcName = QChar('m'); else if(srcSelect == e_SrcSelector::A && mergeDetails != e_MergeDetails::eNoChange) srcName = i18n("A"); else if(srcSelect == e_SrcSelector::B) srcName = i18n("B"); else if(srcSelect == e_SrcSelector::C) srcName = i18n("C"); if(rangeMark & 4) { p.fillRect(xOffset, yOffset, width(), fontHeight, m_pOptions->m_currentRangeBgColor); } if((srcSelect > e_SrcSelector::None || bUserModified) && !bLineRemoved) { if(!m_pOptions->m_bRightToLeftLanguage) p.setClipRect(QRectF(xOffset, 0, width() - xOffset, height())); else p.setClipRect(QRectF(0, 0, width() - xOffset, height())); int outPos = 0; QString s; int size = str.length(); for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { int spaces = 1; if(str[i] == '\t') { spaces = tabber(outPos, m_pOptions->m_tabSize); for(int j = 0; j < spaces; ++j) s += ' '; } else { s += str[i]; } outPos += spaces; } p.setPen(m_pOptions->m_fgColor); QTextLayout textLayout(str, font(), this); QVector selectionFormat = getTextLayoutForLine(line, str, textLayout); textLayout.draw(&p, QPointF(0, yOffset), selectionFormat); if(line == m_cursorYPos) { m_cursorXPixelPos = qCeil(textLayout.lineAt(0).cursorToX(m_cursorXPos)); if(m_pOptions->m_bRightToLeftLanguage) m_cursorXPixelPos += qCeil(textLayout.position().x() - m_horizScrollOffset); } p.setClipping(false); p.setPen(m_pOptions->m_fgColor); p.drawText(1, yOffset + fontAscent, srcName, true); } else if(bLineRemoved) { p.setPen(m_pOptions->m_colorForConflict); p.drawText(xOffset, yOffset + fontAscent, i18n("")); p.drawText(1, yOffset + fontAscent, srcName); if(m_cursorYPos == line) m_cursorXPos = 0; } else if(srcSelect == e_SrcSelector::None) { p.setPen(m_pOptions->m_colorForConflict); if(bWhiteSpaceConflict) p.drawText(xOffset, yOffset + fontAscent, i18n("")); else p.drawText(xOffset, yOffset + fontAscent, i18n("")); p.drawText(1, yOffset + fontAscent, "?"); if(m_cursorYPos == line) m_cursorXPos = 0; } else Q_ASSERT(true); xOffset -= Utils::getHorizontalAdvance(fm, '0'); p.setPen(m_pOptions->m_fgColor); if(rangeMark & 1) // begin mark { p.drawLine(xOffset, yOffset + 1, xOffset, yOffset + fontHeight / 2); p.drawLine(xOffset, yOffset + 1, xOffset - 2, yOffset + 1); } else { p.drawLine(xOffset, yOffset, xOffset, yOffset + fontHeight / 2); } if(rangeMark & 2) // end mark { p.drawLine(xOffset, yOffset + fontHeight / 2, xOffset, yOffset + fontHeight - 1); p.drawLine(xOffset, yOffset + fontHeight - 1, xOffset - 2, yOffset + fontHeight - 1); } else { p.drawLine(xOffset, yOffset + fontHeight / 2, xOffset, yOffset + fontHeight); } if(rangeMark & 4) { p.fillRect(xOffset + 3, yOffset, 3, fontHeight, m_pOptions->m_fgColor); /* p.setPen( blue ); p.drawLine( xOffset+2, yOffset, xOffset+2, yOffset+fontHeight-1 ); p.drawLine( xOffset+3, yOffset, xOffset+3, yOffset+fontHeight-1 );*/ } } void MergeResultWindow::setPaintingAllowed(bool bPaintingAllowed) { setUpdatesEnabled(bPaintingAllowed); if(!bPaintingAllowed) { m_currentMergeLineIt = m_mergeLineList.end(); reset(); } else update(); } void MergeResultWindow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) { if(m_pDiff3LineList == nullptr) return; bool bOldSelectionContainsData = m_selection.selectionContainsData(); const QFontMetrics& fm = fontMetrics(); int fontWidth = Utils::getHorizontalAdvance(fm, '0'); if(!m_bCursorUpdate) // Don't redraw everything for blinking cursor? { m_selection.bSelectionContainsData = false; if(size() != m_pixmap.size()) m_pixmap = QPixmap(size()); RLPainter p(&m_pixmap, m_pOptions->m_bRightToLeftLanguage, width(), fontWidth); p.setFont(font()); p.QPainter::fillRect(rect(), m_pOptions->m_bgColor); //int visibleLines = height() / fontHeight; int lastVisibleLine = m_firstLine + getNofVisibleLines() + 5; LineRef line = 0; MergeLineList::iterator mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); for(mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); mlIt != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++mlIt) { MergeLine& ml = *mlIt; if(line > lastVisibleLine || line + ml.mergeEditLineList.size() < m_firstLine) { line += ml.mergeEditLineList.size(); } else { MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt; for(melIt = ml.mergeEditLineList.begin(); melIt != ml.mergeEditLineList.end(); ++melIt) { if(line >= m_firstLine && line <= lastVisibleLine) { MergeEditLine& mel = *melIt; MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt1 = melIt; ++melIt1; int rangeMark = 0; if(melIt == ml.mergeEditLineList.begin()) rangeMark |= 1; // Begin range mark if(melIt1 == ml.mergeEditLineList.end()) rangeMark |= 2; // End range mark if(mlIt == m_currentMergeLineIt) rangeMark |= 4; // Mark of the current line QString s; s = mel.getString(m_pldA, m_pldB, m_pldC); writeLine(p, line, s, mel.src(), ml.mergeDetails, rangeMark, mel.isModified(), mel.isRemoved(), ml.bWhiteSpaceConflict); } ++line; } } } if(line != m_nofLines) { m_nofLines = line; Q_EMIT resizeSignal(); } p.end(); } QPainter painter(this); if(!m_bCursorUpdate) painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, m_pixmap); else { painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, m_pixmap); // Draw everything. (Internally cursor rect is clipped anyway.) m_bCursorUpdate = false; } if(m_bCursorOn && hasFocus() && m_cursorYPos >= m_firstLine) { painter.setPen(m_pOptions->m_fgColor); QString str = getString(m_cursorYPos); QTextLayout textLayout(str, font(), this); getTextLayoutForLine(m_cursorYPos, str, textLayout); textLayout.drawCursor(&painter, QPointF(0, (m_cursorYPos - m_firstLine) * fontMetrics().lineSpacing()), m_cursorXPos); } painter.end(); if(!bOldSelectionContainsData && m_selection.selectionContainsData()) Q_EMIT newSelection(); } void MergeResultWindow::updateSourceMask() { int srcMask = 0; int enabledMask = 0; if(!hasFocus() || m_pDiff3LineList == nullptr || !updatesEnabled() || m_currentMergeLineIt == m_mergeLineList.end()) { srcMask = 0; enabledMask = 0; } else { enabledMask = m_pldC == nullptr ? 3 : 7; MergeLine& ml = *m_currentMergeLineIt; srcMask = 0; bool bModified = false; MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt; for(melIt = ml.mergeEditLineList.begin(); melIt != ml.mergeEditLineList.end(); ++melIt) { MergeEditLine& mel = *melIt; if(mel.src() == e_SrcSelector::A) srcMask |= 1; if(mel.src() == e_SrcSelector::B) srcMask |= 2; if(mel.src() == e_SrcSelector::C) srcMask |= 4; if(mel.isModified() || !mel.isEditableText()) bModified = true; } if(ml.mergeDetails == e_MergeDetails::eNoChange) { srcMask = 0; enabledMask = bModified ? 1 : 0; } } Q_EMIT sourceMask(srcMask, enabledMask); } void MergeResultWindow::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent* e) { updateSourceMask(); QWidget::focusInEvent(e); } LineRef MergeResultWindow::convertToLine(int y) { const QFontMetrics& fm = fontMetrics(); int fontHeight = fm.lineSpacing(); int topLineYOffset = 0; int yOffset = topLineYOffset - m_firstLine * fontHeight; LineRef line = std::min((y - yOffset) / fontHeight, m_nofLines - 1); return line; } void MergeResultWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { m_bCursorOn = true; int xOffset = getTextXOffset(); LineRef line = convertToLine(e->y()); QString s = getString(line); QTextLayout textLayout(s, font(), this); getTextLayoutForLine(line, s, textLayout); QtNumberType pos = textLayout.lineAt(0).xToCursor(e->x() - textLayout.position().x()); bool bLMB = e->button() == Qt::LeftButton; bool bMMB = e->button() == Qt::MidButton; bool bRMB = e->button() == Qt::RightButton; if((bLMB && (e->x() < xOffset)) || bRMB) // Fast range selection { m_cursorXPos = 0; m_cursorOldXPixelPos = 0; m_cursorYPos = std::max((LineRef::LineType)line, 0); int l = 0; MergeLineList::iterator i = m_mergeLineList.begin(); for(i = m_mergeLineList.begin(); i != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++i) { if(l == line) break; l += i->mergeEditLineList.size(); if(l > line) break; } m_selection.reset(); // Disable current selection m_bCursorOn = true; setFastSelector(i); if(bRMB) { Q_EMIT showPopupMenu(QCursor::pos()); } } else if(bLMB) // Normal cursor placement { pos = std::max(pos, 0); line = std::max((LineRef::LineType)line, 0); if(e->QInputEvent::modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { if(!m_selection.isValidFirstLine()) m_selection.start(line, pos); m_selection.end(line, pos); } else { // Selection m_selection.reset(); m_selection.start(line, pos); m_selection.end(line, pos); } m_cursorXPos = pos; m_cursorXPixelPos = qCeil(textLayout.lineAt(0).cursorToX(pos)); if(m_pOptions->m_bRightToLeftLanguage) m_cursorXPixelPos += qCeil(textLayout.position().x() - m_horizScrollOffset); m_cursorOldXPixelPos = m_cursorXPixelPos; m_cursorYPos = line; update(); //showStatusLine( line, m_winIdx, m_pFilename, m_pDiff3LineList, m_pStatusBar ); } else if(bMMB) // Paste clipboard { pos = std::max(pos, 0); line = std::max((LineRef::LineType)line, 0); m_selection.reset(); m_cursorXPos = pos; m_cursorOldXPixelPos = m_cursorXPixelPos; m_cursorYPos = line; pasteClipboard(true); } } void MergeResultWindow::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { if(e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { LineRef line = convertToLine(e->y()); QString s = getString(line); QTextLayout textLayout(s, font(), this); getTextLayoutForLine(line, s, textLayout); int pos = textLayout.lineAt(0).xToCursor(e->x() - textLayout.position().x()); m_cursorXPos = pos; m_cursorOldXPixelPos = m_cursorXPixelPos; m_cursorYPos = line; if(!s.isEmpty()) { int pos1, pos2; Utils::calcTokenPos(s, pos, pos1, pos2); resetSelection(); m_selection.start(line, pos1); m_selection.end(line, pos2); update(); // Q_EMIT selectionEnd() happens in the mouseReleaseEvent. } } } void MergeResultWindow::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { if(e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { if(m_delayedDrawTimer) { killTimer(m_delayedDrawTimer); m_delayedDrawTimer = 0; } if(m_selection.isValidFirstLine()) { Q_EMIT selectionEnd(); } } } void MergeResultWindow::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { LineRef line = convertToLine(e->y()); QString s = getString(line); QTextLayout textLayout(s, font(), this); getTextLayoutForLine(line, s, textLayout); int pos = textLayout.lineAt(0).xToCursor(e->x() - textLayout.position().x()); m_cursorXPos = pos; m_cursorOldXPixelPos = m_cursorXPixelPos; m_cursorYPos = line; if(m_selection.isValidFirstLine()) { m_selection.end(line, pos); myUpdate(0); //showStatusLine( line, m_winIdx, m_pFilename, m_pDiff3LineList, m_pStatusBar ); // Scroll because mouse moved out of the window const QFontMetrics& fm = fontMetrics(); int fontWidth = Utils::getHorizontalAdvance(fm, '0'); int topLineYOffset = 0; int deltaX = 0; int deltaY = 0; if(!m_pOptions->m_bRightToLeftLanguage) { if(e->x() < getTextXOffset()) deltaX = -1; if(e->x() > width()) deltaX = +1; } else { if(e->x() > width() - 1 - getTextXOffset()) deltaX = -1; if(e->x() < fontWidth) deltaX = +1; } if(e->y() < topLineYOffset) deltaY = -1; if(e->y() > height()) deltaY = +1; m_scrollDeltaX = deltaX; m_scrollDeltaY = deltaY; if(deltaX != 0 || deltaY != 0) { Q_EMIT scrollMergeResultWindow(deltaX, deltaY); } } } void MergeResultWindow::slotCursorUpdate() { m_cursorTimer.stop(); m_bCursorOn = !m_bCursorOn; if(isVisible()) { m_bCursorUpdate = true; const QFontMetrics& fm = fontMetrics(); int topLineYOffset = 0; int yOffset = (m_cursorYPos - m_firstLine) * fm.lineSpacing() + topLineYOffset; repaint(0, yOffset, width(), fm.lineSpacing() + 2); m_bCursorUpdate = false; } m_cursorTimer.start(500); } void MergeResultWindow::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* pWheelEvent) { QPoint delta = pWheelEvent->angleDelta(); //Block diagonal scrolling easily generated unintentionally with track pads. if(delta.y() != 0 && abs(delta.y()) > abs(delta.x()) && mVScrollBar != nullptr) { pWheelEvent->accept(); QCoreApplication::postEvent(mVScrollBar, new QWheelEvent(*pWheelEvent)); } } bool MergeResultWindow::event(QEvent* e) { if(e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent* ke = static_cast(e); if(ke->key() == Qt::Key_Tab) { // special tab handling here to avoid moving focus keyPressEvent(ke); return true; } } return QWidget::event(e); } void MergeResultWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* e) { int y = m_cursorYPos; MergeLineList::iterator mlIt; MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt; calcIteratorFromLineNr(y, mlIt, melIt); QString str = melIt->getString(m_pldA, m_pldB, m_pldC); int x = m_cursorXPos; QTextLayout textLayoutOrig(str, font(), this); getTextLayoutForLine(y, str, textLayoutOrig); bool bCtrl = (e->QInputEvent::modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) != 0; bool bShift = (e->QInputEvent::modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) != 0; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN bool bAlt = (e->QInputEvent::modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) != 0; if(bCtrl && bAlt) { bCtrl = false; bAlt = false; } // AltGr-Key pressed. #endif bool bYMoveKey = false; // Special keys switch(e->key()) { case Qt::Key_Escape: //case Qt::Key_Tab: case Qt::Key_Backtab: break; case Qt::Key_Delete: { if(deleteSelection2(str, x, y, mlIt, melIt) || !melIt->isEditableText()) break; if(x >= str.length()) { if(y < m_nofLines - 1) { setModified(); MergeLineList::iterator mlIt1; MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt1; calcIteratorFromLineNr(y + 1, mlIt1, melIt1); if(melIt1->isEditableText()) { QString s2 = melIt1->getString(m_pldA, m_pldB, m_pldC); melIt->setString(str + s2); // Remove the line if(mlIt1->mergeEditLineList.size() > 1) mlIt1->mergeEditLineList.erase(melIt1); else melIt1->setRemoved(); } } } else { QString s = str.left(x); s += str.midRef(x + 1); melIt->setString(s); setModified(); } break; } case Qt::Key_Backspace: { if(deleteSelection2(str, x, y, mlIt, melIt)) break; if(!melIt->isEditableText()) break; if(x == 0) { if(y > 0) { setModified(); MergeLineList::iterator mlIt1; MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt1; calcIteratorFromLineNr(y - 1, mlIt1, melIt1); if(melIt1->isEditableText()) { QString s1 = melIt1->getString(m_pldA, m_pldB, m_pldC); melIt1->setString(s1 + str); // Remove the previous line if(mlIt->mergeEditLineList.size() > 1) mlIt->mergeEditLineList.erase(melIt); else melIt->setRemoved(); --y; x = str.length(); } } } else { QString s = str.left(x - 1); s += str.midRef(x); --x; melIt->setString(s); setModified(); } break; } case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_Enter: { if(!melIt->isEditableText()) break; deleteSelection2(str, x, y, mlIt, melIt); setModified(); QString indentation; if(m_pOptions->m_bAutoIndentation) { // calc last indentation MergeLineList::iterator mlIt1 = mlIt; MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt1 = melIt; for(;;) { const QString s = melIt1->getString(m_pldA, m_pldB, m_pldC); if(!s.isEmpty()) { int i; for(i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) { if(s[i] != ' ' && s[i] != '\t') break; } if(i < s.length()) { indentation = s.left(i); break; } } // Go back one line if(melIt1 != mlIt1->mergeEditLineList.begin()) --melIt1; else { if(mlIt1 == m_mergeLineList.begin()) break; --mlIt1; melIt1 = mlIt1->mergeEditLineList.end(); --melIt1; } } } MergeEditLine mel(mlIt->id3l); // Associate every mel with an id3l, even if not really valid. mel.setString(indentation + str.mid(x)); if(x < str.length()) // Cut off the old line. { // Since ps possibly points into melIt->str, first copy it into a temporary. QString temp = str.left(x); melIt->setString(temp); } ++melIt; mlIt->mergeEditLineList.insert(melIt, mel); x = indentation.length(); ++y; break; } case Qt::Key_Insert: m_bInsertMode = !m_bInsertMode; break; case Qt::Key_Pause: case Qt::Key_Print: case Qt::Key_SysReq: break; case Qt::Key_Home: x = 0; if(bCtrl) { y = 0; } break; // cursor movement case Qt::Key_End: x = INT_MAX; if(bCtrl) { y = INT_MAX; } break; case Qt::Key_Left: case Qt::Key_Right: if((e->key() == Qt::Key_Left) != m_pOptions->m_bRightToLeftLanguage) { if(!bCtrl) { int newX = textLayoutOrig.previousCursorPosition(x); if(newX == x && y > 0) { --y; x = INT_MAX; } else { x = newX; } } else { while(x > 0 && (str[x - 1] == ' ' || str[x - 1] == '\t')) { int newX = textLayoutOrig.previousCursorPosition(x); if(newX == x) break; x = newX; } while(x > 0 && (str[x - 1] != ' ' && str[x - 1] != '\t')) { int newX = textLayoutOrig.previousCursorPosition(x); if(newX == x) break; x = newX; } } } else { if(!bCtrl) { int newX = textLayoutOrig.nextCursorPosition(x); if(newX == x && y < m_nofLines - 1) { ++y; x = 0; } else { x = newX; } } else { while(x < str.length() && (str[x] == ' ' || str[x] == '\t')) { int newX = textLayoutOrig.nextCursorPosition(x); if(newX == x) break; x = newX; } while(x < str.length() && (str[x] != ' ' && str[x] != '\t')) { int newX = textLayoutOrig.nextCursorPosition(x); if(newX == x) break; x = newX; } } } break; case Qt::Key_Up: if(!bCtrl) { --y; bYMoveKey = true; } break; case Qt::Key_Down: if(!bCtrl) { ++y; bYMoveKey = true; } break; case Qt::Key_PageUp: if(!bCtrl) { y -= getNofVisibleLines(); bYMoveKey = true; } break; case Qt::Key_PageDown: if(!bCtrl) { y += getNofVisibleLines(); bYMoveKey = true; } break; default: { QString t = e->text(); if(t.isEmpty() || bCtrl) { e->ignore(); return; } else { if(bCtrl) { e->ignore(); return; } else { if(!melIt->isEditableText()) break; deleteSelection2(str, x, y, mlIt, melIt); setModified(); // Characters to insert QString s = str; if(t[0] == '\t' && m_pOptions->m_bReplaceTabs) { int spaces = (m_cursorXPos / m_pOptions->m_tabSize + 1) * m_pOptions->m_tabSize - m_cursorXPos; t.fill(' ', spaces); } if(m_bInsertMode) s.insert(x, t); else s.replace(x, t.length(), t); melIt->setString(s); x += t.length(); bShift = false; } } } } y = qBound(0, y, m_nofLines - 1); calcIteratorFromLineNr(y, mlIt, melIt); str = melIt->getString(m_pldA, m_pldB, m_pldC); x = qBound(0, x, (int)str.length()); int newFirstLine = m_firstLine; int newHorizScrollOffset = m_horizScrollOffset; if(y < m_firstLine) newFirstLine = y; else if(y > m_firstLine + getNofVisibleLines()) newFirstLine = y - getNofVisibleLines(); QTextLayout textLayout(str, font(), this); getTextLayoutForLine(m_cursorYPos, str, textLayout); // try to preserve cursor x pixel position when moving to another line if(bYMoveKey) { if(m_pOptions->m_bRightToLeftLanguage) x = textLayout.lineAt(0).xToCursor(m_cursorOldXPixelPos - (textLayout.position().x() - m_horizScrollOffset)); else x = textLayout.lineAt(0).xToCursor(m_cursorOldXPixelPos); } m_cursorXPixelPos = qCeil(textLayout.lineAt(0).cursorToX(x)); int hF = 1; // horizontal factor if(m_pOptions->m_bRightToLeftLanguage) { m_cursorXPixelPos += qCeil(textLayout.position().x() - m_horizScrollOffset); hF = -1; } int cursorWidth = 5; if(m_cursorXPixelPos < hF * m_horizScrollOffset) newHorizScrollOffset = hF * m_cursorXPixelPos; else if(m_cursorXPixelPos > hF * m_horizScrollOffset + getVisibleTextAreaWidth() - cursorWidth) newHorizScrollOffset = hF * (m_cursorXPixelPos - (getVisibleTextAreaWidth() - cursorWidth)); int newCursorX = x; if(bShift) { if(!m_selection.isValidFirstLine()) m_selection.start(m_cursorYPos, m_cursorXPos); m_selection.end(y, newCursorX); } else m_selection.reset(); m_cursorYPos = y; m_cursorXPos = newCursorX; // TODO if width of current line exceeds the current maximum width then force recalculating the scrollbars if(textLayout.maximumWidth() > getMaxTextWidth()) { m_maxTextWidth = qCeil(textLayout.maximumWidth()); Q_EMIT resizeSignal(); } if(!bYMoveKey) m_cursorOldXPixelPos = m_cursorXPixelPos; m_bCursorOn = true; m_cursorTimer.start(500); update(); if(newFirstLine != m_firstLine || newHorizScrollOffset != m_horizScrollOffset) { Q_EMIT scrollMergeResultWindow(newHorizScrollOffset - m_horizScrollOffset, newFirstLine - m_firstLine); return; } } void MergeResultWindow::calcIteratorFromLineNr( int line, MergeLineList::iterator& mlIt, MergeEditLineList::iterator& melIt) { for(mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); mlIt != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++mlIt) { MergeLine& ml = *mlIt; if(line > ml.mergeEditLineList.size()) { line -= ml.mergeEditLineList.size(); } else { for(melIt = ml.mergeEditLineList.begin(); melIt != ml.mergeEditLineList.end(); ++melIt) { --line; if(line < 0) return; } } } } QString MergeResultWindow::getSelection() { QString selectionString; int line = 0; MergeLineList::iterator mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); for(mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); mlIt != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++mlIt) { MergeLine& ml = *mlIt; MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt; for(melIt = ml.mergeEditLineList.begin(); melIt != ml.mergeEditLineList.end(); ++melIt) { MergeEditLine& mel = *melIt; if(m_selection.lineWithin(line)) { int outPos = 0; if(mel.isEditableText()) { const QString str = mel.getString(m_pldA, m_pldB, m_pldC); // Consider tabs for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) { int spaces = 1; if(str[i] == '\t') { spaces = tabber(outPos, m_pOptions->m_tabSize); } if(m_selection.within(line, outPos)) { selectionString += str[i]; } outPos += spaces; } } else if(mel.isConflict()) { selectionString += i18n(""); } if(m_selection.within(line, outPos)) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN selectionString += '\r'; #endif selectionString += '\n'; } } ++line; } } return selectionString; } bool MergeResultWindow::deleteSelection2(QString& s, int& x, int& y, MergeLineList::iterator& mlIt, MergeEditLineList::iterator& melIt) { if(m_selection.selectionContainsData()) { Q_ASSERT(m_selection.isValidFirstLine()); deleteSelection(); y = m_cursorYPos; calcIteratorFromLineNr(y, mlIt, melIt); s = melIt->getString(m_pldA, m_pldB, m_pldC); x = m_cursorXPos; return true; } return false; } void MergeResultWindow::deleteSelection() { if(!m_selection.selectionContainsData()) { return; } Q_ASSERT(m_selection.isValidFirstLine()); setModified(); LineRef line = 0; MergeLineList::iterator mlItFirst; MergeEditLineList::iterator melItFirst; QString firstLineString; LineRef firstLine; LineRef lastLine; MergeLineList::iterator mlIt; for(mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); mlIt != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++mlIt) { MergeLine& ml = *mlIt; MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt; for(melIt = ml.mergeEditLineList.begin(); melIt != ml.mergeEditLineList.end(); ++melIt) { MergeEditLine& mel = *melIt; if(mel.isEditableText() && m_selection.lineWithin(line)) { if(!firstLine.isValid()) firstLine = line; lastLine = line; } ++line; } } if(!firstLine.isValid()) { return; // Nothing to delete. } line = 0; for(mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); mlIt != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++mlIt) { MergeLine& ml = *mlIt; MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt, melIt1; for(melIt = ml.mergeEditLineList.begin(); melIt != ml.mergeEditLineList.end();) { MergeEditLine& mel = *melIt; melIt1 = melIt; ++melIt1; if(mel.isEditableText() && m_selection.lineWithin(line)) { QString lineString = mel.getString(m_pldA, m_pldB, m_pldC); int firstPosInLine = m_selection.firstPosInLine(line); int lastPosInLine = m_selection.lastPosInLine(line); if(line == firstLine) { mlItFirst = mlIt; melItFirst = melIt; int pos = firstPosInLine; firstLineString = lineString.left(pos); } if(line == lastLine) { // This is the last line in the selection int pos = lastPosInLine; firstLineString += lineString.midRef(pos); // rest of line melItFirst->setString(firstLineString); } if(line != firstLine || (m_selection.endPos() - m_selection.beginPos()) == lineString.length()) { // Remove the line if(mlIt->mergeEditLineList.size() > 1) mlIt->mergeEditLineList.erase(melIt); else melIt->setRemoved(); } } ++line; melIt = melIt1; } } m_cursorYPos = m_selection.beginLine(); m_cursorXPos = m_selection.beginPos(); m_cursorOldXPixelPos = m_cursorXPixelPos; m_selection.reset(); } void MergeResultWindow::pasteClipboard(bool bFromSelection) { //checking of m_selection if needed is done by deleteSelection no need for check here. deleteSelection(); setModified(); int y = m_cursorYPos; MergeLineList::iterator mlIt; MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt, melItAfter; calcIteratorFromLineNr(y, mlIt, melIt); melItAfter = melIt; ++melItAfter; QString str = melIt->getString(m_pldA, m_pldB, m_pldC); int x = m_cursorXPos; if(!QApplication::clipboard()->supportsSelection()) bFromSelection = false; QString clipBoard = QApplication::clipboard()->text(bFromSelection ? QClipboard::Selection : QClipboard::Clipboard); QString currentLine = str.left(x); QString endOfLine = str.mid(x); int i; int len = clipBoard.length(); for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { QChar c = clipBoard[i]; if(c == '\r') continue; if(c == '\n') { melIt->setString(currentLine); MergeEditLine mel(mlIt->id3l); // Associate every mel with an id3l, even if not really valid. melIt = mlIt->mergeEditLineList.insert(melItAfter, mel); currentLine = ""; x = 0; ++y; } else { currentLine += c; ++x; } } currentLine += endOfLine; melIt->setString(currentLine); m_cursorYPos = y; m_cursorXPos = x; m_cursorOldXPixelPos = m_cursorXPixelPos; update(); } void MergeResultWindow::resetSelection() { m_selection.reset(); update(); } void MergeResultWindow::setModified(bool bModified) { if(bModified != m_bModified) { m_bModified = bModified; Q_EMIT modifiedChanged(m_bModified); } } /// Saves and returns true when successful. bool MergeResultWindow::saveDocument(const QString& fileName, QTextCodec* pEncoding, e_LineEndStyle eLineEndStyle) { // Are still conflicts somewhere? if(getNrOfUnsolvedConflicts() > 0) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Not all conflicts are solved yet.\n" "File not saved."), i18n("Conflicts Left")); return false; } if(eLineEndStyle == eLineEndStyleConflict || eLineEndStyle == eLineEndStyleUndefined) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("There is a line end style conflict. Please choose the line end style manually.\n" "File not saved."), i18n("Conflicts Left")); return false; } update(); FileAccess file(fileName, true /*bWantToWrite*/); if(m_pOptions->m_bDmCreateBakFiles && file.exists()) { bool bSuccess = file.createBackup(".orig"); if(!bSuccess) { KMessageBox::error(this, file.getStatusText() + i18n("\n\nCreating backup failed. File not saved."), i18n("File Save Error")); return false; } } QByteArray dataArray; QTextStream textOutStream(&dataArray, QIODevice::WriteOnly); if(pEncoding->name() == "UTF-8") textOutStream.setGenerateByteOrderMark(false); // Shouldn't be necessary. Bug in Qt or docs else textOutStream.setGenerateByteOrderMark(true); // Only for UTF-16 textOutStream.setCodec(pEncoding); int line = 0; MergeLineList::iterator mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); for(mlIt = m_mergeLineList.begin(); mlIt != m_mergeLineList.end(); ++mlIt) { MergeLine& ml = *mlIt; MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt; for(melIt = ml.mergeEditLineList.begin(); melIt != ml.mergeEditLineList.end(); ++melIt) { MergeEditLine& mel = *melIt; if(mel.isEditableText()) { QString str = mel.getString(m_pldA, m_pldB, m_pldC); if(line > 0) // Prepend line feed, but not for first line { if(eLineEndStyle == eLineEndStyleDos) { str.prepend("\r\n"); } else { str.prepend("\n"); } } textOutStream << str; ++line; } } } textOutStream.flush(); bool bSuccess = file.writeFile(dataArray.data(), dataArray.size()); if(!bSuccess) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Error while writing."), i18n("File Save Error")); return false; } setModified(false); update(); return true; } QString MergeResultWindow::getString(int lineIdx) { MergeLineList::iterator mlIt; MergeEditLineList::iterator melIt; if(m_mergeLineList.empty()) { return QString(); } calcIteratorFromLineNr(lineIdx, mlIt, melIt); QString s = melIt->getString(m_pldA, m_pldB, m_pldC); return s; } bool MergeResultWindow::findString(const QString& s, LineRef& d3vLine, int& posInLine, bool bDirDown, bool bCaseSensitive) { int it = d3vLine; int endIt = bDirDown ? getNofLines() : -1; int step = bDirDown ? 1 : -1; int startPos = posInLine; for(; it != endIt; it += step) { QString line = getString(it); if(!line.isEmpty()) { int pos = line.indexOf(s, startPos, bCaseSensitive ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive); if(pos != -1) { d3vLine = it; posInLine = pos; return true; } startPos = 0; } } return false; } void MergeResultWindow::setSelection(int firstLine, int startPos, int lastLine, int endPos) { if(lastLine >= getNofLines()) { lastLine = getNofLines() - 1; QString s = getString(lastLine); endPos = s.length(); } m_selection.reset(); m_selection.start(firstLine, startPos); m_selection.end(lastLine, endPos); update(); } WindowTitleWidget::WindowTitleWidget(const QSharedPointer &pOptions) { m_pOptions = pOptions; setAutoFillBackground(true); QHBoxLayout* pHLayout = new QHBoxLayout(this); pHLayout->setMargin(2); pHLayout->setSpacing(2); m_pLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Output:")); pHLayout->addWidget(m_pLabel); m_pFileNameLineEdit = new FileNameLineEdit(); pHLayout->addWidget(m_pFileNameLineEdit, 6); m_pFileNameLineEdit->installEventFilter(this);//for focus tracking m_pFileNameLineEdit->setAcceptDrops(true); m_pFileNameLineEdit->setReadOnly(true); //m_pBrowseButton = new QPushButton("..."); //pHLayout->addWidget( m_pBrowseButton, 0 ); //connect( m_pBrowseButton, &QPushButton::clicked), this, &MergeResultWindow::slotBrowseButtonClicked); m_pModifiedLabel = new QLabel(i18n("[Modified]")); pHLayout->addWidget(m_pModifiedLabel); m_pModifiedLabel->setMinimumSize(m_pModifiedLabel->sizeHint()); m_pModifiedLabel->setText(""); pHLayout->addStretch(1); m_pEncodingLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Encoding for saving:")); pHLayout->addWidget(m_pEncodingLabel); m_pEncodingSelector = new QComboBox(); m_pEncodingSelector->setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToContents); pHLayout->addWidget(m_pEncodingSelector, 2); setEncodings(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); m_pLineEndStyleLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Line end style:")); pHLayout->addWidget(m_pLineEndStyleLabel); m_pLineEndStyleSelector = new QComboBox(); m_pLineEndStyleSelector->setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToContents); pHLayout->addWidget(m_pLineEndStyleSelector); setLineEndStyles(eLineEndStyleUndefined, eLineEndStyleUndefined, eLineEndStyleUndefined); } void WindowTitleWidget::setFileName(const QString& fileName) { m_pFileNameLineEdit->setText(QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName)); } QString WindowTitleWidget::getFileName() { return m_pFileNameLineEdit->text(); } //static QString getLineEndStyleName( e_LineEndStyle eLineEndStyle ) //{ // if ( eLineEndStyle == eLineEndStyleDos ) // return "DOS"; // else if ( eLineEndStyle == eLineEndStyleUnix ) // return "Unix"; // return QString(); //} void WindowTitleWidget::setLineEndStyles(e_LineEndStyle eLineEndStyleA, e_LineEndStyle eLineEndStyleB, e_LineEndStyle eLineEndStyleC) { m_pLineEndStyleSelector->clear(); QString dosUsers; if(eLineEndStyleA == eLineEndStyleDos) dosUsers += i18n("A"); if(eLineEndStyleB == eLineEndStyleDos) dosUsers += QLatin1String(dosUsers.isEmpty() ? "" : ", ") + i18n("B"); if(eLineEndStyleC == eLineEndStyleDos) dosUsers += QLatin1String(dosUsers.isEmpty() ? "" : ", ") + i18n("C"); QString unxUsers; if(eLineEndStyleA == eLineEndStyleUnix) unxUsers += i18n("A"); if(eLineEndStyleB == eLineEndStyleUnix) unxUsers += QLatin1String(unxUsers.isEmpty() ? "" : ", ") + i18n("B"); if(eLineEndStyleC == eLineEndStyleUnix) unxUsers += QLatin1String(unxUsers.isEmpty() ? "" : ", ") + i18n("C"); m_pLineEndStyleSelector->addItem(i18n("Unix") + (unxUsers.isEmpty() ? QString("") : QLatin1String(" (") + unxUsers + QLatin1String(")"))); m_pLineEndStyleSelector->addItem(i18n("DOS") + (dosUsers.isEmpty() ? QString("") : QLatin1String(" (") + dosUsers + QLatin1String(")"))); e_LineEndStyle autoChoice = (e_LineEndStyle)m_pOptions->m_lineEndStyle; if(m_pOptions->m_lineEndStyle == eLineEndStyleAutoDetect) { if(eLineEndStyleA != eLineEndStyleUndefined && eLineEndStyleB != eLineEndStyleUndefined && eLineEndStyleC != eLineEndStyleUndefined) { if(eLineEndStyleA == eLineEndStyleB) autoChoice = eLineEndStyleC; else if(eLineEndStyleA == eLineEndStyleC) autoChoice = eLineEndStyleB; else autoChoice = eLineEndStyleConflict; //conflict (not likely while only two values exist) } else { e_LineEndStyle c1, c2; if(eLineEndStyleA == eLineEndStyleUndefined) { c1 = eLineEndStyleB; c2 = eLineEndStyleC; } else if(eLineEndStyleB == eLineEndStyleUndefined) { c1 = eLineEndStyleA; c2 = eLineEndStyleC; } else /*if( eLineEndStyleC == eLineEndStyleUndefined )*/ { c1 = eLineEndStyleA; c2 = eLineEndStyleB; } if(c1 == c2 && c1 != eLineEndStyleUndefined) autoChoice = c1; else autoChoice = eLineEndStyleConflict; } } if(autoChoice == eLineEndStyleUnix) m_pLineEndStyleSelector->setCurrentIndex(0); else if(autoChoice == eLineEndStyleDos) m_pLineEndStyleSelector->setCurrentIndex(1); else if(autoChoice == eLineEndStyleConflict) { m_pLineEndStyleSelector->addItem(i18n("Conflict")); m_pLineEndStyleSelector->setCurrentIndex(2); } } e_LineEndStyle WindowTitleWidget::getLineEndStyle() { int current = m_pLineEndStyleSelector->currentIndex(); if(current == 0) return eLineEndStyleUnix; else if(current == 1) return eLineEndStyleDos; else return eLineEndStyleConflict; } void WindowTitleWidget::setEncodings(QTextCodec* pCodecForA, QTextCodec* pCodecForB, QTextCodec* pCodecForC) { m_pEncodingSelector->clear(); // First sort codec names: std::map names; QList mibs = QTextCodec::availableMibs(); for(int i: mibs) { QTextCodec* c = QTextCodec::codecForMib(i); if(c != nullptr) names[QLatin1String(c->name())] = c; } if(pCodecForA != nullptr) m_pEncodingSelector->addItem(i18n("Codec from A: %1", QLatin1String(pCodecForA->name())), QVariant::fromValue((void*)pCodecForA)); if(pCodecForB != nullptr) m_pEncodingSelector->addItem(i18n("Codec from B: %1", QLatin1String(pCodecForB->name())), QVariant::fromValue((void*)pCodecForB)); if(pCodecForC != nullptr) m_pEncodingSelector->addItem(i18n("Codec from C: %1", QLatin1String(pCodecForC->name())), QVariant::fromValue((void*)pCodecForC)); std::map::iterator it; for(it = names.begin(); it != names.end(); ++it) { m_pEncodingSelector->addItem(it->first, QVariant::fromValue((void*)it->second)); } m_pEncodingSelector->setMinimumSize(m_pEncodingSelector->sizeHint()); if(pCodecForC != nullptr && pCodecForB != nullptr && pCodecForA != nullptr) { if(pCodecForA == pCodecForC) m_pEncodingSelector->setCurrentIndex(1); // B else m_pEncodingSelector->setCurrentIndex(2); // C } else if(pCodecForA != nullptr && pCodecForB != nullptr) m_pEncodingSelector->setCurrentIndex(1); // B else m_pEncodingSelector->setCurrentIndex(0); } QTextCodec* WindowTitleWidget::getEncoding() { return (QTextCodec*)m_pEncodingSelector->itemData(m_pEncodingSelector->currentIndex()).value(); } void WindowTitleWidget::setEncoding(QTextCodec* pEncoding) { int idx = m_pEncodingSelector->findText(QLatin1String(pEncoding->name())); if(idx >= 0) m_pEncodingSelector->setCurrentIndex(idx); } //void WindowTitleWidget::slotBrowseButtonClicked() //{ // QString current = m_pFileNameLineEdit->text(); // // QUrl newURL = KFileDialog::getSaveUrl( current, 0, this, i18n("Select file (not saving yet)")); // if ( !newURL.isEmpty() ) // { // m_pFileNameLineEdit->setText( newURL.url() ); // } //} void WindowTitleWidget::slotSetModified(bool bModified) { m_pModifiedLabel->setText(bModified ? i18n("[Modified]") : ""); } bool WindowTitleWidget::eventFilter(QObject* o, QEvent* e) { Q_UNUSED(o); if(e->type() == QEvent::FocusIn || e->type() == QEvent::FocusOut) { QPalette p = m_pLabel->palette(); QColor c1 = m_pOptions->m_fgColor; QColor c2 = Qt::lightGray; if(e->type() == QEvent::FocusOut) c2 = m_pOptions->m_bgColor; p.setColor(QPalette::Window, c2); setPalette(p); p.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, c1); m_pLabel->setPalette(p); m_pEncodingLabel->setPalette(p); m_pEncodingSelector->setPalette(p); } return false; } //#include "mergeresultwindow.moc" diff --git a/src/mergeresultwindow.h b/src/mergeresultwindow.h index 8f8e2a6..da8cae1 100644 --- a/src/mergeresultwindow.h +++ b/src/mergeresultwindow.h @@ -1,306 +1,308 @@ /* * KDiff3 - Text Diff And Merge Tool * * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2011 Joachim Eibl, joachim.eibl at gmx.de * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2020 Michael Reeves reeves.87@gmail.com * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #ifndef MERGERESULTWINDOW_H #define MERGERESULTWINDOW_H #include "diff.h" #include "FileNameLineEdit.h" #include "MergeEditLine.h" #include "Overview.h" #include "selection.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include class QPainter; class RLPainter; class QScrollBar; class KActionCollection; class KToggleAction; class KDiff3App; class MergeResultWindow : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: static QScrollBar* mVScrollBar; MergeResultWindow(QWidget* pParent, const QSharedPointer& pOptions, QStatusBar* pStatusBar); void init( const QVector* pLineDataA, LineRef sizeA, const QVector* pLineDataB, LineRef sizeB, const QVector* pLineDataC, LineRef sizeC, const Diff3LineList* pDiff3LineList, TotalDiffStatus* pTotalDiffStatus ); void setupConnections(const KDiff3App* app) const; inline void clearMergeList() { m_mergeLineList.clear(); } static void initActions(KActionCollection* ac); void connectActions() const; void reset(); bool saveDocument(const QString& fileName, QTextCodec* pEncoding, e_LineEndStyle eLineEndStyle); int getNrOfUnsolvedConflicts(int* pNrOfWhiteSpaceConflicts = nullptr); void choose(e_SrcSelector selector); void chooseGlobal(e_SrcSelector selector, bool bConflictsOnly, bool bWhiteSpaceOnly); int getMaxTextWidth(); // width of longest text line int getNofLines() const; int getVisibleTextAreaWidth(); // text area width without the border int getNofVisibleLines(); QString getSelection(); void resetSelection(); void showNrOfConflicts(); bool isDeltaAboveCurrent(); bool isDeltaBelowCurrent(); bool isConflictAboveCurrent(); bool isConflictBelowCurrent(); bool isUnsolvedConflictAtCurrent(); bool isUnsolvedConflictAboveCurrent(); bool isUnsolvedConflictBelowCurrent(); bool findString(const QString& s, LineRef& d3vLine, int& posInLine, bool bDirDown, bool bCaseSensitive); void setSelection(int firstLine, int startPos, int lastLine, int endPos); e_OverviewMode getOverviewMode(); void slotUpdateAvailabilities(const bool bMergeEditorVisible, const bool m_bTripleDiff); public Q_SLOTS: void setOverviewMode(e_OverviewMode eOverviewMode); void setFirstLine(QtNumberType firstLine); void setHorizScrollOffset(int horizScrollOffset); void slotGoCurrent(); void slotGoTop(); void slotGoBottom(); void slotGoPrevDelta(); void slotGoNextDelta(); void slotGoPrevUnsolvedConflict(); void slotGoNextUnsolvedConflict(); void slotGoPrevConflict(); void slotGoNextConflict(); void slotAutoSolve(); void slotUnsolve(); void slotMergeHistory(); void slotRegExpAutoMerge(); void slotSplitDiff(LineIndex firstD3lLineIdx, LineIndex lastD3lLineIdx); void slotJoinDiffs(LineIndex firstD3lLineIdx, LineIndex lastD3lLineIdx); void slotSetFastSelectorLine(LineIndex); void setPaintingAllowed(bool); void updateSourceMask(); void slotStatusMessageChanged(const QString&); void slotChooseAEverywhere() { chooseGlobal(e_SrcSelector::A, false, false); } void slotChooseBEverywhere() { chooseGlobal(e_SrcSelector::B, false, false); } void slotChooseCEverywhere() { chooseGlobal(e_SrcSelector::C, false, false); } void slotChooseAForUnsolvedConflicts() { chooseGlobal(e_SrcSelector::A, true, false); } void slotChooseBForUnsolvedConflicts() { chooseGlobal(e_SrcSelector::B, true, false); } void slotChooseCForUnsolvedConflicts() { chooseGlobal(e_SrcSelector::C, true, false); } void slotChooseAForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts() { chooseGlobal(e_SrcSelector::A, true, true); } void slotChooseBForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts() { chooseGlobal(e_SrcSelector::B, true, true); } void slotChooseCForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts() { chooseGlobal(e_SrcSelector::C, true, true); } void slotRefresh(); void slotResize(); + void slotCut(); + Q_SIGNALS: void statusBarMessage(const QString& message); void scrollVertically(QtNumberType deltaY); void scrollMergeResultWindow(int deltaX, int deltaY); void modifiedChanged(bool bModified); void setFastSelectorRange(LineRef line1, LineCount nofLines); void sourceMask(int srcMask, int enabledMask); void resizeSignal(); void selectionEnd(); void newSelection(); void updateAvailabilities(); void showPopupMenu(const QPoint& point); void noRelevantChangesDetected(); private: void merge(bool bAutoSolve, e_SrcSelector defaultSelector, bool bConflictsOnly = false, bool bWhiteSpaceOnly = false); QString getString(int lineIdx); void showUnsolvedConflictsStatusMessage(); static QPointer chooseAEverywhere; static QPointer chooseBEverywhere; static QPointer chooseCEverywhere; static QPointer chooseAForUnsolvedConflicts; static QPointer chooseBForUnsolvedConflicts; static QPointer chooseCForUnsolvedConflicts; static QPointer chooseAForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts; static QPointer chooseBForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts; static QPointer chooseCForUnsolvedWhiteSpaceConflicts; QSharedPointer m_pOptions = nullptr; const QVector* m_pldA = nullptr; const QVector* m_pldB = nullptr; const QVector* m_pldC = nullptr; LineRef m_sizeA = 0; LineRef m_sizeB = 0; LineRef m_sizeC = 0; const Diff3LineList* m_pDiff3LineList = nullptr; TotalDiffStatus* m_pTotalDiffStatus = nullptr; int m_delayedDrawTimer = 0; e_OverviewMode mOverviewMode; QString m_persistentStatusMessage; private: static bool sameKindCheck(const MergeLine& ml1, const MergeLine& ml2); struct HistoryMapEntry { MergeEditLineList mellA; MergeEditLineList mellB; MergeEditLineList mellC; MergeEditLineList& choice(bool bThreeInputs); bool staysInPlace(bool bThreeInputs, Diff3LineList::const_iterator& iHistoryEnd); }; typedef std::map HistoryMap; void collectHistoryInformation(e_SrcSelector src, Diff3LineList::const_iterator& iHistoryBegin, Diff3LineList::const_iterator& iHistoryEnd, HistoryMap& historyMap, std::list& hitList); MergeLineList m_mergeLineList; MergeLineList::iterator m_currentMergeLineIt; bool isItAtEnd(bool bIncrement, MergeLineList::iterator i) { if(bIncrement) return i != m_mergeLineList.end(); else return i != m_mergeLineList.begin(); } int m_currentPos; bool checkOverviewIgnore(MergeLineList::iterator& i); enum e_Direction { eUp, eDown }; enum e_EndPoint { eDelta, eConflict, eUnsolvedConflict, eLine, eEnd }; void go(e_Direction eDir, e_EndPoint eEndPoint); void calcIteratorFromLineNr( int line, MergeLineList::iterator& mlIt, MergeEditLineList::iterator& melIt); MergeLineList::iterator splitAtDiff3LineIdx(int d3lLineIdx); void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* e) override; int getTextXOffset(); QVector getTextLayoutForLine(int line, const QString& s, QTextLayout& textLayout); void myUpdate(int afterMilliSecs); void timerEvent(QTimerEvent*) override; void writeLine( RLPainter& p, int line, const QString& str, enum e_SrcSelector srcSelect, e_MergeDetails mergeDetails, int rangeMark, bool bUserModified, bool bLineRemoved, bool bWhiteSpaceConflict ); void setFastSelector(MergeLineList::iterator i); LineRef convertToLine(QtNumberType y); bool event(QEvent*) override; void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e) override; void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* e) override; void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) override; void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*) override; void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e) override; void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* e) override; void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* e) override; void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent* e) override; QPixmap m_pixmap; LineRef m_firstLine = 0; int m_horizScrollOffset = 0; LineCount m_nofLines = 0; int m_maxTextWidth = -1; bool m_bMyUpdate = false; bool m_bInsertMode = true; bool m_bModified = false; void setModified(bool bModified = true); int m_scrollDeltaX = 0; int m_scrollDeltaY = 0; int m_cursorXPos = 0; int m_cursorXPixelPos; int m_cursorYPos = 0; int m_cursorOldXPixelPos = 0; bool m_bCursorOn = true; // blinking on and off each second QTimer m_cursorTimer; bool m_bCursorUpdate = false; QStatusBar* m_pStatusBar; Selection m_selection; bool deleteSelection2(QString& str, int& x, int& y, MergeLineList::iterator& mlIt, MergeEditLineList::iterator& melIt); bool doRelevantChangesExist(); public Q_SLOTS: void deleteSelection(); void pasteClipboard(bool bFromSelection); private Q_SLOTS: void slotCursorUpdate(); }; class QLineEdit; class QTextCodec; class QComboBox; class QLabel; class WindowTitleWidget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT private: QLabel* m_pLabel; FileNameLineEdit* m_pFileNameLineEdit; //QPushButton* m_pBrowseButton; QLabel* m_pModifiedLabel; QLabel* m_pLineEndStyleLabel; QComboBox* m_pLineEndStyleSelector; QLabel* m_pEncodingLabel; QComboBox* m_pEncodingSelector; QSharedPointer m_pOptions; public: explicit WindowTitleWidget(const QSharedPointer& pOptions); QTextCodec* getEncoding(); void setFileName(const QString& fileName); QString getFileName(); void setEncodings(QTextCodec* pCodecForA, QTextCodec* pCodecForB, QTextCodec* pCodecForC); void setEncoding(QTextCodec* pEncoding); void setLineEndStyles(e_LineEndStyle eLineEndStyleA, e_LineEndStyle eLineEndStyleB, e_LineEndStyle eLineEndStyleC); e_LineEndStyle getLineEndStyle(); bool eventFilter(QObject* o, QEvent* e) override; public Q_SLOTS: void slotSetModified(bool bModified); //private Q_SLOTS: // void slotBrowseButtonClicked(); }; #endif diff --git a/src/pdiff.cpp b/src/pdiff.cpp index c3fb1c2..d625c81 100644 --- a/src/pdiff.cpp +++ b/src/pdiff.cpp @@ -1,2224 +1,2210 @@ /* * This file is part of KDiff3. * * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2011 Joachim Eibl, joachim.eibl at gmx.de * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2020 Michael Reeves reeves.87@gmail.com * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "difftextwindow.h" #include "directorymergewindow.h" #include "fileaccess.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "kdiff3.h" #include "optiondialog.h" #include "progress.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "DirectoryInfo.h" #include "mergeresultwindow.h" #include "smalldialogs.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // QKeyEvent, QDropEvent, QInputEvent #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Function uses setMinSize( sizeHint ) before adding the widget. // void addWidget(QBoxLayout* layout, QWidget* widget); template void addWidget(L* layout, W* widget) { QSize s = widget->sizeHint(); widget->setMinimumSize(QSize(std::max(s.width(), 0), std::max(s.height(), 0))); layout->addWidget(widget); } void KDiff3App::mainInit(TotalDiffStatus* pTotalDiffStatus, bool bLoadFiles, bool bUseCurrentEncoding) { ProgressProxy pp; QStringList errors; // When doing a full analysis in the directory-comparison, then the statistics-results // will be stored in the given TotalDiffStatus. Otherwise it will be 0. bool bGUI = pTotalDiffStatus == nullptr; if(pTotalDiffStatus == nullptr) pTotalDiffStatus = &m_totalDiffStatus; //bool bPreserveCarriageReturn = m_pOptions->m_bPreserveCarriageReturn; bool bVisibleMergeResultWindow = !m_outputFilename.isEmpty(); if(bVisibleMergeResultWindow && bGUI) { //bPreserveCarriageReturn = false; QString msg; if(!m_pOptions->m_PreProcessorCmd.isEmpty()) { msg += "- " + i18n("PreprocessorCmd: ") + m_pOptions->m_PreProcessorCmd + '\n'; } if(!msg.isEmpty()) { int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i18n("The following option(s) you selected might change data:\n") + msg + i18n("\nMost likely this is not wanted during a merge.\n" "Do you want to disable these settings or continue with these settings active?"), i18n("Option Unsafe for Merging"), KGuiItem(i18n("Use These Options During Merge")), KGuiItem(i18n("Disable Unsafe Options"))); if(result == KMessageBox::No) { m_pOptions->m_PreProcessorCmd = ""; } } } // Because of the progressdialog paintevents can occur, but data is invalid, // so painting must be suppressed if(bGUI) setLockPainting(true); //insure merge result window never has stale iterators. if(m_pMergeResultWindow) m_pMergeResultWindow->clearMergeList(); m_diff3LineList.clear(); m_diff3LineVector.clear(); if(bLoadFiles) { m_manualDiffHelpList.clear(); if(m_sd3->isEmpty()) pp.setMaxNofSteps(4); // Read 2 files, 1 comparison, 1 finediff else pp.setMaxNofSteps(9); // Read 3 files, 3 comparisons, 3 finediffs // First get all input data. pp.setInformation(i18n("Loading A")); qCInfo(kdiffMain) << i18n("Loading A: %1", m_sd1->getFilename()); if(bUseCurrentEncoding) errors = m_sd1->readAndPreprocess(m_sd1->getEncoding(), false); else errors = m_sd1->readAndPreprocess(m_pOptions->m_pEncodingA, m_pOptions->m_bAutoDetectUnicodeA); if(!errors.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::errorList(m_pOptionDialog, i18n("Errors occurred during pre-processing of file A."), errors); } pp.step(); pp.setInformation(i18n("Loading B")); qCInfo(kdiffMain) << i18n("Loading B: %1", m_sd2->getFilename()); if(bUseCurrentEncoding) errors = m_sd2->readAndPreprocess(m_sd2->getEncoding(), false); else errors = m_sd2->readAndPreprocess(m_pOptions->m_pEncodingB, m_pOptions->m_bAutoDetectUnicodeB); if(!errors.isEmpty()) KMessageBox::errorList(m_pOptionDialog, i18n("Errors occurred during pre-processing of file B."), errors); pp.step(); } else { if(m_sd3->isEmpty()) pp.setMaxNofSteps(2); // 1 comparison, 1 finediff else pp.setMaxNofSteps(6); // 3 comparisons, 3 finediffs } if(pTotalDiffStatus) pTotalDiffStatus->reset(); if(errors.isEmpty()) { // Run the diff. if(m_sd3->isEmpty()) { pTotalDiffStatus->setBinaryEqualAB(m_sd1->isBinaryEqualWith(m_sd2)); if(m_sd1->isText() && m_sd2->isText()) { pp.setInformation(i18n("Diff: A <-> B")); qCInfo(kdiffMain) << i18n("Diff: A <-> B") ; m_manualDiffHelpList.runDiff(m_sd1->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd1->getSizeLines(), m_sd2->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd2->getSizeLines(), m_diffList12, e_SrcSelector::A, e_SrcSelector::B, m_pOptionDialog->getOptions()); pp.step(); pp.setInformation(i18n("Linediff: A <-> B")); qCInfo(kdiffMain) << i18n("Linediff: A <-> B"); m_diff3LineList.calcDiff3LineListUsingAB(&m_diffList12); pTotalDiffStatus->setTextEqualAB(m_diff3LineList.fineDiff(e_SrcSelector::A, m_sd1->getLineDataForDisplay(), m_sd2->getLineDataForDisplay())); if(m_sd1->getSizeBytes() == 0) pTotalDiffStatus->setTextEqualAB(false); pp.step(); } else { pp.step(); pp.step(); } } else { if(bLoadFiles) { pp.setInformation(i18n("Loading C")); qCInfo(kdiffMain) << i18n("Loading C: %1", m_sd2->getFilename()); if(bUseCurrentEncoding) errors = m_sd3->readAndPreprocess(m_sd3->getEncoding(), false); else errors = m_sd3->readAndPreprocess(m_pOptions->m_pEncodingC, m_pOptions->m_bAutoDetectUnicodeC); if(!errors.isEmpty()) KMessageBox::errorList(m_pOptionDialog, i18n("Errors occurred during pre-processing of file C."), errors); pp.step(); } pTotalDiffStatus->setBinaryEqualAB(m_sd1->isBinaryEqualWith(m_sd2)); pTotalDiffStatus->setBinaryEqualAC(m_sd1->isBinaryEqualWith(m_sd3)); pTotalDiffStatus->setBinaryEqualBC(m_sd3->isBinaryEqualWith(m_sd2)); pp.setInformation(i18n("Diff: A <-> B")); qCInfo(kdiffMain) << i18n("Diff: A <-> B"); if(m_sd1->isText() && m_sd2->isText()) { m_manualDiffHelpList.runDiff(m_sd1->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd1->getSizeLines(), m_sd2->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd2->getSizeLines(), m_diffList12, e_SrcSelector::A, e_SrcSelector::B, m_pOptionDialog->getOptions()); m_diff3LineList.calcDiff3LineListUsingAB(&m_diffList12); } pp.step(); pp.setInformation(i18n("Diff: A <-> C")); qCInfo(kdiffMain) << i18n("Diff: A <-> C"); if(m_sd1->isText() && m_sd3->isText()) { m_manualDiffHelpList.runDiff(m_sd1->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd1->getSizeLines(), m_sd3->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd3->getSizeLines(), m_diffList13, e_SrcSelector::A, e_SrcSelector::C, m_pOptionDialog->getOptions()); m_diff3LineList.calcDiff3LineListUsingAC(&m_diffList13); m_diff3LineList.correctManualDiffAlignment(&m_manualDiffHelpList); m_diff3LineList.calcDiff3LineListTrim(m_sd1->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd2->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd3->getLineDataForDiff(), &m_manualDiffHelpList); } pp.step(); pp.setInformation(i18n("Diff: B <-> C")); qCInfo(kdiffMain) << i18n("Diff: B <-> C"); if(m_sd2->isText() && m_sd3->isText()) { m_manualDiffHelpList.runDiff(m_sd2->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd2->getSizeLines(), m_sd3->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd3->getSizeLines(), m_diffList23, e_SrcSelector::B, e_SrcSelector::C, m_pOptionDialog->getOptions()); if(m_pOptions->m_bDiff3AlignBC) { m_diff3LineList.calcDiff3LineListUsingBC(&m_diffList23); m_diff3LineList.correctManualDiffAlignment(&m_manualDiffHelpList); m_diff3LineList.calcDiff3LineListTrim(m_sd1->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd2->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd3->getLineDataForDiff(), &m_manualDiffHelpList); } } pp.step(); m_diff3LineList.debugLineCheck(m_sd1->getSizeLines(), e_SrcSelector::A); m_diff3LineList.debugLineCheck(m_sd2->getSizeLines(), e_SrcSelector::B); m_diff3LineList.debugLineCheck(m_sd3->getSizeLines(), e_SrcSelector::C); pp.setInformation(i18n("Linediff: A <-> B")); qCInfo(kdiffMain) << i18n("Linediff: A <-> B"); if(m_sd1->hasData() && m_sd2->hasData() && m_sd1->isText() && m_sd2->isText()) pTotalDiffStatus->setTextEqualAB(m_diff3LineList.fineDiff(e_SrcSelector::A, m_sd1->getLineDataForDisplay(), m_sd2->getLineDataForDisplay())); pp.step(); pp.setInformation(i18n("Linediff: B <-> C")); qCInfo(kdiffMain) << i18n("Linediff: B <-> C"); if(m_sd2->hasData() && m_sd3->hasData() && m_sd2->isText() && m_sd3->isText()) pTotalDiffStatus->setTextEqualBC(m_diff3LineList.fineDiff(e_SrcSelector::B, m_sd2->getLineDataForDisplay(), m_sd3->getLineDataForDisplay())); pp.step(); pp.setInformation(i18n("Linediff: A <-> C")); qCInfo(kdiffMain) << i18n("Linediff: A <-> C"); if(m_sd1->hasData() && m_sd3->hasData() && m_sd1->isText() && m_sd3->isText()) pTotalDiffStatus->setTextEqualAC(m_diff3LineList.fineDiff(e_SrcSelector::C, m_sd3->getLineDataForDisplay(), m_sd1->getLineDataForDisplay())); m_diff3LineList.debugLineCheck(m_sd2->getSizeLines(), e_SrcSelector::B); m_diff3LineList.debugLineCheck(m_sd3->getSizeLines(), e_SrcSelector::C); pp.setInformation(i18n("Linediff: A <-> B")); if(m_sd1->hasData() && m_sd2->hasData() && m_sd1->isText() && m_sd2->isText()) pTotalDiffStatus->setTextEqualAB(m_diff3LineList.fineDiff(e_SrcSelector::A, m_sd1->getLineDataForDisplay(), m_sd2->getLineDataForDisplay())); pp.step(); pp.setInformation(i18n("Linediff: B <-> C")); if(m_sd3->hasData() && m_sd2->hasData() && m_sd3->isText() && m_sd2->isText()) pTotalDiffStatus->setTextEqualBC(m_diff3LineList.fineDiff(e_SrcSelector::B, m_sd2->getLineDataForDisplay(), m_sd3->getLineDataForDisplay())); pp.step(); pp.setInformation(i18n("Linediff: A <-> C")); if(m_sd1->hasData() && m_sd3->hasData() && m_sd1->isText() && m_sd3->isText()) pTotalDiffStatus->setTextEqualAC(m_diff3LineList.fineDiff(e_SrcSelector::C, m_sd3->getLineDataForDisplay(), m_sd1->getLineDataForDisplay())); pp.step(); if(m_sd1->getSizeBytes() == 0) { pTotalDiffStatus->setTextEqualAB(false); pTotalDiffStatus->setTextEqualAC(false); } if(m_sd2->getSizeBytes() == 0) { pTotalDiffStatus->setTextEqualAB(false); pTotalDiffStatus->setTextEqualBC(false); } } } else { pp.clear(); } if(errors.isEmpty() && m_sd1->isText() && m_sd2->isText()) { m_diffBufferInfo->init(&m_diff3LineList, &m_diff3LineVector, m_sd1->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd1->getSizeLines(), m_sd2->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd2->getSizeLines(), m_sd3->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd3->getSizeLines()); Diff3Line::m_pDiffBufferInfo = m_diffBufferInfo; m_diff3LineList.calcWhiteDiff3Lines(m_sd1->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd2->getLineDataForDiff(), m_sd3->getLineDataForDiff()); m_diff3LineList.calcDiff3LineVector(m_diff3LineVector); } // Calc needed lines for display m_neededLines = m_diff3LineList.size(); QList oldHeights; if(m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->isVisible()) oldHeights = m_pMainSplitter->sizes(); initView(); m_pMergeResultWindow->connectActions(); if(m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->isVisible()) { if(oldHeights.count() < 2) oldHeights.append(0); if(oldHeights[1] == 0) // Distribute the available space evenly between the two widgets. { oldHeights[1] = oldHeights[0] / 2; oldHeights[0] -= oldHeights[1]; } if(oldHeights[0] == 0 && oldHeights[1] == 0) { oldHeights[1] = 100; oldHeights[0] = 100; } m_pMainSplitter->setSizes(oldHeights); } m_pMainWidget->setVisible(bGUI); m_bTripleDiff = !m_sd3->isEmpty(); m_pMergeResultWindowTitle->setEncodings(m_sd1->getEncoding(), m_sd2->getEncoding(), m_sd3->getEncoding()); if(!m_pOptions->m_bAutoSelectOutEncoding) m_pMergeResultWindowTitle->setEncoding(m_pOptions->m_pEncodingOut); m_pMergeResultWindowTitle->setLineEndStyles(m_sd1->getLineEndStyle(), m_sd2->getLineEndStyle(), m_sd3->getLineEndStyle()); if(bGUI) { const ManualDiffHelpList* pMDHL = &m_manualDiffHelpList; m_pDiffTextWindow1->init(m_sd1->getAliasName(), m_sd1->getEncoding(), m_sd1->getLineEndStyle(), m_sd1->getLineDataForDisplay(), m_sd1->getSizeLines(), &m_diff3LineVector, pMDHL, m_bTripleDiff); m_pDiffTextWindowFrame1->init(); m_pDiffTextWindow2->init(m_sd2->getAliasName(), m_sd2->getEncoding(), m_sd2->getLineEndStyle(), m_sd2->getLineDataForDisplay(), m_sd2->getSizeLines(), &m_diff3LineVector, pMDHL, m_bTripleDiff); m_pDiffTextWindowFrame2->init(); m_pDiffTextWindow3->init(m_sd3->getAliasName(), m_sd3->getEncoding(), m_sd3->getLineEndStyle(), m_sd3->getLineDataForDisplay(), m_sd3->getSizeLines(), &m_diff3LineVector, pMDHL, m_bTripleDiff); m_pDiffTextWindowFrame3->init(); m_pDiffTextWindowFrame3->setVisible(m_bTripleDiff); } m_bOutputModified = bVisibleMergeResultWindow; m_pMergeResultWindow->init( m_sd1->getLineDataForDisplay(), m_sd1->getSizeLines(), m_sd2->getLineDataForDisplay(), m_sd2->getSizeLines(), m_bTripleDiff ? m_sd3->getLineDataForDisplay() : nullptr, m_sd3->getSizeLines(), &m_diff3LineList, pTotalDiffStatus); m_pMergeResultWindowTitle->setFileName(m_outputFilename.isEmpty() ? QString("unnamed.txt") : m_outputFilename); if(!bGUI) { // We now have all needed information. The rest below is only for GUI-activation. m_sd1->reset(); m_sd2->reset(); m_sd3->reset(); } else { m_pOverview->init(&m_diff3LineList, m_bTripleDiff); DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->setValue(0); m_pHScrollBar->setValue(0); MergeResultWindow::mVScrollBar->setValue(0); setLockPainting(false); if(!bVisibleMergeResultWindow) m_pMergeWindowFrame->hide(); else m_pMergeWindowFrame->show(); // Try to create a meaningful but not too long caption if(!isPart() && errors.isEmpty()) { createCaption(); } m_bFinishMainInit = true; // call slotFinishMainInit after finishing the word wrap m_bLoadFiles = bLoadFiles; postRecalcWordWrap(); } } void KDiff3App::setLockPainting(bool bLock) { if(m_pDiffTextWindow1) m_pDiffTextWindow1->setPaintingAllowed(!bLock); if(m_pDiffTextWindow2) m_pDiffTextWindow2->setPaintingAllowed(!bLock); if(m_pDiffTextWindow3) m_pDiffTextWindow3->setPaintingAllowed(!bLock); if(m_pOverview) m_pOverview->setPaintingAllowed(!bLock); if(m_pMergeResultWindow) m_pMergeResultWindow->setPaintingAllowed(!bLock); } void KDiff3App::createCaption() { // Try to create a meaningful but not too long caption // 1. If the filenames are equal then show only one filename QString caption; QString f1 = m_sd1->getAliasName(); QString f2 = m_sd2->getAliasName(); QString f3 = m_sd3->getAliasName(); int p; if((p = f1.lastIndexOf('/')) >= 0 || (p = f1.lastIndexOf('\\')) >= 0) f1 = f1.mid(p + 1); if((p = f2.lastIndexOf('/')) >= 0 || (p = f2.lastIndexOf('\\')) >= 0) f2 = f2.mid(p + 1); if((p = f3.lastIndexOf('/')) >= 0 || (p = f3.lastIndexOf('\\')) >= 0) f3 = f3.mid(p + 1); if(!f1.isEmpty()) { if((f2.isEmpty() && f3.isEmpty()) || (f2.isEmpty() && f1 == f3) || (f3.isEmpty() && f1 == f2) || (f1 == f2 && f1 == f3)) caption = f1; } else if(!f2.isEmpty()) { if(f3.isEmpty() || f2 == f3) caption = f2; } else if(!f3.isEmpty()) caption = f3; // 2. If the files don't have the same name then show all names if(caption.isEmpty() && (!f1.isEmpty() || !f2.isEmpty() || !f3.isEmpty())) { caption = (f1.isEmpty() ? QString("") : f1); caption += QLatin1String(caption.isEmpty() || f2.isEmpty() ? "" : " <-> ") + (f2.isEmpty() ? QString("") : f2); caption += QLatin1String(caption.isEmpty() || f3.isEmpty() ? "" : " <-> ") + (f3.isEmpty() ? QString("") : f3); } m_pKDiff3Shell->setWindowTitle(caption.isEmpty() ? QString("KDiff3") : caption + QString(" - KDiff3")); } void KDiff3App::setHScrollBarRange() { int w1 = m_pDiffTextWindow1 != nullptr && m_pDiffTextWindow1->isVisible() ? m_pDiffTextWindow1->getMaxTextWidth() : 0; int w2 = m_pDiffTextWindow2 != nullptr && m_pDiffTextWindow2->isVisible() ? m_pDiffTextWindow2->getMaxTextWidth() : 0; int w3 = m_pDiffTextWindow3 != nullptr && m_pDiffTextWindow3->isVisible() ? m_pDiffTextWindow3->getMaxTextWidth() : 0; int wm = m_pMergeResultWindow != nullptr && m_pMergeResultWindow->isVisible() ? m_pMergeResultWindow->getMaxTextWidth() : 0; int v1 = m_pDiffTextWindow1 != nullptr && m_pDiffTextWindow1->isVisible() ? m_pDiffTextWindow1->getVisibleTextAreaWidth() : 0; int v2 = m_pDiffTextWindow2 != nullptr && m_pDiffTextWindow2->isVisible() ? m_pDiffTextWindow2->getVisibleTextAreaWidth() : 0; int v3 = m_pDiffTextWindow3 != nullptr && m_pDiffTextWindow3->isVisible() ? m_pDiffTextWindow3->getVisibleTextAreaWidth() : 0; int vm = m_pMergeResultWindow != nullptr && m_pMergeResultWindow->isVisible() ? m_pMergeResultWindow->getVisibleTextAreaWidth() : 0; // Find the minimum, but don't consider 0. int pageStep = 0; if((pageStep == 0 || pageStep > v1) && v1 > 0) pageStep = v1; if((pageStep == 0 || pageStep > v2) && v2 > 0) pageStep = v2; if((pageStep == 0 || pageStep > v3) && v3 > 0) pageStep = v3; if((pageStep == 0 || pageStep > vm) && vm > 0) pageStep = vm; int rangeMax = 0; if(w1 > v1 && w1 - v1 > rangeMax && v1 > 0) rangeMax = w1 - v1; if(w2 > v2 && w2 - v2 > rangeMax && v2 > 0) rangeMax = w2 - v2; if(w3 > v3 && w3 - v3 > rangeMax && v3 > 0) rangeMax = w3 - v3; if(wm > vm && wm - vm > rangeMax && vm > 0) rangeMax = wm - vm; m_pHScrollBar->setRange(0, rangeMax); m_pHScrollBar->setPageStep(pageStep); } void KDiff3App::resizeDiffTextWindowHeight(int newHeight) { m_DTWHeight = newHeight; DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->setRange(0, std::max(0, m_neededLines + 1 - newHeight)); DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->setPageStep(newHeight); m_pOverview->setRange(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->value(), DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->pageStep()); setHScrollBarRange(); } void KDiff3App::scrollDiffTextWindow(int deltaX, int deltaY) { if(deltaY != 0 && DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar != nullptr) { DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->setValue(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->value() + deltaY); } if(deltaX != 0 && m_pHScrollBar != nullptr) m_pHScrollBar->QScrollBar::setValue(m_pHScrollBar->value() + deltaX); } void KDiff3App::scrollMergeResultWindow(int deltaX, int deltaY) { if(deltaY != 0) MergeResultWindow::mVScrollBar->setValue(MergeResultWindow::mVScrollBar->value() + deltaY); if(deltaX != 0) m_pHScrollBar->setValue(m_pHScrollBar->value() + deltaX); } void KDiff3App::sourceMask(int srcMask, int enabledMask) { chooseA->blockSignals(true); chooseB->blockSignals(true); chooseC->blockSignals(true); chooseA->setChecked((srcMask & 1) != 0); chooseB->setChecked((srcMask & 2) != 0); chooseC->setChecked((srcMask & 4) != 0); chooseA->blockSignals(false); chooseB->blockSignals(false); chooseC->blockSignals(false); chooseA->setEnabled((enabledMask & 1) != 0); chooseB->setEnabled((enabledMask & 2) != 0); chooseC->setEnabled((enabledMask & 4) != 0); } void KDiff3App::initView() { // set the main widget here if(m_pMainWidget != nullptr) { return; //delete m_pMainWidget; } m_pMainWidget = new QWidget(); // Contains vertical splitter and horiz scrollbar m_pMainSplitter->addWidget(m_pMainWidget); m_pMainWidget->setObjectName("MainWidget"); QVBoxLayout* pVLayout = new QVBoxLayout(m_pMainWidget); pVLayout->setMargin(0); pVLayout->setSpacing(0); QSplitter* pVSplitter = new QSplitter(); pVSplitter->setObjectName("VSplitter"); pVSplitter->setOpaqueResize(false); pVSplitter->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); pVLayout->addWidget(pVSplitter); QWidget* pDiffWindowFrame = new QWidget(); // Contains diff windows, overview and vert scrollbar pDiffWindowFrame->setObjectName("DiffWindowFrame"); QHBoxLayout* pDiffHLayout = new QHBoxLayout(pDiffWindowFrame); pDiffHLayout->setMargin(0); pDiffHLayout->setSpacing(0); pVSplitter->addWidget(pDiffWindowFrame); m_pDiffWindowSplitter = new QSplitter(); m_pDiffWindowSplitter->setObjectName("DiffWindowSplitter"); m_pDiffWindowSplitter->setOpaqueResize(false); m_pDiffWindowSplitter->setOrientation(m_pOptions->m_bHorizDiffWindowSplitting ? Qt::Horizontal : Qt::Vertical); pDiffHLayout->addWidget(m_pDiffWindowSplitter); m_pOverview = new Overview(m_pOptionDialog->getOptions()); m_pOverview->setObjectName("Overview"); pDiffHLayout->addWidget(m_pOverview); connect(m_pOverview, &Overview::setLine, DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar, &QScrollBar::setValue); connect(this, &KDiff3App::showWhiteSpaceToggled, m_pOverview, &Overview::slotRedraw); connect(this, &KDiff3App::changeOverViewMode, m_pOverview, &Overview::setOverviewMode); DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar = new QScrollBar(Qt::Vertical, pDiffWindowFrame); pDiffHLayout->addWidget(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar); m_pDiffTextWindowFrame1 = new DiffTextWindowFrame(m_pDiffWindowSplitter, m_pOptionDialog->getOptions(), e_SrcSelector::A, m_sd1); m_pDiffWindowSplitter->addWidget(m_pDiffTextWindowFrame1); m_pDiffTextWindowFrame2 = new DiffTextWindowFrame(m_pDiffWindowSplitter, m_pOptionDialog->getOptions(), e_SrcSelector::B, m_sd2); m_pDiffWindowSplitter->addWidget(m_pDiffTextWindowFrame2); m_pDiffTextWindowFrame3 = new DiffTextWindowFrame(m_pDiffWindowSplitter, m_pOptionDialog->getOptions(), e_SrcSelector::C, m_sd3); m_pDiffWindowSplitter->addWidget(m_pDiffTextWindowFrame3); m_pDiffTextWindow1 = m_pDiffTextWindowFrame1->getDiffTextWindow(); m_pDiffTextWindow2 = m_pDiffTextWindowFrame2->getDiffTextWindow(); m_pDiffTextWindow3 = m_pDiffTextWindowFrame3->getDiffTextWindow(); m_pDiffTextWindowFrame1->setupConnections(this); m_pDiffTextWindowFrame2->setupConnections(this); m_pDiffTextWindowFrame3->setupConnections(this); // Merge window m_pMergeWindowFrame = new QWidget(pVSplitter); m_pMergeWindowFrame->setObjectName("MergeWindowFrame"); pVSplitter->addWidget(m_pMergeWindowFrame); QHBoxLayout* pMergeHLayout = new QHBoxLayout(m_pMergeWindowFrame); pMergeHLayout->setMargin(0); pMergeHLayout->setSpacing(0); QVBoxLayout* pMergeVLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); pMergeHLayout->addLayout(pMergeVLayout, 1); m_pMergeResultWindowTitle = new WindowTitleWidget(m_pOptionDialog->getOptions()); pMergeVLayout->addWidget(m_pMergeResultWindowTitle); m_pMergeResultWindow = new MergeResultWindow(m_pMergeWindowFrame, m_pOptionDialog->getOptions(), statusBar()); pMergeVLayout->addWidget(m_pMergeResultWindow, 1); MergeResultWindow::mVScrollBar = new QScrollBar(Qt::Vertical, m_pMergeWindowFrame); pMergeHLayout->addWidget(MergeResultWindow::mVScrollBar); m_pMainSplitter->addWidget(m_pMainWidget); autoAdvance->setEnabled(true); QList sizes = pVSplitter->sizes(); int total = sizes[0] + sizes[1]; if(total < 10) total = 100; sizes[0] = total / 2; sizes[1] = total / 2; pVSplitter->setSizes(sizes); QList hSizes; hSizes << 1 << 1 << 1; m_pDiffWindowSplitter->setSizes(hSizes); m_pMergeResultWindow->installEventFilter(m_pMergeResultWindowTitle); // for focus tracking QHBoxLayout* pHScrollBarLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); pVLayout->addLayout(pHScrollBarLayout); m_pHScrollBar = new ReversibleScrollBar(Qt::Horizontal, &m_pOptions->m_bRightToLeftLanguage); pHScrollBarLayout->addWidget(m_pHScrollBar); m_pCornerWidget = new QWidget(m_pMainWidget); pHScrollBarLayout->addWidget(m_pCornerWidget); connect(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar, &QScrollBar::valueChanged, m_pOverview, &Overview::setFirstLine); connect(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar, &QScrollBar::valueChanged, m_pDiffTextWindow1, &DiffTextWindow::setFirstLine); connect(m_pHScrollBar, &ReversibleScrollBar::valueChanged2, m_pDiffTextWindow1, &DiffTextWindow::setHorizScrollOffset); m_pDiffTextWindow1->setupConnections(this); connect(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar, &QScrollBar::valueChanged, m_pDiffTextWindow2, &DiffTextWindow::setFirstLine); connect(m_pHScrollBar, &ReversibleScrollBar::valueChanged2, m_pDiffTextWindow2, &DiffTextWindow::setHorizScrollOffset); m_pDiffTextWindow2->setupConnections(this); connect(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar, &QScrollBar::valueChanged, m_pDiffTextWindow3, &DiffTextWindow::setFirstLine); connect(m_pHScrollBar, &ReversibleScrollBar::valueChanged2, m_pDiffTextWindow3, &DiffTextWindow::setHorizScrollOffset); m_pDiffTextWindow3->setupConnections(this); MergeResultWindow* p = m_pMergeResultWindow; connect(MergeResultWindow::mVScrollBar, &QScrollBar::valueChanged, p, &MergeResultWindow::setFirstLine); connect(m_pHScrollBar, &ReversibleScrollBar::valueChanged2, p, &MergeResultWindow::setHorizScrollOffset); connect(p, &MergeResultWindow::modifiedChanged, m_pMergeResultWindowTitle, &WindowTitleWidget::slotSetModified); p->setupConnections(this); sourceMask(0, 0); connect(p, &MergeResultWindow::setFastSelectorRange, m_pDiffTextWindow1, &DiffTextWindow::setFastSelectorRange); connect(p, &MergeResultWindow::setFastSelectorRange, m_pDiffTextWindow2, &DiffTextWindow::setFastSelectorRange); connect(p, &MergeResultWindow::setFastSelectorRange, m_pDiffTextWindow3, &DiffTextWindow::setFastSelectorRange); connect(m_pDiffTextWindow1, &DiffTextWindow::setFastSelectorLine, p, &MergeResultWindow::slotSetFastSelectorLine); connect(m_pDiffTextWindow2, &DiffTextWindow::setFastSelectorLine, p, &MergeResultWindow::slotSetFastSelectorLine); connect(m_pDiffTextWindow3, &DiffTextWindow::setFastSelectorLine, p, &MergeResultWindow::slotSetFastSelectorLine); connect(m_pDiffTextWindow1, &DiffTextWindow::gotFocus, p, &MergeResultWindow::updateSourceMask); connect(m_pDiffTextWindow2, &DiffTextWindow::gotFocus, p, &MergeResultWindow::updateSourceMask); connect(m_pDiffTextWindow3, &DiffTextWindow::gotFocus, p, &MergeResultWindow::updateSourceMask); connect(m_pDirectoryMergeInfo, &DirectoryMergeInfo::gotFocus, p, &MergeResultWindow::updateSourceMask); connect(m_pDiffTextWindow1, &DiffTextWindow::resizeHeightChangedSignal, this, &KDiff3App::resizeDiffTextWindowHeight); // The following two connects cause the wordwrap to be recalced thrice, just to make sure. Better than forgetting one. connect(m_pDiffTextWindow1, &DiffTextWindow::resizeWidthChangedSignal, this, &KDiff3App::postRecalcWordWrap); connect(m_pDiffTextWindow2, &DiffTextWindow::resizeWidthChangedSignal, this, &KDiff3App::postRecalcWordWrap); connect(m_pDiffTextWindow3, &DiffTextWindow::resizeWidthChangedSignal, this, &KDiff3App::postRecalcWordWrap); m_pDiffTextWindow1->setFocus(); m_pMainWidget->setMinimumSize(50, 50); m_pCornerWidget->setFixedSize(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->width(), m_pHScrollBar->height()); showWindowA->setChecked(true); showWindowB->setChecked(true); showWindowC->setChecked(true); } // called after word wrap is complete void KDiff3App::slotFinishMainInit() { Q_ASSERT(m_pDiffTextWindow1 != nullptr && DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar != nullptr && m_pOverview != nullptr); setHScrollBarRange(); int newHeight = m_pDiffTextWindow1->getNofVisibleLines(); /*int newWidth = m_pDiffTextWindow1->getNofVisibleColumns();*/ m_DTWHeight = newHeight; DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->setRange(0, std::max(0, m_neededLines + 1 - newHeight)); DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->setPageStep(newHeight); m_pOverview->setRange(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->value(), DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->pageStep()); int d3l = -1; if(!m_manualDiffHelpList.empty()) d3l = m_manualDiffHelpList.front().calcManualDiffFirstDiff3LineIdx(m_diff3LineVector); if(d3l >= 0 && m_pDiffTextWindow1) { int line = m_pDiffTextWindow1->convertDiff3LineIdxToLine(d3l); DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->setValue(std::max(0, line - 1)); } else { m_pMergeResultWindow->slotGoTop(); if(!m_outputFilename.isEmpty() && !m_pMergeResultWindow->isUnsolvedConflictAtCurrent()) m_pMergeResultWindow->slotGoNextUnsolvedConflict(); } if(m_pCornerWidget) m_pCornerWidget->setFixedSize(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->width(), m_pHScrollBar->height()); slotUpdateAvailabilities(); setUpdatesEnabled(true); bool bVisibleMergeResultWindow = !m_outputFilename.isEmpty(); TotalDiffStatus* pTotalDiffStatus = &m_totalDiffStatus; if(m_bLoadFiles) { if(bVisibleMergeResultWindow) m_pMergeResultWindow->showNrOfConflicts(); else if( // Avoid showing this message during startup without parameters. !(m_sd1->getAliasName().isEmpty() && m_sd2->getAliasName().isEmpty() && m_sd3->getAliasName().isEmpty()) && (m_sd1->isValid() && m_sd2->isValid() && m_sd3->isValid())) { QString totalInfo; if(pTotalDiffStatus->isBinaryEqualAB() && pTotalDiffStatus->isBinaryEqualAC()) totalInfo += i18n("All input files are binary equal."); else if(pTotalDiffStatus->isTextEqualAB() && pTotalDiffStatus->isTextEqualAC()) totalInfo += i18n("All input files contain the same text, but are not binary equal."); else { if(pTotalDiffStatus->isBinaryEqualAB()) totalInfo += i18n("Files %1 and %2 are binary equal.\n", i18n("A"), i18n("B")); else if(pTotalDiffStatus->isTextEqualAB()) totalInfo += i18n("Files %1 and %2 have equal text, but are not binary equal. \n", i18n("A"), i18n("B")); if(pTotalDiffStatus->isBinaryEqualAC()) totalInfo += i18n("Files %1 and %2 are binary equal.\n", i18n("A"), i18n("C")); else if(pTotalDiffStatus->isTextEqualAC()) totalInfo += i18n("Files %1 and %2 have equal text, but are not binary equal. \n", i18n("A"), i18n("C")); if(pTotalDiffStatus->isBinaryEqualBC()) totalInfo += i18n("Files %1 and %2 are binary equal.\n", i18n("B"), i18n("C")); else if(pTotalDiffStatus->isTextEqualBC()) totalInfo += i18n("Files %1 and %2 have equal text, but are not binary equal. \n", i18n("B"), i18n("C")); } if(!totalInfo.isEmpty()) KMessageBox::information(this, totalInfo); } if(bVisibleMergeResultWindow && (!m_sd1->isText() || !m_sd2->isText() || !m_sd3->isText())) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n( "Some input files do not seem to be pure text files.\n" "Note that the KDiff3 merge was not meant for binary data.\n" "Continue at your own risk.")); } if(m_sd1->isIncompleteConversion() || m_sd2->isIncompleteConversion() || m_sd3->isIncompleteConversion()) { QString files; if(m_sd1->isIncompleteConversion()) files += i18n("A"); if(m_sd2->isIncompleteConversion()) files += files.isEmpty() ? i18n("B") : i18n(", B"); if(m_sd3->isIncompleteConversion()) files += files.isEmpty() ? i18n("C") : i18n(", C"); KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Some input characters could not be converted to valid unicode.\n" "You might be using the wrong codec. (e.g. UTF-8 for non UTF-8 files).\n" "Do not save the result if unsure. Continue at your own risk.\n" "Affected input files are in %1.", files)); } } if(bVisibleMergeResultWindow && m_pMergeResultWindow) { m_pMergeResultWindow->setFocus(); } else if(m_pDiffTextWindow1) { m_pDiffTextWindow1->setFocus(); } } void KDiff3App::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e) { QSplitter::resizeEvent(e); if(m_pCornerWidget) m_pCornerWidget->setFixedSize(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->width(), m_pHScrollBar->height()); } void KDiff3App::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* pWheelEvent) { pWheelEvent->accept(); QPoint delta = pWheelEvent->angleDelta(); //Block diagonal scrolling easily generated unintentionally with track pads. if(delta.x() != 0 && abs(delta.y()) < abs(delta.x()) && m_pHScrollBar != nullptr) QCoreApplication::postEvent(m_pHScrollBar, new QWheelEvent(*pWheelEvent)); } void KDiff3App::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* keyEvent) { if(keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Escape && m_pKDiff3Shell && m_pOptions->m_bEscapeKeyQuits) { m_pKDiff3Shell->close(); return; } bool bCtrl = (keyEvent->QInputEvent::modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) != 0; switch(keyEvent->key()) { case Qt::Key_Down: case Qt::Key_Up: case Qt::Key_PageDown: case Qt::Key_PageUp: if(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar != nullptr) QCoreApplication::postEvent(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar, new QKeyEvent(*keyEvent)); return; case Qt::Key_Left: case Qt::Key_Right: if(m_pHScrollBar != nullptr) QCoreApplication::postEvent(m_pHScrollBar, new QKeyEvent(*keyEvent)); break; case Qt::Key_End: case Qt::Key_Home: if(bCtrl) { if(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar != nullptr) QCoreApplication::postEvent(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar, new QKeyEvent(*keyEvent)); } else { if(m_pHScrollBar != nullptr) QCoreApplication::postEvent(m_pHScrollBar, new QKeyEvent(*keyEvent)); } break; default: break; } } void KDiff3App::slotFinishDrop() { raise(); mainInit(); } void KDiff3App::slotFileOpen() { bool bShouldConintue = false; Q_EMIT checkIfCanContinue(bShouldConintue); if(!bShouldConintue) return; //create dummy DirectoryInfo record for first run so we don't crash. if(m_dirinfo == nullptr) m_dirinfo = QSharedPointer::create(); if(m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->isDirectoryMergeInProgress()) { int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i18n("You are currently doing a folder merge. Are you sure, you want to abort?"), i18n("Warning"), KGuiItem(i18n("Abort")), KGuiItem(i18n("Continue Merging"))); if(result != KMessageBox::Yes) return; } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Opening files...")); for(;;) { QPointer d = QPointer(new OpenDialog(this, QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_bDirCompare ? m_dirinfo->dirA().prettyAbsPath() : m_sd1->isFromBuffer() ? QString("") : m_sd1->getAliasName()), QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_bDirCompare ? m_dirinfo->dirB().prettyAbsPath() : m_sd2->isFromBuffer() ? QString("") : m_sd2->getAliasName()), QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_bDirCompare ? m_dirinfo->dirC().prettyAbsPath() : m_sd3->isFromBuffer() ? QString("") : m_sd3->getAliasName()), m_bDirCompare ? !m_dirinfo->destDir().prettyAbsPath().isEmpty() : !m_outputFilename.isEmpty(), QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_bDefaultFilename ? QString("") : m_outputFilename), m_pOptionDialog->getOptions())); int status = d->exec(); if(status == QDialog::Accepted) { m_sd1->setFilename(d->m_pLineA->currentText()); m_sd2->setFilename(d->m_pLineB->currentText()); m_sd3->setFilename(d->m_pLineC->currentText()); if(d->m_pMerge->isChecked()) { if(d->m_pLineOut->currentText().isEmpty()) { m_outputFilename = "unnamed.txt"; m_bDefaultFilename = true; } else { m_outputFilename = d->m_pLineOut->currentText(); m_bDefaultFilename = false; } } else m_outputFilename = ""; m_bDirCompare = m_sd1->isDir(); bool bSuccess = improveFilenames(false); if(!bSuccess) continue; if(m_bDirCompare) { m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->show(); if(m_pMainWidget != nullptr) { m_pMainWidget->hide(); } break; } else { m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->hide(); mainInit(); if((!m_sd1->isEmpty() && !m_sd1->hasData()) || (!m_sd2->isEmpty() && !m_sd2->hasData()) || (!m_sd3->isEmpty() && !m_sd3->hasData())) { QString text(i18n("Opening of these files failed:")); text += "\n\n"; if(!m_sd1->isEmpty() && !m_sd1->hasData()) text += " - " + m_sd1->getAliasName() + '\n'; if(!m_sd2->isEmpty() && !m_sd2->hasData()) text += " - " + m_sd2->getAliasName() + '\n'; if(!m_sd3->isEmpty() && !m_sd3->hasData()) text += " - " + m_sd3->getAliasName() + '\n'; KMessageBox::sorry(this, text, i18n("File open error")); continue; } } } break; } slotUpdateAvailabilities(); slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void KDiff3App::slotFileOpen2(const QString& fn1, const QString& fn2, const QString& fn3, const QString& ofn, const QString& an1, const QString& an2, const QString& an3, TotalDiffStatus* pTotalDiffStatus) { bool bShouldConintue = false; Q_EMIT checkIfCanContinue(bShouldConintue); if(!bShouldConintue) return; if(fn1.isEmpty() && fn2.isEmpty() && fn3.isEmpty() && ofn.isEmpty() && m_pMainWidget != nullptr) { m_pMainWidget->hide(); return; } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Opening files...")); m_sd1->setFilename(fn1); m_sd2->setFilename(fn2); m_sd3->setFilename(fn3); m_sd1->setAliasName(an1); m_sd2->setAliasName(an2); m_sd3->setAliasName(an3); if(!ofn.isEmpty()) { m_outputFilename = ofn; m_bDefaultFilename = false; } else { m_outputFilename = ""; m_bDefaultFilename = true; } improveFilenames(true); // Create new window for KDiff3 for directory comparison. if(!m_sd1->isDir()) { mainInit(pTotalDiffStatus); if(pTotalDiffStatus != nullptr) return; if(!((!m_sd1->isEmpty() && !m_sd1->hasData()) || (!m_sd2->isEmpty() && !m_sd2->hasData()) || (!m_sd3->isEmpty() && !m_sd3->hasData()))) { if(m_pDirectoryMergeWindow != nullptr && m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->isVisible() && !dirShowBoth->isChecked()) { slotDirViewToggle(); } } } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void KDiff3App::slotFileNameChanged(const QString& fileName, e_SrcSelector winIdx) { QString fn1 = m_sd1->getFilename(); QString an1 = m_sd1->getAliasName(); QString fn2 = m_sd2->getFilename(); QString an2 = m_sd2->getAliasName(); QString fn3 = m_sd3->getFilename(); QString an3 = m_sd3->getAliasName(); if(winIdx == e_SrcSelector::A) { fn1 = fileName; an1 = ""; } if(winIdx == e_SrcSelector::B) { fn2 = fileName; an2 = ""; } if(winIdx == e_SrcSelector::C) { fn3 = fileName; an3 = ""; } slotFileOpen2(fn1, fn2, fn3, m_outputFilename, an1, an2, an3, nullptr); } void KDiff3App::slotEditCut() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Cutting selection...")); - - QString s; - if(m_pMergeResultWindow != nullptr) - { - s = m_pMergeResultWindow->getSelection(); - m_pMergeResultWindow->deleteSelection(); - - m_pMergeResultWindow->update(); - } - - if(!s.isEmpty()) - { - QApplication::clipboard()->setText(s, QClipboard::Clipboard); - } - + Q_EMIT cut(); slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void KDiff3App::slotEditCopy() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Copying selection to clipboard...")); QString s; if(m_pDiffTextWindow1 != nullptr) s = m_pDiffTextWindow1->getSelection(); if(s.isEmpty() && m_pDiffTextWindow2 != nullptr) s = m_pDiffTextWindow2->getSelection(); if(s.isEmpty() && m_pDiffTextWindow3 != nullptr) s = m_pDiffTextWindow3->getSelection(); if(s.isEmpty() && m_pMergeResultWindow != nullptr) s = m_pMergeResultWindow->getSelection(); if(!s.isEmpty()) { QApplication::clipboard()->setText(s, QClipboard::Clipboard); } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void KDiff3App::slotEditPaste() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Inserting clipboard contents...")); if(m_pMergeResultWindow != nullptr && m_pMergeResultWindow->isVisible()) { m_pMergeResultWindow->pasteClipboard(false); } else { bool bShouldConintue = false; Q_EMIT checkIfCanContinue(bShouldConintue); if(bShouldConintue) { QString error; bool do_init = false; if(m_pDiffTextWindow1->hasFocus()) { error = m_sd1->setData(QApplication::clipboard()->text(QClipboard::Clipboard)); do_init = true; } else if(m_pDiffTextWindow2->hasFocus()) { error = m_sd2->setData(QApplication::clipboard()->text(QClipboard::Clipboard)); do_init = true; } else if(m_pDiffTextWindow3->hasFocus()) { error = m_sd3->setData(QApplication::clipboard()->text(QClipboard::Clipboard)); do_init = true; } if(!error.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(m_pOptionDialog, error); } if(do_init) { mainInit(); } } } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void KDiff3App::slotEditSelectAll() { LineRef l = 0; int p = 0; // needed as dummy return values if(m_pMergeResultWindow && m_pMergeResultWindow->hasFocus()) { m_pMergeResultWindow->setSelection(0, 0, m_pMergeResultWindow->getNofLines(), 0); } else if(m_pDiffTextWindow1 && m_pDiffTextWindow1->hasFocus()) { m_pDiffTextWindow1->setSelection(0, 0, m_pDiffTextWindow1->getNofLines(), 0, l, p); } else if(m_pDiffTextWindow2 && m_pDiffTextWindow2->hasFocus()) { m_pDiffTextWindow2->setSelection(0, 0, m_pDiffTextWindow2->getNofLines(), 0, l, p); } else if(m_pDiffTextWindow3 && m_pDiffTextWindow3->hasFocus()) { m_pDiffTextWindow3->setSelection(0, 0, m_pDiffTextWindow3->getNofLines(), 0, l, p); } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void KDiff3App::slotGoCurrent() { Q_EMIT goCurrent(); } void KDiff3App::slotGoTop() { Q_EMIT goTop(); } void KDiff3App::slotGoBottom() { Q_EMIT goBottom(); } void KDiff3App::slotGoPrevUnsolvedConflict() { Q_EMIT goPrevUnsolvedConflict(); } void KDiff3App::slotGoNextUnsolvedConflict() { m_bTimerBlock = false; Q_EMIT goNextUnsolvedConflict(); } void KDiff3App::slotGoPrevConflict() { Q_EMIT goPrevConflict(); } void KDiff3App::slotGoNextConflict() { m_bTimerBlock = false; Q_EMIT goNextConflict(); } void KDiff3App::slotGoPrevDelta() { Q_EMIT goPrevDelta(); } void KDiff3App::slotGoNextDelta() { Q_EMIT goNextDelta(); } void KDiff3App::choose(e_SrcSelector choice) { if(!m_bTimerBlock) { if(m_pDirectoryMergeWindow && m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->hasFocus()) { if(choice == e_SrcSelector::A) m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->slotCurrentChooseA(); if(choice == e_SrcSelector::B) m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->slotCurrentChooseB(); if(choice == e_SrcSelector::C) m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->slotCurrentChooseC(); chooseA->setChecked(false); chooseB->setChecked(false); chooseC->setChecked(false); } else if(m_pMergeResultWindow) { m_pMergeResultWindow->choose(choice); if(autoAdvance->isChecked()) { m_bTimerBlock = true; QTimer::singleShot(m_pOptions->m_autoAdvanceDelay, this, &KDiff3App::slotGoNextUnsolvedConflict); } } } } void KDiff3App::slotChooseA() { choose(e_SrcSelector::A); } void KDiff3App::slotChooseB() { choose(e_SrcSelector::B); } void KDiff3App::slotChooseC() { choose(e_SrcSelector::C); } void KDiff3App::slotAutoSolve() { Q_EMIT autoSolve(); slotUpdateAvailabilities(); } void KDiff3App::slotUnsolve() { Q_EMIT unsolve(); } void KDiff3App::slotMergeHistory() { Q_EMIT mergeHistory(); } void KDiff3App::slotRegExpAutoMerge() { Q_EMIT regExpAutoMerge(); } void KDiff3App::slotSplitDiff() { LineRef firstLine; LineRef lastLine; DiffTextWindow* pDTW = nullptr; if(m_pDiffTextWindow1) { pDTW = m_pDiffTextWindow1; pDTW->getSelectionRange(&firstLine, &lastLine, eD3LLineCoords); } if(!firstLine.isValid() && m_pDiffTextWindow2) { pDTW = m_pDiffTextWindow2; pDTW->getSelectionRange(&firstLine, &lastLine, eD3LLineCoords); } if(!firstLine.isValid() && m_pDiffTextWindow3) { pDTW = m_pDiffTextWindow3; pDTW->getSelectionRange(&firstLine, &lastLine, eD3LLineCoords); } if(pDTW && firstLine.isValid() && m_pMergeResultWindow) { pDTW->resetSelection(); m_pMergeResultWindow->slotSplitDiff(firstLine, lastLine); } } void KDiff3App::slotJoinDiffs() { LineRef firstLine; LineRef lastLine; DiffTextWindow* pDTW = nullptr; if(m_pDiffTextWindow1) { pDTW = m_pDiffTextWindow1; pDTW->getSelectionRange(&firstLine, &lastLine, eD3LLineCoords); } if(!firstLine.isValid() && m_pDiffTextWindow2) { pDTW = m_pDiffTextWindow2; pDTW->getSelectionRange(&firstLine, &lastLine, eD3LLineCoords); } if(!firstLine.isValid() && m_pDiffTextWindow3) { pDTW = m_pDiffTextWindow3; pDTW->getSelectionRange(&firstLine, &lastLine, eD3LLineCoords); } if(pDTW && firstLine.isValid() && m_pMergeResultWindow) { pDTW->resetSelection(); m_pMergeResultWindow->slotJoinDiffs(firstLine, lastLine); } } void KDiff3App::slotConfigure() { m_pOptionDialog->setState(); m_pOptionDialog->setMinimumHeight(m_pOptionDialog->minimumHeight() + 40); m_pOptionDialog->exec(); slotRefresh(); } void KDiff3App::slotConfigureKeys() { KShortcutsDialog::configure(actionCollection(), KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcutsAllowed, this); } void KDiff3App::slotRefresh() { QApplication::setFont(m_pOptions->m_appFont); Q_EMIT doRefresh(); if(m_pHScrollBar != nullptr) { m_pHScrollBar->setAgain(); } if(m_pDiffWindowSplitter != nullptr) { m_pDiffWindowSplitter->setOrientation(m_pOptions->m_bHorizDiffWindowSplitting ? Qt::Horizontal : Qt::Vertical); } if(m_pDirectoryMergeWindow) { m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->updateFileVisibilities(); } } void KDiff3App::slotSelectionStart() { //editCopy->setEnabled( false ); //editCut->setEnabled( false ); const QObject* s = sender(); if(m_pDiffTextWindow1 && s != m_pDiffTextWindow1) m_pDiffTextWindow1->resetSelection(); if(m_pDiffTextWindow2 && s != m_pDiffTextWindow2) m_pDiffTextWindow2->resetSelection(); if(m_pDiffTextWindow3 && s != m_pDiffTextWindow3) m_pDiffTextWindow3->resetSelection(); if(m_pMergeResultWindow && s != m_pMergeResultWindow) m_pMergeResultWindow->resetSelection(); } void KDiff3App::slotSelectionEnd() { //const QObject* s = sender(); //editCopy->setEnabled(true); //editCut->setEnabled( s==m_pMergeResultWindow ); if(m_pOptions->m_bAutoCopySelection) { slotEditCopy(); } else { QClipboard* clipBoard = QApplication::clipboard(); if(clipBoard->supportsSelection()) { QString s; if(m_pDiffTextWindow1 != nullptr) s = m_pDiffTextWindow1->getSelection(); if(s.isEmpty() && m_pDiffTextWindow2 != nullptr) s = m_pDiffTextWindow2->getSelection(); if(s.isEmpty() && m_pDiffTextWindow3 != nullptr) s = m_pDiffTextWindow3->getSelection(); if(s.isEmpty() && m_pMergeResultWindow != nullptr) s = m_pMergeResultWindow->getSelection(); if(!s.isEmpty()) { clipBoard->setText(s, QClipboard::Selection); } } } } void KDiff3App::slotClipboardChanged() { const QClipboard* clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); const QMimeData* mimeData = clipboard->mimeData(); if(mimeData->hasText()) { QString s = clipboard->text(); editPaste->setEnabled(!s.isEmpty()); } else { editPaste->setEnabled(false); } } void KDiff3App::slotOutputModified(bool bModified) { if(bModified && !m_bOutputModified) { m_bOutputModified = true; slotUpdateAvailabilities(); } } void KDiff3App::slotAutoAdvanceToggled() { m_pOptions->m_bAutoAdvance = autoAdvance->isChecked(); } void KDiff3App::slotWordWrapToggled() { m_pOptions->setWordWrap(wordWrap->isChecked()); postRecalcWordWrap(); } // Enable or disable all widgets except the status bar widget. void KDiff3App::mainWindowEnable(bool bEnable) { if(QMainWindow* pWindow = dynamic_cast(window())) { QWidget* pStatusBarWidget = pWindow->statusBar(); pWindow->setEnabled(bEnable); pStatusBarWidget->setEnabled(true); } } void KDiff3App::postRecalcWordWrap() { if(!m_bRecalcWordWrapPosted) { m_bRecalcWordWrapPosted = true; m_firstD3LIdx = -1; Q_EMIT sigRecalcWordWrap(); } else { g_pProgressDialog->cancel(ProgressDialog::eResize); } } void KDiff3App::slotRecalcWordWrap() { recalcWordWrap(); } // visibleTextWidthForPrinting is >=0 only for printing, otherwise the really visible width is used void KDiff3App::recalcWordWrap(int visibleTextWidthForPrinting) { m_bRecalcWordWrapPosted = true; mainWindowEnable(false); if(m_firstD3LIdx < 0) { m_firstD3LIdx = 0; if(m_pDiffTextWindow1) m_firstD3LIdx = m_pDiffTextWindow1->convertLineToDiff3LineIdx(m_pDiffTextWindow1->getFirstLine()); } // Convert selection to D3L-coords (converting back happens in DiffTextWindow::recalcWordWrap() if(m_pDiffTextWindow1) m_pDiffTextWindow1->convertSelectionToD3LCoords(); if(m_pDiffTextWindow2) m_pDiffTextWindow2->convertSelectionToD3LCoords(); if(m_pDiffTextWindow3) m_pDiffTextWindow3->convertSelectionToD3LCoords(); g_pProgressDialog->clearCancelState(); // clear cancelled state if previously set if(!m_diff3LineList.empty()) { if(m_pOptions->wordWrapOn()) { m_diff3LineList.recalcWordWrap(true); // Let every window calc how many lines will be needed. if(m_pDiffTextWindow1) { m_pDiffTextWindow1->recalcWordWrap(true, 0, visibleTextWidthForPrinting); } if(m_pDiffTextWindow2) { m_pDiffTextWindow2->recalcWordWrap(true, 0, visibleTextWidthForPrinting); } if(m_pDiffTextWindow3) { m_pDiffTextWindow3->recalcWordWrap(true, 0, visibleTextWidthForPrinting); } } else { m_neededLines = m_diff3LineVector.size(); if(m_pDiffTextWindow1) m_pDiffTextWindow1->recalcWordWrap(false, 0, 0); if(m_pDiffTextWindow2) m_pDiffTextWindow2->recalcWordWrap(false, 0, 0); if(m_pDiffTextWindow3) m_pDiffTextWindow3->recalcWordWrap(false, 0, 0); } bool bRunnablesStarted = DiffTextWindow::startRunnables(); if(!bRunnablesStarted) slotFinishRecalcWordWrap(visibleTextWidthForPrinting); else { g_pProgressDialog->setInformation(m_pOptions->wordWrapOn() ? i18n("Word wrap (Cancel disables word wrap)") : i18n("Calculating max width for horizontal scrollbar"), false); } } else { //don't leave proccessing incomplete if m_diff3LineList isEmpty as when an error occures during reading. slotFinishRecalcWordWrap(visibleTextWidthForPrinting); } } void KDiff3App::slotFinishRecalcWordWrap(int visibleTextWidthForPrinting) { g_pProgressDialog->pop(); if(m_pOptions->wordWrapOn() && g_pProgressDialog->wasCancelled()) { if(g_pProgressDialog->cancelReason() == ProgressDialog::eUserAbort) { wordWrap->setChecked(false); m_pOptions->setWordWrap(wordWrap->isChecked()); } Q_EMIT sigRecalcWordWrap(); return; } else { m_bRecalcWordWrapPosted = false; } g_pProgressDialog->setStayHidden(false); bool bPrinting = visibleTextWidthForPrinting >= 0; if(!m_diff3LineList.empty()) { if(m_pOptions->wordWrapOn()) { LineCount sumOfLines = m_diff3LineList.recalcWordWrap(false); // Finish the word wrap if(m_pDiffTextWindow1) m_pDiffTextWindow1->recalcWordWrap(true, sumOfLines, visibleTextWidthForPrinting); if(m_pDiffTextWindow2) m_pDiffTextWindow2->recalcWordWrap(true, sumOfLines, visibleTextWidthForPrinting); if(m_pDiffTextWindow3) m_pDiffTextWindow3->recalcWordWrap(true, sumOfLines, visibleTextWidthForPrinting); m_neededLines = sumOfLines; } else { if(m_pDiffTextWindow1) m_pDiffTextWindow1->recalcWordWrap(false, 1, 0); if(m_pDiffTextWindow2) m_pDiffTextWindow2->recalcWordWrap(false, 1, 0); if(m_pDiffTextWindow3) m_pDiffTextWindow3->recalcWordWrap(false, 1, 0); } slotStatusMsg(QString()); } if(!bPrinting) { if(m_pOverview) m_pOverview->slotRedraw(); if(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar) DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->setRange(0, std::max(0, m_neededLines + 1 - m_DTWHeight)); if(m_pDiffTextWindow1) { if(DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar) DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->setValue(m_pDiffTextWindow1->convertDiff3LineIdxToLine(m_firstD3LIdx)); setHScrollBarRange(); m_pHScrollBar->setValue(0); } } mainWindowEnable(true); if(m_bFinishMainInit) { m_bFinishMainInit = false; slotFinishMainInit(); } if(m_pEventLoopForPrinting) m_pEventLoopForPrinting->quit(); } void KDiff3App::slotShowWhiteSpaceToggled() { m_pOptions->m_bShowWhiteSpaceCharacters = showWhiteSpaceCharacters->isChecked(); m_pOptions->m_bShowWhiteSpace = showWhiteSpace->isChecked(); Q_EMIT showWhiteSpaceToggled(); } void KDiff3App::slotShowLineNumbersToggled() { m_pOptions->m_bShowLineNumbers = showLineNumbers->isChecked(); if(wordWrap->isChecked()) recalcWordWrap(); Q_EMIT showLineNumbersToggled(); } /// Return true for success, else false bool KDiff3App::improveFilenames(bool bCreateNewInstance) { FileAccess f1(m_sd1->getFilename()); FileAccess f2(m_sd2->getFilename()); FileAccess f3(m_sd3->getFilename()); FileAccess f4(m_outputFilename); if(f1.isFile() && f1.exists()) { if(f2.isDir()) { f2.addPath(f1.fileName()); if(f2.isFile() && f2.exists()) m_sd2->setFileAccess(f2); } if(f3.isDir()) { f3.addPath(f1.fileName()); if(f3.isFile() && f3.exists()) m_sd3->setFileAccess(f3); } if(f4.isDir()) { f4.addPath(f1.fileName()); if(f4.isFile() && f4.exists()) m_outputFilename = f4.absoluteFilePath(); } } else if(f1.isDir()) { if(bCreateNewInstance) { Q_EMIT createNewInstance(f1.absoluteFilePath(), f2.absoluteFilePath(), f3.absoluteFilePath()); } else { bool bDirCompare = m_bDirCompare; FileAccess destDir; if(!m_bDefaultFilename) destDir = f4; m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->show(); if(m_pMainWidget != nullptr) m_pMainWidget->hide(); setUpdatesEnabled(true); m_dirinfo = QSharedPointer::create(f1, f2, f3, destDir); bool bSuccess = m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->init( m_dirinfo, !m_outputFilename.isEmpty()); //This is a bug if it still happens. Q_ASSERT(m_bDirCompare == bDirCompare); if(bSuccess) { m_sd1->reset(); if(m_pDiffTextWindow1 != nullptr) { m_pDiffTextWindow1->init(QString(""), nullptr, eLineEndStyleDos, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr, false); m_pDiffTextWindowFrame1->init(); } m_sd2->reset(); if(m_pDiffTextWindow2 != nullptr) { m_pDiffTextWindow2->init(QString(""), nullptr, eLineEndStyleDos, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr, false); m_pDiffTextWindowFrame2->init(); } m_sd3->reset(); if(m_pDiffTextWindow3 != nullptr) { m_pDiffTextWindow3->init(QString(""), nullptr, eLineEndStyleDos, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr, false); m_pDiffTextWindowFrame3->init(); } } slotUpdateAvailabilities(); return bSuccess; } } return true; } void KDiff3App::slotReload() { bool bShouldConintue = false; Q_EMIT checkIfCanContinue(bShouldConintue); if(!bShouldConintue) return; mainInit(); } bool KDiff3App::canContinue() { // First test if anything must be saved. if(m_bOutputModified) { int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this, i18n("The merge result has not been saved."), i18n("Warning"), KGuiItem(i18n("Save && Continue")), KGuiItem(i18n("Continue Without Saving"))); if(result == KMessageBox::Cancel) return false; else if(result == KMessageBox::Yes) { slotFileSave(); if(m_bOutputModified) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Saving the merge result failed."), i18n("Warning")); return false; } } } m_bOutputModified = false; return true; } /* Translate canContinue return value to out param because Qt does not support return values on slots. */ void KDiff3App::slotCheckIfCanContinue(bool& pbContinue) { pbContinue = canContinue(); } void KDiff3App::slotDirShowBoth() { if(dirShowBoth->isChecked()) { if(m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter) m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->setVisible(m_bDirCompare); if(m_pMainWidget != nullptr) m_pMainWidget->show(); } else { bool bTextDataAvailable = (m_sd1->hasData() || m_sd2->hasData() || m_sd3->hasData()); if(m_pMainWidget != nullptr && bTextDataAvailable) { m_pMainWidget->show(); m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->hide(); } else if(m_bDirCompare) { m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->show(); } } slotUpdateAvailabilities(); } void KDiff3App::slotDirViewToggle() { if(m_bDirCompare) { if(!m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->isVisible()) { m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->show(); if(m_pMainWidget != nullptr) m_pMainWidget->hide(); } else { if(m_pMainWidget != nullptr) { m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->hide(); m_pMainWidget->show(); } } } slotUpdateAvailabilities(); } void KDiff3App::slotShowWindowAToggled() { if(m_pDiffTextWindow1 != nullptr) { m_pDiffTextWindowFrame1->setVisible(showWindowA->isChecked()); slotUpdateAvailabilities(); } } void KDiff3App::slotShowWindowBToggled() { if(m_pDiffTextWindow2 != nullptr) { m_pDiffTextWindowFrame2->setVisible(showWindowB->isChecked()); slotUpdateAvailabilities(); } } void KDiff3App::slotShowWindowCToggled() { if(m_pDiffTextWindow3 != nullptr) { m_pDiffTextWindowFrame3->setVisible(showWindowC->isChecked()); slotUpdateAvailabilities(); } } void KDiff3App::slotEditFind() { m_pFindDialog->currentLine = 0; m_pFindDialog->currentPos = 0; m_pFindDialog->currentWindow = 1; // Use currently selected text: QString s; if(m_pDiffTextWindow1 != nullptr) s = m_pDiffTextWindow1->getSelection(); if(s.isEmpty() && m_pDiffTextWindow2 != nullptr) s = m_pDiffTextWindow2->getSelection(); if(s.isEmpty() && m_pDiffTextWindow3 != nullptr) s = m_pDiffTextWindow3->getSelection(); if(s.isEmpty() && m_pMergeResultWindow != nullptr) s = m_pMergeResultWindow->getSelection(); if(!s.isEmpty() && !s.contains('\n')) { m_pFindDialog->m_pSearchString->setText(s); } if(QDialog::Accepted == m_pFindDialog->exec()) { slotEditFindNext(); } } void KDiff3App::slotEditFindNext() { QString s = m_pFindDialog->m_pSearchString->text(); if(s.isEmpty()) { slotEditFind(); return; } bool bDirDown = true; bool bCaseSensitive = m_pFindDialog->m_pCaseSensitive->isChecked(); LineRef d3vLine = m_pFindDialog->currentLine; int posInLine = m_pFindDialog->currentPos; LineRef l = 0; int p = 0; if(m_pFindDialog->currentWindow == 1) { if(m_pFindDialog->m_pSearchInA->isChecked() && m_pDiffTextWindow1 != nullptr && m_pDiffTextWindow1->findString(s, d3vLine, posInLine, bDirDown, bCaseSensitive)) { m_pDiffTextWindow1->setSelection(d3vLine, posInLine, d3vLine, posInLine + s.length(), l, p); DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->setValue(l - DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->pageStep() / 2); m_pHScrollBar->setValue(std::max(0, p + s.length() - m_pHScrollBar->pageStep())); m_pFindDialog->currentLine = d3vLine; m_pFindDialog->currentPos = posInLine + 1; return; } m_pFindDialog->currentWindow = 2; m_pFindDialog->currentLine = 0; m_pFindDialog->currentPos = 0; } d3vLine = m_pFindDialog->currentLine; posInLine = m_pFindDialog->currentPos; if(m_pFindDialog->currentWindow == 2) { if(m_pFindDialog->m_pSearchInB->isChecked() && m_pDiffTextWindow2 != nullptr && m_pDiffTextWindow2->findString(s, d3vLine, posInLine, bDirDown, bCaseSensitive)) { m_pDiffTextWindow2->setSelection(d3vLine, posInLine, d3vLine, posInLine + s.length(), l, p); DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->setValue(l - DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->pageStep() / 2); m_pHScrollBar->setValue(std::max(0, p + s.length() - m_pHScrollBar->pageStep())); m_pFindDialog->currentLine = d3vLine; m_pFindDialog->currentPos = posInLine + 1; return; } m_pFindDialog->currentWindow = 3; m_pFindDialog->currentLine = 0; m_pFindDialog->currentPos = 0; } d3vLine = m_pFindDialog->currentLine; posInLine = m_pFindDialog->currentPos; if(m_pFindDialog->currentWindow == 3) { if(m_pFindDialog->m_pSearchInC->isChecked() && m_pDiffTextWindow3 != nullptr && m_pDiffTextWindow3->findString(s, d3vLine, posInLine, bDirDown, bCaseSensitive)) { m_pDiffTextWindow3->setSelection(d3vLine, posInLine, d3vLine, posInLine + s.length(), l, p); DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->setValue(l - DiffTextWindow::mVScrollBar->pageStep() / 2); m_pHScrollBar->setValue(std::max(0, p + s.length() - m_pHScrollBar->pageStep())); m_pFindDialog->currentLine = d3vLine; m_pFindDialog->currentPos = posInLine + 1; return; } m_pFindDialog->currentWindow = 4; m_pFindDialog->currentLine = 0; m_pFindDialog->currentPos = 0; } d3vLine = m_pFindDialog->currentLine; posInLine = m_pFindDialog->currentPos; if(m_pFindDialog->currentWindow == 4) { if(m_pFindDialog->m_pSearchInOutput->isChecked() && m_pMergeResultWindow != nullptr && m_pMergeResultWindow->isVisible() && m_pMergeResultWindow->findString(s, d3vLine, posInLine, bDirDown, bCaseSensitive)) { m_pMergeResultWindow->setSelection(d3vLine, posInLine, d3vLine, posInLine + s.length()); MergeResultWindow::mVScrollBar->setValue(d3vLine - MergeResultWindow::mVScrollBar->pageStep() / 2); m_pHScrollBar->setValue(std::max(0, posInLine + s.length() - m_pHScrollBar->pageStep())); m_pFindDialog->currentLine = d3vLine; m_pFindDialog->currentPos = posInLine + 1; return; } m_pFindDialog->currentWindow = 5; m_pFindDialog->currentLine = 0; m_pFindDialog->currentPos = 0; } KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Search complete."), i18n("Search Complete")); m_pFindDialog->currentWindow = 1; m_pFindDialog->currentLine = 0; m_pFindDialog->currentPos = 0; } void KDiff3App::slotMergeCurrentFile() { if(m_bDirCompare && m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->isVisible() && m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->isFileSelected()) { m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->mergeCurrentFile(); } else if(m_pMainWidget != nullptr && m_pMainWidget->isVisible()) { bool bShouldConintue = false; Q_EMIT checkIfCanContinue(bShouldConintue); if(!bShouldConintue) return; if(m_outputFilename.isEmpty()) { if(!m_sd3->isEmpty() && !m_sd3->isFromBuffer()) { m_outputFilename = m_sd3->getFilename(); } else if(!m_sd2->isEmpty() && !m_sd2->isFromBuffer()) { m_outputFilename = m_sd2->getFilename(); } else if(!m_sd1->isEmpty() && !m_sd1->isFromBuffer()) { m_outputFilename = m_sd1->getFilename(); } else { m_outputFilename = "unnamed.txt"; m_bDefaultFilename = true; } } mainInit(); } } void KDiff3App::slotWinFocusNext() { QWidget* focus = qApp->focusWidget(); if(focus == m_pDirectoryMergeWindow && m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->isVisible() && !dirShowBoth->isChecked()) { slotDirViewToggle(); } std::list visibleWidgetList; if(m_pDiffTextWindow1 && m_pDiffTextWindow1->isVisible()) visibleWidgetList.push_back(m_pDiffTextWindow1); if(m_pDiffTextWindow2 && m_pDiffTextWindow2->isVisible()) visibleWidgetList.push_back(m_pDiffTextWindow2); if(m_pDiffTextWindow3 && m_pDiffTextWindow3->isVisible()) visibleWidgetList.push_back(m_pDiffTextWindow3); if(m_pMergeResultWindow && m_pMergeResultWindow->isVisible()) visibleWidgetList.push_back(m_pMergeResultWindow); if(m_bDirCompare /*m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->isVisible()*/) visibleWidgetList.push_back(m_pDirectoryMergeWindow); //if ( m_pDirectoryMergeInfo->isVisible() ) visibleWidgetList.push_back(m_pDirectoryMergeInfo->getInfoList()); if(visibleWidgetList.empty()) return; std::list::iterator i = std::find(visibleWidgetList.begin(), visibleWidgetList.end(), focus); ++i; if(i == visibleWidgetList.end()) i = visibleWidgetList.begin(); if(*i == m_pDirectoryMergeWindow && !dirShowBoth->isChecked()) { slotDirViewToggle(); } (*i)->setFocus(); } void KDiff3App::slotWinFocusPrev() { QWidget* focus = qApp->focusWidget(); if(focus == m_pDirectoryMergeWindow && m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->isVisible() && !dirShowBoth->isChecked()) { slotDirViewToggle(); } std::list visibleWidgetList; if(m_pDiffTextWindow1 && m_pDiffTextWindow1->isVisible()) visibleWidgetList.push_back(m_pDiffTextWindow1); if(m_pDiffTextWindow2 && m_pDiffTextWindow2->isVisible()) visibleWidgetList.push_back(m_pDiffTextWindow2); if(m_pDiffTextWindow3 && m_pDiffTextWindow3->isVisible()) visibleWidgetList.push_back(m_pDiffTextWindow3); if(m_pMergeResultWindow && m_pMergeResultWindow->isVisible()) visibleWidgetList.push_back(m_pMergeResultWindow); if(m_bDirCompare /* m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->isVisible() */) visibleWidgetList.push_back(m_pDirectoryMergeWindow); //if ( m_pDirectoryMergeInfo->isVisible() ) visibleWidgetList.push_back(m_pDirectoryMergeInfo->getInfoList()); if(visibleWidgetList.empty()) return; std::list::iterator i = std::find(visibleWidgetList.begin(), visibleWidgetList.end(), focus); if(i == visibleWidgetList.begin()) i = visibleWidgetList.end(); --i; //i will never be if(*i == m_pDirectoryMergeWindow && !dirShowBoth->isChecked()) { slotDirViewToggle(); } (*i)->setFocus(); } void KDiff3App::slotWinToggleSplitterOrientation() { if(m_pDiffWindowSplitter != nullptr) { m_pDiffWindowSplitter->setOrientation( m_pDiffWindowSplitter->orientation() == Qt::Vertical ? Qt::Horizontal : Qt::Vertical); m_pOptions->m_bHorizDiffWindowSplitting = m_pDiffWindowSplitter->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal; } } void KDiff3App::slotOverviewNormal() { Q_EMIT changeOverViewMode(e_OverviewMode::eOMNormal); slotUpdateAvailabilities(); } void KDiff3App::slotOverviewAB() { Q_EMIT changeOverViewMode(e_OverviewMode::eOMAvsB); slotUpdateAvailabilities(); } void KDiff3App::slotOverviewAC() { Q_EMIT changeOverViewMode(e_OverviewMode::eOMAvsC); slotUpdateAvailabilities(); } void KDiff3App::slotOverviewBC() { Q_EMIT changeOverViewMode(e_OverviewMode::eOMBvsC); slotUpdateAvailabilities(); } void KDiff3App::slotNoRelevantChangesDetected() { if(m_bTripleDiff && !m_outputFilename.isEmpty()) { //KMessageBox::information( this, "No relevant changes detected", "KDiff3" ); if(!m_pOptions->m_IrrelevantMergeCmd.isEmpty()) { /* QProcess doesn't check for single quotes and uses non-standard escaping syntax for double quotes. The distinction between single and double quotes is purely a command shell issue. So we split the command string ourselves. */ QStringList args; QString program; Utils::getArguments(m_pOptions->m_IrrelevantMergeCmd, program, args); QProcess process; process.start(program, args); process.waitForFinished(-1); } } } void KDiff3App::slotAddManualDiffHelp() { LineRef firstLine; LineRef lastLine; e_SrcSelector winIdx = e_SrcSelector::Invalid; if(m_pDiffTextWindow1) { m_pDiffTextWindow1->getSelectionRange(&firstLine, &lastLine, eFileCoords); winIdx = e_SrcSelector::A; } if(!firstLine.isValid() && m_pDiffTextWindow2) { m_pDiffTextWindow2->getSelectionRange(&firstLine, &lastLine, eFileCoords); winIdx = e_SrcSelector::B; } if(!firstLine.isValid() && m_pDiffTextWindow3) { m_pDiffTextWindow3->getSelectionRange(&firstLine, &lastLine, eFileCoords); winIdx = e_SrcSelector::C; } if(!firstLine.isValid() || !lastLine.isValid() || lastLine < firstLine) KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Nothing is selected in either diff input window."), i18n("Error while adding manual diff range")); else { m_manualDiffHelpList.insertEntry(winIdx, firstLine, lastLine); mainInit(nullptr, false); // Init without reload slotRefresh(); } } void KDiff3App::slotClearManualDiffHelpList() { m_manualDiffHelpList.clear(); mainInit(nullptr, false); // Init without reload slotRefresh(); } void KDiff3App::slotEncodingChanged(QTextCodec* c) { Q_UNUSED(c); mainInit(nullptr, true, true); // Init with reload slotRefresh(); } void KDiff3App::slotUpdateAvailabilities() { if(m_pMainSplitter == nullptr || m_pDiffTextWindow2 == nullptr || m_pDiffTextWindow1 == nullptr || m_pDiffTextWindow3 == nullptr) return; bool bTextDataAvailable = (m_sd1->hasData() || m_sd2->hasData() || m_sd3->hasData()); if(dirShowBoth->isChecked()) { if(m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter != nullptr) m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->setVisible(m_bDirCompare); if(m_pMainWidget != nullptr && !m_pMainWidget->isVisible() && bTextDataAvailable && !m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->isScanning()) m_pMainWidget->show(); } bool bDiffWindowVisible = m_pMainWidget != nullptr && m_pMainWidget->isVisible(); bool bMergeEditorVisible = m_pMergeWindowFrame != nullptr && m_pMergeWindowFrame->isVisible() && m_pMergeResultWindow != nullptr; m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->updateAvailabilities(m_bDirCompare, bDiffWindowVisible, chooseA, chooseB, chooseC); dirShowBoth->setEnabled(m_bDirCompare); dirViewToggle->setEnabled( m_bDirCompare && ((m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter != nullptr && m_pMainWidget != nullptr) && ((!m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->isVisible() && m_pMainWidget->isVisible()) || (m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->isVisible() && !m_pMainWidget->isVisible() && bTextDataAvailable)))); bool bDirWindowHasFocus = m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter != nullptr && m_pDirectoryMergeSplitter->isVisible() && m_pDirectoryMergeWindow->hasFocus(); showWhiteSpaceCharacters->setEnabled(bDiffWindowVisible); autoAdvance->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible); mAutoSolve->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible && m_bTripleDiff); mUnsolve->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible); if(!bDirWindowHasFocus) { chooseA->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible); chooseB->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible); chooseC->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible && m_bTripleDiff); } if(m_pMergeResultWindow != nullptr) { m_pMergeResultWindow->slotUpdateAvailabilities(bMergeEditorVisible, m_bTripleDiff); } mMergeHistory->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible); mergeRegExp->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible); showWindowA->setEnabled(bDiffWindowVisible && (m_pDiffTextWindow2->isVisible() || m_pDiffTextWindow3->isVisible())); showWindowB->setEnabled(bDiffWindowVisible && (m_pDiffTextWindow1->isVisible() || m_pDiffTextWindow3->isVisible())); showWindowC->setEnabled(bDiffWindowVisible && m_bTripleDiff && (m_pDiffTextWindow1->isVisible() || m_pDiffTextWindow2->isVisible())); editFind->setEnabled(bDiffWindowVisible); editFindNext->setEnabled(bDiffWindowVisible); m_pFindDialog->m_pSearchInC->setEnabled(m_bTripleDiff); m_pFindDialog->m_pSearchInOutput->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible); bool bSavable = bMergeEditorVisible && m_pMergeResultWindow->getNrOfUnsolvedConflicts() == 0; fileSave->setEnabled(m_bOutputModified && bSavable); fileSaveAs->setEnabled(bSavable); mGoTop->setEnabled(bDiffWindowVisible && m_pMergeResultWindow != nullptr && m_pMergeResultWindow->isDeltaAboveCurrent()); mGoBottom->setEnabled(bDiffWindowVisible && m_pMergeResultWindow != nullptr && m_pMergeResultWindow->isDeltaBelowCurrent()); mGoCurrent->setEnabled(bDiffWindowVisible); mGoPrevUnsolvedConflict->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible && m_pMergeResultWindow->isUnsolvedConflictAboveCurrent()); mGoNextUnsolvedConflict->setEnabled(bMergeEditorVisible && m_pMergeResultWindow->isUnsolvedConflictBelowCurrent()); mGoPrevConflict->setEnabled(bDiffWindowVisible && bMergeEditorVisible && m_pMergeResultWindow->isConflictAboveCurrent()); mGoNextConflict->setEnabled(bDiffWindowVisible && bMergeEditorVisible && m_pMergeResultWindow->isConflictBelowCurrent()); mGoPrevDelta->setEnabled(bDiffWindowVisible && m_pMergeResultWindow != nullptr && m_pMergeResultWindow->isDeltaAboveCurrent()); mGoNextDelta->setEnabled(bDiffWindowVisible && m_pMergeResultWindow != nullptr && m_pMergeResultWindow->isDeltaBelowCurrent()); overviewModeNormal->setEnabled(m_bTripleDiff && bDiffWindowVisible); overviewModeAB->setEnabled(m_bTripleDiff && bDiffWindowVisible); overviewModeAC->setEnabled(m_bTripleDiff && bDiffWindowVisible); overviewModeBC->setEnabled(m_bTripleDiff && bDiffWindowVisible); e_OverviewMode overviewMode = m_pOverview == nullptr ? e_OverviewMode::eOMNormal : m_pOverview->getOverviewMode(); overviewModeNormal->setChecked(overviewMode == e_OverviewMode::eOMNormal); overviewModeAB->setChecked(overviewMode == e_OverviewMode::eOMAvsB); overviewModeAC->setChecked(overviewMode == e_OverviewMode::eOMAvsC); overviewModeBC->setChecked(overviewMode == e_OverviewMode::eOMBvsC); winToggleSplitOrientation->setEnabled(bDiffWindowVisible && m_pDiffWindowSplitter != nullptr); }