diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 552024f..79524ce 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,34 +1,36 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12 FATAL_ERROR) find_package(ECM 1.3.0 REQUIRED NO_MODULE) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${ECM_MODULE_PATH}) add_definitions(-DTRANSLATION_DOMAIN="kbackup") include(KDEInstallDirs) include(KDECompilerSettings NO_POLICY_SCOPE) include(KDECMakeSettings) include(ECMInstallIcons) include(FeatureSummary) find_package(Qt5 CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Widgets ) find_package(KF5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Notifications I18n KIO DocTools XmlGui IconThemes Archive WidgetsAddons ) add_subdirectory(src) add_subdirectory(doc) -add_subdirectory(po) + +ki18n_install(po) +kdoctools_install(po) feature_summary(WHAT ALL FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) diff --git a/doc/CMakeLists.txt b/doc/CMakeLists.txt index db1e2be..3276587 100644 --- a/doc/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/doc/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,4 +1 @@ -add_subdirectory(de) add_subdirectory(en) -add_subdirectory(fr) -add_subdirectory(ru) diff --git a/doc/de/CMakeLists.txt b/doc/de/CMakeLists.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 638c953..0000000 --- a/doc/de/CMakeLists.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -kdoctools_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/de SUBDIR kbackup) diff --git a/doc/de/index.docbook b/doc/de/index.docbook deleted file mode 100644 index 465b9f3..0000000 --- a/doc/de/index.docbook +++ /dev/null @@ -1,719 +0,0 @@ - - - KBackup"> - - - - - - -]> - - - - - - - - - - - -Das &kbackup; Handbuch (für Version 1.0) - - - - - -Martin -Koller - -kollix@aon.at - - - - - - -2006 - 2017 -Martin Koller - - - -&FDLNotice; - -2010-06-14 -1.06.00 - - - - - -&kbackup; ist ein Programm welches Datensicherung in einer benutzerfreundlichen Weise ermöglicht. - - - - - - -KDE -system -KBackup -backup -Archivierung -Sicherung -Archiv -ZIP -gzip -bzip2 - - - - - -Einführung - - - - -&kbackup; ist ein KDE-Programm zur Datensicherung von beliebigen Dateien und Verzeichnissen, -wobei es einen einfach zu bedienenden Verzeichnisbaum zur Selektion zur Verfügung stellt. -Gewählte Einstellungen können in so genannten "Profil" Dateien gespeichert werden, wobei ein -Profil eine einfache Textdatei ist, welche die Auswahl für Verzeichnisse und Dateien beinhält, -welche für die Sicherung zu inkludieren oder zu exkludieren sind. -Ebenso beinhält es die Definition, wohin die Sicherung geschrieben werden soll. -Das Ziel einer Sicherung kann entweder ein lokales Verzeichnis sein (z.B. ein lokal -eingebundenes Gerät wie ein ZIP Laufwerk, USB Stick, etc.) aber es kann auch ein -anderer Rechner - unter Angabe einer URL (z.B. smb://rechner/ziel) - sein, um die Daten auf -einen zentralen Server zu sichern. - - - -Das Programm kann auch eine automatische Sicherung ohne grafische Benutzeroberfläche -durchführen. Man erstellt einfach ein Profil, welches &kbackup; sagt, was gesichert -werden soll, wenn es im nicht interaktiven Modus gestartet wird, z.B. aus einem cron-job heraus. - - - -Das Programm wurde so entworfen, dass es möglichst einfach in der Bedienung ist und -auch von nicht Computer Experten bedient werden kann. - - - -Das Archivierungsformat ist das wohlbekannte Tar-Format, wobei die Daten komprimiert -gespeichert werden (bzip2 oder gzip) können. - - - -Die aktuelle Implementierung beinhält nur den Sicherungs Schritt. -Um die Daten wieder in das System zurückzuspielen muß man derzeit z.B. konqueror -benutzen, um eine TAR Sicherungs Datei zu öffnen, und dann Teile daraus z.B. via Drag/Drop -in das System zurückbringen. -Das ist einer der Vorteile der Verwendung des weitverbreiteten TAR Dateiformates. - - -Wenn die Dateien komprimiert wurden, so kann man alle vom aktuellen Verzeichnis aus -rekursiv absteigend mit folgendem Kommando wieder entpacken: - - -find . -name \*bz2 -print0 | xargs -0 bunzip2 - - - - - -Verwendung von &kbackup; - - -Alles was sie tun müssen, ist die Auswahl der Verzeichnisse, die gesichert werden sollen. -Dies wird erreicht, indem man in der Baumansicht auf der linken Seite des Hauptfensters -die Verzeichnisse anwählt. - - - -Wenn sie ein Verzeichnis wählen, wird &kbackup; automatisch alle Dateien und Unterverzeichnisse -darin sichern. -Wenn sie Teile in einem selektierten Verzeichnis von der Sicherung ausnehmen wollen, müssen sie einfach -die entsprechenden Verzeichnisse oder Dateien darin deselektieren. - - - -Generell bedeutet das: Ein selektiertes Verzeichnis wird alle Dateien und Unterverzeichnisse -darin sichern, außer jene Teile, die explizit deselektiert wurden. -Das bedeutet auch, wann immer sie ein Profil (siehe weiter unten) wiederverwenden, werden -auch alle neuen Verzeichnisse und Dateien, die in der Zwischenzeit dazugekommen sind, -ebenfalls gesichert. - - - - - -Hier ist ein Bildschirmfoto von &kbackup; - - - - - - Bildschirmfoto vom Hauptfenster - - - - - - - -Verwendung von Profilen - - -Um eine Auswahl für spätere Verwendung zu behalten wird diese einfach in ein -&kbackup; Profil gespeichert. -Verwenden sie dafür das Datei Menü und wählen sie "Speichere Profil". - - - -Um eine Auswahl wieder zu Laden verwenden sie das Datei Menü "Lade Profil". - - - -Um alle Einstellungen und Selektionen wieder zu entfernen verwenden sie das Datei Menü -"Neues Profil". - - - -&kbackup; speichert in einem Profil die Selektionen für alle inkludierten Dateien und Verzeichnisse, -für alle exkludierten Dateien und Verzeichnisse, das Ziel für die Sicherung, das gewählte Archiv-Präfix, -das gewählte Größenlimit für einen Archiv Teil und anderes. - - - -Wenn sie sich die Aufgabe der täglichen Datensicherung einfach machen wollen, speichern -sie ihre Auswahl in einem Profil (eine Datei mit der Endung .kbp) -und geben dieses Profil beim Start von &kbackup; als Argument mit an. - - - -z.B.: - - - -kbackup meineDaten.kbp - - - -Hinweis: sie können auch eine Verknüpfung zu einer .kbp Datei auf dem Arbeitsplatz -machen, um gleich direkt &kbackup; mit dessen Einstellungen zu starten, da .kbp als -bekannter Dateityp registriert ist. - - - - - -Archiv Teile - -Da ein Medium normalerweise eine limitierte Kapazität hat (z.B. 100MB ZIP Diskette), -teilt &kbackup; die Sicherung in einzelne Teile auf. - - -Jeder Archiv Teil hat seinen eigenen Dateinamen, welcher wie folgt aussieht: - - -backup_2006.08.26-13.04.44_1.tar - - -Der Name beinhält das Datum und die Uhrzeit der Sicherung (welche für jeden Teil -der Sicherung gleich bleibt), und eine angehängte Teil-Nummer (_1 in diesem Beispiel). - - -Über das Menü Datei/Profil Einstellungen kann ein anderes Präfix als "backup" für die -Archive eingestellt werden. - - - -Um unabhängig von der verfügbaren Kapazität des Zielverzeichnisses eine Sicherung -in mehrere Archiv Teile einer maximalen Größe aufteilen zu können, kann man -im Profile Einstellungen Dialog eine Maximalgröße pro Archiv Teil festlegen. -Dies hat z.B. dann Sinn, wenn man eine Sicherung für das nachträgliche Brennen auf -eine CD/DVD vorbereiten will. -Wenn sie die Größe eines Archiv Teiles explizit limitieren, dann erscheint die -verfügbare Größe mit der Markierung (*) im Hauptfenster. - - -Trotzdem eine "unlimitierte" Größe eingestellt wurde, gibt es zusätzliche Einschränkungen -für die Größe eines Archiv Teils: - -limitiert durch die verfügbare Kapazität im Zielverzeichnis -(wenn direkt in ein lokales Verzeichnis gesichert wird) -limitiert durch das "tmp" Verzeichnis wenn die Sicherung auf einen entfernten -Rechner kopiert wird (Angabe einer URL), da eine temporäre Datei erzeugt wird, -die danach zum Zielrechner übertragen wird. - - - - -In den Profil Einstellungen kann auch festgelegt werden, wieviele Sicherungen maximal -in dem Zielverzeichnis behalten werden sollen, bevor ältere Sicherungen automatisch gelöscht -werden. Wird z.B. ein Wert von 3 eingestellt, wird &kbackup; die letzten 3 Sicherungen -behalten und alle älteren Sicherungen werden gelöscht. - - - -Ebenfalls kann im Profil ein Backup als "Inkrementelle Sicherung" definiert werden, wobei -hier festgelegt wird, nach wievielen Tagen immer mit einem vollen Backup begonnen wird. -Details folgen im nächsten Kapitel. - - - - - -Inkrementelle Sicherung - -Unter inkrementeller Sicherung versteht man, daß nicht immer alle Dateien gesichert werden, -sondern nur jene, die sich seit der letzten Sicherung geändert haben. Dies hat den großen Vorteil, -daß die inkrementellen Sicherungen üblicherweise wesentlich weniger Dateien beinhalten und -der Sicherungs Vorgang daher wesentlich schneller beendet ist. - - -Die Vorgehensweise ist also folgende: Im Profil definiert man ein Intervall in Tagen für -eine Komplett-Sicherung, z.B. 5. Das bedeutet, &kbackup; sichert alle 5 Tage alle definierten -Dateien. An allen Tagen dazwischen - egal wie oft sie &kbackup; mit diesem Profil starten - -werden nur jene Dateien gesichert, die sich seit der letzten Sicherung geändert haben. -&kbackup; schreibt dafür die Sicherungs Zeitstempel in ihr Profil und weiß somit, was -das nächste mal zu tun ist. - - -Die Sicherungs Dateien die hierbei entstehen beinhalten den Text "_inc", wie z.B.: - - -backup_2010.06.14-18.50.26_1_inc.tar - - -Die Komplett-Sicherungs Dateien haben das Kürzel "_inc" nicht, wie z.B.: - - -backup_2010.06.13-20.58.14_1.tar - - -Wichtig ist, daß bei einer Wiederherstellung einer Sicherung auf den Rechner nun -alle "_inc" Dateien und zuletzt auch die letzte Komplett-Sicherung durchsucht werden müssen, -um den Letztstand einer Datei zu finden. -Genau das ist auch der Nachteil von inkrementellen Sicherungen (kein Vorteil ohne Nachteil ;-) ) - - -Will man trotz definiertem inkrementellen Zyklus im Profil vorzeitig eine Komplett-Sicherung -durchführen, so kann man dies in der Benutzeroberfläche über die Option "Komplett-Sicherung erzwingen" -definieren. -Startet man &kbackup; über die Kommandozeile, so kann dies mit der Option --forceFull erledigt werden. - - -Eine erzwungene Komplett-Sicherung startet das Sicherungs Intervall neu, d.h. &kbackup; rechnet -den Komplett-Sicherungs Zyklus immer von der zuletzt durchgeführten Komplett-Sicherung. - - - - -Archiv Komprimierung - -&kbackup; komprimiert die gesicherten Dateien wenn dies in den Profil Einstellungen -eingestellt wurde. Abhängig von der Verfügbarkeit -auf ihrem System wird entweder bzip2 oder gzip als Komprimierung verwendet. -&kbackup; wird jede einzelne Datei komprimieren und mit einer angehängten Dateiendung -(.bzip2 oder .gz) im nicht komprimierten .tar Archiv speichern. - - - -Wenn sie als Ziel ein lokales Verzeichnis gewählt haben (z.B. ihre extra Festplatte, -ZIP Laufwerk, etc.) - d.h. sie haben keine URL angegeben - kann &kbackup; die gesamte -Sicherung aufgrund der beschränkten Medium Kapazität in einzelne Archiv Teile aufteilen. - - -z.B.: - - -backup_2006.08.26-13.04.44_1.tar - - -backup_2006.08.26-13.04.44_2.tar - - - - - -Sicherung automatisieren - - -Wenn sie den Vorgang der Sicherung automatisieren will, bietet &kbackup; hier verschiedene -Kommandozeilen Optionen an: - - ---auto - -Wird &kbackup; mit dieser Option und einem .kbp Profil gestartet, so wird das Programm -starten, das angegebene Profil laden, die Sicherung durchführen und sich nach Fertigstellung -beenden. -All das wird mit einer sichtbaren &kbackup; Benutzeroberfläche durchgeführt. - - - ---autobg - -Wird &kbackup; mit dieser Option und einem .kbp Profil gestartet, so wird der selbe Ablauf -durchgeführt wie mit der Option --auto, jedoch wird _keine_ grafische Benutzeroberfläche -angezeigt. Daher die Endung "bg" was für "Background" (Hintergrund) steht - alle Operationen -werden also im Hintergrund ausgeführt, was damit die passende Option für eine Sicherung -darstellt, die z.B. aus einem cron-job gestartet wurde. - - -Wird --autobg verwendet werden die Ausgaben von &kbackup;, welche den Fortschritt anzeigen, -auf die Standard Fehlerausgabe (stderr) geschrieben. Die Standardeinstellung beinhält ein paar -wichtige Angaben zum Fortschritt und eine Zusammenfassung am Schluß. Wird die Option --verbose -noch zusätzlich angegeben, so wird auch der Name jeder einzelnen Datei, die gerade gesichert wird, -ausgegeben. - - - - - - - - - - - -Kommando Referenz - - - - -Das &kbackup; Hauptfenster - - - - - -Das <guimenu>Datei</guimenu> Menü - - - - - -Datei -Neues Profil - - -Löscht die Selektion und das Ziel Eingabefeld, um ein neues Profil definieren zu können - - - - - -Datei -Lade Profil - -Lädt ein Profil - - - - -Datei -Speichere Profil - -Speichert alle Einstellungen in eine Profil Datei - - - - -Datei -Profil Einstellungen - -In den Profileinstellungen kann man definieren, ob ein Archiv Datei -mit dem Namen "backup" beginnen soll, oder ob ein alternativer Name verwendet werden soll. -Ebenso kann die Größe eines Archiv Teiles limitiert werden. Siehe Kapitel "Archiv Teile". -Diese Einstellungen werden mit in die Profil Datei gespeichert. - - - - - -Strg+Q - -Datei -Beenden - -Beendet &kbackup; - - - - - - - - -Das <guimenu>Einstellungen</guimenu> Menü - - - - - -Einstellungen -Im Systembereich der Kontrollleiste andocken - - -Wird diese Option eingeschaltet, wird im Systembereich ein Symbol angezeigt, welches den Status einer -Sicherung anzeigt. Eine Animation bedeutet, daß gerade eine Sicherung läuft. Ansonsten wird ein statisches -Symbol angezeigt. -Wenn diese Option gewählt wurde, wird &kbackup; mit dem Schließen des Hauptfensters nicht beendet. -Das Programm bleibt so lange verfügbar, bis es explizit durch die "Beenden" Aktion beendet wird. -Über das Kontextmenü am Symbol im Systembereich kann eine Sicherung - genau wie im Hauptfenster - gestartet -oder abgebrochen werden. Im Tooltip des Symbols wird der Sicherungs Status angezeigt (Anzahl schon gesicherter -Dateien, Summe des Sicherungsvolumens und die zuletzt gesicherte Datei). - - - - - - -Einstellungen -Alle Meldungen erlauben - - -Die Aktivierung dieser Option löscht alle intern gespeicherten "Nicht mehr nachfragen" Einstellungen -aller Dialoge, die &kbackup; anzeigt. - - - - - - - - -Das <guimenu>Hilfe</guimenu> Menü - - - - - - -&help.menu.documentation; - - - - - - - -Entwickler Leitfaden zu &kbackup; - - - - -&kbackup; kann durch Shellscripte (oder andere ausführbaren Programme) -erweitert werden, welche an bestimmten Stellen während der Datensicherung -gestartet werden. -Die Idee dahinter ist es zu ermöglichen Laufwerke einzubinden, Medien auszuwerfen, -oder andere System spezifischen Dinge mit den erzeugten Archiv Dateien zu erledigen. - - - -Das script welches ausgeführt werden soll muß mit dem --script Kommandozeilen Argument -angegeben werden. - - -Hier ist ein Beispiel Script - -sliceScript.sh - -#!/bin/sh - -mode=$1 -archive=$2 -target=$3 -mountPoint=$4 - -case "$mode" in - "slice_init" ) - if [ "$mountPoint" != "" ] - then - mount /media/zip - rm -f /media/zip/backup_2*.tar* - fi - ;; - - "slice_closed" ) - ;; - - "slice_finished" ) - if [ "$mountPoint" != "" ] - then - umount /media/zip - eject /media/zip - fi - ;; -esac - - - - -Das script wird immer mit vier Kommandozeilen Argumenten aufgerufen: - - -Aufruf Art -Archiv (Teil) Dateiname -Ziel Verzeichnis/URL -Einhängepunkt (mountpoint) des Zielverzeichnisses wenn es ein lokales Verzeichnis ist -ansonsten ein Leerstring - - - -Es gibt drei verschiedene Aufruf Arten: - - - - - -slice_init -wird augerufen bevor ein neuer Archiv Teil auf der Festplatte erzeugt wird - - -slice_closed -wird aufgerufen nachdem ein Archiv Teil erzeugt wurde, aber bevor dieser in das -Zielverzeichnis kopiert wurde - -Das kann dazu genutzt werden, um z.B. den Archiv Teil noch zusätzlich an einem anderen Ort -zu speichern. Z.B. wurde als Ziel ein zentraler Server angegeben (mit einer Ziel URL), -aber sie wollen die letzte Sicherung auch noch auf ihrer lokalen Festplatte zur Verfügung -haben. - - - -slice_finished -wird aufgerufen nachdem ein Archiv Teil erfolgreich in das Zielverzeichnis kopiert wurde - - - - - - - - -Fragen und Antworten - - - -&reporting.bugs; -&updating.documentation; - - - - - - - -Mitwirkende und Lizenz - - -&kbackup; - - -Programm Copyright © 2006 - 2010 Martin Koller kollix@aon.at - - - -Dokumentation Copyright © 2006 - 2010 Martin Koller - - - - -&underFDL; - - - -&underGPL; - - - - -Installation - - - -Wie kommt man zu &kbackup; - - - - -Sie können &kbackup; von www.kde-apps.org runterladen. -Ebenso befindet sich &kbackup; im openSuse build sercvice. - - - - -Kompilation und Installation - - - - - -&install.compile.documentation; - - - - - -&documentation.index; - - - diff --git a/doc/de/mainwindow.png b/doc/de/mainwindow.png deleted file mode 100644 index d0cd9d1..0000000 Binary files a/doc/de/mainwindow.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/en/index.docbook b/doc/en/index.docbook index 9da34b7..ee66358 100644 --- a/doc/en/index.docbook +++ b/doc/en/index.docbook @@ -1,708 +1,708 @@ - KBackup"> ]> The &kbackup; Handbook (for version 1.0) Martin Koller kollix@aon.at 2006 - 2017 Martin Koller &FDLNotice; 2009-06-14 1.06.00 &kbackup; is an application which lets you back up your data in a simple, user friendly way. KDE system KBackup backup storage archive zip gzip bzip2 Introduction &kbackup; is a program that lets you back up any directories or files, whereby it uses an easy to use directory tree to select the things to back up. It lets you save your settings in so-called "profile" files, where a profile is a simple text file containing definitions for directories and files to be included or excluded from the backup process. Also, it lets you define where the backup shall be saved to. The target can be either a local directory (⪚ a locally mounted device like a ZIP drive, USB stick, etc.) but it can also be any remote URL (⪚ smb://remote/some_path) to back up your data to some central server, etc. The program can also run an automated backup without using a graphical user interface. One can simply create a profile and use these settings to tell &kbackup; what to do when running in non-interactive mode, ⪚ by starting it from a cron job. The program was designed to be very simple in its use so that it can be used by non-computer experts. The storage format is the well known TAR format, whereby the data can still be stored in compressed format (bzip2 or gzip). The current implementation features only the backup step. To restore data back into your system, you currently have to use ⪚ &dolphin; to open the TAR backup files and drag/drop the files back to your file system. This is also an advantage of the usage of the well known and well supported TAR file format. If the files are compressed, you can uncompress all files from the current directory recursively down with the following command: find . -name \*bz2 -print0 | xargs -0 bunzip2 Using &kbackup; All you need to do is to select which directories you want to store. This is done by selecting all the directories in the tree view on the left side of the main window. If you select a directory, &kbackup; will automatically store all files and subdirectories below it. If you want to exclude parts of a selected directory, simply deselect that files/directories inside the still selected directory. In general, this means: A selected directory will store everything in it and below it, except the deselected parts in it. This also means, whenever you reuse a profile (see below) later on and new files have been added to a directory already selected for backup, all the new files will also be stored. Here's a screenshot of &kbackup; Screenshot of Main Window Using profiles To keep a selection for later use, simply save it into a &kbackup; Profile file. Use the File menu and select Save profile. To reload a selection into &kbackup;, use the File Load Profile menu item. &kbackup; saves in a profile the selections for all included directories/files, excluded directories/files, the target directory/URL, defined archive prefix, the defined maximum slice file size, etc. If you want to ease the usage of backing up every day the same set of files, simply store your settings into a &kbackup; profile (a .kbp file) and pass that file on the command line. E.g.: kbackup myData.kbp Hint: you can also create a shortcut on your desktop to a .kbp file as the file type is registered to start &kbackup; on double click Archive slices As a medium has normally limited capacity (⪚ 100MB ZIP disc), &kbackup; will create several archive slices. Each archive slice will get its own name, which looks like this: backup_2006.08.26-13.04.44_1.tar The name contains the creation date and time (which will be the same for all slices of one backup) and a trailing slice sequence number (_1 in this example). In the menu File Profile Settings, you can define a different archive prefix than the default "backup". In the Profile Settings Dialog, you can also define a maximum archive slice size, which limits the slice size even if there would be more space left on the target device. This helps to create archive slices which can then be later burned on a CD/DVD, etc. If you explicitly limit the size of an archive slice, the available size will be marked with (*) in the main window. But even if you define a slice to be of "unlimited" size, there are other constraints which limit the size of a slice: limited by the target directory (when stored directly into a local dir) limited by the "tmp" dir when we create a tmp file for later upload to a remote URL In the Profile Settings, you can also define a maximum number of backups being kept in the target directory, and therefore automatically deleting all older backups there. E.g. if you set it to 3, &kbackup; will keep the last 3 backups and delete all older ones. Incremental Backup With an incremental backup not all files will be saved every time the backup runs, but only the files which have changed since the last backup. This has the great advantage that the incremental backup will usually include much fewer files than a full backup and therefore will be finished in a much shorter time. This works as follows: In the profile, you define an interval (in days) for the full backup. E.g. when you define 5 days, then &kbackup; will do a full backup of all files every 5 days. Whenever you start &kbackup; before the interval expires with this profile - regardless how often you run a backup - only the files which have changed since the last backup will be saved. &kbackup; stores the time stamp of the last backup into the profile and knows therefore what to do when running the next time. The archive slice files created during an incremental backup will contain the text "_inc", ⪚: backup_2010.06.14-18.50.26_1_inc.tar Full backup slice files will not include "_inc" in the name, ⪚: backup_2010.06.13-20.58.14_1.tar When one wants to restore files from an incremental backup, it's important to look for the most recent version of a file to be restored in all "_inc" files and finally also the last full backup slice file. This exactly is also the disadvantage of the incremental backup (but no advantage without disadvantage ;-) ) If you want to do a full backup earlier than the defined incremental cycle time defined in a profile, you can do so by checking the "Force Full Backup" option in the user interface. When &kbackup; is started via the command line, this can be achieved by using the option --forceFull A forced full backup will restart the backup cycle, ⪚ &kbackup; counts the days to the next full backup from the time of the last full backup. Archive Compression &kbackup; will compress the files stored if you activate this in the profile settings. Depending on the availability on your system it chooses bzip2 or gzip compression. &kbackup; will compress every single file and store all files with an added file extension (.bzip2 or .gz) into the then not-compressed .tar archive. When you have selected to create the backup on some local filesystem (⪚ your extra disc, ZIP drive, etc.) - which means you did not enter a remote target URL - &kbackup; might split the whole backup into several archive slices due to media capacity limitations. ⪚: backup_2006.08.26-13.04.44_1.tar backup_2006.08.26-13.04.44_2.tar Automating Backup If you want to automate the process of the backup, &kbackup; offers different command line options to help with this: --auto When you run &kbackup; with this option and a given .kbp profile, it will start, load the given profile, run the backup and terminate when done. All this is done with a visible &kbackup; user interface. --autobg When you run &kbackup; with this option and a given .kbp profile, it will run the same process as with --auto but _without_ showing any graphical user interface. Therefore the suffix "bg" which stands for "background" - everything is done in the background so this is the right option to be used when you do your backups ⪚ started by a cron job. When using --autobg the output from &kbackup; - showing the progress of the backup - is written to stderr. By default, the output includes just a few important messages and a summary at the end. If you pass --verbose in addition, then you will also see each file name currently being backed up. Command Reference The main &kbackup; window The <guimenu>File</guimenu> Menu File Open Recent Shows a submenu with the recently used profiles for easy selection File New Profile Clears the selection and the target input field, to be able to define a new profile. File Load Profile Loads a profile File Save Profile Saves all settings into the currently loaded profile File Save Profile As... Saves all settings into a profile with a new name File Profile Settings In the settings, you can define whether the archive-slice files start with the default name "backup" or with an alternative name. Also you can limit the archive slice size. See chapter Archive Slices. These settings are also stored into the profile. Ctrl+Q File Quit Quits &kbackup; The <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> Menu Settings Dock in System Tray When this option is activated, an icon is shown in the system tray, which reflects the current status of a backup operation. An animation is shown when a backup is in progress, else you see a static icon. If this option is selected, the closing of the main window will not terminate &kbackup;. The application must be explicitly terminated by selecting the "Quit" action. Via the context menu of the &kbackup; system tray icon you can start and cancel a backup operation - which is the same as you can do in the main window. The tooltip on this icon also gives progress information (Number of saved files, size of the backup and the last saved file). Settings Enable All Messages Activating this entry clears all internally stored "Do not ask again" flags for the dialogs shown in &kbackup; The <guimenu>Help</guimenu> Menu &help.menu.documentation; Developer's Guide to &kbackup; &kbackup; can be extended by using a shell script (or any other executable) which will be started at three different points during the backup process. The idea behind it is to allow to mount, unmount, eject media in a system specific way, or do other things with the produced archive files. The script to execute must be given with the --script command line option. Here is a sample script sliceScript.sh #!/bin/sh mode=$1 archive=$2 target=$3 mountPoint=$4 case "$mode" in "slice_init" ) if [ "$mountPoint" != "" ] then mount /media/zip rm -f /media/zip/backup_2*.tar* fi ;; "slice_closed" ) ;; "slice_finished" ) if [ "$mountPoint" != "" ] then umount /media/zip eject /media/zip fi ;; esac The script is always invoked with four command line arguments: invocation mode archive (slice) file name target directory/URL mountpoint of the target directory if it's a local dir, else an empty string There are three possible invocation modes: slice_init called before a new archive slice is being created on disc slice_closed called after an archive slice has been created, but before it has been put into the target directory This can be used if you want to copy the archive slice to some additional place, ⪚ the archive is sent to the main server (via a target URL), but you want to keep the last backup also onto the local disc. slice_finished called after an archive slice has been successfully transferred into the target directory Questions and Answers &reporting.bugs; &updating.documentation; Credits and License &kbackup; Program copyright © 2006 - 2009 Martin Koller kollix@aon.at Documentation Copyright © 2006 - 2009 Martin Koller &underFDL; &underGPL; Installation How to obtain &kbackup; You can download &kbackup; from www.kde-apps.org Compilation and Installation &install.compile.documentation; &documentation.index; diff --git a/doc/fr/CMakeLists.txt b/doc/fr/CMakeLists.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5a74d49..0000000 --- a/doc/fr/CMakeLists.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -kdoctools_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/fr SUBDIR kbackup) diff --git a/doc/fr/index.docbook b/doc/fr/index.docbook deleted file mode 100644 index 674cdf2..0000000 --- a/doc/fr/index.docbook +++ /dev/null @@ -1,770 +0,0 @@ - - - KBackup"> - - - - - - -]> - - - - - - - - - - - -Manuel de &kbackup; - - - - - -Martin -Koller - -kollix@aon.at - - - -Alain -Portal - -
-alain.portal@univ-montp2.fr -
-Traduction française  -
- -
- - - - -2006 - 2010 -Martin Koller - - - -&FDLNotice; - -2009-06-14 -1.06.00 - - - - - -&kbackup; est une application qui vous permet de sauvegarder vos données -d'une manière simple et conviviale. - - - - - - -KDE -système -KBackup -sauvegarde -stockage -archive -zip -gzip -bzip2 - - -
- - -Introduction - - - - -&kbackup; est un programme qui vous permet de sauvegarder des fichiers -ou des répertoires que vous pouvez sélectionner dans une arborescence. -Il vous permet également de sauvegarder votre configuration dans un fichier -appelé « profil » qui est simplement un fichier texte contenant -les fichiers et répertoires à inclure ou exclure du processus de sauvegarde. -Vous pouvez définir l'endroit où se fera la sauvegarde. -La cible peut être un répertoire local (par exemple, un périphérique monté -localement comme un lecteur ZIP ou une clé USB), mais également une URL -distante (par exemple, smb://hôte_distant/un_chemin) pour sauvegarder vos -données sur un serveur central, etc. - - - -Le programme peut également exécuter une sauvergarde automatique sans l'utilisation -de l'interface graphique. On peut simplement créer un profil et utiliser la configuration -pour demander à &kbackup; que faire lors de l´exécution en mode non interactif, -par exemple dans le cas d'une exécution d'une tâche cron. - - - -Le programme a été conçu pour être facile à utiliser et est donc à la portée -des non-initiés à l'informatique. - - - -Le format de stockage est le très connu format TAR, où les données sont -stockées compressées (bzip2 ou gzip). - - - -L'implémentation actuelle ne propose que l'étape de sauvegarde. Pour restaurer -vos données, vous devez utiliser, par exemple, konqueror pour ouvrir le -fichier de sauvegarde TAR et glisser/déposer les fichiers dans votre système -de fichier. C'est l'avantage de l'utilisation du format TAR. - - - -Si les fichiers sont compressés, vous pouvez les décompressez, de manière récursive, -dans le répertoire courant, en utilisant la commande suivante  - - -find . -name \*bz2 -print0 | xargs -0 bunzip2 - - - - - -Utiliser &kbackup; - - -Tout ce que vous avez besoin de faire est de sélectionner les répertoires -que vous souhaitez sauvegarder dans la vue en arborescence à gauche de la -fenêtre principale. - - - -Si vous sélectionnez un répertoire, &kbackup; enregistrera automatiquement -tous les fichiers et sous-répertoires qu'il contient. -Si vous souhaitez exclure certains fichiers ou sous-répertoires du répertoire -sélectionné, désélectionnez tout simplement ces fichiers ou sous-répertoires -à l'intérieur du répertoire sélectionné. - - - -En général, cela signifie que le répertoire sélectionné sera sauvegardé avec -tout son contenu, excepté les parties qui ont été désélectionnées. -Cela signifie également que si vous réutilisez ultérieurement un profil -(voir plus loin) et que de nouveaux fichiers ont été ajoutés au répertoire -sélectionné pour la sauvegarde, tous les nouveaux fichiers seront également -sauvegardés. - - - - - -Voici une capture d'écran de &kbackup; - - - - - - Capture d'écran de la fenêtre principale - - - - - - - -Utiliser les profils - - -Pour conserver une sélection à des fins d'utilisation ultérieure, -enregistrez-la tout simplement dans un fichier profil &kbackup;. -Utilisez le menu Fichier et choisissez « Enregistrer un profil » - - - -Pour recharger une sélection dans &kbackup;, utilisez l'entrée du menu Fichier -« Charger un profil » - - - -&kbackup; enregistre dans un fichier profil une sélection de tous les fichiers -et répertoires inclus, les fichiers et répertoires exclus, le répertoire ou -l'URL cible, le préfixe de l'archive et la taille maximum d'une tranche -d'archive. - - - -Si vous voulez vous faciliter la tâche pour sauvegarder tous les jours le -même ensemble de fichiers, enregistrez votre configuration dans un fichier -profil &kbackup; (un fichier d'extension .kbp) et passez-le sur la ligne de -commande. - - - -Par exemple : - - - -kbackup mes_données.kbp - - - -Astuce : vous pouvez également créer un raccourci sur votre bureau vers -un fichier profil. Comme le type de fichier est enregistré, &kbackup; se -lancera avec un double clic. - - - - - -Tranches d'archive - -Comme la capacité d'un medium est généralement limitée (par exemple, -100 Mo pour un disque ZIP), &kbackup; créera, si nécessaire, plusieurs -tranches d'archives. - - -Chaque tranche d'archive a son propre nom de la forme : - - -backup_2006.08.26-13.04.44_1.tar - - -Le nom contient la date et l'heure de création (qui sera le même pour toutes -les tranches d'une sauvegarde) ainsi qu'un numéro de séquence à la fin -(_1 dans cet exemple). - - -Dans le menu Fichier/Configuration du profil, vous pouvez définir un préfixe -pour l'archive différent que la valeur par défaut « defaut » - - - -Vous pouvez également définir la taille maximum d'une tranche d'archive. -Cela permet donc de limiter la taille d'une tranche d'archive, même s'il -reste de l'espace sur le périphérique cible. Cela permet de créer des tranches -d'archive qui peuvent être ensuite gravées sur un CD ou un DVD. -Si vous avez explicitement limité la taille d'une archive, la taille disponible -sera marquée par une « * » dans la fenêtre principale. - - - -Mais même si vous définissez la taille d'une archive comme « non limitée », -d'autres contraintes limiteront la taille de l'archive : - - - limitation par le répertoire cible - (lors d'un enregistrement direct dans un répertoire local) ; - - - - limitation par le répertoire « tmp » lors de la création d'un fichier temporaire - pour un déchargement ultérieur vers un URL distant. - - - - - - -Dans la configuration des profils, vous pouvez définir un nombre maximum -de sauvegarde à conserver dans le répertoire de destination, et ainsi, supprimer -automatiquement les sauvegardes plus anciennes. -Par exemple, si vous le définissez à 3, &kbackup; conservera les 3 sauvegardes - - - - - - -Sauvegarde incrémentielle - -Lors d'une sauvegarde incrémentielle, tous les fichiers ne sont pas sauvegardés -à chaque exécution de la sauvegarde, seuls le sont ceux qui ont été modifiés depuis -la dernière sauvegarde. Cela a pour avantage qu'une sauvegarde incrémentielle -comporte beaucoup moins de fichiers qu'une sauvegarde complète et qu'elle s'effectue -beaucoup plus rapidement. - - -Voici comment cela fonctionne : -dans le profil, vous définissez un intervalle (en jours) d'exécution de sauvegarde complète. -Par exemple, 5 jours : alors &kbackup; exécutera une sauvegarde complète tous les 5 jours. -Même si vous lancez &kbackup; avant l'expiration du délai défini dans le profil - quelle que soit -la fréquence où vous exécutez la sauvegarde - seuls les fichiers modifiés depuis la dernière -sauvegarde seront sauvegardés. &kbackup; enregistre l'horodatage de la dernière sauvegarde -dans le profil et sait donc quoi faire lors de l'exécution suivante. - - -Les tranches d'archive créées lors d'une sauvegarde incrémentielle contient le texte -« _inc » dans leur nom, par exemple : - - -backup_2010.06.14-18.50.26_1_inc.tar - - -Les tranches d'archive d'une sauvegarde complète ne contiennent pas le texte -« _inc » dans leur nom, par exemple : - - -backup_2010.06.13-20.58.14_1.tar - - -Lorsqu'on veut restaurer des fichiers d'une sauvegarde incrémentielle, il est important -de rechercher la version la plus récente d'un fichier à restaurer dans tous les fichiers -« _inc » et également le fichier tranche d'archive de la dernière sauvegarde complète. -C'est l'inconvénient d'une sauvegarde incrémentielle (mais pas d'avantage sans inconvénient ;-) ). - - -Si vous voulez réaliser une sauvegarde complète avant la date prévue définie par la configuration -d'une sauvegarde incrémentielle dans le profil, vous devez cocher l'option -« Forcer une sauvegarde complète » dans l'interface utilisateur. -Lorsque &kbackup; est lancé sur la ligne de commande, ce même comportement peut être obtenu -en utilisant l'option « --forceFull » - - -Une sauvegarde complète forcée réinitialise le cycle de sauvegarde, c'est-à-dire qu'il compte -le nombre de jours le séparant de la prochaine sauvegarde complète à partir de la date de la dernière -sauvegarde complète. - - - - - -Compression de l'archive - -&kbackup; compressera les fichiers enregistrés si vous activez -cette fonctionnalité dans la configuration du profil. -Il choisira la compression bzip2 ou gzip suivant leur disponibilité sur votre -système. -&kbackup; compressera chaque fichier individuellement -et les enregistrera tous avec une extension supplémentaire (.bzip2 or .gz) -dans l'archive TAR non compressée. - - - -Lorsque vous avez choisi de créer la sauvegarde sur un système de fichier -local (par exemple, un disque supplémentaire, un lecteur ZIP, etc.) - ce qui -signifie que vous n'avez pas entré une URL cible distante - &kbackup; peut être -amené à découper la sauvegarde en plusieurs tranches d'archive à cause de la -limitation de la capacité du medium. - - -Par exemple : - - -backup_2006.08.26-13.04.44_1.tar - - -backup_2006.08.26-13.04.44_2.tar - - - - - -Automatiser les sauvegardes - - -Si vous souhaitez automatiser le processus de sauvegarde, &kbackup; dispose -de différentes options en ligne de commande pour vous aider à le faire : - ---auto - -Lorsque vous lancez &kbackup; avec cette option et un fichier profil .kbp, -le programme démarre, charge le fichier fourni, exécute la sauvegarde et se termine -lorsque celle-ci est achevée. -Toutes ces opérations s´effectuent avec l'interface utilisateur visible. - - - ---autobg - -Lorsque vous lancez &kbackup; avec cette option et un fichier profil .kbp, -le programme exécute le même processus qu'avec l'option --auto mais sans -afficher l'interface graphique utilisateur. -Le suffixe « bg » signifie « arrière plan » (Ndt : background) ; -toutes les opérations sont effectuées en arrière plan. C'est donc l'option dont vous avez -besoin lorsque vos sauvegardes sont exécutées, par exemple, par une tâche cron. - - -Lors de l'utilisation de l'option --autobg, la sortie de &kbackup; -se fait sur la sortie d'erreur « stderr ». -Par défaut, la sortie comporte seulement quelques messages importants ainsi qu'un résumé -à la fin de la sauvegarde. -Si vous ajoutez l'option --verbose, tous les noms des fichiers concernés par la sauvegarde -seront affichés. - - - - - - - - - -Les entrées de menu - - - - -La fenêtre principale de &kbackup; - - - - - -Le menu <guimenu>Fichier</guimenu> - - - - - -Fichier -Récemment ouvert(s) - -Affiche un sous-menu contenant les profils récemment utilisés - - - - - -Fichier -Nouveau profil - -Efface la sélection et la cible pour démarrer -un nouveau profil. - - - - - -Fichier -Charger un profil - -Charge un profil - - - - -Fichier -Enregistrer un profil - -Enregistre la configuration dans le profil actuellement chargé - - - - -Fichier -Enregistrer un profil sous... - -Enregistre la configuration dans un nouveau profil - - - - -Fichier -Configuration du profil - - -Dans la configuration, vous pouvez définir si le nom de l'archive est -préfixé par la valeur par défaut « backup » ou bien fournir -un autre préfixe. Vous pouvez également limiter la taille d'une tranche -d'archive. Voir le chapitre « Tranches d'archive » -Cette configuration est également enregistrée dans le profil. - - - - - - -Ctrl+Q - -Fichier -Quitter - -Quitte &kbackup; - - - - - - -Le menu <guimenu>Configuration</guimenu> - - - - - -Configuration -Ancrer dans la zone de notification - - -Si cette option est cochée, une icône est présente dans la zone de notification -et elle reflète l'état actuel de &kbackup;. Si une sauvegarde est en cours, -vous voyez une animation, sinon vous voyez une icône statique. -Lorsque cette option est active, la fermeture de la fenêtre principale -n'entraine pas l'arrêt de &kbackup;. -L'application doit être explicitement arrêtée par l'intermédiaire de l'action -« Quitter ». -En utilisant le menu contextuel de l'icône de &kbackup; dans la zone de -notification, vous pouvez lancer ou annuler une sauvegarde, de la même manière -que vous le feriez dans la fenêtre principale. -L'infobulle de cette icône fournit également lesinformations de progression -de la sauvegarde (nombre de fichiers sauvegardés, taille de la sauvegarde -et dernier fichier sauvegardé). - - - - - -Configuration -Activer tous les messages - - -Activer cette entrée efface tous les indicateurs internes -« Ne plus afficher » enregistrés - - - - - - - -Le menu <guimenu>Aide</guimenu> - - - - - - -&help.menu.documentation; - - - - - - - -Guide du développeur &kbackup; - - - - -&kbackup; peut être étendu par l'utilisation d'un script shell (ou tout autre -exécutable) qui sera lancé à trois moments différents du processus de -sauvegarde. L'idée est de permettre de monter, démonter et éjecter un medium -de manière spécifique au système, ou de faire autre chose avec les fichiers -archives produits. - - - -Le script à exécuter doit être fourni comme paramètre de l'option --script -de la ligne de commande. - - -Voici un exemple de script - -sliceScript.sh - -#!/bin/sh - -mode=$1 -archive=$2 -target=$3 -mountPoint=$4 - -case "$mode" in - "slice_init" ) - if [ "$mountPoint" != "" ] - then - mount /media/zip - rm -f /media/zip/backup_2*.tar* - fi - ;; - - "slice_closed" ) - ;; - - "slice_finished" ) - if [ "$mountPoint" != "" ] - then - umount /media/zip - eject /media/zip - fi - ;; -esac - - - - -Ce script est toujours invoqué avec quatre arguments : - - -mode d'invocation -archive (slice) file name -répertoire ou URL cible -point de montage du répertoire cible si ce n'est pas -un répertoire local, ou bien une chaîne vide - - - -Les trois modes d'invocation possible sont : - - - - - -slice_init -appelé avant qu'une nouvelle tranche d'archive ne soit créée -sur le disque - - -slice_closed -appelé après qu'une tranche d'archive ait été créée, mais avant qu'elle -ne soit déposée dans le répertoire cible - -Cela peut être utilisé si vous souhaitez créer une copie de la tranche -d'archive dans un autre endroit, par exemple l'archive est envoyée sur le -serveur principal (à travers une URL cible), mais vous souhaitez également -conserver la dernière sauvegarde sur le disque local. - - - -slice_finished -appelé après qu'une tranche d'archive ait été correctement transférée -sur le répertoire cible - - - - - - - - -Questions et réponses - - - -&reporting.bugs; -&updating.documentation; - - - - - - - -Remerciements et licence - - -&kbackup; - - -Programme protégé par copyright © 2006 - 2009 par Martin Koller kollix@aon.at - - - -Documentation protégée par copyright © 2006 - 2009 Martin Koller - - - - - -Traduction française par Alain Portal alain.portal@univ-montp2.fr - - -&underFDL; - - - -&underGPL; - - - - -Installation - - - -Comment obtenir &kbackup; - - - - -Vous pouvez télécharger &kbackup; sur http:\\www.kde-apps.org - - - - -Compilation et installation - - - - - -&install.compile.documentation; - - - - - -&documentation.index; -
- - diff --git a/doc/fr/mainwindow.png b/doc/fr/mainwindow.png deleted file mode 100644 index 28c4765..0000000 Binary files a/doc/fr/mainwindow.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/ru/CMakeLists.txt b/doc/ru/CMakeLists.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 10b1ba6..0000000 --- a/doc/ru/CMakeLists.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -kdoctools_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/ru SUBDIR kbackup) diff --git a/doc/ru/index.docbook b/doc/ru/index.docbook deleted file mode 100644 index bdfaa15..0000000 --- a/doc/ru/index.docbook +++ /dev/null @@ -1,611 +0,0 @@ - - - KBackup"> - - - - - - -]> - - - - - - - - - - - -Руководство &kbackup; - - - - - -Martin -Koller - -kollix@aon.at - - - - - -Алексей -Кузнецов - -
-Alexey.Kouznetsov@gmail.com -
-Русский перевод  -
- - -2006 -2007 -Martin Koller - - - -&FDLNotice; - -2007-07-08 -1.04.00 - - - - - -&kbackup; — инструмент для создания резервных копий. - - - - - - -KDE -system -KBackup -backup -storage -archive -zip -архив -резерв -архивирование -система -носитель -накопитель - - -
- - -Введение - - - - -&kbackup; — программа, позволяющая копировать любые файлы и каталоги с -использованием удобного интерфейса выбора. Программа позволяет сохранять настройки -резервирование в так называемых файлах профилей; они представляют собой обычные -текстовые файлы, где записывается информация о файлах и каталогах, включённых в -процесс резервирования или исключённых из него. - -Также можно определять место хранения архива. Это может быть как локальный каталог -(т. е. смонтированное устройство, такое как привод ZIP, карта -флэш-памяти и т. п.), так и удалённое хранилище (вроде smb://remote/some_path) для -централизованного хранения архивов. - - - -Основное назначение программы — быть достаточно простой для использования людьми, далёкими от компьютеров. - - - -Форматом хранения архивов является популярный формат TAR, причём данные можно сжимать -(с помощью gzip или bzip2). - - - -В текущей версии реализована лишь архивация данных. Для их восстановления требуется файл-менеджер, -например, konqueror, для распаковки содержимого архива TAR в систему. -Хорошая поддержка формата TAR является основной причиной его выбора в качестве формата хранения резервных копий. - - - - - -Использование &kbackup; - - -Всё, что вам нужно — это выбрать копируемые каталоги. Для этого -выставьте отметки напротив нужных каталогов в левой чатси окна программы. - - - -При выборе каталога &kbackup; автоматически включит в резерв все его подкаталоги и вохоядщие в них файлы. Для отмены выбора части содержимого каталога, просто снимите отметку с неё внутри каталога. - - - -В двух словах: выбранный каталогбудет содержать всё, что в нём находится, кроме того, выбор чего -вручную отменён. -Также это означает, что при использовании сохранённого профиля (см. ниже) -новые файлы, появившиеся в выбранных ранее каталогах, будут сохранены. - - - - - -Снимок &kbackup; - - - - - - Снимок главного окна - - - - - - - -Работа с профилями - - -Выбор каталогов, предназначенных для резервного копирования, можно сохранять в файлах профилей &kbackup;. Для этого выберите пункт "Сохранить профиль" в меню "Файл" - - - -Для загрузки сохранённого выделения используйте пункт "Загрузить профиль" меню "Файл". - - - -&kbackup; сохраняет в профиле выбор включённых и исключённых каталогов и файлов, каталог/URL назначения, префикс (общее имя) архива и наибольший допустимый размер тома. - - - -Для упрощения каждодневного резервирования одних и тех же каталогов, -сохраните настройки в каком-либо файле профиля (файл с расширением "kbp"), -а затем передавайте его имя прорамме &kbackup;. - - - -Например: - - - -kbackup myData.kbp - - - -Подсказка: вы можете создать на своём рабочем столе ярлык или ссылку -на .kbp файл, так как это расширение связывается с программой &kbackup;. - - - - - -Тома архива - -Так как накопители данных обычно имеют ограниченный объём (н-р, 100Мб для ZIP-диска), &kbackup; -разбивает архив на несколько томов. - - -Наждый том имеет собственное имя, вроде: - - -backup_2006.08.26-13.04.44_1.tar - - -Имя содержит дату и время копирования (одинаковые для всех томов архива) и порядковый -номер тома (в этом примере — _1) - - -Перфикс архива (по умолчанию "backup") можно определить через пункт "Настройки профиля" меню "Файл". - - - -Там вы таке можете задать наибольший допустимый размер тома, причём это ограничение будет работать даже если на носителе ещё остаётся свободное место. -Это нужно для создания файлов, которые позже нужно будет копировать на оптические диски и т. п. -Если размер тома ограничен, то доступное количество свободного место будет отмечено значком '*'. - - - - - -Сжатие архива - -&kbackup; по умолчанию сжимает резервируемые файлы (эту опцию можно отключить). Для сжатия используется внешняя программа bzip2 или gzip. - - - - -При создании архива на локальной файловой системе &kbackup; может разбить архив на тома, -размеры которых зависят от объёма накопителя. Программа будет сжимать все файлы перед упаковкой и затем добавлять их в несжатый TAR-файл. - - -н-р: backup_2006.08.26-13.04.44_1.tar - - - -Если в качестве каталога назначения указан URL, что понимается как хранилище -неограниченного размера, &kbackup; создаст один архив с несжатыми -файлами и потом сожмёт архив в целом. - - -В этом случае расширение архива будет .tar.bzip2 или .tar.gz - - -н-р: backup_2006.08.26-13.04.44_1.tar.bzip2 - - - - - - - - -Управление - - - - -Главное окно &kbackup; - - - - - -Меню <guimenu>Файл</guimenu> - - - - - -Файл -Новый профиль - -Убирает выделение и очищает строку ввода каталога назначения, так что можно создать новый профиль резервирования. - - - - -Файл -Загрузить профиль - -Загружает профиль из файла - - - - -файл -Сохранить профиль - -Сохраняет все параметры в файл - - - - -Файл -Настройки профиля - -Здесь можно указать префикс (обще имя) архива и размер тома. -См. главу "Тома архива". Эти настройки сохраняются в профиле. - - - - - - -Ctrl+Q - -Файл -Выход - -Завершение работы &kbackup; - - - - - - - -Меню <guimenu>Настройка</guimenu> - - - - - -Настройка -Убирать в системный лоток - - -Когда этот параметр включён,показывается иконка программы в системеном лотке. Она отображает текущее состояние программы (во время резервирования она заменяется анимированной -При этом закрытие главного окна программы не приведёт к выходу из неё. Для завершения работы нужно будет выбрать пункт "Выход" меню "Файл". -С помощью контекстного меню иконки вы можеет приостанавливать, возобновлять и отменять резервирование. -Всплывающая подсказка даёт информацию о процессе резервирования (число сохранённых файлов, размер архива и имя последнего сохранённого файла). - - - - - - - - -Меню <guimenu>Справка</guimenu> - - - - - - -&help.menu.documentation; - - - - - - - -Справка для разработчиков &kbackup; - - - - -Функциональность &kbackup; может быть расширена за счёт сценариев оболочки -(или исполняемых файлов), которые могут вызываться в трёх точках процесса -резервирования. -Идея в том, чтобы позволить производить монтирование, отмонтирование и смену -накопителей системно зависимым способом и обрабатывать готовый архив. - - - -Сценарий для исполнения должен быть передан с помощью ключа --script. - - -Пример сценария - -sliceScript.sh - -#!/bin/sh - -mode=$1 -archive=$2 -target=$3 -mountPoint=$4 - -case "$mode" in - "slice_init" ) - if [ "$mountPoint" != "" ] - then - mount /media/zip - rm -f /media/zip/backup_2*.tar* - fi - ;; - - "slice_closed" ) - ;; - - "slice_finished" ) - if [ "$mountPoint" != "" ] - then - umount /media/zip - eject /media/zip - fi - ;; -esac - - - - -Сценарию всегда передаются четыре аргумента: - - -режим -имя архива (тома) -каталог назначения/URL -точка монтирования каталога назначения, если это — локальный каталог, иначе пустая строка. - - - -Режимы: - - - - - -slice_init -перед созданием тома - - -slice_closed -после завершения создания тома, но до перемещения его в каталог назначения - -Этот режим может пригодиться для дополнительного копирования архива в другое место (например, для посылки его на центральный сервер). - - - -slice_finished -после копирования тома в каталог назначения - - - - - - -Пример, показывающий, как можно ограничить число архивов в каталоге назначения: - - -rotateScript.sh - -#!/bin/sh -# сценарий kbackup для сохранения лишь определённого количества последних архивов - -NUM_BACKUPS=20 - -mode=$1 -archive=$2 -target=$3 -mountPoint=$4 - -case "$mode" in - "slice_init" ) - ;; - - "slice_closed" ) - ;; - - "slice_finished" ) - count=`ls -A1 $target | wc -l` - if [ $count -ge $NUM_BACKUPS ] - then - removeCount=`expr $count - $NUM_BACKUPS` - oldest=`ls -A1 ${target}/* | sort | head -n $removeCount` - rm -f ${oldest} - fi - ;; -esac - - - - - - - - - -Вопросы и ответы - - - - -&reporting.bugs; -&updating.documentation; - - - - - - - - - -Благодарности и лицензирование - - -&kbackup; - - -Права на программу (2006 - 2009) © Martin Koller kollix@aon.at - - - -Права на документацию (2006 - 2009) © 2006 - 2009 Martin Koller - - - - - -Перевод на руский язык: Алексей Кузнецов Alexey.Kouznetsov@gmail.com - - - -&underFDL; - - - -&underGPL; - - - - -Установка - - - -Где достать &kbackup; - - - - -&kbackup; можно скачать с сайта http://www.kde-apps.org - - - - -Сборка и установка - - - - - -&install.compile.documentation; - - - - - -&documentation.index; -
- - diff --git a/doc/ru/mainwindow.png b/doc/ru/mainwindow.png deleted file mode 100644 index 43bb62c..0000000 Binary files a/doc/ru/mainwindow.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/CMakeLists.txt b/po/CMakeLists.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 49811b9..0000000 --- a/po/CMakeLists.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -FIND_PROGRAM(GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE msgfmt) - -IF(NOT GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE) - MESSAGE( -"------ - NOTE: msgfmt not found. Translations will *not* be installed -------") -ELSE(NOT GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE) - - SET(catalogname kbackup) - - ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(translations ALL) - - FILE(GLOB PO_FILES *.po) - - FOREACH(_poFile ${PO_FILES}) - GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_lang ${_poFile} NAME_WE) - SET(_gmoFile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_lang}.gmo) - - ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(TARGET translations - COMMAND ${GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE} --check -o ${_gmoFile} ${_poFile} - DEPENDS ${_poFile}) - INSTALL(FILES ${_gmoFile} DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR}/${_lang}/LC_MESSAGES/ RENAME ${catalogname}.mo) - ENDFOREACH(_poFile ${PO_FILES}) - -ENDIF(NOT GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE) diff --git a/po/Messages.sh b/po/Messages.sh deleted file mode 100755 index ff271d6..0000000 --- a/po/Messages.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -BASEDIR=".." # root of translatable sources -PROJECT="kbackup" # project name -BUGADDR="mailto:kollix@aon.at" # MSGID-Bugs -WDIR=`pwd` # working dir -PATH=`kde4-config --path exe`:$PATH #ensure to find KDE4 before KDE3 (e.g. extractrc) - -echo "Preparing rc files" -cd ${BASEDIR} -# we use simple sorting to make sure the lines do not jump around too much from system to system -find . -name '*.rc' -o -name '*.ui' -o -name '*.kcfg' | sort > ${WDIR}/rcfiles.list -xargs --arg-file=${WDIR}/rcfiles.list extractrc > ${WDIR}/rc.cpp -# additional string for KAboutData -echo 'i18nc("NAME OF TRANSLATORS","Your names");' >> ${WDIR}/rc.cpp -echo 'i18nc("EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS","Your emails");' >> ${WDIR}/rc.cpp -cd ${WDIR} -echo "Done preparing rc files" - - -echo "Extracting messages" -cd ${BASEDIR} -# see above on sorting -find . -name '*.cxx' -o -name '*.hxx' -o -name '*.c' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.cpp' | sort > ${WDIR}/infiles.list -cd ${WDIR} -xgettext --from-code=UTF-8 -C -kde -ci18n -ki18n:1 -ki18nc:1c,2 -ki18np:1,2 -ki18ncp:1c,2,3 -ktr2i18n:1 \ - -kI18N_NOOP:1 -kI18N_NOOP2:1c,2 -kaliasLocale -kki18n:1 -kki18nc:1c,2 -kki18np:1,2 -kki18ncp:1c,2,3 \ - --msgid-bugs-address="${BUGADDR}" \ - --files-from=infiles.list -D ${BASEDIR} -D ${WDIR} -o ${PROJECT}.pot || { echo "error while calling xgettext. aborting."; exit 1; } -echo "Done extracting messages" - - -echo "Merging translations" -catalogs=`find . -name '*.po'` -for cat in $catalogs; do - echo $cat - msgmerge -o $cat.new $cat ${PROJECT}.pot - mv $cat.new $cat -done -echo "Done merging translations" - - -echo "Cleaning up" -cd ${WDIR} -rm rcfiles.list -rm infiles.list -rm rc.cpp -echo "Done" diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po deleted file mode 100644 index 0ee4cd1..0000000 --- a/po/cs.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,741 +0,0 @@ -# translation of kbackup.po to czech -# This file is put in the public domain. -# -# Pavel Fric, 2010. -# Pavel Fric , 2011. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: de\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mailto:kollix@aon.at\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-04 12:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-23 14:50+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: Pavel Fric \n" -"Language-Team: Czech \n" -"Language: cs\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n" -"X-Language: de_AT\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:364 src/main.cxx:46 -msgid "KBackup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:365 src/MainWindow.cxx:115 -msgid "Start Backup" -msgstr "Spustit zálohování" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:366 src/MainWindow.cxx:118 -msgid "Cancel Backup" -msgstr "Zastavit zálohování" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:367 -msgid "Next Backup:" -msgstr "Další zálohování" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:368 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "Textový popisek" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:369 -msgid "Force Full Backup" -msgstr "Vynutit úplné zálohování" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:370 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Cíl" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:371 -msgid "Folder:" -msgstr "Složka:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:372 -msgid "Medium:" -msgstr "Nosič:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:373 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:379 -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:381 -msgid "0" -msgstr "0" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:374 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:380 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Velikost:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:375 -msgid "0 MB" -msgstr "0 MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:377 -msgid "Totals" -msgstr "Součty" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:378 -msgid "Files:" -msgstr "Soubory:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:382 -msgid "MB" -msgstr "MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:383 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Doba:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:384 -msgid "00:00:00" -msgstr "00:00:00" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:385 -msgid "Warnings:" -msgstr "Varování:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:386 -msgid "Progress:" -msgstr "Postup:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:218 src/MainWindow.cxx:74 -msgid "Profile Settings" -msgstr "Nastavení profilu" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:219 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Archive Prefix:" -msgstr "Předpona archivu (ve výchozím nastavení prázdná):" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:220 -#, fuzzy -msgid "backup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:221 -msgid "Maximum Archive Size:" -msgstr "Největší dílčí velikost archivu:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:222 build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:228 -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:166 src/SettingsDialog.cxx:21 -msgid "unlimited" -msgstr "neomezeně" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:223 -msgid " MB" -msgstr " MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:224 -msgid "Number of backups to keep" -msgstr "Počet udržovaných záloh" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:226 -msgid "" -"How many backups shall be kept in the target directory before older ones " -"will be deleted" -msgstr "" -"Kolik záloh má být udržováno v cílovém adresáři, předtím než budou smazány " -"starší" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:229 -msgid "Full Backup Interval" -msgstr "Interval úplného zálohování" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:231 -msgid "How often shall a full backup, instead of an incremental one, be done" -msgstr "Jak často se má udělat úplná záloha namísto přírůstkové" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:233 -msgid "Every Day" -msgstr "Každý den" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:234 -msgid " days" -msgstr " dny" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:236 -msgid "" -"Uncheck if you want to avoid a confirmation dialog to change the medium when " -"a slice was finished" -msgstr "" -"Vypněte, pokud se chcete vyhnout potvrzovacímu dialogu při výměně nosiče, " -"když byla dokončena jedna část archivu." - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:238 -msgid "Target needs media change" -msgstr "Cíl potřebuje, aby byl nosič vyměněn" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:240 -msgid "Uncheck if you want to avoid compressing files at all" -msgstr "Vypněte, pokud se úplně chcete vyhnout stlačení souborů" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:242 -msgid "Compress Files" -msgstr "Stlačit soubory" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:243 -msgid "OK" -msgstr "OK" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:244 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Zrušit" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:246 -msgid "" -"Defines wildcards for filenames which will be ignored for backup, separated " -"by a space. E.g.: \"*.ogg *.wav\"" -msgstr "" -"Stanovuje zástupné symboly pro souborové názvy, jež budou při záloze " -"přehlíženy, oddělené mezerou. Například: \"*.ogg *.wav\"" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:248 -msgid "Exclude Filename Filter:" -msgstr "Vylučovací filtr souborových názvů:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:250 -msgid "" -"

Defines a list of absolute path patterns which are " -"used to filter complete directories,
e.g. /home/*/.mozilla/*/Cache

" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:252 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Exclude Paths Filter:" -msgstr "Vylučovací filtr souborových názvů:" - -#: po/rc.cpp:1 -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Pavel Fric" - -#: po/rc.cpp:2 -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "fripohled.blogspot.com" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:418 -msgid "Nothing selected for backup" -msgstr "Nic nebylo vybráno pro zálohu" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:424 -msgid "The target dir '%1' is not valid" -msgstr "Cílový adresář '%1' není platný" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:431 -msgid "The target dir '%1' must be a local file system dir and no remote URL" -msgstr "" -"Cílový adresář '%1' musí být místní adresář souborového systému a ne " -"vzdálená adresa (URL)" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:444 -msgid "" -"The target directory '%1' does not exist.\n" -"\n" -"Shall I create it?" -msgstr "" -"Cílový adresář '%1' neexistuje.\n" -"\n" -"Má se vytvořit?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:449 -msgid "" -"Could not create the target directory '%1'.\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Nepodařilo se vytvořit cílový adresář '%1'.\n" -"Operační systém hlásí: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:458 -msgid "The target dir does not exist" -msgstr "Cílový adresář neexistuje" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:531 -msgid "...reducing number of kept archives to max. %1" -msgstr "...zmenšuje se počet udržovaných záloh na nejvíce %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:588 -msgid "...deleting %1" -msgstr "...maže se %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:612 -msgid "" -"fetching directory listing of target failed. Can not reduce kept archives." -msgstr "" -"Vypsání obsahu cílového adresáře se nezdařilo. Počet udržovaných záloh nelze " -"zmenšit." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:635 -msgid "Could not write backup timestamps into profile %1: %2" -msgstr "Nepodařilo se zapsat časová razítka záloh do profilu %1: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:641 -msgid "-- Filtered Files: %1" -msgstr "-- Filtrované soubory: %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:644 -msgid "!! Backup finished but files were skipped !!" -msgstr "" -"!!! Záloha dat byla dokončena, ale byly přeskočeny některé soubory !!!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:646 -msgid "-- Backup successfully finished --" -msgstr "-- Záloha dat byla úspěšně dokončena --" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:652 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished but files were skipped.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"Záloha dat byla dokončena, ale některé soubory byly přeskočeny.\n" -"Co chcete dělat nyní?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:654 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished successfully.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"Záloha dat byla úspěšně ukončena.\n" -"Co chcete dělat nyní?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:671 -msgid "Totals: Files: %1, Size: %2, Duration: %3" -msgstr "Součty: Soubory: %1, Velikost: %2, Doba: %3" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:682 -msgid "...Backup aborted!" -msgstr "...Záloha dat byla zrušena!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:710 -msgid "Backup cancelled" -msgstr "Záloha dat byla zrušena" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:727 -msgid "...finished slice %1" -msgstr "...archiv %1 dokončen" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:742 -msgid "...uploading archive %1 to %2" -msgstr "...kopíruje se archiv %1 do %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "How shall we proceed with the upload?" -msgstr "Jak se má nyní s kopírováním pokračovat?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "Upload Failed" -msgstr "Nahrání se nezdařilo" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Retry" -msgstr "Zkusit ještě jednou" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Change Target" -msgstr "Změnit cíl" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:855 -msgid "The script '%1' could not be started." -msgstr "Skript '%1' se nepodařilo spustit." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:894 -msgid "The medium is full. Please insert medium Nr. %1" -msgstr "Nosič je plný. Vložte, prosím, do mechaniky nosič číslo %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:930 -msgid "The file '%1' can not be opened for writing." -msgstr "Soubor '%1' se nepodařilo otevřít pro zápis." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:934 -msgid "" -"The file '%1' can not be opened for writing.\n" -"\n" -"Do you want to retry?" -msgstr "" -"Soubor '%1' se nepodařilo otevřít pro zápis.\n" -"\n" -"Chcete to zkusit ještě jednou?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:960 -msgid "Could not write to archive. Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "Nepodařilo zapisovat do archivu. Je možné, že nosič je plný." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:964 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not write to archive.\n" -"The operating system reports: %1" -msgstr "" -"Nepodařilo se přečíst soubor: %1\n" -"Operační systém hlásí: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:983 -msgid "...skipping filtered directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:994 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of directory: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Nepodařilo se přečíst žádnou informaci o adresáři: %1.\n" -"Operační systém hlásí: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1004 -msgid "Directory '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -msgstr "Adresář '%1' není čitelný. Přeskakuje se." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1020 -msgid "" -"Could not write directory '%1' to archive.\n" -"Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "" -"Adresář '%1' se nepodařilo zapsat do archivu.\n" -"Je možné, že nosič je plný." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1141 src/Archiver.cxx:1222 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Nepodařilo se přečíst žádnou informaci o souboru: %1\n" -"Operační systém hlásí: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1169 src/Archiver.cxx:1266 -msgid "" -"Could not read from file '%1'\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Nepodařilo se číst ze souboru: '%1'\n" -"Operační systém hlásí: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1236 -msgid "Could not open file '%1' for reading." -msgstr "Soubor '%1' se nepodařilo otevřít pro čtení." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1299 -msgid "...archiving file %1" -msgstr "...archivuje se soubor %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1337 -msgid "" -"Could not read file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Nepodařilo se přečíst soubor: %1\n" -"Operační systém hlásí: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1354 -msgid "" -"Could not create temporary file for compressing: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Nepodařilo se vytvořit dočasný soubor pro stlačení: %1\n" -"Operační systém hlásí: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1379 -msgid "Could not write to temporary file" -msgstr "Nepodařilo se zapisovat do dočasného souboru" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1400 -msgid "...compressing file %1" -msgstr "...stlačuje se soubor %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1444 -msgid "WARNING:" -msgstr "VAROVÁNÍ:" - -#: src/main.cxx:47 -msgid "An easy to use backup program" -msgstr "Jednoduše obsluhovatelný zálohovací program" - -#: src/main.cxx:48 -#, fuzzy -msgid "(c) 2006 - 2017 Martin Koller" -msgstr "(c) 2006 - 2011 Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Martin Koller" -msgstr "Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Developer" -msgstr "Vývojář" - -#: src/main.cxx:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Start with given profile." -msgstr "Spustit s daným profilem" - -#: src/main.cxx:63 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice." -msgstr "Skript ke spuštění po dokončení jedné části archivu" - -#: src/main.cxx:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Automaticky spustit zálohování s daným profilem\n" -"a ukončit po dokončení zálohy." - -#: src/main.cxx:68 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile in the background " -"(without showing a window) and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Automaticky spustit zálohování s daným profilem\n" -"na pozadí (bez ukazování okna)\n" -"a ukončit program po dokončení zálohy." - -#: src/main.cxx:73 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"In autobg mode be verbose and print every single filename during backup." -msgstr "" -"V režimu autobg být podrobný a ukazovat během zálohy\n" -"každý jednotlivý název souboru" - -#: src/main.cxx:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup instead of acting " -"on the profile settings." -msgstr "" -"V režimu auto/autobg vynutit zálohování, aby bylo úplnou zálohou\n" -"namísto jednání podle nastavení profilu" - -#: src/main.cxx:143 src/MainWindow.cxx:209 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for reading: %2" -msgstr "Profil '%1' se nepodařilo otevřít pro čtení: %2" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:69 -msgid "Incremental Backup" -msgstr "Přírůstkové zálohování" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:71 -msgid "Full Backup" -msgstr "Úplné zálohování" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:58 -msgid "New Profile" -msgstr "Nový profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:62 -msgid "Load Profile" -msgstr "Nahrát profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:66 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Uložit profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:70 -msgid "Save Profile As..." -msgstr "Uložit profil jako..." - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:77 -msgid "Enable All Messages" -msgstr "Povolit všechny zprávy" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:79 -msgid "Dock in System Tray" -msgstr "Ukotvit v oznamovací oblasti panelu" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:83 -msgid "Show Hidden Files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:145 -msgid "There is a backup in progress. Do you want to abort it?" -msgstr "Právě probíhá jedno zálohování. Chcete je zrušit?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:187 src/MainWindow.cxx:233 src/MainWindow.cxx:250 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select Profile" -msgstr "Uložit profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:188 src/MainWindow.cxx:234 src/MainWindow.cxx:251 -msgid "KBackup Profile (*.kbp)" -msgstr "Profil KBackup (*.kbp)" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:212 src/MainWindow.cxx:280 -msgid "Open failed" -msgstr "Otevření se nezdařilo" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:261 -msgid "" -"The profile '%1' does already exist.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"Profil '%1' již existuje.\n" -"Chcete jej přepsat?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:264 -msgid "Profile exists" -msgstr "Profil existuje" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:277 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for writing: %2" -msgstr "Profil '%1' se nepodařilo otevřít pro zápis: %2" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:353 -msgid "" -"Files: %1 Size: %2 MB\n" -"%3" -msgstr "" -"Soubory: %1 Velikost: %2 MB\n" -"%3" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Název" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Velikost" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Last Modified" -msgstr "Naposledy změněno" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:292 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open With" -msgstr "Otevření se nezdařilo" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:300 -msgid "Delete File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:306 -msgid "Properties..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:592 -msgid "Do you really want to delete '%1'?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:593 -msgid "Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:604 -msgid "Could not delete directory '%1'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:613 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not delete file '%1'.\n" -"Reason: %2" -msgstr "Profil '%1' se nepodařilo otevřít pro čtení: %2" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:672 -msgid "Other Application..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:674 -msgid "File Manager" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:22 -msgid "650 MB CD" -msgstr "650 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:23 -msgid "700 MB CD" -msgstr "700 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:24 -msgid "4.7 GB DVD" -msgstr "4,7 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:25 -msgid "8.5 GB DVD" -msgstr "8,5 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:26 -msgid "9.4 GB DVD" -msgstr "9,4 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:27 -msgid "17.1 GB DVD" -msgstr "17,1 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:28 -msgid "custom" -msgstr "vlastní" - -#~ msgid "File '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "Soubor '%1' není čitelný. Přeskakuje se." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "(c) 2006 - 2012 Martin Koller" -#~ msgstr "(c) 2006 - 2011 Martin Koller" - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Start with given profile" -#~ msgstr "Spustit s daným profilem" - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice" -#~ msgstr "Skript ke spuštění po dokončení jedné části archivu" - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Automaticky spustit zálohování s daným profilem\n" -#~ "a ukončit po dokončení zálohy." - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "in the background (without showing a window)\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Automaticky spustit zálohování s daným profilem\n" -#~ "na pozadí (bez ukazování okna)\n" -#~ "a ukončit program po dokončení zálohy." - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "In autobg mode be verbose and print every\n" -#~ "single filename during backup" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "V režimu autobg být podrobný a ukazovat během zálohy\n" -#~ "každý jednotlivý název souboru" - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup\n" -#~ "instead of acting on the profile settings" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "V režimu auto/autobg vynutit zálohování, aby bylo úplnou zálohou\n" -#~ "namísto jednání podle nastavení profilu" - -#~ msgid "&File" -#~ msgstr "&Soubor" - -#~ msgid "&Settings" -#~ msgstr "&Nastavení" diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po deleted file mode 100644 index f689c58..0000000 --- a/po/de.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,767 +0,0 @@ -# translation of de.po to Deutsch -# translation of kbackup.po to -# This file is put in the public domain. -# -# Martin Koller , 2006 - 2010. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: de\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mailto:kollix@aon.at\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-04 12:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-13 19:36+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: Martin Koller \n" -"Language-Team: Deutsch\n" -"Language: de\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n" -"X-Language: de_AT\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" -"X-Source-Language: C\n" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:364 src/main.cxx:46 -msgid "KBackup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:365 src/MainWindow.cxx:115 -msgid "Start Backup" -msgstr "Starte Sicherung" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:366 src/MainWindow.cxx:118 -msgid "Cancel Backup" -msgstr "Sicherung Abbrechen" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:367 -msgid "Next Backup:" -msgstr "Nächste Sicherung:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:368 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "TextLabel" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:369 -msgid "Force Full Backup" -msgstr "Komplett-Sicherung erzwingen" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:370 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Ziel" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:371 -msgid "Folder:" -msgstr "Verzeichnis:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:372 -msgid "Medium:" -msgstr "Medium:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:373 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:379 -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:381 -msgid "0" -msgstr "0" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:374 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:380 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Größe:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:375 -msgid "0 MB" -msgstr "0 MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:377 -msgid "Totals" -msgstr "Summen" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:378 -msgid "Files:" -msgstr "Dateien:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:382 -msgid "MB" -msgstr "MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:383 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Dauer:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:384 -msgid "00:00:00" -msgstr "00:00:00" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:385 -msgid "Warnings:" -msgstr "Warnungen:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:386 -msgid "Progress:" -msgstr "Fortschritt:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:218 src/MainWindow.cxx:74 -msgid "Profile Settings" -msgstr "Profil Einstellungen" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:219 -msgid "Archive Prefix:" -msgstr "Archiv Präfix:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:220 -msgid "backup" -msgstr "backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:221 -msgid "Maximum Archive Size:" -msgstr "Maximale Archiv Teil Größe:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:222 build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:228 -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:166 src/SettingsDialog.cxx:21 -msgid "unlimited" -msgstr "unlimitiert" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:223 -msgid " MB" -msgstr " MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:224 -msgid "Number of backups to keep" -msgstr "Anzahl der Sicherungen die erhalten bleiben" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:226 -msgid "" -"How many backups shall be kept in the target directory before older ones " -"will be deleted" -msgstr "" -"Wieviele Sicherungen sollen im Zielverzeichnis erhalten bleiben, bevor " -"ältere gelöscht werden" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:229 -msgid "Full Backup Interval" -msgstr "Komplett-Sicherungs Intervall" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:231 -msgid "How often shall a full backup, instead of an incremental one, be done" -msgstr "" -"Wie oft soll eine Komplett-Sicherung, anstatt einer inkrementellen " -"Sicherung, durchgeführt werden" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:233 -msgid "Every Day" -msgstr "Jeden Tag" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:234 -msgid " days" -msgstr " Tage" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:236 -msgid "" -"Uncheck if you want to avoid a confirmation dialog to change the medium when " -"a slice was finished" -msgstr "" -"Deaktivieren, um den Bestätigungs Dialog zum Mediumwechsel zu vermeiden, " -"wenn ein Archivteil abgeschlossen wurde" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:238 -msgid "Target needs media change" -msgstr "Ziel benötigt Medienwechsel" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:240 -msgid "Uncheck if you want to avoid compressing files at all" -msgstr "" -"Deaktivieren, wenn das Komprimieren von Dateien komplett unterbunden werden " -"soll" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:242 -msgid "Compress Files" -msgstr "Komprimiere Dateien" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:243 -msgid "OK" -msgstr "OK" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:244 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Abbrechen" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:246 -msgid "" -"Defines wildcards for filenames which will be ignored for backup, separated " -"by a space. E.g.: \"*.ogg *.wav\"" -msgstr "" -"Definiert Muster, getrennt durch je ein Leerzeichen, für Dateinamen, die bei " -"einer Sicherung ignoriert werden. Z.B.: \"*.ogg *.wav\"" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:248 -msgid "Exclude Filename Filter:" -msgstr "Dateinamenfilter zu exkludierende Dateien:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:250 -msgid "" -"

Defines a list of absolute path patterns which are " -"used to filter complete directories,
e.g. " -"/home/*/.mozilla/*/Cache

" -msgstr "" -"

Definiert eine Liste von absoluten Pfadmustern, welche " -"verwendet werden um gesamte Verzeichnisse zu ignorieren,
z.B.: " -"/home/*/.mozilla/*/Cache

" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:252 -msgid "Exclude Paths Filter:" -msgstr "Filter für Pfade zu exkludierender Verzeichnisse:" - -#: po/rc.cpp:1 -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Martin Koller" - -#: po/rc.cpp:2 -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "kollix@aon.at" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:418 -msgid "Nothing selected for backup" -msgstr "Nichts zum Sichern ausgewählt" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:424 -#, qt-format -msgid "The target dir '%1' is not valid" -msgstr "Das Zielverzeichnis '%1' ist ungültig" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:431 -#, qt-format -msgid "The target dir '%1' must be a local file system dir and no remote URL" -msgstr "" -"Das Zielverzeichnis '%1' muß ein Verzeichnis am lokalen Dateisystem sein und " -"keine entfernte URL" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:444 -#, qt-format -msgid "" -"The target directory '%1' does not exist.\n" -"\n" -"Shall I create it?" -msgstr "" -"Das Zielverzeichnis '%1' existiert nicht.\n" -"\n" -"Soll ich es erzeugen?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:449 -#, qt-format -msgid "" -"Could not create the target directory '%1'.\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Konnte das Zielverzeichnis '%1' nicht erzeugen.\n" -"Meldung des Betriebssystems: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:458 -msgid "The target dir does not exist" -msgstr "Das Zielverzeichnis existiert nicht" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:531 -#, qt-format -msgid "...reducing number of kept archives to max. %1" -msgstr "...reduziere die Anzahl der zu erhaltenden Sicherungen auf max. %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:588 -#, qt-format -msgid "...deleting %1" -msgstr "...lösche %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:612 -msgid "" -"fetching directory listing of target failed. Can not reduce kept archives." -msgstr "" -"Auflisten des Zielverzeichnisses schlug fehl. Kann die Anzahl der zu " -"erhaltenden Sicherungen nicht reduzieren." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:635 -#, qt-format -msgid "Could not write backup timestamps into profile %1: %2" -msgstr "Konnte Sicherungs Zeitstempel nicht ins Profil %1 schreiben: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:641 -#, qt-format -msgid "-- Filtered Files: %1" -msgstr "-- Gefilterte Dateien: %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:644 -msgid "!! Backup finished but files were skipped !!" -msgstr "!! Sicherung abgeschlossen aber Dateien wurden übersprungen !!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:646 -msgid "-- Backup successfully finished --" -msgstr "-- Sicherung erfolgreich abgeschlossen --" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:652 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished but files were skipped.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"Die Sicherung wurde abgeschlossen aber Dateien wurden übersprungen.\n" -"Was wollen sie jetzt tun?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:654 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished successfully.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"Die Sicherung wurde erfolgreich beendet.\n" -"Was wollen sie jetzt tun?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:671 -#, qt-format -msgid "Totals: Files: %1, Size: %2, Duration: %3" -msgstr "Summen: Dateien: %1, Größe: %2, Dauer: %3" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:682 -msgid "...Backup aborted!" -msgstr "...Sicherung abgebrochen!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:710 -msgid "Backup cancelled" -msgstr "Sicherung abgebrochen" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:727 -#, qt-format -msgid "...finished slice %1" -msgstr "...Archiv %1 abgeschlossen" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:742 -#, qt-format -msgid "...uploading archive %1 to %2" -msgstr "...kopiere Archiv %1 zu %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "How shall we proceed with the upload?" -msgstr "Wie sollen wir nun mit dem Kopieren weitermachen?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "Upload Failed" -msgstr "Übertragung fehlgeschlagen" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Retry" -msgstr "Nochmals versuchen" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Change Target" -msgstr "Ziel ändern" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:855 -#, qt-format -msgid "The script '%1' could not be started." -msgstr "Das script '%1' konnte nicht gestartet werden." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:894 -#, qt-format -msgid "The medium is full. Please insert medium Nr. %1" -msgstr "Das Medium ist voll. Bitte geben sie das Medium Nr. %1 in das Laufwerk" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:930 -#, qt-format -msgid "The file '%1' can not be opened for writing." -msgstr "Die Datei '%1' konnte nicht zum Schreiben geöffnet werden." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:934 -#, qt-format -msgid "" -"The file '%1' can not be opened for writing.\n" -"\n" -"Do you want to retry?" -msgstr "" -"Die Datei '%1' konnte nicht zum Schreiben geöffnet werden.\n" -"\n" -"Wollen sie es nochmals versuchen?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:960 -msgid "Could not write to archive. Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "Konnte nicht in das Archiv schreiben. Vielleicht is das Medium voll." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:964 -#, qt-format -msgid "" -"Could not write to archive.\n" -"The operating system reports: %1" -msgstr "" -"Konnte nicht in das Archiv schreiben.\n" -"Meldung des Betriebssystems: %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:983 -#, qt-format -msgid "...skipping filtered directory %1" -msgstr "...überspringe gefiltertes Verzeichnis %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:994 -#, qt-format -msgid "" -"Could not get information of directory: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Konnte keine Information über das Verzeichnis '%1' lesen.\n" -"Meldung des Betriebssystems: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1004 -#, qt-format -msgid "Directory '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -msgstr "Verzeichnis '%1' ist nicht lesbar. Überspringe es." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1020 -#, qt-format -msgid "" -"Could not write directory '%1' to archive.\n" -"Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "" -"Konnte das Verzeichnis '%1' nicht in das Archiv schreiben.\n" -" Vielleicht is das Medium voll." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1141 src/Archiver.cxx:1222 -#, qt-format -msgid "" -"Could not get information of file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Konnte keine Information über die Datei '%1' lesen.\n" -"Meldung des Betriebssystems: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1169 src/Archiver.cxx:1266 -#, qt-format -msgid "" -"Could not read from file '%1'\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Konnte aus Datei '%1' nicht lesen.\n" -"Meldung des Betriebssystems: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1236 -#, qt-format -msgid "Could not open file '%1' for reading." -msgstr "Konnte die Datei '%1' nicht zum Lesen öffnen." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1299 -#, qt-format -msgid "...archiving file %1" -msgstr "...archiviere Datei %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1337 -#, qt-format -msgid "" -"Could not read file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Datei '%1' konnte nicht gelesen werden.\n" -"Meldung des Betriebssystems: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1354 -#, qt-format -msgid "" -"Could not create temporary file for compressing: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Konnte keine temporäre Datei für die Kompression erzeugen: %1.\n" -"Meldung des Betriebssystems: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1379 -msgid "Could not write to temporary file" -msgstr "Konnte nicht auf die temporäre Datei schreiben" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1400 -#, qt-format -msgid "...compressing file %1" -msgstr "...komprimiere Datei %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1444 -msgid "WARNING:" -msgstr "WARNUNG:" - -#: src/main.cxx:47 -msgid "An easy to use backup program" -msgstr "Ein einfach zu bedienendes Sicherungs Programm" - -#: src/main.cxx:48 -msgid "(c) 2006 - 2017 Martin Koller" -msgstr "(c) 2006 - 2017 Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Martin Koller" -msgstr "Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Developer" -msgstr "Entwickler" - -#: src/main.cxx:61 -msgid "Start with given profile." -msgstr "Starte mit angegebenem Profil." - -#: src/main.cxx:63 -msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice." -msgstr "Starte Script nach Fertigstellung eines Archives." - -#: src/main.cxx:65 -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Automatischer Start der Sicherung mit angegebenem Profil und Programmende " -"nach fertiger Sicherung." - -#: src/main.cxx:68 -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile in the background " -"(without showing a window) and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Automatischer Start der Sicherung im Hintergrund (ohne Fenster anzuzeigen) " -"mit angegebenem Profil und Programmende nach fertiger Sicherung." - -#: src/main.cxx:73 -msgid "" -"In autobg mode be verbose and print every single filename during backup." -msgstr "Zeige jeden einzelnen Dateinamen während dem Backup im autobg Modus." - -#: src/main.cxx:76 -msgid "" -"In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup instead of acting " -"on the profile settings." -msgstr "" -"Im auto/autobg Modus erzwinge eine Komplett-Sicherung anstatt die Profil " -"Einstellung zu berücksichtigen." - -#: src/main.cxx:143 src/MainWindow.cxx:209 -#, qt-format -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for reading: %2" -msgstr "Konnte das Profil '%1' nicht laden: %2" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:69 -msgid "Incremental Backup" -msgstr "Inkrementelle Sicherung" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:71 -msgid "Full Backup" -msgstr "Komplett-Sicherung" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:58 -msgid "New Profile" -msgstr "Neues Profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:62 -msgid "Load Profile" -msgstr "Lade Profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:66 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Speichere Profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:70 -msgid "Save Profile As..." -msgstr "Speichere Profil unter..." - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:77 -msgid "Enable All Messages" -msgstr "Alle Meldungen erlauben" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:79 -msgid "Dock in System Tray" -msgstr "Im Systembereich der Kontrollleiste andocken" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:83 -msgid "Show Hidden Files" -msgstr "Zeige versteckte Dateien" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:145 -msgid "There is a backup in progress. Do you want to abort it?" -msgstr "Eine Sicherung läuft gerade. Soll sie abgebrochen werden?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:187 src/MainWindow.cxx:233 src/MainWindow.cxx:250 -msgid "Select Profile" -msgstr "Wähle Profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:188 src/MainWindow.cxx:234 src/MainWindow.cxx:251 -msgid "KBackup Profile (*.kbp)" -msgstr "KBackup Profile (*.kbp)" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:212 src/MainWindow.cxx:280 -msgid "Open failed" -msgstr "Öffnen fehlgeschlagen" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:261 -#, qt-format -msgid "" -"The profile '%1' does already exist.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"Das Profil '%1' existiert bereits.\n" -"Soll es überschrieben werden?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:264 -msgid "Profile exists" -msgstr "Profil existiert" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:277 -#, qt-format -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for writing: %2" -msgstr "Konnte das Profil '%1' nicht schreiben: %2" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:353 -#, qt-format -msgid "" -"Files: %1 Size: %2 MB\n" -"%3" -msgstr "" -"Dateien: %1 Größe: %2 MB\n" -"%3" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Name" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Größe" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Last Modified" -msgstr "Zuletzt Geändert" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:292 -msgid "Open With" -msgstr "Öffnen mit" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:300 -msgid "Delete File" -msgstr "Datei Löschen" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:306 -msgid "Properties..." -msgstr "Eigenschaften..." - -#: src/Selector.cxx:592 -#, qt-format -msgid "Do you really want to delete '%1'?" -msgstr "Möchten sie '%1' wirklich löschen ?" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:593 -msgid "Delete" -msgstr "Löschen" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:604 -#, qt-format -msgid "Could not delete directory '%1'." -msgstr "Konnte Verzeichnis '%1' nicht löschen." - -#: src/Selector.cxx:613 -#, qt-format -msgid "" -"Could not delete file '%1'.\n" -"Reason: %2" -msgstr "" -"Konnte die Datei '%1' nicht löschen.\n" -"Grund: %2" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:672 -msgid "Other Application..." -msgstr "Andere Anwendung..." - -#: src/Selector.cxx:674 -msgid "File Manager" -msgstr "Datei Manager" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:22 -msgid "650 MB CD" -msgstr "650 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:23 -msgid "700 MB CD" -msgstr "700 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:24 -msgid "4.7 GB DVD" -msgstr "4,7 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:25 -msgid "8.5 GB DVD" -msgstr "8,5 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:26 -msgid "9.4 GB DVD" -msgstr "9,4 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:27 -msgid "17.1 GB DVD" -msgstr "17,1 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:28 -msgid "custom" -msgstr "benutzerdefiniert" - -#, qt-format -#~ msgid "File '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "Datei '%1' ist nicht lesbar. Überspringe sie." - -#~ msgid "(c) 2006 - 2012 Martin Koller" -#~ msgstr "(c) 2006 - 2012 Martin Koller" - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Start with given profile" -#~ msgstr "Starte mit angegebenem Profil" - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice" -#~ msgstr "Starte Script nach Fertigstellung eines Archives" - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Automatischer Start der Sicherung mit angegebenem\n" -#~ "Profil und Programmende nach fertiger Sicherung." - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "in the background (without showing a window)\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Automatischer Start der Sicherung im Hintergrund\n" -#~ "(ohne Fenster anzuzeigen) mit angegebenem Profil\n" -#~ "und Programmende nach fertiger Sicherung." - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "In autobg mode be verbose and print every\n" -#~ "single filename during backup" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Zeige jeden einzelnen Dateinamen während dem Backup\n" -#~ "im autobg Modus" - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup\n" -#~ "instead of acting on the profile settings" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Im auto/autobg Modus erzwinge eine Komplett-Sicherung\n" -#~ "anstatt die Profil Einstellung zu berücksichtigen" - -#~ msgid "&File" -#~ msgstr "&Datei" - -#~ msgid "&Settings" -#~ msgstr "&Einstellungen" diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po deleted file mode 100644 index 21340f4..0000000 --- a/po/es.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,740 +0,0 @@ -# translation of es.po to español -# This file is put in the public domain. -# -# gerardo , 2007. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: es\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mailto:kollix@aon.at\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-04 12:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-10-06 22:32+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: gerardo \n" -"Language-Team: español \n" -"Language: es\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:364 src/main.cxx:46 -msgid "KBackup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:365 src/MainWindow.cxx:115 -msgid "Start Backup" -msgstr "Iniciar copia de seguridad" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:366 src/MainWindow.cxx:118 -msgid "Cancel Backup" -msgstr "Cancelar copia de seguridad" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:367 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Next Backup:" -msgstr "Iniciar copia de seguridad" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:368 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:369 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Force Full Backup" -msgstr "Cancelar copia de seguridad" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:370 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Objetivo" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:371 -msgid "Folder:" -msgstr "Directorio:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:372 -msgid "Medium:" -msgstr "Medio:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:373 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:379 -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:381 -msgid "0" -msgstr "0" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:374 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:380 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Tamaño:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:375 -msgid "0 MB" -msgstr "0 MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:377 -msgid "Totals" -msgstr "Totales" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:378 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Files:" -msgstr "Ficheros:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:382 -msgid "MB" -msgstr "MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:383 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Duración:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:384 -msgid "00:00:00" -msgstr "00:00:00" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:385 -msgid "Warnings:" -msgstr "Avisos:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:386 -msgid "Progress:" -msgstr "Progreso:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:218 src/MainWindow.cxx:74 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Profile Settings" -msgstr "El perfil existe" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:219 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Archive Prefix:" -msgstr "Prefijo del Archivo (vacío por defecto)" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:220 -#, fuzzy -msgid "backup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:221 -msgid "Maximum Archive Size:" -msgstr "Máximo Tamaño del Archivo:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:222 build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:228 -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:166 src/SettingsDialog.cxx:21 -msgid "unlimited" -msgstr "sin límite" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:223 -#, fuzzy -msgid " MB" -msgstr "0 MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:224 -msgid "Number of backups to keep" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:226 -msgid "" -"How many backups shall be kept in the target directory before older ones " -"will be deleted" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:229 -msgid "Full Backup Interval" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:231 -msgid "How often shall a full backup, instead of an incremental one, be done" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:233 -msgid "Every Day" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:234 -msgid " days" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:236 -msgid "" -"Uncheck if you want to avoid a confirmation dialog to change the medium when " -"a slice was finished" -msgstr "" -"No seleccionar si desea evitar un mensaje de confirmación para cambiar el " -"medio cuando una parte haya terminado" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:238 -msgid "Target needs media change" -msgstr "El objetivo necesita un cambio de medio" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:240 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uncheck if you want to avoid compressing files at all" -msgstr "" -"No seleccionar si quiere evitar comprimir los ficheros o partes del archivo" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:242 -msgid "Compress Files" -msgstr "Comprimir Ficheros" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:243 -msgid "OK" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:244 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Cancelar copia de seguridad" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:246 -msgid "" -"Defines wildcards for filenames which will be ignored for backup, separated " -"by a space. E.g.: \"*.ogg *.wav\"" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:248 -msgid "Exclude Filename Filter:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:250 -msgid "" -"

Defines a list of absolute path patterns which are " -"used to filter complete directories,
e.g. /home/*/.mozilla/*/Cache

" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:252 -msgid "Exclude Paths Filter:" -msgstr "" - -#: po/rc.cpp:1 -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "" - -#: po/rc.cpp:2 -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:418 -msgid "Nothing selected for backup" -msgstr "Nada seleccionado para copia de seguridad" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:424 -#, fuzzy -msgid "The target dir '%1' is not valid" -msgstr "El directorio no es válido" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:431 -msgid "The target dir '%1' must be a local file system dir and no remote URL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:444 -msgid "" -"The target directory '%1' does not exist.\n" -"\n" -"Shall I create it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:449 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not create the target directory '%1'.\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"No se pudo obtener información del directorio: %1\n" -"El sistema operativo reportó: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:458 -#, fuzzy -msgid "The target dir does not exist" -msgstr "El directorio no es válido" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:531 -msgid "...reducing number of kept archives to max. %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:588 -msgid "...deleting %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:612 -msgid "" -"fetching directory listing of target failed. Can not reduce kept archives." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:635 -msgid "Could not write backup timestamps into profile %1: %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:641 -msgid "-- Filtered Files: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:644 -msgid "!! Backup finished but files were skipped !!" -msgstr "" -"¡¡ Copia de seguridad finalizada pero los ficheros fueron ignorados !!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:646 -msgid "-- Backup successfully finished --" -msgstr "-- Copia de seguridad finalizada correctamente --" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:652 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished but files were skipped.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"La copia de seguridad terminó pero los archivos fueron ignorados.\n" -"¿Qué quieres hacer ahora?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:654 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished successfully.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"La copia de seguridad ha terminado satisfactoriamente.\n" -"¿Qué quieres hacer ahora?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:671 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Totals: Files: %1, Size: %2, Duration: %3" -msgstr "" -"Archivos: %1 Tamaño: %2 MB\n" -"%3" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:682 -msgid "...Backup aborted!" -msgstr "...Copia de seguridad anulada!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:710 -msgid "Backup cancelled" -msgstr "Copia de seguridad cancelada" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:727 -msgid "...finished slice %1" -msgstr "...terminada parte %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:742 -msgid "...uploading archive %1 to %2" -msgstr "...actualizando archivo %1 a %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "How shall we proceed with the upload?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "Upload Failed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Retry" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Change Target" -msgstr "Objetivo" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:855 -msgid "The script '%1' could not be started." -msgstr "El script '%1' no puede ser iniciado." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:894 -msgid "The medium is full. Please insert medium Nr. %1" -msgstr "El medio está lleno. Por favor, inserte medio Nr. %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:930 -#, fuzzy -msgid "The file '%1' can not be opened for writing." -msgstr "" -"El fichero '%1' no puede ser abierto para escritura.\n" -"\n" -"¿Quiere intentarlo de nuevo?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:934 -msgid "" -"The file '%1' can not be opened for writing.\n" -"\n" -"Do you want to retry?" -msgstr "" -"El fichero '%1' no puede ser abierto para escritura.\n" -"\n" -"¿Quiere intentarlo de nuevo?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:960 -msgid "Could not write to archive. Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "No se puede escribir el archivo. Quizás el medio esté lleno." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:964 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not write to archive.\n" -"The operating system reports: %1" -msgstr "" -"No se puede leer el fichero: %1\n" -"El sistema operativo reportó: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:983 -msgid "...skipping filtered directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:994 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of directory: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"No se pudo obtener información del directorio: %1\n" -"El sistema operativo reportó: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1004 -msgid "Directory '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -msgstr "No se puede leer el directorio '%1'. Ignorándolo." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1020 -msgid "" -"Could not write directory '%1' to archive.\n" -"Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "" -"No se puede escribir el directorio '%1' en el archivo.\n" -"Quizás el medio esté lleno." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1141 src/Archiver.cxx:1222 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"No se puede obtener información del archivo: %1\n" -"El sistema operativo reportó: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1169 src/Archiver.cxx:1266 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not read from file '%1'\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"No se puede leer el fichero: %1\n" -"El sistema operativo reportó: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1236 -msgid "Could not open file '%1' for reading." -msgstr "No se puede abrir el archivo '%1' para ser leído." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1299 -msgid "...archiving file %1" -msgstr "...archivando fichero %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1337 -msgid "" -"Could not read file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"No se puede leer el fichero: %1\n" -"El sistema operativo reportó: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1354 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not create temporary file for compressing: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"No se puede leer el fichero: %1\n" -"El sistema operativo reportó: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1379 -msgid "Could not write to temporary file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1400 -msgid "...compressing file %1" -msgstr "...comprimiendo fichero %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1444 -msgid "WARNING:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:47 -msgid "An easy to use backup program" -msgstr "Un programa de copias de seguridad fácil de usar" - -#: src/main.cxx:48 -msgid "(c) 2006 - 2017 Martin Koller" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Martin Koller" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Developer" -msgstr "Desarrollador" - -#: src/main.cxx:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Start with given profile." -msgstr "Inicio con un perfil dado" - -#: src/main.cxx:63 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice." -msgstr "Script a ejecutar al terminar cada parte del archivo" - -#: src/main.cxx:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Ejecutar automáticamente la copia de seguridad y terminar cuando finalice. " -"Funciona sólo si se ha especificado un perfil." - -#: src/main.cxx:68 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile in the background " -"(without showing a window) and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Ejecutar automáticamente la copia de seguridad y terminar cuando finalice. " -"Funciona sólo si se ha especificado un perfil." - -#: src/main.cxx:73 -msgid "" -"In autobg mode be verbose and print every single filename during backup." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:76 -msgid "" -"In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup instead of acting " -"on the profile settings." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:143 src/MainWindow.cxx:209 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for reading: %2" -msgstr "No se pudo abrir el perfil '%1' para leer: %2" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:69 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Incremental Backup" -msgstr "Cancelar copia de seguridad" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:71 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Full Backup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:58 -msgid "New Profile" -msgstr "Nuevo Perfil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:62 -msgid "Load Profile" -msgstr "Cargar Perfil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:66 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Salvar Perfil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:70 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save Profile As..." -msgstr "Salvar Perfil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:77 -msgid "Enable All Messages" -msgstr "Activar Todos los Mensajes" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:79 -msgid "Dock in System Tray" -msgstr "Poner en la Bandeja del Sistema" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:83 -msgid "Show Hidden Files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:145 -msgid "There is a backup in progress. Do you want to abort it?" -msgstr "Hay una copia de seguridad en proceso. ¿Deseas anularla?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:187 src/MainWindow.cxx:233 src/MainWindow.cxx:250 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select Profile" -msgstr "Salvar Perfil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:188 src/MainWindow.cxx:234 src/MainWindow.cxx:251 -msgid "KBackup Profile (*.kbp)" -msgstr "Perfil KBackup (*.kbp)" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:212 src/MainWindow.cxx:280 -msgid "Open failed" -msgstr "Fallo de apertura" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:261 -msgid "" -"The profile '%1' does already exist.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"El perfil '%1' ya existe.\n" -"¿Deseas sobreescribirlo?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:264 -msgid "Profile exists" -msgstr "El perfil existe" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:277 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for writing: %2" -msgstr "No se puede abrir el perfil '%1' para escribir: %2" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:353 -msgid "" -"Files: %1 Size: %2 MB\n" -"%3" -msgstr "" -"Archivos: %1 Tamaño: %2 MB\n" -"%3" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Nombre" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Tamaño" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Last Modified" -msgstr "Última modificación" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:292 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open With" -msgstr "Fallo de apertura" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:300 -msgid "Delete File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:306 -msgid "Properties..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:592 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Do you really want to delete '%1'?" -msgstr "¿Quieres reintentar la carga?" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:593 -msgid "Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:604 -msgid "Could not delete directory '%1'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:613 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not delete file '%1'.\n" -"Reason: %2" -msgstr "No se pudo abrir el perfil '%1' para leer: %2" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:672 -msgid "Other Application..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:674 -msgid "File Manager" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:22 -msgid "650 MB CD" -msgstr "650 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:23 -msgid "700 MB CD" -msgstr "700 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:24 -msgid "4.7 GB DVD" -msgstr "4.7 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:25 -msgid "8.5 GB DVD" -msgstr "8.5 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:26 -msgid "9.4 GB DVD" -msgstr "9.4 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:27 -msgid "17.1 GB DVD" -msgstr "17.1 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:28 -msgid "custom" -msgstr "personalizado" - -#~ msgid "File '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "No se puede leer el fichero '%1'. Ignorándolo." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Start with given profile" -#~ msgstr "Inicio con un perfil dado" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice" -#~ msgstr "Script a ejecutar al terminar cada parte del archivo" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ejecutar automáticamente la copia de seguridad y terminar cuando " -#~ "finalice. Funciona sólo si se ha especificado un perfil." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "in the background (without showing a window)\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ejecutar automáticamente la copia de seguridad y terminar cuando " -#~ "finalice. Funciona sólo si se ha especificado un perfil." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "&File" -#~ msgstr "Ficheros:" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "&Settings" -#~ msgstr "Configurar Perfil" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Sorry, file '%1' (%2) is too large and cannot be archived with this KDE " -#~ "version. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Lo siento, el fichero '%1' (%2) es demasiado largo y no puede ser " -#~ "archivado con esta versión de KDE. Ignorando." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: NAME OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your names" -#~ msgstr "Gerardo Bueno" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your emails" -#~ msgstr "gejobj@gmail.com" diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po deleted file mode 100644 index b34a684..0000000 --- a/po/fr.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,761 +0,0 @@ -# translation of fr.po to Français -# This file is put in the public domain. -# -# regis Floret , 2006. -# Martin Koller , 2006. -# Alain Portal , 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: fr\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mailto:kollix@aon.at\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-04 12:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-14 20:33+0100\n" -"Last-Translator: Alain Portal \n" -"Language-Team: French \n" -"Language: fr\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:364 src/main.cxx:46 -msgid "KBackup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:365 src/MainWindow.cxx:115 -msgid "Start Backup" -msgstr "Commencer la sauvegarde" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:366 src/MainWindow.cxx:118 -msgid "Cancel Backup" -msgstr "Annuler la sauvegarde" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:367 -msgid "Next Backup:" -msgstr "Sauvegarde suivante :" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:368 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:369 -msgid "Force Full Backup" -msgstr "Forcer la sauvegarde complète" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:370 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Cible" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:371 -msgid "Folder:" -msgstr "Répertoire :" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:372 -msgid "Medium:" -msgstr "Medium :" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:373 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:379 -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:381 -msgid "0" -msgstr "0" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:374 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:380 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Taille :" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:375 -msgid "0 MB" -msgstr "0 Mo" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:377 -msgid "Totals" -msgstr "Totaux" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:378 -msgid "Files:" -msgstr "Fichiers :" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:382 -msgid "MB" -msgstr "Mo" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:383 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Durée :" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:384 -msgid "00:00:00" -msgstr "00:00:00" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:385 -msgid "Warnings:" -msgstr "Avertissements :" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:386 -msgid "Progress:" -msgstr "Progression :" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:218 src/MainWindow.cxx:74 -msgid "Profile Settings" -msgstr "Configuration du profil" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:219 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Archive Prefix:" -msgstr "Préfixe de l'archive (rien par défaut) :" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:220 -#, fuzzy -msgid "backup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:221 -msgid "Maximum Archive Size:" -msgstr "Taille maximum de l'archive :" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:222 build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:228 -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:166 src/SettingsDialog.cxx:21 -msgid "unlimited" -msgstr "illimité" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:223 -msgid " MB" -msgstr " Mo" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:224 -msgid "Number of backups to keep" -msgstr "Nombre de sauvegardes à conserver" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:226 -msgid "" -"How many backups shall be kept in the target directory before older ones " -"will be deleted" -msgstr "" -"Nombre de sauvegardes à conserver dans le répertoire cible avant que les " -"plus anciennes soient supprimées" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:229 -msgid "Full Backup Interval" -msgstr "Intervalle de sauvegarde complète" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:231 -msgid "How often shall a full backup, instead of an incremental one, be done" -msgstr "" -"Définit le rythme de réalisation d'une sauvegarde complète plutôt qu'une " -"sauvegarde incrémentielle" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:233 -msgid "Every Day" -msgstr "Tous les jours" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:234 -msgid " days" -msgstr " jours" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:236 -msgid "" -"Uncheck if you want to avoid a confirmation dialog to change the medium when " -"a slice was finished" -msgstr "" -"Décochez si vous ne souhaitez pas voir apparaître une boite de dialogue de " -"confirmation pour changer de support lorsque une tranche d'archive est finie" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:238 -msgid "Target needs media change" -msgstr "La cible nécessite un changement de support" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:240 -msgid "Uncheck if you want to avoid compressing files at all" -msgstr "Décochez si vous ne souhaitez pas compresser les fichiers" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:242 -msgid "Compress Files" -msgstr "Compresser les fichiers" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:243 -msgid "OK" -msgstr "OK" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:244 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Annuler" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:246 -msgid "" -"Defines wildcards for filenames which will be ignored for backup, separated " -"by a space. E.g.: \"*.ogg *.wav\"" -msgstr "" -"Définit les filtres des fichiers qui seront ignorés par la sauvegarde, " -"séparés par une espace. Par exemple : « *.ogg *.wav »" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:248 -msgid "Exclude Filename Filter:" -msgstr "Filtre des fichiers à exclure :" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:250 -msgid "" -"

Defines a list of absolute path patterns which are " -"used to filter complete directories,
e.g. /home/*/.mozilla/*/Cache

" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:252 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Exclude Paths Filter:" -msgstr "Filtre des fichiers à exclure :" - -#: po/rc.cpp:1 -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Régis Floret,Alain Portal" - -#: po/rc.cpp:2 -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "r.floret@laposte.net,alain.portal@univ-montp2.fr" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:418 -msgid "Nothing selected for backup" -msgstr "Rien n'est sélectionné pour la sauvegarde." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:424 -msgid "The target dir '%1' is not valid" -msgstr "Le répertoire de destination « %1 » n'est pas valide." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:431 -msgid "The target dir '%1' must be a local file system dir and no remote URL" -msgstr "" -"Le répertoire de destination « %1 » doit être un répertoire sur un système " -"de fichiers local et pas un URL distant" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:444 -msgid "" -"The target directory '%1' does not exist.\n" -"\n" -"Shall I create it?" -msgstr "" -"Le répertoire cible « %1 » n'existe pas.\n" -"\n" -"Dois-je le créer ?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:449 -msgid "" -"Could not create the target directory '%1'.\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Impossible de créer le répertoire cible « % 1».\n" -"Le système d'exploitation indique : %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:458 -msgid "The target dir does not exist" -msgstr "Le répertoire de destination n'existe pas." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:531 -msgid "...reducing number of kept archives to max. %1" -msgstr "...réduction du nombre d'archives conservées au maximum défini : %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:588 -msgid "...deleting %1" -msgstr "...suppression %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:612 -msgid "" -"fetching directory listing of target failed. Can not reduce kept archives." -msgstr "" -"l'extraction de la liste du contenu du répertoire cible a échoué. Impossible " -"de réduire le nombre d'archives conservées." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:635 -msgid "Could not write backup timestamps into profile %1: %2" -msgstr "" -"Impossible d'écrire les horodatages de sauvegarde dans le profil %1 : %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:641 -msgid "-- Filtered Files: %1" -msgstr "-- Fichiers filtrés : %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:644 -msgid "!! Backup finished but files were skipped !!" -msgstr "!! Sauvegarde terminée mais des fichiers ont été ignorés !!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:646 -msgid "-- Backup successfully finished --" -msgstr "-- La sauvegarde s'est terminée avec succés --" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:652 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished but files were skipped.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"La sauvegarde est terminée mais des fichiers ont été ignorés.\n" -"Que voulez-vous faire à présent ?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:654 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished successfully.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"La sauvegarde s'est achevée avec succès.\n" -"Que voulez-vous faire à présent ?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:671 -msgid "Totals: Files: %1, Size: %2, Duration: %3" -msgstr "Totaux : Fichiers : %1, Taille : %2, Durée : %3" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:682 -msgid "...Backup aborted!" -msgstr "... Sauvegarde abandonnée !" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:710 -msgid "Backup cancelled" -msgstr "Sauvegarde annulée" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:727 -msgid "...finished slice %1" -msgstr "tranche %1 finie..." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:742 -msgid "...uploading archive %1 to %2" -msgstr "...téléchargement de l'archive %1 vers %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "How shall we proceed with the upload?" -msgstr "Comment devons-nous procéder avec le téléchargement ?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "Upload Failed" -msgstr "Le téléchargement a échoué" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Retry" -msgstr "Réessayer" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Change Target" -msgstr "Modifier la cible" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:855 -msgid "The script '%1' could not be started." -msgstr "Le script « %1 » ne peut pas être démarré." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:894 -msgid "The medium is full. Please insert medium Nr. %1" -msgstr "Le medium est plein. Veuillez insérer le medium N° %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:930 -msgid "The file '%1' can not be opened for writing." -msgstr "Le fichier « %1 » ne peux pas être ouvert en écriture." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:934 -msgid "" -"The file '%1' can not be opened for writing.\n" -"\n" -"Do you want to retry?" -msgstr "" -"Le fichier « %1 » ne peux pas être ouvert en écriture.\n" -"\n" -"Voulez-vous recommencer ?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:960 -msgid "Could not write to archive. Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "Impossible d'écrire dans l'archive. Peut-être le medium est-il plein ?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:964 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not write to archive.\n" -"The operating system reports: %1" -msgstr "" -"Impossible de lire le fichier : %1\n" -"Le système d'exploitation indique : %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:983 -msgid "...skipping filtered directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:994 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of directory: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Impossible d'obtenir des informations sur le répertoire : %1\n" -"Le système d'exploitation indique : %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1004 -msgid "Directory '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -msgstr "Le répertoire « %1 » n'est pas lisible. Passe." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1020 -msgid "" -"Could not write directory '%1' to archive.\n" -"Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "" -"Impossible d'écrire le répertoire « %1 » dans l'archive.\n" -"Peut-être le medium est-il plein ?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1141 src/Archiver.cxx:1222 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Impossible d'obtenir des informations sur le fichier : %1\n" -"Le système d'exploitation indique : %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1169 src/Archiver.cxx:1266 -msgid "" -"Could not read from file '%1'\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Impossible de lire le fichier « % »\n" -"Le système d'exploitation indique : %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1236 -msgid "Could not open file '%1' for reading." -msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier « %1 » en lecture." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1299 -msgid "...archiving file %1" -msgstr "...archivage du fichier %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1337 -msgid "" -"Could not read file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Impossible de lire le fichier : %1\n" -"Le système d'exploitation indique : %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1354 -msgid "" -"Could not create temporary file for compressing: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Impossible de créer le fichier temporaire pour la compression : %1\n" -"Le système d'exploitation indique : %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1379 -msgid "Could not write to temporary file" -msgstr "Impossible d'écrire dans le fichier temporaire" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1400 -msgid "...compressing file %1" -msgstr "... compression du fichier %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1444 -msgid "WARNING:" -msgstr "AVERTISSEMENT :" - -#: src/main.cxx:47 -msgid "An easy to use backup program" -msgstr "Un programme de sauvegarde simple d'emploi" - -#: src/main.cxx:48 -#, fuzzy -msgid "(c) 2006 - 2017 Martin Koller" -msgstr "(c) 2006 - 2011 Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Martin Koller" -msgstr "Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Developer" -msgstr "Développeur" - -#: src/main.cxx:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Start with given profile." -msgstr "Démarrer avec le profil donné" - -#: src/main.cxx:63 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice." -msgstr "Script à exécuter après la fin d'une tranche d'archive" - -#: src/main.cxx:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Lancer automatiquement la sauvegarde avec le fichier\n" -"profil fourni et quitter lorsqu'elle est achevée. " - -#: src/main.cxx:68 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile in the background " -"(without showing a window) and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Lancer automatiquement en arrière plan (sans interface\n" -"graphique) la sauvegarde avec le fichier profil fourni\n" -"et quitter lorsqu'elle est achevée. " - -#: src/main.cxx:73 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"In autobg mode be verbose and print every single filename during backup." -msgstr "" -"En mode arrière plan automatique, être volubile et afficher \n" -"le nom de chaque fichier pendant la sauvegarde" - -#: src/main.cxx:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup instead of acting " -"on the profile settings." -msgstr "" -"En mode automatique (auto/autobg), force la sauvegarde\n" -"complète plutôt que de considérer la configuration du profil" - -#: src/main.cxx:143 src/MainWindow.cxx:209 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for reading: %2" -msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le profil « %1 » en lecture : %2" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:69 -msgid "Incremental Backup" -msgstr "Sauvegarde incrémentielle" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:71 -msgid "Full Backup" -msgstr "Sauvegarde complète" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:58 -msgid "New Profile" -msgstr "Nouveau profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:62 -msgid "Load Profile" -msgstr "Charger un profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:66 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Enregistrer un profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:70 -msgid "Save Profile As..." -msgstr "Enregistrer un profil sous..." - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:77 -msgid "Enable All Messages" -msgstr "Activer tous les messages" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:79 -msgid "Dock in System Tray" -msgstr "Ancrer dans la zone de notification" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:83 -msgid "Show Hidden Files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:145 -msgid "There is a backup in progress. Do you want to abort it?" -msgstr "Il y a une sauvegarde en cours. Voulez-vous l'abandonner ?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:187 src/MainWindow.cxx:233 src/MainWindow.cxx:250 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select Profile" -msgstr "Enregistrer un profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:188 src/MainWindow.cxx:234 src/MainWindow.cxx:251 -msgid "KBackup Profile (*.kbp)" -msgstr "Profil KBackup (*.kbp)" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:212 src/MainWindow.cxx:280 -msgid "Open failed" -msgstr "Échec à l'ouverture" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:261 -msgid "" -"The profile '%1' does already exist.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"Le profil « %1 » existe déjà.\n" -"Voulez-vous l'écraser ?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:264 -msgid "Profile exists" -msgstr "Le profil existe" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:277 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for writing: %2" -msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le profil « %1 » en écriture : %2" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:353 -msgid "" -"Files: %1 Size: %2 MB\n" -"%3" -msgstr "" -"Fichiers : %1 Taille : %2 Mo\n" -"%3" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Nom" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Taille" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Last Modified" -msgstr "Dernière modification" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:292 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open With" -msgstr "Échec à l'ouverture" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:300 -msgid "Delete File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:306 -msgid "Properties..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:592 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Do you really want to delete '%1'?" -msgstr "Voulez-vous retenter le téléchargement ?" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:593 -msgid "Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:604 -msgid "Could not delete directory '%1'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:613 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not delete file '%1'.\n" -"Reason: %2" -msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le profil « %1 » en lecture : %2" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:672 -msgid "Other Application..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:674 -msgid "File Manager" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:22 -msgid "650 MB CD" -msgstr "CD 650 Mo" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:23 -msgid "700 MB CD" -msgstr "CD 700 Mo" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:24 -msgid "4.7 GB DVD" -msgstr "DVD 4,7 Go" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:25 -msgid "8.5 GB DVD" -msgstr "DVD 8,5 Go" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:26 -msgid "9.4 GB DVD" -msgstr "DVD 9,4 Go" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:27 -msgid "17.1 GB DVD" -msgstr "DVD 17,1 Go" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:28 -msgid "custom" -msgstr "personnalisé" - -#~ msgid "File '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "Le fichier « %1 » n'est pas lisible. Passe." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "(c) 2006 - 2012 Martin Koller" -#~ msgstr "(c) 2006 - 2011 Martin Koller" - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Start with given profile" -#~ msgstr "Démarrer avec le profil donné" - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice" -#~ msgstr "Script à exécuter après la fin d'une tranche d'archive" - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Lancer automatiquement la sauvegarde avec le fichier\n" -#~ "profil fourni et quitter lorsqu'elle est achevée. " - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "in the background (without showing a window)\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Lancer automatiquement en arrière plan (sans interface\n" -#~ "graphique) la sauvegarde avec le fichier profil fourni\n" -#~ "et quitter lorsqu'elle est achevée. " - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "In autobg mode be verbose and print every\n" -#~ "single filename during backup" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "En mode arrière plan automatique, être volubile et afficher \n" -#~ "le nom de chaque fichier pendant la sauvegarde" - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup\n" -#~ "instead of acting on the profile settings" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "En mode automatique (auto/autobg), force la sauvegarde\n" -#~ "complète plutôt que de considérer la configuration du profil" - -#~ msgid "&File" -#~ msgstr "&Fichier" - -#~ msgid "&Settings" -#~ msgstr "&Configuration" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Sorry, file '%1' (%2) is too large and cannot be archived with this KDE " -#~ "version. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Désolé, le fichier « %1 » (%2) est trop important et ne peut pas être " -#~ "archivé avec cette version de KDE. On l'ignore." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: NAME OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your names" -#~ msgstr "Régis Floret,Alain Portal" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your emails" -#~ msgstr "r.floret@laposte.net,alain.portal@univ-montp2.fr" diff --git a/po/ia.po b/po/ia.po deleted file mode 100644 index 1d2ab1f..0000000 --- a/po/ia.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,747 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# -# Giovanni Sora , 2013. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: \n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mailto:kollix@aon.at\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-04 12:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-02 14:08+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: G.Sora \n" -"Language-Team: Interlingua \n" -"Language: ia\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:364 src/main.cxx:46 -msgid "KBackup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:365 src/MainWindow.cxx:115 -msgid "Start Backup" -msgstr "Initia retrocopia (backup)" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:366 src/MainWindow.cxx:118 -msgid "Cancel Backup" -msgstr "Cancella retrocopia" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:367 -msgid "Next Backup:" -msgstr "Proxime retrocopia:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:368 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "Etiquetta de Texto (TextLabel)" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:369 -msgid "Force Full Backup" -msgstr "Fortia retrocopia complete" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:370 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Objectivo" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:371 -msgid "Folder:" -msgstr "Dossier:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:372 -msgid "Medium:" -msgstr "Medio:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:373 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:379 -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:381 -msgid "0" -msgstr "0" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:374 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:380 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Grandor:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:375 -msgid "0 MB" -msgstr "0 MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:377 -msgid "Totals" -msgstr "Totales" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:378 -msgid "Files:" -msgstr "Files" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:382 -msgid "MB" -msgstr "MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:383 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Duration:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:384 -msgid "00:00:00" -msgstr "00:00:00" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:385 -msgid "Warnings:" -msgstr "Avisos:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:386 -msgid "Progress:" -msgstr "Progresso:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:218 src/MainWindow.cxx:74 -msgid "Profile Settings" -msgstr "Preferentias de profilo" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:219 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Archive Prefix:" -msgstr "Prefixo de archivo (vacue pro definition)" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:220 -#, fuzzy -msgid "backup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:221 -msgid "Maximum Archive Size:" -msgstr "Maxime grandor de archivo:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:222 build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:228 -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:166 src/SettingsDialog.cxx:21 -msgid "unlimited" -msgstr "sin limite" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:223 -msgid " MB" -msgstr " MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:224 -msgid "Number of backups to keep" -msgstr "Numero de retrocopias de mantener" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:226 -msgid "" -"How many backups shall be kept in the target directory before older ones " -"will be deleted" -msgstr "" -"Como multe retrocopias essera mantenite in le directorio objectivo ante que " -"le plus vetere essera delite" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:229 -msgid "Full Backup Interval" -msgstr "Intervallo inter retrocopias complete" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:231 -msgid "How often shall a full backup, instead of an incremental one, be done" -msgstr "" -"Quanto sovente on facera un retrocopia complete, in loco de un incremental" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:233 -msgid "Every Day" -msgstr "Cata die" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:234 -msgid " days" -msgstr "dies" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:236 -msgid "" -"Uncheck if you want to avoid a confirmation dialog to change the medium when " -"a slice was finished" -msgstr "" -"Leva le marca si tu vole evitar le dialogo de confirmation pro modificar le " -"medio quando un trencho esseva terminate" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:238 -msgid "Target needs media change" -msgstr "Objectivo necessita cambio de medios" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:240 -msgid "Uncheck if you want to avoid compressing files at all" -msgstr "Leva le marca si tu vole evitar comprimer files del toto" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:242 -msgid "Compress Files" -msgstr "Comprime files" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:243 -msgid "OK" -msgstr "OK" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:244 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Cancella" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:246 -msgid "" -"Defines wildcards for filenames which will be ignored for backup, separated " -"by a space. E.g.: \"*.ogg *.wav\"" -msgstr "" -"Il define metacharacteres pro nomine de files que essera ignorate pro " -"retrocopias, separate per spatio. P.Ex. \"*.ogg *.wav\"" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:248 -msgid "Exclude Filename Filter:" -msgstr "Exclude filtro de nomine de file:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:250 -msgid "" -"

Defines a list of absolute path patterns which are " -"used to filter complete directories,
e.g. /home/*/.mozilla/*/Cache

" -msgstr "" -"

Il define un lista de patronos absolute que es usate " -"pro filtrar directorios complete,
p.ex. /home/*/.mozilla/*/Cache

" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:252 -msgid "Exclude Paths Filter:" -msgstr "Exclude filtro de percursos:" - -#: po/rc.cpp:1 -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Giovanni Sora" - -#: po/rc.cpp:2 -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "g.sora@tiscali.it" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:418 -msgid "Nothing selected for backup" -msgstr "Nihil seligite pro retrocopia" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:424 -msgid "The target dir '%1' is not valid" -msgstr "Le dir objectivo '%1' non es valide" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:431 -msgid "The target dir '%1' must be a local file system dir and no remote URL" -msgstr "" -"Le dir objectivo '%1' debe esser un dir de un systema de file local e non un " -"URL remote" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:444 -msgid "" -"The target directory '%1' does not exist.\n" -"\n" -"Shall I create it?" -msgstr "" -"Le directorio objectivo '%1' non existe\n" -"\n" -"Io creara lo?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:449 -msgid "" -"Could not create the target directory '%1'.\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"On non pote crear le directorio objectivo '%1':\n" -"Le systema operative reporta: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:458 -msgid "The target dir does not exist" -msgstr "Le dir objectivo non existe" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:531 -msgid "...reducing number of kept archives to max. %1" -msgstr "... reducente le numero de archivos mantenite al maximo %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:588 -msgid "...deleting %1" -msgstr "...delente %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:612 -msgid "" -"fetching directory listing of target failed. Can not reduce kept archives." -msgstr "" -"Il falleva cercar lista de directorio objectivo. On non pote reducer " -"archivos mantenite." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:635 -msgid "Could not write backup timestamps into profile %1: %2" -msgstr "" -"Il non pote scriber marcas de tempore de retrocopia in le profilo %1: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:641 -msgid "-- Filtered Files: %1" -msgstr "-- Files filtrate: %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:644 -msgid "!! Backup finished but files were skipped !!" -msgstr "!! Retrocopia terminate ma alcun files essera saltate !!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:646 -msgid "-- Backup successfully finished --" -msgstr "-- Retrocopia terminava con successo --" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:652 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished but files were skipped.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"Le retrocopia ha terminate ma alcun files esseva saltate.\n" -" Cosa tu vole facer nunc?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:654 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished successfully.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"Le retrocopia ha terminate con successo.\n" -" Cosa tu vole facer nunc?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:671 -msgid "Totals: Files: %1, Size: %2, Duration: %3" -msgstr "Totales: Files: %1, Grandor: %2, Duration: %3" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:682 -msgid "...Backup aborted!" -msgstr "...Retrocopia abortite!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:710 -msgid "Backup cancelled" -msgstr "Retrocopia cancellate" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:727 -msgid "...finished slice %1" -msgstr "...finiva trencho %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:742 -msgid "...uploading archive %1 to %2" -msgstr "... cargante archivo %1 in %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "How shall we proceed with the upload?" -msgstr "Como on deve proceder con le incargamento?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "Upload Failed" -msgstr "Incargamento fallite" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Retry" -msgstr "Prova de novo" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Change Target" -msgstr "Cambia objectivo" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:855 -msgid "The script '%1' could not be started." -msgstr "Le script '%1' non poteva esser initiate." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:894 -msgid "The medium is full. Please insert medium Nr. %1" -msgstr "Le medio es complete. Pro favor inserta medio nr. %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:930 -msgid "The file '%1' can not be opened for writing." -msgstr "Le file '%1' non pote esser aperite per scriber." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:934 -msgid "" -"The file '%1' can not be opened for writing.\n" -"\n" -"Do you want to retry?" -msgstr "" -"Le file '%1' non pote esser aperite in scriptura.\n" -"\n" -"Tu vole essayar de novo?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:960 -msgid "Could not write to archive. Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "Non ppte scriber in archivo. Forsan le medio es plen." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:964 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not write to archive.\n" -"The operating system reports: %1" -msgstr "" -"Non pote leger file: '%1\n" -"Le systema operative reporta: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:983 -msgid "...skipping filtered directory %1" -msgstr "...saltante directorio filtrate %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:994 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of directory: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Non pote obtener information del directorio: %1 \n" -"Le systema operative reporta; %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1004 -msgid "Directory '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -msgstr "Directorio '%1' non es legibile. On salta lo." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1020 -msgid "" -"Could not write directory '%1' to archive.\n" -"Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "" -"Non pote scriber directorio '%1' in archivo.\n" -"Forsan le medio es plen." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1141 src/Archiver.cxx:1222 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Non pote obtener information del file: %1\n" -"Le systema operative reporta: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1169 src/Archiver.cxx:1266 -msgid "" -"Could not read from file '%1'\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Non pote leger ex file: '%1\n" -"Le systema operative reporta: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1236 -msgid "Could not open file '%1' for reading." -msgstr "Non pote aperir file '%1' in lectura." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1299 -msgid "...archiving file %1" -msgstr "...archivante file %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1337 -msgid "" -"Could not read file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Non pote leger file: '%1\n" -"Le systema operative reporta: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1354 -msgid "" -"Could not create temporary file for compressing: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Non pote crear file temporanee per comprimer: %1 '\n" -"Le systema operative reporta: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1379 -msgid "Could not write to temporary file" -msgstr "Il non pote scriber in file temporanee" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1400 -msgid "...compressing file %1" -msgstr "... comprimente file %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1444 -msgid "WARNING:" -msgstr "AVISO:" - -#: src/main.cxx:47 -msgid "An easy to use backup program" -msgstr "Un programma pro facer retrocopias facile de usar" - -#: src/main.cxx:48 -#, fuzzy -msgid "(c) 2006 - 2017 Martin Koller" -msgstr "(c) 2006-2012, Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Martin Koller" -msgstr "Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Developer" -msgstr "Disveloppator" - -#: src/main.cxx:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Start with given profile." -msgstr "Initia con un date profilo" - -#: src/main.cxx:63 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice." -msgstr "" -"Script de executar post que on termina un trencho\n" -"de archivo" - -#: src/main.cxx:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Executa automaticamente le retrocopia con le date profilo\n" -"e termina quando il ha facite." - -#: src/main.cxx:68 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile in the background " -"(without showing a window) and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Executa automaticamente le retrocopia con le date profilo\n" -"in le fundo (sin monstrar fenestra)\n" -"e termina quando il ha facite." - -#: src/main.cxx:73 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"In autobg mode be verbose and print every single filename during backup." -msgstr "" -"In modo de autobg es verbose e imprime\n" -"omne singule nomines de file durante le retrocopia" - -#: src/main.cxx:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup instead of acting " -"on the profile settings." -msgstr "" -"In modo auto/autobg il fortia le retrocopia a esser un \n" -"retrocopia complete in loco de ager sur le preferentias \n" -"de profilo" - -#: src/main.cxx:143 src/MainWindow.cxx:209 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for reading: %2" -msgstr "Il non pote aperir profile '%1' in lectura: %2" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:69 -msgid "Incremental Backup" -msgstr "Retrocopia incremental" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:71 -msgid "Full Backup" -msgstr "Retrocopia complete" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:58 -msgid "New Profile" -msgstr "Nove Profilo" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:62 -msgid "Load Profile" -msgstr "Carga profilo" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:66 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Salveguarda Profilo" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:70 -msgid "Save Profile As..." -msgstr "Salveguarda profilo como..." - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:77 -msgid "Enable All Messages" -msgstr "Habilita omne messages" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:79 -msgid "Dock in System Tray" -msgstr "Mitte in tabuliero de systema" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:83 -msgid "Show Hidden Files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:145 -msgid "There is a backup in progress. Do you want to abort it?" -msgstr "Il ha un retrocopia in progresso. Tu vole abortar lo?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:187 src/MainWindow.cxx:233 src/MainWindow.cxx:250 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select Profile" -msgstr "Salveguarda Profilo" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:188 src/MainWindow.cxx:234 src/MainWindow.cxx:251 -msgid "KBackup Profile (*.kbp)" -msgstr "Profilo de KBackup (*.kbp)" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:212 src/MainWindow.cxx:280 -msgid "Open failed" -msgstr "Il falleva aperir" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:261 -msgid "" -"The profile '%1' does already exist.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"Le profilo '%1' ja existe.\n" -"Tu vole superscriber lo?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:264 -msgid "Profile exists" -msgstr "Le profilo existe" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:277 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for writing: %2" -msgstr "Il non pote aperir profilo '%1' in scriptura: %2" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:353 -msgid "" -"Files: %1 Size: %2 MB\n" -"%3" -msgstr "" -"Files: %1 Grandor: %2 MB\n" -"%3" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Nomine" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Grandor" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Last Modified" -msgstr "Ultime modificate" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:292 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open With" -msgstr "Il falleva aperir" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:300 -msgid "Delete File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:306 -msgid "Properties..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:592 -msgid "Do you really want to delete '%1'?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:593 -msgid "Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:604 -msgid "Could not delete directory '%1'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:613 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not delete file '%1'.\n" -"Reason: %2" -msgstr "Il non pote aperir profile '%1' in lectura: %2" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:672 -msgid "Other Application..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:674 -msgid "File Manager" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:22 -msgid "650 MB CD" -msgstr "650 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:23 -msgid "700 MB CD" -msgstr "700 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:24 -msgid "4.7 GB DVD" -msgstr "4.7 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:25 -msgid "8.5 GB DVD" -msgstr "8.7 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:26 -msgid "9.4 GB DVD" -msgstr "9.7 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:27 -msgid "17.1 GB DVD" -msgstr "17.7 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:28 -msgid "custom" -msgstr "personalisate" - -#~ msgid "File '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "File '%1'non es legibile. On salta lo." - -#~ msgid "(c) 2006 - 2012 Martin Koller" -#~ msgstr "(c) 2006-2012, Martin Koller" - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Start with given profile" -#~ msgstr "Initia con un date profilo" - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Script de executar post que on termina un trencho\n" -#~ "de archivo" - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Executa automaticamente le retrocopia con le date profilo\n" -#~ "e termina quando il ha facite." - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "in the background (without showing a window)\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Executa automaticamente le retrocopia con le date profilo\n" -#~ "in le fundo (sin monstrar fenestra)\n" -#~ "e termina quando il ha facite." - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "In autobg mode be verbose and print every\n" -#~ "single filename during backup" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "In modo de autobg es verbose e imprime\n" -#~ "omne singule nomines de file durante le retrocopia" - -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup\n" -#~ "instead of acting on the profile settings" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "In modo auto/autobg il fortia le retrocopia a esser un \n" -#~ "retrocopia complete in loco de ager sur le preferentias \n" -#~ "de profilo" - -#~ msgid "&File" -#~ msgstr "&File" - -#~ msgid "&Settings" -#~ msgstr "Preferentia&s" diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po deleted file mode 100644 index 6540ad1..0000000 --- a/po/it.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,750 +0,0 @@ -# translation of it.po to -# translation of kbackup.po to -# This file is put in the public domain. -# Andrea S. , 2006. -# Martin Koller , 2006. -# -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: it\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mailto:kollix@aon.at\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-04 12:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-15 20:40+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: it\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:364 src/main.cxx:46 -msgid "KBackup" -msgstr "Kbackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:365 src/MainWindow.cxx:115 -msgid "Start Backup" -msgstr "Avvio Backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:366 src/MainWindow.cxx:118 -msgid "Cancel Backup" -msgstr "Cancella Backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:367 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Next Backup:" -msgstr "Avvio Backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:368 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:369 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Force Full Backup" -msgstr "Cancella Backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:370 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Destinazione" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:371 -msgid "Folder:" -msgstr "Cartella:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:372 -msgid "Medium:" -msgstr "Disco:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:373 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:379 -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:381 -msgid "0" -msgstr "0" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:374 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:380 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Capacità:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:375 -msgid "0 MB" -msgstr "0 MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:377 -msgid "Totals" -msgstr "Totali" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:378 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Files:" -msgstr "Files:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:382 -msgid "MB" -msgstr "MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:383 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Durata:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:384 -msgid "00:00:00" -msgstr "00:00:00" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:385 -msgid "Warnings:" -msgstr "Avvertimenti:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:386 -msgid "Progress:" -msgstr "Progresso:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:218 src/MainWindow.cxx:74 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Profile Settings" -msgstr "Profilo esistente" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:219 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Archive Prefix:" -msgstr "Prefisso dell'archivio (vuoto di default)" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:220 -#, fuzzy -msgid "backup" -msgstr "Kbackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:221 -msgid "Maximum Archive Size:" -msgstr "Grandezza Massima Archivio" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:222 build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:228 -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:166 src/SettingsDialog.cxx:21 -msgid "unlimited" -msgstr "illimitato" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:223 -#, fuzzy -msgid " MB" -msgstr "0 MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:224 -msgid "Number of backups to keep" -msgstr "Numero dei backup da conservare" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:226 -msgid "" -"How many backups shall be kept in the target directory before older ones " -"will be deleted" -msgstr "" -"Quanti backup dovranno essere conservati nella directory target prima che i " -"più vecchi verranno cancellati" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:229 -msgid "Full Backup Interval" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:231 -msgid "How often shall a full backup, instead of an incremental one, be done" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:233 -msgid "Every Day" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:234 -msgid " days" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:236 -msgid "" -"Uncheck if you want to avoid a confirmation dialog to change the medium when " -"a slice was finished" -msgstr "" -"Deseleziona se vuoi evitare il dialogo di conferma per cambiare il disco " -"quando una parte è finita" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:238 -msgid "Target needs media change" -msgstr "L'azione richiede il cambiamento del disco" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:240 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uncheck if you want to avoid compressing files at all" -msgstr "" -"Deseleziona se vuoi impedire la compressione di tutti i file e archivi" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:242 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Compress Files" -msgstr "...compressione file %1" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:243 -msgid "OK" -msgstr "OK" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:244 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Cancella Backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:246 -msgid "" -"Defines wildcards for filenames which will be ignored for backup, separated " -"by a space. E.g.: \"*.ogg *.wav\"" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:248 -msgid "Exclude Filename Filter:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:250 -msgid "" -"

Defines a list of absolute path patterns which are " -"used to filter complete directories,
e.g. /home/*/.mozilla/*/Cache

" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:252 -msgid "Exclude Paths Filter:" -msgstr "" - -#: po/rc.cpp:1 -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "I vostri nomi" - -#: po/rc.cpp:2 -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "Le vostre email" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:418 -msgid "Nothing selected for backup" -msgstr "Nessun file selezionato per il backup" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:424 -#, fuzzy -msgid "The target dir '%1' is not valid" -msgstr "La directory di destinazione non è valida" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:431 -msgid "The target dir '%1' must be a local file system dir and no remote URL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:444 -msgid "" -"The target directory '%1' does not exist.\n" -"\n" -"Shall I create it?" -msgstr "" -"La directory target '%1' non esiste.\n" -"\n" -"Devo crearla?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:449 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not create the target directory '%1'.\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Impossibile ottenere informazioni della directory: %1\n" -"Rapporti del sistema operativo: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:458 -#, fuzzy -msgid "The target dir does not exist" -msgstr "La directory di destinazione non è valida" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:531 -msgid "...reducing number of kept archives to max. %1" -msgstr "...riduzione numero degli archivi conservati al massimo. %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:588 -msgid "...deleting %1" -msgstr "...cancellazione %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:612 -msgid "" -"fetching directory listing of target failed. Can not reduce kept archives." -msgstr "" -"errore nella lettura della lista del target. Impossibile ridurre gli archivi " -"conservati" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:635 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Could not write backup timestamps into profile %1: %2" -msgstr "Impossibile scrivere su di un file temporaneo" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:641 -msgid "-- Filtered Files: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:644 -msgid "!! Backup finished but files were skipped !!" -msgstr "!! Backup completo ma alcuni file sono stati saltati !!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:646 -msgid "-- Backup successfully finished --" -msgstr "-- Il Backup è stato portato a termine con successo --" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:652 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"The backup has finished but files were skipped.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "Il backup è stato completato correttamente" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:654 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"The backup has finished successfully.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "Il backup è stato completato correttamente" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:671 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Totals: Files: %1, Size: %2, Duration: %3" -msgstr "" -"Files: %1 Grandezza: %2 MB\n" -"%3" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:682 -msgid "...Backup aborted!" -msgstr "...Backup interrotto!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:710 -msgid "Backup cancelled" -msgstr "Backup cancellato" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:727 -msgid "...finished slice %1" -msgstr "...parte finita %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:742 -msgid "...uploading archive %1 to %2" -msgstr ".....uploading archivo da %1 a %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "How shall we proceed with the upload?" -msgstr "Come dobbiamo procedere con l'upload?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "Upload Failed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Retry" -msgstr "Riprova" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Change Target" -msgstr "Cambia Destinazione" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:855 -msgid "The script '%1' could not be started." -msgstr "Lo script '%1'non può essere avviato." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:894 -msgid "The medium is full. Please insert medium Nr. %1" -msgstr "Il disco è pieno. Per favore inserisci il disco Nr. %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:930 -#, fuzzy -msgid "The file '%1' can not be opened for writing." -msgstr "" -"Impossibile aprire Il file '%1'in scrittura.\n" -"\n" -"Vuoi riprovare?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:934 -msgid "" -"The file '%1' can not be opened for writing.\n" -"\n" -"Do you want to retry?" -msgstr "" -"Impossibile aprire Il file '%1'in scrittura.\n" -"\n" -"Vuoi riprovare?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:960 -msgid "Could not write to archive. Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "Impossibile scrivere nell'archivio. Probabilmente il disco è pieno." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:964 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not write to archive.\n" -"The operating system reports: %1" -msgstr "" -"Impossibile leggere il file: %1\n" -"Rapporti del sistema operativo %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:983 -msgid "...skipping filtered directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:994 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of directory: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Impossibile ottenere informazioni della directory: %1\n" -"Rapporti del sistema operativo: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1004 -msgid "Directory '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -msgstr "La directory '%1' non è leggibile. Saltata." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1020 -msgid "" -"Could not write directory '%1' to archive.\n" -"Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "" -"Impossibile scrivere la directory '%1' nell'archivio.\n" -"Probabilmente il disco è pieno." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1141 src/Archiver.cxx:1222 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Impossibile ottenere informazioni del file: %1\n" -"Rapporti del sistema operativo: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1169 src/Archiver.cxx:1266 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not read from file '%1'\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Impossibile leggere il file: %1\n" -"Rapporti del sistema operativo %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1236 -msgid "Could not open file '%1' for reading." -msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file '%1' in lettura." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1299 -msgid "...archiving file %1" -msgstr "...archivio file %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1337 -msgid "" -"Could not read file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Impossibile leggere il file: %1\n" -"Rapporti del sistema operativo %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1354 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not create temporary file for compressing: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Impossibile leggere il file: %1\n" -"Rapporti del sistema operativo %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1379 -msgid "Could not write to temporary file" -msgstr "Impossibile scrivere su di un file temporaneo" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1400 -msgid "...compressing file %1" -msgstr "...compressione file %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1444 -msgid "WARNING:" -msgstr "ATTENZIONE:" - -#: src/main.cxx:47 -msgid "An easy to use backup program" -msgstr "Un programma di Backup facile da usare" - -#: src/main.cxx:48 -#, fuzzy -msgid "(c) 2006 - 2017 Martin Koller" -msgstr "(c) 2006 - 2009 Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Martin Koller" -msgstr "Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Developer" -msgstr "Programmatore" - -#: src/main.cxx:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Start with given profile." -msgstr "Avvia con il profilo selezionato" - -#: src/main.cxx:63 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice." -msgstr "Script da avviare dopo aver completato una parte dell'archivio" - -#: src/main.cxx:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Avvia automaticamente il backup e chiudi quando è finito. Funziona " -"solamente se si è attivato un profilo" - -#: src/main.cxx:68 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile in the background " -"(without showing a window) and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Avvia automaticamente il backup in background secondo il profilo " -"selezionato. (senza mostrare un finestra) e chiudere una volta terminato" - -#: src/main.cxx:73 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"In autobg mode be verbose and print every single filename during backup." -msgstr "" -"Nella modalità autobg sarà attivata la modalità verbose e sarà stampato ogni " -"singolo file durante il backup" - -#: src/main.cxx:76 -msgid "" -"In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup instead of acting " -"on the profile settings." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:143 src/MainWindow.cxx:209 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for reading: %2" -msgstr "Impossibile aprire profilo '%1'in lettura: %2" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:69 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Incremental Backup" -msgstr "Cancella Backup" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:71 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Full Backup" -msgstr "Kbackup" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:58 -msgid "New Profile" -msgstr "Nuovo Profilo" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:62 -msgid "Load Profile" -msgstr "Carica profilo" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:66 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Salva Profilo" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:70 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save Profile As..." -msgstr "Salva Profilo" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:77 -msgid "Enable All Messages" -msgstr "Abilita tutti i messaggi" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:79 -msgid "Dock in System Tray" -msgstr "Sposta nella System Tray" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:83 -msgid "Show Hidden Files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:145 -msgid "There is a backup in progress. Do you want to abort it?" -msgstr "E' in corso un backup! Vuoi interromperlo?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:187 src/MainWindow.cxx:233 src/MainWindow.cxx:250 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select Profile" -msgstr "Salva Profilo" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:188 src/MainWindow.cxx:234 src/MainWindow.cxx:251 -msgid "KBackup Profile (*.kbp)" -msgstr "Profilo KBackup (*.kbp)" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:212 src/MainWindow.cxx:280 -msgid "Open failed" -msgstr "Apertura fallita" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:261 -msgid "" -"The profile '%1' does already exist.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"Il profilo '%1' già esiste.\n" -"Vuoi sovrascriverlo?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:264 -msgid "Profile exists" -msgstr "Profilo esistente" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:277 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for writing: %2" -msgstr "Impossibile aprire il profilo '%1'in scrittura: %2" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:353 -msgid "" -"Files: %1 Size: %2 MB\n" -"%3" -msgstr "" -"Files: %1 Grandezza: %2 MB\n" -"%3" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Nome" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Capacità" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Last Modified" -msgstr "Ultima modifica" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:292 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open With" -msgstr "Apertura fallita" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:300 -msgid "Delete File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:306 -msgid "Properties..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:592 -msgid "Do you really want to delete '%1'?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:593 -msgid "Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:604 -msgid "Could not delete directory '%1'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:613 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not delete file '%1'.\n" -"Reason: %2" -msgstr "Impossibile aprire profilo '%1'in lettura: %2" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:672 -msgid "Other Application..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:674 -msgid "File Manager" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:22 -msgid "650 MB CD" -msgstr "650 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:23 -msgid "700 MB CD" -msgstr "700 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:24 -msgid "4.7 GB DVD" -msgstr "4.7 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:25 -msgid "8.5 GB DVD" -msgstr "8.5 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:26 -msgid "9.4 GB DVD" -msgstr "9.4 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:27 -msgid "17.1 GB DVD" -msgstr "17.1 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:28 -msgid "custom" -msgstr "personalizzato" - -#~ msgid "File '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "Il file '%1' non è leggibile. Saltato." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "(c) 2006 - 2012 Martin Koller" -#~ msgstr "(c) 2006 - 2009 Martin Koller" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Start with given profile" -#~ msgstr "Avvia con il profilo selezionato" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice" -#~ msgstr "Script da avviare dopo aver completato una parte dell'archivio" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Avvia automaticamente il backup e chiudi quando è finito. Funziona " -#~ "solamente se si è attivato un profilo" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "in the background (without showing a window)\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Avvia automaticamente il backup in background secondo il profilo " -#~ "selezionato. (senza mostrare un finestra) e chiudere una volta terminato" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "In autobg mode be verbose and print every\n" -#~ "single filename during backup" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Nella modalità autobg sarà attivata la modalità verbose e sarà stampato " -#~ "ogni singolo file durante il backup" - -#~ msgid "&File" -#~ msgstr "&File" - -#~ msgid "&Settings" -#~ msgstr "&Impostazioni" - -#~ msgid "upload FAILED" -#~ msgstr "upload FALLITO" diff --git a/po/kbackup.pot b/po/kbackup.pot deleted file mode 100644 index 7ecb00b..0000000 --- a/po/kbackup.pot +++ /dev/null @@ -1,602 +0,0 @@ -# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. -# -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mailto:kollix@aon.at\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-04 12:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" -"Language: \n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:364 src/main.cxx:46 -msgid "KBackup" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:365 src/MainWindow.cxx:115 -msgid "Start Backup" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:366 src/MainWindow.cxx:118 -msgid "Cancel Backup" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:367 -msgid "Next Backup:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:368 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:369 -msgid "Force Full Backup" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:370 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:371 -msgid "Folder:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:372 -msgid "Medium:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:373 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:379 -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:381 -msgid "0" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:374 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:380 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:375 -msgid "0 MB" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:377 -msgid "Totals" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:378 -msgid "Files:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:382 -msgid "MB" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:383 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:384 -msgid "00:00:00" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:385 -msgid "Warnings:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:386 -msgid "Progress:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:218 src/MainWindow.cxx:74 -msgid "Profile Settings" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:219 -msgid "Archive Prefix:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:220 -msgid "backup" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:221 -msgid "Maximum Archive Size:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:222 build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:228 -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:166 src/SettingsDialog.cxx:21 -msgid "unlimited" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:223 -msgid " MB" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:224 -msgid "Number of backups to keep" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:226 -msgid "" -"How many backups shall be kept in the target directory before older ones " -"will be deleted" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:229 -msgid "Full Backup Interval" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:231 -msgid "How often shall a full backup, instead of an incremental one, be done" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:233 -msgid "Every Day" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:234 -msgid " days" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:236 -msgid "" -"Uncheck if you want to avoid a confirmation dialog to change the medium when " -"a slice was finished" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:238 -msgid "Target needs media change" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:240 -msgid "Uncheck if you want to avoid compressing files at all" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:242 -msgid "Compress Files" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:243 -msgid "OK" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:244 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:246 -msgid "" -"Defines wildcards for filenames which will be ignored for backup, separated " -"by a space. E.g.: \"*.ogg *.wav\"" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:248 -msgid "Exclude Filename Filter:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:250 -msgid "" -"

Defines a list of absolute path patterns which are " -"used to filter complete directories,
e.g. /home/*/.mozilla/*/Cache

" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:252 -msgid "Exclude Paths Filter:" -msgstr "" - -#: po/rc.cpp:1 -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "" - -#: po/rc.cpp:2 -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:418 -msgid "Nothing selected for backup" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:424 -msgid "The target dir '%1' is not valid" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:431 -msgid "The target dir '%1' must be a local file system dir and no remote URL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:444 -msgid "" -"The target directory '%1' does not exist.\n" -"\n" -"Shall I create it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:449 -msgid "" -"Could not create the target directory '%1'.\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:458 -msgid "The target dir does not exist" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:531 -msgid "...reducing number of kept archives to max. %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:588 -msgid "...deleting %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:612 -msgid "" -"fetching directory listing of target failed. Can not reduce kept archives." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:635 -msgid "Could not write backup timestamps into profile %1: %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:641 -msgid "-- Filtered Files: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:644 -msgid "!! Backup finished but files were skipped !!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:646 -msgid "-- Backup successfully finished --" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:652 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished but files were skipped.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:654 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished successfully.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:671 -msgid "Totals: Files: %1, Size: %2, Duration: %3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:682 -msgid "...Backup aborted!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:710 -msgid "Backup cancelled" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:727 -msgid "...finished slice %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:742 -msgid "...uploading archive %1 to %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "How shall we proceed with the upload?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "Upload Failed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Retry" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Change Target" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:855 -msgid "The script '%1' could not be started." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:894 -msgid "The medium is full. Please insert medium Nr. %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:930 -msgid "The file '%1' can not be opened for writing." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:934 -msgid "" -"The file '%1' can not be opened for writing.\n" -"\n" -"Do you want to retry?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:960 -msgid "Could not write to archive. Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:964 -msgid "" -"Could not write to archive.\n" -"The operating system reports: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:983 -msgid "...skipping filtered directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:994 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of directory: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1004 -msgid "Directory '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1020 -msgid "" -"Could not write directory '%1' to archive.\n" -"Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1141 src/Archiver.cxx:1222 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1169 src/Archiver.cxx:1266 -msgid "" -"Could not read from file '%1'\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1236 -msgid "Could not open file '%1' for reading." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1299 -msgid "...archiving file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1337 -msgid "" -"Could not read file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1354 -msgid "" -"Could not create temporary file for compressing: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1379 -msgid "Could not write to temporary file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1400 -msgid "...compressing file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1444 -msgid "WARNING:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:47 -msgid "An easy to use backup program" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:48 -msgid "(c) 2006 - 2017 Martin Koller" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Martin Koller" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Developer" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:61 -msgid "Start with given profile." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:63 -msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:65 -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile and terminate when done." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:68 -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile in the background " -"(without showing a window) and terminate when done." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:73 -msgid "" -"In autobg mode be verbose and print every single filename during backup." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:76 -msgid "" -"In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup instead of acting " -"on the profile settings." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:143 src/MainWindow.cxx:209 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for reading: %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:69 -msgid "Incremental Backup" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:71 -msgid "Full Backup" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:58 -msgid "New Profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:62 -msgid "Load Profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:66 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:70 -msgid "Save Profile As..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:77 -msgid "Enable All Messages" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:79 -msgid "Dock in System Tray" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:83 -msgid "Show Hidden Files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:145 -msgid "There is a backup in progress. Do you want to abort it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:187 src/MainWindow.cxx:233 src/MainWindow.cxx:250 -msgid "Select Profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:188 src/MainWindow.cxx:234 src/MainWindow.cxx:251 -msgid "KBackup Profile (*.kbp)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:212 src/MainWindow.cxx:280 -msgid "Open failed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:261 -msgid "" -"The profile '%1' does already exist.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:264 -msgid "Profile exists" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:277 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for writing: %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:353 -msgid "" -"Files: %1 Size: %2 MB\n" -"%3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Last Modified" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:292 -msgid "Open With" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:300 -msgid "Delete File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:306 -msgid "Properties..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:592 -msgid "Do you really want to delete '%1'?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:593 -msgid "Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:604 -msgid "Could not delete directory '%1'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:613 -msgid "" -"Could not delete file '%1'.\n" -"Reason: %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:672 -msgid "Other Application..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:674 -msgid "File Manager" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:22 -msgid "650 MB CD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:23 -msgid "700 MB CD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:24 -msgid "4.7 GB DVD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:25 -msgid "8.5 GB DVD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:26 -msgid "9.4 GB DVD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:27 -msgid "17.1 GB DVD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:28 -msgid "custom" -msgstr "" diff --git a/po/pt.po b/po/pt.po deleted file mode 100644 index dbed201..0000000 --- a/po/pt.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,756 +0,0 @@ -# translation of pt.po to Portuguese -# translation of pt.po_[u3icsb].po to -# This file is put in the public domain. -# -# Carlos Gonçalves , 2006, 2007, 2009. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: pt\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mailto:kollix@aon.at\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-04 12:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-18 22:18+0100\n" -"Last-Translator: Carlos Gonçalves \n" -"Language-Team: Portuguese \n" -"Language: pt\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 0.3\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n !=1);\n" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:364 src/main.cxx:46 -msgid "KBackup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:365 src/MainWindow.cxx:115 -msgid "Start Backup" -msgstr "Iniciar Backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:366 src/MainWindow.cxx:118 -msgid "Cancel Backup" -msgstr "Cancelar Backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:367 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Next Backup:" -msgstr "Iniciar Backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:368 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:369 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Force Full Backup" -msgstr "Cancelar Backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:370 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Destino" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:371 -msgid "Folder:" -msgstr "Pasta:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:372 -msgid "Medium:" -msgstr "Disco:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:373 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:379 -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:381 -msgid "0" -msgstr "0" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:374 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:380 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Tamanho:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:375 -msgid "0 MB" -msgstr "0 MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:377 -msgid "Totals" -msgstr "Totais" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:378 -msgid "Files:" -msgstr "Ficheiros:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:382 -msgid "MB" -msgstr "MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:383 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Duração:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:384 -msgid "00:00:00" -msgstr "00:00:00" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:385 -msgid "Warnings:" -msgstr "Avisos:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:386 -msgid "Progress:" -msgstr "Progresso:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:218 src/MainWindow.cxx:74 -msgid "Profile Settings" -msgstr "Configurações de Perfil" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:219 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Archive Prefix:" -msgstr "Prefixo do Arquivo (vazio para omissão):" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:220 -#, fuzzy -msgid "backup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:221 -msgid "Maximum Archive Size:" -msgstr "Tamanho Máximo do Arquivo:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:222 build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:228 -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:166 src/SettingsDialog.cxx:21 -msgid "unlimited" -msgstr "ilimitado" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:223 -#, fuzzy -msgid " MB" -msgstr "0 MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:224 -msgid "Number of backups to keep" -msgstr "Número de cópias de segurança a manter" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:226 -msgid "" -"How many backups shall be kept in the target directory before older ones " -"will be deleted" -msgstr "" -"Quantas cópias de segurança devem ser guardadas no directório de destino " -"antes que outras mais antigas sejam apagadas" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:229 -msgid "Full Backup Interval" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:231 -msgid "How often shall a full backup, instead of an incremental one, be done" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:233 -msgid "Every Day" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:234 -msgid " days" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:236 -msgid "" -"Uncheck if you want to avoid a confirmation dialog to change the medium when " -"a slice was finished" -msgstr "" -"Desmarque se desejar evitar uma janela de confirmação para alterar o disco " -"quando uma divisão estiver completa" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:238 -msgid "Target needs media change" -msgstr "O alvo necessita que altere o disco" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:240 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uncheck if you want to avoid compressing files at all" -msgstr "" -"Desmarque se quiser evitar comprimir de todo divisões de ficheiros ou " -"arquivos" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:242 -msgid "Compress Files" -msgstr "Comprimir Ficheiros" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:243 -msgid "OK" -msgstr "OK" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:244 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Cancelar" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:246 -msgid "" -"Defines wildcards for filenames which will be ignored for backup, separated " -"by a space. E.g.: \"*.ogg *.wav\"" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:248 -msgid "Exclude Filename Filter:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:250 -msgid "" -"

Defines a list of absolute path patterns which are " -"used to filter complete directories,
e.g. /home/*/.mozilla/*/Cache

" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:252 -msgid "Exclude Paths Filter:" -msgstr "" - -#: po/rc.cpp:1 -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Os seus nomes" - -#: po/rc.cpp:2 -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "Os seus emails" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:418 -msgid "Nothing selected for backup" -msgstr "Nada seleccionado para salvaguardar" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:424 -#, fuzzy -msgid "The target dir '%1' is not valid" -msgstr "A directoria de destino não é válida" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:431 -msgid "The target dir '%1' must be a local file system dir and no remote URL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:444 -msgid "" -"The target directory '%1' does not exist.\n" -"\n" -"Shall I create it?" -msgstr "" -"O directório de destino '%1' não existe.\n" -"\n" -"Posso criá-lo?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:449 -msgid "" -"Could not create the target directory '%1'.\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível criar o directório de destino: %1\n" -"O sistema operativo reporta: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:458 -msgid "The target dir does not exist" -msgstr "O directório de destino não existe" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:531 -msgid "...reducing number of kept archives to max. %1" -msgstr "... a reduzir o número de arquivos a guardar para um máximo de %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:588 -msgid "...deleting %1" -msgstr "... a apagar %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:612 -msgid "" -"fetching directory listing of target failed. Can not reduce kept archives." -msgstr "" -"a obtenção da listagem do directório de destino falhou. Não foi possível " -"reduzir o número de arquivos a guardar." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:635 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Could not write backup timestamps into profile %1: %2" -msgstr "Não foi possível " - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:641 -msgid "-- Filtered Files: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:644 -msgid "!! Backup finished but files were skipped !!" -msgstr "" -"!! A cópia de segurança terminou mas os ficheiros foram saltados !!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:646 -msgid "-- Backup successfully finished --" -msgstr "-- Cópia de segurança terminou com sucesso --" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:652 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished but files were skipped.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"A copia de segurança terminou mas os ficheiros foram saltados.\n" -"O que deseja fazer agora?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:654 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished successfully.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"A cópia de segurança terminou com sucesso.\n" -"O que deseja fazer agora?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:671 -msgid "Totals: Files: %1, Size: %2, Duration: %3" -msgstr "Total: Ficheiros: %1, Tamanho: %2, Duração: %3" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:682 -msgid "...Backup aborted!" -msgstr "...Cópia de segurança abortada!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:710 -msgid "Backup cancelled" -msgstr "Cópia de segurança cancelada" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:727 -msgid "...finished slice %1" -msgstr "...terminada a divisão %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:742 -msgid "...uploading archive %1 to %2" -msgstr "...a enviar arquivo %1 para %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "How shall we proceed with the upload?" -msgstr "Como devemos proceder com o envio?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "Upload Failed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Retry" -msgstr "Tentar novamente" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Change Target" -msgstr "Alterar Destino" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:855 -msgid "The script '%1' could not be started." -msgstr "O 'script' '%1' não pôde ser iniciado." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:894 -msgid "The medium is full. Please insert medium Nr. %1" -msgstr "O disco está cheio. Por favor insira o disco Nr. %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:930 -msgid "The file '%1' can not be opened for writing." -msgstr "O ficheiro '%1' não pode ser aberto para escrita." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:934 -msgid "" -"The file '%1' can not be opened for writing.\n" -"\n" -"Do you want to retry?" -msgstr "" -"O ficheiro '%1' não pode ser aberto para escrita.\n" -"\n" -"Quer voltar a tentar?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:960 -msgid "Could not write to archive. Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "Não foi possível escrever para o arquivo. Talvez o disco esteja cheio." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:964 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not write to archive.\n" -"The operating system reports: %1" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível ler o ficheiro: %1\n" -"O sistema operativo reporta: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:983 -msgid "...skipping filtered directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:994 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of directory: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível obter informações da directoria: %1\n" -"O sistema operativo reporta: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1004 -msgid "Directory '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -msgstr "A directoria '%1' não está acessível. A ignorar." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1020 -msgid "" -"Could not write directory '%1' to archive.\n" -"Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível escrever a directoria '%1' para arquivar.\n" -"Talvez o disco esteja cheio." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1141 src/Archiver.cxx:1222 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível obter informações do ficheiro: %1\n" -"O sistema operativo reporta: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1169 src/Archiver.cxx:1266 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not read from file '%1'\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível ler o ficheiro: %1\n" -"O sistema operativo reporta: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1236 -msgid "Could not open file '%1' for reading." -msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o ficheiro'%1' para leitura." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1299 -msgid "...archiving file %1" -msgstr "...a arquivar o ficheiro %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1337 -msgid "" -"Could not read file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível ler o ficheiro: %1\n" -"O sistema operativo reporta: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1354 -msgid "" -"Could not create temporary file for compressing: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível criar um ficheiro temporário para comprimir: %1\n" -"O sistema operativo reporta: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1379 -msgid "Could not write to temporary file" -msgstr "Não foi possível " - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1400 -msgid "...compressing file %1" -msgstr "... a comprimir ficheiro %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1444 -msgid "WARNING:" -msgstr "AVISO:" - -#: src/main.cxx:47 -msgid "An easy to use backup program" -msgstr "Um programa de cópia de segurança fácil de usar" - -#: src/main.cxx:48 -#, fuzzy -msgid "(c) 2006 - 2017 Martin Koller" -msgstr "(c) 2006 - 2009 Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Martin Koller" -msgstr "Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Developer" -msgstr "Programador" - -#: src/main.cxx:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Start with given profile." -msgstr "Inicie com o perfil dado" - -#: src/main.cxx:63 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice." -msgstr "'Script' a executar após terminada uma divisão de arquivo" - -#: src/main.cxx:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Correr automaticamente a cópia de segurança com o perfil fornecido e " -"terminar quando efectuado." - -#: src/main.cxx:68 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile in the background " -"(without showing a window) and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Correr automaticamente a cópia de segurana com o perfil escolhido em plano " -"de fundo (sem mostrar uma janela) e terminar quando efectuado." - -#: src/main.cxx:73 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"In autobg mode be verbose and print every single filename during backup." -msgstr "" -"Ser detalhado e imprimir cada um dos nomes de ficheiros durante a cópia de " -"segurança em modo autobg" - -#: src/main.cxx:76 -msgid "" -"In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup instead of acting " -"on the profile settings." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:143 src/MainWindow.cxx:209 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for reading: %2" -msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o perfil '%1' para ler: %2" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:69 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Incremental Backup" -msgstr "Cancelar Backup" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:71 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Full Backup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:58 -msgid "New Profile" -msgstr "Novo Perfil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:62 -msgid "Load Profile" -msgstr "Carregar Perfil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:66 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Guardar Perfil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:70 -msgid "Save Profile As..." -msgstr "Guardar Perfil Como..." - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:77 -msgid "Enable All Messages" -msgstr "Activar Todas as Mensagens" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:79 -msgid "Dock in System Tray" -msgstr "Acoplar na Bandeja do Sistema" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:83 -msgid "Show Hidden Files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:145 -msgid "There is a backup in progress. Do you want to abort it?" -msgstr "Existe uma cópia de segurança em progresso. Deseja abortá-lo?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:187 src/MainWindow.cxx:233 src/MainWindow.cxx:250 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select Profile" -msgstr "Guardar Perfil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:188 src/MainWindow.cxx:234 src/MainWindow.cxx:251 -msgid "KBackup Profile (*.kbp)" -msgstr "Perfil do KBackup (*.kbp)" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:212 src/MainWindow.cxx:280 -msgid "Open failed" -msgstr "A abertura falhou" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:261 -msgid "" -"The profile '%1' does already exist.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"O perfil '%1' já existe.\n" -"Deseja sobrepor-lo?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:264 -msgid "Profile exists" -msgstr "Existe o perfil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:277 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for writing: %2" -msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o perfil '%1' para escrever: %2" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:353 -msgid "" -"Files: %1 Size: %2 MB\n" -"%3" -msgstr "" -"Ficheiros: %1 Tamanho: %2 MB\n" -"%3" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Nome" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Tamanho" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Last Modified" -msgstr "Última Modificação" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:292 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open With" -msgstr "A abertura falhou" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:300 -msgid "Delete File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:306 -msgid "Properties..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:592 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Do you really want to delete '%1'?" -msgstr "Quer voltar a tentar o upload?" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:593 -msgid "Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:604 -msgid "Could not delete directory '%1'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:613 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not delete file '%1'.\n" -"Reason: %2" -msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o perfil '%1' para ler: %2" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:672 -msgid "Other Application..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:674 -msgid "File Manager" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:22 -msgid "650 MB CD" -msgstr "650 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:23 -msgid "700 MB CD" -msgstr "700 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:24 -msgid "4.7 GB DVD" -msgstr "4.7 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:25 -msgid "8.5 GB DVD" -msgstr "8.5 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:26 -msgid "9.4 GB DVD" -msgstr "9.4 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:27 -msgid "17.1 GB DVD" -msgstr "17.1 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:28 -msgid "custom" -msgstr "personalizado" - -#~ msgid "File '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "Ficheiro '%1' não está acessível. A ignorar." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "(c) 2006 - 2012 Martin Koller" -#~ msgstr "(c) 2006 - 2009 Martin Koller" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Start with given profile" -#~ msgstr "Inicie com o perfil dado" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice" -#~ msgstr "'Script' a executar após terminada uma divisão de arquivo" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Correr automaticamente a cópia de segurança com o perfil fornecido e " -#~ "terminar quando efectuado." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "in the background (without showing a window)\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Correr automaticamente a cópia de segurana com o perfil escolhido em " -#~ "plano de fundo (sem mostrar uma janela) e terminar quando efectuado." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "In autobg mode be verbose and print every\n" -#~ "single filename during backup" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ser detalhado e imprimir cada um dos nomes de ficheiros durante a cópia " -#~ "de segurança em modo autobg" - -#~ msgid "&File" -#~ msgstr "&Ficheiro" - -#~ msgid "&Settings" -#~ msgstr "Configuraçõe&s" - -#~ msgid "upload FAILED" -#~ msgstr "o envio FALHOU" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Sorry, file '%1' (%2) is too large and cannot be archived with this KDE " -#~ "version. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Desculpe, o ficheiro '%1' (%2) é desamiado grande e não pôde ser " -#~ "arquivado com esta versão do KDE. A saltar." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: NAME OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your names" -#~ msgstr "Carlos Gonçalves" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your emails" -#~ msgstr "carlos@pinguix.com" diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po deleted file mode 100644 index da6a166..0000000 --- a/po/pt_BR.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,758 +0,0 @@ -# translation of pt.po to Portuguese -# translation of pt.po_[u3icsb].po to -# This file is put in the public domain. -# -# Carlos Gonçalves , 2006, 2007, 2009. -# Márcio Moraes , 2009. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: pt\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mailto:kollix@aon.at\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-04 12:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-05 21:38-0300\n" -"Last-Translator: Márcio Moraes \n" -"Language-Team: pt_BR \n" -"Language: pt_BR\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 0.3\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n !=1);\n" -"X-Language: pt_BR\n" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:364 src/main.cxx:46 -msgid "KBackup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:365 src/MainWindow.cxx:115 -msgid "Start Backup" -msgstr "Iniciar Backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:366 src/MainWindow.cxx:118 -msgid "Cancel Backup" -msgstr "Cancelar Backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:367 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Next Backup:" -msgstr "Iniciar Backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:368 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:369 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Force Full Backup" -msgstr "Cancelar Backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:370 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Destino" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:371 -msgid "Folder:" -msgstr "Pasta:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:372 -msgid "Medium:" -msgstr "Disco:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:373 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:379 -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:381 -msgid "0" -msgstr "0" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:374 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:380 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Tamanho:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:375 -msgid "0 MB" -msgstr "0 MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:377 -msgid "Totals" -msgstr "Totais" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:378 -msgid "Files:" -msgstr "Arquivos:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:382 -msgid "MB" -msgstr "MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:383 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Duração:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:384 -msgid "00:00:00" -msgstr "00:00:00" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:385 -msgid "Warnings:" -msgstr "Avisos:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:386 -msgid "Progress:" -msgstr "Progresso:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:218 src/MainWindow.cxx:74 -msgid "Profile Settings" -msgstr "Configurações de Perfil" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:219 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Archive Prefix:" -msgstr "Prefixo do Arquivo (vazio para padrão):" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:220 -#, fuzzy -msgid "backup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:221 -msgid "Maximum Archive Size:" -msgstr "Tamanho Máximo do Arquivo:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:222 build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:228 -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:166 src/SettingsDialog.cxx:21 -msgid "unlimited" -msgstr "ilimitado" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:223 -#, fuzzy -msgid " MB" -msgstr "0 MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:224 -msgid "Number of backups to keep" -msgstr "Número de cópias de segurança a manter" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:226 -msgid "" -"How many backups shall be kept in the target directory before older ones " -"will be deleted" -msgstr "" -"Quantas cópias de segurança devem ser mantidas no diretório de destino antes " -"que outras mais antigas sejam excluídas" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:229 -msgid "Full Backup Interval" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:231 -msgid "How often shall a full backup, instead of an incremental one, be done" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:233 -msgid "Every Day" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:234 -msgid " days" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:236 -msgid "" -"Uncheck if you want to avoid a confirmation dialog to change the medium when " -"a slice was finished" -msgstr "" -"Desmarque, se você deseja evitar uma janela de confirmação para alterar o " -"disco quando uma divisão estiver concluída" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:238 -msgid "Target needs media change" -msgstr "O destino necessita que se altere o disco" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:240 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uncheck if you want to avoid compressing files at all" -msgstr "" -"Desmarque, se você deseja evitar a compressão dos arquivos ou de todos os " -"arquivos divididos" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:242 -msgid "Compress Files" -msgstr "Comprimir Arquivos" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:243 -msgid "OK" -msgstr "OK" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:244 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Cancelar" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:246 -msgid "" -"Defines wildcards for filenames which will be ignored for backup, separated " -"by a space. E.g.: \"*.ogg *.wav\"" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:248 -msgid "Exclude Filename Filter:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:250 -msgid "" -"

Defines a list of absolute path patterns which are " -"used to filter complete directories,
e.g. /home/*/.mozilla/*/Cache

" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:252 -msgid "Exclude Paths Filter:" -msgstr "" - -#: po/rc.cpp:1 -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Márcio Moraes" - -#: po/rc.cpp:2 -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "marciopanto@gmail.com" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:418 -msgid "Nothing selected for backup" -msgstr "Nada selecionado para a cópida de segurança" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:424 -#, fuzzy -msgid "The target dir '%1' is not valid" -msgstr "O diretório de destino não é válido" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:431 -msgid "The target dir '%1' must be a local file system dir and no remote URL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:444 -msgid "" -"The target directory '%1' does not exist.\n" -"\n" -"Shall I create it?" -msgstr "" -"O diretório de destino '%1' não existe.\n" -"\n" -"Devo criá-lo?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:449 -msgid "" -"Could not create the target directory '%1'.\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível criar o diretório de destino '%1'.\n" -"O sistema operacional reportou: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:458 -msgid "The target dir does not exist" -msgstr "O diretório de destino não existe" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:531 -msgid "...reducing number of kept archives to max. %1" -msgstr "...reduzindo o número de arquivos mantidos para um máximo de %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:588 -msgid "...deleting %1" -msgstr "...excluindo %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:612 -msgid "" -"fetching directory listing of target failed. Can not reduce kept archives." -msgstr "" -"Falha ao obter a listagem do diretório destino. Não foi possível reduzir o " -"número de arquivos a serem mantidos." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:635 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Could not write backup timestamps into profile %1: %2" -msgstr "Não foi possível escrever no arquivo temporário" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:641 -msgid "-- Filtered Files: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:644 -msgid "!! Backup finished but files were skipped !!" -msgstr "" -"!! Cópia de segurança concluída, mas alguns arquivos foram pulados !!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:646 -msgid "-- Backup successfully finished --" -msgstr "-- Cópia de segurança concluída com sucesso --" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:652 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished but files were skipped.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"A copia de segurança foi concluída, mas alguns arquivos foram pulados.\n" -"O que deseja fazer agora?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:654 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished successfully.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"A cópia de segurança foi concluída com sucesso.\n" -"O que deseja fazer agora?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:671 -msgid "Totals: Files: %1, Size: %2, Duration: %3" -msgstr "Total: Arquivos: %1, Tamanho: %2, Duração: %3" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:682 -msgid "...Backup aborted!" -msgstr "...Cópia de segurança abortada!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:710 -msgid "Backup cancelled" -msgstr "Cópia de segurança cancelada" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:727 -msgid "...finished slice %1" -msgstr "...concluída a divisão %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:742 -msgid "...uploading archive %1 to %2" -msgstr "...enviando arquivo %1 para %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "How shall we proceed with the upload?" -msgstr "Como devemos proceder com o envio?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "Upload Failed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Retry" -msgstr "Tentar novamente" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Change Target" -msgstr "Alterar Destino" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:855 -msgid "The script '%1' could not be started." -msgstr "O script '%1' não pôde ser iniciado." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:894 -msgid "The medium is full. Please insert medium Nr. %1" -msgstr "O disco está cheio. Por favor, insira o disco Nr. %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:930 -msgid "The file '%1' can not be opened for writing." -msgstr "O arquivo '%1' não pode ser aberto para escrita." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:934 -msgid "" -"The file '%1' can not be opened for writing.\n" -"\n" -"Do you want to retry?" -msgstr "" -"O arquivo '%1' não pode ser aberto para escrita.\n" -"\n" -"Você deseja tentar novamente?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:960 -msgid "Could not write to archive. Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "Não foi possível escrever para o arquivo. Talvez o disco esteja cheio." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:964 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not write to archive.\n" -"The operating system reports: %1" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível ler o arquivo: %1\n" -"O sistema operacional reportou: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:983 -msgid "...skipping filtered directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:994 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of directory: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível obter informações de diretório: %1\n" -"O sistema operacional reportou: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1004 -msgid "Directory '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -msgstr "O diretório '%1' não está acessível. Ignorando." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1020 -msgid "" -"Could not write directory '%1' to archive.\n" -"Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível escrever no diretório '%1' para arquivar.\n" -"Talvez o disco esteja cheio." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1141 src/Archiver.cxx:1222 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível obter informações do arquivo: %1\n" -"O sistema operacional reportou: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1169 src/Archiver.cxx:1266 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not read from file '%1'\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível ler o arquivo: %1\n" -"O sistema operacional reportou: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1236 -msgid "Could not open file '%1' for reading." -msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o arquivo '%1' para leitura." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1299 -msgid "...archiving file %1" -msgstr "...armazenando o arquivo %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1337 -msgid "" -"Could not read file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível ler o arquivo: %1\n" -"O sistema operacional reportou: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1354 -msgid "" -"Could not create temporary file for compressing: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível criar um arquivo temporário para compressão: %1\n" -"O sistema operacional reportou: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1379 -msgid "Could not write to temporary file" -msgstr "Não foi possível escrever no arquivo temporário" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1400 -msgid "...compressing file %1" -msgstr "...comprimindo arquivo %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1444 -msgid "WARNING:" -msgstr "AVISO:" - -#: src/main.cxx:47 -msgid "An easy to use backup program" -msgstr "Um fácil programa de cópia de segurança" - -#: src/main.cxx:48 -#, fuzzy -msgid "(c) 2006 - 2017 Martin Koller" -msgstr "(c) 2006 - 2009 Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Martin Koller" -msgstr "Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Developer" -msgstr "Desenvolvedor" - -#: src/main.cxx:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Start with given profile." -msgstr "Iniciar com um determinado perfil" - -#: src/main.cxx:63 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice." -msgstr "'Script' a executar após concluída uma divisão de arquivo" - -#: src/main.cxx:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Executar automaticamente a cópia de segurança com o perfil escolhido e " -"fechar quando concluído." - -#: src/main.cxx:68 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile in the background " -"(without showing a window) and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Executar automaticamente a cópia de segurana com o perfil escolhido em " -"segundo fundo (sem mostrar uma janela) e fechar quando concluído." - -#: src/main.cxx:73 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"In autobg mode be verbose and print every single filename during backup." -msgstr "" -"Ser detalhado e imprimir cada um dos nomes dos arquivos durante a cópia de " -"segurança em modo autobg" - -#: src/main.cxx:76 -msgid "" -"In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup instead of acting " -"on the profile settings." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:143 src/MainWindow.cxx:209 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for reading: %2" -msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o perfil '%1' para ler: %2" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:69 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Incremental Backup" -msgstr "Cancelar Backup" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:71 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Full Backup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:58 -msgid "New Profile" -msgstr "Novo Perfil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:62 -msgid "Load Profile" -msgstr "Carregar Perfil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:66 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Salvar Perfil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:70 -msgid "Save Profile As..." -msgstr "Salvar Perfil Como..." - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:77 -msgid "Enable All Messages" -msgstr "Habilitar Todas as Mensagens" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:79 -msgid "Dock in System Tray" -msgstr "Acoplar na Bandeja do Sistema" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:83 -msgid "Show Hidden Files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:145 -msgid "There is a backup in progress. Do you want to abort it?" -msgstr "Existe uma cópia de segurança em progresso. Você deseja abortá-la?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:187 src/MainWindow.cxx:233 src/MainWindow.cxx:250 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select Profile" -msgstr "Salvar Perfil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:188 src/MainWindow.cxx:234 src/MainWindow.cxx:251 -msgid "KBackup Profile (*.kbp)" -msgstr "Perfil do KBackup (*.kbp)" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:212 src/MainWindow.cxx:280 -msgid "Open failed" -msgstr "Falha ao abrir" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:261 -msgid "" -"The profile '%1' does already exist.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"O perfil '%1' já existe.\n" -"Você deseja substitui-lo?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:264 -msgid "Profile exists" -msgstr "O perfil existe" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:277 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for writing: %2" -msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o perfil '%1' para escrever: %2" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:353 -msgid "" -"Files: %1 Size: %2 MB\n" -"%3" -msgstr "" -"Arquivos: %1 Tamanho: %2 MB\n" -"%3" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Nome" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Tamanho" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Last Modified" -msgstr "Última Modificação" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:292 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open With" -msgstr "Falha ao abrir" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:300 -msgid "Delete File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:306 -msgid "Properties..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:592 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Do you really want to delete '%1'?" -msgstr "Quer voltar a tentar o upload?" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:593 -msgid "Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:604 -msgid "Could not delete directory '%1'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:613 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not delete file '%1'.\n" -"Reason: %2" -msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o perfil '%1' para ler: %2" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:672 -msgid "Other Application..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:674 -msgid "File Manager" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:22 -msgid "650 MB CD" -msgstr "650 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:23 -msgid "700 MB CD" -msgstr "700 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:24 -msgid "4.7 GB DVD" -msgstr "4.7 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:25 -msgid "8.5 GB DVD" -msgstr "8.5 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:26 -msgid "9.4 GB DVD" -msgstr "9.4 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:27 -msgid "17.1 GB DVD" -msgstr "17.1 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:28 -msgid "custom" -msgstr "personalizado" - -#~ msgid "File '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "O arquivo '%1' não está acessível. Ignorando." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "(c) 2006 - 2012 Martin Koller" -#~ msgstr "(c) 2006 - 2009 Martin Koller" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Start with given profile" -#~ msgstr "Iniciar com um determinado perfil" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice" -#~ msgstr "'Script' a executar após concluída uma divisão de arquivo" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Executar automaticamente a cópia de segurança com o perfil escolhido e " -#~ "fechar quando concluído." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "in the background (without showing a window)\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Executar automaticamente a cópia de segurana com o perfil escolhido em " -#~ "segundo fundo (sem mostrar uma janela) e fechar quando concluído." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "In autobg mode be verbose and print every\n" -#~ "single filename during backup" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ser detalhado e imprimir cada um dos nomes dos arquivos durante a cópia " -#~ "de segurança em modo autobg" - -#~ msgid "&File" -#~ msgstr "&Arquivo" - -#~ msgid "&Settings" -#~ msgstr "Configuraçõe&s" - -#~ msgid "upload FAILED" -#~ msgstr "FALHA ao enviar" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Sorry, file '%1' (%2) is too large and cannot be archived with this KDE " -#~ "version. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Desculpe, o ficheiro '%1' (%2) é desamiado grande e não pôde ser " -#~ "arquivado com esta versão do KDE. A saltar." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: NAME OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your names" -#~ msgstr "Carlos Gonçalves" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your emails" -#~ msgstr "carlos@pinguix.com" diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po deleted file mode 100644 index eafb581..0000000 --- a/po/ru.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,760 +0,0 @@ -# translation of ru.po_[8daEob].po to Русский -# translation of ru.po_[al0GFa].po to -# Russian translation of the KBackup -# This file is put in the public domain. -# -# Alexey Kouznetsov , 2006, 2007. -# Alexey Kouznetsov , 2007. -# Алексей Кузнецов , 2009. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: ru.po_[8daEob]\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mailto:kollix@aon.at\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-04 12:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-14 21:24+0400\n" -"Last-Translator: Алексей Кузнецов \n" -"Language-Team: Russian \n" -"Language: ru\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 0.3\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n" -"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:364 src/main.cxx:46 -msgid "KBackup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:365 src/MainWindow.cxx:115 -msgid "Start Backup" -msgstr "Начать архивирование" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:366 src/MainWindow.cxx:118 -msgid "Cancel Backup" -msgstr "Прекратить архивирование" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:367 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Next Backup:" -msgstr "Начать архивирование" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:368 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:369 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Force Full Backup" -msgstr "Прекратить архивирование" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:370 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Назначение" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:371 -msgid "Folder:" -msgstr "Каталог:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:372 -msgid "Medium:" -msgstr "Носитель:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:373 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:379 -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:381 -msgid "0" -msgstr "0" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:374 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:380 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Размер:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:375 -msgid "0 MB" -msgstr "0 Мб" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:377 -msgid "Totals" -msgstr "Всего" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:378 -msgid "Files:" -msgstr "Файлов: " - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:382 -msgid "MB" -msgstr "Мб" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:383 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Длительность:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:384 -msgid "00:00:00" -msgstr "нет" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:385 -msgid "Warnings:" -msgstr "Предупреждения:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:386 -msgid "Progress:" -msgstr "Степень выполнения" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:218 src/MainWindow.cxx:74 -msgid "Profile Settings" -msgstr "Параметры профиля" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:219 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Archive Prefix:" -msgstr "Префикс архива" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:220 -#, fuzzy -msgid "backup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:221 -msgid "Maximum Archive Size:" -msgstr "Наибольший размер архива:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:222 build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:228 -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:166 src/SettingsDialog.cxx:21 -msgid "unlimited" -msgstr "неограниченно" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:223 -#, fuzzy -msgid " MB" -msgstr "0 Мб" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:224 -msgid "Number of backups to keep" -msgstr "Количество хранимых архивов" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:226 -msgid "" -"How many backups shall be kept in the target directory before older ones " -"will be deleted" -msgstr "" -"Сколько архивов может быть создано в каталоге, прежде чем самый старый из " -"них будет удалён" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:229 -msgid "Full Backup Interval" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:231 -msgid "How often shall a full backup, instead of an incremental one, be done" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:233 -msgid "Every Day" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:234 -msgid " days" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:236 -msgid "" -"Uncheck if you want to avoid a confirmation dialog to change the medium when " -"a slice was finished" -msgstr "" -"Снимите отметку, если Вы хотите отключить диалог подтверждения о смене " -"носителя после завершения тома." - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:238 -msgid "Target needs media change" -msgstr "Необходимо сменить накопитель" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:240 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uncheck if you want to avoid compressing files at all" -msgstr "Снимите отметку, если Вы не хотите сжимать архив" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:242 -msgid "Compress Files" -msgstr "Сжимать файлы" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:243 -msgid "OK" -msgstr "&Подтверждаю" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:244 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Отменить" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:246 -msgid "" -"Defines wildcards for filenames which will be ignored for backup, separated " -"by a space. E.g.: \"*.ogg *.wav\"" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:248 -msgid "Exclude Filename Filter:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:250 -msgid "" -"

Defines a list of absolute path patterns which are " -"used to filter complete directories,
e.g. /home/*/.mozilla/*/Cache

" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:252 -msgid "Exclude Paths Filter:" -msgstr "" - -#: po/rc.cpp:1 -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Алексей Кузнецов" - -#: po/rc.cpp:2 -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "Alexey.Kouznetsov@gmail.com" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:418 -msgid "Nothing selected for backup" -msgstr "Не выбрано ни одного объекта для резервирования" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:424 -#, fuzzy -msgid "The target dir '%1' is not valid" -msgstr "Неверно указан целевой каталог" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:431 -msgid "The target dir '%1' must be a local file system dir and no remote URL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:444 -msgid "" -"The target directory '%1' does not exist.\n" -"\n" -"Shall I create it?" -msgstr "" -"Целевой каталог не существует.\n" -"\n" -"Создать его?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:449 -msgid "" -"Could not create the target directory '%1'.\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Не могу создать целевой каталог \"%1\"\n" -"Сообщение операционной системы: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:458 -msgid "The target dir does not exist" -msgstr "Целевой каталог не существует" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:531 -msgid "...reducing number of kept archives to max. %1" -msgstr "...уменьшение количества хранимых архивов до наиб. числа %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:588 -msgid "...deleting %1" -msgstr "...удаление %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:612 -msgid "" -"fetching directory listing of target failed. Can not reduce kept archives." -msgstr "" -"не удалось прочесть содержимое целевого каталога. Не могу уменьшить число " -"хранимых архивов." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:635 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Could not write backup timestamps into profile %1: %2" -msgstr "Не могу записать временный файл" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:641 -msgid "-- Filtered Files: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:644 -msgid "!! Backup finished but files were skipped !!" -msgstr "" -"!! Резервирование завершено, но некоторые файлы были пропущены !!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:646 -msgid "-- Backup successfully finished --" -msgstr "-- Резервное копирование завершено успешно --" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:652 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished but files were skipped.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"Резервное копирование завершено, но некоторые файлы были пропущены.\n" -"Что делать?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:654 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished successfully.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"Резервное копирование успешно завершено.\n" -"Что делать?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:671 -msgid "Totals: Files: %1, Size: %2, Duration: %3" -msgstr "Файлов: %1 Размер: %2, длительность: %3" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:682 -msgid "...Backup aborted!" -msgstr "...Резервирование прервано!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:710 -msgid "Backup cancelled" -msgstr "Резервирование отменено" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:727 -msgid "...finished slice %1" -msgstr "...том %1 создан" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:742 -msgid "...uploading archive %1 to %2" -msgstr "...выгрузка архива %1 в %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "How shall we proceed with the upload?" -msgstr "Что делать дальше с выгрузкой?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "Upload Failed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Retry" -msgstr "Попробовать снова" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Change Target" -msgstr "Изменить назначение" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:855 -msgid "The script '%1' could not be started." -msgstr "Не могу запустить сценарий '%1'" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:894 -msgid "The medium is full. Please insert medium Nr. %1" -msgstr "Носитель полон. Вставьте носитель № %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:930 -msgid "The file '%1' can not be opened for writing." -msgstr "Файл '%1' не может быть открыт для записи." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:934 -msgid "" -"The file '%1' can not be opened for writing.\n" -"\n" -"Do you want to retry?" -msgstr "" -"Файл '%1' не может быть открыт для записи.\n" -"\n" -"Попытаться ещё раз?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:960 -msgid "Could not write to archive. Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "Не могу произвести запись в архив. Вероятно, носитель полон." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:964 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not write to archive.\n" -"The operating system reports: %1" -msgstr "" -"Не могу прочесть файл: %1\n" -"Сообщение операционной системы: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:983 -msgid "...skipping filtered directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:994 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of directory: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Не могу получить информацию о каталоге %1\n" -"Сообщение операционной системы: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1004 -msgid "Directory '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -msgstr "Невозможно прочесть каталог '%1'. Пропускаю." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1020 -msgid "" -"Could not write directory '%1' to archive.\n" -"Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "" -"Не могу записать каталог '%1' архив.\n" -"Вероятно, носитель полон." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1141 src/Archiver.cxx:1222 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Не могу получить информацию о файле: %1\n" -"Сообщение операционной системы: %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1169 src/Archiver.cxx:1266 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not read from file '%1'\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Не могу прочесть файл: %1\n" -"Сообщение операционной системы: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1236 -msgid "Could not open file '%1' for reading." -msgstr "Не могу открыть для чтения файл '%1'" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1299 -msgid "...archiving file %1" -msgstr "...архивирую файл '%1'" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1337 -msgid "" -"Could not read file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Не могу прочесть файл: %1\n" -"Сообщение операционной системы: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1354 -msgid "" -"Could not create temporary file for compressing: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Не могу создать файл для сжатия: %1\n" -"Сообщение операционной системы: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1379 -msgid "Could not write to temporary file" -msgstr "Не могу записать временный файл" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1400 -msgid "...compressing file %1" -msgstr "...сжимаю файл '%1'" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1444 -msgid "WARNING:" -msgstr "ПРЕДУПРЖДЕНИЕ" - -#: src/main.cxx:47 -msgid "An easy to use backup program" -msgstr "Простая в использовании программа для резервного копирования данных" - -#: src/main.cxx:48 -#, fuzzy -msgid "(c) 2006 - 2017 Martin Koller" -msgstr "(c) 2006-2009 Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Martin Koller" -msgstr "Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Developer" -msgstr "Разработчик" - -#: src/main.cxx:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Start with given profile." -msgstr "Запускать с указанным профилем" - -#: src/main.cxx:63 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice." -msgstr "" -"Сценарий, который должен запускаться после создания каждого тома архива" - -#: src/main.cxx:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Автоматически запустить архивирование с выбранным профилем и выйти после " -"завершения." - -#: src/main.cxx:68 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile in the background " -"(without showing a window) and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Автоматически запустить архивирование с выбранным профилем в фоне (окно " -"программы не будет показано) и выйти после завершения." - -#: src/main.cxx:73 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"In autobg mode be verbose and print every single filename during backup." -msgstr "" -"Выдавать больше информации, печатать имена всех файлов при архивировании в " -"автоматическом фоновом режиме" - -#: src/main.cxx:76 -msgid "" -"In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup instead of acting " -"on the profile settings." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:143 src/MainWindow.cxx:209 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for reading: %2" -msgstr "Не могу открыть для чтения профиль '%1': %2" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:69 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Incremental Backup" -msgstr "Прекратить архивирование" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:71 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Full Backup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:58 -msgid "New Profile" -msgstr "Новый профиль" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:62 -msgid "Load Profile" -msgstr "Загрузить профиль" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:66 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Сохранить профиль" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:70 -msgid "Save Profile As..." -msgstr "Сохранить профиль как..." - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:77 -msgid "Enable All Messages" -msgstr "Включить все сообщения" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:79 -msgid "Dock in System Tray" -msgstr "Убирать в системный лоток" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:83 -msgid "Show Hidden Files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:145 -msgid "There is a backup in progress. Do you want to abort it?" -msgstr "Идёт резервирование. Прекратить его?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:187 src/MainWindow.cxx:233 src/MainWindow.cxx:250 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select Profile" -msgstr "Сохранить профиль" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:188 src/MainWindow.cxx:234 src/MainWindow.cxx:251 -msgid "KBackup Profile (*.kbp)" -msgstr "Профили KBackup (*.kbp)" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:212 src/MainWindow.cxx:280 -msgid "Open failed" -msgstr "Ошибка открытия" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:261 -msgid "" -"The profile '%1' does already exist.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"Профиль '%1' уже существует.\n" -"Перезаписать его?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:264 -msgid "Profile exists" -msgstr "Профиль уже существует" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:277 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for writing: %2" -msgstr "Не могу открыть файл профиля '%1' для записи: %2" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:353 -msgid "" -"Files: %1 Size: %2 MB\n" -"%3" -msgstr "" -"Файлов: %1 Размер: %2 Мб\n" -"%3" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Название" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Размер" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Last Modified" -msgstr "Последнее изменение" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:292 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open With" -msgstr "Ошибка открытия" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:300 -msgid "Delete File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:306 -msgid "Properties..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:592 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Do you really want to delete '%1'?" -msgstr "Попытаться повторить выгрузку?" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:593 -msgid "Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:604 -msgid "Could not delete directory '%1'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:613 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not delete file '%1'.\n" -"Reason: %2" -msgstr "Не могу открыть для чтения профиль '%1': %2" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:672 -msgid "Other Application..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:674 -msgid "File Manager" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:22 -msgid "650 MB CD" -msgstr "КД 650 Мб" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:23 -msgid "700 MB CD" -msgstr "КД 700 Мб" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:24 -msgid "4.7 GB DVD" -msgstr "DVD 4,7 Гб" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:25 -msgid "8.5 GB DVD" -msgstr "DVD 8,5 Гб" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:26 -msgid "9.4 GB DVD" -msgstr "DVD 9,4 Гб" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:27 -msgid "17.1 GB DVD" -msgstr "DVD 17,1 Гб" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:28 -msgid "custom" -msgstr "настроить" - -#~ msgid "File '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "Не могу прочесть файл '%1'. Пропускаю." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "(c) 2006 - 2012 Martin Koller" -#~ msgstr "(c) 2006-2009 Martin Koller" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Start with given profile" -#~ msgstr "Запускать с указанным профилем" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Сценарий, который должен запускаться после создания каждого тома архива" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Автоматически запустить архивирование с выбранным профилем и выйти после " -#~ "завершения." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "in the background (without showing a window)\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Автоматически запустить архивирование с выбранным профилем в фоне (окно " -#~ "программы не будет показано) и выйти после завершения." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "In autobg mode be verbose and print every\n" -#~ "single filename during backup" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Выдавать больше информации, печатать имена всех файлов при архивировании " -#~ "в автоматическом фоновом режиме" - -#~ msgid "&File" -#~ msgstr "&Файл" - -#~ msgid "&Settings" -#~ msgstr "&Настройки" - -#~ msgid "upload FAILED" -#~ msgstr "выгрузка НЕ УДАЛАСЬ" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Sorry, file '%1' (%2) is too large and cannot be archived with this KDE " -#~ "version. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Файл '%1' (%2) слишком велик и не может быть архивирован в текущей версии " -#~ "KDE. Пропускаю." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: NAME OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your names" -#~ msgstr "Алексей Кузнецов" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your emails" -#~ msgstr "Alexey.Kouznetsov@GMail.com" diff --git a/po/sk.po b/po/sk.po deleted file mode 100644 index 63b45a7..0000000 --- a/po/sk.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,748 +0,0 @@ -# Translation of KBackUp to Slovak. -# This file is put in the public domain. -# Jozef Riha , 2007, 2009. -# -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: KBackUp\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mailto:kollix@aon.at\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-04 12:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-15 10:50+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: Jozef Riha \n" -"Language-Team: Slovak\n" -"Language: sk\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Poedit-Language: Slovak\n" -"X-Poedit-Country: SLOVAKIA\n" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:364 src/main.cxx:46 -msgid "KBackup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:365 src/MainWindow.cxx:115 -msgid "Start Backup" -msgstr "Spustiť zálohovanie" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:366 src/MainWindow.cxx:118 -msgid "Cancel Backup" -msgstr "Zrušiť zálohovanie" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:367 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Next Backup:" -msgstr "Spustiť zálohovanie" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:368 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:369 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Force Full Backup" -msgstr "Zrušiť zálohovanie" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:370 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Cieľ" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:371 -msgid "Folder:" -msgstr "Priečinok:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:372 -msgid "Medium:" -msgstr "Médium:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:373 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:379 -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:381 -msgid "0" -msgstr "0" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:374 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:380 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Veľkosť" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:375 -msgid "0 MB" -msgstr "0 MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:377 -msgid "Totals" -msgstr "Celkom" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:378 -msgid "Files:" -msgstr "Súbory:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:382 -msgid "MB" -msgstr "MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:383 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Dĺžka:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:384 -msgid "00:00:00" -msgstr "00:00:00" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:385 -msgid "Warnings:" -msgstr "Varovania:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:386 -msgid "Progress:" -msgstr "Priebeh:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:218 src/MainWindow.cxx:74 -msgid "Profile Settings" -msgstr "Nastavenia profilu" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:219 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Archive Prefix:" -msgstr "Prípona archívu (prázdna pre východziu):" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:220 -#, fuzzy -msgid "backup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:221 -msgid "Maximum Archive Size:" -msgstr "Maximálna veľkosť archívu:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:222 build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:228 -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:166 src/SettingsDialog.cxx:21 -msgid "unlimited" -msgstr "neobmedzené" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:223 -#, fuzzy -msgid " MB" -msgstr "0 MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:224 -msgid "Number of backups to keep" -msgstr "Počet ponechávaných záloh" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:226 -msgid "" -"How many backups shall be kept in the target directory before older ones " -"will be deleted" -msgstr "" -"Koľko záloh bude ponechaných v cieľovom adresári skôr než začnú nové zálohy " -"prepisovať staré" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:229 -msgid "Full Backup Interval" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:231 -msgid "How often shall a full backup, instead of an incremental one, be done" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:233 -msgid "Every Day" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:234 -msgid " days" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:236 -msgid "" -"Uncheck if you want to avoid a confirmation dialog to change the medium when " -"a slice was finished" -msgstr "" -"Odškrtnite, ak sa chcete vyhnúť potvrdzovaciemu oknu na výmenu média po " -"dokončení časti" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:238 -msgid "Target needs media change" -msgstr "Cieľ potrebuje vymeniť médium" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:240 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uncheck if you want to avoid compressing files at all" -msgstr "" -"Odškrtnite, ak sa chcete vyhnúť akejkoľvek kompresie dáť alebo častí archívu" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:242 -msgid "Compress Files" -msgstr "Skomprimovať súbory" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:243 -msgid "OK" -msgstr "OK" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:244 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Zrušiť" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:246 -msgid "" -"Defines wildcards for filenames which will be ignored for backup, separated " -"by a space. E.g.: \"*.ogg *.wav\"" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:248 -msgid "Exclude Filename Filter:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:250 -msgid "" -"

Defines a list of absolute path patterns which are " -"used to filter complete directories,
e.g. /home/*/.mozilla/*/Cache

" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:252 -msgid "Exclude Paths Filter:" -msgstr "" - -#: po/rc.cpp:1 -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Jozef Riha" - -#: po/rc.cpp:2 -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "jose1711@gmail.com" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:418 -msgid "Nothing selected for backup" -msgstr "Nevybrali ste nič pre zálohovanie" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:424 -#, fuzzy -msgid "The target dir '%1' is not valid" -msgstr "Chybné určenie cieľového adresára" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:431 -msgid "The target dir '%1' must be a local file system dir and no remote URL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:444 -msgid "" -"The target directory '%1' does not exist.\n" -"\n" -"Shall I create it?" -msgstr "" -"Cieľový adresár '%1' neexistuje.\n" -"\n" -"Mám ho vytvoriť?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:449 -msgid "" -"Could not create the target directory '%1'.\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť cieľový adresár '%1'.\n" -"Operačný systém hlási: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:458 -msgid "The target dir does not exist" -msgstr "Cieľový adresár neexistuje" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:531 -msgid "...reducing number of kept archives to max. %1" -msgstr "...znižujem počet uchovávaných archívov na max. %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:588 -msgid "...deleting %1" -msgstr "...mažem %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:612 -msgid "" -"fetching directory listing of target failed. Can not reduce kept archives." -msgstr "" -"získavanie výpisu cieľového adresára zlyhalo. Nepodarilo sa znížiť počet " -"uchovávaných archívov." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:635 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Could not write backup timestamps into profile %1: %2" -msgstr "Nepodaril sa zápis do dočasného súboru" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:641 -msgid "-- Filtered Files: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:644 -msgid "!! Backup finished but files were skipped !!" -msgstr "!! Záloha dokončená ale niektoré súbory boli preskočené !!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:646 -msgid "-- Backup successfully finished --" -msgstr "-- Zálohovanie úspešne dokončené --" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:652 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished but files were skipped.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"Záloha bola dokončená, ale niektoré súbory boli preskočené.\n" -"Čo chcete teraz robiť?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:654 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished successfully.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"Záloha bola úspešne dokončená.\n" -"Čo chcete teraz robiť?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:671 -msgid "Totals: Files: %1, Size: %2, Duration: %3" -msgstr "Celkom: Súborov: %1, Veľkosť: %2, Trvanie: %3" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:682 -msgid "...Backup aborted!" -msgstr "...Zálohovanie zrušené!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:710 -msgid "Backup cancelled" -msgstr "Zálohovanie zrušené" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:727 -msgid "...finished slice %1" -msgstr "...dokončená časť %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:742 -msgid "...uploading archive %1 to %2" -msgstr "...uploadujem archív %1 na %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "How shall we proceed with the upload?" -msgstr "Ako budeme pokračovať v uploade?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "Upload Failed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Retry" -msgstr "Skúsiť znovu" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Change Target" -msgstr "Zmeniť cieľ" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:855 -msgid "The script '%1' could not be started." -msgstr "Nemôžem spustiť skript '%1'." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:894 -msgid "The medium is full. Please insert medium Nr. %1" -msgstr "Médium je plné. Prosím vložte médium č. %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:930 -msgid "The file '%1' can not be opened for writing." -msgstr "Súbor '%1' nemožno otvoriť pre zápis." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:934 -msgid "" -"The file '%1' can not be opened for writing.\n" -"\n" -"Do you want to retry?" -msgstr "" -"Súbor '%1' nemožno otvoriť pre zápis.\n" -"\n" -"Chcete sa o to pokúsiť znovu?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:960 -msgid "Could not write to archive. Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "Nepodaril sa zápis do archívu. Možno je médium plné." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:964 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not write to archive.\n" -"The operating system reports: %1" -msgstr "" -"Nemožno prečítať súbor: %1\n" -"Operačný systém hlási: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:983 -msgid "...skipping filtered directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:994 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of directory: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Nepodarilo sa získať informácie o adresári: %1\n" -"Operačný systém hlási: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1004 -msgid "Directory '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -msgstr "Adresár '%1' nemožno prečítať. Preskakujem." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1020 -msgid "" -"Could not write directory '%1' to archive.\n" -"Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "" -"Nepodarilo sa zapísať adresár '%1' do archívu.\n" -"Možno je médium plné." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1141 src/Archiver.cxx:1222 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Nepodarilo sa získať informácie súboru: %1\n" -"Operačný systém hlási: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1169 src/Archiver.cxx:1266 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not read from file '%1'\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Nemožno prečítať súbor: %1\n" -"Operačný systém hlási: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1236 -msgid "Could not open file '%1' for reading." -msgstr "Súbor '%1' nemožno otvoriť na čítanie." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1299 -msgid "...archiving file %1" -msgstr "...archivujem súbor %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1337 -msgid "" -"Could not read file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Nemožno prečítať súbor: %1\n" -"Operačný systém hlási: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1354 -msgid "" -"Could not create temporary file for compressing: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Nemožno vytvoriť dočasný súbor pre kompresiu: %1\n" -"Operačný systém hlási: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1379 -msgid "Could not write to temporary file" -msgstr "Nepodaril sa zápis do dočasného súboru" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1400 -msgid "...compressing file %1" -msgstr "...komprimujem súbor %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1444 -msgid "WARNING:" -msgstr "VAROVANIE:" - -#: src/main.cxx:47 -msgid "An easy to use backup program" -msgstr "Zálohovací program, jednoduchý na obsluhu" - -#: src/main.cxx:48 -#, fuzzy -msgid "(c) 2006 - 2017 Martin Koller" -msgstr "(c) 2006 - 2009 Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Martin Koller" -msgstr "Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Developer" -msgstr "Vývojár" - -#: src/main.cxx:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Start with given profile." -msgstr "Začať s vybraným profilom" - -#: src/main.cxx:63 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice." -msgstr "Skript, ktorý bude spustený po dokončení jednej časti archívu" - -#: src/main.cxx:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Spustiť zálohu s vybraným profilom automaticky a skončiť, keď je hotová." - -#: src/main.cxx:68 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile in the background " -"(without showing a window) and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Spustiť zálohu s vybraným profilom automaticky na pozadí (bez otvárania " -"okna) a skončiť, keď je hotová." - -#: src/main.cxx:73 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"In autobg mode be verbose and print every single filename during backup." -msgstr "V režime autobg buď ukecaný a vypisuj počas zálohy každý názov súboru" - -#: src/main.cxx:76 -msgid "" -"In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup instead of acting " -"on the profile settings." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:143 src/MainWindow.cxx:209 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for reading: %2" -msgstr "Nepodarilo sa otvoriť profil '%1' na čítanie: %2" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:69 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Incremental Backup" -msgstr "Zrušiť zálohovanie" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:71 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Full Backup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:58 -msgid "New Profile" -msgstr "Nový profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:62 -msgid "Load Profile" -msgstr "Načítať profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:66 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Uložiť profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:70 -msgid "Save Profile As..." -msgstr "Uložiť profil ako..." - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:77 -msgid "Enable All Messages" -msgstr "Zapnúť všetky správy" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:79 -msgid "Dock in System Tray" -msgstr "Dokovať v systémovej lište" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:83 -msgid "Show Hidden Files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:145 -msgid "There is a backup in progress. Do you want to abort it?" -msgstr "Záloha už prebieha. Chcete ju zrušiť?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:187 src/MainWindow.cxx:233 src/MainWindow.cxx:250 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select Profile" -msgstr "Uložiť profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:188 src/MainWindow.cxx:234 src/MainWindow.cxx:251 -msgid "KBackup Profile (*.kbp)" -msgstr "KBackup profil (*.kbp)" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:212 src/MainWindow.cxx:280 -msgid "Open failed" -msgstr "Otváranie zlyhalo" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:261 -msgid "" -"The profile '%1' does already exist.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"Profil '%1' už existuje.\n" -"Chcete ho prepísať?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:264 -msgid "Profile exists" -msgstr "Profil existuje" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:277 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for writing: %2" -msgstr "Nepodarilo sa otvoriť profil '%1' na zápis: %2" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:353 -msgid "" -"Files: %1 Size: %2 MB\n" -"%3" -msgstr "" -"Súborov: %1 Veľkosť: %2 MB\n" -"%3" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Názov" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Veľkosť" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Last Modified" -msgstr "Posledná úprava" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:292 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open With" -msgstr "Otváranie zlyhalo" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:300 -msgid "Delete File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:306 -msgid "Properties..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:592 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Do you really want to delete '%1'?" -msgstr "Chcete znovu skúsiť upload?" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:593 -msgid "Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:604 -msgid "Could not delete directory '%1'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:613 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not delete file '%1'.\n" -"Reason: %2" -msgstr "Nepodarilo sa otvoriť profil '%1' na čítanie: %2" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:672 -msgid "Other Application..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:674 -msgid "File Manager" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:22 -msgid "650 MB CD" -msgstr "650 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:23 -msgid "700 MB CD" -msgstr "700 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:24 -msgid "4.7 GB DVD" -msgstr "4.7 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:25 -msgid "8.5 GB DVD" -msgstr "8.5 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:26 -msgid "9.4 GB DVD" -msgstr "9.4 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:27 -msgid "17.1 GB DVD" -msgstr "17.1 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:28 -msgid "custom" -msgstr "vlastné" - -#~ msgid "File '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "Súbor '%1' nemožno prečítať. Preskakujem." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "(c) 2006 - 2012 Martin Koller" -#~ msgstr "(c) 2006 - 2009 Martin Koller" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Start with given profile" -#~ msgstr "Začať s vybraným profilom" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice" -#~ msgstr "Skript, ktorý bude spustený po dokončení jednej časti archívu" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Spustiť zálohu s vybraným profilom automaticky a skončiť, keď je hotová." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "in the background (without showing a window)\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Spustiť zálohu s vybraným profilom automaticky na pozadí (bez otvárania " -#~ "okna) a skončiť, keď je hotová." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "In autobg mode be verbose and print every\n" -#~ "single filename during backup" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "V režime autobg buď ukecaný a vypisuj počas zálohy každý názov súboru" - -#~ msgid "&File" -#~ msgstr "&Súbor:" - -#~ msgid "&Settings" -#~ msgstr "&Nastavenia" - -#~ msgid "upload FAILED" -#~ msgstr "upload ZLYHAL" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Sorry, file '%1' (%2) is too large and cannot be archived with this KDE " -#~ "version. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ľutujem, súbor '%1' (%2) je príliš veľký a nedá sa archivovať v tejto " -#~ "verzii KDE. Preskakujem." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: NAME OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your names" -#~ msgstr "Jozef Říha" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your emails" -#~ msgstr "jose1711@gmail.com" diff --git a/po/sv.po b/po/sv.po deleted file mode 100644 index 6a1c373..0000000 --- a/po/sv.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,749 +0,0 @@ -# translation of sv.po to Svenska -# translation of sv.po to -# This file is put in the public domain. -# -# Martin Koller , 2007. -# Mikael Martinsson , 2007. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: sv\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mailto:kollix@aon.at\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-04 12:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-14 16:55+0100\n" -"Last-Translator: Mikael Martinsson \n" -"Language-Team: Svenska \n" -"Language: sv\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:364 src/main.cxx:46 -msgid "KBackup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:365 src/MainWindow.cxx:115 -msgid "Start Backup" -msgstr "Starta backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:366 src/MainWindow.cxx:118 -msgid "Cancel Backup" -msgstr "Avbryt backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:367 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Next Backup:" -msgstr "Starta backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:368 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:369 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Force Full Backup" -msgstr "Avbryt backup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:370 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Mål" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:371 -msgid "Folder:" -msgstr "Katalog:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:372 -msgid "Medium:" -msgstr "Media:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:373 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:379 -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:381 -msgid "0" -msgstr "0" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:374 build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:380 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Storlek:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:375 -msgid "0 MB" -msgstr "0 MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:377 -msgid "Totals" -msgstr "Totalt" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:378 -msgid "Files:" -msgstr "Filer:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:382 -msgid "MB" -msgstr "MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:383 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Varaktighet:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:384 -msgid "00:00:00" -msgstr "00:00:00" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:385 -msgid "Warnings:" -msgstr "Varningar:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_MainWidgetBase.h:386 -msgid "Progress:" -msgstr "Framsteg:" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:218 src/MainWindow.cxx:74 -msgid "Profile Settings" -msgstr "Profilinställningar" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:219 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Archive Prefix:" -msgstr "Arkiv prefix (tomt för standard):" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:220 -#, fuzzy -msgid "backup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:221 -msgid "Maximum Archive Size:" -msgstr "Maximal storlek på arkivdelarna: " - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:222 build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:228 -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:166 src/SettingsDialog.cxx:21 -msgid "unlimited" -msgstr "obegränsad" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:223 -#, fuzzy -msgid " MB" -msgstr "0 MB" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:224 -msgid "Number of backups to keep" -msgstr "Antal backuper som ska sparas" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:226 -msgid "" -"How many backups shall be kept in the target directory before older ones " -"will be deleted" -msgstr "" -"Hur många backuper ska sparas i målmappen innan äldre backuper tas bort" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:229 -msgid "Full Backup Interval" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:231 -msgid "How often shall a full backup, instead of an incremental one, be done" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:233 -msgid "Every Day" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:234 -msgid " days" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:236 -msgid "" -"Uncheck if you want to avoid a confirmation dialog to change the medium when " -"a slice was finished" -msgstr "" -"Avmarkera om du inte vill ha bekräftelse om att byta media när delar är " -"färdiga" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:238 -msgid "Target needs media change" -msgstr "Mediabyte behövs för valt mål" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:240 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uncheck if you want to avoid compressing files at all" -msgstr "Avmarkera om du inte vill ha packning av filer eller arkivdelar " - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:242 -msgid "Compress Files" -msgstr "Komprimera filer" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:243 -msgid "OK" -msgstr "OK" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:244 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Avbryt" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:246 -msgid "" -"Defines wildcards for filenames which will be ignored for backup, separated " -"by a space. E.g.: \"*.ogg *.wav\"" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:248 -msgid "Exclude Filename Filter:" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:250 -msgid "" -"

Defines a list of absolute path patterns which are " -"used to filter complete directories,
e.g. /home/*/.mozilla/*/Cache

" -msgstr "" - -#: build_kf5/src/ui_SettingsDialog.h:252 -msgid "Exclude Paths Filter:" -msgstr "" - -#: po/rc.cpp:1 -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Mikael Martinsson" - -#: po/rc.cpp:2 -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "mikael.martinsson@jamtnet.se" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:418 -msgid "Nothing selected for backup" -msgstr "Inget är valt för backup" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:424 -#, fuzzy -msgid "The target dir '%1' is not valid" -msgstr "Målkatalogen är inte giltig" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:431 -msgid "The target dir '%1' must be a local file system dir and no remote URL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:444 -msgid "" -"The target directory '%1' does not exist.\n" -"\n" -"Shall I create it?" -msgstr "" -"Målmappen '%1' existerar inte. \n" -"\n" -"Ska jag skapa den?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:449 -msgid "" -"Could not create the target directory '%1'.\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Kunde inte skapa katalogen: %1\n" -"Operativsystemet lämnar följande rapport: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:458 -msgid "The target dir does not exist" -msgstr "Målkatalogen existerar inte" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:531 -msgid "...reducing number of kept archives to max. %1" -msgstr "...reducerar antalt max sparade arkiv till %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:588 -msgid "...deleting %1" -msgstr "...tar bort %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:612 -msgid "" -"fetching directory listing of target failed. Can not reduce kept archives." -msgstr "hämtar lista på felande mål. Kan inte reducera antal sparade arkiv." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:635 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Could not write backup timestamps into profile %1: %2" -msgstr "Kunde inte skriva till en temporär fil" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:641 -msgid "-- Filtered Files: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:644 -msgid "!! Backup finished but files were skipped !!" -msgstr "!! Säkerhetskopieringen klar men filer hoppades över !!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:646 -msgid "-- Backup successfully finished --" -msgstr "-- Säkerhetskopieringen avslutades korrekt --" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:652 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished but files were skipped.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"Säkerhetskopieringen avslutades men det finns filer som hoppades över.\n" -"Vad vill du göra nu?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:654 -msgid "" -"The backup has finished successfully.\n" -"What do you want to do now?" -msgstr "" -"Säkerhetskopieringen avslutades korrekt.\n" -"Vad vill du göra nu?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:671 -msgid "Totals: Files: %1, Size: %2, Duration: %3" -msgstr "Totalt: Filer: %1, Storlek: %2 MB, Varaktighet: %3" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:682 -msgid "...Backup aborted!" -msgstr "...Säkerhetskopieringen avbröts!" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:710 -msgid "Backup cancelled" -msgstr "Säkerhetskopieringen avbröts" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:727 -msgid "...finished slice %1" -msgstr "... del %1 är klar" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:742 -msgid "...uploading archive %1 to %2" -msgstr "...laddar upp arktivet %1 till %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "How shall we proceed with the upload?" -msgstr "Hur ska vi fortsätta med uppladdningen?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:760 -msgid "Upload Failed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Retry" -msgstr "Prova igen" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:761 -msgid "Change Target" -msgstr "Ändra mål" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:855 -msgid "The script '%1' could not be started." -msgstr "Skriptet '%1' kunde inte startas." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:894 -msgid "The medium is full. Please insert medium Nr. %1" -msgstr "Mediat är fullt. Var god och byt till media nr: %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:930 -msgid "The file '%1' can not be opened for writing." -msgstr "Filen '%1' kan inte öppnas för skrivning." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:934 -msgid "" -"The file '%1' can not be opened for writing.\n" -"\n" -"Do you want to retry?" -msgstr "" -"Filen '%1' kan inte öppnas för skrivning.\n" -"\n" -"Vill du försöka igen?" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:960 -msgid "Could not write to archive. Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "Kunde inte skriva till arkivet. Kanske är mediat fullt." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:964 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not write to archive.\n" -"The operating system reports: %1" -msgstr "" -"Kunde inte läsa filen: %1\n" -"Operativsystemet lämnar följande rapport: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:983 -msgid "...skipping filtered directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:994 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of directory: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Kunde inte hämta information om katalogen: %1\n" -"Operativsystemet lämnar följande rapport: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1004 -msgid "Directory '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -msgstr "Katalogen '%1' är inte läsbar. Hoppar över." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1020 -msgid "" -"Could not write directory '%1' to archive.\n" -"Maybe the medium is full." -msgstr "" -"Kunde inte skriva katalog '%1' till arkivet.\n" -"Kanske är mediat fullt." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1141 src/Archiver.cxx:1222 -msgid "" -"Could not get information of file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Kan inte hämta information om filen: %1\n" -"Operativsystemet lämnar följande rapport: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1169 src/Archiver.cxx:1266 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not read from file '%1'\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Kunde inte läsa filen: %1\n" -"Operativsystemet lämnar följande rapport: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1236 -msgid "Could not open file '%1' for reading." -msgstr "Kunde inte öppna filen '%1' för läsning." - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1299 -msgid "...archiving file %1" -msgstr "...arkiverar filen %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1337 -msgid "" -"Could not read file: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Kunde inte läsa filen: %1\n" -"Operativsystemet lämnar följande rapport: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1354 -msgid "" -"Could not create temporary file for compressing: %1\n" -"The operating system reports: %2" -msgstr "" -"Kunde inte skapa en temporär fil för komprimering: %1\n" -"Operativsystemet lämnar följande rapport: %2" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1379 -msgid "Could not write to temporary file" -msgstr "Kunde inte skriva till en temporär fil" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1400 -msgid "...compressing file %1" -msgstr "...komprimerar filen %1" - -#: src/Archiver.cxx:1444 -msgid "WARNING:" -msgstr "VARNING:" - -#: src/main.cxx:47 -msgid "An easy to use backup program" -msgstr "Ett program för backup som är enkelt att använda" - -#: src/main.cxx:48 -#, fuzzy -msgid "(c) 2006 - 2017 Martin Koller" -msgstr "(c) 2006 - 2009 Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Martin Koller" -msgstr "Martin Koller" - -#: src/main.cxx:53 -msgid "Developer" -msgstr "Utvecklare" - -#: src/main.cxx:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Start with given profile." -msgstr "Starta med angiven profil" - -#: src/main.cxx:63 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice." -msgstr "Skript att köra efter avslutad del av arkivet" - -#: src/main.cxx:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Kör automatiskt backupen med den givna profilen och avsluta när den är färdig" - -#: src/main.cxx:68 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Automatically run the backup with the given profile in the background " -"(without showing a window) and terminate when done." -msgstr "" -"Kör backup med den givna profilen i bakgrunden (utan att visa ett fönster) " -"och avsluta när backupen är färdig." - -#: src/main.cxx:73 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"In autobg mode be verbose and print every single filename during backup." -msgstr "" -"I autobg-läget ge feedback och skriv ut varje enskilt filnamn under backupen" - -#: src/main.cxx:76 -msgid "" -"In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup instead of acting " -"on the profile settings." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cxx:143 src/MainWindow.cxx:209 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for reading: %2" -msgstr "Kunde inte öppna profilen '%1' för läsning: %2" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:69 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Incremental Backup" -msgstr "Avbryt backup" - -#: src/MainWidget.cxx:71 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Full Backup" -msgstr "KBackup" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:58 -msgid "New Profile" -msgstr "Ny profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:62 -msgid "Load Profile" -msgstr "Ladda profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:66 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Spara profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:70 -msgid "Save Profile As..." -msgstr "Spara profil som..." - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:77 -msgid "Enable All Messages" -msgstr "Tillåt alla meddelanden " - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:79 -msgid "Dock in System Tray" -msgstr "Minimera till aktivitetsfältet" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:83 -msgid "Show Hidden Files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:145 -msgid "There is a backup in progress. Do you want to abort it?" -msgstr "En backup pågår. Vill du avbryta den?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:187 src/MainWindow.cxx:233 src/MainWindow.cxx:250 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select Profile" -msgstr "Spara profil" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:188 src/MainWindow.cxx:234 src/MainWindow.cxx:251 -msgid "KBackup Profile (*.kbp)" -msgstr "KBackup profil (*.kbp)" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:212 src/MainWindow.cxx:280 -msgid "Open failed" -msgstr "Öppnandet misslyckades" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:261 -msgid "" -"The profile '%1' does already exist.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"Profilen '%1' existerar redan.\n" -"Vill du skriva över den?" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:264 -msgid "Profile exists" -msgstr "Profilen existerar" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:277 -msgid "Could not open profile '%1' for writing: %2" -msgstr "Kunde inte öppna profilen '%1' för skrivning: %2" - -#: src/MainWindow.cxx:353 -msgid "" -"Files: %1 Size: %2 MB\n" -"%3" -msgstr "" -"Filer: %1 Storlek: %2 MB\n" -"%3" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Namn" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Storlek" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:248 -msgid "Last Modified" -msgstr "Senast ändrad" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:292 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open With" -msgstr "Öppnandet misslyckades" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:300 -msgid "Delete File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:306 -msgid "Properties..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:592 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Do you really want to delete '%1'?" -msgstr "Vill du försöka ladda upp igen?" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:593 -msgid "Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:604 -msgid "Could not delete directory '%1'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:613 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Could not delete file '%1'.\n" -"Reason: %2" -msgstr "Kunde inte öppna profilen '%1' för läsning: %2" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:672 -msgid "Other Application..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/Selector.cxx:674 -msgid "File Manager" -msgstr "" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:22 -msgid "650 MB CD" -msgstr "650 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:23 -msgid "700 MB CD" -msgstr "700 MB CD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:24 -msgid "4.7 GB DVD" -msgstr "4.7 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:25 -msgid "8.5 GB DVD" -msgstr "8.5 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:26 -msgid "9.4 GB DVD" -msgstr "9.4 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:27 -msgid "17.1 GB DVD" -msgstr "17.1 GB DVD" - -#: src/SettingsDialog.cxx:28 -msgid "custom" -msgstr "annat" - -#~ msgid "File '%1' is not readable. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "Filen '%1' är inte läsbar. Hoppar över." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "(c) 2006 - 2012 Martin Koller" -#~ msgstr "(c) 2006 - 2009 Martin Koller" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Start with given profile" -#~ msgstr "Starta med angiven profil" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "Script to run after finishing one archive slice" -#~ msgstr "Skript att köra efter avslutad del av arkivet" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Kör automatiskt backupen med den givna profilen och avsluta när den är " -#~ "färdig" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Automatically run the backup with the given profile\n" -#~ "in the background (without showing a window)\n" -#~ "and terminate when done." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Kör backup med den givna profilen i bakgrunden (utan att visa ett " -#~ "fönster) och avsluta när backupen är färdig." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "" -#~ "TRANSLATORS: this is the description of a command line option. If your " -#~ "translation is longer than 50 caracters, you are encouraged to add " -#~ "breaklines to keep the limit" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "In autobg mode be verbose and print every\n" -#~ "single filename during backup" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "I autobg-läget ge feedback och skriv ut varje enskilt filnamn under " -#~ "backupen" - -#~ msgid "&File" -#~ msgstr "&Fil" - -#~ msgid "&Settings" -#~ msgstr "In&ställningar" - -#~ msgid "upload FAILED" -#~ msgstr "uppladdningen MISSLYCKADES" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Sorry, file '%1' (%2) is too large and cannot be archived with this KDE " -#~ "version. Skipping." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Tyvärr, filen %1 (%2) är för stor och kan inte arkiveras med den här " -#~ "versionen av KDE. Hoppar över." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: NAME OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your names" -#~ msgstr "Mikael Martinsson" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your emails" -#~ msgstr "mikael.martinsson@jamtnet.se" diff --git a/src/Messages.sh b/src/Messages.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba04ba1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Messages.sh @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env bash +$EXTRACTRC `find . -name \*.rc -o -name \*.ui -o -name \*.kcfg` >rc.cpp +$XGETTEXT `find . -name \*.h -o -name \*.cxx -o -name \*.cpp` -o $podir/kbackup.pot +rm -f rc.cpp diff --git a/src/main.cxx b/src/main.cxx index d297804..3ca9787 100644 --- a/src/main.cxx +++ b/src/main.cxx @@ -1,164 +1,165 @@ //************************************************************************** // (c) 2006 - 2017 Martin Koller, kollix@aon.at // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License // //************************************************************************** #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void sigHandler(int sig) { Q_UNUSED(sig) QTimer::singleShot(0, Archiver::instance, SLOT(cancel())); QTimer::singleShot(0, QCoreApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit())); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv) { QScopedPointer app(new QCoreApplication(argc, argv)); KLocalizedString::setApplicationDomain("kbackup"); KAboutData about("kbackup", i18n("KBackup"), "1.0.1", i18n("An easy to use backup program"), KAboutLicense::GPL_V2, i18n("(c) 2006 - 2017 Martin Koller"), // copyright QString(), // added text "https://www.linux-apps.com/content/show.php?content=44998", // homepage "kollix@aon.at"); // bugs to about.addAuthor(i18n("Martin Koller"), i18n("Developer"), "kollix@aon.at"); + about.setTranslator(i18nc("NAME OF TRANSLATORS", "Your names"), i18nc("EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS", "Your emails")); KAboutData::setApplicationData(about); QCommandLineParser cmdLine; cmdLine.addVersionOption(); cmdLine.addHelpOption(); cmdLine.addPositionalArgument("profile", i18n("Start with given profile."), "[profile]"); cmdLine.addOption(QCommandLineOption("script", i18n("Script to run after finishing one archive slice."), "file")); cmdLine.addOption(QCommandLineOption("auto", i18n("Automatically run the backup with the given profile " "and terminate when done."), "profile")); cmdLine.addOption(QCommandLineOption("autobg", i18n("Automatically run the backup with the given profile " "in the background (without showing a window) " "and terminate when done."), "profile")); cmdLine.addOption(QCommandLineOption("verbose", i18n("In autobg mode be verbose and print every " "single filename during backup."))); cmdLine.addOption(QCommandLineOption("forceFull", i18n("In auto/autobg mode force the backup to be a full backup " "instead of acting on the profile settings."))); about.setupCommandLine(&cmdLine); cmdLine.process(*app); about.processCommandLine(&cmdLine); bool interactive = !cmdLine.isSet("autobg"); if ( interactive ) { delete app.take(); // must make explicitely. Only reset() leads to error // kf5.kcoreaddons.kaboutdata: Could not initialize the equivalent properties of Q*Application: no instance (yet) existing. app.reset(new QApplication(argc, argv)); KAboutData::setApplicationData(about); } MainWindow *mainWin = 0; if ( interactive ) { mainWin = new MainWindow; mainWin->show(); } else new Archiver(0); signal(SIGTERM, sigHandler); signal(SIGINT, sigHandler); QString file = cmdLine.value("script"); if ( file.length() ) Archiver::sliceScript = file; if ( interactive ) { QString profile; QStringList args = cmdLine.positionalArguments(); if ( args.count() > 0 ) profile = args[0]; QString file = cmdLine.value("auto"); if ( file.length() ) profile = file; if ( profile.length() ) mainWin->loadProfile(profile, true); if ( cmdLine.isSet("forceFull") ) Archiver::instance->setForceFullBackup(); if ( cmdLine.isSet("auto") ) mainWin->runBackup(); int ret = app->exec(); delete mainWin; return ret; } else { QStringList includes, excludes; QString error, fileName = cmdLine.value("autobg"); Archiver::instance->setVerbose(cmdLine.isSet("verbose")); if ( !Archiver::instance->loadProfile(fileName, includes, excludes, error) ) { std::cerr << i18n("Could not open profile '%1' for reading: %2") .arg(fileName) .arg(error).toUtf8().constData() << std::endl; return -1; } else { if ( cmdLine.isSet("forceFull") ) Archiver::instance->setForceFullBackup(); if ( Archiver::instance->createArchive(includes, excludes) ) return 0; else return -1; } } return 0; }