diff --git a/messageviewer/src/viewer/csshelperbase.cpp b/messageviewer/src/viewer/csshelperbase.cpp index 3048cd29..f72af102 100644 --- a/messageviewer/src/viewer/csshelperbase.cpp +++ b/messageviewer/src/viewer/csshelperbase.cpp @@ -1,776 +1,766 @@ /* csshelper.cpp This file is part of KMail, the KDE mail client. Copyright (c) 2003 Marc Mutz KMail is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. KMail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #include "csshelperbase.h" #include "utils/iconnamecache.h" #include #include #include #include namespace MessageViewer { namespace { // some QColor manipulators that hide the ugly QColor API w.r.t. HSV: inline QColor darker(const QColor &c) { int h, s, v; c.getHsv(&h, &s, &v); return QColor::fromHsv(h, s, v * 4 / 5); } inline QColor desaturate(const QColor &c) { int h, s, v; c.getHsv(&h, &s, &v); return QColor::fromHsv(h, s / 8, v); } inline QColor fixValue(const QColor &c, int newV) { int h, s, v; c.getHsv(&h, &s, &v); return QColor::fromHsv(h, s, newV); } inline int getValueOf(const QColor &c) { int h, s, v; c.getHsv(&h, &s, &v); return v; } } CSSHelperBase::CSSHelperBase(const QPaintDevice *pd) : mRecycleQuoteColors(false) , mShrinkQuotes(false) , cHtmlWarning(QColor(0xFF, 0x40, 0x40)) , mPaintDevice(pd) { recalculatePGPColors(); const QString imgSrcShow = QStringLiteral("quicklistOpened.png"); const QString imgSrcHide = QStringLiteral("quicklistClosed.png"); imgShowUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(MessageViewer::IconNameCache::instance()->iconPathFromLocal(imgSrcShow)).url(); imgHideUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(MessageViewer::IconNameCache::instance()->iconPathFromLocal(imgSrcHide)).url(); } CSSHelperBase::~CSSHelperBase() { } void CSSHelperBase::recalculatePGPColors() { // determine the frame and body color for PGP messages from the header color // if the header color equals the background color then the other colors are // also set to the background color (-> old style PGP message viewing) // else // the brightness of the frame is set to 4/5 of the brightness of the header // and in case of a light background color // the saturation of the body is set to 1/8 of the saturation of the header // while in case of a dark background color // the value of the body is set to the value of the background color // Check whether the user uses a light color scheme const int vBG = getValueOf(mBackgroundColor); const bool lightBG = vBG >= 128; if (cPgpOk1H == mBackgroundColor) { cPgpOk1F = mBackgroundColor; cPgpOk1B = mBackgroundColor; } else { cPgpOk1F = darker(cPgpOk1H); cPgpOk1B = lightBG ? desaturate(cPgpOk1H) : fixValue(cPgpOk1H, vBG); } if (cPgpOk0H == mBackgroundColor) { cPgpOk0F = mBackgroundColor; cPgpOk0B = mBackgroundColor; } else { cPgpOk0F = darker(cPgpOk0H); cPgpOk0B = lightBG ? desaturate(cPgpOk0H) : fixValue(cPgpOk0H, vBG); } if (cPgpWarnH == mBackgroundColor) { cPgpWarnF = mBackgroundColor; cPgpWarnB = mBackgroundColor; } else { cPgpWarnF = darker(cPgpWarnH); cPgpWarnB = lightBG ? desaturate(cPgpWarnH) : fixValue(cPgpWarnH, vBG); } if (cPgpErrH == mBackgroundColor) { cPgpErrF = mBackgroundColor; cPgpErrB = mBackgroundColor; } else { cPgpErrF = darker(cPgpErrH); cPgpErrB = lightBG ? desaturate(cPgpErrH) : fixValue(cPgpErrH, vBG); } if (cPgpEncrH == mBackgroundColor) { cPgpEncrF = mBackgroundColor; cPgpEncrB = mBackgroundColor; } else { cPgpEncrF = darker(cPgpEncrH); cPgpEncrB = lightBG ? desaturate(cPgpEncrH) : fixValue(cPgpEncrH, vBG); } } QString CSSHelperBase::addEndBlockQuote(int numberBlock) const { QString blockQuote; for (int i = 0; i < numberBlock; ++i) { blockQuote += QLatin1String(""); } return blockQuote; } QString CSSHelperBase::addStartBlockQuote(int numberBlock) const { QString blockQuote; for (int i = 0; i < numberBlock; ++i) { blockQuote += QLatin1String("
"); } return blockQuote; } QString CSSHelperBase::cssDefinitions(bool fixed) const { return commonCssDefinitions() + QLatin1String("@media screen {\n\n") + screenCssDefinitions(this, fixed) + QLatin1String("}\n" "@media print {\n\n") + printCssDefinitions(fixed) + QLatin1String("}\n"); } QString CSSHelperBase::htmlHead(bool fixedFont) const { Q_UNUSED(fixedFont); return QStringLiteral("\n" "\n" "\n"); } QString CSSHelperBase::quoteFontTag(int level) const { if (level < 0) { level = 0; } static const int numQuoteLevels = 3; const int effectiveLevel = mRecycleQuoteColors ? level % numQuoteLevels + 1 : qMin(level + 1, numQuoteLevels); if (level >= numQuoteLevels) { return QStringLiteral("
").arg(effectiveLevel); } else { return QStringLiteral("
").arg(effectiveLevel); } } QString CSSHelperBase::fullAddressList() const { QString css = QStringLiteral("input[type=checkbox].addresslist_checkbox {display: none}\n" ".addresslist_label_short {border: 1px; border-radius: 5px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px; white-space: nowrap}\n" ".addresslist_label_full {border: 1px; border-radius: 5px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px; white-space: nowrap}\n"); css += QStringLiteral(".addresslist_label_short {background-image:url(%1);\nbackground-repeat: no-repeat}\n").arg(imgShowUrl); css += QStringLiteral(".addresslist_label_full {background-image:url(%1);\nbackground-repeat: no-repeat}\n\n").arg(imgHideUrl); for (const QString &str : {QStringLiteral("Cc"), QStringLiteral("To"), QStringLiteral("Bcc")}) { css += QStringLiteral("input ~ span.fullFull%1AddressList {display: block}\n" "input ~ span.shortFull%1AddressList {display: none}\n" "input:checked ~ span.fullFull%1AddressList {display: none}\n" "input:checked ~ span.shortFull%1AddressList {display: block}\n\n").arg(str); } return css; } QString CSSHelperBase::nonQuotedFontTag() const { return QStringLiteral("
"); } QFont CSSHelperBase::bodyFont(bool fixed, bool print) const { return fixed ? (print ? mFixedPrintFont : mFixedFont) : (print ? mPrintFont : mBodyFont); } int CSSHelperBase::fontSize(bool fixed, bool print) const { return bodyFont(fixed, print).pointSize(); } namespace { int pointsToPixel(const QPaintDevice *pd, int pointSize) { return (pointSize * pd->logicalDpiY() + 36) / 72; } } static const char *const quoteFontSizes[] = { "85", "80", "75" }; QString CSSHelperBase::printCssDefinitions(bool fixed) const { const QString headerFont = QStringLiteral(" font-family: \"%1\" ! important;\n" " font-size: %2pt ! important;\n") .arg(mPrintFont.family()) .arg(mPrintFont.pointSize()); const QPalette &pal = QApplication::palette(); const QFont printFont = bodyFont(fixed, true /* print */); QString quoteCSS; if (printFont.italic()) { quoteCSS += QLatin1String(" font-style: italic ! important;\n"); } if (printFont.bold()) { quoteCSS += QLatin1String(" font-weight: bold ! important;\n"); } if (!quoteCSS.isEmpty()) { quoteCSS = QLatin1String("div.noquote {\n") + quoteCSS + QLatin1String("}\n\n"); } quoteCSS += quoteCssDefinition(); return QStringLiteral("body {\n" " font-family: \"%1\" ! important;\n" " font-size: %2pt ! important;\n" " color: #000000 ! important;\n" " background-color: #ffffff ! important\n" "}\n\n") .arg(printFont.family(), QString::number(printFont.pointSize())) + QStringLiteral("tr.textAtmH,\n" "tr.signInProgressH,\n" "tr.rfc822H,\n" "tr.encrH,\n" "tr.signOkKeyOkH,\n" "tr.signOkKeyBadH,\n" "tr.signWarnH,\n" "tr.signErrH,\n" "div.header {\n" "%1" "}\n\n" "div.fancy.header > div {\n" " background-color: %2 ! important;\n" " color: %3 ! important;\n" " padding: 4px ! important;\n" " border: solid %3 1px ! important;\n" " line-height: normal;\n" "}\n\n" "div.fancy.header > div a[href] { color: %3 ! important; }\n\n" "div.fancy.header > table.outer{\n" " all: inherit;\n" " width: auto ! important;\n" " border-spacing: 0;\n" " background-color: %2 ! important;\n" " color: %3 ! important;\n" " border-bottom: solid %3 1px ! important;\n" " border-left: solid %3 1px ! important;\n" " border-right: solid %3 1px ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "div.spamheader {\n" " display:none ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "div.htmlWarn {\n" " border: 2px solid #ffffff ! important;\n" " line-height: normal;\n" "}\n\n" "div.senderpic{\n" " font-size:0.8em ! important;\n" " border:1px solid black ! important;\n" " background-color:%2 ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "div.senderstatus{\n" " text-align:center ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "div.noprint {\n" " display:none ! important;\n" "}\n\n" ) .arg(headerFont, pal.color(QPalette::Background).name(), pal.color(QPalette::Foreground).name()) + quoteCSS + fullAddressList(); } QString CSSHelperBase::quoteCssDefinition() const { QString quoteCSS; QString blockQuote; for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { blockQuote += QLatin1String("blockquote "); quoteCSS += QString::fromLatin1("%2{\n" " margin: 4pt 0 4pt 0;\n" " padding: 0 0 0 1em;\n" " border-left: 2px solid %1;\n" " unicode-bidi: -webkit-plaintext\n" "}\n\n").arg(quoteColorName(i)).arg(blockQuote); } quoteCSS += QLatin1String(".quotemarks{\n" " color:transparent;\n" " font-size:0px;\n" "}\n\n"); quoteCSS += QLatin1String(".quotemarksemptyline{\n" " color:transparent;\n" " font-size:0px;\n" " line-height: 12pt;\n" "}\n\n"); return quoteCSS; } QString CSSHelperBase::screenCssDefinitions(const CSSHelperBase *helper, bool fixed) const { const QString fgColor = mForegroundColor.name(); const QString bgColor = mBackgroundColor.name(); const QString linkColor = mLinkColor.name(); const QString headerFont = QStringLiteral(" font-family: \"%1\" ! important;\n" " font-size: %2px ! important;\n") .arg(mBodyFont.family()) .arg(pointsToPixel(helper->mPaintDevice, mBodyFont.pointSize())); const QString background = QStringLiteral(" background-color: %1 ! important;\n").arg(bgColor); const QString bodyFontSize = QString::number(pointsToPixel(helper->mPaintDevice, fontSize( fixed))) + QLatin1String("px"); const QPalette &pal = QApplication::palette(); QString quoteCSS; if (bodyFont(fixed).italic()) { quoteCSS += QLatin1String(" font-style: italic ! important;\n"); } if (bodyFont(fixed).bold()) { quoteCSS += QLatin1String(" font-weight: bold ! important;\n"); } if (!quoteCSS.isEmpty()) { quoteCSS = QLatin1String("div.noquote {\n") + quoteCSS + QLatin1String("}\n\n"); } // CSS definitions for quote levels 1-3 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { quoteCSS += QStringLiteral("div.quotelevel%1 {\n" " color: %2 ! important;\n") .arg(QString::number(i + 1), quoteColorName(i)); if (mQuoteFont.italic()) { quoteCSS += QLatin1String(" font-style: italic ! important;\n"); } if (mQuoteFont.bold()) { quoteCSS += QLatin1String(" font-weight: bold ! important;\n"); } if (mShrinkQuotes) { quoteCSS += QLatin1String(" font-size: ") + QString::fromLatin1(quoteFontSizes[i]) + QLatin1String("% ! important;\n"); } quoteCSS += QLatin1String("}\n\n"); } // CSS definitions for quote levels 4+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { quoteCSS += QStringLiteral("div.deepquotelevel%1 {\n" " color: %2 ! important;\n") .arg(QString::number(i + 1), quoteColorName(i)); if (mQuoteFont.italic()) { quoteCSS += QLatin1String(" font-style: italic ! important;\n"); } if (mQuoteFont.bold()) { quoteCSS += QLatin1String(" font-weight: bold ! important;\n"); } if (mShrinkQuotes) { quoteCSS += QLatin1String(" font-size: 70% ! important;\n"); } quoteCSS += QLatin1String("}\n\n"); } quoteCSS += quoteCssDefinition(); return QStringLiteral("body {\n" " font-family: \"%1\" ! important;\n" " font-size: %2 ! important;\n" " color: %3 ! important;\n" "%4" "}\n\n") .arg(bodyFont(fixed).family(), bodyFontSize, fgColor, background) + /* This shouldn't be necessary because font properties are inherited automatically and causes wrong font settings with QTextBrowser because it doesn't understand the inherit statement QString::fromLatin1( "table {\n" " font-family: inherit ! important;\n" " font-size: inherit ! important;\n" " font-weight: inherit ! important;\n" "}\n\n" ) + */ QStringLiteral("a {\n" " color: %1 ! important;\n" " text-decoration: none ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "a.white {\n" " color: white ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "a.black {\n" " color: black ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "table.textAtm { background-color: %2 ! important; }\n\n" "tr.textAtmH {\n" " background-color: %3 ! important;\n" "%4" "}\n\n" "tr.textAtmB {\n" " background-color: %3 ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "table.signInProgress,\n" "table.rfc822 {\n" " background-color: %3 ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "tr.signInProgressH,\n" "tr.rfc822H {\n" "%4" "}\n\n") .arg(linkColor, fgColor, bgColor, headerFont) + QStringLiteral("table.encr {\n" " background-color: %1 ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "tr.encrH {\n" " background-color: %2 ! important;\n" " color: %3 ! important;\n" "%4" "}\n\n" "tr.encrB { background-color: %5 ! important; }\n\n") .arg(cPgpEncrF.name(), cPgpEncrH.name(), cPgpEncrHT.name(), headerFont, cPgpEncrB.name()) + QStringLiteral("table.signOkKeyOk {\n" " background-color: %1 ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "tr.signOkKeyOkH {\n" " background-color: %2 ! important;\n" " color: %3 ! important;\n" "%4" "}\n\n" "tr.signOkKeyOkB { background-color: %5 ! important; }\n\n") .arg(cPgpOk1F.name(), cPgpOk1H.name(), cPgpOk1HT.name(), headerFont, cPgpOk1B.name()) + QStringLiteral("table.signOkKeyBad {\n" " background-color: %1 ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "tr.signOkKeyBadH {\n" " background-color: %2 ! important;\n" " color: %3 ! important;\n" "%4" "}\n\n" "tr.signOkKeyBadB { background-color: %5 ! important; }\n\n") .arg(cPgpOk0F.name(), cPgpOk0H.name(), cPgpOk0HT.name(), headerFont, cPgpOk0B.name()) + QStringLiteral("table.signWarn {\n" " background-color: %1 ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "tr.signWarnH {\n" " background-color: %2 ! important;\n" " color: %3 ! important;\n" "%4" "}\n\n" "tr.signWarnB { background-color: %5 ! important; }\n\n") .arg(cPgpWarnF.name(), cPgpWarnH.name(), cPgpWarnHT.name(), headerFont, cPgpWarnB.name()) + QStringLiteral("table.signErr {\n" " background-color: %1 ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "tr.signErrH {\n" " background-color: %2 ! important;\n" " color: %3 ! important;\n" "%4" "}\n\n" "tr.signErrB { background-color: %5 ! important; }\n\n") .arg(cPgpErrF.name(), cPgpErrH.name(), cPgpErrHT.name(), headerFont, cPgpErrB.name()) + QStringLiteral("div.htmlWarn {\n" " border: 2px solid %1 ! important;\n" " line-height: normal;\n" "}\n\n") .arg(cHtmlWarning.name()) + QStringLiteral("div.header {\n" "%1" "}\n\n" "div.fancy.header > div {\n" " background-color: %2 ! important;\n" " color: %3 ! important;\n" " border: solid %4 1px ! important;\n" " line-height: normal;\n" "}\n\n" "div.fancy.header > div a[href] { color: %3 ! important; }\n\n" "div.fancy.header > div a[href]:hover { text-decoration: underline ! important; }\n\n" "div.fancy.header > div.spamheader {\n" " background-color: #cdcdcd ! important;\n" " border-top: 0px ! important;\n" " padding: 3px ! important;\n" " color: black ! important;\n" " font-weight: bold ! important;\n" " font-size: smaller ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "div.fancy.header > table.outer {\n" " all: inherit;\n" " width: auto ! important;\n" " border-spacing: 0;\n" " background-color: %5 ! important;\n" " color: %4 ! important;\n" " border-bottom: solid %4 1px ! important;\n" " border-left: solid %4 1px ! important;\n" " border-right: solid %4 1px ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "div.senderpic{\n" " padding: 0px ! important;\n" " font-size:0.8em ! important;\n" " border:1px solid %6 ! important;\n" " background-color:%5 ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "div.senderstatus{\n" " text-align:center ! important;\n" "}\n\n" ) .arg(headerFont) .arg(pal.color(QPalette::Highlight).name(), pal.color(QPalette::HighlightedText).name(), pal.color(QPalette::Foreground).name(), pal.color(QPalette::Background).name()) .arg(pal.color(QPalette::Mid).name()) + quoteCSS + fullAddressList(); } QString CSSHelperBase::commonCssDefinitions() const { const QPalette &pal = QApplication::palette(); const QString headerFont = QStringLiteral("font-family: \"%1\" ! important;\n" " font-size: %2px ! important;\n") .arg(mBodyFont.family()) .arg(pointsToPixel(this->mPaintDevice, mBodyFont.pointSize())); return QStringLiteral("div.header {\n" " margin-bottom: 10pt ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "table.textAtm {\n" " margin-top: 10pt ! important;\n" " margin-bottom: 10pt ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "tr.textAtmH,\n" "tr.textAtmB,\n" "tr.rfc822B {\n" " font-weight: normal ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "tr.signInProgressH,\n" "tr.rfc822H,\n" "tr.encrH,\n" "tr.signOkKeyOkH,\n" "tr.signOkKeyBadH,\n" "tr.signWarnH,\n" "tr.signErrH {\n" " font-weight: bold ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "tr.textAtmH td,\n" "tr.textAtmB td {\n" " padding: 3px ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "table.rfc822 {\n" " width: 100% ! important;\n" " border: solid 1px black ! important;\n" " margin-top: 10pt ! important;\n" " margin-bottom: 10pt ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "table.textAtm,\n" "table.encr,\n" "table.signWarn,\n" "table.signErr,\n" "table.signOkKeyBad,\n" "table.signOkKeyOk,\n" "table.signInProgress,\n" "div.fancy.header table {\n" " width: 100% ! important;\n" " border-width: 0px ! important;\n" " line-height: normal;\n" "}\n\n" "div.htmlWarn {\n" " margin: 0px 5% ! important;\n" " padding: 10px ! important;\n" " text-align: left ! important;\n" " line-height: normal;\n" "}\n\n" "div.fancy.header > div {\n" " font-weight: bold ! important;\n" " padding: 4px ! important;\n" " line-height: normal;\n" "}\n\n" "div.fancy.header table {\n" " padding: 2px ! important;\n" // ### khtml bug: this is ignored " text-align: left ! important;\n" " border-collapse: separate ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "div.fancy.header table th {\n" " %3\n" " padding: 0px ! important;\n" " white-space: nowrap ! important;\n" " border-spacing: 0px ! important;\n" " text-align: left ! important;\n" " vertical-align: top ! important;\n" " background-color: %1 ! important;\n" " color: %2 ! important;\n" " border: 1px ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "div.fancy.header table td {\n" " %3\n" " padding: 0px ! important;\n" " border-spacing: 0px ! important;\n" " text-align: left ! important;\n" " vertical-align: top ! important;\n" " width: 100% ! important;\n" " background-color: %1 ! important;\n" " color: %2 ! important;\n" " border: 1px ! important;\n" "}\n\n" "div.fancy.header table a:hover {\n" " background-color: transparent ! important;\n" "}\n\n" - "span.pimsmileytext {\n" - " position: absolute;\n" - " top: 0px;\n" - " left: 0px;\n" - " visibility: hidden;\n" - "}\n\n" - - "img.pimsmileyimg {\n" - "}\n\n" - "div.quotelevelmark {\n" " position: absolute;\n" " margin-left:-10px;\n" "}\n\n").arg(pal.color(QPalette::Background).name()).arg(pal.color(QPalette:: Foreground).name()) .arg(headerFont) ; } void CSSHelperBase::setBodyFont(const QFont &font) { mBodyFont = font; } void CSSHelperBase::setPrintFont(const QFont &font) { mPrintFont = font; } QString CSSHelperBase::quoteColorName(int level) const { return quoteColor(level).name(); } QColor CSSHelperBase::quoteColor(int level) const { const int actualLevel = qMax(level, 0) % 3; return mQuoteColor[actualLevel]; } QColor CSSHelperBase::pgpWarnColor() const { return cPgpWarnH; } } diff --git a/mimetreeparser/autotests/data/mailheader.css b/mimetreeparser/autotests/data/mailheader.css index 7058fd4e..3893622a 100644 --- a/mimetreeparser/autotests/data/mailheader.css +++ b/mimetreeparser/autotests/data/mailheader.css @@ -1,558 +1,548 @@ div.header { margin-bottom: 10pt ! important; } table.textAtm { margin-top: 10pt ! important; margin-bottom: 10pt ! important; } tr.textAtmH, tr.textAtmB, tr.rfc822B { font-weight: normal ! important; } tr.signInProgressH, tr.rfc822H, tr.encrH, tr.signOkKeyOkH, tr.signOkKeyBadH, tr.signWarnH, tr.signErrH { font-weight: bold ! important; } tr.textAtmH td, tr.textAtmB td { padding: 3px ! important; } table.rfc822 { width: 100% ! important; border: solid 1px black ! important; margin-top: 10pt ! important; margin-bottom: 10pt ! important; } table.textAtm, table.encr, table.signWarn, table.signErr, table.signOkKeyBad, table.signOkKeyOk, table.signInProgress, div.fancy.header table { width: 100% ! important; border-width: 0px ! important; line-height: normal; } div.htmlWarn { margin: 0px 5% ! important; padding: 10px ! important; text-align: left ! important; line-height: normal; } div.fancy.header > div { font-weight: bold ! important; padding: 4px ! important; line-height: normal; } div.fancy.header table { padding: 2px ! important; text-align: left ! important; border-collapse: separate ! important; } div.fancy.header table th { font-family: "Sans Serif" ! important; font-size: 0px ! important; padding: 0px ! important; white-space: nowrap ! important; border-spacing: 0px ! important; text-align: left ! important; vertical-align: top ! important; background-color: #d6d2d0 ! important; color: #221f1e ! important; border: 1px ! important; } div.fancy.header table td { font-family: "Sans Serif" ! important; font-size: 0px ! important; padding: 0px ! important; border-spacing: 0px ! important; text-align: left ! important; vertical-align: top ! important; width: 100% ! important; background-color: #d6d2d0 ! important; color: #221f1e ! important; border: 1px ! important; } div.fancy.header table a:hover { background-color: transparent ! important; } -span.pimsmileytext { - position: absolute; - top: 0px; - left: 0px; - visibility: hidden; -} - -img.pimsmileyimg { -} - div.quotelevelmark { position: absolute; margin-left:-10px; } @media screen { body { font-family: "Sans Serif" ! important; font-size: 0px ! important; color: #1f1c1b ! important; background-color: #ffffff ! important; } a { color: #0057ae ! important; text-decoration: none ! important; } a.white { color: white ! important; } a.black { color: black ! important; } table.textAtm { background-color: #1f1c1b ! important; } tr.textAtmH { background-color: #ffffff ! important; font-family: "Sans Serif" ! important; font-size: 0px ! important; } tr.textAtmB { background-color: #ffffff ! important; } table.signInProgress, table.rfc822 { background-color: #ffffff ! important; } tr.signInProgressH, tr.rfc822H { font-family: "Sans Serif" ! important; font-size: 0px ! important; } table.encr { background-color: #0069cc ! important; } tr.encrH { background-color: #0080ff ! important; color: #ffffff ! important; font-family: "Sans Serif" ! important; font-size: 0px ! important; } tr.encrB { background-color: #e0f0ff ! important; } table.signOkKeyOk { background-color: #33cc33 ! important; } tr.signOkKeyOkH { background-color: #40ff40 ! important; color: #27ae60 ! important; font-family: "Sans Serif" ! important; font-size: 0px ! important; } tr.signOkKeyOkB { background-color: #e8ffe8 ! important; } table.signOkKeyBad { background-color: #cccc33 ! important; } tr.signOkKeyBadH { background-color: #ffff40 ! important; color: #f67400 ! important; font-family: "Sans Serif" ! important; font-size: 0px ! important; } tr.signOkKeyBadB { background-color: #ffffe8 ! important; } table.signWarn { background-color: #cccc33 ! important; } tr.signWarnH { background-color: #ffff40 ! important; color: #f67400 ! important; font-family: "Sans Serif" ! important; font-size: 0px ! important; } tr.signWarnB { background-color: #ffffe8 ! important; } table.signErr { background-color: #cc0000 ! important; } tr.signErrH { background-color: #ff0000 ! important; color: #da4453 ! important; font-family: "Sans Serif" ! important; font-size: 0px ! important; } tr.signErrB { background-color: #ffe0e0 ! important; } div.htmlWarn { border: 2px solid #ff4040 ! 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