diff --git a/gcompris.py b/gcompris.py index 70035a5..2b35bbc 100755 --- a/gcompris.py +++ b/gcompris.py @@ -1,471 +1,471 @@ #!/usr/bin/python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import codecs import os import sys import jinja2 import time import datetime from datetime import date import re from collections import OrderedDict import gettext from email import utils reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') today = date.today() try: version = sys.argv[1] except: print "Missing GCompris version" sys.exit(1) try: locale = sys.argv[2] except: print "Missing GCompris locale" sys.exit(1) try: localelist = sys.argv[3] except: print "Missing GCompris list of locales" sys.exit(1) try: gcomprisdir = sys.argv[4] except: print "Missing GCompris installation directory, export GCOMPRIS_DIR as env var" sys.exit(1) # Load the proper locale catalog _ = None t = None def setLocale(locale): global _ global t try: t = gettext.translation('gcompris', 'locale', languages=[locale]) except: t = gettext.NullTranslations() _ = t.ugettext def formatDate(date): return date[0:4] + '-' + date[4:6] + '-' + date[6:8] # # Parse the config.c file in GCompris source code to get # the name of the given locale. # def getLocaleName(locale): result = locale try: with open(gcomprisdir + '/src/core/LanguageList.qml') as f: content = f.readlines() for line in content: m = re.match('.*\"text\": \"(.*)\", \"locale\": \"(.*)\" }', line) if m and m.group(2).startswith(locale): result = m.group(1) break except IOError as e: pass return result # Set the default locale setLocale(locale) # # Create locales [ [ locale, language ], ...] # locales = [] language = "" for loca in localelist.split(): # We want each country in its own language setLocale(loca) lang = _(getLocaleName( loca )) locales.append( [loca, lang] ) if locale == loca: language = lang # Add en_US manually setLocale("en") locales.append( ['en', _(getLocaleName( 'en_US'))] ) if language == '': language = 'English' # Back to the default locale setLocale(locale) locales = sorted(locales, key=lambda t: t[1]) suffix = '-' + locale # # We don't have a translation of each manual. If we have it # we return it else we return the english one def getManual(): manuals = { 'en': 'wiki/Manual', 'fr': 'wiki/Manuel', 'de': 'wiki/Benutzerhandbuch', 'es': 'wiki/Manual_es', 'pt_BR': 'wiki/Manual_pt-BR', 'he': u'wiki/מדריך_למשתמש', 'ru': u'wiki/Руководство' } if locale in manuals: return manuals[locale] return manuals['en'] descriptions = [] def getBoards(): '''create a list of activity infos as found in GCompris ActivityInfo.qml''' activity_dir = gcomprisdir + "/src/activities" for activity in os.listdir(activity_dir): # Skip unrelevant activities if activity == 'template' or \ not os.path.isdir(activity_dir + "/" + activity): continue try: with open(activity_dir + "/" + activity + "/ActivityInfo.qml") as f: content = f.readlines() description = '' name = '' title = '' credit = '' goal = '' section = '' author = '' manual = '' difficulty = '' demo = '' category = '' prerequisite = '' icon = '' for line in content: m = re.match('.*description:.*\"(.*)\"', line) if m: description = m.group(1) m = re.match('.*name:.*\"(.*)\"', line) if m: name = activity icon = activity m = re.match('.*title:.*\"(.*)\"', line) if m: title = m.group(1) m = re.match('.*credit:.*\"(.*)\"', line) if m: credit = m.group(1) m = re.match('.*goal:.*\"(.*)\"', line) if m: goal = m.group(1) m = re.match('.*section:.*\"(.*)\"', line) if m: section = m.group(1) m = re.match('.*author:.*\"(.*)\"', line) if m: author = re.sub("<.*?>", "", m.group(1))+(' & Timothee Giet') m = re.match('.*manual:.*\"(.*)\"', line) if m: manual = m.group(1) m = re.match('.*difficulty:.*', line) if m: difficulty = (m.group(0)).replace(' difficulty: ', '') difficulty = (difficulty).replace(' ', '') m = re.match('.*demo:.*', line) if m: demo = (m.group(0)).replace(' demo: ', '') m = re.match('.*type:.*\"(.*)\"', line) if m: category = m.group(1) m = re.match('.*prerequisite:.*\"(.*)\"', line) if m: prerequisite = m.group(1) infos = {'description':description, 'name':name, 'title':title, 'credit':credit, 'goal':goal, 'section':section, 'author':author, 'manual':manual, 'difficulty':difficulty, 'demo':demo, 'type':category, 'prerequisite':prerequisite, 'icon':icon} descriptions.append(infos) except IOError as e: pass return descriptions # /a/b /a => 1 0 # /a/b /c => 2 1 # /a/b /a/b => 0 0 # /a '' => 1 0 # /a/b/c/d /a/b/e/f => 2 2 # /a /a/b/c => 0 2 # # Return (open, close) # def sectionDiff(old, new): if old == new: return (0, 0) olds = old.split("/") news = new.split("/") closes = 0 opens = 0 for i in range(0, max(len(olds), len(news)) ): try: if olds[i] == news[i]: continue else: closes += 1 opens += 1 except: if len(olds) > i: closes += 1 else: opens += 1 return (opens, closes) templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader( searchpath="." ) templateEnv = jinja2.Environment( loader=templateLoader, extensions=['jinja2.ext.i18n'], trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True) templateEnv.install_gettext_callables(t.ugettext, t.ungettext, newstyle=True) # Specify any input variables to the template as a dictionary. templateVars = { "locale" : locale, "suffix" : suffix, "language" : language, "vocabularyActivity" : _("Enrich your vocabulary"), "revision_date" : today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "current_year": today.strftime("%Y"), "version": version, "news": [], "screenshots": [], "screenshotsmenu": [], "locales": locales, "manual": getManual(), "manualTranslation": _("Manual"), "license_info": _("This software is a GNU Package and is released under the GNU General Public License"), "feed": [] } # Use this filter in template when you know the text comes from the # software part and should not be added to the web site po file. def trans(text): return _(text) templateEnv.filters['trans'] = trans # # Build a map of all news file to proceed for our locale # filenames = {} for filename in os.listdir("news"): if not filename.endswith(".html"): continue # If a news is found with a - suffix before .html # It supercede a news without a such suffix (english one). filename_noext = filename.split('.')[0] try: (dat, loc) = filename_noext.split('-') if locale == loc: filenames[dat] = filename except: if not filename_noext in filenames: filenames[filename_noext] = filename for filename in sorted(filenames, reverse=True): filename = filenames[filename] templateOneNews = templateEnv.get_template("news/" + filename) templateVars['newsDate'] = formatDate(filename) templateVars['fileName'] = filename templateVars["news"].append(templateOneNews.render(templateVars)) # read file to get the title, not sure if it is doable using jinja lines = "" with open ("news/" + filename, 'rt') as in_file: for line in in_file: lines += line.rstrip('\n') rgx = re.compile('set title = \'(?P[^{}]+)\'') variable_names = {match.group('name') for match in rgx.finditer(lines)} dateRFC822 = utils.formatdate(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(templateVars['newsDate'], "%Y-%m-%d").timetuple())) currentFeed = {"dateRFC822": dateRFC822, "date": templateVars['newsDate'], "title": next(iter(variable_names))} templateVars["feed"].append(currentFeed) templateNews = templateEnv.get_template("template/news.html") outputNewsText = templateNews.render(templateVars) templateNewsAll = templateEnv.get_template("template/newsall.html") outputNewsAllText = templateNewsAll.render(templateVars) templateFeedAll = templateEnv.get_template("template/feed.xml") outputFeedAllText = templateFeedAll.render(templateVars) # # Get the board list and make some adaptations # boards = getBoards() #print boards for screenshot in boards: if screenshot['name'] == 'menu': screenshot['name'] = 'root' screenshot['section'] = 'administration' screenshot['type'] = 'root menu' screenshot['difficulty'] = "0" if screenshot['name'] == "login": screenshot['section'] = 'administration' boards = sorted(boards, key=lambda t: t['section']+' '+t['name']) # Reorder root, administration and login boards #boards[0], boards[1], boards[2] = boards[2], boards[0], boards[1] # # Now process the board list # -templateScreenshot = templateEnv.get_template( "template/screenshot.html" ) +templateScreenshot = templateEnv.get_template("template/screenshot.html") previousSection = '' depth = 0 for screenshot in boards: if screenshot['section'] == '/experimental' or screenshot['name'] == 'experimental': continue #section = screenshot['section'] #if screenshot['type'] == 'root menu': #section += "/" + screenshot['name'] #(opens, closes) = sectionDiff(previousSection, section) #depth += opens - closes #if closes: #templateVars["screenshots"].append("" * closes) #if opens: #templateVars["screenshots"].append("
" * opens) #previousSection = section #screenshot['author'] = re.sub(r" \(.*\)", "", screenshot['author']) if screenshot['goal']: screenshot['goal'] = _(screenshot['goal']).replace('\n', '
') if screenshot['prerequisite']: screenshot['prerequisite'] = _(screenshot['prerequisite']).replace('\n', '
') if screenshot['manual']: screenshot['manual'] = _(screenshot['manual']).replace('\n', '
') if screenshot['credit']: screenshot['credit'] = _(screenshot['credit']).replace('\n', '
') if screenshot['title']: screenshot['title'] = _(screenshot['title']) if screenshot['description'] and screenshot['description'] != "": screenshot['description'] = _(screenshot['description']) templateVars["screenshot"] = screenshot screenshot["depth"] = depth templateVars["depth"] = depth templateVars["screenshots"].append(templateScreenshot.render( templateVars )) # Create the screenshot menu templateVars["screenshotsmenu"].append(screenshot) (opens, closes) = sectionDiff(previousSection, '') templateVars["screenshots"].append("
" * closes) -templateScreenshots = templateEnv.get_template( "template/screenshots.html" ) +templateScreenshots = templateEnv.get_template("template/screenshots.html") outputScreenshotsText = templateScreenshots.render( templateVars ) # Count the number of activities demo_activities = 0 total_activities = 0 for screenshot in boards: if screenshot['name'] != 'root': total_activities += 1 if screenshot['demo'] == "true": demo_activities += 1 templateVars['total_activities'] = total_activities templateVars['demo_activities'] = demo_activities -templateBuy = templateEnv.get_template( "template/buy.html" ) -outputBuyText = templateBuy.render( templateVars ) +templateBuy = templateEnv.get_template("template/buy.html") +outputBuyText = templateBuy.render(templateVars) -templateDownloads = templateEnv.get_template( "template/downloads.html" ) -outputDownloadsText = templateDownloads.render( templateVars ) +templateDownloads = templateEnv.get_template("template/downloads.html") +outputDownloadsText = templateDownloads.render(templateVars) -templateIndex = templateEnv.get_template( "template/index.html" ) -outputIndexText = templateIndex.render( templateVars ) +templateIndex = templateEnv.get_template("template/index.html") +outputIndexText = templateIndex.render(templateVars) with codecs.open('index' + suffix + '.html', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write( outputIndexText ) with codecs.open('news' + suffix + '.html', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write( outputNewsText ) with codecs.open('newsall' + suffix + '.html', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write( outputNewsAllText ) with codecs.open('screenshots' + suffix + '.html', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write( outputScreenshotsText ) with codecs.open('buy' + suffix + '.html', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write( outputBuyText ) with codecs.open('downloads' + suffix + '.html', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write( outputDownloadsText ) with codecs.open('feed' + suffix + '.xml', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write( outputFeedAllText ) -template = templateEnv.get_template( "template/download_macosx.html" ) -outputText = template.render( templateVars ) +template = templateEnv.get_template("template/download_macosx.html") +outputText = template.render(templateVars) with codecs.open('download_macosx' + suffix + '.html', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write( outputText ) if suffix == '-en': - template = templateEnv.get_template( "template/404.html" ) - outputText = template.render( templateVars ) + template = templateEnv.get_template("template/404.html") + outputText = template.render(templateVars) with codecs.open('404.html', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: - f.write( outputText ) + f.write(outputText) diff --git a/template/downloads.html b/template/downloads.html index caf7d0f..cc70364 100644 --- a/template/downloads.html +++ b/template/downloads.html @@ -1,158 +1,158 @@ {% extends "template/base.html" %} {% import "template/social.html" as social %} {% set page = 'downloads' %} {% set title = _('Download') + " - GCompris" %} {% block content %}

{% trans %}Download{% endtrans %}

{{ social.block(locale) }}
{% trans %}Windows{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}You can buy the full version of GCompris in the Windows Store.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Else, you can get the demo from the links below, and buy on our website the activation code to unlock the full version.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}System requirements: Windows 7, 8 or 10 with OpenGL 2 support.{% endtrans %}

  • GCompris {{ version }}-Windows 64bit
  • GCompris {{ version }}-Windows 32bit
  • {% trans %}If your system doesn't have OpenGL 2 support or if it's not working properly, you can use this "light" version which is using the software rendering. Some effects are disabled, and some activities will look different, but everything should be usable.{% endtrans %}

  • GCompris {{ version }}-Windows 64bit-No OpenGL
  • GCompris {{ version }}-Windows 32bit-No OpenGL
  • {% trans %}If you really need a version that runs on Windows XP, or if your system doesn't support the new version, you can use the last installer from the old GCompris 15.10.{% endtrans %}

  • GCompris 15.10-Windows 32bit
  • {% trans %}Android{% endtrans %}

    {% trans %}The version for Android is distributed in the Play Store. The demo and the full version have separate installers.{% endtrans %}

  • GCompris {{ version }}-Full version for Android
  • GCompris {{ version }}-Demo version for Android
  • {% trans %}Note: It is recommended to buy directly the full version from the store, not from the button in the demo. This way, you can share it with 5 family members using the Google Play Family Library. Also, a few users reported issues to unlock the demo.{% endtrans %}

    {% trans %}GNU/Linux{% endtrans %}

    {% trans %}We provide standalone packages for GNU/Linux. They should work on any distribution (requires at least linux kernel 3.10, and gstreamer 1.0).{% endtrans %}

  • GCompris {{ version }}-Linux 64bit
  • GCompris {{ version }}-Linux 32bit
  • Note: The 64bit version requires OpenGL. The 32bit version is using software rendering to make it compatible with every computer.


    {% trans %}To use it, open a terminal in the folder where you downloaded the installer and run these commands :{% endtrans %}


    {% trans %}To use it, open a terminal in the folder where you downloaded the installer and run these commands:{% endtrans %}


    chmod u+x gcompris-qt-{{ version }}-Linux64.sh

    ./gcompris-qt-{{ version }}-Linux64.sh

    {% trans %}Then read the license or press q to skip it, answer yes to the questions, and the software will be installed in a new folder next to the installer.{% endtrans %}


    {% trans %}Finally, to launch gcompris, go in the new folder, in bin, and double-click on gcompris-qt.sh .{% endtrans %}


    {% trans %}Finally, to launch gcompris, go in the new folder, in bin, and double-click on gcompris-qt.sh.{% endtrans %}

    {% trans %}Raspberry Pi{% endtrans %}

    {% trans %}We provide a standalone package for Raspberry Pi.{% endtrans %} This package is a beta version. It was tested only on Raspberry Pi 3.

  • GCompris {{ version }} -Raspberry Pi 3 (beta)
  • -

    {% trans %}To use it, open a terminal in the folder where you downloaded the installer and run these commands :{% endtrans %}


    {% trans %}To use it, open a terminal in the folder where you downloaded the installer and run these commands:{% endtrans %}


    chmod u+x gcompris-qt-{{ version }}-raspberry-beta.sh

    ./gcompris-qt-{{ version }}-raspberry-beta.sh

    {% trans %}Then read the license or press q to skip it, answer yes to the questions, and the software will be installed in a new folder next to the installer.{% endtrans %}


    {% trans %}Finally, to launch gcompris, go in the new folder, in bin, and double-click on gcompris-qt.sh .{% endtrans %}


    {% trans %}Finally, to launch gcompris, go in the new folder, in bin, and double-click on gcompris-qt.sh.{% endtrans %}

    {% trans %}Source code{% endtrans %}

    {% trans %}The source code is available under the GPLv3 license.{% endtrans %}

  • GCompris {{ version }}-source code
  • {% trans %}MD5 and GPG{% endtrans %}

    {% trans %}To check the integrity of your downloads, you can compare the md5sums with those in this file: MD5SUMS{% endtrans %}


    {% trans %}The source tarball and the main installers are signed with the GPG key from Timothée Giet (public key: {% endtrans %}0x63d7264c05687d7e.asc )


    {% trans %}The source tarball and the main installers are signed with the GPG key from Timothée Giet (public key: {% endtrans %}0x63d7264c05687d7e.asc)


    {% trans %}sig files:{% endtrans %}

  • GCompris {{ version }}-source code
  • GCompris {{ version }}-Linux 64bit
  • GCompris {{ version }}-Linux 32bit
  • GCompris {{ version }}-Windows 64bit
  • GCompris {{ version }}-Windows 32bit
  • GCompris {{ version }}-Windows 64bit NoOpenGL
  • GCompris {{ version }}-Windows 32bit NoOpenGL
  • {% endblock %}