diff --git a/includes/classes/class_appdata.inc b/includes/classes/class_appdata.inc index d637b27..eaef119 100644 --- a/includes/classes/class_appdata.inc +++ b/includes/classes/class_appdata.inc @@ -1,310 +1,325 @@ * * Usage: * */ class AppData { var $data; function AppData($name, $path = "..") { $name = preg_replace('/[^a-z\-_0-9]/i','',$name); $this->data = json_decode(file_get_contents($path.'/applications/apps/'.$name.'.json'), true) + json_decode(file_get_contents($path.'/applications/apps/'.$name.'_generated.json'), true); } function name() { return $this->data['name']; } function genericName() { return $this->data['generic name']; } function category() { return $this->data['category']; } function descriptionHtml() { $description = $this->data['description']; $description = i18n_var($description); if(substr($description, 0, 3) != '

') { $description = '


'; } if ($this->category() == "Unmaintained") { $description .= "

".i18n_var('%1 is unmaintained and no longer released by the KDE community.', $this->name())."

"; } return $description; } function listToHtml($list) { $html = ''; return $html; } function hasFeatures() { return $this->data['features'] != false; } function featureHtml() { if (is_array($this->data['features'])) { return $this->listToHtml($this->data['features']); } else { return $this->data['features']; } } function hasVersions() { return false; ///TODO: version information is not yet implemented } function hasAuthors() { return isset($this->data['authors']) && ($this->data['authors'] != false); } function authorHtml() { $html = '

'.i18n_var( "Authors:" ).'

'; $html .= ''; if (count($this->data['credits'])) { $html .= '

'.i18n_var( "Thanks To:" ).'

'; $html .= ''; } return $html; } function hasLicense() { return isset($this->data['license']) && ($this->data['license'] != false); } function licenseHtml() { $license = $this->data['license']; $text = '

'; switch($license) { case 'GPL': case 'GPL_V2': $text .= i18n_var('%1 is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2.', $this->name()); break; case 'GPL_V3': $text .= i18n_var('%1 is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 3.', $this->name()); break; case 'LGPL': $text .= i18n_var('%1 is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, version 2.', $this->name()); break; default: $text .= $license.'.'; } $text .= '

'; return $text; } function hasHomepage() { return $this->data['homepage'] != false; } function homepage() { return $this->data['homepage']; } function hasAppStream() { return isset($this->data['appstream']) && ($this->data['appstream'] != false); } function AppStreamId() { return $this->data['appstream']; } function hasKDEApps() { return $this->data['kde-apps.org'] != false; } function KDEAppsId() { return $this->data['kde-apps.org']; } function hasUserbase() { return $this->data['userbase'] != false; } function userbase() { return "http://userbase.kde.org/".$this->data['userbase']; } function hasHandbook() { return $this->data['handbook'] != false; } function handbook() { return $this->data['handbook']; } function forumUrl() { if ($this->data['forum'] != false) { return 'http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f='.$this->data['forum']; } else { return 'http://forum.kde.org/'; } } function ircChannels() { if ($this->data['irc'] != false) { $irc = $this->data['irc']; if (is_array($irc)) { return $irc; } else { return array($irc); } } else { return array("#kde"); } } function mailingLists() { if ($this->data['mailing lists'] != false) { $ml = $this->data['mailing lists']; if (is_array($ml)) { return $ml; } else { return array($ml); } } else { return array("kde@kde.org"); } } function browseSourcesHtml() { if ($this->data['repository'][0] == 'svn') { return '

'.i18n_var("Browse %1 source code on WebSVN", $this->name()).'

'; } else if($this->data['repository'][0] == 'git') { $path = '

'.i18n_var("Browse %1 source code online", $this->name()).'

'; return $path; } return ''; } function checkoutSourcesHtml() { if ($this->data['repository'][0] == 'svn') { return '

'.i18n_var("Checkout source code:", $this->name()).'

svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/'.$this->data['repository'][1].'

'; } else if($this->data['repository'][0] == 'git') { return '

'.i18n_var("Clone %1 source code:", $this->name()).'

git clone git://anongit.kde.org/'.$this->data['repository'][1].'

'; } return ''; } + function hasCi() { + return $this->data['ci'] != false; + } + + function ciUrl() { + if (is_array($this->data['ci'])) { + $group = $this->data['ci'][0]; + $repository = $this->data['ci'][1]; + } else { + $group = $this->data['ci']; + $repository = $this->data['repository'][1]; + } + return "https://build.kde.org/job/".$group."/job/".$repository."/"; + } + //Returns true if the application has a bugtracker (external or KDE bugzilla) function hasBugTracker() { return $this->data['bugs'] != false; } //Returns true if the application has an external bugtracker (!bugs.k.o) function isBugTrackerExternal() { return (substr($this->data['bugs'], 0, 7) == "http://" || substr($this->data['bugs'], 0, 8) == "https://"); } function bugzillaProduct() { if (is_array($this->data['bugs'])) { return $this->data['bugs'][0]; } return $this->data['bugs']; } function bugzillaComponent() { if (is_array($this->data['bugs'])) { return $this->data['bugs'][1]; } return false; } function hasEbn() { return true; } function ebnUrlBase() { // examples: // KDE/kdeedu/parley: http://englishbreakfastnetwork.org/krazy/reports/kde-4.x/kdeedu/parley/index.html // KDE/kdebase/apps/dolphin: http://englishbreakfastnetwork.org/krazy/reports/kde-4.x/kdebase-apps/dolphin/index.html // extragear/graphics/digikam: http://englishbreakfastnetwork.org/krazy/reports/extragear/graphics/digikam/index.html // koffice/kword: http://englishbreakfastnetwork.org/krazy/reports/bundled-apps/koffice/kword/index.html // amarok (gitorious): http://englishbreakfastnetwork.org/krazy/reports/extragear/multimedia/amarok-git/index.html $ebn = ''; if ($this->data['repository'][0] == 'svn') { $parts = explode ('/', $this->data['repository'][1]); $len = count($parts); if (!strlen($parts[$len-1])) { array_pop($parts); $len--; } if (in_array('KDE', $parts)) { if ($parts[$len-3] == 'kdebase') { $ebn = 'kde-4.x/kdebase-'.$parts[$len-2].'/'.$parts[$len-1]; } else { $ebn = 'kde-4.x/'.$parts[$len-2].'/'.$parts[$len-1]; } } else if (in_array('extragear', $parts)) { $ebn = 'extragear/'.$parts[$len-2].'/'.$parts[$len-1]; } else if (in_array('koffice', $parts)) { $ebn = 'bundled-apps/'.$parts[$len-2].'/'.$parts[$len-1]; } } else if($this->data['repository'][0] == 'git') { // extract path segments from module parent $parts = explode('/', $this->data['parent']); // replace path segment by "kde-4.x" for "kde" if ($parts[0] == 'kde') { $ebn = "kde-4.x/" . $parts[1] . "/" . strtolower($this->data['repository'][1]); } else { $ebn = $parts[0] . "/" . $parts[1] . "/" . strtolower($this->name()); } return $ebn; } } function ebnCodeCheckingUrl() { return 'http://ebn.kde.org/krazy/reports/'.$this->ebnUrlBase().'/index.html'; } function ebnDocCheckingUrl() { return 'http://ebn.kde.org/sanitizer/reports/'.$this->ebnUrlBase().'/index.html'; } }