diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 283477af..178b0293 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,155 +1,162 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0) cmake_policy(SET CMP0048 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0028 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0063 NEW) -project(sink VERSION 0.7.0) +project(sink VERSION 0.8.0) option(BUILD_MAILDIR "BUILD_MAILDIR" ON) option(BUILD_DAV "BUILD_DAV" ON) option(CATCH_ERRORS "CATCH_ERRORS" OFF) option(ENABLE_MEMCHECK "Build valgrind tests" OFF) option(ENABLE_ASAN "Enable the address sanitizer" OFF) option(ENABLE_TSAN "Enable the thread sanitizer" OFF) # ECM setup find_package(ECM 1.0.0 REQUIRED NO_MODULE) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${ECM_MODULE_PATH} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) include(FeatureSummary) include(GenerateExportHeader) include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) include(ECMSetupVersion) include(KDEInstallDirs) #Avoid building appstreamtest set(KDE_SKIP_TEST_SETTINGS true) #Pick up rpath settings include(KDECMakeSettings NO_POLICY_SCOPE) #We only have console applications here set(CMAKE_MACOSX_BUNDLE OFF) set(CMAKE_WIN32_EXECUTABLE OFF) ecm_setup_version(PROJECT SOVERSION sink_VERSION_MAJOR VERSION_HEADER sink_version.h ) find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS REQUIRED Core Concurrent Network Gui Test) find_package(KF5 COMPONENTS REQUIRED Mime Contacts CalendarCore) find_package(FlatBuffers REQUIRED 1.4.0) -find_package(KAsync REQUIRED 0.1.2) +find_package(KAsync REQUIRED 0.3) find_package(LMDB REQUIRED 0.9) find_package(Xapian REQUIRED 1.4) if (${ENABLE_MEMCHECK}) message("Enabled memcheck") find_program(MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND valgrind) if(NOT MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND) message(FATAL_ERROR "valgrind not found!") endif() set(MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND_OPTIONS "--trace-children=yes --leak-check=full") endif() if (${ENABLE_ASAN}) message("Enabled ASAN") set(SINK_ASAN_FLAG "-fsanitize=address -fPIE -fno-omit-frame-pointer -O1 ") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${SINK_ASAN_FLAG}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${SINK_ASAN_FLAG}") set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${SINK_ASAN_FLAG}") set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${SINK_ASAN_FLAG}") set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} ${SINK_ASAN_FLAG}") endif() if (${ENABLE_TSAN}) message("Enabled TSAN") set(SINK_TSAN_FLAG "-fsanitize=thread -fPIE -fno-omit-frame-pointer -O1 ") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${SINK_TSAN_FLAG}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${SINK_TSAN_FLAG}") set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${SINK_TSAN_FLAG}") set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${SINK_TSAN_FLAG}") set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} ${SINK_TSAN_FLAG}") endif() #Clang-format support add_custom_command( OUTPUT format.dummy WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} COMMAND clang-format -i ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/**.{cpp,h} ) add_custom_target(format DEPENDS format.dummy) function(generate_flatbuffers _target) foreach(fbs ${ARGN}) #Necessary because we can get relative paths as name, e.g. commands/create_entity get_filename_component(filename ${fbs} NAME) #We first generate into a temporary directory to avoid changing the timestamp of the actual dependency unnecessarily. #Otherwise we'd end up unnecessarily rebuilding the target. add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${fbs}_generated.h COMMAND ${FLATBUFFERS_FLATC_EXECUTABLE} -c -b -o ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/flatbufferstmp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${fbs}.fbs COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/flatbufferstmp/${filename}_generated.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${filename}_generated.h DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${fbs}.fbs ) target_sources(${_target} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${fbs}_generated.h) set_property(SOURCE ${fbs}_generated.h PROPERTY SKIP_AUTOMOC ON) endforeach(fbs) endfunction(generate_flatbuffers) #Clang-analyze support add_custom_target(analyze) function(add_clang_static_analysis target) get_target_property(SRCs ${target} SOURCES) get_target_property(INCLUDEs ${target} INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) add_library(${target}_analyze OBJECT EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${SRCs}) set_target_properties(${target}_analyze PROPERTIES COMPILE_OPTIONS "--analyze" EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD true INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${INCLUDEs};${KDE_INSTALL_FULL_INCLUDEDIR}/KF5/" # Had to hardcode include directory to find KAsync includes #COMPILE_FLAGS is deprecated, but the only way that -Xanalyzer isn't erronously deduplicated COMPILE_FLAGS "-Xanalyzer -analyzer-eagerly-assume -Xanalyzer -analyzer-opt-analyze-nested-blocks" ) target_compile_options(${target}_analyze PRIVATE ${Qt5Core_EXECUTABLE_COMPILE_FLAGS})# Necessary to get options such as fPIC add_dependencies(analyze ${target}_analyze) endfunction() set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) if (${CATCH_ERRORS}) - add_definitions("-Werror -Wall -Weverything -Wno-unused-function -Wno-cast-align -Wno-used-but-marked-unused -Wno-shadow -Wno-weak-vtables -Wno-global-constructors -Wno-deprecated -Wno-weak-template-vtables -Wno-exit-time-destructors -Wno-covered-switch-default -Wno-shorten-64-to-32 -Wno-documentation -Wno-old-style-cast -Wno-extra-semi -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic -Wno-padded -Wno-missing-noreturn -Wno-missing-prototypes -Wno-documentation-unknown-command -Wno-sign-conversion -Wno-gnu-zero-variadic-macro-arguments -Wno-disabled-macro-expansion -Wno-vla-extension -Wno-vla -Wno-undefined-func-template -Wno-#warnings -Wno-unused-template -Wno-inconsistent-missing-destructor-override -Wno-zero-as-null-pointer-constant -Wno-unused-lambda-capture -Wno-switch-enum") + add_definitions("-Werror -Wall -Weverything -Wno-unused-function -Wno-cast-align -Wno-used-but-marked-unused -Wno-shadow -Wno-weak-vtables -Wno-global-constructors -Wno-deprecated -Wno-weak-template-vtables -Wno-exit-time-destructors -Wno-covered-switch-default -Wno-shorten-64-to-32 -Wno-documentation -Wno-old-style-cast -Wno-extra-semi -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic -Wno-padded -Wno-missing-noreturn -Wno-missing-prototypes -Wno-documentation-unknown-command -Wno-sign-conversion -Wno-gnu-zero-variadic-macro-arguments -Wno-disabled-macro-expansion -Wno-vla-extension -Wno-vla -Wno-undefined-func-template -Wno-#warnings -Wno-unused-template -Wno-inconsistent-missing-destructor-override -Wno-zero-as-null-pointer-constant -Wno-unused-lambda-capture -Wno-switch-enum -Wno-redundant-parens -Wno-extra-semi-stmt") endif() -set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) +set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) +set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) +if (MSVC) + # Workaround for older cmake versions + set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /std:c++17") + # We get way to many warnings for this + set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-nonportable-include-path") +endif() include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${FLATBUFFERS_INCLUDE_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/common 3rdparty) include_directories(SYSTEM ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/common ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/common/domain) configure_file(hawd.conf hawd.conf) enable_testing() set(SINK_RESOURCE_PLUGINS_PATH ${QT_PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR}/sink/resources) # common, eventually a lib but right now just the command buffers add_subdirectory(common) # the synchronizer add_subdirectory(synchronizer) # example implementations add_subdirectory(examples) # some tests add_subdirectory(tests) # cli add_subdirectory(sinksh) feature_summary(WHAT ALL FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) diff --git a/common/CMakeLists.txt b/common/CMakeLists.txt index 970990fd..7c4630b5 100644 --- a/common/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/common/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,158 +1,159 @@ include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) include_directories(domain) ecm_setup_version(${sink_VERSION} VARIABLE_PREFIX Sink VERSION_HEADER "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/sink_version.h" PACKAGE_VERSION_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/SinkConfigVersion.cmake" SOVERSION 0 ) ########### CMake Config Files ########### set(CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR "${KDE_INSTALL_CMAKEPACKAGEDIR}/Sink") configure_package_config_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/SinkConfig.cmake.in" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/SinkConfig.cmake" INSTALL_DESTINATION ${CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR} ) install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/SinkConfig.cmake" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/SinkConfigVersion.cmake" DESTINATION "${CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}" COMPONENT Devel ) set(CMAKE_CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET default) install(EXPORT SinkTargets DESTINATION "${CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}" FILE SinkTargets.cmake) add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED store.cpp secretstore.cpp notifier.cpp resourcecontrol.cpp modelresult.cpp definitions.cpp log.cpp entitybuffer.cpp facadefactory.cpp commands.cpp facade.cpp pipeline.cpp propertymapper.cpp domainadaptor.cpp resource.cpp genericresource.cpp resourceaccess.cpp queryrunner.cpp listener.cpp storage_common.cpp threadboundary.cpp messagequeue.cpp index.cpp typeindex.cpp resourcefacade.cpp resourceconfig.cpp configstore.cpp resultset.cpp domain/propertyregistry.cpp domain/applicationdomaintype.cpp domain/typeimplementations.cpp test.cpp query.cpp changereplay.cpp adaptorfactoryregistry.cpp synchronizer.cpp synchronizerstore.cpp contactpreprocessor.cpp mailpreprocessor.cpp eventpreprocessor.cpp todopreprocessor.cpp specialpurposepreprocessor.cpp datastorequery.cpp storage/entitystore.cpp + storage/key.cpp indexer.cpp mail/threadindexer.cpp mail/fulltextindexer.cpp notification.cpp commandprocessor.cpp inspector.cpp propertyparser.cpp utils.cpp fulltextindex.cpp storage_lmdb.cpp) generate_flatbuffers( ${PROJECT_NAME} commands/commandcompletion commands/createentity commands/deleteentity commands/handshake commands/modifyentity commands/revisionupdate commands/synchronize commands/notification commands/revisionreplayed commands/inspection commands/flush commands/secret domain/contact domain/addressbook domain/event domain/todo domain/calendar domain/mail domain/folder domain/dummy entity metadata queuedcommand ) generate_export_header(${PROJECT_NAME} BASE_NAME Sink EXPORT_FILE_NAME sink_export.h) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX VERSION ${Sink_VERSION} SOVERSION ${Sink_SOVERSION} EXPORT_NAME ${PROJECT_NAME} ) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC KAsync Qt5::Network PRIVATE ${LMDB_LIBRARIES} Qt5::Gui KF5::Mime KF5::Contacts KF5::CalendarCore ${XAPIAN_LIBRARIES} ) install(TARGETS ${PROJECT_NAME} EXPORT SinkTargets ${KDE_INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS} ${LIBRARY_NAMELINK} ) add_clang_static_analysis(${PROJECT_NAME}) install(FILES store.h notifier.h resourcecontrol.h domain/applicationdomaintype.h query.h standardqueries.h inspection.h notification.h bufferadaptor.h test.h log.h flush.h secretstore.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/sink_export.h DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME} COMPONENT Devel ) diff --git a/common/changereplay.cpp b/common/changereplay.cpp index 0adbd782..7d281550 100644 --- a/common/changereplay.cpp +++ b/common/changereplay.cpp @@ -1,200 +1,200 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "changereplay.h" -#include "entitybuffer.h" #include "log.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "bufferutils.h" +#include "storage/key.h" #include using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::Storage; ChangeReplay::ChangeReplay(const ResourceContext &resourceContext, const Sink::Log::Context &ctx) : mStorage(storageLocation(), resourceContext.instanceId(), DataStore::ReadOnly), mChangeReplayStore(storageLocation(), resourceContext.instanceId() + ".changereplay", DataStore::ReadWrite), mReplayInProgress(false), mLogCtx{ctx.subContext("changereplay")} { } qint64 ChangeReplay::getLastReplayedRevision() { qint64 lastReplayedRevision = 0; auto replayStoreTransaction = mChangeReplayStore.createTransaction(DataStore::ReadOnly); replayStoreTransaction.openDatabase().scan("lastReplayedRevision", [&lastReplayedRevision](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { lastReplayedRevision = value.toLongLong(); return false; }, [](const DataStore::Error &) {}); return lastReplayedRevision; } bool ChangeReplay::allChangesReplayed() { const qint64 topRevision = DataStore::maxRevision(mStorage.createTransaction(DataStore::ReadOnly, [this](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << error.message; })); const qint64 lastReplayedRevision = getLastReplayedRevision(); return (lastReplayedRevision >= topRevision); } void ChangeReplay::recordReplayedRevision(qint64 revision) { auto replayStoreTransaction = mChangeReplayStore.createTransaction(DataStore::ReadWrite, [this](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << error.message; }); replayStoreTransaction.openDatabase().write("lastReplayedRevision", QByteArray::number(revision)); replayStoreTransaction.commit(); }; KAsync::Job ChangeReplay::replayNextRevision() { Q_ASSERT(!mReplayInProgress); return KAsync::start([this]() { if (mReplayInProgress) { SinkErrorCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replay still in progress!!!!!"; return KAsync::null(); } auto lastReplayedRevision = QSharedPointer::create(0); auto topRevision = QSharedPointer::create(0); emit replayingChanges(); mReplayInProgress = true; mMainStoreTransaction = mStorage.createTransaction(DataStore::ReadOnly, [this](const DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << error.message; }); auto replayStoreTransaction = mChangeReplayStore.createTransaction(DataStore::ReadOnly, [this](const DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << error.message; }); Q_ASSERT(mMainStoreTransaction); Q_ASSERT(replayStoreTransaction); replayStoreTransaction.openDatabase().scan("lastReplayedRevision", [lastReplayedRevision](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { *lastReplayedRevision = value.toLongLong(); return false; }, [](const DataStore::Error &) {}); *topRevision = DataStore::maxRevision(mMainStoreTransaction); if (*lastReplayedRevision >= *topRevision) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Nothing to replay"; return KAsync::null(); } SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Changereplay from " << *lastReplayedRevision << " to " << *topRevision; return KAsync::doWhile( [this, lastReplayedRevision, topRevision]() -> KAsync::Job { if (*lastReplayedRevision >= *topRevision) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Done replaying" << *lastReplayedRevision << *topRevision; return KAsync::value(KAsync::Break); } Q_ASSERT(mMainStoreTransaction); auto replayJob = KAsync::null(); qint64 revision = *lastReplayedRevision + 1; while (revision <= *topRevision) { const auto uid = DataStore::getUidFromRevision(mMainStoreTransaction, revision); const auto type = DataStore::getTypeFromRevision(mMainStoreTransaction, revision); if (uid.isEmpty() || type.isEmpty()) { SinkErrorCtx(mLogCtx) << "Failed to read uid or type for revison: " << revision << uid << type; } else { - const auto key = DataStore::assembleKey(uid, revision); + // TODO: should not use internal representations + const auto key = Storage::Key(Storage::Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(uid), revision); + const auto displayKey = key.toDisplayByteArray(); QByteArray entityBuffer; DataStore::mainDatabase(mMainStoreTransaction, type) - .scan(key, - [&entityBuffer](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { + .scan(revision, + [&entityBuffer](const size_t, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { entityBuffer = value; return false; }, - [this, key](const DataStore::Error &) { SinkErrorCtx(mLogCtx) << "Failed to read the entity buffer " << key; }); + [this, key](const DataStore::Error &e) { SinkErrorCtx(mLogCtx) << "Failed to read the entity buffer " << key << "error:" << e; }); if (entityBuffer.isEmpty()) { SinkErrorCtx(mLogCtx) << "Failed to replay change " << key; } else { - if (canReplay(type, key, entityBuffer)) { - SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replaying " << key; - replayJob = replay(type, key, entityBuffer); + if (canReplay(type, displayKey, entityBuffer)) { + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replaying " << displayKey; + replayJob = replay(type, displayKey, entityBuffer); //Set the last revision we tried to replay *lastReplayedRevision = revision; //Execute replay job and commit break; } else { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Not replaying " << key; + notReplaying(type, displayKey, entityBuffer); //We silently skip over revisions that cannot be replayed, as this is not an error. } } } //Bump the revision if we failed to even attempt to replay. This will simply skip over those revisions, as we can't recover from those situations. *lastReplayedRevision = revision; revision++; } return replayJob.then([=](const KAsync::Error &error) { if (error) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Change replay failed: " << error << "Last replayed revision: " << *lastReplayedRevision; //We're probably not online or so, so postpone retrying return KAsync::value(KAsync::Break).then(KAsync::error(error)); } SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replayed until: " << *lastReplayedRevision; recordReplayedRevision(*lastReplayedRevision); reportProgress(*lastReplayedRevision, *topRevision); const bool gotMoreToReplay = (*lastReplayedRevision < *topRevision); if (gotMoreToReplay) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replaying some more..."; //Replay more if we have more return KAsync::wait(0).then(KAsync::value(KAsync::Continue)); } else { return KAsync::value(KAsync::Break); } }).guard(&mGuard); }); }) .then([this](const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Change replay complete."; - if (error) { - SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Error during change replay: " << error; - } mMainStoreTransaction.abort(); mReplayInProgress = false; if (ChangeReplay::allChangesReplayed()) { //In case we have a derived implementation if (allChangesReplayed()) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "All changes replayed"; emit changesReplayed(); } } if (error) { return KAsync::error(error); } else { return KAsync::null(); } }).guard(&mGuard); } void ChangeReplay::revisionChanged() { if (!mReplayInProgress) { replayNextRevision().exec(); } } #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wundefined-reinterpret-cast" #include "moc_changereplay.cpp" #pragma clang diagnostic pop diff --git a/common/changereplay.h b/common/changereplay.h index 22e26a5b..dc6db334 100644 --- a/common/changereplay.h +++ b/common/changereplay.h @@ -1,79 +1,81 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "sink_export.h" #include #include #include "storage.h" #include "resourcecontext.h" namespace Sink { /** * Replays changes from the storage one by one. * * Uses a local database to: * * Remember what changes have been replayed already. * * store a mapping of remote to local buffers */ class SINK_EXPORT ChangeReplay : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: ChangeReplay(const ResourceContext &resourceContext, const Sink::Log::Context &ctx= {}); qint64 getLastReplayedRevision(); virtual bool allChangesReplayed(); + KAsync::Job replayNextRevision(); + signals: void changesReplayed(); void replayingChanges(); public slots: virtual void revisionChanged(); protected: virtual KAsync::Job replay(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) = 0; + virtual void notReplaying(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) = 0; virtual bool canReplay(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) = 0; virtual void reportProgress(int progress, int total, const QByteArrayList &applicableEntities = {}){}; Sink::Storage::DataStore mStorage; - KAsync::Job replayNextRevision(); private: void recordReplayedRevision(qint64 revision); Sink::Storage::DataStore mChangeReplayStore; bool mReplayInProgress; Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction mMainStoreTransaction; Sink::Log::Context mLogCtx; QObject mGuard; }; class NullChangeReplay : public ChangeReplay { public: NullChangeReplay(const ResourceContext &resourceContext) : ChangeReplay(resourceContext) {} KAsync::Job replay(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return KAsync::null(); } bool canReplay(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return false; } }; } diff --git a/common/commandprocessor.cpp b/common/commandprocessor.cpp index 8b6e685b..d66e0f82 100644 --- a/common/commandprocessor.cpp +++ b/common/commandprocessor.cpp @@ -1,366 +1,380 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "commandprocessor.h" #include #include "commands.h" #include "messagequeue.h" #include "flush_generated.h" #include "inspector.h" #include "synchronizer.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "bufferutils.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "storage.h" #include "queuedcommand_generated.h" #include "revisionreplayed_generated.h" #include "synchronize_generated.h" static int sBatchSize = 100; // This interval directly affects the roundtrip time of single commands static int sCommitInterval = 10; using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::Storage; CommandProcessor::CommandProcessor(Sink::Pipeline *pipeline, const QByteArray &instanceId, const Sink::Log::Context &ctx) : QObject(), mLogCtx(ctx.subContext("commandprocessor")), - mPipeline(pipeline), + mPipeline(pipeline), mUserQueue(Sink::storageLocation(), instanceId + ".userqueue"), mSynchronizerQueue(Sink::storageLocation(), instanceId + ".synchronizerqueue"), - mCommandQueues(QList() << &mUserQueue << &mSynchronizerQueue), mProcessingLock(false), mLowerBoundRevision(0) + mCommandQueues({&mUserQueue, &mSynchronizerQueue}), mProcessingLock(false), mLowerBoundRevision(0) { for (auto queue : mCommandQueues) { - const bool ret = connect(queue, &MessageQueue::messageReady, this, &CommandProcessor::process); + /* + * This is a queued connection because otherwise we would execute CommandProcessor::process in the middle of + * Synchronizer::commit, which is not what we want. + */ + const bool ret = connect(queue, &MessageQueue::messageReady, this, &CommandProcessor::process, Qt::QueuedConnection); Q_UNUSED(ret); } mCommitQueueTimer.setInterval(sCommitInterval); mCommitQueueTimer.setSingleShot(true); QObject::connect(&mCommitQueueTimer, &QTimer::timeout, &mUserQueue, &MessageQueue::commit); } static void enqueueCommand(MessageQueue &mq, int commandId, const QByteArray &data) { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto commandData = Sink::EntityBuffer::appendAsVector(fbb, data.constData(), data.size()); auto buffer = Sink::CreateQueuedCommand(fbb, commandId, commandData); Sink::FinishQueuedCommandBuffer(fbb, buffer); mq.enqueue(fbb.GetBufferPointer(), fbb.GetSize()); } void CommandProcessor::processCommand(int commandId, const QByteArray &data) { switch (commandId) { case Commands::FlushCommand: processFlushCommand(data); break; case Commands::SynchronizeCommand: processSynchronizeCommand(data); break; + case Commands::AbortSynchronizationCommand: + mSynchronizer->abort(); + break; // case Commands::RevisionReplayedCommand: // processRevisionReplayedCommand(data); // break; default: { static int modifications = 0; mUserQueue.startTransaction(); + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Received a command" << commandId; enqueueCommand(mUserQueue, commandId, data); modifications++; if (modifications >= sBatchSize) { mUserQueue.commit(); modifications = 0; mCommitQueueTimer.stop(); } else { mCommitQueueTimer.start(); } } }; } void CommandProcessor::processFlushCommand(const QByteArray &data) { flatbuffers::Verifier verifier((const uint8_t *)data.constData(), data.size()); if (Sink::Commands::VerifyFlushBuffer(verifier)) { auto buffer = Sink::Commands::GetFlush(data.constData()); const auto flushType = buffer->type(); const auto flushId = BufferUtils::extractBufferCopy(buffer->id()); + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Received flush command " << flushId; if (flushType == Sink::Flush::FlushSynchronization) { mSynchronizer->flush(flushType, flushId); } else { mUserQueue.startTransaction(); enqueueCommand(mUserQueue, Commands::FlushCommand, data); mUserQueue.commit(); } } } void CommandProcessor::processSynchronizeCommand(const QByteArray &data) { flatbuffers::Verifier verifier((const uint8_t *)data.constData(), data.size()); if (Sink::Commands::VerifySynchronizeBuffer(verifier)) { auto buffer = Sink::Commands::GetSynchronize(data.constData()); - auto timer = QSharedPointer::create(); - timer->start(); Sink::QueryBase query; if (buffer->query()) { auto data = QByteArray::fromStdString(buffer->query()->str()); QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::ReadOnly); stream >> query; } mSynchronizer->synchronize(query); } else { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "received invalid command"; } } // void CommandProcessor::processRevisionReplayedCommand(const QByteArray &data) // { // flatbuffers::Verifier verifier((const uint8_t *)commandBuffer.constData(), commandBuffer.size()); // if (Sink::Commands::VerifyRevisionReplayedBuffer(verifier)) { // auto buffer = Sink::Commands::GetRevisionReplayed(commandBuffer.constData()); // client.currentRevision = buffer->revision(); // } else { // SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "received invalid command"; // } // loadResource().setLowerBoundRevision(lowerBoundRevision()); // } void CommandProcessor::setOldestUsedRevision(qint64 revision) { mLowerBoundRevision = revision; } bool CommandProcessor::messagesToProcessAvailable() { for (auto queue : mCommandQueues) { if (!queue->isEmpty()) { return true; } } return false; } void CommandProcessor::process() { if (mProcessingLock) { return; } mProcessingLock = true; auto job = processPipeline() .then([this]() { mProcessingLock = false; if (messagesToProcessAvailable()) { process(); } }) .exec(); } -KAsync::Job CommandProcessor::processQueuedCommand(const Sink::QueuedCommand *queuedCommand) +KAsync::Job CommandProcessor::processQueuedCommand(const Sink::QueuedCommand &queuedCommand) { - SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Processing command: " << Sink::Commands::name(queuedCommand->commandId()); - const auto data = queuedCommand->command()->Data(); - const auto size = queuedCommand->command()->size(); - switch (queuedCommand->commandId()) { + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Processing command: " << Sink::Commands::name(queuedCommand.commandId()); + const auto data = queuedCommand.command()->Data(); + const auto size = queuedCommand.command()->size(); + switch (queuedCommand.commandId()) { case Sink::Commands::DeleteEntityCommand: return mPipeline->deletedEntity(data, size); case Sink::Commands::ModifyEntityCommand: return mPipeline->modifiedEntity(data, size); case Sink::Commands::CreateEntityCommand: return mPipeline->newEntity(data, size); case Sink::Commands::InspectionCommand: Q_ASSERT(mInspector); return mInspector->processCommand(data, size) .then(KAsync::value(-1)); case Sink::Commands::FlushCommand: return flush(data, size) .then(KAsync::value(-1)); default: return KAsync::error(-1, "Unhandled command"); } } KAsync::Job CommandProcessor::processQueuedCommand(const QByteArray &data) { flatbuffers::Verifier verifyer(reinterpret_cast(data.constData()), data.size()); if (!Sink::VerifyQueuedCommandBuffer(verifyer)) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "invalid buffer"; // return KAsync::error(1, "Invalid Buffer"); } auto queuedCommand = Sink::GetQueuedCommand(data.constData()); const auto commandId = queuedCommand->commandId(); - return processQueuedCommand(queuedCommand) + return processQueuedCommand(*queuedCommand) .then( [this, commandId](const KAsync::Error &error, qint64 createdRevision) -> KAsync::Job { if (error) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Error while processing queue command: " << error.errorMessage; return KAsync::error(error); } SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Command pipeline processed: " << Sink::Commands::name(commandId); return KAsync::value(createdRevision); }); } -// Process all messages of this queue +// Process one batch of messages from this queue KAsync::Job CommandProcessor::processQueue(MessageQueue *queue) { auto time = QSharedPointer::create(); - return KAsync::start([this]() { mPipeline->startTransaction(); }) - .then(KAsync::doWhile( - [this, queue, time]() -> KAsync::Job { + return KAsync::start([=] { mPipeline->startTransaction(); }) + .then([=] { return queue->dequeueBatch(sBatchSize, - [this, time](const QByteArray &data) -> KAsync::Job { + [=](const QByteArray &data) { time->start(); return processQueuedCommand(data) - .then([this, time](qint64 createdRevision) { + .then([=](qint64 createdRevision) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Created revision " << createdRevision << ". Processing took: " << Log::TraceTime(time->elapsed()); }); }) - .then([queue, this](const KAsync::Error &error) { - if (error) { - if (error.errorCode != MessageQueue::ErrorCodes::NoMessageFound) { - SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Error while getting message from messagequeue: " << error.errorMessage; - } - } - if (queue->isEmpty()) { - return KAsync::Break; - } else { - return KAsync::Continue; + .then([=](const KAsync::Error &error) { + if (error) { + if (error.errorCode != MessageQueue::ErrorCodes::NoMessageFound) { + SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Error while getting message from messagequeue: " << error.errorMessage; } - }); - })) - .then([this](const KAsync::Error &) { mPipeline->commit(); }); + } + }); + }) + .then([=](const KAsync::Error &) { + mPipeline->commit(); + //The flushed content has been persistet, we can notify the world + for (const auto &flushId : mCompleteFlushes) { + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Emitting flush completion" << flushId; + mSynchronizer->flushComplete(flushId); + Sink::Notification n; + n.type = Sink::Notification::FlushCompletion; + n.id = flushId; + emit notify(n); + } + mCompleteFlushes.clear(); + }); + + } KAsync::Job CommandProcessor::processPipeline() { auto time = QSharedPointer::create(); time->start(); mPipeline->cleanupRevisions(mLowerBoundRevision); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Cleanup done." << Log::TraceTime(time->elapsed()); // Go through all message queues if (mCommandQueues.isEmpty()) { return KAsync::null(); } - auto it = QSharedPointer>::create(mCommandQueues); - return KAsync::doWhile( - [it, this]() { - auto time = QSharedPointer::create(); - time->start(); - - auto queue = it->next(); - return processQueue(queue) - .then([this, time, it]() { - SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Queue processed." << Log::TraceTime(time->elapsed()); - if (it->hasNext()) { - return KAsync::Continue; - } - return KAsync::Break; - }); + return KAsync::doWhile([this]() { + for (auto queue : mCommandQueues) { + if (!queue->isEmpty()) { + auto time = QSharedPointer::create(); + time->start(); + return processQueue(queue) + .then([=] { + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Queue processed." << Log::TraceTime(time->elapsed()); + return KAsync::Continue; + }); + } + } + return KAsync::value(KAsync::Break); }); } void CommandProcessor::setInspector(const QSharedPointer &inspector) { mInspector = inspector; QObject::connect(mInspector.data(), &Inspector::notify, this, &CommandProcessor::notify); } void CommandProcessor::setSynchronizer(const QSharedPointer &synchronizer) { mSynchronizer = synchronizer; mSynchronizer->setup([this](int commandId, const QByteArray &data) { enqueueCommand(mSynchronizerQueue, commandId, data); }, mSynchronizerQueue); QObject::connect(mSynchronizer.data(), &Synchronizer::notify, this, &CommandProcessor::notify); setOldestUsedRevision(mSynchronizer->getLastReplayedRevision()); } KAsync::Job CommandProcessor::flush(void const *command, size_t size) { flatbuffers::Verifier verifier((const uint8_t *)command, size); if (Sink::Commands::VerifyFlushBuffer(verifier)) { auto buffer = Sink::Commands::GetFlush(command); const auto flushType = buffer->type(); const QByteArray flushId = BufferUtils::extractBufferCopy(buffer->id()); Q_ASSERT(!flushId.isEmpty()); if (flushType == Sink::Flush::FlushReplayQueue) { - SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Flushing synchronizer "; + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Flushing synchronizer " << flushId; Q_ASSERT(mSynchronizer); mSynchronizer->flush(flushType, flushId); } else { - SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Emitting flush completion" << flushId; - mSynchronizer->flushComplete(flushId); - Sink::Notification n; - n.type = Sink::Notification::FlushCompletion; - n.id = flushId; - emit notify(n); + //Defer notification until the results have been comitted + mCompleteFlushes << flushId; } return KAsync::null(); } return KAsync::error(-1, "Invalid flush command."); } static void waitForDrained(KAsync::Future &f, MessageQueue &queue) { if (queue.isEmpty()) { f.setFinished(); } else { - QObject::connect(&queue, &MessageQueue::drained, [&f]() { f.setFinished(); }); + auto context = new QObject; + QObject::connect(&queue, &MessageQueue::drained, context, [&f, context]() { + delete context; + f.setFinished(); + }); } }; KAsync::Job CommandProcessor::processAllMessages() { // We have to wait for all items to be processed to ensure the synced items are available when a query gets executed. // TODO: report errors while processing sync? // TODO JOBAPI: A helper that waits for n events and then continues? return KAsync::start([this](KAsync::Future &f) { if (mCommitQueueTimer.isActive()) { auto context = new QObject; QObject::connect(&mCommitQueueTimer, &QTimer::timeout, context, [&f, context]() { delete context; f.setFinished(); }); } else { f.setFinished(); } }) .then([this](KAsync::Future &f) { waitForDrained(f, mSynchronizerQueue); }) .then([this](KAsync::Future &f) { waitForDrained(f, mUserQueue); }) .then([this](KAsync::Future &f) { - if (mSynchronizer->allChangesReplayed()) { + if (mSynchronizer->ChangeReplay::allChangesReplayed()) { f.setFinished(); } else { auto context = new QObject; QObject::connect(mSynchronizer.data(), &ChangeReplay::changesReplayed, context, [&f, context]() { delete context; f.setFinished(); }); + mSynchronizer->replayNextRevision().exec(); } }); } diff --git a/common/commandprocessor.h b/common/commandprocessor.h index f3a0742d..8dfab345 100644 --- a/common/commandprocessor.h +++ b/common/commandprocessor.h @@ -1,95 +1,96 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "sink_export.h" #include #include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "notification.h" #include "messagequeue.h" namespace Sink { class Pipeline; class Inspector; class Synchronizer; struct QueuedCommand; class QueryBase; /** * Drives the pipeline using the output from all command queues */ -class CommandProcessor : public QObject +class SINK_EXPORT CommandProcessor : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: CommandProcessor(Sink::Pipeline *pipeline, const QByteArray &instanceId, const Sink::Log::Context &ctx); void setOldestUsedRevision(qint64 revision); void setInspector(const QSharedPointer &inspector); void setSynchronizer(const QSharedPointer &synchronizer); void processCommand(int commandId, const QByteArray &data); KAsync::Job processAllMessages(); signals: void notify(Notification); void error(int errorCode, const QString &errorMessage); private: bool messagesToProcessAvailable(); private slots: void process(); - KAsync::Job processQueuedCommand(const Sink::QueuedCommand *queuedCommand); + KAsync::Job processQueuedCommand(const Sink::QueuedCommand &queuedCommand); KAsync::Job processQueuedCommand(const QByteArray &data); // Process all messages of this queue KAsync::Job processQueue(MessageQueue *queue); KAsync::Job processPipeline(); private: void processFlushCommand(const QByteArray &data); void processSynchronizeCommand(const QByteArray &data); // void processRevisionReplayedCommand(const QByteArray &data); KAsync::Job flush(void const *command, size_t size); Sink::Log::Context mLogCtx; Sink::Pipeline *mPipeline; MessageQueue mUserQueue; MessageQueue mSynchronizerQueue; // Ordered by priority QList mCommandQueues; bool mProcessingLock; // The lowest revision we no longer need qint64 mLowerBoundRevision; QSharedPointer mSynchronizer; QSharedPointer mInspector; QTimer mCommitQueueTimer; + QVector mCompleteFlushes; }; }; diff --git a/common/commands.cpp b/common/commands.cpp index 0ec2c7be..18508da3 100644 --- a/common/commands.cpp +++ b/common/commands.cpp @@ -1,119 +1,121 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "commands.h" #include #include namespace Sink { namespace Commands { QByteArray name(int commandId) { switch (commandId) { case UnknownCommand: return "Unknown"; case CommandCompletionCommand: return "Completion"; case HandshakeCommand: return "Handshake"; case RevisionUpdateCommand: return "RevisionUpdate"; case SynchronizeCommand: return "Synchronize"; case DeleteEntityCommand: return "DeleteEntity"; case ModifyEntityCommand: return "ModifyEntity"; case CreateEntityCommand: return "CreateEntity"; case SearchSourceCommand: return "SearchSource"; case ShutdownCommand: return "Shutdown"; case NotificationCommand: return "Notification"; case PingCommand: return "Ping"; case RevisionReplayedCommand: return "RevisionReplayed"; case InspectionCommand: return "Inspection"; case RemoveFromDiskCommand: return "RemoveFromDisk"; case FlushCommand: return "Flush"; case SecretCommand: return "Secret"; case UpgradeCommand: return "Upgrade"; + case AbortSynchronizationCommand: + return "AbortSynchronization"; case CustomCommand: return "Custom"; }; return QByteArray("Invalid commandId"); } int headerSize() { return sizeof(int) + (sizeof(uint) * 2); } void write(QLocalSocket *device, int messageId, int commandId) { write(device, messageId, commandId, nullptr, 0); } static void write(QLocalSocket *device, const char *buffer, uint size) { if (device->write(buffer, size) < 0) { SinkWarningCtx(Sink::Log::Context{"commands"}) << "Error while writing " << device->errorString(); } } void write(QLocalSocket *device, int messageId, int commandId, const char *buffer, uint size) { if (size > 0 && !buffer) { size = 0; } write(device, (const char *)&messageId, sizeof(int)); write(device, (const char *)&commandId, sizeof(int)); write(device, (const char *)&size, sizeof(uint)); if (buffer) { write(device, buffer, size); } //The default implementation will happily buffer 200k bytes before sending it out which doesn't make the sytem exactly responsive. //1k is arbitrary, but fits a bunch of messages at least. if (device->bytesToWrite() > 1000) { device->flush(); } } void write(QLocalSocket *device, int messageId, int commandId, flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &fbb) { write(device, messageId, commandId, (const char *)fbb.GetBufferPointer(), fbb.GetSize()); } } // namespace Commands } // namespace Sink diff --git a/common/commands.h b/common/commands.h index 9ca92a37..2eb5ec58 100644 --- a/common/commands.h +++ b/common/commands.h @@ -1,65 +1,66 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "sink_export.h" #include #include class QLocalSocket; namespace Sink { namespace Commands { enum CommandIds { UnknownCommand = 0, CommandCompletionCommand, HandshakeCommand, RevisionUpdateCommand, SynchronizeCommand, DeleteEntityCommand, ModifyEntityCommand, CreateEntityCommand, SearchSourceCommand, // need a buffer definition for this, but relies on Query API ShutdownCommand, NotificationCommand, PingCommand, RevisionReplayedCommand, InspectionCommand, RemoveFromDiskCommand, FlushCommand, SecretCommand, UpgradeCommand, + AbortSynchronizationCommand, CustomCommand = 0xffff }; QByteArray name(int commandId); int SINK_EXPORT headerSize(); void SINK_EXPORT write(QLocalSocket *device, int messageId, int commandId); void SINK_EXPORT write(QLocalSocket *device, int messageId, int commandId, const char *buffer, uint size); void SINK_EXPORT write(QLocalSocket *device, int messageId, int commandId, flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &fbb); } } // namespace Sink diff --git a/common/datastorequery.cpp b/common/datastorequery.cpp index 4c257103..116e5453 100644 --- a/common/datastorequery.cpp +++ b/common/datastorequery.cpp @@ -1,711 +1,778 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "datastorequery.h" #include "log.h" #include "applicationdomaintype.h" using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::Storage; static QByteArray operationName(const Sink::Operation op) { switch(op) { case Sink::Operation_Creation: return "Creation"; case Sink::Operation_Modification: return "Modification"; case Sink::Operation_Removal: return "Removal"; } return ""; } +static bool compare(const QVariant &left, const QVariant &right, QueryBase::Reduce::Selector::Comparator comparator) { + if (comparator == QueryBase::Reduce::Selector::Max) { + return left > right; + } + if (comparator == QueryBase::Reduce::Selector::Min) { + return left < right; + } + return false; +} + + class Source : public FilterBase { public: typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; - QVector mIds; - QVector::ConstIterator mIt; - QVector mIncrementalIds; - QVector::ConstIterator mIncrementalIt; + QVector mIds; + QVector::ConstIterator mIt; + QVector mIncrementalIds; + QVector::ConstIterator mIncrementalIt; + bool mHaveIncrementalChanges{false}; - Source (const QVector &ids, DataStoreQuery *store) + Source (const QVector &ids, DataStoreQuery *store) : FilterBase(store), - mIds(ids), - mIt(mIds.constBegin()) + mIds(ids) { - + mIt = mIds.constBegin(); } virtual ~Source(){} virtual void skip() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { if (mIt != mIds.constEnd()) { mIt++; } }; - void add(const QVector &ids) + void add(const QVector &keys) { - mIncrementalIds = ids; + mIncrementalIds.clear(); + mIncrementalIds.reserve(keys.size()); + for (const auto &key : keys) { + mIncrementalIds.append(key.identifier()); + } mIncrementalIt = mIncrementalIds.constBegin(); + mHaveIncrementalChanges = true; } bool next(const std::function &callback) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { - if (!mIncrementalIds.isEmpty()) { + if (mHaveIncrementalChanges) { if (mIncrementalIt == mIncrementalIds.constEnd()) { return false; } readEntity(*mIncrementalIt, [this, callback](const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Operation operation) { SinkTraceCtx(mDatastore->mLogCtx) << "Source: Read entity: " << entity.identifier() << operationName(operation); callback({entity, operation}); }); mIncrementalIt++; if (mIncrementalIt == mIncrementalIds.constEnd()) { return false; } return true; } else { if (mIt == mIds.constEnd()) { return false; } readEntity(*mIt, [this, callback](const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Operation operation) { SinkTraceCtx(mDatastore->mLogCtx) << "Source: Read entity: " << entity.identifier() << operationName(operation); callback({entity, operation}); }); mIt++; return mIt != mIds.constEnd(); } } }; class Collector : public FilterBase { public: typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; Collector(FilterBase::Ptr source, DataStoreQuery *store) : FilterBase(source, store) { } virtual ~Collector(){} bool next(const std::function &callback) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return mSource->next(callback); } }; class Filter : public FilterBase { public: typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; QHash propertyFilter; Filter(FilterBase::Ptr source, DataStoreQuery *store) : FilterBase(source, store) { } virtual ~Filter(){} virtual bool next(const std::function &callback) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { bool foundValue = false; while(!foundValue && mSource->next([this, callback, &foundValue](const ResultSet::Result &result) { SinkTraceCtx(mDatastore->mLogCtx) << "Filter: " << result.entity.identifier() << operationName(result.operation); //Always accept removals. They can't match the filter since the data is gone. if (result.operation == Sink::Operation_Removal) { SinkTraceCtx(mDatastore->mLogCtx) << "Removal: " << result.entity.identifier() << operationName(result.operation); callback(result); foundValue = true; } else if (matchesFilter(result.entity)) { SinkTraceCtx(mDatastore->mLogCtx) << "Accepted: " << result.entity.identifier() << operationName(result.operation); callback(result); foundValue = true; //TODO if something did not match the filter so far but does now, turn into an add operation. } else { SinkTraceCtx(mDatastore->mLogCtx) << "Rejected: " << result.entity.identifier() << operationName(result.operation); //TODO emit a removal if we had the uid in the result set and this is a modification. //We don't know if this results in a removal from the dataset, so we emit a removal notification anyways callback({result.entity, Sink::Operation_Removal, result.aggregateValues}); } return false; })) {} return foundValue; } bool matchesFilter(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity) { for (const auto &filterProperty : propertyFilter.keys()) { QVariant property; if (filterProperty.size() == 1) { property = entity.getProperty(filterProperty[0]); } else { QVariantList propList; for (const auto &propName : filterProperty) { propList.push_back(entity.getProperty(propName)); } property = propList; } const auto comparator = propertyFilter.value(filterProperty); //We can't deal with a fulltext filter if (comparator.comparator == QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext) { continue; } if (!comparator.matches(property)) { SinkTraceCtx(mDatastore->mLogCtx) << "Filtering entity due to property mismatch on filter: " << entity.identifier() << "Property: " << filterProperty << property << " Filter:" << comparator.value; return false; } } return true; } }; class Reduce : public Filter { public: typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; struct Aggregator { QueryBase::Reduce::Aggregator::Operation operation; QByteArray property; QByteArray resultProperty; Aggregator(QueryBase::Reduce::Aggregator::Operation o, const QByteArray &property_, const QByteArray &resultProperty_) : operation(o), property(property_), resultProperty(resultProperty_) { } void process(const QVariant &value) { if (operation == QueryBase::Reduce::Aggregator::Collect) { mResult = mResult.toList() << value; } else if (operation == QueryBase::Reduce::Aggregator::Count) { mResult = mResult.toInt() + 1; } else { Q_ASSERT(false); } } void reset() { mResult.clear(); } QVariant result() const { return mResult; } private: QVariant mResult; }; + struct PropertySelector { + QueryBase::Reduce::Selector selector; + QByteArray resultProperty; + + PropertySelector(QueryBase::Reduce::Selector s, const QByteArray &resultProperty_) + : selector(s), resultProperty(resultProperty_) + { + + } + + void process(const QVariant &value, const QVariant &selectionValue) { + if (!selectionResultValue.isValid() || compare(selectionValue, selectionResultValue, selector.comparator)) { + selectionResultValue = selectionValue; + mResult = value; + } + } + + void reset() + { + selectionResultValue.clear(); + mResult.clear(); + } + + QVariant result() const + { + return mResult; + } + private: + + QVariant selectionResultValue; + QVariant mResult; + }; + QSet mReducedValues; QSet mIncrementallyReducedValues; - QHash mSelectedValues; + QHash mSelectedValues; QByteArray mReductionProperty; QByteArray mSelectionProperty; QueryBase::Reduce::Selector::Comparator mSelectionComparator; QList mAggregators; + QList mSelectors; Reduce(const QByteArray &reductionProperty, const QByteArray &selectionProperty, QueryBase::Reduce::Selector::Comparator comparator, FilterBase::Ptr source, DataStoreQuery *store) : Filter(source, store), mReductionProperty(reductionProperty), mSelectionProperty(selectionProperty), mSelectionComparator(comparator) { } virtual ~Reduce(){} void updateComplete() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { SinkTraceCtx(mDatastore->mLogCtx) << "Reduction update is complete."; mIncrementallyReducedValues.clear(); } static QByteArray getByteArray(const QVariant &value) { if (value.type() == QVariant::DateTime) { return value.toDateTime().toString().toLatin1(); } if (value.isValid() && !value.toByteArray().isEmpty()) { return value.toByteArray(); } return QByteArray(); } - static bool compare(const QVariant &left, const QVariant &right, QueryBase::Reduce::Selector::Comparator comparator) { - if (comparator == QueryBase::Reduce::Selector::Max) { - return left > right; - } - return false; - } - struct ReductionResult { - QByteArray selection; - QVector aggregateIds; + Identifier selection; + QVector aggregateIds; QMap aggregateValues; }; ReductionResult reduceOnValue(const QVariant &reductionValue) { QMap aggregateValues; QVariant selectionResultValue; - QByteArray selectionResult; + Identifier selectionResult; const auto results = indexLookup(mReductionProperty, reductionValue); for (auto &aggregator : mAggregators) { aggregator.reset(); } - QVector reducedAndFilteredResults; + for (auto &selector : mSelectors) { + selector.reset(); + } + QVector reducedAndFilteredResults; for (const auto &r : results) { readEntity(r, [&, this](const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Operation operation) { //We need to apply all property filters that we have until the reduction, because the index lookup was unfiltered. if (!matchesFilter(entity)) { return; } reducedAndFilteredResults << r; Q_ASSERT(operation != Sink::Operation_Removal); for (auto &aggregator : mAggregators) { if (!aggregator.property.isEmpty()) { aggregator.process(entity.getProperty(aggregator.property)); } else { aggregator.process(QVariant{}); } } - auto selectionValue = entity.getProperty(mSelectionProperty); + + const auto selectionValue = entity.getProperty(mSelectionProperty); + + for (auto &selector : mSelectors) { + if (!selector.selector.property.isEmpty()) { + selector.process(entity.getProperty(selector.selector.property), selectionValue); + } + } if (!selectionResultValue.isValid() || compare(selectionValue, selectionResultValue, mSelectionComparator)) { selectionResultValue = selectionValue; - selectionResult = entity.identifier(); + selectionResult = Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(entity.identifier()); } }); } - for (auto &aggregator : mAggregators) { + for (const auto &aggregator : mAggregators) { aggregateValues.insert(aggregator.resultProperty, aggregator.result()); } + for (const auto &selector : mSelectors) { + aggregateValues.insert(selector.resultProperty, selector.result()); + } return {selectionResult, reducedAndFilteredResults, aggregateValues}; } bool next(const std::function &callback) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { bool foundValue = false; while(!foundValue && mSource->next([this, callback, &foundValue](const ResultSet::Result &result) { const auto reductionValue = [&] { const auto v = result.entity.getProperty(mReductionProperty); //Because we also get Operation_Removal for filtered entities. We use the fact that actually removed entites //won't have the property to reduce on. //TODO: Perhaps find a cleaner solutoin than abusing Operation::Removed for filtered properties. if (v.isNull() && result.operation == Sink::Operation_Removal) { //For removals we have to read the last revision to get a value, and thus be able to find the correct thread. QVariant reductionValue; - readPrevious(result.entity.identifier(), [&] (const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &prev) { + const auto id = Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(result.entity.identifier()); + readPrevious(id, [&] (const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &prev) { Q_ASSERT(result.entity.identifier() == prev.identifier()); reductionValue = prev.getProperty(mReductionProperty); }); return reductionValue; } else { return v; } }(); if (reductionValue.isNull()) { SinkTraceCtx(mDatastore->mLogCtx) << "No reduction value: " << result.entity.identifier(); //We failed to find a value to reduce on, so ignore this entity. //Can happen if the entity was already removed and we have no previous revision. return; } const auto reductionValueBa = getByteArray(reductionValue); if (!mReducedValues.contains(reductionValueBa)) { //Only reduce every value once. mReducedValues.insert(reductionValueBa); SinkTraceCtx(mDatastore->mLogCtx) << "Reducing new value: " << result.entity.identifier() << reductionValueBa; auto reductionResult = reduceOnValue(reductionValue); //This can happen if we get a removal message from a filtered entity and all entites of the reduction are filtered. - if (reductionResult.selection.isEmpty()) { + if (reductionResult.selection.isNull()) { return; } mSelectedValues.insert(reductionValueBa, reductionResult.selection); readEntity(reductionResult.selection, [&](const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Operation operation) { callback({entity, operation, reductionResult.aggregateValues, reductionResult.aggregateIds}); foundValue = true; }); } else { //During initial query, do nothing. The lookup above will take care of it. //During updates adjust the reduction according to the modification/addition or removal //We have to redo the reduction for every element, because of the aggregation values. if (mIncremental && !mIncrementallyReducedValues.contains(reductionValueBa)) { SinkTraceCtx(mDatastore->mLogCtx) << "Incremental reduction update: " << result.entity.identifier() << reductionValueBa; mIncrementallyReducedValues.insert(reductionValueBa); //Redo the reduction to find new aggregated values auto selectionResult = reduceOnValue(reductionValue); + //If mSelectedValues did not contain the value, oldSelectionResult will be empty.(Happens if entites have been filtered) auto oldSelectionResult = mSelectedValues.take(reductionValueBa); SinkTraceCtx(mDatastore->mLogCtx) << "Old selection result: " << oldSelectionResult << " New selection result: " << selectionResult.selection; - if (oldSelectionResult == selectionResult.selection) { + if (selectionResult.selection.isNull() && oldSelectionResult.isNull()) { + //Nothing to do, the item was filtered before, and still is. + } else if (oldSelectionResult == selectionResult.selection) { mSelectedValues.insert(reductionValueBa, selectionResult.selection); - Q_ASSERT(!selectionResult.selection.isEmpty()); + Q_ASSERT(!selectionResult.selection.isNull()); readEntity(selectionResult.selection, [&](const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Operation) { callback({entity, Sink::Operation_Modification, selectionResult.aggregateValues, selectionResult.aggregateIds}); }); } else { //remove old result - //If mSelectedValues did not containthe value, oldSelectionResult will be empty.(Happens if entites have been filtered) - if (!oldSelectionResult.isEmpty()) { + if (!oldSelectionResult.isNull()) { readEntity(oldSelectionResult, [&](const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Operation) { callback({entity, Sink::Operation_Removal}); }); } //If the last item has been removed, then there's nothing to add - if (!selectionResult.selection.isEmpty()) { + if (!selectionResult.selection.isNull()) { //add new result mSelectedValues.insert(reductionValueBa, selectionResult.selection); - Q_ASSERT(!selectionResult.selection.isEmpty()); + Q_ASSERT(!selectionResult.selection.isNull()); readEntity(selectionResult.selection, [&](const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Operation) { callback({entity, Sink::Operation_Creation, selectionResult.aggregateValues, selectionResult.aggregateIds}); }); } } } } })) {} return foundValue; } }; class Bloom : public Filter { public: typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; QByteArray mBloomProperty; Bloom(const QByteArray &bloomProperty, FilterBase::Ptr source, DataStoreQuery *store) : Filter(source, store), mBloomProperty(bloomProperty) { } virtual ~Bloom(){} bool next(const std::function &callback) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { if (!mBloomed) { //Initially we bloom on the first value that matches. //From there on we just filter. bool foundValue = false; while(!foundValue && mSource->next([this, callback, &foundValue](const ResultSet::Result &result) { mBloomValue = result.entity.getProperty(mBloomProperty); auto results = indexLookup(mBloomProperty, mBloomValue); for (const auto &r : results) { readEntity(r, [&, this](const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Operation operation) { callback({entity, Sink::Operation_Creation}); SinkTraceCtx(mDatastore->mLogCtx) << "Bloom result: " << entity.identifier() << operationName(operation); foundValue = true; }); } return false; })) {} mBloomed = true; propertyFilter.insert({mBloomProperty}, mBloomValue); return foundValue; } else { //Filter on bloom value return Filter::next(callback); } } QVariant mBloomValue; bool mBloomed = false; }; DataStoreQuery::DataStoreQuery(const Sink::QueryBase &query, const QByteArray &type, EntityStore &store) : mType(type), mStore(store), mLogCtx(store.logContext().subContext("datastorequery")) { //This is what we use during a new query setupQuery(query); } DataStoreQuery::DataStoreQuery(const DataStoreQuery::State &state, const QByteArray &type, Sink::Storage::EntityStore &store, bool incremental) : mType(type), mStore(store), mLogCtx(store.logContext().subContext("datastorequery")) { //This is what we use when fetching more data, without having a new revision with incremental=false //And this is what we use when the data changed and we want to update with incremental = true mCollector = state.mCollector; mSource = state.mSource; auto source = mCollector; while (source) { source->mDatastore = this; source->mIncremental = incremental; source = source->mSource; } } DataStoreQuery::~DataStoreQuery() { } DataStoreQuery::State::Ptr DataStoreQuery::getState() { auto state = State::Ptr::create(); state->mSource = mSource; state->mCollector = mCollector; return state; } -void DataStoreQuery::readEntity(const QByteArray &key, const BufferCallback &resultCallback) +void DataStoreQuery::readEntity(const Identifier &id, const BufferCallback &resultCallback) { - mStore.readLatest(mType, key, resultCallback); + mStore.readLatest(mType, id, resultCallback); } -void DataStoreQuery::readPrevious(const QByteArray &key, const std::function &callback) +void DataStoreQuery::readPrevious(const Identifier &id, const std::function &callback) { - mStore.readPrevious(mType, key, mStore.maxRevision(), callback); + mStore.readPrevious(mType, id, mStore.maxRevision(), callback); } -QVector DataStoreQuery::indexLookup(const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &value) +QVector DataStoreQuery::indexLookup(const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &value) { return mStore.indexLookup(mType, property, value); } /* ResultSet DataStoreQuery::filterAndSortSet(ResultSet &resultSet, const FilterFunction &filter, const QByteArray &sortProperty) */ /* { */ /* const bool sortingRequired = !sortProperty.isEmpty(); */ /* if (mInitialQuery && sortingRequired) { */ /* SinkTrace() << "Sorting the resultset in memory according to property: " << sortProperty; */ /* // Sort the complete set by reading the sort property and filling into a sorted map */ /* auto sortedMap = QSharedPointer>::create(); */ /* while (resultSet.next()) { */ /* // readEntity is only necessary if we actually want to filter or know the operation type (but not a big deal if we do it always I guess) */ /* readEntity(resultSet.id(), */ /* [this, filter, sortedMap, sortProperty, &resultSet](const QByteArray &uid, const Sink::EntityBuffer &buffer) { */ /* const auto operation = buffer.operation(); */ /* // We're not interested in removals during the initial query */ /* if ((operation != Sink::Operation_Removal) && filter(uid, buffer)) { */ /* if (!sortProperty.isEmpty()) { */ /* const auto sortValue = getProperty(buffer.entity(), sortProperty); */ /* if (sortValue.type() == QVariant::DateTime) { */ /* sortedMap->insert(QByteArray::number(std::numeric_limits::max() - sortValue.toDateTime().toTime_t()), uid); */ /* } else { */ /* sortedMap->insert(sortValue.toString().toLatin1(), uid); */ /* } */ /* } else { */ /* sortedMap->insert(uid, uid); */ /* } */ /* } */ /* }); */ /* } */ /* SinkTrace() << "Sorted " << sortedMap->size() << " values."; */ /* auto iterator = QSharedPointer>::create(*sortedMap); */ /* ResultSet::ValueGenerator generator = [this, iterator, sortedMap, filter]( */ /* std::function callback) -> bool { */ /* if (iterator->hasNext()) { */ /* readEntity(iterator->next().value(), [this, filter, callback](const QByteArray &uid, const Sink::EntityBuffer &buffer) { */ /* callback(uid, buffer, Sink::Operation_Creation); */ /* }); */ /* return true; */ /* } */ /* return false; */ /* }; */ /* auto skip = [iterator]() { */ /* if (iterator->hasNext()) { */ /* iterator->next(); */ /* } */ /* }; */ /* return ResultSet(generator, skip); */ /* } else { */ /* auto resultSetPtr = QSharedPointer::create(resultSet); */ /* ResultSet::ValueGenerator generator = [this, resultSetPtr, filter](const ResultSet::Callback &callback) -> bool { */ /* if (resultSetPtr->next()) { */ /* SinkTrace() << "Reading the next value: " << resultSetPtr->id(); */ /* // readEntity is only necessary if we actually want to filter or know the operation type (but not a big deal if we do it always I guess) */ /* readEntity(resultSetPtr->id(), [this, filter, callback](const QByteArray &uid, const Sink::EntityBuffer &buffer) { */ /* const auto operation = buffer.operation(); */ /* if (mInitialQuery) { */ /* // We're not interested in removals during the initial query */ /* if ((operation != Sink::Operation_Removal) && filter(uid, buffer)) { */ /* // In the initial set every entity is new */ /* callback(uid, buffer, Sink::Operation_Creation); */ /* } */ /* } else { */ /* // Always remove removals, they probably don't match due to non-available properties */ /* if ((operation == Sink::Operation_Removal) || filter(uid, buffer)) { */ /* // TODO only replay if this is in the currently visible set (or just always replay, worst case we have a couple to many results) */ /* callback(uid, buffer, operation); */ /* } */ /* } */ /* }); */ /* return true; */ /* } */ /* return false; */ /* }; */ /* auto skip = [resultSetPtr]() { resultSetPtr->skip(1); }; */ /* return ResultSet(generator, skip); */ /* } */ /* } */ QByteArrayList DataStoreQuery::executeSubquery(const QueryBase &subquery) { Q_ASSERT(!subquery.type().isEmpty()); auto sub = DataStoreQuery(subquery, subquery.type(), mStore); auto result = sub.execute(); QByteArrayList ids; while (result.next([&ids](const ResultSet::Result &result) { ids << result.entity.identifier(); })) {} return ids; } void DataStoreQuery::setupQuery(const Sink::QueryBase &query_) { auto query = query_; auto baseFilters = query.getBaseFilters(); //Resolve any subqueries we have for (const auto &k : baseFilters.keys()) { const auto comparator = baseFilters.value(k); if (comparator.value.canConvert()) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Executing subquery for property: " << k; const auto result = executeSubquery(comparator.value.value()); baseFilters.insert(k, Query::Comparator(QVariant::fromValue(result), Query::Comparator::In)); } } query.setBaseFilters(baseFilters); QByteArray appliedSorting; //Determine initial set mSource = [&]() { if (!query.ids().isEmpty()) { //We have a set of ids as a starting point - return Source::Ptr::create(query.ids().toVector(), this); + QVector ids; + for (const auto & id: query.ids()) { + ids.append(Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(id)); + } + return Source::Ptr::create(ids, this); } else { QSet appliedFilters; auto resultSet = mStore.indexLookup(mType, query, appliedFilters, appliedSorting); if (!appliedFilters.isEmpty()) { //We have an index lookup as starting point return Source::Ptr::create(resultSet, this); } // We do a full scan if there were no indexes available to create the initial set (this is going to be expensive for large sets). return Source::Ptr::create(mStore.fullScan(mType), this); } }(); FilterBase::Ptr baseSet = mSource; if (!query.getBaseFilters().isEmpty()) { auto filter = Filter::Ptr::create(baseSet, this); //For incremental queries the remaining filters are not sufficient for (const auto &f : query.getBaseFilters().keys()) { filter->propertyFilter.insert(f, query.getFilter(f)); } baseSet = filter; } /* if (appliedSorting.isEmpty() && !query.sortProperty.isEmpty()) { */ /* //Apply manual sorting */ /* baseSet = Sort::Ptr::create(baseSet, query.sortProperty); */ /* } */ //Setup the rest of the filter stages on top of the base set for (const auto &stage : query.getFilterStages()) { if (auto filter = stage.dynamicCast()) { auto f = Filter::Ptr::create(baseSet, this); f->propertyFilter = filter->propertyFilter; baseSet = f; } else if (auto filter = stage.dynamicCast()) { auto reduction = Reduce::Ptr::create(filter->property, filter->selector.property, filter->selector.comparator, baseSet, this); for (const auto &aggregator : filter->aggregators) { reduction->mAggregators << Reduce::Aggregator(aggregator.operation, aggregator.propertyToCollect, aggregator.resultProperty); } + for (const auto &propertySelector : filter->propertySelectors) { + reduction->mSelectors << Reduce::PropertySelector(propertySelector.selector, propertySelector.resultProperty); + } reduction->propertyFilter = query.getBaseFilters(); baseSet = reduction; } else if (auto filter = stage.dynamicCast()) { baseSet = Bloom::Ptr::create(filter->property, baseSet, this); } } mCollector = Collector::Ptr::create(baseSet, this); } -QVector DataStoreQuery::loadIncrementalResultSet(qint64 baseRevision) +QVector DataStoreQuery::loadIncrementalResultSet(qint64 baseRevision) { - QVector changedKeys; - mStore.readRevisions(baseRevision, mType, [&](const QByteArray &key) { + QVector changedKeys; + mStore.readRevisions(baseRevision, mType, [&](const Key &key) { changedKeys << key; }); return changedKeys; } ResultSet DataStoreQuery::update(qint64 baseRevision) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Executing query update from revision " << baseRevision << " to revision " << mStore.maxRevision(); auto incrementalResultSet = loadIncrementalResultSet(baseRevision); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Incremental changes: " << incrementalResultSet; mSource->add(incrementalResultSet); ResultSet::ValueGenerator generator = [this](const ResultSet::Callback &callback) -> bool { if (mCollector->next([this, callback](const ResultSet::Result &result) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Got incremental result: " << result.entity.identifier() << operationName(result.operation); callback(result); })) { return true; } return false; }; return ResultSet(generator, [this]() { mCollector->skip(); }); } void DataStoreQuery::updateComplete() { mSource->mIncrementalIds.clear(); + mSource->mHaveIncrementalChanges = false; auto source = mCollector; while (source) { source->updateComplete(); source = source->mSource; } } ResultSet DataStoreQuery::execute() { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Executing query"; Q_ASSERT(mCollector); ResultSet::ValueGenerator generator = [this](const ResultSet::Callback &callback) -> bool { if (mCollector->next([this, callback](const ResultSet::Result &result) { if (result.operation != Sink::Operation_Removal) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Got initial result: " << result.entity.identifier() << result.operation; callback(ResultSet::Result{result.entity, Sink::Operation_Creation, result.aggregateValues, result.aggregateIds}); } })) { return true; } return false; }; return ResultSet(generator, [this]() { mCollector->skip(); }); } diff --git a/common/datastorequery.h b/common/datastorequery.h index 23115857..6ab7c258 100644 --- a/common/datastorequery.h +++ b/common/datastorequery.h @@ -1,128 +1,130 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once +#include "sink_export.h" + #include "query.h" #include "resultset.h" #include "log.h" #include "storage/entitystore.h" - +#include "storage/key.h" class Source; class Bloom; class Reduce; class Filter; class FilterBase; -class DataStoreQuery { +class SINK_EXPORT DataStoreQuery { friend class FilterBase; friend class Source; friend class Bloom; friend class Reduce; friend class Filter; public: typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; struct State { typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; QSharedPointer mCollector; QSharedPointer mSource; }; DataStoreQuery(const Sink::QueryBase &query, const QByteArray &type, Sink::Storage::EntityStore &store); DataStoreQuery(const DataStoreQuery::State &state, const QByteArray &type, Sink::Storage::EntityStore &store, bool incremental); ~DataStoreQuery(); ResultSet execute(); ResultSet update(qint64 baseRevision); void updateComplete(); State::Ptr getState(); private: typedef std::function FilterFunction; typedef std::function BufferCallback; - QVector indexLookup(const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &value); + QVector indexLookup(const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &value); - void readEntity(const QByteArray &key, const BufferCallback &resultCallback); - void readPrevious(const QByteArray &key, const std::function &callback); + void readEntity(const Sink::Storage::Identifier &id, const BufferCallback &resultCallback); + void readPrevious(const Sink::Storage::Identifier &id, const std::function &callback); ResultSet createFilteredSet(ResultSet &resultSet, const FilterFunction &); - QVector loadIncrementalResultSet(qint64 baseRevision); + QVector loadIncrementalResultSet(qint64 baseRevision); void setupQuery(const Sink::QueryBase &query_); QByteArrayList executeSubquery(const Sink::QueryBase &subquery); const QByteArray mType; QSharedPointer mCollector; QSharedPointer mSource; Sink::Storage::EntityStore &mStore; Sink::Log::Context mLogCtx; }; class FilterBase { public: typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; FilterBase(DataStoreQuery *store) : mDatastore(store) { } FilterBase(FilterBase::Ptr source, DataStoreQuery *store) : mSource(source), mDatastore(store) { } virtual ~FilterBase(){} - void readEntity(const QByteArray &key, const std::function &callback) + void readEntity(const Sink::Storage::Identifier &id, const std::function &callback) { Q_ASSERT(mDatastore); - mDatastore->readEntity(key, callback); + mDatastore->readEntity(id, callback); } - QVector indexLookup(const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &value) + QVector indexLookup(const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &value) { Q_ASSERT(mDatastore); return mDatastore->indexLookup(property, value); } - void readPrevious(const QByteArray &key, const std::function &callback) + void readPrevious(const Sink::Storage::Identifier &id, const std::function &callback) { Q_ASSERT(mDatastore); - mDatastore->readPrevious(key, callback); + mDatastore->readPrevious(id, callback); } virtual void skip() { mSource->skip(); } //Returns true for as long as a result is available virtual bool next(const std::function &callback) = 0; virtual void updateComplete() { } FilterBase::Ptr mSource; DataStoreQuery *mDatastore{nullptr}; bool mIncremental = false; }; diff --git a/common/definitions.cpp b/common/definitions.cpp index 642b68c1..5f98cd80 100644 --- a/common/definitions.cpp +++ b/common/definitions.cpp @@ -1,94 +1,94 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "definitions.h" #include #include static bool rereadDataLocation = true; static bool rereadConfigLocation = true; static bool rereadTemporaryFileLocation = true; void Sink::clearLocationCache() { rereadDataLocation = true; rereadConfigLocation = true; rereadTemporaryFileLocation = true; } QString Sink::storageLocation() { return dataLocation() + "/storage"; } static QString sinkLocation(QStandardPaths::StandardLocation location) { return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(location) + "/sink"; } QString Sink::dataLocation() { static QString location = sinkLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation); //Warning: This is not threadsafe, but clearLocationCache is only ever used in testcode. The initialization above is required to make at least the initialization threadsafe (relies on C++11 threadsafe initialization). if (rereadDataLocation) { location = sinkLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation); rereadDataLocation = false; } return location; } QString Sink::configLocation() { static QString location = sinkLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation); //Warning: This is not threadsafe, but clearLocationCache is only ever used in testcode. The initialization above is required to make at least the initialization threadsafe (relies on C++11 threadsafe initialization). if (rereadConfigLocation) { location = sinkLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation); rereadConfigLocation = false; } return location; } QString Sink::temporaryFileLocation() { static QString location = dataLocation() + "/temporaryFiles"; static bool dirCreated = false; //Warning: This is not threadsafe, but clearLocationCache is only ever used in testcode. The initialization above is required to make at least the initialization threadsafe (relies on C++11 threadsafe initialization). if (rereadTemporaryFileLocation) { location = dataLocation() + "/temporaryFiles"; dirCreated = QDir{}.mkpath(location); rereadTemporaryFileLocation = false; } if (!dirCreated && QDir{}.mkpath(location)) { dirCreated = true; } return location; } QString Sink::resourceStorageLocation(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier) { return storageLocation() + "/" + resourceInstanceIdentifier + "/data"; } qint64 Sink::latestDatabaseVersion() { - return 2; + return 5; } diff --git a/common/domain/addressbook.fbs b/common/domain/addressbook.fbs index c2bda2bc..d8d1a497 100644 --- a/common/domain/addressbook.fbs +++ b/common/domain/addressbook.fbs @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ namespace Sink.ApplicationDomain.Buffer; table Addressbook { name:string; parent:string; + enabled:bool = true; } root_type Addressbook; file_identifier "AKFB"; diff --git a/common/domain/applicationdomaintype.cpp b/common/domain/applicationdomaintype.cpp index b0be7295..c88a126c 100644 --- a/common/domain/applicationdomaintype.cpp +++ b/common/domain/applicationdomaintype.cpp @@ -1,479 +1,475 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "applicationdomaintype.h" #include "log.h" #include "../bufferadaptor.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "propertyregistry.h" #include "storage.h" //for generateUid() #include "utils.h" //for generateUid() -#include + +QDebug Sink::ApplicationDomain::operator<< (QDebug d, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::Contact::Email &e) +{ + d << "Email(" << e.email << ", " << e.type << ")"; + return d; +} QDebug Sink::ApplicationDomain::operator<< (QDebug d, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail::Contact &c) { d << "Contact(" << c.name << ", " << c.emailAddress << ")"; return d; } QDebug Sink::ApplicationDomain::operator<< (QDebug d, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &type) { d << "ApplicationDomainType(\n"; auto properties = [&] { if (!type.changedProperties().isEmpty()) { return type.changedProperties(); } else { return type.mAdaptor->availableProperties(); } }(); std::sort(properties.begin(), properties.end()); d << " " << "Id: " << "\t" << type.identifier() << "\n"; if (type.isAggregate()) { d << " " << "AggregateIds: " << "\t" << type.aggregatedIds() << "\n"; } d << " " << "Resource: " << "\t" << type.resourceInstanceIdentifier() << "\n"; for (const auto &property : properties) { const auto value = type.getProperty(property); if (value.canConvert()) { //We limit the maximum length of the property for large blob properties. d << " " << property << "\t" << value.toString().mid(0, 75) << "\n"; } else if (value.canConvert()) { //We limit the maximum length of the property for large blob properties. d << " " << property << "\t" << value.toByteArray().mid(0, 75) << "\n"; } else { d << " " << property << "\t" << value << "\n"; } } d << ")"; return d; } QDebug Sink::ApplicationDomain::operator<< (QDebug d, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::Reference &ref) { d << ref.value; return d; } template int registerProperty() { Sink::Private::PropertyRegistry::instance().registerProperty(Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()); return 0; } -#define SINK_REGISTER_ENTITY(ENTITY) \ - constexpr const char *ENTITY::name; - #define SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(ENTITYTYPE, PROPERTY) \ - constexpr const char *ENTITYTYPE::PROPERTY::name; \ static int foo##ENTITYTYPE##PROPERTY = registerProperty(); namespace Sink { namespace ApplicationDomain { -constexpr const char *SinkResource::name; -constexpr const char *SinkAccount::name; - -SINK_REGISTER_ENTITY(Mail); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, Sender); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, To); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, Cc); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, Bcc); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, Subject); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, Date); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, Unread); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, Important); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, Folder); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, MimeMessage); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, FullPayloadAvailable); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, Draft); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, Trash); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, Sent); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, MessageId); -SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, ParentMessageId); +SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, ParentMessageIds); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Mail, ThreadId); -SINK_REGISTER_ENTITY(Folder); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Folder, Name); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Folder, Icon); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Folder, SpecialPurpose); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Folder, Enabled); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Folder, Parent); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Folder, Count); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Folder, FullContentAvailable); -SINK_REGISTER_ENTITY(Contact); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Contact, Uid); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Contact, Fn); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Contact, Firstname); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Contact, Lastname); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Contact, Emails); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Contact, Vcard); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Contact, Addressbook); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Contact, Photo); -SINK_REGISTER_ENTITY(Addressbook); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Addressbook, Name); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Addressbook, Parent); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Addressbook, LastUpdated); +SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Addressbook, Enabled); -SINK_REGISTER_ENTITY(Event); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Event, Uid); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Event, Summary); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Event, Description); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Event, StartTime); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Event, EndTime); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Event, AllDay); +SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Event, Recurring); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Event, Ical); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Event, Calendar); -SINK_REGISTER_ENTITY(Todo); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Todo, Uid); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Todo, Summary); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Todo, Description); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Todo, CompletedDate); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Todo, DueDate); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Todo, StartDate); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Todo, Status); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Todo, Priority); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Todo, Categories); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Todo, Ical); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Todo, Calendar); -SINK_REGISTER_ENTITY(Calendar); SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Calendar, Name); +SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Calendar, Color); +SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Calendar, Enabled); +SINK_REGISTER_PROPERTY(Calendar, ContentTypes); static const int foo = [] { QMetaType::registerEqualsComparator(); QMetaType::registerDebugStreamOperator(); QMetaType::registerConverter(); QMetaType::registerDebugStreamOperator(); qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators(); return 0; }(); void copyBuffer(Sink::ApplicationDomain::BufferAdaptor &buffer, Sink::ApplicationDomain::BufferAdaptor &memoryAdaptor, const QList &properties, bool pruneReferences) { auto propertiesToCopy = properties; if (properties.isEmpty()) { propertiesToCopy = buffer.availableProperties(); } for (const auto &property : propertiesToCopy) { const auto value = buffer.getProperty(property); if (pruneReferences && value.canConvert()) { continue; } else { memoryAdaptor.setProperty(property, value); } } } ApplicationDomainType::ApplicationDomainType() :mAdaptor(new MemoryBufferAdaptor()), mChangeSet(new QSet()) { } ApplicationDomainType::ApplicationDomainType(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier) :mAdaptor(new MemoryBufferAdaptor()), mChangeSet(new QSet()), mResourceInstanceIdentifier(resourceInstanceIdentifier) { } ApplicationDomainType::ApplicationDomainType(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier, const QByteArray &identifier, qint64 revision, const QSharedPointer &adaptor) : mAdaptor(adaptor), mChangeSet(new QSet()), mResourceInstanceIdentifier(resourceInstanceIdentifier), mIdentifier(identifier), mRevision(revision) { } ApplicationDomainType::ApplicationDomainType(const ApplicationDomainType &other) : mChangeSet(new QSet()) { *this = other; } ApplicationDomainType& ApplicationDomainType::operator=(const ApplicationDomainType &other) { mAdaptor = other.mAdaptor; if (other.mChangeSet) { *mChangeSet = *other.mChangeSet; } mResourceInstanceIdentifier = other.mResourceInstanceIdentifier; mIdentifier = other.mIdentifier; mRevision = other.mRevision; mAggreatedIds = other.mAggreatedIds; return *this; } ApplicationDomainType::~ApplicationDomainType() { } QByteArray ApplicationDomainType::generateUid() { return Sink::Storage::DataStore::generateUid(); } bool ApplicationDomainType::hasProperty(const QByteArray &key) const { Q_ASSERT(mAdaptor); return mAdaptor->availableProperties().contains(key); } QVariant ApplicationDomainType::getProperty(const QByteArray &key) const { Q_ASSERT(mAdaptor); return mAdaptor->getProperty(key); } QVariantList ApplicationDomainType::getCollectedProperty(const QByteArray &key) const { Q_ASSERT(mAdaptor); return mAdaptor->getProperty(key + "Collected").toList(); } void ApplicationDomainType::setProperty(const QByteArray &key, const QVariant &value) { Q_ASSERT(mAdaptor); if (!isAggregate()) { auto existing = mAdaptor->getProperty(key); if (existing.isValid() && existing == value ) { SinkTrace() << "Tried to set property that is still the same: " << key << value; return; } } mChangeSet->insert(key); mAdaptor->setProperty(key, value); } void ApplicationDomainType::setResource(const QByteArray &identifier) { mResourceInstanceIdentifier = identifier; } void ApplicationDomainType::setProperty(const QByteArray &key, const ApplicationDomainType &value) { Q_ASSERT(!value.identifier().isEmpty()); setProperty(key, QVariant::fromValue(Reference{value.identifier()})); } void ApplicationDomainType::setChangedProperties(const QSet &changeset) { *mChangeSet = changeset; } QByteArrayList ApplicationDomainType::changedProperties() const { return mChangeSet->toList(); } QByteArrayList ApplicationDomainType::availableProperties() const { Q_ASSERT(mAdaptor); return mAdaptor->availableProperties(); } qint64 ApplicationDomainType::revision() const { return mRevision; } QByteArray ApplicationDomainType::resourceInstanceIdentifier() const { return mResourceInstanceIdentifier; } QByteArray ApplicationDomainType::identifier() const { return mIdentifier; } bool ApplicationDomainType::isAggregate() const { return mAggreatedIds.size() > 1; } QVector ApplicationDomainType::aggregatedIds() const { return mAggreatedIds; } QVector &ApplicationDomainType::aggregatedIds() { return mAggreatedIds; } int ApplicationDomainType::count() const { return qMax(mAggreatedIds.size(), 1); } SinkResource::SinkResource(const QByteArray &identifier) : ApplicationDomainType("", identifier, 0, QSharedPointer(new MemoryBufferAdaptor())) { } SinkResource::SinkResource(const QByteArray &, const QByteArray &identifier, qint64 revision, const QSharedPointer &adaptor) : ApplicationDomainType("", identifier, 0, adaptor) { } SinkResource::SinkResource() : ApplicationDomainType() { } SinkResource::~SinkResource() { } SinkAccount::SinkAccount(const QByteArray &identifier) : ApplicationDomainType("", identifier, 0, QSharedPointer(new MemoryBufferAdaptor())) { } SinkAccount::SinkAccount(const QByteArray &, const QByteArray &identifier, qint64 revision, const QSharedPointer &adaptor) : ApplicationDomainType("", identifier, 0, adaptor) { } SinkAccount::SinkAccount() : ApplicationDomainType() { } SinkAccount::~SinkAccount() { } Identity::Identity(const QByteArray &identifier) : ApplicationDomainType("", identifier, 0, QSharedPointer(new MemoryBufferAdaptor())) { } Identity::Identity(const QByteArray &, const QByteArray &identifier, qint64 revision, const QSharedPointer &adaptor) : ApplicationDomainType("", identifier, 0, adaptor) { } Identity::Identity() : ApplicationDomainType() { } Identity::~Identity() { } SinkResource DummyResource::create(const QByteArray &account) { auto &&resource = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity(); resource.setResourceType("sink.dummy"); resource.setAccount(account); return resource; } SinkResource MaildirResource::create(const QByteArray &account) { auto &&resource = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity(); resource.setResourceType("sink.maildir"); resource.setAccount(account); return resource; } SinkResource MailtransportResource::create(const QByteArray &account) { auto &&resource = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity(); resource.setResourceType("sink.mailtransport"); resource.setAccount(account); return resource; } SinkResource ImapResource::create(const QByteArray &account) { auto &&resource = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity(); resource.setResourceType("sink.imap"); resource.setAccount(account); return resource; } SinkResource CardDavResource::create(const QByteArray &account) { auto &&resource = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity(); resource.setResourceType("sink.carddav"); resource.setAccount(account); return resource; } SinkResource CalDavResource::create(const QByteArray &account) { auto &&resource = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity(); resource.setResourceType("sink.caldav"); resource.setAccount(account); return resource; } QByteArrayList getTypeNames() { static QByteArrayList types; if (types.isEmpty()) { #define REGISTER_TYPE(TYPE) \ types << ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(); SINK_REGISTER_TYPES() #undef REGISTER_TYPE } return types; } bool isGlobalType(const QByteArray &type) { if (type == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName() || type == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName() || type == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { return true; } return false; } } } QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::Reference &reference) { out << reference.value; return out; } QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, Sink::ApplicationDomain::Reference &reference) { in >> reference.value; return in; } diff --git a/common/domain/applicationdomaintype.h b/common/domain/applicationdomaintype.h index deaa917d..47558f95 100644 --- a/common/domain/applicationdomaintype.h +++ b/common/domain/applicationdomaintype.h @@ -1,603 +1,641 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "sink_export.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "bufferadaptor.h" #define SINK_ENTITY(TYPE, LOWERCASENAME) \ - static constexpr const char *name = #LOWERCASENAME; \ + inline static constexpr const char *name = #LOWERCASENAME; \ typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; \ using Entity::Entity; \ TYPE() = default; \ TYPE(const ApplicationDomainType &o) : Entity(o) {} \ virtual ~TYPE() = default; \ static TYPE create(const QByteArray &resource) { return createEntity(resource); }; \ #define SINK_PROPERTY(TYPE, NAME, LOWERCASENAME) \ struct NAME { \ - SINK_EXPORT static constexpr const char *name = #LOWERCASENAME; \ + SINK_EXPORT inline static constexpr const char *name = #LOWERCASENAME; \ typedef TYPE Type; \ }; \ void set##NAME(const TYPE &value) { setProperty(NAME::name, QVariant::fromValue(value)); } \ TYPE get##NAME() const { return getProperty(NAME::name).value(); } \ #define SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(TYPE, NAME, LOWERCASENAME) \ struct NAME { \ - SINK_EXPORT static constexpr const char *name = #LOWERCASENAME; \ + SINK_EXPORT inline static constexpr const char *name = #LOWERCASENAME; \ typedef TYPE Type; \ }; \ void setExtracted##NAME(const TYPE &value) { setProperty(NAME::name, QVariant::fromValue(value)); } \ TYPE get##NAME() const { return getProperty(NAME::name).value(); } \ #define SINK_STATUS_PROPERTY(TYPE, NAME, LOWERCASENAME) \ struct NAME { \ - SINK_EXPORT static constexpr const char *name = #LOWERCASENAME; \ + SINK_EXPORT inline static constexpr const char *name = #LOWERCASENAME; \ typedef TYPE Type; \ }; \ void setStatus##NAME(const TYPE &value) { setProperty(NAME::name, QVariant::fromValue(value)); } \ TYPE get##NAME() const { return getProperty(NAME::name).value(); } \ #define SINK_REFERENCE_PROPERTY(TYPE, NAME, LOWERCASENAME) \ struct NAME { \ - SINK_EXPORT static constexpr const char *name = #LOWERCASENAME; \ + SINK_EXPORT inline static constexpr const char *name = #LOWERCASENAME; \ typedef Reference Type; \ typedef ApplicationDomain::TYPE ReferenceType; \ }; \ void set##NAME(const ApplicationDomain::TYPE &value) { setProperty(NAME::name, value); } \ void set##NAME(const QByteArray &value) { setProperty(NAME::name, QVariant::fromValue(Reference{value})); } \ QByteArray get##NAME() const { return getProperty(NAME::name).value().value; } \ #define SINK_INDEX_PROPERTY(TYPE, NAME, LOWERCASENAME) \ struct NAME { \ - SINK_EXPORT static constexpr const char *name = #LOWERCASENAME; \ + SINK_EXPORT inline static constexpr const char *name = #LOWERCASENAME; \ typedef TYPE Type; \ }; \ namespace Sink { namespace ApplicationDomain { enum ErrorCode { NoError = 0, UnknownError, - NoServerError, - ConnectionError, - LoginError, - ConfigurationError, - TransmissionError, - ConnectionLostError, - MissingCredentialsError, + NoServerError, //Failed to find the server. E.g. due to failed hostname resolution. + ConnectionError, //The connection somehow failed (but the server was found) + LoginError, //Login failed (but we managed to connect) -> Typically wrong credentials. + ConfigurationError, //The configuration is broken. + TransmissionError, //There was an error while transmission (e.g. while uploading something) + ConnectionLostError, //We lost the connection to the server. + MissingCredentialsError, //There are no credentials available, but required. ResourceCrashedError }; enum SuccessCode { TransmissionSuccess }; enum SyncStatus { NoSyncStatus, SyncInProgress, SyncError, SyncSuccess, NewContentAvailable }; /** * The status of an account or resource. * * It is set as follows: * * By default the status is no status. * * If a connection to the server failed the status is Offline. * * If a connection to the server could be established the status is Connected. * * If an error occurred that keeps the resource from operating (so non transient), the resource enters the error state. * * If a long running operation is started the resource goes to the busy state (and return to the previous state after that). */ enum Status { NoStatus, OfflineStatus, ConnectedStatus, BusyStatus, ErrorStatus }; struct SINK_EXPORT Error { }; struct SINK_EXPORT Progress { }; /** * Internal type. * * Represents a reference to another entity in the same resource. */ struct Reference { Reference() = default; Reference(const Reference &) = default; Reference(const QByteArray &id) : value(id) {}; Reference(const char *id) : value(id) {}; ~Reference() = default; bool operator==(const Reference &other) const { return value == other.value; } operator QByteArray() const { return value; } QByteArray value; }; void copyBuffer(Sink::ApplicationDomain::BufferAdaptor &buffer, Sink::ApplicationDomain::BufferAdaptor &memoryAdaptor, const QList &properties = QList(), bool pruneReferences = false); /** * The domain type interface has two purposes: * * provide a unified interface to read buffers (for zero-copy reading) * * record changes to generate changesets for modifications * * ApplicationDomainTypes don't adhere to any standard and are meant to be extended frequently (hence the non-typesafe interface). */ class SINK_EXPORT ApplicationDomainType { public: typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; ApplicationDomainType(); explicit ApplicationDomainType(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier); explicit ApplicationDomainType(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier, const QByteArray &identifier, qint64 revision, const QSharedPointer &adaptor); ApplicationDomainType(const ApplicationDomainType &other); ApplicationDomainType& operator=(const ApplicationDomainType &other); inline bool operator==(const ApplicationDomainType &other) { return other.identifier() == identifier(); } inline bool operator!=(const ApplicationDomainType &other) { return !(*this == other); } template DomainType cast() { static_assert(std::is_base_of::value, "You can only cast to base classes of ApplicationDomainType."); DomainType t = *this; t.mChangeSet = mChangeSet; return t; } /** * Returns an in memory representation of the same entity. */ template static typename DomainType::Ptr getInMemoryRepresentation(const ApplicationDomainType &domainType, const QList properties = QList()) { auto memoryAdaptor = QSharedPointer::create(); copyBuffer(*(domainType.mAdaptor), *memoryAdaptor, properties, false); //mIdentifier internally still refers to the memory-mapped memory, we need to copy the memory or it will become invalid return QSharedPointer::create(domainType.mResourceInstanceIdentifier, QByteArray(domainType.mIdentifier.constData(), domainType.mIdentifier.size()), domainType.mRevision, memoryAdaptor); } /** * Returns an in memory copy without id and resource set. */ template static typename DomainType::Ptr getInMemoryCopy(const ApplicationDomainType &domainType, const QList properties = QList()) { auto memoryAdaptor = QSharedPointer::create(); Q_ASSERT(domainType.mAdaptor); copyBuffer(*(domainType.mAdaptor), *memoryAdaptor, properties, true); return QSharedPointer::create(QByteArray{}, QByteArray{}, 0, memoryAdaptor); } static QByteArray generateUid(); template static DomainType createEntity() { DomainType object; object.mIdentifier = generateUid(); return object; } template static DomainType createEntity(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier) { DomainType object(resourceInstanceIdentifier); object.mIdentifier = generateUid(); return object; } template static DomainType createEntity(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier, const QByteArray &identifier) { if (identifier.isEmpty()) { return createEntity(resourceInstanceIdentifier); } DomainType object(resourceInstanceIdentifier); object.mIdentifier = identifier; return object; } template static DomainType createCopy(const QByteArray &identifier, const DomainType &original) { DomainType object(original); object.mIdentifier = identifier; //This shouldn't be necessary but is to avoid corrupt id's from Store::modify calls. object.mIdentifier.detach(); return object; } virtual ~ApplicationDomainType(); bool hasProperty(const QByteArray &key) const; QVariant getProperty(const QByteArray &key) const; QVariantList getCollectedProperty(const QByteArray &key) const; template QVariantList getCollectedProperty() const { return getCollectedProperty(Property::name); } /** * Set a property and record a changed property * * If the propery is available and did not change the call will be ignored. */ void setProperty(const QByteArray &key, const QVariant &value); /** * Convenience method to set a reference property. */ void setProperty(const QByteArray &key, const ApplicationDomainType &value); void setChangedProperties(const QSet &changeset); QByteArrayList changedProperties() const; QByteArrayList availableProperties() const; qint64 revision() const; QByteArray resourceInstanceIdentifier() const; void setResource(const QByteArray &identifier); QByteArray identifier() const; bool isAggregate() const; QVector aggregatedIds() const; QVector &aggregatedIds(); int count() const; private: - friend QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const ApplicationDomainType &); + friend SINK_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const ApplicationDomainType &); QSharedPointer mAdaptor; QSharedPointer> mChangeSet; /* * Each domain object needs to store the resource, identifier, revision triple so we can link back to the storage location. */ QByteArray mResourceInstanceIdentifier; QByteArray mIdentifier; qint64 mRevision; QVector mAggreatedIds; }; /* * Should this be specific to the synclistresultset, in other cases we may want to take revision and resource into account. */ inline bool operator==(const ApplicationDomainType& lhs, const ApplicationDomainType& rhs) { return lhs.identifier() == rhs.identifier() && lhs.resourceInstanceIdentifier() == rhs.resourceInstanceIdentifier(); } SINK_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug d, const ApplicationDomainType &type); SINK_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug d, const Reference &ref); struct SINK_EXPORT SinkAccount : public ApplicationDomainType { - static constexpr const char *name = "account"; + inline static constexpr const char *name = "account"; typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; explicit SinkAccount(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier, const QByteArray &identifier, qint64 revision, const QSharedPointer &adaptor); explicit SinkAccount(const QByteArray &identifier); SinkAccount(); virtual ~SinkAccount(); SINK_PROPERTY(QString, Name, name); SINK_PROPERTY(QString, Icon, icon); SINK_PROPERTY(QString, AccountType, type); SINK_STATUS_PROPERTY(int, Status, status); }; /** * Represents an sink resource. * * This type is used for configuration of resources, * and for creating and removing resource instances. */ struct SINK_EXPORT SinkResource : public ApplicationDomainType { - static constexpr const char *name = "resource"; + inline static constexpr const char *name = "resource"; typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; explicit SinkResource(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier, const QByteArray &identifier, qint64 revision, const QSharedPointer &adaptor); explicit SinkResource(const QByteArray &identifier); SinkResource(); virtual ~SinkResource(); SINK_REFERENCE_PROPERTY(SinkAccount, Account, account); SINK_PROPERTY(QByteArray, ResourceType, type); SINK_PROPERTY(QByteArrayList, Capabilities, capabilities); SINK_STATUS_PROPERTY(int, Status, status); + SINK_PROPERTY(QString, Server, server); }; struct SINK_EXPORT Entity : public ApplicationDomainType { typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; using ApplicationDomainType::ApplicationDomainType; Entity() = default; Entity(const ApplicationDomainType &other) : ApplicationDomainType(other) {} virtual ~Entity() = default; }; struct SINK_EXPORT Addressbook : public Entity { SINK_ENTITY(Addressbook, addressbook); SINK_REFERENCE_PROPERTY(Addressbook, Parent, parent); SINK_PROPERTY(QString, Name, name); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QDateTime, LastUpdated, lastUpdated); + SINK_PROPERTY(bool, Enabled, enabled); }; struct SINK_EXPORT Contact : public Entity { struct SINK_EXPORT Email { enum Type { Undefined, Work, Home }; Type type; QString email; }; SINK_ENTITY(Contact, contact); SINK_PROPERTY(QString, Uid, uid); SINK_PROPERTY(QString, Fn, fn); SINK_PROPERTY(QString, Firstname, firstname); SINK_PROPERTY(QString, Lastname, lastname); SINK_PROPERTY(QList, Emails, emails); SINK_PROPERTY(QByteArray, Vcard, vcard); SINK_PROPERTY(QByteArray, Photo, photo); SINK_REFERENCE_PROPERTY(Addressbook, Addressbook, addressbook); }; +SINK_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug d, const Contact::Email &); + struct SINK_EXPORT Calendar : public Entity { SINK_ENTITY(Calendar, calendar); SINK_PROPERTY(QString, Name, name); + SINK_PROPERTY(QByteArray, Color, color); + SINK_PROPERTY(bool, Enabled, enabled); + SINK_PROPERTY(QByteArrayList, ContentTypes, contentTypes); }; struct SINK_EXPORT Event : public Entity { SINK_ENTITY(Event, event); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QString, Uid, uid); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QString, Summary, summary); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QString, Description, description); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QDateTime, StartTime, startTime); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QDateTime, EndTime, endTime); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(bool, AllDay, allDay); + SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(bool, Recurring, recurring); SINK_PROPERTY(QByteArray, Ical, ical); SINK_REFERENCE_PROPERTY(Calendar, Calendar, calendar); }; struct SINK_EXPORT Todo : public Entity { SINK_ENTITY(Todo, todo); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QString, Uid, uid); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QString, Summary, summary); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QString, Description, description); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QDateTime, CompletedDate, completedDate); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QDateTime, DueDate, dueDate); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QDateTime, StartDate, startDate); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QString, Status, status); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(int, Priority, priority); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QStringList, Categories, categories); SINK_PROPERTY(QByteArray, Ical, ical); SINK_REFERENCE_PROPERTY(Calendar, Calendar, calendar); }; struct SINK_EXPORT Folder : public Entity { SINK_ENTITY(Folder, folder); SINK_REFERENCE_PROPERTY(Folder, Parent, parent); SINK_PROPERTY(QString, Name, name); SINK_PROPERTY(QByteArray, Icon, icon); SINK_PROPERTY(QByteArrayList, SpecialPurpose, specialpurpose); SINK_PROPERTY(bool, Enabled, enabled); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QDateTime, LastUpdated, lastUpdated); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(int, Count, count); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(bool, FullContentAvailable, fullContentAvailable); }; struct SINK_EXPORT Mail : public Entity { struct SINK_EXPORT Contact { QString name; QString emailAddress; }; SINK_ENTITY(Mail, mail); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(Contact, Sender, sender); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QList, To, to); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QList, Cc, cc); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QList, Bcc, bcc); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QString, Subject, subject); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QDateTime, Date, date); SINK_PROPERTY(bool, Unread, unread); SINK_PROPERTY(bool, Important, important); SINK_REFERENCE_PROPERTY(Folder, Folder, folder); SINK_PROPERTY(QByteArray, MimeMessage, mimeMessage); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(bool, FullPayloadAvailable, fullPayloadAvailable); SINK_PROPERTY(bool, Draft, draft); SINK_PROPERTY(bool, Trash, trash); SINK_PROPERTY(bool, Sent, sent); SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QByteArray, MessageId, messageId); - SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QByteArray, ParentMessageId, parentMessageId); + SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY(QByteArrayList, ParentMessageIds, parentMessageIds); SINK_INDEX_PROPERTY(QByteArray, ThreadId, threadId); }; SINK_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug d, const Mail::Contact &c); struct SINK_EXPORT Identity : public ApplicationDomainType { static constexpr const char *name = "identity"; typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; explicit Identity(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier, const QByteArray &identifier, qint64 revision, const QSharedPointer &adaptor); explicit Identity(const QByteArray &identifier); Identity(); virtual ~Identity(); SINK_REFERENCE_PROPERTY(SinkAccount, Account, account); SINK_PROPERTY(QString, Name, name); SINK_PROPERTY(QString, Address, address); }; struct SINK_EXPORT DummyResource { static SinkResource create(const QByteArray &account); }; struct SINK_EXPORT MaildirResource { static SinkResource create(const QByteArray &account); }; struct SINK_EXPORT MailtransportResource { static SinkResource create(const QByteArray &account); }; struct SINK_EXPORT ImapResource { static SinkResource create(const QByteArray &account); }; struct SINK_EXPORT CardDavResource { static SinkResource create(const QByteArray &account); }; struct SINK_EXPORT CalDavResource { static SinkResource create(const QByteArray &account); }; namespace ResourceCapabilities { namespace Mail { static constexpr const char *mail = "mail"; static constexpr const char *folder = "folder"; static constexpr const char *storage = "mail.storage"; static constexpr const char *drafts = "mail.drafts"; static constexpr const char *sent = "mail.sent"; static constexpr const char *trash = "mail.trash"; static constexpr const char *transport = "mail.transport"; static constexpr const char *folderhierarchy = "mail.folderhierarchy"; }; namespace Contact { static constexpr const char *contact = "contact"; static constexpr const char *addressbook = "addressbook"; static constexpr const char *storage = "contact.storage"; }; namespace Event { static constexpr const char *event = "event"; static constexpr const char *calendar = "calendar"; static constexpr const char *storage = "event.storage"; }; namespace Todo { static constexpr const char *todo = "todo"; static constexpr const char *calendar = "calendar"; static constexpr const char *storage = "todo.storage"; }; }; namespace SpecialPurpose { namespace Mail { static constexpr const char *inbox = "inbox"; static constexpr const char *drafts = "drafts"; static constexpr const char *trash = "trash"; static constexpr const char *sent = "sent"; }; }; /** * All types need to be registered here an MUST return a different name. * * Do not store these types to disk, they may change over time. */ template QByteArray getTypeName() { return DomainType::name; } QByteArrayList SINK_EXPORT getTypeNames(); bool SINK_EXPORT isGlobalType(const QByteArray &type); /** * Type implementation. * * Needs to be implemented for every application domain type. * Contains all non-resource specific, but type-specific code. */ template class SINK_EXPORT TypeImplementation; } } #undef SINK_ENTITY #undef SINK_PROPERTY #undef SINK_EXTRACTED_PROPERTY #undef SINK_REFERENCE_PROPERTY #undef SINK_INDEX_PROPERTY /** * This macro can be used to instantiate templates for all domain types. */ #define SINK_REGISTER_TYPES() \ REGISTER_TYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Contact) \ REGISTER_TYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Addressbook) \ REGISTER_TYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Event) \ REGISTER_TYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Todo) \ REGISTER_TYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Calendar) \ REGISTER_TYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail) \ REGISTER_TYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Folder) \ REGISTER_TYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::SinkResource) \ REGISTER_TYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::SinkAccount) \ REGISTER_TYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Identity) \ SINK_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::Reference &reference); SINK_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, Sink::ApplicationDomain::Reference &reference); #define REGISTER_TYPE(TYPE) \ Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(TYPE) \ Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(TYPE::Ptr) SINK_REGISTER_TYPES() #undef REGISTER_TYPE + +template class Func> +struct TypeHelper { + const QByteArray type; + + template + R operator()(Args && ... args) const { + if (type == Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { + return Func{}(std::forward(args)...); + } else if (type == Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { + return Func{}(std::forward(args)...); + } else if (type == Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { + return Func{}(std::forward(args)...); + } else if (type == Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { + return Func{}(std::forward(args)...); + } else if (type == Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { + return Func{}(std::forward(args)...); + } else if (type == Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { + return Func{}(std::forward(args)...); + } else if (type == Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { + return Func{}(std::forward(args)...); + } else { + Q_ASSERT(false); + } + //Silence compiler warning + return Func{}(std::forward(args)...); + } +}; + + Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::Ptr) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Entity) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Entity::Ptr) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail::Contact) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Contact::Email) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Error) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Progress) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Reference) diff --git a/common/domain/applicationdomaintype_p.h b/common/domain/applicationdomaintype_p.h deleted file mode 100644 index 248f6f02..00000000 --- a/common/domain/applicationdomaintype_p.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Mollekopf - * - * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either - * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any - * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its - * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall - * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. - * - * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public - * License along with this library. If not, see . - */ -#pragma once - -#include "applicationdomaintype.h" - -template class Func> -struct TypeHelper { - const QByteArray type; - TypeHelper(const QByteArray &type_) - : type(type_) - { - - } - - template - R operator()(Args && ... args) const { - if (type == Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { - return Func{}(std::forward(args...)); - } else if (type == Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { - return Func{}(std::forward(args...)); - } else if (type == Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { - return Func{}(std::forward(args...)); - } else if (type == Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { - return Func{}(std::forward(args...)); - } else if (type == Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { - return Func{}(std::forward(args...)); - } else if (type == Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { - return Func{}(std::forward(args...)); - } else if (type == Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { - return Func{}(std::forward(args...)); - } else { - Q_ASSERT(false); - } - //Silence compiler warning - return Func{}(std::forward(args...)); - } -}; diff --git a/common/domain/calendar.fbs b/common/domain/calendar.fbs index 9788539b..97e3c7c7 100644 --- a/common/domain/calendar.fbs +++ b/common/domain/calendar.fbs @@ -1,8 +1,11 @@ namespace Sink.ApplicationDomain.Buffer; table Calendar { name:string; + color:string; + enabled:bool = true; + contentTypes:[string]; } root_type Calendar; file_identifier "AKFB"; diff --git a/common/domain/event.fbs b/common/domain/event.fbs index 9923810d..ebca88c5 100644 --- a/common/domain/event.fbs +++ b/common/domain/event.fbs @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ namespace Sink.ApplicationDomain.Buffer; table Event { uid:string; summary:string; description:string; startTime:string; endTime:string; - allDay:bool; + allDay:bool = false; + recurring:bool = false; ical:string; calendar:string; } root_type Event; file_identifier "AKFB"; diff --git a/common/domain/mail.fbs b/common/domain/mail.fbs index d1205dfe..a5346398 100644 --- a/common/domain/mail.fbs +++ b/common/domain/mail.fbs @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ namespace Sink.ApplicationDomain.Buffer; table MailContact { name: string; email: string; } table Mail { uid:string; folder:string; sender:MailContact; to:[MailContact]; cc:[MailContact]; bcc:[MailContact]; subject:string; date:string; unread:bool = false; important:bool = false; mimeMessage:string; draft:bool = false; trash:bool = false; sent:bool = false; messageId:string; - parentMessageId:string; + parentMessageIds:[string]; fullPayloadAvailable:bool = true; } root_type Mail; file_identifier "AKFB"; diff --git a/common/domain/typeimplementations.cpp b/common/domain/typeimplementations.cpp index 2b2d2ac8..3a8cc711 100644 --- a/common/domain/typeimplementations.cpp +++ b/common/domain/typeimplementations.cpp @@ -1,274 +1,287 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "typeimplementations.h" #include #include #include #include "../propertymapper.h" #include "../typeindex.h" #include "entitybuffer.h" #include "entity_generated.h" #include "mail/threadindexer.h" #include "mail/fulltextindexer.h" #include "domainadaptor.h" #include "typeimplementations_p.h" using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; #define SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(MAPPER, ENTITYTYPE, PROPERTY, LOWERCASEPROPERTY) \ MAPPER.addMapping(&Sink::ApplicationDomain::Buffer::ENTITYTYPE::LOWERCASEPROPERTY, &Sink::ApplicationDomain::Buffer::ENTITYTYPE##Builder::add_##LOWERCASEPROPERTY); typedef IndexConfig, ValueIndex, - ValueIndex, + ValueIndex, ValueIndex, ValueIndex, SortedIndex, SecondaryIndex, SecondaryIndex, CustomSecondaryIndex, CustomSecondaryIndex > MailIndexConfig; typedef IndexConfig, ValueIndex > FolderIndexConfig; typedef IndexConfig + ValueIndex, + ValueIndex > ContactIndexConfig; typedef IndexConfig > AddressbookIndexConfig; typedef IndexConfig, + ValueIndex, + ValueIndex, + ValueIndex, SortedIndex, SampledPeriodIndex > EventIndexConfig; typedef IndexConfig + ValueIndex, + ValueIndex > TodoIndexConfig; typedef IndexConfig > CalendarIndexConfig; - +template +QMap defaultTypeDatabases() +{ + return merge(QMap{{QByteArray{EntityType::name} + ".main", Storage::IntegerKeys}}, EntityIndexConfig::databases()); +} void TypeImplementation::configure(TypeIndex &index) { MailIndexConfig::configure(index); } QMap TypeImplementation::typeDatabases() { - return merge(QMap{{QByteArray{Mail::name} + ".main", 0}}, MailIndexConfig::databases()); + return defaultTypeDatabases(); } void TypeImplementation::configure(IndexPropertyMapper &indexPropertyMapper) { indexPropertyMapper.addIndexLookupProperty([](TypeIndex &index, const ApplicationDomain::BufferAdaptor &entity) { auto messageId = entity.getProperty(Mail::MessageId::name); auto thread = index.secondaryLookup(messageId); if (!thread.isEmpty()) { return thread.first(); } return QByteArray{}; }); } void TypeImplementation::configure(PropertyMapper &propertyMapper) { SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, Sender, sender); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, To, to); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, Cc, cc); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, Bcc, bcc); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, Subject, subject); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, Date, date); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, Unread, unread); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, Important, important); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, Folder, folder); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, MimeMessage, mimeMessage); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, FullPayloadAvailable, fullPayloadAvailable); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, Draft, draft); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, Trash, trash); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, Sent, sent); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, MessageId, messageId); - SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, ParentMessageId, parentMessageId); + SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Mail, ParentMessageIds, parentMessageIds); } void TypeImplementation::configure(TypeIndex &index) { FolderIndexConfig::configure(index); } QMap TypeImplementation::typeDatabases() { - return merge(QMap{{QByteArray{Folder::name} + ".main", 0}}, FolderIndexConfig::databases()); + return defaultTypeDatabases(); } void TypeImplementation::configure(PropertyMapper &propertyMapper) { SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Folder, Parent, parent); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Folder, Name, name); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Folder, Icon, icon); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Folder, SpecialPurpose, specialpurpose); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Folder, Enabled, enabled); } void TypeImplementation::configure(IndexPropertyMapper &) { } void TypeImplementation::configure(TypeIndex &index) { ContactIndexConfig::configure(index); } QMap TypeImplementation::typeDatabases() { - return merge(QMap{{QByteArray{Contact::name} + ".main", 0}}, ContactIndexConfig::databases()); + return defaultTypeDatabases(); } void TypeImplementation::configure(PropertyMapper &propertyMapper) { SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Contact, Uid, uid); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Contact, Fn, fn); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Contact, Emails, emails); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Contact, Vcard, vcard); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Contact, Addressbook, addressbook); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Contact, Firstname, firstname); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Contact, Lastname, lastname); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Contact, Photo, photo); } void TypeImplementation::configure(IndexPropertyMapper &) { } void TypeImplementation::configure(TypeIndex &index) { AddressbookIndexConfig::configure(index); } QMap TypeImplementation::typeDatabases() { - return merge(QMap{{QByteArray{Addressbook::name} + ".main", 0}}, AddressbookIndexConfig::databases()); + return defaultTypeDatabases(); } void TypeImplementation::configure(PropertyMapper &propertyMapper) { SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Addressbook, Parent, parent); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Addressbook, Name, name); + SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Addressbook, Enabled, enabled); } void TypeImplementation::configure(IndexPropertyMapper &) { } void TypeImplementation::configure(TypeIndex &index) { EventIndexConfig::configure(index); } QMap TypeImplementation::typeDatabases() { - return merge(QMap{{QByteArray{Event::name} + ".main", 0}}, EventIndexConfig::databases()); + return defaultTypeDatabases(); } void TypeImplementation::configure(PropertyMapper &propertyMapper) { SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Event, Summary, summary); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Event, Description, description); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Event, Uid, uid); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Event, StartTime, startTime); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Event, EndTime, endTime); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Event, AllDay, allDay); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Event, Ical, ical); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Event, Calendar, calendar); } void TypeImplementation::configure(IndexPropertyMapper &) { } void TypeImplementation::configure(TypeIndex &index) { TodoIndexConfig::configure(index); } QMap TypeImplementation::typeDatabases() { - return merge(QMap{{QByteArray{Todo::name} + ".main", 0}}, TodoIndexConfig::databases()); + return defaultTypeDatabases(); } void TypeImplementation::configure(PropertyMapper &propertyMapper) { SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Todo, Uid, uid); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Todo, Summary, summary); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Todo, Description, description); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Todo, CompletedDate, completedDate); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Todo, DueDate, dueDate); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Todo, StartDate, startDate); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Todo, Status, status); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Todo, Priority, priority); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Todo, Categories, categories); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Todo, Ical, ical); SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Todo, Calendar, calendar); } void TypeImplementation::configure(IndexPropertyMapper &) { } void TypeImplementation::configure(TypeIndex &index) { CalendarIndexConfig::configure(index); } QMap TypeImplementation::typeDatabases() { - return merge(QMap{{QByteArray{Calendar::name} + ".main", 0}}, CalendarIndexConfig::databases()); + return defaultTypeDatabases(); } void TypeImplementation::configure(PropertyMapper &propertyMapper) { SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Calendar, Name, name); + SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Calendar, Color, color); + SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Calendar, Enabled, enabled); + SINK_REGISTER_SERIALIZER(propertyMapper, Calendar, ContentTypes, contentTypes); } void TypeImplementation::configure(IndexPropertyMapper &) {} diff --git a/common/domain/typeimplementations_p.h b/common/domain/typeimplementations_p.h index 51af1139..bfdea772 100644 --- a/common/domain/typeimplementations_p.h +++ b/common/domain/typeimplementations_p.h @@ -1,190 +1,190 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "typeindex.h" #include template void mergeImpl(T &map, First f) { for (auto it = f.constBegin(); it != f.constEnd(); it++) { map.insert(it.key(), it.value()); } } template void mergeImpl(T &map, First f, Tail ...maps) { for (auto it = f.constBegin(); it != f.constEnd(); it++) { map.insert(it.key(), it.value()); } mergeImpl(map, maps...); } template First merge(First f, Tail ...maps) { First map; mergeImpl(map, f, maps...); return map; } template class ValueIndex { public: static void configure(TypeIndex &index) { index.addProperty(); } template static QMap databases() { - return {{QByteArray{EntityType::name} +".index." + Property::name, 1}}; + return {{QByteArray{EntityType::name} +".index." + Property::name, Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates}}; } }; template class SortedIndex { public: static void configure(TypeIndex &index) { index.addPropertyWithSorting(); } template static QMap databases() { - return {{QByteArray{EntityType::name} +".index." + Property::name + ".sort." + SortProperty::name, 1}}; + return {{QByteArray{EntityType::name} +".index." + Property::name + ".sort." + SortProperty::name, Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates}}; } }; template class SortedIndex { public: static void configure(TypeIndex &index) { index.addSortedProperty(); } template static QMap databases() { - return {{QByteArray{EntityType::name} +".index." + SortProperty::name + ".sorted", 1}}; + return {{QByteArray{EntityType::name} +".index." + SortProperty::name + ".sorted", Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates}}; } }; template class SecondaryIndex { public: static void configure(TypeIndex &index) { index.addSecondaryProperty(); } template static QMap databases() { - return {{QByteArray{EntityType::name} +".index." + Property::name + SecondaryProperty::name, 1}}; + return {{QByteArray{EntityType::name} +".index." + Property::name + SecondaryProperty::name, Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates}}; } }; template class CustomSecondaryIndex { public: static void configure(TypeIndex &index) { index.addSecondaryPropertyIndexer(); } template static QMap databases() { return Indexer::databases(); } }; template class SampledPeriodIndex { static_assert(std::is_same::value && std::is_same::value, "Date range index is not supported for types other than 'QDateTime's"); public: static void configure(TypeIndex &index) { index.addSampledPeriodIndex(); } template static QMap databases() { - return {{QByteArray{EntityType::name} +".index." + RangeBeginProperty::name + ".range." + RangeEndProperty::name, 1}}; + return {{QByteArray{EntityType::name} +".index." + RangeBeginProperty::name + ".range." + RangeEndProperty::name, Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates}}; } }; template class IndexConfig { template static void applyIndex(TypeIndex &index) { T::configure(index); } ///Apply recursively for parameter pack template static void applyIndex(TypeIndex &index) { applyIndex(index); applyIndex(index); } template static QMap getDbs() { return T::template databases(); } template static QMap getDbs() { return merge(getDbs(), getDbs()); } public: static void configure(TypeIndex &index) { applyIndex(index); } static QMap databases() { return getDbs(); } }; diff --git a/common/domainadaptor.h b/common/domainadaptor.h index a5a0ade5..dcacf401 100644 --- a/common/domainadaptor.h +++ b/common/domainadaptor.h @@ -1,228 +1,228 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include "domaintypeadaptorfactoryinterface.h" #include "domain/applicationdomaintype.h" #include "domain/typeimplementations.h" #include "bufferadaptor.h" #include "entity_generated.h" #include "entitybuffer.h" #include "propertymapper.h" #include "log.h" /** * Create a buffer from a domain object using the provided mappings */ template flatbuffers::Offset createBufferPart(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &domainObject, flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &fbb, const PropertyMapper &mapper) { // First create a primitives such as strings using the mappings QList> propertiesToAddToResource; for (const auto &property : domainObject.changedProperties()) { // SinkTrace() << "copying property " << property; const auto value = domainObject.getProperty(property); if (mapper.hasMapping(property)) { mapper.setProperty(property, domainObject.getProperty(property), propertiesToAddToResource, fbb); } else { // SinkTrace() << "no mapping for property available " << property; } } // Then create all porperties using the above generated builderCalls Builder builder(fbb); for (auto propertyBuilder : propertiesToAddToResource) { propertyBuilder(&builder); } return builder.Finish(); } /** * Create the buffer and finish the FlatBufferBuilder. * * After this the buffer can be extracted from the FlatBufferBuilder object. */ template static void createBufferPartBuffer(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &domainObject, flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &fbb, PropertyMapper &mapper) { auto pos = createBufferPart(domainObject, fbb, mapper); // Because we cannot template the following call // Sink::ApplicationDomain::Buffer::FinishEventBuffer(fbb, pos); // FIXME: This means all buffers in here must have the AKFB identifier fbb.Finish(pos, "AKFB"); flatbuffers::Verifier verifier(fbb.GetBufferPointer(), fbb.GetSize()); if (!verifier.VerifyBuffer(nullptr)) { SinkWarning_(0, "bufferadaptor") << "Created invalid uffer"; } } class IndexPropertyMapper { public: typedef std::function Accessor; virtual ~IndexPropertyMapper(){}; virtual QVariant getProperty(const QByteArray &key, TypeIndex &index, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::BufferAdaptor &adaptor) const { auto accessor = mReadAccessors.value(key); Q_ASSERT(accessor); if (!accessor) { return QVariant(); } return accessor(index, adaptor); } bool hasMapping(const QByteArray &key) const { return mReadAccessors.contains(key); } QList availableProperties() const { return mReadAccessors.keys(); } template void addIndexLookupProperty(const Accessor &accessor) { mReadAccessors.insert(Property::name, accessor); } private: QHash mReadAccessors; }; /** * A generic adaptor implementation that uses a property mapper to read/write values. */ class DatastoreBufferAdaptor : public Sink::ApplicationDomain::BufferAdaptor { public: DatastoreBufferAdaptor() : BufferAdaptor() { } virtual void setProperty(const QByteArray &key, const QVariant &value) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { SinkWarning() << "Can't set property " << key; Q_ASSERT(false); } virtual QVariant getProperty(const QByteArray &key) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { if (mLocalBuffer && mLocalMapper->hasMapping(key)) { return mLocalMapper->getProperty(key, mLocalBuffer); } else if (mIndex && mIndexMapper->hasMapping(key)) { return mIndexMapper->getProperty(key, *mIndex, *this); } return QVariant(); } /** * Returns all available properties for which a mapping exists (no matter what the buffer contains) */ virtual QList availableProperties() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return mLocalMapper->availableProperties() + mIndexMapper->availableProperties(); } void const *mLocalBuffer; QSharedPointer mLocalMapper; QSharedPointer mIndexMapper; TypeIndex *mIndex; }; /** * The factory should define how to go from an entitybuffer (local buffer), to a domain type adapter. * It defines how values are split accross local and resource buffer. * This is required by the facade the read the value, and by the pipeline preprocessors to access the domain values in a generic way. */ template class DomainTypeAdaptorFactory : public DomainTypeAdaptorFactoryInterface { typedef typename Sink::ApplicationDomain::TypeImplementation::Buffer LocalBuffer; typedef typename Sink::ApplicationDomain::TypeImplementation::BufferBuilder LocalBuilder; public: DomainTypeAdaptorFactory() : mPropertyMapper(QSharedPointer::create()), mIndexMapper(QSharedPointer::create()) { Sink::ApplicationDomain::TypeImplementation::configure(*mPropertyMapper); Sink::ApplicationDomain::TypeImplementation::configure(*mIndexMapper); } virtual ~DomainTypeAdaptorFactory(){}; /** * Creates an adaptor for the given domain types. * * This returns by default a DatastoreBufferAdaptor initialized with the corresponding property mappers. */ virtual QSharedPointer createAdaptor(const Sink::Entity &entity, TypeIndex *index = nullptr) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { auto adaptor = QSharedPointer::create(); adaptor->mLocalBuffer = Sink::EntityBuffer::readBuffer(entity.local()); adaptor->mLocalMapper = mPropertyMapper; adaptor->mIndexMapper = mIndexMapper; adaptor->mIndex = index; - return adaptor; + return std::move(adaptor); } virtual bool createBuffer(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &domainObject, flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &fbb, void const *metadataData = 0, size_t metadataSize = 0) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder localFbb; createBufferPartBuffer(domainObject, localFbb, *mPropertyMapper); Sink::EntityBuffer::assembleEntityBuffer(fbb, metadataData, metadataSize, 0, 0, localFbb.GetBufferPointer(), localFbb.GetSize()); return true; } virtual bool createBuffer(const QSharedPointer &bufferAdaptor, flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &fbb, void const *metadataData = nullptr, size_t metadataSize = 0) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { //TODO rewrite the unterlying functions so we don't have to wrap the bufferAdaptor auto newObject = Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType("", "", 0, bufferAdaptor); //Serialize all properties newObject.setChangedProperties(bufferAdaptor->availableProperties().toSet()); return createBuffer(newObject, fbb, metadataData, metadataSize); } protected: QSharedPointer mPropertyMapper; QSharedPointer mIndexMapper; }; /** * A default adaptorfactory implemenation that simply instantiates a generic resource */ template class DefaultAdaptorFactory : public DomainTypeAdaptorFactory { public: DefaultAdaptorFactory() : DomainTypeAdaptorFactory() {} virtual ~DefaultAdaptorFactory(){} }; diff --git a/common/eventpreprocessor.cpp b/common/eventpreprocessor.cpp index 9efa541d..089ffff8 100644 --- a/common/eventpreprocessor.cpp +++ b/common/eventpreprocessor.cpp @@ -1,61 +1,65 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2018 Christian Mollekopf * Copyright (C) 2018 Rémi Nicole * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "eventpreprocessor.h" #include +#include void EventPropertyExtractor::updatedIndexedProperties(Event &event, const QByteArray &rawIcal) { - auto incidence = KCalCore::ICalFormat().readIncidence(rawIcal); - - if(!incidence) { - SinkWarning() << "Invalid ICal to process, ignoring..."; - return; - } - - if(incidence->type() != KCalCore::IncidenceBase::IncidenceType::TypeEvent) { - SinkWarning() << "ICal to process is not of type `Event`, ignoring..."; + auto icalEvent = KCalCore::ICalFormat().readIncidence(rawIcal).dynamicCast(); + if(!icalEvent) { + SinkWarning() << "Invalid ICal to process, ignoring: " << rawIcal; return; } - - auto icalEvent = dynamic_cast(incidence.data()); - // Should be guaranteed by the incidence->type() condition above. - Q_ASSERT(icalEvent); - SinkTrace() << "Extracting properties for event:" << icalEvent->summary(); event.setExtractedUid(icalEvent->uid()); event.setExtractedSummary(icalEvent->summary()); event.setExtractedDescription(icalEvent->description()); event.setExtractedStartTime(icalEvent->dtStart()); event.setExtractedEndTime(icalEvent->dtEnd()); event.setExtractedAllDay(icalEvent->allDay()); + event.setExtractedRecurring(icalEvent->recurs()); + + if (icalEvent->recurs() && icalEvent->recurrence()) { + QList> ranges; + const auto duration = icalEvent->hasDuration() ? icalEvent->duration().asSeconds() : 0; + const auto occurrences = icalEvent->recurrence()->timesInInterval(icalEvent->dtStart(), icalEvent->dtStart().addYears(10)); + for (const auto &start : occurrences) { + ranges.append(qMakePair(start, start.addSecs(duration))); + } + if (!ranges.isEmpty()) { + event.setExtractedEndTime(ranges.last().second); + event.setProperty("indexRanges", QVariant::fromValue(ranges)); + } + } } void EventPropertyExtractor::newEntity(Event &event) { updatedIndexedProperties(event, event.getIcal()); } void EventPropertyExtractor::modifiedEntity(const Event &oldEvent, Event &newEvent) { updatedIndexedProperties(newEvent, newEvent.getIcal()); } diff --git a/common/fulltextindex.cpp b/common/fulltextindex.cpp index 164a5b97..2baaef10 100644 --- a/common/fulltextindex.cpp +++ b/common/fulltextindex.cpp @@ -1,184 +1,239 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2018 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ //xapian.h needs to be included first to build #include #include "fulltextindex.h" #include #include #include "log.h" #include "definitions.h" FulltextIndex::FulltextIndex(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier, Sink::Storage::DataStore::AccessMode accessMode) : mName("fulltext"), mDbPath{QFile::encodeName(Sink::resourceStorageLocation(resourceInstanceIdentifier) + '/' + "fulltext")} { try { if (QDir{}.mkpath(mDbPath)) { if (accessMode == Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite) { mDb = new Xapian::WritableDatabase(mDbPath.toStdString(), Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN); } else { mDb = new Xapian::Database(mDbPath.toStdString(), Xapian::DB_OPEN); } } else { SinkError() << "Failed to open database" << mDbPath; } } catch (const Xapian::DatabaseError& e) { SinkError() << "Failed to open database" << mDbPath << ":" << QString::fromStdString(e.get_msg()); } } FulltextIndex::~FulltextIndex() { delete mDb; } static std::string idTerm(const QByteArray &key) { return "Q" + key.toStdString(); } void FulltextIndex::add(const QByteArray &key, const QString &value) { add(key, {{{}, value}}); } void FulltextIndex::add(const QByteArray &key, const QList> &values) { if (!mDb) { return; } try { Xapian::TermGenerator generator; Xapian::Document document; generator.set_document(document); for (const auto &entry : values) { if (!entry.second.isEmpty()) { generator.index_text(entry.second.toStdString()); + //Prevent phrase searches from spanning different indexed parts + generator.increase_termpos(); } } document.add_value(0, key.toStdString()); const auto idterm = idTerm(key); document.add_boolean_term(idterm); writableDatabase()->replace_document(idterm, document); } catch (const Xapian::Error &error) { SinkError() << "Exception during Xapian commit_transaction:" << error.get_msg().c_str(); //FIXME we should somehow retry the transaction... Q_ASSERT(false); } } void FulltextIndex::commitTransaction() { if (mHasTransactionOpen) { Q_ASSERT(mDb); try { writableDatabase()->commit_transaction(); mHasTransactionOpen = false; } catch (const Xapian::Error &error) { SinkError() << "Exception during Xapian commit_transaction:" << error.get_msg().c_str(); //FIXME we should somehow retry the transaction... Q_ASSERT(false); } } } void FulltextIndex::abortTransaction() { if (mHasTransactionOpen) { Q_ASSERT(mDb); try { writableDatabase()->cancel_transaction(); mHasTransactionOpen = false; } catch (const Xapian::Error &error) { SinkError() << "Exception during Xapian cancel_transaction:" << error.get_msg().c_str(); //FIXME we should somehow retry the transaction... Q_ASSERT(false); } } } Xapian::WritableDatabase* FulltextIndex::writableDatabase() { Q_ASSERT(dynamic_cast(mDb)); auto db = static_cast(mDb); if (!mHasTransactionOpen) { try { db->begin_transaction(); mHasTransactionOpen = true; } catch (const Xapian::Error &error) { SinkError() << "Exception during Xapian begin_transaction:" << error.get_msg().c_str(); //FIXME we should somehow retry the transaction... Q_ASSERT(false); } } return db; } void FulltextIndex::remove(const QByteArray &key) { if (!mDb) { return; } try { writableDatabase()->delete_document(idTerm(key)); } catch (const Xapian::Error &error) { SinkError() << "Exception during Xapian delete_document:" << error.get_msg().c_str(); //FIXME we should somehow retry the transaction... Q_ASSERT(false); } } QVector FulltextIndex::lookup(const QString &searchTerm) { if (!mDb) { return {}; } QVector results; try { Xapian::QueryParser parser; - auto query = parser.parse_query(searchTerm.toStdString(), Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD|Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PHRASE|Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN|Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_LOVEHATE|Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL); + parser.set_default_op(Xapian::Query::OP_AND); + parser.set_database(*mDb); + parser.set_max_expansion(100, Xapian::Query::WILDCARD_LIMIT_MOST_FREQUENT, Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL); + auto query = parser.parse_query(searchTerm.toStdString(), Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PHRASE|Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN|Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_LOVEHATE|Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL); + SinkTrace() << "Running xapian query: " << QString::fromStdString(query.get_description()); Xapian::Enquire enquire(*mDb); enquire.set_query(query); - auto limit = 1000; + const Xapian::doccount limit = [&] { + switch (searchTerm.size()) { + case 1: + case 2: + case 3: + return 500; + case 4: + return 5000; + default: + return 20000; + } + }(); Xapian::MSet mset = enquire.get_mset(0, limit); - Xapian::MSetIterator it = mset.begin(); - for (;it != mset.end(); it++) { + SinkTrace() << "Found " << mset.size() << " results, limited to " << limit; + //Print a hint why a query could lack some expected results. + if (searchTerm.size() > 4 && mset.size() >= limit) { + SinkLog() << "Result set exceeding limit of " << limit << QString::fromStdString(query.get_description()); + } + for (Xapian::MSetIterator it = mset.begin(); it != mset.end(); it++) { auto doc = it.get_document(); const auto data = doc.get_value(0); results << QByteArray{data.c_str(), int(data.length())}; } } catch (const Xapian::Error &) { // Nothing to do, move along } return results; } +qint64 FulltextIndex::getDoccount() const +{ + if (!mDb) { + return -1; + } + try { + return mDb->get_doccount(); + } catch (const Xapian::Error &) { + // Nothing to do, move along + } + return -1; +} + +FulltextIndex::Result FulltextIndex::getIndexContent(const QByteArray &identifier) const +{ + if (!mDb) { + {}; + } + try { + auto id = "Q" + identifier.toStdString(); + Xapian::PostingIterator p = mDb->postlist_begin(id); + if (p != mDb->postlist_end(id)) { + auto document = mDb->get_document(*p); + QStringList terms; + for (auto it = document.termlist_begin(); it != document.termlist_end(); it++) { + terms << QString::fromStdString(*it); + } + return {true, terms}; + } + } catch (const Xapian::Error &) { + // Nothing to do, move along + } + return {}; +} diff --git a/common/fulltextindex.h b/common/fulltextindex.h index e06f29df..f24af3bd 100644 --- a/common/fulltextindex.h +++ b/common/fulltextindex.h @@ -1,39 +1,46 @@ #pragma once #include "sink_export.h" #include #include #include #include #include "storage.h" #include "log.h" namespace Xapian { class Database; class WritableDatabase; }; class SINK_EXPORT FulltextIndex { public: FulltextIndex(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier, Sink::Storage::DataStore::AccessMode mode = Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); ~FulltextIndex(); void add(const QByteArray &key, const QString &value); void add(const QByteArray &key, const QList> &values); void remove(const QByteArray &key); void commitTransaction(); void abortTransaction(); QVector lookup(const QString &key); + qint64 getDoccount() const; + struct Result { + bool found{false}; + QStringList terms; + }; + Result getIndexContent(const QByteArray &identifier) const; + private: Xapian::WritableDatabase* writableDatabase(); Q_DISABLE_COPY(FulltextIndex); Xapian::Database *mDb{nullptr}; QString mName; QString mDbPath; bool mHasTransactionOpen{false}; }; diff --git a/common/genericresource.cpp b/common/genericresource.cpp index bd970367..f1769ad9 100644 --- a/common/genericresource.cpp +++ b/common/genericresource.cpp @@ -1,168 +1,164 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "genericresource.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "synchronizer.h" #include "inspector.h" #include "commandprocessor.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "storage.h" using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::Storage; GenericResource::GenericResource(const ResourceContext &resourceContext, const QSharedPointer &pipeline ) : Sink::Resource(), mResourceContext(resourceContext), mPipeline(pipeline ? pipeline : QSharedPointer::create(resourceContext, Log::Context{})), mProcessor(QSharedPointer::create(mPipeline.data(), resourceContext.instanceId(), Log::Context{})), mError(0), mClientLowerBoundRevision(std::numeric_limits::max()) { QObject::connect(mProcessor.data(), &CommandProcessor::error, [this](int errorCode, const QString &msg) { onProcessorError(errorCode, msg); }); QObject::connect(mProcessor.data(), &CommandProcessor::notify, this, &GenericResource::notify); QObject::connect(mPipeline.data(), &Pipeline::revisionUpdated, this, &Resource::revisionUpdated); } GenericResource::~GenericResource() { } void GenericResource::setSecret(const QString &s) { if (mSynchronizer) { mSynchronizer->setSecret(s); } if (mInspector) { mInspector->setSecret(s); } } bool GenericResource::checkForUpgrade() { auto store = Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), mResourceContext.instanceId(), Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); //We rely on the store already having been created in the pipeline constructor before this get's called. Q_ASSERT(store.exists()); const auto currentDatabaseVersion = Storage::DataStore::databaseVersion(store.createTransaction(Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly)); if (currentDatabaseVersion != Sink::latestDatabaseVersion()) { SinkLog() << "Starting database upgrade from " << currentDatabaseVersion << " to " << Sink::latestDatabaseVersion(); bool nukeDatabases = false; //Only apply the necessary updates. for (int i = currentDatabaseVersion; i < Sink::latestDatabaseVersion(); i++) { //TODO implement specific upgrade paths where applicable, and only nuke otherwise nukeDatabases = true; } if (nukeDatabases) { SinkLog() << "Wiping all databases during upgrade, you will have to resync."; //Right now upgrading just means removing all local storage so we will resync - Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), mResourceContext.instanceId(), Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite).removeFromDisk(); - Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), mResourceContext.instanceId() + ".userqueue", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite).removeFromDisk(); - Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), mResourceContext.instanceId() + ".synchronizerqueue", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite).removeFromDisk(); - Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), mResourceContext.instanceId() + ".changereplay", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite).removeFromDisk(); - Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), mResourceContext.instanceId() + ".synchronization", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite).removeFromDisk(); + GenericResource::removeFromDisk(mResourceContext.instanceId()); } auto store = Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), mResourceContext.instanceId(), Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto t = store.createTransaction(Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); Storage::DataStore::setDatabaseVersion(t, Sink::latestDatabaseVersion()); SinkLog() << "Finished database upgrade to " << Sink::latestDatabaseVersion(); return true; } return false; } void GenericResource::setupPreprocessors(const QByteArray &type, const QVector &preprocessors) { mPipeline->setPreprocessors(type, preprocessors); } void GenericResource::setupSynchronizer(const QSharedPointer &synchronizer) { mSynchronizer = synchronizer; mProcessor->setSynchronizer(synchronizer); QObject::connect(mPipeline.data(), &Pipeline::revisionUpdated, mSynchronizer.data(), &ChangeReplay::revisionChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection); QObject::connect(mSynchronizer.data(), &ChangeReplay::changesReplayed, this, &GenericResource::updateLowerBoundRevision); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(mSynchronizer.data(), "revisionChanged", Qt::QueuedConnection); } void GenericResource::setupInspector(const QSharedPointer &inspector) { mInspector = inspector; mProcessor->setInspector(inspector); } void GenericResource::removeFromDisk(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier) { Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), instanceIdentifier, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite).removeFromDisk(); Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), instanceIdentifier + ".userqueue", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite).removeFromDisk(); Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), instanceIdentifier + ".synchronizerqueue", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite).removeFromDisk(); Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), instanceIdentifier + ".changereplay", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite).removeFromDisk(); Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), instanceIdentifier + ".synchronization", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite).removeFromDisk(); } qint64 GenericResource::diskUsage(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier) { auto size = Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), instanceIdentifier, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly).diskUsage(); size += Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), instanceIdentifier + ".userqueue", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly).diskUsage(); size += Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), instanceIdentifier + ".synchronizerqueue", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly).diskUsage(); size += Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), instanceIdentifier + ".changereplay", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly).diskUsage(); size += Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), instanceIdentifier + ".synchronization", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly).diskUsage(); return size; } void GenericResource::onProcessorError(int errorCode, const QString &errorMessage) { SinkWarning() << "Received error from Processor: " << errorCode << errorMessage; mError = errorCode; } int GenericResource::error() const { return mError; } void GenericResource::processCommand(int commandId, const QByteArray &data) { mProcessor->processCommand(commandId, data); } KAsync::Job GenericResource::synchronizeWithSource(const Sink::QueryBase &query) { mSynchronizer->synchronize(query); return KAsync::null(); } KAsync::Job GenericResource::processAllMessages() { return mProcessor->processAllMessages(); } void GenericResource::updateLowerBoundRevision() { mProcessor->setOldestUsedRevision(qMin(mClientLowerBoundRevision, mSynchronizer->getLastReplayedRevision())); } void GenericResource::setLowerBoundRevision(qint64 revision) { mClientLowerBoundRevision = revision; updateLowerBoundRevision(); } diff --git a/common/genericresource.h b/common/genericresource.h index d34a3611..017d6bce 100644 --- a/common/genericresource.h +++ b/common/genericresource.h @@ -1,79 +1,80 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "sink_export.h" -#include -#include +#include "resource.h" +#include "resourcecontext.h" namespace Sink { class Pipeline; class Preprocessor; class Synchronizer; class Inspector; class CommandProcessor; /** * Generic Resource implementation. */ class SINK_EXPORT GenericResource : public Resource { + Q_OBJECT public: GenericResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &context, const QSharedPointer &pipeline = QSharedPointer()); virtual ~GenericResource() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; virtual void processCommand(int commandId, const QByteArray &data) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; virtual void setLowerBoundRevision(qint64 revision) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; int error() const; static void removeFromDisk(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier); static qint64 diskUsage(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier); virtual void setSecret(const QString &s) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; virtual bool checkForUpgrade() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; //TODO Remove this API, it's only used in tests KAsync::Job synchronizeWithSource(const Sink::QueryBase &query); //TODO Remove this API, it's only used in tests KAsync::Job processAllMessages(); private slots: void updateLowerBoundRevision(); protected: void setupPreprocessors(const QByteArray &type, const QVector &preprocessors); void setupSynchronizer(const QSharedPointer &synchronizer); void setupInspector(const QSharedPointer &inspector); ResourceContext mResourceContext; private: void onProcessorError(int errorCode, const QString &errorMessage); QSharedPointer mPipeline; QSharedPointer mProcessor; QSharedPointer mSynchronizer; QSharedPointer mInspector; int mError; qint64 mClientLowerBoundRevision; }; } diff --git a/common/index.cpp b/common/index.cpp index 86a2dd50..b742af9c 100644 --- a/common/index.cpp +++ b/common/index.cpp @@ -1,84 +1,98 @@ #include "index.h" #include "log.h" +using Sink::Storage::Identifier; + Index::Index(const QString &storageRoot, const QString &dbName, const QString &indexName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::AccessMode mode) : mTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore(storageRoot, dbName, mode).createTransaction(mode)), - mDb(mTransaction.openDatabase(indexName.toLatin1(), std::function(), true)), + mDb(mTransaction.openDatabase(indexName.toLatin1(), std::function(), Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates)), mName(indexName), mLogCtx("index." + indexName.toLatin1()) { } Index::Index(const QString &storageRoot, const QString &name, Sink::Storage::DataStore::AccessMode mode) : mTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore(storageRoot, name, mode).createTransaction(mode)), - mDb(mTransaction.openDatabase(name.toLatin1(), std::function(), true)), + mDb(mTransaction.openDatabase(name.toLatin1(), std::function(), Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates)), mName(name), mLogCtx("index." + name.toLatin1()) { } Index::Index(const QString &storageRoot, const Sink::Storage::DbLayout &layout, Sink::Storage::DataStore::AccessMode mode) : mTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore(storageRoot, layout, mode).createTransaction(mode)), - mDb(mTransaction.openDatabase(layout.name, std::function(), true)), + mDb(mTransaction.openDatabase(layout.name, std::function(), Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates)), mName(layout.name), mLogCtx("index." + layout.name) { } Index::Index(const QByteArray &name, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) - : mDb(transaction.openDatabase(name, std::function(), true)), mName(name), + : mDb(transaction.openDatabase(name, std::function(), Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates)), mName(name), mLogCtx("index." + name) { } +void Index::add(const Identifier &key, const QByteArray &value) +{ + add(key.toInternalByteArray(), value); +} + void Index::add(const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { Q_ASSERT(!key.isEmpty()); mDb.write(key, value, [&] (const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Error while writing value" << error; }); } -void Index::remove(const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) +void Index::remove(const Identifier &key, const QByteArray &value, bool ignoreRemovalFailure) +{ + remove(key.toInternalByteArray(), value, ignoreRemovalFailure); +} + +void Index::remove(const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value, bool ignoreRemovalFailure) { mDb.remove(key, value, [&] (const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { - SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Error while removing value: " << key << value << error; + if (!ignoreRemovalFailure || error.code != Sink::Storage::DataStore::NotFound) { + SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Error while removing value: " << key << value << error; + } }); } void Index::lookup(const QByteArray &key, const std::function &resultHandler, const std::function &errorHandler, bool matchSubStringKeys) { mDb.scan(key, [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { resultHandler(value); return true; }, [&](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Error while retrieving value:" << error << mName; errorHandler(Error(error.store, error.code, error.message)); }, matchSubStringKeys); } QByteArray Index::lookup(const QByteArray &key) { QByteArray result; //We have to create a deep copy, otherwise the returned data may become invalid when the transaction ends. lookup(key, [&](const QByteArray &value) { result = QByteArray(value.constData(), value.size()); }, [](const Index::Error &) { }); return result; } void Index::rangeLookup(const QByteArray &lowerBound, const QByteArray &upperBound, const std::function &resultHandler, const std::function &errorHandler) { mDb.findAllInRange(lowerBound, upperBound, [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { resultHandler(value); }, [&](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Error while retrieving value:" << error << mName; errorHandler(Error(error.store, error.code, error.message)); }); } diff --git a/common/index.h b/common/index.h index 492319e5..0670cc18 100644 --- a/common/index.h +++ b/common/index.h @@ -1,54 +1,57 @@ #pragma once #include "sink_export.h" #include #include #include #include "storage.h" #include "log.h" +#include "storage/key.h" /** * An index for value pairs. */ class SINK_EXPORT Index { public: enum ErrorCodes { IndexNotAvailable = -1 }; class Error { public: Error(const QByteArray &s, int c, const QByteArray &m) : store(s), message(m), code(c) { } QByteArray store; QByteArray message; int code; }; Index(const QString &storageRoot, const QString &dbName, const QString &indexName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::AccessMode mode = Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); Index(const QString &storageRoot, const QString &name, Sink::Storage::DataStore::AccessMode mode = Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); Index(const QString &storageRoot, const Sink::Storage::DbLayout &layout, Sink::Storage::DataStore::AccessMode mode = Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); Index(const QByteArray &name, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &); void add(const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value); - void remove(const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value); + void add(const Sink::Storage::Identifier &key, const QByteArray &value); + void remove(const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value, bool ignoreRemovalFailure = false); + void remove(const Sink::Storage::Identifier &key, const QByteArray &value, bool ignoreRemovalFailure = false); void lookup(const QByteArray &key, const std::function &resultHandler, const std::function &errorHandler, bool matchSubStringKeys = false); QByteArray lookup(const QByteArray &key); void rangeLookup(const QByteArray &lowerBound, const QByteArray &upperBound, const std::function &resultHandler, const std::function &errorHandler); private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(Index); Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction mTransaction; Sink::Storage::DataStore::NamedDatabase mDb; QString mName; Sink::Log::Context mLogCtx; }; diff --git a/common/listener.cpp b/common/listener.cpp index ffc25c86..7fbfca9e 100644 --- a/common/listener.cpp +++ b/common/listener.cpp @@ -1,486 +1,481 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "listener.h" #include "common/commands.h" #include "common/resource.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/definitions.h" #include "common/resourcecontext.h" #include "common/adaptorfactoryregistry.h" #include "common/bufferutils.h" // commands #include "common/commandcompletion_generated.h" #include "common/handshake_generated.h" #include "common/revisionupdate_generated.h" #include "common/notification_generated.h" #include "common/revisionreplayed_generated.h" #include "common/secret_generated.h" #include #include #include #include Listener::Listener(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier, const QByteArray &resourceType, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_server(new QLocalServer(this)), m_resourceName(resourceType), m_resourceInstanceIdentifier(resourceInstanceIdentifier), - m_clientBufferProcessesTimer(new QTimer(this)), + m_clientBufferProcessesTimer(new QTimer), + m_checkConnectionsTimer(new QTimer), m_messageId(0), m_exiting(false) { connect(m_server.get(), &QLocalServer::newConnection, this, &Listener::acceptConnection); SinkTrace() << "Trying to open " << m_resourceInstanceIdentifier; - if (!m_server->listen(QString::fromLatin1(m_resourceInstanceIdentifier))) { - m_server->removeServer(m_resourceInstanceIdentifier); - if (!m_server->listen(QString::fromLatin1(m_resourceInstanceIdentifier))) { - SinkWarning() << "Utter failure to start server"; - exit(-1); - } - } - - if (m_server->isListening()) { - SinkTrace() << QString("Listening on %1").arg(m_server->serverName()); - } - - m_checkConnectionsTimer = std::unique_ptr(new QTimer); m_checkConnectionsTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(m_checkConnectionsTimer.get(), &QTimer::timeout, [this]() { if (m_connections.isEmpty()) { SinkTrace() << QString("No connections, shutting down."); quit(); } }); //Give plenty of time during the first start. m_checkConnectionsTimer->start(std::chrono::milliseconds{60000}); // TODO: experiment with different timeouts // or even just drop down to invoking the method queued? => invoke queued unless we need throttling m_clientBufferProcessesTimer->setInterval(0); m_clientBufferProcessesTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(m_clientBufferProcessesTimer.get(), &QTimer::timeout, this, &Listener::processClientBuffers); + + if (!m_server->listen(QString::fromLatin1(m_resourceInstanceIdentifier))) { + m_server->removeServer(m_resourceInstanceIdentifier); + if (!m_server->listen(QString::fromLatin1(m_resourceInstanceIdentifier))) { + SinkWarning() << "Utter failure to start server"; + exit(-1); + } + } + + if (m_server->isListening()) { + SinkTrace() << QString("Listening on %1").arg(m_server->serverName()); + } } Listener::~Listener() { SinkTrace() << "Shutting down " << m_resourceInstanceIdentifier; closeAllConnections(); } void Listener::checkForUpgrade() { if (loadResource().checkForUpgrade()) { //Close the resource to ensure no transactions are open m_resource.reset(nullptr); } } void Listener::emergencyAbortAllConnections() { - Sink::Notification n; - n.type = Sink::Notification::Status; - n.message = "The resource crashed."; - n.code = Sink::ApplicationDomain::ErrorStatus; - notify(n); - for (Client &client : m_connections) { if (client.socket) { SinkWarning() << "Sending panic"; client.socket->write("PANIC"); client.socket->waitForBytesWritten(); disconnect(client.socket, nullptr, this, nullptr); client.socket->abort(); delete client.socket; client.socket = nullptr; } } m_connections.clear(); } void Listener::closeAllConnections() { for (Client &client : m_connections) { if (client.socket) { disconnect(client.socket, nullptr, this, nullptr); client.socket->flush(); client.socket->close(); delete client.socket; client.socket = nullptr; } } m_connections.clear(); } void Listener::acceptConnection() { SinkTrace() << "Accepting connection"; QLocalSocket *socket = m_server->nextPendingConnection(); if (!socket) { SinkWarning() << "Accepted connection but didn't get a socket for it"; return; } m_connections << Client("Unknown Client", socket); connect(socket, &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &Listener::onDataAvailable); connect(socket, &QLocalSocket::disconnected, this, &Listener::clientDropped); m_checkConnectionsTimer->stop(); // If this is the first client, set the lower limit for revision cleanup if (m_connections.size() == 1) { loadResource().setLowerBoundRevision(0); } if (socket->bytesAvailable()) { readFromSocket(socket); } } void Listener::clientDropped() { QLocalSocket *socket = qobject_cast(sender()); if (!socket) { return; } bool dropped = false; QMutableVectorIterator it(m_connections); while (it.hasNext()) { const Client &client = it.next(); if (client.socket == socket) { dropped = true; SinkLog() << QString("Dropped connection: %1").arg(client.name) << socket; it.remove(); break; } } if (!dropped) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to find connection for disconnected socket: " << socket; } checkConnections(); } void Listener::checkConnections() { // If this was the last client, disengage the lower limit for revision cleanup if (m_connections.isEmpty()) { loadResource().setLowerBoundRevision(std::numeric_limits::max()); } m_checkConnectionsTimer->start(std::chrono::milliseconds{1000}); } void Listener::onDataAvailable() { QLocalSocket *socket = qobject_cast(sender()); if (!socket || m_exiting) { return; } readFromSocket(socket); } void Listener::readFromSocket(QLocalSocket *socket) { SinkTrace() << "Reading from socket..."; for (Client &client : m_connections) { if (client.socket == socket) { client.commandBuffer += socket->readAll(); if (!m_clientBufferProcessesTimer->isActive()) { m_clientBufferProcessesTimer->start(); } break; } } } void Listener::processClientBuffers() { // TODO: we should not process all clients, but iterate async over them and process // one command from each in turn to ensure all clients get fair handling of // commands? bool again = false; for (Client &client : m_connections) { if (!client.socket || !client.socket->isValid() || client.commandBuffer.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (processClientBuffer(client)) { again = true; } } if (again) { m_clientBufferProcessesTimer->start(); } } void Listener::processCommand(int commandId, uint messageId, const QByteArray &commandBuffer, Client &client, const std::function &callback) { bool success = true; switch (commandId) { case Sink::Commands::HandshakeCommand: { flatbuffers::Verifier verifier((const uint8_t *)commandBuffer.constData(), commandBuffer.size()); if (Sink::Commands::VerifyHandshakeBuffer(verifier)) { auto buffer = Sink::Commands::GetHandshake(commandBuffer.constData()); client.name = buffer->name()->c_str(); } else { SinkWarning() << "received invalid command"; } break; } case Sink::Commands::SecretCommand: { flatbuffers::Verifier verifier((const uint8_t *)commandBuffer.constData(), commandBuffer.size()); if (Sink::Commands::VerifySecretBuffer(verifier)) { auto buffer = Sink::Commands::GetSecret(commandBuffer.constData()); loadResource().setSecret(QString{buffer->secret()->c_str()}); } else { SinkWarning() << "received invalid command"; } break; } case Sink::Commands::SynchronizeCommand: case Sink::Commands::InspectionCommand: case Sink::Commands::DeleteEntityCommand: case Sink::Commands::ModifyEntityCommand: case Sink::Commands::CreateEntityCommand: case Sink::Commands::FlushCommand: + case Sink::Commands::AbortSynchronizationCommand: SinkTrace() << "Command id " << messageId << " of type \"" << Sink::Commands::name(commandId) << "\" from " << client.name; loadResource().processCommand(commandId, commandBuffer); break; case Sink::Commands::ShutdownCommand: SinkLog() << QString("Received shutdown command from %1").arg(client.name); m_exiting = true; break; case Sink::Commands::PingCommand: SinkTrace() << QString("Received ping command from %1").arg(client.name); break; case Sink::Commands::RevisionReplayedCommand: { SinkTrace() << QString("Received revision replayed command from %1").arg(client.name); flatbuffers::Verifier verifier((const uint8_t *)commandBuffer.constData(), commandBuffer.size()); if (Sink::Commands::VerifyRevisionReplayedBuffer(verifier)) { auto buffer = Sink::Commands::GetRevisionReplayed(commandBuffer.constData()); client.currentRevision = buffer->revision(); } else { SinkWarning() << "received invalid command"; } loadResource().setLowerBoundRevision(lowerBoundRevision()); } break; case Sink::Commands::RemoveFromDiskCommand: { SinkLog() << QString("Received a remove from disk command from %1").arg(client.name); //Close the resource to ensure no transactions are open m_resource.reset(nullptr); if (Sink::ResourceFactory *resourceFactory = Sink::ResourceFactory::load(m_resourceName)) { resourceFactory->removeDataFromDisk(m_resourceInstanceIdentifier); } m_exiting = true; } break; case Sink::Commands::UpgradeCommand: //Because we synchronously run the update directly on resource start, we know that the upgrade is complete once this message completes. break; default: if (commandId > Sink::Commands::CustomCommand) { SinkLog() << QString("Received custom command from %1: ").arg(client.name) << commandId; loadResource().processCommand(commandId, commandBuffer); } else { success = false; SinkError() << QString("\tReceived invalid command from %1: ").arg(client.name) << commandId; } break; } callback(success); } qint64 Listener::lowerBoundRevision() { qint64 lowerBound = 0; for (const Client &c : m_connections) { if (c.currentRevision > 0) { if (lowerBound == 0) { lowerBound = c.currentRevision; } else { lowerBound = qMin(c.currentRevision, lowerBound); } } } return lowerBound; } void Listener::sendShutdownNotification() { // Broadcast shutdown notifications to open clients, so they don't try to restart the resource auto command = Sink::Commands::CreateNotification(m_fbb, Sink::Notification::Shutdown); Sink::Commands::FinishNotificationBuffer(m_fbb, command); for (Client &client : m_connections) { if (client.socket && client.socket->isOpen()) { Sink::Commands::write(client.socket, ++m_messageId, Sink::Commands::NotificationCommand, m_fbb); } } } void Listener::quit() { SinkTrace() << "Quitting " << m_resourceInstanceIdentifier; m_clientBufferProcessesTimer->stop(); m_server->close(); sendShutdownNotification(); closeAllConnections(); m_fbb.Clear(); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [this]() { // This will destroy this object emit noClients(); }); } bool Listener::processClientBuffer(Client &client) { static const int headerSize = Sink::Commands::headerSize(); if (client.commandBuffer.size() < headerSize) { return false; } const uint messageId = *(const uint *)client.commandBuffer.constData(); const int commandId = *(const int *)(client.commandBuffer.constData() + sizeof(uint)); const uint size = *(const uint *)(client.commandBuffer.constData() + sizeof(int) + sizeof(uint)); SinkTrace() << "Received message. Id:" << messageId << " CommandId: " << commandId << " Size: " << size; // TODO: reject messages above a certain size? const bool commandComplete = size <= uint(client.commandBuffer.size() - headerSize); if (commandComplete) { client.commandBuffer.remove(0, headerSize); auto socket = QPointer(client.socket); auto clientName = client.name; const QByteArray commandBuffer = client.commandBuffer.left(size); client.commandBuffer.remove(0, size); processCommand(commandId, messageId, commandBuffer, client, [this, messageId, commandId, socket, clientName](bool success) { SinkTrace() << QString("Completed command messageid %1 of type \"%2\" from %3").arg(messageId).arg(QString(Sink::Commands::name(commandId))).arg(clientName); if (socket) { sendCommandCompleted(socket.data(), messageId, success); } else { SinkLog() << QString("Socket became invalid before we could send a response. client: %1").arg(clientName); } }); if (m_exiting) { quit(); return false; } return client.commandBuffer.size() >= headerSize; } return false; } void Listener::sendCommandCompleted(QLocalSocket *socket, uint messageId, bool success) { if (!socket || !socket->isValid()) { return; } auto command = Sink::Commands::CreateCommandCompletion(m_fbb, messageId, success); Sink::Commands::FinishCommandCompletionBuffer(m_fbb, command); Sink::Commands::write(socket, ++m_messageId, Sink::Commands::CommandCompletionCommand, m_fbb); if (m_exiting) { socket->waitForBytesWritten(); } m_fbb.Clear(); } void Listener::refreshRevision(qint64 revision) { updateClientsWithRevision(revision); } void Listener::updateClientsWithRevision(qint64 revision) { auto command = Sink::Commands::CreateRevisionUpdate(m_fbb, revision); Sink::Commands::FinishRevisionUpdateBuffer(m_fbb, command); for (const Client &client : m_connections) { if (!client.socket || !client.socket->isValid()) { continue; } SinkTrace() << "Sending revision update for " << client.name << revision; Sink::Commands::write(client.socket, ++m_messageId, Sink::Commands::RevisionUpdateCommand, m_fbb); client.socket->flush(); } m_fbb.Clear(); } void Listener::notify(const Sink::Notification ¬ification) { auto messageString = m_fbb.CreateString(notification.message.toUtf8().constData(), notification.message.toUtf8().size()); auto idString = m_fbb.CreateString(notification.id.constData(), notification.id.size()); auto entities = Sink::BufferUtils::toVector(m_fbb, notification.entities); Sink::Commands::NotificationBuilder builder(m_fbb); builder.add_type(notification.type); builder.add_code(notification.code); builder.add_identifier(idString); builder.add_message(messageString); builder.add_entities(entities); builder.add_progress(notification.progress); builder.add_total(notification.total); auto command = builder.Finish(); Sink::Commands::FinishNotificationBuffer(m_fbb, command); for (Client &client : m_connections) { if (client.socket && client.socket->isOpen()) { Sink::Commands::write(client.socket, ++m_messageId, Sink::Commands::NotificationCommand, m_fbb); } } m_fbb.Clear(); } Sink::Resource &Listener::loadResource() { if (!m_resource) { if (auto resourceFactory = Sink::ResourceFactory::load(m_resourceName)) { m_resource = std::unique_ptr(resourceFactory->createResource(Sink::ResourceContext{m_resourceInstanceIdentifier, m_resourceName, Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().getFactories(m_resourceName)})); if (!m_resource) { SinkError() << "Failed to instantiate the resource " << m_resourceName; m_resource = std::unique_ptr(new Sink::Resource); } SinkTrace() << QString("Resource factory: %1").arg((qlonglong)resourceFactory); SinkTrace() << QString("\tResource: %1").arg((qlonglong)m_resource.get()); connect(m_resource.get(), &Sink::Resource::revisionUpdated, this, &Listener::refreshRevision); connect(m_resource.get(), &Sink::Resource::notify, this, &Listener::notify); } else { SinkError() << "Failed to load resource " << m_resourceName; m_resource = std::unique_ptr(new Sink::Resource); } } Q_ASSERT(m_resource); return *m_resource; } #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wundefined-reinterpret-cast" #include "moc_listener.cpp" #pragma clang diagnostic pop diff --git a/common/log.cpp b/common/log.cpp index d94536f3..40fdb365 100644 --- a/common/log.cpp +++ b/common/log.cpp @@ -1,456 +1,470 @@ #include "log.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #include #include #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include using namespace Sink::Log; +const char *getComponentName() { return nullptr; } + static QThreadStorage> sSettings; static QSettings &config() { if (!sSettings.hasLocalData()) { sSettings.setLocalData(QSharedPointer::create(Sink::configLocation() + "/log.ini", QSettings::IniFormat)); } return *sSettings.localData(); } Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QByteArray, sPrimaryComponent); void Sink::Log::setPrimaryComponent(const QString &component) { if (!sPrimaryComponent.isDestroyed()) { *sPrimaryComponent = component.toUtf8(); } } class DebugStream : public QIODevice { public: QString m_location; DebugStream() : QIODevice() { open(WriteOnly); } virtual ~DebugStream(); bool isSequential() const { return true; } qint64 readData(char *, qint64) { return 0; /* eof */ } qint64 readLineData(char *, qint64) { return 0; /* eof */ } qint64 writeData(const char *data, qint64 len) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN const auto string = QString::fromUtf8(data, len); OutputDebugStringW(reinterpret_cast(string.utf16())); #else std::cout << data << std::endl; #endif return len; } private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(DebugStream) }; // Virtual method anchor DebugStream::~DebugStream() { } class NullStream : public QIODevice { public: NullStream() : QIODevice() { open(WriteOnly); } virtual ~NullStream(); bool isSequential() const { return true; } qint64 readData(char *, qint64) { return 0; /* eof */ } qint64 readLineData(char *, qint64) { return 0; /* eof */ } qint64 writeData(const char *data, qint64 len) { return len; } private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(NullStream) }; // Virtual method anchor NullStream::~NullStream() { } /* * ANSI color codes: * 0: reset colors/style * 1: bold * 4: underline * 30 - 37: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white text * 40 - 47: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white background */ enum ANSI_Colors { DoNothing = -1, Reset = 0, Bold = 1, Underline = 4, Black = 30, Red = 31, Green = 32, Yellow = 33, Blue = 34 }; static QString colorCommand(int colorCode) { return QString("\x1b[%1m").arg(colorCode); } static QString colorCommand(QList colorCodes) { colorCodes.removeAll(ANSI_Colors::DoNothing); if (colorCodes.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } QString string("\x1b["); for (int code : colorCodes) { string += QString("%1;").arg(code); } string.chop(1); string += "m"; return string; } QByteArray Sink::Log::debugLevelName(DebugLevel debugLevel) { switch (debugLevel) { case DebugLevel::Trace: return "Trace"; case DebugLevel::Log: return "Log"; case DebugLevel::Warning: return "Warning"; case DebugLevel::Error: return "Error"; default: break; - }; + } Q_ASSERT(false); return QByteArray(); } DebugLevel Sink::Log::debugLevelFromName(const QByteArray &name) { const QByteArray lowercaseName = name.toLower(); if (lowercaseName == "trace") return DebugLevel::Trace; if (lowercaseName == "log") return DebugLevel::Log; if (lowercaseName == "warning") return DebugLevel::Warning; if (lowercaseName == "error") return DebugLevel::Error; return DebugLevel::Log; } void Sink::Log::setDebugOutputLevel(DebugLevel debugLevel) { config().setValue("level", debugLevel); } Sink::Log::DebugLevel Sink::Log::debugOutputLevel() { return static_cast(config().value("level", Sink::Log::Log).toInt()); } void Sink::Log::setDebugOutputFilter(FilterType type, const QByteArrayList &filter) { switch (type) { case ApplicationName: config().setValue("applicationfilter", QVariant::fromValue(filter)); break; case Area: config().setValue("areafilter", QVariant::fromValue(filter)); break; } } QByteArrayList Sink::Log::debugOutputFilter(FilterType type) { switch (type) { case ApplicationName: return config().value("applicationfilter").value(); case Area: return config().value("areafilter").value(); default: return QByteArrayList(); } } void Sink::Log::setDebugOutputFields(const QByteArrayList &output) { config().setValue("outputfields", QVariant::fromValue(output)); } QByteArrayList Sink::Log::debugOutputFields() { return config().value("outputfields").value(); } static QByteArray getProgramName() { if (QCoreApplication::instance()) { return QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationName().toLocal8Bit(); } else { return ""; } } static QSharedPointer debugAreasConfig() { return QSharedPointer::create(Sink::dataLocation() + "/debugAreas.ini", QSettings::IniFormat); } class DebugAreaCollector { public: DebugAreaCollector() { - QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); - mDebugAreas = debugAreasConfig()->value("areas").value().split(';').toSet(); + //This call can potentially print a log message (if we fail to remove the qsettings lockfile), which would result in a deadlock if we locked over all of it. + const auto areas = debugAreasConfig()->value("areas").value().split(';').toSet(); + { + QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); + mDebugAreas = areas; + } } ~DebugAreaCollector() { - QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); - mDebugAreas += debugAreasConfig()->value("areas").value().split(';').toSet(); + //This call can potentially print a log message (if we fail to remove the qsettings lockfile), which would result in a deadlock if we locked over all of it. + const auto areas = debugAreasConfig()->value("areas").value().split(';').toSet(); + { + QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); + mDebugAreas += areas; + } debugAreasConfig()->setValue("areas", QVariant::fromValue(mDebugAreas.toList().join(';'))); } void add(const QString &area) { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); mDebugAreas << area; } QSet debugAreas() { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); return mDebugAreas; } QMutex mutex; QSet mDebugAreas; }; Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(DebugAreaCollector, sDebugAreaCollector); QSet Sink::Log::debugAreas() { if (!sDebugAreaCollector.isDestroyed()) { return sDebugAreaCollector->debugAreas(); } return {}; } static void collectDebugArea(const QString &debugArea) { if (!sDebugAreaCollector.isDestroyed()) { sDebugAreaCollector->add(debugArea); } } static bool containsItemStartingWith(const QByteArray &pattern, const QByteArrayList &list) { for (const auto &item : list) { int start = 0; int end = item.size(); if (item.startsWith('*')) { start++; } if (item.endsWith('*')) { end--; } if (pattern.contains(item.mid(start, end - start))) { return true; } } return false; } static bool caseInsensitiveContains(const QByteArray &pattern, const QByteArrayList &list) { for (const auto &item : list) { if (item.toLower() == pattern) { return true; } } return false; } static QByteArray getFileName(const char *file) { static char sep = QDir::separator().toLatin1(); auto filename = QByteArray(file).split(sep).last(); return filename.split('.').first(); } static QString assembleDebugArea(const char *debugArea, const char *debugComponent, const char *file) { if (!sPrimaryComponent.isDestroyed() && sPrimaryComponent->isEmpty()) { *sPrimaryComponent = getProgramName(); } if (!sPrimaryComponent.isDestroyed()) { //Using stringbuilder for fewer allocations return QLatin1String{*sPrimaryComponent} % QLatin1String{"."} % (debugComponent ? (QLatin1String{debugComponent} + QLatin1String{"."}) : QLatin1String{""}) % (debugArea ? QLatin1String{debugArea} : QLatin1String{getFileName(file)}); } else { return {}; } } static bool isFiltered(DebugLevel debugLevel, const QByteArray &fullDebugArea) { if (debugLevel < debugOutputLevel()) { return true; } const auto areas = debugOutputFilter(Sink::Log::Area); if ((debugLevel <= Sink::Log::Trace) && !areas.isEmpty()) { if (!containsItemStartingWith(fullDebugArea, areas)) { return true; } } return false; } bool Sink::Log::isFiltered(DebugLevel debugLevel, const char *debugArea, const char *debugComponent, const char *file) { + //Avoid assembleDebugArea if we can, because it's fairly expensive. + if (debugLevel < debugOutputLevel()) { + return true; + } return isFiltered(debugLevel, assembleDebugArea(debugArea, debugComponent, file).toLatin1()); } Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(NullStream, sNullStream); Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(DebugStream, sDebugStream); QDebug Sink::Log::debugStream(DebugLevel debugLevel, int line, const char *file, const char *function, const char *debugArea, const char *debugComponent) { const auto fullDebugArea = assembleDebugArea(debugArea, debugComponent, file); collectDebugArea(fullDebugArea); if (isFiltered(debugLevel, fullDebugArea.toLatin1())) { if (!sNullStream.isDestroyed()) { return QDebug(sNullStream); } return QDebug{QtDebugMsg}; } QString prefix; int prefixColorCode = ANSI_Colors::DoNothing; switch (debugLevel) { case DebugLevel::Trace: prefix = "Trace: "; break; case DebugLevel::Log: prefix = "Log: "; prefixColorCode = ANSI_Colors::Green; break; case DebugLevel::Warning: prefix = "Warning:"; prefixColorCode = ANSI_Colors::Red; break; case DebugLevel::Error: prefix = "Error: "; prefixColorCode = ANSI_Colors::Red; break; - }; + } auto debugOutput = debugOutputFields(); bool showLocation = debugOutput.isEmpty() ? false : caseInsensitiveContains("location", debugOutput); bool showFunction = debugOutput.isEmpty() ? false : caseInsensitiveContains("function", debugOutput); bool showProgram = debugOutput.isEmpty() ? false : caseInsensitiveContains("application", debugOutput); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN bool useColor = false; #else bool useColor = true; #endif bool multiline = false; const QString resetColor = colorCommand(ANSI_Colors::Reset); QString output; if (useColor) { output += colorCommand(QList() << ANSI_Colors::Bold << prefixColorCode); } output += prefix; if (useColor) { output += resetColor; } if (showProgram) { int width = 10; output += QString(" %1(%2)").arg(QString::fromLatin1(getProgramName()).leftJustified(width, ' ', true)).arg(unsigned(getpid())).rightJustified(width + 8, ' '); } if (useColor) { output += colorCommand(QList() << ANSI_Colors::Bold << prefixColorCode); } static std::atomic maxDebugAreaSize{25}; maxDebugAreaSize = qMax(fullDebugArea.size(), maxDebugAreaSize.load()); output += QString(" %1 ").arg(fullDebugArea.leftJustified(maxDebugAreaSize, ' ', false)); if (useColor) { output += resetColor; } if (showFunction) { output += QString(" %3").arg(fullDebugArea.leftJustified(25, ' ', true)); } if (showLocation) { const auto filename = QString::fromLatin1(file).split('/').last(); output += QString(" %1:%2").arg(filename.right(25)).arg(QString::number(line).leftJustified(4, ' ')).leftJustified(30, ' ', true); } if (multiline) { output += "\n "; } output += ":"; if (sDebugStream.isDestroyed()) { return QDebug{QtDebugMsg}; } QDebug debug(sDebugStream); debug.noquote().nospace() << output; return debug.space().quote(); } diff --git a/common/log.h b/common/log.h index 93b6ba37..6e1797c9 100644 --- a/common/log.h +++ b/common/log.h @@ -1,120 +1,120 @@ #pragma once #include "sink_export.h" #include namespace Sink { namespace Log { struct Context { Context() = default; Context(const QByteArray &n) : name(n) {} Context(const char *n) : name(n) {} QByteArray name; Context subContext(const QByteArray &sub) const { if (name.isEmpty()) { return Context{sub}; } return Context{name + "." + sub}; } }; enum DebugLevel { Trace, Log, Warning, Error }; void SINK_EXPORT setPrimaryComponent(const QString &component); QSet SINK_EXPORT debugAreas(); QByteArray SINK_EXPORT debugLevelName(DebugLevel debugLevel); DebugLevel SINK_EXPORT debugLevelFromName(const QByteArray &name); /** * Sets the debug output level. * * Everything below is ignored. */ void SINK_EXPORT setDebugOutputLevel(DebugLevel); DebugLevel SINK_EXPORT debugOutputLevel(); enum FilterType { Area, ApplicationName }; /** * Sets a debug output filter. * * Everything that is not matching the filter is ignored. * An empty filter matches everything. * * Note: In case of resources the application name is the identifier. */ void SINK_EXPORT setDebugOutputFilter(FilterType, const QByteArrayList &filter); QByteArrayList SINK_EXPORT debugOutputFilter(FilterType type); /** * Set the debug output fields. * * Currently supported are: * * Name: Application name used for filter. * * Function: The function name: * * Location: The source code location. * * These are additional items to the default ones (level, area, message). */ void SINK_EXPORT setDebugOutputFields(const QByteArrayList &filter); QByteArrayList SINK_EXPORT debugOutputFields(); QDebug SINK_EXPORT debugStream(DebugLevel debugLevel, int line, const char *file, const char *function, const char *debugArea = nullptr, const char *debugComponent = nullptr); struct SINK_EXPORT TraceTime { TraceTime(int i) : time(i){}; const int time; }; SINK_EXPORT inline QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const TraceTime &time) { d << time.time << "[ms]"; return d; } SINK_EXPORT bool isFiltered(DebugLevel debugLevel, const char *debugArea, const char *debugComponent, const char *file); } } -static const char *getComponentName() { return nullptr; } +SINK_EXPORT const char *getComponentName() __attribute__ ((unused)); #define SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(LEVEL, AREA, COMPONENT) if (!Sink::Log::isFiltered(LEVEL, AREA, COMPONENT, __FILE__)) Sink::Log::debugStream(LEVEL, __LINE__, __FILE__, Q_FUNC_INFO, AREA, COMPONENT) #define Trace_area(AREA) SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Trace, AREA, nullptr) #define Log_area(AREA) SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Log, AREA, nullptr) #define Warning_area(AREA) SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Warning, AREA, nullptr) #define Error_area(AREA) SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Error, AREA, nullptr) #define SinkTrace_(COMPONENT, AREA) SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Trace, AREA, COMPONENT) #define SinkLog_(COMPONENT, AREA) SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Log, AREA, COMPONENT) #define SinkWarning_(COMPONENT, AREA) SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Warning, AREA, COMPONENT) #define SinkError_(COMPONENT, AREA) SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Error, AREA, COMPONENT) #define SinkTrace() SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Trace, nullptr, getComponentName()) #define SinkLog() SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Log, nullptr, getComponentName()) #define SinkWarning() SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Warning, nullptr, getComponentName()) #define SinkError() SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Error, nullptr, getComponentName()) #define SinkTraceCtx(CTX) SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Trace, CTX.name, nullptr) #define SinkLogCtx(CTX) SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Log, CTX.name, nullptr) #define SinkWarningCtx(CTX) SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Warning, CTX.name, nullptr) #define SinkErrorCtx(CTX) SINK_DEBUG_STREAM_IMPL(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Error, CTX.name, nullptr) #define SINK_DEBUG_AREA(AREA) static constexpr const char* s_sinkDebugArea{AREA}; #define SINK_DEBUG_COMPONENT(COMPONENT) const char* getComponentName() const { return COMPONENT; }; #define SINK_DEBUG_COMPONENT_STATIC(COMPONENT) static const char* getComponentName() { return COMPONENT; }; diff --git a/common/mail/threadindexer.cpp b/common/mail/threadindexer.cpp index c1d1aa81..2655515a 100644 --- a/common/mail/threadindexer.cpp +++ b/common/mail/threadindexer.cpp @@ -1,124 +1,131 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "threadindexer.h" #include "typeindex.h" #include "log.h" #include "utils.h" using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; void ThreadIndexer::updateThreadingIndex(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { - auto messageId = entity.getProperty(Mail::MessageId::name); - auto parentMessageId = entity.getProperty(Mail::ParentMessageId::name); + const auto messageId = entity.getProperty(Mail::MessageId::name); if (messageId.toByteArray().isEmpty()) { SinkWarning() << "Found an email without messageId. This is illegal and threading will break. Entity id: " << entity.identifier(); } + const auto parentMessageIds = entity.getProperty(Mail::ParentMessageIds::name).value(); - SinkTrace() << "Indexing thread. Entity: " << entity.identifier() << "Messageid: " << messageId << "ParentMessageId: " << parentMessageId; + SinkTrace() << "Indexing thread. Entity: " << entity.identifier() << "Messageid: " << messageId << "ParentMessageId: " << parentMessageIds; //check if a child already registered our thread. QVector thread = index().secondaryLookup(messageId); - if (!thread.isEmpty() && parentMessageId.isValid()) { + if (!thread.isEmpty() && !parentMessageIds.isEmpty()) { //A child already registered our thread so we merge the childs thread //* check if we have a parent thread, if not just continue as usual //* get all messages that have the same threadid as the child //* switch all to the parents thread - Q_ASSERT(!parentMessageId.toByteArray().isEmpty()); - auto parentThread = index().secondaryLookup(parentMessageId); - if (!parentThread.isEmpty()) { - auto childThreadId = thread.first(); - auto parentThreadId = parentThread.first(); - //Can happen if the message is already available locally. - if (childThreadId == parentThreadId) { - //Nothing to do - return; - } - SinkTrace() << "Merging child thread: " << childThreadId << " into parent thread: " << parentThreadId; - - //Ensure this mail ends up in the correct thread - index().unindex(messageId, childThreadId, transaction); - //We have to copy the id here, otherwise it doesn't survive the subsequent writes - thread = QVector() << QByteArray{parentThreadId.data(), parentThreadId.size()}; - - //Merge all child messages into the correct thread - auto childThreadMessageIds = index().secondaryLookup(childThreadId); - for (const auto &msgId : childThreadMessageIds) { - SinkTrace() << "Merging child message: " << msgId; - index().unindex(msgId, childThreadId, transaction); - index().unindex(childThreadId, msgId, transaction); - index().index(msgId, parentThreadId, transaction); - index().index(parentThreadId, msgId, transaction); + for (const auto &parentMessageId : parentMessageIds) { + auto parentThread = index().secondaryLookup(parentMessageId); + if (!parentThread.isEmpty()) { + auto childThreadId = thread.first(); + auto parentThreadId = parentThread.first(); + //Can happen if the message is already available locally. + if (childThreadId == parentThreadId) { + //Nothing to do + return; + } + SinkTrace() << "Merging child thread: " << childThreadId << " into parent thread: " << parentThreadId; + + //Ensure this mail ends up in the correct thread + index().unindex(messageId, childThreadId, transaction); + //We have to copy the id here, otherwise it doesn't survive the subsequent writes + thread = {QByteArray{parentThreadId.data(), parentThreadId.size()}}; + + //Merge all child messages into the correct thread + auto childThreadMessageIds = index().secondaryLookup(childThreadId); + for (const auto &msgId : childThreadMessageIds) { + SinkTrace() << "Merging child message: " << msgId; + index().unindex(msgId, childThreadId, transaction); + index().unindex(childThreadId, msgId, transaction); + index().index(msgId, parentThreadId, transaction); + index().index(parentThreadId, msgId, transaction); + } + break; } } } - //If parent is already available, add to thread of parent - if (thread.isEmpty() && parentMessageId.isValid()) { - thread = index().secondaryLookup(parentMessageId); + //If parent is already available, add to thread of the first parent to match + if (thread.isEmpty() && !parentMessageIds.isEmpty()) { + for (const auto &parentMessageId : parentMessageIds) { + thread = index().secondaryLookup(parentMessageId); + if (!thread.isEmpty()) { + break; + } + } SinkTrace() << "Found parent: " << thread; } + + //Create a new thread as last resort if (thread.isEmpty()) { - thread << Sink::createUuid(); + thread = {Sink::createUuid()}; SinkTrace() << "Created a new thread: " << thread; } - Q_ASSERT(!thread.isEmpty()); - - if (parentMessageId.isValid()) { - Q_ASSERT(!parentMessageId.toByteArray().isEmpty()); - //Register parent with thread for when it becomes available - index().index(parentMessageId, thread.first(), transaction); + if (!parentMessageIds.isEmpty()) { + //Register the first (closest) parent with thread for when it becomes available + index().index(parentMessageIds.first(), thread.first(), transaction); } index().index(messageId, thread.first(), transaction); index().index(thread.first(), messageId, transaction); } void ThreadIndexer::add(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity) { updateThreadingIndex(entity, transaction()); } void ThreadIndexer::modify(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity, const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity) { - //FIXME Implement to support thread changes. + //TODO Implement to support thread changes. //Emails are immutable (for everything threading relevant), so we don't care about it so far. } void ThreadIndexer::remove(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity) { - auto messageId = entity.getProperty(Mail::MessageId::name); - auto thread = index().secondaryLookup(messageId); + const auto messageId = entity.getProperty(Mail::MessageId::name); + const auto thread = index().secondaryLookup(messageId); if (thread.isEmpty()) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to find the threadId for the entity " << entity.identifier() << messageId; + return; } index().unindex(messageId.toByteArray(), thread.first(), transaction()); index().unindex(thread.first(), messageId.toByteArray(), transaction()); } QMap ThreadIndexer::databases() { - return {{"mail.index.messageIdthreadId", 1}, - {"mail.index.threadIdmessageId", 1}}; + return {{"mail.index.messageIdthreadId", Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates}, + {"mail.index.threadIdmessageId", Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates}}; } diff --git a/common/mailpreprocessor.cpp b/common/mailpreprocessor.cpp index 8a00b02c..2bd5d746 100644 --- a/common/mailpreprocessor.cpp +++ b/common/mailpreprocessor.cpp @@ -1,169 +1,172 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "mailpreprocessor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pipeline.h" #include "fulltextindex.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "applicationdomaintype.h" using namespace Sink; static Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail::Contact getContact(const KMime::Headers::Generics::MailboxList *header) { const auto name = header->displayNames().isEmpty() ? QString() : header->displayNames().first(); const auto address = header->addresses().isEmpty() ? QString() : header->addresses().first(); return Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail::Contact{name, address}; } static QList getContactList(const KMime::Headers::Generics::AddressList *header) { QList list; for (const auto &mb : header->mailboxes()) { list << Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail::Contact{mb.name(), mb.address()}; } return list; } static QList> processPart(KMime::Content* content) { if (KMime::Headers::ContentType* type = content->contentType(false)) { if (type->isMultipart() && !type->isSubtype("encrypted")) { QList> list; for (const auto c : content->contents()) { list << processPart(c); } return list; } else if (type->isHTMLText()) { //QTextDocument has an implicit runtime dependency on QGuiApplication via the color palette. //If the QGuiApplication is not available we will crash (if the html contains colors). Q_ASSERT(QGuiApplication::instance()); // Only get HTML content, if no plain text content QTextDocument doc; doc.setHtml(content->decodedText()); return {{{}, {doc.toPlainText()}}}; } else if (type->isEmpty()) { return {{{}, {content->decodedText()}}}; } } return {}; } +QByteArray normalizeMessageId(const QByteArray &id) { + return id; +} + void MailPropertyExtractor::updatedIndexedProperties(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail &mail, const QByteArray &data) { if (data.isEmpty()) { return; } auto msg = KMime::Message::Ptr(new KMime::Message); msg->setContent(KMime::CRLFtoLF(data)); msg->parse(); if (!msg) { return; } mail.setExtractedSubject(msg->subject(true)->asUnicodeString()); mail.setExtractedSender(getContact(msg->from(true))); mail.setExtractedTo(getContactList(msg->to(true))); mail.setExtractedCc(getContactList(msg->cc(true))); mail.setExtractedBcc(getContactList(msg->bcc(true))); mail.setExtractedDate(msg->date(true)->dateTime()); - const auto parentMessageId = [&] { + const auto parentMessageIds = [&] { //The last is the parent auto references = msg->references(true)->identifiers(); - //The first is the parent - auto inReplyTo = msg->inReplyTo(true)->identifiers(); - if (!references.isEmpty()) { - return references.last(); - //TODO we could use the rest of the references header to complete the ancestry in case we have missing parents. + QByteArrayList list; + std::transform(references.constBegin(), references.constEnd(), std::back_inserter(list), [] (const QByteArray &id) { return normalizeMessageId(id); }); + return list; } else { + auto inReplyTo = msg->inReplyTo(true)->identifiers(); if (!inReplyTo.isEmpty()) { //According to RFC5256 we should ignore all but the first - return inReplyTo.first(); + return QByteArrayList{normalizeMessageId(inReplyTo.first())}; } } - return QByteArray{}; + return QByteArrayList{}; }(); //The rest should never change, unless we didn't have the headers available initially. - auto messageId = msg->messageID(true)->identifier(); + auto messageId = normalizeMessageId(msg->messageID(true)->identifier()); if (messageId.isEmpty()) { //reuse an existing messageid (on modification) const auto existing = mail.getMessageId(); if (existing.isEmpty()) { auto tmp = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); //Genereate a globally unique messageid that doesn't leak the local hostname messageId = QString{"<" + QUuid::createUuid().toString().mid(1, 36).remove('-') + "@sink>"}.toLatin1(); tmp->messageID(true)->fromUnicodeString(messageId, "utf-8"); SinkWarning() << "Message id is empty, generating one: " << messageId; } else { messageId = existing; } } mail.setExtractedMessageId(messageId); - if (!parentMessageId.isEmpty()) { - mail.setExtractedParentMessageId(parentMessageId); + if (!parentMessageIds.isEmpty()) { + mail.setExtractedParentMessageIds(parentMessageIds); } QList> contentToIndex; contentToIndex.append({{}, msg->subject()->asUnicodeString()}); if (KMime::Content* mainBody = msg->mainBodyPart("text/plain")) { contentToIndex.append({{}, mainBody->decodedText()}); } else { contentToIndex << processPart(msg.data()); } const auto sender = mail.getSender(); contentToIndex.append({{}, sender.name}); contentToIndex.append({{}, sender.emailAddress}); for (const auto &c : mail.getTo()) { contentToIndex.append({{}, c.name}); contentToIndex.append({{}, c.emailAddress}); } for (const auto &c : mail.getCc()) { contentToIndex.append({{}, c.name}); contentToIndex.append({{}, c.emailAddress}); } for (const auto &c : mail.getBcc()) { contentToIndex.append({{}, c.name}); contentToIndex.append({{}, c.emailAddress}); } //Prepare content for indexing; mail.setProperty("index", QVariant::fromValue(contentToIndex)); } void MailPropertyExtractor::newEntity(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail &mail) { updatedIndexedProperties(mail, mail.getMimeMessage()); } void MailPropertyExtractor::modifiedEntity(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail &oldMail, Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail &newMail) { updatedIndexedProperties(newMail, newMail.getMimeMessage()); } diff --git a/common/messagequeue.cpp b/common/messagequeue.cpp index 362ddfd4..08a9a647 100644 --- a/common/messagequeue.cpp +++ b/common/messagequeue.cpp @@ -1,146 +1,175 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2019 Christian Mollekopf + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any + * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its + * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall + * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ #include "messagequeue.h" #include "storage.h" -#include +#include "storage/key.h" #include -MessageQueue::MessageQueue(const QString &storageRoot, const QString &name) : mStorage(storageRoot, name, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite) +using namespace Sink::Storage; + +MessageQueue::MessageQueue(const QString &storageRoot, const QString &name) : mStorage(storageRoot, name, DataStore::ReadWrite), mReplayedRevision{-1} { } MessageQueue::~MessageQueue() { if (mWriteTransaction) { mWriteTransaction.abort(); } } void MessageQueue::enqueue(void const *msg, size_t size) { enqueue(QByteArray::fromRawData(static_cast(msg), size)); } void MessageQueue::startTransaction() { if (mWriteTransaction) { return; } processRemovals(); - mWriteTransaction = mStorage.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + mWriteTransaction = mStorage.createTransaction(DataStore::ReadWrite); } void MessageQueue::commit() { mWriteTransaction.commit(); - mWriteTransaction = Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction(); + mWriteTransaction = DataStore::Transaction(); processRemovals(); emit messageReady(); } void MessageQueue::enqueue(const QByteArray &value) { bool implicitTransaction = false; if (!mWriteTransaction) { implicitTransaction = true; startTransaction(); } - const qint64 revision = Sink::Storage::DataStore::maxRevision(mWriteTransaction) + 1; - const QByteArray key = QString("%1").arg(revision).toUtf8(); - mWriteTransaction.openDatabase().write(key, value); - Sink::Storage::DataStore::setMaxRevision(mWriteTransaction, revision); + const qint64 revision = DataStore::maxRevision(mWriteTransaction) + 1; + mWriteTransaction.openDatabase().write(Revision{size_t(revision)}.toDisplayByteArray(), value); + DataStore::setMaxRevision(mWriteTransaction, revision); if (implicitTransaction) { commit(); } } void MessageQueue::processRemovals() { if (mWriteTransaction) { + if (mReplayedRevision > 0) { + auto dequedRevisions = mReplayedRevision - DataStore::cleanedUpRevision(mWriteTransaction); + if (dequedRevisions > 500) { + SinkTrace() << "We're building up a large backlog of dequeued revisions " << dequedRevisions; + } + } return; } - auto transaction = mStorage.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - for (const auto &key : mPendingRemoval) { - transaction.openDatabase().remove(key); + if (mReplayedRevision >= 0) { + auto transaction = mStorage.createTransaction(DataStore::ReadWrite); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase(); + for (auto revision = DataStore::cleanedUpRevision(transaction) + 1; revision <= mReplayedRevision; revision++) { + db.remove(Revision{size_t(revision)}.toDisplayByteArray()); + } + DataStore::setCleanedUpRevision(transaction, mReplayedRevision); + transaction.commit(); + mReplayedRevision = -1; } - transaction.commit(); - mPendingRemoval.clear(); } void MessageQueue::dequeue(const std::function)> &resultHandler, const std::function &errorHandler) { dequeueBatch(1, [resultHandler](const QByteArray &value) { return KAsync::start([&value, resultHandler](KAsync::Future &future) { resultHandler(const_cast(static_cast(value.data())), value.size(), [&future](bool success) { future.setFinished(); }); }); }).onError([errorHandler](const KAsync::Error &error) { errorHandler(Error("messagequeue", error.errorCode, error.errorMessage.toLatin1())); }).exec(); } KAsync::Job MessageQueue::dequeueBatch(int maxBatchSize, const std::function(const QByteArray &)> &resultHandler) { - auto resultCount = QSharedPointer::create(0); - return KAsync::start([this, maxBatchSize, resultHandler, resultCount](KAsync::Future &future) { + return KAsync::start([this, maxBatchSize, resultHandler](KAsync::Future &future) { int count = 0; QList> waitCondition; - mStorage.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly) + mStorage.createTransaction(DataStore::ReadOnly) .openDatabase() .scan("", - [this, resultHandler, resultCount, &count, maxBatchSize, &waitCondition](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { - if (mPendingRemoval.contains(key)) { + [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { + const auto revision = key.toLongLong(); + if (revision <= mReplayedRevision) { return true; } - *resultCount += 1; - // We need a copy of the key here, otherwise we can't store it in the lambda (the pointers will become invalid) - mPendingRemoval << QByteArray(key.constData(), key.size()); + mReplayedRevision = revision; waitCondition << resultHandler(value).exec(); count++; if (count < maxBatchSize) { return true; } return false; }, - [](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { + [](const DataStore::Error &error) { SinkError() << "Error while retrieving value" << error.message; // errorHandler(Error(error.store, error.code, error.message)); }); // Trace() << "Waiting on " << waitCondition.size() << " results"; KAsync::waitForCompletion(waitCondition) - .then([this, resultCount, &future]() { + .then([this, count, &future]() { processRemovals(); - if (*resultCount == 0) { + if (count == 0) { future.setFinished(); } else { if (isEmpty()) { emit this->drained(); } future.setFinished(); } }) .exec(); }); } bool MessageQueue::isEmpty() { int count = 0; - auto t = mStorage.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); + auto t = mStorage.createTransaction(DataStore::ReadOnly); auto db = t.openDatabase(); if (db) { db.scan("", [&count, this](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { - if (!mPendingRemoval.contains(key)) { - count++; - return false; + const auto revision = key.toLongLong(); + if (revision <= mReplayedRevision) { + return true; } - return true; + count++; + return false; }, - [](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { SinkError() << "Error while checking if empty" << error.message; }); + [](const DataStore::Error &error) { SinkError() << "Error while checking if empty" << error.message; }); } return count == 0; } #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wundefined-reinterpret-cast" #include "moc_messagequeue.cpp" #pragma clang diagnostic pop diff --git a/common/messagequeue.h b/common/messagequeue.h index a2b72261..93c29832 100644 --- a/common/messagequeue.h +++ b/common/messagequeue.h @@ -1,62 +1,81 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2019 Christian Mollekopf + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any + * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its + * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall + * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ #pragma once #include "sink_export.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "storage.h" /** * A persistent FIFO message queue. */ class SINK_EXPORT MessageQueue : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: enum ErrorCodes { NoMessageFound }; class Error { public: Error(const QByteArray &s, int c, const QByteArray &m) : store(s), message(m), code(c) { } QByteArray store; QByteArray message; int code; }; MessageQueue(const QString &storageRoot, const QString &name); ~MessageQueue(); void startTransaction(); void enqueue(void const *msg, size_t size); void enqueue(const QByteArray &value); // Dequeue a message. This will return a new message everytime called. // Call the result handler with a success response to remove the message from the store. // TODO track processing progress to avoid processing the same message with the same preprocessor twice? void dequeue(const std::function)> &resultHandler, const std::function &errorHandler); KAsync::Job dequeueBatch(int maxBatchSize, const std::function(const QByteArray &)> &resultHandler); bool isEmpty(); public slots: void commit(); signals: void messageReady(); void drained(); private slots: void processRemovals(); private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(MessageQueue); Sink::Storage::DataStore mStorage; Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction mWriteTransaction; - QByteArrayList mPendingRemoval; + qint64 mReplayedRevision; }; diff --git a/common/modelresult.cpp b/common/modelresult.cpp index 57f5ce84..69523ea2 100644 --- a/common/modelresult.cpp +++ b/common/modelresult.cpp @@ -1,440 +1,440 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "modelresult.h" #include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "notifier.h" #include "notification.h" using namespace Sink; static uint getInternalIdentifer(const QByteArray &resourceId, const QByteArray &entityId) { return qHash(resourceId + entityId); } static uint qHash(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &type) { Q_ASSERT(!type.identifier().isEmpty()); return getInternalIdentifer(type.resourceInstanceIdentifier(), type.identifier()); } static qint64 getIdentifier(const QModelIndex &idx) { if (!idx.isValid()) { return 0; } return idx.internalId(); } template ModelResult::ModelResult(const Sink::Query &query, const QList &propertyColumns, const Sink::Log::Context &ctx) : QAbstractItemModel(), mLogCtx(ctx.subContext("modelresult")), mPropertyColumns(propertyColumns), mQuery(query) { if (query.flags().testFlag(Sink::Query::UpdateStatus)) { Sink::Query resourceQuery; resourceQuery.setFilter(query.getResourceFilter()); mNotifier.reset(new Sink::Notifier{resourceQuery}); mNotifier->registerHandler([this](const Notification ¬ification) { switch (notification.type) { case Notification::Status: case Notification::Warning: case Notification::Error: case Notification::Info: case Notification::Progress: //These are the notifications we care about break; default: //We're not interested return; - }; + } if (notification.resource.isEmpty() || notification.entities.isEmpty()) { return; } QVector idList; for (const auto &entity : notification.entities) { auto id = getInternalIdentifer(notification.resource, entity); if (mEntities.contains(id)) { idList << id; } } if (idList.isEmpty()) { //We don't have this entity in our model return; } const int newStatus = [&] { if (notification.type == Notification::Warning || notification.type == Notification::Error) { return ApplicationDomain::SyncStatus::SyncError; } if (notification.type == Notification::Info) { switch (notification.code) { case ApplicationDomain::SyncInProgress: return ApplicationDomain::SyncInProgress; case ApplicationDomain::SyncSuccess: return ApplicationDomain::SyncSuccess; case ApplicationDomain::SyncError: return ApplicationDomain::SyncError; case ApplicationDomain::NoSyncStatus: break; } return ApplicationDomain::NoSyncStatus; } if (notification.type == Notification::Progress) { return ApplicationDomain::SyncStatus::SyncInProgress; } return ApplicationDomain::NoSyncStatus; }(); for (const auto id : idList) { const auto oldStatus = mEntityStatus.value(id); QVector changedRoles; if (oldStatus != newStatus) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Status changed for entity:" << newStatus << ", id: " << id; mEntityStatus.insert(id, newStatus); changedRoles << StatusRole; } if (notification.type == Notification::Progress) { changedRoles << ProgressRole; } else if (notification.type == Notification::Warning || notification.type == Notification::Error) { changedRoles << WarningRole; } if (!changedRoles.isEmpty()) { const auto idx = createIndexFromId(id); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Index changed:" << idx << changedRoles; //We don't emit the changedRoles because the consuming model likely remaps the role anyways and would then need to translate dataChanged signals as well. emit dataChanged(idx, idx); } } }); } } template ModelResult::~ModelResult() { if (mEmitter) { mEmitter->waitForMethodExecutionEnd(); } } template qint64 ModelResult::parentId(const Ptr &value) { if (!mQuery.parentProperty().isEmpty()) { const auto identifier = value->getProperty(mQuery.parentProperty()).toByteArray(); if (!identifier.isEmpty()) { return getInternalIdentifer(value->resourceInstanceIdentifier(), identifier); } } return 0; } template int ModelResult::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == this->thread()); return mTree[getIdentifier(parent)].size(); } template int ModelResult::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == this->thread()); return mPropertyColumns.size(); } template QVariant ModelResult::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { if (section < mPropertyColumns.size()) { return mPropertyColumns.at(section); } } return QVariant(); } template QVariant ModelResult::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == this->thread()); if (role == DomainObjectRole && index.isValid()) { Q_ASSERT(mEntities.contains(index.internalId())); return QVariant::fromValue(mEntities.value(index.internalId())); } if (role == DomainObjectBaseRole && index.isValid()) { Q_ASSERT(mEntities.contains(index.internalId())); return QVariant::fromValue(mEntities.value(index.internalId()).template staticCast()); } if (role == ChildrenFetchedRole) { return childrenFetched(index); } if (role == StatusRole) { auto it = mEntityStatus.constFind(index.internalId()); if (it != mEntityStatus.constEnd()) { return *it; } return {}; } if (role == Qt::DisplayRole && index.isValid()) { if (index.column() < mPropertyColumns.size()) { Q_ASSERT(mEntities.contains(index.internalId())); auto entity = mEntities.value(index.internalId()); return entity->getProperty(mPropertyColumns.at(index.column())).toString(); } else { return "No data available"; } } return QVariant(); } template QModelIndex ModelResult::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == this->thread()); const auto id = getIdentifier(parent); const auto list = mTree.value(id); if (list.size() > row) { const auto childId = list.at(row); return createIndex(row, column, childId); } SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Index not available " << row << column << parent; return QModelIndex(); } template QModelIndex ModelResult::createIndexFromId(const qint64 &id) const { Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == this->thread()); if (id == 0) { return QModelIndex(); } auto grandParentId = mParents.value(id, 0); auto row = mTree.value(grandParentId).indexOf(id); Q_ASSERT(row >= 0); return createIndex(row, 0, id); } template QModelIndex ModelResult::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const { auto id = getIdentifier(index); auto parentId = mParents.value(id); return createIndexFromId(parentId); } template bool ModelResult::hasChildren(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (mQuery.parentProperty().isEmpty() && parent.isValid()) { return false; } return QAbstractItemModel::hasChildren(parent); } template bool ModelResult::canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) const { //We fetch trees immediately so can never fetch more if (parent.isValid() || mFetchedAll) { return false; } return true; } template void ModelResult::fetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Fetching more: " << parent; Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == this->thread()); //We only suppor fetchMore for flat lists if (parent.isValid()) { return; } //There is already a fetch in progress, don't fetch again. if (mFetchInProgress) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "A fetch is already in progress."; return; } mFetchInProgress = true; mFetchComplete = false; SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Fetching more."; if (loadEntities) { loadEntities(); } else { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "No way to fetch entities"; } } template bool ModelResult::allParentsAvailable(qint64 id) const { auto p = id; while (p) { if (!mEntities.contains(p)) { return false; } p = mParents.value(p, 0); } return true; } template void ModelResult::add(const Ptr &value) { const auto childId = qHash(*value); const auto pId = parentId(value); if (mEntities.contains(childId)) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Entity already in model: " << value->identifier(); return; } const auto keys = mTree[pId]; int idx = 0; for (; idx < keys.size(); idx++) { if (childId < keys.at(idx)) { break; } } bool parentIsVisible = allParentsAvailable(pId); // SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Inserting rows " << index << parent; if (parentIsVisible) { auto parent = createIndexFromId(pId); beginInsertRows(parent, idx, idx); } mEntities.insert(childId, value); mTree[pId].insert(idx, childId); mParents.insert(childId, pId); if (parentIsVisible) { endInsertRows(); } // SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Inserted rows " << mTree[id].size(); } template void ModelResult::remove(const Ptr &value) { auto childId = qHash(*value); if (!mEntities.contains(childId)) { return; } //The removed entity will have no properties, but we at least need the parent property. auto actualEntity = mEntities.value(childId); auto id = parentId(actualEntity); auto parent = createIndexFromId(id); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Removed entity" << childId; auto index = mTree[id].indexOf(childId); if (index >= 0) { beginRemoveRows(parent, index, index); mEntities.remove(childId); mTree[id].removeAll(childId); mParents.remove(childId); // TODO remove children endRemoveRows(); } } template void ModelResult::setFetcher(const std::function &fetcher) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Setting fetcher"; loadEntities = fetcher; } template void ModelResult::setEmitter(const typename Sink::ResultEmitter::Ptr &emitter) { setFetcher([this]() { mEmitter->fetch(); }); QPointer guard(this); emitter->onAdded([this, guard](const Ptr &value) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Received addition: " << value->identifier(); Q_ASSERT(guard); threadBoundary.callInMainThread([this, value, guard]() { Q_ASSERT(guard); add(value); }); }); emitter->onModified([this, guard](const Ptr &value) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Received modification: " << value->identifier(); Q_ASSERT(guard); threadBoundary.callInMainThread([this, value]() { modify(value); }); }); emitter->onRemoved([this, guard](const Ptr &value) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Received removal: " << value->identifier(); Q_ASSERT(guard); threadBoundary.callInMainThread([this, value]() { remove(value); }); }); emitter->onInitialResultSetComplete([this, guard](bool fetchedAll) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Initial result set complete. Fetched all: " << fetchedAll; Q_ASSERT(guard); Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == this->thread()); mFetchInProgress = false; mFetchedAll = fetchedAll; mFetchComplete = true; emit dataChanged({}, {}, QVector() << ChildrenFetchedRole); }); mEmitter = emitter; } template bool ModelResult::childrenFetched(const QModelIndex &index) const { return mFetchComplete; } template void ModelResult::modify(const Ptr &value) { auto childId = qHash(*value); if (!mEntities.contains(childId)) { //Happens because the DatabaseQuery emits modifiations also if the item used to be filtered. SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Tried to modify a value that is not yet part of the model"; add(value); return; } auto id = parentId(value); auto parent = createIndexFromId(id); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Modified entity:" << value->identifier() << ", id: " << childId; auto i = mTree[id].indexOf(childId); Q_ASSERT(i >= 0); mEntities.remove(childId); mEntities.insert(childId, value); // TODO check for change of parents auto idx = index(i, 0, parent); emit dataChanged(idx, idx); } #define REGISTER_TYPE(T) \ template class ModelResult; \ SINK_REGISTER_TYPES() diff --git a/common/pipeline.cpp b/common/pipeline.cpp index feb16e30..469ae6c3 100644 --- a/common/pipeline.cpp +++ b/common/pipeline.cpp @@ -1,480 +1,506 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "pipeline.h" #include #include #include #include #include "entity_generated.h" #include "metadata_generated.h" #include "createentity_generated.h" #include "modifyentity_generated.h" #include "deleteentity_generated.h" #include "entitybuffer.h" #include "log.h" #include "domain/applicationdomaintype.h" -#include "domain/applicationdomaintype_p.h" #include "adaptorfactoryregistry.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "bufferutils.h" #include "storage/entitystore.h" #include "store.h" using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::Storage; class Pipeline::Private { public: Private(const ResourceContext &context, const Sink::Log::Context &ctx) : logCtx{ctx.subContext("pipeline")}, resourceContext(context), entityStore(context, ctx), revisionChanged(false) { } Sink::Log::Context logCtx; ResourceContext resourceContext; Storage::EntityStore entityStore; QHash>> processors; bool revisionChanged; QTime transactionTime; int transactionItemCount; }; Pipeline::Pipeline(const ResourceContext &context, const Sink::Log::Context &ctx) : QObject(nullptr), d(new Private(context, ctx)) { //Create main store immediately on first start d->entityStore.initialize(); } Pipeline::~Pipeline() { } void Pipeline::setPreprocessors(const QString &entityType, const QVector &processors) { auto &list = d->processors[entityType]; list.clear(); for (auto p : processors) { p->setup(d->resourceContext.resourceType, d->resourceContext.instanceId(), this, &d->entityStore); list.append(QSharedPointer(p)); } } void Pipeline::startTransaction() { // TODO call for all types // But avoid doing it during cleanup // for (auto processor : d->processors[bufferType]) { // processor->startBatch(); // } SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Starting transaction."; d->transactionTime.start(); d->transactionItemCount = 0; d->entityStore.startTransaction(DataStore::ReadWrite); } void Pipeline::commit() { // TODO call for all types // But avoid doing it during cleanup // for (auto processor : d->processors[bufferType]) { // processor->finalize(); // } if (!d->revisionChanged) { d->entityStore.abortTransaction(); return; } const auto revision = d->entityStore.maxRevision(); const auto elapsed = d->transactionTime.elapsed(); SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Committing revision: " << revision << ":" << d->transactionItemCount << " items in: " << Log::TraceTime(elapsed) << " " << (double)elapsed / (double)qMax(d->transactionItemCount, 1) << "[ms/item]"; d->entityStore.commitTransaction(); if (d->revisionChanged) { d->revisionChanged = false; emit revisionUpdated(revision); } } KAsync::Job Pipeline::newEntity(void const *command, size_t size) { d->transactionItemCount++; { flatbuffers::Verifier verifyer(reinterpret_cast(command), size); if (!Commands::VerifyCreateEntityBuffer(verifyer)) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "invalid buffer, not a create entity buffer"; - return KAsync::error(0); + return KAsync::error(); } } auto createEntity = Commands::GetCreateEntity(command); const bool replayToSource = createEntity->replayToSource(); const QByteArray bufferType = QByteArray(reinterpret_cast(createEntity->domainType()->Data()), createEntity->domainType()->size()); QByteArray key; if (createEntity->entityId()) { key = QByteArray(reinterpret_cast(createEntity->entityId()->Data()), createEntity->entityId()->size()); if (!key.isEmpty() && d->entityStore.contains(bufferType, key)) { SinkErrorCtx(d->logCtx) << "An entity with this id already exists: " << key; - return KAsync::error(0); + return KAsync::error(); } } if (key.isEmpty()) { key = DataStore::generateUid(); } SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "New Entity. Type: " << bufferType << "uid: "<< key << " replayToSource: " << replayToSource; Q_ASSERT(!key.isEmpty()); { flatbuffers::Verifier verifyer(reinterpret_cast(createEntity->delta()->Data()), createEntity->delta()->size()); if (!VerifyEntityBuffer(verifyer)) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "invalid buffer, not an entity buffer"; - return KAsync::error(0); + return KAsync::error(); } } auto entity = GetEntity(createEntity->delta()->Data()); if (!entity->resource()->size() && !entity->local()->size()) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "No local and no resource buffer while trying to create entity."; - return KAsync::error(0); + return KAsync::error(); } auto adaptorFactory = Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().getFactory(d->resourceContext.resourceType, bufferType); if (!adaptorFactory) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "no adaptor factory for type " << bufferType << d->resourceContext.resourceType; - return KAsync::error(0); + return KAsync::error(); } auto adaptor = adaptorFactory->createAdaptor(*entity); auto memoryAdaptor = QSharedPointer::create(); Sink::ApplicationDomain::copyBuffer(*adaptor, *memoryAdaptor); d->revisionChanged = true; auto revision = d->entityStore.maxRevision(); auto o = Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType{d->resourceContext.instanceId(), key, revision, memoryAdaptor}; o.setChangedProperties(o.availableProperties().toSet()); auto newEntity = *ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::getInMemoryRepresentation(o, o.availableProperties()); newEntity.setChangedProperties(newEntity.availableProperties().toSet()); foreach (const auto &processor, d->processors[bufferType]) { processor->newEntity(newEntity); } if (!d->entityStore.add(bufferType, newEntity, replayToSource)) { - return KAsync::error(0); + return KAsync::error(); } return KAsync::value(d->entityStore.maxRevision()); } template struct CreateHelper { KAsync::Job operator()(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &arg) const { return Sink::Store::create(T{arg}); } }; static KAsync::Job create(const QByteArray &type, const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity) { return TypeHelper{type}.operator(), const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType&>(newEntity); } KAsync::Job Pipeline::modifiedEntity(void const *command, size_t size) { d->transactionItemCount++; { flatbuffers::Verifier verifyer(reinterpret_cast(command), size); if (!Commands::VerifyModifyEntityBuffer(verifyer)) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "invalid buffer, not a modify entity buffer"; - return KAsync::error(0); + return KAsync::error(); } } auto modifyEntity = Commands::GetModifyEntity(command); Q_ASSERT(modifyEntity); QList changeset; if (modifyEntity->modifiedProperties()) { changeset = BufferUtils::fromVector(*modifyEntity->modifiedProperties()); } else { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "No changeset available"; } const qint64 baseRevision = modifyEntity->revision(); const bool replayToSource = modifyEntity->replayToSource(); const QByteArray bufferType = QByteArray(reinterpret_cast(modifyEntity->domainType()->Data()), modifyEntity->domainType()->size()); const QByteArray key = QByteArray(reinterpret_cast(modifyEntity->entityId()->Data()), modifyEntity->entityId()->size()); SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Modified Entity. Type: " << bufferType << "uid: "<< key << " replayToSource: " << replayToSource; if (bufferType.isEmpty() || key.isEmpty()) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "entity type or key " << bufferType << key; - return KAsync::error(0); + return KAsync::error(); } { flatbuffers::Verifier verifyer(reinterpret_cast(modifyEntity->delta()->Data()), modifyEntity->delta()->size()); if (!VerifyEntityBuffer(verifyer)) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "invalid buffer, not an entity buffer"; - return KAsync::error(0); + return KAsync::error(); } } auto adaptorFactory = Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().getFactory(d->resourceContext.resourceType, bufferType); if (!adaptorFactory) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "no adaptor factory for type " << bufferType; - return KAsync::error(0); + return KAsync::error(); } auto diffEntity = GetEntity(modifyEntity->delta()->Data()); Q_ASSERT(diffEntity); Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType diff{d->resourceContext.instanceId(), key, baseRevision, adaptorFactory->createAdaptor(*diffEntity)}; diff.setChangedProperties(changeset.toSet()); QByteArrayList deletions; if (modifyEntity->deletions()) { deletions = BufferUtils::fromVector(*modifyEntity->deletions()); } - const auto current = d->entityStore.readLatest(bufferType, diff.identifier()); + Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType current; + bool alreadyRemoved = false; + + d->entityStore.readLatest(bufferType, diff.identifier(), [&](const QByteArray &uid, const EntityBuffer &buffer) { + if (buffer.operation() == Sink::Operation_Removal) { + alreadyRemoved = true; + } else { + auto entity = Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType{d->resourceContext.instanceId(), key, baseRevision, adaptorFactory->createAdaptor(buffer.entity())}; + current = *Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::getInMemoryRepresentation(entity, entity.availableProperties()); + } + }); + + if (alreadyRemoved) { + SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Tried to modify a removed entity: " << diff.identifier(); + return KAsync::error(); + } + if (current.identifier().isEmpty()) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Failed to read current version: " << diff.identifier(); - return KAsync::error(0); + return KAsync::error(); } //We avoid overwriting local changes that haven't been played back yet with remote modifications QSet excludeProperties; if (!replayToSource) { //We assume this means the change is coming from the source already d->entityStore.readRevisions(bufferType, diff.identifier(), baseRevision, [&] (const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision, const Sink::EntityBuffer &entity) { if (entity.metadataBuffer()) { if (auto metadata = GetMetadata(entity.metadataBuffer())) { if (metadata->operation() == Operation_Modification && metadata->modifiedProperties()) { excludeProperties += BufferUtils::fromVector(*metadata->modifiedProperties()).toSet(); } } } }); } auto newEntity = d->entityStore.applyDiff(bufferType, current, diff, deletions, excludeProperties); bool isMove = false; if (modifyEntity->targetResource()) { isMove = modifyEntity->removeEntity(); newEntity.setResource(BufferUtils::extractBuffer(modifyEntity->targetResource())); } foreach (const auto &processor, d->processors[bufferType]) { bool exitLoop = false; const auto result = processor->process(Preprocessor::Modification, current, newEntity); switch (result.action) { case Preprocessor::MoveToResource: isMove = true; exitLoop = true; break; case Preprocessor::CopyToResource: isMove = true; exitLoop = true; break; case Preprocessor::DropModification: SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Dropping modification"; - return KAsync::error(0); + return KAsync::error(); case Preprocessor::NoAction: case Preprocessor::DeleteEntity: default: break; } if (exitLoop) { break; } } //The entity is either being copied or moved if (newEntity.resourceInstanceIdentifier() != d->resourceContext.resourceInstanceIdentifier) { auto copy = *ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::getInMemoryCopy(newEntity, newEntity.availableProperties()); copy.setResource(newEntity.resourceInstanceIdentifier()); copy.setChangedProperties(copy.availableProperties().toSet()); SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Moving entity to new resource " << copy.identifier() << copy.resourceInstanceIdentifier(); return create(bufferType, copy) .then([=](const KAsync::Error &error) { if (!error) { SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Move of " << current.identifier() << "was successfull"; if (isMove) { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto entityId = fbb.CreateString(current.identifier().toStdString()); auto type = fbb.CreateString(bufferType.toStdString()); auto location = Sink::Commands::CreateDeleteEntity(fbb, current.revision(), entityId, type, true); Sink::Commands::FinishDeleteEntityBuffer(fbb, location); const auto data = BufferUtils::extractBuffer(fbb); deletedEntity(data, data.size()).exec(); } } else { SinkErrorCtx(d->logCtx) << "Failed to move entity " << newEntity.identifier() << " to resource " << newEntity.resourceInstanceIdentifier(); } }) .then([this] { return d->entityStore.maxRevision(); }); } d->revisionChanged = true; if (!d->entityStore.modify(bufferType, current, newEntity, replayToSource)) { - return KAsync::error(0); + return KAsync::error(); } return KAsync::value(d->entityStore.maxRevision()); } KAsync::Job Pipeline::deletedEntity(void const *command, size_t size) { d->transactionItemCount++; { flatbuffers::Verifier verifyer(reinterpret_cast(command), size); if (!Commands::VerifyDeleteEntityBuffer(verifyer)) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "invalid buffer, not a delete entity buffer"; - return KAsync::error(0); + return KAsync::error(); } } auto deleteEntity = Commands::GetDeleteEntity(command); const bool replayToSource = deleteEntity->replayToSource(); const QByteArray bufferType = QByteArray(reinterpret_cast(deleteEntity->domainType()->Data()), deleteEntity->domainType()->size()); const QByteArray key = QByteArray(reinterpret_cast(deleteEntity->entityId()->Data()), deleteEntity->entityId()->size()); SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Deleted Entity. Type: " << bufferType << "uid: "<< key << " replayToSource: " << replayToSource; const auto current = d->entityStore.readLatest(bufferType, key); foreach (const auto &processor, d->processors[bufferType]) { processor->deletedEntity(current); } d->revisionChanged = true; if (!d->entityStore.remove(bufferType, current, replayToSource)) { - return KAsync::error(0); + return KAsync::error(); } return KAsync::value(d->entityStore.maxRevision()); } void Pipeline::cleanupRevisions(qint64 revision) { //We have to set revisionChanged, otherwise a call to commit might abort //the transaction when not using the implicit internal transaction d->revisionChanged = d->entityStore.cleanupRevisions(revision); } class Preprocessor::Private { public: QByteArray resourceType; QByteArray resourceInstanceIdentifier; Pipeline *pipeline; Storage::EntityStore *entityStore; }; Preprocessor::Preprocessor() : d(new Preprocessor::Private) { } Preprocessor::~Preprocessor() { } void Preprocessor::setup(const QByteArray &resourceType, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier, Pipeline *pipeline, Storage::EntityStore *entityStore) { d->resourceType = resourceType; d->resourceInstanceIdentifier = resourceInstanceIdentifier; d->pipeline = pipeline; d->entityStore = entityStore; } void Preprocessor::startBatch() { } void Preprocessor::finalizeBatch() { } void Preprocessor::newEntity(ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity) { } void Preprocessor::modifiedEntity(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity, ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity) { } void Preprocessor::deletedEntity(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity) { } Preprocessor::Result Preprocessor::process(Type type, const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType ¤t, ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &diff) { switch(type) { case Creation: newEntity(diff); break; case Modification: modifiedEntity(current, diff); break; case Deletion: deletedEntity(current); break; default: break; } return {NoAction}; } QByteArray Preprocessor::resourceInstanceIdentifier() const { return d->resourceInstanceIdentifier; } Storage::EntityStore &Preprocessor::entityStore() const { return *d->entityStore; } -void Preprocessor::createEntity(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, const QByteArray &typeName) +void Preprocessor::createEntity(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, const QByteArray &typeName, bool replayToSource) { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder entityFbb; auto adaptorFactory = Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().getFactory(d->resourceType, typeName); adaptorFactory->createBuffer(entity, entityFbb); const auto entityBuffer = BufferUtils::extractBuffer(entityFbb); flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto entityId = fbb.CreateString(entity.identifier().toStdString()); auto type = fbb.CreateString(typeName.toStdString()); auto delta = Sink::EntityBuffer::appendAsVector(fbb, entityBuffer.constData(), entityBuffer.size()); - auto location = Sink::Commands::CreateCreateEntity(fbb, entityId, type, delta); + auto location = Sink::Commands::CreateCreateEntity(fbb, entityId, type, delta, replayToSource); Sink::Commands::FinishCreateEntityBuffer(fbb, location); const auto data = BufferUtils::extractBuffer(fbb); d->pipeline->newEntity(data, data.size()).exec(); } +void Preprocessor::deleteEntity(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, const QByteArray &typeName, bool replayToSource) +{ + flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; + auto entityId = fbb.CreateString(entity.identifier().toStdString()); + auto type = fbb.CreateString(typeName.toStdString()); + auto location = Sink::Commands::CreateDeleteEntity(fbb, entity.revision(), entityId, type, replayToSource); + Sink::Commands::FinishDeleteEntityBuffer(fbb, location); + const auto data = BufferUtils::extractBuffer(fbb); + d->pipeline->deletedEntity(data, data.size()).exec(); +} + #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wundefined-reinterpret-cast" #include "moc_pipeline.cpp" #pragma clang diagnostic pop diff --git a/common/pipeline.h b/common/pipeline.h index 684100e8..d40c3fba 100644 --- a/common/pipeline.h +++ b/common/pipeline.h @@ -1,153 +1,154 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include "sink_export.h" #include #include #include #include namespace Sink { namespace Storage { class EntityStore; } class Preprocessor; class SINK_EXPORT Pipeline : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Pipeline(const ResourceContext &context, const Sink::Log::Context &ctx); ~Pipeline(); void setPreprocessors(const QString &entityType, const QVector &preprocessors); void startTransaction(); void commit(); KAsync::Job newEntity(void const *command, size_t size); KAsync::Job modifiedEntity(void const *command, size_t size); KAsync::Job deletedEntity(void const *command, size_t size); /* * Cleans up all revisions until @param revision. */ void cleanupRevisions(qint64 revision); signals: void revisionUpdated(qint64); private: class Private; const std::unique_ptr d; }; class SINK_EXPORT Preprocessor { public: Preprocessor(); virtual ~Preprocessor(); enum Action { NoAction, MoveToResource, CopyToResource, DropModification, DeleteEntity }; enum Type { Creation, Modification, Deletion }; struct Result { Action action; }; virtual void startBatch(); virtual void newEntity(ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity); virtual void modifiedEntity(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity, ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity); virtual void deletedEntity(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity); virtual Result process(Type type, const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType ¤t, ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &diff); virtual void finalizeBatch(); void setup(const QByteArray &resourceType, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier, Pipeline *, Storage::EntityStore *entityStore); protected: template void createEntity(const DomainType &entity) { createEntity(entity, ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()); } - void createEntity(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, const QByteArray &type); + void createEntity(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, const QByteArray &type, bool replayToSource = true); + void deleteEntity(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, const QByteArray &typeName, bool replayToSource = true); QByteArray resourceInstanceIdentifier() const; Storage::EntityStore &entityStore() const; private: friend class Pipeline; class Private; const std::unique_ptr d; }; template class SINK_EXPORT EntityPreprocessor: public Preprocessor { public: virtual void newEntity(DomainType &) {}; virtual void modifiedEntity(const DomainType &oldEntity, DomainType &newEntity) {}; virtual void deletedEntity(const DomainType &oldEntity) {}; private: virtual void newEntity(ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity_) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { //Modifications still work due to the underlying shared adaptor auto newEntityCopy = DomainType(newEntity_); newEntity(newEntityCopy); } virtual void modifiedEntity(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity, ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity_) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { //Modifications still work due to the underlying shared adaptor auto newEntityCopy = DomainType(newEntity_); modifiedEntity(DomainType(oldEntity), newEntityCopy); } virtual void deletedEntity(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { deletedEntity(DomainType(oldEntity)); } }; } // namespace Sink diff --git a/common/query.cpp b/common/query.cpp index ceb1897c..f6495b5d 100644 --- a/common/query.cpp +++ b/common/query.cpp @@ -1,206 +1,208 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "query.h" #include #include using namespace Sink; static const int registerQuery = qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators(); +static const int registerQuery2 = qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators(); +static const int registerQuery3 = qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators(); QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Sink::QueryBase::Comparator &c) { if (c.comparator == Sink::Query::Comparator::Equals) { dbg.nospace() << "== " << c.value; } else if (c.comparator == Sink::Query::Comparator::Contains) { dbg.nospace() << "contains " << c.value; } else if (c.comparator == Sink::Query::Comparator::In) { dbg.nospace() << "in " << c.value; } else if (c.comparator == Sink::Query::Comparator::Fulltext) { dbg.nospace() << "fulltext contains " << c.value; } else { dbg.nospace() << "unknown comparator: " << c.value; } return dbg.space(); } QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Sink::QueryBase::Filter &filter) { if (filter.ids.isEmpty()) { dbg.nospace() << "Filter(" << filter.propertyFilter << ")"; } else { dbg.nospace() << "Filter(" << filter.ids << ")"; } return dbg.maybeSpace(); } QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Sink::QueryBase &query) { dbg.nospace() << "Query [" << query.type() << "] << Id: " << query.id() << "\n"; dbg.nospace() << " Filter: " << query.getBaseFilters() << "\n"; dbg.nospace() << " Ids: " << query.ids() << "\n"; dbg.nospace() << " Sorting: " << query.sortProperty() << "\n"; return dbg.maybeSpace(); } QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Sink::Query &query) { dbg << static_cast(query); dbg.nospace() << " Requested: " << query.requestedProperties << "\n"; dbg.nospace() << " Parent: " << query.parentProperty() << "\n"; dbg.nospace() << " IsLive: " << query.liveQuery() << "\n"; dbg.nospace() << " ResourceFilter: " << query.getResourceFilter() << "\n"; return dbg.maybeSpace(); } QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const Sink::QueryBase::Comparator &comparator) { stream << comparator.comparator; stream << comparator.value; return stream; } QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream &stream, Sink::QueryBase::Comparator &comparator) { int c; stream >> c; comparator.comparator = static_cast(c); stream >> comparator.value; return stream; } QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const Sink::QueryBase::Filter &filter) { stream << filter.ids; stream << filter.propertyFilter; return stream; } QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream &stream, Sink::QueryBase::Filter &filter) { stream >> filter.ids; stream >> filter.propertyFilter; return stream; } QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const Sink::QueryBase &query) { stream << query.type(); stream << query.sortProperty(); stream << query.getFilter(); return stream; } QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream &stream, Sink::QueryBase &query) { QByteArray type; stream >> type; query.setType(type); QByteArray sortProperty; stream >> sortProperty; query.setSortProperty(sortProperty); Sink::QueryBase::Filter filter; stream >> filter; query.setFilter(filter); return stream; } bool QueryBase::Filter::operator==(const QueryBase::Filter &other) const { auto ret = ids == other.ids && propertyFilter == other.propertyFilter; return ret; } bool QueryBase::operator==(const QueryBase &other) const { auto ret = mType == other.mType && mSortProperty == other.mSortProperty && mBaseFilterStage == other.mBaseFilterStage; return ret; } QueryBase::Comparator::Comparator() : comparator(Invalid) { } QueryBase::Comparator::Comparator(const QVariant &v) : value(v), comparator(Equals) { } QueryBase::Comparator::Comparator(const QVariant &v, Comparators c) : value(v), comparator(c) { } bool QueryBase::Comparator::matches(const QVariant &v) const { switch(comparator) { case Equals: if (!v.isValid()) { if (!value.isValid()) { return true; } return false; } return v == value; case Contains: if (!v.isValid()) { return false; } return v.value().contains(value.toByteArray()); case In: if (!v.isValid()) { return false; } return value.value().contains(v.toByteArray()); case Within: { auto range = value.value>(); if (range.size() < 2) { return false; } return range[0] <= v && v <= range[1]; } case Overlap: { auto bounds = value.value>(); if (bounds.size() < 2) { return false; } auto range = v.value>(); if (range.size() < 2) { return false; } return range[0] <= bounds[1] && bounds[0] <= range[1]; } case Fulltext: case Invalid: default: break; } return false; } bool Query::Comparator::operator==(const Query::Comparator &other) const { return value == other.value && comparator == other.comparator; } diff --git a/common/query.h b/common/query.h index cb9c8ca3..1dabfe42 100644 --- a/common/query.h +++ b/common/query.h @@ -1,618 +1,647 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "sink_export.h" #include #include #include #include "applicationdomaintype.h" namespace Sink { class SINK_EXPORT QueryBase { public: struct SINK_EXPORT Comparator { enum Comparators { Invalid, Equals, Contains, In, Within, Overlap, Fulltext }; Comparator(); Comparator(const QVariant &v); Comparator(const QVariant &v, Comparators c); bool matches(const QVariant &v) const; bool operator==(const Comparator &other) const; QVariant value; Comparators comparator; }; class SINK_EXPORT Filter { public: QByteArrayList ids; QHash propertyFilter; bool operator==(const Filter &other) const; }; QueryBase() = default; QueryBase(const QByteArray &type) : mType(type) {} bool operator==(const QueryBase &other) const; Comparator getFilter(const QByteArray &property) const { return mBaseFilterStage.propertyFilter.value({property}); } Comparator getFilter(const QByteArrayList &properties) const { return mBaseFilterStage.propertyFilter.value(properties); } template Comparator getFilter() const { return getFilter(T::name); } template Comparator getFilter() const { return getFilter({T1::name, T2::name, Rest::name...}); } bool hasFilter(const QByteArray &property) const { return mBaseFilterStage.propertyFilter.contains({property}); } template bool hasFilter() const { return hasFilter(T::name); } void setId(const QByteArray &id) { mId = id; } QByteArray id() const { return mId; } void setBaseFilters(const QHash &filter) { mBaseFilterStage.propertyFilter = filter; } void setFilter(const Filter &filter) { mBaseFilterStage = filter; } QHash getBaseFilters() const { return mBaseFilterStage.propertyFilter; } Filter getFilter() const { return mBaseFilterStage; } QByteArrayList ids() const { return mBaseFilterStage.ids; } void filter(const QByteArray &id) { mBaseFilterStage.ids << id; } void filter(const QByteArrayList &ids) { mBaseFilterStage.ids << ids; } void filter(const QByteArray &property, const QueryBase::Comparator &comparator) { mBaseFilterStage.propertyFilter.insert({property}, comparator); } void filter(const QByteArrayList &properties, const QueryBase::Comparator &comparator) { mBaseFilterStage.propertyFilter.insert(properties, comparator); } void setType(const QByteArray &type) { mType = type; } template void setType() { setType(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()); } QByteArray type() const { return mType; } void setSortProperty(const QByteArray &property) { mSortProperty = property; } QByteArray sortProperty() const { return mSortProperty; } class FilterStage { public: virtual ~FilterStage(){}; }; QList> getFilterStages() { return mFilterStages; } class Reduce : public FilterStage { public: class Selector { public: enum Comparator { Min, //get the minimum value Max, //get the maximum value - First //Get the first result we get }; template static Selector max() { return Selector(SelectionProperty::name, Max); } + template + static Selector min() + { + return Selector(SelectionProperty::name, Min); + } + Selector(const QByteArray &p, Comparator c) : property(p), comparator(c) { } QByteArray property; Comparator comparator; }; + struct PropertySelector { + QByteArray resultProperty; + Selector selector; + }; + class Aggregator { public: enum Operation { Count, Collect }; Aggregator(const QByteArray &p, Operation o, const QByteArray &c = QByteArray()) : resultProperty(p), operation(o), propertyToCollect(c) { } QByteArray resultProperty; Operation operation; QByteArray propertyToCollect; }; Reduce(const QByteArray &p, const Selector &s) : property(p), selector(s) { } - Reduce &count(const QByteArray &propertyName = "count") + Reduce &count(const QByteArray &resultProperty = "count") { - aggregators << Aggregator(propertyName, Aggregator::Count); + aggregators << Aggregator(resultProperty, Aggregator::Count); return *this; } + /** + * Collect all properties and make them available as a QList as the virtual properite with the name @param resultProperty + */ template - Reduce &collect(const QByteArray &propertyName) + Reduce &collect(const QByteArray &resultProperty) { - aggregators << Aggregator(propertyName, Aggregator::Collect, T::name); + aggregators << Aggregator(resultProperty, Aggregator::Collect, T::name); return *this; } template Reduce &collect() { - aggregators << Aggregator(QByteArray{T::name} + QByteArray{"Collected"}, Aggregator::Collect, T::name); + return collect(QByteArray{T::name} + QByteArray{"Collected"}); + } + + /** + * Select a property and make it available as the virtual properite with the name @param resultProperty. + * + * This allows to make a different choice for this property than for the main selector of the reduction, + * so we can e.g. select the subject of the first email sorted by date, while otherwise selecting the latest email. + * + * Please note that this will reuse the selection property of the main selector. + */ + template + Reduce &select(Selector::Comparator comparator, const QByteArray &resultProperty) + { + propertySelectors << PropertySelector{resultProperty, Selector{T::name, comparator}}; return *this; } + template + Reduce &select(Selector::Comparator comparator) + { + return select(comparator, QByteArray{T::name} + QByteArray{"Selected"}); + } + + //Reduce on property QByteArray property; Selector selector; QList aggregators; - - //TODO add aggregate functions like: - //.count() - //.collect(); - //... - // - //Potentially pass-in an identifier under which the result will be available in the result set. + QList propertySelectors; }; Reduce &reduce(const QByteArray &name, const Reduce::Selector &s) { auto reduction = QSharedPointer::create(name, s); mFilterStages << reduction; return *reduction; } template Reduce &reduce(const Reduce::Selector &s) { return reduce(T::name, s); } /** * "Bloom" on a property. * * For every encountered value of a property, * a result set is generated containing all entries with the same value. * * Example: * For an input set of one mail; return all emails with the same threadId. */ class Bloom : public FilterStage { public: //Property to bloom on QByteArray property; Bloom(const QByteArray &p) : property(p) { } }; template void bloom() { mFilterStages << QSharedPointer::create(T::name); } private: Filter mBaseFilterStage; QList> mFilterStages; QByteArray mType; QByteArray mSortProperty; QByteArray mId; }; /** * A query that matches a set of entities. */ class SINK_EXPORT Query : public QueryBase { public: enum Flag { NoFlags = 0, /** Leave the query running and continuously update the result set. */ LiveQuery = 1, /** Run the query synchronously. */ SynchronousQuery = 2, /** Include status updates via notifications */ UpdateStatus = 4 }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Flags, Flag) template Query &request() { requestedProperties << T::name; return *this; } template Query &requestTree() { mParentProperty = T::name; return *this; } Query &requestTree(const QByteArray &parentProperty) { mParentProperty = parentProperty; return *this; } QByteArray parentProperty() const { return mParentProperty; } template Query &sort() { setSortProperty(T::name); return *this; } template Query &filter(const typename T::Type &value) { filter(T::name, QVariant::fromValue(value)); return *this; } template Query &containsFilter(const QByteArray &value) { static_assert(std::is_same::value, "The contains filter is only implemented for QByteArray in QByteArrayList"); QueryBase::filter(T::name, QueryBase::Comparator(QVariant::fromValue(value), QueryBase::Comparator::Contains)); return *this; } template Query &filter(const QueryBase::Comparator &comparator) { QueryBase::filter(T::name, comparator); return *this; } template Query &filter(const QueryBase::Comparator &comparator) { QueryBase::filter({T1::name, T2::name, Rest::name...}, comparator); return *this; } Query &filter(const QByteArray &id) { QueryBase::filter(id); return *this; } Query &filter(const QByteArrayList &ids) { QueryBase::filter(ids); return *this; } Query &filter(const QByteArray &property, const QueryBase::Comparator &comparator) { QueryBase::filter(property, comparator); return *this; } template Query &filter(const ApplicationDomain::Entity &value) { filter(T::name, QVariant::fromValue(ApplicationDomain::Reference{value.identifier()})); return *this; } template Query &filter(const Query &query) { auto q = query; q.setType(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()); filter(T::name, QVariant::fromValue(q)); return *this; } Query(const ApplicationDomain::Entity &value) : mLimit(0) { filter(value.identifier()); resourceFilter(value.resourceInstanceIdentifier()); } Query(Flags flags = Flags()) : mLimit(0), mFlags(flags) { } QByteArrayList requestedProperties; void setFlags(Flags flags) { mFlags = flags; } Flags flags() const { return mFlags; } bool liveQuery() const { return mFlags.testFlag(LiveQuery); } bool synchronousQuery() const { return mFlags.testFlag(SynchronousQuery); } Query &limit(int l) { mLimit = l; return *this; } int limit() const { return mLimit; } Filter getResourceFilter() const { return mResourceFilter; } Query &resourceFilter(const QByteArray &id) { mResourceFilter.ids << id; return *this; } template Query &resourceFilter(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity) { mResourceFilter.propertyFilter.insert({T::name}, Comparator(entity.identifier())); return *this; } Query &resourceFilter(const QByteArray &name, const Comparator &comparator) { mResourceFilter.propertyFilter.insert({name}, comparator); return *this; } template Query &resourceContainsFilter(const QVariant &value) { return resourceFilter(T::name, Comparator(value, Comparator::Contains)); } template Query &resourceFilter(const QVariant &value) { return resourceFilter(T::name, value); } private: friend class SyncScope; int mLimit; Flags mFlags; Filter mResourceFilter; QByteArray mParentProperty; }; class SyncScope : public QueryBase { public: using QueryBase::QueryBase; SyncScope() = default; SyncScope(const Query &other) : QueryBase(other), mResourceFilter(other.mResourceFilter) { } template SyncScope(const T &o) : QueryBase() { resourceFilter(o.resourceInstanceIdentifier()); filter(o.identifier()); setType(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()); } Query::Filter getResourceFilter() const { return mResourceFilter; } SyncScope &resourceFilter(const QByteArray &id) { mResourceFilter.ids << id; return *this; } template SyncScope &resourceFilter(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity) { mResourceFilter.propertyFilter.insert({T::name}, Comparator(entity.identifier())); return *this; } SyncScope &resourceFilter(const QByteArray &name, const Comparator &comparator) { mResourceFilter.propertyFilter.insert({name}, comparator); return *this; } template SyncScope &resourceContainsFilter(const QVariant &value) { return resourceFilter(T::name, Comparator(value, Comparator::Contains)); } template SyncScope &resourceFilter(const QVariant &value) { return resourceFilter(T::name, value); } template SyncScope &filter(const Query::Comparator &comparator) { return filter(T::name, comparator); } SyncScope &filter(const QByteArray &id) { QueryBase::filter(id); return *this; } SyncScope &filter(const QByteArrayList &ids) { QueryBase::filter(ids); return *this; } SyncScope &filter(const QByteArray &property, const Query::Comparator &comparator) { QueryBase::filter(property, comparator); return *this; } private: Query::Filter mResourceFilter; }; } SINK_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Sink::QueryBase::Comparator &); SINK_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Sink::QueryBase &); SINK_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Sink::Query &); SINK_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const Sink::QueryBase &query); SINK_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>> (QDataStream &stream, Sink::QueryBase &query); Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Sink::Query::Flags) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Sink::QueryBase); Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Sink::Query); +Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Sink::SyncScope); diff --git a/common/queryrunner.cpp b/common/queryrunner.cpp index 9ac35175..7d6d2799 100644 --- a/common/queryrunner.cpp +++ b/common/queryrunner.cpp @@ -1,358 +1,365 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2015 Christian Mollekopf This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "queryrunner.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "commands.h" #include "asyncutils.h" #include "datastorequery.h" using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::Storage; struct ReplayResult { qint64 newRevision; qint64 replayedEntities; bool replayedAll; DataStoreQuery::State::Ptr queryState; }; /* * This class wraps the actual query implementation. * * This is a worker object that can be moved to a thread to execute the query. * The only interaction point is the ResultProvider, which handles the threadsafe reporting of the result. */ template class QueryWorker : public QObject { public: QueryWorker(const Sink::Query &query, const ResourceContext &context, const QByteArray &bufferType, const QueryRunnerBase::ResultTransformation &transformation, const Sink::Log::Context &logCtx); virtual ~QueryWorker(); ReplayResult executeIncrementalQuery(const Sink::Query &query, Sink::ResultProviderInterface &resultProvider, DataStoreQuery::State::Ptr state); ReplayResult executeInitialQuery(const Sink::Query &query, Sink::ResultProviderInterface &resultProvider, int batchsize, DataStoreQuery::State::Ptr state); private: void resultProviderCallback(const Sink::Query &query, Sink::ResultProviderInterface &resultProvider, const ResultSet::Result &result); QueryRunnerBase::ResultTransformation mResultTransformation; ResourceContext mResourceContext; Sink::Log::Context mLogCtx; }; template QueryRunner::QueryRunner(const Sink::Query &query, const Sink::ResourceContext &context, const QByteArray &bufferType, const Sink::Log::Context &logCtx) : QueryRunnerBase(), mResourceContext(context), mResourceAccess(mResourceContext.resourceAccess()), mResultProvider(new ResultProvider), mBatchSize(query.limit()), mLogCtx(logCtx.subContext("queryrunner")) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Starting query. Is live:" << query.liveQuery() << " Limit: " << query.limit(); if (query.limit() && query.sortProperty().isEmpty()) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "A limited query without sorting is typically a bad idea, because there is no telling what you're going to get."; } // We delegate loading of initial data to the result provider, so it can decide for itself what it needs to load. mResultProvider->setFetcher([this, query, bufferType] { fetch(query, bufferType); }); // In case of a live query we keep the runner for as long alive as the result provider exists if (query.liveQuery()) { Q_ASSERT(!query.synchronousQuery()); // Incremental updates are always loaded directly, leaving it up to the result to discard the changes if they are not interesting setQuery([=]() { return incrementalFetch(query, bufferType); }); // Ensure the connection is open, if it wasn't already opened mResourceAccess->open(); QObject::connect(mResourceAccess.data(), &Sink::ResourceAccess::revisionChanged, this, &QueryRunner::revisionChanged); // open is not synchronous, so from the time when the initial query is started until we have started and connected to the resource, it's possible to miss updates. We therefore unconditionally try to fetch new entities once we are connected. QObject::connect(mResourceAccess.data(), &Sink::ResourceAccess::ready, this, [this] (bool ready) { if (ready) { revisionChanged(); } }); } mResultProvider->onDone([this]() { delete this; }); } template QueryRunner::~QueryRunner() { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Stopped query"; } template void QueryRunner::delayNextQuery() { mDelayNextQuery = true; } //This function triggers the initial fetch, and then subsequent calls will simply fetch more data of mBatchSize. template void QueryRunner::fetch(const Sink::Query &query, const QByteArray &bufferType) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Running fetcher. Batchsize: " << mBatchSize; if (mQueryInProgress) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Query is already in progress, postponing: " << mBatchSize; mRequestFetchMore = true; return; } mQueryInProgress = true; bool addDelay = mDelayNextQuery; mDelayNextQuery = false; const bool runAsync = !query.synchronousQuery(); //The lambda will be executed in a separate thread, so copy all arguments async::run([query, bufferType, resultProvider = mResultProvider, resourceContext = mResourceContext, logCtx = mLogCtx, state = mQueryState, resultTransformation = mResultTransformation, batchSize = mBatchSize, addDelay]() { QueryWorker worker(query, resourceContext, bufferType, resultTransformation, logCtx); const auto result = worker.executeInitialQuery(query, *resultProvider, batchSize, state); //For testing only if (addDelay) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); } return result; }, runAsync) .then([this, query, bufferType, guardPtr = QPointer(&guard)](const ReplayResult &result) { if (!guardPtr) { //Not an error, the query can vanish at any time. return; } mInitialQueryComplete = true; mQueryInProgress = false; mQueryState = result.queryState; // Only send the revision replayed information if we're connected to the resource, there's no need to start the resource otherwise. if (query.liveQuery()) { mResourceAccess->sendRevisionReplayedCommand(result.newRevision); } //Initial queries do not fetch updates, so avoid updating the revision when fetching more content. //Otherwise we end up breaking incremental updates. if (!mResultProvider->revision()) { mResultProvider->setRevision(result.newRevision); } mResultProvider->initialResultSetComplete(result.replayedAll); if (mRequestFetchMore) { mRequestFetchMore = false; //This code exists for incemental fetches, so we don't skip loading another set. fetch(query, bufferType); return; } if (mRevisionChangedMeanwhile) { incrementalFetch(query, bufferType).exec(); } }) .exec(); } template KAsync::Job QueryRunner::incrementalFetch(const Sink::Query &query, const QByteArray &bufferType) { if (!mInitialQueryComplete && !mQueryInProgress) { //We rely on this codepath in the case of newly added resources to trigger the initial fetch. fetch(query, bufferType); return KAsync::null(); } if (mQueryInProgress) { //If a query is already in progress we just remember to fetch again once the current query is done. mRevisionChangedMeanwhile = true; return KAsync::null(); } mRevisionChangedMeanwhile = false; Q_ASSERT(!mQueryInProgress); bool addDelay = mDelayNextQuery; mDelayNextQuery = false; return KAsync::start([&] { mQueryInProgress = true; }) //The lambda will be executed in a separate thread, so copy all arguments .then(async::run([query, bufferType, resultProvider = mResultProvider, resourceContext = mResourceContext, logCtx = mLogCtx, state = mQueryState, resultTransformation = mResultTransformation, addDelay]() { QueryWorker worker(query, resourceContext, bufferType, resultTransformation, logCtx); const auto result = worker.executeIncrementalQuery(query, *resultProvider, state); ////For testing only if (addDelay) { SinkWarning() << "Sleeping in incremental query"; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); } return result; })) .then([this, query, bufferType, guardPtr = QPointer(&guard)](const ReplayResult &newRevisionAndReplayedEntities) { if (!guardPtr) { //Not an error, the query can vanish at any time. return KAsync::null(); } mQueryInProgress = false; mResourceAccess->sendRevisionReplayedCommand(newRevisionAndReplayedEntities.newRevision); mResultProvider->setRevision(newRevisionAndReplayedEntities.newRevision); if (mRevisionChangedMeanwhile) { return incrementalFetch(query, bufferType); } return KAsync::null(); }); } template void QueryRunner::setResultTransformation(const ResultTransformation &transformation) { mResultTransformation = transformation; } template typename Sink::ResultEmitter::Ptr QueryRunner::emitter() { return mResultProvider->emitter(); } template QueryWorker::QueryWorker(const Sink::Query &query, const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext, const QByteArray &bufferType, const QueryRunnerBase::ResultTransformation &transformation, const Sink::Log::Context &logCtx) : QObject(), mResultTransformation(transformation), mResourceContext(resourceContext), mLogCtx(logCtx.subContext("worker")) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Starting query worker"; } template QueryWorker::~QueryWorker() { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Stopped query worker"; } static QString operationName(Sink::Operation operation) { switch (operation) { case Sink::Operation_Creation: return "Creation"; case Sink::Operation_Modification: return "Modification"; case Sink::Operation_Removal: return "Removal"; } return "Unknown Operation"; } template void QueryWorker::resultProviderCallback(const Sink::Query &query, Sink::ResultProviderInterface &resultProvider, const ResultSet::Result &result) { auto valueCopy = Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::getInMemoryRepresentation(result.entity, query.requestedProperties).template staticCast(); for (auto it = result.aggregateValues.constBegin(); it != result.aggregateValues.constEnd(); it++) { valueCopy->setProperty(it.key(), it.value()); } - valueCopy->aggregatedIds() = result.aggregateIds; + valueCopy->aggregatedIds() = [&] { + QVector aggregateIdsBA; + aggregateIdsBA.reserve(result.aggregateIds.size()); + for (const auto &id : result.aggregateIds) { + aggregateIdsBA << id.toDisplayByteArray(); + } + return aggregateIdsBA; + }(); if (mResultTransformation) { mResultTransformation(*valueCopy); } SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replaying: " << operationName(result.operation) << "\n" <<*valueCopy; switch (result.operation) { case Sink::Operation_Creation: //SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Got creation: " << valueCopy->identifier(); resultProvider.add(valueCopy); break; case Sink::Operation_Modification: //SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Got modification: " << valueCopy->identifier(); resultProvider.modify(valueCopy); break; case Sink::Operation_Removal: //SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Got removal: " << valueCopy->identifier(); resultProvider.remove(valueCopy); break; } } template ReplayResult QueryWorker::executeIncrementalQuery(const Sink::Query &query, Sink::ResultProviderInterface &resultProvider, DataStoreQuery::State::Ptr state) { QTime time; time.start(); const qint64 baseRevision = resultProvider.revision() + 1; auto entityStore = EntityStore{mResourceContext, mLogCtx}; const qint64 topRevision = entityStore.maxRevision(); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Running query update from revision: " << baseRevision << " to revision " << topRevision; if (!state) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "No previous query state."; return {0, 0, false, DataStoreQuery::State::Ptr{}}; } auto preparedQuery = DataStoreQuery{*state, ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), entityStore, true}; auto resultSet = preparedQuery.update(baseRevision); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Filtered set retrieved. " << Log::TraceTime(time.elapsed()); auto replayResult = resultSet.replaySet(0, 0, [this, query, &resultProvider](const ResultSet::Result &result) { resultProviderCallback(query, resultProvider, result); }); preparedQuery.updateComplete(); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replayed " << replayResult.replayedEntities << " results until revision: " << topRevision << "\n" << (replayResult.replayedAll ? "Replayed all available results.\n" : "") << "Incremental query took: " << Log::TraceTime(time.elapsed()); return {topRevision, replayResult.replayedEntities, false, preparedQuery.getState()}; } template ReplayResult QueryWorker::executeInitialQuery( const Sink::Query &query, Sink::ResultProviderInterface &resultProvider, int batchsize, DataStoreQuery::State::Ptr state) { QTime time; time.start(); auto entityStore = EntityStore{mResourceContext, mLogCtx}; const qint64 topRevision = entityStore.maxRevision(); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Running query from revision: " << topRevision; auto preparedQuery = [&] { if (state) { return DataStoreQuery{*state, ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), entityStore, false}; } else { return DataStoreQuery{query, ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), entityStore}; } }(); auto resultSet = preparedQuery.execute(); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Filtered set retrieved." << Log::TraceTime(time.elapsed()); auto replayResult = resultSet.replaySet(0, batchsize, [this, query, &resultProvider](const ResultSet::Result &result) { resultProviderCallback(query, resultProvider, result); }); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replayed " << replayResult.replayedEntities << " results.\n" << (replayResult.replayedAll ? "Replayed all available results.\n" : "") << "Initial query took: " << Log::TraceTime(time.elapsed()); return {topRevision, replayResult.replayedEntities, replayResult.replayedAll, preparedQuery.getState()}; } #define REGISTER_TYPE(T) \ template class QueryRunner; \ template class QueryWorker; \ SINK_REGISTER_TYPES() diff --git a/common/resource.h b/common/resource.h index 1b0b388a..2c33c0c8 100644 --- a/common/resource.h +++ b/common/resource.h @@ -1,86 +1,87 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "sink_export.h" #include #include "notification.h" namespace Sink { class FacadeFactory; class AdaptorFactoryRegistry; struct ResourceContext; class QueryBase; /** * Resource interface */ class SINK_EXPORT Resource : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Resource(); virtual ~Resource(); virtual void processCommand(int commandId, const QByteArray &data); /** * Set the lowest revision that is still referenced by external clients. */ virtual void setLowerBoundRevision(qint64 revision); virtual void setSecret(const QString &s); virtual bool checkForUpgrade(); signals: void revisionUpdated(qint64); void notify(Notification); private: class Private; Private *const d; }; /** * Factory interface for resource to implement. */ class SINK_EXPORT ResourceFactory : public QObject { + Q_OBJECT public: static ResourceFactory *load(const QByteArray &resourceName); ResourceFactory(QObject *parent, const QByteArrayList &capabilities); virtual ~ResourceFactory(); virtual Resource *createResource(const ResourceContext &context) = 0; virtual void registerFacades(const QByteArray &resourceName, FacadeFactory &factory) = 0; virtual void registerAdaptorFactories(const QByteArray &resourceName, AdaptorFactoryRegistry ®istry) {}; virtual void removeDataFromDisk(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier) = 0; QByteArrayList capabilities() const; private: class Private; Private *const d; }; } // namespace Sink -Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(Sink::ResourceFactory, "sink.sink.resourcefactory") +Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(Sink::ResourceFactory, "sink.resourcefactory") diff --git a/common/resourceaccess.cpp b/common/resourceaccess.cpp index 2fa753db..033acc92 100644 --- a/common/resourceaccess.cpp +++ b/common/resourceaccess.cpp @@ -1,755 +1,760 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "resourceaccess.h" #include "common/commands.h" #include "common/commandcompletion_generated.h" #include "common/handshake_generated.h" #include "common/revisionupdate_generated.h" #include "common/synchronize_generated.h" #include "common/notification_generated.h" #include "common/createentity_generated.h" #include "common/modifyentity_generated.h" #include "common/deleteentity_generated.h" #include "common/revisionreplayed_generated.h" #include "common/inspection_generated.h" #include "common/flush_generated.h" #include "common/secret_generated.h" #include "common/entitybuffer.h" #include "common/bufferutils.h" #include "common/test.h" #include "common/secretstore.h" #include "log.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void queuedInvoke(const std::function &f, QObject *context = nullptr) { auto timer = QSharedPointer::create(); timer->setSingleShot(true); QObject::connect(timer.data(), &QTimer::timeout, context, [f, timer]() { f(); }); timer->start(0); } namespace Sink { struct QueuedCommand { public: QueuedCommand(int commandId, const std::function &callback) : commandId(commandId), callback(callback) { } QueuedCommand(int commandId, const QByteArray &b, const std::function &callback) : commandId(commandId), buffer(b), callback(callback) { } private: QueuedCommand(const QueuedCommand &other); QueuedCommand &operator=(const QueuedCommand &rhs); public: const int commandId; QByteArray buffer; std::function callback; }; class ResourceAccess::Private { public: Private(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier, ResourceAccess *ra); ~Private(); KAsync::Job tryToConnect(); KAsync::Job initializeSocket(); void abortPendingOperations(); void callCallbacks(); QByteArray resourceName; QByteArray resourceInstanceIdentifier; QSharedPointer socket; QByteArray partialMessageBuffer; QVector> commandQueue; QMap> pendingCommands; QMultiMap> resultHandler; QHash completeCommands; uint messageId; bool openingSocket; SINK_DEBUG_COMPONENT(resourceInstanceIdentifier) }; ResourceAccess::Private::Private(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier, ResourceAccess *q) : resourceName(name), resourceInstanceIdentifier(instanceIdentifier), messageId(0), openingSocket(false) { } ResourceAccess::Private::~Private() { } void ResourceAccess::Private::abortPendingOperations() { callCallbacks(); if (!resultHandler.isEmpty()) { SinkWarning() << "Aborting pending operations " << resultHandler.keys(); } auto handlers = resultHandler.values(); resultHandler.clear(); for (auto handler : handlers) { handler(1, "The resource closed unexpectedly"); } for (auto queuedCommand : commandQueue) { queuedCommand->callback(1, "The resource closed unexpectedly"); } commandQueue.clear(); } void ResourceAccess::Private::callCallbacks() { const auto commandIds = completeCommands.keys(); for (auto id : commandIds) { const bool success = completeCommands.take(id); // We remove the callbacks first because the handler can kill resourceaccess directly const auto callbacks = resultHandler.values(id); resultHandler.remove(id); for (auto handler : callbacks) { if (success) { handler(0, QString()); } else { handler(1, "Command failed."); } } } } // Connects to server and returns connected socket on success KAsync::Job> ResourceAccess::connectToServer(const QByteArray &identifier) { auto s = QSharedPointer{new QLocalSocket, &QObject::deleteLater}; return KAsync::start>([identifier, s](KAsync::Future> &future) { auto context = new QObject; QObject::connect(s.data(), &QLocalSocket::connected, context, [&future, &s, context]() { Q_ASSERT(s); delete context; future.setValue(s); future.setFinished(); }); QObject::connect(s.data(), static_cast(&QLocalSocket::error), context, [&future, &s, context](QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError localSocketError) { const auto errorString = s->errorString(); const auto name = s->fullServerName(); delete context; future.setError(localSocketError, QString("Failed to connect to socket %1: %2").arg(name).arg(errorString)); future.setError({1, QString("Failed to connect to socket %1: %2 %3").arg(name).arg(localSocketError).arg(errorString)}); }); s->connectToServer(identifier); }); } KAsync::Job ResourceAccess::Private::tryToConnect() { // We may have a socket from the last connection leftover socket.reset(); auto counter = QSharedPointer::create(0); return KAsync::doWhile( [this, counter]() { return connectToServer(resourceInstanceIdentifier) .then>( [this, counter](const KAsync::Error &error, const QSharedPointer &s) { if (error) { static int waitTime = 10; static int timeout = 20000; static int maxRetries = timeout / waitTime; if (*counter >= maxRetries) { SinkTrace() << "Giving up after " << *counter << "tries"; return KAsync::error(error); } else { *counter = *counter + 1; return KAsync::wait(waitTime).then(KAsync::value(KAsync::Continue)); } } else { Q_ASSERT(s); socket = s; return KAsync::value(KAsync::Break); } }); }); } KAsync::Job ResourceAccess::Private::initializeSocket() { return KAsync::start([this] { SinkTrace() << "Trying to connect"; return connectToServer(resourceInstanceIdentifier) .then>( [this](const KAsync::Error &error, const QSharedPointer &s) { if (error) { SinkTrace() << "Failed to connect, starting resource"; // We failed to connect, so let's start the resource QStringList args; if (Sink::Test::testModeEnabled()) { args << "--test"; } if (resourceName.isEmpty()) { SinkWarning() << "No resource type given"; return KAsync::error(); } args << resourceInstanceIdentifier << resourceName; //Prefer a binary next to this binary, otherwise fall-back to PATH. Necessary for MacOS bundles because the bundle is not in the PATH. auto executable = QStandardPaths::findExecutable("sink_synchronizer", {QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()}); if (executable.isEmpty()) { executable = QStandardPaths::findExecutable("sink_synchronizer"); } if (executable.isEmpty()) { SinkError() << "Failed to find the sink_synchronizer binary in the paths: " << QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); return KAsync::error("Failed to find the sink_synchronizer binary."); } qint64 pid = 0; SinkLog() << "Starting resource " << executable << args.join(" ") << "Home path: " << QDir::homePath(); if (QProcess::startDetached(executable, args, QDir::homePath(), &pid)) { SinkTrace() << "Started resource " << pid; return tryToConnect() .onError([this, args](const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkError() << "Failed to connect to started resource: sink_synchronizer " << args; }); } else { SinkError() << "Failed to start resource"; return KAsync::error("Failed to start resource."); } } else { SinkTrace() << "Connected to resource, without having to start it."; Q_ASSERT(s); socket = s; return KAsync::null(); } }); }); } ResourceAccess::ResourceAccess(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier, const QByteArray &resourceType) : ResourceAccessInterface(), d(new Private(resourceType, resourceInstanceIdentifier, this)) { mResourceStatus = Sink::ApplicationDomain::NoStatus; SinkTrace() << "Starting access"; QObject::connect(&SecretStore::instance(), &SecretStore::secretAvailable, this, [this] (const QByteArray &resourceId) { if (resourceId == d->resourceInstanceIdentifier) { sendSecret(SecretStore::instance().resourceSecret(d->resourceInstanceIdentifier)).exec(); } }); } ResourceAccess::~ResourceAccess() { SinkLog() << "Closing access"; if (!d->resultHandler.isEmpty()) { SinkWarning() << "Left jobs running while shutting down ResourceAccess: " << d->resultHandler.keys(); } delete d; } QByteArray ResourceAccess::resourceName() const { return d->resourceName; } bool ResourceAccess::isReady() const { return (d->socket && d->socket->isValid()); } void ResourceAccess::registerCallback(uint messageId, const std::function &callback) { d->resultHandler.insert(messageId, callback); } void ResourceAccess::enqueueCommand(const QSharedPointer &command) { d->commandQueue << command; if (isReady()) { processCommandQueue(); } else { open(); } } KAsync::Job ResourceAccess::sendCommand(int commandId) { return KAsync::start([this, commandId](KAsync::Future &f) { auto continuation = [&f](int error, const QString &errorMessage) { if (error) { f.setError(error, errorMessage); } f.setFinished(); }; enqueueCommand(QSharedPointer::create(commandId, continuation)); }); } KAsync::Job ResourceAccess::sendCommand(int commandId, flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &fbb) { // The flatbuffer is transient, but we want to store it until the job is executed QByteArray buffer(reinterpret_cast(fbb.GetBufferPointer()), fbb.GetSize()); return KAsync::start([commandId, buffer, this](KAsync::Future &f) { auto callback = [&f](int error, const QString &errorMessage) { if (error) { f.setError(error, errorMessage); } else { f.setFinished(); } }; enqueueCommand(QSharedPointer::create(commandId, buffer, callback)); }); } KAsync::Job ResourceAccess::synchronizeResource(const Sink::QueryBase &query) { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; QByteArray queryString; { QDataStream stream(&queryString, QIODevice::WriteOnly); stream << query; } auto q = fbb.CreateString(queryString.toStdString()); auto builder = Sink::Commands::SynchronizeBuilder(fbb); builder.add_query(q); Sink::Commands::FinishSynchronizeBuffer(fbb, builder.Finish()); return sendCommand(Commands::SynchronizeCommand, fbb); } KAsync::Job ResourceAccess::sendCreateCommand(const QByteArray &uid, const QByteArray &resourceBufferType, const QByteArray &buffer) { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto entityId = fbb.CreateString(uid.constData()); // This is the resource buffer type and not the domain type auto type = fbb.CreateString(resourceBufferType.constData()); auto delta = Sink::EntityBuffer::appendAsVector(fbb, buffer.constData(), buffer.size()); auto location = Sink::Commands::CreateCreateEntity(fbb, entityId, type, delta); Sink::Commands::FinishCreateEntityBuffer(fbb, location); return sendCommand(Sink::Commands::CreateEntityCommand, fbb); } KAsync::Job ResourceAccess::sendModifyCommand(const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision, const QByteArray &resourceBufferType, const QByteArrayList &deletedProperties, const QByteArray &buffer, const QByteArrayList &changedProperties, const QByteArray &newResource, bool remove) { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto entityId = fbb.CreateString(uid.constData()); auto type = fbb.CreateString(resourceBufferType.constData()); auto modifiedProperties = BufferUtils::toVector(fbb, changedProperties); auto deletions = BufferUtils::toVector(fbb, deletedProperties); auto delta = Sink::EntityBuffer::appendAsVector(fbb, buffer.constData(), buffer.size()); auto resource = newResource.isEmpty() ? 0 : fbb.CreateString(newResource.constData()); auto location = Sink::Commands::CreateModifyEntity(fbb, revision, entityId, deletions, type, delta, true, modifiedProperties, resource, remove); Sink::Commands::FinishModifyEntityBuffer(fbb, location); return sendCommand(Sink::Commands::ModifyEntityCommand, fbb); } KAsync::Job ResourceAccess::sendDeleteCommand(const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision, const QByteArray &resourceBufferType) { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto entityId = fbb.CreateString(uid.constData()); auto type = fbb.CreateString(resourceBufferType.constData()); auto location = Sink::Commands::CreateDeleteEntity(fbb, revision, entityId, type); Sink::Commands::FinishDeleteEntityBuffer(fbb, location); return sendCommand(Sink::Commands::DeleteEntityCommand, fbb); } KAsync::Job ResourceAccess::sendRevisionReplayedCommand(qint64 revision) { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto location = Sink::Commands::CreateRevisionReplayed(fbb, revision); Sink::Commands::FinishRevisionReplayedBuffer(fbb, location); return sendCommand(Sink::Commands::RevisionReplayedCommand, fbb); } KAsync::Job ResourceAccess::sendInspectionCommand(int inspectionType, const QByteArray &inspectionId, const QByteArray &domainType, const QByteArray &entityId, const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &expectedValue) { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto id = fbb.CreateString(inspectionId.toStdString()); auto domain = fbb.CreateString(domainType.toStdString()); auto entity = fbb.CreateString(entityId.toStdString()); auto prop = fbb.CreateString(property.toStdString()); QByteArray array; QDataStream s(&array, QIODevice::WriteOnly); s << expectedValue; auto expected = fbb.CreateString(array.toStdString()); auto location = Sink::Commands::CreateInspection(fbb, id, inspectionType, entity, domain, prop, expected); Sink::Commands::FinishInspectionBuffer(fbb, location); return sendCommand(Sink::Commands::InspectionCommand, fbb); } KAsync::Job ResourceAccess::sendFlushCommand(int flushType, const QByteArray &flushId) { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto id = fbb.CreateString(flushId.toStdString()); auto location = Sink::Commands::CreateFlush(fbb, id, flushType); Sink::Commands::FinishFlushBuffer(fbb, location); return sendCommand(Sink::Commands::FlushCommand, fbb); } KAsync::Job ResourceAccess::sendSecret(const QString &secret) { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto s = fbb.CreateString(secret.toStdString()); auto location = Sink::Commands::CreateSecret(fbb, s); Sink::Commands::FinishSecretBuffer(fbb, location); return sendCommand(Sink::Commands::SecretCommand, fbb); } +KAsync::Job ResourceAccess::shutdown() +{ + return sendCommand(Sink::Commands::ShutdownCommand); +} + void ResourceAccess::open() { if (d->socket && d->socket->isValid()) { // SinkTrace() << "Socket valid, so not opening again"; return; } if (d->openingSocket) { return; } auto time = QSharedPointer::create(); time->start(); d->openingSocket = true; d->initializeSocket() .then( [this, time](const KAsync::Error &error) { d->openingSocket = false; if (error) { SinkError() << "Failed to initialize socket " << error; d->abortPendingOperations(); } else { SinkTrace() << "Socket is initialized." << Log::TraceTime(time->elapsed()); Q_ASSERT(d->socket); QObject::connect(d->socket.data(), &QLocalSocket::disconnected, this, &ResourceAccess::disconnected); QObject::connect(d->socket.data(), SIGNAL(error(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError)), this, SLOT(connectionError(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError))); QObject::connect(d->socket.data(), &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &ResourceAccess::readResourceMessage); connected(); } return KAsync::null(); }) .exec(); } void ResourceAccess::close() { SinkLog() << QString("Closing %1").arg(d->socket->fullServerName()); SinkTrace() << "Pending commands: " << d->pendingCommands.size(); SinkTrace() << "Queued commands: " << d->commandQueue.size(); d->socket->close(); } void ResourceAccess::sendCommand(const QSharedPointer &command) { Q_ASSERT(isReady()); // TODO: we should have a timeout for commands d->messageId++; const auto messageId = d->messageId; SinkTrace() << QString("Sending command \"%1\" with messageId %2").arg(QString(Sink::Commands::name(command->commandId))).arg(d->messageId); Q_ASSERT(command->callback); registerCallback(d->messageId, [this, messageId, command](int errorCode, QString errorMessage) { SinkTrace() << "Command complete " << messageId; d->pendingCommands.remove(messageId); command->callback(errorCode, errorMessage); }); // Keep track of the command until we're sure it arrived d->pendingCommands.insert(d->messageId, command); Commands::write(d->socket.data(), d->messageId, command->commandId, command->buffer.constData(), command->buffer.size()); } void ResourceAccess::processCommandQueue() { // TODO: serialize instead of blast them all through the socket? SinkTrace() << "We have " << d->commandQueue.size() << " queued commands"; SinkTrace() << "Pending commands: " << d->pendingCommands.size(); for (auto command : d->commandQueue) { sendCommand(command); } d->commandQueue.clear(); } void ResourceAccess::processPendingCommandQueue() { SinkTrace() << "We have " << d->pendingCommands.size() << " pending commands"; for (auto command : d->pendingCommands) { SinkTrace() << "Reenquing command " << command->commandId; d->commandQueue << command; } d->pendingCommands.clear(); processCommandQueue(); } void ResourceAccess::connected() { if (!isReady()) { SinkTrace() << "Connected but not ready?"; return; } SinkTrace() << QString("Connected: %1").arg(d->socket->fullServerName()); { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto name = fbb.CreateString(QString("PID: %1 ResourceAccess: %2").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationPid()).arg(reinterpret_cast(this)).toLatin1().toStdString()); auto command = Sink::Commands::CreateHandshake(fbb, name); Sink::Commands::FinishHandshakeBuffer(fbb, command); Commands::write(d->socket.data(), ++d->messageId, Commands::HandshakeCommand, fbb); } // Reenqueue pending commands, we failed to send them processPendingCommandQueue(); auto secret = SecretStore::instance().resourceSecret(d->resourceInstanceIdentifier); if (!secret.isEmpty()) { sendSecret(secret).exec(); } emit ready(true); } void ResourceAccess::disconnected() { SinkLog() << QString("Disconnected from %1").arg(d->socket->fullServerName()); //Ensure we read all remaining data before closing the socket. //This is required on windows at least. readResourceMessage(); d->socket->close(); emit ready(false); } void ResourceAccess::connectionError(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError error) { const bool resourceCrashed = d->partialMessageBuffer.contains("PANIC"); if (resourceCrashed) { SinkError() << "The resource crashed!"; mResourceStatus = Sink::ApplicationDomain::ErrorStatus; Sink::Notification n; n.type = Sink::Notification::Status; emit notification(n); Sink::Notification crashNotification; crashNotification.type = Sink::Notification::Error; crashNotification.code = Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCrashedError; emit notification(crashNotification); d->abortPendingOperations(); } else if (error == QLocalSocket::PeerClosedError) { SinkLog() << "The resource closed the connection."; d->abortPendingOperations(); } else { SinkWarning() << QString("Connection error: %1 : %2").arg(error).arg(d->socket->errorString()); if (d->pendingCommands.size()) { SinkTrace() << "Reconnecting due to pending operations: " << d->pendingCommands.size(); open(); } } } void ResourceAccess::readResourceMessage() { if (!d->socket) { SinkWarning() << "No socket available"; return; } if (d->socket->bytesAvailable()) { d->partialMessageBuffer += d->socket->readAll(); // should be scheduled rather than processed all at once while (processMessageBuffer()) { } } } static Sink::Notification getNotification(const Sink::Commands::Notification *buffer) { Sink::Notification n; if (buffer->identifier()) { // Don't use fromRawData, the buffer is gone once we invoke emit notification n.id = BufferUtils::extractBufferCopy(buffer->identifier()); } if (buffer->message()) { // Don't use fromRawData, the buffer is gone once we invoke emit notification n.message = BufferUtils::extractBufferCopy(buffer->message()); } n.type = buffer->type(); n.code = buffer->code(); n.progress = buffer->progress(); n.total = buffer->total(); n.entities = BufferUtils::fromVector(*buffer->entities()); return n; } bool ResourceAccess::processMessageBuffer() { static const int headerSize = Commands::headerSize(); if (d->partialMessageBuffer.size() < headerSize) { //This is not an error SinkTrace() << "command too small, smaller than headerSize: " << d->partialMessageBuffer.size() << headerSize; return false; } // const uint messageId = *(int*)(d->partialMessageBuffer.constData()); const int commandId = *(const int *)(d->partialMessageBuffer.constData() + sizeof(uint)); const uint size = *(const int *)(d->partialMessageBuffer.constData() + sizeof(int) + sizeof(uint)); const uint availableMessageSize = d->partialMessageBuffer.size() - headerSize; if (size > availableMessageSize) { //This is not an error SinkTrace() << "command too small, message smaller than advertised: " << availableMessageSize << headerSize; return false; } switch (commandId) { case Commands::RevisionUpdateCommand: { auto buffer = Commands::GetRevisionUpdate(d->partialMessageBuffer.constData() + headerSize); SinkTrace() << QString("Revision updated to: %1").arg(buffer->revision()); Notification n; n.type = Sink::Notification::RevisionUpdate; emit notification(n); emit revisionChanged(buffer->revision()); break; } case Commands::CommandCompletionCommand: { auto buffer = Commands::GetCommandCompletion(d->partialMessageBuffer.constData() + headerSize); SinkTrace() << QString("Command with messageId %1 completed %2").arg(buffer->id()).arg(buffer->success() ? "sucessfully" : "unsuccessfully"); d->completeCommands.insert(buffer->id(), buffer->success()); // The callbacks can result in this object getting destroyed directly, so we need to ensure we finish our work first queuedInvoke([=]() { d->callCallbacks(); }, this); break; } case Commands::NotificationCommand: { auto buffer = Commands::GetNotification(d->partialMessageBuffer.constData() + headerSize); switch (buffer->type()) { case Sink::Notification::Shutdown: SinkLog() << "Received shutdown notification."; close(); break; case Sink::Notification::Inspection: { SinkTrace() << "Received inspection notification."; auto n = getNotification(buffer); // The callbacks can result in this object getting destroyed directly, so we need to ensure we finish our work first queuedInvoke([=]() { emit notification(n); }, this); } break; case Sink::Notification::Status: if (mResourceStatus != buffer->code()) { mResourceStatus = buffer->code(); SinkTrace() << "Updated status: " << mResourceStatus; } [[clang::fallthrough]]; case Sink::Notification::Info: [[clang::fallthrough]]; case Sink::Notification::Warning: [[clang::fallthrough]]; case Sink::Notification::Error: [[clang::fallthrough]]; case Sink::Notification::FlushCompletion: [[clang::fallthrough]]; case Sink::Notification::Progress: { auto n = getNotification(buffer); SinkTrace() << "Received notification: " << n; n.resource = d->resourceInstanceIdentifier; emit notification(n); } break; case Sink::Notification::RevisionUpdate: default: SinkWarning() << "Received unknown notification: " << buffer->type(); break; } break; } default: break; } d->partialMessageBuffer.remove(0, headerSize + size); return d->partialMessageBuffer.size() >= headerSize; } ResourceAccessFactory::ResourceAccessFactory() { } ResourceAccessFactory &ResourceAccessFactory::instance() { static ResourceAccessFactory *instance = nullptr; if (!instance) { instance = new ResourceAccessFactory; } return *instance; } Sink::ResourceAccess::Ptr ResourceAccessFactory::getAccess(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier, const QByteArray resourceType) { if (!mCache.contains(instanceIdentifier)) { // Reuse the pointer if something else kept the resourceaccess alive if (mWeakCache.contains(instanceIdentifier)) { if (auto sharedPointer = mWeakCache.value(instanceIdentifier).toStrongRef()) { mCache.insert(instanceIdentifier, sharedPointer); } } if (!mCache.contains(instanceIdentifier)) { // Create a new instance if necessary auto sharedPointer = Sink::ResourceAccess::Ptr{new Sink::ResourceAccess(instanceIdentifier, resourceType), &QObject::deleteLater}; QObject::connect(sharedPointer.data(), &Sink::ResourceAccess::ready, sharedPointer.data(), [this, instanceIdentifier](bool ready) { if (!ready) { //We want to remove, but we don't want shared pointer to be destroyed until end of the function as this might trigger further steps. auto ptr = mCache.take(instanceIdentifier); if (auto timer = mTimer.take(instanceIdentifier)) { timer->stop(); } Q_UNUSED(ptr); } }); mCache.insert(instanceIdentifier, sharedPointer); mWeakCache.insert(instanceIdentifier, sharedPointer); } } if (!mTimer.contains(instanceIdentifier)) { auto timer = QSharedPointer::create(); timer->setSingleShot(true); // Drop connection after 3 seconds (which is a random value) QObject::connect(timer.data(), &QTimer::timeout, timer.data(), [this, instanceIdentifier]() { //We want to remove, but we don't want shared pointer to be destroyed until end of the function as this might trigger further steps. auto ptr = mCache.take(instanceIdentifier); Q_UNUSED(ptr); }); timer->setInterval(3000); mTimer.insert(instanceIdentifier, timer); } mTimer.value(instanceIdentifier)->start(); return mCache.value(instanceIdentifier); } } #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wundefined-reinterpret-cast" #include "moc_resourceaccess.cpp" #pragma clang diagnostic pop diff --git a/common/resourceaccess.h b/common/resourceaccess.h index ea3329d3..e7912362 100644 --- a/common/resourceaccess.h +++ b/common/resourceaccess.h @@ -1,178 +1,184 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "sink_export.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "notification.h" #include "flush.h" #include "query.h" #include "log.h" namespace Sink { struct QueuedCommand; class SINK_EXPORT ResourceAccessInterface : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; ResourceAccessInterface() : QObject() { } virtual ~ResourceAccessInterface() { } virtual KAsync::Job sendCommand(int commandId) = 0; virtual KAsync::Job sendCommand(int commandId, flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &fbb) = 0; virtual KAsync::Job synchronizeResource(const Sink::QueryBase &filter) = 0; virtual KAsync::Job sendCreateCommand(const QByteArray &uid, const QByteArray &resourceBufferType, const QByteArray &buffer) { return KAsync::null(); }; virtual KAsync::Job sendModifyCommand(const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision, const QByteArray &resourceBufferType, const QByteArrayList &deletedProperties, const QByteArray &buffer, const QByteArrayList &changedProperties, const QByteArray &newResource, bool remove) { return KAsync::null(); }; virtual KAsync::Job sendDeleteCommand(const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision, const QByteArray &resourceBufferType) { return KAsync::null(); }; virtual KAsync::Job sendRevisionReplayedCommand(qint64 revision) { return KAsync::null(); }; virtual KAsync::Job sendInspectionCommand(int inspectionType, const QByteArray &inspectionId, const QByteArray &domainType, const QByteArray &entityId, const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &expecedValue) { return KAsync::null(); }; virtual KAsync::Job sendFlushCommand(int flushType, const QByteArray &flushId) { return KAsync::null(); } virtual KAsync::Job sendSecret(const QString &secret) { return KAsync::null(); } + virtual KAsync::Job shutdown() + { + return KAsync::null(); + } + int getResourceStatus() const { return mResourceStatus; } signals: void ready(bool isReady); void revisionChanged(qint64 revision); void notification(Notification notification); public slots: virtual void open() = 0; virtual void close() = 0; protected: int mResourceStatus; }; class SINK_EXPORT ResourceAccess : public ResourceAccessInterface { Q_OBJECT public: typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; ResourceAccess(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier, const QByteArray &resourceType); virtual ~ResourceAccess() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; QByteArray resourceName() const; bool isReady() const; KAsync::Job sendCommand(int commandId) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; KAsync::Job sendCommand(int commandId, flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &fbb) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; KAsync::Job synchronizeResource(const Sink::QueryBase &filter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; KAsync::Job sendCreateCommand(const QByteArray &uid, const QByteArray &resourceBufferType, const QByteArray &buffer) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; KAsync::Job sendModifyCommand(const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision, const QByteArray &resourceBufferType, const QByteArrayList &deletedProperties, const QByteArray &buffer, const QByteArrayList &changedProperties, const QByteArray &newResource, bool remove) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; KAsync::Job sendDeleteCommand(const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision, const QByteArray &resourceBufferType) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; KAsync::Job sendRevisionReplayedCommand(qint64 revision) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; KAsync::Job sendInspectionCommand(int inspectionType,const QByteArray &inspectionId, const QByteArray &domainType, const QByteArray &entityId, const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &expecedValue) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; KAsync::Job sendFlushCommand(int flushType, const QByteArray &flushId) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; KAsync::Job sendSecret(const QString &secret) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; + KAsync::Job shutdown() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; /** * Tries to connect to server, and returns a connected socket on success. */ static KAsync::Job> connectToServer(const QByteArray &identifier); public slots: void open() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void close() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; private slots: // TODO: move these to the Private class void disconnected(); void connectionError(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError error); void readResourceMessage(); bool processMessageBuffer(); private: void connected(); void registerCallback(uint messageId, const std::function &callback); void sendCommand(const QSharedPointer &command); void processCommandQueue(); void processPendingCommandQueue(); void enqueueCommand(const QSharedPointer &command); class Private; Private *const d; }; /** * A factory for resource access instances that caches the instance for some time. * * This avoids constantly recreating connections, and should allow a single process to have one connection per resource. */ class SINK_EXPORT ResourceAccessFactory { public: static ResourceAccessFactory &instance(); Sink::ResourceAccess::Ptr getAccess(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier, const QByteArray resourceType); private: ResourceAccessFactory(); QHash> mWeakCache; QHash mCache; QHash> mTimer; }; } diff --git a/common/resourcecontrol.cpp b/common/resourcecontrol.cpp index 678e6c00..9147b330 100644 --- a/common/resourcecontrol.cpp +++ b/common/resourcecontrol.cpp @@ -1,167 +1,159 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "resourcecontrol.h" #include #include #include "resourceaccess.h" #include "resourceconfig.h" #include "commands.h" #include "log.h" #include "notifier.h" #include "utils.h" namespace Sink { KAsync::Job ResourceControl::shutdown(const QByteArray &identifier) { SinkTrace() << "shutdown " << identifier; auto time = QSharedPointer::create(); time->start(); - return ResourceAccess::connectToServer(identifier) - .then>( - [identifier, time](const KAsync::Error &error, QSharedPointer socket) { - if (error) { - SinkTrace() << "Resource is already closed."; - // Resource isn't started, nothing to shutdown - return KAsync::null(); + + auto resourceAccess = ResourceAccessFactory::instance().getAccess(identifier, ResourceConfig::getResourceType(identifier)); + return resourceAccess->shutdown() + .addToContext(resourceAccess) + .then([resourceAccess, time](KAsync::Future &future) { + SinkTrace() << "Shutdown command complete, waiting for shutdown." << Log::TraceTime(time->elapsed()); + if (!resourceAccess->isReady()) { + future.setFinished(); + return; + } + auto guard = new QObject; + QObject::connect(resourceAccess.data(), &ResourceAccess::ready, guard, [&future, guard](bool ready) { + if (!ready) { + //Protect against callback getting called twice. + delete guard; + future.setFinished(); } - // We can't currently reuse the socket - socket->close(); - auto resourceAccess = ResourceAccessFactory::instance().getAccess(identifier, ResourceConfig::getResourceType(identifier)); - resourceAccess->open(); - return resourceAccess->sendCommand(Sink::Commands::ShutdownCommand) - .addToContext(resourceAccess) - .then([resourceAccess, time](KAsync::Future &future) { - SinkTrace() << "Shutdown command complete, waiting for shutdown." << Log::TraceTime(time->elapsed()); - if (!resourceAccess->isReady()) { - future.setFinished(); - return; - } - QObject::connect(resourceAccess.data(), &ResourceAccess::ready, [&future](bool ready) { - if (!ready) { - future.setFinished(); - } - }); - }).then([time] { - SinkTrace() << "Shutdown complete." << Log::TraceTime(time->elapsed()); - }); }); + }).then([time] { + SinkTrace() << "Shutdown complete." << Log::TraceTime(time->elapsed()); + }); } KAsync::Job ResourceControl::start(const QByteArray &identifier) { SinkTrace() << "start " << identifier; auto time = QSharedPointer::create(); time->start(); auto resourceAccess = ResourceAccessFactory::instance().getAccess(identifier, ResourceConfig::getResourceType(identifier)); resourceAccess->open(); return resourceAccess->sendCommand(Sink::Commands::PingCommand).addToContext(resourceAccess).then([time]() { SinkTrace() << "Start complete." << Log::TraceTime(time->elapsed()); }); } KAsync::Job ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(const QByteArrayList &resourceIdentifier) { SinkTrace() << "flushMessageQueue" << resourceIdentifier; return KAsync::value(resourceIdentifier) .template each([](const QByteArray &resource) { return flushMessageQueue(resource); }); } KAsync::Job ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(const QByteArray &resourceIdentifier) { return flush(Flush::FlushUserQueue, resourceIdentifier).then(flush(Flush::FlushSynchronization, resourceIdentifier)); } KAsync::Job ResourceControl::flush(Flush::FlushType type, const QByteArray &resourceIdentifier) { auto resourceAccess = ResourceAccessFactory::instance().getAccess(resourceIdentifier, ResourceConfig::getResourceType(resourceIdentifier)); auto notifier = QSharedPointer::create(resourceAccess); auto id = createUuid(); return KAsync::start([=](KAsync::Future &future) { - SinkTrace() << "Waiting for flush completion notification " << id; + SinkLog() << "Starting flush " << id; notifier->registerHandler([&future, id](const Notification ¬ification) { SinkTrace() << "Received notification: " << notification.type << notification.id; if (notification.type == Notification::Error && notification.code == ApplicationDomain::ResourceCrashedError) { SinkWarning() << "Error during flush"; future.setError(-1, "Error during flush: " + notification.message); } else if (notification.id == id) { SinkTrace() << "FlushComplete"; if (notification.code) { SinkWarning() << "Flush returned an error"; future.setError(-1, "Flush returned an error: " + notification.message); } else { future.setFinished(); } } }); resourceAccess->sendFlushCommand(type, id).onError([&future] (const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to send command"; future.setError(1, "Failed to send command: " + error.errorMessage); }).exec(); }); } KAsync::Job ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(const QByteArrayList &resourceIdentifier) { return KAsync::value(resourceIdentifier) .template each([](const QByteArray &resource) { return flushReplayQueue(resource); }); } KAsync::Job ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(const QByteArray &resourceIdentifier) { return flush(Flush::FlushReplayQueue, resourceIdentifier); } template KAsync::Job ResourceControl::inspect(const Inspection &inspectionCommand) { auto resourceIdentifier = inspectionCommand.resourceIdentifier; auto resourceAccess = ResourceAccessFactory::instance().getAccess(resourceIdentifier, ResourceConfig::getResourceType(resourceIdentifier)); auto notifier = QSharedPointer::create(resourceAccess); auto id = createUuid(); return KAsync::start([=](KAsync::Future &future) { notifier->registerHandler([&future, id](const Notification ¬ification) { if (notification.id == id) { SinkTrace() << "Inspection complete"; if (notification.code) { SinkWarning() << "Inspection returned an error"; future.setError(-1, "Inspection returned an error: " + notification.message); } else { future.setFinished(); } } }); resourceAccess->sendInspectionCommand(inspectionCommand.type, id, ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), inspectionCommand.entityIdentifier, inspectionCommand.property, inspectionCommand.expectedValue).onError([&future] (const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to send command"; future.setError(1, "Failed to send command: " + error.errorMessage); }).exec(); }); } #define REGISTER_TYPE(T) template KAsync::Job ResourceControl::inspect(const Inspection &); SINK_REGISTER_TYPES() } // namespace Sink diff --git a/common/resultset.cpp b/common/resultset.cpp index 08954c94..047a0d17 100644 --- a/common/resultset.cpp +++ b/common/resultset.cpp @@ -1,133 +1,122 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "resultset.h" #include "log.h" +using Sink::Storage::Identifier; + ResultSet::ResultSet() : mIt(nullptr) { } ResultSet::ResultSet(const ValueGenerator &generator, const SkipValue &skip) : mIt(nullptr), mValueGenerator(generator), mSkip(skip) { } -ResultSet::ResultSet(const IdGenerator &generator) : mIt(nullptr), mGenerator(generator), mSkip([this]() { next(); }) -{ -} - -ResultSet::ResultSet(const QVector &resultSet) +ResultSet::ResultSet(const QVector &resultSet) : mResultSet(resultSet), mIt(mResultSet.constBegin()), mSkip([this]() { if (mIt != mResultSet.constEnd()) { mIt++; } }), mFirst(true) { } ResultSet::ResultSet(const ResultSet &other) : mResultSet(other.mResultSet), mIt(nullptr), mFirst(true) { if (other.mValueGenerator) { mValueGenerator = other.mValueGenerator; mSkip = other.mSkip; - } else if (other.mGenerator) { - mGenerator = other.mGenerator; - mSkip = [this]() { next(); }; } else { mResultSet = other.mResultSet; mIt = mResultSet.constBegin(); mSkip = [this]() { if (mIt != mResultSet.constEnd()) { mIt++; } }; } } bool ResultSet::next() { Q_ASSERT(!mValueGenerator); if (mIt) { if (mIt != mResultSet.constEnd() && !mFirst) { mIt++; } mFirst = false; return mIt != mResultSet.constEnd(); - } else if (mGenerator) { - Q_ASSERT(mGenerator); - mCurrentValue = mGenerator(); - if (!mCurrentValue.isNull()) { - return true; - } } else { next([](const Result &) { return false; }); } return false; } bool ResultSet::next(const Callback &callback) { Q_ASSERT(mValueGenerator); return mValueGenerator(callback); } void ResultSet::skip(int number) { Q_ASSERT(mSkip); for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { mSkip(); } } ResultSet::ReplayResult ResultSet::replaySet(int offset, int batchSize, const Callback &callback) { skip(offset); int counter = 0; while (!batchSize || (counter < batchSize)) { const bool ret = next([&counter, callback](const ResultSet::Result &result) { counter++; callback(result); }); if (!ret) { return {counter, true}; } }; return {counter, false}; } -QByteArray ResultSet::id() +Identifier ResultSet::id() { if (mIt) { if (mIt == mResultSet.constEnd()) { - return QByteArray(); + return {}; } Q_ASSERT(mIt != mResultSet.constEnd()); return *mIt; } else { return mCurrentValue; } } bool ResultSet::isEmpty() { return mResultSet.isEmpty(); } diff --git a/common/resultset.h b/common/resultset.h index 5587c54c..e7b15123 100644 --- a/common/resultset.h +++ b/common/resultset.h @@ -1,78 +1,83 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once +#include "sink_export.h" + #include #include #include #include #include "metadata_generated.h" #include "entitybuffer.h" #include "applicationdomaintype.h" +#include "storage/key.h" /* * An iterator to a result set. * * We'll eventually want to lazy load results in next(). */ -class ResultSet +class SINK_EXPORT ResultSet { public: struct Result { - Result(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &e, Sink::Operation op, const QMap &v = {}, const QVector &a = {}) : entity(e), operation(op), aggregateValues(v), aggregateIds(a) {} + Result(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &e, Sink::Operation op, + const QMap &v = {}, const QVector &a = {}) + : entity(e), operation(op), aggregateValues(v), aggregateIds(a) + { + } Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType entity; Sink::Operation operation; QMap aggregateValues; - QVector aggregateIds; + QVector aggregateIds; }; typedef std::function Callback; typedef std::function ValueGenerator; - typedef std::function IdGenerator; + typedef std::function IdGenerator; typedef std::function SkipValue; ResultSet(); ResultSet(const ValueGenerator &generator, const SkipValue &skip); - ResultSet(const IdGenerator &generator); - ResultSet(const QVector &resultSet); + ResultSet(const QVector &resultSet); ResultSet(const ResultSet &other); bool next(); bool next(const Callback &callback); void skip(int number); struct ReplayResult { qint64 replayedEntities; bool replayedAll; }; ReplayResult replaySet(int offset, int batchSize, const Callback &callback); - QByteArray id(); + Sink::Storage::Identifier id(); bool isEmpty(); private: - QVector mResultSet; - QVector::ConstIterator mIt; - QByteArray mCurrentValue; - IdGenerator mGenerator; + QVector mResultSet; + QVector::ConstIterator mIt; + Sink::Storage::Identifier mCurrentValue; ValueGenerator mValueGenerator; SkipValue mSkip; bool mFirst; }; diff --git a/common/standardqueries.h b/common/standardqueries.h index 10f66aed..f2adfdef 100644 --- a/common/standardqueries.h +++ b/common/standardqueries.h @@ -1,75 +1,76 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "query.h" namespace Sink { namespace StandardQueries { /** * Returns the complete thread, containing all mails from all folders. */ static Query completeThread(const ApplicationDomain::Mail &mail) { Sink::Query query; query.setId("completethread"); if (!mail.resourceInstanceIdentifier().isEmpty()) { query.resourceFilter(mail.resourceInstanceIdentifier()); } query.filter(mail.identifier()); query.sort(); query.bloom(); return query; } /** * Returns thread leaders only, sorted by date. */ static Query threadLeaders(const ApplicationDomain::Folder &folder) { Sink::Query query; query.setId("threadleaders"); if (!folder.resourceInstanceIdentifier().isEmpty()) { query.resourceFilter(folder.resourceInstanceIdentifier()); } query.filter(folder); query.sort(); query.reduce(Query::Reduce::Selector::max()) .count() + .select(Query::Reduce::Selector::Min) .collect() .collect(); return query; } /** * Outgoing mails. */ static Query outboxMails() { Sink::Query query; query.setId("outbox"); query.resourceContainsFilter(ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::transport); query.sort(); return query; } } } diff --git a/common/storage.h b/common/storage.h index a8c486c1..a4bca10b 100644 --- a/common/storage.h +++ b/common/storage.h @@ -1,262 +1,288 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Mollekopf * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "sink_export.h" +#include "utils.h" #include #include +#include #include #include namespace Sink { namespace Storage { +extern SINK_EXPORT int AllowDuplicates; +extern SINK_EXPORT int IntegerKeys; +// Only useful with AllowDuplicates +extern SINK_EXPORT int IntegerValues; + struct SINK_EXPORT DbLayout { typedef QMap Databases; DbLayout(); DbLayout(const QByteArray &, const Databases &); QByteArray name; Databases tables; }; class SINK_EXPORT DataStore { public: enum AccessMode { ReadOnly, ReadWrite }; enum ErrorCodes { GenericError, NotOpen, ReadOnlyError, TransactionError, NotFound }; - class Error + class SINK_EXPORT Error { public: Error(const QByteArray &s, int c, const QByteArray &m) : store(s), message(m), code(c) { } QByteArray store; QByteArray message; int code; }; class Transaction; class SINK_EXPORT NamedDatabase { public: NamedDatabase(); ~NamedDatabase(); /** * Write a value */ bool write(const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value, const std::function &errorHandler = std::function()); + // of QByteArray for keys + bool write(const size_t key, const QByteArray &value, const std::function &errorHandler = std::function()); + /** * Remove a key */ void remove(const QByteArray &key, const std::function &errorHandler = std::function()); + + void remove(const size_t key, const std::function &errorHandler = std::function()); + /** * Remove a key-value pair */ void remove(const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value, const std::function &errorHandler = std::function()); + void remove(const size_t key, const QByteArray &value, const std::function &errorHandler = std::function()); + /** * Read values with a given key. * * * An empty @param key results in a full scan * * If duplicates are existing (revisions), all values are returned. * * The pointers of the returned values are valid during the execution of the @param resultHandler * * @return The number of values retrieved. */ int scan(const QByteArray &key, const std::function &resultHandler, const std::function &errorHandler = std::function(), bool findSubstringKeys = false, bool skipInternalKeys = true) const; + int scan(const size_t key, const std::function &resultHandler, + const std::function &errorHandler = std::function(), bool skipInternalKeys = true) const; + /** * Finds the last value in a series matched by prefix. * * This is used to match by uid prefix and find the highest revision. * Note that this relies on a key scheme like $uid$revision. */ void findLatest(const QByteArray &uid, const std::function &resultHandler, const std::function &errorHandler = std::function()) const; + void findLatest(size_t key, const std::function &resultHandler, + const std::function &errorHandler = std::function()) const; + /** * Finds all the keys and values whose keys are in a given range * (inclusive). */ int findAllInRange(const QByteArray &lowerBound, const QByteArray &upperBound, const std::function &resultHandler, const std::function &errorHandler = std::function()) const; + int findAllInRange(const size_t lowerBound, const size_t upperBound, + const std::function &resultHandler, + const std::function &errorHandler = {}) const; + /** * Returns true if the database contains the substring key. */ bool contains(const QByteArray &uid); NamedDatabase(NamedDatabase &&other); NamedDatabase &operator=(NamedDatabase &&other); operator bool() const { return (d != nullptr); } qint64 getSize(); struct Stat { size_t branchPages; size_t leafPages; size_t overflowPages; size_t numEntries; }; Stat stat(); bool allowsDuplicates() const; private: friend Transaction; NamedDatabase(NamedDatabase &other); NamedDatabase &operator=(NamedDatabase &other); class Private; NamedDatabase(Private *); Private *d; }; class SINK_EXPORT Transaction { public: Transaction(); ~Transaction(); bool commit(const std::function &errorHandler = {}); void abort(); QList getDatabaseNames() const; - NamedDatabase openDatabase(const QByteArray &name = {"default"}, - const std::function &errorHandler = {}, bool allowDuplicates = false) const; + NamedDatabase openDatabase(const QByteArray &name = { "default" }, + const std::function &errorHandler = {}, + int flags = 0) const; Transaction(Transaction &&other); Transaction &operator=(Transaction &&other); operator bool() const; struct Stat { size_t totalPages; size_t freePages; size_t pageSize; NamedDatabase::Stat mainDbStat; NamedDatabase::Stat freeDbStat; }; Stat stat(bool printDetails = true); private: Transaction(Transaction &other); Transaction &operator=(Transaction &other); friend DataStore; class Private; Transaction(Private *); Private *d; }; DataStore(const QString &storageRoot, const QString &name, AccessMode mode = ReadOnly); DataStore(const QString &storageRoot, const DbLayout &layout, AccessMode mode = ReadOnly); ~DataStore(); Transaction createTransaction(AccessMode mode = ReadWrite, const std::function &errorHandler = std::function()); /** * Set the default error handler. */ void setDefaultErrorHandler(const std::function &errorHandler); std::function defaultErrorHandler() const; /** * A basic error handler that writes to std::cerr. * * Used if nothing else is configured. */ static std::function basicErrorHandler(); qint64 diskUsage() const; void removeFromDisk() const; /** * Clears all cached environments. * * This only ever has to be called if a database was removed from another process. */ static void clearEnv(); static qint64 maxRevision(const Transaction &); static void setMaxRevision(Transaction &, qint64 revision); static qint64 cleanedUpRevision(const Transaction &); static void setCleanedUpRevision(Transaction &, qint64 revision); - static QByteArray getUidFromRevision(const Transaction &, qint64 revision); - static QByteArray getTypeFromRevision(const Transaction &, qint64 revision); - static void recordRevision(Transaction &, qint64 revision, const QByteArray &uid, const QByteArray &type); - static void removeRevision(Transaction &, qint64 revision); + static QByteArray getUidFromRevision(const Transaction &, size_t revision); + static size_t getLatestRevisionFromUid(Transaction &, const QByteArray &uid); + static QList getRevisionsUntilFromUid(DataStore::Transaction &, const QByteArray &uid, size_t lastRevision); + static QList getRevisionsFromUid(DataStore::Transaction &, const QByteArray &uid); + static QByteArray getTypeFromRevision(const Transaction &, size_t revision); + static void recordRevision(Transaction &, size_t revision, const QByteArray &uid, const QByteArray &type); + static void removeRevision(Transaction &, size_t revision); static void recordUid(DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &uid, const QByteArray &type); static void removeUid(DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &uid, const QByteArray &type); static void getUids(const QByteArray &type, const Transaction &, const std::function &); + static bool hasUid(const QByteArray &type, const Transaction &, const QByteArray &uid); bool exists() const; static bool exists(const QString &storageRoot, const QString &name); static bool isInternalKey(const char *key); static bool isInternalKey(void *key, int keySize); static bool isInternalKey(const QByteArray &key); - static QByteArray assembleKey(const QByteArray &key, qint64 revision); - static QByteArray uidFromKey(const QByteArray &key); - static qint64 revisionFromKey(const QByteArray &key); - static NamedDatabase mainDatabase(const Transaction &, const QByteArray &type); static QByteArray generateUid(); static qint64 databaseVersion(const Transaction &); static void setDatabaseVersion(Transaction &, qint64 revision); private: std::function mErrorHandler; private: class Private; Private *const d; }; } } // namespace Sink SINK_EXPORT QDebug& operator<<(QDebug &dbg, const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error); diff --git a/common/storage/entitystore.cpp b/common/storage/entitystore.cpp index dd6bbf06..83a44ecb 100644 --- a/common/storage/entitystore.cpp +++ b/common/storage/entitystore.cpp @@ -1,675 +1,707 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "entitystore.h" #include #include #include "entitybuffer.h" #include "log.h" #include "typeindex.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "resourcecontext.h" #include "index.h" #include "bufferutils.h" #include "entity_generated.h" -#include "applicationdomaintype_p.h" #include "typeimplementations.h" using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::Storage; static QMap baseDbs() { - return {{"revisionType", 0}, - {"revisions", 0}, + return {{"revisionType", Storage::IntegerKeys}, + {"revisions", Storage::IntegerKeys}, + {"uidsToRevisions", Storage::AllowDuplicates | Storage::IntegerValues}, {"uids", 0}, {"default", 0}, {"__flagtable", 0}}; } template void mergeImpl(T &map, First f) { for (auto it = f.constBegin(); it != f.constEnd(); it++) { map.insert(it.key(), it.value()); } } template void mergeImpl(T &map, First f, Tail ...maps) { for (auto it = f.constBegin(); it != f.constEnd(); it++) { map.insert(it.key(), it.value()); } mergeImpl(map, maps...); } template First merge(First f, Tail ...maps) { First map; mergeImpl(map, f, maps...); return map; } template struct DbLayoutHelper { void operator()(QMap map) const { mergeImpl(map, ApplicationDomain::TypeImplementation::typeDatabases()); } }; static Sink::Storage::DbLayout dbLayout(const QByteArray &instanceId) { static auto databases = [] { QMap map; mergeImpl(map, ApplicationDomain::TypeImplementation::typeDatabases()); mergeImpl(map, ApplicationDomain::TypeImplementation::typeDatabases()); mergeImpl(map, ApplicationDomain::TypeImplementation::typeDatabases()); mergeImpl(map, ApplicationDomain::TypeImplementation::typeDatabases()); mergeImpl(map, ApplicationDomain::TypeImplementation::typeDatabases()); mergeImpl(map, ApplicationDomain::TypeImplementation::typeDatabases()); mergeImpl(map, ApplicationDomain::TypeImplementation::typeDatabases()); return merge(baseDbs(), map); }(); return {instanceId, databases}; } class EntityStore::Private { public: Private(const ResourceContext &context, const Sink::Log::Context &ctx) : resourceContext(context), logCtx(ctx.subContext("entitystore")) { } ResourceContext resourceContext; DataStore::Transaction transaction; QHash > indexByType; Sink::Log::Context logCtx; bool exists() { - return DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), resourceContext.instanceId(), DataStore::ReadOnly).exists(); + return Storage::DataStore::exists(Sink::storageLocation(), resourceContext.instanceId()); } DataStore::Transaction &getTransaction() { if (transaction) { return transaction; } DataStore store(Sink::storageLocation(), dbLayout(resourceContext.instanceId()), DataStore::ReadOnly); transaction = store.createTransaction(DataStore::ReadOnly); return transaction; } template struct ConfigureHelper { void operator()(TypeIndex &arg) const { ApplicationDomain::TypeImplementation::configure(arg); } }; TypeIndex &cachedIndex(const QByteArray &type) { if (indexByType.contains(type)) { return *indexByType.value(type); } auto index = QSharedPointer::create(type, logCtx); TypeHelper{type}.template operator()(*index); indexByType.insert(type, index); return *index; } TypeIndex &typeIndex(const QByteArray &type) { auto &index = cachedIndex(type); index.mTransaction = &transaction; return index; } ApplicationDomainType createApplicationDomainType(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision, const EntityBuffer &buffer) { auto adaptor = resourceContext.adaptorFactory(type).createAdaptor(buffer.entity(), &typeIndex(type)); return ApplicationDomainType{resourceContext.instanceId(), uid, revision, adaptor}; } }; EntityStore::EntityStore(const ResourceContext &context, const Log::Context &ctx) : d(new EntityStore::Private{context, ctx}) { } void EntityStore::initialize() { //This function is only called in the resource code where we want to be able to write to the databse. //Check for the existience of the db without creating it or the envrionment. //This is required to be able to set the database version only in the case where we create a new database. if (!Storage::DataStore::exists(Sink::storageLocation(), d->resourceContext.instanceId())) { //The first time we open the environment we always want it to be read/write. Otherwise subsequent tries to open a write transaction will fail. startTransaction(DataStore::ReadWrite); //Create the database with the correct version if it wasn't existing before SinkLogCtx(d->logCtx) << "Creating resource database."; Storage::DataStore::setDatabaseVersion(d->transaction, Sink::latestDatabaseVersion()); } else { //The first time we open the environment we always want it to be read/write. Otherwise subsequent tries to open a write transaction will fail. startTransaction(DataStore::ReadWrite); } commitTransaction(); } void EntityStore::startTransaction(DataStore::AccessMode accessMode) { SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Starting transaction: " << accessMode; Q_ASSERT(!d->transaction); d->transaction = DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), dbLayout(d->resourceContext.instanceId()), accessMode).createTransaction(accessMode); } void EntityStore::commitTransaction() { SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Committing transaction"; for (const auto &type : d->indexByType.keys()) { d->typeIndex(type).commitTransaction(); } Q_ASSERT(d->transaction); d->transaction.commit(); d->transaction = {}; } void EntityStore::abortTransaction() { SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Aborting transaction"; d->transaction.abort(); d->transaction = {}; } bool EntityStore::hasTransaction() const { return d->transaction; } bool EntityStore::add(const QByteArray &type, ApplicationDomainType entity, bool replayToSource) { if (entity.identifier().isEmpty()) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Can't write entity with an empty identifier"; return false; } SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "New entity " << entity; - d->typeIndex(type).add(entity.identifier(), entity, d->transaction, d->resourceContext.instanceId()); + const auto identifier = Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(entity.identifier()); + + d->typeIndex(type).add(identifier, entity, d->transaction, d->resourceContext.instanceId()); //The maxRevision may have changed meanwhile if the entity created sub-entities const qint64 newRevision = maxRevision() + 1; // Add metadata buffer flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder metadataFbb; auto metadataBuilder = MetadataBuilder(metadataFbb); metadataBuilder.add_revision(newRevision); metadataBuilder.add_operation(Operation_Creation); metadataBuilder.add_replayToSource(replayToSource); auto metadataBuffer = metadataBuilder.Finish(); FinishMetadataBuffer(metadataFbb, metadataBuffer); flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; d->resourceContext.adaptorFactory(type).createBuffer(entity, fbb, metadataFbb.GetBufferPointer(), metadataFbb.GetSize()); + const auto key = Key(identifier, newRevision); + DataStore::mainDatabase(d->transaction, type) - .write(DataStore::assembleKey(entity.identifier(), newRevision), BufferUtils::extractBuffer(fbb), + .write(newRevision, BufferUtils::extractBuffer(fbb), [&](const DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Failed to write entity" << entity.identifier() << newRevision; }); + DataStore::setMaxRevision(d->transaction, newRevision); DataStore::recordRevision(d->transaction, newRevision, entity.identifier(), type); DataStore::recordUid(d->transaction, entity.identifier(), type); - SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Wrote entity: " << entity.identifier() << type << newRevision; + SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Wrote entity: " << key << "of type:" << type; return true; } ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType EntityStore::applyDiff(const QByteArray &type, const ApplicationDomainType ¤t, const ApplicationDomainType &diff, const QByteArrayList &deletions, const QSet &excludeProperties) const { SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Applying diff: " << current.availableProperties() << "Deletions: " << deletions << "Changeset: " << diff.changedProperties() << "Excluded: " << excludeProperties; auto newEntity = *ApplicationDomainType::getInMemoryRepresentation(current, current.availableProperties()); // Apply diff for (const auto &property : diff.changedProperties()) { if (!excludeProperties.contains(property)) { const auto value = diff.getProperty(property); if (value.isValid()) { newEntity.setProperty(property, value); } } } // Remove deletions for (const auto &property : deletions) { if (!excludeProperties.contains(property)) { newEntity.setProperty(property, QVariant()); } } return newEntity; } bool EntityStore::modify(const QByteArray &type, const ApplicationDomainType &diff, const QByteArrayList &deletions, bool replayToSource) { const auto current = readLatest(type, diff.identifier()); if (current.identifier().isEmpty()) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Failed to read current version: " << diff.identifier(); return false; } auto newEntity = applyDiff(type, current, diff, deletions); return modify(type, current, newEntity, replayToSource); } bool EntityStore::modify(const QByteArray &type, const ApplicationDomainType ¤t, ApplicationDomainType newEntity, bool replayToSource) { SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Modified entity: " << newEntity; - d->typeIndex(type).modify(newEntity.identifier(), current, newEntity, d->transaction, d->resourceContext.instanceId()); + const auto identifier = Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(newEntity.identifier()); + d->typeIndex(type).modify(identifier, current, newEntity, d->transaction, d->resourceContext.instanceId()); const qint64 newRevision = DataStore::maxRevision(d->transaction) + 1; // Add metadata buffer flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder metadataFbb; { //We add availableProperties to account for the properties that have been changed by the preprocessors auto modifiedProperties = BufferUtils::toVector(metadataFbb, newEntity.changedProperties()); auto metadataBuilder = MetadataBuilder(metadataFbb); metadataBuilder.add_revision(newRevision); metadataBuilder.add_operation(Operation_Modification); metadataBuilder.add_replayToSource(replayToSource); metadataBuilder.add_modifiedProperties(modifiedProperties); auto metadataBuffer = metadataBuilder.Finish(); FinishMetadataBuffer(metadataFbb, metadataBuffer); } SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Changed properties: " << newEntity.changedProperties(); newEntity.setChangedProperties(newEntity.availableProperties().toSet()); flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; d->resourceContext.adaptorFactory(type).createBuffer(newEntity, fbb, metadataFbb.GetBufferPointer(), metadataFbb.GetSize()); DataStore::mainDatabase(d->transaction, type) - .write(DataStore::assembleKey(newEntity.identifier(), newRevision), BufferUtils::extractBuffer(fbb), + .write(newRevision, BufferUtils::extractBuffer(fbb), [&](const DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Failed to write entity" << newEntity.identifier() << newRevision; }); + DataStore::setMaxRevision(d->transaction, newRevision); DataStore::recordRevision(d->transaction, newRevision, newEntity.identifier(), type); SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Wrote modified entity: " << newEntity.identifier() << type << newRevision; return true; } bool EntityStore::remove(const QByteArray &type, const ApplicationDomainType ¤t, bool replayToSource) { const auto uid = current.identifier(); if (!exists(type, uid)) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Remove: Entity is already removed " << uid; return false; } - - d->typeIndex(type).remove(current.identifier(), current, d->transaction, d->resourceContext.instanceId()); + const auto identifier = Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(uid); + d->typeIndex(type).remove(identifier, current, d->transaction, d->resourceContext.instanceId()); SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Removed entity " << current; const qint64 newRevision = DataStore::maxRevision(d->transaction) + 1; // Add metadata buffer flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder metadataFbb; auto metadataBuilder = MetadataBuilder(metadataFbb); metadataBuilder.add_revision(newRevision); metadataBuilder.add_operation(Operation_Removal); metadataBuilder.add_replayToSource(replayToSource); auto metadataBuffer = metadataBuilder.Finish(); FinishMetadataBuffer(metadataFbb, metadataBuffer); flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; EntityBuffer::assembleEntityBuffer(fbb, metadataFbb.GetBufferPointer(), metadataFbb.GetSize(), 0, 0, 0, 0); DataStore::mainDatabase(d->transaction, type) - .write(DataStore::assembleKey(uid, newRevision), BufferUtils::extractBuffer(fbb), + .write(newRevision, BufferUtils::extractBuffer(fbb), [&](const DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Failed to write entity" << uid << newRevision; }); + DataStore::setMaxRevision(d->transaction, newRevision); DataStore::recordRevision(d->transaction, newRevision, uid, type); DataStore::removeUid(d->transaction, uid, type); return true; } void EntityStore::cleanupEntityRevisionsUntil(qint64 revision) { const auto uid = DataStore::getUidFromRevision(d->transaction, revision); const auto bufferType = DataStore::getTypeFromRevision(d->transaction, revision); if (bufferType.isEmpty() || uid.isEmpty()) { SinkErrorCtx(d->logCtx) << "Failed to find revision during cleanup: " << revision; Q_ASSERT(false); return; } SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Cleaning up revision " << revision << uid << bufferType; - DataStore::mainDatabase(d->transaction, bufferType) - .scan(uid, - [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &data) -> bool { - EntityBuffer buffer(const_cast(data.data()), data.size()); - if (!buffer.isValid()) { - SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Read invalid buffer from disk"; - } else { - const auto metadata = flatbuffers::GetRoot(buffer.metadataBuffer()); - const qint64 rev = metadata->revision(); - const auto isRemoval = metadata->operation() == Operation_Removal; - // Remove old revisions, and the current if the entity has already been removed - if (rev < revision || isRemoval) { - DataStore::removeRevision(d->transaction, rev); - DataStore::mainDatabase(d->transaction, bufferType).remove(key); - } - //Don't cleanup more than specified - if (rev >= revision) { - return false; - } - } + const auto internalUid = Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(uid).toInternalByteArray(); + + // Remove old revisions + const auto revisionsToRemove = DataStore::getRevisionsUntilFromUid(d->transaction, uid, revision); + + for (const auto &revisionToRemove : revisionsToRemove) { + DataStore::removeRevision(d->transaction, revisionToRemove); + DataStore::mainDatabase(d->transaction, bufferType).remove(revisionToRemove); + } + + // And remove the specified revision only if marked for removal + DataStore::mainDatabase(d->transaction, bufferType).scan(revision, [&](size_t, const QByteArray &data) { + EntityBuffer buffer(const_cast(data.data()), data.size()); + if (!buffer.isValid()) { + SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Read invalid buffer from disk"; + return false; + } + + const auto metadata = flatbuffers::GetRoot(buffer.metadataBuffer()); + if (metadata->operation() == Operation_Removal) { + DataStore::removeRevision(d->transaction, revision); + DataStore::mainDatabase(d->transaction, bufferType).remove(revision); + } + + return false; + }); - return true; - }, - [&](const DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Error while reading: " << error.message; }, true); DataStore::setCleanedUpRevision(d->transaction, revision); } bool EntityStore::cleanupRevisions(qint64 revision) { Q_ASSERT(d->exists()); bool implicitTransaction = false; if (!d->transaction) { startTransaction(DataStore::ReadWrite); Q_ASSERT(d->transaction); implicitTransaction = true; } const auto lastCleanRevision = DataStore::cleanedUpRevision(d->transaction); const auto firstRevisionToCleanup = lastCleanRevision + 1; bool cleanupIsNecessary = firstRevisionToCleanup <= revision; if (cleanupIsNecessary) { SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Cleaning up from " << firstRevisionToCleanup << " to " << revision; for (qint64 rev = firstRevisionToCleanup; rev <= revision; rev++) { cleanupEntityRevisionsUntil(rev); } } if (implicitTransaction) { commitTransaction(); } return cleanupIsNecessary; } -QVector EntityStore::fullScan(const QByteArray &type) +QVector EntityStore::fullScan(const QByteArray &type) { SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Looking for : " << type; if (!d->exists()) { SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Database is not existing: " << type; - return QVector(); - } - //The scan can return duplicate results if we have multiple revisions, so we use a set to deduplicate. - QSet keys; - DataStore::mainDatabase(d->getTransaction(), type) - .scan(QByteArray(), - [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { - const auto uid = DataStore::uidFromKey(key); - if (keys.contains(uid)) { - //Not something that should persist if the replay works, so we keep a message for now. - SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Multiple revisions for key: " << key; - } - keys << uid; - return true; - }, - [&](const DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Error during fullScan query: " << error.message; }); + return {}; + } + + QSet keys; + + DataStore::getUids(type, d->getTransaction(), [&keys] (const QByteArray &uid) { + keys << Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(uid); + }); SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Full scan retrieved " << keys.size() << " results."; return keys.toList().toVector(); } -QVector EntityStore::indexLookup(const QByteArray &type, const QueryBase &query, QSet &appliedFilters, QByteArray &appliedSorting) +QVector EntityStore::indexLookup(const QByteArray &type, const QueryBase &query, QSet &appliedFilters, QByteArray &appliedSorting) { if (!d->exists()) { SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Database is not existing: " << type; - return QVector(); + return {}; } return d->typeIndex(type).query(query, appliedFilters, appliedSorting, d->getTransaction(), d->resourceContext.instanceId()); } -QVector EntityStore::indexLookup(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &value) +QVector EntityStore::indexLookup(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &value) { if (!d->exists()) { SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Database is not existing: " << type; - return QVector(); + return {}; } return d->typeIndex(type).lookup(property, value, d->getTransaction()); } void EntityStore::indexLookup(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &value, const std::function &callback) { if (!d->exists()) { SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Database is not existing: " << type; return; } - auto list = d->typeIndex(type).lookup(property, value, d->getTransaction()); - for (const auto &uid : list) { - callback(uid); + auto list = indexLookup(type, property, value); + for (const auto &id : list) { + callback(id.toDisplayByteArray()); } /* Index index(type + ".index." + property, d->transaction); */ /* index.lookup(value, [&](const QByteArray &sinkId) { */ /* callback(sinkId); */ /* }, */ /* [&](const Index::Error &error) { */ /* SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Error in index: " << error.message << property; */ /* }); */ } -void EntityStore::readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, const std::function callback) +void EntityStore::readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const Identifier &id, const std::function callback) { Q_ASSERT(d); - Q_ASSERT(!uid.isEmpty()); + const size_t revision = DataStore::getLatestRevisionFromUid(d->getTransaction(), id.toDisplayByteArray()); + if (!revision) { + SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Failed to readLatest: " << type << id; + return; + } auto db = DataStore::mainDatabase(d->getTransaction(), type); - db.findLatest(uid, - [=](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { - callback(DataStore::uidFromKey(key), Sink::EntityBuffer(value.data(), value.size())); + db.scan(revision, + [=](size_t, const QByteArray &value) { + callback(id.toDisplayByteArray(), Sink::EntityBuffer(value.data(), value.size())); + return false; }, - [&](const DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Error during readLatest query: " << error.message << uid; }); + [&](const DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Error during readLatest query: " << error.message << id; }); } -void EntityStore::readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, const std::function callback) +void EntityStore::readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, const std::function callback) +{ + readLatest(type, Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(uid), callback); +} + +void EntityStore::readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const Identifier &uid, const std::function callback) { readLatest(type, uid, [&](const QByteArray &uid, const EntityBuffer &buffer) { //TODO cache max revision for the duration of the transaction. callback(d->createApplicationDomainType(type, uid, DataStore::maxRevision(d->getTransaction()), buffer)); }); } -void EntityStore::readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, const std::function callback) +void EntityStore::readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, const std::function callback) +{ + readLatest(type, Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(uid), callback); +} + +void EntityStore::readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const Identifier &uid, const std::function callback) { readLatest(type, uid, [&](const QByteArray &uid, const EntityBuffer &buffer) { //TODO cache max revision for the duration of the transaction. callback(d->createApplicationDomainType(type, uid, DataStore::maxRevision(d->getTransaction()), buffer), buffer.operation()); }); } +void EntityStore::readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, const std::function callback) +{ + readLatest(type, Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(uid), callback); +} + ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType EntityStore::readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid) { ApplicationDomainType dt; readLatest(type, uid, [&](const ApplicationDomainType &entity) { dt = *ApplicationDomainType::getInMemoryRepresentation(entity, entity.availableProperties()); }); return dt; } -void EntityStore::readEntity(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key, const std::function callback) +void EntityStore::readEntity(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &displayKey, const std::function callback) { + const auto key = Key::fromDisplayByteArray(displayKey); auto db = DataStore::mainDatabase(d->getTransaction(), type); - db.scan(key, - [=](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { - callback(DataStore::uidFromKey(key), Sink::EntityBuffer(value.data(), value.size())); + db.scan(key.revision().toSizeT(), + [=](size_t rev, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { + const auto uid = DataStore::getUidFromRevision(d->transaction, rev); + callback(uid, Sink::EntityBuffer(value.data(), value.size())); return false; }, [&](const DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Error during readEntity query: " << error.message << key; }); } void EntityStore::readEntity(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, const std::function callback) { readEntity(type, uid, [&](const QByteArray &uid, const EntityBuffer &buffer) { callback(d->createApplicationDomainType(type, uid, DataStore::maxRevision(d->getTransaction()), buffer)); }); } ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType EntityStore::readEntity(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid) { ApplicationDomainType dt; readEntity(type, uid, [&](const ApplicationDomainType &entity) { dt = *ApplicationDomainType::getInMemoryRepresentation(entity, entity.availableProperties()); }); return dt; } void EntityStore::readAll(const QByteArray &type, const std::function &callback) { readAllUids(type, [&] (const QByteArray &uid) { readLatest(type, uid, callback); }); } -void EntityStore::readRevisions(qint64 baseRevision, const QByteArray &expectedType, const std::function &callback) +void EntityStore::readRevisions(qint64 baseRevision, const QByteArray &expectedType, const std::function &callback) { qint64 revisionCounter = baseRevision; const qint64 topRevision = DataStore::maxRevision(d->getTransaction()); // Spit out the revision keys one by one. while (revisionCounter <= topRevision) { const auto uid = DataStore::getUidFromRevision(d->getTransaction(), revisionCounter); const auto type = DataStore::getTypeFromRevision(d->getTransaction(), revisionCounter); // SinkTrace() << "Revision" << *revisionCounter << type << uid; Q_ASSERT(!uid.isEmpty()); Q_ASSERT(!type.isEmpty()); if (type != expectedType) { // Skip revision revisionCounter++; continue; } - const auto key = DataStore::assembleKey(uid, revisionCounter); + const auto key = Key(Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(uid), revisionCounter); + revisionCounter++; callback(key); } } -void EntityStore::readPrevious(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision, const std::function callback) +void EntityStore::readPrevious(const QByteArray &type, const Identifier &id, qint64 revision, const std::function callback) { - auto db = DataStore::mainDatabase(d->getTransaction(), type); - qint64 latestRevision = 0; - db.scan(uid, - [&latestRevision, revision](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &) -> bool { - const auto foundRevision = DataStore::revisionFromKey(key); - if (foundRevision < revision && foundRevision > latestRevision) { - latestRevision = foundRevision; - } - return true; - }, - [&](const DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Failed to read current value from storage: " << error.message; }, true); - readEntity(type, DataStore::assembleKey(uid, latestRevision), callback); + const auto previousRevisions = DataStore::getRevisionsUntilFromUid(d->getTransaction(), id.toDisplayByteArray(), revision); + const size_t latestRevision = previousRevisions[previousRevisions.size() - 1]; + const auto key = Key(id, latestRevision); + readEntity(type, key.toDisplayByteArray(), callback); } -void EntityStore::readPrevious(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision, const std::function callback) +void EntityStore::readPrevious(const QByteArray &type, const Identifier &id, qint64 revision, const std::function callback) { - readPrevious(type, uid, revision, [&](const QByteArray &uid, const EntityBuffer &buffer) { + readPrevious(type, id, revision, [&](const QByteArray &uid, const EntityBuffer &buffer) { callback(d->createApplicationDomainType(type, uid, DataStore::maxRevision(d->getTransaction()), buffer)); }); } -ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType EntityStore::readPrevious(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision) +ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType EntityStore::readPrevious(const QByteArray &type, const Identifier &id, qint64 revision) { ApplicationDomainType dt; - readPrevious(type, uid, revision, [&](const ApplicationDomainType &entity) { + readPrevious(type, id, revision, [&](const ApplicationDomainType &entity) { dt = *ApplicationDomainType::getInMemoryRepresentation(entity, entity.availableProperties()); }); return dt; } void EntityStore::readAllUids(const QByteArray &type, const std::function callback) { DataStore::getUids(type, d->getTransaction(), callback); } -bool EntityStore::contains(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid) +bool EntityStore::contains(const QByteArray & /* type */, const QByteArray &uid) { - return DataStore::mainDatabase(d->getTransaction(), type).contains(uid); + Q_ASSERT(!uid.isEmpty()); + return !DataStore::getRevisionsFromUid(d->getTransaction(), uid).isEmpty(); } bool EntityStore::exists(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid) { bool found = false; bool alreadyRemoved = false; + const size_t revision = DataStore::getLatestRevisionFromUid(d->getTransaction(), uid); DataStore::mainDatabase(d->transaction, type) - .findLatest(uid, - [&found, &alreadyRemoved](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &data) { + .scan(revision, + [&found, &alreadyRemoved](size_t, const QByteArray &data) { auto entity = GetEntity(data.data()); if (entity && entity->metadata()) { auto metadata = GetMetadata(entity->metadata()->Data()); found = true; if (metadata->operation() == Operation_Removal) { alreadyRemoved = true; } } + return true; }, [&](const DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Failed to read old revision from storage: " << error.message; }); if (!found) { SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Remove: Failed to find entity " << uid; return false; } if (alreadyRemoved) { SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Remove: Entity is already removed " << uid; return false; } return true; } -void EntityStore::readRevisions(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, qint64 startingRevision, const std::function callback) +void EntityStore::readRevisions(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, size_t startingRevision, + const std::function callback) { Q_ASSERT(d); Q_ASSERT(!uid.isEmpty()); - DataStore::mainDatabase(d->transaction, type) - .scan(uid, - [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { - const auto revision = DataStore::revisionFromKey(key); - if (revision >= startingRevision) { - callback(DataStore::uidFromKey(key), revision, Sink::EntityBuffer(value.data(), value.size())); - } - return true; - }, - [&](const DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Error while reading: " << error.message; }, true); + const auto revisions = DataStore::getRevisionsFromUid(d->transaction, uid); + + const auto db = DataStore::mainDatabase(d->transaction, type); + + for (const auto revision : revisions) { + if (revision < static_cast(startingRevision)) { + continue; + } + + db.scan(revision, + [&](size_t rev, const QByteArray &value) { + Q_ASSERT(rev == revision); + callback(uid, revision, Sink::EntityBuffer(value.data(), value.size())); + return false; + }, + [&](const DataStore::Error &error) { + SinkWarningCtx(d->logCtx) << "Error while reading: " << error.message; + }, + true); + } } qint64 EntityStore::maxRevision() { if (!d->exists()) { SinkTraceCtx(d->logCtx) << "Database is not existing."; return 0; } return DataStore::maxRevision(d->getTransaction()); } Sink::Log::Context EntityStore::logContext() const { return d->logCtx; } diff --git a/common/storage/entitystore.h b/common/storage/entitystore.h index 69de76c1..e63cc8a9 100644 --- a/common/storage/entitystore.h +++ b/common/storage/entitystore.h @@ -1,142 +1,146 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "sink_export.h" #include #include "domaintypeadaptorfactoryinterface.h" #include "query.h" #include "storage.h" +#include "key.h" #include "resourcecontext.h" #include "metadata_generated.h" namespace Sink { class EntityBuffer; namespace Storage { class SINK_EXPORT EntityStore { public: typedef QSharedPointer Ptr; EntityStore(const ResourceContext &resourceContext, const Sink::Log::Context &); ~EntityStore() = default; using ApplicationDomainType = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType; void initialize(); //Only the pipeline may call the following functions outside of tests bool add(const QByteArray &type, ApplicationDomainType newEntity, bool replayToSource); bool modify(const QByteArray &type, const ApplicationDomainType &diff, const QByteArrayList &deletions, bool replayToSource); bool modify(const QByteArray &type, const ApplicationDomainType ¤t, ApplicationDomainType newEntity, bool replayToSource); bool remove(const QByteArray &type, const ApplicationDomainType ¤t, bool replayToSource); bool cleanupRevisions(qint64 revision); ApplicationDomainType applyDiff(const QByteArray &type, const ApplicationDomainType ¤t, const ApplicationDomainType &diff, const QByteArrayList &deletions, const QSet &excludeProperties = {}) const; void startTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::AccessMode); void commitTransaction(); void abortTransaction(); bool hasTransaction() const; - QVector fullScan(const QByteArray &type); - QVector indexLookup(const QByteArray &type, const QueryBase &query, QSet &appliedFilters, QByteArray &appliedSorting); - QVector indexLookup(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &value); + QVector fullScan(const QByteArray &type); + QVector indexLookup(const QByteArray &type, const QueryBase &query, QSet &appliedFilters, QByteArray &appliedSorting); + QVector indexLookup(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &value); void indexLookup(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &value, const std::function &callback); template void indexLookup(const QVariant &value, const std::function &callback) { return indexLookup(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), PropertyType::name, value, callback); } ///Returns the uid and buffer. Note that the memory only remains valid until the next operation or transaction end. + void readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const Identifier &uid, const std::function callback); void readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, const std::function callback); ///Returns an entity. Note that the memory only remains valid until the next operation or transaction end. + void readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const Identifier &uid, const std::function callback); void readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, const std::function callback); ///Returns an entity and operation. Note that the memory only remains valid until the next operation or transaction end. + void readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const Identifier &uid, const std::function callback); void readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, const std::function callback); ///Returns a copy ApplicationDomainType readLatest(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid); template T readLatest(const QByteArray &uid) { return T(readLatest(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), uid)); } ///Returns the uid and buffer. Note that the memory only remains valid until the next operation or transaction end. void readEntity(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, const std::function callback); ///Returns an entity. Note that the memory only remains valid until the next operation or transaction end. void readEntity(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, const std::function callback); ///Returns a copy ApplicationDomainType readEntity(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key); template T readEntity(const QByteArray &key) { return T(readEntity(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), key)); } - void readPrevious(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision, const std::function callback); - void readPrevious(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision, const std::function callback); + void readPrevious(const QByteArray &type, const Sink::Storage::Identifier &id, qint64 revision, const std::function callback); + void readPrevious(const QByteArray &type, const Sink::Storage::Identifier &id, qint64 revision, const std::function callback); ///Returns a copy - ApplicationDomainType readPrevious(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision); + ApplicationDomainType readPrevious(const QByteArray &type, const Sink::Storage::Identifier &id, qint64 revision); template T readPrevious(const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision) { return T(readPrevious(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), uid, revision)); } void readAllUids(const QByteArray &type, const std::function callback); void readAll(const QByteArray &type, const std::function &callback); template void readAll(const std::function &callback) { return readAll(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), [&](const ApplicationDomainType &entity) { callback(T(entity)); }); } - void readRevisions(qint64 baseRevision, const QByteArray &type, const std::function &callback); + void readRevisions(qint64 baseRevision, const QByteArray &type, const std::function &callback); ///Db contains entity (but may already be marked as removed bool contains(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid); ///Db contains entity and entity is not yet removed bool exists(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid); - void readRevisions(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, qint64 baseRevision, const std::function callback); + void readRevisions(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &uid, size_t baseRevision, const std::function callback); qint64 maxRevision(); Sink::Log::Context logContext() const; private: /* * Remove any old revisions of the same entity up until @param revision */ void cleanupEntityRevisionsUntil(qint64 revision); void copyBlobs(ApplicationDomainType &entity, qint64 newRevision); class Private; const QSharedPointer d; }; } } diff --git a/common/storage/key.cpp b/common/storage/key.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..14114153 --- /dev/null +++ b/common/storage/key.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Mollekopf + * Copyright (C) 2018 Rémi Nicole + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any + * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its + * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall + * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#include "key.h" +#include "utils.h" + +using Sink::Storage::Identifier; +using Sink::Storage::Key; +using Sink::Storage::Revision; + + +uint Sink::Storage::qHash(const Sink::Storage::Identifier &identifier) +{ + return qHash(identifier.toInternalByteArray()); +} + +QDebug &operator<<(QDebug &dbg, const Identifier &id) +{ + dbg << id.toDisplayString(); + return dbg; +} + +QDebug &operator<<(QDebug &dbg, const Revision &rev) +{ + dbg << rev.toDisplayString(); + return dbg; +} + +QDebug &operator<<(QDebug &dbg, const Key &key) +{ + dbg << key.toDisplayString(); + return dbg; +} + +// Identifier + +Identifier Identifier::createIdentifier() +{ + return Identifier(QUuid::createUuid()); +} + +QByteArray Identifier::toInternalByteArray() const +{ + Q_ASSERT(!uid.isNull()); + return uid.toRfc4122(); +} + +Identifier Identifier::fromInternalByteArray(const QByteArray &bytes) +{ + Q_ASSERT(bytes.size() == INTERNAL_REPR_SIZE); + return Identifier(QUuid::fromRfc4122(bytes)); +} + +QString Identifier::toDisplayString() const +{ + return uid.toString(); +} + +QByteArray Identifier::toDisplayByteArray() const +{ + return uid.toByteArray(); +} + +Identifier Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(const QByteArray &bytes) +{ + Q_ASSERT(bytes.size() == DISPLAY_REPR_SIZE); + return Identifier(QUuid(bytes)); +} + +bool Identifier::isNull() const +{ + return uid.isNull(); +} + +bool Identifier::isValidInternal(const QByteArray &bytes) +{ + return !QUuid::fromRfc4122(bytes).isNull(); +} + +bool Identifier::isValidDisplay(const QByteArray &bytes) +{ + return !QUuid(bytes).isNull(); +} + +bool Identifier::isValid(const QByteArray &bytes) +{ + switch (bytes.size()) { + case Identifier::INTERNAL_REPR_SIZE: + return isValidInternal(bytes); + case Identifier::DISPLAY_REPR_SIZE: + return isValidDisplay(bytes); + } + return false; +} + +bool Identifier::operator==(const Identifier &other) const +{ + return uid == other.uid; +} + +bool Identifier::operator!=(const Identifier &other) const +{ + return !(*this == other); +} + +// Revision + +QByteArray Revision::toInternalByteArray() const +{ + return Sink::sizeTToByteArray(rev); +} + +Revision Revision::fromInternalByteArray(const QByteArray &bytes) +{ + Q_ASSERT(bytes.size() == INTERNAL_REPR_SIZE); + return Revision(Sink::byteArrayToSizeT(bytes)); +} + +QString Revision::toDisplayString() const +{ + return QString::fromUtf8(padNumber(rev)); +} + +QByteArray Revision::toDisplayByteArray() const +{ + return padNumber(rev); +} + +Revision Revision::fromDisplayByteArray(const QByteArray &bytes) +{ + Q_ASSERT(bytes.size() == DISPLAY_REPR_SIZE); + return Revision(bytes.toLongLong()); +} + +qint64 Revision::toQint64() const +{ + return rev; +} + +size_t Revision::toSizeT() const +{ + return rev; +} + +bool Revision::isValidInternal(const QByteArray &bytes) +{ + if (bytes.size() != Revision::INTERNAL_REPR_SIZE) { + return false; + } + return true; +} + +bool Revision::isValidDisplay(const QByteArray &bytes) +{ + if (bytes.size() != Revision::DISPLAY_REPR_SIZE) { + return false; + } + bool ok; + bytes.toLongLong(&ok); + return ok; +} + +bool Revision::isValid(const QByteArray &bytes) +{ + return isValidInternal(bytes); +} + +bool Revision::operator==(const Revision &other) const +{ + return rev == other.rev; +} + +bool Revision::operator!=(const Revision &other) const +{ + return !(*this == other); +} + +// Key + +QByteArray Key::toInternalByteArray() const +{ + return id.toInternalByteArray() + rev.toInternalByteArray(); +} + +Key Key::fromInternalByteArray(const QByteArray &bytes) +{ + Q_ASSERT(bytes.size() == INTERNAL_REPR_SIZE); + auto idBytes = bytes.mid(0, Identifier::INTERNAL_REPR_SIZE); + auto revBytes = bytes.mid(Identifier::INTERNAL_REPR_SIZE); + return Key(Identifier::fromInternalByteArray(idBytes), Revision::fromInternalByteArray(revBytes)); +} + +QString Key::toDisplayString() const +{ + return id.toDisplayString() + rev.toDisplayString(); +} + +QByteArray Key::toDisplayByteArray() const +{ + return id.toDisplayByteArray() + rev.toDisplayByteArray(); +} + +Key Key::fromDisplayByteArray(const QByteArray &bytes) +{ + Q_ASSERT(bytes.size() == DISPLAY_REPR_SIZE); + auto idBytes = bytes.mid(0, Identifier::DISPLAY_REPR_SIZE); + auto revBytes = bytes.mid(Identifier::DISPLAY_REPR_SIZE); + return Key(Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(idBytes), Revision::fromDisplayByteArray(revBytes)); +} + +const Identifier &Key::identifier() const +{ + return id; +} + +const Revision &Key::revision() const +{ + return rev; +} + +void Key::setRevision(const Revision &newRev) +{ + rev = newRev; +} + +bool Key::isNull() const +{ + return id.isNull(); +} + +bool Key::isValidInternal(const QByteArray &bytes) +{ + if (bytes.size() != Key::INTERNAL_REPR_SIZE) { + return false; + } + + auto idBytes = bytes.mid(0, Identifier::INTERNAL_REPR_SIZE); + auto revBytes = bytes.mid(Identifier::INTERNAL_REPR_SIZE); + return Identifier::isValidInternal(idBytes) && Revision::isValidInternal(revBytes); +} + +bool Key::isValidDisplay(const QByteArray &bytes) +{ + if (bytes.size() != Key::DISPLAY_REPR_SIZE) { + return false; + } + + auto idBytes = bytes.mid(0, Identifier::DISPLAY_REPR_SIZE); + auto revBytes = bytes.mid(Identifier::DISPLAY_REPR_SIZE); + return Key::isValidDisplay(idBytes) && Revision::isValidDisplay(revBytes); +} + +bool Key::isValid(const QByteArray &bytes) +{ + switch (bytes.size()) { + case Key::INTERNAL_REPR_SIZE: + return isValidInternal(bytes); + case Key::DISPLAY_REPR_SIZE: + return isValidDisplay(bytes); + } + return false; +} + +bool Key::operator==(const Key &other) const +{ + return (id == other.id) && (rev == other.rev); +} + +bool Key::operator!=(const Key &other) const +{ + return !(*this == other); +} diff --git a/common/storage/key.h b/common/storage/key.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8df8f4cc --- /dev/null +++ b/common/storage/key.h @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Mollekopf + * Copyright (C) 2018 Rémi Nicole + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any + * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its + * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall + * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + */ + +#pragma once + +#include "sink_export.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +namespace Sink { +namespace Storage { + +class SINK_EXPORT Identifier +{ +public: + // RFC 4122 Section 4.1.2 says 128 bits -> 16 bytes + static const constexpr size_t INTERNAL_REPR_SIZE = 16; + static const constexpr size_t DISPLAY_REPR_SIZE = 38; + + Identifier() = default; + static Identifier createIdentifier(); + + QByteArray toInternalByteArray() const; + static Identifier fromInternalByteArray(const QByteArray &bytes); + QString toDisplayString() const; + QByteArray toDisplayByteArray() const; + static Identifier fromDisplayByteArray(const QByteArray &bytes); + + bool isNull() const; + + static bool isValidInternal(const QByteArray &); + static bool isValidDisplay(const QByteArray &); + static bool isValid(const QByteArray &); + + bool operator==(const Identifier &other) const; + bool operator!=(const Identifier &other) const; + +private: + explicit Identifier(const QUuid &uid) : uid(uid) {} + QUuid uid; +}; + +class SINK_EXPORT Revision +{ +public: + static const constexpr size_t INTERNAL_REPR_SIZE = 8; + // qint64 has a 19 digit decimal representation + static const constexpr size_t DISPLAY_REPR_SIZE = 19; + + Revision(size_t rev) : rev(rev) {} + + QByteArray toInternalByteArray() const; + static Revision fromInternalByteArray(const QByteArray &bytes); + QString toDisplayString() const; + QByteArray toDisplayByteArray() const; + static Revision fromDisplayByteArray(const QByteArray &bytes); + qint64 toQint64() const; + size_t toSizeT() const; + + static bool isValidInternal(const QByteArray &); + static bool isValidDisplay(const QByteArray &); + static bool isValid(const QByteArray &); + + bool operator==(const Revision &other) const; + bool operator!=(const Revision &other) const; + +private: + size_t rev; +}; + +class SINK_EXPORT Key +{ +public: + static const constexpr size_t INTERNAL_REPR_SIZE = Identifier::INTERNAL_REPR_SIZE + Revision::INTERNAL_REPR_SIZE; + static const constexpr size_t DISPLAY_REPR_SIZE = Identifier::DISPLAY_REPR_SIZE + Revision::DISPLAY_REPR_SIZE; + + Key() : id(), rev(0) {} + Key(const Identifier &id, const Revision &rev) : id(id), rev(rev) {} + + QByteArray toInternalByteArray() const; + static Key fromInternalByteArray(const QByteArray &bytes); + QString toDisplayString() const; + QByteArray toDisplayByteArray() const; + static Key fromDisplayByteArray(const QByteArray &bytes); + const Identifier &identifier() const; + const Revision &revision() const; + void setRevision(const Revision &newRev); + + bool isNull() const; + + static bool isValidInternal(const QByteArray &); + static bool isValidDisplay(const QByteArray &); + static bool isValid(const QByteArray &); + + bool operator==(const Key &other) const; + bool operator!=(const Key &other) const; + +private: + Identifier id; + Revision rev; +}; + +SINK_EXPORT uint qHash(const Sink::Storage::Identifier &); + +} // namespace Storage +} // namespace Sink + +SINK_EXPORT QDebug &operator<<(QDebug &dbg, const Sink::Storage::Identifier &); +SINK_EXPORT QDebug &operator<<(QDebug &dbg, const Sink::Storage::Revision &); +SINK_EXPORT QDebug &operator<<(QDebug &dbg, const Sink::Storage::Key &); diff --git a/common/storage_common.cpp b/common/storage_common.cpp index 057dce49..11e5b466 100644 --- a/common/storage_common.cpp +++ b/common/storage_common.cpp @@ -1,264 +1,317 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "storage.h" #include "log.h" #include "utils.h" QDebug& operator<<(QDebug &dbg, const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { dbg << error.message << "Code: " << error.code << "Db: " << error.store; return dbg; } namespace Sink { namespace Storage { static const char *s_internalPrefix = "__internal"; static const int s_internalPrefixSize = strlen(s_internalPrefix); -static const int s_lengthOfUid = 38; DbLayout::DbLayout() { } DbLayout::DbLayout(const QByteArray &n, const Databases &t) : name(n), tables(t) { } void errorHandler(const DataStore::Error &error) { if (error.code == DataStore::TransactionError) { - SinkError() << "Database error in " << error.store << ", code " << error.code << ", message: " << error.message; + SinkError() << "Transaction error:" << error; } else { - SinkWarning() << "Database error in " << error.store << ", code " << error.code << ", message: " << error.message; + SinkWarning() << "Database error:" << error; } } std::function DataStore::basicErrorHandler() { return errorHandler; } void DataStore::setDefaultErrorHandler(const std::function &errorHandler) { mErrorHandler = errorHandler; } std::function DataStore::defaultErrorHandler() const { if (mErrorHandler) { return mErrorHandler; } return basicErrorHandler(); } void DataStore::setMaxRevision(DataStore::Transaction &transaction, qint64 revision) { transaction.openDatabase().write("__internal_maxRevision", QByteArray::number(revision)); } qint64 DataStore::maxRevision(const DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { qint64 r = 0; transaction.openDatabase().scan("__internal_maxRevision", [&](const QByteArray &, const QByteArray &revision) -> bool { r = revision.toLongLong(); return false; }, [](const Error &error) { if (error.code != DataStore::NotFound) { SinkWarning() << "Couldn't find the maximum revision: " << error; } }); return r; } void DataStore::setCleanedUpRevision(DataStore::Transaction &transaction, qint64 revision) { transaction.openDatabase().write("__internal_cleanedUpRevision", QByteArray::number(revision)); } qint64 DataStore::cleanedUpRevision(const DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { qint64 r = 0; transaction.openDatabase().scan("__internal_cleanedUpRevision", [&](const QByteArray &, const QByteArray &revision) -> bool { r = revision.toLongLong(); return false; }, [](const Error &error) { if (error.code != DataStore::NotFound) { SinkWarning() << "Couldn't find the cleanedUpRevision: " << error; } }); return r; } -QByteArray DataStore::getUidFromRevision(const DataStore::Transaction &transaction, qint64 revision) +QByteArray DataStore::getUidFromRevision(const DataStore::Transaction &transaction, size_t revision) { QByteArray uid; - transaction.openDatabase("revisions") - .scan(QByteArray::number(revision), - [&](const QByteArray &, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { - uid = QByteArray{value.constData(), value.size()}; + transaction + .openDatabase("revisions", /* errorHandler = */ {}, IntegerKeys) + .scan(revision, + [&](const size_t, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { + uid = QByteArray{ value.constData(), value.size() }; return false; }, - [revision](const Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Couldn't find uid for revision: " << revision << error.message; }); + [revision](const Error &error) { + SinkWarning() << "Couldn't find uid for revision: " << revision << error.message; + }); + Q_ASSERT(!uid.isEmpty()); return uid; } -QByteArray DataStore::getTypeFromRevision(const DataStore::Transaction &transaction, qint64 revision) +size_t DataStore::getLatestRevisionFromUid(DataStore::Transaction &t, const QByteArray &uid) +{ + size_t revision = 0; + t.openDatabase("uidsToRevisions", {}, AllowDuplicates | IntegerValues) + .findLatest(uid, [&revision](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { + revision = byteArrayToSizeT(value); + }); + + return revision; +} + +QList DataStore::getRevisionsUntilFromUid(DataStore::Transaction &t, const QByteArray &uid, size_t lastRevision) +{ + QList queriedRevisions; + t.openDatabase("uidsToRevisions", {}, AllowDuplicates | IntegerValues) + .scan(uid, [&queriedRevisions, lastRevision](const QByteArray &, const QByteArray &value) { + size_t currentRevision = byteArrayToSizeT(value); + if (currentRevision < lastRevision) { + queriedRevisions << currentRevision; + return true; + } + + return false; + }); + + return queriedRevisions; +} + +QList DataStore::getRevisionsFromUid(DataStore::Transaction &t, const QByteArray &uid) +{ + QList queriedRevisions; + t.openDatabase("uidsToRevisions", {}, AllowDuplicates | IntegerValues) + .scan(uid, [&queriedRevisions](const QByteArray &, const QByteArray &value) { + queriedRevisions << byteArrayToSizeT(value); + return true; + }); + + return queriedRevisions; +} + +QByteArray DataStore::getTypeFromRevision(const DataStore::Transaction &transaction, size_t revision) { QByteArray type; - transaction.openDatabase("revisionType") - .scan(QByteArray::number(revision), - [&](const QByteArray &, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { + transaction.openDatabase("revisionType", /* errorHandler = */ {}, IntegerKeys) + .scan(revision, + [&](const size_t, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { type = QByteArray{value.constData(), value.size()}; return false; }, [revision](const Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Couldn't find type for revision " << revision; }); + Q_ASSERT(!type.isEmpty()); return type; } -void DataStore::recordRevision(DataStore::Transaction &transaction, qint64 revision, const QByteArray &uid, const QByteArray &type) +void DataStore::recordRevision(DataStore::Transaction &transaction, size_t revision, + const QByteArray &uid, const QByteArray &type) { - // TODO use integerkeys - transaction.openDatabase("revisions").write(QByteArray::number(revision), uid); - transaction.openDatabase("revisionType").write(QByteArray::number(revision), type); + transaction + .openDatabase("revisions", /* errorHandler = */ {}, IntegerKeys) + .write(revision, uid); + transaction.openDatabase("uidsToRevisions", /* errorHandler = */ {}, AllowDuplicates | IntegerValues) + .write(uid, sizeTToByteArray(revision)); + transaction + .openDatabase("revisionType", /* errorHandler = */ {}, IntegerKeys) + .write(revision, type); } -void DataStore::removeRevision(DataStore::Transaction &transaction, qint64 revision) +void DataStore::removeRevision(DataStore::Transaction &transaction, size_t revision) { - transaction.openDatabase("revisions").remove(QByteArray::number(revision)); - transaction.openDatabase("revisionType").remove(QByteArray::number(revision)); + const QByteArray uid = getUidFromRevision(transaction, revision); + + transaction + .openDatabase("revisions", /* errorHandler = */ {}, IntegerKeys) + .remove(revision); + transaction.openDatabase("uidsToRevisions", /* errorHandler = */ {}, AllowDuplicates | IntegerValues) + .remove(uid, sizeTToByteArray(revision)); + transaction + .openDatabase("revisionType", /* errorHandler = */ {}, IntegerKeys) + .remove(revision); } void DataStore::recordUid(DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &uid, const QByteArray &type) { transaction.openDatabase(type + "uids").write(uid, ""); } void DataStore::removeUid(DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &uid, const QByteArray &type) { transaction.openDatabase(type + "uids").remove(uid); } void DataStore::getUids(const QByteArray &type, const Transaction &transaction, const std::function &callback) { transaction.openDatabase(type + "uids").scan("", [&] (const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &) { callback(key); return true; }); } +bool DataStore::hasUid(const QByteArray &type, const Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &uid) +{ + bool hasTheUid = false; + transaction.openDatabase(type + "uids").scan(uid, [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &) { + Q_ASSERT(uid == key); + hasTheUid = true; + return false; + }); + + return hasTheUid; +} + bool DataStore::isInternalKey(const char *key) { return key && strncmp(key, s_internalPrefix, s_internalPrefixSize) == 0; } bool DataStore::isInternalKey(void *key, int size) { if (size < 1) { return false; } return key && strncmp(static_cast(key), s_internalPrefix, (size > s_internalPrefixSize ? s_internalPrefixSize : size)) == 0; } bool DataStore::isInternalKey(const QByteArray &key) { return key.startsWith(s_internalPrefix); } -QByteArray DataStore::assembleKey(const QByteArray &key, qint64 revision) -{ - Q_ASSERT(revision <= 9223372036854775807); - Q_ASSERT(key.size() == s_lengthOfUid); - return key + QByteArray::number(revision).rightJustified(19, '0', false); -} - -QByteArray DataStore::uidFromKey(const QByteArray &key) -{ - return key.mid(0, s_lengthOfUid); -} - -qint64 DataStore::revisionFromKey(const QByteArray &key) -{ - return key.mid(s_lengthOfUid + 1).toLongLong(); -} - QByteArray DataStore::generateUid() { return createUuid(); } DataStore::NamedDatabase DataStore::mainDatabase(const DataStore::Transaction &t, const QByteArray &type) { if (type.isEmpty()) { SinkError() << "Tried to open main database for empty type."; Q_ASSERT(false); return {}; } - return t.openDatabase(type + ".main"); + return t.openDatabase(type + ".main", /* errorHandler= */ {}, IntegerKeys); } bool DataStore::NamedDatabase::contains(const QByteArray &uid) { bool found = false; scan(uid, [&found](const QByteArray &, const QByteArray &) -> bool { found = true; return false; }, [](const DataStore::Error &error) {}, true); return found; } void DataStore::setDatabaseVersion(DataStore::Transaction &transaction, qint64 revision) { transaction.openDatabase().write("__internal_databaseVersion", QByteArray::number(revision)); } qint64 DataStore::databaseVersion(const DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { qint64 r = 0; transaction.openDatabase().scan("__internal_databaseVersion", [&](const QByteArray &, const QByteArray &revision) -> bool { r = revision.toLongLong(); return false; }, [](const Error &error) { if (error.code != DataStore::NotFound) { SinkWarning() << "Couldn't find the database version: " << error; } }); return r; } } } // namespace Sink diff --git a/common/storage_lmdb.cpp b/common/storage_lmdb.cpp index fe3b3036..0458daee 100644 --- a/common/storage_lmdb.cpp +++ b/common/storage_lmdb.cpp @@ -1,1152 +1,1234 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Mollekopf * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "storage.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "log.h" #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #include typedef SSIZE_T ssize_t; #endif namespace Sink { namespace Storage { static QReadWriteLock sDbisLock; static QReadWriteLock sEnvironmentsLock; static QMutex sCreateDbiLock; static QHash sEnvironments; static QHash sDbis; +int AllowDuplicates = MDB_DUPSORT; +int IntegerKeys = MDB_INTEGERKEY; +int IntegerValues = MDB_INTEGERDUP; + int getErrorCode(int e) { switch (e) { case MDB_NOTFOUND: return DataStore::ErrorCodes::NotFound; default: break; } return -1; } static QList getDatabaseNames(MDB_txn *transaction) { if (!transaction) { SinkWarning() << "Invalid transaction"; return QList(); } int rc; QList list; MDB_dbi dbi; if ((rc = mdb_dbi_open(transaction, nullptr, 0, &dbi) == 0)) { MDB_val key; MDB_val data; MDB_cursor *cursor; mdb_cursor_open(transaction, dbi, &cursor); if ((rc = mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, MDB_FIRST)) == 0) { list << QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)key.mv_data, key.mv_size); while ((rc = mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, MDB_NEXT)) == 0) { list << QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)key.mv_data, key.mv_size); } } else { //Normal if we don't have any databases yet if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) { rc = 0; } if (rc) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to get a value" << rc; } } mdb_cursor_close(cursor); } else { SinkWarning() << "Failed to open db" << rc << QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc)); } return list; } /* * To create a dbi we always need a write transaction, * and we always need to commit the transaction ASAP * We can only ever enter from one point per process. */ -static bool createDbi(MDB_txn *transaction, const QByteArray &db, bool readOnly, bool allowDuplicates, MDB_dbi &dbi) +static bool createDbi(MDB_txn *transaction, const QByteArray &db, bool readOnly, int flags, MDB_dbi &dbi) { - - unsigned int flags = 0; - if (allowDuplicates) { - flags |= MDB_DUPSORT; - } - MDB_dbi flagtableDbi; if (const int rc = mdb_dbi_open(transaction, "__flagtable", readOnly ? 0 : MDB_CREATE, &flagtableDbi)) { if (!readOnly) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to to open flagdb: " << QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc)); } } else { MDB_val key, value; key.mv_data = const_cast(static_cast(db.constData())); key.mv_size = db.size(); if (const auto rc = mdb_get(transaction, flagtableDbi, &key, &value)) { //We expect this to fail for new databases if (rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to read flags from flag db: " << QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc)); } } else { //Found the flags const auto ba = QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)value.mv_data, value.mv_size); flags = ba.toInt(); } } + if (flags & IntegerValues && !(flags & AllowDuplicates)) { + SinkWarning() << "Opening a database with integer values, but not duplicate keys"; + } + if (const int rc = mdb_dbi_open(transaction, db.constData(), flags, &dbi)) { //Create the db if it is not existing already if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND && !readOnly) { //Sanity check db name { auto parts = db.split('.'); for (const auto &p : parts) { auto containsSpecialCharacter = [] (const QByteArray &p) { for (int i = 0; i < p.size(); i++) { const auto c = p.at(i); //Between 0 and z in the ascii table. Essentially ensures that the name is printable and doesn't contain special chars if (c < 0x30 || c > 0x7A) { return true; } } return false; }; if (p.isEmpty() || containsSpecialCharacter(p)) { SinkError() << "Tried to create a db with an invalid name. Hex:" << db.toHex() << " ASCII:" << db; Q_ASSERT(false); throw std::runtime_error("Fatal error while creating db."); } } } if (const int rc = mdb_dbi_open(transaction, db.constData(), flags | MDB_CREATE, &dbi)) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to create db " << QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc)); return false; } //Record the db flags MDB_val key, value; key.mv_data = const_cast(static_cast(db.constData())); key.mv_size = db.size(); //Store the flags without the create option const auto ba = QByteArray::number(flags); - value.mv_data = const_cast(static_cast(db.constData())); - value.mv_size = db.size(); + value.mv_data = const_cast(static_cast(ba.constData())); + value.mv_size = ba.size(); if (const int rc = mdb_put(transaction, flagtableDbi, &key, &value, MDB_NOOVERWRITE)) { //We expect this to fail if we're only creating the dbi but not the db if (rc != MDB_KEYEXIST) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to write flags to flag db: " << QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc)); } } } else { //It's not an error if we only want to read if (!readOnly) { - SinkWarning() << "Failed to open db " << QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc)); + SinkWarning() << "Failed to open db " << db << "error:" << QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc)); return true; } return false; } } return true; } class DataStore::NamedDatabase::Private { public: - Private(const QByteArray &_db, bool _allowDuplicates, const std::function &_defaultErrorHandler, const QString &_name, MDB_txn *_txn) - : db(_db), transaction(_txn), allowDuplicates(_allowDuplicates), defaultErrorHandler(_defaultErrorHandler), name(_name) + Private(const QByteArray &_db, int _flags, + const std::function &_defaultErrorHandler, + const QString &_name, MDB_txn *_txn) + : db(_db), + transaction(_txn), + flags(_flags), + defaultErrorHandler(_defaultErrorHandler), + name(_name) { } ~Private() { } QByteArray db; MDB_txn *transaction; MDB_dbi dbi; - bool allowDuplicates; + int flags; std::function defaultErrorHandler; QString name; bool createdNewDbi = false; QString createdNewDbiName; bool dbiValidForTransaction(MDB_dbi dbi, MDB_txn *transaction) { //sDbis can contain dbi's that are not available to this transaction. //We use mdb_dbi_flags to check if the dbi is valid for this transaction. uint f; if (mdb_dbi_flags(transaction, dbi, &f) == EINVAL) { return false; } return true; } bool openDatabase(bool readOnly, std::function errorHandler) { const auto dbiName = name + db; + //Never access sDbis while anything is writing to it. QReadLocker dbiLocker{&sDbisLock}; if (sDbis.contains(dbiName)) { dbi = sDbis.value(dbiName); - Q_ASSERT(dbiValidForTransaction(dbi, transaction)); - } else { - /* - * Dynamic creation of databases. - * If all databases were defined via the database layout we wouldn't ever end up in here. - * However, we rely on this codepath for indexes, synchronization databases and in race-conditions - * where the database is not yet fully created when the client initializes it for reading. - * - * There are a few things to consider: - * * dbi's (DataBase Identifier) should be opened once (ideally), and then be persisted in the environment. - * * To open a dbi we need a transaction and must commit the transaction. From then on any open transaction will have access to the dbi. - * * Already running transactions will not have access to the dbi. - * * There *must* only ever be one active transaction opening dbi's (using mdb_dbi_open), and that transaction *must* - * commit or abort before any other transaction opens a dbi. - * - * We solve this the following way: - * * For read-only transactions we abort the transaction, open the dbi and persist it in the environment, and reopen the transaction (so the dbi is available). This may result in the db content changing unexpectedly and referenced memory becoming unavailable, but isn't a problem as long as we don't rely on memory remaining valid for the duration of the transaction (which is anyways not given since any operation would invalidate the memory region).. - * * For write transactions we open the dbi for future use, and then open it as well in the current transaction. - * * Write transactions that open the named database multiple times will call this codepath multiple times, - * this is ok though because the same dbi will be returned by mdb_dbi_open (We could also start to do a lookup in - * Transaction::Private::createdDbs first). - */ - SinkTrace() << "Creating database dynamically: " << dbiName << readOnly; - //Only one transaction may ever create dbis at a time. - QMutexLocker createDbiLocker(&sCreateDbiLock); - //Double checked locking - if (sDbis.contains(dbiName)) { - dbi = sDbis.value(dbiName); - Q_ASSERT(dbiValidForTransaction(dbi, transaction)); + //sDbis can potentially contain a dbi that is not valid for this transaction, if this transaction was created before the dbi was created. + if (dbiValidForTransaction(dbi, transaction)) { return true; - } - - //Create a transaction to open the dbi - MDB_txn *dbiTransaction; - if (readOnly) { - MDB_env *env = mdb_txn_env(transaction); - Q_ASSERT(env); - mdb_txn_reset(transaction); - if (const int rc = mdb_txn_begin(env, nullptr, MDB_RDONLY, &dbiTransaction)) { - SinkError() << "Failed to open transaction: " << QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc)) << readOnly << transaction; - return false; - } } else { - dbiTransaction = transaction; - } - if (createDbi(dbiTransaction, db, readOnly, allowDuplicates, dbi)) { + SinkTrace() << "Found dbi that is not available for the current transaction."; if (readOnly) { - mdb_txn_commit(dbiTransaction); - dbiLocker.unlock(); - QWriteLocker dbiWriteLocker(&sDbisLock); - sDbis.insert(dbiName, dbi); - //We reopen the read-only transaction so the dbi becomes available in it. + //Recovery for read-only transactions. Abort and renew. + mdb_txn_reset(transaction); mdb_txn_renew(transaction); - } else { - createdNewDbi = true; - createdNewDbiName = dbiName; + Q_ASSERT(dbiValidForTransaction(dbi, transaction)); + return true; } - //Ensure the dbi is valid for the parent transaction - Q_ASSERT(dbiValidForTransaction(dbi, transaction)); + //There is no recover path for non-read-only transactions. + } + //Nothing in the code deals well with non-existing databases. + Q_ASSERT(false); + return false; + } + + + /* + * Dynamic creation of databases. + * If all databases were defined via the database layout we wouldn't ever end up in here. + * However, we rely on this codepath for indexes, synchronization databases and in race-conditions + * where the database is not yet fully created when the client initializes it for reading. + * + * There are a few things to consider: + * * dbi's (DataBase Identifier) should be opened once (ideally), and then be persisted in the environment. + * * To open a dbi we need a transaction and must commit the transaction. From then on any open transaction will have access to the dbi. + * * Already running transactions will not have access to the dbi. + * * There *must* only ever be one active transaction opening dbi's (using mdb_dbi_open), and that transaction *must* + * commit or abort before any other transaction opens a dbi. + * + * We solve this the following way: + * * For read-only transactions we abort the transaction, open the dbi and persist it in the environment, and reopen the transaction (so the dbi is available). This may result in the db content changing unexpectedly and referenced memory becoming unavailable, but isn't a problem as long as we don't rely on memory remaining valid for the duration of the transaction (which is anyways not given since any operation would invalidate the memory region).. + * * For write transactions we open the dbi for future use, and then open it as well in the current transaction. + * * Write transactions that open the named database multiple times will call this codepath multiple times, + * this is ok though because the same dbi will be returned by mdb_dbi_open (We could also start to do a lookup in + * Transaction::Private::createdDbs first). + */ + SinkTrace() << "Creating database dynamically: " << dbiName << readOnly; + //Only one transaction may ever create dbis at a time. + while (!sCreateDbiLock.tryLock(10)) { + //Allow another thread that has already acquired sCreateDbiLock to continue below. + //Otherwise we risk a dead-lock if another thread already acquired sCreateDbiLock, but then lost the sDbisLock while upgrading it to a + //write lock below + dbiLocker.unlock(); + dbiLocker.relock(); + } + //Double checked locking + if (sDbis.contains(dbiName)) { + dbi = sDbis.value(dbiName); + //sDbis can potentially contain a dbi that is not valid for this transaction, if this transaction was created before the dbi was created. + sCreateDbiLock.unlock(); + if (dbiValidForTransaction(dbi, transaction)) { + return true; } else { + SinkTrace() << "Found dbi that is not available for the current transaction."; if (readOnly) { - mdb_txn_abort(dbiTransaction); + //Recovery for read-only transactions. Abort and renew. + mdb_txn_reset(transaction); mdb_txn_renew(transaction); - } else { - SinkWarning() << "Failed to create the dbi: " << dbiName; + Q_ASSERT(dbiValidForTransaction(dbi, transaction)); + return true; } - dbi = 0; - transaction = 0; + //There is no recover path for non-read-only transactions. + Q_ASSERT(false); + return false; + } + } + + //Ensure nobody reads sDbis either + dbiLocker.unlock(); + //We risk loosing the lock in here. That's why we tryLock above in the while loop + QWriteLocker dbiWriteLocker(&sDbisLock); + + //Create a transaction to open the dbi + MDB_txn *dbiTransaction; + if (readOnly) { + MDB_env *env = mdb_txn_env(transaction); + Q_ASSERT(env); + mdb_txn_reset(transaction); + if (const int rc = mdb_txn_begin(env, nullptr, MDB_RDONLY, &dbiTransaction)) { + SinkError() << "Failed to open transaction: " << QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc)) << readOnly << transaction; + sCreateDbiLock.unlock(); return false; } + } else { + dbiTransaction = transaction; } + if (createDbi(dbiTransaction, db, readOnly, flags, dbi)) { + if (readOnly) { + mdb_txn_commit(dbiTransaction); + Q_ASSERT(!sDbis.contains(dbiName)); + sDbis.insert(dbiName, dbi); + //We reopen the read-only transaction so the dbi becomes available in it. + mdb_txn_renew(transaction); + } else { + createdNewDbi = true; + createdNewDbiName = dbiName; + } + //Ensure the dbi is valid for the parent transaction + Q_ASSERT(dbiValidForTransaction(dbi, transaction)); + } else { + if (readOnly) { + mdb_txn_abort(dbiTransaction); + mdb_txn_renew(transaction); + } else { + SinkWarning() << "Failed to create the dbi: " << dbiName; + } + dbi = 0; + transaction = 0; + sCreateDbiLock.unlock(); + return false; + } + sCreateDbiLock.unlock(); return true; } }; DataStore::NamedDatabase::NamedDatabase() : d(nullptr) { } DataStore::NamedDatabase::NamedDatabase(NamedDatabase::Private *prv) : d(prv) { } DataStore::NamedDatabase::NamedDatabase(NamedDatabase &&other) : d(nullptr) { *this = std::move(other); } DataStore::NamedDatabase &DataStore::NamedDatabase::operator=(DataStore::NamedDatabase &&other) { if (&other != this) { delete d; d = other.d; other.d = nullptr; } return *this; } DataStore::NamedDatabase::~NamedDatabase() { delete d; } +bool DataStore::NamedDatabase::write(const size_t key, const QByteArray &value, + const std::function &errorHandler) +{ + return write(sizeTToByteArray(key), value, errorHandler); +} + bool DataStore::NamedDatabase::write(const QByteArray &sKey, const QByteArray &sValue, const std::function &errorHandler) { if (!d || !d->transaction) { Error error("", ErrorCodes::GenericError, "Not open"); if (d) { errorHandler ? errorHandler(error) : d->defaultErrorHandler(error); } return false; } const void *keyPtr = sKey.data(); const size_t keySize = sKey.size(); const void *valuePtr = sValue.data(); const size_t valueSize = sValue.size(); if (!keyPtr || keySize == 0) { Error error(d->name.toLatin1() + d->db, ErrorCodes::GenericError, "Tried to write empty key."); errorHandler ? errorHandler(error) : d->defaultErrorHandler(error); return false; } int rc; MDB_val key, data; key.mv_size = keySize; key.mv_data = const_cast(keyPtr); data.mv_size = valueSize; data.mv_data = const_cast(valuePtr); rc = mdb_put(d->transaction, d->dbi, &key, &data, 0); if (rc) { Error error(d->name.toLatin1() + d->db, ErrorCodes::GenericError, "mdb_put: " + QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc)) + " Key: " + sKey + " Value: " + sValue); errorHandler ? errorHandler(error) : d->defaultErrorHandler(error); } return !rc; } +void DataStore::NamedDatabase::remove( + const size_t key, const std::function &errorHandler) +{ + return remove(sizeTToByteArray(key), errorHandler); +} + void DataStore::NamedDatabase::remove(const QByteArray &k, const std::function &errorHandler) { remove(k, QByteArray(), errorHandler); } +void DataStore::NamedDatabase::remove(const size_t key, const QByteArray &value, + const std::function &errorHandler) +{ + return remove(sizeTToByteArray(key), value, errorHandler); +} + void DataStore::NamedDatabase::remove(const QByteArray &k, const QByteArray &value, const std::function &errorHandler) { if (!d || !d->transaction) { if (d) { Error error(d->name.toLatin1() + d->db, ErrorCodes::GenericError, "Not open"); errorHandler ? errorHandler(error) : d->defaultErrorHandler(error); } return; } int rc; MDB_val key; key.mv_size = k.size(); key.mv_data = const_cast(static_cast(k.data())); if (value.isEmpty()) { rc = mdb_del(d->transaction, d->dbi, &key, 0); } else { MDB_val data; data.mv_size = value.size(); data.mv_data = const_cast(static_cast(value.data())); rc = mdb_del(d->transaction, d->dbi, &key, &data); } if (rc) { auto errorCode = ErrorCodes::GenericError; if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) { errorCode = ErrorCodes::NotFound; } Error error(d->name.toLatin1() + d->db, errorCode, QString("Error on mdb_del: %1 %2").arg(rc).arg(mdb_strerror(rc)).toLatin1()); errorHandler ? errorHandler(error) : d->defaultErrorHandler(error); } } +int DataStore::NamedDatabase::scan(const size_t key, + const std::function &resultHandler, + const std::function &errorHandler, bool skipInternalKeys) const +{ + return scan(sizeTToByteArray(key), + [&resultHandler](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { + return resultHandler(byteArrayToSizeT(key), value); + }, + errorHandler, /* findSubstringKeys = */ false, skipInternalKeys); +} + int DataStore::NamedDatabase::scan(const QByteArray &k, const std::function &resultHandler, const std::function &errorHandler, bool findSubstringKeys, bool skipInternalKeys) const { if (!d || !d->transaction) { // Not an error. We rely on this to read nothing from non-existing databases. return 0; } int rc; MDB_val key; MDB_val data; MDB_cursor *cursor; key.mv_data = (void *)k.constData(); key.mv_size = k.size(); rc = mdb_cursor_open(d->transaction, d->dbi, &cursor); if (rc) { //Invalid arguments can mean that the transaction doesn't contain the db dbi Error error(d->name.toLatin1() + d->db, getErrorCode(rc), QByteArray("Error during mdb_cursor_open: ") + QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc)) + ". Key: " + k); errorHandler ? errorHandler(error) : d->defaultErrorHandler(error); return 0; } int numberOfRetrievedValues = 0; - if (k.isEmpty() || d->allowDuplicates || findSubstringKeys) { - MDB_cursor_op op = d->allowDuplicates ? MDB_SET : MDB_FIRST; + bool allowDuplicates = d->flags & AllowDuplicates; + + if (k.isEmpty() || allowDuplicates || findSubstringKeys) { + MDB_cursor_op op = allowDuplicates ? MDB_SET : MDB_FIRST; if (findSubstringKeys) { op = MDB_SET_RANGE; } if ((rc = mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, op)) == 0) { const auto current = QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)key.mv_data, key.mv_size); // The first lookup will find a key that is equal or greather than our key if (current.startsWith(k)) { const bool callResultHandler = !(skipInternalKeys && isInternalKey(current)); if (callResultHandler) { numberOfRetrievedValues++; } if (!callResultHandler || resultHandler(current, QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)data.mv_data, data.mv_size))) { if (findSubstringKeys) { // Reset the key to what we search for key.mv_data = (void *)k.constData(); key.mv_size = k.size(); } - MDB_cursor_op nextOp = (d->allowDuplicates && !findSubstringKeys) ? MDB_NEXT_DUP : MDB_NEXT; + MDB_cursor_op nextOp = (allowDuplicates && !findSubstringKeys) ? MDB_NEXT_DUP : MDB_NEXT; while ((rc = mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, nextOp)) == 0) { const auto current = QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)key.mv_data, key.mv_size); // Every consequitive lookup simply iterates through the list if (current.startsWith(k)) { const bool callResultHandler = !(skipInternalKeys && isInternalKey(current)); if (callResultHandler) { numberOfRetrievedValues++; if (!resultHandler(current, QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)data.mv_data, data.mv_size))) { break; } } } } } } } // We never find the last value if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) { rc = 0; } } else { if ((rc = mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, MDB_SET)) == 0) { numberOfRetrievedValues++; resultHandler(QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)key.mv_data, key.mv_size), QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)data.mv_data, data.mv_size)); } } mdb_cursor_close(cursor); if (rc) { Error error(d->name.toLatin1() + d->db, getErrorCode(rc), QByteArray("Error during scan. Key: ") + k + " : " + QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc))); errorHandler ? errorHandler(error) : d->defaultErrorHandler(error); } return numberOfRetrievedValues; } + +void DataStore::NamedDatabase::findLatest(size_t key, + const std::function &resultHandler, + const std::function &errorHandler) const +{ + return findLatest(sizeTToByteArray(key), + [&resultHandler](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { + resultHandler(byteArrayToSizeT(value), value); + }, + errorHandler); +} + void DataStore::NamedDatabase::findLatest(const QByteArray &k, const std::function &resultHandler, const std::function &errorHandler) const { if (!d || !d->transaction) { // Not an error. We rely on this to read nothing from non-existing databases. return; } if (k.isEmpty()) { Error error(d->name.toLatin1() + d->db, GenericError, QByteArray("Can't use findLatest with empty key.")); errorHandler ? errorHandler(error) : d->defaultErrorHandler(error); return; } int rc; MDB_val key; MDB_val data; MDB_cursor *cursor; key.mv_data = (void *)k.constData(); key.mv_size = k.size(); rc = mdb_cursor_open(d->transaction, d->dbi, &cursor); if (rc) { Error error(d->name.toLatin1() + d->db, getErrorCode(rc), QByteArray("Error during mdb_cursor_open: ") + QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc))); errorHandler ? errorHandler(error) : d->defaultErrorHandler(error); return; } bool foundValue = false; MDB_cursor_op op = MDB_SET_RANGE; if ((rc = mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, op)) == 0) { // The first lookup will find a key that is equal or greather than our key if (QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)key.mv_data, key.mv_size).startsWith(k)) { //Read next value until we no longer match while (QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)key.mv_data, key.mv_size).startsWith(k)) { MDB_cursor_op nextOp = MDB_NEXT; rc = mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, nextOp); if (rc) { break; } } //Now read the previous value, and that's the latest one MDB_cursor_op prefOp = MDB_PREV; // We read past the end above, just take the last value if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) { prefOp = MDB_LAST; } rc = mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, prefOp); if (!rc) { foundValue = true; resultHandler(QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)key.mv_data, key.mv_size), QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)data.mv_data, data.mv_size)); } } } // We never find the last value if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) { rc = 0; } mdb_cursor_close(cursor); if (rc) { Error error(d->name.toLatin1(), getErrorCode(rc), QByteArray("Error during find latest. Key: ") + k + " : " + QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc))); errorHandler ? errorHandler(error) : d->defaultErrorHandler(error); } else if (!foundValue) { Error error(d->name.toLatin1(), 1, QByteArray("Error during find latest. Key: ") + k + " : No value found"); errorHandler ? errorHandler(error) : d->defaultErrorHandler(error); } return; } +int DataStore::NamedDatabase::findAllInRange(const size_t lowerBound, const size_t upperBound, + const std::function &resultHandler, + const std::function &errorHandler) const +{ + return findAllInRange(sizeTToByteArray(lowerBound), sizeTToByteArray(upperBound), + [&resultHandler](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { + resultHandler(byteArrayToSizeT(value), value); + }, + errorHandler); +} + int DataStore::NamedDatabase::findAllInRange(const QByteArray &lowerBound, const QByteArray &upperBound, const std::function &resultHandler, const std::function &errorHandler) const { if (!d || !d->transaction) { // Not an error. We rely on this to read nothing from non-existing databases. return 0; } MDB_cursor *cursor; if (int rc = mdb_cursor_open(d->transaction, d->dbi, &cursor)) { // Invalid arguments can mean that the transaction doesn't contain the db dbi Error error(d->name.toLatin1() + d->db, getErrorCode(rc), QByteArray("Error during mdb_cursor_open: ") + QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc)) + ". Lower bound: " + lowerBound + " Upper bound: " + upperBound); errorHandler ? errorHandler(error) : d->defaultErrorHandler(error); return 0; } MDB_val firstKey = {(size_t)lowerBound.size(), (void *)lowerBound.constData()}; MDB_val idealLastKey = {(size_t)upperBound.size(), (void *)upperBound.constData()}; MDB_val currentKey; MDB_val data; // Find the first key in the range int rc = mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &firstKey, &data, MDB_SET_RANGE); if (rc != MDB_SUCCESS) { // Nothing is greater or equal than the lower bound, meaning no result mdb_cursor_close(cursor); return 0; } currentKey = firstKey; // If already bigger than the upper bound if (mdb_cmp(d->transaction, d->dbi, ¤tKey, &idealLastKey) > 0) { mdb_cursor_close(cursor); return 0; } int count = 0; do { const auto currentBAKey = QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)currentKey.mv_data, currentKey.mv_size); const auto currentBAValue = QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)data.mv_data, data.mv_size); resultHandler(currentBAKey, currentBAValue); count++; } while (mdb_cursor_get(cursor, ¤tKey, &data, MDB_NEXT) == MDB_SUCCESS && mdb_cmp(d->transaction, d->dbi, ¤tKey, &idealLastKey) <= 0); mdb_cursor_close(cursor); return count; } qint64 DataStore::NamedDatabase::getSize() { if (!d || !d->transaction) { return -1; } int rc; MDB_stat stat; rc = mdb_stat(d->transaction, d->dbi, &stat); if (rc) { SinkWarning() << "Something went wrong " << QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc)); } return stat.ms_psize * (stat.ms_leaf_pages + stat.ms_branch_pages + stat.ms_overflow_pages); } DataStore::NamedDatabase::Stat DataStore::NamedDatabase::stat() { if (!d || !d->transaction) { return {}; } int rc; MDB_stat stat; rc = mdb_stat(d->transaction, d->dbi, &stat); if (rc) { SinkWarning() << "Something went wrong " << QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc)); return {}; } return {stat.ms_branch_pages, stat.ms_leaf_pages, stat.ms_overflow_pages, stat.ms_entries}; // std::cout << "page size: " << stat.ms_psize << std::endl; // std::cout << "leaf_pages: " << stat.ms_leaf_pages << std::endl; // std::cout << "branch_pages: " << stat.ms_branch_pages << std::endl; // std::cout << "overflow_pages: " << stat.ms_overflow_pages << std::endl; // std::cout << "depth: " << stat.ms_depth << std::endl; // std::cout << "entries: " << stat.ms_entries << std::endl; } bool DataStore::NamedDatabase::allowsDuplicates() const { unsigned int flags; mdb_dbi_flags(d->transaction, d->dbi, &flags); return flags & MDB_DUPSORT; } class DataStore::Transaction::Private { public: Private(bool _requestRead, const std::function &_defaultErrorHandler, const QString &_name, MDB_env *_env) : env(_env), transaction(nullptr), requestedRead(_requestRead), defaultErrorHandler(_defaultErrorHandler), name(_name), implicitCommit(false), error(false) { } ~Private() { } MDB_env *env; MDB_txn *transaction; bool requestedRead; std::function defaultErrorHandler; QString name; bool implicitCommit; bool error; QMap createdDbs; void startTransaction() { Q_ASSERT(!transaction); Q_ASSERT(sEnvironments.values().contains(env)); Q_ASSERT(env); // auto f = [](const char *msg, void *ctx) -> int { // qDebug() << msg; // return 0; // }; // mdb_reader_list(env, f, nullptr); // Trace_area("storage." + name.toLatin1()) << "Opening transaction " << requestedRead; const int rc = mdb_txn_begin(env, NULL, requestedRead ? MDB_RDONLY : 0, &transaction); // Trace_area("storage." + name.toLatin1()) << "Started transaction " << mdb_txn_id(transaction) << transaction; if (rc) { unsigned int flags; mdb_env_get_flags(env, &flags); if (flags & MDB_RDONLY && !requestedRead) { SinkError() << "Tried to open a write transation in a read-only enironment"; } defaultErrorHandler(Error(name.toLatin1(), ErrorCodes::GenericError, "Error while opening transaction: " + QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc)))); } } }; DataStore::Transaction::Transaction() : d(nullptr) { } DataStore::Transaction::Transaction(Transaction::Private *prv) : d(prv) { d->startTransaction(); } DataStore::Transaction::Transaction(Transaction &&other) : d(nullptr) { *this = std::move(other); } DataStore::Transaction &DataStore::Transaction::operator=(DataStore::Transaction &&other) { if (&other != this) { abort(); delete d; d = other.d; other.d = nullptr; } return *this; } DataStore::Transaction::~Transaction() { if (d && d->transaction) { if (d->implicitCommit && !d->error) { commit(); } else { // Trace_area("storage." + d->name.toLatin1()) << "Aborting transaction" << mdb_txn_id(d->transaction) << d->transaction; abort(); } } delete d; } DataStore::Transaction::operator bool() const { return (d && d->transaction); } bool DataStore::Transaction::commit(const std::function &errorHandler) { if (!d || !d->transaction) { return false; } // Trace_area("storage." + d->name.toLatin1()) << "Committing transaction" << mdb_txn_id(d->transaction) << d->transaction; Q_ASSERT(sEnvironments.values().contains(d->env)); const int rc = mdb_txn_commit(d->transaction); if (rc) { abort(); Error error(d->name.toLatin1(), ErrorCodes::TransactionError, "Error during transaction commit: " + QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc))); errorHandler ? errorHandler(error) : d->defaultErrorHandler(error); //If transactions start failing we're in an unrecoverable situation (i.e. out of diskspace). So throw an exception that will terminate the application. throw std::runtime_error("Fatal error while committing transaction."); } //Add the created dbis to the shared environment if (!d->createdDbs.isEmpty()) { sDbisLock.lockForWrite(); for (auto it = d->createdDbs.constBegin(); it != d->createdDbs.constEnd(); it++) { //This means we opened the dbi again in a read-only transaction while the write transaction was ongoing. Q_ASSERT(!sDbis.contains(it.key())); if (!sDbis.contains(it.key())) { sDbis.insert(it.key(), it.value()); } } d->createdDbs.clear(); sDbisLock.unlock(); } d->transaction = nullptr; return !rc; } void DataStore::Transaction::abort() { if (!d || !d->transaction) { return; } // Trace_area("storage." + d->name.toLatin1()) << "Aborting transaction" << mdb_txn_id(d->transaction) << d->transaction; Q_ASSERT(sEnvironments.values().contains(d->env)); mdb_txn_abort(d->transaction); d->createdDbs.clear(); d->transaction = nullptr; } -//Ensure that we opened the correct database by comparing the expected identifier with the one -//we write to the database on first open. -static bool ensureCorrectDb(DataStore::NamedDatabase &database, const QByteArray &db, bool readOnly) -{ - bool openedTheWrongDatabase = false; - auto count = database.scan("__internal_dbname", [db, &openedTheWrongDatabase](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) ->bool { - if (value != db) { - SinkWarning() << "Opened the wrong database, got " << value << " instead of " << db; - openedTheWrongDatabase = true; - } - return false; - }, - [&](const DataStore::Error &) { - }, false); - //This is the first time we open this database in a write transaction, write the db name - if (!count) { - if (!readOnly) { - database.write("__internal_dbname", db); - } - } - return !openedTheWrongDatabase; -} - -DataStore::NamedDatabase DataStore::Transaction::openDatabase(const QByteArray &db, const std::function &errorHandler, bool allowDuplicates) const +DataStore::NamedDatabase DataStore::Transaction::openDatabase(const QByteArray &db, + const std::function &errorHandler, int flags) const { if (!d) { SinkError() << "Tried to open database on invalid transaction: " << db; return DataStore::NamedDatabase(); } Q_ASSERT(d->transaction); // We don't now if anything changed d->implicitCommit = true; - auto p = new DataStore::NamedDatabase::Private(db, allowDuplicates, d->defaultErrorHandler, d->name, d->transaction); + auto p = new DataStore::NamedDatabase::Private( + db, flags, d->defaultErrorHandler, d->name, d->transaction); auto ret = p->openDatabase(d->requestedRead, errorHandler); if (!ret) { delete p; return DataStore::NamedDatabase(); } if (p->createdNewDbi) { d->createdDbs.insert(p->createdNewDbiName, p->dbi); } auto database = DataStore::NamedDatabase(p); - if (!ensureCorrectDb(database, db, d->requestedRead)) { - SinkWarning() << "Failed to open the database correctly" << db; - Q_ASSERT(false); - return DataStore::NamedDatabase(); - } return database; } QList DataStore::Transaction::getDatabaseNames() const { if (!d) { SinkWarning() << "Invalid transaction"; return QList(); } return Sink::Storage::getDatabaseNames(d->transaction); } DataStore::Transaction::Stat DataStore::Transaction::stat(bool printDetails) { const int freeDbi = 0; const int mainDbi = 1; MDB_envinfo mei; mdb_env_info(d->env, &mei); MDB_stat mst; mdb_stat(d->transaction, freeDbi, &mst); auto freeStat = NamedDatabase::Stat{mst.ms_branch_pages, mst.ms_leaf_pages, mst.ms_overflow_pages, mst.ms_entries}; mdb_stat(d->transaction, mainDbi, &mst); auto mainStat = NamedDatabase::Stat{mst.ms_branch_pages, mst.ms_leaf_pages, mst.ms_overflow_pages, mst.ms_entries}; MDB_cursor *cursor; MDB_val key, data; size_t freePages = 0, *iptr; int rc = mdb_cursor_open(d->transaction, freeDbi, &cursor); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_cursor_open failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); return {}; } while ((rc = mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, MDB_NEXT)) == 0) { iptr = static_cast(data.mv_data); freePages += *iptr; bool bad = false; size_t pg, prev; ssize_t i, j, span = 0; j = *iptr++; for (i = j, prev = 1; --i >= 0; ) { pg = iptr[i]; if (pg <= prev) { bad = true; } prev = pg; pg += span; for (; i >= span && iptr[i-span] == pg; span++, pg++) ; } if (printDetails) { std::cout << " Transaction " << *(size_t *)key.mv_data << ", "<< j << " pages, maxspan " << span << (bad ? " [bad sequence]" : "") << std::endl; for (--j; j >= 0; ) { pg = iptr[j]; for (span=1; --j >= 0 && iptr[j] == pg+span; span++); if (span > 1) { std::cout << " " << pg << "[" << span << "]\n"; } else { std::cout << " " << pg << std::endl; } } } } mdb_cursor_close(cursor); return {mei.me_last_pgno + 1, freePages, mst.ms_psize, mainStat, freeStat}; } static size_t mapsize() { if (RUNNING_ON_VALGRIND) { // In order to run valgrind this size must be smaller than half your available RAM // https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/issues/2404 return (size_t)1048576 * (size_t)1000; // 1MB * 1000 } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN //Windows home 10 has a virtual address space limit of 128GB(https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa366778(v=vs.85).aspx#physical_memory_limits_windows_10). I seems like the 128GB need to accomodate all databases we open in the process. return (size_t)1048576 * (size_t)200; // 1MB * 200 #else //This is the maximum size of the db (but will not be used directly), so we make it large enough that we hopefully never run into the limit. return (size_t)1048576 * (size_t)100000; // 1MB * 100'000 #endif } class DataStore::Private { public: Private(const QString &s, const QString &n, AccessMode m, const DbLayout &layout = {}); ~Private(); QString storageRoot; QString name; MDB_env *env = nullptr; AccessMode mode; Sink::Log::Context logCtx; void initEnvironment(const QString &fullPath, const DbLayout &layout) { // Ensure the environment is only created once, and that we only have one environment per process QReadLocker locker(&sEnvironmentsLock); if (!(env = sEnvironments.value(fullPath))) { locker.unlock(); QWriteLocker envLocker(&sEnvironmentsLock); QWriteLocker dbiLocker(&sDbisLock); if (!(env = sEnvironments.value(fullPath))) { int rc = 0; if ((rc = mdb_env_create(&env))) { SinkErrorCtx(logCtx) << "mdb_env_create: " << rc << " " << mdb_strerror(rc); env = nullptr; throw std::runtime_error("Fatal error while creating db."); } else { //Limit large enough to accomodate all our named dbs. This only starts to matter if the number gets large, otherwise it's just a bunch of extra entries in the main table. mdb_env_set_maxdbs(env, 50); if (const int rc = mdb_env_set_mapsize(env, mapsize())) { SinkErrorCtx(logCtx) << "mdb_env_set_mapsize: " << rc << ":" << mdb_strerror(rc); Q_ASSERT(false); throw std::runtime_error("Fatal error while creating db."); } const bool readOnly = (mode == ReadOnly); unsigned int flags = MDB_NOTLS; if (readOnly) { flags |= MDB_RDONLY; } if ((rc = mdb_env_open(env, fullPath.toStdString().data(), flags, 0664))) { if (readOnly) { SinkLogCtx(logCtx) << "Tried to open non-existing db: " << fullPath; } else { SinkErrorCtx(logCtx) << "mdb_env_open: " << rc << ":" << mdb_strerror(rc); Q_ASSERT(false); throw std::runtime_error("Fatal error while creating db."); } mdb_env_close(env); env = 0; } else { Q_ASSERT(env); sEnvironments.insert(fullPath, env); //Open all available dbi's MDB_txn *transaction; if (const int rc = mdb_txn_begin(env, nullptr, readOnly ? MDB_RDONLY : 0, &transaction)) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to to open transaction: " << QByteArray(mdb_strerror(rc)) << readOnly << transaction; return; } if (!layout.tables.isEmpty()) { //TODO upgrade db if the layout has changed: //* read existing layout //* if layout is not the same create new layout //Create dbis from the given layout. for (auto it = layout.tables.constBegin(); it != layout.tables.constEnd(); it++) { - const bool allowDuplicates = it.value(); + const int flags = it.value(); MDB_dbi dbi = 0; const auto db = it.key(); const auto dbiName = name + db; - if (createDbi(transaction, db, readOnly, allowDuplicates, dbi)) { + if (createDbi(transaction, db, readOnly, flags, dbi)) { sDbis.insert(dbiName, dbi); } } } else { //Open all available databases for (const auto &db : getDatabaseNames(transaction)) { MDB_dbi dbi = 0; const auto dbiName = name + db; //We're going to load the flags anyways. - bool allowDuplicates = false; - if (createDbi(transaction, db, readOnly, allowDuplicates, dbi)) { + const int flags = 0; + if (createDbi(transaction, db, readOnly, flags, dbi)) { sDbis.insert(dbiName, dbi); } } } //To persist the dbis (this is also necessary for read-only transactions) mdb_txn_commit(transaction); } } } } } }; DataStore::Private::Private(const QString &s, const QString &n, AccessMode m, const DbLayout &layout) : storageRoot(s), name(n), env(0), mode(m), logCtx(n.toLatin1()) { const QString fullPath(storageRoot + '/' + name); QFileInfo dirInfo(fullPath); if (!dirInfo.exists() && mode == ReadWrite) { QDir().mkpath(fullPath); dirInfo.refresh(); } if (mode == ReadWrite && !dirInfo.permission(QFile::WriteOwner)) { qCritical() << fullPath << "does not have write permissions. Aborting"; } else if (dirInfo.exists()) { initEnvironment(fullPath, layout); } } DataStore::Private::~Private() { //We never close the environment (unless we remove the db), since we should only open the environment once per process (as per lmdb docs) //and create storage instance from all over the place. Thus, we're not closing it here on purpose. } DataStore::DataStore(const QString &storageRoot, const QString &name, AccessMode mode) : d(new Private(storageRoot, name, mode)) { } DataStore::DataStore(const QString &storageRoot, const DbLayout &dbLayout, AccessMode mode) : d(new Private(storageRoot, dbLayout.name, mode, dbLayout)) { } DataStore::~DataStore() { delete d; } bool DataStore::exists(const QString &storageRoot, const QString &name) { return QFileInfo(storageRoot + '/' + name + "/data.mdb").exists(); } bool DataStore::exists() const { return (d->env != 0) && DataStore::exists(d->storageRoot, d->name); } DataStore::Transaction DataStore::createTransaction(AccessMode type, const std::function &errorHandlerArg) { auto errorHandler = errorHandlerArg ? errorHandlerArg : defaultErrorHandler(); if (!d->env) { errorHandler(Error(d->name.toLatin1(), ErrorCodes::GenericError, "Failed to create transaction: Missing database environment")); return Transaction(); } bool requestedRead = type == ReadOnly; if (d->mode == ReadOnly && !requestedRead) { errorHandler(Error(d->name.toLatin1(), ErrorCodes::GenericError, "Failed to create transaction: Requested read/write transaction in read-only mode.")); return Transaction(); } QReadLocker locker(&sEnvironmentsLock); if (!sEnvironments.values().contains(d->env)) { return {}; } return Transaction(new Transaction::Private(requestedRead, defaultErrorHandler(), d->name, d->env)); } qint64 DataStore::diskUsage() const { QFileInfo info(d->storageRoot + '/' + d->name + "/data.mdb"); if (!info.exists()) { SinkWarning() << "Tried to get filesize for non-existant file: " << info.path(); } return info.size(); } void DataStore::removeFromDisk() const { const QString fullPath(d->storageRoot + '/' + d->name); QWriteLocker dbiLocker(&sDbisLock); QWriteLocker envLocker(&sEnvironmentsLock); SinkTrace() << "Removing database from disk: " << fullPath; auto env = sEnvironments.take(fullPath); for (const auto &key : sDbis.keys()) { if (key.startsWith(d->name)) { sDbis.remove(key); } } mdb_env_close(env); QDir dir(fullPath); if (!dir.removeRecursively()) { Error error(d->name.toLatin1(), ErrorCodes::GenericError, QString("Failed to remove directory %1 %2").arg(d->storageRoot).arg(d->name).toLatin1()); defaultErrorHandler()(error); } } void DataStore::clearEnv() { SinkTrace() << "Clearing environment"; QWriteLocker locker(&sEnvironmentsLock); QWriteLocker dbiLocker(&sDbisLock); for (const auto &envName : sEnvironments.keys()) { auto env = sEnvironments.value(envName); mdb_env_sync(env, true); for (const auto &k : sDbis.keys()) { if (k.startsWith(envName)) { auto dbi = sDbis.value(k); mdb_dbi_close(env, dbi); } } mdb_env_close(env); } sDbis.clear(); sEnvironments.clear(); } } } // namespace Sink diff --git a/common/store.cpp b/common/store.cpp index 0328c7f2..b3a9888a 100644 --- a/common/store.cpp +++ b/common/store.cpp @@ -1,529 +1,553 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "store.h" #include #include #include #include #include "resourceaccess.h" #include "commands.h" #include "resourcefacade.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "resourceconfig.h" #include "facadefactory.h" #include "modelresult.h" #include "storage.h" #include "log.h" #include "utils.h" #define ASSERT_ENUMS_MATCH(A, B) Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(A) == static_cast(B), "The enum values must match"); //Ensure the copied enum matches typedef ModelResult MailModelResult; ASSERT_ENUMS_MATCH(Sink::Store::DomainObjectBaseRole, MailModelResult::DomainObjectBaseRole) ASSERT_ENUMS_MATCH(Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole, MailModelResult::ChildrenFetchedRole) ASSERT_ENUMS_MATCH(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole, MailModelResult::DomainObjectRole) ASSERT_ENUMS_MATCH(Sink::Store::StatusRole, MailModelResult::StatusRole) ASSERT_ENUMS_MATCH(Sink::Store::WarningRole, MailModelResult::WarningRole) ASSERT_ENUMS_MATCH(Sink::Store::ProgressRole, MailModelResult::ProgressRole) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QSharedPointer>) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QSharedPointer); Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(std::shared_ptr); static bool sanityCheckQuery(const Sink::Query &query) { for (const auto &id : query.ids()) { if (id.isEmpty()) { SinkError() << "Empty id in query."; return false; } } return true; } +static KAsync::Job forEachResource(const Sink::SyncScope &scope, std::function(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::SinkResource::Ptr &resource)> callback) +{ + using namespace Sink; + auto resourceFilter = scope.getResourceFilter(); + //Filter resources by type by default + if (!resourceFilter.propertyFilter.contains({ApplicationDomain::SinkResource::Capabilities::name}) && !scope.type().isEmpty()) { + resourceFilter.propertyFilter.insert({ApplicationDomain::SinkResource::Capabilities::name}, Query::Comparator{scope.type(), Query::Comparator::Contains}); + } + Sink::Query query; + query.setFilter(resourceFilter); + return Store::fetchAll(query) + .template each(callback); +} namespace Sink { QString Store::storageLocation() { return Sink::storageLocation(); } template KAsync::Job queryResource(const QByteArray resourceType, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier, const Query &query, typename AggregatingResultEmitter::Ptr aggregatingEmitter, const Sink::Log::Context &ctx_) { auto ctx = ctx_.subContext(resourceInstanceIdentifier); auto facade = FacadeFactory::instance().getFacade(resourceType, resourceInstanceIdentifier); if (facade) { SinkTraceCtx(ctx) << "Trying to fetch from resource " << resourceInstanceIdentifier; auto result = facade->load(query, ctx); if (result.second) { aggregatingEmitter->addEmitter(result.second); } else { SinkWarningCtx(ctx) << "Null emitter for resource " << resourceInstanceIdentifier; } return result.first; } else { SinkTraceCtx(ctx) << "Couldn' find a facade for " << resourceInstanceIdentifier; // Ignore the error and carry on return KAsync::null(); } } template QPair::Ptr, typename ResultEmitter::Ptr> getEmitter(Query query, const Log::Context &ctx) { query.setType(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()); SinkTraceCtx(ctx) << "Query: " << query; // Query all resources and aggregate results auto aggregatingEmitter = AggregatingResultEmitter::Ptr::create(); if (ApplicationDomain::isGlobalType(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName())) { //For global types we don't need to query for the resources first. queryResource("", "", query, aggregatingEmitter, ctx).exec(); } else { auto resourceCtx = ctx.subContext("resourceQuery"); auto facade = FacadeFactory::instance().getFacade(); Q_ASSERT(facade); Sink::Query resourceQuery; resourceQuery.request(); if (query.liveQuery()) { SinkTraceCtx(ctx) << "Listening for new resources."; resourceQuery.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); } //Filter resources by available content types (unless the query already specifies a capability filter) auto resourceFilter = query.getResourceFilter(); if (!resourceFilter.propertyFilter.contains({ApplicationDomain::SinkResource::Capabilities::name})) { resourceFilter.propertyFilter.insert({ApplicationDomain::SinkResource::Capabilities::name}, Query::Comparator{ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), Query::Comparator::Contains}); } resourceQuery.setFilter(resourceFilter); for (auto const &properties : resourceFilter.propertyFilter.keys()) { resourceQuery.requestedProperties << properties; } auto result = facade->load(resourceQuery, resourceCtx); auto emitter = result.second; emitter->onAdded([=](const ApplicationDomain::SinkResource::Ptr &resource) { SinkTraceCtx(resourceCtx) << "Found new resources: " << resource->identifier(); const auto resourceType = ResourceConfig::getResourceType(resource->identifier()); Q_ASSERT(!resourceType.isEmpty()); queryResource(resourceType, resource->identifier(), query, aggregatingEmitter, ctx).exec(); }); emitter->onComplete([query, aggregatingEmitter, resourceCtx]() { SinkTraceCtx(resourceCtx) << "Resource query complete"; }); return qMakePair(aggregatingEmitter, emitter); } return qMakePair(aggregatingEmitter, ResultEmitter::Ptr{}); } static Log::Context getQueryContext(const Sink::Query &query, const QByteArray &type) { if (!query.id().isEmpty()) { return Log::Context{"query." + type + "." + query.id()}; } return Log::Context{"query." + type}; } template QSharedPointer Store::loadModel(const Query &query) { Q_ASSERT(sanityCheckQuery(query)); auto ctx = getQueryContext(query, ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()); auto model = QSharedPointer>::create(query, query.requestedProperties, ctx); //* Client defines lifetime of model //* The model lifetime defines the duration of live-queries //* The facade needs to life for the duration of any calls being made (assuming we get rid of any internal callbacks //* The emitter needs to live or the duration of query (respectively, the model) //* The result provider needs to live for as long as results are provided (until the last thread exits). auto result = getEmitter(query, ctx); model->setEmitter(result.first); //Keep the emitter alive if (auto resourceEmitter = result.second) { model->setProperty("resourceEmitter", QVariant::fromValue(resourceEmitter)); //TODO only neceesary for live queries resourceEmitter->fetch(); } //Automatically populate the top-level model->fetchMore(QModelIndex()); - return model; + return std::move(model); } template static std::shared_ptr> getFacade(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier) { if (ApplicationDomain::isGlobalType(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName())) { if (auto facade = FacadeFactory::instance().getFacade()) { return facade; } } if (auto facade = FacadeFactory::instance().getFacade(ResourceConfig::getResourceType(resourceInstanceIdentifier), resourceInstanceIdentifier)) { return facade; } return std::make_shared>(); } template KAsync::Job Store::create(const DomainType &domainObject) { SinkLog() << "Create: " << domainObject; auto facade = getFacade(domainObject.resourceInstanceIdentifier()); return facade->create(domainObject).addToContext(std::shared_ptr(facade)).onError([](const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to create " << error; }); } template KAsync::Job Store::modify(const DomainType &domainObject) { if (domainObject.changedProperties().isEmpty()) { SinkLog() << "Nothing to modify: " << domainObject.identifier(); return KAsync::null(); } SinkLog() << "Modify: " << domainObject; auto facade = getFacade(domainObject.resourceInstanceIdentifier()); if (domainObject.isAggregate()) { return KAsync::value(domainObject.aggregatedIds()) .addToContext(std::shared_ptr(facade)) .each([=] (const QByteArray &id) { auto object = Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createCopy(id, domainObject); return facade->modify(object).onError([](const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to modify " << error; }); }); } return facade->modify(domainObject).addToContext(std::shared_ptr(facade)).onError([](const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to modify"; }); } template KAsync::Job Store::modify(const Query &query, const DomainType &domainObject) { if (domainObject.changedProperties().isEmpty()) { SinkLog() << "Nothing to modify: " << domainObject.identifier(); return KAsync::null(); } SinkLog() << "Modify: " << query << domainObject; return fetchAll(query) .each([=] (const typename DomainType::Ptr &entity) { auto copy = *entity; for (const auto &p : domainObject.changedProperties()) { copy.setProperty(p, domainObject.getProperty(p)); } return modify(copy); }); } template KAsync::Job Store::move(const DomainType &domainObject, const QByteArray &newResource) { SinkLog() << "Move: " << domainObject << newResource; auto facade = getFacade(domainObject.resourceInstanceIdentifier()); if (domainObject.isAggregate()) { return KAsync::value(domainObject.aggregatedIds()) .addToContext(std::shared_ptr(facade)) .each([=] (const QByteArray &id) { auto object = Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createCopy(id, domainObject); return facade->move(object, newResource).onError([](const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to move " << error; }); }); } return facade->move(domainObject, newResource).addToContext(std::shared_ptr(facade)).onError([](const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to move " << error; }); } template KAsync::Job Store::copy(const DomainType &domainObject, const QByteArray &newResource) { SinkLog() << "Copy: " << domainObject << newResource; auto facade = getFacade(domainObject.resourceInstanceIdentifier()); if (domainObject.isAggregate()) { return KAsync::value(domainObject.aggregatedIds()) .addToContext(std::shared_ptr(facade)) .each([=] (const QByteArray &id) { auto object = Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createCopy(id, domainObject); return facade->copy(object, newResource).onError([](const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to copy " << error; }); }); } return facade->copy(domainObject, newResource).addToContext(std::shared_ptr(facade)).onError([](const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to copy " << error; }); } template KAsync::Job Store::remove(const DomainType &domainObject) { SinkLog() << "Remove: " << domainObject; auto facade = getFacade(domainObject.resourceInstanceIdentifier()); if (domainObject.isAggregate()) { return KAsync::value(domainObject.aggregatedIds()) .addToContext(std::shared_ptr(facade)) .each([=] (const QByteArray &id) { auto object = Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createCopy(id, domainObject); return facade->remove(object).onError([](const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to remove " << error; }); }); } return facade->remove(domainObject).addToContext(std::shared_ptr(facade)).onError([](const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to remove " << error; }); } template KAsync::Job Store::remove(const Sink::Query &query) { SinkLog() << "Remove: " << query; return fetchAll(query) .each([] (const typename DomainType::Ptr &entity) { return remove(*entity); }); } KAsync::Job Store::removeDataFromDisk(const QByteArray &identifier) { // All databases are going to become invalid, nuke the environments // TODO: all clients should react to a notification from the resource Sink::Storage::DataStore::clearEnv(); SinkTrace() << "Remove data from disk " << identifier; auto time = QSharedPointer::create(); time->start(); auto resourceAccess = ResourceAccessFactory::instance().getAccess(identifier, ResourceConfig::getResourceType(identifier)); resourceAccess->open(); return resourceAccess->sendCommand(Sink::Commands::RemoveFromDiskCommand) .addToContext(resourceAccess) .then([resourceAccess](KAsync::Future &future) { if (resourceAccess->isReady()) { //Wait for the resource shutdown - QObject::connect(resourceAccess.data(), &ResourceAccess::ready, [&future](bool ready) { + auto guard = new QObject; + QObject::connect(resourceAccess.data(), &ResourceAccess::ready, guard, [&future, guard](bool ready) { if (!ready) { + //We don't disconnect if ResourceAccess get's recycled, so ready can fire multiple times, which can result in a crash if the future is no longer valid. + delete guard; future.setFinished(); } }); } else { future.setFinished(); } }) .then([time]() { SinkTrace() << "Remove from disk complete." << Log::TraceTime(time->elapsed()); }); } static KAsync::Job upgrade(const QByteArray &resource) { auto store = Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), resource, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); if (!store.exists() || Storage::DataStore::databaseVersion(store.createTransaction(Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly)) == Sink::latestDatabaseVersion()) { return KAsync::value(Store::UpgradeResult{false}); } SinkLog() << "Upgrading " << resource; //We're not using the factory to avoid getting a cached resourceaccess with the wrong resourceType auto resourceAccess = Sink::ResourceAccess::Ptr{new Sink::ResourceAccess(resource, ResourceConfig::getResourceType(resource)), &QObject::deleteLater}; return resourceAccess->sendCommand(Sink::Commands::UpgradeCommand) .addToContext(resourceAccess) .then([=](const KAsync::Error &error) { if (error) { SinkWarning() << "Error during upgrade."; return KAsync::error(error); } SinkTrace() << "Upgrade of resource " << resource << " complete."; return KAsync::null(); }) .then(KAsync::value(Store::UpgradeResult{true})); } KAsync::Job Store::upgrade() { SinkLog() << "Upgrading..."; //Migrate from sink.dav to sink.carddav const auto resources = ResourceConfig::getResources(); for (auto it = resources.constBegin(); it != resources.constEnd(); it++) { if (it.value() == "sink.dav") { ResourceConfig::setResourceType(it.key(), "sink.carddav"); } } auto ret = QSharedPointer::create(false); return fetchAll({}) .template each([ret](const ApplicationDomain::SinkResource::Ptr &resource) -> KAsync::Job { return Sink::upgrade(resource->identifier()) .then([ret](UpgradeResult returnValue) { if (returnValue.upgradeExecuted) { SinkLog() << "Upgrade executed."; *ret = true; } }); }) .then([ret] { if (*ret) { SinkLog() << "Upgrade complete."; } return Store::UpgradeResult{*ret}; }); } static KAsync::Job synchronize(const QByteArray &resource, const Sink::SyncScope &scope) { SinkLog() << "Synchronizing " << resource << scope; auto resourceAccess = ResourceAccessFactory::instance().getAccess(resource, ResourceConfig::getResourceType(resource)); return resourceAccess->synchronizeResource(scope) .addToContext(resourceAccess) .then([=](const KAsync::Error &error) { if (error) { SinkWarning() << "Error during sync."; return KAsync::error(error); } SinkTrace() << "Synchronization of resource " << resource << " complete."; return KAsync::null(); }); } KAsync::Job Store::synchronize(const Sink::Query &query) { return synchronize(Sink::SyncScope{query}); } KAsync::Job Store::synchronize(const Sink::SyncScope &scope) { - auto resourceFilter = scope.getResourceFilter(); - //Filter resources by type by default - if (!resourceFilter.propertyFilter.contains({ApplicationDomain::SinkResource::Capabilities::name}) && !scope.type().isEmpty()) { - resourceFilter.propertyFilter.insert({ApplicationDomain::SinkResource::Capabilities::name}, Query::Comparator{scope.type(), Query::Comparator::Contains}); - } - Sink::Query query; - query.setFilter(resourceFilter); - SinkLog() << "Synchronizing all resource matching: " << query; - return fetchAll(query) - .template each([scope](const ApplicationDomain::SinkResource::Ptr &resource) -> KAsync::Job { + SinkLog() << "Synchronizing all resource matching: " << scope; + return forEachResource(scope, [=] (const auto &resource) { return synchronize(resource->identifier(), scope); }); } +KAsync::Job Store::abortSynchronization(const Sink::SyncScope &scope) +{ + return forEachResource(scope, [] (const auto &resource) { + auto resourceAccess = ResourceAccessFactory::instance().getAccess(resource->identifier(), ResourceConfig::getResourceType(resource->identifier())); + return resourceAccess->sendCommand(Sink::Commands::AbortSynchronizationCommand) + .addToContext(resourceAccess) + .then([=](const KAsync::Error &error) { + if (error) { + SinkWarning() << "Error aborting synchronization."; + return KAsync::error(error); + } + return KAsync::null(); + }); + }); +} + template KAsync::Job Store::fetchOne(const Sink::Query &query) { return fetch(query, 1).template then>([](const QList &list) { return KAsync::value(*list.first()); }); } template KAsync::Job> Store::fetchAll(const Sink::Query &query) { return fetch(query); } template KAsync::Job> Store::fetch(const Sink::Query &query, int minimumAmount) { Q_ASSERT(sanityCheckQuery(query)); auto model = loadModel(query); auto list = QSharedPointer>::create(); auto context = QSharedPointer::create(); return KAsync::start>([model, list, context, minimumAmount](KAsync::Future> &future) { if (model->rowCount() >= 1) { for (int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(); i++) { list->append(model->index(i, 0, QModelIndex()).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).template value()); } } else { QObject::connect(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::rowsInserted, context.data(), [model, list](const QModelIndex &index, int start, int end) { for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { list->append(model->index(i, 0, QModelIndex()).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).template value()); } }); QObject::connect(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged, context.data(), [model, &future, list, minimumAmount](const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &, const QVector &roles) { if (roles.contains(ModelResult::ChildrenFetchedRole)) { if (list->size() < minimumAmount) { future.setError(1, "Not enough values."); } else { future.setValue(*list); future.setFinished(); } } }); } if (model->data(QModelIndex(), ModelResult::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()) { if (list->size() < minimumAmount) { future.setError(1, "Not enough values."); } else { future.setValue(*list); } future.setFinished(); } }); } template DomainType Store::readOne(const Sink::Query &query) { const auto list = read(query); if (!list.isEmpty()) { return list.first(); } SinkWarning() << "Tried to read value but no values are available."; return DomainType(); } template QList Store::read(const Sink::Query &query_) { Q_ASSERT(sanityCheckQuery(query_)); auto query = query_; query.setFlags(Query::SynchronousQuery); auto ctx = getQueryContext(query, ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()); QList list; auto result = getEmitter(query, ctx); auto aggregatingEmitter = result.first; aggregatingEmitter->onAdded([&list, ctx](const typename DomainType::Ptr &value){ SinkTraceCtx(ctx) << "Found value: " << value->identifier(); list << *value; }); if (auto resourceEmitter = result.second) { resourceEmitter->fetch(); } aggregatingEmitter->fetch(); return list; } #define REGISTER_TYPE(T) \ template KAsync::Job Store::remove(const T &domainObject); \ template KAsync::Job Store::remove(const Query &); \ template KAsync::Job Store::create(const T &domainObject); \ template KAsync::Job Store::modify(const T &domainObject); \ template KAsync::Job Store::modify(const Query &, const T &); \ template KAsync::Job Store::move(const T &domainObject, const QByteArray &newResource); \ template KAsync::Job Store::copy(const T &domainObject, const QByteArray &newResource); \ template QSharedPointer Store::loadModel(const Query &query); \ template KAsync::Job Store::fetchOne(const Query &); \ template KAsync::Job> Store::fetchAll(const Query &); \ template KAsync::Job> Store::fetch(const Query &, int); \ template T Store::readOne(const Query &); \ template QList Store::read(const Query &); SINK_REGISTER_TYPES() } // namespace Sink diff --git a/common/store.h b/common/store.h index fb9c3fe8..2104f51a 100644 --- a/common/store.h +++ b/common/store.h @@ -1,154 +1,159 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "sink_export.h" #include #include #include #include "query.h" #include "applicationdomaintype.h" class QAbstractItemModel; namespace Sink { /** * The unified Sink Store. * * This is the primary interface for clients to interact with Sink. * It provides a unified store where all data provided by various resources can be accessed and modified. */ namespace Store { QString SINK_EXPORT storageLocation(); // Must be the same as in ModelResult enum Roles { DomainObjectRole = Qt::UserRole + 1, ChildrenFetchedRole, DomainObjectBaseRole, StatusRole, //ApplicationDomain::SyncStatus WarningRole, //ApplicationDomain::Warning, only if status == warning || status == error ProgressRole //ApplicationDomain::Progress }; /** * Asynchronusly load a dataset with tree structure information */ template QSharedPointer SINK_EXPORT loadModel(const Query &query); /** * Create a new entity. */ template KAsync::Job SINK_EXPORT create(const DomainType &domainObject); /** * Modify an entity. * * This includes moving etc. since these are also simple settings on a property. * Note that the modification will be dropped if there is no changedProperty on the domain object. */ template KAsync::Job SINK_EXPORT modify(const DomainType &domainObject); /** * Modify a set of entities identified by @param query. * * Note that the modification will be dropped if there is no changedProperty on the domain object. */ template KAsync::Job SINK_EXPORT modify(const Query &query, const DomainType &domainObject); /** * Remove an entity. */ template KAsync::Job SINK_EXPORT remove(const DomainType &domainObject); /** * Remove a set of entities identified by @param query. */ template KAsync::Job SINK_EXPORT remove(const Query &query); /** * Move an entity to a new resource. */ template KAsync::Job SINK_EXPORT move(const DomainType &domainObject, const QByteArray &newResource); /** * Copy an entity to a new resource. */ template KAsync::Job SINK_EXPORT copy(const DomainType &domainObject, const QByteArray &newResource); /** * Synchronize data to local cache. */ KAsync::Job SINK_EXPORT synchronize(const Sink::Query &query); KAsync::Job SINK_EXPORT synchronize(const Sink::SyncScope &query); +/** + * Abort all running synchronization commands. + */ +KAsync::Job SINK_EXPORT abortSynchronization(const Sink::SyncScope &scope); + /** * Removes all resource data from disk. * * This will not touch the configuration. All commands that that arrived at the resource before this command will be dropped. All commands that arrived later will be executed. */ KAsync::Job SINK_EXPORT removeDataFromDisk(const QByteArray &resourceIdentifier); struct UpgradeResult { bool upgradeExecuted; }; /** * Run upgrade jobs. * * Run this to upgrade your local database to a new version. * Note that this may: * * take a while * * remove some/all of your local caches * * Note: The initial implementation simply calls removeDataFromDisk for all resources. */ KAsync::Job SINK_EXPORT upgrade(); template KAsync::Job SINK_EXPORT fetchOne(const Sink::Query &query); template KAsync::Job> SINK_EXPORT fetchAll(const Sink::Query &query); template KAsync::Job> SINK_EXPORT fetch(const Sink::Query &query, int minimumAmount = 0); template DomainType SINK_EXPORT readOne(const Sink::Query &query); template QList SINK_EXPORT read(const Sink::Query &query); } } diff --git a/common/synchronizer.cpp b/common/synchronizer.cpp index 41ab1e92..040b893c 100644 --- a/common/synchronizer.cpp +++ b/common/synchronizer.cpp @@ -1,743 +1,888 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "synchronizer.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "commands.h" #include "bufferutils.h" #include "synchronizerstore.h" #include "datastorequery.h" #include "createentity_generated.h" #include "modifyentity_generated.h" #include "deleteentity_generated.h" #include "flush_generated.h" #include "notification_generated.h" #include "utils.h" using namespace Sink; +bool operator==(const Synchronizer::SyncRequest &left, const Synchronizer::SyncRequest &right) +{ + return left.flushType == right.flushType + && left.requestId == right.requestId + && left.requestType == right.requestType + && left.options == right.options + && left.query == right.query + && left.applicableEntities == right.applicableEntities; +} + Synchronizer::Synchronizer(const Sink::ResourceContext &context) : ChangeReplay(context, {"synchronizer"}), mLogCtx{"synchronizer"}, mResourceContext(context), mEntityStore(Storage::EntityStore::Ptr::create(mResourceContext, mLogCtx)), mSyncStorage(Sink::storageLocation(), mResourceContext.instanceId() + ".synchronization", Sink::Storage::DataStore::DataStore::ReadWrite), - mSyncInProgress(false) + mSyncInProgress(false), + mAbort(false) { mCurrentState.push(ApplicationDomain::Status::NoStatus); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Starting synchronizer: " << mResourceContext.resourceType << mResourceContext.instanceId(); } Synchronizer::~Synchronizer() { } void Synchronizer::setSecret(const QString &s) { mSecret = s; if (!mSyncRequestQueue.isEmpty()) { processSyncQueue().exec(); } } QString Synchronizer::secret() const { return mSecret; } void Synchronizer::setup(const std::function &enqueueCommandCallback, MessageQueue &mq) { mEnqueue = enqueueCommandCallback; mMessageQueue = &mq; } void Synchronizer::enqueueCommand(int commandId, const QByteArray &data) { Q_ASSERT(mEnqueue); mEnqueue(commandId, data); } Storage::EntityStore &Synchronizer::store() { Q_ASSERT(mEntityStore->hasTransaction()); return *mEntityStore; } SynchronizerStore &Synchronizer::syncStore() { if (!mSyncStore) { mSyncStore = QSharedPointer::create(syncTransaction()); } return *mSyncStore; } void Synchronizer::createEntity(const QByteArray &sinkId, const QByteArray &bufferType, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &domainObject) { // These changes are coming from the source const auto replayToSource = false; flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder entityFbb; mResourceContext.adaptorFactory(bufferType).createBuffer(domainObject, entityFbb); flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto entityId = fbb.CreateString(sinkId.toStdString()); auto type = fbb.CreateString(bufferType.toStdString()); auto delta = Sink::EntityBuffer::appendAsVector(fbb, entityFbb.GetBufferPointer(), entityFbb.GetSize()); auto location = Sink::Commands::CreateCreateEntity(fbb, entityId, type, delta, replayToSource); Sink::Commands::FinishCreateEntityBuffer(fbb, location); enqueueCommand(Sink::Commands::CreateEntityCommand, BufferUtils::extractBuffer(fbb)); } void Synchronizer::modifyEntity(const QByteArray &sinkId, qint64 revision, const QByteArray &bufferType, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &domainObject, const QByteArray &newResource, bool remove) { // FIXME removals QByteArrayList deletedProperties; // These changes are coming from the source const auto replayToSource = false; flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder entityFbb; mResourceContext.adaptorFactory(bufferType).createBuffer(domainObject, entityFbb); flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto entityId = fbb.CreateString(sinkId.toStdString()); auto modifiedProperties = BufferUtils::toVector(fbb, domainObject.changedProperties()); auto deletions = BufferUtils::toVector(fbb, deletedProperties); auto type = fbb.CreateString(bufferType.toStdString()); auto delta = Sink::EntityBuffer::appendAsVector(fbb, entityFbb.GetBufferPointer(), entityFbb.GetSize()); auto resource = newResource.isEmpty() ? 0 : fbb.CreateString(newResource.constData()); auto location = Sink::Commands::CreateModifyEntity(fbb, revision, entityId, deletions, type, delta, replayToSource, modifiedProperties, resource, remove); Sink::Commands::FinishModifyEntityBuffer(fbb, location); enqueueCommand(Sink::Commands::ModifyEntityCommand, BufferUtils::extractBuffer(fbb)); } void Synchronizer::deleteEntity(const QByteArray &sinkId, qint64 revision, const QByteArray &bufferType) { // These changes are coming from the source const auto replayToSource = false; flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto entityId = fbb.CreateString(sinkId.toStdString()); // This is the resource type and not the domain type auto type = fbb.CreateString(bufferType.toStdString()); auto location = Sink::Commands::CreateDeleteEntity(fbb, revision, entityId, type, replayToSource); Sink::Commands::FinishDeleteEntityBuffer(fbb, location); enqueueCommand(Sink::Commands::DeleteEntityCommand, BufferUtils::extractBuffer(fbb)); } void Synchronizer::scanForRemovals(const QByteArray &bufferType, const std::function &callback)> &entryGenerator, std::function exists) { entryGenerator([this, bufferType, &exists](const QByteArray &sinkId) { const auto remoteId = syncStore().resolveLocalId(bufferType, sinkId); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Checking for removal " << sinkId << remoteId; // If we have no remoteId, the entity hasn't been replayed to the source yet if (!remoteId.isEmpty()) { if (!exists(remoteId)) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Found a removed entity: " << sinkId; deleteEntity(sinkId, mEntityStore->maxRevision(), bufferType); } } }); } void Synchronizer::scanForRemovals(const QByteArray &bufferType, std::function exists) { scanForRemovals(bufferType, [this, &bufferType](const std::function &callback) { store().readAllUids(bufferType, [callback](const QByteArray &uid) { callback(uid); }); }, exists ); } void Synchronizer::modifyIfChanged(Storage::EntityStore &store, const QByteArray &bufferType, const QByteArray &sinkId, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity) { store.readLatest(bufferType, sinkId, [&, this](const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType ¤t) { - bool changed = false; - for (const auto &property : entity.changedProperties()) { - if (entity.getProperty(property) != current.getProperty(property)) { - SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Property changed " << sinkId << property; - changed = true; + const bool changed = [&] { + for (const auto &property : entity.changedProperties()) { + if (entity.getProperty(property) != current.getProperty(property)) { + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Property changed " << sinkId << property; + return true; + } } - } + return false; + }(); if (changed) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Found a modified entity: " << sinkId; modifyEntity(sinkId, store.maxRevision(), bufferType, entity); + } else { + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Entity was not modified: " << sinkId; } }); } void Synchronizer::modify(const QByteArray &bufferType, const QByteArray &remoteId, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity) { const auto sinkId = syncStore().resolveRemoteId(bufferType, remoteId, false); if (sinkId.isEmpty()) { - SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Can't modify entity that is not locally existing " << remoteId; + SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Failed to find the local id for " << remoteId; return; } Storage::EntityStore store(mResourceContext, mLogCtx); modifyIfChanged(store, bufferType, sinkId, entity); } void Synchronizer::createOrModify(const QByteArray &bufferType, const QByteArray &remoteId, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Create or modify" << bufferType << remoteId; - Storage::EntityStore store(mResourceContext, mLogCtx); const auto sinkId = syncStore().resolveRemoteId(bufferType, remoteId); - const auto found = store.contains(bufferType, sinkId); - if (!found) { + if (sinkId.isEmpty()) { + SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Failed to create a local id for " << remoteId; + Q_ASSERT(false); + return; + } + Storage::EntityStore store(mResourceContext, mLogCtx); + if (!store.contains(bufferType, sinkId)) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Found a new entity: " << remoteId; createEntity(sinkId, bufferType, entity); } else { // modification - modify(bufferType, remoteId, entity); + modifyIfChanged(store, bufferType, sinkId, entity); } } template void Synchronizer::createOrModify(const QByteArray &bufferType, const QByteArray &remoteId, const DomainType &entity, const QHash &mergeCriteria) { - SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Create or modify" << bufferType << remoteId; const auto sinkId = syncStore().resolveRemoteId(bufferType, remoteId); + if (sinkId.isEmpty()) { + SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Failed to create a local id for " << remoteId; + Q_ASSERT(false); + return; + } Storage::EntityStore store(mResourceContext, mLogCtx); - const auto found = store.contains(bufferType, sinkId); - if (!found) { + if (!store.contains(bufferType, sinkId)) { if (!mergeCriteria.isEmpty()) { Sink::Query query; for (auto it = mergeCriteria.constBegin(); it != mergeCriteria.constEnd(); it++) { query.filter(it.key(), it.value()); } bool merge = false; - Storage::EntityStore store{mResourceContext, mLogCtx}; DataStoreQuery dataStoreQuery{query, ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), store}; auto resultSet = dataStoreQuery.execute(); resultSet.replaySet(0, 1, [this, &merge, bufferType, remoteId](const ResultSet::Result &r) { merge = true; SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Merging local entity with remote entity: " << r.entity.identifier() << remoteId; syncStore().recordRemoteId(bufferType, r.entity.identifier(), remoteId); }); if (!merge) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Found a new entity: " << remoteId; createEntity(sinkId, bufferType, entity); } } else { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Found a new entity: " << remoteId; createEntity(sinkId, bufferType, entity); } } else { // modification modifyIfChanged(store, bufferType, sinkId, entity); } } -QByteArrayList Synchronizer::resolveFilter(const QueryBase::Comparator &filter) +QByteArrayList Synchronizer::resolveQuery(const QueryBase &query) { + if (query.type().isEmpty()) { + SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Can't resolve a query without a type" << query; + return {}; + } QByteArrayList result; + Storage::EntityStore store{mResourceContext, mLogCtx}; + DataStoreQuery dataStoreQuery{query, query.type(), store}; + auto resultSet = dataStoreQuery.execute(); + resultSet.replaySet(0, 0, [&](const ResultSet::Result &r) { + result << r.entity.identifier(); + }); + return result; +} + +QByteArrayList Synchronizer::resolveFilter(const QueryBase::Comparator &filter) +{ if (filter.value.canConvert()) { const auto value = filter.value.value(); if (value.isEmpty()) { SinkErrorCtx(mLogCtx) << "Tried to filter for an empty value: " << filter; } else { - result << filter.value.value(); + return {filter.value.value()}; } } else if (filter.value.canConvert()) { - auto query = filter.value.value(); - Storage::EntityStore store{mResourceContext, mLogCtx}; - DataStoreQuery dataStoreQuery{query, query.type(), store}; - auto resultSet = dataStoreQuery.execute(); - resultSet.replaySet(0, 0, [&result](const ResultSet::Result &r) { - result << r.entity.identifier(); - }); + return resolveQuery(filter.value.value()); + } else if (filter.value.canConvert()) { + return resolveQuery(filter.value.value()); + } else if (filter.value.canConvert()) { + return resolveQuery(filter.value.value()); } else { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "unknown filter type: " << filter; Q_ASSERT(false); } - return result; + return {}; } template void Synchronizer::modify(const DomainType &entity, const QByteArray &newResource, bool remove) { modifyEntity(entity.identifier(), entity.revision(), ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), entity, newResource, remove); } QList Synchronizer::getSyncRequests(const Sink::QueryBase &query) { - return QList() << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{query, "sync"}; + return {Synchronizer::SyncRequest{query, "sync"}}; } void Synchronizer::mergeIntoQueue(const Synchronizer::SyncRequest &request, QList &queue) { - mSyncRequestQueue << request; + queue << request; +} + +void Synchronizer::addToQueue(const Synchronizer::SyncRequest &request) +{ + mergeIntoQueue(request, mSyncRequestQueue); } void Synchronizer::synchronize(const Sink::QueryBase &query) { - SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Synchronizing"; + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Synchronizing" << query; auto newRequests = getSyncRequests(query); for (const auto &request: newRequests) { + auto shouldSkip = [&] { + for (auto &r : mSyncRequestQueue) { + if (r == request) { + //Merge + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Merging equal request " << request.query << "\n to" << r.query; + return true; + } + } + return false; + }; + + if (shouldSkip()) { + continue; + } mergeIntoQueue(request, mSyncRequestQueue); } processSyncQueue().exec(); } +void Synchronizer::clearQueue() +{ + //Complete all pending flushes. Without this pending flushes would get stuck indefinitely when we clear the queue on failure. + //TODO we should probably fail them instead + for (const auto &request : mSyncRequestQueue) { + if (request.requestType == Synchronizer::SyncRequest::Flush) { + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Emitting flush completion: " << request.requestId; + emitNotification(Notification::FlushCompletion, 0, "", request.requestId); + } + } + mSyncRequestQueue.clear(); +} + +void Synchronizer::abort() +{ + SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Aborting all running synchronization requests"; + clearQueue(); + mAbort = true; +} + void Synchronizer::flush(int commandId, const QByteArray &flushId) { Q_ASSERT(!flushId.isEmpty()); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Flushing the synchronization queue " << flushId; mSyncRequestQueue << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{Synchronizer::SyncRequest::Flush, commandId, flushId}; processSyncQueue().exec(); } void Synchronizer::flushComplete(const QByteArray &flushId) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Flush complete: " << flushId; if (mPendingSyncRequests.contains(flushId)) { const auto requests = mPendingSyncRequests.values(flushId); for (const auto &r : requests) { //We want to process the pending request before any others in the queue mSyncRequestQueue.prepend(r); } mPendingSyncRequests.remove(flushId); processSyncQueue().exec(); } } void Synchronizer::emitNotification(Notification::NoticationType type, int code, const QString &message, const QByteArray &id, const QByteArrayList &entities) { Sink::Notification n; n.id = id; n.type = type; n.message = message; n.code = code; n.entities = entities; emit notify(n); } void Synchronizer::emitProgressNotification(Notification::NoticationType type, int progress, int total, const QByteArray &id, const QByteArrayList &entities) { Sink::Notification n; n.id = id; n.type = type; n.progress = progress; n.total = total; n.entities = entities; emit notify(n); } void Synchronizer::reportProgress(int progress, int total, const QByteArrayList &entities) { if (progress > 0 && total > 0) { //Limit progress updates for large amounts if (total >= 100 && progress % 10 != 0) { return; } SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Progress: " << progress << " out of " << total << mCurrentRequest.requestId << mCurrentRequest.applicableEntities; const auto applicableEntities = [&] { if (entities.isEmpty()) { return mCurrentRequest.applicableEntities; } return entities; }(); emitProgressNotification(Notification::Progress, progress, total, mCurrentRequest.requestId, applicableEntities); } } void Synchronizer::setStatusFromResult(const KAsync::Error &error, const QString &s, const QByteArray &requestId) { if (error) { if (error.errorCode == ApplicationDomain::ConnectionError) { //Couldn't connect, so we assume we don't have a network connection. setStatus(ApplicationDomain::OfflineStatus, s, requestId); } else if (error.errorCode == ApplicationDomain::NoServerError) { //Failed to contact the server. setStatus(ApplicationDomain::OfflineStatus, s, requestId); } else if (error.errorCode == ApplicationDomain::ConfigurationError) { //There is an error with the configuration. setStatus(ApplicationDomain::ErrorStatus, s, requestId); } else if (error.errorCode == ApplicationDomain::LoginError) { //If we failed to login altough we could connect that indicates a problem with our setup. setStatus(ApplicationDomain::ErrorStatus, s, requestId); } else if (error.errorCode == ApplicationDomain::ConnectionLostError) { //We've lost the connection so we assume the connection to the server broke. setStatus(ApplicationDomain::OfflineStatus, s, requestId); } //We don't know what kind of error this was, so we assume it's transient and don't change our status. } else { //An operation against the server worked, so we're probably online. setStatus(ApplicationDomain::ConnectedStatus, s, requestId); } } KAsync::Job Synchronizer::processRequest(const SyncRequest &request) { if (request.options & SyncRequest::RequestFlush) { return KAsync::start([=] { //Trigger a flush and record original request without flush option auto modifiedRequest = request; modifiedRequest.options = SyncRequest::NoOptions; //Normally we won't have a requestId here if (modifiedRequest.requestId.isEmpty()) { modifiedRequest.requestId = createUuid(); } SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Enqueuing flush request " << modifiedRequest.requestId; //The sync request will be executed once the flush has completed mPendingSyncRequests.insert(modifiedRequest.requestId, modifiedRequest); flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto flushId = fbb.CreateString(modifiedRequest.requestId.toStdString()); auto location = Sink::Commands::CreateFlush(fbb, flushId, static_cast(Sink::Flush::FlushSynchronization)); Sink::Commands::FinishFlushBuffer(fbb, location); enqueueCommand(Sink::Commands::FlushCommand, BufferUtils::extractBuffer(fbb)); }); } else if (request.requestType == Synchronizer::SyncRequest::Synchronization) { return KAsync::start([this, request] { - SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Synchronizing: " << request.query; + SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Synchronizing:" << request.query; setBusy(true, "Synchronization has started.", request.requestId); emitNotification(Notification::Info, ApplicationDomain::SyncInProgress, {}, {}, request.applicableEntities); }).then(synchronizeWithSource(request.query)).then([this] { //Commit after every request, so implementations only have to commit more if they add a lot of data. commit(); }).then([this, request](const KAsync::Error &error) { setStatusFromResult(error, "Synchronization has ended.", request.requestId); if (error) { //Emit notification with error SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Synchronization failed: " << error; emitNotification(Notification::Warning, ApplicationDomain::SyncError, {}, {}, request.applicableEntities); return KAsync::error(error); } else { SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Done Synchronizing"; emitNotification(Notification::Info, ApplicationDomain::SyncSuccess, {}, {}, request.applicableEntities); return KAsync::null(); } }); } else if (request.requestType == Synchronizer::SyncRequest::Flush) { return KAsync::start([=] { Q_ASSERT(!request.requestId.isEmpty()); //FIXME it looks like this is emitted before the replay actually finishes if (request.flushType == Flush::FlushReplayQueue) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Emitting flush completion: " << request.requestId; emitNotification(Notification::FlushCompletion, 0, "", request.requestId); } else { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto flushId = fbb.CreateString(request.requestId.toStdString()); auto location = Sink::Commands::CreateFlush(fbb, flushId, static_cast(Sink::Flush::FlushSynchronization)); Sink::Commands::FinishFlushBuffer(fbb, location); enqueueCommand(Sink::Commands::FlushCommand, BufferUtils::extractBuffer(fbb)); } }); } else if (request.requestType == Synchronizer::SyncRequest::ChangeReplay) { if (ChangeReplay::allChangesReplayed()) { return KAsync::null(); } else { return KAsync::start([this, request] { setBusy(true, "ChangeReplay has started.", request.requestId); SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replaying changes."; }) .then(replayNextRevision()) .then([this, request](const KAsync::Error &error) { setStatusFromResult(error, "Changereplay has ended.", request.requestId); if (error) { - SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Changereplay failed: " << error.errorMessage; + SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Changereplay failed: " << error; return KAsync::error(error); } else { SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Done replaying changes"; return KAsync::null(); } }); } } else { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Unknown request type: " << request.requestType; return KAsync::error(KAsync::Error{"Unknown request type."}); } } +/* + * We're using a stack so we can go back to whatever we had after the temporary busy status. + * Whenever we do change the status we emit a status notification. + */ void Synchronizer::setStatus(ApplicationDomain::Status state, const QString &reason, const QByteArray requestId) { + //We won't be able to execute any of the coming requests, so clear them + if (state == ApplicationDomain::OfflineStatus || state == ApplicationDomain::ErrorStatus) { + clearQueue(); + } if (state != mCurrentState.top()) { + //The busy state is transient and we want to override it. if (mCurrentState.top() == ApplicationDomain::BusyStatus) { mCurrentState.pop(); } - mCurrentState.push(state); + if (state != mCurrentState.top()) { + //Always leave the first state intact + if (mCurrentState.count() > 1 && state != ApplicationDomain::BusyStatus) { + mCurrentState.pop(); + } + mCurrentState.push(state); + } + //We should never have more than: (NoStatus, $SOMESTATUS, BusyStatus) + if (mCurrentState.count() > 3) { + qWarning() << mCurrentState; + Q_ASSERT(false); + } emitNotification(Notification::Status, state, reason, requestId); } } void Synchronizer::resetStatus(const QByteArray requestId) { mCurrentState.pop(); emitNotification(Notification::Status, mCurrentState.top(), {}, requestId); } void Synchronizer::setBusy(bool busy, const QString &reason, const QByteArray requestId) { if (busy) { setStatus(ApplicationDomain::BusyStatus, reason, requestId); } else { if (mCurrentState.top() == ApplicationDomain::BusyStatus) { resetStatus(requestId); } } } KAsync::Job Synchronizer::processSyncQueue() { if (secret().isEmpty()) { - SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Secret not available but required."; + SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Secret not available but required."; emitNotification(Notification::Warning, ApplicationDomain::SyncError, "Secret is not available.", {}, {}); return KAsync::null(); } if (mSyncRequestQueue.isEmpty()) { SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "All requests processed."; return KAsync::null(); } if (mSyncInProgress) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Sync still in progress."; return KAsync::null(); } //Don't process any new requests until we're done with the pending ones. //Otherwise we might process a flush before the previous request actually completed. if (!mPendingSyncRequests.isEmpty()) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "We still have pending sync requests. Not executing next request."; return KAsync::null(); } const auto request = mSyncRequestQueue.takeFirst(); return KAsync::start([=] { mMessageQueue->startTransaction(); mEntityStore->startTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); mSyncInProgress = true; mCurrentRequest = request; }) .then(processRequest(request)) .then([this, request](const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Sync request processed"; setBusy(false, {}, request.requestId); mCurrentRequest = {}; mEntityStore->abortTransaction(); mSyncTransaction.abort(); mMessageQueue->commit(); mSyncStore.clear(); mSyncInProgress = false; + mAbort = false; if (allChangesReplayed()) { emit changesReplayed(); } if (error) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Error during sync: " << error; emitNotification(Notification::Error, error.errorCode, error.errorMessage, request.requestId); } //In case we got more requests meanwhile. return processSyncQueue(); }); } +bool Synchronizer::aborting() const +{ + return mAbort; +} + void Synchronizer::commit() { mMessageQueue->commit(); mSyncTransaction.commit(); mSyncStore.clear(); if (mSyncInProgress) { mMessageQueue->startTransaction(); } } Sink::Storage::DataStore::DataStore::Transaction &Synchronizer::syncTransaction() { if (!mSyncTransaction) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Starting transaction on sync store."; mSyncTransaction = mSyncStorage.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::DataStore::ReadWrite); } return mSyncTransaction; } void Synchronizer::revisionChanged() { //One replay request is enough for (const auto &r : mSyncRequestQueue) { if (r.requestType == Synchronizer::SyncRequest::ChangeReplay) { return; } } mSyncRequestQueue << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{Synchronizer::SyncRequest::ChangeReplay, "changereplay"}; processSyncQueue().exec(); } bool Synchronizer::canReplay(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { Sink::EntityBuffer buffer(value); const Sink::Entity &entity = buffer.entity(); const auto metadataBuffer = Sink::EntityBuffer::readBuffer(entity.metadata()); Q_ASSERT(metadataBuffer); if (!metadataBuffer->replayToSource()) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Change is coming from the source"; } return metadataBuffer->replayToSource(); } KAsync::Job Synchronizer::replay(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replaying" << type << key; Sink::EntityBuffer buffer(value); const Sink::Entity &entity = buffer.entity(); const auto metadataBuffer = Sink::EntityBuffer::readBuffer(entity.metadata()); if (!metadataBuffer) { SinkErrorCtx(mLogCtx) << "No metadata buffer available."; return KAsync::error("No metadata buffer"); } if (mSyncTransaction) { SinkErrorCtx(mLogCtx) << "Leftover sync transaction."; mSyncTransaction.abort(); } if (mSyncStore) { SinkErrorCtx(mLogCtx) << "Leftover sync store."; mSyncStore.clear(); } Q_ASSERT(metadataBuffer); Q_ASSERT(!mSyncStore); Q_ASSERT(!mSyncTransaction); //The entitystore transaction is handled by processSyncQueue Q_ASSERT(mEntityStore->hasTransaction()); - const auto operation = metadataBuffer ? metadataBuffer->operation() : Sink::Operation_Creation; - const auto uid = Sink::Storage::DataStore::uidFromKey(key); + const auto operation = metadataBuffer->operation(); + // TODO: should not use internal representations + const auto uid = Sink::Storage::Key::fromDisplayByteArray(key).identifier().toDisplayByteArray(); const auto modifiedProperties = metadataBuffer->modifiedProperties() ? BufferUtils::fromVector(*metadataBuffer->modifiedProperties()) : QByteArrayList(); QByteArray oldRemoteId; if (operation != Sink::Operation_Creation) { oldRemoteId = syncStore().resolveLocalId(type, uid); //oldRemoteId can be empty if the resource implementation didn't return a remoteid } SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replaying: " << key << "Type: " << type << "Uid: " << uid << "Rid: " << oldRemoteId << "Revision: " << metadataBuffer->revision(); //If the entity has been removed already and this is not the removal, skip over. //This is important so we can unblock changereplay by removing entities. bool skipOver = false; store().readLatest(type, uid, [&](const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &, Sink::Operation latestOperation) { if (latestOperation == Sink::Operation_Removal && operation != Sink::Operation_Removal) { skipOver = true; } }); if (skipOver) { SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Skipping over already removed entity"; return KAsync::null(); } KAsync::Job job = KAsync::null(); //TODO This requires supporting every domain type here as well. Can we solve this better so we can do the dispatch somewhere centrally? if (type == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { job = replay(store().readEntity(key), operation, oldRemoteId, modifiedProperties); } else if (type == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { job = replay(store().readEntity(key), operation, oldRemoteId, modifiedProperties); } else if (type == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { job = replay(store().readEntity(key), operation, oldRemoteId, modifiedProperties); } else if (type == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { job = replay(store().readEntity(key), operation, oldRemoteId, modifiedProperties); } else if (type == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { job = replay(store().readEntity(key), operation, oldRemoteId, modifiedProperties); } else if (type == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { job = replay(store().readEntity(key), operation, oldRemoteId, modifiedProperties); } else if (type == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { job = replay(store().readEntity(key), operation, oldRemoteId, modifiedProperties); } else { SinkErrorCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replayed unknown type: " << type; } - return job.then([this, operation, type, uid, oldRemoteId](const QByteArray &remoteId) { - if (operation == Sink::Operation_Creation) { - SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replayed creation with remote id: " << remoteId; - if (!remoteId.isEmpty()) { - syncStore().recordRemoteId(type, uid, remoteId); + return job.then([=](const KAsync::Error &error, const QByteArray &remoteId) { + + //Returning an error here means we stop replaying, so we only to that for known-to-be-transient errors. + if (error) { + switch (error.errorCode) { + case ApplicationDomain::ConnectionError: + case ApplicationDomain::NoServerError: + case ApplicationDomain::ConfigurationError: + case ApplicationDomain::LoginError: + case ApplicationDomain::ConnectionLostError: + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Error during changereplay (aborting):" << error; + return KAsync::error(error); + default: + SinkErrorCtx(mLogCtx) << "Error during changereplay (continuing):" << error; + break; + + } + } + + switch (operation) { + case Sink::Operation_Creation: { + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replayed creation with remote id: " << remoteId; + if (!remoteId.isEmpty()) { + syncStore().recordRemoteId(type, uid, remoteId); + } } - } else if (operation == Sink::Operation_Modification) { - SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replayed modification with remote id: " << remoteId; - if (!remoteId.isEmpty()) { - syncStore().updateRemoteId(type, uid, remoteId); + break; + case Sink::Operation_Modification: { + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replayed modification with remote id: " << remoteId; + if (!remoteId.isEmpty()) { + syncStore().updateRemoteId(type, uid, remoteId); + } } - } else if (operation == Sink::Operation_Removal) { - SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replayed removal with remote id: " << oldRemoteId; - if (!oldRemoteId.isEmpty()) { - syncStore().removeRemoteId(type, uid, oldRemoteId); + break; + case Sink::Operation_Removal: { + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Replayed removal with remote id: " << oldRemoteId; + if (!oldRemoteId.isEmpty()) { + syncStore().removeRemoteId(type, uid, oldRemoteId); + } } - } else { - SinkErrorCtx(mLogCtx) << "Unkown operation" << operation; + break; + default: + SinkErrorCtx(mLogCtx) << "Unkown operation" << operation; } - }) - .then([this](const KAsync::Error &error) { + //We need to commit here otherwise the next change-replay step will abort the transaction mSyncStore.clear(); mSyncTransaction.commit(); - if (error) { - SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Failed to replay change: " << error.errorMessage; - return KAsync::error(error); - } + + //Ignore errors if not caught above return KAsync::null(); }); } +void Synchronizer::notReplaying(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) +{ + + Sink::EntityBuffer buffer(value); + const Sink::Entity &entity = buffer.entity(); + const auto metadataBuffer = Sink::EntityBuffer::readBuffer(entity.metadata()); + if (!metadataBuffer) { + SinkErrorCtx(mLogCtx) << "No metadata buffer available."; + Q_ASSERT(false); + return; + } + if (metadataBuffer->operation() == Sink::Operation_Removal) { + const auto uid = Sink::Storage::Key::fromDisplayByteArray(key).identifier().toDisplayByteArray(); + const auto oldRemoteId = syncStore().resolveLocalId(type, uid); + SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Cleaning up removal with remote id: " << oldRemoteId; + if (!oldRemoteId.isEmpty()) { + syncStore().removeRemoteId(type, uid, oldRemoteId); + } + } + mSyncStore.clear(); + mSyncTransaction.commit(); +} + KAsync::Job Synchronizer::replay(const ApplicationDomain::Contact &, Sink::Operation, const QByteArray &, const QList &) { return KAsync::null(); } KAsync::Job Synchronizer::replay(const ApplicationDomain::Addressbook &, Sink::Operation, const QByteArray &, const QList &) { return KAsync::null(); } KAsync::Job Synchronizer::replay(const ApplicationDomain::Mail &, Sink::Operation, const QByteArray &, const QList &) { return KAsync::null(); } KAsync::Job Synchronizer::replay(const ApplicationDomain::Folder &, Sink::Operation, const QByteArray &, const QList &) { return KAsync::null(); } KAsync::Job Synchronizer::replay(const ApplicationDomain::Event &, Sink::Operation, const QByteArray &, const QList &) { return KAsync::null(); } KAsync::Job Synchronizer::replay(const ApplicationDomain::Todo &, Sink::Operation, const QByteArray &, const QList &) { return KAsync::null(); } KAsync::Job Synchronizer::replay(const ApplicationDomain::Calendar &, Sink::Operation, const QByteArray &, const QList &) { return KAsync::null(); } bool Synchronizer::allChangesReplayed() { if (!mSyncRequestQueue.isEmpty()) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Queue is not empty"; return false; } return ChangeReplay::allChangesReplayed(); } #define REGISTER_TYPE(T) \ template void Synchronizer::createOrModify(const QByteArray &bufferType, const QByteArray &remoteId, const T &entity, const QHash &mergeCriteria); \ template void Synchronizer::modify(const T &entity, const QByteArray &newResource, bool remove); SINK_REGISTER_TYPES() diff --git a/common/synchronizer.h b/common/synchronizer.h index fffd7056..efcc76d6 100644 --- a/common/synchronizer.h +++ b/common/synchronizer.h @@ -1,239 +1,256 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "sink_export.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "changereplay.h" #include "synchronizerstore.h" namespace Sink { class SynchronizerStore; /** * Synchronize and add what we don't already have to local queue */ class SINK_EXPORT Synchronizer : public ChangeReplay { Q_OBJECT public: Synchronizer(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext); virtual ~Synchronizer() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void setup(const std::function &enqueueCommandCallback, MessageQueue &messageQueue); void synchronize(const Sink::QueryBase &query); void flush(int commandId, const QByteArray &flushId); //Read only access to main storage Storage::EntityStore &store(); //Read/Write access to sync storage SynchronizerStore &syncStore(); void commit(); Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &syncTransaction(); bool allChangesReplayed() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void flushComplete(const QByteArray &flushId); void setSecret(const QString &s); + //Abort all running synchronization requests + void abort(); + + KAsync::Job processSyncQueue(); + signals: void notify(Notification); public slots: virtual void revisionChanged() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; protected: ///Base implementation calls the replay$Type calls - KAsync::Job replay(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; - virtual bool canReplay(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; + KAsync::Job replay(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) override; + virtual bool canReplay(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) override; + virtual void notReplaying(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) override; protected: ///Implement to write back changes to the server virtual KAsync::Job replay(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::Contact &, Sink::Operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &); virtual KAsync::Job replay(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::Addressbook &, Sink::Operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &); virtual KAsync::Job replay(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail &, Sink::Operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &); virtual KAsync::Job replay(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::Folder &, Sink::Operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &); virtual KAsync::Job replay(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::Event &, Sink::Operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &); virtual KAsync::Job replay(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::Todo &, Sink::Operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &); virtual KAsync::Job replay(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::Calendar &, Sink::Operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &); protected: QString secret() const; ///Calls the callback to enqueue the command void enqueueCommand(int commandId, const QByteArray &data); void createEntity(const QByteArray &localId, const QByteArray &bufferType, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &domainObject); void modifyEntity(const QByteArray &localId, qint64 revision, const QByteArray &bufferType, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &domainObject, const QByteArray &newResource = QByteArray(), bool remove = false); void deleteEntity(const QByteArray &localId, qint64 revision, const QByteArray &bufferType); /** * A synchronous algorithm to remove entities that are no longer existing. * * A list of entities is generated by @param entryGenerator. * The entiry Generator typically iterates over an index to produce all existing entries. * This algorithm calls @param exists for every entity of type @param type, with its remoteId. For every entity where @param exists returns false, * an entity delete command is enqueued. * * All functions are called synchronously, and both @param entryGenerator and @param exists need to be synchronous. */ void scanForRemovals(const QByteArray &bufferType, const std::function &callback)> &entryGenerator, std::function exists); void scanForRemovals(const QByteArray &bufferType, std::function exists); /** * An algorithm to create or modify the entity. * * Depending on whether the entity is locally available, or has changed. */ void createOrModify(const QByteArray &bufferType, const QByteArray &remoteId, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity); template void SINK_EXPORT createOrModify(const QByteArray &bufferType, const QByteArray &remoteId, const DomainType &entity, const QHash &mergeCriteria); void modify(const QByteArray &bufferType, const QByteArray &remoteId, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity); // template // void create(const DomainType &entity); template void SINK_EXPORT modify(const DomainType &entity, const QByteArray &newResource = QByteArray(), bool remove = false); // template // void remove(const DomainType &entity); + + QByteArrayList resolveQuery(const QueryBase &query); QByteArrayList resolveFilter(const QueryBase::Comparator &filter); virtual KAsync::Job synchronizeWithSource(const Sink::QueryBase &query) = 0; public: struct SyncRequest { enum RequestType { Synchronization, ChangeReplay, Flush }; enum RequestOptions { NoOptions, RequestFlush }; SyncRequest() = default; SyncRequest(const Sink::QueryBase &q, const QByteArray &requestId_ = QByteArray(), RequestOptions o = NoOptions) : requestId(requestId_), requestType(Synchronization), options(o), query(q), applicableEntities(q.ids()) { } SyncRequest(RequestType type) : requestType(type) { } SyncRequest(RequestType type, const QByteArray &requestId_) : requestId(requestId_), requestType(type) { } SyncRequest(RequestType type, int flushType_, const QByteArray &requestId_) : flushType(flushType_), requestId(requestId_), requestType(type) { } int flushType = 0; QByteArray requestId; RequestType requestType; RequestOptions options = NoOptions; Sink::QueryBase query; QByteArrayList applicableEntities; }; protected: /** * This allows the synchronizer to turn a single query into multiple synchronization requests. * * The idea is the following; * The input query is a specification by the application of what data needs to be made available. * Requests could be: * * Give me everything (signified by the default constructed/empty query) * * Give me all mails of folder X * * Give me all mails of folders matching some constraints * * getSyncRequests allows the resource implementation to apply it's own defaults to that request; * * While a maildir resource might give you always all emails of a folder, an IMAP resource might have a date limit, to i.e. only retrieve the last 14 days worth of data. * * A resource get's to define what "give me everything" means. For email that may be turned into first a requests for folders, and then a request for all emails in those folders. * * This will allow synchronizeWithSource to focus on just getting to the content. */ virtual QList getSyncRequests(const Sink::QueryBase &query); /** * This allows the synchronizer to merge new requests with existing requests in the queue. */ virtual void mergeIntoQueue(const Synchronizer::SyncRequest &request, QList &queue); + void addToQueue(const Synchronizer::SyncRequest &request); void emitNotification(Notification::NoticationType type, int code, const QString &message, const QByteArray &id = QByteArray{}, const QByteArrayList &entiteis = QByteArrayList{}); void emitProgressNotification(Notification::NoticationType type, int progress, int total, const QByteArray &id, const QByteArrayList &entities); /** * Report progress for current task */ virtual void reportProgress(int progress, int total, const QByteArrayList &entities = {}) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; Sink::Log::Context mLogCtx; + /** + * True while aborting. + * + * Stop the synchronization as soon as possible. + */ + bool aborting() const; + private: QStack mCurrentState; void setStatusFromResult(const KAsync::Error &error, const QString &s, const QByteArray &requestId); void setStatus(ApplicationDomain::Status busy, const QString &reason, const QByteArray requestId); void resetStatus(const QByteArray requestId); void setBusy(bool busy, const QString &reason, const QByteArray requestId); + void clearQueue(); void modifyIfChanged(Storage::EntityStore &store, const QByteArray &bufferType, const QByteArray &sinkId, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity); KAsync::Job processRequest(const SyncRequest &request); - KAsync::Job processSyncQueue(); Sink::ResourceContext mResourceContext; Sink::Storage::EntityStore::Ptr mEntityStore; QSharedPointer mSyncStore; Sink::Storage::DataStore mSyncStorage; Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction mSyncTransaction; std::function mEnqueue; QList mSyncRequestQueue; SyncRequest mCurrentRequest; MessageQueue *mMessageQueue; bool mSyncInProgress; + bool mAbort; QMultiHash mPendingSyncRequests; QString mSecret; }; } diff --git a/common/synchronizerstore.cpp b/common/synchronizerstore.cpp index 2bd54f24..367f45ac 100644 --- a/common/synchronizerstore.cpp +++ b/common/synchronizerstore.cpp @@ -1,150 +1,151 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "synchronizerstore.h" #include "index.h" #include "log.h" using namespace Sink; SynchronizerStore::SynchronizerStore(Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) : mTransaction(transaction) { } void SynchronizerStore::recordRemoteId(const QByteArray &bufferType, const QByteArray &localId, const QByteArray &remoteId) { Index("rid.mapping." + bufferType, mTransaction).add(remoteId, localId); Index("localid.mapping." + bufferType, mTransaction).add(localId, remoteId); } void SynchronizerStore::removeRemoteId(const QByteArray &bufferType, const QByteArray &localId, const QByteArray &remoteId) { Index("rid.mapping." + bufferType, mTransaction).remove(remoteId, localId); Index("localid.mapping." + bufferType, mTransaction).remove(localId, remoteId); } void SynchronizerStore::updateRemoteId(const QByteArray &bufferType, const QByteArray &localId, const QByteArray &remoteId) { const auto oldRemoteId = Index("localid.mapping." + bufferType, mTransaction).lookup(localId); removeRemoteId(bufferType, localId, oldRemoteId); recordRemoteId(bufferType, localId, remoteId); } QByteArray SynchronizerStore::resolveRemoteId(const QByteArray &bufferType, const QByteArray &remoteId, bool insertIfMissing) { if (remoteId.isEmpty()) { SinkWarning() << "Cannot resolve empty remote id for type: " << bufferType; - return QByteArray(); + return {}; } // Lookup local id for remote id, or insert a new pair otherwise Index index("rid.mapping." + bufferType, mTransaction); - QByteArray sinkId = index.lookup(remoteId); + const QByteArray sinkId = index.lookup(remoteId); if (sinkId.isEmpty() && insertIfMissing) { - sinkId = Sink::Storage::DataStore::generateUid(); - index.add(remoteId, sinkId); - Index("localid.mapping." + bufferType, mTransaction).add(sinkId, remoteId); + const auto newId = Sink::Storage::DataStore::generateUid(); + index.add(remoteId, newId); + Index("localid.mapping." + bufferType, mTransaction).add(newId, remoteId); + return newId; } return sinkId; } QByteArray SynchronizerStore::resolveLocalId(const QByteArray &bufferType, const QByteArray &localId) { if (localId.isEmpty()) { SinkError() << "Tried to resolve an empty local id"; Q_ASSERT(false); return {}; } QByteArray remoteId = Index("localid.mapping." + bufferType, mTransaction).lookup(localId); if (remoteId.isEmpty()) { //This can happen if we didn't store the remote id in the first place SinkTrace() << "Couldn't find the remote id for " << bufferType << localId; return QByteArray(); } return remoteId; } QByteArrayList SynchronizerStore::resolveLocalIds(const QByteArray &bufferType, const QByteArrayList &localIds) { QByteArrayList result; for (const auto &l : localIds) { const auto id = resolveLocalId(bufferType, l); if (!id.isEmpty()) { result << id; } } return result; } QByteArray SynchronizerStore::readValue(const QByteArray &key) { QByteArray value; mTransaction.openDatabase("values").scan(key, [&value](const QByteArray &, const QByteArray &v) { value = v; return false; }, [](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &) { //Ignore errors because we may not find the value }); return value; } QByteArray SynchronizerStore::readValue(const QByteArray &prefix, const QByteArray &key) { return readValue(prefix + key); } void SynchronizerStore::writeValue(const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { mTransaction.openDatabase("values").write(key, value); } void SynchronizerStore::writeValue(const QByteArray &prefix, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { writeValue(prefix + key, value); } void SynchronizerStore::removeValue(const QByteArray &prefix, const QByteArray &key) { auto assembled = prefix + key; if (assembled.isEmpty()) { return; } mTransaction.openDatabase("values").remove(assembled, [&](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to remove the value: " << prefix + key << error; }); } void SynchronizerStore::removePrefix(const QByteArray &prefix) { if (prefix.isEmpty()) { return; } auto db = mTransaction.openDatabase("values"); QByteArrayList keys; db.scan(prefix, [&] (const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { keys << key; return true; }, {}, true, true); for (const auto &k : keys) { db.remove(k); } } diff --git a/common/todopreprocessor.cpp b/common/todopreprocessor.cpp index fe99953a..bd98949c 100644 --- a/common/todopreprocessor.cpp +++ b/common/todopreprocessor.cpp @@ -1,67 +1,84 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2018 Christian Mollekopf * Copyright (C) 2018 Rémi Nicole * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "todopreprocessor.h" #include +static QString statusString(const KCalCore::Todo &incidence) +{ + switch(incidence.status()) { + case KCalCore::Incidence::StatusCompleted: + return "COMPLETED"; + case KCalCore::Incidence::StatusNeedsAction: + return "NEEDSACTION"; + case KCalCore::Incidence::StatusCanceled: + return "CANCELED"; + case KCalCore::Incidence::StatusInProcess: + return "INPROCESS"; + default: + break; + } + return incidence.customStatus(); +} + void TodoPropertyExtractor::updatedIndexedProperties(Todo &todo, const QByteArray &rawIcal) { auto incidence = KCalCore::ICalFormat().readIncidence(rawIcal); if(!incidence) { SinkWarning() << "Invalid ICal to process, ignoring..."; return; } if(incidence->type() != KCalCore::IncidenceBase::IncidenceType::TypeTodo) { SinkWarning() << "ICal to process is not of type `Todo`, ignoring..."; return; } auto icalTodo = dynamic_cast(incidence.data()); // Should be guaranteed by the incidence->type() condition above. Q_ASSERT(icalTodo); SinkTrace() << "Extracting properties for todo:" << icalTodo->summary(); todo.setExtractedUid(icalTodo->uid()); todo.setExtractedSummary(icalTodo->summary()); todo.setExtractedDescription(icalTodo->description()); // Sets invalid QDateTime if not defined todo.setExtractedCompletedDate(icalTodo->completed()); todo.setExtractedDueDate(icalTodo->dtDue()); todo.setExtractedStartDate(icalTodo->dtStart()); - todo.setExtractedStatus(icalTodo->customStatus()); + todo.setExtractedStatus(statusString(*icalTodo)); todo.setExtractedPriority(icalTodo->priority()); todo.setExtractedCategories(icalTodo->categories()); } void TodoPropertyExtractor::newEntity(Todo &todo) { updatedIndexedProperties(todo, todo.getIcal()); } void TodoPropertyExtractor::modifiedEntity(const Todo &oldTodo, Todo &newTodo) { updatedIndexedProperties(newTodo, newTodo.getIcal()); } diff --git a/common/typeindex.cpp b/common/typeindex.cpp index b18791f8..d3754be5 100644 --- a/common/typeindex.cpp +++ b/common/typeindex.cpp @@ -1,503 +1,524 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2015 Christian Mollekopf This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "typeindex.h" #include "log.h" #include "index.h" #include "fulltextindex.h" #include #include -#include - using namespace Sink; +using Storage::Identifier; + static QByteArray getByteArray(const QVariant &value) { if (value.type() == QVariant::DateTime) { QByteArray result; QDataStream ds(&result, QIODevice::WriteOnly); ds << value.toDateTime(); return result; } if (value.type() == QVariant::Bool) { return value.toBool() ? "t" : "f"; } if (value.canConvert()) { const auto ba = value.value().value; if (!ba.isEmpty()) { return ba; } } if (value.isValid() && !value.toByteArray().isEmpty()) { return value.toByteArray(); } // LMDB can't handle empty keys, so use something different return "toplevel"; } -template -static QByteArray padNumber(T number) -{ - static T uint_num_digits = (T)std::log10(std::numeric_limits::max()) + 1; - return QByteArray::number(number).rightJustified(uint_num_digits, '0'); -} - static QByteArray toSortableByteArrayImpl(const QDateTime &date) { // Sort invalid last if (!date.isValid()) { return QByteArray::number(std::numeric_limits::max()); } return padNumber(std::numeric_limits::max() - date.toTime_t()); } static QByteArray toSortableByteArray(const QVariant &value) { if (!value.isValid()) { // FIXME: we don't know the type, so we don't know what to return // This mean we're fixing every sorted index keys to use unsigned int return QByteArray::number(std::numeric_limits::max()); } - switch (value.type()) { - case QMetaType::QDateTime: - return toSortableByteArrayImpl(value.toDateTime()); - default: - SinkWarning() << "Not knowing how to convert a" << value.typeName() - << "to a sortable key, falling back to default conversion"; - return getByteArray(value); + if (value.canConvert()) { + return toSortableByteArrayImpl(value.toDateTime()); } + SinkWarning() << "Not knowing how to convert a" << value.typeName() + << "to a sortable key, falling back to default conversion"; + return getByteArray(value); } TypeIndex::TypeIndex(const QByteArray &type, const Sink::Log::Context &ctx) : mLogCtx(ctx), mType(type) { } QByteArray TypeIndex::indexName(const QByteArray &property, const QByteArray &sortProperty) const { if (sortProperty.isEmpty()) { return mType + ".index." + property; } return mType + ".index." + property + ".sort." + sortProperty; } QByteArray TypeIndex::sortedIndexName(const QByteArray &property) const { return mType + ".index." + property + ".sorted"; } QByteArray TypeIndex::sampledPeriodIndexName(const QByteArray &rangeBeginProperty, const QByteArray &rangeEndProperty) const { return mType + ".index." + rangeBeginProperty + ".range." + rangeEndProperty; } static unsigned int bucketOf(const QVariant &value) { - switch (value.type()) { - case QMetaType::QDateTime: - return value.value().date().toJulianDay() / 7; - default: - SinkError() << "Not knowing how to get the bucket of a" << value.typeName(); - return {}; + if (value.canConvert()) { + return value.value().date().toJulianDay() / 7; } + SinkError() << "Not knowing how to get the bucket of a" << value.typeName(); + return {}; } static void update(TypeIndex::Action action, const QByteArray &indexName, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { Index index(indexName, transaction); switch (action) { case TypeIndex::Add: index.add(key, value); break; case TypeIndex::Remove: index.remove(key, value); break; } } void TypeIndex::addProperty(const QByteArray &property) { - auto indexer = [=](Action action, const QByteArray &identifier, const QVariant &value, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { - update(action, indexName(property), getByteArray(value), identifier, transaction); + auto indexer = [=](Action action, const Identifier &identifier, const QVariant &value, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { + update(action, indexName(property), getByteArray(value), identifier.toInternalByteArray(), transaction); }; mIndexer.insert(property, indexer); mProperties << property; } template <> void TypeIndex::addSortedProperty(const QByteArray &property) { - auto indexer = [=](Action action, const QByteArray &identifier, const QVariant &value, + auto indexer = [=](Action action, const Identifier &identifier, const QVariant &value, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { - update(action, sortedIndexName(property), toSortableByteArray(value), identifier, transaction); + update(action, sortedIndexName(property), toSortableByteArray(value), identifier.toInternalByteArray(), transaction); }; mSortIndexer.insert(property, indexer); mSortedProperties << property; } template <> void TypeIndex::addPropertyWithSorting(const QByteArray &property, const QByteArray &sortProperty) { - auto indexer = [=](Action action, const QByteArray &identifier, const QVariant &value, const QVariant &sortValue, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { + auto indexer = [=](Action action, const Identifier &identifier, const QVariant &value, const QVariant &sortValue, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { const auto date = sortValue.toDateTime(); const auto propertyValue = getByteArray(value); - update(action, indexName(property, sortProperty), propertyValue + toSortableByteArray(date), identifier, transaction); + update(action, indexName(property, sortProperty), propertyValue + toSortableByteArray(date), identifier.toInternalByteArray(), transaction); }; mGroupedSortIndexer.insert(property + sortProperty, indexer); mGroupedSortedProperties.insert(property, sortProperty); } template <> void TypeIndex::addPropertyWithSorting(const QByteArray &property, const QByteArray &sortProperty) { addPropertyWithSorting(property, sortProperty); } template <> void TypeIndex::addSampledPeriodIndex( const QByteArray &beginProperty, const QByteArray &endProperty) { - auto indexer = [=](Action action, const QByteArray &identifier, const QVariant &begin, + auto indexer = [=](Action action, const Identifier &identifier, const QVariant &begin, const QVariant &end, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { - SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Adding entity to sampled period index"; const auto beginDate = begin.toDateTime(); const auto endDate = end.toDateTime(); auto beginBucket = bucketOf(beginDate); auto endBucket = bucketOf(endDate); if (beginBucket > endBucket) { SinkError() << "End bucket greater than begin bucket"; return; } Index index(sampledPeriodIndexName(beginProperty, endProperty), transaction); for (auto bucket = beginBucket; bucket <= endBucket; ++bucket) { QByteArray bucketKey = padNumber(bucket); switch (action) { case TypeIndex::Add: - index.add(bucketKey, identifier); + index.add(bucketKey, identifier.toInternalByteArray()); break; case TypeIndex::Remove: - index.remove(bucketKey, identifier); + index.remove(bucketKey, identifier.toInternalByteArray(), true); break; } } }; mSampledPeriodProperties.insert({ beginProperty, endProperty }); mSampledPeriodIndexer.insert({ beginProperty, endProperty }, indexer); } -void TypeIndex::updateIndex(Action action, const QByteArray &identifier, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId) +void TypeIndex::updateIndex(Action action, const Identifier &identifier, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId) { for (const auto &property : mProperties) { const auto value = entity.getProperty(property); auto indexer = mIndexer.value(property); indexer(action, identifier, value, transaction); } for (const auto &properties : mSampledPeriodProperties) { - const auto beginValue = entity.getProperty(properties.first); - const auto endValue = entity.getProperty(properties.second); auto indexer = mSampledPeriodIndexer.value(properties); - indexer(action, identifier, beginValue, endValue, transaction); + auto indexRanges = entity.getProperty("indexRanges"); + if (indexRanges.isValid()) { + //This is to override the indexed ranges from the evenpreprocessor + const auto list = indexRanges.value>>(); + for (const auto &period : list) { + indexer(action, identifier, period.first, period.second, transaction); + } + } else { + //This is the regular case + //NOTE Since we don't generate the ranges for removal we just end up trying to remove all possible buckets here instead. + const auto beginValue = entity.getProperty(properties.first); + const auto endValue = entity.getProperty(properties.second); + indexer(action, identifier, beginValue, endValue, transaction); + } } for (const auto &property : mSortedProperties) { const auto value = entity.getProperty(property); auto indexer = mSortIndexer.value(property); indexer(action, identifier, value, transaction); } for (auto it = mGroupedSortedProperties.constBegin(); it != mGroupedSortedProperties.constEnd(); it++) { const auto value = entity.getProperty(it.key()); const auto sortValue = entity.getProperty(it.value()); auto indexer = mGroupedSortIndexer.value(it.key() + it.value()); indexer(action, identifier, value, sortValue, transaction); } } void TypeIndex::commitTransaction() { for (const auto &indexer : mCustomIndexer) { indexer->commitTransaction(); } } void TypeIndex::abortTransaction() { for (const auto &indexer : mCustomIndexer) { indexer->abortTransaction(); } } -void TypeIndex::add(const QByteArray &identifier, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId) +void TypeIndex::add(const Identifier &identifier, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId) { updateIndex(Add, identifier, entity, transaction, resourceInstanceId); for (const auto &indexer : mCustomIndexer) { indexer->setup(this, &transaction, resourceInstanceId); indexer->add(entity); } } -void TypeIndex::modify(const QByteArray &identifier, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId) +void TypeIndex::modify(const Identifier &identifier, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId) { updateIndex(Remove, identifier, oldEntity, transaction, resourceInstanceId); updateIndex(Add, identifier, newEntity, transaction, resourceInstanceId); for (const auto &indexer : mCustomIndexer) { indexer->setup(this, &transaction, resourceInstanceId); indexer->modify(oldEntity, newEntity); } } -void TypeIndex::remove(const QByteArray &identifier, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId) +void TypeIndex::remove(const Identifier &identifier, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId) { updateIndex(Remove, identifier, entity, transaction, resourceInstanceId); for (const auto &indexer : mCustomIndexer) { indexer->setup(this, &transaction, resourceInstanceId); indexer->remove(entity); } } -static QVector indexLookup(Index &index, QueryBase::Comparator filter, +static QVector indexLookup(Index &index, QueryBase::Comparator filter, std::function valueToKey = getByteArray) { - QVector keys; + QVector keys; QByteArrayList lookupKeys; if (filter.comparator == Query::Comparator::Equals) { lookupKeys << valueToKey(filter.value); } else if (filter.comparator == Query::Comparator::In) { - for(const QVariant &value : filter.value.value()) { + for (const QVariant &value : filter.value.value()) { lookupKeys << valueToKey(value); } } else { Q_ASSERT(false); } for (const auto &lookupKey : lookupKeys) { - index.lookup(lookupKey, [&](const QByteArray &value) { keys << value; }, + index.lookup(lookupKey, + [&](const QByteArray &value) { + keys << Identifier::fromInternalByteArray(value); + }, [lookupKey](const Index::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Lookup error in index: " << error.message << lookupKey; }, true); } return keys; } -static QVector sortedIndexLookup(Index &index, QueryBase::Comparator filter) +static QVector sortedIndexLookup(Index &index, QueryBase::Comparator filter) { if (filter.comparator == Query::Comparator::In || filter.comparator == Query::Comparator::Contains) { SinkWarning() << "In and Contains comparison not supported on sorted indexes"; } if (filter.comparator != Query::Comparator::Within) { return indexLookup(index, filter, toSortableByteArray); } - QVector keys; - QByteArray lowerBound, upperBound; - auto bounds = filter.value.value(); + const auto bounds = filter.value.value(); if (bounds[0].canConvert()) { // Inverse the bounds because dates are stored newest first upperBound = toSortableByteArray(bounds[0].toDateTime()); lowerBound = toSortableByteArray(bounds[1].toDateTime()); } else { lowerBound = bounds[0].toByteArray(); upperBound = bounds[1].toByteArray(); } - index.rangeLookup(lowerBound, upperBound, [&](const QByteArray &value) { keys << value; }, - [bounds](const Index::Error &error) { + QVector keys; + index.rangeLookup(lowerBound, upperBound, + [&](const QByteArray &value) { + const auto id = Identifier::fromInternalByteArray(value); + //Deduplicate because an id could be in multiple buckets + if (!keys.contains(id)) { + keys << id; + } + }, + [&](const Index::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Lookup error in index:" << error.message << "with bounds:" << bounds[0] << bounds[1]; }); return keys; } -static QVector sampledIndexLookup(Index &index, QueryBase::Comparator filter) +static QVector sampledIndexLookup(Index &index, QueryBase::Comparator filter) { if (filter.comparator != Query::Comparator::Overlap) { SinkWarning() << "Comparisons other than Overlap not supported on sampled period indexes"; return {}; } - QVector keys; - - auto bounds = filter.value.value(); - QByteArray lowerBound = toSortableByteArray(bounds[0]); - QByteArray upperBound = toSortableByteArray(bounds[1]); + const auto bounds = filter.value.value(); - QByteArray lowerBucket = padNumber(bucketOf(bounds[0])); - QByteArray upperBucket = padNumber(bucketOf(bounds[1])); + const auto lowerBucket = padNumber(bucketOf(bounds[0])); + const auto upperBucket = padNumber(bucketOf(bounds[1])); SinkTrace() << "Looking up from bucket:" << lowerBucket << "to:" << upperBucket; + QVector keys; index.rangeLookup(lowerBucket, upperBucket, [&](const QByteArray &value) { - keys << value.data(); + const auto id = Identifier::fromInternalByteArray(value); + //Deduplicate because an id could be in multiple buckets + if (!keys.contains(id)) { + keys << id; + } }, - [bounds](const Index::Error &error) { + [&](const Index::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Lookup error in index:" << error.message << "with bounds:" << bounds[0] << bounds[1]; }); return keys; } -QVector TypeIndex::query(const Sink::QueryBase &query, QSet &appliedFilters, QByteArray &appliedSorting, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId) +QVector TypeIndex::query(const Sink::QueryBase &query, QSet &appliedFilters, QByteArray &appliedSorting, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId) { const auto baseFilters = query.getBaseFilters(); for (auto it = baseFilters.constBegin(); it != baseFilters.constEnd(); it++) { if (it.value().comparator == QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext) { FulltextIndex fulltextIndex{resourceInstanceId}; - const auto keys = fulltextIndex.lookup(it.value().value.toString()); + QVector keys; + const auto ids = fulltextIndex.lookup(it.value().value.toString()); + keys.reserve(ids.size()); + for (const auto &id : ids) { + keys.append(Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(id)); + } appliedFilters << it.key(); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Fulltext index lookup found " << keys.size() << " keys."; return keys; } } for (auto it = baseFilters.constBegin(); it != baseFilters.constEnd(); it++) { if (it.value().comparator == QueryBase::Comparator::Overlap) { if (mSampledPeriodProperties.contains({it.key()[0], it.key()[1]})) { Index index(sampledPeriodIndexName(it.key()[0], it.key()[1]), transaction); const auto keys = sampledIndexLookup(index, query.getFilter(it.key())); - // The filter is not completely applied, we need post-filtering - // in the case the overlap period is not completely aligned - // with a week starting on monday - //appliedFilters << it.key(); + appliedFilters << it.key(); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Sampled period index lookup on" << it.key() << "found" << keys.size() << "keys."; return keys; } else { SinkWarning() << "Overlap search without sampled period index"; } } } for (auto it = mGroupedSortedProperties.constBegin(); it != mGroupedSortedProperties.constEnd(); it++) { if (query.hasFilter(it.key()) && query.sortProperty() == it.value()) { Index index(indexName(it.key(), it.value()), transaction); const auto keys = indexLookup(index, query.getFilter(it.key())); appliedFilters.insert({it.key()}); appliedSorting = it.value(); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Grouped sorted index lookup on " << it.key() << it.value() << " found " << keys.size() << " keys."; return keys; } } for (const auto &property : mSortedProperties) { if (query.hasFilter(property)) { Index index(sortedIndexName(property), transaction); const auto keys = sortedIndexLookup(index, query.getFilter(property)); appliedFilters.insert({property}); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Sorted index lookup on " << property << " found " << keys.size() << " keys."; return keys; } } for (const auto &property : mProperties) { if (query.hasFilter(property)) { Index index(indexName(property), transaction); const auto keys = indexLookup(index, query.getFilter(property)); appliedFilters.insert({property}); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Index lookup on " << property << " found " << keys.size() << " keys."; return keys; } } SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "No matching index"; return {}; } -QVector TypeIndex::lookup(const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &value, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) +QVector TypeIndex::lookup(const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &value, + Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Index lookup on property: " << property << mSecondaryProperties.keys() << mProperties; if (mProperties.contains(property)) { - QVector keys; + QVector keys; Index index(indexName(property), transaction); const auto lookupKey = getByteArray(value); - index.lookup( - lookupKey, [&](const QByteArray &value) { keys << value; }, [property](const Index::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Error in index: " << error.message << property; }); + index.lookup(lookupKey, + [&](const QByteArray &value) { + keys << Identifier::fromInternalByteArray(value); + }, + [property](const Index::Error &error) { + SinkWarning() << "Error in index: " << error.message << property; + }); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Index lookup on " << property << " found " << keys.size() << " keys."; return keys; } else if (mSecondaryProperties.contains(property)) { - //Lookups on secondary indexes first lookup the key, and then lookup the results again to resolve to entity id's - QVector keys; + // Lookups on secondary indexes first lookup the key, and then lookup the results again to + // resolve to entity id's + QVector keys; auto resultProperty = mSecondaryProperties.value(property); QVector secondaryKeys; Index index(indexName(property + resultProperty), transaction); const auto lookupKey = getByteArray(value); - index.lookup( - lookupKey, [&](const QByteArray &value) { secondaryKeys << value; }, [property](const Index::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Error in index: " << error.message << property; }); - SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Looked up secondary keys for the following lookup key: " << lookupKey << " => " << secondaryKeys; + index.lookup(lookupKey, [&](const QByteArray &value) { secondaryKeys << value; }, + [property](const Index::Error &error) { + SinkWarning() << "Error in index: " << error.message << property; + }); + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Looked up secondary keys for the following lookup key: " << lookupKey + << " => " << secondaryKeys; for (const auto &secondary : secondaryKeys) { keys += lookup(resultProperty, secondary, transaction); } return keys; } else { SinkWarning() << "Tried to lookup " << property << " but couldn't find value"; } - return QVector(); + return {}; } template <> void TypeIndex::index(const QByteArray &leftName, const QByteArray &rightName, const QVariant &leftValue, const QVariant &rightValue, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { Index(indexName(leftName + rightName), transaction).add(getByteArray(leftValue), getByteArray(rightValue)); } template <> void TypeIndex::index(const QByteArray &leftName, const QByteArray &rightName, const QVariant &leftValue, const QVariant &rightValue, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { Index(indexName(leftName + rightName), transaction).add(getByteArray(leftValue), getByteArray(rightValue)); } template <> void TypeIndex::unindex(const QByteArray &leftName, const QByteArray &rightName, const QVariant &leftValue, const QVariant &rightValue, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { Index(indexName(leftName + rightName), transaction).remove(getByteArray(leftValue), getByteArray(rightValue)); } template <> void TypeIndex::unindex(const QByteArray &leftName, const QByteArray &rightName, const QVariant &leftValue, const QVariant &rightValue, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { Index(indexName(leftName + rightName), transaction).remove(getByteArray(leftValue), getByteArray(rightValue)); } template <> QVector TypeIndex::secondaryLookup(const QByteArray &leftName, const QByteArray &rightName, const QVariant &value) { QVector keys; Index index(indexName(leftName + rightName), *mTransaction); const auto lookupKey = getByteArray(value); index.lookup( lookupKey, [&](const QByteArray &value) { keys << QByteArray{value.constData(), value.size()}; }, [=](const Index::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Lookup error in secondary index: " << error.message << value << lookupKey; }); return keys; } template <> QVector TypeIndex::secondaryLookup(const QByteArray &leftName, const QByteArray &rightName, const QVariant &value) { return secondaryLookup(leftName, rightName, value); } diff --git a/common/typeindex.h b/common/typeindex.h index 4e5a5553..875eb7a3 100644 --- a/common/typeindex.h +++ b/common/typeindex.h @@ -1,154 +1,155 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2015 Christian Mollekopf This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #pragma once #include "resultset.h" #include "storage.h" #include "query.h" #include "log.h" #include "indexer.h" +#include "storage/key.h" #include namespace Sink { namespace Storage { class EntityStore; } } class TypeIndex { public: TypeIndex(const QByteArray &type, const Sink::Log::Context &); void addProperty(const QByteArray &property); //FIXME We currently simply serialize based on the QVariant we get and ignore the index type template void addProperty(const QByteArray &property) { addProperty(property); } template void addSortedProperty(const QByteArray &property); template void addPropertyWithSorting(const QByteArray &property, const QByteArray &sortProperty); template void addPropertyWithSorting() { addPropertyWithSorting(T::name, S::name); } template void addProperty() { addProperty(T::name); } template void addSortedProperty() { addSortedProperty(T::name); } template void addSecondaryProperty() { mSecondaryProperties.insert(Left::name, Right::name); } template void addSecondaryPropertyIndexer() { mCustomIndexer << CustomIndexer::Ptr::create(); } template void addSampledPeriodIndex(const QByteArray &beginProperty, const QByteArray &endProperty); template void addSampledPeriodIndex() { addSampledPeriodIndex(Begin::name, End::name); } - void add(const QByteArray &identifier, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId); - void modify(const QByteArray &identifier, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId); - void remove(const QByteArray &identifier, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId); + void add(const Sink::Storage::Identifier &identifier, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId); + void modify(const Sink::Storage::Identifier &identifier, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId); + void remove(const Sink::Storage::Identifier &identifier, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId); - QVector query(const Sink::QueryBase &query, QSet &appliedFilters, QByteArray &appliedSorting, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId); - QVector lookup(const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &value, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction); + QVector query(const Sink::QueryBase &query, QSet &appliedFilters, QByteArray &appliedSorting, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId); + QVector lookup(const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &value, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction); template QVector secondaryLookup(const QVariant &value) { return secondaryLookup(Left::name, Right::name, value); } template QVector secondaryLookup(const QByteArray &leftName, const QByteArray &rightName, const QVariant &value); template void index(const QVariant &leftValue, const QVariant &rightValue, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { index(Left::name, Right::name, leftValue, rightValue, transaction); } template void index(const QByteArray &leftName, const QByteArray &rightName, const QVariant &leftValue, const QVariant &rightValue, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction); template void unindex(const QVariant &leftValue, const QVariant &rightValue, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction) { index(Left::name, Right::name, leftValue, rightValue, transaction); } template void unindex(const QByteArray &leftName, const QByteArray &rightName, const QVariant &leftValue, const QVariant &rightValue, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction); void commitTransaction(); void abortTransaction(); enum Action { Add, Remove }; private: friend class Sink::Storage::EntityStore; - void updateIndex(Action action, const QByteArray &identifier, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId); + void updateIndex(Action action, const Sink::Storage::Identifier &identifier, const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity, Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction &transaction, const QByteArray &resourceInstanceId); QByteArray indexName(const QByteArray &property, const QByteArray &sortProperty = QByteArray()) const; QByteArray sortedIndexName(const QByteArray &property) const; QByteArray sampledPeriodIndexName(const QByteArray &rangeBeginProperty, const QByteArray &rangeEndProperty) const; Sink::Log::Context mLogCtx; QByteArray mType; QByteArrayList mProperties; QByteArrayList mSortedProperties; QMap mGroupedSortedProperties; // QMap mSecondaryProperties; QSet> mSampledPeriodProperties; QList mCustomIndexer; Sink::Storage::DataStore::Transaction *mTransaction; - QHash> mIndexer; - QHash> mSortIndexer; - QHash> mGroupedSortIndexer; - QHash, std::function> mSampledPeriodIndexer; + QHash> mIndexer; + QHash> mSortIndexer; + QHash> mGroupedSortIndexer; + QHash, std::function> mSampledPeriodIndexer; }; diff --git a/common/utils.cpp b/common/utils.cpp index 3c54db40..f6c6798c 100644 --- a/common/utils.cpp +++ b/common/utils.cpp @@ -1,25 +1,35 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2018 Christian Mollekopf This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "utils.h" #include QByteArray Sink::createUuid() { return QUuid::createUuid().toByteArray(); } + +const QByteArray Sink::sizeTToByteArray(const size_t &value) +{ + return QByteArray::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast(&value), sizeof(size_t)); +} + +size_t Sink::byteArrayToSizeT(const QByteArray &value) +{ + return *reinterpret_cast(value.constData()); +} diff --git a/common/utils.h b/common/utils.h index 253de618..08b7cf38 100644 --- a/common/utils.h +++ b/common/utils.h @@ -1,25 +1,53 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2018 Christian Mollekopf This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #pragma once +#include "sink_export.h" #include +#include + namespace Sink { - QByteArray createUuid(); + +QByteArray SINK_EXPORT createUuid(); + +// No copy is done on this functions. Therefore, the caller must not use the +// returned QByteArray after the size_t has been destroyed. +const QByteArray SINK_EXPORT sizeTToByteArray(const size_t &); +size_t SINK_EXPORT byteArrayToSizeT(const QByteArray &); + +template +static QByteArray padNumber(T number); + +#ifndef WIN32 +template <> +QByteArray padNumber(size_t number) +{ + return padNumber(number); +} +#endif + +template +static QByteArray padNumber(T number) +{ + static T uint_num_digits = (T)std::log10(std::numeric_limits::max()) + 1; + return QByteArray::number(number).rightJustified(uint_num_digits, '0'); } + +} // namespace Sink diff --git a/dist/sink.spec b/dist/sink.spec index dd2ff8d5..3befcc7d 100644 --- a/dist/sink.spec +++ b/dist/sink.spec @@ -1,78 +1,77 @@ Name: sink -Version: 0.7.0 +Version: 0.8.0 Release: 0%{?dist} Summary: sink Group: Applications/Desktop License: GPL -URL: https://docs.kolab.org/about/sink +URL: https://phabricator.kde.org/project/profile/5/ Source0: sink-%{version}.tar.xz BuildRequires: cmake >= 2.8.12 BuildRequires: extra-cmake-modules BuildRequires: flatbuffers-devel >= 1.4 BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: kasync-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kcoreaddons-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kcontacts-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kmime-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kcalendarcore-devel -BuildRequires: kimap2-devel >= 0.2 -BuildRequires: kdav2-devel +BuildRequires: kimap2-devel >= 0.3 +BuildRequires: kdav2-devel >= 0.3 BuildRequires: libcurl-devel BuildRequires: libgit2-devel BuildRequires: lmdb-devel BuildRequires: qt5-qtbase-devel -BuildRequires: readline-devel BuildRequires: xapian-core-devel >= 1.4 %description sink %package devel Summary: Development headers for sink Requires: %{name} %description devel Development headers for sink %prep %setup -q %build mkdir -p build/ pushd build %{cmake} \ -DQT_PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%{_libdir}/qt5/plugins/ \ .. make %{?_smp_mflags} popd %install pushd build %make_install popd rm %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/bin/resetmailbox.sh rm %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/bin/populatemailbox.sh rm %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/bin/sink_smtp_test %files %doc %{_bindir}/hawd %{_bindir}/sink_synchronizer %{_bindir}/sinksh %{_libdir}/liblibhawd.so %{_libdir}/libsink.so.* %dir %{_libdir}/qt5/plugins/ %{_libdir}/qt5/plugins/sink/ %files devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_includedir}/sink/ %{_libdir}/cmake/Sink %{_libdir}/libsink.so %changelog diff --git a/examples/caldavresource/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/caldavresource/CMakeLists.txt index d2859aa7..b28aacdb 100644 --- a/examples/caldavresource/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/examples/caldavresource/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,18 +1,16 @@ project(sink_resource_caldav) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) -find_package(KPimKDAV2 REQUIRED) -find_package(KF5CalendarCore REQUIRED) +find_package(KPimKDAV2 REQUIRED 0.3) add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED caldavresource.cpp) -target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} sink_webdav_common sink Qt5::Core Qt5::Network KPim::KDAV2 - KF5::CalendarCore) +target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} sink_webdav_common sink Qt5::Core Qt5::Gui Qt5::Network KPim::KDAV2) install(TARGETS ${PROJECT_NAME} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${SINK_RESOURCE_PLUGINS_PATH} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${SINK_RESOURCE_PLUGINS_PATH}) if (WIN32) message("Not building caldavresource resource tests on windows") else() add_subdirectory(tests) endif() diff --git a/examples/caldavresource/caldavresource.cpp b/examples/caldavresource/caldavresource.cpp index d33f625d..ea0f1060 100644 --- a/examples/caldavresource/caldavresource.cpp +++ b/examples/caldavresource/caldavresource.cpp @@ -1,255 +1,253 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2018 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "caldavresource.h" #include "../webdavcommon/webdav.h" #include "adaptorfactoryregistry.h" #include "applicationdomaintype.h" #include "domainadaptor.h" #include "eventpreprocessor.h" #include "todopreprocessor.h" #include "facade.h" #include "facadefactory.h" -#include +#include #define ENTITY_TYPE_EVENT "event" #define ENTITY_TYPE_TODO "todo" #define ENTITY_TYPE_CALENDAR "calendar" using Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName; +using namespace Sink; class CalDAVSynchronizer : public WebDavSynchronizer { using Event = Sink::ApplicationDomain::Event; using Todo = Sink::ApplicationDomain::Todo; using Calendar = Sink::ApplicationDomain::Calendar; public: explicit CalDAVSynchronizer(const Sink::ResourceContext &context) - : WebDavSynchronizer(context, KDAV2::CalDav, getTypeName(), getTypeName()) + : WebDavSynchronizer(context, KDAV2::CalDav, getTypeName(), {getTypeName(), getTypeName()}) { } protected: void updateLocalCollections(KDAV2::DavCollection::List calendarList) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { SinkLog() << "Found" << calendarList.size() << "calendar(s)"; QVector ridList; for (const auto &remoteCalendar : calendarList) { const auto &rid = resourceID(remoteCalendar); - SinkLog() << "Found calendar:" << remoteCalendar.displayName() << "[" << rid << "]"; + SinkLog() << "Found calendar:" << remoteCalendar.displayName() << "[" << rid << "]" << remoteCalendar.contentTypes(); Calendar localCalendar; localCalendar.setName(remoteCalendar.displayName()); + localCalendar.setColor(remoteCalendar.color().name().toLatin1()); - createOrModify(ENTITY_TYPE_CALENDAR, rid, localCalendar, - /* mergeCriteria = */ QHash{}); + if (remoteCalendar.contentTypes() & KDAV2::DavCollection::Events) { + localCalendar.setContentTypes({"event"}); + } + if (remoteCalendar.contentTypes() & KDAV2::DavCollection::Todos) { + localCalendar.setContentTypes({"todo"}); + } + if (remoteCalendar.contentTypes() & KDAV2::DavCollection::Calendar) { + localCalendar.setContentTypes({"event", "todo"}); + } + + const auto sinkId = syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ENTITY_TYPE_CALENDAR, rid); + const auto found = store().contains(ENTITY_TYPE_CALENDAR, sinkId); + + //Set default when creating, otherwise don't touch + if (!found) { + localCalendar.setEnabled(false); + } + + createOrModify(ENTITY_TYPE_CALENDAR, rid, localCalendar); } } - void updateLocalItem(KDAV2::DavItem remoteItem, const QByteArray &calendarLocalId) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE + void updateLocalItem(const KDAV2::DavItem &remoteItem, const QByteArray &calendarLocalId) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { - const auto &rid = resourceID(remoteItem); + const auto rid = resourceID(remoteItem); - auto ical = remoteItem.data(); - auto incidence = KCalCore::ICalFormat().fromString(ical); + const auto ical = remoteItem.data(); - using Type = KCalCore::IncidenceBase::IncidenceType; + if (ical.contains("BEGIN:VEVENT")) { + Event localEvent; + localEvent.setIcal(ical); + localEvent.setCalendar(calendarLocalId); - switch (incidence->type()) { - case Type::TypeEvent: { - Event localEvent; - localEvent.setIcal(ical); - localEvent.setCalendar(calendarLocalId); + SinkTrace() << "Found an event with id:" << rid; - SinkTrace() << "Found an event with id:" << rid; + createOrModify(ENTITY_TYPE_EVENT, rid, localEvent, {}); + } else if (ical.contains("BEGIN:VTODO")) { + Todo localTodo; + localTodo.setIcal(ical); + localTodo.setCalendar(calendarLocalId); - createOrModify(ENTITY_TYPE_EVENT, rid, localEvent, - /* mergeCriteria = */ QHash{}); - break; - } - case Type::TypeTodo: { - Todo localTodo; - localTodo.setIcal(ical); - localTodo.setCalendar(calendarLocalId); + SinkTrace() << "Found a Todo with id:" << rid; - SinkTrace() << "Found a Todo with id:" << rid; - - createOrModify(ENTITY_TYPE_TODO, rid, localTodo, - /* mergeCriteria = */ QHash{}); - break; - } - case Type::TypeJournal: - SinkWarning() << "Unimplemented add of a 'Journal' item in the Store"; - break; - case Type::TypeFreeBusy: - SinkWarning() << "Unimplemented add of a 'FreeBusy' item in the Store"; - break; - case Type::TypeUnknown: + createOrModify(ENTITY_TYPE_TODO, rid, localTodo, {}); + } else { SinkWarning() << "Trying to add a 'Unknown' item"; - break; - default: - break; } } - QByteArray collectionLocalResourceID(const KDAV2::DavCollection &calendar) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE - { - return syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ENTITY_TYPE_CALENDAR, resourceID(calendar)); - } - template KAsync::Job replayItem(const Item &localItem, Sink::Operation operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &changedProperties, const QByteArray &entityType) { SinkLog() << "Replaying" << entityType; KDAV2::DavItem remoteItem; switch (operation) { case Sink::Operation_Creation: { auto rawIcal = localItem.getIcal(); - if (rawIcal == "") { + if (rawIcal.isEmpty()) { return KAsync::error("No ICal in item for creation replay"); } - - auto collectionId = syncStore().resolveLocalId(ENTITY_TYPE_CALENDAR, localItem.getCalendar()); - - remoteItem.setData(rawIcal); - remoteItem.setContentType("text/calendar"); - remoteItem.setUrl(urlOf(collectionId, localItem.getUid())); - - SinkLog() << "Creating" << entityType << ":" << localItem.getSummary(); - return createItem(remoteItem).then([remoteItem] { return resourceID(remoteItem); }); + return createItem(rawIcal, "text/calendar", localItem.getUid().toUtf8() + ".ics", syncStore().resolveLocalId(ENTITY_TYPE_CALENDAR, localItem.getCalendar())); } case Sink::Operation_Removal: { - // We only need the URL in the DAV item for removal - remoteItem.setUrl(urlOf(oldRemoteId)); - - SinkLog() << "Removing" << entityType << ":" << oldRemoteId; - return removeItem(remoteItem).then([] { return QByteArray{}; }); + return removeItem(oldRemoteId); } case Sink::Operation_Modification: auto rawIcal = localItem.getIcal(); - if (rawIcal == "") { + if (rawIcal.isEmpty()) { return KAsync::error("No ICal in item for modification replay"); } - - remoteItem.setData(rawIcal); - remoteItem.setContentType("text/calendar"); - remoteItem.setUrl(urlOf(oldRemoteId)); - - SinkLog() << "Modifying" << entityType << ":" << localItem.getSummary(); - - // It would be nice to check that the URL of the item hasn't - // changed and move he item if it did, but since the URL is - // pretty much arbitrary, whoe does that anyway? - return modifyItem(remoteItem).then([oldRemoteId] { return oldRemoteId; }); + return modifyItem(oldRemoteId, rawIcal, "text/calendar", syncStore().resolveLocalId(ENTITY_TYPE_CALENDAR, localItem.getCalendar())); } + return KAsync::null(); } KAsync::Job replay(const Event &event, Sink::Operation operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &changedProperties) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return replayItem(event, operation, oldRemoteId, changedProperties, ENTITY_TYPE_EVENT); } KAsync::Job replay(const Todo &todo, Sink::Operation operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &changedProperties) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return replayItem(todo, operation, oldRemoteId, changedProperties, ENTITY_TYPE_TODO); } KAsync::Job replay(const Calendar &calendar, Sink::Operation operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &changedProperties) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { - SinkLog() << "Replaying calendar"; + SinkLog() << "Replaying calendar" << changedProperties; switch (operation) { case Sink::Operation_Creation: SinkWarning() << "Unimplemented replay of calendar creation"; break; case Sink::Operation_Removal: SinkLog() << "Replaying calendar removal"; - removeCollection(urlOf(oldRemoteId)); + removeCollection(oldRemoteId); break; case Sink::Operation_Modification: SinkWarning() << "Unimplemented replay of calendar modification"; + if (calendar.getEnabled() && changedProperties.contains(Calendar::Enabled::name)) { + //Trigger synchronization of that calendar + Query scope; + scope.setType(); + scope.filter(calendar); + synchronize(scope); + } break; } return KAsync::null(); } }; +class CollectionCleanupPreprocessor : public Sink::Preprocessor +{ +public: + virtual void deletedEntity(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE + { + //Remove all events of a collection when removing the collection. + const auto revision = entityStore().maxRevision(); + entityStore().indexLookup(oldEntity.identifier(), [&] (const QByteArray &identifier) { + deleteEntity(ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType{{}, identifier, revision, {}}, ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), false); + }); + entityStore().indexLookup(oldEntity.identifier(), [&] (const QByteArray &identifier) { + deleteEntity(ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType{{}, identifier, revision, {}}, ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), false); + }); + } +}; + CalDavResource::CalDavResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &context) : Sink::GenericResource(context) { auto synchronizer = QSharedPointer::create(context); setupSynchronizer(synchronizer); - setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_EVENT, QVector() << new EventPropertyExtractor); - setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_TODO, QVector() << new TodoPropertyExtractor); + setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_EVENT, {new EventPropertyExtractor}); + setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_TODO, {new TodoPropertyExtractor}); + setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_CALENDAR, {new CollectionCleanupPreprocessor}); } CalDavResourceFactory::CalDavResourceFactory(QObject *parent) : Sink::ResourceFactory(parent, { Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Event::calendar, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Event::event, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Event::storage, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Todo::todo, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Todo::storage, }) { } Sink::Resource *CalDavResourceFactory::createResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &context) { return new CalDavResource(context); } using Sink::ApplicationDomain::Calendar; using Sink::ApplicationDomain::Event; using Sink::ApplicationDomain::Todo; void CalDavResourceFactory::registerFacades(const QByteArray &resourceName, Sink::FacadeFactory &factory) { factory.registerFacade>(resourceName); factory.registerFacade>(resourceName); factory.registerFacade>(resourceName); } void CalDavResourceFactory::registerAdaptorFactories( const QByteArray &resourceName, Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry ®istry) { registry.registerFactory>(resourceName); registry.registerFactory>(resourceName); registry.registerFactory>(resourceName); } void CalDavResourceFactory::removeDataFromDisk(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier) { CalDavResource::removeFromDisk(instanceIdentifier); } diff --git a/examples/caldavresource/caldavresource.h b/examples/caldavresource/caldavresource.h index 58224957..79f438f1 100644 --- a/examples/caldavresource/caldavresource.h +++ b/examples/caldavresource/caldavresource.h @@ -1,46 +1,47 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2018 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once +#include "common/resource.h" #include "common/genericresource.h" /** * A CalDAV resource. */ class CalDavResource : public Sink::GenericResource { public: CalDavResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &); }; class CalDavResourceFactory : public Sink::ResourceFactory { Q_OBJECT Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "sink.caldav") Q_INTERFACES(Sink::ResourceFactory) public: CalDavResourceFactory(QObject *parent = nullptr); Sink::Resource *createResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &context) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void registerFacades(const QByteArray &resourceName, Sink::FacadeFactory &factory) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void registerAdaptorFactories(const QByteArray &resourceName, Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry ®istry) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void removeDataFromDisk(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; }; diff --git a/examples/caldavresource/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/caldavresource/tests/CMakeLists.txt index d2f9b503..e2b2eefe 100644 --- a/examples/caldavresource/tests/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/examples/caldavresource/tests/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,9 +1,17 @@ set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) include_directories(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) include(SinkTest) auto_tests ( caldavtest ) target_link_libraries(caldavtest sink_resource_caldav) + +manual_tests ( + caldavsyncbenchmark +) +target_link_libraries(caldavsyncbenchmark sink_resource_caldav) + +install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/resetcalendar.sh DESTINATION bin PERMISSIONS OWNER_EXECUTE OWNER_WRITE OWNER_READ GROUP_EXECUTE GROUP_READ) +install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/populatecalendar.sh DESTINATION bin PERMISSIONS OWNER_EXECUTE OWNER_WRITE OWNER_READ GROUP_EXECUTE GROUP_READ) diff --git a/examples/caldavresource/tests/caldavsyncbenchmark.cpp b/examples/caldavresource/tests/caldavsyncbenchmark.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e2a42b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/caldavresource/tests/caldavsyncbenchmark.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018 Christian Mollekopf + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the + * Free Software Foundation, Inc., + * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + */ +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include + +#include "../caldavresource.h" +#include "tests/testutils.h" + +#include "common/test.h" +#include "common/domain/applicationdomaintype.h" +#include "common/store.h" +#include "common/resourcecontrol.h" +#include "common/secretstore.h" + +#include +#include + +using namespace Sink; +using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; + +/** + * Test of complete system using the caldav resource. + * + * This test requires the caldav resource installed. + */ +class CalDavSyncBenchmark : public QObject +{ + Q_OBJECT + + void resetTestEnvironment() + { + system("populatecalendar.sh"); + } + + const QString baseUrl = "http://localhost/dav/calendars/user/doe"; + const QString username = "doe"; + const QString password = "doe"; + + Sink::ApplicationDomain::SinkResource createResource() + { + auto resource = ApplicationDomain::CalDavResource::create("account1"); + resource.setProperty("server", baseUrl); + resource.setProperty("username", username); + Sink::SecretStore::instance().insert(resource.identifier(), password); + return resource; + } + + void removeResourceFromDisk(const QByteArray &identifier) + { + ::CalDavResource::removeFromDisk(identifier); + } + + void createEvents(const QString &subject, const QString &collectionName, int num) + { + QUrl mainUrl{baseUrl}; + mainUrl.setUserName(username); + mainUrl.setPassword(password); + + KDAV2::DavUrl davUrl(mainUrl, KDAV2::CalDav); + + auto *job = new KDAV2::DavCollectionsFetchJob(davUrl); + job->exec(); + + const auto collectionUrl = [&] { + for (const auto &col : job->collections()) { + qWarning() << "Looking for " << collectionName << col.displayName(); + if (col.displayName() == collectionName) { + return col.url().url(); + } + } + return QUrl{}; + }(); + Q_ASSERT(!collectionUrl.isEmpty()); + + + for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { + QUrl url{collectionUrl.toString() + subject + QString::number(i) + ".ical"}; + url.setUserInfo(mainUrl.userInfo()); + + KDAV2::DavUrl testItemUrl(url, KDAV2::CardDav); + auto event = QSharedPointer::create(); + event->setSummary(subject); + event->setDtStart(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); + event->setDtEnd(QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(3600)); + event->setCreated(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); + event->setUid(subject + QString::number(i)); + KDAV2::DavItem item(testItemUrl, QStringLiteral("text/calendar"), KCalCore::ICalFormat().toICalString(event).toUtf8(), QString()); + auto createJob = new KDAV2::DavItemCreateJob(item); + createJob->exec(); + if (createJob->error()) { + qWarning() << createJob->errorString(); + } + Q_ASSERT(!createJob->error()); + } + } + + QByteArray mResourceInstanceIdentifier; + HAWD::State mHawdState; + +private slots: + + void initTestCase() + { + Test::initTest(); + resetTestEnvironment(); + auto resource = createResource(); + QVERIFY(!resource.identifier().isEmpty()); + + VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(resource)); + + mResourceInstanceIdentifier = resource.identifier(); + } + + void cleanup() + { + VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::shutdown(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + removeResourceFromDisk(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); + } + + void init() + { + createEvents("test", "personal", 100); + VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::start(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + } + + void testSync() + { + Sink::Query query; + query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); + + QTime time; + time.start(); + + // Ensure all local data is processed + VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); + auto sync = time.elapsed(); + SinkLog() << "Sync took: " << Sink::Log::TraceTime(sync); + + VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + auto total = time.elapsed(); + SinkLog() << "Total took: " << Sink::Log::TraceTime(total); + + time.start(); + + VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); + auto resync = time.elapsed(); + SinkLog() << "ReSync took: " << Sink::Log::TraceTime(resync); + + VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + auto resynctotal = time.elapsed(); + SinkLog() << "Total resync took: " << Sink::Log::TraceTime(resynctotal); + + // HAWD::Dataset dataset("caldav_sync", mHawdState); + // HAWD::Dataset::Row row = dataset.row(); + // row.setValue("sync", sync); + // row.setValue("total", total); + // row.setValue("resync", resync); + // row.setValue("resynctotal", resynctotal); + // dataset.insertRow(row); + // HAWD::Formatter::print(dataset); + } +}; + +QTEST_MAIN(CalDavSyncBenchmark) + +#include "caldavsyncbenchmark.moc" diff --git a/examples/caldavresource/tests/caldavtest.cpp b/examples/caldavresource/tests/caldavtest.cpp index 68ecfffd..17447646 100644 --- a/examples/caldavresource/tests/caldavtest.cpp +++ b/examples/caldavresource/tests/caldavtest.cpp @@ -1,370 +1,504 @@ #include #include +#include +#include #include #include +#include #include -#include #include #include #include "../caldavresource.h" #include "common/resourcecontrol.h" #include "common/secretstore.h" #include "common/store.h" #include "common/test.h" +#include "common/query.h" #include "tests/testutils.h" #include +using namespace Sink; using Sink::ApplicationDomain::Calendar; using Sink::ApplicationDomain::DummyResource; using Sink::ApplicationDomain::Event; using Sink::ApplicationDomain::Todo; using Sink::ApplicationDomain::SinkResource; class CalDavTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT // This test assumes a calendar "personal". const QString baseUrl = "http://localhost/dav/calendars/user/doe"; const QString username = "doe"; const QString password = "doe"; SinkResource createResource() { auto resource = Sink::ApplicationDomain::CalDavResource::create("account1"); - resource.setProperty("server", baseUrl); + resource.setProperty("server", "http://localhost"); resource.setProperty("username", username); Sink::SecretStore::instance().insert(resource.identifier(), password); - resource.setProperty("testmode", true); return resource; } QByteArray mResourceInstanceIdentifier; - QString addedEventUid; - QString addedTodoUid; + QByteArray createEvent(const QString &subject, const QString &collectionName) + { + QUrl mainUrl{"http://localhost/dav/calendars/user/doe"}; + mainUrl.setUserName(QStringLiteral("doe")); + mainUrl.setPassword(QStringLiteral("doe")); + + KDAV2::DavUrl davUrl(mainUrl, KDAV2::CalDav); + + auto *job = new KDAV2::DavCollectionsFetchJob(davUrl); + job->exec(); + + const auto collectionUrl = [&] { + for (const auto &col : job->collections()) { + // qWarning() << "Looking for " << collectionName << col.displayName(); + if (col.displayName() == collectionName) { + return col.url().url(); + } + } + return QUrl{}; + }(); + + QUrl url{collectionUrl.toString() + subject + ".ical"}; + url.setUserInfo(mainUrl.userInfo()); + + KDAV2::DavUrl testItemUrl(url, KDAV2::CardDav); + + auto event = QSharedPointer::create(); + event->setSummary(subject); + event->setDtStart(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); + event->setDtEnd(QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(3600)); + event->setCreated(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); + event->setUid(subject); + + auto data = KCalCore::ICalFormat().toICalString(event).toUtf8(); + + KDAV2::DavItem item(testItemUrl, QStringLiteral("text/calendar"), data, QString()); + auto createJob = new KDAV2::DavItemCreateJob(item); + createJob->exec(); + if (createJob->error()) { + qWarning() << createJob->errorString(); + } + return event->uid().toUtf8(); + } + + void createCollection(const QString &name) + { + QUrl mainUrl(QStringLiteral("http://localhost/dav/calendars/user/doe/") + name); + mainUrl.setUserName(QStringLiteral("doe")); + mainUrl.setPassword(QStringLiteral("doe")); + + KDAV2::DavUrl davUrl(mainUrl, KDAV2::CalDav); + KDAV2::DavCollection collection{davUrl, name, KDAV2::DavCollection::Events}; + + auto createJob = new KDAV2::DavCollectionCreateJob(collection); + createJob->exec(); + if (createJob->error()) { + qWarning() << createJob->errorString(); + } + } + + void removeCollection(const QString &collectionName) + { + QUrl mainUrl{"http://localhost/dav/calendars/user/doe"}; + mainUrl.setUserName(QStringLiteral("doe")); + mainUrl.setPassword(QStringLiteral("doe")); + + KDAV2::DavUrl davUrl(mainUrl, KDAV2::CalDav); + + auto *job = new KDAV2::DavCollectionsFetchJob(davUrl); + job->exec(); + + const auto collectionUrl = [&] { + for (const auto &col : job->collections()) { + // qWarning() << "Looking for " << collectionName << col.displayName(); + if (col.displayName() == collectionName) { + return col.url(); + } + } + return KDAV2::DavUrl{}; + }(); + + auto deleteJob = new KDAV2::DavCollectionDeleteJob(collectionUrl); + deleteJob->exec(); + if (deleteJob->error()) { + qWarning() << deleteJob->errorString(); + } + } + + void resetTestEnvironment() + { + system("resetcalendar.sh"); + } private slots: void initTestCase() { Sink::Test::initTest(); + resetTestEnvironment(); auto resource = createResource(); QVERIFY(!resource.identifier().isEmpty()); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(resource)); mResourceInstanceIdentifier = resource.identifier(); } void cleanup() { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::removeDataFromDisk(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); } void init() { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::start(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); } void testSyncCalEmpty() { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); - auto eventJob = Sink::Store::fetchAll(Sink::Query().request()) - .then([](const QList &events) { QCOMPARE(events.size(), 0); }); - auto todoJob = Sink::Store::fetchAll(Sink::Query().request()) - .then([](const QList &todos) { QCOMPARE(todos.size(), 0); }); + QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read({}).size(), 0); + QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read({}).size(), 0); - VERIFYEXEC(eventJob); - VERIFYEXEC(todoJob); + const auto calendars = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().request()); + QCOMPARE(calendars.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(calendars.first().getName(), {"personal"}); + } + + void testSyncCalendars() + { + createCollection("calendar2"); - auto calendarJob = Sink::Store::fetchAll(Sink::Query().request()) - .then([](const QList &calendars) { - QCOMPARE(calendars.size(), 1); - for (const auto &calendar : calendars) { - QVERIFY(calendar->getName() == "personal"); - } - }); - VERIFYEXEC(calendarJob); + Sink::SyncScope scope; + scope.setType(); + scope.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); - SinkLog() << "Finished"; + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(scope)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + const auto calendars = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + QCOMPARE(calendars.size(), 2); } - void testAddEvent() + void testSyncEvents() + { + createEvent("event1", "personal"); + createEvent("event2", "personal"); + createEvent("event3", "calendar2"); + + //Get the calendars first because we rely on them for the next query. + { + Sink::SyncScope scope; + scope.setType(); + scope.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(scope)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + } + + //We explicitly set an empty calendar filter to override the default query for enabled calendars only + Sink::SyncScope scope; + scope.setType(); + Sink::Query q; + q.setType(); + scope.filter(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), {QVariant::fromValue(q)}); + scope.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); + + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(scope)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + const auto events = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + QCOMPARE(events.size(), 3); + + //Ensure a resync works + { + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(scope)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + const auto events = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + QCOMPARE(events.size(), 3); + for (const auto &event : events) { + const auto calendars = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier).filter(event.getCalendar())); + QCOMPARE(calendars.size(), 1); + } + } + + //Ensure a resync after another creation works + createEvent("event4", "calendar2"); + { + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(scope)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + const auto events = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + QCOMPARE(events.size(), 4); + } + } + + void testCreateModifyDeleteEvent() { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); - auto job = Sink::Store::fetchOne({}).exec(); - job.waitForFinished(); - QVERIFY2(!job.errorCode(), "Fetching Calendar failed"); - auto calendar = job.value(); + auto calendar = Sink::Store::readOne(Sink::Query{}.filter("personal")); auto event = QSharedPointer::create(); event->setSummary("Hello"); event->setDtStart(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); event->setDtEnd(QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(3600)); event->setCreated(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); - addedEventUid = QUuid::createUuid().toString(); + auto addedEventUid = QUuid::createUuid().toString(); event->setUid(addedEventUid); auto ical = KCalCore::ICalFormat().toICalString(event); Event sinkEvent(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); sinkEvent.setIcal(ical.toUtf8()); sinkEvent.setCalendar(calendar); - SinkLog() << "Adding event"; VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(sinkEvent)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); - auto verifyEventCountJob = - Sink::Store::fetchAll(Sink::Query().request()).then([](const QList &events) { - QCOMPARE(events.size(), 1); - }); - VERIFYEXEC(verifyEventCountJob); + auto events = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedEventUid))); + QCOMPARE(events.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(events.first().getSummary(), {"Hello"}); + QCOMPARE(events.first().getCalendar(), calendar.identifier()); + + //Modify + { + auto event = events.first(); + auto incidence = KCalCore::ICalFormat().readIncidence(event.getIcal()); + auto calevent = incidence.dynamicCast(); + QVERIFY2(calevent, "Cannot convert to KCalCore event"); + + calevent->setSummary("Hello World!"); + auto dummy = QSharedPointer(calevent); + auto newical = KCalCore::ICalFormat().toICalString(dummy); + + event.setIcal(newical.toUtf8()); + + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::modify(event)); + + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + + auto events = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedEventUid))); + QCOMPARE(events.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(events.first().getSummary(), {"Hello World!"}); + } + //Delete + { + auto event = events.first(); + + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::remove(event)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); - auto verifyEventJob = - Sink::Store::fetchOne(Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedEventUid))) - .then([](const Event &event) { QCOMPARE(event.getSummary(), {"Hello"}); }); - VERIFYEXEC(verifyEventJob); + auto events = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedEventUid))); + QCOMPARE(events.size(), 0); + } } - void testAddTodo() + void testCreateModifyDeleteTodo() { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); - auto job = Sink::Store::fetchOne({}).exec(); - job.waitForFinished(); - QVERIFY2(!job.errorCode(), "Fetching Calendar failed"); - auto calendar = job.value(); + auto calendar = Sink::Store::readOne(Sink::Query{}.filter("personal")); auto todo = QSharedPointer::create(); todo->setSummary("Hello"); todo->setDtStart(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); todo->setCreated(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); - addedTodoUid = QUuid::createUuid().toString(); + auto addedTodoUid = QUuid::createUuid().toString(); todo->setUid(addedTodoUid); auto ical = KCalCore::ICalFormat().toICalString(todo); Todo sinkTodo(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); sinkTodo.setIcal(ical.toUtf8()); sinkTodo.setCalendar(calendar); - SinkLog() << "Adding todo"; VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(sinkTodo)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); - auto verifyTodoCountJob = - Sink::Store::fetchAll(Sink::Query().request()).then([](const QList &todos) { - QCOMPARE(todos.size(), 1); - }); - VERIFYEXEC(verifyTodoCountJob); - - auto verifyTodoJob = - Sink::Store::fetchOne(Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedTodoUid))) - .then([](const Todo &todo) { QCOMPARE(todo.getSummary(), {"Hello"}); }); - VERIFYEXEC(verifyTodoJob); - } - - void testModifyEvent() - { - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + auto todos = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedTodoUid))); + QCOMPARE(todos.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(todos.first().getSummary(), {"Hello"}); - auto job = Sink::Store::fetchOne( - Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedEventUid))) - .exec(); - job.waitForFinished(); - QVERIFY2(!job.errorCode(), "Fetching Event failed"); - auto event = job.value(); + //Modify + { + auto todo = todos.first(); + auto incidence = KCalCore::ICalFormat().readIncidence(todo.getIcal()); + auto caltodo = incidence.dynamicCast(); + QVERIFY2(caltodo, "Cannot convert to KCalCore todo"); - auto incidence = KCalCore::ICalFormat().readIncidence(event.getIcal()); - auto calevent = incidence.dynamicCast(); - QVERIFY2(calevent, "Cannot convert to KCalCore event"); + caltodo->setSummary("Hello World!"); + auto dummy = QSharedPointer(caltodo); + auto newical = KCalCore::ICalFormat().toICalString(dummy); - calevent->setSummary("Hello World!"); - auto dummy = QSharedPointer(calevent); - auto newical = KCalCore::ICalFormat().toICalString(dummy); + todo.setIcal(newical.toUtf8()); - event.setIcal(newical.toUtf8()); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::modify(todo)); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::modify(event)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + auto todos = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedTodoUid))); + QCOMPARE(todos.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(todos.first().getSummary(), {"Hello World!"}); + } + //Delete + { + auto todo = todos.first(); - auto verifyEventCountJob = Sink::Store::fetchAll({}).then( - [](const QList &events) { QCOMPARE(events.size(), 1); }); - VERIFYEXEC(verifyEventCountJob); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::remove(todo)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); - auto verifyEventJob = - Sink::Store::fetchOne(Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedEventUid))) - .then([](const Event &event) { QCOMPARE(event.getSummary(), {"Hello World!"}); }); - VERIFYEXEC(verifyEventJob); + auto todos = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedTodoUid))); + QCOMPARE(todos.size(), 0); + } } - void testModifyTodo() + void testModificationConflict() { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); - auto job = Sink::Store::fetchOne( - Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedTodoUid))) - .exec(); - job.waitForFinished(); - QVERIFY2(!job.errorCode(), "Fetching Todo failed"); - auto todo = job.value(); - - auto incidence = KCalCore::ICalFormat().readIncidence(todo.getIcal()); - auto caltodo = incidence.dynamicCast(); - QVERIFY2(caltodo, "Cannot convert to KCalCore todo"); - - caltodo->setSummary("Hello World!"); - auto dummy = QSharedPointer(caltodo); - auto newical = KCalCore::ICalFormat().toICalString(dummy); - - todo.setIcal(newical.toUtf8()); - - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::modify(todo)); - - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + auto calendar = Sink::Store::readOne(Sink::Query{}.filter("personal")); - auto verifyTodoCountJob = Sink::Store::fetchAll({}).then( - [](const QList &todos) { QCOMPARE(todos.size(), 1); }); - VERIFYEXEC(verifyTodoCountJob); + auto event = QSharedPointer::create(); + event->setSummary("Hello"); + event->setDtStart(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); + event->setDtEnd(QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(3600)); + event->setCreated(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); + auto addedEventUid = QUuid::createUuid().toString(); + event->setUid(addedEventUid); - auto verifyTodoJob = - Sink::Store::fetchOne(Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedTodoUid))) - .then([](const Todo &todo) { QCOMPARE(todo.getSummary(), {"Hello World!"}); }); - VERIFYEXEC(verifyTodoJob); - } + auto ical = KCalCore::ICalFormat().toICalString(event); + Event sinkEvent(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); + sinkEvent.setIcal(ical.toUtf8()); + sinkEvent.setCalendar(calendar); - void testSneakyModifyEvent() - { - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(sinkEvent)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); // Change the item without sink's knowledge { - auto collection = ([this]() -> KDAV2::DavCollection { + auto collection = [&]() -> KDAV2::DavCollection { QUrl url(baseUrl); url.setUserName(username); url.setPassword(password); KDAV2::DavUrl davurl(url, KDAV2::CalDav); auto collectionsJob = new KDAV2::DavCollectionsFetchJob(davurl); collectionsJob->exec(); Q_ASSERT(collectionsJob->error() == 0); - return collectionsJob->collections()[0]; - })(); + for (const auto &col : collectionsJob->collections()) { + if (col.displayName() == "personal") { + return col; + } + } + return {}; + }(); auto itemList = ([&collection]() -> KDAV2::DavItem::List { - auto cache = std::make_shared(); - auto itemsListJob = new KDAV2::DavItemsListJob(collection.url(), cache); + auto itemsListJob = new KDAV2::DavItemsListJob(collection.url()); itemsListJob->exec(); Q_ASSERT(itemsListJob->error() == 0); return itemsListJob->items(); })(); auto hollowDavItemIt = - std::find_if(itemList.begin(), itemList.end(), [this](const KDAV2::DavItem &item) { - return item.url().url().path().endsWith(addedEventUid); + std::find_if(itemList.begin(), itemList.end(), [&](const KDAV2::DavItem &item) { + return item.url().url().path().contains(addedEventUid); }); QVERIFY(hollowDavItemIt != itemList.end()); - auto davitem = ([this, &collection, &hollowDavItemIt]() -> KDAV2::DavItem { - QString itemUrl = collection.url().url().toEncoded() + addedEventUid; + auto davitem = ([&]() -> KDAV2::DavItem { auto itemFetchJob = new KDAV2::DavItemFetchJob (*hollowDavItemIt); itemFetchJob->exec(); Q_ASSERT(itemFetchJob->error() == 0); return itemFetchJob->item(); })(); auto incidence = KCalCore::ICalFormat().readIncidence(davitem.data()); auto calevent = incidence.dynamicCast(); QVERIFY2(calevent, "Cannot convert to KCalCore event"); calevent->setSummary("Manual Hello World!"); auto newical = KCalCore::ICalFormat().toICalString(calevent); davitem.setData(newical.toUtf8()); auto itemModifyJob = new KDAV2::DavItemModifyJob(davitem); itemModifyJob->exec(); QVERIFY2(itemModifyJob->error() == 0, "Cannot modify item"); } - // Try to change the item with sink + //Change the item with sink as well { - auto job = Sink::Store::fetchOne( - Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedEventUid))) - .exec(); - job.waitForFinished(); - QVERIFY2(!job.errorCode(), "Fetching Event failed"); - auto event = job.value(); - - auto incidence = KCalCore::ICalFormat().readIncidence(event.getIcal()); - auto calevent = incidence.dynamicCast(); - QVERIFY2(calevent, "Cannot convert to KCalCore event"); + auto event = Sink::Store::readOne(Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedEventUid))); + auto calevent = KCalCore::ICalFormat().readIncidence(event.getIcal()).dynamicCast(); + QVERIFY(calevent); calevent->setSummary("Sink Hello World!"); - auto dummy = QSharedPointer(calevent); - auto newical = KCalCore::ICalFormat().toICalString(dummy); + event.setIcal(KCalCore::ICalFormat().toICalString(calevent).toUtf8()); - event.setIcal(newical.toUtf8()); - - // TODO: make that fail + // TODO: this produced a conflict, but we're not dealing with it in any way VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::modify(event)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); } } - void testRemoveEvent() + + void testSyncRemoveFullCalendar() { - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + createCollection("calendar3"); + createEvent("eventToRemove", "calendar3"); - auto job = Sink::Store::fetchOne( - Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedEventUid))) - .exec(); - job.waitForFinished(); - QVERIFY2(!job.errorCode(), "Fetching Event failed"); - auto event = job.value(); + //Get the calendars first because we rely on them for the next query. + { + Sink::SyncScope scope; + scope.setType(); + scope.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(scope)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + } - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::remove(event)); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + //We explicitly set an empty calendar filter to override the default query for enabled calendars only + Sink::SyncScope scope; + scope.setType(); + Sink::Query q; + q.setType(); + scope.filter(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), {QVariant::fromValue(q)}); + scope.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); - auto verifyEventCountJob = Sink::Store::fetchAll({}).then( - [](const QList &events) { QCOMPARE(events.size(), 0); }); - VERIFYEXEC(verifyEventCountJob); - } - void testRemoveTodo() - { - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(scope)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query{}.filter("calendar3")).size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query{}.filter("eventToRemove")).size(), 1); - auto job = Sink::Store::fetchOne( - Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedTodoUid))) - .exec(); - job.waitForFinished(); - QVERIFY2(!job.errorCode(), "Fetching Todo failed"); - auto todo = job.value(); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::remove(todo)); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + removeCollection("calendar3"); - auto verifyTodoCountJob = Sink::Store::fetchAll({}).then( - [](const QList &todos) { QCOMPARE(todos.size(), 0); }); - VERIFYEXEC(verifyTodoCountJob); + { + Sink::SyncScope scope; + scope.setType(); + scope.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(scope)); + } + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query{}.filter("calendar3")).size(), 0); + QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query{}.filter("eventToRemove")).size(), 0); } + }; QTEST_MAIN(CalDavTest) #include "caldavtest.moc" diff --git a/examples/caldavresource/tests/data/cyrusevent b/examples/caldavresource/tests/data/cyrusevent new file mode 100644 index 00000000..30ccaf55 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/caldavresource/tests/data/cyrusevent @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 +From: +Subject: event1 +Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2018 08:07:40 +0000 +Message-ID: +Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8; component=VEVENT +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit +Content-Disposition: attachment; + filename="event1.ical"; + tz-by-ref=true +Content-Length: 415 +MIME-Version: 1.0 + +BEGIN:VCALENDAR +PRODID:-//K Desktop Environment//NONSGML libkcal 4.3//EN +VERSION:2.0 +X-KDE-ICAL-IMPLEMENTATION-VERSION:1.0 +BEGIN:VTIMEZONE +TZID:Etc/UTC +END:VTIMEZONE +BEGIN:VEVENT +DTSTAMP:20180829T080740Z +CREATED:20180829T080740Z +UID:event1 +LAST-MODIFIED:20180829T080740Z +SUMMARY:event1 +DTSTART;TZID=Etc/UTC:20180829T080740 +DTEND;TZID=Etc/UTC:20180829T090740 +TRANSP:OPAQUE +END:VEVENT +END:VCALENDAR +~ diff --git a/examples/caldavresource/tests/populatecalendar.sh b/examples/caldavresource/tests/populatecalendar.sh new file mode 100644 index 00000000..247d92f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/caldavresource/tests/populatecalendar.sh @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +sudo echo "sam user.doe.* cyrus c; +dm user.doe.*; +sam user.doe cyrus c; +" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u cyrus -w admin localhost + +#Create a bunch of test messages in the test folder +# FIXME: this does not work + +# FOLDERPATH=/var/spool/imap/d/user/doe/#calendars/Default +# SRCMESSAGE=/src/sink/examples/caldavresource/tests/data/cyrusevent +# sudo mkdir -p $FOLDERPATH +# sudo chown -R cyrus:mail /var/spool/imap/d/user/doe/#calendars +# sudo tee <$SRCMESSAGE >/dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{1..1000}. + +# sudo chown -R cyrus:mail $FOLDERPATH +# sudo reconstruct "user.doe.#calendars.Default" diff --git a/examples/caldavresource/tests/resetcalendar.sh b/examples/caldavresource/tests/resetcalendar.sh new file mode 100644 index 00000000..911bdcd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/caldavresource/tests/resetcalendar.sh @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +sudo echo "sam user.doe.* cyrus c; +dm user.doe.*; +sam user.doe cyrus c; +" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u cyrus -w admin localhost diff --git a/examples/carddavresource/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/carddavresource/CMakeLists.txt index 0632804e..0a156b20 100644 --- a/examples/carddavresource/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/examples/carddavresource/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ project(sink_resource_carddav) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) -find_package(KPimKDAV2 REQUIRED) +find_package(KPimKDAV2 REQUIRED 0.3) add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED carddavresource.cpp) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} sink_webdav_common sink Qt5::Core Qt5::Network KPim::KDAV2) install(TARGETS ${PROJECT_NAME} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${SINK_RESOURCE_PLUGINS_PATH} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${SINK_RESOURCE_PLUGINS_PATH}) if (WIN32) message("Not building carddav resource tests on windows") else() add_subdirectory(tests) endif() diff --git a/examples/carddavresource/carddavresource.cpp b/examples/carddavresource/carddavresource.cpp index fc2b9465..54e9165c 100644 --- a/examples/carddavresource/carddavresource.cpp +++ b/examples/carddavresource/carddavresource.cpp @@ -1,147 +1,160 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "carddavresource.h" #include "../webdavcommon/webdav.h" #include "facade.h" #include "resourceconfig.h" #include "log.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "synchronizer.h" #include "inspector.h" #include "facadefactory.h" #include "adaptorfactoryregistry.h" #include "contactpreprocessor.h" //This is the resources entity type, and not the domain type #define ENTITY_TYPE_CONTACT "contact" #define ENTITY_TYPE_ADDRESSBOOK "addressbook" using namespace Sink; class ContactSynchronizer : public WebDavSynchronizer { public: ContactSynchronizer(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext) : WebDavSynchronizer(resourceContext, KDAV2::CardDav, ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), - ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) + {ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()}) {} - QByteArray createAddressbook(const QString &addressbookName, const QString &addressbookPath, const QString &parentAddressbookRid) - { - SinkTrace() << "Creating addressbook: " << addressbookName << parentAddressbookRid; - const auto remoteId = addressbookPath.toUtf8(); - const auto bufferType = ENTITY_TYPE_ADDRESSBOOK; - Sink::ApplicationDomain::Addressbook addressbook; - addressbook.setName(addressbookName); - QHash mergeCriteria; - - if (!parentAddressbookRid.isEmpty()) { - addressbook.setParent(syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ENTITY_TYPE_ADDRESSBOOK, parentAddressbookRid.toUtf8())); - } - createOrModify(bufferType, remoteId, addressbook, mergeCriteria); - return remoteId; - } protected: void updateLocalCollections(KDAV2::DavCollection::List addressbookList) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { - const QByteArray bufferType = ENTITY_TYPE_ADDRESSBOOK; SinkTrace() << "Found" << addressbookList.size() << "addressbooks"; for (const auto &f : addressbookList) { - const auto &rid = resourceID(f); + const auto rid = resourceID(f); SinkLog() << "Found addressbook:" << rid << f.displayName(); - createAddressbook(f.displayName(), rid, ""); + + Sink::ApplicationDomain::Addressbook addressbook; + addressbook.setName(f.displayName()); + addressbook.setEnabled(true); + + createOrModify(ENTITY_TYPE_ADDRESSBOOK, rid, addressbook); } } - void updateLocalItem(KDAV2::DavItem remoteContact, const QByteArray &addressbookLocalId) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE + void updateLocalItem(const KDAV2::DavItem &remoteContact, const QByteArray &addressbookLocalId) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { Sink::ApplicationDomain::Contact localContact; localContact.setVcard(remoteContact.data()); localContact.setAddressbook(addressbookLocalId); - QHash mergeCriteria; - createOrModify(ENTITY_TYPE_CONTACT, resourceID(remoteContact), localContact, mergeCriteria); - } - - QByteArray collectionLocalResourceID(const KDAV2::DavCollection &addressbook) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE - { - return syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ENTITY_TYPE_ADDRESSBOOK, resourceID(addressbook)); + createOrModify(ENTITY_TYPE_CONTACT, resourceID(remoteContact), localContact, {}); } KAsync::Job replay(const ApplicationDomain::Contact &contact, Sink::Operation operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &changedProperties) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { + switch (operation) { + case Sink::Operation_Creation: { + const auto vcard = contact.getVcard(); + if (vcard.isEmpty()) { + return KAsync::error("No vcard in item for creation replay."); + } + return createItem(vcard, "text/vcard", contact.getUid().toUtf8() + ".vcf", syncStore().resolveLocalId(ENTITY_TYPE_ADDRESSBOOK, contact.getAddressbook())); + } + case Sink::Operation_Removal: { + return removeItem(oldRemoteId); + } + case Sink::Operation_Modification: + const auto vcard = contact.getVcard(); + if (vcard.isEmpty()) { + return KAsync::error("No ICal in item for modification replay"); + } + return modifyItem(oldRemoteId, vcard, "text/vcard", syncStore().resolveLocalId(ENTITY_TYPE_ADDRESSBOOK, contact.getAddressbook())); + } return KAsync::null(); } KAsync::Job replay(const ApplicationDomain::Addressbook &addressbook, Sink::Operation operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &changedProperties) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return KAsync::null(); } }; +class CollectionCleanupPreprocessor : public Sink::Preprocessor +{ +public: + virtual void deletedEntity(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE + { + //Remove all events of a collection when removing the collection. + const auto revision = entityStore().maxRevision(); + entityStore().indexLookup(oldEntity.identifier(), [&] (const QByteArray &identifier) { + deleteEntity(ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType{{}, identifier, revision, {}}, ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), false); + }); + } +}; CardDavResource::CardDavResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext) : Sink::GenericResource(resourceContext) { - auto synchronizer = QSharedPointer::create(resourceContext); - setupSynchronizer(synchronizer); + setupSynchronizer(QSharedPointer::create(resourceContext)); - setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_CONTACT, QVector() << new ContactPropertyExtractor); + setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_CONTACT, {new ContactPropertyExtractor}); + setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_ADDRESSBOOK, {new CollectionCleanupPreprocessor}); } CardDavResourceFactory::CardDavResourceFactory(QObject *parent) : Sink::ResourceFactory(parent, {Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Contact::contact, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Contact::addressbook, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Contact::storage } ) { } Sink::Resource *CardDavResourceFactory::createResource(const ResourceContext &context) { return new CardDavResource(context); } void CardDavResourceFactory::registerFacades(const QByteArray &name, Sink::FacadeFactory &factory) { factory.registerFacade>(name); factory.registerFacade>(name); } void CardDavResourceFactory::registerAdaptorFactories(const QByteArray &name, Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry ®istry) { registry.registerFactory>(name); registry.registerFactory>(name); } void CardDavResourceFactory::removeDataFromDisk(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier) { CardDavResource::removeFromDisk(instanceIdentifier); } diff --git a/examples/carddavresource/carddavresource.h b/examples/carddavresource/carddavresource.h index 3c0f7073..6238736e 100644 --- a/examples/carddavresource/carddavresource.h +++ b/examples/carddavresource/carddavresource.h @@ -1,63 +1,56 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once +#include "common/resource.h" #include "common/genericresource.h" -#include -#include - -#include - -class ContactAdaptorFactory; -class AddressbookAdaptorFactory; - /** * A CardDAV resource. * * Implementation details: * The remoteid's have the following formats: * files: full file path * directories: full directory path * * The resource moves all messages from new to cur during sync and thus expectes all messages that are in the store to always reside in cur. * The tmp directory is never directly used */ class CardDavResource : public Sink::GenericResource { public: CardDavResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext); }; class CardDavResourceFactory : public Sink::ResourceFactory { Q_OBJECT Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "sink.carddav") Q_INTERFACES(Sink::ResourceFactory) public: CardDavResourceFactory(QObject *parent = 0); Sink::Resource *createResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &context) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void registerFacades(const QByteArray &resourceName, Sink::FacadeFactory &factory) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void registerAdaptorFactories(const QByteArray &resourceName, Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry ®istry) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void removeDataFromDisk(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; }; diff --git a/examples/carddavresource/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/carddavresource/tests/CMakeLists.txt index e7e8c182..e59665ed 100644 --- a/examples/carddavresource/tests/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/examples/carddavresource/tests/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) include_directories(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) include(SinkTest) auto_tests ( carddavtest ) -target_link_libraries(carddavtest sink_resource_carddav) +target_link_libraries(carddavtest sink_resource_carddav KF5::Contacts) diff --git a/examples/carddavresource/tests/carddavtest.cpp b/examples/carddavresource/tests/carddavtest.cpp index 6e7cf01c..ab297c2e 100644 --- a/examples/carddavresource/tests/carddavtest.cpp +++ b/examples/carddavresource/tests/carddavtest.cpp @@ -1,116 +1,223 @@ #include #include "common/resourcecontrol.h" #include "common/secretstore.h" #include "common/store.h" #include "common/test.h" #include "tests/testutils.h" #include #include #include #include +#include #include +#include +#include -using Sink::ApplicationDomain::Calendar; -using Sink::ApplicationDomain::Event; +using Sink::ApplicationDomain::Addressbook; +using Sink::ApplicationDomain::Contact; using Sink::ApplicationDomain::SinkResource; class CardDavTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT SinkResource createResource() { auto resource = Sink::ApplicationDomain::CardDavResource::create("account1"); - resource.setProperty("server", "http://localhost/dav/addressbooks/user/doe"); + resource.setProperty("server", "http://localhost"); resource.setProperty("username", "doe"); Sink::SecretStore::instance().insert(resource.identifier(), "doe"); - resource.setProperty("testmode", true); return resource; } QByteArray mResourceInstanceIdentifier; - void createContact(const QString &firstname, const QString &lastname) + void createContact(const QString &firstname, const QString &lastname, const QString &collectionName) { QUrl mainUrl(QStringLiteral("http://localhost/dav/addressbooks/user/doe")); mainUrl.setUserName(QStringLiteral("doe")); mainUrl.setPassword(QStringLiteral("doe")); - KDAV2::DavUrl davUrl(mainUrl, KDAV2::CardDav); auto *job = new KDAV2::DavCollectionsFetchJob(davUrl); job->exec(); const auto collectionUrl = [&] { - if (!job->collections().isEmpty()) { - return job->collections().first().url().url(); + for (const auto &col : job->collections()) { + if (col.displayName() == collectionName) { + return col.url().url(); + } } return QUrl{}; }(); QUrl url{collectionUrl.toString() + firstname + lastname + ".vcf"}; url.setUserInfo(mainUrl.userInfo()); KDAV2::DavUrl testItemUrl(url, KDAV2::CardDav); QByteArray data = QString("BEGIN:VCARD\r\nVERSION:3.0\r\nPRODID:-//Kolab//iRony DAV Server 0.3.1//Sabre//Sabre VObject 2.1.7//EN\r\nUID:12345678-1234-1234-%1-%2\r\nFN:%1 %2\r\nN:%2;%1;;;\r\nEMAIL;TYPE=INTERNET;TYPE=HOME:%1.%2@example.com\r\nREV;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20161221T145611Z\r\nEND:VCARD\r\n").arg(firstname).arg(lastname).toUtf8(); KDAV2::DavItem item(testItemUrl, QStringLiteral("text/vcard"), data, QString()); auto createJob = new KDAV2::DavItemCreateJob(item); createJob->exec(); if (createJob->error()) { qWarning() << createJob->errorString(); } } + void createCollection(const QString &name) + { + QUrl mainUrl(QStringLiteral("http://localhost/dav/addressbooks/user/doe/") + name); + mainUrl.setUserName(QStringLiteral("doe")); + mainUrl.setPassword(QStringLiteral("doe")); + + KDAV2::DavUrl davUrl(mainUrl, KDAV2::CardDav); + KDAV2::DavCollection collection{davUrl, name, KDAV2::DavCollection::Contacts}; + + auto createJob = new KDAV2::DavCollectionCreateJob(collection); + createJob->exec(); + if (createJob->error()) { + qWarning() << createJob->errorString(); + } + } + + void resetTestEnvironment() + { + system("resetmailbox.sh"); + } + private slots: void initTestCase() { Sink::Test::initTest(); + resetTestEnvironment(); auto resource = createResource(); QVERIFY(!resource.identifier().isEmpty()); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(resource)); mResourceInstanceIdentifier = resource.identifier(); } void cleanup() { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::removeDataFromDisk(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); } void init() { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::start(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); } + void testSyncAddressbooks() + { + createCollection("addressbook2"); + + Sink::SyncScope scope; + scope.setType(); + scope.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); + + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(scope)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + const auto addressbooks = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + QCOMPARE(addressbooks.size(), 2); + } + void testSyncContacts() { - createContact("john", "doe"); - createContact("jane", "doe"); + createContact("john", "doe", "personal"); + createContact("jane", "doe", "personal"); + createContact("fred", "durst", "addressbook2"); Sink::SyncScope scope; - scope.setType(); scope.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(scope)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); const auto contacts = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); - QCOMPARE(contacts.size(), 2); + QCOMPARE(contacts.size(), 3); //Ensure a resync works { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(scope)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); const auto contacts = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); - QCOMPARE(contacts.size(), 2); + QCOMPARE(contacts.size(), 3); + } + + //Ensure a resync after another creation works + createContact("alf", "alf", "addressbook2"); + { + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(scope)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + const auto contacts = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + QCOMPARE(contacts.size(), 4); + } + } + + void testAddModifyRemoveContact() + { + auto createVCard = [] (const QString &firstname, const QString &uid) { + KContacts::Addressee addressee; + addressee.setGivenName(firstname); + addressee.setFamilyName("Doe"); + addressee.setFormattedName("John Doe"); + addressee.setUid(uid); + return KContacts::VCardConverter{}.createVCard(addressee, KContacts::VCardConverter::v3_0); + }; + + + Sink::SyncScope scope; + scope.setType(); + scope.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); + + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(scope)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + + auto addressbooks = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + QVERIFY(!addressbooks.isEmpty()); + + + auto addedUid = QUuid::createUuid().toString(); + auto contact = Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); + contact.setVcard(createVCard("John", addedUid)); + contact.setAddressbook(addressbooks.first()); + + { + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(contact)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + + auto contacts = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedUid))); + QCOMPARE(contacts.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(contacts.first().getFirstname(), {"John"}); + } + + + { + contact.setVcard(createVCard("Jane", addedUid)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::modify(contact)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + auto contacts = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedUid))); + QCOMPARE(contacts.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(contacts.first().getFirstname(), {"Jane"}); + } + + { + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::remove(contact)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(Sink::Query().resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + auto contacts = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query().filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator(addedUid))); + QCOMPARE(contacts.size(), 0); } } }; QTEST_MAIN(CardDavTest) #include "carddavtest.moc" diff --git a/examples/dummyresource/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/dummyresource/CMakeLists.txt index 9f15e583..4c515c4f 100644 --- a/examples/dummyresource/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/examples/dummyresource/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ project(sink_resource_dummy) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) -add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED resourcefactory.cpp domainadaptor.cpp dummystore.cpp) +add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED resourcefactory.cpp dummystore.cpp) generate_flatbuffers(${PROJECT_NAME} dummycalendar) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} sink Qt5::Core Qt5::Network) install(TARGETS ${PROJECT_NAME} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${SINK_RESOURCE_PLUGINS_PATH} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${SINK_RESOURCE_PLUGINS_PATH}) diff --git a/examples/dummyresource/domainadaptor.h b/examples/dummyresource/domainadaptor.h deleted file mode 100644 index 3faaa631..00000000 --- a/examples/dummyresource/domainadaptor.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf - * - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program; if not, write to the - * Free Software Foundation, Inc., - * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. - */ -#pragma once - -#include "common/domainadaptor.h" -#include "event_generated.h" -#include "mail_generated.h" -#include "folder_generated.h" -#include "entity_generated.h" - -class DummyEventAdaptorFactory : public DomainTypeAdaptorFactory -{ -public: - DummyEventAdaptorFactory(); - virtual ~DummyEventAdaptorFactory() {}; -}; - -class DummyMailAdaptorFactory : public DomainTypeAdaptorFactory -{ -public: - DummyMailAdaptorFactory(); - virtual ~DummyMailAdaptorFactory() {}; -}; - -class DummyFolderAdaptorFactory : public DomainTypeAdaptorFactory -{ -public: - DummyFolderAdaptorFactory(); - virtual ~DummyFolderAdaptorFactory() {}; -}; diff --git a/examples/dummyresource/dummystore.cpp b/examples/dummyresource/dummystore.cpp index 78d2aa6a..3600b858 100644 --- a/examples/dummyresource/dummystore.cpp +++ b/examples/dummyresource/dummystore.cpp @@ -1,121 +1,124 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "dummystore.h" #include #include #include static QMap createEvent(int i) { QMap event; event.insert("summary", QString("summary%1").arg(i)); static const size_t attachmentSize = 1024*2; // 2KB event.insert("attachment", QByteArray(attachmentSize, 'c')); return event; } QMap > DummyStore::populateEvents() { QMap> content; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { content.insert(QString("key%1").arg(i), createEvent(i)); } return content; } static QByteArray addMail(QMap > &content, const QString &subject, const QDateTime &date, const QString &senderName, const QString &senderEmail, bool isUnread, bool isImportant, const QByteArray &parentFolder) { static int id = 0; id++; const auto uid = QString("key%1").arg(id); QMap mail; mail.insert("subject", subject); mail.insert("date", date); mail.insert("senderName", senderName); mail.insert("senderEmail", senderEmail); mail.insert("unread", isUnread); mail.insert("important", isImportant); mail.insert("parentFolder", parentFolder); content.insert(uid, mail); return uid.toUtf8(); } QMap > DummyStore::populateMails() { QMap> content; for (const auto &parentFolder : mFolders.keys()) { addMail(content, "Hello World! " + QUuid::createUuid().toByteArray(), QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(), "John Doe", "doe@example.com", true, false, parentFolder.toUtf8()); } return content; } static QByteArray addFolder(QMap > &content, const QString &name, const QByteArray &icon, const QByteArray &parent = QByteArray()) { static int id = 0; id++; const auto uid = QString("key%1").arg(id); QMap folder; folder.insert("name", name); if (!parent.isEmpty()) { folder.insert("parent", parent); } folder.insert("icon", icon); content.insert(uid, folder); return uid.toUtf8(); } QMap > DummyStore::populateFolders() { QMap> content; addFolder(content, "Inbox", "mail-folder-inbox"); auto data = addFolder(content, "Data", "folder"); addFolder(content, "Sent", "mail-folder-sent"); addFolder(content, "Trash", "user-trash"); addFolder(content, "Drafts", "document-edit"); addFolder(content, "Stuff", "folder", data); auto bulk = addFolder(content, "Bulk", "folder", data); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { addFolder(content, QString("Folder %1").arg(i), "folder", bulk); } return content; } DummyStore::DummyStore() +{ +} + +void DummyStore::populate() { mFolders = populateFolders(); mMails = populateMails(); mEvents = populateEvents(); - } QMap > &DummyStore::events() { return mEvents; } QMap > &DummyStore::mails() { return mMails; } QMap > &DummyStore::folders() { return mFolders; } diff --git a/examples/dummyresource/dummystore.h b/examples/dummyresource/dummystore.h index a29ce389..14825e7d 100644 --- a/examples/dummyresource/dummystore.h +++ b/examples/dummyresource/dummystore.h @@ -1,46 +1,48 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once #include #include class DummyStore { public: static DummyStore &instance() { static DummyStore instance; return instance; } + void populate(); + QMap > &events(); QMap > &mails(); QMap > &folders(); private: DummyStore(); QMap > populateEvents(); QMap > populateMails(); QMap > populateFolders(); QMap > mEvents; QMap > mMails; QMap > mFolders; }; diff --git a/examples/dummyresource/resourcefactory.cpp b/examples/dummyresource/resourcefactory.cpp index 597bd957..9445d4e9 100644 --- a/examples/dummyresource/resourcefactory.cpp +++ b/examples/dummyresource/resourcefactory.cpp @@ -1,212 +1,241 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "resourcefactory.h" #include "facade.h" #include "entitybuffer.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "dummycalendar_generated.h" #include "mail_generated.h" #include "domainadaptor.h" #include "log.h" #include "dummystore.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "facadefactory.h" #include "adaptorfactoryregistry.h" #include "synchronizer.h" #include "inspector.h" #include "mailpreprocessor.h" +#include "eventpreprocessor.h" +#include "todopreprocessor.h" +#include "contactpreprocessor.h" #include "specialpurposepreprocessor.h" +#include "resourceconfig.h" #include //This is the resources entity type, and not the domain type #define ENTITY_TYPE_EVENT "event" +#define ENTITY_TYPE_TODO "todo" +#define ENTITY_TYPE_CALENDAR "calendar" +#define ENTITY_TYPE_ADDRESSBOOK "addressbook" +#define ENTITY_TYPE_CONTACT "contact" #define ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL "mail" #define ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER "folder" using namespace Sink; class DummySynchronizer : public Sink::Synchronizer { public: DummySynchronizer(const Sink::ResourceContext &context) : Sink::Synchronizer(context) { setSecret("dummy"); + auto config = ResourceConfig::getConfiguration(context.instanceId()); + if (config.value("populate", false).toBool()) { + DummyStore::instance().populate(); + } } Sink::ApplicationDomain::Event::Ptr createEvent(const QByteArray &ridBuffer, const QMap &data) { auto event = Sink::ApplicationDomain::Event::Ptr::create(); event->setExtractedUid(data.value("uid").toString()); event->setExtractedSummary(data.value("summary").toString()); event->setExtractedDescription(data.value("description").toString()); event->setExtractedStartTime(data.value("starttime").toDateTime()); event->setExtractedEndTime(data.value("endtime").toDateTime()); event->setProperty("remoteId", ridBuffer); return event; } Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail::Ptr createMail(const QByteArray &ridBuffer, const QMap &data) { auto mail = Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail::Ptr::create(); mail->setExtractedMessageId(ridBuffer); mail->setExtractedSubject(data.value("subject").toString()); mail->setExtractedSender(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail::Contact{data.value("senderName").toString(), data.value("senderEmail").toString()}); mail->setExtractedDate(data.value("date").toDateTime()); mail->setFolder(syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, data.value("parentFolder").toByteArray())); mail->setUnread(data.value("unread").toBool()); mail->setImportant(data.value("important").toBool()); return mail; } Sink::ApplicationDomain::Folder::Ptr createFolder(const QByteArray &ridBuffer, const QMap &data) { auto folder = Sink::ApplicationDomain::Folder::Ptr::create(); folder->setName(data.value("name").toString()); folder->setIcon(data.value("icon").toByteArray()); if (!data.value("parent").toString().isEmpty()) { auto sinkId = syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, data.value("parent").toByteArray()); folder->setParent(sinkId); } return folder; } void synchronize(const QByteArray &bufferType, const QMap > &data, std::function &data)> createEntity) { auto time = QSharedPointer::create(); time->start(); //TODO find items to remove int count = 0; for (auto it = data.constBegin(); it != data.constEnd(); it++) { count++; const auto remoteId = it.key().toUtf8(); auto entity = createEntity(remoteId, it.value()); createOrModify(bufferType, remoteId, *entity); } SinkTrace() << "Sync of " << count << " entities of type " << bufferType << " done." << Sink::Log::TraceTime(time->elapsed()); } KAsync::Job synchronizeWithSource(const Sink::QueryBase &) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { SinkLog() << " Synchronizing with the source"; SinkTrace() << "Synchronize with source and sending a notification about it"; Sink::Notification n; n.id = "connected"; n.type = Sink::Notification::Status; n.message = "We're connected"; n.code = Sink::ApplicationDomain::ConnectedStatus; emit notify(n); return KAsync::start([this]() { synchronize(ENTITY_TYPE_EVENT, DummyStore::instance().events(), [this](const QByteArray &ridBuffer, const QMap &data) { return createEvent(ridBuffer, data); }); synchronize(ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL, DummyStore::instance().mails(), [this](const QByteArray &ridBuffer, const QMap &data) { return createMail(ridBuffer, data); }); synchronize(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, DummyStore::instance().folders(), [this](const QByteArray &ridBuffer, const QMap &data) { return createFolder(ridBuffer, data); }); }); } bool canReplay(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return false; } }; class DummyInspector : public Sink::Inspector { public: DummyInspector(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext) : Sink::Inspector(resourceContext) { } protected: KAsync::Job inspect(int inspectionType, const QByteArray &inspectionId, const QByteArray &domainType, const QByteArray &entityId, const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &expectedValue) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { SinkTrace() << "Inspecting " << inspectionType << domainType << entityId << property << expectedValue; if (property == "testInspection") { if (expectedValue.toBool()) { //Success return KAsync::null(); } else { //Failure return KAsync::error(1, "Failed."); } } return KAsync::null(); } }; DummyResource::DummyResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext, const QSharedPointer &pipeline) : Sink::GenericResource(resourceContext, pipeline) { setupSynchronizer(QSharedPointer::create(resourceContext)); setupInspector(QSharedPointer::create(resourceContext)); - setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL, - QVector() << new MailPropertyExtractor << new SpecialPurposeProcessor); - setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, - QVector()); - setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_EVENT, - QVector()); + setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL, {new MailPropertyExtractor, new SpecialPurposeProcessor}); + setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, {}); + setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_EVENT, {new EventPropertyExtractor}); + setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_TODO, {new TodoPropertyExtractor}); + setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_CALENDAR, {}); + setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_CONTACT, {new ContactPropertyExtractor}); + setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_ADDRESSBOOK, {}); } DummyResource::~DummyResource() { } DummyResourceFactory::DummyResourceFactory(QObject *parent) - : Sink::ResourceFactory(parent, {Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::mail, - "event", - Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::folder, - Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::storage, - "-folder.rename", - Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::sent} - ) + : Sink::ResourceFactory(parent, { + Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Todo::todo, + Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Event::event, + Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Event::calendar, + Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Contact::contact, + Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Contact::addressbook, + Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::mail, + Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::folder, + Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::storage, + Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::drafts, + "-folder.rename", + Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::sent} + ) { } Sink::Resource *DummyResourceFactory::createResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext) { return new DummyResource(resourceContext); } void DummyResourceFactory::registerFacades(const QByteArray &resourceName, Sink::FacadeFactory &factory) { - factory.registerFacade>(resourceName); - factory.registerFacade>(resourceName); - factory.registerFacade>(resourceName); + using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; + factory.registerFacade>(resourceName); + factory.registerFacade>(resourceName); + factory.registerFacade>(resourceName); + factory.registerFacade>(resourceName); + factory.registerFacade>(resourceName); + factory.registerFacade>(resourceName); + factory.registerFacade>(resourceName); } void DummyResourceFactory::registerAdaptorFactories(const QByteArray &resourceName, Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry ®istry) { - registry.registerFactory(resourceName); - registry.registerFactory(resourceName); - registry.registerFactory(resourceName); + using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; + registry.registerFactory>(resourceName); + registry.registerFactory>(resourceName); + registry.registerFactory>(resourceName); + registry.registerFactory>(resourceName); + registry.registerFactory>(resourceName); + registry.registerFactory>(resourceName); + registry.registerFactory>(resourceName); } void DummyResourceFactory::removeDataFromDisk(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier) { DummyResource::removeFromDisk(instanceIdentifier); } diff --git a/examples/dummyresource/resourcefactory.h b/examples/dummyresource/resourcefactory.h index cfc6577b..0e136964 100644 --- a/examples/dummyresource/resourcefactory.h +++ b/examples/dummyresource/resourcefactory.h @@ -1,50 +1,46 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once +#include "common/resource.h" #include "common/genericresource.h" -#include "common/messagequeue.h" - -#include - -#include class DummyResource : public Sink::GenericResource { public: DummyResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext, const QSharedPointer &pipeline = QSharedPointer()); virtual ~DummyResource(); }; class DummyResourceFactory : public Sink::ResourceFactory { Q_OBJECT Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "sink.dummy") Q_INTERFACES(Sink::ResourceFactory) public: DummyResourceFactory(QObject *parent = 0); Sink::Resource *createResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void registerFacades(const QByteArray &resourceName, Sink::FacadeFactory &factory) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void registerAdaptorFactories(const QByteArray &resourceName, Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry ®istry) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void removeDataFromDisk(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; }; diff --git a/examples/imapresource/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/imapresource/CMakeLists.txt index 478ce2f9..698c55c2 100644 --- a/examples/imapresource/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/examples/imapresource/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ project(sink_resource_imap) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) find_package(KF5 COMPONENTS REQUIRED Mime) -find_package(KIMAP2 0.2 REQUIRED) +find_package(KIMAP2 0.3 REQUIRED) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED imapresource.cpp imapserverproxy.cpp) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} sink Qt5::Core Qt5::Network KF5::Mime KIMAP2) install(TARGETS ${PROJECT_NAME} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${SINK_RESOURCE_PLUGINS_PATH} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${SINK_RESOURCE_PLUGINS_PATH}) if (WIN32) message("Not building imap resource tests on windows") else() add_subdirectory(tests) endif() diff --git a/examples/imapresource/imapresource.cpp b/examples/imapresource/imapresource.cpp index d342ab25..4b589a64 100644 --- a/examples/imapresource/imapresource.cpp +++ b/examples/imapresource/imapresource.cpp @@ -1,1136 +1,1182 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "imapresource.h" #include "facade.h" #include "resourceconfig.h" #include "commands.h" #include "index.h" #include "log.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "inspection.h" #include "synchronizer.h" #include "inspector.h" #include "query.h" #include #include #include #include +#include #include "facadefactory.h" #include "adaptorfactoryregistry.h" #include "imapserverproxy.h" #include "mailpreprocessor.h" #include "specialpurposepreprocessor.h" //This is the resources entity type, and not the domain type #define ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL "mail" #define ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER "folder" Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QSharedPointer) using namespace Imap; using namespace Sink; static qint64 uidFromMailRid(const QByteArray &remoteId) { auto ridParts = remoteId.split(':'); Q_ASSERT(ridParts.size() == 2); return ridParts.last().toLongLong(); } static QByteArray folderIdFromMailRid(const QByteArray &remoteId) { auto ridParts = remoteId.split(':'); Q_ASSERT(ridParts.size() == 2); return ridParts.first(); } static QByteArray assembleMailRid(const QByteArray &folderLocalId, qint64 imapUid) { return folderLocalId + ':' + QByteArray::number(imapUid); } static QByteArray assembleMailRid(const ApplicationDomain::Mail &mail, qint64 imapUid) { return assembleMailRid(mail.getFolder(), imapUid); } static QByteArray folderRid(const Imap::Folder &folder) { return folder.path().toUtf8(); } static QByteArray parentRid(const Imap::Folder &folder) { return folder.parentPath().toUtf8(); } static QByteArray getSpecialPurposeType(const QByteArrayList &flags) { if (Imap::flagsContain(Imap::FolderFlags::Trash, flags)) { return ApplicationDomain::SpecialPurpose::Mail::trash; } if (Imap::flagsContain(Imap::FolderFlags::Drafts, flags)) { return ApplicationDomain::SpecialPurpose::Mail::drafts; } if (Imap::flagsContain(Imap::FolderFlags::Sent, flags)) { return ApplicationDomain::SpecialPurpose::Mail::sent; } return {}; } static bool hasSpecialPurposeFlag(const QByteArrayList &flags) { return !getSpecialPurposeType(flags).isEmpty(); } class ImapSynchronizer : public Sink::Synchronizer { Q_OBJECT public: ImapSynchronizer(const ResourceContext &resourceContext) : Sink::Synchronizer(resourceContext) { } QByteArray createFolder(const Imap::Folder &f) { const auto parentFolderRid = parentRid(f); bool isToplevel = parentFolderRid.isEmpty(); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Creating folder: " << f.name() << parentFolderRid << f.flags; const auto remoteId = folderRid(f); Sink::ApplicationDomain::Folder folder; folder.setName(f.name()); folder.setIcon("folder"); folder.setEnabled(f.subscribed); - auto specialPurpose = [&] { + const auto specialPurpose = [&] { if (hasSpecialPurposeFlag(f.flags)) { return getSpecialPurposeType(f.flags); } else if (SpecialPurpose::isSpecialPurposeFolderName(f.name()) && isToplevel) { return SpecialPurpose::getSpecialPurposeType(f.name()); } return QByteArray{}; }(); if (!specialPurpose.isEmpty()) { folder.setSpecialPurpose(QByteArrayList() << specialPurpose); } + //Always show the inbox + if (specialPurpose == ApplicationDomain::SpecialPurpose::Mail::inbox) { + folder.setEnabled(true); + } if (!isToplevel) { folder.setParent(syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ApplicationDomain::Folder::name, parentFolderRid)); } createOrModify(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), remoteId, folder); return remoteId; } static bool contains(const QVector &folderList, const QByteArray &remoteId) { for (const auto &folder : folderList) { if (folderRid(folder) == remoteId) { return true; } } return false; } void synchronizeFolders(const QVector &folderList) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Found folders " << folderList.size(); scanForRemovals(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, [&folderList](const QByteArray &remoteId) -> bool { return contains(folderList, remoteId); } ); for (const auto &f : folderList) { createFolder(f); } } static void setFlags(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail &mail, const KIMAP2::MessageFlags &flags) { mail.setUnread(!flags.contains(Imap::Flags::Seen)); mail.setImportant(flags.contains(Imap::Flags::Flagged)); } KIMAP2::MessageFlags getFlags(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail &mail) { KIMAP2::MessageFlags flags; if (!mail.getUnread()) { flags << Imap::Flags::Seen; } if (mail.getImportant()) { flags << Imap::Flags::Flagged; } return flags; } void synchronizeMails(const QByteArray &folderRid, const QByteArray &folderLocalId, const Message &message) { auto time = QSharedPointer::create(); time->start(); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Importing new mail." << folderRid; const auto remoteId = assembleMailRid(folderLocalId, message.uid); Q_ASSERT(message.msg); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Found a mail " << remoteId << message.flags; auto mail = Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); mail.setFolder(folderLocalId); mail.setMimeMessage(message.msg->encodedContent(true)); mail.setExtractedFullPayloadAvailable(message.fullPayload); setFlags(mail, message.flags); createOrModify(ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL, remoteId, mail); // const auto elapsed = time->elapsed(); // SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Synchronized " << count << " mails in " << folderRid << Sink::Log::TraceTime(elapsed) << " " << elapsed/qMax(count, 1) << " [ms/mail]"; } void synchronizeRemovals(const QByteArray &folderRid, const QSet &messages) { auto time = QSharedPointer::create(); time->start(); const auto folderLocalId = syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, folderRid); if (folderLocalId.isEmpty()) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to lookup local id of: " << folderRid; return; } SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Finding removed mail: " << folderLocalId << " remoteId: " << folderRid; int count = 0; scanForRemovals(ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL, [&](const std::function &callback) { store().indexLookup(folderLocalId, callback); }, [&](const QByteArray &remoteId) -> bool { if (messages.contains(uidFromMailRid(remoteId))) { return true; } count++; return false; } ); const auto elapsed = time->elapsed(); SinkLog() << "Removed " << count << " mails in " << folderRid << Sink::Log::TraceTime(elapsed) << " " << elapsed/qMax(count, 1) << " [ms/mail]"; } KAsync::Job synchronizeFolder(QSharedPointer imap, const Imap::Folder &folder, const QDate &dateFilter, bool fetchHeaderAlso = false) { - SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Synchronizing mails: " << folderRid(folder); + SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Synchronizing mails in folder: " << folderRid(folder); SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << " fetching headers also: " << fetchHeaderAlso; const auto folderRemoteId = folderRid(folder); if (folder.path().isEmpty() || folderRemoteId.isEmpty()) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Invalid folder " << folderRemoteId << folder.path(); return KAsync::error("Invalid folder"); } //Start by checking if UIDVALIDITY is still correct return KAsync::start([=] { bool ok = false; const auto uidvalidity = syncStore().readValue(folderRemoteId, "uidvalidity").toLongLong(&ok); return imap->select(folder) .then([=](const SelectResult &selectResult) { SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Checking UIDVALIDITY. Local" << uidvalidity << "remote " << selectResult.uidValidity; if (ok && selectResult.uidValidity != uidvalidity) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "UIDVALIDITY changed " << selectResult.uidValidity << uidvalidity; syncStore().removePrefix(folderRemoteId); } syncStore().writeValue(folderRemoteId, "uidvalidity", QByteArray::number(selectResult.uidValidity)); }); }) // //First we fetch flag changes for all messages. Since we don't know which messages are locally available we just get everything and only apply to what we have. .then([=] { auto lastSeenUid = syncStore().readValue(folderRemoteId, "uidnext").toLongLong(); bool ok = false; const auto changedsince = syncStore().readValue(folderRemoteId, "changedsince").toLongLong(&ok); SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "About to update flags" << folder.path() << "changedsince: " << changedsince; //If we have any mails so far we start off by updating any changed flags using changedsince if (ok) { return imap->fetchFlags(folder, KIMAP2::ImapSet(1, qMax(lastSeenUid, qint64(1))), changedsince, [=](const Message &message) { const auto folderLocalId = syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, folderRemoteId); const auto remoteId = assembleMailRid(folderLocalId, message.uid); SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Updating mail flags " << remoteId << message.flags; auto mail = Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); setFlags(mail, message.flags); modify(ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL, remoteId, mail); }) .then([=](const SelectResult &selectResult) { SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Flags updated. New changedsince value: " << selectResult.highestModSequence; syncStore().writeValue(folderRemoteId, "changedsince", QByteArray::number(selectResult.highestModSequence)); return selectResult.uidNext; }); } else { //We hit this path on initial sync and simply record the current changedsince value return imap->select(imap->mailboxFromFolder(folder)) .then([=](const SelectResult &selectResult) { SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "No flags to update. New changedsince value: " << selectResult.highestModSequence; syncStore().writeValue(folderRemoteId, "changedsince", QByteArray::number(selectResult.highestModSequence)); return selectResult.uidNext; }); } }) //Next we synchronize the full set that is given by the date limit. //We fetch all data for this set. //This will also pull in any new messages in subsequent runs. .then([=] (qint64 serverUidNext){ auto job = [&] { if (dateFilter.isValid()) { SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Fetching messages since: " << dateFilter; return imap->fetchUidsSince(imap->mailboxFromFolder(folder), dateFilter); } else { SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Fetching messages."; return imap->fetchUids(imap->mailboxFromFolder(folder)); } }(); return job.then([=](const QVector &uidsToFetch) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Received result set " << uidsToFetch; SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "About to fetch mail" << folder.path(); const auto lastSeenUid = syncStore().readValue(folderRemoteId, "uidnext").toLongLong(); //Make sure the uids are sorted in reverse order and drop everything below lastSeenUid (so we don't refetch what we already have QVector filteredAndSorted = uidsToFetch; qSort(filteredAndSorted.begin(), filteredAndSorted.end(), qGreater()); auto lowerBound = qLowerBound(filteredAndSorted.begin(), filteredAndSorted.end(), lastSeenUid, qGreater()); if (lowerBound != filteredAndSorted.end()) { filteredAndSorted.erase(lowerBound, filteredAndSorted.end()); } const qint64 lowerBoundUid = filteredAndSorted.isEmpty() ? 0 : filteredAndSorted.last(); auto maxUid = QSharedPointer::create(0); if (!filteredAndSorted.isEmpty()) { *maxUid = filteredAndSorted.first(); } SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Uids to fetch: " << filteredAndSorted; bool headersOnly = false; const auto folderLocalId = syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, folderRemoteId); return imap->fetchMessages(folder, filteredAndSorted, headersOnly, [=](const Message &m) { if (*maxUid < m.uid) { *maxUid = m.uid; } synchronizeMails(folderRemoteId, folderLocalId, m); }, [=](int progress, int total) { reportProgress(progress, total, QByteArrayList{} << folderLocalId); //commit every 10 messages if ((progress % 10) == 0) { commit(); } }) .then([=] { SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Highest found uid: " << *maxUid << folder.path(); if (*maxUid > 0) { syncStore().writeValue(folderRemoteId, "uidnext", QByteArray::number(*maxUid)); } else { if (serverUidNext) { SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Storing the server side uidnext: " << serverUidNext << folder.path(); //If we don't receive a mail we should still record the updated uidnext value. syncStore().writeValue(folderRemoteId, "uidnext", QByteArray::number(serverUidNext - 1)); } } syncStore().writeValue(folderRemoteId, "fullsetLowerbound", QByteArray::number(lowerBoundUid)); commit(); }); }); }) .then([=] { bool ok = false; const auto headersFetched = !syncStore().readValue(folderRemoteId, "headersFetched").isEmpty(); const auto fullsetLowerbound = syncStore().readValue(folderRemoteId, "fullsetLowerbound").toLongLong(&ok); if (ok && !headersFetched) { SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Fetching headers until: " << fullsetLowerbound; return imap->fetchUids(imap->mailboxFromFolder(folder)) .then([=] (const QVector &uids) { //sort in reverse order and remove everything greater than fullsetLowerbound QVector toFetch = uids; qSort(toFetch.begin(), toFetch.end(), qGreater()); if (fullsetLowerbound) { auto upperBound = qUpperBound(toFetch.begin(), toFetch.end(), fullsetLowerbound, qGreater()); if (upperBound != toFetch.begin()) { toFetch.erase(toFetch.begin(), upperBound); } } SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Fetching headers for: " << toFetch; bool headersOnly = true; const auto folderLocalId = syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, folderRemoteId); return imap->fetchMessages(folder, toFetch, headersOnly, [=](const Message &m) { synchronizeMails(folderRemoteId, folderLocalId, m); }, [=](int progress, int total) { reportProgress(progress, total, QByteArrayList{} << folderLocalId); //commit every 100 messages if ((progress % 100) == 0) { commit(); } }); }) .then([=] { SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Headers fetched: " << folder.path(); syncStore().writeValue(folderRemoteId, "headersFetched", "true"); commit(); }); } else { SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "No additional headers to fetch."; } return KAsync::null(); }) //Finally remove messages that are no longer existing on the server. .then([=] { //TODO do an examine with QRESYNC and remove VANISHED messages if supported instead return imap->fetchUids(folder).then([=](const QVector &uids) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Syncing removals: " << folder.path(); synchronizeRemovals(folderRemoteId, uids.toList().toSet()); commit(); }); }); } Sink::QueryBase applyMailDefaults(const Sink::QueryBase &query) { if (mDaysToSync > 0) { auto defaultDateFilter = QDate::currentDate().addDays(0 - mDaysToSync); auto queryWithDefaults = query; if (!queryWithDefaults.hasFilter()) { queryWithDefaults.filter(ApplicationDomain::Mail::Date::name, QVariant::fromValue(defaultDateFilter)); } return queryWithDefaults; } return query; } QList getSyncRequests(const Sink::QueryBase &query) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { QList list; if (query.type() == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { auto request = Synchronizer::SyncRequest{applyMailDefaults(query)}; if (query.hasFilter(ApplicationDomain::Mail::Folder::name)) { request.applicableEntities << query.getFilter(ApplicationDomain::Mail::Folder::name).value.toByteArray(); } list << request; } else if (query.type() == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { list << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{query}; } else { list << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{Sink::QueryBase(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName())}; //This request depends on the previous one so we flush first. list << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{applyMailDefaults(Sink::QueryBase(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName())), QByteArray{}, Synchronizer::SyncRequest::RequestFlush}; } return list; } QByteArray getFolderFromLocalId(const QByteArray &id) { auto mailRemoteId = syncStore().resolveLocalId(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), id); if (mailRemoteId.isEmpty()) { return {}; } return folderIdFromMailRid(mailRemoteId); } void mergeIntoQueue(const Synchronizer::SyncRequest &request, QList &queue) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { auto isIndividualMailSync = [](const Synchronizer::SyncRequest &request) { if (request.requestType == SyncRequest::Synchronization) { const auto query = request.query; if (query.type() == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { return !query.ids().isEmpty(); } } return false; }; if (isIndividualMailSync(request)) { auto newId = request.query.ids().first(); auto requestFolder = getFolderFromLocalId(newId); if (requestFolder.isEmpty()) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Failed to find folder for local id. Ignoring request: " << request.query; return; } for (auto &r : queue) { if (isIndividualMailSync(r)) { auto queueFolder = getFolderFromLocalId(r.query.ids().first()); if (requestFolder == queueFolder) { //Merge r.query.filter(newId); SinkTrace() << "Merging request " << request.query; SinkTrace() << " to " << r.query; return; } } } } queue << request; } KAsync::Job login(QSharedPointer imap) { SinkTrace() << "Connecting to:" << mServer << mPort; SinkTrace() << "as:" << mUser; return imap->login(mUser, secret()) .addToContext(imap); } KAsync::Job> getFolderList(QSharedPointer imap, const Sink::QueryBase &query) { if (query.hasFilter()) { //If we have a folder filter fetch full payload of date-range & all headers QVector folders; auto folderFilter = query.getFilter(); auto localIds = resolveFilter(folderFilter); auto folderRemoteIds = syncStore().resolveLocalIds(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), localIds); for (const auto &r : folderRemoteIds) { Q_ASSERT(!r.isEmpty()); folders << Folder{r}; } return KAsync::value(folders); } else { //Otherwise fetch full payload for daterange auto folderList = QSharedPointer>::create(); return imap->fetchFolders([folderList](const Folder &folder) { if (!folder.noselect && folder.subscribed) { *folderList << folder; } }) .onError([](const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Folder list sync failed."; }) .then([folderList] { return *folderList; } ); } } KAsync::Error getError(const KAsync::Error &error) { if (error) { switch(error.errorCode) { case Imap::CouldNotConnectError: return {ApplicationDomain::ConnectionError, error.errorMessage}; case Imap::SslHandshakeError: return {ApplicationDomain::LoginError, error.errorMessage}; case Imap::LoginFailed: return {ApplicationDomain::LoginError, error.errorMessage}; case Imap::HostNotFoundError: return {ApplicationDomain::NoServerError, error.errorMessage}; case Imap::ConnectionLost: return {ApplicationDomain::ConnectionLostError, error.errorMessage}; case Imap::MissingCredentialsError: return {ApplicationDomain::MissingCredentialsError, error.errorMessage}; default: return {ApplicationDomain::UnknownError, error.errorMessage}; } } return {}; } KAsync::Job synchronizeWithSource(const Sink::QueryBase &query) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { + if (!QUrl{mServer}.isValid()) { + return KAsync::error(ApplicationDomain::ConfigurationError, "Invalid server url: " + mServer); + } auto imap = QSharedPointer::create(mServer, mPort, mEncryptionMode, &mSessionCache); if (query.type() == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { return login(imap) .then([=] { auto folderList = QSharedPointer>::create(); return imap->fetchFolders([folderList](const Folder &folder) { *folderList << folder; }) .then([=]() { synchronizeFolders(*folderList); return *folderList; }) //The rest is only to check for new messages. .each([=](const Imap::Folder &folder) { if (!folder.noselect && folder.subscribed) { return imap->examine(folder) .then([=](const SelectResult &result) { const auto folderRemoteId = folderRid(folder); auto lastSeenUid = syncStore().readValue(folderRemoteId, "uidnext").toLongLong(); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Checking for new messages." << folderRemoteId << " Last seen uid: " << lastSeenUid << " Uidnext: " << result.uidNext; if (result.uidNext > (lastSeenUid + 1)) { const auto folderLocalId = syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, folderRemoteId); emitNotification(Notification::Info, ApplicationDomain::NewContentAvailable, {}, {}, {{folderLocalId}}); } }).then([=] (const KAsync::Error &error) { if (error) { - //Ignore the error because we don't want to fail the synchronization here - SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Examine failed: " << error.errorMessage; + SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Examine failed: " << error; + if (error.errorCode == Imap::CommandFailed) { + //Ignore the error because we don't want to fail the synchronization for all folders + return KAsync::null(); + } + return KAsync::error(error); } + return KAsync::null(); }); } return KAsync::null(); }); }) .then([=] (const KAsync::Error &error) { return imap->logout() .then(KAsync::error(getError(error))); }); } else if (query.type() == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { //TODO //if we have a folder filter: //* execute the folder query and resolve the results to the remote identifier //* query only those folders //if we have a date filter: //* apply the date filter to the fetch //if we have no folder filter: //* fetch list of folders from server directly and sync (because we have no guarantee that the folder sync was already processed by the pipeline). return login(imap) .then([=] { if (!query.ids().isEmpty()) { //If we have mail id's simply fetch the full payload of those mails QVector toFetch; auto mailRemoteIds = syncStore().resolveLocalIds(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), query.ids()); QByteArray folderRemoteId; for (const auto &r : mailRemoteIds) { const auto folderLocalId = folderIdFromMailRid(r); auto f = syncStore().resolveLocalId(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), folderLocalId); if (folderRemoteId.isEmpty()) { folderRemoteId = f; } else { if (folderRemoteId != f) { SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Not all messages come from the same folder " << r << folderRemoteId << ". Skipping message."; continue; } } toFetch << uidFromMailRid(r); } SinkLog() << "Fetching messages: " << toFetch << folderRemoteId; bool headersOnly = false; const auto folderLocalId = syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, folderRemoteId); return imap->fetchMessages(Folder{folderRemoteId}, toFetch, headersOnly, [=](const Message &m) { synchronizeMails(folderRemoteId, folderLocalId, m); }, [=](int progress, int total) { reportProgress(progress, total, QByteArrayList{} << folderLocalId); //commit every 100 messages if ((progress % 100) == 0) { commit(); } }); } else { //Otherwise we sync the folder(s) bool syncHeaders = query.hasFilter(); + + const QDate dateFilter = [&] { + auto filter = query.getFilter(); + if (filter.value.canConvert()) { + SinkLog() << " with date-range " << filter.value.value(); + return filter.value.value(); + } + return QDate{}; + }(); + //FIXME If we were able to to flush in between we could just query the local store for the folder list. return getFolderList(imap, query) - .serialEach([=](const Folder &folder) { - SinkLog() << "Syncing folder " << folder.path(); - //Emit notification that the folder is being synced. - //The synchronizer can't do that because it has no concept of the folder filter on a mail sync scope meaning that the folder is being synchronized. - QDate dateFilter; - auto filter = query.getFilter(); - if (filter.value.canConvert()) { - dateFilter = filter.value.value(); - SinkLog() << " with date-range " << dateFilter; - } - return synchronizeFolder(imap, folder, dateFilter, syncHeaders) - .onError([=](const KAsync::Error &error) { - SinkWarning() << "Failed to sync folder: " << folder.path() << "Error: " << error.errorMessage; + .then([=](const QVector &folders) { + auto job = KAsync::null(); + for (const auto &folder : folders) { + job = job.then([=] { + if (aborting()) { + return KAsync::null(); + } + return synchronizeFolder(imap, folder, dateFilter, syncHeaders) + .then([=](const KAsync::Error &error) { + if (error) { + if (error.errorCode == Imap::CommandFailed) { + SinkWarning() << "Continuing after protocol error: " << folder.path() << "Error: " << error; + //Ignore protocol-level errors and continue + return KAsync::null(); + } + SinkWarning() << "Aborting on error: " << folder.path() << "Error: " << error; + //Abort otherwise, e.g. if we disconnected + return KAsync::error(error); + } + return KAsync::null(); + }); }); + + } + return job; }); } }) .then([=] (const KAsync::Error &error) { return imap->logout() .then(KAsync::error(getError(error))); }); } return KAsync::error("Nothing to do"); } static QByteArray ensureCRLF(const QByteArray &data) { auto index = data.indexOf('\n'); if (index > 0 && data.at(index - 1) == '\r') { //First line is LF-only terminated //Convert back and forth in case there's a mix. We don't want to expand CRLF into CRCRLF. return KMime::LFtoCRLF(KMime::CRLFtoLF(data)); } else { return data; } } static bool validateContent(const QByteArray &data) { if (data.isEmpty()) { SinkError() << "No data available."; return false; } if (data.contains('\0')) { SinkError() << "Data contains NUL, this will fail with IMAP."; return false; } return true; } KAsync::Job replay(const ApplicationDomain::Mail &mail, Sink::Operation operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &changedProperties) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { if (operation != Sink::Operation_Creation) { if(oldRemoteId.isEmpty()) { SinkWarning() << "Tried to replay modification without old remoteId."; // Since we can't recover from the situation we just skip over the revision. // This can for instance happen if creation failed, and we then process a removal or modification. return KAsync::null(); } } auto imap = QSharedPointer::create(mServer, mPort, mEncryptionMode, &mSessionCache); auto login = imap->login(mUser, secret()); KAsync::Job job = KAsync::null(); if (operation == Sink::Operation_Creation) { const QString mailbox = syncStore().resolveLocalId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, mail.getFolder()); const auto content = ensureCRLF(mail.getMimeMessage()); if (!validateContent(content)) { SinkError() << "Validation failed during creation replay " << mail.identifier() << "\n Content:" << content; //We can't recover from this other than deleting the mail, so we skip it. return KAsync::null(); } const auto flags = getFlags(mail); const QDateTime internalDate = mail.getDate(); job = login.then(imap->append(mailbox, content, flags, internalDate)) .addToContext(imap) .then([mail](qint64 uid) { const auto remoteId = assembleMailRid(mail, uid); SinkTrace() << "Finished creating a new mail: " << remoteId; return remoteId; }); } else if (operation == Sink::Operation_Removal) { const auto folderId = folderIdFromMailRid(oldRemoteId); const QString mailbox = syncStore().resolveLocalId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, folderId); const auto uid = uidFromMailRid(oldRemoteId); SinkTrace() << "Removing a mail: " << oldRemoteId << "in the mailbox: " << mailbox; KIMAP2::ImapSet set; set.add(uid); job = login.then(imap->remove(mailbox, set)) .then([imap, oldRemoteId] { SinkTrace() << "Finished removing a mail: " << oldRemoteId; return QByteArray(); }); } else if (operation == Sink::Operation_Modification) { const QString mailbox = syncStore().resolveLocalId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, mail.getFolder()); const auto uid = uidFromMailRid(oldRemoteId); SinkTrace() << "Modifying a mail: " << oldRemoteId << " in the mailbox: " << mailbox << changedProperties; auto flags = getFlags(mail); const bool messageMoved = changedProperties.contains(ApplicationDomain::Mail::Folder::name); const bool messageChanged = changedProperties.contains(ApplicationDomain::Mail::MimeMessage::name); if (messageChanged || messageMoved) { const auto folderId = folderIdFromMailRid(oldRemoteId); const QString oldMailbox = syncStore().resolveLocalId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, folderId); const auto content = ensureCRLF(mail.getMimeMessage()); if (!validateContent(content)) { SinkError() << "Validation failed during modification replay " << mail.identifier() << "\n Content:" << content; //We can't recover from this other than deleting the mail, so we skip it. return KAsync::null(); } const QDateTime internalDate = mail.getDate(); SinkTrace() << "Replacing message. Old mailbox: " << oldMailbox << "New mailbox: " << mailbox << "Flags: " << flags << "Content: " << content; KIMAP2::ImapSet set; set.add(uid); job = login.then(imap->append(mailbox, content, flags, internalDate)) .addToContext(imap) .then([=](qint64 uid) { const auto remoteId = assembleMailRid(mail, uid); SinkTrace() << "Finished creating a modified mail: " << remoteId; return imap->remove(oldMailbox, set).then(KAsync::value(remoteId)); }); } else { SinkTrace() << "Updating flags only."; KIMAP2::ImapSet set; set.add(uid); job = login.then(imap->select(mailbox)) .addToContext(imap) .then(imap->storeFlags(set, flags)) .then([=] { SinkTrace() << "Finished modifying mail"; return oldRemoteId; }); } } return job .then([=] (const KAsync::Error &error, const QByteArray &remoteId) { if (error) { SinkWarning() << "Error during changereplay: " << error.errorMessage; return imap->logout() .then(KAsync::error(getError(error))); } return imap->logout() .then(KAsync::value(remoteId)); }); } KAsync::Job replay(const ApplicationDomain::Folder &folder, Sink::Operation operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &changedProperties) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { if (operation != Sink::Operation_Creation) { if(oldRemoteId.isEmpty()) { Q_ASSERT(false); return KAsync::error("Tried to replay modification without old remoteId."); } } auto imap = QSharedPointer::create(mServer, mPort, mEncryptionMode, &mSessionCache); auto login = imap->login(mUser, secret()); if (operation == Sink::Operation_Creation) { QString parentFolder; if (!folder.getParent().isEmpty()) { parentFolder = syncStore().resolveLocalId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, folder.getParent()); } SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Creating a new folder: " << parentFolder << folder.getName(); auto rid = QSharedPointer::create(); auto createFolder = login.then(imap->createSubfolder(parentFolder, folder.getName())) .then([this, imap, rid](const QString &createdFolder) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Finished creating a new folder: " << createdFolder; *rid = createdFolder.toUtf8(); }); if (folder.getSpecialPurpose().isEmpty()) { return createFolder .then([rid](){ return *rid; }); } else { //We try to merge special purpose folders first auto specialPurposeFolders = QSharedPointer>::create(); auto mergeJob = imap->login(mUser, secret()) .then(imap->fetchFolders([=](const Imap::Folder &folder) { if (SpecialPurpose::isSpecialPurposeFolderName(folder.name())) { specialPurposeFolders->insert(SpecialPurpose::getSpecialPurposeType(folder.name()), folder.path()); }; })) .then([this, specialPurposeFolders, folder, imap, parentFolder, rid]() -> KAsync::Job { for (const auto &purpose : folder.getSpecialPurpose()) { if (specialPurposeFolders->contains(purpose)) { auto f = specialPurposeFolders->value(purpose); SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Merging specialpurpose folder with: " << f << " with purpose: " << purpose; *rid = f.toUtf8(); return KAsync::null(); } } SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "No match found for merging, creating a new folder"; return imap->createSubfolder(parentFolder, folder.getName()) .then([this, imap, rid](const QString &createdFolder) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Finished creating a new folder: " << createdFolder; *rid = createdFolder.toUtf8(); }); }) .then([rid](){ return *rid; }); return mergeJob; } } else if (operation == Sink::Operation_Removal) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Removing a folder: " << oldRemoteId; return login.then(imap->remove(oldRemoteId)) .then([this, oldRemoteId, imap] { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Finished removing a folder: " << oldRemoteId; return QByteArray(); }); } else if (operation == Sink::Operation_Modification) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Renaming a folder: " << oldRemoteId << folder.getName(); auto rid = QSharedPointer::create(); return login.then(imap->renameSubfolder(oldRemoteId, folder.getName())) .then([this, imap, rid](const QString &createdFolder) { SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Finished renaming a folder: " << createdFolder; *rid = createdFolder.toUtf8(); }) .then([rid] { return *rid; }); } return KAsync::null(); } public: QString mServer; int mPort; Imap::EncryptionMode mEncryptionMode = Imap::NoEncryption; QString mUser; int mDaysToSync = 0; QByteArray mResourceInstanceIdentifier; Imap::SessionCache mSessionCache; }; class ImapInspector : public Sink::Inspector { public: ImapInspector(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext) : Sink::Inspector(resourceContext) { } protected: KAsync::Job inspect(int inspectionType, const QByteArray &inspectionId, const QByteArray &domainType, const QByteArray &entityId, const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &expectedValue) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { auto synchronizationStore = QSharedPointer::create(Sink::storageLocation(), mResourceContext.instanceId() + ".synchronization", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto synchronizationTransaction = synchronizationStore->createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto mainStore = QSharedPointer::create(Sink::storageLocation(), mResourceContext.instanceId(), Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto transaction = mainStore->createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); Sink::Storage::EntityStore entityStore(mResourceContext, {"imapresource"}); auto syncStore = QSharedPointer::create(synchronizationTransaction); SinkTrace() << "Inspecting " << inspectionType << domainType << entityId << property << expectedValue; if (domainType == ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL) { const auto mail = entityStore.readLatest(entityId); const auto folder = entityStore.readLatest(mail.getFolder()); const auto folderRemoteId = syncStore->resolveLocalId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, mail.getFolder()); const auto mailRemoteId = syncStore->resolveLocalId(ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL, mail.identifier()); if (mailRemoteId.isEmpty() || folderRemoteId.isEmpty()) { //There is no remote id to find if we expect the message to not exist if (inspectionType == Sink::ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspectionType && !expectedValue.toBool()) { return KAsync::null(); } SinkWarning() << "Missing remote id for folder or mail. " << mailRemoteId << folderRemoteId; return KAsync::error(); } const auto uid = uidFromMailRid(mailRemoteId); SinkTrace() << "Mail remote id: " << folderRemoteId << mailRemoteId << mail.identifier() << folder.identifier(); KIMAP2::ImapSet set; set.add(uid); if (set.isEmpty()) { return KAsync::error(1, "Couldn't determine uid of mail."); } KIMAP2::FetchJob::FetchScope scope; scope.mode = KIMAP2::FetchJob::FetchScope::Full; auto imap = QSharedPointer::create(mServer, mPort, mEncryptionMode); auto messageByUid = QSharedPointer>::create(); SinkTrace() << "Connecting to:" << mServer << mPort; SinkTrace() << "as:" << mUser; auto inspectionJob = imap->login(mUser, secret()) .then(imap->select(folderRemoteId)) .then([](Imap::SelectResult){}) .then(imap->fetch(set, scope, [imap, messageByUid](const Imap::Message &message) { //We avoid parsing normally, so we have to do it explicitly here if (message.msg) { message.msg->parse(); } messageByUid->insert(message.uid, message); })); if (inspectionType == Sink::ResourceControl::Inspection::PropertyInspectionType) { if (property == "unread") { return inspectionJob.then([=] { auto msg = messageByUid->value(uid); if (expectedValue.toBool() && msg.flags.contains(Imap::Flags::Seen)) { return KAsync::error(1, "Expected unread but couldn't find it."); } if (!expectedValue.toBool() && !msg.flags.contains(Imap::Flags::Seen)) { return KAsync::error(1, "Expected read but couldn't find it."); } return KAsync::null(); }); } if (property == "subject") { return inspectionJob.then([=] { auto msg = messageByUid->value(uid); if (msg.msg->subject(true)->asUnicodeString() != expectedValue.toString()) { return KAsync::error(1, "Subject not as expected: " + msg.msg->subject(true)->asUnicodeString()); } return KAsync::null(); }); } } if (inspectionType == Sink::ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspectionType) { return inspectionJob.then([=] { if (!messageByUid->contains(uid)) { SinkWarning() << "Existing messages are: " << messageByUid->keys(); SinkWarning() << "We're looking for: " << uid; return KAsync::error(1, "Couldn't find message: " + mailRemoteId); } return KAsync::null(); }); } } if (domainType == ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER) { const auto remoteId = syncStore->resolveLocalId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, entityId); const auto folder = entityStore.readLatest(entityId); if (inspectionType == Sink::ResourceControl::Inspection::CacheIntegrityInspectionType) { SinkLog() << "Inspecting cache integrity" << remoteId; int expectedCount = 0; Index index("mail.index.folder", transaction); index.lookup(entityId, [&](const QByteArray &sinkId) { expectedCount++; }, [&](const Index::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Error in index: " << error.message << property; }); auto set = KIMAP2::ImapSet::fromImapSequenceSet("1:*"); KIMAP2::FetchJob::FetchScope scope; scope.mode = KIMAP2::FetchJob::FetchScope::Headers; auto imap = QSharedPointer::create(mServer, mPort, mEncryptionMode); auto messageByUid = QSharedPointer>::create(); return imap->login(mUser, secret()) .then(imap->select(remoteId)) .then(imap->fetch(set, scope, [=](const Imap::Message message) { messageByUid->insert(message.uid, message); })) .then([imap, messageByUid, expectedCount] { if (messageByUid->size() != expectedCount) { return KAsync::error(1, QString("Wrong number of messages on the server; found %1 instead of %2.").arg(messageByUid->size()).arg(expectedCount)); } return KAsync::null(); }); } if (inspectionType == Sink::ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspectionType) { auto folderByPath = QSharedPointer>::create(); auto folderByName = QSharedPointer>::create(); auto imap = QSharedPointer::create(mServer, mPort, mEncryptionMode); auto inspectionJob = imap->login(mUser, secret()) .then(imap->fetchFolders([=](const Imap::Folder &f) { *folderByPath << f.path(); *folderByName << f.name(); })) .then([folderByName, folderByPath, folder, remoteId, imap] { if (!folderByName->contains(folder.getName())) { SinkWarning() << "Existing folders are: " << *folderByPath; SinkWarning() << "We're looking for: " << folder.getName(); return KAsync::error(1, "Wrong folder name: " + remoteId); } return KAsync::null(); }); return inspectionJob; } } return KAsync::null(); } public: QString mServer; int mPort; Imap::EncryptionMode mEncryptionMode = Imap::NoEncryption; QString mUser; }; +class FolderCleanupPreprocessor : public Sink::Preprocessor +{ +public: + virtual void deletedEntity(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE + { + //Remove all mails of a folder when removing the folder. + const auto revision = entityStore().maxRevision(); + entityStore().indexLookup(oldEntity.identifier(), [&] (const QByteArray &identifier) { + deleteEntity(ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType{{}, identifier, revision, {}}, ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), false); + }); + } +}; ImapResource::ImapResource(const ResourceContext &resourceContext) : Sink::GenericResource(resourceContext) { auto config = ResourceConfig::getConfiguration(resourceContext.instanceId()); auto server = config.value("server").toString(); auto port = config.value("port").toInt(); auto user = config.value("username").toString(); auto daysToSync = config.value("daysToSync", 14).toInt(); auto starttls = config.value("starttls", false).toBool(); auto encryption = Imap::NoEncryption; if (server.startsWith("imaps")) { encryption = Imap::Tls; } if (starttls) { encryption = Imap::Starttls; } if (server.startsWith("imap")) { server.remove("imap://"); server.remove("imaps://"); } if (server.contains(':')) { auto list = server.split(':'); server = list.at(0); port = list.at(1).toInt(); } //Backwards compatibilty //For kolabnow we assumed that port 143 means starttls if (encryption == Imap::Tls && port == 143) { encryption = Imap::Starttls; } if (!QSslSocket::supportsSsl()) { SinkWarning() << "Qt doesn't support ssl. This is likely a distribution/packaging problem."; //On windows this means that the required ssl dll's are missing SinkWarning() << "Ssl Library Build Version Number: " << QSslSocket::sslLibraryBuildVersionString(); SinkWarning() << "Ssl Library Runtime Version Number: " << QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionString(); } else { SinkTrace() << "Ssl support available"; SinkTrace() << "Ssl Library Build Version Number: " << QSslSocket::sslLibraryBuildVersionString(); SinkTrace() << "Ssl Library Runtime Version Number: " << QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionString(); } auto synchronizer = QSharedPointer::create(resourceContext); synchronizer->mServer = server; synchronizer->mPort = port; synchronizer->mEncryptionMode = encryption; synchronizer->mUser = user; synchronizer->mDaysToSync = daysToSync; setupSynchronizer(synchronizer); auto inspector = QSharedPointer::create(resourceContext); inspector->mServer = server; inspector->mPort = port; inspector->mEncryptionMode = encryption; inspector->mUser = user; setupInspector(inspector); - setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL, QVector() << new SpecialPurposeProcessor << new MailPropertyExtractor); - setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, QVector()); + setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL, {new SpecialPurposeProcessor, new MailPropertyExtractor}); + setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, {new FolderCleanupPreprocessor}); } ImapResourceFactory::ImapResourceFactory(QObject *parent) : Sink::ResourceFactory(parent, {Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::mail, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::folder, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::storage, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::drafts, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::folderhierarchy, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::trash, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::sent} ) { } Sink::Resource *ImapResourceFactory::createResource(const ResourceContext &context) { return new ImapResource(context); } void ImapResourceFactory::registerFacades(const QByteArray &name, Sink::FacadeFactory &factory) { factory.registerFacade>(name); factory.registerFacade>(name); } void ImapResourceFactory::registerAdaptorFactories(const QByteArray &name, Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry ®istry) { registry.registerFactory>(name); registry.registerFactory>(name); } void ImapResourceFactory::removeDataFromDisk(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier) { ImapResource::removeFromDisk(instanceIdentifier); } #include "imapresource.moc" diff --git a/examples/imapresource/imapresource.h b/examples/imapresource/imapresource.h index 3b8b670c..8a6bb593 100644 --- a/examples/imapresource/imapresource.h +++ b/examples/imapresource/imapresource.h @@ -1,59 +1,48 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once +#include "common/resource.h" #include "common/genericresource.h" -#include - -#include - -class ImapMailAdaptorFactory; -class ImapFolderAdaptorFactory; - -namespace Imap { -struct Message; -struct Folder; -} - /** * An imap resource. */ class ImapResource : public Sink::GenericResource { public: ImapResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext); }; class ImapResourceFactory : public Sink::ResourceFactory { Q_OBJECT Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "sink.imap") Q_INTERFACES(Sink::ResourceFactory) public: ImapResourceFactory(QObject *parent = 0); Sink::Resource *createResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void registerFacades(const QByteArray &name, Sink::FacadeFactory &factory) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void registerAdaptorFactories(const QByteArray &name, Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry ®istry) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void removeDataFromDisk(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; }; diff --git a/examples/imapresource/imapserverproxy.cpp b/examples/imapresource/imapserverproxy.cpp index 918a21ac..6513e6ec 100644 --- a/examples/imapresource/imapserverproxy.cpp +++ b/examples/imapresource/imapserverproxy.cpp @@ -1,709 +1,714 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "imapserverproxy.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include "log.h" #include "test.h" using namespace Imap; const char* Imap::Flags::Seen = "\\Seen"; const char* Imap::Flags::Deleted = "\\Deleted"; const char* Imap::Flags::Answered = "\\Answered"; const char* Imap::Flags::Flagged = "\\Flagged"; const char* Imap::FolderFlags::Noselect = "\\Noselect"; const char* Imap::FolderFlags::Noinferiors = "\\Noinferiors"; const char* Imap::FolderFlags::Marked = "\\Marked"; const char* Imap::FolderFlags::Unmarked = "\\Unmarked"; const char* Imap::FolderFlags::Subscribed = "\\Subscribed"; //Special use const char* Imap::FolderFlags::Sent = "\\Sent"; const char* Imap::FolderFlags::Trash = "\\Trash"; const char* Imap::FolderFlags::Archive = "\\Archive"; const char* Imap::FolderFlags::Junk = "\\Junk"; const char* Imap::FolderFlags::Flagged = "\\Flagged"; const char* Imap::FolderFlags::Drafts = "\\Drafts"; const char* Imap::Capabilities::Namespace = "NAMESPACE"; const char* Imap::Capabilities::Uidplus = "UIDPLUS"; const char* Imap::Capabilities::Condstore = "CONDSTORE"; static int translateImapError(KJob *job) { - const int error = job->error(); - const bool isLoginJob = dynamic_cast(job); - const bool isSelectJob = dynamic_cast(job); - switch (error) { - case KIMAP2::LoginJob::ErrorCode::ERR_HOST_NOT_FOUND: + switch (job->error()) { + case KIMAP2::HostNotFound: return Imap::HostNotFoundError; - case KIMAP2::LoginJob::ErrorCode::ERR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT: + case KIMAP2::CouldNotConnect: return Imap::CouldNotConnectError; - case KIMAP2::LoginJob::ErrorCode::ERR_SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED: + case KIMAP2::SslHandshakeFailed: return Imap::SslHandshakeError; - } - //Hack to detect login failures - if (isLoginJob) { - return Imap::LoginFailed; - } - //Hack to detect selection errors - if (isSelectJob) { - return Imap::SelectFailed; - } - //Hack to detect connection lost - if (error == KJob::UserDefinedError) { - return Imap::ConnectionLost; + case KIMAP2::ConnectionLost: + return Imap::ConnectionLost; + case KIMAP2::LoginFailed: + return Imap::LoginFailed; + case KIMAP2::CommandFailed: + return Imap::CommandFailed; } return Imap::UnknownError; } template static KAsync::Job runJob(KJob *job, const std::function &f) { return KAsync::start([job, f](KAsync::Future &future) { QObject::connect(job, &KJob::result, [&future, f](KJob *job) { SinkTrace() << "Job done: " << job->metaObject()->className(); if (job->error()) { SinkWarning() << "Job failed: " << job->errorString() << job->metaObject()->className() << job->error(); auto proxyError = translateImapError(job); future.setError(proxyError, job->errorString()); } else { future.setValue(f(job)); future.setFinished(); } }); SinkTrace() << "Starting job: " << job->metaObject()->className(); job->start(); }); } static KAsync::Job runJob(KJob *job) { return KAsync::start([job](KAsync::Future &future) { QObject::connect(job, &KJob::result, [&future](KJob *job) { SinkTrace() << "Job done: " << job->metaObject()->className(); if (job->error()) { SinkWarning() << "Job failed: " << job->errorString() << job->metaObject()->className() << job->error(); auto proxyError = translateImapError(job); future.setError(proxyError, job->errorString()); } else { future.setFinished(); } }); SinkTrace() << "Starting job: " << job->metaObject()->className(); job->start(); }); } static int socketTimeout() { if (Sink::Test::testModeEnabled()) { - return 1; + return 5; } return 40; } KIMAP2::Session *createNewSession(const QString &serverUrl, int port) { auto newSession = new KIMAP2::Session(serverUrl, qint16(port)); newSession->setTimeout(socketTimeout()); QObject::connect(newSession, &KIMAP2::Session::sslErrors, [=](const QList &errors) { - SinkLog() << "Received ssl error: " << errors; + SinkWarning() << "Received SSL errors:"; + for (const auto &e : errors) { + SinkWarning() << " " << e.error() << ":" << e.errorString() << "Certificate: " << e.certificate().toText(); + } newSession->ignoreErrors(errors); }); return newSession; } ImapServerProxy::ImapServerProxy(const QString &serverUrl, int port, EncryptionMode encryptionMode, SessionCache *sessionCache) : mSessionCache(sessionCache), mSession(nullptr), mEncryptionMode(encryptionMode) { if (!mSessionCache || mSessionCache->isEmpty()) { mSession = createNewSession(serverUrl, port); } } QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const KIMAP2::MailBoxDescriptor &c) { QDebugStateSaver saver(debug); debug.nospace() << c.name; return debug; } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::login(const QString &username, const QString &password) { if (password.isEmpty()) { return KAsync::error(Imap::MissingCredentialsError); } if (mSessionCache) { auto session = mSessionCache->getSession(); if (session.isValid()) { mSession = session.mSession; mCapabilities = session.mCapabilities; mNamespaces = session.mNamespaces; } } Q_ASSERT(mSession); if (mSession->state() == KIMAP2::Session::Authenticated || mSession->state() == KIMAP2::Session::Selected) { - //Prevent the socket from timing out right away, right here (otherwise it just might time out right before we were able to start the job) - mSession->setTimeout(socketTimeout()); - SinkLog() << "Reusing existing session."; - return KAsync::null(); + //If we blindly reuse the socket it may very well be stale and then we have to wait for it to time out. + //A hostlookup should be fast (a couple of milliseconds once cached), and can typcially tell us quickly + //if the host is no longer available. + auto info = QHostInfo::fromName(mSession->hostName()); + if (info.error()) { + SinkLog() << "Failed host lookup, closing the socket" << info.errorString(); + mSession->close(); + return KAsync::error(Imap::HostNotFoundError); + } else { + //Prevent the socket from timing out right away, right here (otherwise it just might time out right before we were able to start the job) + mSession->setTimeout(socketTimeout()); + SinkLog() << "Reusing existing session."; + return KAsync::null(); + } } auto loginJob = new KIMAP2::LoginJob(mSession); loginJob->setUserName(username); loginJob->setPassword(password); if (mEncryptionMode == Starttls) { loginJob->setEncryptionMode(QSsl::TlsV1_0OrLater, true); } else if (mEncryptionMode == Tls) { loginJob->setEncryptionMode(QSsl::AnyProtocol, false); } loginJob->setAuthenticationMode(KIMAP2::LoginJob::Plain); auto capabilitiesJob = new KIMAP2::CapabilitiesJob(mSession); QObject::connect(capabilitiesJob, &KIMAP2::CapabilitiesJob::capabilitiesReceived, &mGuard, [this](const QStringList &capabilities) { mCapabilities = capabilities; }); auto namespaceJob = new KIMAP2::NamespaceJob(mSession); return runJob(loginJob).then(runJob(capabilitiesJob)).then([this](){ SinkTrace() << "Supported capabilities: " << mCapabilities; QStringList requiredExtensions = QStringList() << Capabilities::Uidplus << Capabilities::Namespace; for (const auto &requiredExtension : requiredExtensions) { if (!mCapabilities.contains(requiredExtension)) { SinkWarning() << "Server doesn't support required capability: " << requiredExtension; //TODO fail the job } } }).then(runJob(namespaceJob)).then([this, namespaceJob] { mNamespaces.personal = namespaceJob->personalNamespaces(); mNamespaces.shared = namespaceJob->sharedNamespaces(); mNamespaces.user = namespaceJob->userNamespaces(); // SinkTrace() << "Found personal namespaces: " << mNamespaces.personal; // SinkTrace() << "Found shared namespaces: " << mNamespaces.shared; // SinkTrace() << "Found user namespaces: " << mNamespaces.user; }); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::logout() { if (mSessionCache) { auto session = CachedSession{mSession, mCapabilities, mNamespaces}; if (session.isConnected()) { mSessionCache->recycleSession(session); return KAsync::null(); } } if (mSession->state() == KIMAP2::Session::State::Authenticated || mSession->state() == KIMAP2::Session::State::Selected) { return runJob(new KIMAP2::LogoutJob(mSession)); } else { return KAsync::null(); } } bool ImapServerProxy::isGmail() const { //Magic capability that only gmail has return mCapabilities.contains("X-GM-EXT-1"); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::select(const QString &mailbox) { auto select = new KIMAP2::SelectJob(mSession); select->setMailBox(mailbox); select->setCondstoreEnabled(mCapabilities.contains(Capabilities::Condstore)); return runJob(select, [select](KJob* job) -> SelectResult { return {select->uidValidity(), select->nextUid(), select->highestModSequence()}; }).onError([=] (const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Select failed: " << mailbox; }); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::select(const Folder &folder) { return select(mailboxFromFolder(folder)); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::examine(const QString &mailbox) { auto select = new KIMAP2::SelectJob(mSession); select->setOpenReadOnly(true); select->setMailBox(mailbox); select->setCondstoreEnabled(mCapabilities.contains(Capabilities::Condstore)); return runJob(select, [select](KJob* job) -> SelectResult { return {select->uidValidity(), select->nextUid(), select->highestModSequence()}; }).onError([=] (const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Examine failed: " << mailbox; }); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::examine(const Folder &folder) { return examine(mailboxFromFolder(folder)); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::append(const QString &mailbox, const QByteArray &content, const QList &flags, const QDateTime &internalDate) { auto append = new KIMAP2::AppendJob(mSession); append->setMailBox(mailbox); append->setContent(content); append->setFlags(flags); append->setInternalDate(internalDate); return runJob(append, [](KJob *job) -> qint64{ return static_cast(job)->uid(); }); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::store(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, const QList &flags) { return storeFlags(set, flags); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::storeFlags(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, const QList &flags) { auto store = new KIMAP2::StoreJob(mSession); store->setUidBased(true); store->setMode(KIMAP2::StoreJob::SetFlags); store->setSequenceSet(set); store->setFlags(flags); return runJob(store); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::addFlags(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, const QList &flags) { auto store = new KIMAP2::StoreJob(mSession); store->setUidBased(true); store->setMode(KIMAP2::StoreJob::AppendFlags); store->setSequenceSet(set); store->setFlags(flags); return runJob(store); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::removeFlags(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, const QList &flags) { auto store = new KIMAP2::StoreJob(mSession); store->setUidBased(true); store->setMode(KIMAP2::StoreJob::RemoveFlags); store->setSequenceSet(set); store->setFlags(flags); return runJob(store); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::create(const QString &mailbox) { auto create = new KIMAP2::CreateJob(mSession); create->setMailBox(mailbox); return runJob(create); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::subscribe(const QString &mailbox) { auto job = new KIMAP2::SubscribeJob(mSession); job->setMailBox(mailbox); return runJob(job); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::rename(const QString &mailbox, const QString &newMailbox) { auto rename = new KIMAP2::RenameJob(mSession); rename->setSourceMailBox(mailbox); rename->setDestinationMailBox(newMailbox); return runJob(rename); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::remove(const QString &mailbox) { auto job = new KIMAP2::DeleteJob(mSession); job->setMailBox(mailbox); return runJob(job); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::expunge() { auto job = new KIMAP2::ExpungeJob(mSession); return runJob(job); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::expunge(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set) { //FIXME implement UID EXPUNGE auto job = new KIMAP2::ExpungeJob(mSession); return runJob(job); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::copy(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, const QString &newMailbox) { auto copy = new KIMAP2::CopyJob(mSession); copy->setSequenceSet(set); copy->setUidBased(true); copy->setMailBox(newMailbox); return runJob(copy); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::fetch(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, KIMAP2::FetchJob::FetchScope scope, FetchCallback callback) { auto fetch = new KIMAP2::FetchJob(mSession); fetch->setSequenceSet(set); fetch->setUidBased(true); fetch->setScope(scope); fetch->setAvoidParsing(true); QObject::connect(fetch, &KIMAP2::FetchJob::resultReceived, callback); return runJob(fetch); } KAsync::Job> ImapServerProxy::search(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set) { return search(KIMAP2::Term(KIMAP2::Term::Uid, set)); } KAsync::Job> ImapServerProxy::search(const KIMAP2::Term &term) { auto search = new KIMAP2::SearchJob(mSession); search->setTerm(term); search->setUidBased(true); return runJob>(search, [](KJob *job) -> QVector { return static_cast(job)->results(); }); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::fetch(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, KIMAP2::FetchJob::FetchScope scope, const std::function &callback) { const bool fullPayload = (scope.mode == KIMAP2::FetchJob::FetchScope::Full); return fetch(set, scope, [callback, fullPayload](const KIMAP2::FetchJob::Result &result) { callback(Message{result.uid, result.size, result.attributes, result.flags, result.message, fullPayload}); }); } QStringList ImapServerProxy::getCapabilities() const { return mCapabilities; } KAsync::Job> ImapServerProxy::fetchHeaders(const QString &mailbox, const qint64 minUid) { auto list = QSharedPointer>::create(); KIMAP2::FetchJob::FetchScope scope; scope.mode = KIMAP2::FetchJob::FetchScope::Flags; //Fetch headers of all messages return fetch(KIMAP2::ImapSet(minUid, 0), scope, [list](const KIMAP2::FetchJob::Result &result) { // SinkTrace() << "Received " << uids.size() << " headers from " << mailbox; // SinkTrace() << uids.size() << sizes.size() << attrs.size() << flags.size() << messages.size(); //TODO based on the data available here, figure out which messages to actually fetch //(we only fetched headers and structure so far) //We could i.e. build chunks to fetch based on the size list->append(result.uid); }) .then([list](){ return *list; }); } KAsync::Job> ImapServerProxy::fetchUids(const QString &mailbox) { auto notDeleted = KIMAP2::Term(KIMAP2::Term::Deleted); notDeleted.setNegated(true); return select(mailbox).then>(search(notDeleted)); } KAsync::Job> ImapServerProxy::fetchUidsSince(const QString &mailbox, const QDate &since) { auto sinceTerm = KIMAP2::Term(KIMAP2::Term::Since, since); auto notDeleted = KIMAP2::Term(KIMAP2::Term::Deleted); notDeleted.setNegated(true); auto term = KIMAP2::Term(KIMAP2::Term::And, QVector() << sinceTerm << notDeleted); return select(mailbox).then>(search(term)); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::list(KIMAP2::ListJob::Option option, const std::function &flags)> &callback) { auto listJob = new KIMAP2::ListJob(mSession); listJob->setOption(option); // listJob->setQueriedNamespaces(serverNamespaces()); QObject::connect(listJob, &KIMAP2::ListJob::resultReceived, listJob, callback); return runJob(listJob); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::remove(const QString &mailbox, const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set) { return select(mailbox).then(store(set, QByteArrayList() << Flags::Deleted)).then(expunge(set)); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::remove(const QString &mailbox, const QByteArray &imapSet) { const auto set = KIMAP2::ImapSet::fromImapSequenceSet(imapSet); return remove(mailbox, set); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::move(const QString &mailbox, const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, const QString &newMailbox) { return select(mailbox).then(copy(set, newMailbox)).then(store(set, QByteArrayList() << Flags::Deleted)).then(expunge(set)); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::createSubfolder(const QString &parentMailbox, const QString &folderName) { return KAsync::start([this, parentMailbox, folderName]() { QString folder; if (parentMailbox.isEmpty()) { auto ns = mNamespaces.getDefaultNamespace(); folder = ns.name + folderName; } else { auto ns = mNamespaces.getNamespace(parentMailbox); folder = parentMailbox + ns.separator + folderName; } SinkTrace() << "Creating subfolder: " << folder; return create(folder) .then([=]() { return folder; }); }); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::renameSubfolder(const QString &oldMailbox, const QString &newName) { return KAsync::start([this, oldMailbox, newName] { auto ns = mNamespaces.getNamespace(oldMailbox); auto parts = oldMailbox.split(ns.separator); parts.removeLast(); QString folder = parts.join(ns.separator) + ns.separator + newName; SinkTrace() << "Renaming subfolder: " << oldMailbox << folder; return rename(oldMailbox, folder) .then([=]() { return folder; }); }); } QString ImapServerProxy::getNamespace(const QString &name) { auto ns = mNamespaces.getNamespace(name); return ns.name; } static bool caseInsensitiveContains(const QByteArray &f, const QByteArrayList &list) { return list.contains(f) || list.contains(f.toLower()); } bool Imap::flagsContain(const QByteArray &f, const QByteArrayList &flags) { return caseInsensitiveContains(f, flags); } static void reportFolder(const Folder &f, QSharedPointer> reportedList, std::function callback) { if (!reportedList->contains(f.path())) { reportedList->insert(f.path()); auto c = f; c.noselect = true; callback(c); if (!f.parentPath().isEmpty()){ reportFolder(f.parentFolder(), reportedList, callback); } } } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::getMetaData(std::function > &metadata)> callback) { if (!mCapabilities.contains("METADATA")) { return KAsync::null(); } KIMAP2::GetMetaDataJob *meta = new KIMAP2::GetMetaDataJob(mSession); meta->setMailBox(QLatin1String("*")); meta->setServerCapability( KIMAP2::MetaDataJobBase::Metadata ); meta->setDepth(KIMAP2::GetMetaDataJob::AllLevels); meta->addRequestedEntry("/shared/vendor/kolab/folder-type"); meta->addRequestedEntry("/private/vendor/kolab/folder-type"); return runJob(meta).then([callback, meta] () { callback(meta->allMetaDataForMailboxes()); }); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::fetchFolders(std::function callback) { SinkTrace() << "Fetching folders"; auto subscribedList = QSharedPointer>::create() ; auto reportedList = QSharedPointer>::create() ; auto metaData = QSharedPointer>>::create() ; return getMetaData([=] (const QHash> &m) { *metaData = m; }).then(list(KIMAP2::ListJob::NoOption, [=](const KIMAP2::MailBoxDescriptor &mailbox, const QList &){ *subscribedList << mailbox.name; })).then(list(KIMAP2::ListJob::IncludeUnsubscribed, [=](const KIMAP2::MailBoxDescriptor &mailbox, const QList &flags) { bool noselect = caseInsensitiveContains(FolderFlags::Noselect, flags); bool subscribed = subscribedList->contains(mailbox.name); if (isGmail()) { bool inbox = mailbox.name.toLower() == "inbox"; bool sent = caseInsensitiveContains(FolderFlags::Sent, flags); bool drafts = caseInsensitiveContains(FolderFlags::Drafts, flags); bool trash = caseInsensitiveContains(FolderFlags::Trash, flags); /** * Because gmail duplicates messages all over the place we only support a few selected folders for now that should be mostly exclusive. */ if (!(inbox || sent || drafts || trash)) { return; } } - SinkLog() << "Found mailbox: " << mailbox.name << flags << FolderFlags::Noselect << noselect << " sub: " << subscribed; + SinkTrace() << "Found mailbox: " << mailbox.name << flags << FolderFlags::Noselect << noselect << " sub: " << subscribed; //Ignore all non-mail folders if (metaData->contains(mailbox.name)) { auto m = metaData->value(mailbox.name); auto sharedType = m.value("/shared/vendor/kolab/folder-type"); auto privateType = m.value("/private/vendor/kolab/folder-type"); auto type = !privateType.isEmpty() ? privateType : sharedType; if (!type.isEmpty() && !type.contains("mail")) { - SinkLog() << "Skipping due to folder type: " << type; + SinkTrace() << "Skipping due to folder type: " << type; return; } } auto ns = getNamespace(mailbox.name); auto folder = Folder{mailbox.name, ns, mailbox.separator, noselect, subscribed, flags}; //call callback for parents if that didn't already happen. //This is necessary because we can have missing bits in the hierarchy in IMAP, but this will not work in sink because we'd end up with an incomplete tree. if (!folder.parentPath().isEmpty() && !reportedList->contains(folder.parentPath())) { reportFolder(folder.parentFolder(), reportedList, callback); } reportedList->insert(folder.path()); callback(folder); })); } QString ImapServerProxy::mailboxFromFolder(const Folder &folder) const { Q_ASSERT(!folder.path().isEmpty()); return folder.path(); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::fetchFlags(const Folder &folder, const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, qint64 changedsince, std::function callback) { SinkTrace() << "Fetching flags " << folder.path(); return select(folder).then([=](const SelectResult &selectResult) -> KAsync::Job { SinkTrace() << "Modeseq " << folder.path() << selectResult.highestModSequence << changedsince; if (selectResult.highestModSequence == static_cast(changedsince)) { SinkTrace()<< folder.path() << "Changedsince didn't change, nothing to do."; return KAsync::value(selectResult); } SinkTrace() << "Fetching flags " << folder.path() << set << selectResult.highestModSequence << changedsince; KIMAP2::FetchJob::FetchScope scope; scope.mode = KIMAP2::FetchJob::FetchScope::Flags; scope.changedSince = changedsince; return fetch(set, scope, callback).then([selectResult] { return selectResult; }); }); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::fetchMessages(const Folder &folder, qint64 uidNext, std::function callback, std::function progress) { auto time = QSharedPointer::create(); time->start(); return select(folder).then([this, callback, folder, time, progress, uidNext](const SelectResult &selectResult) -> KAsync::Job { SinkTrace() << "UIDNEXT " << folder.path() << selectResult.uidNext << uidNext; if (selectResult.uidNext == (uidNext + 1)) { SinkTrace()<< folder.path() << "Uidnext didn't change, nothing to do."; return KAsync::null(); } SinkTrace() << "Fetching messages from " << folder.path() << selectResult.uidNext << uidNext; return fetchHeaders(mailboxFromFolder(folder), (uidNext + 1)).then>([this, callback, time, progress, folder](const QVector &uidsToFetch){ SinkTrace() << "Fetched headers" << folder.path(); SinkTrace() << " Total: " << uidsToFetch.size(); SinkTrace() << " Uids to fetch: " << uidsToFetch; SinkTrace() << " Took: " << Sink::Log::TraceTime(time->elapsed()); return fetchMessages(folder, uidsToFetch, false, callback, progress); }); }); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::fetchMessages(const Folder &folder, const QVector &uidsToFetch, bool headersOnly, std::function callback, std::function progress) { auto time = QSharedPointer::create(); time->start(); return select(folder).then([this, callback, folder, time, progress, uidsToFetch, headersOnly](const SelectResult &selectResult) -> KAsync::Job { SinkTrace() << "Fetching messages" << folder.path(); SinkTrace() << " Total: " << uidsToFetch.size(); SinkTrace() << " Uids to fetch: " << uidsToFetch; auto totalCount = uidsToFetch.size(); if (progress) { progress(0, totalCount); } if (uidsToFetch.isEmpty()) { SinkTrace() << "Nothing to fetch"; return KAsync::null(); } KIMAP2::FetchJob::FetchScope scope; scope.parts.clear(); if (headersOnly) { scope.mode = KIMAP2::FetchJob::FetchScope::Headers; } else { scope.mode = KIMAP2::FetchJob::FetchScope::Full; } KIMAP2::ImapSet set; set.add(uidsToFetch); auto count = QSharedPointer::create(); return fetch(set, scope, [=](const Message &message) { *count += 1; if (progress) { progress(*count, totalCount); } callback(message); }); }) .then([time]() { SinkTrace() << "The fetch took: " << Sink::Log::TraceTime(time->elapsed()); }); } KAsync::Job ImapServerProxy::fetchMessages(const Folder &folder, std::function callback, std::function progress) { return fetchMessages(folder, 0, callback, progress); } KAsync::Job> ImapServerProxy::fetchUids(const Folder &folder) { return fetchUids(mailboxFromFolder(folder)); } diff --git a/examples/imapresource/imapserverproxy.h b/examples/imapresource/imapserverproxy.h index cb39b29d..b9844cca 100644 --- a/examples/imapresource/imapserverproxy.h +++ b/examples/imapresource/imapserverproxy.h @@ -1,322 +1,322 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Imap { enum ErrorCode { NoError, LoginFailed, HostNotFoundError, CouldNotConnectError, SslHandshakeError, ConnectionLost, MissingCredentialsError, - SelectFailed, + CommandFailed, UnknownError }; namespace Flags { /// The flag for a message being seen (i.e. opened by user). extern const char* Seen; /// The flag for a message being deleted by the user. extern const char* Deleted; /// The flag for a message being replied to by the user. extern const char* Answered; /// The flag for a message being marked as flagged. extern const char* Flagged; } namespace FolderFlags { extern const char* Noinferiors; extern const char* Noselect; extern const char* Marked; extern const char* Unmarked; extern const char* Subscribed; extern const char* Sent; extern const char* Trash; extern const char* Archive; extern const char* Junk; extern const char* Flagged; extern const char* All; extern const char* Drafts; } namespace Capabilities { extern const char* Condstore; extern const char* Uidplus; extern const char* Namespace; } struct Message { qint64 uid; qint64 size; KIMAP2::MessageAttributes attributes; KIMAP2::MessageFlags flags; KMime::Message::Ptr msg; bool fullPayload; }; bool flagsContain(const QByteArray &f, const QByteArrayList &flags); struct Folder { Folder() = default; Folder(const QString &path, const QString &ns, const QChar &separator, bool noselect_, bool subscribed_, const QByteArrayList &flags_) : noselect(noselect_), subscribed(subscribed_), flags(flags_), mPath(path), mNamespace(ns), mSeparator(separator) { } Folder(const QString &path_) : mPath(path_) { } QString path() const { Q_ASSERT(!mPath.isEmpty()); return mPath; } QString parentPath() const { Q_ASSERT(!mSeparator.isNull()); auto parts = mPath.split(mSeparator); parts.removeLast(); auto parentPath = parts.join(mSeparator); //Don't return the namespace for root folders as parent folder if (mNamespace.startsWith(parentPath)) { return QString{}; } return parentPath; } Folder parentFolder() const { Folder parent; parent.mPath = parentPath(); parent.mNamespace = mNamespace; parent.mSeparator = mSeparator; return parent; } QString name() const { auto pathParts = mPath.split(mSeparator); Q_ASSERT(!pathParts.isEmpty()); return pathParts.last(); } bool noselect = false; bool subscribed = false; QByteArrayList flags; private: QString mPath; QString mNamespace; QChar mSeparator; }; struct SelectResult { qint64 uidValidity; qint64 uidNext; quint64 highestModSequence; }; class Namespaces { public: QList personal; QList shared; QList user; KIMAP2::MailBoxDescriptor getDefaultNamespace() { return personal.isEmpty() ? KIMAP2::MailBoxDescriptor{} : personal.first(); } KIMAP2::MailBoxDescriptor getNamespace(const QString &mailbox) { for (const auto &ns : personal) { if (mailbox.startsWith(ns.name)) { return ns; } } for (const auto &ns : shared) { if (mailbox.startsWith(ns.name)) { return ns; } } for (const auto &ns : user) { if (mailbox.startsWith(ns.name)) { return ns; } } return KIMAP2::MailBoxDescriptor{}; } }; class CachedSession { public: CachedSession() = default; CachedSession(KIMAP2::Session *session, const QStringList &cap, const Namespaces &ns) : mSession(session), mCapabilities(cap), mNamespaces(ns) { } bool operator==(const CachedSession &other) const { return mSession && (mSession == other.mSession); } bool isConnected() { return (mSession->state() == KIMAP2::Session::State::Authenticated || mSession->state() == KIMAP2::Session::State::Selected) ; } bool isValid() { return mSession; } KIMAP2::Session *mSession = nullptr; QStringList mCapabilities; Namespaces mNamespaces; }; class SessionCache : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: void recycleSession(const CachedSession &session) { QObject::connect(session.mSession, &KIMAP2::Session::stateChanged, this, [this, session](KIMAP2::Session::State newState, KIMAP2::Session::State oldState) { if (newState == KIMAP2::Session::Disconnected) { mSessions.removeOne(session); } }); mSessions << session; } CachedSession getSession() { while (!mSessions.isEmpty()) { auto session = mSessions.takeLast(); if (session.isConnected()) { return session; } } return {}; } bool isEmpty() const { return mSessions.isEmpty(); } private: QList mSessions; }; enum EncryptionMode { NoEncryption, Tls, Starttls }; class ImapServerProxy { public: ImapServerProxy(const QString &serverUrl, int port, EncryptionMode encryption, SessionCache *sessionCache = nullptr); //Standard IMAP calls KAsync::Job login(const QString &username, const QString &password); KAsync::Job logout(); KAsync::Job select(const QString &mailbox); KAsync::Job select(const Folder &mailbox); KAsync::Job examine(const QString &mailbox); KAsync::Job examine(const Folder &mailbox); KAsync::Job append(const QString &mailbox, const QByteArray &content, const QList &flags = QList(), const QDateTime &internalDate = QDateTime()); KAsync::Job store(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, const QList &flags); KAsync::Job storeFlags(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, const QList &flags); KAsync::Job addFlags(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, const QList &flags); KAsync::Job removeFlags(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, const QList &flags); KAsync::Job create(const QString &mailbox); KAsync::Job rename(const QString &mailbox, const QString &newMailbox); KAsync::Job remove(const QString &mailbox); KAsync::Job subscribe(const QString &mailbox); KAsync::Job expunge(); KAsync::Job expunge(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set); KAsync::Job copy(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, const QString &newMailbox); KAsync::Job> search(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set); KAsync::Job> search(const KIMAP2::Term &term); typedef std::function FetchCallback; KAsync::Job fetch(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, KIMAP2::FetchJob::FetchScope scope, FetchCallback callback); KAsync::Job fetch(const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, KIMAP2::FetchJob::FetchScope scope, const std::function &callback); KAsync::Job list(KIMAP2::ListJob::Option option, const std::function &flags)> &callback); QStringList getCapabilities() const; //Composed calls that do login etc. KAsync::Job> fetchHeaders(const QString &mailbox, qint64 minUid = 1); KAsync::Job remove(const QString &mailbox, const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set); KAsync::Job remove(const QString &mailbox, const QByteArray &imapSet); KAsync::Job move(const QString &mailbox, const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, const QString &newMailbox); KAsync::Job createSubfolder(const QString &parentMailbox, const QString &folderName); KAsync::Job renameSubfolder(const QString &mailbox, const QString &newName); KAsync::Job> fetchUids(const QString &mailbox); KAsync::Job> fetchUidsSince(const QString &mailbox, const QDate &since); QString mailboxFromFolder(const Folder &) const; KAsync::Job fetchFolders(std::function callback); KAsync::Job fetchMessages(const Folder &folder, std::function callback, std::function progress = std::function()); KAsync::Job fetchMessages(const Folder &folder, qint64 uidNext, std::function callback, std::function progress = std::function()); KAsync::Job fetchMessages(const Folder &folder, const QVector &uidsToFetch, bool headersOnly, std::function callback, std::function progress); KAsync::Job fetchFlags(const Folder &folder, const KIMAP2::ImapSet &set, qint64 changedsince, std::function callback); KAsync::Job> fetchUids(const Folder &folder); private: KAsync::Job getMetaData(std::function > &metadata)> callback); bool isGmail() const; QString getNamespace(const QString &name); QObject mGuard; SessionCache *mSessionCache; KIMAP2::Session *mSession; QStringList mCapabilities; Namespaces mNamespaces; EncryptionMode mEncryptionMode; }; } diff --git a/examples/imapresource/tests/imapmailsynctest.cpp b/examples/imapresource/tests/imapmailsynctest.cpp index 06369f3e..76023e10 100644 --- a/examples/imapresource/tests/imapmailsynctest.cpp +++ b/examples/imapresource/tests/imapmailsynctest.cpp @@ -1,208 +1,212 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include "../imapresource.h" #include "../imapserverproxy.h" #include "common/test.h" #include "common/domain/applicationdomaintype.h" #include "common/secretstore.h" #include "common/store.h" #include "common/resourcecontrol.h" #include "common/notifier.h" using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; /** * Test of complete system using the imap resource. * * This test requires the imap resource installed. */ class ImapMailSyncTest : public Sink::MailSyncTest { Q_OBJECT protected: bool isBackendAvailable() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost("localhost", 143); return socket.waitForConnected(200); } void resetTestEnvironment() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { system("resetmailbox.sh"); } Sink::ApplicationDomain::SinkResource createResource() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { auto resource = ApplicationDomain::ImapResource::create("account1"); resource.setProperty("server", "localhost"); resource.setProperty("port", 143); resource.setProperty("username", "doe"); resource.setProperty("daysToSync", 0); Sink::SecretStore::instance().insert(resource.identifier(), "doe"); return resource; } Sink::ApplicationDomain::SinkResource createFaultyResource() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { auto resource = ApplicationDomain::ImapResource::create("account1"); - //Using a bogus ip instead of a bogus hostname avoids getting stuck in the hostname lookup - resource.setProperty("server", ""); - resource.setProperty("port", 143); + //We try to connect on localhost on port 0 because: + //* Using a bogus ip instead of a bogus hostname avoids getting stuck in the hostname lookup. + //* Using localhost avoids tcp trying to retransmit packets into nirvana + //* Using port 0 fails immediately because it's not an existing port. + //All we really want is something that immediately rejects our connection attempt, and this seems to work. + resource.setProperty("server", ""); + resource.setProperty("port", 0); resource.setProperty("username", "doe"); Sink::SecretStore::instance().insert(resource.identifier(), "doe"); return resource; } void removeResourceFromDisk(const QByteArray &identifier) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { ::ImapResource::removeFromDisk(identifier); } void createFolder(const QStringList &folderPath) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { Imap::ImapServerProxy imap("localhost", 143, Imap::NoEncryption); VERIFYEXEC(imap.login("doe", "doe")); VERIFYEXEC(imap.create("INBOX." + folderPath.join('.'))); VERIFYEXEC(imap.subscribe("INBOX." + folderPath.join('.'))); } void removeFolder(const QStringList &folderPath) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { Imap::ImapServerProxy imap("localhost", 143, Imap::NoEncryption); VERIFYEXEC(imap.login("doe", "doe")); VERIFYEXEC(imap.remove("INBOX." + folderPath.join('.'))); } QByteArray createMessage(const QStringList &folderPath, const QByteArray &message) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { Imap::ImapServerProxy imap("localhost", 143, Imap::NoEncryption); VERIFYEXEC_RET(imap.login("doe", "doe"), {}); auto appendJob = imap.append("INBOX." + folderPath.join('.'), message); auto future = appendJob.exec(); future.waitForFinished(); auto result = future.value(); return QByteArray::number(result); } void removeMessage(const QStringList &folderPath, const QByteArray &messages) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { Imap::ImapServerProxy imap("localhost", 143, Imap::NoEncryption); VERIFYEXEC(imap.login("doe", "doe")); VERIFYEXEC(imap.remove("INBOX." + folderPath.join('.'), messages)); } void markAsImportant(const QStringList &folderPath, const QByteArray &messageIdentifier) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { Imap::ImapServerProxy imap("localhost", 143, Imap::NoEncryption); VERIFYEXEC(imap.login("doe", "doe")); VERIFYEXEC(imap.select("INBOX." + folderPath.join('.'))); VERIFYEXEC(imap.addFlags(KIMAP2::ImapSet::fromImapSequenceSet(messageIdentifier), QByteArrayList() << Imap::Flags::Flagged)); } static QByteArray newMessage(const QString &subject) { auto msg = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); msg->subject(true)->fromUnicodeString(subject, "utf8"); msg->date(true)->setDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()); msg->assemble(); return msg->encodedContent(true); } private slots: void testNewMailNotification() { createFolder(QStringList() << "testNewMailNotification"); createMessage(QStringList() << "testNewMailNotification", newMessage("Foobar")); const auto syncFolders = Sink::SyncScope{ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()}.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); //Fetch folders initially VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(syncFolders)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto folder = Store::readOne(Sink::Query{}.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier).filter("testNewMailNotification")); Q_ASSERT(!folder.identifier().isEmpty()); const auto syncTestMails = Sink::SyncScope{ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()}.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier).filter(QVariant::fromValue(folder.identifier())); bool notificationReceived = false; auto notifier = QSharedPointer::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); notifier->registerHandler([&](const Notification ¬ification) { if (notification.type == Sink::Notification::Info && notification.code == ApplicationDomain::NewContentAvailable && notification.entities.contains(folder.identifier())) { notificationReceived = true; } }); //Should result in a change notification for test VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(syncFolders)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); QTRY_VERIFY(notificationReceived); notificationReceived = false; //Fetch test mails to skip change notification VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(syncTestMails)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); //Should no longer result in change notifications for test VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(syncFolders)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); QVERIFY(!notificationReceived); //Create message and retry createMessage(QStringList() << "testNewMailNotification", newMessage("This is a Subject.")); //Should result in change notification VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(syncFolders)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); QTRY_VERIFY(notificationReceived); } void testSyncFolderBeforeFetchingNewMessages() { const auto syncScope = Sink::Query{}.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); createFolder(QStringList() << "test3"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(syncScope)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); createMessage(QStringList() << "test3", newMessage("Foobar")); VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(syncScope)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto mailQuery = Sink::Query{}.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier).request().filter(Sink::Query{}.filter("test3")); QCOMPARE(Store::read(mailQuery).size(), 1); } }; QTEST_MAIN(ImapMailSyncTest) #include "imapmailsynctest.moc" diff --git a/examples/imapresource/tests/populatemailbox.sh b/examples/imapresource/tests/populatemailbox.sh index a5949fc7..38a3857e 100644 --- a/examples/imapresource/tests/populatemailbox.sh +++ b/examples/imapresource/tests/populatemailbox.sh @@ -1,39 +1,37 @@ #!/bin/bash -sudo echo "sam user.doe.* cyrus c" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u cyrus -w admin localhost -#Delete all mailboxes -sudo echo "dm user.doe.*" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u cyrus -w admin localhost -#Create mailboxes -sudo echo "cm user.doe.test" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u cyrus -w admin localhost -sudo echo "cm user.doe.Drafts" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u cyrus -w admin localhost -sudo echo "cm user.doe.Trash" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u cyrus -w admin localhost +sudo echo "sam user.doe.* cyrus c; +dm user.doe.*; +cm user.doe.test; +cm user.doe.Drafts; +cm user.doe.Trash; +sam user.doe cyrus c; +" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u cyrus -w admin localhost -#Set acls so we can create in INBOX -sudo echo "sam user.doe cyrus c" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u cyrus -w admin localhost - -#Subscribe to mailboxes -sudo echo "sub INBOX" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u doe -w doe localhost -sudo echo "sub INBOX.test" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u doe -w doe localhost -sudo echo "sub INBOX.Drafts" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u doe -w doe localhost -sudo echo "sub INBOX.Trash" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u doe -w doe localhost +sudo echo "sam user.doe.* cyrus c; +subscribe INBOX.test; +subscribe INBOX.Drafts; +subscribe INBOX.Trash; +" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u doe -w doe localhost #Create a bunch of test messages in the test folder # for i in `seq 1 5000`; # do # # sudo cp /src/sink/examples/imapresource/tests/data/1365777830.R28.localhost.localdomain\:2\,S /var/spool/imap/d/user/doe/test/$i. # done # Because this is way faster than a loop FOLDERPATH=/var/spool/imap/d/user/doe/test -sudo tee /dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{1..1000}. -sudo tee /dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{1001..2000}. -sudo tee /dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{2001..3000}. -sudo tee /dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{3001..4000}. -sudo tee /dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{4001..5000}. -sudo tee /dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{5001..6000}. -sudo tee /dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{6001..7000}. -sudo tee /dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{7001..8000}. -sudo tee /dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{8001..9000}. -sudo tee /dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{9001..10000}. +SRCMESSAGE=/src/sink/examples/imapresource/tests/data/1365777830.R28.localhost.localdomain\:2\,S +sudo tee <$SRCMESSAGE >/dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{1..1000}. +sudo tee <$SRCMESSAGE >/dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{1001..2000}. +sudo tee <$SRCMESSAGE >/dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{2001..3000}. +sudo tee <$SRCMESSAGE >/dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{3001..4000}. +sudo tee <$SRCMESSAGE >/dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{4001..5000}. +sudo tee <$SRCMESSAGE >/dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{5001..6000}. +sudo tee <$SRCMESSAGE >/dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{6001..7000}. +sudo tee <$SRCMESSAGE >/dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{7001..8000}. +sudo tee <$SRCMESSAGE >/dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{8001..9000}. +sudo tee <$SRCMESSAGE >/dev/null $FOLDERPATH/{9001..10000}. sudo chown -R cyrus:mail $FOLDERPATH sudo reconstruct "user.doe.test" diff --git a/examples/imapresource/tests/resetmailbox.sh b/examples/imapresource/tests/resetmailbox.sh index b216ee4b..62001b1b 100644 --- a/examples/imapresource/tests/resetmailbox.sh +++ b/examples/imapresource/tests/resetmailbox.sh @@ -1,11 +1,15 @@ #!/bin/bash -sudo echo "sam user.doe.* cyrus c" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u cyrus -w admin localhost -sudo echo "dm user.doe.*" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u cyrus -w admin localhost -sudo echo "cm user.doe.test" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u cyrus -w admin localhost -sudo echo "subscribe INBOX.test" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u doe -w doe localhost -sudo echo "cm user.doe.Drafts" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u cyrus -w admin localhost -sudo echo "subscribe INBOX.Drafts" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u doe -w doe localhost -sudo echo "cm user.doe.Trash" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u cyrus -w admin localhost -sudo echo "subscribe INBOX.Trash" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u doe -w doe localhost -sudo echo "sam user.doe cyrus c" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u cyrus -w admin localhost +sudo echo "sam user.doe.* cyrus c; +dm user.doe.*; +cm user.doe.test; +cm user.doe.Drafts; +cm user.doe.Trash; +sam user.doe cyrus c; +" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u cyrus -w admin localhost + +sudo echo "sam user.doe.* cyrus c; +subscribe INBOX.test; +subscribe INBOX.Drafts; +subscribe INBOX.Trash; +" | cyradm --auth PLAIN -u doe -w doe localhost diff --git a/examples/maildirresource/maildirresource.cpp b/examples/maildirresource/maildirresource.cpp index f5a0feaa..d7a417ad 100644 --- a/examples/maildirresource/maildirresource.cpp +++ b/examples/maildirresource/maildirresource.cpp @@ -1,636 +1,649 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "maildirresource.h" #include "facade.h" #include "resourceconfig.h" #include "index.h" #include "log.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "libmaildir/maildir.h" #include "inspection.h" #include "synchronizer.h" #include "inspector.h" #include "facadefactory.h" #include "adaptorfactoryregistry.h" #include "mailpreprocessor.h" #include "specialpurposepreprocessor.h" #include #include #include //This is the resources entity type, and not the domain type #define ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL "mail" #define ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER "folder" using namespace Sink; static QString getFilePathFromMimeMessagePath(const QString &mimeMessagePath) { auto parts = mimeMessagePath.split('/'); const auto key = parts.takeLast(); const auto path = parts.join("/") + "/cur/"; QDir dir(path); const QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList(QStringList() << (key+"*"), QDir::Files); if (list.size() != 1) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to find message. Property value:" << mimeMessagePath << "Assembled path: " << path; return QString(); } return list.first().filePath(); } class MaildirMailPropertyExtractor : public MailPropertyExtractor { void update(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail &mail) { QFile file{::getFilePathFromMimeMessagePath(mail.getMimeMessage())}; if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { updatedIndexedProperties(mail, file.readAll()); } else { SinkWarning() << "Failed to open file message " << mail.getMimeMessage(); } } protected: void newEntity(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail &mail) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { update(mail); } void modifiedEntity(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail &oldMail, Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail &newMail) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { update(newMail); } }; class MaildirMimeMessageMover : public Sink::Preprocessor { public: MaildirMimeMessageMover(const QByteArray &resourceInstanceIdentifier, const QString &maildirPath) : mResourceInstanceIdentifier(resourceInstanceIdentifier), mMaildirPath(maildirPath) {} QString getPath(const QByteArray &folderIdentifier) { if (folderIdentifier.isEmpty()) { return mMaildirPath; } QString folderPath; const auto folder = entityStore().readLatest(folderIdentifier); if (mMaildirPath.endsWith(folder.getName())) { folderPath = mMaildirPath; } else { auto folderName = folder.getName(); //FIXME handle non toplevel folders folderPath = mMaildirPath + "/" + folderName; } return folderPath; } QString storeMessage(const QByteArray &data, const QByteArray &folder) { const auto path = getPath(folder); KPIM::Maildir maildir(path, false); if (!maildir.isValid(true)) { SinkWarning() << "Maildir is not existing: " << path; } SinkTrace() << "Storing message: " << data; auto identifier = maildir.addEntry(data); return path + "/" + identifier; } QString moveMessage(const QString &oldPath, const QByteArray &folder) { if (oldPath.startsWith(Sink::temporaryFileLocation())) { const auto path = getPath(folder); KPIM::Maildir maildir(path, false); if (!maildir.isValid(true)) { SinkWarning() << "Maildir is not existing: " << path; } auto identifier = maildir.addEntryFromPath(oldPath); return path + "/" + identifier; } else { //Handle moves const auto path = getPath(folder); KPIM::Maildir maildir(path, false); if (!maildir.isValid(true)) { SinkWarning() << "Maildir is not existing: " << path; } auto oldIdentifier = KPIM::Maildir::getKeyFromFile(oldPath); auto pathParts = oldPath.split('/'); pathParts.takeLast(); auto oldDirectory = pathParts.join('/'); if (oldDirectory == path) { return oldPath; } KPIM::Maildir oldMaildir(oldDirectory, false); if (!oldMaildir.isValid(false)) { SinkWarning() << "Maildir is not existing: " << path; } auto identifier = oldMaildir.moveEntryTo(oldIdentifier, maildir); return path + "/" + identifier; } } bool isPath(const QByteArray &data) { return data.startsWith('/'); } void newEntity(Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { auto mail = newEntity.cast(); const auto mimeMessage = mail.getMimeMessage(); if (!mimeMessage.isNull()) { if (isPath(mimeMessage)) { mail.setMimeMessage(moveMessage(mimeMessage, mail.getFolder()).toUtf8()); } else { mail.setMimeMessage(storeMessage(mimeMessage, mail.getFolder()).toUtf8()); } } } void modifiedEntity(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { auto newMail = newEntity.cast(); const ApplicationDomain::Mail oldMail{oldEntity}; const auto newFolder = newMail.getFolder(); const bool folderChanged = !newFolder.isNull() && newFolder != oldMail.getFolder(); if (!newMail.getMimeMessage().isNull() || folderChanged) { const auto data = newMail.getMimeMessage(); if (isPath(data)) { auto newPath = moveMessage(data, newMail.getFolder()); if (newPath != oldMail.getMimeMessage()) { newMail.setMimeMessage(newPath.toUtf8()); //Remove the olde mime message if there is a new one QFile::remove(getFilePathFromMimeMessagePath(oldMail.getMimeMessage())); } } else { newMail.setMimeMessage(storeMessage(data, newMail.getFolder()).toUtf8()); //Remove the olde mime message if there is a new one QFile::remove(getFilePathFromMimeMessagePath(oldMail.getMimeMessage())); } } auto mimeMessagePath = newMail.getMimeMessage(); const auto maildirPath = getPath(newMail.getFolder()); KPIM::Maildir maildir(maildirPath, false); QString identifier = KPIM::Maildir::getKeyFromFile(getFilePathFromMimeMessagePath(mimeMessagePath)); //get flags from KPIM::Maildir::Flags flags; if (!newMail.getUnread()) { flags |= KPIM::Maildir::Seen; } if (newMail.getImportant()) { flags |= KPIM::Maildir::Flagged; } maildir.changeEntryFlags(identifier, flags); } void deletedEntity(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { const ApplicationDomain::Mail oldMail{oldEntity}; const auto filePath = getFilePathFromMimeMessagePath(oldMail.getMimeMessage()); QFile::remove(filePath); } QByteArray mResourceInstanceIdentifier; QString mMaildirPath; }; class FolderPreprocessor : public Sink::Preprocessor { public: FolderPreprocessor(const QString maildirPath) : mMaildirPath(maildirPath) {} void newEntity(Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { auto folderName = Sink::ApplicationDomain::Folder{newEntity}.getName(); const auto path = mMaildirPath + "/" + folderName; KPIM::Maildir maildir(path, false); maildir.create(); } void modifiedEntity(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { } void deletedEntity(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { } QString mMaildirPath; }; +class FolderCleanupPreprocessor : public Sink::Preprocessor +{ +public: + virtual void deletedEntity(const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE + { + //Remove all mails of a folder when removing the folder. + const auto revision = entityStore().maxRevision(); + entityStore().indexLookup(oldEntity.identifier(), [&] (const QByteArray &identifier) { + deleteEntity(ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType{{}, identifier, revision, {}}, ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), false); + }); + } +}; + class MaildirSynchronizer : public Sink::Synchronizer { public: MaildirSynchronizer(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext) : Sink::Synchronizer(resourceContext) { setSecret("dummy"); } static QStringList listRecursive( const QString &root, const KPIM::Maildir &dir ) { QStringList list; foreach (const QString &sub, dir.subFolderList()) { const KPIM::Maildir md = dir.subFolder(sub); if (!md.isValid()) { continue; } QString path = root + "/" + sub; list << path; list += listRecursive(path, md ); } return list; } QByteArray createFolder(const QString &folderPath, const QByteArray &icon, const QByteArrayList &specialpurpose = QByteArrayList()) { auto remoteId = folderPath.toUtf8(); auto bufferType = ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER; KPIM::Maildir md(folderPath, folderPath == mMaildirPath); Sink::ApplicationDomain::Folder folder; folder.setName(md.name()); folder.setIcon(icon); if (!specialpurpose.isEmpty()) { folder.setSpecialPurpose(specialpurpose); } if (!md.isRoot()) { folder.setParent(syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, md.parent().path().toUtf8())); } createOrModify(bufferType, remoteId, folder); return remoteId; } QStringList listAvailableFolders() { KPIM::Maildir dir(mMaildirPath, true); if (!dir.isValid()) { return QStringList(); } QStringList folderList; folderList << mMaildirPath; folderList += listRecursive(mMaildirPath, dir); return folderList; } void synchronizeFolders() { const QByteArray bufferType = ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER; QStringList folderList = listAvailableFolders(); SinkTrace() << "Found folders " << folderList; scanForRemovals(bufferType, [&folderList](const QByteArray &remoteId) -> bool { return folderList.contains(remoteId); } ); for (const auto &folderPath : folderList) { createFolder(folderPath, "folder"); } } void synchronizeMails(const QString &path) { SinkTrace() << "Synchronizing mails" << path; auto time = QSharedPointer::create(); time->start(); const QByteArray bufferType = ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL; KPIM::Maildir maildir(path, true); if (!maildir.isValid()) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to sync folder."; return; } SinkTrace() << "Importing new mail."; maildir.importNewMails(); auto listingPath = maildir.pathToCurrent(); auto entryIterator = QSharedPointer::create(listingPath, QDir::Files); SinkTrace() << "Looking into " << listingPath; const auto folderLocalId = syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, path.toUtf8()); scanForRemovals(bufferType, [&](const std::function &callback) { store().indexLookup(folderLocalId, callback); }, [](const QByteArray &remoteId) -> bool { return QFile(remoteId).exists(); } ); int count = 0; while (entryIterator->hasNext()) { count++; const QString filePath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(entryIterator->next()); const QString fileName = entryIterator->fileName(); const auto remoteId = filePath.toUtf8(); const auto flags = maildir.readEntryFlags(fileName); const auto maildirKey = maildir.getKeyFromFile(fileName); SinkTrace() << "Found a mail " << filePath << " : " << fileName; Sink::ApplicationDomain::Mail mail; mail.setFolder(folderLocalId); //We only store the directory path + key, so we facade can add the changing bits (flags) auto path = KPIM::Maildir::getDirectoryFromFile(filePath) + maildirKey; mail.setMimeMessage(path.toUtf8()); mail.setUnread(!flags.testFlag(KPIM::Maildir::Seen)); mail.setImportant(flags.testFlag(KPIM::Maildir::Flagged)); mail.setExtractedFullPayloadAvailable(true); createOrModify(bufferType, remoteId, mail); } const auto elapsed = time->elapsed(); SinkLog() << "Synchronized " << count << " mails in " << listingPath << Sink::Log::TraceTime(elapsed) << " " << elapsed/qMax(count, 1) << " [ms/mail]"; } QList getSyncRequests(const Sink::QueryBase &query) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { QList list; if (!query.type().isEmpty()) { //We want to synchronize something specific list << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{query}; } else { //We want to synchronize everything list << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{Sink::QueryBase(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName())}; //FIXME we can't process the second synchronization before the pipeline of the first one is processed, otherwise we can't execute a query on the local data. /* list << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{Flush}; */ list << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{Sink::QueryBase(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName())}; } return list; } KAsync::Job synchronizeWithSource(const Sink::QueryBase &query) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { auto job = KAsync::start([this] { KPIM::Maildir maildir(mMaildirPath, true); if (!maildir.isValid(false)) { return KAsync::error(ApplicationDomain::ConfigurationError, "Maildir path doesn't point to a valid maildir: " + mMaildirPath); } return KAsync::null(); }); if (query.type() == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { job = job.then([this] { synchronizeFolders(); }); } else if (query.type() == ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()) { job = job.then([this, query] { QStringList folders; if (query.hasFilter()) { auto folderFilter = query.getFilter(); auto localIds = resolveFilter(folderFilter); auto folderRemoteIds = syncStore().resolveLocalIds(ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), localIds); for (const auto &r : folderRemoteIds) { folders << r; } } else { folders = listAvailableFolders(); } for (const auto &folder : folders) { synchronizeMails(folder); //Don't let the transaction grow too much commit(); } }); } return job; } KAsync::Job replay(const ApplicationDomain::Mail &mail, Sink::Operation operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &changedProperties) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { if (operation == Sink::Operation_Creation) { const auto remoteId = getFilePathFromMimeMessagePath(mail.getMimeMessage()); SinkTrace() << "Mail created: " << remoteId; return KAsync::value(remoteId.toUtf8()); } else if (operation == Sink::Operation_Removal) { SinkTrace() << "Removing a mail: " << oldRemoteId; return KAsync::null(); } else if (operation == Sink::Operation_Modification) { SinkTrace() << "Modifying a mail: " << oldRemoteId; const auto remoteId = getFilePathFromMimeMessagePath(mail.getMimeMessage()); return KAsync::value(remoteId.toUtf8()); } return KAsync::null(); } KAsync::Job replay(const ApplicationDomain::Folder &folder, Sink::Operation operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &changedProperties) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { if (operation == Sink::Operation_Creation) { auto folderName = folder.getName(); //FIXME handle non toplevel folders auto path = mMaildirPath + "/" + folderName; SinkTrace() << "Creating a new folder: " << path; KPIM::Maildir maildir(path, false); maildir.create(); return KAsync::value(path.toUtf8()); } else if (operation == Sink::Operation_Removal) { const auto path = oldRemoteId; SinkTrace() << "Removing a folder: " << path; KPIM::Maildir maildir(path, false); maildir.remove(); return KAsync::null(); } else if (operation == Sink::Operation_Modification) { SinkWarning() << "Folder modifications are not implemented"; return KAsync::value(oldRemoteId); } return KAsync::null(); } public: QString mMaildirPath; }; class MaildirInspector : public Sink::Inspector { public: MaildirInspector(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext) : Sink::Inspector(resourceContext) { } protected: KAsync::Job inspect(int inspectionType, const QByteArray &inspectionId, const QByteArray &domainType, const QByteArray &entityId, const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &expectedValue) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { auto synchronizationStore = QSharedPointer::create(Sink::storageLocation(), mResourceContext.instanceId() + ".synchronization", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto synchronizationTransaction = synchronizationStore->createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto mainStore = QSharedPointer::create(Sink::storageLocation(), mResourceContext.instanceId(), Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto transaction = mainStore->createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); Sink::Storage::EntityStore entityStore(mResourceContext, {"maildirresource"}); auto syncStore = QSharedPointer::create(synchronizationTransaction); SinkTrace() << "Inspecting " << inspectionType << domainType << entityId << property << expectedValue; if (domainType == ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL) { auto mail = entityStore.readLatest(entityId); const auto filePath = getFilePathFromMimeMessagePath(mail.getMimeMessage()); if (inspectionType == Sink::ResourceControl::Inspection::PropertyInspectionType) { if (property == "unread") { const auto flags = KPIM::Maildir::readEntryFlags(filePath.split('/').last()); if (expectedValue.toBool() && (flags & KPIM::Maildir::Seen)) { return KAsync::error(1, "Expected unread but couldn't find it."); } if (!expectedValue.toBool() && !(flags & KPIM::Maildir::Seen)) { return KAsync::error(1, "Expected read but couldn't find it."); } return KAsync::null(); } if (property == "subject") { auto msg = KMime::Message::Ptr(new KMime::Message); msg->setHead(KMime::CRLFtoLF(KPIM::Maildir::readEntryHeadersFromFile(filePath))); msg->parse(); if (msg->subject(true)->asUnicodeString() != expectedValue.toString()) { return KAsync::error(1, "Subject not as expected: " + msg->subject(true)->asUnicodeString()); } return KAsync::null(); } } if (inspectionType == Sink::ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspectionType) { if (QFileInfo(filePath).exists() != expectedValue.toBool()) { return KAsync::error(1, "Wrong file existence: " + filePath); } } } if (domainType == ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER) { const auto remoteId = syncStore->resolveLocalId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, entityId); auto folder = entityStore.readLatest(entityId); if (inspectionType == Sink::ResourceControl::Inspection::CacheIntegrityInspectionType) { SinkTrace() << "Inspecting cache integrity" << remoteId; if (!QDir(remoteId).exists()) { return KAsync::error(1, "The directory is not existing: " + remoteId); } int expectedCount = 0; Index index("mail.index.folder", transaction); index.lookup(entityId, [&](const QByteArray &sinkId) { expectedCount++; }, [&](const Index::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Error in index: " << error.message << property; }); QDir dir(remoteId + "/cur"); const QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList(QDir::Files); if (list.size() != expectedCount) { for (const auto &fileInfo : list) { SinkWarning() << "Found in cache: " << fileInfo.fileName(); } return KAsync::error(1, QString("Wrong number of files; found %1 instead of %2.").arg(list.size()).arg(expectedCount)); } } if (inspectionType == Sink::ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspectionType) { if (!remoteId.endsWith(folder.getName().toUtf8())) { return KAsync::error(1, "Wrong folder name: " + remoteId); } //TODO we shouldn't use the remoteId here to figure out the path, it could be gone/changed already if (QDir(remoteId).exists() != expectedValue.toBool()) { return KAsync::error(1, "Wrong folder existence: " + remoteId); } } } return KAsync::null(); } }; MaildirResource::MaildirResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext) : Sink::GenericResource(resourceContext) { auto config = ResourceConfig::getConfiguration(resourceContext.instanceId()); mMaildirPath = QDir::cleanPath(QDir::fromNativeSeparators(config.value("path").toString())); //Chop a trailing slash if necessary if (mMaildirPath.endsWith("/")) { mMaildirPath.chop(1); } auto synchronizer = QSharedPointer::create(resourceContext); synchronizer->mMaildirPath = mMaildirPath; setupSynchronizer(synchronizer); setupInspector(QSharedPointer::create(resourceContext)); - setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL, QVector() << new SpecialPurposeProcessor << new MaildirMimeMessageMover(resourceContext.instanceId(), mMaildirPath) << new MaildirMailPropertyExtractor); - setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, QVector() << new FolderPreprocessor(mMaildirPath)); + setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL, {new SpecialPurposeProcessor, new MaildirMimeMessageMover(resourceContext.instanceId(), mMaildirPath), new MaildirMailPropertyExtractor}); + setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, {new FolderPreprocessor(mMaildirPath), new FolderCleanupPreprocessor}); KPIM::Maildir dir(mMaildirPath, true); if (dir.isValid(false)) { { auto draftsFolder = dir.addSubFolder("Drafts"); auto remoteId = synchronizer->createFolder(draftsFolder, "folder", QByteArrayList() << "drafts"); auto draftsFolderLocalId = synchronizer->syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, remoteId); } { auto trashFolder = dir.addSubFolder("Trash"); auto remoteId = synchronizer->createFolder(trashFolder, "folder", QByteArrayList() << "trash"); auto trashFolderLocalId = synchronizer->syncStore().resolveRemoteId(ENTITY_TYPE_FOLDER, remoteId); } synchronizer->commit(); } SinkTrace() << "Started maildir resource for maildir: " << mMaildirPath; } MaildirResourceFactory::MaildirResourceFactory(QObject *parent) : Sink::ResourceFactory(parent, {Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::mail, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::folder, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::storage, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::drafts, "-folder.rename", Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::trash, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::sent} ) { } Sink::Resource *MaildirResourceFactory::createResource(const ResourceContext &context) { return new MaildirResource(context); } void MaildirResourceFactory::registerFacades(const QByteArray &name, Sink::FacadeFactory &factory) { factory.registerFacade(name); factory.registerFacade(name); } void MaildirResourceFactory::registerAdaptorFactories(const QByteArray &name, Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry ®istry) { registry.registerFactory>(name); registry.registerFactory>(name); } void MaildirResourceFactory::removeDataFromDisk(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier) { MaildirResource::removeFromDisk(instanceIdentifier); } diff --git a/examples/maildirresource/maildirresource.h b/examples/maildirresource/maildirresource.h index 8ceb2f56..538ea0b3 100644 --- a/examples/maildirresource/maildirresource.h +++ b/examples/maildirresource/maildirresource.h @@ -1,67 +1,61 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once +#include "common/resource.h" #include "common/genericresource.h" -#include - -#include - -class MaildirMailAdaptorFactory; -class MaildirFolderAdaptorFactory; - /** * A maildir resource. * * Implementation details: * The remoteid's have the following formats: * files: full file path * directories: full directory path * * The resource moves all messages from new to cur during sync and thus expectes all messages that are in the store to always reside in cur. * The tmp directory is never directly used */ class MaildirResource : public Sink::GenericResource { public: MaildirResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext); private: QStringList listAvailableFolders(); QString mMaildirPath; QString mDraftsFolder; }; class MaildirResourceFactory : public Sink::ResourceFactory { Q_OBJECT Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "sink.maildir") Q_INTERFACES(Sink::ResourceFactory) public: MaildirResourceFactory(QObject *parent = 0); Sink::Resource *createResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &context) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void registerFacades(const QByteArray &resourceName, Sink::FacadeFactory &factory) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void registerAdaptorFactories(const QByteArray &resourceName, Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry ®istry) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void removeDataFromDisk(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; }; diff --git a/examples/mailtransportresource/mailtransport.cpp b/examples/mailtransportresource/mailtransport.cpp index ce24d7f4..c455b7ce 100644 --- a/examples/mailtransportresource/mailtransport.cpp +++ b/examples/mailtransportresource/mailtransport.cpp @@ -1,234 +1,244 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2016 Christian Mollekopf This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "mailtransport.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(mailtransportCategory, "mailtransport") struct upload_status { int offset; const char *data; }; extern "C" { static size_t payload_source(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp) { struct upload_status *upload_ctx = (struct upload_status *)userp; const char *data; if ((size == 0) || (nmemb == 0) || ((size*nmemb) < 1)) { return 0; } data = &upload_ctx->data[upload_ctx->offset]; if (data) { size_t len = strlen(data); if (len > size * nmemb) { len = size * nmemb; } memcpy(ptr, data, len); upload_ctx->offset += len; return len; } return 0; } } struct CurlVersionInfo { bool supportsSsl; QByteArray info; }; CurlVersionInfo getVersionInfo() { CurlVersionInfo versionInfo; curl_version_info_data *data = curl_version_info(CURLVERSION_NOW); if (data->ssl_version) { versionInfo.info += "SSL support available: " + QByteArray{data->ssl_version} + "\n"; versionInfo.supportsSsl = true; } else { versionInfo.info += "No SSL support available.\n"; versionInfo.supportsSsl = false; } return versionInfo; } bool sendMessageCurl(const char *to[], int numTos, const char *cc[], int numCcs, const char *msg, - bool useTls, + bool useStarttls, const char* from, const char *username, const char *password, const char *server, bool verifyPeer, const QByteArray &cacert, QByteArray &errorMessage, bool enableDebugOutput, int (*debug_callback)(CURL *handle, curl_infotype type, char *data, size_t size, void *userptr), int (*progress_callback)(void *clientp, curl_off_t dltotal, curl_off_t dlnow, curl_off_t ultotal, curl_off_t ulnow) ) { CURL *curl; CURLcode res = CURLE_OK; struct curl_slist *recipients = NULL; struct upload_status upload_ctx; upload_ctx.offset = 0; upload_ctx.data = msg; curl = curl_easy_init(); if(curl) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERNAME, username); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PASSWORD, password); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, server); - if (useTls) { + if (useStarttls) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USE_SSL, (long)CURLUSESSL_ALL); } if (!verifyPeer) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0L); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0L); } if (!cacert.isEmpty()) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, cacert.constData()); } if (from) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM, from); } for (int i = 0; i < numTos; i++) { recipients = curl_slist_append(recipients, to[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < numCcs; i++) { recipients = curl_slist_append(recipients, cc[i]); } curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT, recipients); /* We're using a callback function to specify the payload (the headers and * body of the message). You could just use the CURLOPT_READDATA option to * specify a FILE pointer to read from. */ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, payload_source); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_READDATA, &upload_ctx); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1L); /* Since the traffic will be encrypted, it is very useful to turn on debug * information within libcurl to see what is happening during the transfer. */ if (enableDebugOutput) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L); } curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION, debug_callback); //Connection timeout of 40s curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 40L); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION, progress_callback); char errorBuffer[CURL_ERROR_SIZE]; curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, errorBuffer); res = curl_easy_perform(curl); if(res != CURLE_OK) { errorMessage += "Error code: " + QByteArray::number(res) + ", "; errorMessage += curl_easy_strerror(res); errorMessage += "; "; } long http_code = 0; curl_easy_getinfo (curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_code); if (http_code == 200 && res != CURLE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK) { //Succeeded } else { errorMessage += errorBuffer; } curl_slist_free_all(recipients); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); return res == CURLE_OK; } return false; } MailTransport::SendResult MailTransport::sendMessage(const KMime::Message::Ptr &message, const QByteArray &server, const QByteArray &username, const QByteArray &password, const QByteArray &cacert, MailTransport::Options options) { QByteArray from(message->from(true)->mailboxes().isEmpty() ? QByteArray() : message->from(true)->mailboxes().first().address()); QList toList; for (const auto &mb : message->to(true)->mailboxes()) { toList << mb.address(); } QList ccList; for (const auto &mb : message->cc(true)->mailboxes()) { ccList << mb.address(); } const bool verifyPeer = options.testFlag(VerifyPeers); + const bool useStarttls = options.testFlag(UseStarttls); const bool useTls = options.testFlag(UseTls); const int numTos = toList.size(); const char* to[numTos]; for (int i = 0; i < numTos; i++) { to[i] = toList.at(i); } const int numCcs = ccList.size(); const char* cc[numCcs]; for (int i = 0; i < numCcs; i++) { cc[i] = ccList.at(i); } - //Because curl will fail with smtps, but it won't tell you why. auto serverAddress = server; - serverAddress.replace("smtps://", "smtp://"); + if (serverAddress.startsWith("smtps://")) { + serverAddress = serverAddress.mid(8); + } + if (serverAddress.startsWith("smtp://")) { + serverAddress = serverAddress.mid(7); + } + if (useStarttls) { + serverAddress = "smtp://" + serverAddress; + } else if (useTls) { + serverAddress = "smtps://" + serverAddress; + } const auto versionInfo = getVersionInfo(); - if (useTls && !versionInfo.supportsSsl) { + if ((useTls || useStarttls) && !versionInfo.supportsSsl) { qCWarning(mailtransportCategory) << "libcurl built without ssl support: " << versionInfo.info; } bool enableDebugOutput = QLoggingCategory{"mailtransport"}.isEnabled(QtDebugMsg); QByteArray errorMessage; auto ret = sendMessageCurl(to, numTos, cc, numCcs, message->encodedContent(), - useTls, + useStarttls, from.isEmpty() ? nullptr : from, username, password, serverAddress, verifyPeer, cacert, errorMessage, enableDebugOutput, [] (CURL *handle, curl_infotype type, char *data, size_t size, void *) -> int { //FIXME all a callback passed to sendMessage using the provided user pointer, //because lambdas with captures cannot be converted to function pointers. qCDebug(mailtransportCategory) << QString::fromUtf8(data, size); return 0; }, [] (void *, curl_off_t, curl_off_t, curl_off_t ultotal, curl_off_t ulnow) -> int { if (ultotal > 0) { qCDebug(mailtransportCategory) << "Upload progress " << ulnow << " out of " << ultotal; } return 0; }); return {ret, errorMessage}; } diff --git a/examples/mailtransportresource/mailtransport.h b/examples/mailtransportresource/mailtransport.h index 0fa5a669..0f53c2bc 100644 --- a/examples/mailtransportresource/mailtransport.h +++ b/examples/mailtransportresource/mailtransport.h @@ -1,45 +1,46 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2016 Christian Mollekopf This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #pragma once #include #include #include namespace MailTransport { enum Option { UseTls = 1, - VerifyPeers = 2 + UseStarttls = 2, + VerifyPeers = 4 }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Options, Option); struct SendResult { bool error; QString errorMessage; }; /* * For ssl use "smtps://mainserver.example.net * @param cacert: "/path/to/certificate.pem"; */ SendResult sendMessage(const KMime::Message::Ptr &message, const QByteArray &server, const QByteArray &username, const QByteArray &password, const QByteArray &cacert, Options flags); }; Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(MailTransport::Options) diff --git a/examples/mailtransportresource/mailtransportresource.cpp b/examples/mailtransportresource/mailtransportresource.cpp index 10d94bcc..7c715531 100644 --- a/examples/mailtransportresource/mailtransportresource.cpp +++ b/examples/mailtransportresource/mailtransportresource.cpp @@ -1,278 +1,286 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "mailtransportresource.h" #include "facade.h" #include "facadefactory.h" #include "resourceconfig.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "inspector.h" #include "store.h" #include #include #include +#include #include #include "mailtransport.h" #include "inspection.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL "mail" using namespace Sink; struct Settings { QString server; QString username; QString cacert; bool testMode; }; class MailtransportPreprocessor : public Sink::Preprocessor { public: MailtransportPreprocessor() : Sink::Preprocessor() {} QByteArray getTargetResource() { using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; auto resource = Store::readOne(Query{}.filter(resourceInstanceIdentifier()).request()); if (resource.identifier().isEmpty()) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to retrieve this resource: " << resourceInstanceIdentifier(); } Query query; query.containsFilter(ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::sent); query.filter(resource.getAccount()); auto targetResource = Store::readOne(query); if (targetResource.identifier().isEmpty()) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to find target resource: " << targetResource.identifier(); } return targetResource.identifier(); } virtual Result process(Type type, const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType ¤t, ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &diff) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { if (type == Preprocessor::Modification) { using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; if (diff.changedProperties().contains(Mail::Trash::name)) { //Move back to regular resource diff.setResource(getTargetResource()); return {MoveToResource}; } else if (diff.changedProperties().contains(Mail::Draft::name)) { //Move back to regular resource diff.setResource(getTargetResource()); return {MoveToResource}; } } return {NoAction}; } }; class MailtransportSynchronizer : public Sink::Synchronizer { public: MailtransportSynchronizer(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext) : Sink::Synchronizer(resourceContext), mResourceInstanceIdentifier(resourceContext.instanceId()) { } KAsync::Job send(const ApplicationDomain::Mail &mail, const Settings &settings) { return KAsync::start([=] { if (!syncStore().readValue(mail.identifier()).isEmpty()) { SinkLog() << "Mail is already sent: " << mail.identifier(); return KAsync::null(); } emitNotification(Notification::Info, ApplicationDomain::SyncInProgress, "Sending message.", {}, {mail.identifier()}); const auto data = mail.getMimeMessage(); auto msg = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); msg->setContent(KMime::CRLFtoLF(data)); msg->parse(); if (settings.testMode) { auto subject = msg->subject(true)->asUnicodeString(); SinkLog() << "I would totally send that mail, but I'm in test mode." << mail.identifier() << subject; if (!subject.contains("send")) { return KAsync::error("Failed to send the message."); } auto path = resourceStorageLocation(mResourceInstanceIdentifier) + "/test/"; SinkTrace() << path; QDir dir; dir.mkpath(path); QFile f(path+ mail.identifier()); f.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); f.write("foo"); f.close(); } else { MailTransport::Options options; if (settings.server.contains("smtps")) { - options |= MailTransport::UseTls; + if (settings.server.contains("465")) { + options |= MailTransport::UseTls; + } else { + options |= MailTransport::UseStarttls; + } } SinkLog() << "Sending message " << settings.server << settings.username << "CaCert: " << settings.cacert << "Using tls: " << bool(options & MailTransport::UseTls); SinkTrace() << "Sending message " << msg; auto result = MailTransport::sendMessage(msg, settings.server.toUtf8(), settings.username.toUtf8(), secret().toUtf8(), settings.cacert.toUtf8(), options); if (!result.error) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to send message: " << mail << "\n" << result.errorMessage; const auto errorMessage = QString("Failed to send the message: %1").arg(result.errorMessage); emitNotification(Notification::Warning, ApplicationDomain::SyncError, errorMessage, {}, {mail.identifier()}); emitNotification(Notification::Warning, ApplicationDomain::TransmissionError, errorMessage, {}, {mail.identifier()}); return KAsync::error(errorMessage.toUtf8().constData()); } else { emitNotification(Notification::Info, ApplicationDomain::SyncSuccess, "Message successfully sent.", {}, {mail.identifier()}); emitNotification(Notification::Info, ApplicationDomain::TransmissionSuccess, "Message successfully sent.", {}, {mail.identifier()}); } } syncStore().writeValue(mail.identifier(), "sent"); SinkLog() << "Sent mail, and triggering move to sent mail folder: " << mail.identifier(); auto modifiedMail = ApplicationDomain::Mail(mResourceInstanceIdentifier, mail.identifier(), mail.revision(), QSharedPointer::create()); modifiedMail.setSent(true); auto resource = Store::readOne(Query{}.filter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier).request()); if (resource.identifier().isEmpty()) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to retrieve target resource: " << mResourceInstanceIdentifier; } //Then copy the mail to the target resource Query query; query.containsFilter(ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::sent); query.filter(resource.getAccount()); return Store::fetchOne(query) .then([this, modifiedMail](const ApplicationDomain::SinkResource &resource) { //Modify the mail to have the sent property set to true, and move it to the new resource. modify(modifiedMail, resource.identifier(), true); }); }); } KAsync::Job synchronizeWithSource(const Sink::QueryBase &query) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { + if (!QUrl{mSettings.server}.isValid()) { + return KAsync::error(ApplicationDomain::ConfigurationError, "Invalid server url: " + mSettings.server); + } return KAsync::start([this]() { QList toSend; SinkLog() << "Looking for mails to send."; store().readAll([&](const ApplicationDomain::Mail &mail) { if (!mail.getSent()) { toSend << mail; } }); SinkLog() << "Found " << toSend.size() << " mails to send"; auto job = KAsync::null(); for (const auto &m : toSend) { job = job.then(send(m, mSettings)); } return job; }); } bool canReplay(const QByteArray &type, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return true; } KAsync::Job replay(const ApplicationDomain::Mail &mail, Sink::Operation operation, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QList &changedProperties) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { if (operation == Sink::Operation_Creation) { SinkTrace() << "Dispatching message."; return send(mail, mSettings) .then(KAsync::value(QByteArray{})); } else if (operation == Sink::Operation_Removal) { syncStore().removeValue(mail.identifier(), ""); } else if (operation == Sink::Operation_Modification) { } return KAsync::null(); } public: QByteArray mResourceInstanceIdentifier; Settings mSettings; }; class MailtransportInspector : public Sink::Inspector { public: MailtransportInspector(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext) : Sink::Inspector(resourceContext) { } protected: KAsync::Job inspect(int inspectionType, const QByteArray &inspectionId, const QByteArray &domainType, const QByteArray &entityId, const QByteArray &property, const QVariant &expectedValue) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { if (domainType == ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL) { if (inspectionType == Sink::ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspectionType) { auto path = resourceStorageLocation(mResourceContext.instanceId()) + "/test/" + entityId; if (QFileInfo::exists(path)) { return KAsync::null(); } return KAsync::error(1, "Couldn't find message: " + path); } } return KAsync::null(); } }; MailtransportResource::MailtransportResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &resourceContext) : Sink::GenericResource(resourceContext) { auto config = ResourceConfig::getConfiguration(resourceContext.instanceId()); auto synchronizer = QSharedPointer::create(resourceContext); synchronizer->mSettings = {config.value("server").toString(), config.value("username").toString(), config.value("cacert").toString(), config.value("testmode").toBool() }; setupSynchronizer(synchronizer); setupInspector(QSharedPointer::create(resourceContext)); setupPreprocessors(ENTITY_TYPE_MAIL, QVector() << new MailPropertyExtractor << new MailtransportPreprocessor); } MailtransportResourceFactory::MailtransportResourceFactory(QObject *parent) : Sink::ResourceFactory(parent, {Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::mail, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ResourceCapabilities::Mail::transport}) { } Sink::Resource *MailtransportResourceFactory::createResource(const Sink::ResourceContext &context) { return new MailtransportResource(context); } void MailtransportResourceFactory::registerFacades(const QByteArray &resourceName, Sink::FacadeFactory &factory) { factory.registerFacade>(resourceName); } void MailtransportResourceFactory::registerAdaptorFactories(const QByteArray &resourceName, Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry ®istry) { registry.registerFactory>(resourceName); } void MailtransportResourceFactory::removeDataFromDisk(const QByteArray &instanceIdentifier) { MailtransportResource::removeFromDisk(instanceIdentifier); } diff --git a/examples/webdavcommon/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/webdavcommon/CMakeLists.txt index c4e99f25..eaead84f 100644 --- a/examples/webdavcommon/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/examples/webdavcommon/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@ project(sink_webdav_common) -set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) - -find_package(KPimKDAV2 REQUIRED) +find_package(KPimKDAV2 REQUIRED 0.3) add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} STATIC webdav.cpp) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} Qt5::Core Qt5::Network KPim::KDAV2 sink) diff --git a/examples/webdavcommon/webdav.cpp b/examples/webdavcommon/webdav.cpp index e13d1217..11727b6b 100644 --- a/examples/webdavcommon/webdav.cpp +++ b/examples/webdavcommon/webdav.cpp @@ -1,330 +1,381 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2018 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "webdav.h" #include "applicationdomaintype.h" #include "resourceconfig.h" #include #include #include +#include #include #include -#include +#include #include #include -#include #include static int translateDavError(KJob *job) { using Sink::ApplicationDomain::ErrorCode; - const int responseCode = dynamic_cast(job)->latestResponseCode(); + const int responseCode = static_cast(job)->latestResponseCode(); + SinkWarning() << "Response code: " << responseCode; switch (responseCode) { case QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError: + case QNetworkReply::ContentNotFoundError: //If we can't find the content we probably messed up the url configuration return ErrorCode::NoServerError; - // Since we don't login we will just not have the necessary permissions ot view the object - case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError: + case QNetworkReply::AuthenticationRequiredError: + case QNetworkReply::InternalServerError: //The kolab server reports a HTTP 500 instead of 401 on invalid credentials (we could introspect the error message for the 401 error code) + case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError: // Since we don't login we will just not have the necessary permissions ot view the object return ErrorCode::LoginError; } return ErrorCode::UnknownError; } static KAsync::Job runJob(KJob *job) { return KAsync::start([job](KAsync::Future &future) { QObject::connect(job, &KJob::result, [&future](KJob *job) { SinkTrace() << "Job done: " << job->metaObject()->className(); if (job->error()) { SinkWarning() << "Job failed: " << job->errorString() << job->metaObject()->className() << job->error(); auto proxyError = translateDavError(job); future.setError(proxyError, job->errorString()); } else { future.setFinished(); } }); SinkTrace() << "Starting job: " << job->metaObject()->className(); job->start(); }); } template static KAsync::Job runJob(KJob *job, const std::function &func) { return KAsync::start([job, func](KAsync::Future &future) { QObject::connect(job, &KJob::result, [&future, func](KJob *job) { SinkTrace() << "Job done: " << job->metaObject()->className(); if (job->error()) { SinkWarning() << "Job failed: " << job->errorString() << job->metaObject()->className() << job->error(); auto proxyError = translateDavError(job); future.setError(proxyError, job->errorString()); } else { future.setValue(func(job)); future.setFinished(); } }); SinkTrace() << "Starting job: " << job->metaObject()->className(); job->start(); }); } -WebDavSynchronizer::WebDavSynchronizer(const Sink::ResourceContext &context, - KDAV2::Protocol protocol, QByteArray collectionName, QByteArray itemName) +WebDavSynchronizer::WebDavSynchronizer(const Sink::ResourceContext &context, KDAV2::Protocol protocol, const QByteArray &collectionType, const QByteArrayList &entityTypes) : Sink::Synchronizer(context), - protocol(protocol), - collectionName(std::move(collectionName)), - itemName(std::move(itemName)) + mProtocol(protocol), + mCollectionType(collectionType), + mEntityTypes(entityTypes) { auto config = ResourceConfig::getConfiguration(context.instanceId()); - server = QUrl::fromUserInput(config.value("server").toString()); - username = config.value("username").toString(); + mServer = QUrl::fromUserInput(config.value("server").toString()); + mUsername = config.value("username").toString(); } QList WebDavSynchronizer::getSyncRequests(const Sink::QueryBase &query) { QList list; if (!query.type().isEmpty()) { // We want to synchronize something specific - list << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{ query }; + list << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{query}; } else { // We want to synchronize everything - - // Item synchronization does the collections anyway - // list << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{ Sink::QueryBase(collectionName) }; - list << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{ Sink::QueryBase(itemName) }; + list << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{Sink::QueryBase(mCollectionType)}; + //This request depends on the previous one so we flush first. + for (const auto &type : mEntityTypes) { + //TODO one flush would be enough + list << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{Sink::QueryBase{type}, QByteArray{}, Synchronizer::SyncRequest::RequestFlush}; + } } return list; } KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::synchronizeWithSource(const Sink::QueryBase &query) { - if (query.type() != collectionName && query.type() != itemName) { - return KAsync::null(); - } - - SinkLog() << "Synchronizing" << query.type() << "through WebDAV at:" << serverUrl().url(); - - auto collectionsFetchJob = new KDAV2::DavCollectionsFetchJob{ serverUrl() }; - auto job = runJob(collectionsFetchJob, - [](KJob *job) { return static_cast(job)->collections(); }) - .then([this](const KDAV2::DavCollection::List &collections) { - updateLocalCollections(collections); - return collections; - }); - - if (query.type() == collectionName) { - // Do nothing more - return job; - } else if (query.type() == itemName) { - auto progress = QSharedPointer::create(0); - auto total = QSharedPointer::create(0); - - // Will contain the resource Id of all collections to be able to scan - // for collections to be removed. - auto collectionResourceIDs = QSharedPointer>::create(); - - return job - .serialEach([=](const KDAV2::DavCollection &collection) { - auto collectionResourceID = resourceID(collection); - - collectionResourceIDs->insert(collectionResourceID); - - if (unchanged(collection)) { - SinkTrace() << "Collection unchanged:" << collectionResourceID; - - return KAsync::null(); - } - - SinkTrace() << "Syncing collection:" << collectionResourceID; - auto itemsResourceIDs = QSharedPointer>::create(); - return synchronizeCollection(collection, progress, total, itemsResourceIDs) - .then([=] { - scanForRemovals(itemName, [&itemsResourceIDs](const QByteArray &remoteId) { - return itemsResourceIDs->contains(remoteId); + return discoverServer().then([this, query] (const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl) { + SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Synchronizing" << query.type() << "through WebDAV at:" << serverUrl.url(); + if (query.type() == mCollectionType) { + return runJob(new KDAV2::DavCollectionsFetchJob{ serverUrl }, + [](KJob *job) { return static_cast(job)->collections(); }) + .then([this](const KDAV2::DavCollection::List &collections) { + + QSet collectionRemoteIDs; + for (const auto &collection : collections) { + collectionRemoteIDs.insert(resourceID(collection)); + } + scanForRemovals(mCollectionType, [&](const QByteArray &remoteId) { + return collectionRemoteIDs.contains(remoteId); }); + updateLocalCollections(collections); }); - }) - .then([=]() { - scanForRemovals(collectionName, [&collectionResourceIDs](const QByteArray &remoteId) { - return collectionResourceIDs->contains(remoteId); + } else if (mEntityTypes.contains(query.type())) { + const QSet collectionsToSync = [&] { + if (query.hasFilter(mCollectionType)) { + auto folderFilter = query.getFilter(mCollectionType); + auto localIds = resolveFilter(folderFilter); + return localIds.toSet(); + } else { + //Find all enabled collections + Sink::Query query; + query.setType(mCollectionType); + query.filter("enabled", {true}); + return resolveQuery(query).toSet(); + } + }(); + if (collectionsToSync.isEmpty()) { + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "No collections to sync:" << query; + return KAsync::null(); + } + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Synchronizing collections: " << collectionsToSync; + + return runJob(new KDAV2::DavCollectionsFetchJob{ serverUrl }, + [](KJob *job) { return static_cast(job)->collections(); }) + .serialEach([=](const KDAV2::DavCollection &collection) { + const auto collectionRid = resourceID(collection); + const auto localId = syncStore().resolveRemoteId(mCollectionType, collectionRid); + //Filter list of folders to sync + if (!collectionsToSync.contains(localId)) { + return KAsync::null(); + } + return synchronizeCollection(collection.url(), collectionRid, localId, collection.CTag().toLatin1()) + .then([=] (const KAsync::Error &error) { + if (error) { + SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Failed to synchronized folder" << error; + } + //Ignore synchronization errors for individual collections, the next one might work. + return KAsync::null(); + }); }); - }); - } else { - SinkWarning() << "Unknown query type"; - return KAsync::null(); - } + } else { + SinkWarning() << "Unknown query type" << query; + return KAsync::null(); + } + + }); + } -KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::synchronizeCollection(const KDAV2::DavCollection &collection, - QSharedPointer progress, QSharedPointer total, - QSharedPointer> itemsResourceIDs) +KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::synchronizeCollection(const KDAV2::DavUrl &collectionUrl, const QByteArray &collectionRid, const QByteArray &collectionLocalId, const QByteArray &ctag) { - auto collectionRid = resourceID(collection); - auto ctag = collection.CTag().toLatin1(); - - auto localRid = collectionLocalResourceID(collection); + auto progress = QSharedPointer::create(0); + auto total = QSharedPointer::create(0); + if (ctag == syncStore().readValue(collectionRid + "_ctag")) { + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Collection unchanged:" << collectionRid; + return KAsync::null(); + } + SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Syncing collection:" << collectionRid << ctag << collectionUrl; - auto cache = std::make_shared(); - auto davItemsListJob = new KDAV2::DavItemsListJob(collection.url(), std::move(cache)); + auto itemsResourceIDs = QSharedPointer>::create(); - return runJob(davItemsListJob, + auto listJob = new KDAV2::DavItemsListJob(collectionUrl); + if (mCollectionType == "calendar") { + listJob->setContentMimeTypes({{"VEVENT"}, {"VTODO"}}); + } + return runJob(listJob, [](KJob *job) { return static_cast(job)->items(); }) - .then([this, total](const KDAV2::DavItem::List &items) { - *total += items.size(); - return items; - }) - .serialEach([this, collectionRid, localRid, progress(std::move(progress)), total(std::move(total)), - itemsResourceIDs(std::move(itemsResourceIDs))](const KDAV2::DavItem &item) { - auto itemRid = resourceID(item); - - itemsResourceIDs->insert(itemRid); - - if (unchanged(item)) { - SinkTrace() << "Item unchanged:" << itemRid; - return KAsync::null(); + .then([=](const KDAV2::DavItem::List &items) { + SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Found" << items.size() << "items on the server"; + QStringList itemsToFetch; + for (const auto &item : items) { + const auto itemRid = resourceID(item); + itemsResourceIDs->insert(itemRid); + if (item.etag().toLatin1() == syncStore().readValue(collectionRid, itemRid + "_etag")) { + SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Item unchanged:" << itemRid; + continue; + } + itemsToFetch << item.url().url().toDisplayString(); + } + if (itemsToFetch.isEmpty()) { + return KAsync::null(); } + *total += itemsToFetch.size(); + return runJob(new KDAV2::DavItemsFetchJob(collectionUrl, itemsToFetch), + [](KJob *job) { return static_cast(job)->items(); }) + .then([=] (const KDAV2::DavItem::List &items) { + for (const auto &item : items) { + updateLocalItem(item, collectionLocalId); + syncStore().writeValue(collectionRid, resourceID(item) + "_etag", item.etag().toLatin1()); + } - SinkTrace() << "Syncing item:" << itemRid; - return synchronizeItem(item, localRid, progress, total); + }); }) - .then([this, collectionRid, ctag] { + .then([=] { // Update the local CTag to be able to tell if the collection is unchanged syncStore().writeValue(collectionRid + "_ctag", ctag); + + for (const auto &entityType : mEntityTypes) { + scanForRemovals(entityType, + [&](const std::function &callback) { + //FIXME: The collection type just happens to have the same name as the parent collection property + const auto collectionProperty = mCollectionType; + store().indexLookup(entityType, collectionProperty, collectionLocalId, callback); + }, + [&itemsResourceIDs](const QByteArray &remoteId) { + return itemsResourceIDs->contains(remoteId); + }); + } }); } -KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::synchronizeItem(const KDAV2::DavItem &item, - const QByteArray &collectionLocalRid, QSharedPointer progress, QSharedPointer total) +KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::discoverServer() { - auto etag = item.etag().toLatin1(); - - auto itemFetchJob = new KDAV2::DavItemFetchJob(item); - return runJob( - itemFetchJob, [](KJob *job) { return static_cast(job)->item(); }) - .then([this, collectionLocalRid](const KDAV2::DavItem &item) { - updateLocalItem(item, collectionLocalRid); - return item; - }) - .then([this, etag, progress(std::move(progress)), total(std::move(total))](const KDAV2::DavItem &item) { - // Update the local ETag to be able to tell if the item is unchanged - syncStore().writeValue(resourceID(item) + "_etag", etag); - - *progress += 1; - reportProgress(*progress, *total); - if ((*progress % 5) == 0) { - commit(); - } - }); + if (mCachedServer.url().isValid()) { + return KAsync::value(mCachedServer); + } + if (!mServer.isValid()) { + return KAsync::error(Sink::ApplicationDomain::ConfigurationError, "Invalid server url: " + mServer.toString()); + } + + if (secret().isEmpty()) { + return KAsync::error(Sink::ApplicationDomain::ConfigurationError, "No secret"); + } + + auto result = mServer; + result.setUserName(mUsername); + result.setPassword(secret()); + const KDAV2::DavUrl serverUrl{result, mProtocol}; + + return runJob(new KDAV2::DavDiscoveryJob(serverUrl, mCollectionType == "addressbook" ? "carddav" : "caldav"), [=] (KJob *job) { + auto url = serverUrl; + url.setUrl(static_cast(job)->url()); + mCachedServer = url; + return url; + }); } -KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::createItem(const KDAV2::DavItem &item) +KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::createItem(const QByteArray &vcard, const QByteArray &contentType, const QByteArray &rid, const QByteArray &collectionRid) { - auto job = new KDAV2::DavItemCreateJob(item); - return runJob(job).then([] { SinkTrace() << "Done creating item"; }); + return discoverServer() + .then([=] (const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl) { + KDAV2::DavItem remoteItem; + remoteItem.setData(vcard); + remoteItem.setContentType(contentType); + remoteItem.setUrl(urlOf(serverUrl, collectionRid, rid)); + SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Creating:" << "Rid: " << rid << "Content-Type: " << contentType << "Url: " << remoteItem.url().url() << "Content:\n" << vcard; + + return runJob(new KDAV2::DavItemCreateJob(remoteItem), [](KJob *job) { return static_cast(job)->item(); }) + .then([=] (const KDAV2::DavItem &remoteItem) { + syncStore().writeValue(collectionRid, resourceID(remoteItem) + "_etag", remoteItem.etag().toLatin1()); + return resourceID(remoteItem); + }); + }); + } -KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::removeItem(const KDAV2::DavItem &item) +KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::modifyItem(const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QByteArray &vcard, const QByteArray &contentType, const QByteArray &collectionRid) { - auto job = new KDAV2::DavItemDeleteJob(item); - return runJob(job).then([] { SinkTrace() << "Done removing item"; }); + return discoverServer() + .then([=] (const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl) { + KDAV2::DavItem remoteItem; + remoteItem.setData(vcard); + remoteItem.setContentType(contentType); + remoteItem.setUrl(urlOf(serverUrl, oldRemoteId)); + remoteItem.setEtag(syncStore().readValue(collectionRid, oldRemoteId + "_etag")); + SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Modifying:" << "Content-Type: " << contentType << "Url: " << remoteItem.url().url() << "Etag: " << remoteItem.etag() << "Content:\n" << vcard; + + return runJob(new KDAV2::DavItemModifyJob(remoteItem), [](KJob *job) { return static_cast(job)->item(); }) + .then([=] (const KDAV2::DavItem &remoteItem) { + const auto remoteId = resourceID(remoteItem); + //Should never change if not moved + Q_ASSERT(remoteId == oldRemoteId); + syncStore().writeValue(collectionRid, remoteId + "_etag", remoteItem.etag().toLatin1()); + return remoteId; + }); + }); } -KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::modifyItem(const KDAV2::DavItem &item) +KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::removeItem(const QByteArray &oldRemoteId) { - auto job = new KDAV2::DavItemModifyJob(item); - return runJob(job).then([] { SinkTrace() << "Done modifying item"; }); + return discoverServer() + .then([=] (const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl) { + SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Removing:" << oldRemoteId; + // We only need the URL in the DAV item for removal + KDAV2::DavItem remoteItem; + remoteItem.setUrl(urlOf(serverUrl, oldRemoteId)); + return runJob(new KDAV2::DavItemDeleteJob(remoteItem)) + .then([] { + return QByteArray{}; + }); + }); } // There is no "DavCollectionCreateJob" /* -KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::createCollection(const KDAV2::DavCollection &collection) +KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::createCollection(const QByteArray &collectionRid) { auto job = new KDAV2::DavCollectionCreateJob(collection); return runJob(job); } */ -KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::removeCollection(const KDAV2::DavUrl &url) +KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::removeCollection(const QByteArray &collectionRid) { - auto job = new KDAV2::DavCollectionDeleteJob(url); - return runJob(job).then([] { SinkLog() << "Done removing collection"; }); + return discoverServer() + .then([=] (const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl) { + return runJob(new KDAV2::DavCollectionDeleteJob(urlOf(serverUrl, collectionRid))).then([this] { SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Done removing collection"; }); + }); } // Useless without using the `setProperty` method of DavCollectionModifyJob /* -KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::modifyCollection(const KDAV2::DavUrl &url) +KAsync::Job WebDavSynchronizer::modifyCollection(const QByteArray &collectionRid) { auto job = new KDAV2::DavCollectionModifyJob(url); - return runJob(job).then([] { SinkLog() << "Done modifying collection"; }); + return runJob(job).then([] { SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Done modifying collection"; }); } */ QByteArray WebDavSynchronizer::resourceID(const KDAV2::DavCollection &collection) { return collection.url().url().path().toUtf8(); } QByteArray WebDavSynchronizer::resourceID(const KDAV2::DavItem &item) { return item.url().url().path().toUtf8(); } -KDAV2::DavUrl WebDavSynchronizer::urlOf(const QByteArray &remoteId) +KDAV2::DavUrl WebDavSynchronizer::urlOf(const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl, const QByteArray &remoteId) { - auto davurl = serverUrl(); + auto davurl = serverUrl; auto url = davurl.url(); url.setPath(remoteId); davurl.setUrl(url); return davurl; } -KDAV2::DavUrl WebDavSynchronizer::urlOf(const QByteArray &collectionRemoteId, const QString &itemPath) -{ - return urlOf(collectionRemoteId + itemPath.toUtf8()); -} - -bool WebDavSynchronizer::unchanged(const KDAV2::DavCollection &collection) -{ - auto ctag = collection.CTag().toLatin1(); - return ctag == syncStore().readValue(resourceID(collection) + "_ctag"); -} - -bool WebDavSynchronizer::unchanged(const KDAV2::DavItem &item) +KDAV2::DavUrl WebDavSynchronizer::urlOf(const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl, const QByteArray &collectionRemoteId, const QString &itemPath) { - auto etag = item.etag().toLatin1(); - return etag == syncStore().readValue(resourceID(item) + "_etag"); -} - -KDAV2::DavUrl WebDavSynchronizer::serverUrl() const -{ - if (secret().isEmpty()) { - return {}; - } - - auto result = server; - result.setUserName(username); - result.setPassword(secret()); - - return KDAV2::DavUrl{ result, protocol }; + return urlOf(serverUrl, collectionRemoteId + itemPath.toUtf8()); } diff --git a/examples/webdavcommon/webdav.h b/examples/webdavcommon/webdav.h index ecb6a818..caee4881 100644 --- a/examples/webdavcommon/webdav.h +++ b/examples/webdavcommon/webdav.h @@ -1,117 +1,88 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2018 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once #include "synchronizer.h" #include #include #include class WebDavSynchronizer : public Sink::Synchronizer { public: - WebDavSynchronizer(const Sink::ResourceContext &, KDAV2::Protocol, QByteArray collectionName, - QByteArray itemName); + WebDavSynchronizer(const Sink::ResourceContext &, KDAV2::Protocol, const QByteArray &collectionName, const QByteArrayList &itemNames); QList getSyncRequests(const Sink::QueryBase &query) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; KAsync::Job synchronizeWithSource(const Sink::QueryBase &query) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; protected: + KAsync::Job createItem(const QByteArray &vcard, const QByteArray &contentType, const QByteArray &uid, const QByteArray &collectionRid); + KAsync::Job modifyItem(const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QByteArray &vcard, const QByteArray &contentType, const QByteArray &collectionRid); + KAsync::Job removeItem(const QByteArray &oldRemoteId); - /** - * Called in a child synchronizer, when replaying a creation of an item. - */ - KAsync::Job createItem(const KDAV2::DavItem &); - - /** - * Called in a child synchronizer, when replaying a removal of an item. - */ - KAsync::Job removeItem(const KDAV2::DavItem &); - - /** - * Called in a child synchronizer, when replaying a modification of an item. - * - * The item to modify is chosen according to the given item's URL. - * The job will fail if the ETag does not match. - */ - KAsync::Job modifyItem(const KDAV2::DavItem &); - - /** - * See comments of the *Item version above - */ - KAsync::Job createCollection(const KDAV2::DavUrl &); - KAsync::Job removeCollection(const KDAV2::DavUrl &); - KAsync::Job modifyCollection(const KDAV2::DavUrl &); + KAsync::Job createCollection(const QByteArray &collectionRid); + KAsync::Job removeCollection(const QByteArray &collectionRid); + KAsync::Job modifyCollection(const QByteArray &collectionRid); /** * Called with the list of discovered collections. It's purpose should be * adding the said collections to the store. */ virtual void updateLocalCollections(KDAV2::DavCollection::List collections) = 0; /** * Called when discovering a new item, or when an item has been modified. * It's purpose should be adding the said item to the store. * - * `collectionLocalRid` is the local resource id of the collection the item - * is in. + * `collectionLocalId` is the local collection id of the item. */ - virtual void updateLocalItem(KDAV2::DavItem item, const QByteArray &collectionLocalRid) = 0; + virtual void updateLocalItem(const KDAV2::DavItem &item, const QByteArray &collectionLocalId) = 0; - /** - * Get the local resource id from a collection. - */ - virtual QByteArray collectionLocalResourceID(const KDAV2::DavCollection &collection) = 0; + KAsync::Job synchronizeCollection(const KDAV2::DavUrl &collectionUrl, const QByteArray &collectionRid, const QByteArray &collectionLocalId, const QByteArray &ctag); - KAsync::Job synchronizeCollection(const KDAV2::DavCollection &, - QSharedPointer progress, QSharedPointer total, QSharedPointer> itemsResourceIDs); - KAsync::Job synchronizeItem(const KDAV2::DavItem &, const QByteArray &collectionLocalRid, - QSharedPointer progress, QSharedPointer total); static QByteArray resourceID(const KDAV2::DavCollection &); static QByteArray resourceID(const KDAV2::DavItem &); /** * Used to get the url of an item / collection with the given remote ID */ - KDAV2::DavUrl urlOf(const QByteArray &remoteId); + KDAV2::DavUrl urlOf(const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl, const QByteArray &remoteId); /** * Used to get the url of an item / collection with the given remote ID, * and append `itemPath` to the path of the URI. * * Useful when adding a new item to a collection */ - KDAV2::DavUrl urlOf(const QByteArray &collectionRemoteId, const QString &itemPath); - - bool unchanged(const KDAV2::DavCollection &); - bool unchanged(const KDAV2::DavItem &); - - KDAV2::DavUrl serverUrl() const; + KDAV2::DavUrl urlOf(const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl, const QByteArray &collectionRemoteId, const QString &itemPath); private: - KDAV2::Protocol protocol; - const QByteArray collectionName; - const QByteArray itemName; + KAsync::Job discoverServer(); + + KDAV2::Protocol mProtocol; + const QByteArray mCollectionType; + const QByteArrayList mEntityTypes; - QUrl server; - QString username; + KDAV2::DavUrl mCachedServer; + QUrl mServer; + QString mUsername; }; diff --git a/sinksh/sinksh_utils.cpp b/sinksh/sinksh_utils.cpp index d000ecee..ed173640 100644 --- a/sinksh/sinksh_utils.cpp +++ b/sinksh/sinksh_utils.cpp @@ -1,234 +1,236 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Aaron Seigo * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "sinksh_utils.h" #include "common/store.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/propertyparser.h" #include "utils.h" namespace SinkshUtils { bool isValidStoreType(const QString &type) { return Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeNames().contains(type.toLatin1()); } StoreBase &getStore(const QString &type) { using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; #define REGISTER_TYPE(TYPE) \ if (type == getTypeName()) { static Store store; return store; } else SINK_REGISTER_TYPES() #undef REGISTER_TYPE { SinkWarning_("", "") << "Trying to get a store that doesn't exist: " << type; Q_ASSERT(false); } static DummyStore store; return store; } QList requestedProperties(const QString &type) { using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; if (type == getTypeName()) { return QList() << Folder::Name::name << Folder::Parent::name << Folder::SpecialPurpose::name; } else if (type == getTypeName()) { return QList() << Mail::Subject::name << Mail::Folder::name << Mail::Date::name; } else if (type == getTypeName()) { return QList() << Event::Summary::name; + } else if (type == getTypeName()) { + return QList() << Todo::Summary::name << Todo::Status::name; } else if (type == getTypeName()) { return QList() << Contact::Fn::name << Contact::Emails::name << Contact::Addressbook::name; } else if (type == getTypeName()) { return QList() << Addressbook::Name::name << Addressbook::Parent::name; } else if (type == getTypeName()) { - return QList() << SinkResource::ResourceType::name << SinkResource::Account::name; + return QList() << SinkResource::ResourceType::name << SinkResource::Account::name << SinkResource::Server::name; } else if (type == getTypeName()) { return QList() << SinkAccount::AccountType::name << SinkAccount::Name::name; } else if (type == getTypeName()) { return QList() << Identity::Name::name << Identity::Address::name << Identity::Account::name; } return QList(); } QSharedPointer loadModel(const QString &type, Sink::Query query) { query.requestedProperties = requestedProperties(type); auto model = getStore(type).loadModel(query); Q_ASSERT(model); return model; } QStringList resourceIds() { Sink::Query query; QStringList resources; for (const auto &r : getStore("resource").read(query)) { resources << r.identifier(); } return resources; } QStringList debugareaCompleter(const QStringList &, const QString &fragment, State &state) { return Utils::filteredCompletions(Sink::Log::debugAreas().toList(), fragment); } QStringList resourceCompleter(const QStringList &, const QString &fragment, State &state) { return Utils::filteredCompletions(resourceIds(), fragment); } static QStringList toStringList(const QByteArrayList &l) { QStringList list; for (const auto &s : l) { list << s; } return list; } QStringList resourceOrTypeCompleter(const QStringList &commands, const QString &fragment, State &state) { if (commands.count() == 1) { return Utils::filteredCompletions(toStringList(Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeNames()), fragment); } return Utils::filteredCompletions(resourceIds(), fragment); } QStringList typeCompleter(const QStringList &commands, const QString &fragment, State &state) { return Utils::filteredCompletions(toStringList(Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeNames()), fragment); } QMap keyValueMapFromArgs(const QStringList &args) { QMap map; for (int i = 0; i + 2 <= args.size(); i += 2) { map.insert(args.at(i), args.at(i + 1)); } return map; } bool isId(const QByteArray &value) { return value.startsWith("{"); } bool applyFilter(Sink::Query &query, const QStringList &args_) { if (args_.isEmpty()) { return false; } auto args = args_; auto type = args.takeFirst(); if ((type.isEmpty() || !SinkshUtils::isValidStoreType(type)) && type != "*") { qWarning() << "Unknown type: " << type; return false; } if (type != "*") { query.setType(type.toUtf8()); } if (!args.isEmpty()) { auto resource = args.takeFirst().toLatin1(); if (resource.contains('/')) { //The resource isn't an id but a path auto list = resource.split('/'); const auto resourceId = parseUid(list.takeFirst()); query.resourceFilter(resourceId); if (type == Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName() && !list.isEmpty()) { auto value = list.takeFirst(); if (isId(value)) { query.filter(value); } else { Sink::Query folderQuery; folderQuery.resourceFilter(resourceId); folderQuery.filter(value); folderQuery.filter(QVariant()); auto folders = Sink::Store::read(folderQuery); if (folders.size() == 1) { query.filter(folders.first()); } else { qWarning() << "Folder name did not match uniquely: " << folders.size(); for (const auto &f : folders) { qWarning() << f.getName(); } return false; } } } } else { query.resourceFilter(parseUid(resource)); } } return true; } bool applyFilter(Sink::Query &query, const SyntaxTree::Options &options) { bool ret = applyFilter(query, options.positionalArguments); if (options.options.contains("resource")) { for (const auto &f : options.options.value("resource")) { query.resourceFilter(parseUid(f.toLatin1())); } } if (options.options.contains("filter")) { for (const auto &f : options.options.value("filter")) { auto filter = f.split("="); const auto property = filter.value(0).toLatin1(); const auto value = filter.value(1); query.filter(property, Sink::PropertyParser::parse(query.type(), property, QString::fromUtf8(parseUid(value.toUtf8())))); } } if (options.options.contains("fulltext")) { for (const auto &f : options.options.value("fulltext")) { query.filter({}, Sink::QueryBase::Comparator(f, Sink::QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); } } if (options.options.contains("id")) { for (const auto &f : options.options.value("id")) { query.filter(parseUid(f.toUtf8())); } } return ret; } QByteArray parseUid(const QByteArray &uid) { if (uid.size() == 36 && uid.contains('-') && !uid.startsWith('{')) { return '{' + uid + '}'; } return uid; } } diff --git a/sinksh/syntax_modules/core_syntax.cpp b/sinksh/syntax_modules/core_syntax.cpp index e90d8946..07acc281 100644 --- a/sinksh/syntax_modules/core_syntax.cpp +++ b/sinksh/syntax_modules/core_syntax.cpp @@ -1,257 +1,245 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include // tr() #include #include #include "state.h" #include "syntaxtree.h" #include "utils.h" #include "common/log.h" namespace CoreSyntax { bool exit(const QStringList &, State &) { ::exit(0); } bool showHelp(const QStringList &commands, State &state) { SyntaxTree::Command command = SyntaxTree::self()->match(commands); if (commands.isEmpty()) { state.printLine(QObject::tr("Welcome to the Sink command line tool!")); state.printLine(QObject::tr("Top-level commands:")); QSet sorted; for (auto syntax: SyntaxTree::self()->syntax()) { sorted.insert(syntax.keyword); } for (auto keyword: sorted) { state.printLine(keyword, 1); } } else if (const Syntax *syntax = command.first) { //TODO: get parent! state.print(QObject::tr("Command `%1`").arg(syntax->keyword)); if (!syntax->help.isEmpty()) { state.print(": " + syntax->help); } - state.printLine(); - - if (!syntax->children.isEmpty()) { - state.printLine("Sub-commands:", 1); - QSet sorted; - for (auto childSyntax: syntax->children) { - sorted.insert(childSyntax.keyword); - } - - for (auto keyword: sorted) { - state.printLine(keyword, 1); - } - } + state.printLine(QString("\n\n") + syntax->usage()); } else { state.printError("Unknown command: " + commands.join(" ")); } return true; } QStringList showHelpCompleter(const QStringList &commands, const QString &fragment, State &) { QStringList items; for (auto syntax: SyntaxTree::self()->syntax()) { if (syntax.keyword != QObject::tr("help") && (fragment.isEmpty() || syntax.keyword.startsWith(fragment))) { items << syntax.keyword; } } qSort(items); return items; } bool setDebugLevel(const QStringList &commands, State &state) { if (commands.count() != 1) { state.printError(QObject::tr("Wrong number of arguments; expected 1 got %1").arg(commands.count())); return false; } bool ok = false; int level = commands[0].toUInt(&ok); if (!ok) { state.printError(QObject::tr("Expected a number between 0 and 6, got %1").arg(commands[0])); return false; } state.setDebugLevel(level); return true; } bool printDebugLevel(const QStringList &, State &state) { state.printLine(QString::number(state.debugLevel())); return true; } bool printCommandTiming(const QStringList &, State &state) { state.printLine(state.commandTiming() ? QObject::tr("on") : QObject::tr("off")); return true; } void printSyntaxBranch(State &state, const Syntax::List &list, int depth) { if (list.isEmpty()) { return; } if (depth > 0) { state.printLine("\\", depth); } for (auto syntax: list) { state.print("|-", depth); state.printLine(syntax.keyword); printSyntaxBranch(state, syntax.children, depth + 1); } } bool printSyntaxTree(const QStringList &, State &state) { printSyntaxBranch(state, SyntaxTree::self()->syntax(), 0); return true; } bool setLoggingLevel(const QStringList &commands, State &state) { if (commands.count() != 1) { state.printError(QObject::tr("Wrong number of arguments; expected 1 got %1").arg(commands.count())); return false; } state.setLoggingLevel(commands.at(0)); return true; } bool printLoggingLevel(const QStringList &commands, State &state) { const QString level = state.loggingLevel(); state.printLine(level); return true; } bool setLoggingAreas(const QStringList &commands, State &state) { if (commands.isEmpty()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("Wrong number of arguments; expected logging areas.")); return false; } QByteArrayList areas; for (const auto &c : commands) { areas << c.toLatin1(); } Sink::Log::setDebugOutputFilter(Sink::Log::Area, areas); return true; } bool setLoggingFilter(const QStringList &commands, State &state) { if (commands.isEmpty()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("Wrong number of arguments; expected resource identifier or application names.")); return false; } QByteArrayList filter; for (const auto &c : commands) { filter << c.toLatin1(); } Sink::Log::setDebugOutputFilter(Sink::Log::ApplicationName, filter); return true; } bool setLoggingFields(const QStringList &commands, State &state) { QByteArrayList output; for (const auto &c : commands) { output << c.toLatin1(); } Sink::Log::setDebugOutputFields(output); return true; } Syntax::List syntax() { Syntax::List syntax; syntax << Syntax("exit", QObject::tr("Exits the application. Ctrl-d also works!"), &CoreSyntax::exit); Syntax help("help", QObject::tr("Print command information: help [command]"), &CoreSyntax::showHelp); help.completer = &CoreSyntax::showHelpCompleter; syntax << help; syntax << Syntax("syntaxtree", QString(), &printSyntaxTree); Syntax set("set", QObject::tr("Sets settings for the session")); set.children << Syntax("debug", QObject::tr("Set the debug level from 0 to 6"), &CoreSyntax::setDebugLevel); Syntax setTiming = Syntax("timing", QObject::tr("Whether or not to print the time commands take to complete")); setTiming.children << Syntax("on", QString(), [](const QStringList &, State &state) -> bool { state.setCommandTiming(true); return true; }); setTiming.children << Syntax("off", QString(), [](const QStringList &, State &state) -> bool { state.setCommandTiming(false); return true; }); set.children << setTiming; Syntax logging("logging", QObject::tr("Set the logging level to one of Trace, Log, Warning or Error"), &CoreSyntax::setLoggingLevel); logging.completer = [](const QStringList &, const QString &fragment, State &state) -> QStringList { return Utils::filteredCompletions(QStringList() << "trace" << "log" << "warning" << "error", fragment, Qt::CaseInsensitive); }; set.children << logging; Syntax loggingAreas("loggingAreas", QObject::tr("Set logging areas."), &CoreSyntax::setLoggingAreas); set.children << loggingAreas; Syntax loggingFilter("loggingFilter", QObject::tr("Set logging filter."), &CoreSyntax::setLoggingFilter); set.children << loggingFilter; Syntax loggingFields("loggingFields", QObject::tr("Set logging fields."), &CoreSyntax::setLoggingFields); loggingFields.completer = [](const QStringList &, const QString &fragment, State &state) -> QStringList { return Utils::filteredCompletions(QStringList() << "name" << "function" << "location" << "", fragment, Qt::CaseInsensitive); }; set.children << loggingFields; syntax << set; Syntax get("get", QObject::tr("Gets settings for the session")); get.children << Syntax("debug", QObject::tr("The current debug level from 0 to 6"), &CoreSyntax::printDebugLevel); get.children << Syntax("timing", QObject::tr("Whether or not to print the time commands take to complete"), &CoreSyntax::printCommandTiming); get.children << Syntax("logging", QObject::tr("The current logging level"), &CoreSyntax::printLoggingLevel); syntax << get; return syntax; } REGISTER_SYNTAX(CoreSyntax) } // namespace CoreSyntax diff --git a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_clear.cpp b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_clear.cpp index e676dd64..4be60569 100644 --- a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_clear.cpp +++ b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_clear.cpp @@ -1,63 +1,65 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include // tr() #include #include "common/resource.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/resourceconfig.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/definitions.h" #include "sinksh_utils.h" #include "state.h" #include "syntaxtree.h" namespace SinkClear { +Syntax::List syntax(); + bool clear(const QStringList &args, State &state) { if (args.isEmpty()) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("Please provide at least one resource to clear.")); + state.printError(syntax()[0].usage()); return false; } for (const auto &resource : args) { state.print(QObject::tr("Removing local cache for '%1' ...").arg(resource)); Sink::Store::removeDataFromDisk(SinkshUtils::parseUid(resource.toLatin1())).exec().waitForFinished(); state.printLine(QObject::tr("done")); } return true; } Syntax::List syntax() { Syntax clear("clear", QObject::tr("Clears the local cache of one or more resources (be careful!)"), &SinkClear::clear, Syntax::NotInteractive); + clear.addPositionalArgument({"resource", "The resource to clear"}); clear.completer = &SinkshUtils::resourceCompleter; - return Syntax::List() << clear; } REGISTER_SYNTAX(SinkClear) } diff --git a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_count.cpp b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_count.cpp index 04a95506..f16b92bb 100644 --- a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_count.cpp +++ b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_count.cpp @@ -1,74 +1,77 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include // tr() #include #include #include "common/resource.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/resourceconfig.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/definitions.h" #include "sinksh_utils.h" #include "state.h" #include "syntaxtree.h" namespace SinkCount { +Syntax::List syntax(); + bool count(const QStringList &args, State &state) { Sink::Query query; query.setId("count"); if (!SinkshUtils::applyFilter(query, SyntaxTree::parseOptions(args))) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("Options: $type $filter")); + state.printError(syntax()[0].usage()); return false; } auto model = SinkshUtils::loadModel(query.type(), query); QObject::connect(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged, [model, state](const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &, const QVector &roles) { if (roles.contains(Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole)) { state.printLine(QObject::tr("Counted results %1").arg(model->rowCount(QModelIndex()))); state.commandFinished(); } }); if (!model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()) { return true; } return true; } Syntax::List syntax() { - Syntax count("count", QObject::tr("Returns the number of items of a given type in a resource. Usage: count "), &SinkCount::count, Syntax::EventDriven); + Syntax count("count", QObject::tr("Returns the number of items of a given type in a resource"), &SinkCount::count, Syntax::EventDriven); + count.addPositionalArgument({"type", "The entity type to count"}); + count.addPositionalArgument({"resource", "A resource id where to count", false}); count.completer = &SinkshUtils::typeCompleter; - return Syntax::List() << count; } REGISTER_SYNTAX(SinkCount) } diff --git a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_create.cpp b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_create.cpp index f18a9900..8fa9d9ae 100644 --- a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_create.cpp +++ b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_create.cpp @@ -1,192 +1,203 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include // tr() #include #include #include "common/resource.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/resourceconfig.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/definitions.h" #include "common/propertyparser.h" #include "sinksh_utils.h" #include "state.h" #include "syntaxtree.h" using namespace Sink; namespace SinkCreate { +Syntax::List syntax(); + bool create(const QStringList &allArgs, State &state) { - if (allArgs.isEmpty()) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("A type is required"), "sinkcreate/02"); - return false; - } - if (allArgs.count() < 2) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("A resource ID is required to create items"), "sinkcreate/03"); + state.printError(syntax()[0].usage()); return false; } auto args = allArgs; auto type = args.takeFirst(); auto &store = SinkshUtils::getStore(type); ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::Ptr object; - auto resource = args.takeFirst().toLatin1(); + auto resource = SinkshUtils::parseUid(args.takeFirst().toLatin1()); object = store.getObject(resource); auto map = SinkshUtils::keyValueMapFromArgs(args); for (auto i = map.begin(); i != map.end(); ++i) { const auto property = i.key().toLatin1(); object->setProperty(property, Sink::PropertyParser::parse(type.toLatin1(), property, i.value())); } auto result = store.create(*object).exec(); result.waitForFinished(); if (result.errorCode()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("An error occurred while creating the entity: %1").arg(result.errorMessage()), "sink_create_e" + QString::number(result.errorCode())); } return true; } bool resource(const QStringList &args, State &state) { if (args.isEmpty()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("A resource can not be created without a type"), "sinkcreate/01"); return false; } auto &store = SinkshUtils::getStore("resource"); - auto resourceType = args.at(0); + const auto resourceType = args.at(0); auto map = SinkshUtils::keyValueMapFromArgs(args); - auto identifier = map.take("identifier").toLatin1(); + const auto identifier = SinkshUtils::parseUid(map.take("identifier").toLatin1()); auto object = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("", identifier); object.setResourceType(resourceType.toLatin1()); for (auto i = map.begin(); i != map.end(); ++i) { //FIXME we need a generic way to convert the value to the right type if (i.key() == ApplicationDomain::SinkResource::Account::name) { object.setAccount(i.value().toUtf8()); } else { object.setProperty(i.key().toLatin1(), i.value()); } } auto result = store.create(object).exec(); result.waitForFinished(); if (result.errorCode()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("An error occurred while creating the entity: %1").arg(result.errorMessage()), "sink_create_e" + QString::number(result.errorCode())); } return true; } bool account(const QStringList &args, State &state) { if (args.isEmpty()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("An account can not be created without a type"), "sinkcreate/01"); return false; } auto &store = SinkshUtils::getStore("account"); auto type = args.at(0); auto map = SinkshUtils::keyValueMapFromArgs(args); auto identifier = map.take("identifier").toLatin1(); auto object = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("", identifier); object.setAccountType(type); for (auto i = map.begin(); i != map.end(); ++i) { object.setProperty(i.key().toLatin1(), i.value()); } auto result = store.create(object).exec(); result.waitForFinished(); if (result.errorCode()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("An error occurred while creating the entity: %1").arg(result.errorMessage()), "sink_create_e" + QString::number(result.errorCode())); } return true; } bool identity(const QStringList &args, State &state) { auto &store = SinkshUtils::getStore("identity"); auto map = SinkshUtils::keyValueMapFromArgs(args); auto identifier = map.take("identifier").toLatin1(); auto object = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("", identifier); for (auto i = map.begin(); i != map.end(); ++i) { //FIXME we need a generic way to convert the value to the right type if (i.key() == ApplicationDomain::Identity::Account::name) { object.setAccount(i.value().toUtf8()); } else { object.setProperty(i.key().toLatin1(), i.value()); } } auto result = store.create(object).exec(); result.waitForFinished(); if (result.errorCode()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("An error occurred while creating the entity: %1").arg(result.errorMessage()), "sink_create_e" + QString::number(result.errorCode())); } return true; } - Syntax::List syntax() { Syntax::List syntax; Syntax create("create", QObject::tr("Create items in a resource"), &SinkCreate::create); - create.children << Syntax("resource", QObject::tr("Creates a new resource"), &SinkCreate::resource); - create.children << Syntax("account", QObject::tr("Creates a new account"), &SinkCreate::account); - create.children << Syntax("identity", QObject::tr("Creates a new identity"), &SinkCreate::identity); + create.addPositionalArgument({"type", "The type of entity to create (mail, event, etc.)"}); + create.addPositionalArgument({"resourceId", "The ID of the resource that will contain the new entity"}); + create.addPositionalArgument({"key value", "Content of the entity", false, true}); + + Syntax resource("resource", QObject::tr("Creates a new resource"), &SinkCreate::resource); + resource.addPositionalArgument({"type", "The type of resource to create" }); + resource.addPositionalArgument({"key value", "Content of the resource", false, true}); + + Syntax account("account", QObject::tr("Creates a new account"), &SinkCreate::account); + account.addPositionalArgument({"type", "The type of account to create" }); + account.addPositionalArgument({"key value", "Content of the account", false, true}); + + Syntax identity("identity", QObject::tr("Creates a new identity"), &SinkCreate::identity); + identity.addPositionalArgument({"key value", "Content of the identity", false, true}); + + create.children << resource; + create.children << account; + create.children << identity; syntax << create; return syntax; } REGISTER_SYNTAX(SinkCreate) } diff --git a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_drop.cpp b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_drop.cpp index 3b9a8177..e4bc92b2 100644 --- a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_drop.cpp +++ b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_drop.cpp @@ -1,69 +1,73 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include // tr() #include #include #include "common/log.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/definitions.h" #include "sinksh_utils.h" #include "state.h" #include "syntaxtree.h" namespace SinkDrop { +Syntax::List syntax(); + bool drop(const QStringList &args, State &state) { if (args.isEmpty()) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("Please provide at least one resource to drop.")); + state.printError(syntax()[0].usage()); return false; } auto argList = args; auto resource = argList.takeFirst(); QDirIterator it(Sink::storageLocation(), QStringList() << SinkshUtils::parseUid(resource.toLatin1()) + "*", QDir::Dirs); while (it.hasNext()) { auto path = it.next(); QDir dir(path); state.printLine("Removing: " + path, 1); if (!dir.removeRecursively()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("Failed to remove: ") + dir.path()); } } return false; } Syntax::List syntax() { Syntax drop("drop", QObject::tr("Drop all caches of a resource."), &SinkDrop::drop, Syntax::NotInteractive); + drop.addPositionalArgument({"resource", "Id(s) of the resource(s) to drop", true, true}); + drop.completer = &SinkshUtils::resourceOrTypeCompleter; return Syntax::List() << drop; } REGISTER_SYNTAX(SinkDrop) } diff --git a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_inspect.cpp b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_inspect.cpp index 1a964cfe..81d6cf58 100644 --- a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_inspect.cpp +++ b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_inspect.cpp @@ -1,243 +1,274 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2017 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ -//xapian.h needs to be included first to build -#include - #include #include // tr() #include #include "common/resource.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/resourceconfig.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/definitions.h" #include "common/entitybuffer.h" #include "common/metadata_generated.h" #include "common/bufferutils.h" +#include "common/fulltextindex.h" + +#include "storage/key.h" #include "sinksh_utils.h" #include "state.h" #include "syntaxtree.h" namespace SinkInspect { +using Sink::Storage::Key; +using Sink::Storage::Identifier; +using Sink::Storage::Revision; + +QString parse(const QByteArray &bytes) +{ + if (Revision::isValidInternal(bytes)) { + return Revision::fromInternalByteArray(bytes).toDisplayString(); + } else if (Key::isValidInternal(bytes)) { + return Key::fromInternalByteArray(bytes).toDisplayString(); + } else if (Identifier::isValidInternal(bytes)) { + return Identifier::fromInternalByteArray(bytes).toDisplayString(); + } else { + return QString::fromUtf8(bytes); + } +} + +static QString operationName(int operation) +{ + switch (operation) { + case 1: return "Create"; + case 2: return "Modify"; + case 3: return "Delete"; + } + return {}; +} + +Syntax::List syntax(); + bool inspect(const QStringList &args, State &state) { if (args.isEmpty()) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("Options: [--resource $resource] ([--db $db] [--filter $id] [--showinternal] | [--validaterids $type] | [--fulltext [$id]])")); + //state.printError(QObject::tr("Options: [--resource $resource] ([--db $db] [--filter $id] [--showinternal] | [--validaterids $type] | [--fulltext [$id]])")); + state.printError(syntax()[0].usage()); + return false; } auto options = SyntaxTree::parseOptions(args); auto resource = SinkshUtils::parseUid(options.options.value("resource").value(0).toUtf8()); Sink::Storage::DataStore storage(Sink::storageLocation(), resource, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto transaction = storage.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); if (options.options.contains("validaterids")) { if (options.options.value("validaterids").isEmpty()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("Specify a type to validate.")); return false; } auto type = options.options.value("validaterids").first().toUtf8(); /* * Try to find all rid's for all uid's. * If we have entities without rid's that either means we have only created it locally or that we have a problem. */ Sink::Storage::DataStore syncStore(Sink::storageLocation(), resource + ".synchronization", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto syncTransaction = syncStore.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto db = transaction.openDatabase(type + ".main", [&] (const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &e) { Q_ASSERT(false); state.printError(e.message); - }, false); + }, Sink::Storage::IntegerKeys); auto ridMap = syncTransaction.openDatabase("localid.mapping." + type, [&] (const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &e) { Q_ASSERT(false); state.printError(e.message); - }, false); + }); QHash hash; ridMap.scan("", [&] (const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &data) { hash.insert(key, data); return true; }, [&](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &e) { state.printError(e.message); }, false); QSet uids; db.scan("", [&] (const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &data) { - uids.insert(Sink::Storage::DataStore::uidFromKey(key)); + size_t revision = Sink::byteArrayToSizeT(key); + uids.insert(Sink::Storage::DataStore::getUidFromRevision(transaction, revision)); return true; }, [&](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &e) { state.printError(e.message); }, false); int missing = 0; for (const auto &uid : uids) { if (!hash.remove(uid)) { missing++; qWarning() << "Failed to find RID for " << uid; } } if (missing) { qWarning() << "Found a total of " << missing << " missing rids"; } //If we still have items in the hash it means we have rid mappings for entities //that no longer exist. if (!hash.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "Have rids left: " << hash.size(); } else if (!missing) { qWarning() << "Everything is in order."; } return false; } if (options.options.contains("fulltext")) { - try { - Xapian::Database db(QFile::encodeName(Sink::resourceStorageLocation(resource) + '/' + "fulltext").toStdString(), Xapian::DB_OPEN); - if (options.options.value("fulltext").isEmpty()) { - state.printLine(QString("Total document count: ") + QString::number(db.get_doccount())); + FulltextIndex index(resource, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); + if (options.options.value("fulltext").isEmpty()) { + state.printLine(QString("Total document count: ") + QString::number(index.getDoccount())); + } else { + const auto entityId = SinkshUtils::parseUid(options.options.value("fulltext").first().toUtf8()); + const auto content = index.getIndexContent(entityId); + if (!content.found) { + state.printLine(QString("Failed to find the document with the id: ") + entityId); } else { - auto entityId = SinkshUtils::parseUid(options.options.value("fulltext").first().toUtf8()); - auto id = "Q" + entityId.toStdString(); - Xapian::PostingIterator p = db.postlist_begin(id); - if (p == db.postlist_end(id)) { - state.printLine(QString("Failed to find the document with the id: ") + QString::fromStdString(id)); - } else { - state.printLine(QString("Found the document: ")); - auto document = db.get_document(*p); - - QStringList terms; - for (auto it = document.termlist_begin(); it != document.termlist_end(); it++) { - terms << QString::fromStdString(*it); - } - state.printLine(QString("Terms: ") + terms.join(", "), 1); - } - + state.printLine(QString("Found document with terms: ") + content.terms.join(", "), 1); } - } catch (const Xapian::Error &) { - // Nothing to do, move along - } + } return false; } auto dbs = options.options.value("db"); auto idFilter = options.options.value("filter"); bool showInternal = options.options.contains("showinternal"); state.printLine(QString("Current revision: %1").arg(Sink::Storage::DataStore::maxRevision(transaction))); state.printLine(QString("Last clean revision: %1").arg(Sink::Storage::DataStore::cleanedUpRevision(transaction))); auto databases = transaction.getDatabaseNames(); if (dbs.isEmpty()) { state.printLine("Available databases: "); for (const auto &db : databases) { state.printLine(db, 1); } return false; } auto dbName = dbs.value(0).toUtf8(); auto isMainDb = dbName.contains(".main"); if (!databases.contains(dbName)) { state.printError(QString("Database not available: ") + dbName); } state.printLine(QString("Opening: ") + dbName); auto db = transaction.openDatabase(dbName, [&] (const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &e) { Q_ASSERT(false); state.printError(e.message); - }, false); + }); if (showInternal) { //Print internal keys db.scan("__internal", [&] (const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &data) { state.printLine("Internal: " + key + "\tValue: " + QString::fromUtf8(data)); return true; }, [&](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &e) { state.printError(e.message); }, true, false); } else { QByteArray filter; if (!idFilter.isEmpty()) { filter = idFilter.first().toUtf8(); } //Print rest of db bool findSubstringKeys = !filter.isEmpty(); int keySizeTotal = 0; int valueSizeTotal = 0; auto count = db.scan(filter, [&] (const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &data) { keySizeTotal += key.size(); valueSizeTotal += data.size(); + + const auto parsedKey = parse(key); + if (isMainDb) { Sink::EntityBuffer buffer(const_cast(data.data()), data.size()); if (!buffer.isValid()) { - state.printError("Read invalid buffer from disk: " + key); + state.printError("Read invalid buffer from disk: " + parsedKey); } else { const auto metadata = flatbuffers::GetRoot(buffer.metadataBuffer()); - state.printLine("Key: " + key - + " Operation: " + QString::number(metadata->operation()) + state.printLine("Key: " + parsedKey + + " Operation: " + operationName(metadata->operation()) + " Replay: " + (metadata->replayToSource() ? "true" : "false") + ((metadata->modifiedProperties() && metadata->modifiedProperties()->size() != 0) ? (" [" + Sink::BufferUtils::fromVector(*metadata->modifiedProperties()).join(", ")) + "]": "") + " Value size: " + QString::number(data.size()) ); } } else { - state.printLine("Key: " + key + "\tValue: " + QString::fromUtf8(data)); + state.printLine("Key: " + parsedKey + "\tValue: " + parse(data)); } return true; }, [&](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &e) { state.printError(e.message); }, findSubstringKeys); state.printLine("Found " + QString::number(count) + " entries"); state.printLine("Keys take up " + QString::number(keySizeTotal) + " bytes => " + QString::number(keySizeTotal/1024) + " kb"); state.printLine("Values take up " + QString::number(valueSizeTotal) + " bytes => " + QString::number(valueSizeTotal/1024) + " kb"); } return false; } Syntax::List syntax() { - Syntax state("inspect", QObject::tr("Inspect database for the resource requested"), &SinkInspect::inspect, Syntax::NotInteractive); + Syntax state("inspect", QObject::tr("Inspect database for the resource requested"), + &SinkInspect::inspect, Syntax::NotInteractive); + + state.addParameter("resource", {"resource", "Which resource to inspect", true}); + state.addParameter("db", {"database", "Which database to inspect"}); + state.addParameter("filter", {"id", "A specific id to filter the results by (currently not working)"}); + state.addFlag("showinternal", "Show internal fields only"); + state.addParameter("validaterids", {"type", "Validate remote Ids of the given type"}); + state.addParameter("fulltext", {"id", "If 'id' is not given, count the number of fulltext documents. Else, print the terms of the document with the given id"}); + state.completer = &SinkshUtils::resourceCompleter; return Syntax::List() << state; } REGISTER_SYNTAX(SinkInspect) } diff --git a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_list.cpp b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_list.cpp index 7caeaf7a..8bcacb56 100644 --- a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_list.cpp +++ b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_list.cpp @@ -1,190 +1,233 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ -#include #include #include // tr() #include #include +#include #include "common/resource.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/resourceconfig.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/definitions.h" #include "common/store.h" #include "common/propertyparser.h" #include "sinksh_utils.h" #include "state.h" #include "syntaxtree.h" namespace SinkList { +Syntax::List syntax(); + static QByteArray compressId(bool compress, const QByteArray &id) { if (!compress) { if (id.startsWith('{')) { return id.mid(1, id.length() - 2); } return id; } auto compactId = id.mid(1, id.length() - 2).split('-'); if (compactId.isEmpty()) { //Failed to compress id return id; } return compactId.first(); } QByteArray baIfAvailable(const QStringList &list) { if (list.isEmpty()) { return QByteArray{}; } return list.first().toUtf8(); } +template +static QString qDebugToString(const T &c) +{ + QString s; + { + QDebug debug{&s}; + debug << c; + } + return s; +} + QStringList printToList(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &o, bool compact, const QByteArrayList &toPrint, bool limitPropertySize) { QStringList line; line << compressId(compact, o.resourceInstanceIdentifier()); line << compressId(compact, o.identifier()); for (const auto &prop: toPrint) { const auto value = o.getProperty(prop); if (value.isValid()) { if (value.canConvert()) { line << compressId(compact, value.toByteArray()); } else if (value.canConvert()) { if (limitPropertySize) { line << value.toString().mid(0, 75); } else { line << value.toString(); } } else if (value.canConvert()) { if (limitPropertySize) { line << value.toByteArray().mid(0, 75); } else { line << value.toByteArray(); } } else if (value.canConvert()) { line << value.value().join(", "); + } else if (value.canConvert()) { + line << qDebugToString(value.value()); + } else if (value.canConvert>()) { + line << qDebugToString(value.value>()); + } else if (value.canConvert>()) { + line << qDebugToString(value.value>()); } else { line << QString("Unprintable type: %1").arg(value.typeName()); } } else { line << QString{}; } } return line; } bool list(const QStringList &args_, State &state) { if (args_.isEmpty()) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("Options: $type [--resource $resource] [--compact] [--filter $property=$value] [--id $id] [--showall|--show $property] [--reduce $reduceProperty:$selectorProperty] [--sort $sortProperty] [--limit $count]")); + state.printError(syntax()[0].usage()); return false; } auto options = SyntaxTree::parseOptions(args_); bool asLine = true; Sink::Query query; query.setId("list"); if (!SinkshUtils::applyFilter(query, options)) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("Options: $type [--resource $resource] [--compact] [--filter $property=$value] [--showall|--show $property]")); + state.printError(syntax()[0].usage()); return false; } if (options.options.contains("limit")) { query.limit(options.options.value("limit").first().toInt()); } if (options.options.contains("sort")) { query.setSortProperty(options.options.value("sort").first().toUtf8()); } if (options.options.contains("reduce")) { auto value = options.options.value("reduce").first().toUtf8(); query.reduce(value.split(':').value(0), Sink::Query::Reduce::Selector(value.split(':').value(1), Sink::Query::Reduce::Selector::Max)); } - auto compact = options.options.contains("compact"); + const auto compact = options.options.contains("compact"); + const auto exportProperties = options.options.contains("export"); bool limitPropertySize = true; if (!options.options.contains("showall")) { if (options.options.contains("show")) { auto list = options.options.value("show"); std::transform(list.constBegin(), list.constEnd(), std::back_inserter(query.requestedProperties), [] (const QString &s) { return s.toLatin1(); }); //Print the full property if we explicitly list properties limitPropertySize = false; } else { query.requestedProperties = SinkshUtils::requestedProperties(query.type()); } } else { asLine = false; } - QByteArrayList toPrint; + QByteArrayList toPrint = query.requestedProperties; + std::sort(toPrint.begin(), toPrint.end()); QStringList tableLine; for (const auto &o : SinkshUtils::getStore(query.type()).read(query)) { + if (exportProperties) { + for (const auto &prop: toPrint) { + const auto value = o.getProperty(prop); + if (value.isValid()) { + if (value.canConvert()) { + std::cout << value.toString().toStdString() << std::endl; + } else if (value.canConvert()) { + std::cout << value.toByteArray().toStdString() << std::endl; + } + } + } + continue; + } if (tableLine.isEmpty()) { tableLine << QObject::tr("Resource") << QObject::tr("Identifier"); - if (query.requestedProperties.isEmpty()) { + if (toPrint.isEmpty()) { toPrint = o.availableProperties(); std::sort(toPrint.begin(), toPrint.end()); - } else { - toPrint = query.requestedProperties; - std::sort(toPrint.begin(), toPrint.end()); } if (asLine) { - auto in = toPrint; - std::transform(in.constBegin(), in.constEnd(), std::back_inserter(tableLine), [] (const QByteArray &s) -> QString { return s; }); + std::transform(toPrint.constBegin(), toPrint.constEnd(), std::back_inserter(tableLine), [] (const QByteArray &s) -> QString { return s; }); state.stageTableLine(tableLine); } } if (asLine) { state.stageTableLine(printToList(o, compact, toPrint, limitPropertySize)); } else { state.stageTableLine(QStringList()); auto list = printToList(o, compact, toPrint, limitPropertySize); state.stageTableLine(QStringList() << "Resource: " << list.value(0)); state.stageTableLine(QStringList() << "Identifier: " << list.value(1)); for (int i = 0; i < (list.size() - 2); i++) { state.stageTableLine(QStringList() << toPrint.value(i) << list.value(i + 2)); } state.flushTable(); } } state.flushTable(); return true; } Syntax::List syntax() { Syntax list("list", QObject::tr("List all resources, or the contents of one or more resources."), &SinkList::list, Syntax::NotInteractive); + + list.addPositionalArgument({"type", "The type of content to list (resource, identity, account, mail, etc.)"}); + list.addParameter("resource", {"resource", "List only the content of the given resource" }); + list.addFlag("compact", "Use a compact view (reduces the size of IDs)"); + list.addParameter("filter", {"property=$value", "Filter the results" }); + list.addParameter("fulltext", {"query", "Filter the results" }); + list.addParameter("id", {"id", "List only the content with the given ID" }); + list.addFlag("showall", "Show all properties"); + list.addParameter("show", {"property", "Only show the given property" }); + list.addParameter("reduce", {"property:$selectorProperty", "Combine the result with the same $property, sorted by $selectorProperty" }); + list.addParameter("sort", {"property", "Sort the results according to the given property" }); + list.addParameter("limit", {"count", "Limit the results" }); + list.completer = &SinkshUtils::resourceOrTypeCompleter; return Syntax::List() << list; } REGISTER_SYNTAX(SinkList) } diff --git a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_livequery.cpp b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_livequery.cpp index e9e85ec8..90a4ac72 100644 --- a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_livequery.cpp +++ b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_livequery.cpp @@ -1,133 +1,140 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include // tr() #include #include #include "common/resource.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/resourceconfig.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/definitions.h" #include "common/store.h" #include "common/propertyparser.h" #include "sinksh_utils.h" #include "state.h" #include "syntaxtree.h" namespace SinkLiveQuery { +Syntax::List syntax(); + bool livequery(const QStringList &args_, State &state) { if (args_.isEmpty()) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("Options: $type [--resource $resource] [--compact] [--filter $property=$value] [--id $id] [--showall|--show $property]")); + state.printError(syntax()[0].usage()); return false; } auto options = SyntaxTree::parseOptions(args_); auto type = options.positionalArguments.isEmpty() ? QString{} : options.positionalArguments.first(); - bool asLine = true; - Sink::Query query; query.setId("livequery"); query.setFlags(Sink::Query::LiveQuery); if (!SinkshUtils::applyFilter(query, options)) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("Options: $type [--resource $resource] [--compact] [--filter $property=$value] [--showall|--show $property]")); + state.printError(syntax()[0].usage()); return false; } if (options.options.contains("resource")) { for (const auto &f : options.options.value("resource")) { query.resourceFilter(f.toLatin1()); } } if (options.options.contains("filter")) { for (const auto &f : options.options.value("filter")) { auto filter = f.split("="); const auto property = filter.value(0).toLatin1(); query.filter(property, Sink::PropertyParser::parse(type.toLatin1(), property, filter.value(1))); } } if (options.options.contains("id")) { for (const auto &f : options.options.value("id")) { query.filter(f.toUtf8()); } } // auto compact = options.options.contains("compact"); if (!options.options.contains("showall")) { if (options.options.contains("show")) { auto list = options.options.value("show"); std::transform(list.constBegin(), list.constEnd(), std::back_inserter(query.requestedProperties), [] (const QString &s) { return s.toLatin1(); }); } else { query.requestedProperties = SinkshUtils::requestedProperties(type); } - } else { - asLine = false; } QByteArrayList toPrint; QStringList tableLine; auto model = SinkshUtils::loadModel(query.type(), query); QObject::connect(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged, [model, state](const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &, const QVector &roles) { if (roles.contains(Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole)) { state.printLine(QObject::tr("Counted results %1").arg(model->rowCount(QModelIndex()))); } }); QObject::connect(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::rowsInserted, [model, state](const QModelIndex &index, int start, int end) { for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { auto object = model->data(model->index(i, 0, index), Sink::Store::DomainObjectBaseRole).value(); state.printLine("Resource: " + object->resourceInstanceIdentifier(), 1); state.printLine("Identifier: " + object->identifier(), 1); state.stageTableLine(QStringList() << QObject::tr("Property:") << QObject::tr("Value:")); for (const auto &property : object->availableProperties()) { state.stageTableLine(QStringList() << property << object->getProperty(property).toString()); } state.flushTable(); } }); if (!model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()) { return true; } return false; } Syntax::List syntax() { Syntax list("livequery", QObject::tr("Run a livequery."), &SinkLiveQuery::livequery, Syntax::EventDriven); + + list.addPositionalArgument({"type", "The type to run the livequery on" }); + list.addParameter("resource", {"resource", "Filter the livequery to the given resource" }); + list.addFlag("compact", "Use a compact view (reduces the size of IDs)"); + list.addParameter("filter", {"property=$value", "Filter the results" }); + list.addParameter("id", {"id", "List only the content with the given ID" }); + list.addFlag("showall", "Show all properties"); + list.addParameter("show", {"property", "Only show the given property" }); + list.completer = &SinkshUtils::resourceOrTypeCompleter; return Syntax::List() << list; } REGISTER_SYNTAX(SinkLiveQuery) } diff --git a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_modify.cpp b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_modify.cpp index 25795506..7ed89479 100644 --- a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_modify.cpp +++ b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_modify.cpp @@ -1,121 +1,122 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include // tr() #include #include #include "common/resource.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/resourceconfig.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/definitions.h" #include "common/propertyparser.h" #include "sinksh_utils.h" #include "state.h" #include "syntaxtree.h" namespace SinkModify { -bool modify(const QStringList &args, State &state) -{ - if (args.isEmpty()) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("A type is required"), "sink_modify/02"); - return false; - } - - if (args.count() < 2) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("A resource ID is required to remove items"), "sink_modify/03"); - return false; - } +Syntax::List syntax(); +bool modify(QStringList args, State &state) +{ if (args.count() < 3) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("An object ID is required to remove items"), "sink_modify/03"); + state.printError(syntax()[0].usage()); return false; } - auto type = args[0]; - auto resourceId = args[1]; - auto identifier = args[2]; + const auto type = args.takeFirst(); + const auto resourceId = SinkshUtils::parseUid(args.takeFirst().toLatin1()); + const auto identifier = SinkshUtils::parseUid(args.takeFirst().toLatin1()); auto &store = SinkshUtils::getStore(type); - Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::Ptr object = store.getObject(resourceId.toUtf8(), identifier.toUtf8()); + Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::Ptr object = store.getObject(resourceId, identifier); auto map = SinkshUtils::keyValueMapFromArgs(args); for (auto i = map.begin(); i != map.end(); ++i) { const auto property = i.key().toLatin1(); object->setProperty(property, Sink::PropertyParser::parse(type.toLatin1(), property, i.value())); } auto result = store.modify(*object).exec(); result.waitForFinished(); if (result.errorCode()) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("An error occurred while removing %1 from %1: %2").arg(identifier).arg(resourceId).arg(result.errorMessage()), - "akonaid__modify_e" + QString::number(result.errorCode())); + state.printError(QObject::tr("An error occurred while removing %1 from %1: %2").arg(QString{identifier}).arg(QString{resourceId}).arg(result.errorMessage()), + "sinksh__modify_e" + QString::number(result.errorCode())); } return true; } -bool resource(const QStringList &args, State &state) +bool resource(QStringList args, State &state) { if (args.isEmpty()) { + // TODO: pass the syntax as parameter state.printError(QObject::tr("A resource can not be modified without an id"), "sink_modify/01"); } auto &store = SinkshUtils::getStore("resource"); - auto resourceId = args.at(0); - Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::Ptr object = store.getObject("", resourceId.toLatin1()); + auto resourceId = SinkshUtils::parseUid(args.takeFirst().toLatin1()); + Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::Ptr object = store.getObject("", resourceId); auto map = SinkshUtils::keyValueMapFromArgs(args); for (auto i = map.begin(); i != map.end(); ++i) { const auto property = i.key().toLatin1(); - object->setProperty(property, Sink::PropertyParser::parse("resource", property, i.value())); + object->setProperty(property, i.value()); } auto result = store.modify(*object).exec(); result.waitForFinished(); if (result.errorCode()) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("An error occurred while modifying the resource %1: %2").arg(resourceId).arg(result.errorMessage()), - "akonaid_modify_e" + QString::number(result.errorCode())); + state.printError(QObject::tr("An error occurred while modifying the resource %1: %2").arg(QString{resourceId}).arg(result.errorMessage()), + "sinksh_modify_e" + QString::number(result.errorCode())); } return true; } - Syntax::List syntax() { Syntax modify("modify", QObject::tr("Modify items in a resource"), &SinkModify::modify); + modify.addPositionalArgument({"type", "The type of entity to modify (mail, event, etc.)"}); + modify.addPositionalArgument({"resourceId", "The ID of the resource containing the entity"}); + modify.addPositionalArgument({"objectId", "The ID of the entity"}); + modify.addPositionalArgument({"key value", "Attributes and values to modify", false, true }); + Syntax resource("resource", QObject::tr("Modify a resource"), &SinkModify::resource);//, Syntax::EventDriven); + + resource.addPositionalArgument({"id", "The ID of the resource" }); + resource.addPositionalArgument({"key value", "Attributes and values to modify", false, true}); + resource.completer = &SinkshUtils::resourceOrTypeCompleter; modify.children << resource; return Syntax::List() << modify; } REGISTER_SYNTAX(SinkModify) } diff --git a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_remove.cpp b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_remove.cpp index 6baa60f9..39b3d601 100644 --- a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_remove.cpp +++ b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_remove.cpp @@ -1,155 +1,156 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include // tr() #include #include #include "common/resource.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/resourceconfig.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/definitions.h" #include "sinksh_utils.h" #include "state.h" #include "syntaxtree.h" namespace SinkRemove { +Syntax::List syntax(); + bool remove(const QStringList &args, State &state) { - if (args.isEmpty()) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("A type is required"), "sink_remove/02"); - return false; - } - - if (args.count() < 2) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("A resource ID is required to remove items"), "sink_remove/03"); - return false; - } - if (args.count() < 3) { - state.printError(QObject::tr("An object ID is required to remove items"), "sink_remove/03"); + state.printError(syntax()[0].usage()); return false; } auto type = args[0]; const auto resourceId = SinkshUtils::parseUid(args.at(1).toUtf8()); const auto identifier = SinkshUtils::parseUid(args.at(2).toUtf8()); auto &store = SinkshUtils::getStore(type); Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::Ptr object = store.getObject(resourceId, identifier); auto result = store.remove(*object).exec(); result.waitForFinished(); if (result.errorCode()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("An error occurred while removing %1 from %1: %2").arg(QString{identifier}).arg(QString{resourceId}).arg(result.errorMessage()), "akonaid_remove_e" + QString::number(result.errorCode())); } return true; } bool resource(const QStringList &args, State &state) { if (args.isEmpty()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("A resource can not be removed without an id"), "sink_remove/01"); return false; } auto &store = SinkshUtils::getStore("resource"); const auto resourceId = SinkshUtils::parseUid(args.at(0).toUtf8()); Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::Ptr object = store.getObject("", resourceId); auto result = store.remove(*object).exec(); result.waitForFinished(); if (result.errorCode()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("An error occurred while removing the resource %1: %2").arg(QString{resourceId}).arg(result.errorMessage()), "akonaid_remove_e" + QString::number(result.errorCode())); } return true; } bool account(const QStringList &args, State &state) { if (args.isEmpty()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("An account can not be removed without an id"), "sink_remove/01"); return false; } auto &store = SinkshUtils::getStore("account"); const auto id = SinkshUtils::parseUid(args.at(0).toUtf8()); Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::Ptr object = store.getObject("", id); auto result = store.remove(*object).exec(); result.waitForFinished(); if (result.errorCode()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("An error occurred while removing the account %1: %2").arg(QString{id}).arg(result.errorMessage()), "akonaid_remove_e" + QString::number(result.errorCode())); } return true; } bool identity(const QStringList &args, State &state) { if (args.isEmpty()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("An identity can not be removed without an id"), "sink_remove/01"); return false; } auto &store = SinkshUtils::getStore("identity"); auto id = args.at(0); Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::Ptr object = store.getObject("", id.toLatin1()); auto result = store.remove(*object).exec(); result.waitForFinished(); if (result.errorCode()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("An error occurred while removing the identity %1: %2").arg(id).arg(result.errorMessage()), "akonaid_remove_e" + QString::number(result.errorCode())); } return true; } - Syntax::List syntax() { Syntax remove("remove", QObject::tr("Remove items in a resource"), &SinkRemove::remove); + remove.addPositionalArgument({"type", "The type of entity to remove (mail, event, etc.)"}); + remove.addPositionalArgument({"resourceId", "The ID of the resource containing the entity"}); + remove.addPositionalArgument({"objectId", "The ID of the entity to remove"}); + Syntax resource("resource", QObject::tr("Removes a resource"), &SinkRemove::resource, Syntax::NotInteractive); + resource.addPositionalArgument({"id", "The ID of the resource to remove"}); + resource.completer = &SinkshUtils::resourceCompleter; + Syntax account("account", QObject::tr("Removes a account"), &SinkRemove::account, Syntax::NotInteractive); + account.addPositionalArgument({"id", "The ID of the account to remove"}); + Syntax identity("identity", QObject::tr("Removes an identity"), &SinkRemove::identity, Syntax::NotInteractive); - resource.completer = &SinkshUtils::resourceCompleter; + identity.addPositionalArgument({"id", "The ID of the account to remove"}); + remove.children << resource << account << identity; return Syntax::List() << remove; } REGISTER_SYNTAX(SinkRemove) } diff --git a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_stat.cpp b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_stat.cpp index 7263941a..202d1ce0 100644 --- a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_stat.cpp +++ b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_stat.cpp @@ -1,113 +1,112 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include // tr() #include #include #include "common/resource.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/resourceconfig.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/definitions.h" #include "sinksh_utils.h" #include "state.h" #include "syntaxtree.h" namespace SinkStat { void statResource(const QString &resource, const State &state) { state.printLine("Resource " + resource + ":"); qint64 total = 0; Sink::Storage::DataStore storage(Sink::storageLocation(), resource, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto transaction = storage.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); QList databases = transaction.getDatabaseNames(); for (const auto &databaseName : databases) { auto db = transaction.openDatabase(databaseName); qint64 size = db.getSize() / 1024; state.printLine(QObject::tr("%1:\t%2 [kb]").arg(QString(databaseName)).arg(size), 1); total += size; } state.printLine(); state.printLine(QObject::tr("Calculated named database sizes total of main database: %1 [kb]").arg(total), 1); auto stat = transaction.stat(false); state.printLine(QObject::tr("Total calculated free size [kb]: %1").arg(stat.freePages * stat.pageSize / 1024), 1); state.printLine(QObject::tr("Write amplification of main database: %1").arg(double(storage.diskUsage() / 1024)/double(total)), 1); int diskUsage = 0; state.printLine(); QDir dir(Sink::storageLocation()); for (const auto &folder : dir.entryList(QStringList() << resource + "*")) { auto size = Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), folder, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly).diskUsage(); diskUsage += size; state.printLine(QObject::tr("... accumulating %1: %2 [kb]").arg(folder).arg(size / 1024), 1); } auto size = diskUsage / 1024; state.printLine(QObject::tr("Actual database file sizes total: %1 [kb]").arg(size), 1); QDir dataDir{Sink::resourceStorageLocation(resource.toLatin1()) + "/fulltext/"}; - Q_ASSERT(dataDir.exists()); qint64 dataSize = 0; for (const auto &e : dataDir.entryInfoList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { dataSize += e.size(); } state.printLine(QObject::tr("Fulltext index size [kb]: %1").arg(dataSize / 1024), 1); state.printLine(); } bool statAllResources(State &state) { Sink::Query query; for (const auto &r : SinkshUtils::getStore("resource").read(query)) { statResource(SinkshUtils::parseUid(r.identifier()), state); } return false; } bool stat(const QStringList &args, State &state) { if (args.isEmpty()) { return statAllResources(state); } for (const auto &r : args) { statResource(SinkshUtils::parseUid(r.toUtf8()), state); } return false; } Syntax::List syntax() { Syntax state("stat", QObject::tr("Shows database usage for the resources requested"), &SinkStat::stat, Syntax::NotInteractive); + state.addPositionalArgument({"resourceId", "Show statistics of the given resource(s). If no resource is provided, show statistics of all resources", false, true}); state.completer = &SinkshUtils::resourceCompleter; - return Syntax::List() << state; } REGISTER_SYNTAX(SinkStat) } diff --git a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_sync.cpp b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_sync.cpp index f165f581..18b61431 100644 --- a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_sync.cpp +++ b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_sync.cpp @@ -1,93 +1,98 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include // tr() #include #include "common/resource.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/resourcecontrol.h" #include "common/resourceconfig.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/definitions.h" #include "common/secretstore.h" #include "sinksh_utils.h" #include "state.h" #include "syntaxtree.h" namespace SinkSync { bool sync(const QStringList &args, State &state) { auto options = SyntaxTree::parseOptions(args); if (options.options.value("password").isEmpty()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("Pass in a password with --password")); return false; } auto password = options.options.value("password").first(); Sink::Query query; if (!options.positionalArguments.isEmpty() && !SinkshUtils::isValidStoreType(options.positionalArguments.first())) { //We have only specified a resource query.resourceFilter(SinkshUtils::parseUid(options.positionalArguments.first().toLatin1())); } else { //We have specified a full filter - if (!SinkshUtils::applyFilter(query, options.positionalArguments)) { + if (!SinkshUtils::applyFilter(query, options)) { state.printError(QObject::tr("Options: $type $resource/$folder/$subfolder --password $password")); return false; } } if (query.getResourceFilter().ids.isEmpty()) { state.printError(QObject::tr("Failed to find resource filter")); return false; } auto resourceId = query.getResourceFilter().ids.first(); Sink::SecretStore::instance().insert(resourceId, password); Sink::Store::synchronize(query) .then(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(query.getResourceFilter().ids)) .then([state](const KAsync::Error &error) { int exitCode = 0; if (error) { state.printLine("Synchronization failed!"); exitCode = 1; } else { state.printLine("Synchronization complete!"); } state.commandFinished(exitCode); }).exec(); return true; } Syntax::List syntax() { Syntax sync("sync", QObject::tr("Synchronizes a resource."), &SinkSync::sync, Syntax::EventDriven); + + sync.addPositionalArgument({"type", "The type of resource to synchronize"}); + sync.addPositionalArgument({"resourceId", "The ID of the resource to synchronize"}); + sync.addParameter("password", {"password", "The password of the resource", true}); + sync.completer = &SinkshUtils::resourceCompleter; return Syntax::List() << sync; } REGISTER_SYNTAX(SinkSync) } diff --git a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_trace.cpp b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_trace.cpp index ed5e2d8d..2811258c 100644 --- a/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_trace.cpp +++ b/sinksh/syntax_modules/sink_trace.cpp @@ -1,88 +1,87 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include // tr() #include #include "common/resource.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/resourceconfig.h" #include "common/log.h" #include "common/storage.h" #include "common/definitions.h" #include "sinksh_utils.h" #include "state.h" #include "syntaxtree.h" #include "iostream" namespace SinkTrace { bool traceOff(const QStringList &args, State &state) { Sink::Log::setDebugOutputFilter(Sink::Log::Area, QByteArrayList()); Sink::Log::setDebugOutputLevel(Sink::Log::Log); std::cout << "Turned trace off." << std::endl; return true; } bool traceOn(const QStringList &args, State &state) { Sink::Log::setDebugOutputLevel(Sink::Log::Trace); if (args.isEmpty() || (args.size() == 1 && args.first() == "*")) { Sink::Log::setDebugOutputFilter(Sink::Log::Area, QByteArrayList()); std::cout << "Set trace filter to: *" << std::endl; } else { QByteArrayList filter; for (const auto &arg : args) { filter << arg.toLatin1(); } Sink::Log::setDebugOutputFilter(Sink::Log::Area, filter); std::cout << "Set trace filter to: " << filter.join(", ").toStdString() << std::endl; } return true; } bool trace(const QStringList &args, State &state) { return traceOn(args, state); } - Syntax::List syntax() { Syntax trace("trace", QObject::tr("Control trace debug output."), &SinkTrace::trace, Syntax::NotInteractive); - trace.completer = &SinkshUtils::debugareaCompleter; + trace.completer = &SinkshUtils::debugareaCompleter; Syntax traceOff("off", QObject::tr("Turns off trace output."), &SinkTrace::traceOff, Syntax::NotInteractive); - traceOff.completer = &SinkshUtils::debugareaCompleter; + traceOff.completer = &SinkshUtils::debugareaCompleter; trace.children << traceOff; Syntax traceOn("on", QObject::tr("Turns on trace output."), &SinkTrace::traceOn, Syntax::NotInteractive); - traceOn.completer = &SinkshUtils::debugareaCompleter; + traceOn.completer = &SinkshUtils::debugareaCompleter; trace.children << traceOn; return Syntax::List() << trace; } REGISTER_SYNTAX(SinkTrace) } diff --git a/sinksh/syntaxtree.cpp b/sinksh/syntaxtree.cpp index 0eb9782e..fea99efb 100644 --- a/sinksh/syntaxtree.cpp +++ b/sinksh/syntaxtree.cpp @@ -1,255 +1,353 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "syntaxtree.h" #include #include SyntaxTree *SyntaxTree::s_module = 0; Syntax::Syntax() { } Syntax::Syntax(const QString &k, const QString &helpText, std::function l, Interactivity inter) : keyword(k), help(helpText), interactivity(inter), lambda(l) { } +void Syntax::addPositionalArgument(const Argument &argument) +{ + arguments.push_back(argument); +} + +void Syntax::addParameter(const QString &name, const ParameterOptions &options) +{ + parameters.insert(name, options); +} + +void Syntax::addFlag(const QString &name, const QString &help) +{ + flags.insert(name, help); +} + +QString Syntax::usage() const +{ + // TODO: refactor into meaningful functions? + bool hasArguments = !arguments.isEmpty(); + bool hasFlags = !flags.isEmpty(); + bool hasOptions = !parameters.isEmpty(); + bool hasSubcommand = !children.isEmpty(); + + QString argumentsSummary; + + QString argumentsUsage; + if (hasArguments) { + argumentsUsage += "\nARGUMENTS:\n"; + for (const auto &arg : arguments) { + if (arg.required) { + argumentsSummary += QString(" <%1>").arg(arg.name); + argumentsUsage += QString(" <%1>: %2\n").arg(arg.name).arg(arg.help); + } else { + argumentsSummary += QString(" [%1]").arg(arg.name); + argumentsUsage += QString(" [%1]: %2\n").arg(arg.name).arg(arg.help); + } + if (arg.variadic) { + argumentsSummary += "..."; + } + } + } + + if (hasFlags) { + argumentsSummary += " [FLAGS]"; + } + + if (hasOptions) { + argumentsSummary += " [OPTIONS]"; + } + + if (hasSubcommand) { + if (hasArguments || hasFlags || hasOptions) { + argumentsSummary = QString(" [ |%1 ]").arg(argumentsSummary); + } else { + argumentsSummary = " "; + } + } + + argumentsSummary += '\n'; + + QString subcommandsUsage; + if (hasSubcommand) { + subcommandsUsage += "\nSUB-COMMANDS:\n" + " Use the 'help' command to find out more about a sub-command.\n\n"; + for (const auto &command : children) { + subcommandsUsage += QString(" %1: %2\n").arg(command.keyword).arg(command.help); + } + } + + QString flagsUsage; + if (hasFlags) { + flagsUsage += "\nFLAGS:\n"; + for (auto it = flags.constBegin(); it != flags.constEnd(); ++it) { + flagsUsage += QString(" [--%1]: %2\n").arg(it.key()).arg(it.value()); + } + } + + QString optionsUsage; + if (hasOptions) { + optionsUsage += "\nOPTIONS:\n"; + for (auto it = parameters.constBegin(); it != parameters.constEnd(); ++it) { + optionsUsage += " "; + if (!it.value().required) { + optionsUsage += QString("[--%1 $%2]").arg(it.key()).arg(it.value().name); + } else { + optionsUsage += QString("<--%1 $%2>").arg(it.key()).arg(it.value().name); + } + + optionsUsage += ": " + it.value().help + '\n'; + } + } + + // TODO: instead of just the keyword, we might want to have the whole + // command (e.g. if this is a sub-command) + return QString("USAGE:\n ") + keyword + argumentsSummary + subcommandsUsage + + argumentsUsage + flagsUsage + optionsUsage; +} + SyntaxTree::SyntaxTree() { } int SyntaxTree::registerSyntax(std::function f) { m_syntax += f(); return m_syntax.size(); } SyntaxTree *SyntaxTree::self() { if (!s_module) { s_module = new SyntaxTree; } return s_module; } Syntax::List SyntaxTree::syntax() const { return m_syntax; } int SyntaxTree::run(const QStringList &commands) { int returnCode = 0; m_timeElapsed.start(); Command command = match(commands); if (command.first) { if (command.first->lambda) { bool success = command.first->lambda(command.second, m_state); if (success && command.first->interactivity == Syntax::EventDriven) { returnCode = m_state.commandStarted(); } if (!success && command.first->interactivity != Syntax::EventDriven) { returnCode = 1; } } else if (command.first->children.isEmpty()) { m_state.printError(QObject::tr("Broken command... sorry :("), "st_broken"); } else { QStringList keywordList; for (auto syntax : command.first->children) { keywordList << syntax.keyword; } const QString keywords = keywordList.join(" "); m_state.printError(QObject::tr("Command requires additional arguments, one of: %1").arg(keywords)); } } else { m_state.printError(QObject::tr("Unknown command"), "st_unknown"); } if (m_state.commandTiming()) { m_state.printLine(QObject::tr("Time elapsed: %1").arg(m_timeElapsed.elapsed())); } return returnCode; } SyntaxTree::Command SyntaxTree::match(const QStringList &commandLine) const { if (commandLine.isEmpty()) { return Command(); } QStringListIterator commandLineIt(commandLine); QVectorIterator syntaxIt(m_syntax); const Syntax *lastFullSyntax = 0; QStringList tailCommands; while (commandLineIt.hasNext() && syntaxIt.hasNext()) { const QString word = commandLineIt.next(); bool match = false; while (syntaxIt.hasNext()) { const Syntax &syntax = syntaxIt.next(); if (word == syntax.keyword) { lastFullSyntax = &syntax; syntaxIt = syntax.children; match = true; break; } } if (!match) { //Otherwise we would miss the just evaluated command from the tailCommands if (commandLineIt.hasPrevious()) { commandLineIt.previous(); } } } if (lastFullSyntax) { while (commandLineIt.hasNext()) { tailCommands << commandLineIt.next(); } return std::make_pair(lastFullSyntax, tailCommands); } return Command(); } Syntax::List SyntaxTree::nearestSyntax(const QStringList &words, const QString &fragment) const { Syntax::List matches; // qDebug() << "words are" << words; if (words.isEmpty()) { for (const Syntax &syntax : m_syntax) { if (syntax.keyword.startsWith(fragment)) { matches.push_back(syntax); } } } else { QStringListIterator wordIt(words); QVectorIterator syntaxIt(m_syntax); Syntax lastFullSyntax; while (wordIt.hasNext()) { const QString &word = wordIt.next(); while (syntaxIt.hasNext()) { const Syntax &syntax = syntaxIt.next(); if (word == syntax.keyword) { lastFullSyntax = syntax; syntaxIt = syntax.children; break; } } } // qDebug() << "exiting with" << lastFullSyntax.keyword << words.last(); if (lastFullSyntax.keyword == words.last()) { syntaxIt = lastFullSyntax.children; while (syntaxIt.hasNext()) { Syntax syntax = syntaxIt.next(); if (fragment.isEmpty() || syntax.keyword.startsWith(fragment)) { matches.push_back(syntax); } } } } return matches; } State &SyntaxTree::state() { return m_state; } QStringList SyntaxTree::tokenize(const QString &text) { // TODO: properly tokenize (e.g. "foo bar" should not become ['"foo', 'bar"']a static const QVector quoters = QVector() << '"' << '\''; QStringList tokens; QString acc; QChar closer; for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); ++i) { const QChar c = text.at(i); if (c == '\\') { ++i; if (i < text.size()) { acc.append(text.at(i)); } } else if (!closer.isNull()) { if (c == closer) { acc = acc.trimmed(); if (!acc.isEmpty()) { tokens << acc; } acc.clear(); closer = QChar(); } else { acc.append(c); } } else if (c.isSpace()) { acc = acc.trimmed(); if (!acc.isEmpty()) { tokens << acc; } acc.clear(); } else if (quoters.contains(c)) { closer = c; } else { acc.append(c); } } acc = acc.trimmed(); if (!acc.isEmpty()) { tokens << acc; } return tokens; } SyntaxTree::Options SyntaxTree::parseOptions(const QStringList &args) { Options result; auto it = args.constBegin(); for (;it != args.constEnd(); it++) { if (it->startsWith("--")) { QString option = it->mid(2); QStringList list; it++; for (;it != args.constEnd(); it++) { if (it->startsWith("--")) { it--; break; } list << *it; } result.options.insert(option, list); if (it == args.constEnd()) { break; } } else { result.positionalArguments << *it; } } return result; } diff --git a/sinksh/syntaxtree.h b/sinksh/syntaxtree.h index ce28548e..3d90288a 100644 --- a/sinksh/syntaxtree.h +++ b/sinksh/syntaxtree.h @@ -1,94 +1,117 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once #include "state.h" #include #include #include #include class Syntax { public: typedef QVector List; enum Interactivity { NotInteractive = 0, EventDriven }; Syntax(); Syntax(const QString &keyword, const QString &helpText = QString(), std::function lambda = std::function(), Interactivity interactivity = NotInteractive); + struct Argument { + QString name; + QString help; + bool required = true; + bool variadic = false; + }; + + struct ParameterOptions { + QString name; + QString help; + bool required = false; + }; + + // TODO: add examples? QString keyword; QString help; + QVector arguments; + QMap parameters; + QMap flags; Interactivity interactivity; + void addPositionalArgument(const Argument &); + void addParameter(const QString &name, const ParameterOptions &options); + void addFlag(const QString &name, const QString &help); + + QString usage() const; + /** * This function will be called to execute the command. * * @arguments: The command arguments * @state: The state object * @return: Return true for success and false for error. If the command is event driven, returning false will not start an event loop and abort immediately. * If the command is not event driven, returning false will set the exit code to 1. */ std::function lambda; std::function completer; QVector children; }; class SyntaxTree { public: typedef std::pair Command; static SyntaxTree *self(); int registerSyntax(std::function f); Syntax::List syntax() const; Command match(const QStringList &commands) const; Syntax::List nearestSyntax(const QStringList &words, const QString &fragment) const; State &state(); int run(const QStringList &commands); static QStringList tokenize(const QString &text); struct Options { QStringList positionalArguments; QMap options; }; static Options parseOptions(const QStringList &text); private: SyntaxTree(); Syntax::List m_syntax; State m_state; QTime m_timeElapsed; static SyntaxTree *s_module; }; #define REGISTER_SYNTAX(name) static const int theTrickFor##name = SyntaxTree::self()->registerSyntax(&name::syntax); diff --git a/suppressions.lsan b/suppressions.lsan index 9737bd4b..f6d7fad6 100644 --- a/suppressions.lsan +++ b/suppressions.lsan @@ -1,14 +1,25 @@ leak:mdb_env_open leak:mdb_dbi_open -#Catch everything from lmdb for now +#Catch everything from lmdb and libQt5Network for now leak:liblmdb.so +leak:libQt5Network.so #There seems to be a tiny leak in qrand that we can't do anything about leak:qrand leak:ApplicationDomain::getTypeName leak:QByteArray::QByteArray(char const*, int) #static map that is essentially a leak (but it's only in testscode, so not relevant) leak:TestDummyResourceFacade leak:QArrayData::allocate leak:QListData::detach_grow leak:QArrayData::reallocateUnaligned leak:QHostAddress::clear +leak:QObject::startTimer +#Often connections show up as tiny leaks +leak:QMetaObject::Connection +leak:QObjectPrivate::addConnection +leak:ObjectPrivate::connectImpl +leak:QObjectPrivate::connectImpl +leak:libKIMAP2.so +leak:KIMAP2::Session::Session +leak:KIMAP2::SessionPrivate::addJob +leak:createNewSession diff --git a/synchronizer/CMakeLists.txt b/synchronizer/CMakeLists.txt index 3ea55218..92b7154a 100644 --- a/synchronizer/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/synchronizer/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ project(sink_synchronizer) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) set(sinksynchronizer_SRCS main.cpp + backtrace.cpp ) add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${sinksynchronizer_SRCS}) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} sink Qt5::Core Qt5::Gui Qt5::Network KAsync ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} ) if(APPLE) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} "-framework CoreFoundation") endif() install(TARGETS ${PROJECT_NAME} ${KDE_INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS}) diff --git a/synchronizer/backtrace.cpp b/synchronizer/backtrace.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bd993ccb --- /dev/null +++ b/synchronizer/backtrace.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,309 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. + * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation. + * Copyright (C) 2019 Christian Mollekopf + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the + * Free Software Foundation, Inc., + * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + */ +#include "backtrace.h" + +#include //For the OS ifdefs +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#ifndef Q_OS_WIN +#include +#include +#include +#include +#else +#include +#include +#include +# if !defined(Q_CC_MINGW) || (defined(Q_CC_MINGW) && defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR)) +#include +# endif +#endif + +#include "listener.h" + +using namespace Sink; + +#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) && !defined(Q_OS_WINRT) +// Helper class for resolving symbol names by dynamically loading "dbghelp.dll". +class DebugSymbolResolver +{ + Q_DISABLE_COPY(DebugSymbolResolver) +public: + struct Symbol { + Symbol() : name(Q_NULLPTR), address(0) {} + + const char *name; // Must be freed by caller. + DWORD64 address; + }; + + explicit DebugSymbolResolver(HANDLE process) + : m_process(process), m_dbgHelpLib(0), m_symFromAddr(Q_NULLPTR) + { + bool success = false; + m_dbgHelpLib = LoadLibraryW(L"dbghelp.dll"); + if (m_dbgHelpLib) { + SymInitializeType symInitialize = (SymInitializeType)(GetProcAddress(m_dbgHelpLib, "SymInitialize")); + m_symFromAddr = (SymFromAddrType)(GetProcAddress(m_dbgHelpLib, "SymFromAddr")); + success = symInitialize && m_symFromAddr && symInitialize(process, NULL, TRUE); + } + if (!success) { + cleanup(); + } + } + + + ~DebugSymbolResolver() { cleanup(); } + + bool isValid() const { return m_symFromAddr; } + + Symbol resolveSymbol(DWORD64 address) const { + // reserve additional buffer where SymFromAddr() will store the name + struct NamedSymbolInfo : public DBGHELP_SYMBOL_INFO { + enum { symbolNameLength = 255 }; + + char name[symbolNameLength + 1]; + }; + + Symbol result; + if (!isValid()) + return result; + NamedSymbolInfo symbolBuffer; + memset(&symbolBuffer, 0, sizeof(NamedSymbolInfo)); + symbolBuffer.MaxNameLen = NamedSymbolInfo::symbolNameLength; + symbolBuffer.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(DBGHELP_SYMBOL_INFO); + if (!m_symFromAddr(m_process, address, 0, &symbolBuffer)) + return result; + result.name = qstrdup(symbolBuffer.Name); + result.address = symbolBuffer.Address; + return result; + } + +private: + // typedefs from DbgHelp.h/.dll + struct DBGHELP_SYMBOL_INFO { // SYMBOL_INFO + ULONG SizeOfStruct; + ULONG TypeIndex; // Type Index of symbol + ULONG64 Reserved[2]; + ULONG Index; + ULONG Size; + ULONG64 ModBase; // Base Address of module comtaining this symbol + ULONG Flags; + ULONG64 Value; // Value of symbol, ValuePresent should be 1 + ULONG64 Address; // Address of symbol including base address of module + ULONG Register; // register holding value or pointer to value + ULONG Scope; // scope of the symbol + ULONG Tag; // pdb classification + ULONG NameLen; // Actual length of name + ULONG MaxNameLen; + CHAR Name[1]; // Name of symbol + }; + + typedef BOOL (__stdcall *SymInitializeType)(HANDLE, PCSTR, BOOL); + typedef BOOL (__stdcall *SymFromAddrType)(HANDLE, DWORD64, PDWORD64, DBGHELP_SYMBOL_INFO *); + + void cleanup() { + if (m_dbgHelpLib) { + FreeLibrary(m_dbgHelpLib); + } + m_dbgHelpLib = 0; + m_symFromAddr = Q_NULLPTR; + } + + const HANDLE m_process; + HMODULE m_dbgHelpLib; + SymFromAddrType m_symFromAddr; +}; +#endif + +//Print a demangled stacktrace +static void printStacktrace() +{ +#ifndef Q_OS_WIN + int skip = 1; + void *callstack[128]; + const int nMaxFrames = sizeof(callstack) / sizeof(callstack[0]); + char buf[1024]; + int nFrames = backtrace(callstack, nMaxFrames); + char **symbols = backtrace_symbols(callstack, nFrames); + + std::ostringstream trace_buf; + for (int i = skip; i < nFrames; i++) { + // printf("%s\n", symbols[i]); + Dl_info info; + if (dladdr(callstack[i], &info) && info.dli_sname) { + char *demangled = NULL; + int status = -1; + if (info.dli_sname[0] == '_') { + demangled = abi::__cxa_demangle(info.dli_sname, NULL, 0, &status); + } + snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%-3d %*p %s + %zd\n", + i, int(2 + sizeof(void*) * 2), callstack[i], + status == 0 ? demangled : + info.dli_sname == 0 ? symbols[i] : info.dli_sname, + (char *)callstack[i] - (char *)info.dli_saddr); + free(demangled); + } else { + snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%-3d %*p %s\n", + i, int(2 + sizeof(void*) * 2), callstack[i], symbols[i]); + } + trace_buf << buf; + } + free(symbols); + if (nFrames == nMaxFrames) { + trace_buf << "[truncated]\n"; + } + std::cerr << trace_buf.str(); +#else + enum { maxStackFrames = 100 }; + DebugSymbolResolver resolver(GetCurrentProcess()); + if (resolver.isValid()) { + void *stack[maxStackFrames]; + fputs("\nStack:\n", stdout); + const unsigned frameCount = CaptureStackBackTrace(0, DWORD(maxStackFrames), stack, NULL); + for (unsigned f = 0; f < frameCount; ++f) { + DebugSymbolResolver::Symbol symbol = resolver.resolveSymbol(DWORD64(stack[f])); + if (symbol.name) { + printf("#%3u: %s() - 0x%p\n", f + 1, symbol.name, (const void *)symbol.address); + delete [] symbol.name; + } else { + printf("#%3u: Unable to obtain symbol\n", f + 1); + } + } + } + + fputc('\n', stdout); + fflush(stdout); + +#endif +} + +#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) && !defined(Q_OS_WINRT) +static LONG WINAPI windowsFaultHandler(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exInfo) +{ + char appName[MAX_PATH]; + if (!GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, appName, MAX_PATH)) { + appName[0] = 0; + } + const void *exceptionAddress = exInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress; + printf("A crash occurred in %s.\n" + "Exception address: 0x%p\n" + "Exception code : 0x%lx\n", + appName, exceptionAddress, exInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode); + + DebugSymbolResolver resolver(GetCurrentProcess()); + if (resolver.isValid()) { + DebugSymbolResolver::Symbol exceptionSymbol = resolver.resolveSymbol(DWORD64(exceptionAddress)); + if (exceptionSymbol.name) { + printf("Nearby symbol : %s\n", exceptionSymbol.name); + delete [] exceptionSymbol.name; + } + } + + printStacktrace(); + return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; +} +#endif // Q_OS_WIN) && !Q_OS_WINRT + + + +static int sCounter = 0; +static Listener *sListener = nullptr; + +static void crashHandler(int signal) +{ + //Guard against crashing in here + if (sCounter > 1) { + std::_Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); + } + sCounter++; + + if (signal == SIGABRT) { + std::cerr << "SIGABRT received\n"; + } else if (signal == SIGSEGV) { + std::cerr << "SIGSEV received\n"; + } else { + std::cerr << "Unexpected signal " << signal << " received\n"; + } + + printStacktrace(); + + //Get the word out that we're going down + if (sListener) { + sListener->emergencyAbortAllConnections(); + } + + std::fprintf(stdout, "Sleeping for 10s to attach a debugger: gdb attach %i\n", getpid()); + std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(10)); + + // std::system("exec gdb -p \"$PPID\" -ex \"thread apply all bt\""); + // This only works if we actually have xterm and X11 available + // std::system("exec xterm -e gdb -p \"$PPID\""); + + std::_Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); +} + +static void terminateHandler() +{ + std::exception_ptr exptr = std::current_exception(); + if (exptr != 0) + { + // the only useful feature of std::exception_ptr is that it can be rethrown... + try { + std::rethrow_exception(exptr); + } catch (std::exception &ex) { + std::fprintf(stderr, "Terminated due to exception: %s\n", ex.what()); + } catch (...) { + std::fprintf(stderr, "Terminated due to unknown exception\n"); + } + } else { + std::fprintf(stderr, "Terminated due to unknown reason :(\n"); + } + std::abort(); +} + +void Sink::setListener(Listener *listener) +{ + sListener = listener; +} + +void Sink::installCrashHandler() +{ +#ifndef Q_OS_WIN + std::signal(SIGSEGV, crashHandler); + std::signal(SIGABRT, crashHandler); + std::set_terminate(terminateHandler); +#else +# ifndef Q_CC_MINGW + _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_MODE_DEBUG); +# endif +# ifndef Q_OS_WINRT + SetErrorMode(SetErrorMode(0) | SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX); + SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(windowsFaultHandler); +# endif +#endif +} diff --git a/examples/dummyresource/domainadaptor.cpp b/synchronizer/backtrace.h similarity index 60% rename from examples/dummyresource/domainadaptor.cpp rename to synchronizer/backtrace.h index e7a20da5..8e83c014 100644 --- a/examples/dummyresource/domainadaptor.cpp +++ b/synchronizer/backtrace.h @@ -1,44 +1,25 @@ /* - * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Mollekopf + * Copyright (C) 2019 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ +#pragma once -#include "domainadaptor.h" - -#include "dummycalendar_generated.h" -#include "applicationdomaintype.h" - -using namespace DummyCalendar; -using namespace flatbuffers; - -DummyEventAdaptorFactory::DummyEventAdaptorFactory() - : DomainTypeAdaptorFactory() -{ -} - -DummyMailAdaptorFactory::DummyMailAdaptorFactory() - : DomainTypeAdaptorFactory() -{ - +class Listener; +namespace Sink { + void setListener(Listener*); + void installCrashHandler(); } - -DummyFolderAdaptorFactory::DummyFolderAdaptorFactory() - : DomainTypeAdaptorFactory() -{ - -} - diff --git a/synchronizer/main.cpp b/synchronizer/main.cpp index f1709bc4..0b954f0d 100644 --- a/synchronizer/main.cpp +++ b/synchronizer/main.cpp @@ -1,306 +1,201 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Aaron Seigo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #ifndef Q_OS_WIN -#include -#endif -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#ifndef Q_OS_WIN #include -#include -#include #else #include #include #endif #include "listener.h" #include "log.h" #include "test.h" #include "definitions.h" +#include "backtrace.h" #ifdef Q_OS_OSX #include #endif -static Listener *listener = nullptr; - -//Print a demangled stacktrace -void printStacktrace() -{ -#ifndef Q_OS_WIN - int skip = 1; - void *callstack[128]; - const int nMaxFrames = sizeof(callstack) / sizeof(callstack[0]); - char buf[1024]; - int nFrames = backtrace(callstack, nMaxFrames); - char **symbols = backtrace_symbols(callstack, nFrames); - - std::ostringstream trace_buf; - for (int i = skip; i < nFrames; i++) { - // printf("%s\n", symbols[i]); - Dl_info info; - if (dladdr(callstack[i], &info) && info.dli_sname) { - char *demangled = NULL; - int status = -1; - if (info.dli_sname[0] == '_') { - demangled = abi::__cxa_demangle(info.dli_sname, NULL, 0, &status); - } - snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%-3d %*p %s + %zd\n", - i, int(2 + sizeof(void*) * 2), callstack[i], - status == 0 ? demangled : - info.dli_sname == 0 ? symbols[i] : info.dli_sname, - (char *)callstack[i] - (char *)info.dli_saddr); - free(demangled); - } else { - snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%-3d %*p %s\n", - i, int(2 + sizeof(void*) * 2), callstack[i], symbols[i]); - } - trace_buf << buf; - } - free(symbols); - if (nFrames == nMaxFrames) { - trace_buf << "[truncated]\n"; - } - std::cerr << trace_buf.str(); -#endif -} - -static int sCounter = 0; -void crashHandler(int signal) -{ - //Guard against crashing in here - if (sCounter > 1) { - std::_Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); - } - sCounter++; - if (signal == SIGABRT) { - std::cerr << "SIGABRT received\n"; - } else if (signal == SIGSEGV) { - std::cerr << "SIGSEV received\n"; - } else { - std::cerr << "Unexpected signal " << signal << " received\n"; - } - - printStacktrace(); - - //Get the word out that we're going down - listener->emergencyAbortAllConnections(); - - std::fprintf(stdout, "Sleeping for 10s to attach a debugger: gdb attach %i\n", getpid()); - std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(10)); - - // std::system("exec gdb -p \"$PPID\" -ex \"thread apply all bt\""); - // This only works if we actually have xterm and X11 available - // std::system("exec xterm -e gdb -p \"$PPID\""); - - std::_Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); -} - -void terminateHandler() -{ - std::exception_ptr exptr = std::current_exception(); - if (exptr != 0) - { - // the only useful feature of std::exception_ptr is that it can be rethrown... - try { - std::rethrow_exception(exptr); - } catch (std::exception &ex) { - std::fprintf(stderr, "Terminated due to exception: %s\n", ex.what()); - } catch (...) { - std::fprintf(stderr, "Terminated due to unknown exception\n"); - } - } else { - std::fprintf(stderr, "Terminated due to unknown reason :(\n"); - } - std::abort(); -} /* * We capture all qt debug messages in the same process and feed it into the sink debug system. * This way we get e.g. kimap debug messages as well together with the rest. */ void qtMessageHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg) { QByteArray localMsg = msg.toLocal8Bit(); switch (type) { case QtDebugMsg: Sink::Log::debugStream(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Trace, context.line, context.file, context.function, context.category) << msg; break; case QtInfoMsg: Sink::Log::debugStream(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Log, context.line, context.file, context.function, context.category) << msg; break; case QtWarningMsg: Sink::Log::debugStream(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Warning, context.line, context.file, context.function, context.category) << msg; break; case QtCriticalMsg: Sink::Log::debugStream(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Error, context.line, context.file, context.function, context.category) << msg; break; case QtFatalMsg: Sink::Log::debugStream(Sink::Log::DebugLevel::Error, context.line, context.file, context.function, context.category) << msg; abort(); } } QString read(const QString &filename) { QFile file{filename}; file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); return file.readAll(); } void printStats() { #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) /* * See 'man proc' for details */ { auto statm = read("/proc/self/statm").split(' '); SinkLog() << "Program size:" << statm.value(0).toInt() << "pages"; SinkLog() << "RSS:"<< statm.value(1).toInt() << "pages"; SinkLog() << "Resident Shared:" << statm.value(2).toInt() << "pages"; SinkLog() << "Text (code):" << statm.value(3).toInt() << "pages"; SinkLog() << "Data (data + stack):" << statm.value(5).toInt() << "pages"; } { auto stat = read("/proc/self/stat").split(' '); SinkLog() << "Minor page faults: " << stat.value(10).toInt(); SinkLog() << "Children minor page faults: " << stat.value(11).toInt(); SinkLog() << "Major page faults: " << stat.value(12).toInt(); SinkLog() << "Children major page faults: " << stat.value(13).toInt(); } //Dump the complete memory map for the process // std::cout << "smaps: " << read("/proc/self/smaps").toStdString(); //Dump all sorts of stats for the process // std::cout << read("/proc/self/status").toStdString(); { auto io = read("/proc/self/io").split('\n'); QHash hash; for (const auto &s : io) { const auto parts = s.split(": "); hash.insert(parts.value(0), parts.value(1)); } SinkLog() << "Read syscalls: " << hash.value("syscr").toInt(); SinkLog() << "Write syscalls: " << hash.value("syscw").toInt(); SinkLog() << "Read from disk: " << hash.value("read_bytes").toInt() / 1024 << "kb"; SinkLog() << "Written to disk: " << hash.value("write_bytes").toInt() / 1024 << "kb"; SinkLog() << "Cancelled write bytes: " << hash.value("cancelled_write_bytes").toInt(); } #endif } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("SINK_GDB_DEBUG")) { #ifndef Q_OS_WIN SinkWarning() << "Running resource in debug mode and waiting for gdb to attach: gdb attach " << getpid(); raise(SIGSTOP); #endif } else { - // For crashes - std::signal(SIGSEGV, crashHandler); - std::signal(SIGABRT, crashHandler); - std::set_terminate(terminateHandler); + Sink::installCrashHandler(); } qInstallMessageHandler(qtMessageHandler); #ifdef Q_OS_OSX //Necessary to hide this QGuiApplication from the dock and application switcher on mac os. if (CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle()) { // get the application's Info Dictionary. For app bundles this would live in the bundle's Info.plist, if (CFMutableDictionaryRef infoDict = (CFMutableDictionaryRef) CFBundleGetInfoDictionary(mainBundle)) { // Add or set the "LSUIElement" key with/to value "1". This can simply be a CFString. CFDictionarySetValue(infoDict, CFSTR("LSUIElement"), CFSTR("1")); // That's it. We're now considered as an "agent" by the window server, and thus will have // neither menubar nor presence in the Dock or App Switcher. } } #endif QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); app.setQuitLockEnabled(false); QByteArrayList arguments; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { arguments << argv[i]; } if (arguments.contains("--test")) { SinkLog() << "Running in test-mode"; arguments.removeAll("--test"); Sink::Test::setTestModeEnabled(true); } if (arguments.count() < 3) { SinkWarning() << "Not enough args passed, no resource loaded."; return app.exec(); } const QByteArray instanceIdentifier = arguments.at(1); const QByteArray resourceType = arguments.at(2); app.setApplicationName(instanceIdentifier); Sink::Log::setPrimaryComponent(instanceIdentifier); SinkLog() << "Starting: " << instanceIdentifier << resourceType; QDir{}.mkpath(Sink::resourceStorageLocation(instanceIdentifier)); QLockFile lockfile(Sink::storageLocation() + QString("/%1.lock").arg(QString(instanceIdentifier))); lockfile.setStaleLockTime(500); if (!lockfile.tryLock(0)) { const auto error = lockfile.error(); if (error == QLockFile::LockFailedError) { qint64 pid; QString hostname, appname; lockfile.getLockInfo(&pid, &hostname, &appname); SinkWarning() << "Failed to acquire exclusive resource lock."; SinkLog() << "Pid:" << pid << "Host:" << hostname << "App:" << appname; } else { SinkError() << "Error while trying to acquire exclusive resource lock: " << error; } return -1; } - listener = new Listener(instanceIdentifier, resourceType, &app); + auto listener = new Listener(instanceIdentifier, resourceType, &app); + Sink::setListener(listener); listener->checkForUpgrade(); QObject::connect(&app, &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit, listener, &Listener::closeAllConnections); QObject::connect(listener, &Listener::noClients, &app, &QCoreApplication::quit); auto ret = app.exec(); SinkLog() << "Exiting: " << instanceIdentifier; printStats(); return ret; } diff --git a/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/CMakeLists.txt index 2706d5b5..41ed2237 100644 --- a/tests/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/tests/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,74 +1,79 @@ add_subdirectory(hawd) set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/hawd ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../examples/dummyresource ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../examples/ ) add_definitions(-DTESTDATAPATH="${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data") add_definitions(-DTHREADTESTDATAPATH="${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/threaddata") find_package(KF5 COMPONENTS REQUIRED Mime) add_library(sink_test SHARED testimplementations.cpp getrssusage.cpp mailtest.cpp mailsynctest.cpp mailthreadtest.cpp utils.cpp) generate_export_header(sink_test BASE_NAME SinkTest EXPORT_FILE_NAME sinktest_export.h) target_link_libraries(sink_test sink libhawd Qt5::Core Qt5::Concurrent Qt5::Test KF5::Mime + KF5::CalendarCore ) add_executable(dbwriter dbwriter.cpp) target_link_libraries(dbwriter sink) include(SinkTest) manual_tests ( storagebenchmark mailquerybenchmark pipelinebenchmark databasepopulationandfacadequerybenchmark ) auto_tests ( clientapitest resourceconfigtest storagetest domainadaptortest messagequeuetest indextest + fulltextindextest resourcecommunicationtest pipelinetest + synchronizertest querytest modelinteractivitytest inspectiontest accountstest testaccounttest dummyresourcemailtest interresourcemovetest notificationtest entitystoretest + datastorequerytest upgradetest + resourcecontroltest ) if (WIN32) - message("Not building dumm resource tests on windows") + message("Not building dummy resource tests on windows") else() manual_tests ( dummyresourcebenchmark dummyresourcewritebenchmark ) auto_tests ( dummyresourcetest ) target_link_libraries(dummyresourcetest sink_resource_dummy) target_link_libraries(dummyresourcebenchmark sink_resource_dummy) target_link_libraries(dummyresourcewritebenchmark sink_resource_dummy) endif() diff --git a/tests/datastorequerytest.cpp b/tests/datastorequerytest.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..371f4d9e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/datastorequerytest.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +#include + +#include +#include + +#include "common/storage/entitystore.h" +#include "common/datastorequery.h" +#include "common/adaptorfactoryregistry.h" +#include "common/definitions.h" +#include "testimplementations.h" + +class DataStoreQueryTest : public QObject +{ + Q_OBJECT +private: + QString resourceInstanceIdentifier{"resourceId"}; + + struct Result { + QVector creations; + QVector modifications; + QVector removals; + }; + + Result readResult (ResultSet &resultSet) { + Result result; + resultSet.replaySet(0, 0, [&](const ResultSet::Result &r) { + switch (r.operation) { + case Sink::Operation_Creation: + result.creations << r.entity.identifier(); + break; + case Sink::Operation_Modification: + result.modifications << r.entity.identifier(); + break; + case Sink::Operation_Removal: + result.removals << r.entity.identifier(); + break; + } + }); + return result; + }; + + +private slots: + void initTestCase() + { + Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().registerFactory("test"); + } + + void cleanup() + { + Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), resourceInstanceIdentifier).removeFromDisk(); + } + + void testCleanup() + { + } + + void testFullScan() + { + using namespace Sink; + ResourceContext resourceContext{resourceInstanceIdentifier.toUtf8(), "dummy", AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().getFactories("test")}; + Storage::EntityStore store(resourceContext, {}); + + auto mail = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("res1"); + mail.setExtractedMessageId("messageid"); + mail.setExtractedSubject("boo"); + mail.setDraft(false); + + auto mail2 = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("res1"); + mail2.setExtractedMessageId("messageid2"); + mail2.setExtractedSubject("foo"); + + auto mail3 = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("res1"); + mail3.setExtractedMessageId("messageid2"); + mail3.setExtractedSubject("foo"); + + store.startTransaction(Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + store.add("mail", mail, false); + store.add("mail", mail2, false); + store.add("mail", mail3, false); + + { + auto query = DataStoreQuery {{}, "mail", store}; + auto resultset = query.execute(); + const auto result = readResult(resultset); + QCOMPARE(result.creations.size(), 3); + } + //Ensure an incremental query with no changes also yields nothing + { + auto query = DataStoreQuery {{}, "mail", store}; + auto resultset = query.update(store.maxRevision() + 1); + const auto result = readResult(resultset); + QCOMPARE(result.creations.size(), 0); + QCOMPARE(result.modifications.size(), 0); + } + + auto revisionBeforeModification = store.maxRevision(); + + mail.setExtractedSubject("foo"); + store.modify("mail", mail, QByteArrayList{}, false); + + { + auto query = DataStoreQuery {{}, "mail", store}; + auto resultset = query.execute(); + const auto result = readResult(resultset); + QCOMPARE(result.creations.size(), 3); + } + + { + auto query = DataStoreQuery {{}, "mail", store}; + auto resultset = query.update(revisionBeforeModification); + const auto result = readResult(resultset); + QCOMPARE(result.modifications.size(), 1); + } + + store.remove("mail", mail3, false); + + { + auto query = DataStoreQuery {{}, "mail", store}; + auto resultset = query.execute(); + const auto result = readResult(resultset); + QCOMPARE(result.creations.size(), 2); + } + { + auto query = DataStoreQuery {{}, "mail", store}; + auto resultset = query.update(revisionBeforeModification); + const auto result = readResult(resultset); + QCOMPARE(result.modifications.size(), 1); + //FIXME we shouldn't have the same id twice + QCOMPARE(result.removals.size(), 2); + } + } + + +}; + +QTEST_MAIN(DataStoreQueryTest) +#include "datastorequerytest.moc" diff --git a/tests/dbwriter.cpp b/tests/dbwriter.cpp index 3045eac5..a25faec1 100644 --- a/tests/dbwriter.cpp +++ b/tests/dbwriter.cpp @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QByteArrayList arguments; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { arguments << argv[i]; } auto testDataPath = arguments.value(1); auto dbName = arguments.value(2); auto count = arguments.value(3).toInt(); if (Sink::Storage::DataStore(testDataPath, dbName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly).exists()) { Sink::Storage::DataStore(testDataPath, dbName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite).removeFromDisk(); } qWarning() << "Creating db: " << testDataPath << dbName << count; QMap dbs = {{"a", 0}, {"b", 0}, {"c", 0}, {"p", 0}, {"q", 0}, {"db", 0}}; for (int d = 0; d < 40; d++) { dbs.insert("db" + QByteArray::number(d), 0); } Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, dbs}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!transaction) { qWarning() << "No valid transaction"; return -1; } - transaction.openDatabase("a", nullptr, false).write(QByteArray::number(i), "a"); - transaction.openDatabase("b", nullptr, false).write(QByteArray::number(i), "b"); - transaction.openDatabase("c", nullptr, false).write(QByteArray::number(i), "c"); - transaction.openDatabase("p", nullptr, false).write(QByteArray::number(i), "c"); - transaction.openDatabase("q", nullptr, false).write(QByteArray::number(i), "c"); + transaction.openDatabase("a", nullptr, 0).write(QByteArray::number(i), "a"); + transaction.openDatabase("b", nullptr, 0).write(QByteArray::number(i), "b"); + transaction.openDatabase("c", nullptr, 0).write(QByteArray::number(i), "c"); + transaction.openDatabase("p", nullptr, 0).write(QByteArray::number(i), "c"); + transaction.openDatabase("q", nullptr, 0).write(QByteArray::number(i), "c"); if (i > (count/2)) { for (int d = 0; d < 40; d++) { - transaction.openDatabase("db" + QByteArray::number(d), nullptr, false).write(QByteArray::number(i), "a"); + transaction.openDatabase("db" + QByteArray::number(d), nullptr, 0).write(QByteArray::number(i), "a"); } } if ((i % 1000) == 0) { transaction.commit(); transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); } } qWarning() << "Creating db done."; return 0; } diff --git a/tests/dummyresourcebenchmark.cpp b/tests/dummyresourcebenchmark.cpp index 57ad4de8..ce09c8fd 100644 --- a/tests/dummyresourcebenchmark.cpp +++ b/tests/dummyresourcebenchmark.cpp @@ -1,157 +1,156 @@ #include #include #include "dummyresource/resourcefactory.h" -#include "dummyresource/domainadaptor.h" #include "store.h" #include "notifier.h" #include "resourcecontrol.h" #include "commands.h" #include "entitybuffer.h" #include "log.h" #include "resourceconfig.h" #include "notification_generated.h" #include "test.h" #include "testutils.h" #include "adaptorfactoryregistry.h" #include "hawd/dataset.h" #include "hawd/formatter.h" #include "event_generated.h" #include "entity_generated.h" #include "metadata_generated.h" #include "createentity_generated.h" /** * Benchmark full system with the dummy resource implementation. */ class DummyResourceBenchmark : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private: int num; private slots: void initTestCase() { Sink::Log::setDebugOutputLevel(Sink::Log::Warning); auto factory = Sink::ResourceFactory::load("sink.dummy"); QVERIFY(factory); ResourceConfig::addResource("sink.dummy.instance1", "sink.dummy"); num = 5000; } void cleanup() { } // Ensure we can process a command in less than 0.1s void testCommandResponsiveness() { // Test responsiveness including starting the process. VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::removeDataFromDisk("sink.dummy.instance1")); QTime time; time.start(); Sink::ApplicationDomain::Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); event.setProperty("uid", "testuid"); QCOMPARE(event.getProperty("uid").toByteArray(), QByteArray("testuid")); event.setProperty("summary", "summaryValue"); auto notifier = QSharedPointer::create("sink.dummy.instance1", "sink.dummy"); bool gotNotification = false; int duration = 0; notifier->registerHandler([&gotNotification, &duration, &time](const Sink::Notification ¬ification) { if (notification.type == Sink::Notification::RevisionUpdate) { gotNotification = true; duration = time.elapsed(); } }); Sink::Store::create(event).exec(); // Wait for notification QUICK_TRY_VERIFY(gotNotification); HAWD::Dataset dataset("dummy_responsiveness", m_hawdState); HAWD::Dataset::Row row = dataset.row(); row.setValue("responsetime", duration); dataset.insertRow(row); HAWD::Formatter::print(dataset); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::shutdown("sink.dummy.instance1")); } void testWriteToFacade() { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::removeDataFromDisk("sink.dummy.instance1")); QTime time; time.start(); QList> waitCondition; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Sink::ApplicationDomain::Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); event.setProperty("uid", "testuid"); QCOMPARE(event.getProperty("uid").toByteArray(), QByteArray("testuid")); event.setProperty("summary", "summaryValue"); waitCondition << Sink::Store::create(event).exec(); } KAsync::waitForCompletion(waitCondition).exec().waitForFinished(); auto appendTime = time.elapsed(); // Ensure everything is processed { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); } auto allProcessedTime = time.elapsed(); HAWD::Dataset dataset("dummy_write_to_facade", m_hawdState); HAWD::Dataset::Row row = dataset.row(); row.setValue("rows", num); row.setValue("append", (qreal)num / appendTime); row.setValue("total", (qreal)num / allProcessedTime); dataset.insertRow(row); HAWD::Formatter::print(dataset); } void testQueryByUid() { QTime time; time.start(); // Measure query { time.start(); Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter("uid", Sink::Query::Comparator("testuid")); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QUICK_TRY_VERIFY(model->rowCount(QModelIndex()) == num); } auto queryTime = time.elapsed(); HAWD::Dataset dataset("dummy_query_by_uid", m_hawdState); HAWD::Dataset::Row row = dataset.row(); row.setValue("rows", num); row.setValue("read", (qreal)num / queryTime); dataset.insertRow(row); HAWD::Formatter::print(dataset); } // This allows to run individual parts without doing a cleanup, but still cleaning up normally void testCleanupForCompleteTest() { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::removeDataFromDisk("sink.dummy.instance1")); } private: HAWD::State m_hawdState; }; QTEST_MAIN(DummyResourceBenchmark) #include "dummyresourcebenchmark.moc" diff --git a/tests/dummyresourcetest.cpp b/tests/dummyresourcetest.cpp index 08138b3b..7a2b3a47 100644 --- a/tests/dummyresourcetest.cpp +++ b/tests/dummyresourcetest.cpp @@ -1,282 +1,283 @@ #include #include #include "dummyresource/resourcefactory.h" #include "store.h" #include "commands.h" #include "entitybuffer.h" #include "resourceconfig.h" #include "resourcecontrol.h" #include "modelresult.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "log.h" #include "test.h" #include "testutils.h" #include "adaptorfactoryregistry.h" #include "notifier.h" using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; /** * Test of complete system using the dummy resource. * * This test requires the dummy resource installed. */ class DummyResourceTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT QTime time; Sink::ResourceContext getContext() { return Sink::ResourceContext{"sink.dummy.instance1", "sink.dummy", Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().getFactories("sink.dummy")}; } private slots: void initTestCase() { Sink::Test::initTest(); auto factory = Sink::ResourceFactory::load("sink.dummy"); QVERIFY(factory); ::DummyResource::removeFromDisk("sink.dummy.instance1"); ResourceConfig::addResource("sink.dummy.instance1", "sink.dummy"); + ResourceConfig::configureResource("sink.dummy.instance1", {{"populate", true}}); } void init() { qDebug(); qDebug() << "-----------------------------------------"; qDebug(); time.start(); } void cleanup() { qDebug() << "Test took " << time.elapsed(); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::removeDataFromDisk(QByteArray("sink.dummy.instance1"))); } void testProperty() { Event event; event.setProperty("uid", "testuid"); QCOMPARE(event.getProperty("uid").toByteArray(), QByteArray("testuid")); } void testWriteToFacadeAndQueryByUid() { Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); event.setProperty("uid", "testuid"); QCOMPARE(event.getProperty("uid").toByteArray(), QByteArray("testuid")); event.setProperty("summary", "summaryValue"); Sink::Store::create(event).exec().waitForFinished(); auto query = Query().resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1") ; // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query.filter("testuid")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(QModelIndex()), 1); auto value = model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QCOMPARE(value->getProperty("uid").toByteArray(), QByteArray("testuid")); } void testWriteToFacadeAndQueryByUid2() { Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); event.setProperty("summary", "summaryValue"); event.setProperty("uid", "testuid"); Sink::Store::create(event).exec().waitForFinished(); event.setProperty("uid", "testuid2"); Sink::Store::create(event).exec().waitForFinished(); auto query = Query().resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1") ; // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query.filter("testuid")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(QModelIndex()), 1); auto value = model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); qDebug() << value->getProperty("uid").toByteArray(); QCOMPARE(value->getProperty("uid").toByteArray(), QByteArray("testuid")); } void testWriteToFacadeAndQueryBySummary() { Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); event.setProperty("uid", "testuid"); event.setProperty("summary", "summaryValue1"); Sink::Store::create(event).exec().waitForFinished(); event.setProperty("uid", "testuid2"); event.setProperty("summary", "summaryValue2"); Sink::Store::create(event).exec().waitForFinished(); auto query = Query().resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1") ; // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query.filter("summaryValue2")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(QModelIndex()), 1); auto value = model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); qDebug() << value->getProperty("uid").toByteArray(); QCOMPARE(value->getProperty("uid").toByteArray(), QByteArray("testuid2")); } void testResourceSync() { ::DummyResource resource(getContext()); VERIFYEXEC(resource.synchronizeWithSource(Sink::QueryBase())); QVERIFY(!resource.error()); auto processAllMessagesFuture = resource.processAllMessages().exec(); processAllMessagesFuture.waitForFinished(); } void testSyncAndFacade() { const auto query = Query().resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->rowCount(QModelIndex()) >= 1); auto value = model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QVERIFY(!value->getProperty("summary").toString().isEmpty()); qDebug() << value->getProperty("summary").toString(); } void testSyncAndFacadeMail() { auto query = Query().resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.request(); // Ensure all local data is processed Sink::Store::synchronize(query).exec().waitForFinished(); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->rowCount(QModelIndex()) >= 1); auto value = model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); qWarning() << value->getSubject() << value->identifier(); QVERIFY(!value->getSubject().isEmpty()); } void testWriteModifyDelete() { Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); event.setProperty("uid", "testuid"); QCOMPARE(event.getProperty("uid").toByteArray(), QByteArray("testuid")); event.setProperty("summary", "summaryValue"); Sink::Store::create(event).exec().waitForFinished(); auto query = Query().resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1").filter("testuid"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); // Test create Event event2; { auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(QModelIndex()), 1); auto value = model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QCOMPARE(value->getProperty("uid").toByteArray(), QByteArray("testuid")); QCOMPARE(value->getProperty("summary").toByteArray(), QByteArray("summaryValue")); event2 = *value; } event2.setProperty("uid", "testuid"); event2.setProperty("summary", "summaryValue2"); Sink::Store::modify(event2).exec().waitForFinished(); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); // Test modify { auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(QModelIndex()), 1); auto value = model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QCOMPARE(value->getProperty("uid").toByteArray(), QByteArray("testuid")); QCOMPARE(value->getProperty("summary").toByteArray(), QByteArray("summaryValue2")); } Sink::Store::remove(event2).exec().waitForFinished(); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); // Test remove { auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(QModelIndex()), 0); } } void testWriteModifyDeleteLive() { auto query = Query().resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); query.filter("testuid"); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); event.setProperty("uid", "testuid"); QCOMPARE(event.getProperty("uid").toByteArray(), QByteArray("testuid")); event.setProperty("summary", "summaryValue"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(event)); // Test create Event event2; { QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(QModelIndex()), 1); auto value = model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QCOMPARE(value->getProperty("uid").toByteArray(), QByteArray("testuid")); QCOMPARE(value->getProperty("summary").toByteArray(), QByteArray("summaryValue")); event2 = *value; } event2.setProperty("uid", "testuid"); event2.setProperty("summary", "summaryValue2"); Sink::Store::modify(event2).exec().waitForFinished(); // Test modify { // TODO wait for a change signal QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(QModelIndex()), 1); auto value = model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QCOMPARE(value->getProperty("uid").toByteArray(), QByteArray("testuid")); QCOMPARE(value->getProperty("summary").toByteArray(), QByteArray("summaryValue2")); } Sink::Store::remove(event2).exec().waitForFinished(); // Test remove { QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(QModelIndex()), 0); } } }; QTEST_MAIN(DummyResourceTest) #include "dummyresourcetest.moc" diff --git a/tests/dummyresourcewritebenchmark.cpp b/tests/dummyresourcewritebenchmark.cpp index e0ec5036..1b44d354 100644 --- a/tests/dummyresourcewritebenchmark.cpp +++ b/tests/dummyresourcewritebenchmark.cpp @@ -1,299 +1,298 @@ #include #include #include #include #include "dummyresource/resourcefactory.h" -#include "dummyresource/domainadaptor.h" #include "store.h" #include "commands.h" #include "entitybuffer.h" #include "log.h" #include "resourceconfig.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "facadefactory.h" #include "adaptorfactoryregistry.h" #include "hawd/dataset.h" #include "hawd/formatter.h" #include "event_generated.h" #include "mail_generated.h" #include "entity_generated.h" #include "metadata_generated.h" #include "createentity_generated.h" #include "getrssusage.h" #include "utils.h" #include static QByteArray createEntityBuffer(size_t attachmentSize, int &bufferSize) { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder eventFbb; eventFbb.Clear(); { auto msg = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); msg->subject()->from7BitString("Some subject"); msg->setBody("This is the body now."); msg->assemble(); const auto data = msg->encodedContent(); auto summary = eventFbb.CreateString("summary"); auto mimeMessage = eventFbb.CreateString(data.constData(), data.length()); Sink::ApplicationDomain::Buffer::MailBuilder eventBuilder(eventFbb); eventBuilder.add_subject(summary); eventBuilder.add_messageId(summary); eventBuilder.add_mimeMessage(mimeMessage); Sink::ApplicationDomain::Buffer::FinishMailBuffer(eventFbb, eventBuilder.Finish()); } flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder entityFbb; Sink::EntityBuffer::assembleEntityBuffer(entityFbb, 0, 0, 0, 0, eventFbb.GetBufferPointer(), eventFbb.GetSize()); bufferSize = entityFbb.GetSize(); flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto type = fbb.CreateString(Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName().toStdString().data()); auto delta = fbb.CreateVector(entityFbb.GetBufferPointer(), entityFbb.GetSize()); Sink::Commands::CreateEntityBuilder builder(fbb); builder.add_domainType(type); builder.add_delta(delta); auto location = builder.Finish(); Sink::Commands::FinishCreateEntityBuffer(fbb, location); return QByteArray(reinterpret_cast(fbb.GetBufferPointer()), fbb.GetSize()); } /** * Benchmark writing in the synchronizer process. */ class DummyResourceWriteBenchmark : public QObject { Q_OBJECT QList mRssGrowthPerEntity; QList mTimePerEntity; QDateTime mTimeStamp{QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()}; void writeInProcess(int num, const QDateTime ×tamp) { DummyResource::removeFromDisk("sink.dummy.instance1"); QTime time; time.start(); DummyResource resource(Sink::ResourceContext{"sink.dummy.instance1", "sink.dummy", Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().getFactories("sink.dummy")}); int bufferSize = 0; auto command = createEntityBuffer(0, bufferSize); const auto startingRss = getCurrentRSS(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { resource.processCommand(Sink::Commands::CreateEntityCommand, command); } auto appendTime = time.elapsed(); Q_UNUSED(appendTime); auto bufferSizeTotal = bufferSize * num; // Wait until all messages have been processed resource.processAllMessages().exec().waitForFinished(); auto allProcessedTime = time.elapsed(); const auto finalRss = getCurrentRSS(); const auto rssGrowth = finalRss - startingRss; // Since the database is memory mapped it is attributted to the resident set size. const auto rssWithoutDb = finalRss - DummyResource::diskUsage("sink.dummy.instance1"); const auto peakRss = getPeakRSS(); // How much peak deviates from final rss in percent const auto percentageRssError = static_cast(peakRss - finalRss) * 100.0 / static_cast(finalRss); auto rssGrowthPerEntity = rssGrowth / num; std::cout << "Current Rss usage [kb]: " << finalRss / 1024 << std::endl; std::cout << "Peak Rss usage [kb]: " << peakRss / 1024 << std::endl; std::cout << "Rss growth [kb]: " << rssGrowth / 1024 << std::endl; std::cout << "Rss growth per entity [byte]: " << rssGrowthPerEntity << std::endl; std::cout << "Rss without db [kb]: " << rssWithoutDb / 1024 << std::endl; std::cout << "Percentage peak rss error: " << percentageRssError << std::endl; auto onDisk = Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.instance1", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly).diskUsage(); auto writeAmplification = static_cast(onDisk) / static_cast(bufferSizeTotal); std::cout << "On disk [kb]: " << onDisk / 1024 << std::endl; std::cout << "Buffer size total [kb]: " << bufferSizeTotal / 1024 << std::endl; std::cout << "Write amplification: " << writeAmplification << std::endl; mTimePerEntity << static_cast(allProcessedTime) / static_cast(num); mRssGrowthPerEntity << rssGrowthPerEntity; { HAWD::Dataset dataset("dummy_write_perf", m_hawdState); HAWD::Dataset::Row row = dataset.row(); row.setValue("rows", num); row.setValue("append", (qreal)num/appendTime); row.setValue("total", (qreal)num/allProcessedTime); row.setTimestamp(timestamp); dataset.insertRow(row); HAWD::Formatter::print(dataset); } { HAWD::Dataset dataset("dummy_write_memory", m_hawdState); HAWD::Dataset::Row row = dataset.row(); row.setValue("rows", num); row.setValue("rss", QVariant::fromValue(finalRss / 1024)); row.setValue("peakRss", QVariant::fromValue(peakRss / 1024)); row.setValue("percentagePeakRssError", percentageRssError); row.setValue("rssGrowthPerEntity", QVariant::fromValue(rssGrowthPerEntity)); row.setValue("rssWithoutDb", rssWithoutDb / 1024); row.setTimestamp(timestamp); dataset.insertRow(row); HAWD::Formatter::print(dataset); } { HAWD::Dataset dataset("dummy_write_disk", m_hawdState); HAWD::Dataset::Row row = dataset.row(); row.setValue("rows", num); row.setValue("onDisk", onDisk / 1024); row.setValue("bufferSize", bufferSizeTotal / 1024); row.setValue("writeAmplification", writeAmplification); row.setTimestamp(timestamp); dataset.insertRow(row); HAWD::Formatter::print(dataset); } // Print memory layout, RSS is what is in memory // std::system("exec pmap -x \"$PPID\""); } void testDiskUsage(int num) { auto resourceId = "testDiskUsage"; DummyResource::removeFromDisk(resourceId); { DummyResource resource(Sink::ResourceContext{resourceId, "sink.dummy", Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().getFactories("sink.dummy")}); int bufferSize = 0; auto command = createEntityBuffer(1000, bufferSize); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { resource.processCommand(Sink::Commands::CreateEntityCommand, command); } // Wait until all messages have been processed resource.processAllMessages().exec().waitForFinished(); } qint64 totalDbSizes = 0; qint64 totalKeysAndValues = 0; QMap dbSizes; Sink::Storage::DataStore storage(Sink::storageLocation(), resourceId, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto transaction = storage.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto stat = transaction.stat(); std::cout << "Free pages: " << stat.freePages << std::endl; std::cout << "Total pages: " << stat.totalPages << std::endl; auto totalUsedSize = stat.pageSize * (stat.totalPages - stat.freePages); std::cout << "Used size: " << totalUsedSize << std::endl; auto freeDbSize = stat.pageSize * (stat.freeDbStat.leafPages + stat.freeDbStat.overflowPages + stat.freeDbStat.branchPages); std::cout << "Free db size: " << freeDbSize << std::endl; auto mainDbSize = stat.pageSize * (stat.mainDbStat.leafPages + stat.mainDbStat.overflowPages + stat.mainDbStat.branchPages); std::cout << "Main db size: " << mainDbSize << std::endl; totalDbSizes += mainDbSize; QList databases = transaction.getDatabaseNames(); for (const auto &databaseName : databases) { auto db = transaction.openDatabase(databaseName); const auto size = db.getSize(); dbSizes.insert(databaseName, size); totalDbSizes += size; qint64 keySizes = 0; qint64 valueSizes = 0; db.scan({}, [&] (const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &data) { keySizes += key.size(); valueSizes += data.size(); return true; }, [&](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &e) { qWarning() << "Error while reading" << e; }, false, false); auto s = db.stat(); auto usedPages = (s.leafPages + s.branchPages + s.overflowPages); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Db: " << databaseName.toStdString() << (db.allowsDuplicates() ? " DUP" : "") << std::endl; std::cout << "Used pages " << usedPages << std::endl; std::cout << "Used size " << (keySizes + valueSizes) / 4096.0 << std::endl; std::cout << "Entries " << s.numEntries << std::endl; totalKeysAndValues += (keySizes + valueSizes); } std::cout << std::endl; auto mainStoreOnDisk = Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), resourceId, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly).diskUsage(); auto totalOnDisk = DummyResource::diskUsage(resourceId); std::cout << "Calculated key + value size: " << totalKeysAndValues << std::endl; std::cout << "Calculated total db sizes: " << totalDbSizes << std::endl; std::cout << "Main store on disk: " << mainStoreOnDisk << std::endl; std::cout << "Total on disk: " << totalOnDisk << std::endl; std::cout << "Used size amplification: " << static_cast(totalUsedSize) / static_cast(totalKeysAndValues) << std::endl; std::cout << "Write amplification: " << static_cast(mainStoreOnDisk) / static_cast(totalKeysAndValues) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; } private slots: void initTestCase() { Sink::Log::setDebugOutputLevel(Sink::Log::Warning); auto factory = Sink::ResourceFactory::load("sink.dummy"); QVERIFY(factory); } void cleanup() { } void runBenchmarks() { writeInProcess(5000, mTimeStamp); } void ensureUsedMemoryRemainsStable() { auto rssStandardDeviation = sqrt(variance(mRssGrowthPerEntity)); auto timeStandardDeviation = sqrt(variance(mTimePerEntity)); HAWD::Dataset dataset("dummy_write_summary", m_hawdState); HAWD::Dataset::Row row = dataset.row(); row.setValue("rssStandardDeviation", rssStandardDeviation); row.setValue("rssMaxDifference", maxDifference(mRssGrowthPerEntity)); row.setValue("timeStandardDeviation", timeStandardDeviation); row.setValue("timeMaxDifference", maxDifference(mTimePerEntity)); row.setTimestamp(mTimeStamp); dataset.insertRow(row); HAWD::Formatter::print(dataset); } void testDiskUsage() { testDiskUsage(1000); } // This allows to run individual parts without doing a cleanup, but still cleaning up normally void testCleanupForCompleteTest() { DummyResource::removeFromDisk("sink.dummy.instance1"); } private: HAWD::State m_hawdState; }; QTEST_MAIN(DummyResourceWriteBenchmark) #include "dummyresourcewritebenchmark.moc" diff --git a/tests/entitystoretest.cpp b/tests/entitystoretest.cpp index 90575a5d..63165643 100644 --- a/tests/entitystoretest.cpp +++ b/tests/entitystoretest.cpp @@ -1,89 +1,197 @@ #include #include #include #include "common/storage/entitystore.h" #include "common/adaptorfactoryregistry.h" #include "common/definitions.h" #include "testimplementations.h" class EntityStoreTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private: QString resourceInstanceIdentifier{"resourceId"}; private slots: void initTestCase() { Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().registerFactory("test"); + Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().registerFactory("test"); } void cleanup() { - Sink::Storage::DataStore storage(Sink::storageLocation(), resourceInstanceIdentifier); - storage.removeFromDisk(); + Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), resourceInstanceIdentifier).removeFromDisk(); } void testCleanup() { } + void testFullScan() + { + using namespace Sink; + ResourceContext resourceContext{resourceInstanceIdentifier.toUtf8(), "dummy", AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().getFactories("test")}; + Storage::EntityStore store(resourceContext, {}); + + auto mail = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("res1"); + mail.setExtractedMessageId("messageid"); + mail.setExtractedSubject("boo"); + /* + * FIXME This triggers "Error while removing value: "f" "\n\xAE\xDC\xA8|xH\x92\x95\xCC\r\xA7\xAF\xDB}\x9E" "Error on mdb_del: -30798 MDB_NOTFOUND: No matching key/data pair found" Code: 4 Db: "resourceIdmail.index.draft"": + * + * We don't apply the defaults as we should initially, because we don't go via the flatbuffer file that contains the defaults in the first place. This results in this particular case in the draft flag to be invalid instead of false, and thus we end up trying to modify something different in the index than what we added originally. + * This is true for both create and remove. In the modify case we then get the correct defaults because we load the latest revision from disk, which is based on the flatbuffers file + * + * We now just use setDraft to initialize the entity and get rid of the message. We would of course have to do this for all indexed properties, + * but we really have to find a better solution than that. + */ + mail.setDraft(false); + + auto mail2 = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("res1"); + mail2.setExtractedMessageId("messageid2"); + mail2.setExtractedSubject("foo"); + + auto mail3 = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("res1"); + mail3.setExtractedMessageId("messageid2"); + mail3.setExtractedSubject("foo"); + + store.startTransaction(Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + store.add("mail", mail, false); + store.add("mail", mail2, false); + store.add("mail", mail3, false); + + mail.setExtractedSubject("foo"); + + store.modify("mail", mail, QByteArrayList{}, false); + + { + const auto ids = store.fullScan("mail"); + + QCOMPARE(ids.size(), 3); + QVERIFY(ids.contains(Sink::Storage::Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(mail.identifier()))); + QVERIFY(ids.contains(Sink::Storage::Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(mail2.identifier()))); + QVERIFY(ids.contains(Sink::Storage::Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(mail3.identifier()))); + } + + store.remove("mail", mail3, false); + store.commitTransaction(); + + { + const auto ids = store.fullScan("mail"); + + QCOMPARE(ids.size(), 2); + QVERIFY(ids.contains(Sink::Storage::Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(mail.identifier()))); + QVERIFY(ids.contains(Sink::Storage::Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(mail2.identifier()))); + } + } + + void testExistsAndContains() + { + + using namespace Sink; + ResourceContext resourceContext{resourceInstanceIdentifier.toUtf8(), "dummy", AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().getFactories("test")}; + Storage::EntityStore store(resourceContext, {}); + + auto mail = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("res1"); + mail.setExtractedMessageId("messageid"); + mail.setExtractedSubject("boo"); + //FIXME see above + mail.setDraft(false); + + auto mail2 = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("res1"); + mail2.setExtractedMessageId("messageid2"); + mail2.setExtractedSubject("foo"); + + auto mail3 = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("res1"); + mail3.setExtractedMessageId("messageid2"); + mail3.setExtractedSubject("foo"); + + auto event = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("res1"); + event.setExtractedUid("messageid2"); + event.setExtractedSummary("foo"); + + store.startTransaction(Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + store.add("mail", mail, false); + store.add("mail", mail2, false); + store.add("mail", mail3, false); + store.add("event", event, false); + + mail.setExtractedSubject("foo"); + + store.modify("mail", mail, QByteArrayList{}, false); + store.remove("mail", mail3, false); + store.commitTransaction(); + + QVERIFY(store.contains("mail", mail.identifier())); + QVERIFY(store.contains("mail", mail2.identifier())); + QVERIFY(store.contains("mail", mail3.identifier())); + QVERIFY(store.contains("event", event.identifier())); + + QVERIFY(store.exists("mail", mail.identifier())); + QVERIFY(store.exists("mail", mail2.identifier())); + QVERIFY(!store.exists("mail", mail3.identifier())); + QVERIFY(store.exists("event", event.identifier())); + } + void readAll() { using namespace Sink; ResourceContext resourceContext{resourceInstanceIdentifier.toUtf8(), "dummy", AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().getFactories("test")}; Storage::EntityStore store(resourceContext, {}); auto mail = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("res1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("messageid"); mail.setExtractedSubject("boo"); + //FIXME see above + mail.setDraft(false); auto mail2 = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("res1"); mail2.setExtractedMessageId("messageid2"); mail2.setExtractedSubject("foo"); auto mail3 = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("res1"); mail3.setExtractedMessageId("messageid2"); mail3.setExtractedSubject("foo"); store.startTransaction(Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); store.add("mail", mail, false); store.add("mail", mail2, false); store.add("mail", mail3, false); mail.setExtractedSubject("foo"); store.modify("mail", mail, QByteArrayList{}, false); store.remove("mail", mail3, false); store.commitTransaction(); store.startTransaction(Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); { //We get every uid once QList uids; store.readAllUids("mail", [&] (const QByteArray &uid) { uids << uid; }); QCOMPARE(uids.size(), 2); } { //We get the latest version of every entity once QList uids; store.readAll("mail", [&] (const ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity) { //The first revision should be superseeded by the modification QCOMPARE(entity.getProperty(ApplicationDomain::Mail::Subject::name).toString(), QString::fromLatin1("foo")); uids << entity.identifier(); }); QCOMPARE(uids.size(), 2); } store.abortTransaction(); } }; QTEST_MAIN(EntityStoreTest) #include "entitystoretest.moc" diff --git a/tests/fulltextindextest.cpp b/tests/fulltextindextest.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..13bc3060 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fulltextindextest.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +#include + +#include + +#include "definitions.h" +#include "storage.h" +#include "fulltextindex.h" + +/** + * Test of the index implementation + */ +class FulltextIndexTest : public QObject +{ + Q_OBJECT +private slots: + void initTestCase() + { + Sink::Storage::DataStore store(Sink::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.instance1", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + store.removeFromDisk(); + } + + void cleanup() + { + Sink::Storage::DataStore store(Sink::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.instance1", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + store.removeFromDisk(); + } + + void testIndex() + { + FulltextIndex index("sink.dummy.instance1", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + // qInfo() << QString("Found document 1 with terms: ") + index.getIndexContent(id1).terms.join(", "); + // qInfo() << QString("Found document 2 with terms: ") + index.getIndexContent(id2).terms.join(", "); + + index.add("key1", "value1"); + index.add("key2", "value2"); + index.commitTransaction(); + + //Basic lookups + QCOMPARE(index.lookup("value1").size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(index.lookup("value1*").size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(index.lookup("value").size(), 2); + QCOMPARE(index.lookup("\"value1\"").size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(index.lookup("\"value\"").size(), 0); + QCOMPARE(index.lookup("value1 value2").size(), 0); + QCOMPARE(index.lookup("value1 OR value2").size(), 2); + + //Rollback + index.add("key3", "value3"); + QCOMPARE(index.lookup("value3").size(), 1); + index.abortTransaction(); + QCOMPARE(index.lookup("value3").size(), 0); + } +}; + +QTEST_MAIN(FulltextIndexTest) +#include "fulltextindextest.moc" diff --git a/tests/mailquerybenchmark.cpp b/tests/mailquerybenchmark.cpp index 3eccfc3c..62f320bf 100644 --- a/tests/mailquerybenchmark.cpp +++ b/tests/mailquerybenchmark.cpp @@ -1,310 +1,306 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "testimplementations.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "hawd/dataset.h" #include "hawd/formatter.h" #include #include #include "mail_generated.h" #include "createentity_generated.h" #include "getrssusage.h" #include "testutils.h" using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; /** * Benchmark mail query performance. */ class MailQueryBenchmark : public QObject { Q_OBJECT QByteArray resourceIdentifier; HAWD::State mHawdState; void populateDatabase(int count, int folderSpreadFactor = 0, bool clear = true, int offset = 0) { if (clear) { TestResource::removeFromDisk(resourceIdentifier); } Sink::ResourceContext resourceContext{resourceIdentifier, "test", {{"mail", QSharedPointer::create()}}}; Sink::Storage::EntityStore entityStore{resourceContext, {}}; entityStore.startTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); const auto date = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); for (int i = offset; i < offset + count; i++) { auto domainObject = Mail::createEntity(resourceIdentifier); domainObject.setExtractedMessageId("uid"); - domainObject.setExtractedParentMessageId("parentuid"); + domainObject.setExtractedParentMessageIds({"parentuid"}); domainObject.setExtractedSubject(QString("subject%1").arg(i)); domainObject.setExtractedDate(date.addSecs(count)); if (folderSpreadFactor == 0) { domainObject.setFolder("folder1"); } else { domainObject.setFolder(QByteArray("folder") + QByteArray::number(i - (i % folderSpreadFactor))); } entityStore.add("mail", domainObject, false); } entityStore.commitTransaction(); } //Execute query and block until the initial query is complete int load(const Sink::Query &query) { auto domainTypeAdaptorFactory = QSharedPointer::create(); Sink::ResourceContext context{resourceIdentifier, "test", {{"mail", domainTypeAdaptorFactory}}}; context.mResourceAccess = QSharedPointer::create(); TestMailResourceFacade facade(context); auto ret = facade.load(query, Sink::Log::Context{"benchmark"}); ret.first.exec().waitForFinished(); auto emitter = ret.second; int i = 0; emitter->onAdded([&](const Mail::Ptr &) { i++; }); bool done = false; emitter->onInitialResultSetComplete([&done](bool) { done = true; }); emitter->fetch(); QUICK_TRY_VERIFY(done); return i; } qreal testLoad(const Sink::Query &query, int count, int expectedSize) { const auto startingRss = getCurrentRSS(); // Benchmark QTime time; time.start(); auto loadedResults = load(query); Q_ASSERT(loadedResults == expectedSize); const auto elapsed = time.elapsed(); const auto finalRss = getCurrentRSS(); const auto rssGrowth = finalRss - startingRss; // Since the database is memory mapped it is attributted to the resident set size. const auto rssWithoutDb = finalRss - Sink::Storage::DataStore(Sink::storageLocation(), resourceIdentifier, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite).diskUsage(); const auto peakRss = getPeakRSS(); // How much peak deviates from final rss in percent (should be around 0) const auto percentageRssError = static_cast(peakRss - finalRss) * 100.0 / static_cast(finalRss); auto rssGrowthPerEntity = rssGrowth / count; std::cout << "Loaded " << expectedSize << " results." << std::endl; std::cout << "The query took [ms]: " << elapsed << std::endl; std::cout << "Current Rss usage [kb]: " << finalRss / 1024 << std::endl; std::cout << "Peak Rss usage [kb]: " << peakRss / 1024 << std::endl; std::cout << "Rss growth [kb]: " << rssGrowth / 1024 << std::endl; std::cout << "Rss growth per entity [byte]: " << rssGrowthPerEntity << std::endl; std::cout << "Rss without db [kb]: " << rssWithoutDb / 1024 << std::endl; std::cout << "Percentage error: " << percentageRssError << std::endl; Q_ASSERT(percentageRssError < 10); // TODO This is much more than it should it seems, although adding the attachment results in pretty exactly a 1k increase, // so it doesn't look like that memory is being duplicated. Q_ASSERT(rssGrowthPerEntity < 3300); // Print memory layout, RSS is what is in memory // std::system("exec pmap -x \"$PPID\""); // std::system("top -p \"$PPID\" -b -n 1"); return (qreal)expectedSize / elapsed; } private slots: void init() { resourceIdentifier = "sink.test.instance1"; } void testInitialQueryResult() { int count = 50000; int limit = 1; populateDatabase(count); //Run a warm-up query first Sink::Query query{}; query.request() .request() .request(); query.sort(); query.filter("folder1"); query.limit(limit); load(query); int liveQueryTime = 0; { - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::shutdown(resourceIdentifier)); - auto q = query; q.setFlags(Sink::Query::LiveQuery); QTime time; time.start(); load(q); liveQueryTime = time.elapsed(); } int nonLiveQueryTime = 0; { - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::shutdown(resourceIdentifier)); - auto q = query; QTime time; time.start(); load(q); nonLiveQueryTime = time.elapsed(); } HAWD::Dataset dataset("mail_query_initial", mHawdState); HAWD::Dataset::Row row = dataset.row(); row.setValue("live", liveQueryTime); row.setValue("nonlive", nonLiveQueryTime); dataset.insertRow(row); HAWD::Formatter::print(dataset); } void test50k() { int count = 50000; int limit = 1000; qreal simpleResultRate = 0; qreal threadResultRate = 0; { //A query that just filters by a property and sorts (using an index) Sink::Query query; query.request() .request() .request(); query.sort(); query.filter("folder1"); query.limit(limit); populateDatabase(count); simpleResultRate = testLoad(query, count, query.limit()); } { //A query that reduces (like the maillist query) Sink::Query query; query.request() .request() .request(); query.reduce(Query::Reduce::Selector::max()); query.limit(limit); int mailsPerFolder = 10; populateDatabase(count, mailsPerFolder); threadResultRate = testLoad(query, count, query.limit()); } HAWD::Dataset dataset("mail_query", mHawdState); HAWD::Dataset::Row row = dataset.row(); row.setValue("rows", limit); row.setValue("simple", simpleResultRate); row.setValue("threadleader", threadResultRate); dataset.insertRow(row); HAWD::Formatter::print(dataset); } void testIncremental() { Sink::Query query{Sink::Query::LiveQuery}; query.request() .request() .request(); query.sort(); query.reduce(Query::Reduce::Selector::max()); query.limit(1000); int count = 1000; populateDatabase(count, 10); auto expectedSize = 100; QTime time; time.start(); auto domainTypeAdaptorFactory = QSharedPointer::create(); Sink::ResourceContext context{resourceIdentifier, "test", {{"mail", domainTypeAdaptorFactory}}}; context.mResourceAccess = QSharedPointer::create(); TestMailResourceFacade facade(context); auto ret = facade.load(query, Sink::Log::Context{"benchmark"}); ret.first.exec().waitForFinished(); auto emitter = ret.second; QList added; QList removed; QList modified; emitter->onAdded([&](const Mail::Ptr &mail) { added << mail; /*qWarning() << "Added";*/ }); emitter->onRemoved([&](const Mail::Ptr &mail) { removed << mail; /*qWarning() << "Removed";*/ }); emitter->onModified([&](const Mail::Ptr &mail) { modified << mail; /*qWarning() << "Modified";*/ }); bool done = false; emitter->onInitialResultSetComplete([&done](bool) { done = true; }); emitter->fetch(); QUICK_TRY_VERIFY(done); QCOMPARE(added.size(), expectedSize); auto initialQueryTime = time.elapsed(); std::cout << "Initial query took: " << initialQueryTime << std::endl; populateDatabase(count, 10, false, count); time.restart(); for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { //Simulate revision updates in steps of 100 context.mResourceAccess->revisionChanged(1000 + i * 100); } //We should have 200 items in total in the end. 2000 mails / 10 folders => 200 reduced mails QUICK_TRY_VERIFY(added.count() == 200); //We get one modification per thread from the first 100 (1000 mails / 10 folders), everything else is optimized away because we ignore repeated updates to the same thread. QUICK_TRY_VERIFY(modified.count() == 100); auto incrementalQueryTime = time.elapsed(); std::cout << "Incremental query took " << incrementalQueryTime << std::endl; std::cout << "added " << added.count() << std::endl; std::cout << "modified " << modified.count() << std::endl; std::cout << "removed " << removed.count() << std::endl; HAWD::Dataset dataset("mail_query_incremental", mHawdState); HAWD::Dataset::Row row = dataset.row(); row.setValue("nonincremental", initialQueryTime); row.setValue("incremental", incrementalQueryTime); dataset.insertRow(row); HAWD::Formatter::print(dataset); } }; QTEST_MAIN(MailQueryBenchmark) #include "mailquerybenchmark.moc" diff --git a/tests/mailsynctest.cpp b/tests/mailsynctest.cpp index e9e5bb21..c955699a 100644 --- a/tests/mailsynctest.cpp +++ b/tests/mailsynctest.cpp @@ -1,527 +1,551 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "mailsynctest.h" #include #include #include #include "store.h" #include "resourcecontrol.h" #include "notifier.h" #include "notification.h" #include "log.h" #include "test.h" using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; static QByteArray newMessage(const QString &subject) { auto msg = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); msg->subject(true)->fromUnicodeString(subject, "utf8"); msg->date(true)->setDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()); msg->assemble(); return msg->encodedContent(true); } void MailSyncTest::initTestCase() { Test::initTest(); QVERIFY(isBackendAvailable()); resetTestEnvironment(); auto resource = createResource(); QVERIFY(!resource.identifier().isEmpty()); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(resource)); mResourceInstanceIdentifier = resource.identifier(); //Load the capabilities resource = Store::readOne(Sink::Query{resource}); mCapabilities = resource.getCapabilities(); } void MailSyncTest::cleanup() { VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::shutdown(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); removeResourceFromDisk(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); } void MailSyncTest::init() { VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::start(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); } void MailSyncTest::testListFolders() { int baseCount = 0; //First figure out how many folders we have by default { auto job = Store::fetchAll(Query()) .then([&](const QList &folders) { QStringList names; for (const auto &folder : folders) { names << folder->getName(); } SinkTrace() << "base folder: " << names; baseCount = folders.size(); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); query.request().request(); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto job = Store::fetchAll(query).then([=](const QList &folders) { QStringList names; QHash specialPurposeFolders; for (const auto &folder : folders) { names << folder->getName(); for (const auto &purpose : folder->getSpecialPurpose()) { specialPurposeFolders.insert(purpose, folder->identifier()); } } //Workaround for maildir if (names.contains("maildir1")) { names.removeAll("maildir1"); } if (mCapabilities.contains(ResourceCapabilities::Mail::drafts)) { QVERIFY(names.contains("Drafts")); names.removeAll("Drafts"); QVERIFY(specialPurposeFolders.contains(SpecialPurpose::Mail::drafts)); } if (mCapabilities.contains(ResourceCapabilities::Mail::trash)) { QVERIFY(names.contains("Trash")); names.removeAll("Trash"); QVERIFY(specialPurposeFolders.contains(SpecialPurpose::Mail::trash)); } auto set = QSet{"INBOX", "test"}; QCOMPARE(names.toSet(), set); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } void MailSyncTest::testListNewFolder() { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); query.request(); createFolder(QStringList() << "test2"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto job = Store::fetchAll(query).then([](const QList &folders) { QStringList names; for (const auto &folder : folders) { names << folder->getName(); } QVERIFY(names.contains("test2")); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } void MailSyncTest::testListRemovedFolder() { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); query.request(); VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); removeFolder(QStringList() << "test2"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto job = Store::fetchAll(query).then([](const QList &folders) { QStringList names; for (const auto &folder : folders) { names << folder->getName(); } QVERIFY(!names.contains("test2")); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } +void MailSyncTest::testListRemovedFullFolder() +{ + createFolder({"testRemoval"}); + createMessage({"testRemoval"}, newMessage("mailToRemove")); + + Sink::Query query; + query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); + query.request(); + + VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); + VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query{}.filter("testRemoval")).size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query{}.filter("mailToRemove")).size(), 1); + + removeFolder({"testRemoval"}); + + // Ensure all local data is processed + VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); + VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + + QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query{}.filter("testRemoval")).size(), 0); + QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query{}.filter("mailToRemove")).size(), 0); +} + void MailSyncTest::testListFolderHierarchy() { if (!mCapabilities.contains(ResourceCapabilities::Mail::folderhierarchy)) { QSKIP("Missing capability folder.hierarchy"); } Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); query.request().request(); createFolder(QStringList() << "test" << "sub"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto job = Store::fetchAll(query).then([=](const QList &folders) { QHash map; for (const auto &folder : folders) { map.insert(folder->getName(), folder); } QStringList names; for (const auto &folder : folders) { names << folder->getName(); } //Workaround for maildir if (names.contains("maildir1")) { names.removeAll("maildir1"); } if (mCapabilities.contains(ResourceCapabilities::Mail::drafts)) { QVERIFY(names.contains("Drafts")); names.removeAll("Drafts"); } if (mCapabilities.contains(ResourceCapabilities::Mail::trash)) { QVERIFY(names.contains("Trash")); names.removeAll("Trash"); } QCOMPARE(names.size(), 3); QCOMPARE(map.value("sub")->getParent(), map.value("test")->identifier()); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } void MailSyncTest::testListNewSubFolder() { if (!mCapabilities.contains(ResourceCapabilities::Mail::folderhierarchy)) { QSKIP("Missing capability mail.folderhierarchy"); } Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); query.request(); createFolder(QStringList() << "test" << "sub1"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto job = Store::fetchAll(query).then([](const QList &folders) { QStringList names; for (const auto &folder : folders) { names << folder->getName(); } ASYNCVERIFY(names.contains("sub1")); return KAsync::null(); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } void MailSyncTest::testListRemovedSubFolder() { if (!mCapabilities.contains(ResourceCapabilities::Mail::folderhierarchy)) { QSKIP("Missing capability folder.hierarchy"); } Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); query.request(); VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); removeFolder(QStringList() << "test" << "sub1"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto job = Store::fetchAll(query).then([](const QList &folders) { QStringList names; for (const auto &folder : folders) { names << folder->getName(); } ASYNCVERIFY(!names.contains("sub1")); return KAsync::null(); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } void MailSyncTest::testListMails() { createMessage(QStringList() << "test", newMessage("This is a Subject.")); Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); query.request().request().request().request(); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto job = Store::fetchAll(query).then([](const QList &mails) { ASYNCCOMPARE(mails.size(), 1); auto mail = mails.first(); ASYNCVERIFY(mail->getSubject().startsWith(QString("This is a Subject."))); const auto data = mail->getMimeMessage(); ASYNCVERIFY(!data.isEmpty()); KMime::Message m; m.setContent(KMime::CRLFtoLF(data)); m.parse(); ASYNCCOMPARE(mail->getSubject(), m.subject(true)->asUnicodeString()); ASYNCVERIFY(!mail->getFolder().isEmpty()); ASYNCVERIFY(mail->getDate().isValid()); return KAsync::null(); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } void MailSyncTest::testResyncMails() { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); query.request(); query.request(); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto job = Store::fetchAll(query).then([](const QList &mails) { ASYNCCOMPARE(mails.size(), 1); auto mail = mails.first(); ASYNCVERIFY(!mail->getSubject().isEmpty()); ASYNCVERIFY(!mail->getMimeMessage().isEmpty()); return KAsync::null(); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } void MailSyncTest::testFetchNewRemovedMessages() { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); query.request().request(); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto messageIdentifier = createMessage(QStringList() << "test", newMessage("Foobar")); VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); { auto job = Store::fetchAll(query).then([](const QList &mails) { ASYNCCOMPARE(mails.size(), 2); return KAsync::null(); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } removeMessage(QStringList() << "test", messageIdentifier); VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); { auto job = Store::fetchAll(query).then([](const QList &mails) { ASYNCCOMPARE(mails.size(), 1); return KAsync::null(); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } } void MailSyncTest::testFlagChange() { Sink::Query syncScope; syncScope.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); query.filter(true); query.filter(Sink::Query{}.filter("test")); query.request().request(); auto messageIdentifier = createMessage(QStringList() << "test", newMessage("Foobar")); VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(syncScope)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); QCOMPARE(Store::read(query).size(), 0); markAsImportant(QStringList() << "test", messageIdentifier); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(syncScope)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); QCOMPARE(Store::read(query).size(), 1); } void MailSyncTest::testSyncSingleFolder() { VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(Sink::SyncScope{ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()}.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); Folder::Ptr folder; { auto job = Store::fetchAll(Sink::Query{}.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier).filter("test")).template then([&](const QList &folders) { ASYNCCOMPARE(folders.size(), 1); folder = folders.first(); return KAsync::null(); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } auto syncScope = Sink::SyncScope{ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()}; syncScope.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); syncScope.filter(QVariant::fromValue(folder->identifier())); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(syncScope)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); } void MailSyncTest::testSyncSingleMail() { VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(Sink::SyncScope{}.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); Mail::Ptr mail; { auto job = Store::fetchAll(Sink::Query{}.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)).template then([&](const QList &mails) { ASYNCVERIFY(mails.size() >= 1); mail = mails.first(); return KAsync::null(); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } QVERIFY(mail); auto syncScope = Sink::SyncScope{ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()}; syncScope.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); syncScope.filter(mail->identifier()); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(syncScope)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); } void MailSyncTest::testSyncSingleMailWithBogusId() { VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(Sink::SyncScope{}.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto syncScope = Sink::SyncScope{ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()}; syncScope.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); syncScope.filter("WTFisThisEven?"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(syncScope)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); } void MailSyncTest::testFailingSync() { auto resource = createFaultyResource(); QVERIFY(!resource.identifier().isEmpty()); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(resource)); Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter(resource.identifier()); bool errorReceived = false; //Wait for the error notifiction auto notifier = QSharedPointer::create(resource.identifier()); notifier->registerHandler([&](const Notification ¬ification) { SinkTrace() << "Received notification " << notification; //Maildir detects misconfiguration, imap fails to connect if (notification.type == Sink::Notification::Error && (notification.code == ApplicationDomain::ConnectionError || notification.code == ApplicationDomain::ConfigurationError)) { errorReceived = true; } }); VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); - // Ensure sync fails if resource is misconfigured - QTRY_VERIFY(errorReceived); + // Ensure sync fails if resource is misconfigured. We have to wait longer than the timeout in imapserverproxy + QTRY_VERIFY_WITH_TIMEOUT(errorReceived, 10000); } void MailSyncTest::testSyncUidvalidity() { createFolder({"uidvalidity"}); createMessage({"uidvalidity"}, newMessage("old")); VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(SyncScope{ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()}.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier))); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto folder = Store::readOne(Query{}.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier).filter("uidvalidity")); auto folderSyncScope = SyncScope{ApplicationDomain::getTypeName()}; folderSyncScope.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); folderSyncScope.filter(QVariant::fromValue(folder.identifier())); VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(folderSyncScope)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); query.request().request().request().request(); query.filter(folder); auto mails = Store::read(query); QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 1); } resetTestEnvironment(); createFolder({"uidvalidity"}); createMessage({"uidvalidity"}, newMessage("new")); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(folderSyncScope)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); //Now we should have one message auto folder2 = Store::readOne(Query{}.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier).filter("uidvalidity")); Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); query.request().request().request().request(); query.filter(folder2); auto mails = Store::read(query); QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(mails.first().getSubject(), {"new"}); } diff --git a/tests/mailsynctest.h b/tests/mailsynctest.h index 3c0076ee..bc4b6a46 100644 --- a/tests/mailsynctest.h +++ b/tests/mailsynctest.h @@ -1,82 +1,83 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once #include "sinktest_export.h" #include #include #include #include "testutils.h" namespace Sink { /** * Tests if the resource can synchronize (read-only) emails. * * The default testenvironment is: * * INBOX * * INBOX.test */ class SINKTEST_EXPORT MailSyncTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT protected: QByteArray mResourceInstanceIdentifier; QByteArrayList mCapabilities; virtual bool isBackendAvailable() { return true; } virtual void resetTestEnvironment() = 0; virtual Sink::ApplicationDomain::SinkResource createResource() = 0; virtual Sink::ApplicationDomain::SinkResource createFaultyResource() = 0; virtual void removeResourceFromDisk(const QByteArray &mResourceInstanceIdentifier) = 0; virtual void createFolder(const QStringList &folderPath) = 0; virtual void removeFolder(const QStringList &folderPath) = 0; virtual QByteArray createMessage(const QStringList &folderPath, const QByteArray &message) = 0; virtual void removeMessage(const QStringList &folderPath, const QByteArray &messageIdentifier) = 0; virtual void markAsImportant(const QStringList &folderPath, const QByteArray &messageIdentifier) = 0; private slots: void initTestCase(); void init(); void cleanup(); void testListFolders(); void testListNewFolder(); void testListRemovedFolder(); void testListFolderHierarchy(); void testListNewSubFolder(); void testListRemovedSubFolder(); + void testListRemovedFullFolder(); void testListMails(); void testResyncMails(); void testFetchNewRemovedMessages(); void testFlagChange(); void testSyncSingleFolder(); void testSyncSingleMail(); void testSyncSingleMailWithBogusId(); void testFailingSync(); void testSyncUidvalidity(); }; } diff --git a/tests/mailtest.cpp b/tests/mailtest.cpp index 9b70309b..dd27aa61 100644 --- a/tests/mailtest.cpp +++ b/tests/mailtest.cpp @@ -1,477 +1,481 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "mailtest.h" #include #include #include #include "store.h" #include "resourcecontrol.h" #include "log.h" #include "test.h" using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; void MailTest::initTestCase() { Test::initTest(); QVERIFY(isBackendAvailable()); resetTestEnvironment(); auto resource = createResource(); QVERIFY(!resource.getResourceType().isEmpty()); QVERIFY(!resource.identifier().isEmpty()); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(resource)); mResourceInstanceIdentifier = resource.identifier(); //Load the capabilities resource = Store::readOne(Sink::Query{resource}); mCapabilities = resource.getCapabilities(); } void MailTest::cleanup() { VERIFYEXEC(Store::removeDataFromDisk(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); } void MailTest::init() { VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::start(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); } void MailTest::testCreateModifyDeleteFolder() { int baseCount = 0; //First figure out how many folders we have by default { auto job = Store::fetchAll(Query()) .then([&](const QList &folders) { baseCount = folders.size(); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } QString name = "name"; QByteArray icon = "icon"; auto folder = Folder::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); folder.setName(name); folder.setIcon(icon); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(folder)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); { auto job = Store::fetchAll(Query().request().request()) .then([=](const QList &folders) { QCOMPARE(folders.size(), baseCount + 1); QHash foldersByName; for (const auto &folder : folders) { foldersByName.insert(folder->getName(), folder); } QVERIFY(foldersByName.contains(name)); auto folder = *foldersByName.value(name); QCOMPARE(folder.getName(), name); QCOMPARE(folder.getIcon(), icon); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspection(folder, true))); if (!mCapabilities.contains("-folder.rename")) { QString name2 = "name2"; QByteArray icon2 = "icon2"; folder.setName(name2); folder.setIcon(icon2); VERIFYEXEC(Store::modify(folder)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); { auto job = Store::fetchAll(Query().request().request()) .then([=](const QList &folders) { QCOMPARE(folders.size(), baseCount + 1); QHash foldersByName; for (const auto &folder : folders) { foldersByName.insert(folder->getName(), folder); } QVERIFY(foldersByName.contains(name2)); auto folder = *foldersByName.value(name2); QCOMPARE(folder.getName(), name2); QCOMPARE(folder.getIcon(), icon2); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspection(folder, true))); } VERIFYEXEC(Store::remove(folder)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); { auto job = Store::fetchAll(Query().request().request()) .then([=](const QList &folders) { QCOMPARE(folders.size(), baseCount); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); //This is not currently possible to check. The local folder and mapping has already been removed. // VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspection(folder, false))); } void MailTest::testCreateModifyDeleteMail() { - const auto subject = QString::fromLatin1("Foobar"); + const auto subject = QString::fromUtf8("äéiöü"); + const auto from = QString::fromUtf8("äéiöü "); auto folder = Folder::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); folder.setName("folder"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(folder)); auto message = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); message->subject(true)->fromUnicodeString(subject, "utf8"); + message->from(true)->fromUnicodeString(from, "utf8"); message->assemble(); auto mail = Mail::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); mail.setMimeMessage(message->encodedContent(true)); mail.setFolder(folder); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(mail)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); { - auto job = Store::fetchAll(Query().request().request().request()) + auto job = Store::fetchAll(Query().request().request().request().request()) .then([=](const QList &mails) { QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 1); auto mail = *mails.first(); QCOMPARE(mail.getSubject(), subject); + QCOMPARE(mail.getSender().name, QString::fromUtf8("äéiöü")); + QCOMPARE(mail.getSender().emailAddress, QString::fromUtf8("example@example.org")); QCOMPARE(mail.getFolder(), folder.identifier()); KMime::Message m; m.setContent(KMime::CRLFtoLF(mail.getMimeMessage())); m.parse(); QCOMPARE(m.subject(true)->asUnicodeString(), subject); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspection(mail, true))); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::PropertyInspection(mail, Mail::Subject::name, subject))); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::CacheIntegrityInspection(folder))); const auto subject2 = QString::fromLatin1("Foobar2"); auto message2 = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); message2->subject(true)->fromUnicodeString(subject2, "utf8"); message2->assemble(); mail.setMimeMessage(message2->encodedContent(true)); VERIFYEXEC(Store::modify(mail)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); { auto job = Store::fetchAll(Query().request().request().request()) .then([=](const QList &mails) { QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 1); auto mail = *mails.first(); QCOMPARE(mail.getSubject(), subject2); QCOMPARE(mail.getFolder(), folder.identifier()); KMime::Message m; m.setContent(KMime::CRLFtoLF(mail.getMimeMessage())); m.parse(); QCOMPARE(m.subject(true)->asUnicodeString(), subject2); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspection(mail, true))); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::PropertyInspection(mail, Mail::Subject::name, subject2))); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::CacheIntegrityInspection(folder))); VERIFYEXEC(Store::remove(mail)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); { auto job = Store::fetchAll(Query().request().request()) .then([=](const QList &mails) { QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 0); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); // VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspection(mail, false))); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::CacheIntegrityInspection(folder))); } void MailTest::testMoveMail() { const auto subject = QString::fromLatin1("Foobar"); auto folder = Folder::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); folder.setName("folder2"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(folder)); auto folder1 = Folder::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); folder1.setName("folder3"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(folder1)); auto message = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); message->subject(true)->fromUnicodeString(subject, "utf8"); message->assemble(); auto mail = Mail::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); mail.setMimeMessage(message->encodedContent(true)); mail.setFolder(folder); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(mail)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); Mail modifiedMail; { auto job = Store::fetchAll(Query().request().request().request()) .then([=, &modifiedMail](const QList &mails) { QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 1); auto mail = *mails.first(); modifiedMail = mail; QCOMPARE(mail.getFolder(), folder.identifier()); QVERIFY(!mail.getMimeMessage().isEmpty()); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::CacheIntegrityInspection(folder))); modifiedMail.setFolder(folder1); VERIFYEXEC(Store::modify(modifiedMail)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); { auto job = Store::fetchAll(Query().request().request().request()) .then([=](const QList &mails) { QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 1); auto mail = *mails.first(); QCOMPARE(mail.getFolder(), folder1.identifier()); QVERIFY(!mail.getMimeMessage().isEmpty()); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); } VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::CacheIntegrityInspection(folder))); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::CacheIntegrityInspection(folder1))); } void MailTest::testMarkMailAsRead() { auto folder = Folder::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); folder.setName("anotherfolder"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(folder)); auto message = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); message->subject(true)->fromUnicodeString("subject", "utf8"); message->assemble(); auto mail = Mail::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); mail.setMimeMessage(message->encodedContent(true)); mail.setFolder(folder); mail.setUnread(true); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(mail)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto job = Store::fetchAll(Query() .resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier) .request() .request() ) .then>([this](const QList &mails) { ASYNCCOMPARE(mails.size(), 1); auto mail = mails.first(); mail->setUnread(false); return Store::modify(*mail) .then(ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)) // The change needs to be replayed already .then(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::PropertyInspection(*mail, Mail::Unread::name, false))) .then(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::PropertyInspection(*mail, Mail::Subject::name, mail->getSubject()))); }); VERIFYEXEC(job); // Verify that we can still query for all relevant information auto job2 = Store::fetchAll(Query() .resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier) .request() .request() .request() .request() ) .then>([](const QList &mails) { ASYNCCOMPARE(mails.size(), 1); auto mail = mails.first(); ASYNCVERIFY(!mail->getSubject().isEmpty()); ASYNCCOMPARE(mail->getUnread(), false); ASYNCVERIFY(!mail->getMimeMessage().isEmpty()); return KAsync::null(); }); VERIFYEXEC(job2); //Verify we can mark the mail as unread again { auto readMail = Store::readOne(Query{mail}); readMail.setUnread(true); VERIFYEXEC(Store::modify(readMail)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::PropertyInspection(readMail, Mail::Unread::name, true))); } } void MailTest::testCreateDraft() { if (!mCapabilities.contains(ResourceCapabilities::Mail::drafts)) { QSKIP("Resource doesn't have the drafts capability"); } auto message = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); message->subject(true)->fromUnicodeString(QString::fromLatin1("Foobar"), "utf8"); message->assemble(); auto mail = ApplicationDomain::Mail::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); mail.setMimeMessage(message->encodedContent(true)); mail.setDraft(true); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(mail)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); QByteArray folderIdentifier; auto createdDraft = Store::readOne(Query(mail).request()); folderIdentifier = createdDraft.getFolder(); QVERIFY(!folderIdentifier.isEmpty()); //Ensure we can also query by folder { auto mails = Store::read(Query().filter(folderIdentifier)); bool found = false; for (const auto &m : mails) { if (m.identifier() == mail.identifier()) { found = true; } } QVERIFY(found); } //Ensure the folder is also existing { ApplicationDomain::Folder folder; auto folders = Store::read(Query().filter(folderIdentifier)); QCOMPARE(folders.size(), 1); folder = folders.first(); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspection(folder, true))); } VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspection(mail, true))); } void MailTest::testModifyMailToDraft() { if (!mCapabilities.contains(ResourceCapabilities::Mail::drafts)) { QSKIP("Resource doesn't have the drafts capability"); } auto folder = Folder::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); folder.setName("sdljldskjf"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(folder)); auto message = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); message->subject(true)->fromUnicodeString(QString::fromLatin1("Foobar"), "utf8"); message->assemble(); auto mail = ApplicationDomain::Mail::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); mail.setMimeMessage(message->encodedContent(true)); mail.setDraft(false); mail.setFolder(folder); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(mail)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto modifiedMail = Store::readOne(Query(mail)); modifiedMail.setDraft(true); VERIFYEXEC(Store::modify(modifiedMail)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); QByteArray folderIdentifier; { auto createdDraft = Store::readOne(Query(mail).request()); folderIdentifier = createdDraft.getFolder(); QVERIFY(!folderIdentifier.isEmpty()); } //Ensure the folder is also existing { ApplicationDomain::Folder folder; auto folders = Store::read(Query().filter(folderIdentifier).request()); QCOMPARE(folders.size(), 1); folder = folders.first(); QVERIFY(folder.getSpecialPurpose().contains("drafts")); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspection(folder, true))); } VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspection(mail, true))); } void MailTest::testModifyMailToTrash() { if (!mCapabilities.contains(ResourceCapabilities::Mail::trash)) { QSKIP("Resource doesn't have the trash capability"); } auto folder = Folder::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); folder.setName("sdljldskjf2"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(folder)); auto message = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); message->subject(true)->fromUnicodeString(QString::fromLatin1("Foobar"), "utf8"); message->assemble(); auto mail = ApplicationDomain::Mail::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); mail.setMimeMessage(message->encodedContent(true)); mail.setTrash(false); mail.setFolder(folder); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(mail)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto modifiedMail = Store::readOne(Query(mail)); modifiedMail.setTrash(true); VERIFYEXEC(Store::modify(modifiedMail)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); QByteArray folderIdentifier; { auto createdMail = Store::readOne(Query(mail).request()); folderIdentifier = createdMail.getFolder(); QVERIFY(!folderIdentifier.isEmpty()); } //Ensure the folder is also existing { ApplicationDomain::Folder folder; auto folders = Store::read(Query().filter(folderIdentifier).request()); QCOMPARE(folders.size(), 1); folder = folders.first(); QVERIFY(folder.getSpecialPurpose().contains("trash")); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspection(folder, true))); } VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::inspect(ResourceControl::Inspection::ExistenceInspection(mail, true))); } diff --git a/tests/mailthreadtest.cpp b/tests/mailthreadtest.cpp index d2962e53..2c84850e 100644 --- a/tests/mailthreadtest.cpp +++ b/tests/mailthreadtest.cpp @@ -1,329 +1,389 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "mailthreadtest.h" #include #include #include #include #include "store.h" #include "resourcecontrol.h" #include "log.h" #include "test.h" #include "standardqueries.h" #include "index.h" #include "definitions.h" using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; //TODO extract resource test // void MailThreadTest::initTestCase() { Test::initTest(); QVERIFY(isBackendAvailable()); resetTestEnvironment(); auto resource = createResource(); QVERIFY(!resource.identifier().isEmpty()); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(resource)); mResourceInstanceIdentifier = resource.identifier(); mCapabilities = resource.getProperty("capabilities").value(); } void MailThreadTest::cleanup() { VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::shutdown(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); removeResourceFromDisk(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); } void MailThreadTest::init() { VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::start(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); } void MailThreadTest::testListThreadLeader() { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); query.request().request().request().request(); query.sort(); query.reduce(Query::Reduce::Selector::max()).count("count").collect("senders"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto mails = Store::read(query); QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 1); QVERIFY(mails.first().getSubject().startsWith(QString("ThreadLeader"))); auto threadSize = mails.first().getProperty("count").toInt(); QCOMPARE(threadSize, 2); QCOMPARE(mails.first().aggregatedIds().size(), 2); } /* * Thread: * 1. * 2. * 3. * * 3. first, should result in a new thread. * 1. second, should be merged by subject * 2. last, should complete the thread. */ void MailThreadTest::testIndexInMixedOrder() { auto folder = Folder::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); folder.setName("folder"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(folder)); auto message1 = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); message1->subject(true)->fromUnicodeString("1", "utf8"); message1->messageID(true)->generate("foobar.com"); message1->date(true)->setDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()); message1->assemble(); auto message2 = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); message2->subject(true)->fromUnicodeString("Re: 1", "utf8"); message2->messageID(true)->generate("foobar.com"); message2->inReplyTo(true)->appendIdentifier(message1->messageID(true)->identifier()); message2->date(true)->setDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(1)); message2->assemble(); auto message3 = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); message3->subject(true)->fromUnicodeString("Re: Re: 1", "utf8"); message3->messageID(true)->generate("foobar.com"); message3->inReplyTo(true)->appendIdentifier(message2->messageID(true)->identifier()); message3->date(true)->setDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(2)); message3->assemble(); { auto mail = Mail::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); mail.setMimeMessage(message3->encodedContent(true)); mail.setFolder(folder); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(mail)); } VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto query = Sink::StandardQueries::threadLeaders(folder); query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); query.request().request().request().request(); Mail threadLeader; //Ensure we find the thread leader { auto mails = Store::read(query); QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 1); auto mail = mails.first(); threadLeader = mail; QCOMPARE(mail.getSubject(), QString::fromLatin1("Re: Re: 1")); } { auto mail = Mail::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); mail.setMimeMessage(message2->encodedContent(true)); mail.setFolder(folder); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(mail)); } VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); //Ensure we find the thread leader still { auto mails = Store::read(query); QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 1); auto mail = mails.first(); QCOMPARE(mail.getSubject(), QString::fromLatin1("Re: Re: 1")); } { auto mail = Mail::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); mail.setMimeMessage(message1->encodedContent(true)); mail.setFolder(folder); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(mail)); } VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); //Ensure the thread is complete { auto query = Sink::StandardQueries::completeThread(threadLeader); query.request().request().request().request(); auto mails = Store::read(query); QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 3); auto mail = mails.first(); QCOMPARE(mail.getSubject(), QString::fromLatin1("Re: Re: 1")); } /* VERIFYEXEC(Store::remove(mail)); */ /* VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); */ /* { */ /* auto job = Store::fetchAll(Query::RequestedProperties(QByteArrayList() << Mail::Folder::name << Mail::Subject::name)) */ /* .then([=](const QList &mails) { */ /* QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 0); */ /* }); */ /* VERIFYEXEC(job); */ /* } */ /* VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushReplayQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); */ } static QByteArray readMailFromFile(const QString &mailFile) { QFile file(QLatin1String(THREADTESTDATAPATH) + QLatin1Char('/') + mailFile); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); Q_ASSERT(file.isOpen()); return file.readAll(); } static KMime::Message::Ptr readMail(const QString &mailFile) { auto msg = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); msg->setContent(readMailFromFile(mailFile)); msg->parse(); return msg; } void MailThreadTest::testRealWorldThread() { auto folder = Folder::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); folder.setName("folder"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(folder)); auto createMail = [this, folder] (KMime::Message::Ptr msg) { auto mail = Mail::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); mail.setMimeMessage(msg->encodedContent(true)); mail.setFolder(folder); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(mail)); }; - createMail(readMail("thread1")); + createMail(readMail("thread1_1")); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto query = Sink::StandardQueries::threadLeaders(folder); query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); query.request().request().request().request(); //Ensure we find the thread leader Mail threadLeader = [&] { auto mails = Store::read(query); Q_ASSERT(mails.size() == 1); return mails.first(); }(); - createMail(readMail("thread2")); - createMail(readMail("thread3")); - createMail(readMail("thread4")); - createMail(readMail("thread5")); - createMail(readMail("thread6")); - createMail(readMail("thread7")); - createMail(readMail("thread8")); //This mail is breaking the thread + createMail(readMail("thread1_2")); + createMail(readMail("thread1_3")); + createMail(readMail("thread1_4")); + createMail(readMail("thread1_5")); + createMail(readMail("thread1_6")); + createMail(readMail("thread1_7")); + createMail(readMail("thread1_8")); //This mail is breaking the thread VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); //Ensure the thread is complete { auto query = Sink::StandardQueries::completeThread(threadLeader); query.request().request().request().request(); auto mails = Store::read(query); QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 8); } + + { + auto query = Sink::StandardQueries::threadLeaders(folder); + Mail threadLeader2 = [&] { + auto mails = Store::read(query); + Q_ASSERT(mails.size() == 1); + return mails.first(); + }(); + + { + auto query = Sink::StandardQueries::completeThread(threadLeader2); + query.request().request().request().request(); + + auto mails = Store::read(query); + QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 8); + } + } } //Avoid accidentally merging or changing threads void MailThreadTest::testNoParentsWithModifications() { auto folder = Folder::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); folder.setName("folder2"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(folder)); auto createMail = [&] (const QString &subject) { auto message1 = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); message1->subject(true)->fromUnicodeString(subject, "utf8"); message1->messageID(true)->fromUnicodeString("<" + subject + "@foobar.com" + ">", "utf8"); message1->date(true)->setDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()); message1->assemble(); auto mail = Mail::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); mail.setMimeMessage(message1->encodedContent(true)); mail.setFolder(folder); return mail; }; auto mail1 = createMail("1"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(mail1)); auto mail2 = createMail("2"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(mail2)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); auto query = Sink::StandardQueries::threadLeaders(folder); query.resourceFilter(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); query.request().request().request().request().request(); QSet threadIds; { auto mails = Store::read(query); QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 2); for (const auto &m : mails) { threadIds << m.getProperty(Mail::ThreadId::name).toByteArray(); } } auto readIndex = [&] (const QString &indexName, const QByteArray &lookupKey) { Index index(Sink::storageLocation(), mResourceInstanceIdentifier, indexName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); QByteArrayList keys; index.lookup(lookupKey, [&](const QByteArray &value) { keys << QByteArray{value.constData(), value.size()}; }, [=](const Index::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Lookup error in secondary index: " << error.message; }, false); return keys; }; QCOMPARE(readIndex("mail.index.messageIdthreadId", "1@foobar.com").size(), 1); QCOMPARE(readIndex("mail.index.messageIdthreadId", "2@foobar.com").size(), 1); //We try to modify both mails on purpose auto checkMail = [&] (Mail mail1) { Mail modification = mail1; modification.setChangedProperties({}); modification.setImportant(true); VERIFYEXEC(Store::modify(modification)); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); QCOMPARE(readIndex("mail.index.messageIdthreadId", "1@foobar.com").size(), 1); QCOMPARE(readIndex("mail.index.messageIdthreadId", "2@foobar.com").size(), 1); { auto mails = Store::read(query); QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 2); QSet newThreadIds; for (const auto &m : mails) { newThreadIds << m.getProperty(Mail::ThreadId::name).toByteArray(); } QCOMPARE(threadIds, newThreadIds); } }; checkMail(mail1); checkMail(mail2); } + + +void MailThreadTest::testRealWorldThread2() +{ + auto folder = Folder::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); + folder.setName("folder2"); + VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(folder)); + + auto createMail = [this, folder] (KMime::Message::Ptr msg) { + auto mail = Mail::create(mResourceInstanceIdentifier); + mail.setMimeMessage(msg->encodedContent(true)); + mail.setFolder(folder); + VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(mail)); + }; + + createMail(readMail(QString("thread2_%1").arg(1))); //30.10.18 + createMail(readMail(QString("thread2_%1").arg(2))); //02.11.18 + createMail(readMail(QString("thread2_%1").arg(3))); //07.11.18 + createMail(readMail(QString("thread2_%1").arg(4))); //09.11.18 + createMail(readMail(QString("thread2_%1").arg(14))); //13.11.18 + createMail(readMail(QString("thread2_%1").arg(12))); //16.11.18 + createMail(readMail(QString("thread2_%1").arg(6))); //16.11.18 + createMail(readMail(QString("thread2_%1").arg(9))); //23.11.18 + // createMail(readMail(QString("thread2_%1").arg(i))); //Different thread 18.1 + createMail(readMail(QString("thread2_%1").arg(7))); //04.12.18 + createMail(readMail(QString("thread2_%1").arg(17))); //18.12.18 + createMail(readMail(QString("thread2_%1").arg(13))); //22.1 + createMail(readMail(QString("thread2_%1").arg(15))); //25.1 + createMail(readMail(QString("thread2_%1").arg(11))); //28.1 + createMail(readMail(QString("thread2_%1").arg(10))); //29.1 + createMail(readMail(QString("thread2_%1").arg(16))); //29.1 + + + VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(mResourceInstanceIdentifier)); + + //Ensure we only got one thread + const auto mails = Store::read(Sink::StandardQueries::threadLeaders(folder)); + QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 1); + + //Ensure the thread is complete + QCOMPARE(Store::read(Sink::StandardQueries::completeThread(mails.first())).size(), 15); +} + diff --git a/tests/mailthreadtest.h b/tests/mailthreadtest.h index 9ae1b4c3..9f984154 100644 --- a/tests/mailthreadtest.h +++ b/tests/mailthreadtest.h @@ -1,61 +1,62 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mollekopf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once #include "sinktest_export.h" #include #include #include #include "testutils.h" namespace Sink { /** * Tests if the resource can thread emails. */ class SINKTEST_EXPORT MailThreadTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT protected: QByteArray mResourceInstanceIdentifier; QByteArrayList mCapabilities; virtual bool isBackendAvailable() { return true; } virtual void resetTestEnvironment() = 0; virtual Sink::ApplicationDomain::SinkResource createResource() = 0; virtual Sink::ApplicationDomain::SinkResource createFaultyResource() = 0; virtual void removeResourceFromDisk(const QByteArray &mResourceInstanceIdentifier) = 0; virtual QByteArray createMessage(const QStringList &folderPath, const QByteArray &message) = 0; virtual void removeMessage(const QStringList &folderPath, const QByteArray &messageIdentifier) = 0; private slots: void initTestCase(); void init(); void cleanup(); void testListThreadLeader(); void testIndexInMixedOrder(); void testRealWorldThread(); + void testRealWorldThread2(); void testNoParentsWithModifications(); }; } diff --git a/tests/messagequeuetest.cpp b/tests/messagequeuetest.cpp index 2e3bd750..b3ae229d 100644 --- a/tests/messagequeuetest.cpp +++ b/tests/messagequeuetest.cpp @@ -1,200 +1,264 @@ #include #include #include #include "store.h" #include "storage.h" #include "messagequeue.h" #include "log.h" #include "test.h" +#include "testutils.h" /** * Test of the messagequeue implementation. */ class MessageQueueTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void initTestCase() { Sink::Test::initTest(); Sink::Storage::DataStore store(Sink::Store::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.testqueue", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); store.removeFromDisk(); } void cleanupTestCase() { } void cleanup() { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(Sink::Store::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.testqueue", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); store.removeFromDisk(); } void testEmpty() { MessageQueue queue(Sink::Store::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.testqueue"); QVERIFY(queue.isEmpty()); queue.enqueue("value"); QVERIFY(!queue.isEmpty()); + queue.dequeue([](void *ptr, int size, std::function callback) { callback(true); }, [](const MessageQueue::Error &error) {}); + QVERIFY(queue.isEmpty()); } void testDequeueEmpty() { MessageQueue queue(Sink::Store::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.testqueue"); bool gotValue = false; bool gotError = false; queue.dequeue([&](void *ptr, int size, std::function callback) { gotValue = true; }, [&](const MessageQueue::Error &error) { gotError = true; }); QVERIFY(!gotValue); QVERIFY(!gotError); } void testEnqueue() { MessageQueue queue(Sink::Store::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.testqueue"); QSignalSpy spy(&queue, SIGNAL(messageReady())); queue.enqueue("value1"); QCOMPARE(spy.size(), 1); } void testDrained() { MessageQueue queue(Sink::Store::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.testqueue"); QSignalSpy spy(&queue, SIGNAL(drained())); queue.enqueue("value1"); queue.dequeue([](void *ptr, int size, std::function callback) { callback(true); }, [](const MessageQueue::Error &error) {}); QCOMPARE(spy.size(), 1); } void testSyncDequeue() { QQueue values; values << "value1"; values << "value2"; MessageQueue queue(Sink::Store::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.testqueue"); for (const QByteArray &value : values) { queue.enqueue(value); } while (!queue.isEmpty()) { SinkLog() << "start"; const auto expected = values.dequeue(); bool gotValue = false; bool gotError = false; queue.dequeue( [&](void *ptr, int size, std::function callback) { if (QByteArray(static_cast(ptr), size) == expected) { gotValue = true; } callback(true); }, [&](const MessageQueue::Error &error) { gotError = true; }); QVERIFY(gotValue); QVERIFY(!gotError); } QVERIFY(values.isEmpty()); } void testAsyncDequeue() { QQueue values; values << "value1"; values << "value2"; MessageQueue queue(Sink::Store::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.testqueue"); for (const QByteArray &value : values) { queue.enqueue(value); } while (!queue.isEmpty()) { QEventLoop eventLoop; const auto expected = values.dequeue(); bool gotValue = false; bool gotError = false; queue.dequeue( [&](void *ptr, int size, std::function callback) { if (QByteArray(static_cast(ptr), size) == expected) { gotValue = true; } auto timer = new QTimer(); timer->setSingleShot(true); QObject::connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [timer, callback, &eventLoop]() { delete timer; callback(true); eventLoop.exit(); }); timer->start(0); }, [&](const MessageQueue::Error &error) { gotError = true; }); eventLoop.exec(); QVERIFY(gotValue); QVERIFY(!gotError); } QVERIFY(values.isEmpty()); } /* * Dequeue's are async and we want to be able to enqueue new items in between. */ void testNestedEnqueue() { MessageQueue queue(Sink::Store::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.testqueue"); queue.enqueue("value1"); bool gotError = false; queue.dequeue( [&](void *ptr, int size, std::function callback) { queue.enqueue("value3"); callback(true); }, [&](const MessageQueue::Error &error) { gotError = true; }); QVERIFY(!gotError); } void testBatchDequeue() { MessageQueue queue(Sink::Store::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.testqueue"); queue.enqueue("value1"); queue.enqueue("value2"); queue.enqueue("value3"); int count = 0; queue.dequeueBatch(2, [&count](const QByteArray &data) { count++; + ASYNCCOMPARE(data, QByteArray{"value"} + QByteArray::number(count)); return KAsync::null(); }).exec().waitForFinished(); QCOMPARE(count, 2); queue.dequeueBatch(1, [&count](const QByteArray &data) { count++; + ASYNCCOMPARE(data, QByteArray{"value"} + QByteArray::number(count)); return KAsync::null(); }).exec().waitForFinished(); QCOMPARE(count, 3); } + void testBatchDequeueDuringWriteTransaction() + { + MessageQueue queue(Sink::Store::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.testqueue"); + queue.enqueue("value1"); + queue.enqueue("value2"); + queue.enqueue("value3"); + + queue.startTransaction(); + //Inivisible to dequeues because in write transaction + queue.enqueue("value4"); + + int count = 0; + queue.dequeueBatch(2, [&count](const QByteArray &data) { + count++; + ASYNCCOMPARE(data, QByteArray{"value"} + QByteArray::number(count)); + return KAsync::null(); + }).exec().waitForFinished(); + QCOMPARE(count, 2); + + queue.dequeueBatch(2, [&count](const QByteArray &data) { + count++; + ASYNCCOMPARE(data, QByteArray{"value"} + QByteArray::number(count)); + return KAsync::null(); + }).exec().waitForFinished(); + QCOMPARE(count, 3); + QVERIFY(queue.isEmpty()); + + //Commit value4 + queue.commit(); + QVERIFY(!queue.isEmpty()); + queue.dequeueBatch(2, [&count](const QByteArray &data) { + count++; + ASYNCCOMPARE(data, QByteArray{"value"} + QByteArray::number(count)); + return KAsync::null(); + }).exec().waitForFinished(); + QCOMPARE(count, 4); + } + void testBatchEnqueue() { MessageQueue queue(Sink::Store::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.testqueue"); QSignalSpy spy(&queue, SIGNAL(messageReady())); queue.startTransaction(); queue.enqueue("value1"); queue.enqueue("value2"); queue.enqueue("value3"); QVERIFY(queue.isEmpty()); QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 0); queue.commit(); QVERIFY(!queue.isEmpty()); QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); } + + void testSortOrder() + { + MessageQueue queue(Sink::Store::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.testqueue"); + queue.startTransaction(); + //Over 10 so we can make sure that 10 > 9 + const int num = 11; + for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { + queue.enqueue("value" + QByteArray::number(i)); + } + queue.commit(); + + int count = 0; + queue.dequeueBatch(num, [&count](const QByteArray &data) { + ASYNCCOMPARE(data, QByteArray{"value"} + QByteArray::number(count)); + count++; + return KAsync::null(); + }).exec().waitForFinished(); + QCOMPARE(count, num); + + } }; QTEST_MAIN(MessageQueueTest) #include "messagequeuetest.moc" diff --git a/tests/modelinteractivitytest.cpp b/tests/modelinteractivitytest.cpp index 2939323a..68cb012a 100644 --- a/tests/modelinteractivitytest.cpp +++ b/tests/modelinteractivitytest.cpp @@ -1,104 +1,105 @@ #include #include #include #include "store.h" #include "resourcecontrol.h" #include "commands.h" #include "resourceconfig.h" #include "log.h" #include "modelresult.h" #include "test.h" #include "testutils.h" static int blockingTime; class TimeMeasuringApplication : public QCoreApplication { QElapsedTimer t; public: TimeMeasuringApplication(int &argc, char **argv) : QCoreApplication(argc, argv) { } virtual ~TimeMeasuringApplication() { } virtual bool notify(QObject *receiver, QEvent *event) { t.start(); auto receiverName = receiver->metaObject()->className(); const bool ret = QCoreApplication::notify(receiver, event); if (t.elapsed() > 1) { std::cout << QString("processing event type %1 for object %2 took %3ms").arg((int)event->type()).arg(receiverName).arg((int)t.elapsed()).toStdString() << std::endl; } blockingTime += t.elapsed(); return ret; } }; /** * Ensure that queries don't block the system for an extended period of time. * * This is done by ensuring that the event loop is never blocked. */ class ModelinteractivityTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void initTestCase() { Sink::Test::initTest(); ResourceConfig::addResource("sink.dummy.instance1", "sink.dummy"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::removeDataFromDisk(QByteArray("sink.dummy.instance1"))); } void cleanup() { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::removeDataFromDisk(QByteArray("sink.dummy.instance1"))); } void init() { } void testSingle() { // Setup { Sink::ApplicationDomain::Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { Sink::Store::create(event).exec().waitForFinished(); } } Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.setFlags(Sink::Query::LiveQuery); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); // Test QTime time; time.start(); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); blockingTime += time.elapsed(); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); - // Never block longer than 10 ms - QVERIFY2(blockingTime < 10, QString("Total blocking time: %1").arg(blockingTime).toLatin1().data()); + if (blockingTime > 10) { + QWARN(QString("Total blocking longer than expected time (10ms): %1").arg(blockingTime).toLatin1().data()); + } } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { blockingTime = 0; TimeMeasuringApplication app(argc, argv); ModelinteractivityTest tc; return QTest::qExec(&tc, argc, argv); } #include "modelinteractivitytest.moc" diff --git a/tests/notificationtest.cpp b/tests/notificationtest.cpp index c043f389..a9b713e7 100644 --- a/tests/notificationtest.cpp +++ b/tests/notificationtest.cpp @@ -1,169 +1,166 @@ #include #include #include #include "store.h" #include "resourceconfig.h" #include "resourcecontrol.h" #include "modelresult.h" #include "log.h" #include "test.h" #include "testutils.h" #include "notifier.h" #include "notification.h" using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; /** * Test of complete system using the dummy resource. * * This test requires the dummy resource installed. */ class NotificationTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void initTestCase() { Sink::Test::initTest(); ResourceConfig::addResource("sink.dummy.instance1", "sink.dummy"); + ResourceConfig::configureResource("sink.dummy.instance1", {{"populate", true}}); } void cleanup() { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::removeDataFromDisk("sink.dummy.instance1")); } void testSyncNotifications() { auto query = Query().resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.setType(); query.filter("id1"); query.filter("id2"); QList statusNotifications; QList infoNotifications; Sink::Notifier notifier("sink.dummy.instance1"); notifier.registerHandler([&] (const Sink::Notification &n){ SinkLogCtx(Sink::Log::Context{"dummyresourcetest"}) << "Received notification " << n; if (n.type == Notification::Status) { if (n.id == "changereplay") { //We filter all changereplay notifications. //Not the best way but otherwise the test becomes unstable and we currently //only have the id to detect changereplay notifications. return; } statusNotifications << n; } if (n.type == Notification::Info) { infoNotifications << n; } }); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; { QList expected = { Status::ConnectedStatus, Status::BusyStatus, Status::ConnectedStatus, }; qInfo() << "Received notifications " << statusNotifications; QVERIFY2(statusNotifications.size() <= expected.size(), "More notifications than expected."); QTRY_COMPARE(statusNotifications.size(), expected.size()); qInfo() << "All received notifications " << statusNotifications; for (auto i = 0; i < statusNotifications.size(); i++) { QCOMPARE(statusNotifications.at(i).code, static_cast(expected.at(i))); } } //Changereplay // It can happen that we get a changereplay notification pair first and then a second one at the end, // we therefore currently filter all changereplay notifications (see above). // QCOMPARE(statusNotifications.at(3).code, static_cast(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Status::BusyStatus)); // QCOMPARE(statusNotifications.at(4).code, static_cast(Sink::ApplicationDomain::Status::ConnectedStatus)); QTRY_COMPARE(infoNotifications.size(), 2); QCOMPARE(infoNotifications.at(0).code, static_cast(ApplicationDomain::SyncStatus::SyncInProgress)); QCOMPARE(infoNotifications.at(0).entities, QList{} << "id1" << "id2"); QCOMPARE(infoNotifications.at(1).code, static_cast(ApplicationDomain::SyncStatus::SyncSuccess)); QCOMPARE(infoNotifications.at(1).entities, QList{} << "id1" << "id2"); QCOMPARE(infoNotifications.at(1).code, static_cast(ApplicationDomain::SyncStatus::SyncSuccess)); } void testModelNotifications() { auto query = Query().resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.setType(); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery | Query::UpdateStatus); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QVERIFY(model->rowCount() >= 1); QSignalSpy changedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged); auto mail = model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); auto newQuery = query; newQuery.filter(mail->identifier()); - QList status; + //We can make no assumptions about the amount of notifications because we collect on every dataChanged signal, even if the status did not change. + QSet status; QObject::connect(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged, [&] (const QModelIndex &begin, const QModelIndex &end, const QVector &roles) { QVERIFY(begin.row() == end.row()); if (begin.row() == 0) { status << model->data(begin, Store::StatusRole).value(); // qWarning() << "New status: " << status.last() << roles; } }); //This will trigger a modification of all previous items as well. VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(newQuery)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); - QTRY_COMPARE(status.size(), 3); - //Sync progress of item - QCOMPARE(status.at(0), static_cast(ApplicationDomain::SyncStatus::SyncInProgress)); - QCOMPARE(status.at(1), static_cast(ApplicationDomain::SyncStatus::SyncInProgress)); - //Modification triggered during sync - QCOMPARE(status.at(2), static_cast(ApplicationDomain::SyncStatus::SyncSuccess)); + QTRY_VERIFY(status.contains(static_cast(ApplicationDomain::SyncStatus::SyncInProgress)) && static_cast(ApplicationDomain::SyncStatus::SyncSuccess)); } void testNotifier() { QList status; Sink::Notifier notifier{Sink::Query{Sink::Query::LiveQuery}.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance2")}; notifier.registerHandler([&] (const Sink::Notification ¬ification) { if (notification.type == Notification::Info) { status << notification.code; } }); auto query = Query().resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance2"); query.setType(); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery | Query::UpdateStatus); auto resource = ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("", "sink.dummy.instance2"); resource.setResourceType("sink.dummy"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(resource)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::synchronize(query)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance2")); QTRY_COMPARE(status.size(), 2); //Sync progress of item QCOMPARE(status.at(0), static_cast(ApplicationDomain::SyncStatus::SyncInProgress)); QCOMPARE(status.at(1), static_cast(ApplicationDomain::SyncStatus::SyncSuccess)); } }; QTEST_MAIN(NotificationTest) #include "notificationtest.moc" diff --git a/tests/pipelinetest.cpp b/tests/pipelinetest.cpp index 45e2fbbe..dce7805c 100644 --- a/tests/pipelinetest.cpp +++ b/tests/pipelinetest.cpp @@ -1,458 +1,506 @@ #include #include #include "testimplementations.h" #include "event_generated.h" #include "entity_generated.h" #include "metadata_generated.h" #include "createentity_generated.h" #include "modifyentity_generated.h" #include "deleteentity_generated.h" #include "dummyresource/resourcefactory.h" #include "store.h" #include "commands.h" #include "entitybuffer.h" #include "resourceconfig.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "log.h" #include "domainadaptor.h" #include "definitions.h" #include "adaptorfactoryregistry.h" +#include "storage/key.h" static void removeFromDisk(const QString &name) { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(Sink::Store::storageLocation(), name, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); store.removeFromDisk(); } -static QList getKeys(const QByteArray &dbEnv, const QByteArray &name) +static QList getKeys(const QByteArray &dbEnv, const QByteArray &name) { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(Sink::storageLocation(), dbEnv, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase(name, nullptr, false); - QList result; + auto db = transaction.openDatabase(name, nullptr, Sink::Storage::IntegerKeys); + QList result; db.scan("", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { - result << key; + size_t revision = Sink::byteArrayToSizeT(key); + result << Sink::Storage::Key(Sink::Storage::Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray( + Sink::Storage::DataStore::getUidFromRevision(transaction, revision)), + revision); return true; }); return result; } -static QByteArray getEntity(const QByteArray &dbEnv, const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &uid) +static QByteArray getEntity(const QByteArray &dbEnv, const QByteArray &name, const Sink::Storage::Key &key) { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(Sink::storageLocation(), dbEnv, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase(name, nullptr, false); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase(name, nullptr, Sink::Storage::IntegerKeys); QByteArray result; - db.scan(uid, [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { + db.scan(key.revision().toSizeT(), [&](size_t rev, const QByteArray &value) { result = value; return true; }); return result; } flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &createEvent(flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &entityFbb, const QString &s = QString("summary"), const QString &d = QString()) { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder eventFbb; eventFbb.Clear(); { Sink::ApplicationDomain::Buffer::EventBuilder eventBuilder(eventFbb); auto eventLocation = eventBuilder.Finish(); Sink::ApplicationDomain::Buffer::FinishEventBuffer(eventFbb, eventLocation); } flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder localFbb; { auto uid = localFbb.CreateString("testuid"); auto summary = localFbb.CreateString(s.toStdString()); auto description = localFbb.CreateString(d.toStdString()); auto localBuilder = Sink::ApplicationDomain::Buffer::EventBuilder(localFbb); localBuilder.add_uid(uid); localBuilder.add_summary(summary); if (!d.isEmpty()) { localBuilder.add_description(description); } auto location = localBuilder.Finish(); Sink::ApplicationDomain::Buffer::FinishEventBuffer(localFbb, location); } Sink::EntityBuffer::assembleEntityBuffer(entityFbb, 0, 0, eventFbb.GetBufferPointer(), eventFbb.GetSize(), localFbb.GetBufferPointer(), localFbb.GetSize()); return entityFbb; } QByteArray createEntityCommand(const flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &entityFbb) { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto type = fbb.CreateString(Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName().toStdString().data()); auto delta = fbb.CreateVector(entityFbb.GetBufferPointer(), entityFbb.GetSize()); Sink::Commands::CreateEntityBuilder builder(fbb); builder.add_domainType(type); builder.add_delta(delta); auto location = builder.Finish(); Sink::Commands::FinishCreateEntityBuffer(fbb, location); const QByteArray command(reinterpret_cast(fbb.GetBufferPointer()), fbb.GetSize()); { flatbuffers::Verifier verifyer(reinterpret_cast(command.data()), command.size()); Q_ASSERT(Sink::Commands::VerifyCreateEntityBuffer(verifyer)); } return command; } QByteArray modifyEntityCommand(const flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &entityFbb, const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision, QStringList modifiedProperties = {"summary"}, bool replayToSource = true) { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto type = fbb.CreateString(Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName().toStdString().data()); auto id = fbb.CreateString(std::string(uid.constData(), uid.size())); std::vector> modifiedVector; for (const auto &modified : modifiedProperties) { modifiedVector.push_back(fbb.CreateString(modified.toStdString())); } auto delta = fbb.CreateVector(entityFbb.GetBufferPointer(), entityFbb.GetSize()); auto modifiedPropertiesVector = fbb.CreateVector(modifiedVector); Sink::Commands::ModifyEntityBuilder builder(fbb); builder.add_domainType(type); builder.add_delta(delta); builder.add_revision(revision); builder.add_entityId(id); builder.add_modifiedProperties(modifiedPropertiesVector); builder.add_replayToSource(replayToSource); auto location = builder.Finish(); Sink::Commands::FinishModifyEntityBuffer(fbb, location); const QByteArray command(reinterpret_cast(fbb.GetBufferPointer()), fbb.GetSize()); { flatbuffers::Verifier verifyer(reinterpret_cast(command.data()), command.size()); - Q_ASSERT(Sink::Commands::VerifyCreateEntityBuffer(verifyer)); + Q_ASSERT(Sink::Commands::VerifyModifyEntityBuffer(verifyer)); } return command; } QByteArray deleteEntityCommand(const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision) { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; auto type = fbb.CreateString(Sink::ApplicationDomain::getTypeName().toStdString().data()); auto id = fbb.CreateString(std::string(uid.constData(), uid.size())); Sink::Commands::DeleteEntityBuilder builder(fbb); builder.add_domainType(type); builder.add_revision(revision); builder.add_entityId(id); auto location = builder.Finish(); Sink::Commands::FinishDeleteEntityBuffer(fbb, location); const QByteArray command(reinterpret_cast(fbb.GetBufferPointer()), fbb.GetSize()); { flatbuffers::Verifier verifyer(reinterpret_cast(command.data()), command.size()); Q_ASSERT(Sink::Commands::VerifyDeleteEntityBuffer(verifyer)); } return command; } class TestProcessor : public Sink::Preprocessor { public: void newEntity(Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { newUids << newEntity.identifier(); newRevisions << newEntity.revision(); } void modifiedEntity(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &newEntity) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { modifiedUids << newEntity.identifier(); modifiedRevisions << newEntity.revision(); } void deletedEntity(const Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &oldEntity) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { deletedUids << oldEntity.identifier(); deletedRevisions << oldEntity.revision(); deletedSummaries << oldEntity.getProperty("summary").toByteArray(); } QList newUids; QList newRevisions; QList modifiedUids; QList modifiedRevisions; QList deletedUids; QList deletedRevisions; QList deletedSummaries; }; /** * Test of the pipeline implementation to ensure new revisions are created correctly in the database. */ class PipelineTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT QByteArray instanceIdentifier() { return "pipelinetest.instance1"; } Sink::ResourceContext getContext() { return Sink::ResourceContext{instanceIdentifier(), "test", Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().getFactories("test")}; } private slots: void initTestCase() { Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().registerFactory("test"); } void init() { removeFromDisk(instanceIdentifier()); } void testCreate() { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder entityFbb; auto command = createEntityCommand(createEvent(entityFbb)); Sink::Pipeline pipeline(getContext(), {"test"}); pipeline.startTransaction(); pipeline.newEntity(command.constData(), command.size()); pipeline.commit(); auto result = getKeys(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main"); qDebug() << result; QCOMPARE(result.size(), 1); auto adaptorFactory = QSharedPointer::create(); auto buffer = getEntity(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main", result.first()); QVERIFY(!buffer.isEmpty()); Sink::EntityBuffer entityBuffer(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); auto adaptor = adaptorFactory->createAdaptor(entityBuffer.entity()); QVERIFY2(adaptor->getProperty("summary").toString() == QString("summary"), "The modification isn't applied."); } void testModify() { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder entityFbb; auto command = createEntityCommand(createEvent(entityFbb, "summary", "description")); Sink::Pipeline pipeline(getContext(), {"test"}); auto adaptorFactory = QSharedPointer::create(); // Create the initial revision pipeline.startTransaction(); pipeline.newEntity(command.constData(), command.size()); pipeline.commit(); // Get uid of written entity auto keys = getKeys(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main"); QCOMPARE(keys.size(), 1); - const auto key = keys.first(); - const auto uid = Sink::Storage::DataStore::uidFromKey(key); + auto key = keys.first(); + const auto uid = key.identifier().toDisplayByteArray(); // Execute the modification entityFbb.Clear(); auto modifyCommand = modifyEntityCommand(createEvent(entityFbb, "summary2"), uid, 1); pipeline.startTransaction(); pipeline.modifiedEntity(modifyCommand.constData(), modifyCommand.size()); pipeline.commit(); + key.setRevision(2); + // Ensure we've got the new revision with the modification - auto buffer = getEntity(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main", Sink::Storage::DataStore::assembleKey(uid, 2)); + auto buffer = getEntity(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main", key); QVERIFY(!buffer.isEmpty()); Sink::EntityBuffer entityBuffer(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); auto adaptor = adaptorFactory->createAdaptor(entityBuffer.entity()); QVERIFY2(adaptor->getProperty("summary").toString() == QString("summary2"), "The modification isn't applied."); // Ensure we didn't modify anything else QVERIFY2(adaptor->getProperty("description").toString() == QString("description"), "The modification has sideeffects."); // Both revisions are in the store at this point QCOMPARE(getKeys(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main").size(), 2); // Cleanup old revisions pipeline.cleanupRevisions(2); // And now only the latest revision is left QCOMPARE(getKeys(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main").size(), 1); } void testModifyWithUnrelatedOperationInbetween() { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder entityFbb; auto command = createEntityCommand(createEvent(entityFbb)); Sink::Pipeline pipeline(getContext(), {"test"}); auto adaptorFactory = QSharedPointer::create(); // Create the initial revision pipeline.startTransaction(); pipeline.newEntity(command.constData(), command.size()); pipeline.commit(); // Get uid of written entity auto keys = getKeys(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main"); QCOMPARE(keys.size(), 1); - const auto uid = Sink::Storage::DataStore::uidFromKey(keys.first()); + auto key = keys.first(); + const auto uid = key.identifier().toDisplayByteArray(); // Create another operation inbetween { entityFbb.Clear(); auto command = createEntityCommand(createEvent(entityFbb)); pipeline.startTransaction(); pipeline.newEntity(command.constData(), command.size()); pipeline.commit(); } // Execute the modification on revision 2 entityFbb.Clear(); auto modifyCommand = modifyEntityCommand(createEvent(entityFbb, "summary2"), uid, 2); pipeline.startTransaction(); pipeline.modifiedEntity(modifyCommand.constData(), modifyCommand.size()); pipeline.commit(); + key.setRevision(3); + // Ensure we've got the new revision with the modification - auto buffer = getEntity(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main", Sink::Storage::DataStore::assembleKey(uid, 3)); + auto buffer = getEntity(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main", key); QVERIFY(!buffer.isEmpty()); Sink::EntityBuffer entityBuffer(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); auto adaptor = adaptorFactory->createAdaptor(entityBuffer.entity()); QCOMPARE(adaptor->getProperty("summary").toString(), QString("summary2")); } void testDelete() { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder entityFbb; auto command = createEntityCommand(createEvent(entityFbb)); Sink::Pipeline pipeline(getContext(), {"test"}); // Create the initial revision pipeline.startTransaction(); pipeline.newEntity(command.constData(), command.size()); pipeline.commit(); auto result = getKeys(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main"); QCOMPARE(result.size(), 1); - const auto uid = Sink::Storage::DataStore::uidFromKey(result.first()); + const auto uid = result.first().identifier().toDisplayByteArray(); // Delete entity auto deleteCommand = deleteEntityCommand(uid, 1); pipeline.startTransaction(); pipeline.deletedEntity(deleteCommand.constData(), deleteCommand.size()); pipeline.commit(); // We have a new revision that indicates the deletion QCOMPARE(getKeys(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main").size(), 2); // Cleanup old revisions pipeline.cleanupRevisions(2); // And all revisions are gone QCOMPARE(getKeys(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main").size(), 0); } void testPreprocessor() { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder entityFbb; auto testProcessor = new TestProcessor; Sink::Pipeline pipeline(getContext(), {"test"}); pipeline.setPreprocessors("event", QVector() << testProcessor); pipeline.startTransaction(); // pipeline.setAdaptorFactory("event", QSharedPointer::create()); // Actual test { auto command = createEntityCommand(createEvent(entityFbb)); pipeline.newEntity(command.constData(), command.size()); QCOMPARE(testProcessor->newUids.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(testProcessor->newRevisions.size(), 1); - // Key doesn't contain revision and is just the uid - QCOMPARE(testProcessor->newUids.at(0), Sink::Storage::DataStore::uidFromKey(testProcessor->newUids.at(0))); + const auto uid = Sink::Storage::Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(testProcessor->newUids.at(0)).toDisplayByteArray(); + QCOMPARE(testProcessor->newUids.at(0), uid); } pipeline.commit(); entityFbb.Clear(); pipeline.startTransaction(); auto keys = getKeys(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main"); QCOMPARE(keys.size(), 1); - const auto uid = Sink::Storage::DataStore::uidFromKey(keys.first()); + const auto uid = keys.first().identifier().toDisplayByteArray(); { auto modifyCommand = modifyEntityCommand(createEvent(entityFbb, "summary2"), uid, 1); pipeline.modifiedEntity(modifyCommand.constData(), modifyCommand.size()); QCOMPARE(testProcessor->modifiedUids.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(testProcessor->modifiedRevisions.size(), 1); - // Key doesn't contain revision and is just the uid - QCOMPARE(testProcessor->modifiedUids.at(0), Sink::Storage::DataStore::uidFromKey(testProcessor->modifiedUids.at(0))); + const auto uid2 = Sink::Storage::Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(testProcessor->modifiedUids.at(0)).toDisplayByteArray(); + QCOMPARE(testProcessor->modifiedUids.at(0), uid2); } pipeline.commit(); entityFbb.Clear(); pipeline.startTransaction(); { auto deleteCommand = deleteEntityCommand(uid, 1); pipeline.deletedEntity(deleteCommand.constData(), deleteCommand.size()); QCOMPARE(testProcessor->deletedUids.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(testProcessor->deletedUids.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(testProcessor->deletedSummaries.size(), 1); - // Key doesn't contain revision and is just the uid - QCOMPARE(testProcessor->deletedUids.at(0), Sink::Storage::DataStore::uidFromKey(testProcessor->deletedUids.at(0))); + const auto uid2 = Sink::Storage::Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(testProcessor->modifiedUids.at(0)).toDisplayByteArray(); + QCOMPARE(testProcessor->deletedUids.at(0), uid2); QCOMPARE(testProcessor->deletedSummaries.at(0), QByteArray("summary2")); } } void testModifyWithConflict() { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder entityFbb; auto command = createEntityCommand(createEvent(entityFbb, "summary", "description")); Sink::Pipeline pipeline(getContext(), {"test"}); auto adaptorFactory = QSharedPointer::create(); // Create the initial revision pipeline.startTransaction(); pipeline.newEntity(command.constData(), command.size()); pipeline.commit(); // Get uid of written entity auto keys = getKeys(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main"); QCOMPARE(keys.size(), 1); - const auto key = keys.first(); - const auto uid = Sink::Storage::DataStore::uidFromKey(key); + auto key = keys.first(); + const auto uid = key.identifier().toDisplayByteArray(); //Simulate local modification { entityFbb.Clear(); auto modifyCommand = modifyEntityCommand(createEvent(entityFbb, "summaryLocal"), uid, 1, {"summary"}, true); pipeline.startTransaction(); pipeline.modifiedEntity(modifyCommand.constData(), modifyCommand.size()); pipeline.commit(); } //Simulate remote modification //We assume the remote modification is not overly smart and always marks all properties as changed. { entityFbb.Clear(); auto modifyCommand = modifyEntityCommand(createEvent(entityFbb, "summaryRemote", "descriptionRemote"), uid, 2, {"summary", "description"}, false); pipeline.startTransaction(); pipeline.modifiedEntity(modifyCommand.constData(), modifyCommand.size()); pipeline.commit(); } + key.setRevision(3); + // Ensure we've got the new revision with the modification - auto buffer = getEntity(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main", Sink::Storage::DataStore::assembleKey(uid, 3)); + auto buffer = getEntity(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main", key); QVERIFY(!buffer.isEmpty()); Sink::EntityBuffer entityBuffer(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); auto adaptor = adaptorFactory->createAdaptor(entityBuffer.entity()); QVERIFY2(adaptor->getProperty("summary").toString() == QString("summaryLocal"), "The local modification was reverted."); QVERIFY2(adaptor->getProperty("description").toString() == QString("descriptionRemote"), "The remote modification was not applied."); } + + void testModifyDeleted() + { + flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder entityFbb; + auto command = createEntityCommand(createEvent(entityFbb, "summary", "description")); + + Sink::Pipeline pipeline(getContext(), {"test"}); + + auto adaptorFactory = QSharedPointer::create(); + + // Create the initial revision + pipeline.startTransaction(); + pipeline.newEntity(command.constData(), command.size()); + pipeline.commit(); + + // Get uid of written entity + auto keys = getKeys(instanceIdentifier(), "event.main"); + QCOMPARE(keys.size(), 1); + auto key = keys.first(); + const auto uid = key.identifier().toDisplayByteArray(); + + { + auto deleteCommand = deleteEntityCommand(uid, 1); + pipeline.startTransaction(); + pipeline.deletedEntity(deleteCommand.constData(), deleteCommand.size()); + pipeline.commit(); + } + + { + entityFbb.Clear(); + auto modifyCommand = modifyEntityCommand(createEvent(entityFbb, "summary2"), uid, 1); + pipeline.startTransaction(); + auto future = pipeline.modifiedEntity(modifyCommand.constData(), modifyCommand.size()).exec(); + future.waitForFinished(); + QVERIFY(future.errorCode()); + } + } }; QTEST_MAIN(PipelineTest) #include "pipelinetest.moc" diff --git a/tests/querytest.cpp b/tests/querytest.cpp index 5abe6d0b..fe5b4a87 100644 --- a/tests/querytest.cpp +++ b/tests/querytest.cpp @@ -1,1887 +1,1966 @@ #include #include #include #include "resource.h" #include "store.h" #include "resourcecontrol.h" #include "commands.h" #include "resourceconfig.h" #include "log.h" #include "modelresult.h" #include "test.h" #include "testutils.h" #include "applicationdomaintype.h" #include "queryrunner.h" #include "adaptorfactoryregistry.h" +#include "fulltextindex.h" #include +#include +#include using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; /** * Test of the query system using the dummy resource. * * This test requires the dummy resource installed. */ class QueryTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void initTestCase() { Sink::Test::initTest(); auto factory = Sink::ResourceFactory::load("sink.dummy"); QVERIFY(factory); ResourceConfig::addResource("sink.dummy.instance1", "sink.dummy"); + ResourceConfig::configureResource("sink.dummy.instance1", {{"populate", true}}); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::removeDataFromDisk(QByteArray("sink.dummy.instance1"))); } void cleanup() { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::removeDataFromDisk(QByteArray("sink.dummy.instance1"))); } void init() { qDebug(); qDebug() << "-----------------------------------------"; qDebug(); } void testSerialization() { auto type = QByteArray("type"); auto sort = QByteArray("sort"); Sink::QueryBase::Filter filter; filter.ids << "id"; filter.propertyFilter.insert({"foo"}, QVariant::fromValue(QByteArray("bar"))); Sink::Query query; query.setFilter(filter); query.setType(type); query.setSortProperty(sort); QByteArray data; { QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly); stream << query; } Sink::Query deserializedQuery; { QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::ReadOnly); stream >> deserializedQuery; } QCOMPARE(deserializedQuery.type(), type); QCOMPARE(deserializedQuery.sortProperty(), sort); QCOMPARE(deserializedQuery.getFilter().ids, filter.ids); QCOMPARE(deserializedQuery.getFilter().propertyFilter.keys(), filter.propertyFilter.keys()); QCOMPARE(deserializedQuery.getFilter().propertyFilter, filter.propertyFilter); } void testNoResources() { // Test Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("foobar"); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); // We fetch before the data is available and rely on the live query mechanism to deliver the actual data auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 0); } void testSingle() { // Setup auto mail = Mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("test1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); // Test Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); // We fetch before the data is available and rely on the live query mechanism to deliver the actual data auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); } void testSingleWithDelay() { // Setup auto mail = Mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("test1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); // Test Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); // We fetch after the data is available and don't rely on the live query mechanism to deliver the actual data auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); } void testFilter() { // Setup { Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("test1"); mail.setFolder("folder1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } { Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("test2"); mail.setFolder("folder2"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } // Test Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); query.filter("folder1"); // We fetch before the data is available and rely on the live query mechanism to deliver the actual data auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); auto mail = model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); { mail->setFolder("folder2"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::modify(*mail)); } QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 0); { mail->setFolder("folder1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::modify(*mail)); } QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); } void testById() { QByteArray id; // Setup { Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("test1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); mail.setExtractedMessageId("test2"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); // Ensure all local data is processed Sink::Store::synchronize(query).exec().waitForFinished(); // We fetch before the data is available and rely on the live query mechanism to deliver the actual data auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QVERIFY(model->rowCount() >= 1); id = model->index(0, 0).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value()->identifier(); } // Test - Sink::Query query; - query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); - query.filter(id); - auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); - QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); - QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); + { + Sink::Query query; + query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); + query.filter(id); + auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); + QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); + QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); + } + + { + Sink::Query query; + query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); + //Try a non-existing id + query.filter("{87fcea5e-8d2e-408e-bb8d-b27b9dcf5e92}"); + auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); + QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); + QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 0); + } } void testFolder() { // Setup { Folder folder("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder)); } // Test Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); // We fetch before the data is available and rely on the live query mechanism to deliver the actual data auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); auto folderEntity = model->index(0, 0).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QVERIFY(!folderEntity->identifier().isEmpty()); } void testFolderTree() { // Setup { auto folder = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder)); auto subfolder = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); subfolder.setParent(folder.identifier()); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(subfolder)); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); } // Test Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.requestTree(); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); // We fetch after the data is available and don't rely on the live query mechanism to deliver the actual data auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(model->index(0, 0)), 1); } void testIncrementalFolderTree() { // Setup auto folder = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder)); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); // Test Sink::Query query{Sink::Query::LiveQuery}; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.requestTree(); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); auto subfolder = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); subfolder.setParent(folder.identifier()); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(subfolder)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); //Ensure the folder appears QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(model->index(0, 0)), 1); //...and dissapears again after removal VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::remove(subfolder)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(model->index(0, 0)), 0); } void testMailByMessageId() { // Setup { Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("test1"); mail.setProperty("sender", "doe@example.org"); Sink::Store::create(mail).exec().waitForFinished(); } { Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("test2"); mail.setProperty("sender", "doe@example.org"); Sink::Store::create(mail).exec().waitForFinished(); } // Test Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter("test1"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); // We fetch before the data is available and rely on the live query mechanism to deliver the actual data auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); } void testMailByFolder() { // Setup Folder::Ptr folderEntity; { Folder folder("sink.dummy.instance1"); Sink::Store::create(folder).exec().waitForFinished(); Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); folderEntity = model->index(0, 0).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QVERIFY(!folderEntity->identifier().isEmpty()); Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("test1"); mail.setFolder(folderEntity->identifier()); Sink::Store::create(mail).exec().waitForFinished(); } // Test Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(*folderEntity); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); // We fetch before the data is available and rely on the live query mechanism to deliver the actual data auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); } /* * Filter by two properties to make sure that we also use a non-index based filter. */ void testMailByMessageIdAndFolder() { // Setup Folder::Ptr folderEntity; { Folder folder("sink.dummy.instance1"); Sink::Store::create(folder).exec().waitForFinished(); Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); folderEntity = model->index(0, 0).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QVERIFY(!folderEntity->identifier().isEmpty()); Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("test1"); mail.setFolder(folderEntity->identifier()); Sink::Store::create(mail).exec().waitForFinished(); Mail mail1("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail1.setExtractedMessageId("test1"); mail1.setFolder("foobar"); Sink::Store::create(mail1).exec().waitForFinished(); Mail mail2("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail2.setExtractedMessageId("test2"); mail2.setFolder(folderEntity->identifier()); Sink::Store::create(mail2).exec().waitForFinished(); } // Test Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(*folderEntity); query.filter("test1"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); // We fetch before the data is available and rely on the live query mechanism to deliver the actual data auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); } void testMailByFolderSortedByDate() { // Setup Folder::Ptr folderEntity; const auto date = QDateTime(QDate(2015, 7, 7), QTime(12, 0)); { Folder folder("sink.dummy.instance1"); Sink::Store::create(folder).exec().waitForFinished(); Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); folderEntity = model->index(0, 0).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QVERIFY(!folderEntity->identifier().isEmpty()); { Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("testSecond"); mail.setFolder(folderEntity->identifier()); mail.setExtractedDate(date.addDays(-1)); Sink::Store::create(mail).exec().waitForFinished(); } { Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("testLatest"); mail.setFolder(folderEntity->identifier()); mail.setExtractedDate(date); Sink::Store::create(mail).exec().waitForFinished(); } { Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("testLast"); mail.setFolder(folderEntity->identifier()); mail.setExtractedDate(date.addDays(-2)); Sink::Store::create(mail).exec().waitForFinished(); } } // Test Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(*folderEntity); query.sort(); query.limit(1); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); query.reduce(Query::Reduce::Selector::max()) .count("count") .collect("unreadCollected") .collect("importantCollected"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); // The model is not sorted, but the limited set is sorted, so we can only test for the latest result. QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); QCOMPARE(model->index(0, 0).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value()->getProperty("messageId").toByteArray(), QByteArray("testLatest")); model->fetchMore(QModelIndex()); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 2); // We can't make any assumptions about the order of the indexes // QCOMPARE(model->index(1, 0).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value()->getProperty("messageId").toByteArray(), QByteArray("testSecond")); //New revisions always go through { Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("testInjected"); mail.setFolder(folderEntity->identifier()); mail.setExtractedDate(date.addDays(-2)); Sink::Store::create(mail).exec().waitForFinished(); } QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 3); //Ensure we can continue fetching after the incremental update model->fetchMore(QModelIndex()); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 4); //Ensure we have fetched all model->fetchMore(QModelIndex()); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 4); } void testReactToNewResource() { Sink::Query query; query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(QModelIndex()), 0); auto res = DummyResource::create(""); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(res)); auto folder = Folder::create(res.identifier()); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder)); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(QModelIndex()), 1); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::remove(res)); } void testAccountFilter() { using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; //Setup QString accountName("name"); QString accountIcon("icon"); auto account1 = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity(); account1.setAccountType("maildir"); account1.setName(accountName); account1.setIcon(accountIcon); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(account1)); auto account2 = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity(); account2.setAccountType("maildir"); account2.setName(accountName); account2.setIcon(accountIcon); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(account2)); auto resource1 = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity(); resource1.setResourceType("sink.dummy"); resource1.setAccount(account1); Store::create(resource1).exec().waitForFinished(); auto resource2 = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity(); resource2.setResourceType("sink.dummy"); resource2.setAccount(account2); Store::create(resource2).exec().waitForFinished(); { Folder folder1(resource1.identifier()); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder1)); Folder folder2(resource2.identifier()); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder2)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << resource1.identifier())); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << resource2.identifier())); // Test Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter(account1); auto folders = Sink::Store::read(query); QCOMPARE(folders.size(), 1); } void testSubquery() { // Setup auto folder1 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); folder1.setSpecialPurpose(QByteArrayList() << "purpose1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder1)); auto folder2 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); folder2.setSpecialPurpose(QByteArrayList() << "purpose2"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder2)); { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("mail1"); mail.setFolder(folder1); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("mail2"); mail.setFolder(folder2); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); //Setup two folders with a mail each, ensure we only get the mail from the folder that matches the folder filter. Query query; query.filter(Sink::Query().containsFilter("purpose1")); query.request(); auto mails = Sink::Store::read(query); QCOMPARE(mails.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(mails.first().getMessageId(), QByteArray("mail1")); } void testLiveSubquery() { // Setup auto folder1 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); folder1.setSpecialPurpose(QByteArrayList() << "purpose1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder1)); auto folder2 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); folder2.setSpecialPurpose(QByteArrayList() << "purpose2"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder2)); { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("mail1"); mail.setFolder(folder1); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("mail2"); mail.setFolder(folder2); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); //Setup two folders with a mail each, ensure we only get the mail from the folder that matches the folder filter. Query query; query.filter(Sink::Query().containsFilter("purpose1")); query.request(); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); //This folder should not make it through the query { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("mail3"); mail.setFolder(folder2); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } //But this one should { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("mail4"); mail.setFolder(folder1); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 2); } void testResourceSubQuery() { using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; //Setup auto resource1 = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity(); resource1.setResourceType("sink.dummy"); resource1.setCapabilities(QByteArrayList() << "cap1"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(resource1)); auto resource2 = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity(); resource2.setCapabilities(QByteArrayList() << "cap2"); resource2.setResourceType("sink.dummy"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(resource2)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(Folder{resource1.identifier()})); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(Folder{resource2.identifier()})); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(resource1.identifier())); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(resource2.identifier())); // We fetch before the data is available and rely on the live query mechanism to deliver the actual data auto folders = Sink::Store::read(Sink::Query{}.resourceContainsFilter("cap1")); QCOMPARE(folders.size(), 1); //TODO this should be part of the regular cleanup between tests VERIFYEXEC(Store::remove(resource1)); VERIFYEXEC(Store::remove(resource2)); } void testFilteredLiveResourceSubQuery() { using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; //Setup auto resource1 = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity(); resource1.setResourceType("sink.dummy"); resource1.setCapabilities(QByteArrayList() << "cap1"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(resource1)); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(Folder{resource1.identifier()})); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(resource1.identifier())); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(Query{Query::LiveQuery}.resourceContainsFilter("cap1")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); auto resource2 = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity(); resource2.setCapabilities(QByteArrayList() << "cap2"); resource2.setResourceType("sink.dummy"); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(resource2)); VERIFYEXEC(Store::create(Folder{resource2.identifier()})); VERIFYEXEC(ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(resource2.identifier())); //The new resource should be filtered and thus not make it in here QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); //TODO this should be part of the regular cleanup between tests VERIFYEXEC(Store::remove(resource1)); VERIFYEXEC(Store::remove(resource2)); } void testLivequeryUnmatchInThread() { // Setup auto folder1 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder1)); auto folder2 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder2)); auto mail1 = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail1.setExtractedMessageId("mail1"); mail1.setFolder(folder1); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail1)); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); //Setup two folders with a mail each, ensure we only get the mail from the folder that matches the folder filter. Query query; query.setId("testLivequeryUnmatch"); query.filter(folder1); query.reduce(Query::Reduce::Selector::max()).count("count").collect("senders"); query.sort(); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); //After the modifcation the mail should have vanished. { mail1.setFolder(folder2); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::modify(mail1)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 0); } void testLivequeryRemoveOneInThread() { // Setup auto folder1 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder1)); auto mail1 = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail1.setExtractedMessageId("mail1"); mail1.setFolder(folder1); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail1)); auto mail2 = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail2.setExtractedMessageId("mail2"); mail2.setFolder(folder1); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail2)); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); //Setup two folders with a mail each, ensure we only get the mail from the folder that matches the folder filter. Query query; query.setId("testLivequeryUnmatch"); query.reduce(Query::Reduce::Selector::max()).count("count").collect("senders"); query.sort(); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); QCOMPARE(model->data(model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex{}), Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value()->getProperty("count").toInt(), 2); //After the removal, the thread size should be reduced by one { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::remove(mail1)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); QTRY_COMPARE(model->data(model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex{}), Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value()->getProperty("count").toInt(), 1); //After the second removal, the thread should be gone { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::remove(mail2)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 0); } void testDontUpdateNonLiveQuery() { // Setup auto folder1 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder1)); auto mail1 = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail1.setExtractedMessageId("mail1"); mail1.setFolder(folder1); mail1.setUnread(false); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail1)); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); Query query; //Not a live query query.setFlags(Query::Flags{}); query.setId("testNoLiveQuery"); query.filter(folder1); query.reduce(Query::Reduce::Selector::max()).count("count").collect("senders"); query.sort(); query.request(); QVERIFY(!query.liveQuery()); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); //After the modifcation the mail should have vanished. { mail1.setUnread(true); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::modify(mail1)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); auto mail = model->data(model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex{}), Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QTest::qWait(100); QCOMPARE(mail->getUnread(), false); } void testLivequeryModifcationUpdateInThread() { // Setup auto folder1 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder1)); auto folder2 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder2)); auto mail1 = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail1.setExtractedMessageId("mail1"); mail1.setFolder(folder1); mail1.setUnread(false); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail1)); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); Query query; query.setId("testLivequeryUnmatch"); query.filter(folder1); query.reduce(Query::Reduce::Selector::max()).count("count").collect("folders"); query.sort(); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); query.request(); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); //After the modifcation the mail should have vanished. { mail1.setUnread(true); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::modify(mail1)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); auto mail = model->data(model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex{}), Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QTRY_COMPARE(mail->getUnread(), true); QCOMPARE(mail->getProperty("count").toInt(), 1); QCOMPARE(mail->getProperty("folders").toList().size(), 1); } void testReductionUpdate() { // Setup auto folder1 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder1)); auto folder2 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder2)); QDateTime now{QDate{2017, 2, 3}, QTime{10, 0, 0}}; QDateTime later{QDate{2017, 2, 3}, QTime{11, 0, 0}}; auto mail1 = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail1.setExtractedMessageId("mail1"); mail1.setFolder(folder1); mail1.setUnread(false); mail1.setExtractedDate(now); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail1)); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); Query query; query.setId("testLivequeryUnmatch"); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); query.filter(folder1); query.reduce(Query::Reduce::Selector::max()).count("count").collect("folders"); query.sort(); query.request(); query.request(); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); QSignalSpy insertedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::rowsInserted); QSignalSpy removedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::rowsRemoved); QSignalSpy changedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged); QSignalSpy layoutChangedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged); QSignalSpy resetSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::modelReset); //The leader should change to mail2 after the modification { auto mail2 = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail2.setExtractedMessageId("mail2"); mail2.setFolder(folder1); mail2.setUnread(false); mail2.setExtractedDate(later); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail2)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); auto mail = model->data(model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex{}), Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QTRY_COMPARE(mail->getMessageId(), QByteArray{"mail2"}); QCOMPARE(mail->getProperty("count").toInt(), 2); QCOMPARE(mail->getProperty("folders").toList().size(), 2); //This should eventually be just one modification instead of remove + add (See datastorequery reduce component) QCOMPARE(insertedSpy.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(removedSpy.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(changedSpy.size(), 0); QCOMPARE(layoutChangedSpy.size(), 0); QCOMPARE(resetSpy.size(), 0); } void testFilteredReductionUpdate() { // Setup auto folder1 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder1)); auto folder2 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder2)); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); Query query; query.setId("testFilteredReductionUpdate"); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); query.filter(folder1); query.reduce(Query::Reduce::Selector::max()).count("count").collect("folders"); query.sort(); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 0); QSignalSpy insertedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::rowsInserted); QSignalSpy removedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::rowsRemoved); QSignalSpy changedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged); QSignalSpy layoutChangedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged); QSignalSpy resetSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::modelReset); //Ensure we don't end up with a mail in the thread that was filtered //This tests the case of an otherwise emtpy thread on purpose. { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("filtered"); mail.setFolder(folder2); mail.setExtractedDate(QDateTime{QDate{2017, 2, 3}, QTime{11, 0, 0}}); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 0); //Ensure the non-filtered still get through. { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("not-filtered"); mail.setFolder(folder1); mail.setExtractedDate(QDateTime{QDate{2017, 2, 3}, QTime{11, 0, 0}}); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); } /* * Two messages in the same thread. The first get's filtered, the second one makes it. */ void testFilteredReductionUpdateInSameThread() { // Setup auto folder1 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder1)); auto folder2 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder2)); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); Query query; query.setId("testFilteredReductionUpdate"); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); query.filter(folder1); query.reduce(Query::Reduce::Selector::max()).count("count"); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 0); //The first message will be filtered (but would be aggreagted together with the message that passes) { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("aggregatedId"); mail.setFolder(folder2); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); + + //Ensure that we can deal with a modification to the filtered message + mail.setUnread(true); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::modify(mail)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 0); //Ensure the non-filtered still gets through. { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("aggregatedId"); mail.setFolder(folder1); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); + + //Ensure that we can deal with a modification to the filtered message + mail.setUnread(true); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::modify(mail)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); QCOMPARE(model->data(model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex{}), Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value()->getProperty("count").toInt(), 1); //Ensure another entity still results in a modification { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("aggregatedId"); mail.setFolder(folder1); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->data(model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex{}), Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value()->getProperty("count").toInt(), 2); } void testBloom() { // Setup auto folder1 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder1)); auto folder2 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder2)); auto mail1 = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail1.setExtractedMessageId("mail1"); mail1.setFolder(folder1); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail1)); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("mail2"); mail.setFolder(folder1); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("mail3"); mail.setFolder(folder2); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.setId("testFilterCreationInThread"); query.filter(mail1.identifier()); query.bloom(); query.request(); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 2); } void testLivequeryFilterCreationInThread() { // Setup auto folder1 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder1)); auto folder2 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder2)); auto mail1 = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail1.setExtractedMessageId("mail1"); mail1.setFolder(folder1); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail1)); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); Query query; query.setId("testFilterCreationInThread"); query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(mail1.identifier()); query.bloom(); query.sort(); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); query.request(); query.request(); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); QSignalSpy insertedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::rowsInserted); QSignalSpy removedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::rowsRemoved); QSignalSpy changedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged); QSignalSpy layoutChangedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged); QSignalSpy resetSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::modelReset); //This modification should make it through { //This should not trigger an entity already in model warning mail1.setUnread(false); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::modify(mail1)); } //This mail should make it through { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("mail2"); mail.setFolder(folder1); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } //This mail shouldn't make it through { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("mail3"); mail.setFolder(folder2); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 2); QTest::qWait(100); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 2); //From mail2 QCOMPARE(insertedSpy.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(removedSpy.size(), 0); //From the modification QCOMPARE(changedSpy.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(layoutChangedSpy.size(), 0); QCOMPARE(resetSpy.size(), 0); } void testLivequeryThreadleaderChange() { // Setup auto folder1 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder1)); auto folder2 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder2)); QDateTime earlier{QDate{2017, 2, 3}, QTime{9, 0, 0}}; QDateTime now{QDate{2017, 2, 3}, QTime{10, 0, 0}}; QDateTime later{QDate{2017, 2, 3}, QTime{11, 0, 0}}; auto mail1 = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail1.setExtractedMessageId("mail1"); mail1.setFolder(folder1); mail1.setExtractedDate(now); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail1)); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); Query query; query.setId("testLivequeryThreadleaderChange"); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); query.reduce(Query::Reduce::Selector::max()).count("count").collect("folders"); query.sort(); query.request(); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); QSignalSpy insertedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::rowsInserted); QSignalSpy removedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::rowsRemoved); QSignalSpy changedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged); QSignalSpy layoutChangedSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged); QSignalSpy resetSpy(model.data(), &QAbstractItemModel::modelReset); //The leader shouldn't change to mail2 after the modification { auto mail2 = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail2.setExtractedMessageId("mail2"); mail2.setFolder(folder1); mail2.setExtractedDate(earlier); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail2)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); { auto mail = model->data(model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex{}), Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QTRY_COMPARE(mail->getMessageId(), QByteArray{"mail1"}); QTRY_COMPARE(mail->getProperty("count").toInt(), 2); QCOMPARE(mail->getProperty("folders").toList().size(), 2); } QCOMPARE(insertedSpy.size(), 0); QCOMPARE(removedSpy.size(), 0); QCOMPARE(changedSpy.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(layoutChangedSpy.size(), 0); QCOMPARE(resetSpy.size(), 0); //The leader should change to mail3 after the modification { auto mail3 = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail3.setExtractedMessageId("mail3"); mail3.setFolder(folder1); mail3.setExtractedDate(later); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail3)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); { auto mail = model->data(model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex{}), Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QTRY_COMPARE(mail->getMessageId(), QByteArray{"mail3"}); QCOMPARE(mail->getProperty("count").toInt(), 3); QCOMPARE(mail->getProperty("folders").toList().size(), 3); } //This should eventually be just one modification instead of remove + add (See datastorequery reduce component) QCOMPARE(insertedSpy.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(removedSpy.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(changedSpy.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(layoutChangedSpy.size(), 0); QCOMPARE(resetSpy.size(), 0); //Nothing should change on third mail in separate folder { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("mail4"); mail.setFolder(folder2); mail.setExtractedDate(now); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 2); //This should eventually be just one modification instead of remove + add (See datastorequery reduce component) QCOMPARE(insertedSpy.size(), 2); QCOMPARE(removedSpy.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(changedSpy.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(layoutChangedSpy.size(), 0); QCOMPARE(resetSpy.size(), 0); } /* * Ensure that we handle the situation properly if the thread-leader doesn't match a property filter. */ void testFilteredThreadLeader() { // Setup auto folder1 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder1)); auto folder2 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder2)); QDateTime earlier{QDate{2017, 2, 3}, QTime{9, 0, 0}}; QDateTime now{QDate{2017, 2, 3}, QTime{10, 0, 0}}; QDateTime later{QDate{2017, 2, 3}, QTime{11, 0, 0}}; auto createMail = [] (const QByteArray &messageid, const Folder &folder, const QDateTime &date, bool important) { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); + mail.setExtractedSubject(messageid); mail.setExtractedMessageId(messageid); mail.setFolder(folder); mail.setExtractedDate(date); mail.setImportant(important); return mail; }; VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(createMail("mail1", folder1, now, false))); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(createMail("mail2", folder1, earlier, false))); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(createMail("mail3", folder1, later, true))); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); Query query; query.setId("testLivequeryThreadleaderChange"); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); - query.reduce(Query::Reduce::Selector::max()).count().collect(); + query.reduce(Query::Reduce::Selector::max()) + .count() + .collect() + .select(Query::Reduce::Selector::Min, "subjectSelected"); query.sort(); query.request(); + query.request(); query.filter(false); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); { auto mail = model->data(model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex{}), Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QCOMPARE(mail->getMessageId(), QByteArray{"mail1"}); QCOMPARE(mail->count(), 2); QCOMPARE(mail->getCollectedProperty().size(), 2); + QCOMPARE(mail->getProperty("subjectSelected").toString(), QString{"mail2"}); } } void testQueryRunnerDontMissUpdates() { // Setup auto folder1 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder1)); QDateTime now{QDate{2017, 2, 3}, QTime{10, 0, 0}}; auto createMail = [] (const QByteArray &messageid, const Folder &folder, const QDateTime &date, bool important) { auto mail = Mail::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId(messageid); mail.setFolder(folder); mail.setExtractedDate(date); mail.setImportant(important); return mail; }; VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(createMail("mail1", folder1, now, false))); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); Query query; query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); Sink::ResourceContext resourceContext{"sink.dummy.instance1", "sink.dummy", Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().getFactories("sink.dummy")}; Sink::Log::Context logCtx; auto runner = new QueryRunner(query, resourceContext, ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), logCtx); runner->delayNextQuery(); auto emitter = runner->emitter(); QList added; emitter->onAdded([&](Mail::Ptr mail) { added << mail; }); emitter->fetch(); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(createMail("mail2", folder1, now, false))); QTRY_COMPARE(added.size(), 2); runner->delayNextQuery(); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(createMail("mail3", folder1, now, false))); //The second revision update is supposed to come in while the initial revision update is still in the query. //So wait a bit to make sure the query is currently runnning. QTest::qWait(500); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(createMail("mail4", folder1, now, false))); QTRY_COMPARE(added.size(), 4); } /* * This test excercises the scenario where a fetchMore is triggered after * the revision is already updated in storage, but the incremental query was not run yet. * This resulted in lost modification updates. */ void testQueryRunnerDontMissUpdatesWithFetchMore() { // Setup auto folder1 = Folder::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); folder1.setName("name1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(folder1)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); Query query; query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); Sink::ResourceContext resourceContext{"sink.dummy.instance1", "sink.dummy", Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().getFactories("sink.dummy")}; Sink::Log::Context logCtx; auto runner = new QueryRunner(query, resourceContext, ApplicationDomain::getTypeName(), logCtx); auto emitter = runner->emitter(); QList added; emitter->onAdded([&](Folder::Ptr folder) { added << folder; }); QList modified; emitter->onModified([&](Folder::Ptr folder) { modified << folder; }); emitter->fetch(); QTRY_COMPARE(added.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(modified.size(), 0); runner->ignoreRevisionChanges(true); folder1.setName("name2"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::modify(folder1)); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); emitter->fetch(); runner->ignoreRevisionChanges(false); runner->triggerRevisionChange(); QTRY_COMPARE(added.size(), 1); QTRY_COMPARE(modified.size(), 1); } /* * This test is here to ensure we don't crash if we call removeFromDisk with a running query. */ void testRemoveFromDiskWithRunningQuery() { // FIXME: we currently crash QSKIP("Skipping because this produces a crash."); { // Setup Folder::Ptr folderEntity; const auto date = QDateTime(QDate(2015, 7, 7), QTime(12, 0)); { Folder folder("sink.dummy.instance1"); Sink::Store::create(folder).exec().waitForFinished(); Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); folderEntity = model->index(0, 0).data(Sink::Store::DomainObjectRole).value(); QVERIFY(!folderEntity->identifier().isEmpty()); //Add enough data so the query takes long enough that we remove the data from disk whlie the query is ongoing. for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("test" + QByteArray::number(i)); mail.setFolder(folderEntity->identifier()); mail.setExtractedDate(date.addDays(i)); Sink::Store::create(mail).exec().waitForFinished(); } } // Test Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(*folderEntity); query.sort(); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); query.reduce(Query::Reduce::Selector::max()) .count("count") .collect("unreadCollected") .collect("importantCollected"); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue(QByteArrayList() << "sink.dummy.instance1")); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); } //FIXME: this will result in a crash in the above still running query. VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::removeDataFromDisk(QByteArray("sink.dummy.instance1"))); } - void testMailFulltextSubject() + void testMailFulltext() { + QByteArray id1; + QByteArray id2; // Setup { - auto msg = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); - msg->subject()->from7BitString("Subject To Search"); - msg->setBody("This is the searchable body."); - msg->from()->from7BitString("\"The Sender\""); - msg->assemble(); { - Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); + auto msg = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); + msg->subject()->from7BitString("Subject To Search"); + msg->setBody("This is the searchable body bar. unique sender2"); + msg->from()->from7BitString("\"The Sender\""); + msg->to()->from7BitString("\"Foo Bar\""); + msg->assemble(); + + auto mail = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("test1"); mail.setFolder("folder1"); mail.setMimeMessage(msg->encodedContent()); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); + id1 = mail.identifier(); } { - Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); + auto msg = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); + msg->subject()->from7BitString("Stuff to Search"); + msg->setBody("Body foo bar"); + msg->from()->from7BitString("\"Another Sender2\""); + msg->assemble(); + auto mail = ApplicationDomainType::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("test2"); mail.setFolder("folder2"); - mail.setExtractedSubject("Stuff"); + mail.setMimeMessage(msg->encodedContent()); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); + id2 = mail.identifier(); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); + { + FulltextIndex index("sink.dummy.instance1", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); + qInfo() << QString("Found document 1 with terms: ") + index.getIndexContent(id1).terms.join(", "); + qInfo() << QString("Found document 2 with terms: ") + index.getIndexContent(id2).terms.join(", "); + } } // Test + // Default search { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QString("Subject To Search"), QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); - auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); - QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); - QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); + const auto list = Sink::Store::read(query); + QCOMPARE(list.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(list.first().identifier(), id1); } + // Phrase search { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); - query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QString("Subject"), QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); - QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(query).size(), 1); + query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QString("\"Subject To Search\""), QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); + const auto list = Sink::Store::read(query); + QCOMPARE(list.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(list.first().identifier(), id1); + } + { + Sink::Query query; + query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); + query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QString("\"Stuff to Search\""), QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); + const auto list = Sink::Store::read(query); + QCOMPARE(list.size(), 1); + } + //Operators + { + Sink::Query query; + query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); + query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QString("subject AND search"), QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); + const auto list = Sink::Store::read(query); + QCOMPARE(list.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(list.first().identifier(), id1); + } + { + Sink::Query query; + query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); + query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QString("subject OR search"), QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); + QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(query).size(), 2); } //Case-insensitive { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); - query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QString("Search"), QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); - QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(query).size(), 1); + query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QString("Subject"), QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); + const auto list = Sink::Store::read(query); + QCOMPARE(list.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(list.first().identifier(), id1); } //Case-insensitive { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); - query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QString("search"), QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); - QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(query).size(), 1); + query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QString("subject"), QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); + const auto list = Sink::Store::read(query); + QCOMPARE(list.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(list.first().identifier(), id1); } - //Wildcard match + //Partial match { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); - query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QString("sear*"), QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); - QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(query).size(), 1); + query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QString("subj"), QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); + const auto list = Sink::Store::read(query); + QCOMPARE(list.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(list.first().identifier(), id1); } //Filter by body { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QString("searchable"), QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); - QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(query).size(), 1); + const auto list = Sink::Store::read(query); + QCOMPARE(list.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(list.first().identifier(), id1); } //Filter by folder { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QString("Subject"), QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); query.filter("folder1"); - QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(query).size(), 1); + const auto list = Sink::Store::read(query); + QCOMPARE(list.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(list.first().identifier(), id1); } //Filter by folder { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QString("Subject"), QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); query.filter("folder2"); QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(query).size(), 0); } //Filter by sender { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter({}, Sink::QueryBase::Comparator(QString("sender"), Sink::QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); - QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(query).size(), 1); + const auto list = Sink::Store::read(query); + QCOMPARE(list.size(), 2); } //Filter by sender { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter({}, Sink::QueryBase::Comparator(QString("Sender"), Sink::QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); - QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(query).size(), 1); + const auto list = Sink::Store::read(query); + QCOMPARE(list.size(), 2); } //Filter by sender { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter({}, Sink::QueryBase::Comparator(QString("sender@example"), Sink::QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); - QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(query).size(), 1); + const auto list = Sink::Store::read(query); + QCOMPARE(list.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(list.first().identifier(), id1); } //Filter by sender { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter({}, Sink::QueryBase::Comparator(QString("The Sender"), Sink::QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); - QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(query).size(), 1); + const auto list = Sink::Store::read(query); + QCOMPARE(list.size(), 1); + } + + //Filter by sender + { + Sink::Query query; + query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); + query.filter({}, Sink::QueryBase::Comparator(QString("sender2@unique.com"), Sink::QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); + const auto list = Sink::Store::read(query); + QCOMPARE(list.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(list.first().identifier(), id2); + } + + //Filter by recipient + { + Sink::Query query; + query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); + query.filter({}, Sink::QueryBase::Comparator(QString("foo-bar@example.org"), Sink::QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); + const auto list = Sink::Store::read(query); + QCOMPARE(list.size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(list.first().identifier(), id1); + } + + //Filter by recipient + { + Sink::Query query; + query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); + query.filter({}, Sink::QueryBase::Comparator(QString("foo-bar@example.com"), Sink::QueryBase::Comparator::Fulltext)); + QCOMPARE(Sink::Store::read(query).size(), 0); } + } void mailsWithDates() { { Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedDate(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T13:49:41Z", Qt::ISODate)); mail.setExtractedMessageId("message1"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } { Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedDate(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T13:50:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); mail.setExtractedMessageId("message2"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } { Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedDate(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-27T13:50:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); mail.setExtractedMessageId("message3"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } { Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedMessageId("message4"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } { Mail mail("sink.dummy.instance1"); mail.setExtractedDate(QDateTime::fromString("2078-05-23T13:49:41Z", Qt::ISODate)); mail.setExtractedMessageId("message5"); VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(mail)); } VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); } void testMailDate() { mailsWithDates(); { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T13:49:41Z", Qt::ISODate)); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); } { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-27T13:49:41Z", Qt::ISODate)); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 0); } { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-27T13:50:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); } } void testMailRange() { mailsWithDates(); { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QVariantList{QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T13:49:41Z", Qt::ISODate), QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T13:49:41Z", Qt::ISODate)}, QueryBase::Comparator::Within)); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); } { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QVariantList{QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-22T13:49:41Z", Qt::ISODate), QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-25T13:49:41Z", Qt::ISODate)}, QueryBase::Comparator::Within)); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 2); } { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QVariantList{QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-22T13:49:41Z", Qt::ISODate), QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-30T13:49:41Z", Qt::ISODate)}, QueryBase::Comparator::Within)); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 3); } { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator(QVariantList{QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-22T13:49:41Z", Qt::ISODate), QDateTime::fromString("2118-05-30T13:49:41Z", Qt::ISODate)}, QueryBase::Comparator::Within)); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 4); } } - void eventsWithDates() - { - { - Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); - event.setExtractedStartTime(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T12:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); - event.setExtractedEndTime(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T13:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(event)); - } - { - Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); - event.setExtractedStartTime(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T13:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); - event.setExtractedEndTime(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T14:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(event)); - } - { - Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); - event.setExtractedStartTime(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T14:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); - event.setExtractedEndTime(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T15:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(event)); - } - { - Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); - event.setExtractedStartTime(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T12:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); - event.setExtractedEndTime(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T14:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(event)); - } - { - Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); - event.setExtractedStartTime(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-24T12:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); - event.setExtractedEndTime(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-24T14:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(event)); - } - { - Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(event)); - } - - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); - } - void testOverlap() { - eventsWithDates(); + auto createEvent = [] (const QString &start, const QString &end) { + auto icalEvent = KCalCore::Event::Ptr::create(); + icalEvent->setSummary("test"); + icalEvent->setDtStart(QDateTime::fromString(start, Qt::ISODate)); + icalEvent->setDtEnd(QDateTime::fromString(end, Qt::ISODate)); - { - Sink::Query query; - query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); - query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator( - QVariantList{ QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-22T12:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate), - QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-30T13:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate) }, - QueryBase::Comparator::Overlap)); - auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); - QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); - QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 5); - } - - { - Sink::Query query; - query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); - query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator( - QVariantList{ QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-22T12:30:00Z", Qt::ISODate), - QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-22T12:31:00Z", Qt::ISODate) }, - QueryBase::Comparator::Overlap)); - auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); - QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); - QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 0); - } - - { - Sink::Query query; - query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); - query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator( - QVariantList{ QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-24T10:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate), - QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-24T11:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate) }, - QueryBase::Comparator::Overlap)); - auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); - QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); - QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 0); - } - - { - Sink::Query query; - query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); - query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator( - QVariantList{ QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T12:30:00Z", Qt::ISODate), - QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T12:31:00Z", Qt::ISODate) }, - QueryBase::Comparator::Overlap)); - auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); - QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); - QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 2); - } + Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); + event.setIcal(KCalCore::ICalFormat().toICalString(icalEvent).toUtf8()); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(event)); + }; - { - Sink::Query query; - query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); - query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator( - QVariantList{ QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-22T12:30:00Z", Qt::ISODate), - QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T12:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate) }, - QueryBase::Comparator::Overlap)); - auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); - QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); - QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 2); - } + createEvent("2018-05-23T12:00:00Z", "2018-05-23T13:00:00Z"); + createEvent("2018-05-23T13:00:00Z", "2018-05-23T14:00:00Z"); + createEvent("2018-05-23T14:00:00Z", "2018-05-23T15:00:00Z"); + createEvent("2018-05-24T12:00:00Z", "2018-05-24T14:00:00Z"); + //Long event that spans multiple buckets + createEvent("2018-05-30T22:00:00", "2019-04-25T03:00:00"); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); - { + auto findInRange = [] (const QString &start, const QString &end) { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator( - QVariantList{ QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T14:30:00Z", Qt::ISODate), - QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T16:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate) }, + QVariantList{ QDateTime::fromString(start, Qt::ISODate), + QDateTime::fromString(end, Qt::ISODate) }, QueryBase::Comparator::Overlap)); - auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); - QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); - QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); - } + return Sink::Store::read(query); + }; + //Find all + QCOMPARE(findInRange("2018-05-22T12:00:00Z", "2018-05-30T13:00:00Z").size(), 4); + //Find none on day without events + QCOMPARE(findInRange("2018-05-22T12:00:00Z", "2018-05-22T13:00:00Z").size(), 0); + //Find none on day with events + QCOMPARE(findInRange("2018-05-24T10:00:00Z", "2018-05-24T11:00:00Z").size(), 0); + //Find on same day + QCOMPARE(findInRange("2018-05-23T12:30:00Z", "2018-05-23T12:31:00Z").size(), 1); + //Find on different days + QCOMPARE(findInRange("2018-05-22T12:30:00Z", "2018-05-23T12:00:00Z").size(), 1); + QCOMPARE(findInRange("2018-05-23T14:30:00Z", "2018-05-23T16:00:00Z").size(), 1); + + //Find long range event + QCOMPARE(findInRange("2018-07-23T14:30:00Z", "2018-10-23T16:00:00Z").size(), 1); } void testOverlapLive() { - eventsWithDates(); + auto createEvent = [] (const QString &start, const QString &end) { + auto icalEvent = KCalCore::Event::Ptr::create(); + icalEvent->setSummary("test"); + icalEvent->setDtStart(QDateTime::fromString(start, Qt::ISODate)); + icalEvent->setDtEnd(QDateTime::fromString(end, Qt::ISODate)); + + Event event = Event::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); + event.setIcal(KCalCore::ICalFormat().toICalString(icalEvent).toUtf8()); + VERIFYEXEC_RET(Sink::Store::create(event), {}); + return event; + }; + + createEvent("2018-05-23T12:00:00Z", "2018-05-23T13:00:00Z"); + createEvent("2018-05-23T13:00:00Z", "2018-05-23T14:00:00Z"); + createEvent("2018-05-23T14:00:00Z", "2018-05-23T15:00:00Z"); + createEvent("2018-05-24T12:00:00Z", "2018-05-24T14:00:00Z"); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); { Sink::Query query; query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator( QVariantList{ QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-22T12:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate), QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-30T13:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate) }, QueryBase::Comparator::Overlap)); auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); - QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 5); - - Event event = Event::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); - event.setExtractedStartTime(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T12:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); - event.setExtractedEndTime(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-23T13:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(event)); + QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 4); - Event event2 = Event::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); - event2.setExtractedStartTime(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-33T12:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); - event2.setExtractedEndTime(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-33T13:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(event2)); + auto event1 = createEvent("2018-05-23T12:00:00Z", "2018-05-23T13:00:00Z"); + auto event2 = createEvent("2018-05-31T12:00:00Z", "2018-05-31T13:00:00Z"); - QTest::qWait(500); - QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 6); + QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 5); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::remove(event)); - VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::remove(event2)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::remove(event1)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::remove(event2)); - QTest::qWait(500); - QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 5); + QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 4); } + } + void testRecurringEvents() + { + auto icalEvent = KCalCore::Event::Ptr::create(); + icalEvent->setSummary("test"); + icalEvent->setDtStart(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-10T13:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); + icalEvent->setDtEnd(QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-10T14:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate)); + icalEvent->recurrence()->setWeekly(3); + + Event event = Event::createEntity("sink.dummy.instance1"); + event.setIcal(KCalCore::ICalFormat().toICalString(icalEvent).toUtf8()); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::create(event)); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); + + Sink::Query query; + query.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance1"); + query.setFlags(Query::LiveQuery); + query.filter(QueryBase::Comparator( + QVariantList{ QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-15T12:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate), + QDateTime::fromString("2018-05-30T13:00:00Z", Qt::ISODate) }, + QueryBase::Comparator::Overlap)); + auto model = Sink::Store::loadModel(query); + QTRY_VERIFY(model->data(QModelIndex(), Sink::Store::ChildrenFetchedRole).toBool()); + QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 1); + + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::remove(event)); + QTRY_COMPARE(model->rowCount(), 0); } }; QTEST_MAIN(QueryTest) #include "querytest.moc" diff --git a/tests/resourcecontroltest.cpp b/tests/resourcecontroltest.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e66f4443 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/resourcecontroltest.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +#include + +#include "dummyresource/resourcefactory.h" +#include "resourcecontrol.h" +#include "store.h" +#include "testutils.h" +#include "test.h" +#include "resourceconfig.h" + +/** + * Test starting and stopping of resources. + */ +class ResourceControlTest : public QObject +{ + Q_OBJECT + + KAsync::Job socketIsAvailable(const QByteArray &identifier) + { + return Sink::ResourceAccess::connectToServer(identifier) + .then>( + [&](const KAsync::Error &error, QSharedPointer socket) { + if (error) { + return KAsync::value(false); + } + socket->close(); + return KAsync::value(true); + }); + + } + + bool blockingSocketIsAvailable(const QByteArray &identifier) + { + auto job = socketIsAvailable(identifier); + auto future = job.exec(); + future.waitForFinished(); + return future.value(); + } + +private slots: + + void initTestCase() + { + Sink::Test::initTest(); + auto factory = Sink::ResourceFactory::load("sink.dummy"); + QVERIFY(factory); + ::DummyResource::removeFromDisk("sink.dummy.instance1"); + ResourceConfig::addResource("sink.dummy.instance1", "sink.dummy"); + ::DummyResource::removeFromDisk("sink.dummy.instance2"); + ResourceConfig::addResource("sink.dummy.instance2", "sink.dummy"); + } + + void testResourceStart() + { + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::start("sink.dummy.instance1")); + QVERIFY(blockingSocketIsAvailable("sink.dummy.instance1")); + } + + void testResourceShutdown() + { + QVERIFY(!blockingSocketIsAvailable("sink.dummy.instance2")); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::start("sink.dummy.instance2")); + QVERIFY(blockingSocketIsAvailable("sink.dummy.instance2")); + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::shutdown("sink.dummy.instance2")); + QVERIFY(!blockingSocketIsAvailable("sink.dummy.instance2")); + } + + //This will produce a race where the synchronize command starts the resource, + //the shutdown command doesn't shutdown because it doesn't realize that the resource is up, + //and the resource ends up getting started, but doing nothing. + void testResourceShutdownAfterStartByCommand() + { + QVERIFY(!blockingSocketIsAvailable("sink.dummy.instance2")); + auto future = Sink::Store::synchronize(Sink::SyncScope{}.resourceFilter("sink.dummy.instance2")).exec(); + + VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::shutdown("sink.dummy.instance2")); + + QVERIFY(!blockingSocketIsAvailable("sink.dummy.instance2")); + } + +}; + +QTEST_MAIN(ResourceControlTest) +#include "resourcecontroltest.moc" diff --git a/tests/storagetest.cpp b/tests/storagetest.cpp index bca91b1b..fd806b8b 100644 --- a/tests/storagetest.cpp +++ b/tests/storagetest.cpp @@ -1,734 +1,966 @@ #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/storage.h" +#include "storage/key.h" /** * Test of the storage implementation to ensure it can do the low level operations as expected. */ class StorageTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private: QString testDataPath; QByteArray dbName; const char *keyPrefix = "key"; void populate(int count) { Sink::Storage::DataStore storage(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"default", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = storage.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // This should perhaps become an implementation detail of the db? if (i % 10000 == 0) { if (i > 0) { transaction.commit(); transaction = storage.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); } } transaction.openDatabase().write(keyPrefix + QByteArray::number(i), keyPrefix + QByteArray::number(i)); } transaction.commit(); } bool verify(Sink::Storage::DataStore &storage, int i) { bool success = true; bool keyMatch = true; const auto reference = keyPrefix + QByteArray::number(i); storage.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly) .openDatabase() .scan(keyPrefix + QByteArray::number(i), [&keyMatch, &reference](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { if (value != reference) { qDebug() << "Mismatch while reading"; keyMatch = false; } return keyMatch; }, [&success](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { qDebug() << error.message; success = false; }); return success && keyMatch; } private slots: void initTestCase() { testDataPath = "./testdb"; dbName = "test"; - Sink::Storage::DataStore storage(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"default", 0}}}); - storage.removeFromDisk(); + Sink::Storage::DataStore{testDataPath, {dbName, {{"default", 0}}}}.removeFromDisk(); } void cleanup() { - Sink::Storage::DataStore storage(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"default", 0}}}); - storage.removeFromDisk(); + Sink::Storage::DataStore{testDataPath, {dbName, {{"default", 0}}}}.removeFromDisk(); } void testCleanup() { populate(1); - Sink::Storage::DataStore storage(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"default", 0}}}); - storage.removeFromDisk(); + Sink::Storage::DataStore{testDataPath, {dbName, {{"default", 0}}}}.removeFromDisk(); QFileInfo info(testDataPath + "/" + dbName); QVERIFY(!info.exists()); } void testRead() { const int count = 100; populate(count); // ensure we can read everything back correctly { Sink::Storage::DataStore storage(testDataPath, dbName); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { QVERIFY(verify(storage, i)); } } } void testScan() { const int count = 100; populate(count); // ensure we can scan for values { int hit = 0; Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, dbName); store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly) .openDatabase() .scan("", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { if (key == "key50") { hit++; } return true; }); QCOMPARE(hit, 1); } // ensure we can read a single value { int hit = 0; bool foundInvalidValue = false; Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, dbName); store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly) .openDatabase() .scan("key50", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { if (key != "key50") { foundInvalidValue = true; } hit++; return true; }); QVERIFY(!foundInvalidValue); QCOMPARE(hit, 1); } } void testNestedOperations() { populate(3); Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, dbName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); transaction.openDatabase().scan("key1", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { transaction.openDatabase().remove(key, [](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &) { QVERIFY(false); }); return false; }); } void testNestedTransactions() { populate(3); Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, dbName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly) .openDatabase() .scan("key1", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite).openDatabase().remove(key, [](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &) { QVERIFY(false); }); return false; }); } void testReadEmptyDb() { bool gotResult = false; bool gotError = false; Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"default", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto db = transaction.openDatabase("default", [&](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { qDebug() << error.message; gotError = true; }); int numValues = db.scan("", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { gotResult = true; return false; }, [&](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { qDebug() << error.message; gotError = true; }); QCOMPARE(numValues, 0); QVERIFY(!gotResult); QVERIFY(!gotError); } void testConcurrentRead() { // With a count of 10000 this test is more likely to expose problems, but also takes some time to execute. const int count = 1000; populate(count); // QTest::qWait(500); // We repeat the test a bunch of times since failing is relatively random for (int tries = 0; tries < 10; tries++) { + //clearEnv in combination with the bogus db layouts tests the dynamic named db opening as well. + Sink::Storage::DataStore::clearEnv(); bool error = false; // Try to concurrently read QList> futures; const int concurrencyLevel = 20; for (int num = 0; num < concurrencyLevel; num++) { futures << QtConcurrent::run([this, &error]() { - Sink::Storage::DataStore storage(testDataPath, dbName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); - Sink::Storage::DataStore storage2(testDataPath, dbName + "2", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); + Sink::Storage::DataStore storage(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"bogus", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); + Sink::Storage::DataStore storage2(testDataPath, {dbName+ "2", {{"bogus", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!verify(storage, i)) { error = true; break; } } }); } for (auto future : futures) { future.waitForFinished(); } QVERIFY(!error); } { - Sink::Storage::DataStore storage(testDataPath, dbName); - storage.removeFromDisk(); - Sink::Storage::DataStore storage2(testDataPath, dbName + "2"); - storage2.removeFromDisk(); + Sink::Storage::DataStore(testDataPath, dbName).removeFromDisk(); + Sink::Storage::DataStore(testDataPath, dbName + "2").removeFromDisk(); } } void testNoDuplicates() { bool gotResult = false; bool gotError = false; Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"default", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("default", nullptr, false); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("default"); db.write("key", "value"); db.write("key", "value"); int numValues = db.scan("", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { gotResult = true; return true; }, [&](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { qDebug() << error.message; gotError = true; }); QCOMPARE(numValues, 1); QVERIFY(!gotError); QVERIFY(gotResult); } void testDuplicates() { bool gotResult = false; bool gotError = false; - Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"default", 0x04}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + const int flags = Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates; + Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"default", flags}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("default", nullptr, true); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("default", nullptr, flags); db.write("key", "value1"); db.write("key", "value2"); int numValues = db.scan("key", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { gotResult = true; return true; }, [&](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { qDebug() << error.message; gotError = true; }); QCOMPARE(numValues, 2); QVERIFY(!gotError); } void testNonexitingNamedDb() { bool gotResult = false; bool gotError = false; + Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"test", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); + QVERIFY(!store.exists()); + auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); + Sink::Storage::DataStore::getUids("test", transaction, [&](const QByteArray &uid) {}); + int numValues = transaction + .openDatabase("test") + .scan("", + [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { + gotResult = true; + return false; + }, + [&](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { + qDebug() << error.message; + gotError = true; + }); + QCOMPARE(numValues, 0); + QVERIFY(!gotResult); + QVERIFY(!gotError); + } + + /* + * This scenario tests a very specific pattern that can appear with new named databases. + * * A read-only transaction is opened + * * A write-transaction creates a new named db. + * * We try to access that named-db from the already open transaction. + */ + void testNewDbInOpenTransaction() + { + //Create env, otherwise we don't even get a transaction + { + Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, dbName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + } + //Open a longlived transaction Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, dbName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); - int numValues = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly) + auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); + + //Create the named database + { + Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, dbName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + transaction.openDatabase("test"); + transaction.commit(); + } + + + //Try to access the named database in the existing transaction. Opening should fail. + bool gotResult = false; + bool gotError = false; + int numValues = transaction .openDatabase("test") .scan("", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { gotResult = true; return false; }, [&](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { qDebug() << error.message; gotError = true; }); QCOMPARE(numValues, 0); QVERIFY(!gotResult); QVERIFY(!gotError); } void testWriteToNamedDb() { bool gotError = false; Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"test", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite) .openDatabase("test") .write("key1", "value1", [&](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { qDebug() << error.message; gotError = true; }); QVERIFY(!gotError); } void testWriteDuplicatesToNamedDb() { bool gotError = false; Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"test", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite) - .openDatabase("test", nullptr, true) + .openDatabase("test", nullptr, Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates) .write("key1", "value1", [&](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::Error &error) { qDebug() << error.message; gotError = true; }); QVERIFY(!gotError); } // By default we want only exact matches void testSubstringKeys() { - Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"test", 0x04}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + const int flags = Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates; + Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"test", flags}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test", nullptr, true); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test", nullptr, flags); db.write("sub", "value1"); db.write("subsub", "value2"); int numValues = db.scan("sub", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { return true; }); QCOMPARE(numValues, 1); } void testFindSubstringKeys() { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"test", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test", nullptr, false); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test"); db.write("sub", "value1"); db.write("subsub", "value2"); db.write("wubsub", "value3"); int numValues = db.scan("sub", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { return true; }, nullptr, true); QCOMPARE(numValues, 2); } void testFindSubstringKeysWithDuplicatesEnabled() { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"test", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test", nullptr, true); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test", nullptr, Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates); db.write("sub", "value1"); db.write("subsub", "value2"); db.write("wubsub", "value3"); int numValues = db.scan("sub", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { return true; }, nullptr, true); QCOMPARE(numValues, 2); } void testKeySorting() { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"test", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test", nullptr, false); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test"); db.write("sub_2", "value2"); db.write("sub_1", "value1"); db.write("sub_3", "value3"); QList results; int numValues = db.scan("sub", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { results << value; return true; }, nullptr, true); QCOMPARE(numValues, 3); QCOMPARE(results.at(0), QByteArray("value1")); QCOMPARE(results.at(1), QByteArray("value2")); QCOMPARE(results.at(2), QByteArray("value3")); } // Ensure we don't retrieve a key that is greater than the current key. We only want equal keys. void testKeyRange() { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"test", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test", nullptr, true); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test", nullptr, Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates); db.write("sub1", "value1"); int numValues = db.scan("sub", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { return true; }); QCOMPARE(numValues, 0); } void testFindLatest() { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"test", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test", nullptr, false); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test"); db.write("sub1", "value1"); db.write("sub2", "value2"); db.write("wub3", "value3"); db.write("wub4", "value4"); QByteArray result; db.findLatest("sub", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { result = value; }); QCOMPARE(result, QByteArray("value2")); } void testFindLatestInSingle() { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"test", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test", nullptr, false); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test"); db.write("sub2", "value2"); QByteArray result; db.findLatest("sub", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { result = value; }); QCOMPARE(result, QByteArray("value2")); } void testFindLast() { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"test", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test", nullptr, false); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test"); db.write("sub2", "value2"); db.write("wub3", "value3"); QByteArray result; db.findLatest("wub", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { result = value; }); QCOMPARE(result, QByteArray("value3")); } static QMap baseDbs() { - return {{"revisionType", 0}, - {"revisions", 0}, + return {{"revisionType", Sink::Storage::IntegerKeys}, + {"revisions", Sink::Storage::IntegerKeys}, {"uids", 0}, {"default", 0}, {"__flagtable", 0}}; } void testRecordRevision() { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, baseDbs()}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); Sink::Storage::DataStore::recordRevision(transaction, 1, "uid", "type"); QCOMPARE(Sink::Storage::DataStore::getTypeFromRevision(transaction, 1), QByteArray("type")); QCOMPARE(Sink::Storage::DataStore::getUidFromRevision(transaction, 1), QByteArray("uid")); } void testRecordRevisionSorting() { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"test", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); QByteArray result; - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test", nullptr, false); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test"); const auto uid = "{c5d06a9f-1534-4c52-b8ea-415db68bdadf}"; //Ensure we can sort 1 and 10 properly (by default string comparison 10 comes before 6) - db.write(Sink::Storage::DataStore::assembleKey(uid, 6), "value1"); - db.write(Sink::Storage::DataStore::assembleKey(uid, 10), "value2"); - db.findLatest(uid, [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { result = value; }); + const auto id = Sink::Storage::Identifier::fromDisplayByteArray(uid); + auto key = Sink::Storage::Key(id, 6); + db.write(key.toInternalByteArray(), "value1"); + key.setRevision(10); + db.write(key.toInternalByteArray(), "value2"); + db.findLatest(id.toInternalByteArray(), [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { result = value; }); QCOMPARE(result, QByteArray("value2")); } void setupTestFindRange(Sink::Storage::DataStore::NamedDatabase &db) { db.write("0002", "value1"); db.write("0003", "value2"); db.write("0004", "value3"); db.write("0005", "value4"); } void testFindRangeOptimistic() { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, dbName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test", nullptr, false); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test"); setupTestFindRange(db); QByteArrayList results; db.findAllInRange("0002", "0004", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { results << value; }); QCOMPARE(results, (QByteArrayList{"value1", "value2", "value3"})); } void testFindRangeNothing() { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, dbName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test", nullptr, false); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test"); setupTestFindRange(db); QByteArrayList results1; db.findAllInRange("0000", "0001", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { results1 << value; }); QCOMPARE(results1, QByteArrayList{}); QByteArrayList results2; db.findAllInRange("0000", "0000", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { results2 << value; }); QCOMPARE(results2, QByteArrayList{}); QByteArrayList results3; db.findAllInRange("0006", "0010", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { results3 << value; }); QCOMPARE(results3, QByteArrayList{}); QByteArrayList results4; db.findAllInRange("0010", "0010", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { results4 << value; }); QCOMPARE(results4, QByteArrayList{}); } void testFindRangeSingle() { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, dbName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test", nullptr, false); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test"); setupTestFindRange(db); QByteArrayList results1; db.findAllInRange("0004", "0004", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { results1 << value; }); QCOMPARE(results1, QByteArrayList{"value3"}); } void testFindRangeOutofBounds() { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, dbName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test", nullptr, false); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("test"); setupTestFindRange(db); QByteArrayList results1; db.findAllInRange("0000", "0010", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { results1 << value; }); QCOMPARE(results1, (QByteArrayList{"value1", "value2", "value3", "value4"})); QByteArrayList results2; db.findAllInRange("0003", "0010", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { results2 << value; }); QCOMPARE(results2, (QByteArrayList{"value2", "value3", "value4"})); QByteArrayList results3; db.findAllInRange("0000", "0003", [&](const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { results3 << value; }); QCOMPARE(results3, (QByteArrayList{"value1", "value2"})); } void testTransactionVisibility() { auto readValue = [](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::NamedDatabase &db, const QByteArray) { QByteArray result; db.scan("key1", [&](const QByteArray &, const QByteArray &value) { result = value; return true; }); return result; }; { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"testTransactionVisibility", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("testTransactionVisibility", nullptr, false); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("testTransactionVisibility"); db.write("key1", "foo"); QCOMPARE(readValue(db, "key1"), QByteArray("foo")); { auto transaction2 = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto db2 = transaction2 - .openDatabase("testTransactionVisibility", nullptr, false); + .openDatabase("testTransactionVisibility"); QCOMPARE(readValue(db2, "key1"), QByteArray()); } transaction.commit(); { auto transaction2 = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); auto db2 = transaction2 - .openDatabase("testTransactionVisibility", nullptr, false); + .openDatabase("testTransactionVisibility"); QCOMPARE(readValue(db2, "key1"), QByteArray("foo")); } } } void testCopyTransaction() { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"a", 0}, {"b", 0}, {"c", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); { auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - transaction.openDatabase("a", nullptr, false); - transaction.openDatabase("b", nullptr, false); - transaction.openDatabase("c", nullptr, false); + transaction.openDatabase("a"); + transaction.openDatabase("b"); + transaction.openDatabase("c"); transaction.commit(); } auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { - transaction.openDatabase("a", nullptr, false); - transaction.openDatabase("b", nullptr, false); - transaction.openDatabase("c", nullptr, false); + transaction.openDatabase("a"); + transaction.openDatabase("b"); + transaction.openDatabase("c"); transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); } } /* * This test is meant to find problems with the multi-process architecture and initial database creation. * If we create named databases dynamically (not all up front), it is possilbe that we violate the rule * that mdb_open_dbi may only be used by a single thread at a time. * This test is meant to stress that condition. * - * However, it yields absolutely nothing. + * FIXME this test ends up locking up every now and then (don't know why). + * All reader threads get stuck on the "QMutexLocker createDbiLocker(&sCreateDbiLock);" mutex in openDatabase, + * and the writer probably crashed. The testfunction then times out. + * I can't reliably reproduce it and thus fix it, so the test remains disabled for now. */ - void testReadDuringExternalProcessWrite() - { - - QList> futures; - for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { - futures << QtConcurrent::run([&]() { - QTRY_VERIFY(Sink::Storage::DataStore(testDataPath, dbName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly).exists()); - Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, dbName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); - auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); - for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { - transaction.openDatabase("a", nullptr, false); - transaction.openDatabase("b", nullptr, false); - transaction.openDatabase("c", nullptr, false); - transaction.openDatabase("p", nullptr, false); - transaction.openDatabase("q", nullptr, false); - } - }); - } - - //Start writing to the db from a separate process - QVERIFY(QProcess::startDetached(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/dbwriter", QStringList() << testDataPath << dbName << QString::number(100000))); - - for (auto future : futures) { - future.waitForFinished(); - } - - } + //void testReadDuringExternalProcessWrite() + //{ + + // QList> futures; + // for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { + // futures << QtConcurrent::run([&]() { + // QTRY_VERIFY(Sink::Storage::DataStore(testDataPath, dbName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly).exists()); + // Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, dbName, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); + // auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); + // for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { + // transaction.openDatabase("a"); + // transaction.openDatabase("b"); + // transaction.openDatabase("c"); + // transaction.openDatabase("p"); + // transaction.openDatabase("q"); + // } + // }); + // } + + // //Start writing to the db from a separate process + // QVERIFY(QProcess::startDetached(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/dbwriter", QStringList() << testDataPath << dbName << QString::number(100000))); + + // for (auto future : futures) { + // future.waitForFinished(); + // } + + //} void testRecordUid() { QMap dbs = {{"revisionType", 0}, {"revisions", 0}, {"uids", 0}, {"default", 0}, {"__flagtable", 0}, {"typeuids", 0}, {"type2uids", 0} }; Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, dbs}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); Sink::Storage::DataStore::recordUid(transaction, "uid1", "type"); Sink::Storage::DataStore::recordUid(transaction, "uid2", "type"); Sink::Storage::DataStore::recordUid(transaction, "uid3", "type2"); { QVector uids; Sink::Storage::DataStore::getUids("type", transaction, [&](const QByteArray &r) { uids << r; }); QVector expected{{"uid1"}, {"uid2"}}; QCOMPARE(uids, expected); } Sink::Storage::DataStore::removeUid(transaction, "uid2", "type"); { QVector uids; Sink::Storage::DataStore::getUids("type", transaction, [&](const QByteArray &r) { uids << r; }); QVector expected{{"uid1"}}; QCOMPARE(uids, expected); } } void testDbiVisibility() { auto readValue = [](const Sink::Storage::DataStore::NamedDatabase &db, const QByteArray) { QByteArray result; db.scan("key1", [&](const QByteArray &, const QByteArray &value) { result = value; return true; }); return result; }; { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"testTransactionVisibility", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db = transaction.openDatabase("testTransactionVisibility", nullptr, false); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("testTransactionVisibility"); db.write("key1", "foo"); QCOMPARE(readValue(db, "key1"), QByteArray("foo")); transaction.commit(); } Sink::Storage::DataStore::clearEnv(); //Try to read-only dynamic opening of the db. - //This is the case if we don't have all databases available upon initializatoin and we don't (e.g. because the db hasn't been created yet) + //This is the case if we don't have all databases available upon initializatoin and we don't (e.g. because the db hasn't been created yet) { // Trick the db into not loading all dbs by passing in a bogus layout. Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"bogus", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); //This transaction should open the dbi auto transaction2 = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); - auto db2 = transaction2.openDatabase("testTransactionVisibility", nullptr, false); + auto db2 = transaction2.openDatabase("testTransactionVisibility"); QCOMPARE(readValue(db2, "key1"), QByteArray("foo")); //This transaction should have the dbi available auto transaction3 = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); - auto db3 = transaction3.openDatabase("testTransactionVisibility", nullptr, false); + auto db3 = transaction3.openDatabase("testTransactionVisibility"); QCOMPARE(readValue(db3, "key1"), QByteArray("foo")); } Sink::Storage::DataStore::clearEnv(); //Try to read-write dynamic opening of the db. - //This is the case if we don't have all databases available upon initializatoin and we don't (e.g. because the db hasn't been created yet) + //This is the case if we don't have all databases available upon initialization and we don't (e.g. because the db hasn't been created yet) { // Trick the db into not loading all dbs by passing in a bogus layout. Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, {dbName, {{"bogus", 0}}}, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); //This transaction should open the dbi auto transaction2 = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); - auto db2 = transaction2.openDatabase("testTransactionVisibility", nullptr, false); + auto db2 = transaction2.openDatabase("testTransactionVisibility"); QCOMPARE(readValue(db2, "key1"), QByteArray("foo")); //This transaction should have the dbi available (creating two write transactions obviously doesn't work) //NOTE: we don't support this scenario. A write transaction must commit or abort before a read transaction opens the same database. // auto transaction3 = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); - // auto db3 = transaction3.openDatabase("testTransactionVisibility", nullptr, false); + // auto db3 = transaction3.openDatabase("testTransactionVisibility"); // QCOMPARE(readValue(db3, "key1"), QByteArray("foo")); //Ensure we can still open further dbis in the write transaction - auto db4 = transaction2.openDatabase("anotherDb", nullptr, false); + auto db4 = transaction2.openDatabase("anotherDb"); + } + + } + + void testIntegerKeys() + { + const int flags = Sink::Storage::IntegerKeys; + Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, + { dbName, { { "test", flags } } }, Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("testIntegerKeys", {}, flags); + db.write(0, "value1"); + db.write(1, "value2"); + + size_t resultKey; + QByteArray result; + int numValues = db.scan(0, [&](size_t key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { + resultKey = key; + result = value; + return true; + }); + + QCOMPARE(numValues, 1); + QCOMPARE(resultKey, {0}); + QCOMPARE(result, QByteArray{"value1"}); + + int numValues2 = db.scan(1, [&](size_t key, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { + resultKey = key; + result = value; + return true; + }); + + QCOMPARE(numValues2, 1); + QCOMPARE(resultKey, {1}); + QCOMPARE(result, QByteArray{"value2"}); + } + + void testDuplicateIntegerKeys() + { + const int flags = Sink::Storage::IntegerKeys | Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates; + Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, + { dbName, { { "testDuplicateIntegerKeys", flags} } }, + Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("testDuplicateIntegerKeys", {}, flags); + db.write(0, "value1"); + db.write(1, "value2"); + db.write(1, "value3"); + QSet results; + int numValues = db.scan(1, [&](size_t, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { + results << value; + return true; + }); + + QCOMPARE(numValues, 2); + QCOMPARE(results.size(), 2); + QVERIFY(results.contains("value2")); + QVERIFY(results.contains("value3")); + } + + void testDuplicateWithIntegerValues() + { + const int flags = Sink::Storage::AllowDuplicates | Sink::Storage::IntegerValues; + Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, + { dbName, { { "testDuplicateWithIntegerValues", flags} } }, + Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + + auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("testDuplicateWithIntegerValues", {}, flags); + + const size_t number1 = 1; + const size_t number2 = 2; + + const QByteArray number1BA = Sink::sizeTToByteArray(number1); + const QByteArray number2BA = Sink::sizeTToByteArray(number2); + + db.write(0, number1BA); + db.write(1, number2BA); + db.write(1, number1BA); + + QList results; + int numValues = db.scan(1, [&](size_t, const QByteArray &value) -> bool { + results << value; + return true; + }); + + QCOMPARE(numValues, 2); + QCOMPARE(results.size(), 2); + QCOMPARE(results[0], number1BA); + QCOMPARE(results[1], number2BA); + } + + void testIntegerKeyMultipleOf256() + { + const int flags = Sink::Storage::IntegerKeys; + Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, + { dbName, { {"testIntegerKeyMultipleOf256", flags} } }, + Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + + { + auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("testIntegerKeyMultipleOf256", {}, flags); + + db.write(0x100, "hello"); + db.write(0x200, "hello2"); + db.write(0x42, "hello3"); + + transaction.commit(); + } + + { + auto transaction2 = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + auto db = transaction2.openDatabase("testIntegerKeyMultipleOf256", {}, flags); + + size_t resultKey; + QByteArray resultValue; + db.scan(0x100, [&] (size_t key, const QByteArray &value) { + resultKey = key; + resultValue = value; + return false; + }); + + QCOMPARE(resultKey, {0x100}); + QCOMPARE(resultValue, QByteArray{"hello"}); + } + } + + void testIntegerProperlySorted() + { + const int flags = Sink::Storage::IntegerKeys; + Sink::Storage::DataStore store(testDataPath, + { dbName, { {"testIntegerProperlySorted", flags} } }, + Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + + { + auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("testIntegerProperlySorted", {}, flags); + + for (size_t i = 0; i < 0x100; ++i) { + db.write(i, "hello"); + } + + size_t previous = 0; + bool success = true; + db.scan("", [&] (const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { + size_t current = Sink::byteArrayToSizeT(key); + if (current < previous) { + success = false; + return false; + } + + previous = current; + return true; + }); + + QVERIFY2(success, "Integer are not properly sorted before commit"); + + transaction.commit(); } + { + auto transaction = store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); + auto db = transaction.openDatabase("testIntegerProperlySorted", {}, flags); + + size_t previous = 0; + bool success = true; + db.scan("", [&] (const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { + size_t current = Sink::byteArrayToSizeT(key); + if (current < previous) { + success = false; + return false; + } + + previous = current; + return true; + }); + + QVERIFY2(success, "Integer are not properly sorted after commit"); + } } + }; QTEST_MAIN(StorageTest) #include "storagetest.moc" diff --git a/tests/synchronizertest.cpp b/tests/synchronizertest.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8fae42c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/synchronizertest.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +#include + +#include +#include + +#include "store.h" +#include "commands.h" +#include "entitybuffer.h" +#include "pipeline.h" +#include "synchronizer.h" +#include "commandprocessor.h" +#include "definitions.h" +#include "adaptorfactoryregistry.h" +#include "datastorequery.h" +#include "genericresource.h" +#include "testutils.h" +#include "test.h" + +class TestSynchronizer: public Sink::Synchronizer { +public: + TestSynchronizer(const Sink::ResourceContext &context): Sink::Synchronizer(context) + { + + } + + QMap> mSyncCallbacks; + + KAsync::Job synchronizeWithSource(const Sink::QueryBase &query) override + { + return KAsync::start([this, query] { + Q_ASSERT(mSyncCallbacks.contains(query.id())); + mSyncCallbacks.value(query.id())(); + }); + } + + void createOrModify(const QByteArray &rid, Sink::ApplicationDomain::ApplicationDomainType &entity) + { + Sink::Synchronizer::createOrModify("calendar", rid, entity); + } + + void scanForRemovals(const QSet &set) + { + Sink::Synchronizer::scanForRemovals("calendar", [&](const QByteArray &remoteId) { + return set.contains(remoteId); + }); + } + + QByteArray resolveRemoteId(const QByteArray &remoteId) { + return syncStore().resolveRemoteId("calendar", remoteId); + } + + void synchronize(std::function callback, const QByteArray &id = {}, Synchronizer::SyncRequest::RequestOptions options = Synchronizer::SyncRequest::NoOptions) { + mSyncCallbacks.insert(id, callback); + Sink::Query query; + query.setId(id); + addToQueue(Synchronizer::SyncRequest{query, id, options}); + VERIFYEXEC(processSyncQueue()); + } +}; + +class SynchronizerTest : public QObject +{ + Q_OBJECT + + QByteArray instanceIdentifier() + { + return "synchronizertest.instance1"; + } + + Sink::ResourceContext getContext() + { + return Sink::ResourceContext{instanceIdentifier(), "test", Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().getFactories("test")}; + } + + bool queryFor(const QByteArray &sinkId, const QByteArray &type, Sink::Storage::EntityStore &store) { + bool foundInQuery = false; + DataStoreQuery dataStoreQuery{{sinkId}, type, store}; + auto resultSet = dataStoreQuery.execute(); + resultSet.replaySet(0, 1, [&](const ResultSet::Result &r) { + if (r.entity.identifier() == sinkId) { + foundInQuery = true; + } + }); + return foundInQuery; + } + +private slots: + void initTestCase() + { + Sink::Test::initTest(); + Sink::Storage::DataStore{Sink::Store::storageLocation(), instanceIdentifier(), Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite}.removeFromDisk(); + Sink::AdaptorFactoryRegistry::instance().registerFactory>("test"); + } + + void init() + { + Sink::GenericResource::removeFromDisk(instanceIdentifier()); + } + + /* + * Ensure we can remove an recreate an entity. + */ + void testTemporaryRemoval() + { + const auto context = getContext(); + Sink::Pipeline pipeline(context, instanceIdentifier()); + Sink::CommandProcessor processor(&pipeline, instanceIdentifier(), Sink::Log::Context{"processor"}); + + auto synchronizer = QSharedPointer::create(context); + processor.setSynchronizer(synchronizer); + + synchronizer->setSecret("secret"); + + synchronizer->synchronize([&] { + Sink::ApplicationDomain::Calendar calendar; + calendar.setName("Name"); + synchronizer->createOrModify("1", calendar); + }); + + VERIFYEXEC(processor.processAllMessages()); + + const auto sinkId = synchronizer->resolveRemoteId("1"); + QVERIFY(!sinkId.isEmpty()); + + { + Sink::Storage::EntityStore store(context, {"entitystore"}); + QVERIFY(store.contains("calendar", sinkId)); + QVERIFY(store.exists("calendar", sinkId)); + QVERIFY(queryFor(sinkId, "calendar", store)); + } + + //Remove the calendar + synchronizer->synchronize([&] { + synchronizer->scanForRemovals({}); + }); + //Process the removal + VERIFYEXEC(processor.processAllMessages()); + + //Ensure we replay the revision generated by the removal. + //This is necessary to remove the rid mapping + synchronizer->replayNextRevision().exec(); + { + Sink::Storage::EntityStore store(context, {"entitystore"}); + QVERIFY(!store.exists("calendar", sinkId)); + QVERIFY(store.contains("calendar", sinkId)); + QVERIFY(!queryFor(sinkId, "calendar", store)); + } + + //Recreate the same calendar + synchronizer->synchronize([&] { + Sink::ApplicationDomain::Calendar calendar; + calendar.setName("Name"); + synchronizer->createOrModify("1", calendar); + }); + VERIFYEXEC(processor.processAllMessages()); + + //Ensure we got a new sink id (if not we failed to remove the rid mapping from the previous instance). + const auto newSinkId = synchronizer->resolveRemoteId("1"); + QVERIFY(!newSinkId.isEmpty()); + QVERIFY(newSinkId != sinkId); + + { + Sink::Storage::EntityStore store(context, {"entitystore"}); + QVERIFY(store.contains("calendar", newSinkId)); + QVERIFY(store.exists("calendar", newSinkId)); + + // store.readRevisions("calendar", newSinkId, 0, [] (const QByteArray &uid, qint64 revision, const Sink::EntityBuffer &buffer) { + // qWarning() << uid << revision << buffer.operation(); + // }); + + QVERIFY(!queryFor(sinkId, "calendar", store)); + QVERIFY(queryFor(newSinkId, "calendar", store)); + } + } + + /* + * Ensure the flushed content is available during the next sync request + */ + void testFlush() + { + const auto context = getContext(); + Sink::Pipeline pipeline(context, instanceIdentifier()); + Sink::CommandProcessor processor(&pipeline, instanceIdentifier(), Sink::Log::Context{"processor"}); + + auto synchronizer = QSharedPointer::create(context); + processor.setSynchronizer(synchronizer); + + synchronizer->setSecret("secret"); + + QByteArray sinkId; + synchronizer->synchronize([&] { + Sink::ApplicationDomain::Calendar calendar; + calendar.setName("Name"); + synchronizer->createOrModify("1", calendar); + sinkId = synchronizer->resolveRemoteId("1"); + }, "1"); + QVERIFY(!sinkId.isEmpty()); + + //With a flush the calendar should be available during the next sync + synchronizer->synchronize([&] { + Sink::Storage::EntityStore store(context, {"entitystore"}); + QVERIFY(store.contains("calendar", sinkId)); + + }, "2", Sink::Synchronizer::SyncRequest::RequestFlush); + + VERIFYEXEC(processor.processAllMessages()); + } + +}; + +QTEST_MAIN(SynchronizerTest) +#include "synchronizertest.moc" diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread1 b/tests/threaddata/thread1_1 similarity index 100% rename from tests/threaddata/thread1 rename to tests/threaddata/thread1_1 diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2 b/tests/threaddata/thread1_2 similarity index 100% rename from tests/threaddata/thread2 rename to tests/threaddata/thread1_2 diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread3 b/tests/threaddata/thread1_3 similarity index 100% rename from tests/threaddata/thread3 rename to tests/threaddata/thread1_3 diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread4 b/tests/threaddata/thread1_4 similarity index 100% rename from tests/threaddata/thread4 rename to tests/threaddata/thread1_4 diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread5 b/tests/threaddata/thread1_5 similarity index 100% rename from tests/threaddata/thread5 rename to tests/threaddata/thread1_5 diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread6 b/tests/threaddata/thread1_6 similarity index 100% rename from tests/threaddata/thread6 rename to tests/threaddata/thread1_6 diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread7 b/tests/threaddata/thread1_7 similarity index 100% rename from tests/threaddata/thread7 rename to tests/threaddata/thread1_7 diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread8 b/tests/threaddata/thread1_8 similarity index 100% rename from tests/threaddata/thread8 rename to tests/threaddata/thread1_8 diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread9 b/tests/threaddata/thread1_9 similarity index 100% rename from tests/threaddata/thread9 rename to tests/threaddata/thread1_9 diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_1 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_1 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0d54584b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_1 @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2018 07:46:02 +0000 +From: "Extensions Certification Team (Support)" + +In-Reply-To: <10e6728699af5b8a686c065a99895846@kolabsystems.com> + +Message-Id: +References: + <10e6728699af5b8a686c065a99895846@kolabsystems.com> +Subject: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +To: Christian Mollekopf + + + diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_10 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_10 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e05174d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_10 @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit +Content-Type: multipart/alternative; + boundary="--==_mimepart_5c502326ce17f_101303f8805cbcf601427dd"; + charset=utf-8 +Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2019 09:55:50 +0000 +From: "Extensions Certification Team (Support)" + +In-Reply-To: <4ea1f8f666f4001ceaed3beb5ddb9985@kolabsystems.com> + +Message-Id: +Mime-Version: 1.0 +References: + <910189317d481493b928bcf4c5beffc3@kolabsystems.com> + + + <5cae5dc09e31cb632723d88994a9c08c@kolabsystems.com> + <09d1d06035adf2a81b16e47506a18711@kolabsystems.com> + <4ea1f8f666f4001ceaed3beb5ddb9985@kolabsystems.com> + <604ba669faa0f407545869876e9b5ad9@kolabsystems.com> + + +Reply-To: Support +Subject: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +To: Christian Mollekopf + + diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_11 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_11 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f116e9ab --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_11 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +Return-Path: +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit +Content-Type: multipart/alternative; + boundary="--==_mimepart_5c4ee02840ec3_e3ce3fc06c4bcf50250457"; + charset=utf-8 +Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2019 10:57:44 +0000 +From: "Extensions Certification Team (Support)" + +In-Reply-To: <4ea1f8f666f4001ceaed3beb5ddb9985@kolabsystems.com> + +Message-Id: +Mime-Version: 1.0 +References: + <09d1d06035adf2a81b16e47506a18711@kolabsystems.com> + <5cae5dc09e31cb632723d88994a9c08c@kolabsystems.com> + + + <910189317d481493b928bcf4c5beffc3@kolabsystems.com> + <6f9a2c295ce0ccf4b7e27061296464a0@kolabsystems.com> + <4ea1f8f666f4001ceaed3beb5ddb9985@kolabsystems.com> + <604ba669faa0f407545869876e9b5ad9@kolabsystems.com> + +Reply-To: Support +Subject: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +To: Christian Mollekopf + + diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_12 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_12 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a682bd8c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_12 @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit +Content-Type: multipart/alternative; + boundary="--==_mimepart_5bee63c2d6439_8f0b3fc9016bcf6012596f"; + charset=utf-8 +Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2018 06:29:22 +0000 +From: "Extensions Certification Team (Support)" + +In-Reply-To: <10e6728699af5b8a686c065a99895846@kolabsystems.com> + +Message-Id: +Mime-Version: 1.0 +References: + + + + <10e6728699af5b8a686c065a99895846@kolabsystems.com> + <685032e43780e9b8294c200f507bf916@kolabsystems.com> + <09d1d06035adf2a81b16e47506a18711@kolabsystems.com> + <5cae5dc09e31cb632723d88994a9c08c@kolabsystems.com> + + +Reply-To: Support +Subject: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +To: Christian Mollekopf + + diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_13 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_13 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d144de27 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_13 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +Return-Path: +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit +Content-Type: multipart/alternative; + boundary="--==_mimepart_5c4708eb7f3b7_b7bc3f9efe4bcf58196196"; + charset=utf-8 +Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 12:13:31 +0000 +From: "Extensions Certification Team (Support)" + +In-Reply-To: + +Message-Id: +Mime-Version: 1.0 +References: + <685032e43780e9b8294c200f507bf916@kolabsystems.com> + <09d1d06035adf2a81b16e47506a18711@kolabsystems.com> + <5cae5dc09e31cb632723d88994a9c08c@kolabsystems.com> + + + <910189317d481493b928bcf4c5beffc3@kolabsystems.com> + <6f9a2c295ce0ccf4b7e27061296464a0@kolabsystems.com> + + <4ea1f8f666f4001ceaed3beb5ddb9985@kolabsystems.com> +Reply-To: Support +Subject: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +To: Christian Mollekopf + + diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_14 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_14 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4a79f66e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_14 @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit +Content-Type: multipart/alternative; + boundary="--==_mimepart_5bea98975a063_1873f3fba956bcf584868d4"; + charset=utf-8 +Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2018 09:25:43 +0000 +From: "Extensions Certification Team (Support)" + +In-Reply-To: <10e6728699af5b8a686c065a99895846@kolabsystems.com> + +Message-Id: +Mime-Version: 1.0 +References: + + + + <10e6728699af5b8a686c065a99895846@kolabsystems.com> + <685032e43780e9b8294c200f507bf916@kolabsystems.com> + <09d1d06035adf2a81b16e47506a18711@kolabsystems.com> + <5cae5dc09e31cb632723d88994a9c08c@kolabsystems.com> + +Reply-To: Support +Subject: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +To: Christian Mollekopf + + diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_15 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_15 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..62173214 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_15 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +Return-Path: +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit +Content-Type: multipart/alternative; + boundary="--==_mimepart_5c4af64c1a939_187b53f8123ebcf60194159"; + charset=utf-8 +Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2019 11:43:08 +0000 +From: "Extensions Certification Team (Support)" + +In-Reply-To: <4ea1f8f666f4001ceaed3beb5ddb9985@kolabsystems.com> + +Message-Id: +Mime-Version: 1.0 +References: + <6f9a2c295ce0ccf4b7e27061296464a0@kolabsystems.com> + <910189317d481493b928bcf4c5beffc3@kolabsystems.com> + + + <5cae5dc09e31cb632723d88994a9c08c@kolabsystems.com> + <09d1d06035adf2a81b16e47506a18711@kolabsystems.com> + <685032e43780e9b8294c200f507bf916@kolabsystems.com> + <4ea1f8f666f4001ceaed3beb5ddb9985@kolabsystems.com> + <604ba669faa0f407545869876e9b5ad9@kolabsystems.com> +Reply-To: Support +Subject: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +To: Christian Mollekopf + + diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_16 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_16 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c62b840b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_16 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +Return-Path: +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit +Content-Type: multipart/alternative; + boundary="--==_mimepart_5c5025308899e_435f3f9879abcf602143f"; + charset=utf-8 +Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2019 10:04:32 +0000 +From: "Extensions Certification Team (Support)" + +In-Reply-To: <4ea1f8f666f4001ceaed3beb5ddb9985@kolabsystems.com> + +Message-Id: +Mime-Version: 1.0 +References: + <910189317d481493b928bcf4c5beffc3@kolabsystems.com> + + + <5cae5dc09e31cb632723d88994a9c08c@kolabsystems.com> + <09d1d06035adf2a81b16e47506a18711@kolabsystems.com> + <4ea1f8f666f4001ceaed3beb5ddb9985@kolabsystems.com> + <604ba669faa0f407545869876e9b5ad9@kolabsystems.com> + + +Reply-To: Support +Subject: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +To: Christian Mollekopf + + diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_17 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_17 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e1837d27 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_17 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +Return-Path: +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit +Content-Type: multipart/alternative; + boundary="--==_mimepart_5c18d16291d7f_635f3f9b106bcf5c25408f"; + charset=utf-8 +Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2018 10:52:18 +0000 +From: "Extensions Certification Team (Support)" + +In-Reply-To: <74ec8d5df9e075becd88f590818f5a74@kolabsystems.com> + +Message-Id: +Mime-Version: 1.0 +References: + <910189317d481493b928bcf4c5beffc3@kolabsystems.com> + + + <5cae5dc09e31cb632723d88994a9c08c@kolabsystems.com> + <09d1d06035adf2a81b16e47506a18711@kolabsystems.com> + <685032e43780e9b8294c200f507bf916@kolabsystems.com> + + <74ec8d5df9e075becd88f590818f5a74@kolabsystems.com> + <89bf5c21e824eeb977c34ff8b7b786a1@kolabsystems.com> +Reply-To: Support +Subject: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +To: Christian Mollekopf + + diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_2 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_2 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ff6aa500 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_2 @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2018 08:04:04 +0000 +From: "Extensions Certification Team (Support)" + +In-Reply-To: <10e6728699af5b8a686c065a99895846@kolabsystems.com> + +Message-Id: +References: + <10e6728699af5b8a686c065a99895846@kolabsystems.com> +Subject: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +To: Christian Mollekopf + + + diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_3 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_3 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43bf89b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_3 @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2018 12:45:40 +0000 +From: "Extensions Certification Team (Support)" + +In-Reply-To: <10e6728699af5b8a686c065a99895846@kolabsystems.com> + +Message-Id: +References: + + <10e6728699af5b8a686c065a99895846@kolabsystems.com> + <685032e43780e9b8294c200f507bf916@kolabsystems.com> + <09d1d06035adf2a81b16e47506a18711@kolabsystems.com> +Subject: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +To: Christian Mollekopf + + + diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_4 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_4 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7ad6d861 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_4 @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2018 09:55:28 +0000 +From: "Extensions Certification Team (Support)" + +In-Reply-To: <10e6728699af5b8a686c065a99895846@kolabsystems.com> + +Message-Id: +References: + + + <10e6728699af5b8a686c065a99895846@kolabsystems.com> + <685032e43780e9b8294c200f507bf916@kolabsystems.com> + <09d1d06035adf2a81b16e47506a18711@kolabsystems.com> + <5cae5dc09e31cb632723d88994a9c08c@kolabsystems.com> +Subject: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +To: Christian Mollekopf + + + diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_5 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_5 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5149af98 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_5 @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +From: Thomas Loew +To: Christian Mollekopf , Juergen Leber + +Subject: Re: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 10:16:16 +0000 +Message-ID: + + + diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_6 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_6 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43b33fa2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_6 @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit +Content-Type: multipart/alternative; + boundary="--==_mimepart_5beeb45c2fc6b_c8213fa23a4bcf5030889c"; + charset=utf-8 +Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2018 12:13:16 +0000 +From: "Extensions Certification Team (Support)" + +In-Reply-To: <10e6728699af5b8a686c065a99895846@kolabsystems.com> + +Message-Id: +Mime-Version: 1.0 +References: + + + + <10e6728699af5b8a686c065a99895846@kolabsystems.com> + <685032e43780e9b8294c200f507bf916@kolabsystems.com> + <09d1d06035adf2a81b16e47506a18711@kolabsystems.com> + <5cae5dc09e31cb632723d88994a9c08c@kolabsystems.com> + + +Reply-To: Support +Subject: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +To: Christian Mollekopf + + diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_7 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_7 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b675116a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_7 @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit +Content-Type: multipart/alternative; + boundary="--==_mimepart_5c067650b70af_9a233f85ca4bcf5021976f"; + charset=utf-8 +Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2018 12:42:56 +0000 +From: "Extensions Certification Team (Support)" + +In-Reply-To: <685032e43780e9b8294c200f507bf916@kolabsystems.com> + +Message-Id: +Mime-Version: 1.0 +References: + + <685032e43780e9b8294c200f507bf916@kolabsystems.com> + <09d1d06035adf2a81b16e47506a18711@kolabsystems.com> + <5cae5dc09e31cb632723d88994a9c08c@kolabsystems.com> + + + <910189317d481493b928bcf4c5beffc3@kolabsystems.com> + <6f9a2c295ce0ccf4b7e27061296464a0@kolabsystems.com> + <74ec8d5df9e075becd88f590818f5a74@kolabsystems.com> +Reply-To: Support +Subject: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +To: Christian Mollekopf + + diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_8 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_8 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2680f8a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_8 @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit +Content-Type: multipart/alternative; + boundary="--==_mimepart_5c41cdf993d72_1528d3fdb52abcf5811535a"; + charset=utf-8 +Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 13:00:41 +0000 +From: "Extensions Certification Team (Support)" + +In-Reply-To: + +Message-Id: +Mime-Version: 1.0 +References: + <6f9a2c295ce0ccf4b7e27061296464a0@kolabsystems.com> + <910189317d481493b928bcf4c5beffc3@kolabsystems.com> + + + <5cae5dc09e31cb632723d88994a9c08c@kolabsystems.com> + <09d1d06035adf2a81b16e47506a18711@kolabsystems.com> + <685032e43780e9b8294c200f507bf916@kolabsystems.com> + + +Reply-To: Support +Subject: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +To: Christian Mollekopf + + diff --git a/tests/threaddata/thread2_9 b/tests/threaddata/thread2_9 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0fe9ccdb --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/threaddata/thread2_9 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +MIME-Version: 1.0 +Content-Type: multipart/mixed; + boundary="=_be2b2dbc810245728613095dc0af4a9f" +Sender: Christian Mollekopf +Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2018 16:51:19 +0100 +From: Test Extensions +To: Support +Cc: Christian Mollekopf +Subject: Re: [Test Support] Re: Kolab extension +In-Reply-To: <74ec8d5df9e075becd88f590818f5a74@kolabsystems.com> +References: + + + + <10e6728699af5b8a686c065a99895846@kolabsystems.com> + <685032e43780e9b8294c200f507bf916@kolabsystems.com> + <09d1d06035adf2a81b16e47506a18711@kolabsystems.com> + <5cae5dc09e31cb632723d88994a9c08c@kolabsystems.com> + + + + <910189317d481493b928bcf4c5beffc3@kolabsystems.com> + <6f9a2c295ce0ccf4b7e27061296464a0@kolabsystems.com> + <74ec8d5df9e075becd88f590818f5a74@kolabsystems.com> +Message-ID: <8e01471e66ddcf20cfbcfb825ed2cf42@kolabsystems.com> +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit + diff --git a/tests/upgradetest.cpp b/tests/upgradetest.cpp index 10606265..0b150e71 100644 --- a/tests/upgradetest.cpp +++ b/tests/upgradetest.cpp @@ -1,138 +1,139 @@ #include #include #include "dummyresource/resourcefactory.h" #include "store.h" #include "resourceconfig.h" #include "resourcecontrol.h" #include "log.h" #include "test.h" #include "testutils.h" #include "definitions.h" +#include "storage.h" using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; class UpgradeTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void initTestCase() { Sink::Test::initTest(); auto factory = Sink::ResourceFactory::load("sink.dummy"); QVERIFY(factory); ::DummyResource::removeFromDisk("sink.dummy.instance1"); ResourceConfig::addResource("sink.dummy.instance1", "sink.dummy"); } void init() { } void cleanup() { VERIFYEXEC(Sink::Store::removeDataFromDisk(QByteArray("sink.dummy.instance1"))); } void noUpgradeOnNoDb() { auto upgradeJob = Sink::Store::upgrade() .then([](const Sink::Store::UpgradeResult &result) { ASYNCVERIFY(!result.upgradeExecuted); return KAsync::null(); }); VERIFYEXEC(upgradeJob); } void noUpgradeOnCurrentDb() { Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); event.setProperty("uid", "testuid"); event.setProperty("summary", "summaryValue"); Sink::Store::create(event).exec().waitForFinished(); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); auto upgradeJob = Sink::Store::upgrade() .then([](const Sink::Store::UpgradeResult &result) { ASYNCVERIFY(!result.upgradeExecuted); return KAsync::null(); }); VERIFYEXEC(upgradeJob); } void upgradeFromOldDb() { Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); event.setProperty("uid", "testuid"); event.setProperty("summary", "summaryValue"); Sink::Store::create(event).exec().waitForFinished(); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); //force the db to an old version. { Sink::Storage::DataStore store(Sink::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.instance1", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto t = store.createTransaction(); t.openDatabase().write("__internal_databaseVersion", QByteArray::number(1)); t.commit(); } auto upgradeJob = Sink::Store::upgrade() .then([](const Sink::Store::UpgradeResult &result) { ASYNCVERIFY(result.upgradeExecuted); return KAsync::null(); }); VERIFYEXEC(upgradeJob); //FIXME // QTest::qWait(1000); // { // Sink::Storage::DataStore::clearEnv(); // Sink::Storage::DataStore store(Sink::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.instance1", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); // auto version = Sink::Storage::DataStore::databaseVersion(store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly)); // QCOMPARE(version, Sink::latestDatabaseVersion()); // } } void upgradeFromDbWithNoVersion() { Event event("sink.dummy.instance1"); event.setProperty("uid", "testuid"); event.setProperty("summary", "summaryValue"); Sink::Store::create(event).exec().waitForFinished(); // Ensure all local data is processed VERIFYEXEC(Sink::ResourceControl::flushMessageQueue("sink.dummy.instance1")); //force the db to an old version. Sink::Storage::DataStore store(Sink::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.instance1", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadWrite); auto t = store.createTransaction(); t.openDatabase().remove("__internal_databaseVersion"); t.commit(); auto upgradeJob = Sink::Store::upgrade() .then([](const Sink::Store::UpgradeResult &result) { ASYNCVERIFY(result.upgradeExecuted); return KAsync::null(); }); VERIFYEXEC(upgradeJob); //FIXME // QTest::qWait(1000); // { // Sink::Storage::DataStore::clearEnv(); // Sink::Storage::DataStore store(Sink::storageLocation(), "sink.dummy.instance1", Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly); // auto version = Sink::Storage::DataStore::databaseVersion(store.createTransaction(Sink::Storage::DataStore::ReadOnly)); // QCOMPARE(version, Sink::latestDatabaseVersion()); // } } }; QTEST_MAIN(UpgradeTest) #include "upgradetest.moc"