diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/tasks/main.yml b/roles/kde-backup/tasks/main.yml index a97bfb1..1d41ab3 100644 --- a/roles/kde-backup/tasks/main.yml +++ b/roles/kde-backup/tasks/main.yml @@ -1,145 +1,145 @@ --- - name: ensure bin directory exists file: path: /root/bin state: directory owner: root group: root - name: ensure backup directory exists file: path: /root/{{backup_directory}} state: directory owner: root group: root mode: 0700 - name: ensure lftp is installed apt: name: lftp state: present when: hetzner_backup_host is defined - name: install Hetzner ftp script template: src: backup-options.j2 dest: /root/bin/backup-options owner: root group: root mode: 0600 when: hetzner_backup_host is defined - name: ensure host has a ssh key user: name: root generate_ssh_key: yes register: root_user when: gohma_backup_user is defined -- name: ensure a backup account exists in gohma - delegate_to: gohma.kde.org +- name: ensure a backup account exists in micrea + delegate_to: micrea.kde.org user: name: "{{gohma_backup_user}}" home: "/home/{{gohma_backup_home}}/" createhome: no when: gohma_backup_user is defined -- name: create gohma home directory - delegate_to: gohma.kde.org +- name: create micrea home directory + delegate_to: micrea.kde.org file: state: directory dest: "/home/{{gohma_backup_home}}" owner: root group: root mode: 0755 when: gohma_backup_user is defined -- name: create backup directory on gohma - delegate_to: gohma.kde.org +- name: create backup directory on micrea + delegate_to: micrea.kde.org file: state: directory dest: "/home/{{gohma_backup_home}}/{{backup_directory}}" owner: "{{gohma_backup_user}}" group: "{{gohma_backup_user}}" mode: 0700 when: gohma_backup_user is defined -- name: create .ssh in gohma account - delegate_to: gohma.kde.org +- name: create .ssh in micrea account + delegate_to: micrea.kde.org file: state: directory dest: "/home/{{gohma_backup_home}}/.ssh" owner: root group: root mode: 0755 when: gohma_backup_user is defined - name: assign authorized keys - delegate_to: gohma.kde.org + delegate_to: micrea.kde.org copy: dest: "/home/{{gohma_backup_home}}/.ssh/authorized_keys" owner: root group: root mode: 0644 content: "no-pty,no-x11-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding {{root_user.ssh_public_key}}\n" when: gohma_backup_user is defined -# This will *fail* if gohma is not present in known_hosts, +# This will *fail* if micrea is not present in known_hosts, # and will need manual intervention to add it. # A better solution might need a custom Ansible module. -- name: ensure gohma is in known_hosts - command: ssh-keygen -F gohma.kde.org +- name: ensure micrea is in known_hosts + command: ssh-keygen -F micrea.kde.org check_mode: no changed_when: False when: gohma_backup_user is defined - name: install other dependencies of backup script apt: name: "{{item}}" state: present with_items: "{{backup_apt_dependencies}}" - name: install backup script template: src: backup-{{inventory_hostname_short}}.sh dest: /root/bin/run-backup.sh owner: root group: root mode: 0740 - name: ensure cronjob messages are emailed to sysadmin cron: user: root env: yes name: MAILTO value: sysadmin-systems@kde.org - name: configure backup cronjob cron: hour: "{{backup_cron.hour}}" minute: "{{backup_cron.minute}}" weekday: "{{backup_cron.weekday | default('*')}}" user: root job: /root/bin/run-backup.sh name: "run backup" - block: - name: install Hetzner ftp script for gitolite logs template: src: backup-options-logs.j2 dest: /root/bin/backup-options-logs owner: root group: root mode: 0600 - name: configure cronjob for gitolite log backups cron: hour: "{{backup_logs_cron.hour}}" minute: "{{backup_logs_cron.minute}}" weekday: "{{backup_logs_cron.weekday | default('*')}}" user: root job: "lftp -f ~/bin/backup-options-logs" name: "backup gitolite logs" when: inventory_hostname == 'code.kde.org' diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-ange.sh b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-ange.sh index d6121f9..dedc47e 100755 --- a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-ange.sh +++ b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-ange.sh @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ LOCATION=/root/{{backup_directory}} # Cleanup old backups find $LOCATION/ -name '*gz' -mtime +7 | xargs rm -f # Backup system configuration, package listing and cronjobs dpkg -l > $LOCATION/dpkg.`date +%w` tar -czf $LOCATION/crontabs.`date +%w`.tgz -C / var/spool/cron/ tar -czf $LOCATION/etc.`date +%w`.tgz -C / etc/ # Secure our backups chmod -R 700 $LOCATION # Transfer them to the backup server cd $LOCATION/.. -rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backups -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org: +rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backups -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org: diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-bluemchen.sh b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-bluemchen.sh index 95e3ceb..ae9e3df 100755 --- a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-bluemchen.sh +++ b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-bluemchen.sh @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ LOCATION=/root/{{backup_directory}} # Cleanup old backups... find $LOCATION -name '*gz' -mtime +7 | xargs rm -f # Grab software we've installed tar -czf $LOCATION/srv-files-bluemchen.`date +%w`.tgz -C / srv/ # Grab the system config, package listing and crontabs tar -czf $LOCATION/etc.`date +%w`.tgz -C / etc/ tar -czf $LOCATION/crontabs.`date +%w`.tgz -C / var/spool/cron/ tar -czf $LOCATION/root-bin-bluemchen.`date +%w`.tgz -C / root/bin/ dpkg -l > $LOCATION/dpkg.`date +%w` # Secure the backups chmod -R 700 $LOCATION # Transfer them to the backup server cd $LOCATION/.. -rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backup {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org: +rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backup {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org: # Also backup home directories. As they're quite large we just transfer them directly -rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a /home/ {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org:~/homes/ +rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a /home/ {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org:~/homes/ diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-cano.sh b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-cano.sh index 2773563..62393e0 100755 --- a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-cano.sh +++ b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-cano.sh @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ LOCATION=/root/{{backup_directory}} # Cleanup old backups find $LOCATION -name '*gz' -mtime +7 | xargs rm -f # Backup system configuration, crontabs and package listing tar -czf $LOCATION/etc.`date +%w`.tgz -C / etc/ tar -czf $LOCATION/crontabs.`date +%w`.tgz -C / var/spool/cron/ dpkg -l > $LOCATION/dpkg.`date +%w` # Secure the backups chmod -R 700 $LOCATION # Transfer them to their final home cd $LOCATION/.. -rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backup -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org: +rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backup -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org: diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-dalca.sh b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-dalca.sh index 521d6ef..a239f6c 100755 --- a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-dalca.sh +++ b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-dalca.sh @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ LOCATION=/root/{{backup_directory}} # Cleanup old backups find $LOCATION/ -name '*gz' -mtime +7 | xargs rm -f # Grab the system configuration, package listing, and cronjobs dpkg -l > $LOCATION/dpkg.`date +%w` tar -czf $LOCATION/crontabs.`date +%w`.tgz -C / var/spool/cron/ tar -czf $LOCATION/etc.`date +%w`.tgz -C / etc/ # Secure our backups chmod -R 700 $LOCATION # Transfer them to the backup server cd $LOCATION/.. -rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backups -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org: +rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backups -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org: diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-fiesta.sh b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-fiesta.sh index c83ffcc..b6b9bf6 100755 --- a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-fiesta.sh +++ b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-fiesta.sh @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ LOCATION=/root/{{backup_directory}} # Cleanup old backups find $LOCATION/ -name '*gz' -mtime +7 | xargs rm -f # Grab a list of system packages and the system configuration dpkg -l > $LOCATION/dpkg.`date +%w` tar -czf $LOCATION/crontabs.`date +%w`.tgz -C / var/spool/cron/ tar -czf $LOCATION/etc.`date +%w`.tgz -C / etc/ # Secure the backups chmod -R 700 $LOCATION # Send them off to the backup server cd $LOCATION/.. -rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backup -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org: +rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backup -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org: diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-letterbox.sh b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-letterbox.sh index cfb1f73..623ba08 100644 --- a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-letterbox.sh +++ b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-letterbox.sh @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ #!/bin/bash LOCATION=/root/{{backup_directory}} # Grab our databases for DATABASE in `mysqlshow | grep -v "information_schema" | grep -v "performance_schema" | grep -v "mysql" | tail -n+4 | awk '{print $2}'`; do mysqldump --skip-extended-insert $DATABASE | xz - > $LOCATION/db.$DATABASE.`date +%w`.sql.xz done # Backup the mailman install and some other tools tar -cJf $LOCATION/mailman-install.`date +%w`.tar.xz -C / usr/lib/mailman tar -cJf $LOCATION/root-scripts.`date +%w`.tar.xz -C / root/bin tar -cJf $LOCATION/commitfilter.`date +%w`.tar.xz -C / --exclude=home/commitfilter/procmail.log home/commitfilter # Backup the system configuration, crontabs and package listing tar -czf $LOCATION/etc.`date +%w`.tgz -C / etc/ tar -czf $LOCATION/crontabs.`date +%w`.tgz -C / var/spool/cron/ dpkg -l > $LOCATION/dpkg.`date +%w` # Transfer traditional backups to the backup server cd $LOCATION/.. -rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backup -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org:backup/archives/ +rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backup -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org:backup/archives/ # Prepare to run Borg backups export BORG_PASSPHRASE='{{backup_borg_passphrase}}' -export BORG_SERVER="{{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org" +export BORG_SERVER="{{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org" # Backup Mailman archives and lists export BORG_REPO="$BORG_SERVER:backup/borg/mailman" borg create --compression zlib,5 --exclude-caches ::'{hostname}-mailman-{now}' /mnt/data/mailman/ borg prune --prefix '{hostname}-' --keep-daily 7 --keep-weekly 4 --keep-monthly 6 2>&1 | grep -v "Compacting segments" diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-library.sh b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-library.sh index 9ff8bdd..dbb3aed 100755 --- a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-library.sh +++ b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-library.sh @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ LOCATION=/root/{{backup_directory}} # Cleanup old backups find $LOCATION/ -name '*gz' -mtime +7 | xargs rm -f # Grab the system configuration, package listing and cronjobs dpkg -l > $LOCATION/dpkg.`date +%w` tar -czf $LOCATION/crontabs.`date +%w`.tgz -C / var/spool/cron/ tar -czf $LOCATION/etc.`date +%w`.tgz -C / etc/ # Secure our backups chmod -R 700 $LOCATION # Transfer them to the backup server now cd $LOCATION/.. -rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backups -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org: +rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backups -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org: diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-mason.sh b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-mason.sh index 0fc2c3a..af5be9b 100755 --- a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-mason.sh +++ b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-mason.sh @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ LOCATION=/root/{{backup_directory}} # Cleanup old backups find $LOCATION -name '*gz' -mtime +6 | xargs rm -f # Capture home directories tar -cf $LOCATION/home.`date +%w`.tar -C / --exclude=home/git/deleted-repos --exclude=home/neon/deleted-repos home/ 2>&1 | grep -v "socket ignored" gzip -f $LOCATION/home.`date +%w`.tar tar -czf $LOCATION/etc.`date +%w`.tgz -C / etc/ tar -czf $LOCATION/crontabs.`date +%w`.tgz -C / var/spool/cron/ dpkg -l > $LOCATION/dpkg.`date +%w` chmod -R 700 $LOCATION cd $LOCATION/.. -rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backup {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org: +rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backup {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org: diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-mygalo.sh b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-mygalo.sh index 1184d2c..611ec81 100755 --- a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-mygalo.sh +++ b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-mygalo.sh @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ LOCATION=/root/{{backup_directory}} # Backup configuration and list of installed packages tar -czf $LOCATION/etc.`date +%w`.tgz -C / etc/ tar -czf $LOCATION/cronjobs.`date +%w`.tgz -C / var/spool/cron/ dpkg -l > $LOCATION/dpkg.`date +%w` chmod -R 700 $LOCATION cd $LOCATION/.. -rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backups -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org: +rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backups -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org: diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-olios.sh b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-olios.sh index 81dc108..93e3df9 100755 --- a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-olios.sh +++ b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-olios.sh @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ LOCATION=/root/{{backup_directory}} # Backup databases for DATABASE in `mysqlshow | grep -v "information_schema" | grep -v "performance_schema" | grep -v "mysql" | tail -n+4 | awk '{print $2}'`; do mysqldump --opt --quick --single-transaction --skip-extended-insert --events --create-options --set-charset $DATABASE > $LOCATION/db.$DATABASE.`date +%w`.sql xz -f $LOCATION/db.$DATABASE.`date +%w`.sql done # Backup website contents tar -cJf $LOCATION/srv.`date +%w`.tar.xz -C / --exclude=srv/www/svn --exclude=srv/www/git --exclude=srv/www/static.kdenews.org --exclude=srv/www/docs.kde.org srv/www 2>&1 | grep -v "we read it" # Backup homes as well tar -cJf $LOCATION/homes.`date +%w`.tar.xz -C / home/ 2>&1 | grep -v "we read it" # Backup configuration and list of installed packages tar -czf $LOCATION/etc.`date +%w`.tgz -C / etc/ tar -czf $LOCATION/crontabs.`date +%w`.tgz -C / var/spool/cron/ dpkg -l > $LOCATION/dpkg.`date +%w` # Upload to the main host chmod -R 700 $LOCATION cd $LOCATION/.. -rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backup -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org: +rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backup -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org: diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-orbi.sh b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-orbi.sh index 52af823..52e9310 100755 --- a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-orbi.sh +++ b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-orbi.sh @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ LOCATION=/root/{{backup_directory}} find $LOCATION -name '*xz' -mtime +21 | xargs rm -f # Backup website files, system configuration and user home directories tar -cJf $LOCATION/srv.`date +%w`.tar.xz -C / srv/ tar -cJf $LOCATION/homes.`date +%w`.tar.xz -C / home/ 2>&1 | grep -v "file changed as we read it" # Backup databases for DATABASE in `mysqlshow | grep -v "information_schema" | grep -v "performance_schema" | grep -v "mysql" | grep -v "sys" | tail -n+4 | awk '{print $2}'`; do mysqldump --opt --quick --single-transaction --skip-extended-insert --events --create-options --set-charset $DATABASE > $LOCATION/db.$DATABASE.`date +%w`.sql xz -f $LOCATION/db.$DATABASE.`date +%w`.sql done # Backup openldap /usr/sbin/slapcat -f /etc/ldap/slapd.conf -b dc=kde,dc=org | xz -3 > $LOCATION/ldap.`date +%w`.ldif.xz # Grab a list of installed packages, the system config and crontabs tar -cJf $LOCATION/etc.`date +%w`.tar.xz -C / etc/ tar -cJf $LOCATION/crontabs.`date +%w`.tar.xz -C / var/spool/cron/ dpkg -l > $LOCATION/dpkg.`date +%w` # Secure our backups chmod -R 700 $LOCATION # Transfer them to safety cd $LOCATION/.. -rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backups -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org: +rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backups -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org: diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-overwatch.sh b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-overwatch.sh index 6a60d01..98342a7 100755 --- a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-overwatch.sh +++ b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-overwatch.sh @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ #!/bin/bash LOCATION=/root/{{backup_directory}} # Backup configuration and list of installed packages tar -czf $LOCATION/etc.`date +%w`.tgz -C / etc/ tar -czf $LOCATION/crontabs.`date +%w`.tgz -C / var/spool/cron/ dpkg -l > $LOCATION/dpkg.`date +%w` # Grab Grafana's own backups cp /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db $LOCATION/grafana.db.`date +%w` # Transfer backups to Gohma chmod -R 700 $LOCATION -rsync --timeout=600 -a backup {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org: +rsync --timeout=600 -a backup {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org: # Prepare to run Borg export BORG_PASSPHRASE='{{backup_borg_passphrase}}' -export BORG_SERVER="{{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org" +export BORG_SERVER="{{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org" # Backup InfluxDB for Grafana export BORG_REPO="$BORG_SERVER:backup/borg/influxdb-grafana" borg create --compression zlib,3 --exclude-caches ::'{hostname}-influxdb-{now}' /var/lib/influxdb 2>&1 | grep -v "Compacting segments" borg prune --prefix '{hostname}-' --keep-daily 7 --keep-weekly 4 --keep-monthly 6 2>&1 | grep -v "Compacting segments" diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-rosetta.sh b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-rosetta.sh index abf0666..ed54cbb 100755 --- a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-rosetta.sh +++ b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-rosetta.sh @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ LOCATION=/root/{{backup_directory}} # Backup databases for DATABASE in `mysqlshow | grep -v "information_schema" | grep -v "performance_schema" | grep -v "mysql" | tail -n+4 | awk '{print $2}'`; do mysqldump --opt --quick --single-transaction --skip-extended-insert --events --create-options --set-charset $DATABASE > $LOCATION/db.$DATABASE.`date +%w`.sql xz -f $LOCATION/db.$DATABASE.`date +%w`.sql done # Backup homes! tar -cJf $LOCATION/homes.`date +%w`.tar.xz --exclude=home/scripty/prod -C / home/ # Backup application data tar -cJf $LOCATION/srv.`date +%w`.tar.xz -C / --exclude=srv/l10n-svn srv/ 2>&1 | grep -v "file changed as we read it" # Backup configuration and list of installed packages tar -czf $LOCATION/etc.`date +%w`.tgz -C / etc/ tar -czf $LOCATION/crontabs.`date +%w`.tgz -C / var/spool/cron/ dpkg -l > $LOCATION/dpkg.`date +%w` # Secure the backups chmod -R 700 $LOCATION # Transfer them to the backup server cd $LOCATION/.. -rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backups -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org: +rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backups -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org: diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-shrek.sh b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-shrek.sh index e622f6a..267b033 100755 --- a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-shrek.sh +++ b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-shrek.sh @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ LOCATION=/root/{{backup_directory}} tar -czf $LOCATION/etc.`date +%w`.tgz -C / etc/ rpm -qa > $LOCATION/rpm.`date +%w` chmod -R 700 $LOCATION cd $LOCATION/.. -rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backup {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org: +rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backup {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org: diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-stumptown.sh b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-stumptown.sh index c933cca..b5bfb2a 100755 --- a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-stumptown.sh +++ b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-stumptown.sh @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ #!/bin/bash LOCATION=/root/{{backup_directory}} # Cleanup old backups find $LOCATION -mtime +21 | xargs rm -f # Determine the machine hosting our databases SERVER=`cat ~/db.passwds | grep server | grep -v "kde_dot" | awk '{print $2}'` # Backup the databases IFS="|" for original in `grep "^kde" ~/db.passwds | tr -s " " | tr -d "\n"` ; do DB=${original%% *}; rest=${original#* } USER=${rest%% *}; rest=${rest#* } PASS=${rest%% *}; mysqldump --skip-extended-insert -h$SERVER -u$USER -p$PASS $DB > $LOCATION/db.$DB.`date +%W`.sql; xz -f $LOCATION/db.$DB.`date +%W`.sql; done # Grab all of the web applications we run rm $LOCATION/srv-www.tar.xz tar -cJf $LOCATION/srv-www.tar.xz -C / srv # Grab the system configuration, package listing and cronjobs tar -cf $LOCATION/etc.`date +%W`.tar -C / etc/ tar -czf $LOCATION/crontabs.`date +%W`.tgz -C / var/spool/cron/ dpkg -l > $LOCATION/dpkg.`date +%W` # Secure our backups chmod -R 700 $LOCATION # Transfer them to our backup server cd $LOCATION/.. -rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backups {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org: +rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backups {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org: diff --git a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-thera.sh b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-thera.sh index 1184d2c..611ec81 100755 --- a/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-thera.sh +++ b/roles/kde-backup/templates/backup-thera.sh @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ LOCATION=/root/{{backup_directory}} # Backup configuration and list of installed packages tar -czf $LOCATION/etc.`date +%w`.tgz -C / etc/ tar -czf $LOCATION/cronjobs.`date +%w`.tgz -C / var/spool/cron/ dpkg -l > $LOCATION/dpkg.`date +%w` chmod -R 700 $LOCATION cd $LOCATION/.. -rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backups -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@gohma.kde.org: +rsync --timeout=600 --delete -a backups -4 {{gohma_backup_user}}@micrea.kde.org: