Index: trunk/www/sites/www/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php =================================================================== --- trunk/www/sites/www/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php (revision 1530637) +++ trunk/www/sites/www/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php (revision 1530638) @@ -1,242 +1,222 @@ "KDE Ships KDE Applications 18.12.0", 'cssFile' => '/css/announce.css' ]); require('../aether/header.php'); $site_root = "../"; $release = 'applications-18.12.0'; $version_text = "18.12"; $version_number = "18.12.0"; ?>

head over to the complete changelog. Although a bit intimidating due to its breadth, the changelog can be an excellent way to learn about KDE's internal workings and discover apps and features you never knew you had.", "fulllog_applications-aether.php?version=".$version_number);?>

Dolphin, KDE's powerful file manager:", "");?> KFind, KDE's traditional file search, now has a metadata search method based on KFileMetaData.", "");?>

KMail, KDE's powerful email client:", "");?> Okular, KDE's versatile document viewer:", "");?>

Kate, KDE's advanced text editor:", "");?> Konsole, KDE's terminal emulator:", "");?> Lokalize, KDE's translation tool:", "");?>

Gwenview, KDE's image viewer:", "");?> Spectacle, KDE's screenshot utility:", "");?> Ark, KDE's archive manager:", "");?>

KCalc, KDE's simple calculator, now has a setting to repeat the last calculation multiple times.", "");?>

Cantor, KDE's mathematical frontend:", "");?> KmPlot, KDE's function plotter, fixed many issues:", "");?>

freely downloaded. Instructions on compiling and installing are available from the KDE Applications %4 Info Page.", $version_text, $version_number, $version_number, $version_text);?>

Free Software community that exists and grows only because of the help of many volunteers that donate their time and effort. KDE is always looking for new volunteers and contributions, whether it is help with coding, bug fixing or reporting, writing documentation, translations, promotion, money, etc. All contributions are gratefully appreciated and eagerly accepted. Please read through the Supporting KDE page for further information or become a KDE e.V. supporting member through our Join the Game initiative.");?>