Index: trunk/l10n-kf5/id/docs/kdegraphics/gwenview/index.docbook =================================================================== --- trunk/l10n-kf5/id/docs/kdegraphics/gwenview/index.docbook (revision 1513232) +++ trunk/l10n-kf5/id/docs/kdegraphics/gwenview/index.docbook (revision 1513233) @@ -1,1119 +1,1119 @@ ]> Panduan Penggunaan Gwenview Aurélien Gâteau
Henry de Valence
2005 Aurélien Gâteau 2008 Henry de Valence &FDLNotice; 2015-08-04 Applications 15.08 &gwenview; adalah sebuah penampil citra dan video KDE citra penampil artis foto gambar
Pengantar Apa sih &gwenview; &gwenview; adalah sebuah penampil citra dan video yang cepat dan mudah &gwenview; dilengkapi dua mode utama: Telusur dan Tampilan. Kedua mode tersebut bisa digunakan di jendela aplikasi normal dan Layar Penuh. Mode Telusur memungkinkan Anda bernavigasi melalui komputer Anda yang menampilkan tumbnail citra Anda, Mode Tampilan memungkinkan Anda melihat citra satu per satu, dan Layar Penuh memungkinkan Anda membuat tayangan slideshow cepat. Ada juga layar awal yang menayangkan daftar folder dan URL yang saat ini dibuka serta tempat dan tanda Anda. Pemuatan citra ditangani oleh pustaka &Qt;, jadi &gwenview; mendukung semua format citra dukungan pemasangan &Qt; Anda. &gwenview; menayangkan citra dengan benar dengan alpha channel (transparansi) serta animasi. &gwenview; mendukung penayangan dan pengeditan komentar EXIF dalam citra JPEG. Transformasi JPEG lossless seperti perputaran dan pencerminan juga didukung. &gwenview; bisa membaca profil warna tertanam dari fail PNG dan JPEG. Ini bisa menggunakan profil warna citra bersamaan dengan tayangan profil warna untuk menghasilkan warna yang benar di layar. Antarmuka Halaman Awal Halaman awal mencantumkan folder dan &URL; yang baru saja dibuka yang ada di sisi kiri, dan tempat dan tag Anda di sisi kanan. Cuplikanlayar Halaman Awal Operasi Citra &gwenview; memiliki beberapa fitur yang tersedia dalam dua tampilan Telusur, Tampilan, dan Layar Penuh. &gwenview; memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan perubahan mendasar citra Anda. Putar: Sebuah operasi putar akan memutar citra antara ke kiri atau ke kanan, bergantung pada apakah Anda melakukan &Ctrl;R Edit Putar Kanan atau &Ctrl;L Edit Putar Kiri Edit Cermin : Operasi ini akan mencerminkan citra sepanjang poros vertikal, seolah-olah Anda melihatnya di cermin.: Operasi ini akan mencerminkan citra sepanjang poros tegak, seolah-olah Anda melihatnya di cermin. Edit Jungkir : Operasi ini akan mencerminkan citra terbalik ke bawah (sebuah pencerminan sepanjang poros horizontal) &Shift;R Edit Ubah ukuran : Operasi ini akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menciutkan atau meluaskan citra. Catat itu jika Anda menambah ukuran citra, itu mungkin nampak buram dan/atau ter-pixelate. Tindakan tersebut juga tersedia pada tab Operasi bilah sisi. Jika Anda telah mengedit citra satu atau lebih, sebuah bilah dengan tindakan tambahan telah ditayangkan di bagian atas citra. Anda dapat mentakjadikan atau menjadilagikan perubahan Anda, pergi ke citra yang dimodifikasi sebelumnya atau berikutnya dan ada tiga pilihan untuk menyimpan perubahan citra. Bilah tindakan untuk citra yang dimodifikasi Jika Anda memiliki KIPI Plugins yang terpasang, sebuah menu Plugin akan tersedia yang akan memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan banyak operasi tambahan pada citra Anda. Untuk informasi lebih, lihat dokumentasi Kipi Plugins. Mode Telusur Ketika di Mode Telusur, Anda bisa dengan mudah menavigasi fail dan folder Anda. Jendela pratinjau menampilkan thumbnail citra di folder saat ini, begitu juga subfolder. Cuplikanlayar Mode Telusur Memindahkan mouse di atas citra menampilkan tombol untuk memilih atau memutar citra serta sebuah tombol untuk masuk ke Mode Layar Penuh. Citra yang dimodifikasi ditandai dengan sebuah ikon di kanan bawah, klik untuk menyimpan citra yang telah diubah. Mengeklik sebuah citra membawa Anda ke Mode Tampilan. Anda dapat memilih beberapa citra dan beralih ke Mode Tampilan untuk menampilkan mereka berdampingan. Penggeser di kanan bawah memungkinkan Anda mengubah ukuran citra. Anda juga bisa menyaring citra berdasarkan nama fail, tanggal, tanda atau peringkat dengan menggunakan kotak di kiri bawah. Bilah Alat muncul di kedua mode Telusur dan juga mode Tampilan dan berisi tindakan yang paling umum digunakan. Halaman Awal: Buka halaman awal. Telusur: Beralih ke Mode Telusur. Tampilan: Beralih ke Mode Tampilan. Layar Penuh: Beralih ke Mode Layar Penuh. Sebelumnya: Mengeklik ikon ini akan pergi ke citra sebelumnya dalam folder. Selanjutnya: Mengeklik tombol ini akan pergi ke citra selanjutnya dalam folder. Putar Kiri/Kanan: Sama seperti yang dibahas dalam Operasi Citra Mode Tampilan Mode Tampilan menayangkan citra ukuran penuh. Sama halnya sidebar tersedia di Mode Telusur yang ditayangkan di sebelah kiri. Pada bagian bawah, ada Bilah Thumbnail, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menggulir melalui citra di folder saat ini. Bilah Thumbnail bisa diminimalisir dengan mengeklik pada tombol Bilah Thumbnail. Mengeklik lagi akan mengembalikan. Untuk mengubah ukuran thumbnail pindahkan splitter dengan &LMB;. Mode Tampilan mendukung penampilan banyak citra secara berdampingan. Anda bisa memilih beberapa citra di Mode Telusur sebelum beralih ke Mode Tampilan, atau mungkin juga klik tombol + yang muncul saat melayang di atas citra di Bilah Thumbnail untuk menambahkan panel yang menayangkan citra tersebut. Sebuah - kemudian akan muncul yang akan mengizinkan Anda untuk menghapus panelnya. Saat beberapa citra ditampilkan, toolbar kecil muncul di bawah setiap citra yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menghapus citra atau menghapus panelnya. Anda dapat melakukan operasi perbeasan secara terpisah untuk setiap citra, atau menyinkronkannya. Jungkitkan ini dengan mencentang Sinkronisasi sebelah kiri penggeser perbesaran atau dengan menekan tombol &Ctrl;Y. Anda dapat beralih citra dengan mengeklik panelnya, atau menggunakan keyboard Anda. Untuk beralih ke citra sebelah kanan, tekan . Untuk beralih ke citra sebelah kiri, tekan &Shift; . Cuplikanlayar Mode Tampilan The slider at the bottom right controls the zoom of the image. The Fit button and the 100% button are next to the zoom slider and are two preset zoom levels. The Fit button zooms the current image to fit the size of the window, and the 100% button zooms the image to the actual pixel size. The shortcut F toggles between both view modes. Bila citra dalam mode perbesar-ke-pas, Anda bisa pergi ke citra sebelumnya dan citra berikutnya dengan tombol panah. Saat Anda memperbesar, tombol panah digunakan untuk menggulir citra. Ini sangat mirip dengan perilaku yang disediakan oleh ponsel atau kamera digital. Saat citra diperbesar, tampilan mata-burung muncul dan memungkinkan Anda menggulir citra menggunakan mouse dan tombol panah. Tampilan mata-burung secara otomatis sembunyi sendiri setelah penundaan singkat, menampilkan kembali hanya saat memperbesar atau menggulir. Anda bisa menentukan apa yang terjadi saat akan pergi ke citra B setelah melakukan perbesaran pada area citra A dengan menggunakan pilihan dalam grup Mode perbesaran pada halaman Tampilan Citra pada jendela konfigurasi &gwenview; yang bisa dicapai menggunakan SetelanKonfigurasi &gwenview;.... Jika disetel ke Paskan otomatis setiap citra, citra B terzoom keluar pas terhadap layar. Jika disetel ke Menjaga perbesaran dan posisi yang sama, semua citra berbagi perbesaran dan posisi yang sama: citra B disetel ke parameter perbesaran yang sama seperti citra A (dan jika ini diubah, citra A akan ditayangkan dengan perbesaran dan posisi yang diperbarui). Jika disetel ke Perbesaran dan posisi tiap citra, semua citra ingat perbesaran dan posisi mereka sendiri: citra B pada awalnya disetel ke parameter perbesaran yang sama seperti citra A, namun kemudian akan mengingat perbesaran dan posisi sendiri (jika ini diubah, citra A tidak akan ditayangkan dengan perbesaran dan posisi yang telah diperbarui). Anda bisa memulai secara langsung di mode Tampilan dengan memulai &gwenview; dari sebuah menu konteks seperti Buka Dengan dalam program lainnya atau dengan meluncurkannya dari baris perintah dengan sebuah citra sebagai argumen. Operasi citra tambahan berikut ini adalah hanya tersedia di Mode Tampilan: &Shift;C Edit Pangkas : Operasi ini memungkinkan Anda membuang bagian citra yang tidak Anda inginkan. Anda dapat mengakses parameter pemangkasan lanjutan dengan menutuli kotak centang Setelan lanjutan pada panel sembul bagian bawah. Menggunakan bidang yang sesuai untuk menyetel operasi pemangkasan. Hal ini juga memungkinkan untuk menyesuaikan area yang dipangkas dengan menyeret pegangan kotak abu-abu pada tepi citra. Anda bisa memindahkan area yang dipangkas dengan mengeklik dan menahan &LMB; dan menariknya dengan pointer mouse. Tekan tombol Pangkas untuk melihat hasilnya saat Anda siap. Gunakan panel sembul paling atas untuk menyimpan hasilnya atau operasi takjadi/jadilagi. Edit Reduksi Mata Merah : Operasi ini mereduksi "mata merah" pengaruh yang umumnya ditemukan dalam pengambilan fotografi dengan kamera flash. Mode Layar Penuh Akses Layar Penuh dengan menekan tombol Layar Penuh pada bilah alat, atau dengan &Ctrl;&Shift;F Tampilan Mode Layar Penuh . Untuk meninggalkan mode ini tekan tombol &Esc;. Layar Penuh Mode Telusur Di Mode Telusur Anda bisa beralih ke layar penuh juga dengan mengeklik tombol yang muncul saat Anda menggerakkan mouse ke thumbnail. Cuplikanlayar Mode Tampilan Layar Penuh Pergi ke layar penuh saat menjelajah memberikan Anda pengalaman yang lebih mendalam ketika Anda pergi menuju citra Anda. Ini cukup bagus di komputer Anda biasanya, hal ini membuat lebih elok saat Anda menyambungkan laptop Anda ke TV besar di ruang tamu untuk menampilkan citra kepada tamu Anda. Mode Tampilan Layar Penuh Mode Tampilan layar penuh menampilkan sebuah slideshow citra Anda. Akses Mode Layar Penuh dengan mengeklik pada tombol yang muncul saat Anda menggerakkan mouse di atas thumbnail di Mode Telusur, dengan menekan tombol Layar Penuh pada bilah tugas. Cuplikanlayar Mode Telusur Layar Penuh The top bar will hide itself automatically; to show it simply move the mouse to the top of the screen. If the mouse cursor is over the top bar, it will not autohide. Most of the buttons on the bar are the same as the ones on the toolbar in Browse or View Modes, except for the Exit Full Screen Mode button which returns you to the &gwenview; window, the Start/Stop Slideshow button, and the Configure Full Screen Mode button which shows a small settings dialog that allows you to easily and quickly configure the slideshow. The slideshow controls there are: Penggeser Interval mengendalikan bagaimana &gwenview; akan menampilkan sebuah citra sebelum pindah ke selanjutnya. Jika label Loop dicentang, saat pada akhir slideshow tercapai, itu akan berlanjut dari awal sebagai gantinya berhenti. Jika kotak centang Random dicentang, sebagai gantinya progres melalui folder menurut abjad, citra akan ditampilkan secara acak. Pilih Informasi Citra untuk Ditayangkan membolehkan Anda untuk menemukan metadata apa yang ditayangkan di bawah tombol pada bilah alat. Jika kotak centang Tampilkan thumbnail dicentang, thumbnail untuk semua citra yang ada di dalam folder saat ini akan ditayangkan di sebelah kanan bilah alat. Penggeser Tinggi mengubah ukuran thumbnail yang ditayangkan. Jika diaktifkan, area yang menunjukkan Anda citra lain pada folder saat ini akan ditampilkan di bilah atas. Mengeklik salah satu akan menayangkannya. BilahSisi BilahSisi di sebelah kiri telah tersedia dalam mode Telusur dan Tampilan, namun tidak muncul secara baku dalam Mode Telusur. Penampilannya bisa dijungkit pakai F4 Tampilan BilahSisi atau menggunakan tombol ▮← / ▮→ di sisi kiri bilah status. Ketika mengeklik itu melipatkan atau membentangkan bilah sisi. Bilah samping berisi beberapa tab: Folder Menayangkan daftar semua folder pada sistem Anda yang memperkenankan Anda untuk beralih di antara keduanya. Dalam thumbnail Mode Telusur dari folder akan ditayangkan, sedangkan dalam Mode Tampilan citra pertama di dalam folder akan muncul, dari mana Anda bisa menelusuri folder dengan menggunakan pintasan atau tombol Sebelumnya dan Selanjutnya. Pengeklikan pada folder beberapa kali menjungkitkan Mode Tampilan dan Mode Telusur. Informasi Menayangkan Informasi Meta seperti nama fail dan ukuran. Tautan Selebihnya... memperkenankan Anda untuk menampilkan semua metadata yang tersedia dan memilih mana data yang muncul di bilah sisi. Operasi Ini memperkenankan Anda untuk melakukan operasi citra global yang diterangjelaskan sebelumnya khususnya untuk Mode Tampilan. Yang juga memperkenankan pengoperasian fail pada umumnya seperti menyalin, mengubah nama, menghapus, dan menciptakan folder baru. Tips Penggunaan mouse Pendulangan dengan mouse Menekan-tahan tombol kiri mouse pada sebuah citra memungkinkan Anda menggulir citra. Roda mouse akan menggulir citra naik dan turun. Memperbesar dengan mouse Mengeklik tombol mouse tengah akan menjungkit on/off perbesaran otomatis. Tekan-tahan tombol &Ctrl;, kemudian gunakan salah satu diantaranya roda mouse untuk memperbesar dan memperkecil atau klik kiri untuk memperbesar dan klik kanan untuk memperkecil. Roda mouse digunakan ketika menekah-tahan tombol &Alt;, akan menggulir citra secara mendatar. Jelajahi dengan mouse Ketika dalam Mode Telusur, mengeklik sebuah citra mengalihkan ke dalam mode Tampilan dan menampilkan citra itu. Ketika dalam Mode Telusur, menggulir roda mouse akan menggulir naik atau turun area tampilan thumbnail. Jika pilihan Perilaku roda mouse dalam SetelanKonfigurasi &gwenview; telah disetel ke Telusur, pengguliran roda mouse ketika dalam Mode Tampilan akan memindahkan Anda menuju citra-citra yang ada di dalam folder. Pengikat tombol &gwenview; dilengkapi dengan berbagai cara pintasan keyboard, yang kesemuanya bisa ditampilkan dan dipetakan ulang dengan memilih SetelanKonfigurasi Pintasan.... Perhatikan bahwa di jendela Fail and Folder, semua pintasan normal KDE berfungsi, kecuali dipetakan ulang dalam keadaan lain. Beberapa pengikat baku yang paling berguna: Space: Menayangkan citra selanjutnya di dalam direktori. &Backspace;: Menayangkan citra sebelumnya di dalam direktori. &Alt;Up: Perpindahan ke folder induk dari folder saat ini. &Ctrl;&Shift;F: Peralihan ke dalam Mode Layar Penuh. &Esc;: Peralihan kembali ke Mode Telusur. &Ctrl;M: Menampilkan atau menyembunyikan bilah menu. &Ctrl;B: Menampilkan atau menyembunyikan bilah Thumbnail. F4: Menampilkan atau menyembunyikan BilahSisi. F6: Membuat bilah Lokasi dapat diedit sehingga Anda bisa langsung ketik di alur fail . Anda dapat kembali ke Bilah Lokasi standar dengan menekan anak panah di sebelah kanan. &Ctrl;R: Memutar citra saat ini ke kanan. &Ctrl;L: Memutar citra saat ini ke kiri. &Shift;R: Mengubah ukuran citra saat ini. &Shift;C: Memangkas citra saat ini. &Ctrl;Y: Ketika beberapa citra ditayangkan dalam Mode Tampilan, ini menyinkronkan tampilan mereka. &Ctrl;S: Menyimpan perubahan apa pun yang dibuat ke citra. Del: Memindah citra saat ini ke tong sampah. &Shift;Del: Menghapus citra dari disk secara permanen. Perhatikan bahwa operasi ini tidak dapat diubah dan tidak dapat di-undo. &Ctrl;P: Mencetak citra saat ini. &Ctrl;O: Membuka sebuah citra menggunakan dialog pemilihan fail standar. F: Menekan pintasan ini menjungkit on/off perbesaran-ke-pas. P: Menampilkan sebuah video, pintasan ini menjungkit on/off mainbalik. &Ctrl;T: Mengedit tag-tag. F2: Mengubah nama sebuah citra dalam baris. Del: Memindah sebuah citra ke tong sampah. &Shift;Del: Menghapus sebuah citra. &Ctrl;F7: Menyalin sebuah citra. &Ctrl;F8: Memindah sebuah citra. &Ctrl;F9: Menautkan sebuah citra. Opsi Konfigurasi Lanjutan Beberapa catatan pada pilihan &gwenview; tersembunyi bisa ditemukan pada halaman ini. Opsi ini diterangjelaskan pada halaman yang disebutkan di atas mungkin membantu Anda menyetel &gwenview; untuk keperluan khusus, tapi tolong diingat tidak ada garansi, mereka akan terus bekerja dari satu versi ke versi yang lain. Kredit dan Hak Cipta &gwenview; saat ini dipelihara oleh Aurélien Gâteau Dokumen ini ditulis oleh Christopher Martin Dokumen ini telah diperbarui untuk &kde; 4 oleh Henry de Valence &underFDL; &underGPL;
Index: trunk/l10n-kf5/id/docs/kdegraphics/spectacle/index.docbook =================================================================== --- trunk/l10n-kf5/id/docs/kdegraphics/spectacle/index.docbook (revision 1513232) +++ trunk/l10n-kf5/id/docs/kdegraphics/spectacle/index.docbook (revision 1513233) @@ -1,737 +1,745 @@ Spectacle"> BoudhayanGupta">"> ]> Buku petunjuk &spectacle; &Boudhayan.Gupta; &Boudhayan.Gupta.mail; &Boudhayan.Gupta; &Boudhayan.Gupta.mail; Wantoyo
1997-2000&Richard.J.Moore; 2000&Matthias.Ettrich; 2015&Boudhayan.Gupta; &FDLNotice; 06-11-2017 +>2017-11-06 Aplikasi 17.12 +>Applications 17.12 &spectacle; adalah aplikasi sederhana untuk menangkap cuplikanlayar desktop. Hal ini bisa menangkap citra dari seluruh desktop, monitor tunggal, jendela yang sedang aktif, jendela saat ini yang sedang di bawah mouse, atau bidang persegi pada layar. Gambar kemudian bisa dicetak, dikirim ke aplikasi lain untuk manipulasi, atau secara cepat disimpan sebagai apa. KDE spectacle kdegraphics cuplikanlayar tangkap layar raih layar
Introduksi &spectacle; adalah aplikasi sederhana untuk menangkap cuplikanlayar desktop. Hal ini bisa menangkap citra dari seluruh desktop, monitor tunggal, jendela yang sedang aktif, jendela saat ini yang sedang di bawah mouse, atau bidang persegi pada layar. Gambar kemudian bisa dicetak, dikirim ke aplikasi lain untuk manipulasi, atau secara cepat disimpan sebagai apa. Silakan laporkan masalah apa pun atau permintaan fitur ke &kde; Bug Tracking System&kde; Bug Treking System. Memulai &spectacle; &spectacle; bisa dimulai dengan berbagai cara, seperti yang diterangjelaskan di bawah ini: Dalam menu peluncur aplikasi, &spectacle; bisa ditemukan di AplikasiUtilitasUtilitas Tangkap Cuplikanlayar &spectacle; Menekan tombol Print pada keyboard akan segera meluncurkan &spectacle;. Sebagai tambahan, ada tiga lagi pintasan keyboard tersedia untuk mengambil cuplikanlayar dan menyimpannya di folder baku Anda tanpa menampilkan &GUI;: MetaPrint akan mengambil sebuah cuplikanlayar pada jendela yang aktif &Shift;Print akan mengambil sebuah cuplikanlayar pada seluruh desktop Anda, &ie; semua monitor Meta&Shift;Print akan mengambil sebuah cuplikanlayar bidang persegi Kamu bisa mengkonfigurasi lokasi baku simpanan dan nama file dengan memulai &spectacle; secara normal dan mengeklik pada tombol Kamu bisa mengkonfigurasi lokasi baku simpanan dan nama fail dengan memulai &spectacle; secara normal dan mengeklik pada tombol Konfigurasi..., kemudian menavigasi ke bagian Simpan. Baris perintah mini &krunner; (dipanggil dengan tombol &Alt;F2) mungkin juga dapat digunakan untuk memulai &spectacle;. &spectacle; bisa dimulai dari baris-perintah. &spectacle; yang memiliki set berbagai pilihan baris-perintah, termasuk mode latarbelakang yang bisa digunakan untuk skrip tangkapan cuplikanlayar tanpa menampilkan &GUI; atau memerlukan interaksi pengguna. Untuk memulai &spectacle; dari command prompt, ketiklah: % spectacle & Untuk menilik daftar penuh pilihan baris-perintah dan penjelasan mereka, ketiklah: % spectacle --help Menggunakan &spectacle; Setelah &spectacle; mulai, Anda akan melihat jendela seperti berikut ini: &spectacle; Jendela Utama &spectacle; meraih sebuah citra pada seluruh desktop Anda segera setelah dimulai, tapi sebelum menayangkan dirinya pada layar. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menciptakan gambar cuplikanlayar desktop penuh secara cepat. Snapshot diambil oleh &spectacle; yang telah ditayangkan di jendela pratinjau, yang mana terlokasi pada sisi sebelah kiri pada jendela aplikasi &spectacle;. Citra bisa disimpan ke lokasi pilihanmu dengan mengeklik pada tombol Simpan Sebagai atau mengetikkan &Ctrl;&Shift;S). Ini membuka dialog standar simpanan, yang mana kamu bisa memilih nama filenya, lokasi foldernya, dan formatnya yang cuplikanlayarmu akan kamu simpan di dalamnya. Kamu mungkin mau mengedit nama file ke apa pun yang kamu mau, termasuk nama cuplikanlayar yang disimpan sebelumnya. +>). Ini membuka dialog standar simpanan, yang mana kamu bisa memilih nama failnya, lokasi foldernya, dan formatnya yang cuplikanlayarmu akan kamu simpan di dalamnya. Kamu mungkin mau mengedit nama fail ke apa pun yang kamu mau, termasuk nama cuplikanlayar yang disimpan sebelumnya. Untuk menyimpan cuplikanlayar ke lokasi baku, klik pada panah disamping tombol Simpan Sebagai... dan tekan tombol SimpanTo save a screenshot to the default location, click on the arrow portion of the Save As... button and press the Save (&Ctrl;S). Mode simpan baru akan diingat untuk lain kali; perilaku ini bisa dikonfigurasi dalam setelan Spectacle. Lokasi simpanan baku dan nama file juga bisa dikonfigurasi di sini, seperti yang diterangjelaskan nanti. +>) button. The new save mode will be remembered for next time; this behavior can be configured in Spectacle's settings. The default save location and filename can also be configured there, as described later. Untuk secara cepat menyimpan gambar dan mengeluarkan &spectacle;, klik pada kotak centang sebelah Keluar setelah Simpan atau Salin, kemudian klik porsi panah tombol Simpan Sebagai... dan tekan item Simpan (&Ctrl;S). Ini menyimpan citra sebagai file PNG di dalam folder baku Gambar kamu, dan segera mengeluarkan aplikasi. Sebagaimana disebutkan di atas, mode simpan baru ini akan diingat. +>). Ini menyimpan citra sebagai fail PNG di dalam folder baku Gambar kamu, dan segera mengeluarkan aplikasi. Sebagaimana disebutkan di atas, mode simpan baru ini akan diingat. Mengambil Sebuah Cuplikanlayar Ketika kamu membuka spectacle, itu segera mengambil cuplikanlayar seluruh layar sebagai kenyamanan dan menampilkan pratinjaunya dalam jendela utama. Kamu bisa menyimpan cuplikanlayar ini menggunakan tombol pada bagian bawah jendela, atau ambil yang baru menggunakan kendali sebelah kanan pratinjau. Untuk membuang cuplikanlayar saat ini dan mengambil cuplikanlayar lainnya, tekan tombol Ambil Cuplikanlayar Baru (&Ctrl;N). Anda mungkin mau mengkonfigurasi pilihan tertentu pada sisi sebelah kanan pada jendela aplikasi sebelum mengambil sebuah cuplikanlayar. Opsi tersebut memungkinkan Anda untuk memilih area layar yang mau dijadikan tangkapan, setel tundaan sebelum penangkapan citra, dan konfigurasi apakah kursor mouse dan/atau dekorasi jendela harus ditangkap sepanjang cuplikanlayar. Mode Tangkap Setelan mode tangkap memungkinkan Anda untuk menyetel area layar yang seharusnya ditangkap, dan apakah senarusnya tertunda antara menekan tombol Ambil Cuplikanlayar Baru (&Ctrl;N) dan pengambilan cuplikanlayar. Anda juga dapat mengaktifkan kotak centang Saat Klik, yang menonaktifkan fungsi tunda dan hanya mengambil cuplikanlayar setelah Anda klik di mana pun pada layar setelah mengeklik tombol Ambil Cuplikanlayar Baru (&Ctrl;N). Kotak kombo Area memungkinkan Anda untuk menyetel area pada layar yang seharusnya ditangkap. Ada lima pilihan untuk memilih dari, seperti yang diterangjelaskan di bawah. Opsi Layar Penuh (Semua Monitors)Layar Penuh (Semua Pemantau) mengambil sebuah cuplikanlayar pada seluruh desktop Anda, tersebar diseluruh semua keluaran, termasuk semua monitors, proyektor dan sebagainya. Opsi Layar Saat Ini mengambil sebuah cuplikanlayar pada keluaran yang saat ini berisi titik mouse. Opsi Jendela Aktif mengambil sebuah cuplikanlayar dari jendela yang saat ini sedang fokus. Itu tentu saja menggunakan sebuah tundaan dengan mode ini, untuk memberikan Anda waktu untuk memilih dan mengaktifkan sebuah jendela sebelum cuplikanlayar diambil. Opsi Jendela Bawah Kursor mengambil sebuah cuplikanlayar dari jendela yang di bawah kursor mouse. Jika kursornya berada di atas sembulan menu, &spectacle; mencoba untuk mengambil sebuah cuplikanlayar pada menu serta jendela induknya. Sementara ini sebagian besar bekerja dalam waktu, dalam kasus tertentu mungkin gagal untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang induk jendela. Dalam kasus ini, &spectacle; kembali ke cara lama untuk menangkap citra secara otomatis, dan menangkap sebuah citra hanya sembulan menu. Kamu juga bisa memaksa cara lama penangkapan citra dengan mengeklik kotak centang Tangkap sembulan saat ini saja di bawah Opsi Opsi Bidang Persegi memungkinkan Anda untuk memilih sebuah bidang persegi pada desktop dengan mouse Anda. Bidang ini mungkin tersebar di berbagai keluaran. Mode ini tidak segera mengambil sebuah cuplikanlayar tetapi memungkinkan Anda untuk membentuk sebuah persegi pada layar Anda, yang bisa dipindah dan diubah ukurannya sesuai yang diperlukan. Setelah pemilihan persegi yang diinginkan sudah tergambar, klik ganda di mana saja pada layar, atau menekan tombol &Enter; pada keyboard akan menangkap cuplikanlayar. Kotak spin Tunda memungkinkan Anda untuk menyetel tundaan antara menekan tombol Ambil Cuplikanlayar Baru (&Ctrl;N) dengan pengambilan cuplikanlayar. Tundaan ini bisa disetel naikkan 1 detik menggunakan tombol kotak spin atau keyboard. Mengaktifkan kotak centang Saat Klik menimpa tundaan. Ketika kotak centang ini diaktifkan, menekan tombol Ambil Cuplikanlayar Baru (&Ctrl;N) menyembunyikan jendela &spectacle; dan mengubah kursor mouse menjadi sebuah silang. Cuplikanlayar telah ditangkap ketika mouse diklik kiri, atau digugurkan ketika tombol mouse yang lain diklik. Ingat Anda tidak bisa berinteraksi dengan desktop menggunakan mouse ketika kursor telah menjadi silang, tapi Anda bisa menggunakan keyboard. Opsi Setelan Opsi memperkenankanmu untuk memilih apakah kursor mouse seharusnya disertakan dalam cuplikanlayar, dan apakah menangkap dekorasi jendela bersamaan dengan citra pada sebuah jendela aplikasi tunggal. Dalam mode Jendela Bawah Kursor, itu juga memperkenankanmu untuk memilih jika &spectacle; hanya akan menangkap citra pada menu sembul saat ini di bawah kursor, atau juga menyertakan induk jendela. Mengaktifkan kotak centang Sertakan titik mouse menyertakan sebuah citra dengan titik mouse di dalam cuplikanlayar. Opsi Sertakan bilah-judul dan tepi jendela hanya diaktifkan ketika antara mode Jendela Aktif atau mode Jendela Bawah Kursor telah dipilih dalam kotak kombo Area. Mencentang pilihan ini menyertakan tepi jendela dan dekorasi dalam cuplikanlayar, sementara menghilangkan centangnya memberikan citra hanya konten jendela. Opsi Tangkap sembulan saat ini saja hanya diaktifkan ketika mode Jendela Bawah Kursor telah dipilih dalam kotak kombo Area. Mencentang pilihan ini hanya menangkap sembulan menu di bawah kursor, tanpa menyertakan induk jendela. Opsi Keluarkan setelah Simpan atau Salin akan mengeluarkan Spectacle setelah operasi penyimpanan atau penyalinan apa pun. Ingat bahwa cuplikanlayar yang disalin hanya akan dipertahankan jika kamu telah menjalankan pengelola clipboard yang menerima citra. KDE Klipper bisa dikonfigurasi dalam cara ini dengan mengeklik kanan pada ikonnya, memilih Konfigurasi Clipboard..., dan menghapus centang Abaikan citra. Fungsionalitas Tambahan Tombol Ada enam tombol berlokasi di bagian bawah jendela &spectacle;. Fungsi tersebut telah diterangjelaskan di bawah ini: +>Ada beberapa tombol berlokasi di bagian bawah jendela &spectacle;. Fungsi tersebut telah diterangjelaskan di bawah ini: Bantuan Tombol ini memberikan Anda menu umum item-item yang diterangjelaskan di Memberikan kamu item menu umum yang diterangjelaskan di Menu Bantuan pada Fundamental &kde;. +> pada &kde; Fundamental. Konfigurasi... Tombol ini memeberikanmu akses untuk jendela Konfigurasi Spectacle yang mana kamu bisa mengubah setelan tangkapan dan lokasi baku simpanan dan nama file. +>Memeberikan kamu akses untuk jendela Konfigurasi Spectacle yang mana kamu bisa mengubah setelan tangkapan dan lokasi baku simpanan dan nama fail. Alat - Klik pada tombol ini untuk menampilkan menu longsor, persembahan akses ke dialog cetak. + Pembukaan sebuah menu longsor yang menawarkan berbagai alat: + + + the print dialog + + + a range of external programs for Screen Recording + + Ekspor Menu longsor ini akan memungkinkanmu secara langsung membuka cuplikanlayar dengan semua program yang berhubungan dengan tipe PNG (Portable Network Graphics) &MIME;. Tergantung pada program apa yang terpasang, kamu akan mampu membuka dan mengedit cuplikanlayar di aplikasi penampil atau aplikasi grafismu. +>Pembukaan sebuah menu longsor yang akan memperkenankanmu secara langsung membuka cuplikanlayar dengan semua program yang berhubungan dengan &MIME; tipe PNG (Portable Network Graphics). Tergantung pada program apa yang terpasang, kamu bisa membuka dan mengedit cuplikanlayar di aplikasi penampil atau aplikasi grafismu. Selanjutnya, jika Anda memiliki KIPI Plugins yang terpasang, Anda akan mampu untuk meng-email dan mengexpor cuplikanlayar secara langsung ke berbagai jaringan sosial dan situs web. Salin Ke Clipboard Tombol ini menyalin cuplikanlayar saat ini ke clipboard. Anda juga bisa menggunakan pintasan keyboard Penyalinan cuplikanlayar saat ini ke clipboard. Kamu juga bisa menggunakan pintasan keyboard &Ctrl;C untuk ini. Simpan Sebagai Mengeklik tombol ini menyimpan cuplikanlayar sebagai citra PNG ke lokasi yang kamu pilih. Mengeklik pada panah yang ada disebelahnya akan menampilkan mode simpan lainnya, Simpan, yang mana akan menyimpan cuplikanlayar sebagai citra PNG ke lokasi standar (yang baku untuk folder Gambar kamu). Secara baku, mode simpan yang terakhir digunakan telah diingat untuk lain waktu. +>Penyimpanan cuplikanlayar sebagai citra PNG dalam folder Gambar bakumu dan segera mengeluarkan aplikasi. Konfigurasi Gunakan tombol Konfigurasi... untuk membuka dialog konfigurasi. Umum Umum Ingat mode Simpan yang digunakan terakhirRemember last used Save mode Perilaku baku dari tombol simpan adalah untuk menayangkan Simpan Sebagai. Memilih mode simpan yang lain dengan mengeklik pada porsi panah dari tombol akan membuatnya mode simpan baku. Nonaktifkan opsi ini untuk membuat tombol berhenti mengingat mode simpan yang digunakan terakhir +>The default behavior of the save button is to display Save As. Choosing another save mode by clicking on the arrow portion of the button will make that save mode the default one. Disable this option to make the button stop remembering the last used save mode Salin lokasi simpanan ke clipboard Ketika cuplikanlayar disimpan, salin lokasi penyimpanan file tersebut ke clipboard. Anda kemudian bisa menempel di mana pun yang menerima input teks. Ingat Anda harus menjalankan pengelola clipboard dalam urutan untuk supaya alur tetap dalam clipboard setelah &spectacle; keluar. +>Ketika cuplikanlayar disimpan, salin lokasi penyimpanan fail tersebut ke clipboard. Anda kemudian bisa menempel di mana pun yang menerima input teks. Ingat Anda harus menjalankan pengelola clipboard dalam urutan untuk supaya alur tetap dalam clipboard setelah &spectacle; keluar. Gunakan latarbelakang terang Gunakan sebuah warna latarbelakang terang untuk menopengi di area luar pangkasan dalam pemilihan bidang persegi. Ini mungkin membuat kursor gelap mudah terlihat. Ingat area terpilih Menurut baku, &spectacle; tidak menampilkan inisial pemilihan ketika Anda mengambil sebuah cuplikanlayar dengan bidang persegi. Aktifkan pilihan ini untuk mengingat bidang yang dipilih terakhir pada layar, dan menyetelnya sebagai inisial pemilihan ketika Anda menggunakan pemilih bidang persegi dilain waktu. Simpan Ketika kamu menggunakan fungsi Simpan, &spectacle; menyimpan citra dengan nama file baku, dalam folder Gambar kamu (yang ada di dalam folder berandamu). Nama file baku menyertakan tanggal dan waktu ketika citra diambil. +>, &spectacle; menyimpan citra dengan nama fail baku, dalam folder Gambar kamu (yang ada di dalam folder berandamu). Nama fail baku menyertakan tanggal dan waktu ketika citra diambil. Halaman Simpan memperkenankanmu untuk menyetel lokasi simpanan dan nama file baku. Mengeklik opsi ini menampilkan sebuah kotak dialog seperti berikut ini: +> memperkenankanmu untuk menyetel lokasi simpanan dan nama fail baku. Mengeklik opsi ini menampilkan sebuah kotak dialog seperti berikut ini: Simpan Lokasi Baku Simpanan Pada kotak teks Lokasi setellah folder di mana kamu ingin menyimpan cuplikanlayarmu ketika kamu menekan Simpan. Simpanan Baku Nama FileSimpanan Baku Nama Fail Setel sebuah nama file baku untuk menyimpan cuplikanlayar. +>Setel sebuah nama fail baku untuk menyimpan cuplikanlayar. Anda bisa menggunakan placeholder berikut ini di dalam nama file, yang akan digantikan dengan teks sebenarnya ketika file disimpan: +>Anda bisa menggunakan placeholder berikut ini di dalam nama fail , yang akan digantikan dengan teks sebenarnya ketika fail disimpan: %Y: Year/Tahun (4 digit): Tahun (4 digit) %y: Year/Tahun (2 digit): Tahun (2 digit) %M: Month/Bulan: Bulan %D: Day/Hari: Hari %H: Hour/Jam: Jam %m: Minute/Menit: Menit %S: Second/Detik: Detik Jika file dengan nama ini sudah ada, sebuah angka serial akan dibubuhkan ke nama file. Contohnya, jika nama filenya adalah Jika fail dengan nama ini sudah ada, sebuah angka serial akan dibubuhkan ke nama fail . Contohnya, jika nama fail nya adalah Screenshot, dan Screenshot.png sudah ada, citra akan disimpan sebagai Screenshot-1.png. Mengetik sebuah ekstensi ke dalam nama file akan secara otomatis menyetel format citra dengan benar dan menghapus ekstensi dari bidang nama file. +>Mengetik sebuah ekstensi ke dalam nama fail akan secara otomatis menyetel format citra dengan benar dan menghapus ekstensi dari bidang nama fail. Seret dan Jatuhkan Sebuah citra yang ditangkap bisa diseret ke dokumen atau aplikasi lainnya. Jika aplikasi mampu menangani citra, sebuah salinan citra penuh disematkan di situ. Jika Anda seret cuplikanlayar ke dalam jendela pengelola file, sebuah sembulan dialog di mana Anda bisa mengedit nama file dan memilih format citra dan file akan dimasukkan ke dalam folder sebenarnya. +>Jika Anda seret cuplikanlayar ke dalam jendela pengelola fail , sebuah sembulan dialog di mana Anda bisa mengedit nama fail dan memilih format citra dan fail akan dimasukkan ke dalam folder sebenarnya. Jika Anda seret cuplikanlayar ke kotak teks, alur ke file simpanan temporer disertakan. Ini berguna sebagai contoh untuk mengunggah sebuah cuplikanlayar melalui formulir web atau untuk melampirkan cuplikanlayar ke dalam laporan bug pada Jika Anda seret cuplikanlayar ke kotak teks, alur ke fail simpanan temporer disertakan. Ini berguna sebagai contoh untuk mengunggah sebuah cuplikanlayar melalui formulir web atau untuk melampirkan cuplikanlayar ke dalam laporan bug pada &kde; bugtracker. Ini bekerja dengan semua klien yang tidak mengangkut data citra, tetapi hanya melihat &URL; di dalam mimedata yang diseret. Kredit dan Lisensi Hakcipta program © 2015 &Boudhayan.Gupta; &Boudhayan.Gupta.mail;. Bagian dari kode yang berbasiskan langsung pada kode dari proyek &ksnapshot;. Hak cipta © 1997-2011 Pengembang &ksnapshot;. Pemberitahuan penyerahan hak cipta terperinci tersedia di header di dalam kode sumber. Bagian dari kode yang berbasiskan langsung pada kode dari proyek &ksnapshot;. Hak cipta © 2008, 2013 Pengembang &ksnapshot;. Pemberitahuan penyerahan hak cipta terperinci tersedia di header di dalam kode sumber. Dokumentasi berbasiskan pada dokumentasi asli &ksnapshot;: Hak cipta © 1997-2000 &Richard.J.Moore; &Richard.J.Moore.mail; Hakcipta © 2000 &Matthias.Ettrich; &Matthias.Ettrich.mail; &underFDL; &underGPL; &documentation.index;
Index: trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/applications/baloowidgets5.po =================================================================== --- trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/applications/baloowidgets5.po (revision 1513232) +++ trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/applications/baloowidgets5.po (revision 1513233) @@ -1,235 +1,214 @@ # Copyright (C) YEAR This_file_is_part_of_KDE # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # Wantoyo , 2017. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-21 10:53+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-31 13:45+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-27 21:46+0700\n" "Last-Translator: Wantoyo \n" "Language-Team: Indonesian \n" "Language: id\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/filemetadataprovider.cpp:169 #, kde-format msgctxt "unknown file size" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Tidak diketahui" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/filemetadataprovider.cpp:171 src/filemetadataprovider.cpp:208 #, fuzzy, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable" msgid "%1 item" msgid_plural "%1 items" msgstr[0] "%1 item" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/filemetadataprovider.cpp:386 src/filemetadataprovider.cpp:397 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label" msgid "Comment" msgstr "Komentar" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/filemetadataprovider.cpp:387 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label" msgid "Modified" msgstr "Dimodifikasi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/filemetadataprovider.cpp:388 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label" msgid "Owner" msgstr "Pemilik" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/filemetadataprovider.cpp:389 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label" msgid "Permissions" msgstr "Perizinan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/filemetadataprovider.cpp:390 src/filemetadataprovider.cpp:396 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label" msgid "Rating" msgstr "Peringkat" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/filemetadataprovider.cpp:391 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label" msgid "Size" msgstr "Ukuran" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/filemetadataprovider.cpp:392 src/filemetadataprovider.cpp:395 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label" msgid "Tags" msgstr "Tag" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/filemetadataprovider.cpp:393 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label" msgid "Total Size" msgstr "Ukuran Total" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/filemetadataprovider.cpp:394 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label" msgid "Type" msgstr "Tipe" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/filemetadataprovider.cpp:398 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label" msgid "Downloaded From" msgstr "Diunduh Dari" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/filepropertiesplugin/baloofilepropertiesplugin.cpp:65 #, kde-format msgctxt "Tab page with file meta data" msgid "&Details" msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/kcommentwidget.cpp:67 src/tagwidget.cpp:85 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label" msgid "Add..." msgstr "Tambah..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/kcommentwidget.cpp:73 src/tagwidget.cpp:85 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label" msgid "Change..." msgstr "Ubah..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/kcommentwidget.cpp:119 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title:window" msgid "Change Comment" msgstr "Ubah Komentar" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/kcommentwidget.cpp:120 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title:window" msgid "Add Comment" msgstr "Tambah Komentar" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/keditcommentdialog.cpp:45 src/kedittagsdialog.cpp:52 #, kde-format msgid "Save" msgstr "Simpan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/kedittagsdialog.cpp:47 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title:window" msgid "Change Tags" msgstr "Ubah Tag" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/kedittagsdialog.cpp:48 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title:window" msgid "Add Tags" msgstr "Tambah Tag" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/kedittagsdialog.cpp:62 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label:textbox" msgid "Configure which tags should be applied." msgstr "Konfigurasi tanda mana yang harus diterapkan." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/kedittagsdialog.cpp:70 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label" msgid "Create new tag:" msgstr "Ciptakan tanda baru:" #. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: src/querybuilder.cpp:164 -#, kde-format -msgctxt "This is added to the query builder widget when a proposal containing a placeholder is selected" -msgid "[something]" -msgstr "[sesuatu]" - -#. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: src/querybuildercompleter.cpp:91 -#, kde-format -msgctxt "Pattern placeholder having no specific type" -msgid "[something]" -msgstr "[sesuatu]" - -#. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: src/querybuildercompleter.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgctxt "Pattern placeholder of date-time type" -msgid "[date and time]" -msgstr "[tanggal dan waktu]" - -#. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: src/querybuildercompleter.cpp:99 -#, kde-format -msgctxt "Pattern placeholder for a tag name" -msgid "[tag name]" -msgstr "[nama tag]" - -#. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: src/querybuildercompleter.cpp:103 -#, kde-format -msgctxt "Pattern placeholder for a contact identifier" -msgid "[contact]" -msgstr "[kontak]" - -#. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: src/querybuildercompleter.cpp:107 -#, kde-format -msgctxt "Pattern placeholder for an e-mail address" -msgid "[email address]" -msgstr "[alamat surel]" - -#. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: src/querybuildercompleter.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgctxt "Pattern placeholder for a standard property name" -msgid "[property]" -msgstr "[properti]" - -#. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/widgetfactory.cpp:125 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label bitrate (per second)" msgid "%1/s" msgstr "%1/d" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/widgetfactory.cpp:127 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label samplerate in kilohertz" msgid "%1 kHz" msgstr "" + +#~ msgctxt "This is added to the query builder widget when a proposal containing a placeholder is selected" +#~ msgid "[something]" +#~ msgstr "[sesuatu]" + +#~ msgctxt "Pattern placeholder having no specific type" +#~ msgid "[something]" +#~ msgstr "[sesuatu]" + +#~ msgctxt "Pattern placeholder of date-time type" +#~ msgid "[date and time]" +#~ msgstr "[tanggal dan waktu]" + +#~ msgctxt "Pattern placeholder for a tag name" +#~ msgid "[tag name]" +#~ msgstr "[nama tag]" + +#~ msgctxt "Pattern placeholder for a contact identifier" +#~ msgid "[contact]" +#~ msgstr "[kontak]" + +#~ msgctxt "Pattern placeholder for an e-mail address" +#~ msgid "[email address]" +#~ msgstr "[alamat surel]" + +#~ msgctxt "Pattern placeholder for a standard property name" +#~ msgid "[property]" +#~ msgstr "[properti]" Index: trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/applications/konsole.po =================================================================== --- trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/applications/konsole.po (revision 1513232) +++ trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/applications/konsole.po (revision 1513233) @@ -1,4009 +1,4009 @@ # Indonesian translations for konsole package. # Copyright (C) 2010 This_file_is_part_of_KDE # This file is distributed under the same license as the konsole package. # Andhika Padmawan , 2010-2014. # Wantoyo , 2017, 2018. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: konsole\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-29 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-31 13:45+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-30 20:27+0700\n" "Last-Translator: Wantoyo \n" "Language-Team: Indonesian \n" "Language: id\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #, kde-format msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" msgid "Your names" msgstr "Andhika Padmawan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #, kde-format msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" msgid "Your emails" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: Menu (file) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ../desktop/konsoleui.rc:5 #, kde-format msgid "File" msgstr "Fail" #. i18n: ectx: Menu (edit) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ../desktop/konsoleui.rc:15 #, kde-format msgid "Edit" msgstr "Sunting" #. i18n: ectx: Menu (view) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ../desktop/konsoleui.rc:18 #, kde-format msgid "View" msgstr "Tampilan" #. i18n: ectx: Menu (view-split) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ../desktop/konsoleui.rc:19 #, kde-format msgid "Split View" msgstr "Pisahkan Tampilan" #. i18n: ectx: Menu (settings) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ../desktop/konsoleui.rc:33 #, kde-format msgid "Settings" msgstr "Setelan" #. i18n: ectx: Menu (help) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ../desktop/konsoleui.rc:44 #, kde-format msgid "Help" msgstr "Bantuan" #. i18n: ectx: Menu (history) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ../desktop/partui.rc:13 #, kde-format msgid "S&crollback" msgstr "Per&guliran" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:60 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Name of profile to use for new Konsole instance" msgstr "Nama profil untuk digunakan dalam instansi Konsole baru" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:64 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Use the internal FALLBACK profile" msgstr "Gunakan profil FALLBACK internal" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:67 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Set the initial working directory of the new tab or window to 'dir'" msgstr "Atur direktori kerja awal dari tab baru atau jendela ke 'dir'" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:73 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Do not close the initial session automatically when it ends." msgstr "Jangan tutup sesi awal secara otomatis ketika sesi berakhir." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:77 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Create a new tab in an existing window rather than creating a new window" msgstr "Ciptakan sebuah tab baru di jendela yang ada ketimbang membuat sebuah jendela baru" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:81 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Create tabs as specified in given tabs configuration file" msgstr "Ciptakan tab seperti ditentukan di fail konfigurasi tab yang diberikan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:86 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Start Konsole in the background and bring to the front when Ctrl+Shift+F12 (by default) is pressed" msgstr "Mulai Konsole di latar belakang lalu bawa ke depan ketika tombol Ctrl+Shift+F12 (secara baku) ditekan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:91 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Run in a separate process" msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Run in a separate process" msgstr "Jalankan dalam proses terpisah" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:94 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Show the menubar, overriding the default setting" msgstr "Tampilkan bilah menu, menimpa setelan baku" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:97 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Hide the menubar, overriding the default setting" msgstr "Sembunyikan bilah menu, menimpa setelan baku" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:100 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Show the tabbar, overriding the default setting" msgstr "Tampilkan bilah tab, menimpa setelan baku" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:103 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Hide the tabbar, overriding the default setting" msgstr "Sembunyikan bilah tab, menimpa setelan baku" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:105 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Start Konsole in fullscreen mode" msgstr "Jalankan Konsole dalam mode layar penuh" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:108 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Disable transparent backgrounds, even if the system supports them." msgstr "Nonaktifkan latar belakang transparan, bahkan jika sistem mendukungnya." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:111 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "List the available profiles" msgstr "Senarai profil yang tersedia" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:114 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "List all the profile properties names and their type (for use with -p)" msgstr "Senarai semua nama properti profil dan tipenya (untuk digunakan dengan -p)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:118 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Change the value of a profile property." msgstr "Ubah nilai sebuah properti profil." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:122 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Command to execute. This option will catch all following arguments, so use it as the last option." msgstr "Perintah untuk dieksekusi. Opsi ini akan menangkap semua argumen berikut, jadi gunakan ini sebagai opsi terakhir." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:126 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell" msgid "Arguments passed to command" msgstr "Argumen diteruskan ke perintah" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Application.cpp:563 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@item:intable palette" #| msgid "Background (Intense)" msgctxt "@item" msgid "Toggle Background Window" msgstr "Latar Belakang (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: BookmarkHandler.cpp:133 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:inmenu The user's name and host they are connected to via ssh" msgid "%1 on %2" msgstr "%1 di %2" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: BookmarkHandler.cpp:135 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:inmenu The host the user is connected to via ssh" msgid "%1" msgstr "%1" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:115 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Foreground" msgstr "Latar Depan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:116 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Background" msgstr "Latar Belakang" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:117 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 1" msgstr "Warna 1" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:118 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 2" msgstr "Warna 2" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:119 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 3" msgstr "Warna 3" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:120 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 4" msgstr "Warna 4" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:121 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 5" msgstr "Warna 5" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:122 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 6" msgstr "Warna 6" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:123 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 7" msgstr "Warna 7" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:124 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 8" msgstr "Warna 8" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:125 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Foreground (Intense)" msgstr "Latar Depan (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:126 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Background (Intense)" msgstr "Latar Belakang (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:127 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 1 (Intense)" msgstr "Warna 1 (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:128 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 2 (Intense)" msgstr "Warna 2 (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:129 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 3 (Intense)" msgstr "Warna 3 (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:130 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 4 (Intense)" msgstr "Warna 4 (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:131 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 5 (Intense)" msgstr "Warna 5 (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:132 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 6 (Intense)" msgstr "Warna 6 (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:133 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 7 (Intense)" msgstr "Warna 7 (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:134 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 8 (Intense)" msgstr "Warna 8 (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:135 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@item:intable palette" #| msgid "Foreground (Intense)" msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Foreground (Faint)" msgstr "Latar Depan (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:136 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@item:intable palette" #| msgid "Background (Intense)" msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Background (Faint)" msgstr "Latar Belakang (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:137 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@item:intable palette" #| msgid "Color 1 (Intense)" msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 1 (Faint)" msgstr "Warna 1 (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:138 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@item:intable palette" #| msgid "Color 2 (Intense)" msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 2 (Faint)" msgstr "Warna 2 (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:139 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@item:intable palette" #| msgid "Color 3 (Intense)" msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 3 (Faint)" msgstr "Warna 3 (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:140 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@item:intable palette" #| msgid "Color 4 (Intense)" msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 4 (Faint)" msgstr "Warna 4 (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:141 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@item:intable palette" #| msgid "Color 5 (Intense)" msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 5 (Faint)" msgstr "Warna 5 (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:142 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@item:intable palette" #| msgid "Color 6 (Intense)" msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 6 (Faint)" msgstr "Warna 6 (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:143 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@item:intable palette" #| msgid "Color 7 (Intense)" msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 7 (Faint)" msgstr "Warna 7 (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:144 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@item:intable palette" #| msgid "Color 8 (Intense)" msgctxt "@item:intable palette" msgid "Color 8 (Faint)" msgstr "Warna 8 (Intens)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorScheme.cpp:377 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Un-named Color Scheme" msgctxt "@item" msgid "Un-named Color Scheme" msgstr "Skema Warna Tak Bernama" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.cpp:124 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label:listbox Column header text for color names" msgid "Name" msgstr "Nama" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.cpp:125 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label:listbox Column header text for the actual colors" msgid "Color" msgstr "Warna" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.cpp:126 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label:listbox Column header text for the actual intense colors" msgid "Intense color" msgstr "Warna intens" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.cpp:127 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@label:listbox Column header text for the actual intense colors" #| msgid "Intense color" msgctxt "@label:listbox Column header text for the actual faint colors" msgid "Faint color" msgstr "Warna intens" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.cpp:156 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:status" msgid "The background transparency setting will not be used because your desktop does not appear to support transparent windows." msgstr "Setelan transparansi latar belakang tidak akan digunakan karena desktop anda kelihatannya tidak mendukung jendela transparan." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.cpp:212 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@action:button" #| msgid "Select wallpaper image file" msgctxt "@title:window" msgid "Select wallpaper image file" msgstr "Pilih fail gambar wallpaper" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.cpp:215 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@action:button" #| msgid "Supported Images" msgctxt "@label:textbox Filter in file open dialog" msgid "Supported Images" msgstr "Gambar Didukung" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.cpp:273 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "New Color Scheme" msgctxt "@title:window" msgid "New Color Scheme" msgstr "Skema Warna Baru" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.cpp:276 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Edit Color Scheme" msgctxt "@title:window" msgid "Edit Color Scheme" msgstr "Sunting Skema Warna" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.cpp:312 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Click to choose color" msgstr "Klik untuk pilih warna" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.cpp:318 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Click to choose intense color" msgstr "Kilik untuk pilih warna intens" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.cpp:323 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@info:tooltip" #| msgid "Click to choose intense color" msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Click to choose Faint color" msgstr "Kilik untuk pilih warna intens" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, discriptionLabel) #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, descriptionLabel) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.ui:22 KeyBindingEditor.ui:31 #, kde-format msgid "Description:" msgstr "Deskripsi:" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, randomizedBackgroundCheck) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.ui:40 #, kde-format msgid "Vary the background color for each tab" msgstr "Bedakan warna latar belakang untuk tiap tab" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, blurCheckBox) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.ui:47 #, kde-format msgid "Blur background" msgstr "Latarbelakang buram" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, transparencyLabel) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.ui:56 #, kde-format msgid "Background transparency:" msgstr "Transparansi latar belakang:" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, transparencyPercentLabel) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.ui:76 #, kde-format msgid "Percent" msgstr "Persen" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, wallpaperLabel) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.ui:90 #, kde-format msgid "Background image:" msgstr "Gambar latar belakang:" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, wallpaperPath) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.ui:97 #, kde-format msgid "Edit the path of the background image" msgstr "Sunting alur gambar latar belakang" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, wallpaperSelectButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.ui:104 #, kde-format msgid "Choose the background image" msgstr "Pilih gambar latar belakang" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, wallpaperSelectButton) #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, dirSelectButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ColorSchemeEditor.ui:107 EditProfileDialog.ui:174 #, kde-format msgid "..." msgstr "..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: CopyInputDialog.cpp:42 #, kde-format msgid "Copy Input" msgstr "Salin Masukan" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: CopyInputDialog.ui:19 #, kde-format msgid "Filter:" msgstr "Filter:" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, selectAllButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: CopyInputDialog.ui:46 #, kde-format msgid "Select All" msgstr "Pilih Semua" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deselectAllButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: CopyInputDialog.ui:53 #, kde-format msgid "Deselect All" msgstr "Tak Pilih Semua" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:78 #, kde-format msgid "Edit Profile" msgstr "Sunting Profil" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:186 #, kde-format msgid "" "

Konsole does not have permission to save this profile to:
" " \"%1\"

" "

To be able to save settings you can either change the permissions of the profile configuration file or change the profile name to save the settings to a new profile.

" msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:207 #, kde-format msgid "

Each profile must have a name before it can be saved into disk.

" msgstr "

Tiap profil harus mempunyai nama sebelum dapat disimpan ke cakram.

" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:215 #, kde-format msgid "

A profile with this name already exists.

" msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:249 #, kde-format msgid "Editing profile: %2" msgid_plural "Editing %1 profiles: %2" msgstr[0] "Menyunting %1 profil: %2" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:254 #, kde-format msgid "Edit Profile \"%1\"" msgstr "Sunting Profil \"%1\"" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:342 #, kde-format msgid "Profile name is empty." msgstr "Nama profil kosong." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:413 #, kde-format msgid "Edit Environment" msgstr "Sunting Lingkungan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:414 #, kde-format msgid "One environment variable per line" msgstr "Satu variabel lingkungan per baris" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:445 #, kde-format msgctxt "Unit of time" msgid " second" msgid_plural " seconds" msgstr[0] " detik" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:522 #, kde-format msgid "Select Initial Directory" msgstr "Pilih Direktori Awal" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:759 #, kde-format msgid "%1" msgstr "%1" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:919 #, kde-kuit-format msgctxt "@info" msgid "Scheme %1 failed to load." msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:1082 #, kde-format msgid "This color scheme uses a transparent background which does not appear to be supported on your desktop" msgstr "Skema warna ini menggunakan latar belakang transparan yang kelihatannya tidak didukung di desktop anda" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:1088 #, kde-format msgid "Konsole was started before desktop effects were enabled. You need to restart Konsole to see transparent background." msgstr "Konsole dijalankan sebelum efek desktop diaktifkan. Anda harus menjalankan ulang Konsole untuk dapat melihat latar belakang transparan." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:1202 EditProfileDialog.cpp:1214 #, kde-format msgid "New Key Binding List" msgstr "Senarai Pengikat Kunci Baru" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:1204 #, kde-format msgid "Edit Key Binding List" msgstr "Sunting Senarai Pengikat Kunci" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:1654 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Select All" msgid "Select Any Font" msgstr "Pilih Semua" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:1657 #, kde-format msgid "Select Fixed Width Font" msgstr "Pilih Fonta Lebar Tetap" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.cpp:1709 #, kde-format msgid "AaZz09..." msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, generalTab) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:42 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title:tab Generic, common options" msgid "General" msgstr "Umum" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_10) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:48 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title:group Generic, common options" msgid "General" msgstr "Umum" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QPushButton, iconSelectButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:77 #, kde-format msgid "Select the icon displayed on tabs using this profile" msgstr "Pilih ikon yang ditampilkan di tab menggunakan profil ini" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, profileNameLabel) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:109 #, kde-format msgid "Profile name:" msgstr "Nama profil:" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, profileNameEdit) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:119 #, kde-format msgid "A descriptive name for the profile" msgstr "Nama deskriptif untuk profil" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:131 #, kde-format msgid "Command:" msgstr "Perintah:" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, commandEdit) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:141 #, kde-format msgid "The command to execute when new terminal sessions are created using this profile" msgstr "Perintah untuk dieksekusi ketika sesi terminal diciptakan menggunakan profil ini" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:151 #, kde-format msgid "Initial directory:" msgstr "Direktori awal:" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, initialDirEdit) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:161 #, kde-format msgid "The initial working directory for new terminal sessions using this profile" msgstr "Direktori kerja awal untuk sesi terminal baru menggunakan profil ini" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, dirSelectButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:171 #, kde-format msgid "Choose the initial directory" msgstr "Pilih direktori awal" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, startInSameDirButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:181 #, kde-format msgid "Start in same directory as current tab" msgstr "Mulai di direktori yang sama dengan tab saat ini" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, environmentLabel) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:190 #, kde-format msgid "Environment:" msgstr "Lingkungan:" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QPushButton, environmentEditButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:200 #, kde-format msgid "Edit the list of environment variables and associated values" msgstr "Sunting senarai variabel lingkungan dan nilai terkait" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, environmentEditButton) #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, editColorSchemeButton) #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, editKeyBindingsButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:203 EditProfileDialog.ui:536 EditProfileDialog.ui:862 #, kde-format msgid "Edit..." msgstr "Sunting..." #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_16) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:228 #, kde-format msgid "Terminal Size" msgstr "Ukuran Terminal" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:237 #, kde-format msgid "Columns" msgstr "Kolom" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:254 #, kde-format msgid "Rows" msgstr "Baris" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:284 #, kde-format msgid "This will not alter any open windows." msgstr "Ini tidak akan mengubah jendela terbuka apapun." #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:320 #, kde-format msgid "Configure Konsole->General->Use current window size on next startup must be disabled for these entries to work." msgstr "Konfigurasi Konsole->Umum->Gunakan ukuran jendela saat ini pada permulaian berikutnya harus dinonaktifkan agar entri ini bekerja." #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_12) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:333 #, kde-format msgid "Window" msgstr "Jendela" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, showTerminalSizeHintButton) #. i18n: ectx: tooltip, entry (ShowTerminalSizeHint), group (KonsoleWindow) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:342 settings/konsole.kcfg:30 #, kde-format msgid "Show terminal size in columns and lines in the center of window after resizing" msgstr "Tampilkan ukuran terminal di kolom dan baris di tengah jendela setelah mengubah ukuran" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_ShowTerminalSizeHint) #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, showTerminalSizeHintButton) #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ShowTerminalSizeHint), group (KonsoleWindow) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:345 settings/GeneralSettings.ui:53 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:29 #, kde-format msgid "Show hint for terminal size after resizing" msgstr "Tampilkan petunjuk untuk ukuran terminal setelah mengubah ukuran" #. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tabsTab) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:369 #, kde-format msgid "Tabs" msgstr "Tab" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_5) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:375 #, kde-format msgid "Tab Titles" msgstr "Judul Tab" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_13) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:390 #, kde-format msgid "Tab Monitoring" msgstr "Pemantauan Tab" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, silenceSecondsLabel) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:399 #, kde-format msgid "Threshold for continuous silence:" msgstr "Batas untuk diam terusmenerus:" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KPluralHandlingSpinBox, silenceSecondsSpinner) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:409 #, kde-format msgid "The threshold for continuous silence to be detected by Konsole" msgstr "Batas untuk diam terusmenerus yang harus terdeteksi oleh Konsole" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_1) #. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, appearanceTab) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:452 settings/TabBarSettings.ui:17 #, kde-format msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Tampilan" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:464 #, kde-format msgid "Color Scheme && Background" msgstr "Skema Warna && Latar Belakang" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QPushButton, resetColorSchemeButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:473 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Delete the selected color scheme" msgid "Reset the selected color scheme settings to the default values" msgstr "Hapus skema warna terpilih" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, resetColorSchemeButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:476 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "&Set as Default" msgid "Defaults" msgstr "&Atur Sebagai Standar" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QPushButton, removeColorSchemeButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:483 #, kde-format msgid "Delete the selected color scheme" msgstr "Hapus skema warna terpilih" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeEntryButton) #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeColorSchemeButton) #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeKeyBindingsButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:486 EditProfileDialog.ui:872 KeyBindingEditor.ui:62 #, kde-format msgid "Remove" msgstr "Hapus" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KNS3::Button, downloadColorSchemeButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:500 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@action:button Create an alternate color scheme" #| msgid "New..." msgid "Get New..." msgstr "Baru..." #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QPushButton, newColorSchemeButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:507 #, kde-format msgid "Create a new color scheme based upon the selected scheme" msgstr "Ciptakan sebuah skema warna baru berbasis pada skema terpilih" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, newColorSchemeButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:510 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:button Create an alternate color scheme" msgid "New..." msgstr "Baru..." #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QPushButton, editColorSchemeButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:533 #, kde-format msgid "Edit the selected color scheme" msgstr "Sunting skema warna terpilih" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_3) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:556 #, kde-format msgid "Font" msgstr "Fonta" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:567 #, kde-format msgid "Preview:" msgstr "Pratilik:" #. i18n: ectx: property (textElideMode), widget (KSqueezedTextLabel, fontPreviewLabel) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:583 #, kde-format msgid "Qt::ElideRight" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:594 #, kde-format msgid "Text size:" msgstr "Ukuran teks:" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QPushButton, selectFontButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:620 #, kde-format msgid "Select the font used in this profile" msgstr "Pilih fonta yang digunakan di profil ini" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, selectFontButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:623 #, kde-format msgid "Select Font..." msgstr "Pilih Fonta..." #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, showAllFontsButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:630 #, kde-format msgid "Show all fonts instead of the monospaced fonts" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, showAllFontsButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:633 #, kde-format msgid "Show All Fonts" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, antialiasTextButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:655 #, kde-format msgid "Smooth fonts" msgstr "Fonta halus" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, boldIntenseButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:662 #, kde-format msgid "Draw intense colors in bold font" msgstr "Gambar warna intens dalam fonta tebal" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, useFontLineCharactersButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:669 #, kde-format msgid "Use the selected font for line characters instead of the builtin code" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, useFontLineCharactersButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:672 #, kde-format msgid "Use line characters contained in font" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, scrollingTab) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:683 #, kde-format msgid "Scrolling" msgstr "Menggulir" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_6) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:689 #, kde-format msgid "Scrollback" msgstr "Perguliran" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_7) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:704 #, kde-format msgid "Scroll Bar" msgstr "Bilah Gulir" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QRadioButton, scrollBarHiddenButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:721 #, kde-format msgid "Hide the scroll bar" msgstr "Sembunyikan bilah gulir" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, scrollBarHiddenButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:724 #, kde-format msgctxt "@option:radio Hide the scroll bar" msgid "Hide" msgstr "Sembunyi" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QRadioButton, scrollBarLeftButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:737 #, kde-format msgid "Show the scroll bar on the left side of the terminal window" msgstr "Tampilkan bilah gulir di sisi kiri jendela terminal" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, scrollBarLeftButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:740 #, kde-format msgid "Show on left side" msgstr "Tampilkan di sisi kiri" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QRadioButton, scrollBarRightButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:753 #, kde-format msgid "Show the scroll bar on the right side of the terminal window" msgstr "Tampilkan bilah gulir di sisi kanan jendela terminal" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, scrollBarRightButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:756 #, kde-format msgid "Show on right side" msgstr "Tampilkan di sisi kanan" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_15) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:768 #, kde-format msgid "Scroll Page Up/Down Amount" msgstr "Jumlah Gulir Halaman Atas/Bawah" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QRadioButton, scrollHalfPage) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:777 #, kde-format msgid "Scroll the page the half height of window" msgstr "Gulung halaman setengah tinggi jendela" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, scrollHalfPage) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:780 #, kde-format msgid "Half Page Height" msgstr "Tinggi Setengah Halaman" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QRadioButton, scrollFullPage) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:787 #, kde-format msgid "Scroll the page the full height of window" msgstr "Gulung halaman setinggi penuh jendela" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, scrollFullPage) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:790 #, kde-format msgid "Full Page Height" msgstr "Tinggi Penuh Halaman" #. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, keyboardTab) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:814 #, kde-format msgid "Keyboard" msgstr "Keyboard" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, keyBindingsGroup) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:820 #, kde-format msgid "Key Bindings" msgstr "Pengikat Tombol" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:829 #, kde-format msgid "Key bindings control how combinations of keystrokes in the terminal window are converted into the stream of characters which are sent to the current terminal program." msgstr "Pengikat tombol mengendalikan bagaimana penekanan kombinasi tombol di jendela terminal dikonversi menjadi arus karakter yang dikirim ke program terminal saat ini." #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QPushButton, newKeyBindingsButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:849 #, kde-format msgid "Create a new key bindings list based upon the selected bindings" msgstr "Ciptakan sebuah senarai pengikat tombol baru yang berbasis pada pengikat terpilih" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, newKeyBindingsButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:852 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:button Create an alternate key binding" msgid "New..." msgstr "Baru..." #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QPushButton, editKeyBindingsButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:859 #, kde-format msgid "Edit the selected key bindings list" msgstr "Sunting senarai pengikat tombol terpilih" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QPushButton, removeKeyBindingsButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:869 #, kde-format msgid "Delete the selected key bindings list" msgstr "Hapus senarai pengikat tombol terpilih" #. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, mouseTab) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:896 #, kde-format msgid "Mouse" msgstr "Mouse" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_9) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:902 #, kde-format msgid "Select Text" msgstr "Pilih Teks" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:913 #, kde-format msgid "Characters considered part of a word when double clicking:" msgstr "Karakter yang dianggap bagian dari kata ketika klik ganda: " #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, wordCharacterEdit) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:926 #, kde-format msgid "Characters which are considered part of a word when double-clicking to select whole words in the terminal" msgstr "Karakter yang akan dianggap bagian dari kata ketika klik ganda untuk memilih seluruh kata di terminal" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:937 #, kde-format msgid "Triple-click select:" msgstr "Pilih klik tiga kali:" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, tripleClickModeCombo) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:944 #, kde-format msgid "Which part of current line should be selected with triple click ." msgstr "Bagian mana dari baris saat ini yang harus dipilih dengan klik tiga kali." #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tripleClickModeCombo) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:948 #, kde-format msgid "The whole current line" msgstr "Seluruh baris saat ini" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tripleClickModeCombo) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:953 #, kde-format msgid "From mouse position to the end of line" msgstr "Dari posisi mouse ke akhir baris" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_14) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:966 #, kde-format msgid "Copy && Paste" msgstr "Salin && Tempel" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, trimLeadingSpacesButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:977 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Trim trailing spaces in selected text, useful in some instances" msgid "Trim leading spaces in selected text, useful in some instances" msgstr "Gunting ruang mengikuti di teks terpilih, berguna dalam keadaan tertentu" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, trimLeadingSpacesButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:980 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Trim trailing spaces" msgid "Trim leading spaces" msgstr "Gunting ruang mengikuti" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, trimTrailingSpacesButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:987 #, kde-format msgid "Trim trailing spaces in selected text, useful in some instances" msgstr "Gunting ruang mengikuti di teks terpilih, berguna dalam keadaan tertentu" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, trimTrailingSpacesButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:990 #, kde-format msgid "Trim trailing spaces" msgstr "Gunting ruang mengikuti" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1001 #, kde-format msgid "Mouse middle button:" msgstr "Tombol tengah mouse:" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, pasteFromClipboardButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1008 #, kde-format msgid "Paste from clipboard" msgstr "Tempel dari papan klip" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, pasteFromX11SelectionButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1015 #, kde-format msgid "Paste from selection" msgstr "Tempel dari seleksi" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, copyTextToClipboardButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1026 #, kde-format msgid "Automatically copy selected text into clipboard" msgstr "Secara otomatis memilih teks ke papan klip" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, copyTextToClipboardButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1029 #, kde-format msgid "Copy on select" msgstr "Salin saat pilih" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, copyTextAsHTMLButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1036 #, kde-format msgid "Copy text as HTML (including formatting, font faces, colors... etc)" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, copyTextAsHTMLButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1039 #, kde-format msgid "Copy text as HTML" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1051 #, kde-format msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Lain-lain" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, underlineLinksButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1060 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Text recognized as a link or an email address will be underlined when hovered by the mouse pointer." msgid "Text recognized as a link or an email address will be underlined when hovered by the mouse pointer." msgstr "Teks dikenali sebagai tautan atau alamat email akan digarisbawahi jika di atasnya ada penunjuk tetikus." #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, underlineLinksButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1063 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Underline links" msgid "Underline links" msgstr "Garis bawahi tautan" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, underlineFilesButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1070 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Text recognized as a link or an email address will be underlined when hovered by the mouse pointer." msgid "Text recognized as a file will be underlined when hovered by the mouse pointer." msgstr "Teks dikenali sebagai tautan atau alamat email akan digarisbawahi jika di atasnya ada penunjuk tetikus." #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, underlineFilesButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1073 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Underline links" msgid "Underline files" msgstr "Garis bawahi tautan" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, openLinksByDirectClickButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1101 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Text recognized as a link or an email address can be opened by direct mouse click." msgid "Text recognized as a file, link or an email address can be opened by direct mouse click." msgstr "Teks dikenali sebagai tautan atau alamat email dapat dibuka dengan klik tetikus langsung." #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, openLinksByDirectClickButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1104 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Open links by direct click" msgid "Open files and links by direct click" msgstr "Buka tautan dengan klik langsung" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, ctrlRequiredForDragButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1113 #, kde-format msgid "Selected text will require control key plus click to drag." msgstr "Pilih teks yang memerlukan tombol kendali plus klik untuk tarik." #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, ctrlRequiredForDragButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1116 #, kde-format msgid "Require Ctrl key for drag and drop" msgstr "Memerlukan tombol Ctrl untuk tarik dan taruh" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, dropUrlsAsText) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1123 #, kde-format msgid "Always paste dropped URLs as text without offering move, copy and link actions." msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, dropUrlsAsText) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1126 #, kde-format msgid "Disable drag and drop menu for URLs and files" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, enableMouseWheelZoomButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1133 #, kde-format msgid "Pressing Ctrl+scrollwheel will increase/decrease the text size." msgstr "Menekan Ctrl+roda gulir akan meningkatkan/mengurangi ukuran teks." #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, enableMouseWheelZoomButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1136 #, kde-format msgid "Allow Ctrl+scrollwheel to zoom text size" msgstr "Izinkan Ctrl+roda gulir untuk pembesaran ukuran teks" #. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, advancedTab) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1147 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title:tab Complex options" msgid "Advanced" msgstr "Lanjutan" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_4) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1153 #, kde-format msgid "Terminal Features" msgstr "Fitur Terminal" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, urlHintsLabel) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1162 #, kde-format msgid "Show URL hints when these keys are pressed:" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, urlHintsModifierShift) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1187 #, kde-format msgid "Shift" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, urlHintsModifierCtrl) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1194 #, kde-format msgid "Control" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, urlHintsModifierAlt) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1201 #, kde-format msgid "Alt" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, urlHintsModifierMeta) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1208 #, kde-format msgid "Meta" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, enableBlinkingTextButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1223 #, kde-format msgid "Allow terminal programs to create blinking sections of text" msgstr "Memungkinkan program terminal untuk menciptakan bagian berkedip dari teks" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, enableBlinkingTextButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1226 #, kde-format msgid "Allow blinking text" msgstr "Memungkinkan teks berkedip" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, enableFlowControlButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1239 #, kde-format msgid "Allow the output to be suspended by pressing Ctrl+S" msgstr "Memungkinkan keluaran disuspensi dengan menekan Ctrl+S" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, enableFlowControlButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1242 #, kde-format msgid "Enable flow control using Ctrl+S, Ctrl+Q" msgstr "Aktifkan kendali aliran menggunakan Ctrl+S, Ctrl+Q" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, enableBidiRenderingButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1255 #, kde-format msgid "Enable Bi-Directional display on terminals (valid for Arabic, Farsi or Hebrew only)" msgstr "Aktifkan tampilan Dwi-Arah di terminal (valid hanya untuk bahasa Arab, Farsi atau Yahudi)" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, enableBidiRenderingButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1258 #, kde-format msgid "Enable Bi-Directional text rendering" msgstr "Aktifkan render teks Dwi-Arah" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lineSpacingLabel) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1267 #, kde-format msgid "Line Spacing:" msgstr "Jarak Spasi:" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSpinBox, lineSpacingSpinner) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1274 #, kde-format msgid "The number of pixels between two lines" msgstr "Jumlah pixel di antara dua baris" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_8) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1305 #, kde-format msgid "Cursor" msgstr "Kursor" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, enableBlinkingCursorButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1320 #, kde-format msgid "Make the cursor blink regularly" msgstr "Buat kursor berkedip secara teratur" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, enableBlinkingCursorButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1323 #, kde-format msgid "Blinking cursor" msgstr "Kursor berkedip" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1332 #, kde-format msgid "Cursor shape:" msgstr "Bentuk kursor:" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, cursorShapeCombo) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1339 #, kde-format msgid "Change the shape of the cursor" msgstr "Ubah bentuk kursor" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, cursorShapeCombo) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1343 #, kde-format msgctxt "The shape of the cursor" msgid "Block" msgstr "Blok" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, cursorShapeCombo) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1348 #, kde-format msgctxt "The shape of the cursor, similar to a capital I" msgid "I-Beam" msgstr "I-Beam" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, cursorShapeCombo) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1353 #, kde-format msgctxt "The shape of the cursor" msgid "Underline" msgstr "Garis Bawah" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QRadioButton, autoCursorColorButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1384 #, kde-format msgid "Set the cursor to match the color of the character underneath it." msgstr "Atur kursor agar menyesuaikan dengan warna karakter di bawahnya." #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, autoCursorColorButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1387 #, kde-format msgid "Set cursor color to match current character" msgstr "Atur warna kursor agar menyesuaikan dengan karakter saat ini" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QRadioButton, customCursorColorButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1402 #, kde-format msgid "Use a custom, fixed color for the cursor" msgstr "Gunakan warna suaian, tetap untuk kursor" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, customCursorColorButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1405 #, kde-format msgid "Custom cursor color:" msgstr "Warna kursor suaian:" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KColorButton, customColorSelectButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1418 #, kde-format msgid "Select the color used to draw the cursor" msgstr "Pilih warna yang digunakan untuk menggambar kursor" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_11) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1448 #, kde-format msgid "Encoding" msgstr "Penyandian" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1457 #, kde-format msgid "Default character encoding:" msgstr "Penyandian karakter baku:" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, selectEncodingButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: EditProfileDialog.ui:1477 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:button Pick an encoding" msgid "Select" msgstr "Pilih" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Filter.cpp:495 #, kde-format msgid "Open Link" msgstr "Buka Tautan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Filter.cpp:496 #, kde-format msgid "Copy Link Address" msgstr "Salin Tautan Alamat" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Filter.cpp:498 #, kde-format msgid "Send Email To..." msgstr "Kirim Email Ke..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Filter.cpp:499 #, kde-format msgid "Copy Email Address" msgstr "Salin Alamat Email" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Filter.cpp:637 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Open File Manager" msgid "Open File" msgstr "Buka Pengelola Fail" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: HistorySizeDialog.cpp:38 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title:window" msgid "Adjust Scrollback" msgstr "Sesuaikan Perguliran" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: HistorySizeDialog.cpp:60 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:status" msgid "Any adjustments are only temporary to this session." msgstr "Penyesuaian apapun hanya temporer pada sesi ini." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: HistorySizeWidget.cpp:46 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:status" msgid "When using this option, the scrollback data will be saved to RAM. If you choose a huge value, your system may run out of free RAM and cause serious issues with your system." msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: HistorySizeWidget.cpp:55 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:status" msgid "" "When using this option, the scrollback data will be written unencrypted to temporary files. Those temporary files will be deleted automatically when Konsole is closed in a normal manner.\n" "Use Settings->Configure Konsole->File Location to select the location of the temporary files." msgstr "" "Ketika menggunakan opsi ini, data perguliran akan ditulis tak terenkripsi ke fail temporer. Fail temporer tersebut akan dihapus secara otomatis ketika Konsole ditutup dengan cara normal.\n" "gunakan Setelan->Konfigurasi Konsol->Lokasi Fail untuk memilih lokasinya fail temporer." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: HistorySizeWidget.cpp:75 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "Unit of scrollback" #| msgid " line" #| msgid_plural " lines" msgctxt "@label:textbox Unit of scrollback" msgid " line" msgid_plural " lines" msgstr[0] " baris" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QRadioButton, noHistoryButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: HistorySizeWidget.ui:29 #, kde-format msgid "Do not remember previous output" msgstr "Jangan ingat keluaran sebelumnya" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, noHistoryButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: HistorySizeWidget.ui:32 #, kde-format msgid "No scrollback" msgstr "Tiada perguliran" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QRadioButton, fixedSizeHistoryButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: HistorySizeWidget.ui:50 #, kde-format msgid "Limit the remembered output to a fixed number of lines" msgstr "Batasi keluaran yang diingat ke jumlah baris yang tetap" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, fixedSizeHistoryButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: HistorySizeWidget.ui:53 #, kde-format msgid "Fixed size scrollback:" msgstr "Perguliran ukuran tetap:" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KPluralHandlingSpinBox, historyLineSpinner) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: HistorySizeWidget.ui:60 #, kde-format msgid "Number of lines of output to remember" msgstr "Jumlah baris keluaran untuk diingat" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QRadioButton, unlimitedHistoryButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: HistorySizeWidget.ui:104 #, kde-format msgid "Remember all output produced by the terminal" msgstr "Ingat semua keluaran yang dihasilkan oleh terminal" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, unlimitedHistoryButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: HistorySizeWidget.ui:107 #, kde-format msgid "Unlimited scrollback" msgstr "Perguliran tak terbatas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:54 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Close the search bar" msgstr "Tutup bilah pencarian" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:59 #, kde-format msgctxt "@label:textbox" msgid "Find:" msgstr "Cari:" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:64 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Enter the text to search for here" msgstr "Masukkan teks untuk dicari dari sini" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:84 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:button Go to the next phrase" msgid "Next" msgstr "Berikutnya" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:87 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Find the next match for the current search phrase" msgstr "Cari kecocokan berikutnya untuk lema pencarian saat ini" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:93 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:button Go to the previous phrase" msgid "Previous" msgstr "Sebelumnya" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:96 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Find the previous match for the current search phrase" msgstr "Cari kecocokan sebelumnya untuk lema pencarian saat ini" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:107 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:button Display options menu" msgid "Options" msgstr "Opsi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:112 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Display the options menu" msgstr "Tampilkan menu opsi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:126 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:inmenu" msgid "Case sensitive" msgstr "Sensitif huruf" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:128 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Sets whether the search is case sensitive" msgstr "Atur apakah pencarian sensitif huruf" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:132 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:inmenu" msgid "Match regular expression" msgstr "Kecocokan ekspresi reguler" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:137 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:inmenu" msgid "Highlight all matches" msgstr "Sorot semua kecocokan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:140 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Sets whether matching text should be highlighted" msgstr "Atur apakah teks yang cocok harus disorot" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:144 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Search backwards" msgctxt "@item:inmenu" msgid "Search backwards" msgstr "Cari mundur" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:147 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Sets whether search should start from the bottom" msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Sets whether search should start from the bottom" msgstr "Atur apakah pencarian harus dimulai dari bawah" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:169 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:button Search from bottom" msgid "From bottom" msgstr "Dari bawah" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:171 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Search for the current search phrase from the bottom" msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Search for the current search phrase from the bottom" msgstr "Cari untuk lema penelusuran saat ini dari bawah" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:175 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:button Search from top" msgid "From top" msgstr "Dari atas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: IncrementalSearchBar.cpp:177 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Search for the current search phrase from the top" msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Search for the current search phrase from the top" msgstr "Cari untuk lema penelusuran saat ini dari atas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: KeyBindingEditor.cpp:51 #, kde-format msgid "Key Combination" msgstr "Kombinasi Tombol" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: KeyBindingEditor.cpp:51 #, kde-format msgid "Output" msgstr "Keluaran" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, addEntryButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: KeyBindingEditor.ui:55 #, kde-format msgid "Add" msgstr "Tambah" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: KeyBindingEditor.ui:84 #, kde-format msgctxt "Title of the area where you test your keys are properly configured" msgid "Test Area" msgstr "Area Uji" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: KeyBindingEditor.ui:105 #, kde-format msgid "Input:" msgstr "Masukan:" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: KeyBindingEditor.ui:118 #, kde-format msgid "Output:" msgstr "Keluaran" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:97 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Konsole" msgctxt "@title" msgid "Konsole" msgstr "Konsole" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:99 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title" msgid "Terminal emulator" msgstr "Emulator terminal" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:101 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "(c) 1997-2017, The Konsole Developers" msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:274 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Kurt Hindenburg" msgstr "Kurt Hindenburg" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:275 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "General maintainer, bug fixes and general improvements" msgstr "Pengelola umum, perbaikan bug dan peningkatan umum" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:278 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Robert Knight" msgstr "Robert Knight" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:279 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Previous maintainer, ported to KDE4" msgstr "Pengelola sebelumnya, dipindahkan ke KDE4" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:281 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Lars Doelle" msgstr "Lars Doelle" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:282 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Original author" msgstr "Penulis asli" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:284 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Jekyll Wu" msgstr "Jekyll Wu" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:285 main.cpp:288 main.cpp:291 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Bug fixes and general improvements" msgstr "Perbaikan bug dan peningkatan umum" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:287 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Waldo Bastian" msgstr "Waldo Bastian" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:290 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Stephan Binner" msgstr "Stephan Binner" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:293 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Thomas Dreibholz" msgstr "Thomas Dreibholz" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:294 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "General improvements" msgstr "Peningkatan umum" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:296 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Chris Machemer" msgstr "Chris Machemer" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:297 main.cpp:300 main.cpp:336 main.cpp:339 main.cpp:342 #: main.cpp:345 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Bug fixes" msgstr "Perbaikan bug" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:299 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Francesco Cecconi" msgstr "Francesco Cecconi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:302 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Stephan Kulow" msgstr "Stephan Kulow" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:303 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Solaris support and history" msgstr "Dukungan Solaris dan riwayat" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:305 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Alexander Neundorf" msgstr "Alexander Neundorf" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:306 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Bug fixes and improved startup performance" msgstr "Perbaikan bug dan peningkatan performa permulaian" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:308 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Peter Silva" msgstr "Peter Silva" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:309 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Marking improvements" msgstr "Peningkatan penandaan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:311 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Lotzi Boloni" msgstr "Lotzi Boloni" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:312 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "" "Embedded Konsole\n" "Toolbar and session names" msgstr "" "Konsole terbenam\n" "Bilah alat dan nama sesi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:315 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "David Faure" msgstr "David Faure" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:316 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "" "Embedded Konsole\n" "General improvements" msgstr "" "Konsole terbenam\n" "Peningkatan umum" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:319 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Antonio Larrosa" msgstr "Antonio Larrosa" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:320 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Visual effects" msgstr "Efek visual" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:322 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Matthias Ettrich" msgstr "Matthias Ettrich" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:323 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "" "Code from the kvt project\n" "General improvements" msgstr "" "Kode dari proyek kvt\n" "Peningkatan umum" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:326 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Warwick Allison" msgstr "Warwick Allison" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:327 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Schema and text selection improvements" msgstr "Skema dan peningkatan pemilihan teks" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:329 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Dan Pilone" msgstr "Dan Pilone" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:330 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "SGI port" msgstr "Pangkalan SGI" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:332 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Kevin Street" msgstr "Kevin Street" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:333 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "FreeBSD port" msgstr "Pangkalan FreeBSD" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:335 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Sven Fischer" msgstr "Sven Fischer" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:338 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Dale M. Flaven" msgstr "Dale M. Flaven" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:341 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Martin Jones" msgstr "Martin Jones" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:344 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Lars Knoll" msgstr "Lars Knoll" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: main.cpp:347 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:credit" msgid "Thanks to many others.\n" msgstr "Terima kasih kepada yang lainnya.\n" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: MainWindow.cpp:317 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:inmenu" msgid "&New Tab" msgstr "Tab &Baru" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: MainWindow.cpp:327 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:inmenu" msgid "&Clone Tab" msgstr "&Klon Tab" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: MainWindow.cpp:334 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:inmenu" msgid "New &Window" msgstr "&Jendela Baru" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: MainWindow.cpp:341 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:inmenu" msgid "Close Window" msgstr "Tutup Jendela" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: MainWindow.cpp:346 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title:menu" msgid "&Bookmarks" msgstr "&Markah" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: MainWindow.cpp:365 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:inmenu" msgid "Manage Profiles..." msgstr "Atur Profil..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: MainWindow.cpp:371 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item" msgid "Activate Menu" msgstr "Aktifkan Menu" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: MainWindow.cpp:610 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info" msgid "There is a process running in this window. Do you still want to quit?" msgid_plural "There are %1 processes running in this window. Do you still want to quit?" msgstr[0] "Ada %1 proses berjalan di jendela ini. Anda yakin masih ingin keluar?" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: MainWindow.cpp:616 MainWindow.cpp:631 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title" msgid "Confirm Close" msgstr "Konfirmasi Tutup" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: MainWindow.cpp:618 MainWindow.cpp:632 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:button" msgid "Close &Window" msgstr "Tutup &Jendela" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: MainWindow.cpp:621 MainWindow.cpp:635 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:button" msgid "Close Current &Tab" msgstr "Tutup &Tab Saat Ini" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: MainWindow.cpp:628 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@info" #| msgid "There is a process running in this window. Do you still want to quit?" #| msgid_plural "There are %1 processes running in this window. Do you still want to quit?" msgctxt "@info" msgid "There are %1 open tabs in this window. Do you still want to quit?" msgstr "Ada %1 proses berjalan di jendela ini. Anda yakin masih ingin keluar?" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: MainWindow.cpp:738 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title Preferences page name" msgid "General" msgstr "Umum" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: MainWindow.cpp:744 Part.cpp:290 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@item This will be used as part of the file name" #| msgid "New Profile" msgctxt "@title Preferences page name" msgid "Profiles" msgstr "Profil Baru" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: MainWindow.cpp:749 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title Preferences page name" msgid "TabBar" msgstr "Bilah Tab" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: MainWindow.cpp:754 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "&Paste Location" msgctxt "@title Preferences page name" msgid "File Location" msgstr "&Lokasi Tempel" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Part.cpp:296 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title Preferences page name" msgid "Part Info" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, PrintOptions) #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, OutputOptions) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: PrintOptions.ui:14 PrintOptions.ui:20 #, kde-format msgid "Output Options" msgstr "Opsi Keluaran" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, printerFriendly) #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (PrinterFriendly), group (PrintOptions) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: PrintOptions.ui:39 settings/konsole.kcfg:114 #, kde-format msgid "Printer &friendly mode (black text, no background)" msgstr "Mode &ramah pencetak (teks hitam, tanpa latar belakang)" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, scaleOutput) #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ScaleOutput), group (PrintOptions) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: PrintOptions.ui:46 settings/konsole.kcfg:118 #, kde-format msgid "&Scale output" msgstr "&Skala keluaran" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Profile.cpp:154 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "&Set as Default" msgctxt "Name of the default/builtin profile" msgid "Default" msgstr "&Atur Sebagai Standar" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ProfileList.cpp:48 #, kde-format msgid "Default profile" msgstr "Profil baku" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ProfileManager.cpp:349 #, kde-format msgid "Konsole does not have permission to save this profile to %1" msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ProfileManager.cpp:387 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Edit Profile \"%1\"" msgctxt "The default name of a profile" msgid "Profile #%1" msgstr "Sunting Profil \"%1\"" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: RenameTabDialog.cpp:37 #, kde-format msgid "Rename Tab" msgstr "Ganti Nama Tab" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: RenameTabWidget.ui:26 #, kde-format msgid "Tab title format:" msgstr "Format judul tab:" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, tabTitleEdit) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: RenameTabWidget.ui:36 #, kde-format msgid "Normal tab title format" msgstr "Format judul tab normal" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: RenameTabWidget.ui:46 #, kde-format msgid "Remote tab title format:" msgstr "Format judul tab jarak jauh:" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, remoteTabTitleEdit) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: RenameTabWidget.ui:56 #, kde-format msgid "Tab title format used when a remote command (e.g. connection to another computer via SSH) is being executed" msgstr "Format judul tab yang digunakan ketika sebuah perintah jarak jauh (misalnya koneksi ke komputer lain via SSH) sedang dieksekusi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: schemas.cpp:1 #, kde-format msgid "Black on Light Yellow" msgstr "Hitam di Atas Kuning Terang" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: schemas.cpp:2 #, kde-format msgid "Black on Random Light" msgstr "Hitam di Atas Terang Acak" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: schemas.cpp:3 #, kde-format msgid "Black on White" msgstr "Hitam di Atas Putih" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: schemas.cpp:4 #, kde-format msgid "Blue on Black" msgstr "Biru di Atas Hitam" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: schemas.cpp:5 #, kde-format msgid "Breeze" msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: schemas.cpp:6 #, kde-format msgid "Dark Pastels" msgstr "Pastel Gelap" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: schemas.cpp:7 #, kde-format msgid "Green on Black" msgstr "Hijau di Atas Hitam" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: schemas.cpp:8 #, kde-format msgid "Linux Colors" msgstr "Warna Linux" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: schemas.cpp:9 #, kde-format msgid "Red on Black" msgstr "Merah di Atas Hitam" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: schemas.cpp:10 #, kde-format msgid "Solarized" msgstr "Solarized" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: schemas.cpp:11 #, kde-format msgid "Solarized Light" msgstr "Solarized Ringan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: schemas.cpp:12 #, kde-format msgid "White on Black" msgstr "Putih di Atas Hitam" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: schemas.cpp:13 #, kde-format msgid "Default (XFree 4)" msgstr "Baku (XFree 4)" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: schemas.cpp:14 #, kde-format msgid "Linux console" msgstr "Konsol Linux" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: schemas.cpp:15 #, kde-format msgid "Solaris console" msgstr "Konsol Solaris" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Session.cpp:362 #, kde-format msgid "Could not find binary: " msgstr "Tak dapat menemukan biner: " #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Session.cpp:371 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell Alert the user with red color text" msgid "Warning: " msgstr "Peringatan: " #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Session.cpp:429 #, kde-format msgid "Could not find '%1', starting '%2' instead. Please check your profile settings." msgstr "Tak dapat menemukan '%1', memulai '%2'. Silakan cek setelan profil anda." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Session.cpp:432 #, kde-format msgid "Could not find an interactive shell to start." msgstr "Tak dapat menemukan sebuah shell interaktif untuk dijalankan." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Session.cpp:470 #, kde-format msgid "Could not start program '%1' with arguments '%2'." msgstr "Tak dapat menjalankan program '%1' dengan argumen '%2'." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Session.cpp:612 #, kde-format msgid "Silence in session '%1'" msgstr "Diam di sesi '%1'" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Session.cpp:661 #, kde-format msgid "Bell in session '%1'" msgstr "Bel di sesi '%1'" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Session.cpp:674 #, kde-format msgid "Activity in session '%1'" msgstr "Aktivitas di sesi '%1'" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Session.cpp:881 #, kde-format msgid "" "The D-Bus methods sendText/runCommand were just used. There are security concerns about allowing these methods to be public. If desired, these methods can be changed to internal use only by re-compiling Konsole. " "

This warning will only show once for this Konsole instance.

" msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Session.cpp:908 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:shell This session is done" msgid "Finished" msgstr "Selesai" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Session.cpp:922 Session.cpp:935 #, kde-format msgid "Program '%1' crashed." msgstr "Program '%1' mogok." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Session.cpp:924 #, kde-format msgid "Program '%1' exited with status %2." msgstr "Program '%1' keluar dengan status %2." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Session.cpp:1351 #, kde-format msgid "ZModem Progress" msgstr "Progres ZModem" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:127 #, kde-format msgid "Konsole" msgstr "Konsole" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:347 #, kde-format msgid "Konsole does not know how to open the bookmark: " msgstr "Konsole tak tahu bagaimana cara untuk membuka markah: " #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:407 #, kde-format msgid "Search for '%1' with" msgstr "Cari '%1' dengan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:421 #, kde-format msgid "Configure Web Shortcuts..." msgstr "Konfigurasi Pintasan Web..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:549 #, kde-format msgid "&Close Session" msgstr "&Tutup Sesi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:551 #, kde-format msgid "&Close Tab" msgstr "&Tutup Tab" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:559 #, kde-format msgid "Open File Manager" msgstr "Buka Pengelola Fail" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:586 #, kde-format msgid "Paste Selection" msgstr "Seleksi Tempel" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:593 #, kde-format msgid "Web Search" msgstr "Pencarian Web" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:600 #, kde-format msgid "&Select All" msgstr "&Pilih Semua" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:604 #, kde-format msgid "Select &Line" msgstr "Pilih &Baris" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:607 #, kde-format msgid "Save Output &As..." msgstr "Simpan &Keluaran Sebagai..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:613 #, kde-format msgid "&Print Screen..." msgstr "&Cetak Layar..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:617 #, kde-format msgid "Adjust Scrollback..." msgstr "Sesuaikan Perguliran..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:621 #, kde-format msgid "Clear Scrollback" msgstr "Bersihkan Perguliran" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:625 #, kde-format msgid "Clear Scrollback and Reset" msgstr "Bersihkan Perguliran dan Setel-ulang" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:631 #, kde-format msgid "Edit Current Profile..." msgstr "Sunting Profil Saat Ini..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:634 #, kde-format msgid "Switch Profile" msgstr "Ganti Profil" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:651 #, kde-format msgid "Set &Encoding" msgstr "Atur &Penyandian" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:659 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:inmenu A read only (locked) session" msgid "Read-only" msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:670 #, kde-format msgid "&Rename Tab..." msgstr "&Ganti Nama Tab..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:676 #, kde-format msgid "&All Tabs in Current Window" msgstr "&Semua Tab di Jendela Saat Ini" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:683 #, kde-format msgid "&Select Tabs..." msgstr "&Ganti Nama Tab..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:689 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:inmenu Do not select any tabs" msgid "&None" msgstr "Tak &Ada" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:697 #, kde-format msgid "Copy Input To" msgstr "Salin Masukan Ke" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:704 #, kde-format msgid "&ZModem Upload..." msgstr "Pengunggah &ZModem..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:709 #, kde-format msgid "Monitor for &Activity" msgstr "Pemantau &Aktivitas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:714 #, kde-format msgid "Monitor for &Silence" msgstr "Pemantau &Diam" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:721 #, kde-format msgid "Enlarge Font" msgstr "Besarkan Fonta" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:729 #, kde-format msgid "Shrink Font" msgstr "Perkecil Fonta" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:736 #, kde-format msgid "Send Signal" msgstr "Kirim Sinyal" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:740 #, kde-format msgid "&Suspend Task" msgstr "&Suspensi Tugas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:745 #, kde-format msgid "&Continue Task" msgstr "&Lanjutkan Tugas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:750 #, kde-format msgid "&Hangup" msgstr "&Putus" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:755 #, kde-format msgid "&Interrupt Task" msgstr "&Interupsi Tugas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:760 #, kde-format msgid "&Terminate Task" msgstr "&Hentikan Tugas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:765 #, kde-format msgid "&Kill Task" msgstr "&Matikan Tugas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:770 #, kde-format msgid "User Signal &1" msgstr "Sinyal Pengguna &1" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:775 #, kde-format msgid "User Signal &2" msgstr "Sinyal Pengguna &2" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:899 #, kde-format msgid "A program is currently running in this session. Are you sure you want to close it?" msgstr "Sebuah program saat ini berjalan di sesi ini. Apakah anda yakin ingin menutupnya?" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:902 #, kde-format msgid "The program '%1' is currently running in this session. Are you sure you want to close it?" msgstr "Program '%1' saat ini berjalan di sesi ini. Apakah anda yakin ingin menutupnya?" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:906 SessionController.cpp:933 #, kde-format msgid "Confirm Close" msgstr "Konfirmasi Tutup" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:926 #, kde-format msgid "A program in this session would not die. Are you sure you want to kill it by force?" msgstr "Sebuah program di sesi ini tidak akan mati. Apakah anda yakin ingin mematikannya secara paksa?" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:929 #, kde-format msgid "The program '%1' is in this session would not die. Are you sure you want to kill it by force?" msgstr "Program '%1' di sesi ini tidak akan mati. Apakah anda yakin ingin mematikannya secara paksa?" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:1468 #, kde-format msgid "Print Shell" msgstr "Cetak Shell" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:1733 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Save ZModem Download to ..." msgid "Save ZModem Download to..." msgstr "Simpan Unduhan ZModem ke ..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:1743 #, kde-format msgid "" "

A ZModem file transfer attempt has been detected, but no suitable ZModem software was found on this system.

" "

You may wish to install the 'rzsz' or 'lrzsz' package.

" msgstr "" "

Sebuah percobaan transfer fail ZModem telah terdeteksi, tapi tak ada perangkat lunak ZModem yang ditemukan di sistem ini.

" "

Anda mungkin perlu memasang paket 'rzsz' atau 'lrzsz'.

" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:1755 #, kde-format msgid "

The current session already has a ZModem file transfer in progress.

" msgstr "

Sesi saat ini telah memiliki transfer fail ZModem yang berjalan.

" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:1766 #, kde-format msgid "" "

No suitable ZModem software was found on this system.

" "

You may wish to install the 'rzsz' or 'lrzsz' package.

" msgstr "" "

Tak ada perangkat lunak ZModem yang cocok yang ditemukan di sistem ini.

" "

Anda mungkin perlu memasang paket 'rzsz' atau 'lrzsz'.

" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:1772 #, kde-format msgid "Select Files for ZModem Upload" msgstr "Pilih Fail Untuk Unggahan ZModem" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:1833 #, kde-format msgid "Save Output From %1" msgstr "Simpan Keluaran Dari %1" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:1845 #, kde-format msgid "%1 is an invalid URL, the output could not be saved." msgstr "%1 adalah URL yang tidak sah, keluaran tak dapat disimpan." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionController.cpp:1921 #, kde-format msgid "" "A problem occurred when saving the output.\n" "%1" msgstr "" "Sebuah masalah terjadi ketika menyimpan keluaran.\n" "%1" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionListModel.cpp:103 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable The session index" msgid "Number" msgstr "Nomor" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: SessionListModel.cpp:105 #, kde-format msgctxt "@item:intable The session title" msgid "Title" msgstr "Judul" #. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QGroupBox, ButtonGroup1) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/FileLocationSettings.ui:23 #, kde-format msgid "" "Scrollback File Location" "

Use this groupbox to determine where Konsole will store the scrollback files.

" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, ButtonGroup1) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/FileLocationSettings.ui:26 #, kde-format msgid "Scrollback File Location" msgstr "Lokasi Fail Perguliran" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/FileLocationSettings.ui:32 #, kde-format msgid "These settings only apply when Profile->Scrolling->Unlimited scrollback is selected." msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, kcfg_scrollbackUseSystemLocation) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/FileLocationSettings.ui:42 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "&Paste Location" msgid "Use system &location" msgstr "&Lokasi Tempel" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, kcfg_scrollbackUseCacheLocation) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/FileLocationSettings.ui:85 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "&Paste Location" msgid "Use user specific location" msgstr "&Lokasi Tempel" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, kcfg_scrollbackUseSpecifiedLocation) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/FileLocationSettings.ui:125 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "&Paste Location" msgid "Use specified loca&tion" msgstr "&Lokasi Tempel" #. i18n: ectx: property (filter), widget (KUrlRequester, kcfg_scrollbackUseSpecifiedLocationDirectory) #. i18n: ectx: property (filter), widget (KUrlRequester, kcfg_TabBarUserStyleSheetFile) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/FileLocationSettings.ui:156 settings/TabBarSettings.ui:81 #, kde-format msgid "text/css" msgstr "teks/css" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/FileLocationSettings.ui:187 #, kde-format msgid "For the 'Use user specific location', any application using KonsolePart will have the app name instead of konsole." msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/FileLocationSettings.ui:211 #, kde-format msgid "For any changes to take effect, quit Konsole and restart." msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_1) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:28 #, kde-format msgid "Konsole Window" msgstr "Jendela Konsole" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_ShowMenuBarByDefault) #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ShowMenuBarByDefault), group (KonsoleWindow) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:40 settings/konsole.kcfg:9 #, kde-format msgid "Show menubar by default" msgstr "Tampilkan bilah menu secara baku" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SaveGeometryOnExit) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:66 #, kde-format msgid "If enabled, profile settings will be ignored" msgstr "Jika diaktifkan, setelan profil akan diabaikan" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SaveGeometryOnExit) #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (SaveGeometryOnExit), group (KonsoleWindow) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:69 settings/konsole.kcfg:34 #, kde-format msgid "Use current window size on next startup" msgstr "Gunakan ukuran jendela saat ini pada permulaian berikutnya" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_UseSingleInstance) #. i18n: ectx: tooltip, entry (UseSingleInstance), group (KonsoleWindow) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:82 settings/konsole.kcfg:40 #, kde-format msgid "When launching Konsole re-use existing process if possible" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_UseSingleInstance) #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (UseSingleInstance), group (KonsoleWindow) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:85 settings/konsole.kcfg:39 #, kde-format msgid "Run all Konsole windows in a single process" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AllowMenuAccelerators) #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (AllowMenuAccelerators), group (KonsoleWindow) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:98 settings/konsole.kcfg:24 #, kde-format msgid "Enable menu accelerators" msgstr "Aktifkan akselerator menu" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_ShowWindowTitleOnTitleBar) #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ShowWindowTitleOnTitleBar), group (KonsoleWindow) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:111 settings/konsole.kcfg:14 #, kde-format msgid "Show window title on the titlebar" msgstr "Tampilkan judul jendela di bilah judul" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_ShowAppNameOnTitleBar) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:124 #, kde-format msgid "Show application name on the titlebar" msgstr "Tampilkan nama aplikasi di bilah judul" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:141 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Default character encoding:" msgid "Default Search Settings" msgstr "Penyandian karakter standar:" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SearchCaseSensitive) #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (SearchCaseSensitive), group (SearchSettings) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:153 settings/konsole.kcfg:46 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@info:tooltip" #| msgid "Sets whether the search is case sensitive" msgid "Search is case sensitive" msgstr "Atur apakah pencarian sensitif huruf" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SearchCaseSensitive) #. i18n: ectx: tooltip, entry (SearchCaseSensitive), group (SearchSettings) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:156 settings/konsole.kcfg:47 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@info:tooltip" #| msgid "Sets whether the search is case sensitive" msgid "Sets whether the search is case sensitive" msgstr "Atur apakah pencarian sensitif huruf" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SearchRegExpression) #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (SearchRegExpression), group (SearchSettings) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:169 settings/konsole.kcfg:51 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@item:inmenu" #| msgid "Match regular expression" msgid "Match using regular expressions" msgstr "Kecocokan ekspresi reguler" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SearchHighlightMatches) #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (SearchHighlightMatches), group (SearchSettings) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:182 settings/konsole.kcfg:55 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@item:inmenu" #| msgid "Highlight all matches" msgid "Highlight all search matches" msgstr "Sorot semua kecocokan" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SearchReverseSearch) #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (SearchReverseSearch), group (SearchSettings) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:195 settings/konsole.kcfg:60 #, kde-format msgid "Search backwards" msgstr "Cari mundur" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SearchReverseSearch) #. i18n: ectx: tooltip, entry (SearchReverseSearch), group (SearchSettings) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:198 settings/konsole.kcfg:61 #, kde-format msgid "Sets whether search should start from the bottom" msgstr "Atur apakah pencarian harus dimulai dari bawah" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_3) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:216 #, kde-format msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Pemberitahuan" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QPushButton, enableAllMessagesButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:241 #, kde-format msgid "All dialogs will be shown again" msgstr "Semua dialog akan ditampilkan lagi" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, enableAllMessagesButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/GeneralSettings.ui:244 #, kde-format msgid "Enable all \"Don't Ask Again\" messages" msgstr "Aktifkan semua pesan \"Jangan Tanya Lagi\"" #. i18n: ectx: tooltip, entry (ShowMenuBarByDefault), group (KonsoleWindow) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:10 #, kde-format msgid "Show menubar by default in each Konsole window" msgstr "Tampilkan bilah menu secara baku di tiap jendela Konsole" #. i18n: ectx: tooltip, entry (ShowWindowTitleOnTitleBar), group (KonsoleWindow) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:15 #, kde-format msgid "Show window title set by escape sequence on the titlebar" msgstr "Tampilkan perangkat judul jendela dengan keluar sekuensi di bilah judul" #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ShowAppNameOnTitleBar), group (KonsoleWindow) #. i18n: ectx: tooltip, entry (ShowAppNameOnTitleBar), group (KonsoleWindow) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:19 settings/konsole.kcfg:20 #, kde-format msgid "Show \"- Konsole\" on the titlebar" msgstr "Tampilkan \"- Konsole\" di bilah judul" #. i18n: ectx: tooltip, entry (AllowMenuAccelerators), group (KonsoleWindow) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:25 #, kde-format msgid "Allow users to access top menu through Alt+Key combination" msgstr "Izinkan pengguna untuk mengakses menu atas melalui kombinasi Alt+Tombol" #. i18n: ectx: tooltip, entry (SaveGeometryOnExit), group (KonsoleWindow) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:35 #, kde-format msgid "The window size will be saved upon exiting Konsole" msgstr "Ukuran jendela akan disimpan ketika keluar Konsole" #. i18n: ectx: tooltip, entry (SearchHighlightMatches), group (SearchSettings) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:56 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgctxt "@info:tooltip" #| msgid "Sets whether matching text should be highlighted" msgid "Sets whether matching text should be highlighted" msgstr "Atur apakah teks yang cocok harus disorot" #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (TabBarVisibility), group (TabBar) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:67 #, kde-format msgid "Control the visibility of the whole tab bar" msgstr "Kendali ketampakan seluruh bilah tab" #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (TabBarPosition), group (TabBar) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:76 #, kde-format msgid "Control the position of the tab bar" msgstr "Kendali posisi bilah tab" #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (TabBarStyleSheet), group (TabBar) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:84 #, kde-format msgid "Control the visual style of the tab bar" msgstr "Kendali gaya visual bilah tab" #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (TabBarUseUserStyleSheet), group (TabBar) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:88 #, kde-format msgid "Use a user-defined .css file for the tab bar" msgstr "Gunakan fail .css yang ditentukan pengguna untuk bilah tab" #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (TabBarUserStyleSheetFile), group (TabBar) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:92 #, kde-format msgid "The .css file to use for the tab bar style" msgstr "Fail .css untuk digunakan pada gaya bilah tab" #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ShowQuickButtons), group (TabBar) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:96 #, kde-format msgid "Control the visibility of quick buttons on the tab bar" msgstr "Kendali ketampakan tombol cepat pada bilah tab" #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (NewTabBehavior), group (TabBar) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:100 #, kde-format msgid "Control where to put the new tab" msgstr "Kendali dimana meletakkan tab baru" #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ExpandTabWidth), group (TabBar) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:108 #, kde-format msgid "Expand the tab widths (Qt5.9+ uses the full window width)" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (scrollbackUseSystemLocation), group (FileLocation) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:124 #, kde-format msgid "For scrollback files, use system-wide folder location" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (scrollbackUseCacheLocation), group (FileLocation) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:128 #, kde-format msgid "For scrollback files, use user's specific folder location" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (scrollbackUseSpecifiedLocation), group (FileLocation) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:132 #, kde-format msgid "For scrollback files, use specified folder location" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (scrollbackUseSpecifiedLocationDirectory), group (FileLocation) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/konsole.kcfg:136 #, kde-format msgid "For scrollback files, use this folder" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/PartInfo.ui:29 #, kde-format msgid "" "" "

Applications that use KonsolePart share profiles.

" "

They do not share with Konsole or other applications:" "

    " "
  • default profile
  • " "
  • show in menu
  • " "
  • shortcuts
  • " "
" "

" "

Feel free to open a Konsole bug report if you desire a change to how these are handled." msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/ProfileSettings.cpp:153 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Click to toggle status" msgstr "Klik untuk ubah status" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/ProfileSettings.cpp:159 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Double click to change shortcut" msgstr "Klik ganda untuk mengubah pintasan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/ProfileSettings.cpp:193 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title:column Profile label" msgid "Name" msgstr "Nama" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/ProfileSettings.cpp:194 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title:column Display profile in file menu" msgid "Show" msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/ProfileSettings.cpp:195 #, kde-format msgctxt "@title:column Profile shortcut text" msgid "Shortcut" msgstr "Pintasan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/ProfileSettings.cpp:310 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "&New Profile..." msgctxt "@item This will be used as part of the file name" msgid "New Profile" msgstr "&Profil Baru..." #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QPushButton, newProfileButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/ProfileSettings.ui:39 #, kde-format msgid "Create a new profile based upon the selected profile" msgstr "Ciptakan sebuah profil baru berbasis pada profil terpilih" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, newProfileButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/ProfileSettings.ui:42 #, kde-format msgid "&New Profile..." msgstr "&Profil Baru..." #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QPushButton, editProfileButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/ProfileSettings.ui:52 #, kde-format msgid "Edit the selected profile(s)" msgstr "Sunting profil terpilih" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, editProfileButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/ProfileSettings.ui:55 #, kde-format msgid "&Edit Profile..." msgstr "&Sunting Profil..." #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QPushButton, deleteProfileButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/ProfileSettings.ui:65 #, kde-format msgid "Delete the selected profile(s)" msgstr "Hapus profil terpilih" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteProfileButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/ProfileSettings.ui:68 #, kde-format msgid "&Delete Profile" msgstr "&Hapus Profil" #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QPushButton, setAsDefaultButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/ProfileSettings.ui:78 #, kde-format msgid "Set the selected profile as the default for new terminal sessions" msgstr "Atur profil terpilih sebagai baku untuk sesi terminal baru" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, setAsDefaultButton) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/ProfileSettings.ui:81 #, kde-format msgid "&Set as Default" msgstr "&Atur Sebagai Baku" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shortcutInfoLabel) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/ProfileSettings.ui:101 #, kde-format msgid "The 'Show' column must be checked for these shortcuts to work." msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/TabBarSettings.ui:23 #, kde-format msgid "Tab bar position:" msgstr "Posisi bilah tab:" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_TabBarVisibility) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/TabBarSettings.ui:40 #, kde-format msgid "Always Show Tab Bar" msgstr "Selalu Tampilkan Bilah Tab" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_TabBarVisibility) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/TabBarSettings.ui:45 #, kde-format msgid "Show Tab Bar When Needed" msgstr "Tampilkan Bilah Tab Ketika Diperlukan" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_TabBarVisibility) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/TabBarSettings.ui:50 #, kde-format msgid "Always Hide Tab Bar" msgstr "Selalu Sembunyikan Bilah Tab" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_1) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/TabBarSettings.ui:58 #, kde-format msgid "Tab bar visibility:" msgstr "Ketampakan bilah tab:" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_ExpandTabWidth) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/TabBarSettings.ui:68 #, kde-format msgid "Expand Individual Tab Widths to Full Window" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_ShowQuickButtons) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/TabBarSettings.ui:88 #, kde-format msgid "Show 'New Tab' and 'Close Tab' buttons" msgstr "Tampilkan tombol 'Tab Baru' dan 'Tutup Tab'" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_TabBarUseUserStyleSheet) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/TabBarSettings.ui:95 #, kde-format msgid "Use user-defined stylesheet" msgstr "Gunakan lembar gaya yang ditentukan pengguna" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_TabBarPosition) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/TabBarSettings.ui:109 #, kde-format msgid "Above Terminal Area" msgstr "Di Atas Area Terminal" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_TabBarPosition) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/TabBarSettings.ui:114 #, kde-format msgid "Below Terminal Area" msgstr "Di Bawah Area Terminal" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, Qt59label) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/TabBarSettings.ui:128 #, kde-format msgid "Starting with Qt 5.9, the next two options will have different affects." msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/TabBarSettings.ui:144 #, kde-format msgid "Behavior" msgstr "Perilaku" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/TabBarSettings.ui:150 #, kde-format msgid "New tab behavior:" msgstr "Perilaku tab baru:" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_NewTabBehavior) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/TabBarSettings.ui:167 #, kde-format msgid "Put New Tab At The End" msgstr "Taruh Tab Baru di Akhir" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_NewTabBehavior) #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: settings/TabBarSettings.ui:172 #, kde-format msgid "Put New Tab After Current Tab" msgstr "Taruh Tab Baru Setelah Tab Saat Ini" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:33 #, kde-format msgid "Program Name: %n" msgstr "Nama Program: %n" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:34 #, kde-format msgid "Current Directory (Short): %d" msgstr "Direktori Saat Ini (Pendek): %d" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:35 #, kde-format msgid "Current Directory (Long): %D" msgstr "Direktori Saat Ini (Panjang): %D" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:36 TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:50 #, kde-format msgid "Window Title Set by Shell: %w" msgstr "Seperangkat Judul Jendela Menurut Shell: %w" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:37 TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:51 #, kde-format msgid "Session Number: %#" msgstr "Nomor Sesi: %#" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:38 TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:45 #, kde-format msgid "User Name: %u" msgstr "Nama Pengguna: %u" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:39 #, kde-format msgid "Local Host: %h" msgstr "Host Lokal: %h" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:46 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "User Name: %u" msgid "User Name@ (if given): %U" msgstr "Nama Pengguna: %u" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:47 #, kde-format msgid "Remote Host (Short): %h" msgstr "Host Jarak Jauh (Pendek): %h" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:48 #, kde-format msgid "Remote Host (Long): %H" msgstr "Host Jarak Jauh (Panjang): %H" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:49 #, kde-format msgid "Command and arguments: %c" msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:60 #, kde-format msgid "Insert" msgstr "Masukkan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:85 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Insert title format" msgstr "Masukkan format judul" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: TabTitleFormatButton.cpp:89 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Insert remote title format" msgstr "Masukkan format judul jarak jauh" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: TerminalDisplay.cpp:1364 TerminalDisplay.cpp:1365 #, kde-format msgid "Size: XXX x XXX" msgstr "Ukuran: XXX x XXX" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: TerminalDisplay.cpp:1376 #, kde-format msgid "Size: %1 x %2" msgstr "Ukuran: %1 x %2" #. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: TerminalDisplay.cpp:3152 +#: TerminalDisplay.cpp:3162 #, kde-format msgid "Are you sure you want to paste %1 character?" msgid_plural "Are you sure you want to paste %1 characters?" msgstr[0] "Apakah anda yakin ingin menempel %1 karakter?" #. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: TerminalDisplay.cpp:3155 +#: TerminalDisplay.cpp:3165 #, kde-format msgid "Confirm Paste" msgstr "Konfirmasi Tempel" #. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: TerminalDisplay.cpp:3363 +#: TerminalDisplay.cpp:3373 #, fuzzy, kde-format #| msgid "Output has been suspended by pressing Ctrl+S. Press Ctrl+Q to resume. This message will be dismissed in 10 seconds." msgid "Output has been suspended by pressing Ctrl+S. Press Ctrl+Q to resume." msgstr "Keluaran telah disuspensi dengan menekan Ctrl+S. Tekan Ctrl+Q untuk melanjutkan. Pesan ini akan hilang dalam 10 detik." #. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: TerminalDisplay.cpp:3401 +#: TerminalDisplay.cpp:3411 #, kde-format msgid "This terminal is read-only." msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: TerminalDisplay.cpp:3689 +#: TerminalDisplay.cpp:3699 #, kde-format msgid "&Paste Location" msgstr "&Lokasi Tempel" #. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: TerminalDisplay.cpp:3706 +#: TerminalDisplay.cpp:3716 #, kde-format msgid "Change &Directory To" msgstr "Ubah &Direktori Ke" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewContainer.cpp:317 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:inmenu" msgid "&Detach Tab" msgstr "&Lepas Tab" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewContainer.cpp:322 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:inmenu" msgid "&Rename Tab..." msgstr "&Ganti Nama Tab..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewContainer.cpp:329 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:inmenu" msgid "&Close Tab" msgstr "&Tutup Tab" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewContainer.cpp:335 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Create new tab" msgstr "Ciptakan tab baru" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewContainer.cpp:337 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:whatsthis" msgid "Create a new tab. Press and hold to select profile from menu" msgstr "Ciptakan tab baru. Tekan dan tahan untuk memilih profil dari menu" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewContainer.cpp:351 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:tooltip" msgid "Close tab" msgstr "Tutup tab" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewContainer.cpp:352 #, kde-format msgctxt "@info:whatsthis" msgid "Close the active tab" msgstr "Tutup tab aktif" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewContainerTabBar.cpp:60 #, kde-kuit-format msgctxt "@info:whatsthis" msgid "" "Tab Bar" "The tab bar allows you to switch and move tabs. You can double-click a tab to change its name." msgstr "" "Bilah Tab" "Bilah tab mengizinkan anda untuk mengganti dan memindahkan tab. Anda dapat klik ganda tab untuk mengganti namanya." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewManager.cpp:132 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action Shortcut entry" msgid "Next Tab" msgstr "Tab Berikutnya" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewManager.cpp:133 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action Shortcut entry" msgid "Previous Tab" msgstr "Tab Sebelumnya" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewManager.cpp:135 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action Shortcut entry" msgid "Switch to Last Tab" msgstr "Ganti ke Tab Terakhir" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewManager.cpp:137 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action Shortcut entry" msgid "Next View Container" msgstr "Pembatasan Tampilan Berikutnya" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewManager.cpp:139 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action Shortcut entry" msgid "Move Tab Left" msgstr "Pindah Tab Ke Kiri" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewManager.cpp:141 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action Shortcut entry" msgid "Move Tab Right" msgstr "Pindah Tab Ke Kanan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewManager.cpp:149 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:inmenu" msgid "Split View Left/Right" msgstr "Pisahkan Tampilan Kiri/Kanan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewManager.cpp:157 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:inmenu" msgid "Split View Top/Bottom" msgstr "Pisahkan Tampilan Atas/Bawah" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewManager.cpp:162 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:inmenu Close Active View" msgid "Close Active" msgstr "Tutup Aktif" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewManager.cpp:173 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:inmenu Close Other Views" msgid "Close Others" msgstr "Tutup Lainnya" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewManager.cpp:183 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:inmenu" msgid "Expand View" msgstr "Bentangkan Tampilan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewManager.cpp:193 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:inmenu" msgid "Shrink View" msgstr "Perkecil Tampilan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewManager.cpp:206 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action:inmenu" msgid "D&etach Current Tab" msgstr "L&epas Tab Saat Ini" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: ViewManager.cpp:227 #, kde-format msgctxt "@action Shortcut entry" msgid "Switch to Tab %1" msgstr "Ganti ke Tab %1" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: Vt102Emulation.cpp:1145 #, kde-format msgid "No keyboard translator available. The information needed to convert key presses into characters to send to the terminal is missing." msgstr "Tak ada penerjemah keyboard yang tersedia. Informasi yang diperlukan untuk mengonversi penekanan tombol menjadi karakter yang dikirim ke terminal telah hilang." #~ msgid "Icon:" #~ msgstr "Ikon:" #~ msgctxt "@info:tooltip" #~ msgid "Click to rename profile" #~ msgstr "Klik untuk menamakan ulang profil" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Output has been suspended by pressing Ctrl+S. Press Ctrl+Q to resume. This message will be dismissed in 10 seconds." #~ msgid "Output has been suspended by pressing Ctrl+S. Press Ctrl+Q to resume. Click here to dismiss this message." #~ msgstr "Keluaran telah disuspensi dengan menekan Ctrl+S. Tekan Ctrl+Q untuk melanjutkan. Pesan ini akan hilang dalam 10 detik." #~ msgid "&Stop" #~ msgstr "&Stop" Index: trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/extragear-multimedia/amarok.desktop.po =================================================================== --- trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/extragear-multimedia/amarok.desktop.po (revision 1513232) +++ trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/extragear-multimedia/amarok.desktop.po (revision 1513233) @@ -1,758 +1,758 @@ # # Translators: # wantoyo , 2014, 2017, 2018. # wantoyo , 2014, 2015. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: desktop extragear-multimedia amarok 0003\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-27 13:45+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-31 13:48+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-18 16:00+0700\n" "Last-Translator: Wantoyo \n" "Language-Team: Indonesian \n" "Language: id\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" #. +> trunk5 stable #: data/amarok.notifyrc:3 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Amarok" msgstr "Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: data/amarok.notifyrc:56 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Track Change" msgstr "Ubah Trek" #. +> trunk5 stable #: data/amarok.notifyrc:103 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Amarok changed to a new track" msgstr "Amarok mengubah track menjadi baru" #. +> trunk5 stable #: data/amarok.notifyrc:153 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Message" msgstr "Pesan" #. +> trunk5 stable #: data/amarok.notifyrc:198 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Amarok issued an uncategorized text message" msgstr "Amarok mengeluarkan pesan teks tidak berkategori" #. +> trunk5 stable #: playground/src/context/applets/coverbling/amarok-context-applet-coverbling.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "CoverBling" msgstr "Sampul Polos" #. +> trunk5 stable #: playground/src/context/applets/covergrid/amarok-context-applet-covergrid.desktop:3 msgctxt "Name" msgid "CoverGrid" msgstr "Sampul Kisi" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/amarok-contextapplet.desktop:4 src/amarok-plugin.desktop:4 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Plugin for Amarok" msgstr "Plugin untuk Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/amarok-play-audiocd.desktop:8 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Play Audio CD with Amarok" msgstr "Mainkan Audio CD dengan Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop:5 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Add as Podcast to Amarok" msgstr "Tambah sebagai Podcast ke Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/amarok_append.desktop:5 msgctxt "X-KDE-Submenu" msgid "Amarok" msgstr "Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/amarok_append.desktop:70 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Append to Playlist" msgstr "Lampirkan ke Daftar Main" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/amarok_append.desktop:131 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Append & Play" msgstr "Lampirkan & Mainkan" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/amarok_append.desktop:192 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Queue Track" msgstr "Antrean Trek" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/applets/albums/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Albums" msgstr "Album" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/applets/analyzer/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Analyzer" msgstr "Analizer" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/applets/currenttrack/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Current Track" msgstr "Trek Saat Ini" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/applets/info/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Info" msgstr "Info" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/applets/labels/amarok-context-applet-labels.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Labels" msgstr "Label" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/applets/lyrics/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Lyrics" msgstr "Lirik" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/applets/photos/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Photos" msgstr "Foto" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/applets/playlistinfo/amarok-context-applet-playlistinfo.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Playlist Information" msgstr "Informasi Daftar Main" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/applets/similarartists/amarok-context-applet-similarArtists.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Similar Artists" msgstr "Artis Serupa" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/applets/songkick/amarok-context-applet-songkick.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Songkick" msgstr "Songkick" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/applets/tabs/amarok-context-applet-tabs.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Tabs" msgstr "Tab" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/applets/upcomingevents/amarok-context-applet-upcomingEvents.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Upcoming Events" msgstr "Event Mendatang" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/applets/wikipedia/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Wikipedia" msgstr "Wikipedia" #. +> trunk5 #: src/context/context_qml_package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Amarok-Context-QML-Package" msgstr "Paket QML Konteks Amarok" #. +> trunk5 -#: src/context/context_qml_package/metadata.desktop:15 +#: src/context/context_qml_package/metadata.desktop:16 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "QML base package for amarok context area" msgstr "Paket dasar QML untuk area konteks amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/engines/labels/amarok-data-engine-labels.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Labels Data Engine" msgstr "Mesin Data Label" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/engines/similarartists/amarok-data-engine-similarArtists.desktop:2 #: src/context/engines/upcomingevents/amarok-data-engine-upcomingEvents.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Upcoming Events Data Engine" msgstr "Mesin Data Event Mendatang" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/engines/songkick/amarok-data-engine-songkick.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Songkick Data Engine" msgstr "Mesin Data Songkik" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/engines/tabs/amarok-data-engine-tabs.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Tabs Data Engine" msgstr "Mesin Data Tab" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/servicetypes/amarok_containment.desktop:5 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Plasma applet container and background painter" msgstr "Wadah applet Plasma dan pelukis latarbelakang" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/context/servicetypes/amarok_context_applet.desktop:5 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Amarok Context applet" msgstr "Applet Konteks Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/audiocd/amarok_collection-audiocdcollection.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "AudioCd Collection" msgstr "Koleksi AudioCD" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/audiocd/amarok_collection-audiocdcollection.desktop:54 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "AudioCd collection plugin for Amarok" msgstr "Plugin koleksi AudioCD untuk Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/daap/amarok_collection-daapcollection.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "DAAP Collection" msgstr "Koleksi DAAP" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/daap/amarok_collection-daapcollection.desktop:60 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "DAAP collection plugin for Amarok" msgstr "Plugin koleksi DAAP untuk Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/db/sql/mysqlcollection/amarok_collection-mysqlcollection.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "MySQL Collection" msgstr "Koleksi MySQL" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/db/sql/mysqlcollection/amarok_collection-mysqlcollection.desktop:33 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Collection plugin for Amarok" msgstr "Koleksi plugin untuk Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/ipodcollection/amarok_collection-ipodcollection.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "iPod, iPad & iPhone Collection" msgstr "Koleksi iPod, iPad & iPhone" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/ipodcollection/amarok_collection-ipodcollection.desktop:44 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Plugin to use iPod-like devices as collections in Amarok" msgstr "Plugin untuk digunakan peranti iPod-like sebagai koleksi di Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/amarok_collection-mediadevicecollection.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Media Device Collection" msgstr "Koleksi Peranti Media" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/amarok_collection-mediadevicecollection.desktop:58 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Media Device collection plugin for Amarok" msgstr "Plugin koleksi Media Peranti untuk Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/mtpcollection/amarok_collection-mtpcollection.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "MTP Collection" msgstr "Koleksi MTP" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/mtpcollection/amarok_collection-mtpcollection.desktop:58 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "MTP collection plugin for Amarok" msgstr "Koleksi plugin MTP untuk Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/nepomukcollection/amarok_collection-nepomukcollection.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Nepomuk Collection" msgstr "Koleksi Nepomuk" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/playdarcollection/amarok_collection-playdarcollection.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Playdar Collection" msgstr "Koleksi Playdar" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/playdarcollection/amarok_collection-playdarcollection.desktop:47 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Music that Playdar can find" msgstr "Musik Playdar itu dapat dicari" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/umscollection/amarok_collection-umscollection.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Universal Mass Storage Collection" msgstr "Koleksi Mass Storage Universal" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/upnpcollection/amarok_collection-upnpcollection.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "UPnP Collection" msgstr "Koleksi UPnP" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/collections/upnpcollection/amarok_collection-upnpcollection.desktop:58 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "UPnP collection plugin for Amarok" msgstr "Plugin koleksi UPnP untuk Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/storage/sql/mysqlestorage/amarok_storage-mysqlestorage.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "MySQLe Storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan MySQLe" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/storage/sql/mysqlestorage/amarok_storage-mysqlestorage.desktop:33 #: src/core-impl/storage/sql/mysqlserverstorage/amarok_storage-mysqlserverstorage.desktop:33 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Storage plugin for Amarok" msgstr "Plugin penyimpanan untuk Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/core-impl/storage/sql/mysqlserverstorage/amarok_storage-mysqlserverstorage.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "MySQLServer Storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan MySQLServer" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/importers/amarok/amarok_importer-amarok.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Amarok 2.x Importer" msgstr "Pengimpor Amarok 2.x" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/importers/amarok/amarok_importer-amarok.desktop:37 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Import statistics from Amarok 2.x database" msgstr "Impor statistik dari database Amarok 2.x" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/importers/banshee/amarok_importer-banshee.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Banshee Importer" msgstr "Pengimpor Banshee" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/importers/banshee/amarok_importer-banshee.desktop:37 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Import statistics from Banshee database" msgstr "Import statistik dari database Banshee" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/importers/clementine/amarok_importer-clementine.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Clementine Importer" msgstr "Pengimpor Clementine" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/importers/clementine/amarok_importer-clementine.desktop:37 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Import statistics from Clementine database" msgstr "Import statistik dari database Clementine" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/importers/fastforward/amarok_importer-fastforward.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Amarok 1.4 (FastForward) Importer" msgstr "Pengimpor Amarok 1.4 (FastForward)" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/importers/fastforward/amarok_importer-fastforward.desktop:37 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Import statistics from Amarok 1.4 database" msgstr "Impor statistik dari database Amarok 1.4" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/importers/itunes/amarok_importer-itunes.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Apple iTunes Importer" msgstr "Pengimpor Apple iTunes" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/importers/itunes/amarok_importer-itunes.desktop:37 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Import statistics from Apple iTunes database" msgstr "Impor statistik dari database Apple iTunes" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/importers/rhythmbox/amarok_importer-rhythmbox.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Rhythmbox Importer" msgstr "Pengimpor Rhythmbox" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/importers/rhythmbox/amarok_importer-rhythmbox.desktop:37 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Import statistics from Rhythmbox database" msgstr "Impor statistik dari database Rhythmbox" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/org.kde.amarok.desktop:4 src/org.kde.amarok_containers.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Amarok" msgstr "Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/org.kde.amarok.desktop:66 src/org.kde.amarok_containers.desktop:66 msgctxt "GenericName" msgid "Audio Player" msgstr "Pemain Audio" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/org.kde.amarok.desktop:127 src/org.kde.amarok_containers.desktop:127 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Amarok - Rediscover Your Music!" msgstr "Amarok - Temukan Kembali Musik Anda!" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/org.kde.amarok.desktop:190 src/org.kde.amarok_containers.desktop:189 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "music,podcast" msgstr "musik,podcast" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/scripting/scripts/librivox_service/script.desktop:6 msgctxt "Name" msgid "" msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/scripting/scripts/librivox_service/script.desktop:38 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "A scripted service that lets you search, stream and download free, public domain, audio books from" msgstr "Sebuah layanan skrip yang langsung bisa anda cari, stream dan bebas unduh, domain publik, pustaka audio dari" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/scripting/scripts/lyrics_lyricwiki/script.desktop:6 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Lyricwiki" msgstr "Lyricwiki" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/scripting/scripts/lyrics_lyricwiki/script.desktop:38 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "A script to fetch lyrics from" msgstr "Script untuk menarik lirik dari" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/scripting/scripts/radio_station_service/script.desktop:6 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Cool Streams" msgstr "Cool Streams" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/scripting/scripts/radio_station_service/script.desktop:38 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "A script that sets up a service with a few cool internet radio stations" msgstr "Sebuah skrip yang di siapkan untuk melayani beberapa stasiun radio internet keren" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/scripting/scripts/script_console/script.desktop:6 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Amarok Script Console" msgstr "Konsol Skrip Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/scripting/scripts/script_console/script.desktop:38 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Amarok Script Console" msgstr "Konsol Skrip Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/ampache/amarok_service_ampache.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Ampache" msgstr "Ampache" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/ampache/amarok_service_ampache.desktop:55 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Listen to music from an Ampache server" msgstr "Mendengarkan musik dari server Ampache" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/ampache/amarok_service_ampache_config.desktop:10 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Ampache Service Config" msgstr "Konfig Layanan Ampache" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/ampache/amarok_service_ampache_config.desktop:62 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Sets up the ampache server(s) to connect to" msgstr "Persiapan server ampache untuk berhubungan" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/gpodder/amarok_service_gpodder.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "" msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/gpodder/amarok_service_gpodder.desktop:48 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Podcast Service" msgstr "Layanan Podcast" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/gpodder/amarok_service_gpodder_config.desktop:11 msgctxt "Name" msgid " Service Config" msgstr "Konfig Layanan" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/gpodder/amarok_service_gpodder_config.desktop:51 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Configure Credentials" msgstr "Konfigurasi surat kuasa" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/jamendo/amarok_service_jamendo.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Jamendo" msgstr "Jamendo" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/jamendo/amarok_service_jamendo.desktop:60 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Listen to and download music uploaded by independent artists" msgstr "Mendengar dan juga mengunduh musik yang diunggah oleh artis sendiri" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/lastfm/amarok_service_lastfm.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "" msgstr "" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/lastfm/amarok_service_lastfm.desktop:57 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "A service that integrates functionality into Amarok" msgstr "Layanan yang terintegrasi dengan berfungsi di dalam Amarok" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/lastfm/amarok_service_lastfm_config.desktop:11 msgctxt "Name" msgid " Service Config" msgstr "Konfig Layanan" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/lastfm/amarok_service_lastfm_config.desktop:66 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Set up username and password" msgstr "Persiapan nama pengguna dan kata sandi di" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/magnatune/amarok_service_magnatunestore.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Magnatune Store" msgstr "Magnatune Store" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/magnatune/amarok_service_magnatunestore.desktop:60 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Preview and buy music from the non-evil Magnatune record label" msgstr "Pratilik dan beli musik dari non-evil Magnatune record label" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/magnatune/amarok_service_magnatunestore_config.desktop:11 msgctxt "Name" msgid "MagnatuneStore Service Config" msgstr "Konfig Layanan MagnatuneStore" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/magnatune/amarok_service_magnatunestore_config.desktop:63 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Configure Magnatune store settings and memberships credentials" msgstr "Konfigurasi setelan Magnatune store dan surat kuasa keanggotaan" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/mp3tunes/amarok_service_mp3tunes.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "MP3tunes" msgstr "MP3tunes" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/mp3tunes/amarok_service_mp3tunes.desktop:50 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Browse and listen to the music stored in your MP3tunes account" msgstr "Telusur dan mendengarkan musik yang dibeli di akun MP3tune anda" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/mp3tunes/amarok_service_mp3tunes_config.desktop:11 msgctxt "Name" msgid "MP3tunes Service Config" msgstr "Konfig Layanan MP3tunes" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/mp3tunes/amarok_service_mp3tunes_config.desktop:57 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Configure mp3tunes credentials" msgstr "Konfigurasi surat kuasa mp3tunes" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/opmldirectory/amarok_service_opmldirectory.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Podcast Directory" msgstr "Direktori Podcast" #. +> trunk5 stable #: src/services/opmldirectory/amarok_service_opmldirectory.desktop:54 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Browse and subscribe to a huge list of podcasts" msgstr "Telusur dan berlangganan daftar besar pada podcast" #. +> trunk5 stable #: supplementary_scripts/neon/tools/desktopfiles/amarok-nightly-kcm-phonon.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Amarok Nightly Audio Configuration" msgstr "Konfigurasi Audio Amarok Nightly" #. +> trunk5 stable #: supplementary_scripts/neon/tools/desktopfiles/amarok-nightly.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Amarok Nightly" msgstr "Amarok Nightly" #. +> trunk5 stable #: supplementary_scripts/neon/tools/kde/xsessions/kde4-neon.desktop:5 msgctxt "Name" msgid "KDE Nightly (Neon)" msgstr "KDE Nightly (Neon)" #. +> trunk5 stable #: supplementary_scripts/neon/tools/kde/xsessions/kde4-neon.desktop:56 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "The K Desktop Environment. A powerful Open Source graphical desktop environment" msgstr "K Desktop Environment. Sebuah grafik lingkungan desktop perkasa Sumber Terbuka" #. +> stable #: src/context/containments/verticallayout/amarok-containment-vertical.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Vertical Context Containment" msgstr "Pembatasan Konteks Tegak" #. +> stable #: src/context/containments/verticallayout/amarok-containment-vertical.desktop:52 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "A vertical containment for the Amarok Context" msgstr "Sebuah ruang kendali tegak untuk Konteks Amarok" #. +> stable #: src/context/engines/current/amarok-data-engine-current.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Current Info Data Engine" msgstr "Mesin Info Data Saat Ini" #. +> stable #: src/context/engines/info/amarok-data-engine-info.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Info Data Engine" msgstr "Mesin Info Data" #. +> stable #: src/context/engines/lyrics/amarok-data-engine-lyrics.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Lyrics Data Engine" msgstr "Mesin Data Lirik" #. +> stable #: src/context/engines/photos/amarok-data-engine-photos.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Photos Data Engine" msgstr "Mesin Data Foto" #. +> stable #: src/context/engines/wikipedia/amarok-data-engine-wikipedia.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Wikipedia Data Engine" msgstr "Mesin Data Wikipedia" #. +> stable #: src/context/servicetypes/amarok_animator.desktop:5 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Plasma Animation Engine" msgstr "Mesin Animasi Plasma" #. +> stable #: src/context/servicetypes/amarok_data_engine.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Amarok Data Engine" msgstr "Mesin Data Amarok" #. +> stable #: src/context/servicetypes/amarok_data_engine.desktop:60 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Amarok Data Engine" msgstr "Mesin Data Amarok" #. +> stable #: src/services/amazon/amarok_service_amazonstore.desktop:5 msgctxt "Name" msgid "MP3 Music Store" msgstr "MP3 Music Store" #. +> stable #: src/services/amazon/amarok_service_amazonstore.desktop:47 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Access the Amazon MP3 Store directly from Amarok" msgstr "Mengakses Amazon MP3 Store langsung dari Amarok" #. +> stable #: src/services/amazon/amarok_service_amazonstore_config.desktop:11 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Amazon Store Service Config" msgstr "Konfig Layanan Amazon Store" #. +> stable #: utilities/amzdownloader/amzdownloader.desktop:3 msgctxt "Name" msgid "AMZ Downloader" msgstr "Pengunduh AMZ" #. +> stable #: utilities/amzdownloader/amzdownloader.desktop:42 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Download with AMZ Downloader" msgstr "Mengunduh dengan Pengunduh AMZ" Index: trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/frameworks/kconfig.desktop.po =================================================================== --- trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/frameworks/kconfig.desktop.po (revision 1513232) +++ trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/frameworks/kconfig.desktop.po (revision 1513233) @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ # Indonesian translations for desktop_kdelibs package. # Copyright (C) 2010 This_file_is_part_of_KDE # This file is distributed under the same license as the desktop_kdelibs package. # Andhika Padmawan , 2010. # Wantoyo , 2018. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: desktop_kdelibs\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-30 16:13+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-31 13:44+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-25 02:27-0400\n" "Last-Translator: Andhika Padmawan \n" "Language-Team: Indonesian \n" "Language: id\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" #. +> trunk5 #: src/core/kconfigbackend.desktop:5 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Storage backend for KConfig" msgstr "Backend penyimpanan untuk KConfig" #. +> trunk #: ldb/kconfigbackend-ldb.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "LDB" msgstr "" #. +> trunk -#: ldb/kconfigbackend-ldb.desktop:32 +#: ldb/kconfigbackend-ldb.desktop:3 #, fuzzy #| msgctxt "Comment" #| msgid "Storage backend for KConfig" msgctxt "Comment" msgid "LDB backed for KConfig" msgstr "Backend penyimpanan untuk KConfig" Index: trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/kde-workspace/plasma-desktop.desktop.po =================================================================== --- trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/kde-workspace/plasma-desktop.desktop.po (revision 1513232) +++ trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/kde-workspace/plasma-desktop.desktop.po (revision 1513233) @@ -1,1624 +1,1624 @@ # Wantoyo , 2017, 2018. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: desktop files\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-27 13:41+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-31 13:45+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-29 08:12+0700\n" "Last-Translator: Wantoyo \n" "Language-Team: Indonesian \n" "Language: id\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/icontasks/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Icons-only Task Manager" msgstr "Pengelola Tugas Hanya Ikon" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/icontasks/metadata.desktop:48 #: applets/taskmanager/package/metadata.desktop:82 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Switch between running applications" msgstr "Berpindah di antara aplikasi yang berjalan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/kicker/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Application Menu" msgstr "Menu Aplikasi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/kicker/package/metadata.desktop:51 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "A launcher based on cascading popup menus" msgstr "Peluncur berbasis menu sembul riam" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/kickoff/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Application Launcher" msgstr "Peluncur Aplikasi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/kickoff/package/metadata.desktop:87 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Launcher to start applications" msgstr "Peluncur untuk menjalankan aplikasi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/kimpanel/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Input Method Panel" msgstr "Panel Metode Input" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/kimpanel/package/metadata.desktop:42 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "A generic input method panel" msgstr "Sebuah panel metode input pada umumnya" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/kimpanel/package/metadata.desktop:81 msgctxt "Keywords" msgid "Input;IM;" msgstr "Input;IM;" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/pager/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Pager" msgstr "Pemisah" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/pager/package/metadata.desktop:84 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Switch between virtual desktops" msgstr "Berpindah di antara desktop virtual" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/showActivityManager/package/metadata.desktop:2 #: kcms/activities/kcm_activities.desktop:13 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Activities" msgstr "Aktivitas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/showActivityManager/package/metadata.desktop:60 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Shows the activity manager" msgstr "Tampilkan pengelola aktivitas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/taskmanager/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Task Manager" msgstr "Pengelola Tugas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/trash/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Trashcan" msgstr "Tong Sampah" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: applets/trash/package/metadata.desktop:81 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Provides access to the files sent to trash" msgstr "Menyediakan akses ke fail yang dikirim ke tong sampah" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/window-list/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Window list" msgstr "Senarai jendela" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: applets/window-list/metadata.desktop:52 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Plasmoid to show list of opened windows." msgstr "Plasmoid untuk menampilkan senarai jendela terbuka." #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: containments/desktop/package/metadata.desktop:2 #: desktoppackage/metadata.desktop:46 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Desktop" msgstr "Desktop" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: containments/desktop/package/metadata.desktop:90 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "A clean and simple layout" msgstr "Tata letak yang bersih dan sederhana" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: containments/folder/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Folder View" msgstr "Tampilan Folder" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: containments/folder/metadata.desktop:45 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Display the contents of folders" msgstr "Tampilkan isi folder" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: containments/panel/metadata.desktop:3 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Panel" msgstr "Panel" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: containments/panel/plasma-containment-panel.desktop:2 #: layout-templates/org.kde.plasma.desktop.emptyPanel/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Empty Panel" msgstr "Panel Kosong" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: containments/panel/plasma-containment-panel.desktop:54 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "A simple linear panel" msgstr "Panel linear sederhana" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: dataengines/kimpanel/plasma-dataengine-kimpanel.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "DataEngine for Kimpanel" msgstr "DataEngine untuk Kimpanel" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: dataengines/kimpanel/plasma-dataengine-kimpanel.desktop:39 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "DataEngine for Kimpanel" msgstr "DataEngine untuk Kimpanel" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: desktoppackage/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Desktop view furniture" msgstr "Furnitur tampilan desktop" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.desktop:3 msgctxt "Name" msgid "KDE Accessibility Tool" msgstr "Alat Aksesibilitas KDE" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:3 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Accessibility" msgstr "Aksesibilitas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:95 msgctxt "Name" msgid "A modifier key has become active" msgstr "Sebuah tombol pengubah telah menjadi aktif" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:173 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "A modifier key (e.g. Shift or Ctrl) has changed its state and is now active" msgstr "Sebuah tombol pengubah (misalnya Shift atau Ctrl) telah diubah keadaannya dan sekarang aktif" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:252 msgctxt "Name" msgid "A modifier key has become inactive" msgstr "Sebuah tombol pengubah telah menjadi tidak aktif" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:330 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "A modifier key (e.g. Shift or Ctrl) has changed its state and is now inactive" msgstr "Sebuah tombol pengubah (misalnya Shift atau Ctrl) tekah diubah keadaannya dan sekarang tidak aktif" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:409 msgctxt "Name" msgid "A modifier key has been locked" msgstr "Sebuah tombol pengubah telah digembok" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:487 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "A modifier key (e.g. Shift or Ctrl) has been locked and is now active for all of the following keypresses" msgstr "Sebuah tombol pengubah (misalnya Shift atau Ctrl) telah digembok dan sekarang aktif untuk semua penekanan tombol berikut" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:566 msgctxt "Name" msgid "A lock key has been activated" msgstr "Sebuah tombol pengunci telah diaktifkan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:645 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "A lock key (e.g. Caps Lock or Num Lock) has changed its state and is now active" msgstr "Sebuah tombol kunci (misalnya Caps Lock atau Num Lock) telah diubah keadaannya dan sekarang aktif" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:724 msgctxt "Name" msgid "A lock key has been deactivated" msgstr "Sebuah tombol kunci telah dinonaktifkan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:803 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "A lock key (e.g. Caps Lock or Num Lock) has changed its state and is now inactive" msgstr "Sebuah tombol kunci (misalnya Caps Lock atau Num Lock) telah diubah keadaannya dan sekarang tidak aktif" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:882 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Sticky keys has been enabled or disabled" msgstr "Tombol lekat telah diaktifkan atau dinonaktifkan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:958 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Sticky keys has been enabled or disabled" msgstr "Tombol lekat telah diaktifkan atau dinonaktifkan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:1039 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Slow keys has been enabled or disabled" msgstr "Tombol pelan telah diaktifkan atau dinonaktifkan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:1114 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Slow keys has been enabled or disabled" msgstr "Tombol pelan telah diaktifkan atau dinonaktifkan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:1194 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Bounce keys has been enabled or disabled" msgstr "Tombol pantul telah diaktifkan atau dinonaktifkan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:1270 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Bounce keys has been enabled or disabled" msgstr "Tombol pantul telah diaktifkan atau dinonaktifkan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:1351 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Mouse keys has been enabled or disabled" msgstr "Tombol mouse telah diaktifkan atau dinonaktifkan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kaccess/kaccess.notifyrc:1427 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Mouse keys has been enabled or disabled" msgstr "Tombol mouse telah diaktifkan atau dinonaktifkan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/access/kcmaccess.desktop:17 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Accessibility" msgstr "Aksesibilitas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/access/kcmaccess.desktop:110 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Accessibility Options" msgstr "Opsi Aksesibilitas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: kcms/access/kcmaccess.desktop:157 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "access,accessibility,deaf,impaired,hearing,hearing loss,bell,audible bell,visible bell,visual bell,Keyboard,keys,sticky keys,bounce keys,slow keys,mouse navigation,num pad,numpad,activation gestures,gestures,sticky,modifier keys,modifier,locking keys" msgstr "akses,aksesibilitas,tuli,gangguan,pendengaran,kehilangan pendengaran,bel,bel dapat teraudio,bel tampak,bel visual,Keyboard,tombol,tombol lekat,tombol pantul,tombol pelan,navigasi mouse,papan numerik,numpad,gerakan aktivasi,gerakan,lengket,tombol pemodifikasi,pemodifikasi,tombol gembok" #. +> plasma5lts #: kcms/access/kcmaccess.desktop:159 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "access,accessibility,deaf,impaired,hearing,hearing loss,bell,audible bell,visible bell,Keyboard,keys,sticky keys,bounce keys,slow keys,mouse navigation,num pad,numpad,activation gestures,gestures,sticky,modifier keys,modifier,locking keys" msgstr "akses,aksesibilitas,tuli,gangguan,pendengaran,kehilangan pendengaran,bel,bel terdengar,bel tampak,Keyboard,tombol,tombol lekat,tombol pantul,tombol pelan,navigasi mouse,papan numerik,numpad,gerakan aktivasi,gerakan,gerakan,lengket,tombol pemodifikasi,pemodifikasi,tombol mengunci" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/activities/kcm_activities.desktop:71 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Activities help you to focus on a specific task" msgstr "Aktivitas membantu Anda untuk fokus pada tugas yang khusus" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/autostart/autostart.desktop:14 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Autostart" msgstr "Start Otomatis" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/autostart/autostart.desktop:103 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Automatically Started Applications" msgstr "Secara Otomatis Menjalankan Aplikasi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: kcms/autostart/autostart.desktop:150 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Autostart Manager,autostart,startup,system startup,plasma start,cron" msgstr "Pengelola Autostart,autostart,permulaian,permulaian sistem,mulai plasma,cron" #. +> plasma5lts #: kcms/autostart/autostart.desktop:151 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Autostart Manager,autostart,startup,system startup,kde start,cron" msgstr "Pengelola Autostart,autostart,permulaian,permulaian sistem,mulai kde,cron" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/baloo/kcm_baloofile.desktop:15 msgctxt "Name" msgid "File Search" msgstr "Pencarian Fail" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/baloo/kcm_baloofile.desktop:58 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Configure File Search" msgstr "Konfigurasi Pencarian Fail" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/baloo/kcm_baloofile.desktop:101 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Search, File, Baloo" msgstr "Pencarian, Fail, Baloo" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/colors/colors.desktop:14 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Colors" msgstr "Warna" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/colors/colors.desktop:106 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Application Color Scheme" msgstr "Skema Warna Aplikasi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/colors/colors.desktop:147 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "colors,colours,scheme,contrast,Widget colors,Color Scheme,color style,color theme" msgstr "warna,warna,skema,kontras,Widget warna,Skema Warna,gaya warna,tema warna" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: kcms/colors/colorschemes.knsrc:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Color Schemes" msgstr "Skema Warna" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/colors/org.kde.kcolorschemeeditor.desktop:2 msgctxt "GenericName" msgid "Color scheme editor" msgstr "Pengedit skema warna" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/colors/org.kde.kcolorschemeeditor.desktop:41 msgctxt "Name" msgid "KColorSchemeEditor" msgstr "KColorSchemeEditor" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/colors/org.kde.kcolorschemeeditor.desktop:78 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Plasma color scheme editor" msgstr "Pengedit skema warna plasma" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/componentchooser/componentchooser.desktop:14 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Default Applications" msgstr "Aplikasi Baku" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/componentchooser/componentchooser.desktop:98 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Default Applications" msgstr "Aplikasi Baku" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/componentchooser/componentchooser.desktop:146 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "default applications,components,component chooser,resources,e-mail,email client,text editor,instant messenger,terminal emulator,web browser,URL,hyperlinks" msgstr "aplikasi baku,komponen,pemilih komponen,sumber daya,surel,klien surel, pengedit teks,pesan instan,emulator terminal,penelusur web,URL,tautan hiper" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_browser.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name|standard desktop component" msgid "Web Browser" msgstr "Penelusur Web" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_browser.desktop:75 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Here you can configure your default web browser. All KDE applications in which you can select hyperlinks should honor this setting." msgstr "Di sini anda dapat mengkonfigurasi penelusur web baku anda. Semua aplikasi KDE yang dapat anda pilih hipertautnya akan mengikuti setelan ini." #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_filemanager.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name|standard desktop component" msgid "File Manager" msgstr "Pengelola Fail" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_filemanager.desktop:52 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Here you can configure your default file manager. The entries in the K menu and all KDE applications in which you can open folders will use this file manager." msgstr "Di sini kamu bisa mengkonfigurasi pengelola fail bakumu. Entri dalam menu K dan semua aplikasi KDE yang bisa kamu buka foldernya akan menggunakan pengelola fail ini." #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_kemail.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name|standard desktop component" msgid "Email Client" msgstr "Klien Email" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_kemail.desktop:75 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "This service allows you to configure your default email client. All KDE applications which need access to an email client application should honor this setting." msgstr "Layanan ini memungkinkan anda untuk mengkonfigurasi klien email baku anda. Semua aplikasi KDE yang memerlukan akses ke aplikasi klien email akan mengikuti setelan ini." #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_terminal.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name|standard desktop component" msgid "Terminal Emulator" msgstr "Emulator Terminal" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_terminal.desktop:75 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "This service allows you to configure your default terminal emulator. All KDE applications which invoke a terminal emulator application should honor this setting." msgstr "Layanan ini memungkinkan anda untuk mengkonfigurasi emulator terminal baku anda. Semua aplikasi KDE yang menyebutkan aplikasi emulator terminal akan mengikuti setelan ini." #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/componentchooser/EXAMPLE.desktop:1 msgctxt "Name" msgid "A nice name you have chosen for your interface" msgstr "Anda telah memilih sebuah nama yang bagus untuk antarmuka anda" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/componentchooser/EXAMPLE.desktop:89 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "A helpful description of the interface for the top right info box" msgstr "Deskripsi yang berguna tentang antarmuka untuk kotak info di kanan atas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/cursortheme/kcm_cursortheme.desktop:13 #: kcms/cursortheme/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Cursor Theme" msgstr "Tema Kursor" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/cursortheme/kcm_cursortheme.desktop:75 #: kcms/cursortheme/package/metadata.desktop:63 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Mouse Cursor Theme" msgstr "Tema Kursor Mouse" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/cursortheme/kcm_cursortheme.desktop:122 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Mouse,Cursor,Theme,Cursor Appearance,Cursor Color,Cursor Theme,Mouse Theme,Mouse Appearance,Mouse Skins,Pointer Colors,Pointer Appearance" msgstr "Mouse,Kursor,Tema,Tampilan Kursor,Warna Kursor,Tema Kursor,Tema Mouse,Tampilan Mouse,Kulit Mouse,Warna Penunjuk,Tampilan Penunjuk" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: kcms/cursortheme/xcursor/xcursor.knsrc:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Cursors" msgstr "Kursor" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/dateandtime/clock.desktop:16 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Date & Time" msgstr "Tanggal & Waktu" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/dateandtime/clock.desktop:108 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Date and Time" msgstr "Tanggal dan Waktu" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/dateandtime/clock.desktop:156 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "clock,date,time,time zone,ntp,synchronize,calendar,local time,region time" msgstr "jam,tanggal,waktu,zona waktu,ntp,sinkronisasi,kalender,waktu lokal,waktu wilayah" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/dateandtime/kcmclock_actions.actions:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Date and Time Control Module" msgstr "Modul Kendali Tanggal dan Waktu" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/dateandtime/kcmclock_actions.actions:74 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Save the date/time settings" msgstr "Simpan setelan tanggal/waktu" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/dateandtime/kcmclock_actions.actions:142 msgctxt "Description" msgid "System policies prevent you from saving the date/time settings." msgstr "Kebijakan sistem menghalangi anda untuk menyimpan setelan tanggal/waktu." #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/desktoppaths/desktoppath.desktop:13 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Locations" msgstr "Lokasi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/desktoppaths/desktoppath.desktop:56 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Location for Personal Files" msgstr "Lokasi untuk Fail Personal" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/desktoppaths/desktoppath.desktop:98 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "konqueror,dolphin,files,filemanager,path, paths,desktop,directories,autostart,downloads,music,documents,movies,pictures" msgstr "konqueror,dolphin,file,filemanager,alur,aluran,desktop,direktori,autostart,unduh,musik,dokumen,film,gambar" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/desktoptheme/kcm_desktoptheme.desktop:13 #: kcms/desktoptheme/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Desktop Theme" msgstr "Tema Desktop" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/desktoptheme/kcm_desktoptheme.desktop:77 #: kcms/desktoptheme/package/metadata.desktop:66 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Desktop Theme" msgstr "Tema Desktop" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/desktoptheme/kcm_desktoptheme.desktop:123 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Desktop Theme" msgstr "Tema Desktop" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: kcms/desktoptheme/plasma-themes.knsrc:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Plasma Themes" msgstr "Tema Plasma" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/emoticons/emoticons.desktop:13 kcms/emoticons/emoticons.knsrc:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Emoticons" msgstr "Emoticon" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/emoticons/emoticons.desktop:96 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Emoticon Theme" msgstr "Tema Emoticon" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/emoticons/emoticons.desktop:142 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Emoticons" msgstr "Emotikon" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/fonts/kcm_fonts.desktop:14 kcms/fonts/package/metadata.desktop:2 #: kcms/kfontinst/kcmfontinst/kfontinst.knsrc:2 #: kcms/kfontinst/kio/fonts.desktop:5 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Fonts" msgstr "Fonta" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/fonts/kcm_fonts.desktop:106 kcms/fonts/package/metadata.desktop:94 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Fonts" msgstr "Fonta" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/fonts/kcm_fonts.desktop:154 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "fonts,font size,styles,charsets,character sets,panel,control panel,desktops,FileManager,Toolbars,Menu,Window Title,Title,DPI,anti-aliasing,desktop fonts,toolbar fonts,character,general fonts" msgstr "fonta,ukuran fonta,gaya,charset,set karakter,panel,panel kendali,desktop,FailManager,Bilah Alat,Menu,Judul Jendela,Judul,DPI,anti-alias,fonta desktop,fonta bilah alat,karakter,fonta umum" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/formats/formats.desktop:14 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Formats" msgstr "Format" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/formats/formats.desktop:59 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Numeric, Currency and Time Formats" msgstr "Numerik, Mata Uang dan Format Waktu" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/formats/formats.desktop:106 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "language,translation,number format,locale,Country,charsets,character sets,Decimal symbol,Thousands separator,symbol,separator,sign,positive,negative,currency,money,fractional digits,calendar,time,date,formats,week,week start,first,paper,size,letter,A4,measure,metric,English,Imperial" msgstr "bahasa,terjemahan,format angka,locale,Negara,set karakter,set karakter,Simbol desimal,Pemisah ribuan,simbol,pemisah,tanda,positif,negatif,mata uang,uang,digit fraksi,kalender,waktu,tanggal,format,minggu,awal minggu,pertama,kertas,ukuran,surat,A4,satuan,metrik,Inggris,Imperial" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/hardware/joystick/joystick.desktop:17 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Joystick" msgstr "Joystick" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/hardware/joystick/joystick.desktop:65 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Joystick" msgstr "Joystick" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/hardware/joystick/joystick.desktop:156 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "joystick,gamepad,controller" msgstr "joystick,gamepad,controller" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/icons/icons.desktop:14 kcms/icons/icons.knsrc:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Icons" msgstr "Ikon" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/icons/icons.desktop:106 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Icon Theme" msgstr "Tema Ikon" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/icons/icons.desktop:153 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "icons,effects,size,hicolor,locolor" msgstr "ikon,efek,ukuran,warna tinggi,warna rendah" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/input/mouse.desktop:16 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Mouse" msgstr "Mouse" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/input/mouse.desktop:108 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Mouse Controls" msgstr "Kendali Mouse" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/input/mouse.desktop:153 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Mouse,Mouse acceleration,Mouse threshold,Mouse buttons,Selection,Cursor Shape,Input Devices,Button Mapping,Click,icons,feedback,Pointers,Drag,Double Click,Single Click,mapping,right handed,left handed,Pointer Device,Mouse Wheel,Mouse Emulation,Mouse Navigation,Mouse Drag and Drop,Mouse Scrolling,Mouse Sensitivity,Move Mouse with Num Pad,Mouse Num Pad Emulation" msgstr "Mouse,akselerasi Mouse,ambang batas Mouse,tombol Mouse,Pilihan, Bentuk Kursor,Peranti masukan,Pemetaan Tombol,Klik,ikon,tanggapan,Penunjuk,Tarik,Klik Ganda,Klik Tunggal,pemetaan,tangan kanan,kidal,Peranti Penunjuk,Roda Mouse,Emulasi Mouse,Navigasi Mouse,Seret dan Letakkan Mouse,Penggulungan Mouse,Sensitivitas Mouse,Gerakkan Mouse dengan Papan Numerik,Emulasi Papan Numerik Mouse" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/kded/kcmkded.desktop:14 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Background Services" msgstr "Layanan Latar Belakang" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/kded/kcmkded.desktop:58 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Background Services" msgstr "Layanan Latar Belakang" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/kded/kcmkded.desktop:102 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "KDED,Daemon,Services" msgstr "KDED,Jurik,Layanan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/keyboard/kcm_keyboard.desktop:17 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Keyboard" msgstr "Keyboard" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/keyboard/kcm_keyboard.desktop:108 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Keyboard Hardware and Layout" msgstr "Tata Letak dan Perangkat Keras Keyboard" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/keyboard/kcm_keyboard.desktop:155 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Keyboard,Keyboard repeat,Click volume,Input Devices,repeat,volume,NumLock,NumPad,Keyboard type,Keyboard model,Keyboard layout,Key layout,Language,Alternate Keyboard,Keyboard switching,Ctrl Key,Caps Lock,Esperanto,Circumflex,Kill X Server,LED Keyboard,Compose Key" msgstr "Keyboard,ulangi Keyboard,volume Klik,Peranti Masukan,ulangi,volume,NumLock,NumPad,tipe Keyboard,model Keyboard,tata letak Keyboard,tata letak Tombol,Bahasa,Keyboard Alternatif,pengganti Keyboard,Tombol Ctrl,Caps Lock,Esperanto,Circumflex,Matikan X Server,Keyboard LED,Buat Tombol" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/keyboard/keyboard.desktop:12 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Keyboard Daemon" msgstr "Jurik Keyboard" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/keyboard/keyboard.desktop:76 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Enables switching keyboard layout through shortcuts or system tray" msgstr "Aktifkan peralihan tataletak keyboard melalui pintasan atau system tray" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/keys/keys.desktop:14 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Global Shortcuts" msgstr "Pintasan Global" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/keys/keys.desktop:55 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Global Keyboard Shortcuts" msgstr "Pintasan Keyboard Global" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/keys/keys.desktop:103 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Keys,Global key bindings,Key scheme,Key bindings,shortcuts,application shortcuts,global shortcuts" msgstr "Tombol,pengikat tombol Global,skema Tombol,pengikat Tombol,pintasan,pintasan aplikasi,pintasan global" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/kfontinst/apps/installfont.desktop:7 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Install..." msgstr "Pasang..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/kfontinst/apps/org.kde.kfontview.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "KFontView" msgstr "KFontView" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/kfontinst/apps/org.kde.kfontview.desktop:96 msgctxt "GenericName" msgid "Font Viewer" msgstr "Penampil Fonta" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/kfontinst/dbus/fontinst.actions:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Font Installer" msgstr "Pemasang Fonta" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/kfontinst/dbus/fontinst.actions:95 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Manage system-wide fonts." msgstr "Kelola fonta system-wide." #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/kfontinst/dbus/fontinst.actions:161 msgctxt "Description" msgid "Modifying the system-wide font configuration requires privileges." msgstr "Memodifikasi konfigurasi fonta system-wide memerlukan hak akses." #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/kfontinst/kcmfontinst/fontinst.desktop:13 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Font Management" msgstr "Pengelolaan Fonta" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/kfontinst/kcmfontinst/fontinst.desktop:70 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Font Installation, Preview and Removal" msgstr "Pemasangan Fonta, Pratinjau dan Pencopotan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/kfontinst/kcmfontinst/fontinst.desktop:114 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "font,fonts,installer,truetype,type1,bitmap" msgstr "fonta,fonta,penginstal,truetype,type1,bitmap" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/kfontinst/thumbnail/fontthumbnail.desktop:3 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Font Files" msgstr "Fail Fonta" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/kfontinst/viewpart/kfontviewpart.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Font Viewer" msgstr "Penampil Fonta" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/knotify/kcmnotify.desktop:14 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Pemberitahuan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/knotify/kcmnotify.desktop:60 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Event Notifications and Actions" msgstr "Pemberitahuan dan Aksi Peristiwa" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/knotify/kcmnotify.desktop:107 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "System sounds,Audio,Sound,Notify,Alerts,Notification,popups" msgstr "Suara sistem,Audio,Suara,Beritahu,Peringatan,Pemberitahuan,sembulan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/ksmserver/kcmsmserver.desktop:14 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Desktop Session" msgstr "Sesi Desktop" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/ksmserver/kcmsmserver.desktop:60 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Desktop Session Login and Logout" msgstr "Log Masuk dan Keluar Sesi desktop" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/ksmserver/kcmsmserver.desktop:105 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "ksmserver,session,logout,confirmation,save,restore" msgstr "ksmserver,sesi,keluar,konfirmasi,simpan,kembalikan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/ksplash/kcm_splashscreen.desktop:15 #: kcms/ksplash/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Splash Screen" msgstr "Layar Splash" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/ksplash/kcm_splashscreen.desktop:60 #: kcms/ksplash/package/metadata.desktop:47 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Splash Screen Theme" msgstr "Tema Layar Splash" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/ksplash/kcm_splashscreen.desktop:103 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "splash screen,splash theme,startup" msgstr "screen splash,tema splash,startup" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/launch/kcm_launchfeedback.desktop:14 #: kcms/launch/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Launch Feedback" msgstr "Tanggapan Luncur" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/launch/kcm_launchfeedback.desktop:101 #: kcms/launch/package/metadata.desktop:89 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Application Launch Feedback" msgstr "Tanggapan Luncur Aplikasi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/launch/kcm_launchfeedback.desktop:148 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "application,start,launch,busy,cursor,feedback,mouse,pointer,bouncing,rotating,spinning,disk,startup,program,report,taskbar" msgstr "aplikasi,mulai,luncur,sibuk,kursor,tanggapan,mouse,penunjuk,berpantul,berputar,berpusing,cakram,permulaian,program,laporan,bilah tugas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/lookandfeel/kcm_lookandfeel.desktop:14 #: kcms/lookandfeel/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Look And Feel" msgstr "Look And Feel" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/lookandfeel/kcm_lookandfeel.desktop:59 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Look And Feel" msgstr "Look And Feel" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/lookandfeel/kcm_lookandfeel.desktop:104 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "theme, look, feel" msgstr "tema, look, feel" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: kcms/lookandfeel/lookandfeel.knsrc:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Look and Feel" msgstr "Look and Feel" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/lookandfeel/package/metadata.desktop:47 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Configure The Look And feel of the Desktop" msgstr "Konfigurasi Look And Feel-nya Desktop" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: kcms/nightcolor/kcm_nightcolor.desktop:18 #: kcms/nightcolor/package/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Night Color" msgstr "Warna Malam" #. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: kcms/nightcolor/kcm_nightcolor.desktop:47 -#: kcms/nightcolor/package/metadata.desktop:31 +#: kcms/nightcolor/kcm_nightcolor.desktop:48 +#: kcms/nightcolor/package/metadata.desktop:32 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Adjust color temperature at night to reduce eye strain" msgstr "Sesuaikan suhu warna saat malam hari untuk mengurangi ketegangan mata" #. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: kcms/nightcolor/kcm_nightcolor.desktop:76 +#: kcms/nightcolor/kcm_nightcolor.desktop:77 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "kwin,window,manager,night,colors,redshift,eyes" msgstr "kwin,jendela,pengelola,malam,warna,redshift,mata" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/phonon/kcm_phonon.desktop:13 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Audio and Video" msgstr "Audio dan Video" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/phonon/kcm_phonon.desktop:59 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Phonon Audio and Video" msgstr "Audio dan Video Phonon" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/phonon/kcm_phonon.desktop:105 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Sound,Phonon,Audio,Video,Output,Device,Notification,Music,Communication,Media,NMM,GStreamer,Xine" msgstr "Suara,Phonon,Audio,Video,Keluaran,Peranti,Pemberitahuan,Musik,Komunikasi,Media,NMM,GStreamer,Xine" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/runners/kcm_plasmasearch.desktop:13 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Plasma Search" msgstr "Pencarian Plasma" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: kcms/runners/kcm_plasmasearch.desktop:58 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Configure Search Bar" msgstr "Konfigurasi Bilah Pencarian" #. +> plasma5lts #: kcms/runners/kcm_plasmasearch.desktop:59 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Configure Search" msgstr "Konfigurasi Pencarian" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/runners/kcm_plasmasearch.desktop:93 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Search, File, Baloo, Runner, krunner" msgstr "Pencarian, Fail, Baloo, Pelari, krunner" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Battery.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Charge Percent" msgstr "Persentase Pengisian" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Battery.desktop:73 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Charge State" msgstr "Tingkat Pengisian" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Battery.desktop:145 msgctxt "Name|battery plugged in" msgid "Plugged" msgstr "Tertancap" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Battery.desktop:198 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Rechargeable" msgstr "Dapat Diisi Ulang" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Battery.desktop:266 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Type" msgstr "Tipe" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Battery.desktop:341 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Block.desktop:211 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Camera.desktop:145 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDisc.desktop:863 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDrive.desktop:650 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-PortableMediaPlayer.desktop:145 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Processor.desktop:283 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-StorageAccess.desktop:146 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-StorageDrive.desktop:362 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-StorageVolume.desktop:434 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Solid Device" msgstr "Peranti Solid" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Block.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Device" msgstr "Peranti" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Block.desktop:74 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Major" msgstr "Mayor" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Block.desktop:142 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Minor" msgstr "Minor" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Camera.desktop:2 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-PortableMediaPlayer.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Supported Drivers" msgstr "Penggerak Didukung" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Camera.desktop:73 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-PortableMediaPlayer.desktop:73 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Supported Protocols" msgstr "Protokol Didukung" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDisc.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Appendable" msgstr "Dapat Ditambahkan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDisc.desktop:72 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Available Content" msgstr "Isi Tersedia" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDisc.desktop:144 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Blank" msgstr "Kosong" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDisc.desktop:215 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Capacity" msgstr "Kapasitas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDisc.desktop:287 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Disc Type" msgstr "Tipe Cakram" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDisc.desktop:360 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-StorageVolume.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Fs Type" msgstr "Tipe Sistem Berkas" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDisc.desktop:432 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-StorageVolume.desktop:74 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Ignored" msgstr "Diabaikan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDisc.desktop:503 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-StorageVolume.desktop:145 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Label" msgstr "Label" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDisc.desktop:575 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Rewritable" msgstr "Dapat Ditulis Ulang" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDisc.desktop:646 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDrive.desktop:359 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-StorageDrive.desktop:288 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-StorageVolume.desktop:217 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Size" msgstr "Ukuran" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDisc.desktop:719 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-StorageVolume.desktop:290 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Usage" msgstr "Penggunaan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDisc.desktop:791 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-StorageVolume.desktop:362 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Uuid" msgstr "Uuid" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDrive.desktop:2 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-StorageDrive.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Bus" msgstr "Bus" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDrive.desktop:75 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-StorageDrive.desktop:75 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Drive Type" msgstr "Tipe Penggerak" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDrive.desktop:148 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-StorageDrive.desktop:148 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Hotpluggable" msgstr "Dapat di-Hotplug" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDrive.desktop:215 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Read Speed" msgstr "Kecepatan Baca" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDrive.desktop:286 #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-StorageDrive.desktop:215 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Removable" msgstr "Dapat Dilepaskan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDrive.desktop:432 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Supported Media" msgstr "Media Didukung" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDrive.desktop:503 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Write Speed" msgstr "Kecepatan Tulis" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-OpticalDrive.desktop:576 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Write Speeds" msgstr "Kecepatan Tulis" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Processor.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Can Change Frequency" msgstr "Dapat Mengubah Frekuensi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Processor.desktop:71 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Instruction Sets" msgstr "Perangkat Instruksi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Processor.desktop:139 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Max Speed" msgstr "Kecepatan Maks" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-Processor.desktop:211 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Number" msgstr "Nomor" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-StorageAccess.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Accessible" msgstr "Dapat Diakses" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/device-actions/solid-device-StorageAccess.desktop:73 msgctxt "Name" msgid "File Path" msgstr "Alur Fail" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/solid-actions.desktop:13 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Device Actions" msgstr "Aksi Peranti" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/solid-actions.desktop:83 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Manage actions available to the user when connecting new devices" msgstr "Atur aksi yang tersedia bagi pengguna ketika menyambungkan peranti baru" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/solid-actions.desktop:135 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Solid Devices Actions" msgstr "Aksi Peranti Solid" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/solid_actions/solid-device-type.desktop:4 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Solid Device Type" msgstr "Tipe Peranti Solid" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/spellchecking/spellchecking.desktop:14 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Spell Check" msgstr "Periksa Ejaan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/spellchecking/spellchecking.desktop:61 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Spell Checker Dictionaries and Options" msgstr "Kamus dan Opsi Pemeriksa Ejaan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/spellchecking/spellchecking.desktop:106 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Spell" msgstr "Ejaan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/standard_actions/standard_actions.desktop:15 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Standard Shortcuts" msgstr "Pintasan Standar" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/standard_actions/standard_actions.desktop:55 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Standard Keyboard Shortcuts for Applications" msgstr "Pintasan Keyboard Standar Untuk Aplikasi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/standard_actions/standard_actions.desktop:101 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Keys,Global key bindings,Key scheme,Key bindings,shortcuts,application shortcuts" msgstr "Tombol,pengikat tombol Global,skema Tombol,pengikat Tombol,pintasan,jalan pintas aplikasi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/style/style.desktop:16 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Widget Style" msgstr "Gaya Widget" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/style/style.desktop:61 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Widget Style and Behavior" msgstr "Gaya dan Perilaku Widget" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: kcms/style/style.desktop:107 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "style,styles,look,widget,icons,toolbars,text,highlight,apps,KDE applications,theme,plasma,menu,global menu" msgstr "gaya,gaya,look,widget,ikon,bilah alat,teks,sorot,apl,aplikasi KDE,tema,plasma,menu,menu global" #. +> plasma5lts #: kcms/style/style.desktop:109 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "style,styles,look,widget,icons,toolbars,text,highlight,apps,KDE applications,theme,plasma" msgstr "gaya,gaya,tampilan,widget,ikon,bilah alat,teks,sorot,aplikasi,aplikasi KDE,tema,plasma" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/touchpad/src/applet/dataengine.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Touchpad DataEngine" msgstr "DataEngine Touchpad" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/touchpad/src/applet/qml/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Shows current touchpad state" msgstr "Tampilkan keadaan touchpad saat ini" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/touchpad/src/applet/qml/metadata.desktop:45 msgctxt "Keywords" msgid "Touchpad" msgstr "Touchpad" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/touchpad/src/applet/qml/metadata.desktop:86 #: kcms/touchpad/src/kcm/kcm_touchpad.desktop:16 #: kcms/touchpad/src/kded/kcm_touchpad.notifyrc:2 #: kcms/touchpad/src/kded/kded_touchpad.desktop:9 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Touchpad" msgstr "Touchpad" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/touchpad/src/kcm/kcm_touchpad.desktop:58 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Touchpad settings" msgstr "Setelan touchpad" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/touchpad/src/kcm/kcm_touchpad.desktop:100 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Touchpad,Synaptics" msgstr "Touchpad,Synaptics" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/touchpad/src/kded/kcm_touchpad.notifyrc:45 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Touchpad" msgstr "Touchpad" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/touchpad/src/kded/kcm_touchpad.notifyrc:89 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Touchpad was disabled" msgstr "Touchpad telah dinonaktifkan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/touchpad/src/kded/kcm_touchpad.notifyrc:130 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Touchpad was disabled because mouse is detected" msgstr "Touchpad telah dinonaktifkan karena mouse telah terdeteksi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/touchpad/src/kded/kcm_touchpad.notifyrc:175 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Touchpad was enabled" msgstr "Touchpad telah diaktifkan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/touchpad/src/kded/kcm_touchpad.notifyrc:216 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Touchpad was enabled because the mouse was unplugged" msgstr "Touchpad telah diaktifkan karena mouse telah tercabut" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/touchpad/src/kded/kded_touchpad.desktop:51 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Enables or disables touchpad" msgstr "Aktifkan atau nonaktifkan touchpad" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/translations/translations.desktop:14 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Language" msgstr "Bahasa" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/workspaceoptions/workspaceoptions.desktop:13 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Workspace" msgstr "Ruang Kerja" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/workspaceoptions/workspaceoptions.desktop:60 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Workspace Behavior" msgstr "Perilaku Ruang Kerja" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: kcms/workspaceoptions/workspaceoptions.desktop:106 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "plasma,workspace,shell,formfactor,dashboard,tooltips,informational tips,tooltips" msgstr "plasma,ruang kerja,shell,formfactor,dasbor,tip alat,tip informasi,tip alat" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: knetattach/org.kde.knetattach.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "KNetAttach" msgstr "KNetAttach" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: knetattach/org.kde.knetattach.desktop:89 msgctxt "GenericName" msgid "Network Folder Wizard" msgstr "Pemandu Folder Jaringan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: layout-templates/org.kde.plasma.desktop.appmenubar/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Application Menu Bar" msgstr "Bilah Menu Aplikasi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: layout-templates/org.kde.plasma.desktop.appmenubar/metadata.desktop:40 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Panel containing the global menu applet" msgstr "Panel berisi applet menu global" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: layout-templates/org.kde.plasma.desktop.defaultPanel/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Default Panel" msgstr "Panel Baku" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: layout-templates/org.kde.plasma.desktop.defaultPanel/metadata.desktop:48 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Default panel featuring application launcher, task manager and system tray" msgstr "Perfituran panel baku peluncur aplikasi, pengelola tugas dan baki sistem" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: layout-templates/org.kde.plasma.desktop.emptyPanel/metadata.desktop:54 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Empty panel" msgstr "Panel kosong" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: runners/kwin/plasma-runner-kwin.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "KWin" msgstr "KWin" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: runners/kwin/plasma-runner-kwin.desktop:41 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Interact with the Plasma Compositor" msgstr "Interaksi dengan Plasma Compositor" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: runners/plasma-desktop/plasma-runner-plasma-desktop.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Plasma Desktop Shell" msgstr "Shell Desktop Plasma" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: runners/plasma-desktop/plasma-runner-plasma-desktop.desktop:67 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Interact with the Plasma desktop shell" msgstr "Interaksi dengan shell desktop Plasma" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: solid-device-automounter/kcm/device_automounter_kcm.desktop:9 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Mount,Removable,Devices,Automatic" msgstr "Mount,Dapat dicopot,Peranti,Otomatis" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: solid-device-automounter/kcm/device_automounter_kcm.desktop:48 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Removable Devices" msgstr "Peranti Dapat Dicopot" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: solid-device-automounter/kcm/device_automounter_kcm.desktop:89 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Configure automatic handling of removable storage media" msgstr "Konfigurasi penanganan otomatis dari media penyimpanan dapat dicopot" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: solid-device-automounter/kded/device_automounter.desktop:9 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Removable Device Automounter" msgstr "Removable Device Automounter" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: solid-device-automounter/kded/device_automounter.desktop:49 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Automatically mounts devices as needed" msgstr "Mount peranti secara otomatis ketika diperlukan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: toolboxes/desktoptoolbox/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Declarative Toolbox" msgstr "Kotak Alat Deklaratif" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: toolboxes/desktoptoolbox/metadata.desktop:47 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Manage Plasma" msgstr "Kelola Plasma" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: toolboxes/paneltoolbox/metadata.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Panel Toolbox" msgstr "Kotak Alat Panel" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: toolboxes/paneltoolbox/metadata.desktop:51 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Manage Plasma panel" msgstr "Kelola panel Plasma" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: toolboxes/plasma-toolbox-paneltoolbox.desktop:2 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Default panel toolbox for the Plasma desktop shell" msgstr "Bilah alat panel baku untuk shell desktop Plasma" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: toolboxes/plasma-toolbox-paneltoolbox.desktop:60 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Panel toolbox" msgstr "Kotak alat panel" #. +> stable5 -#: kcms/nightcolor/package/metadata.desktop:31 +#: kcms/nightcolor/package/metadata.desktop:32 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Adjust color temperatur at night to reduce eye strain" msgstr "Sesuaikan temperatur warna saat malam hari untuk mengurangi ketegangan mata" #. +> plasma5lts #: kcms/style/kcmstyle.notifyrc:3 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Menubar manager" msgstr "Pengelola bilah menu" #. +> plasma5lts #: kcms/style/kcmstyle.notifyrc:52 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Menubar exporter" msgstr "Pengekspor bilah menu" #. +> plasma5lts #: kcms/style/kcmstyle.notifyrc:101 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Menubar changed" msgstr "Bilah menu berubah" #. +> plasma5lts #: kcms/style/kcmstyle.notifyrc:149 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Settings changes will take effect only on application restart" msgstr "Perubahan setelan akan berlangsung setelah aplikasi dijalankan ulang" #. +> plasma5lts #: kcms/useraccount/kcm_useraccount.desktop:14 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Password and User Account" msgstr "Sandi dan Akun Pengguna" #. +> plasma5lts #: kcms/useraccount/kcm_useraccount.desktop:57 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "password,email,name,organization,realname,login image,face,echo mode" msgstr "sandi,email,nama,organisasi,nama asli,gambar login,wajah,mode gema" #. +> plasma5lts #: kcms/useraccount/kcm_useraccount.desktop:95 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "User information such as password, name and email" msgstr "Informasi pengguna seperti sandi, nama dan email" Index: trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/kde-workspace/systemsettings.po =================================================================== --- trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/kde-workspace/systemsettings.po (revision 1513232) +++ trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/kde-workspace/systemsettings.po (revision 1513233) @@ -1,377 +1,377 @@ # Indonesian translations for systemsettings package. # Copyright (C) 2009 This_file_is_part_of_KDE # This file is distributed under the same license as the systemsettings package. # Andhika Padmawan , 2009. # Wantoyo , 2017, 2018. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: systemsettings\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-24 12:01+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-31 13:45+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-20 07:53+0700\n" "Last-Translator: Wantoyo \n" "Language-Team: Indonesian \n" "Language: id\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #, kde-format msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" msgid "Your names" msgstr "Andhika Padmawan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #, kde-format msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" msgid "Your emails" msgstr "" #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, GbViewStyle) #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/configDialog.ui:17 #, kde-format msgid "View Style" msgstr "Gaya Tampilan" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, ChTooltips) #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/configDialog.ui:24 #, kde-format msgid "Show detailed tooltips" msgstr "Tampilkan tip alat terperinci" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/main.cpp:46 app/SettingsBase.cpp:56 classic/CategoryList.cpp:40 #: sidebar/package/contents/ui/introPage.qml:54 #, kde-format msgid "System Settings" msgstr "Setelan Sistem" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: app/main.cpp:46 #, kde-format msgid "Central configuration center by KDE." msgstr "Pusat konfigurasi pokok oleh KDE." #. +> plasma5lts #: app/main.cpp:37 #, kde-format msgid "Central configuration center for KDE." msgstr "Pusat konfigurasi pokok untuk KDE." #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/main.cpp:46 classic/ClassicMode.cpp:71 icons/IconMode.cpp:61 #, kde-format msgid "(c) 2009, Ben Cooksley" msgstr "(c) 2009, Ben Cooksley" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/main.cpp:47 classic/ClassicMode.cpp:72 icons/IconMode.cpp:62 #: sidebar/SidebarMode.cpp:263 #, kde-format msgid "Ben Cooksley" msgstr "Ben Cooksley" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/main.cpp:47 #, kde-format msgid "Maintainer" msgstr "Pemelihara" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/main.cpp:48 classic/ClassicMode.cpp:73 icons/IconMode.cpp:63 #: sidebar/SidebarMode.cpp:264 #, kde-format msgid "Mathias Soeken" msgstr "Mathias Soeken" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/main.cpp:48 classic/ClassicMode.cpp:73 icons/IconMode.cpp:63 #: sidebar/SidebarMode.cpp:264 #, kde-format msgid "Developer" msgstr "Pengembang" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/main.cpp:49 #, kde-format msgid "Will Stephenson" msgstr "Will Stephenson" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/main.cpp:49 #, kde-format msgid "Internal module representation, internal module model" msgstr "Representasi modul internal, model modul internal" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:63 #, kde-format msgctxt "Search through a list of control modules" msgid "Search" msgstr "Cari" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:138 #, kde-format msgid "Configure" msgstr "Konfigurasi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:166 #, kde-format msgid "Help" msgstr "Bantuan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:171 app/SettingsBase.cpp:365 #, kde-format msgid "About Active Module" msgstr "Tentang Modul Aktif" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:185 #, kde-format msgctxt "General config for System Settings" msgid "General" msgstr "Umum" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:276 #, kde-format msgid "System Settings was unable to find any views, and hence nothing is available to configure." msgstr "Setelan Sistem tak dapat menemukan tampilan apapun, sehingga tak ada yang tersedia untuk dikonfigurasi." #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:276 app/SettingsBase.cpp:314 #, kde-format msgid "No views found" msgstr "Tak ada tampilan yang ditemukan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:314 #, kde-format msgid "System Settings was unable to find any views, and hence has nothing to display." msgstr "Setelan Sistem tak dapat menemukan tampilan apapun, sehingga tak ada yang ditampilkan." #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:347 #, kde-format msgid "About Active View" msgstr "Tentang Tampilan Aktif" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:408 #, kde-format msgid "About %1" msgstr "Tentang %1" #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ShowToolTips), group (Main) #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/systemsettings.kcfg:9 #, kde-format msgid "Determines whether detailed tooltips should be used" msgstr "Menentukan apakah tip alat terperinci harus digunakan" #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ActiveView), group (Main) #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/systemsettings.kcfg:13 #, kde-format msgid "Internal name for the view used" msgstr "Nama internal untuk tampilan yang digunakan" #. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (mainToolBar) #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: app/systemsettingsui.rc:16 #, kde-format msgid "About System Settings" msgstr "Tentang Setelan Sistem" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: app/ToolTips/tooltipmanager.cpp:191 #, kde-format msgid "Contains 1 item" msgid_plural "Contains %1 items" msgstr[0] "Berisi %1 item" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: classic/CategoryList.cpp:41 #, kde-format msgid "Configure your system" msgstr "Konfigurasi sistem anda" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: classic/CategoryList.cpp:42 #, kde-format msgid "Welcome to \"System Settings\", a central place to configure your computer system." msgstr "Selamat datang ke \"Setelan Sistem\", tempat terpusat untuk mengkonfigurasi sistem komputer anda." #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: classic/ClassicMode.cpp:67 classic/ClassicMode.cpp:253 #, kde-format msgid "Tree View" msgstr "Tampilan Pohon" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: classic/ClassicMode.cpp:69 #, kde-format msgid "Provides a classic tree-based view of control modules." msgstr "Memberikan tampilan berbasis pohon yang klasik dari modul kendali." #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: classic/ClassicMode.cpp:72 icons/IconMode.cpp:62 #: sidebar/SidebarMode.cpp:262 sidebar/SidebarMode.cpp:263 #, kde-format msgid "Author" msgstr "Penulis" #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, CbExpand) #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: classic/configClassic.ui:17 #, kde-format msgid "Expand the first level automatically" msgstr "Bentangkan level pertama secara otomatis" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: core/ExternalAppModule.cpp:34 #, kde-format msgid "%1 is an external application and has been automatically launched" msgstr "%1 adalah aplikasi eksternal dan telah dijalankan secara otomatis" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: core/ExternalAppModule.cpp:35 #, kde-format msgid "Relaunch %1" msgstr "Menjalankan Ulang %1" #. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, ExternalModule) #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: core/externalModule.ui:14 #, kde-format msgid "Dialog" msgstr "Dialog" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: core/ModuleView.cpp:90 #, kde-format msgid "Reset all current changes to previous values" msgstr "Atur ulang semua perubahan saat ini ke nilai sebelumnya" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: core/ModuleView.cpp:246 #, kde-format msgid "" "The settings of the current module have changed.\n" "Do you want to apply the changes or discard them?" msgstr "" "Setelan dari modul saat ini telah berubah.\n" "Anda ingin menerapkan perubahan atau mengabaikannya?" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: core/ModuleView.cpp:248 #, kde-format msgid "Apply Settings" msgstr "Terapkan Setelan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: icons/IconMode.cpp:59 #, kde-format msgid "Icon View" msgstr "Tampilan Ikon" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: icons/IconMode.cpp:60 #, kde-format msgid "Provides a categorized icons view of control modules." msgstr "Memberikan tampilan ikon yang dikategorikan dari modul kendali." #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: icons/IconMode.cpp:67 #, kde-format msgid "All Settings" msgstr "Semua Setelan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: icons/IconMode.cpp:68 #, kde-format msgid "Keyboard Shortcut: %1" msgstr "Pintasan Keyboard: %1" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: sidebar/package/contents/ui/CategoriesPage.qml:59 #, kde-format msgid "Search..." msgstr "Cari..." #. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: sidebar/package/contents/ui/CategoriesPage.qml:103 +#: sidebar/package/contents/ui/CategoriesPage.qml:102 #, kde-format msgctxt "A search yelded no results" msgid "No items matching your search" msgstr "Tiada item yang cocok atas pencarianmu" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: sidebar/package/contents/ui/IntroIcon.qml:85 #, kde-format msgid "Most used module number %1" msgstr "Banyaknya modul yang digunakan berjumlah %1" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: sidebar/package/contents/ui/introPage.qml:73 #, kde-format msgid "Frequently used:" msgstr "Sering digunakan:" #. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: sidebar/package/contents/ui/SubCategoryPage.qml:34 +#: sidebar/package/contents/ui/SubCategoryPage.qml:48 #, kde-format msgid "Back" msgstr "Kembali" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: sidebar/SidebarMode.cpp:259 #, kde-format msgid "Sidebar View" msgstr "Tampilan BilahSisi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: sidebar/SidebarMode.cpp:260 #, kde-format msgid "Provides a categorized sidebar for control modules." msgstr "Memberikan bilah sisi yang dikategorikan untuk modul kendali." #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: sidebar/SidebarMode.cpp:261 #, kde-format msgid "(c) 2017, Marco Martin" msgstr "(c) 2017, Marco Martin" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: sidebar/SidebarMode.cpp:262 #, kde-format msgid "Marco Martin" msgstr "Marco Martin" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: sidebar/SidebarMode.cpp:466 #, kde-format msgid "Sidebar" msgstr "BilahSisi" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: sidebar/SidebarMode.cpp:501 #, kde-format msgid "Most Used" msgstr "Paling Banyak Digunakan" #. +> trunk5 stable5 plasma5lts #: sidebar/ToolTips/tooltipmanager.cpp:194 #, kde-format msgid "Contains 1 item" msgid_plural "Contains %1 items" msgstr[0] "Berisi %1 item" Index: trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/kdemultimedia/kamoso.desktop.po =================================================================== --- trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/kdemultimedia/kamoso.desktop.po (revision 1513232) +++ trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/kdemultimedia/kamoso.desktop.po (revision 1513233) @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ # wantoyo , 2015. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: desktop files\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-21 10:54+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-31 13:46+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-04-18 21:52+0700\n" "Last-Translator: wantoyo \n" "Language-Team: Indonesian \n" "Language: id\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" #. +> trunk5 stable5 #: src/org.kde.kamoso.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Kamoso" msgstr "Kamoso" #. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: src/org.kde.kamoso.desktop:52 +#: src/org.kde.kamoso.desktop:53 msgctxt "GenericName" msgid "Camera" msgstr "Kamera" #. +> trunk5 stable5 -#: src/org.kde.kamoso.desktop:88 +#: src/org.kde.kamoso.desktop:89 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Use your webcam to take pictures or make videos" msgstr "Gunakan webcam kamu untuk mengambil gambar atau membuat video" Index: trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/playground-base/kubuntu-notification-helper.desktop.po =================================================================== --- trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/playground-base/kubuntu-notification-helper.desktop.po (revision 1513232) +++ trunk/l10n-support/id/summit/messages/playground-base/kubuntu-notification-helper.desktop.po (revision 1513233) @@ -1,122 +1,122 @@ # Indonesian translation for kubuntu-notification-helper # Copyright (c) 2013 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2013 # This file is distributed under the same license as the kubuntu-notification-helper package. # FIRST AUTHOR , 2013. # Wantoyo , 2017, 2018. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: kubuntu-notification-helper\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-25 10:17+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-31 13:49+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-25 22:41+0700\n" "Last-Translator: Wantoyo \n" "Language-Team: Indonesian \n" "Language: id\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" #. +> trunk5 #: src/daemon/notificationhelper.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Notification Helper" msgstr "Pembantu pemberitahuan" #. +> trunk5 #: src/daemon/notificationhelper.notifyrc:3 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "System Notification Helper" msgstr "Pembantu Pemberitahuan Sistem" #. +> trunk5 #: src/daemon/notificationhelper.notifyrc:50 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Reboot Required" msgstr "Diperlukan Reboot" #. +> trunk5 #: src/daemon/notificationhelper.notifyrc:97 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "A system restart is required" msgstr "Diperlukan restart sistem" #. +> trunk5 #: src/daemon/notificationhelper.notifyrc:147 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Apport Crash" msgstr "Apport Crash" #. +> trunk5 #: src/daemon/notificationhelper.notifyrc:191 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "An application has crashed on your system (now or in the past)" msgstr "Terdapat aplikasi yang mengalami kerusakan (saat ini atau sebelumnya)" #. +> trunk5 #: src/daemon/notificationhelper.notifyrc:239 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Upgrade Hook" msgstr "Terkait Peningkatan" #. +> trunk5 #: src/daemon/notificationhelper.notifyrc:281 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Software upgrade notifications are available" msgstr "Pemberitahuan peningkatan perangkat lunak tersedia" #. +> trunk5 #: src/daemon/notificationhelper.notifyrc:329 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Restricted Install" msgstr "Pasang restricted" #. +> trunk5 #: src/daemon/notificationhelper.notifyrc:374 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Extra packages can be installed to enhance application functionality" msgstr "Paket-paket ekstra dapat dipasang untuk meningkatkan fungsionalitas aplikasi" #. +> trunk5 #: src/daemon/notificationhelper.notifyrc:421 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Localization Enhancement" msgstr "Perbaikan Lokalisasi" #. +> trunk5 -#: src/daemon/notificationhelper.notifyrc:460 +#: src/daemon/notificationhelper.notifyrc:461 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Extra packages can be installed to enhance system localization" msgstr "Paket-paket ekstra dapat dipasang untuk memperbaiki lokalisasi sistem" #. +> trunk5 -#: src/daemon/notificationhelper.notifyrc:501 +#: src/daemon/notificationhelper.notifyrc:503 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Driver Enhancement" msgstr "Perbaikan Driver" #. +> trunk5 -#: src/daemon/notificationhelper.notifyrc:540 +#: src/daemon/notificationhelper.notifyrc:543 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Additional drivers can be installed" msgstr "Driver tambahan dapat dipasang" #. +> trunk5 #: src/kcmodule/kcm_notificationhelper.desktop:10 msgctxt "X-KDE-Keywords" msgid "Notify,Alerts,Notification,popups" msgstr "Beritahu,Peringatan,Pemberitahuan,sembulan" #. +> trunk5 -#: src/kcmodule/kcm_notificationhelper.desktop:54 +#: src/kcmodule/kcm_notificationhelper.desktop:55 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Other Notifications" msgstr "Pemberitahuan lainnya" #. +> trunk5 -#: src/kcmodule/kcm_notificationhelper.desktop:99 +#: src/kcmodule/kcm_notificationhelper.desktop:100 msgctxt "Comment" msgid "Control the notifications for system helpers" msgstr "Kendali pemberitahuan untuk sistem pembantu"