Index: trunk/koffice/kspread/ =================================================================== --- trunk/koffice/kspread/ (revision 147681) +++ trunk/koffice/kspread/ (revision 147682) @@ -1,4079 +1,4085 @@ // -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- #include "kspread_canvas.h" #include "kspread_util.h" #include "kspread_editors.h" #include "kspread_map.h" #include "kspread_undo.h" #include "kspread_doc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KSpreadLocationEditWidget::KSpreadLocationEditWidget( QWidget * _parent, KSpreadView * _view ) : QLineEdit( _parent, "KSpreadLocationEditWidget" ) { m_pView = _view; } void KSpreadLocationEditWidget::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * _ev ) { // Do not handle special keys and accelerators. This is // done by QLineEdit. if ( _ev->state() & ( Qt::AltButton | Qt::ControlButton ) ) { QLineEdit::keyPressEvent( _ev ); // Never allow that keys are passed on to the parent. _ev->accept(); return; } // Handle some special keys here. Eve switch( _ev->key() ) { case Key_Return: case Key_Enter: { QValueList::Iterator it; QValueList area=m_pView->doc()->listArea(); for ( it = area.begin(); it != area.end(); ++it ) { if((*it).ref_name==text()) { QString tmp; tmp=(*it).table_name; tmp+="!"; tmp+=util_rangeName((*it).rect); m_pView->canvasWidget()->gotoLocation( KSpreadRange(tmp, m_pView->doc()->map())); return; } } QString tmp; int pos; // Set the cell component to uppercase: // Table1!a1 -> Table1!A2 pos = text().find('!'); if( pos !=- 1 ) tmp = text().left(pos)+text().mid(pos).upper(); else tmp=text().upper(); // Selection entered in location widget if ( text().contains( ':' ) ) m_pView->canvasWidget()->gotoLocation( KSpreadRange( tmp, m_pView->doc()->map() ) ); // Location entered in location widget else m_pView->canvasWidget()->gotoLocation( KSpreadPoint( tmp, m_pView->doc()->map() )); // Set the focus back on the canvas. m_pView->canvasWidget()->setFocus(); _ev->accept(); } break; // Escape pressed, restore original value case Key_Escape: // #### Torben says: This is duplicated code. Bad. if ( m_pView->activeTable()->selectionRect().left() == 0 ) { setText( util_encodeColumnLabelText( m_pView->canvasWidget()->markerColumn() ) + QString::number( m_pView->canvasWidget()->markerRow() ) ); } else { setText( util_encodeColumnLabelText( m_pView->activeTable()->selectionRect().left() ) + QString::number( m_pView->activeTable()->selectionRect().top() ) + ":" + util_encodeColumnLabelText( m_pView->activeTable()->selectionRect().right() ) + QString::number( m_pView->activeTable()->selectionRect().bottom() ) ); } m_pView->canvasWidget()->setFocus(); _ev->accept(); break; default: QLineEdit::keyPressEvent( _ev ); // Never allow that keys are passed on to the parent. _ev->accept(); } } /**************************************************************** * * KSpreadEditWidget * The line-editor that appears above the table and allows to * edit the cells content. * ****************************************************************/ KSpreadEditWidget::KSpreadEditWidget( QWidget *_parent, KSpreadCanvas *_canvas, QButton *cancelButton, QButton *okButton ) : QLineEdit( _parent, "KSpreadEditWidget" ) { m_pCanvas = _canvas; // Those buttons are created by the caller, so that they are inserted // properly in the layout - but they are then managed here. m_pCancelButton = cancelButton; m_pOkButton = okButton; if ( !m_pCanvas->doc()->isReadWrite() ) setEnabled( false ); else { QObject::connect( m_pCancelButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotAbortEdit() ) ); QObject::connect( m_pOkButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotDoneEdit() ) ); } setEditMode( false ); // disable buttons } void KSpreadEditWidget::showEditWidget(bool _show) { if(_show) { m_pCancelButton->show(); m_pOkButton->show(); show(); } else { m_pCancelButton->hide(); m_pOkButton->hide(); hide(); } } void KSpreadEditWidget::slotAbortEdit() { m_pCanvas->deleteEditor( false /*discard changes*/ ); // will take care of the buttons } void KSpreadEditWidget::slotDoneEdit() { m_pCanvas->deleteEditor( true /*keep changes*/ ); // will take care of the buttons } void KSpreadEditWidget::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent* _ev ) { // Dont handle special keys and accelerators if ( _ev->state() & ( Qt::AltButton | Qt::ControlButton ) ) { QLineEdit::keyPressEvent( _ev ); return; } if ( !m_pCanvas->doc()->isReadWrite() ) return; if ( !m_pCanvas->editor() ) { // Start editing the current cell m_pCanvas->createEditor( KSpreadCanvas::CellEditor,false ); } KSpreadTextEditor* cellEditor = (KSpreadTextEditor*) m_pCanvas->editor(); switch ( _ev->key() ) { case Key_Down: case Key_Up: case Key_Return: case Key_Enter: cellEditor->setText( text()); // Don't allow to start a chooser when pressing the arrow keys // in this widget, since only up and down would work anyway. // This is why we call slotDoneEdit now, instead of sending // to the canvas. //QApplication::sendEvent( m_pCanvas, _ev ); slotDoneEdit(); m_pCanvas->view()->updateEditWidget(); _ev->accept(); break; case Key_F2: cellEditor->setFocus(); cellEditor->setText( text()); cellEditor->setCursorPosition(cursorPosition()); break; default: QLineEdit::keyPressEvent( _ev ); setFocus(); cellEditor->blockCheckChoose( TRUE ); cellEditor->setText( text() ); cellEditor->blockCheckChoose( FALSE ); cellEditor->setCursorPosition( cursorPosition() ); } } void KSpreadEditWidget::setEditMode( bool mode ) { m_pCancelButton->setEnabled(mode); m_pOkButton->setEnabled(mode); } void KSpreadEditWidget::focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent* ev ) { //kdDebug(36001) << "EditWidget lost focus" << endl; // See comment about setLastEditorWithFocus m_pCanvas->setLastEditorWithFocus( KSpreadCanvas::EditWidget ); QLineEdit::focusOutEvent( ev ); } void KSpreadEditWidget::setText( const QString& t ) { if ( t == text() ) // Why this? (David) return; QLineEdit::setText( t ); } /**************************************************************** * * KSpreadCanvas * ****************************************************************/ KSpreadCanvas::KSpreadCanvas( QWidget *_parent, KSpreadView *_view, KSpreadDoc* _doc ) : QWidget( _parent, "", /*WNorthWestGravity*/ WStaticContents| WResizeNoErase | WRepaintNoErase ) { length_namecell = 0; m_chooseStartTable = 0; m_pEditor = 0; m_bChoose = FALSE; QWidget::setFocusPolicy( QWidget::StrongFocus ); m_defaultGridPen.setColor( lightGray ); m_defaultGridPen.setWidth( 1 ); m_defaultGridPen.setStyle( SolidLine ); m_iXOffset = 0; m_iYOffset = 0; m_pView = _view; m_pDoc = _doc; // m_eAction = DefaultAction; m_eMouseAction = NoAction; m_bGeometryStarted = false; // m_bEditDirtyFlag = false; //Now built afterwards(David) //m_pEditWidget = m_pView->editWidget(); m_pPosWidget = m_pView->posWidget(); setBackgroundMode( PaletteBase ); setMouseTracking( TRUE ); m_bMousePressed = false; choose_visible = false; setFocus(); installEventFilter( this ); (void)new KSpreadToolTip( this ); } bool KSpreadCanvas::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ) { if ( !o || !e ) return TRUE; switch ( e->type() ) { case QEvent::AccelOverride: { QKeyEvent * keyev = static_cast(e); if (keyev->key()==Key_Tab && !m_pEditor) { keyPressEvent ( keyev ); return true; } } } return false; } bool KSpreadCanvas::focusNextPrevChild( bool ) { return TRUE; // Don't allow to go out of the canvas widget by pressing "Tab" } QPoint KSpreadCanvas::marker() const { return activeTable()->marker().topLeft(); } int KSpreadCanvas::markerColumn() const { return activeTable()->marker().left(); } int KSpreadCanvas::markerRow() const { return activeTable()->marker().top(); } void KSpreadCanvas::startChoose() { if ( m_bChoose ) return; // Clear a selection if there is any m_i_chooseMarkerColumn = markerColumn(); m_i_chooseMarkerRow = markerRow(); activeTable()->setChooseRect( QRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); // It is important to enable this AFTER we set the rect! m_bChoose = TRUE; m_chooseStartTable = activeTable(); } void KSpreadCanvas::startChoose( const QRect& rect ) { activeTable()->setChooseRect( rect ); m_i_chooseMarkerColumn = rect.right(); m_i_chooseMarkerRow = rect.bottom(); // It is important to enable this AFTER we set the rect! m_bChoose = TRUE; m_chooseStartTable = activeTable(); } void KSpreadCanvas::endChoose() { if ( !m_bChoose ) return; activeTable()->setChooseRect( QRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); //m_pView->setActiveTable( m_chooseStartTable ); KSpreadTable *table=m_pView->doc()->map()->findTable(m_chooseStartTable->tableName()); if(table) table->setActiveTable(); //kdDebug(36001) << "endChoose len=0" << endl; length_namecell = 0; m_bChoose = FALSE; m_chooseStartTable = 0; } KSpreadHBorder* KSpreadCanvas::hBorderWidget() { return m_pView->hBorderWidget(); } KSpreadVBorder* KSpreadCanvas::vBorderWidget() { return m_pView->vBorderWidget(); } QScrollBar* KSpreadCanvas::horzScrollBar() { return m_pView->horzScrollBar(); } QScrollBar* KSpreadCanvas::vertScrollBar() { return m_pView->vertScrollBar(); } KSpreadTable* KSpreadCanvas::findTable( const QString& _name ) { return m_pDoc->map()->findTable( _name ); } const KSpreadTable* KSpreadCanvas::activeTable() const { return m_pView->activeTable(); } KSpreadTable* KSpreadCanvas::activeTable() { return m_pView->activeTable(); } void KSpreadCanvas::gotoLocation( const KSpreadRange & _range ) { if ( !_range.isValid() ) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Invalid cell reference" ) ); return; } KSpreadTable * table = activeTable(); if ( _range.isTableKnown() ) table = _range.table; if ( !table ) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Unknown table name %1" ).arg( _range.tableName ) ); return; } gotoLocation( _range.range.left(),, table, false ); gotoLocation( _range.range.right(), _range.range.bottom(), table, true ); } void KSpreadCanvas::gotoLocation( const KSpreadPoint& _cell ) { if ( !_cell.isValid() ) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Invalid cell reference") ); return; } KSpreadTable* table = activeTable(); if ( _cell.isTableKnown() ) table = _cell.table; if ( !table ) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Unknown table name %1").arg( _cell.tableName ) ); return; } gotoLocation( _cell.pos.x(), _cell.pos.y(), table ); } void KSpreadCanvas::gotoLocation( int x, int y, KSpreadTable* table, bool make_select, bool move_into_area, bool keyPress ) { // kdDebug(36001) << "KSpreadCanvas::gotoLocation" << " x=" << x << " y=" << y << // " table=" << table << " make_select=" << (make_select ? "true" : "false" ) << endl; if ( table ) table->setActiveTable(); else table = activeTable(); QRect extraArea; QRect tmpArea; KSpreadCell* cell = table->cellAt( x, y ); if ( cell->isObscured() && cell->isObscuringForced() ) { int moveX=cell->obscuringCellsColumn(); int moveY=cell->obscuringCellsRow(); cell = table->cellAt( moveX, moveY ); QRect extraCell; extraCell.setCoords( moveX, moveY, moveX+cell->extraXCells(), moveY+cell->extraYCells() ); if( (x-markerColumn())!=0 && extraCell.contains(QPoint(markerColumn(),markerRow()))) { extraArea.setCoords( markerColumn(), 1, QMIN(KS_colMax, cell->extraXCells()+x-1), KS_rowMax ); if(keyPress) { tmpArea.setCoords( 1, markerRow(), KS_colMax, QMIN(KS_rowMax, cell->extraYCells()+markerRow()) ); if(!extraArea.contains(table->getOldPos().x(),1)&& tmpArea.contains(1,table->getOldPos().y())) y=table->getOldPos().y(); else if( extraArea.contains(table->getOldPos().x(),1)&& table->getOldPos().y()==(cell->extraYCells()+y+1)) y=table->getOldPos().y()-1; x=cell->extraXCells()+x; } } else if((y-markerRow())!=0 && extraCell.contains(QPoint(markerColumn(),markerRow()))) { extraArea.setCoords( 1, markerRow(), KS_colMax, QMIN(KS_rowMax, cell->extraYCells()+y-1) ); tmpArea.setCoords( markerColumn(), 1, QMIN(KS_colMax, cell->extraXCells()+markerColumn()), KS_rowMax ); if(keyPress) { if( !extraArea.contains(1,table->getOldPos().y())&&tmpArea.contains(table->getOldPos().x(),1)) x=table->getOldPos().x(); else if(/* extraArea.contains(1,table->getOldPos().y())&&*/ table->getOldPos().x()==(cell->extraXCells()+markerColumn()+1)) x=table->getOldPos().x()-1; } y=cell->extraYCells()+y; } else { y = moveY; x = moveX; } } else { cell = table->cellAt( table->marker().x(), table->marker().y() ); if ( cell->isForceExtraCells() ) { if(keyPress && (x-markerColumn())!=0) { extraArea.setCoords( markerColumn(), 1, QMIN(KS_colMax, cell->extraXCells()+markerColumn()), KS_rowMax ); tmpArea.setCoords( 1, markerRow(), KS_colMax, QMIN(KS_rowMax, cell->extraYCells()+markerRow()) ); if( !extraArea.contains(QPoint(table->getOldPos().x(),1))&& tmpArea.contains(1,table->getOldPos().y())) y=table->getOldPos().y(); else if( extraArea.contains(table->getOldPos().x(),1)&& table->getOldPos().y()==(cell->extraYCells()+markerRow()+1)) y=table->getOldPos().y()-1; } else if(keyPress && (y-markerRow())!=0 ) { tmpArea.setCoords( markerColumn(), 1, QMIN(KS_colMax, cell->extraXCells()+markerColumn()), KS_rowMax ); extraArea.setCoords( 1, markerRow(), KS_colMax, QMIN(KS_rowMax, cell->extraYCells()+markerRow()) ); if( !extraArea.contains(QPoint(1,table->getOldPos().y()))&&tmpArea.contains(table->getOldPos().x(),1)) x=table->getOldPos().x(); else if( /*extraArea.contains(QPoint(1,table->getOldPos().y()))&&*/ table->getOldPos().x()==(cell->extraXCells()+markerColumn()+1)) x=table->getOldPos().x()-1; } } } cell= table->cellAt( x, y ); if( cell->isObscured() && cell->isObscuringForced() ) { x=cell->obscuringCellsColumn(); y=cell->obscuringCellsRow(); } int xpos = table->columnPos( x, this ); int ypos = table->rowPos( y, this ); //kdDebug(36001) << "KSpreadCanvas::gotoLocation : zoom=" << zoom() << endl; int minX = (int) (100 * zoom()); // less than that, we scroll int minY = (int) (50 * zoom()); int maxX = (int) (width() - 100 * zoom()); // more than that, we scroll int maxY = (int) (height() - 50 * zoom()); //kdDebug(36001) << "KSpreadCanvas::gotoLocation : height=" << height() << endl; //kdDebug(36001) << "KSpreadCanvas::gotoLocation : width=" << width() << endl; // do we need to scroll left if ( xpos < minX ) horzScrollBar()->setValue( xOffset() + xpos - minX ); //do we need to scroll right else if ( xpos > maxX ) { int horzScrollBarValue; unsigned long horzScrollBarValueMax = table->sizeMaxX() - width(); horzScrollBarValue = xOffset() + xpos - maxX; //We don't want to display any area > KS_colMax widths if ( horzScrollBarValue > horzScrollBarValueMax ) horzScrollBarValue = horzScrollBarValueMax; horzScrollBar()->setValue( horzScrollBarValue ); } // do we need to scroll up if ( ypos < minY ) vertScrollBar()->setValue( yOffset() + ypos - minY ); // do we need to scroll down else if ( ypos > maxY ) { int vertScrollBarValue; unsigned long vertScrollBarValueMax = table->sizeMaxY() - height(); vertScrollBarValue = yOffset() + ypos - maxY; //We don't want to display any area > KS_rowMax heights if ( vertScrollBarValue > vertScrollBarValueMax ) vertScrollBarValue = vertScrollBarValueMax; vertScrollBar()->setValue( vertScrollBarValue ); } QRect selection = activeTable()->selectionRect(); if ( !make_select ) { if ( selection.left() != 0 && !move_into_area) activeTable()->setMarker( QPoint( x, y ) ); else if(selection.left() != 0 && move_into_area) activeTable()->setSelection(selection,QPoint( x, y ),this); else activeTable()->setMarker( QPoint( x, y ) ); } else { if ( selection.left() == 0 ) selection.setCoords( markerColumn(), markerRow(), markerColumn(), markerRow() ); if ( markerColumn() == selection.left() ) selection.setLeft( x ); else selection.setRight( x ); if ( markerRow() == ) selection.setTop( y ); else selection.setBottom( y ); selection = selection.normalize(); // m_iMarkerColumn = x; // m_iMarkerRow = y; activeTable()->setSelection( selection, QPoint( x, y ) ); } // Perhaps the user is entering a value in the cell. // In this case we may not touch the EditWidget if ( !m_pEditor ) m_pView->updateEditWidget(); updatePosWidget(); } void KSpreadCanvas::chooseGotoLocation( int x, int y, KSpreadTable* table, bool make_select ) { if ( table ) table->setActiveTable( ); else table = activeTable(); KSpreadCell* cell = table->cellAt( x, y ); if ( cell->isObscured() && cell->isObscuringForced() ) { int moveX=cell->obscuringCellsColumn(); int moveY=cell->obscuringCellsRow(); cell = table->cellAt( moveX, moveY ); QRect extraCell; extraCell.setCoords(moveX,moveY,moveX+cell->extraXCells(),moveY+cell->extraYCells()); if( (x-chooseMarkerColumn())!=0 && extraCell.contains(chooseMarker())) x=cell->extraXCells()+x; else if((y-chooseMarkerRow())!=0 && extraCell.contains(chooseMarker())) y=cell->extraYCells()+y; else { y = moveY; x = moveX; } } int xpos = table->columnPos( x, this ); int ypos = table->rowPos( y, this ); int minX = (int) (100 * zoom()); // less than that, we scroll int minY = (int) (50 * zoom()); int maxX = (int) (width() - 100 * zoom()); // more than that, we scroll int maxY = (int) (height() - 50 * zoom()); // do we need to scroll left if ( xpos < minX ) horzScrollBar()->setValue( xOffset() + xpos - minX ); //do we need to scroll right else if ( xpos > maxX ) { int horzScrollBarValue; int horzScrollBarValueMax = table->sizeMaxX() - width(); horzScrollBarValue = xOffset() + xpos - maxX; //We don't want to display any area > KS_colMax value if ( horzScrollBarValue > horzScrollBarValueMax ) horzScrollBarValue = horzScrollBarValueMax; horzScrollBar()->setValue( horzScrollBarValue ); } // do we need to scroll up if ( ypos < minY ) vertScrollBar()->setValue( yOffset() + ypos - minY ); // do we need to scroll down else if ( ypos > maxY ) { int vertScrollBarValue; unsigned long vertScrollBarValueMax = table->sizeMaxY() - height(); vertScrollBarValue = yOffset() + ypos - maxY; //We don't want to display any area > KS_rowMax value if ( vertScrollBarValue > vertScrollBarValueMax ) vertScrollBarValue = vertScrollBarValueMax; vertScrollBar()->setValue( vertScrollBarValue ); } if ( !make_select ) setChooseMarker( QPoint( x, y ) ); else { QRect selection = activeTable()->chooseRect(); if ( chooseMarkerColumn() == selection.left() ) selection.setLeft( x ); else selection.setRight( x ); if ( chooseMarkerRow() == ) selection.setTop( y ); else selection.setBottom( y ); selection = selection.normalize(); m_i_chooseMarkerColumn = x; m_i_chooseMarkerRow = y; activeTable()->setChooseRect( selection ); } } void KSpreadCanvas::highlight( const QString &/*text*/, int /*matchingIndex*/, int /*matchedLength*/, const QRect &cellRect ) { // Which cell was this again? //KSpreadCell *cell = cellAt( cellRect.left(), ); // I remember, update it! // TBD: highlight it! gotoLocation( cellRect.left(),, activeTable() ); } // Used by replace() logic to modify a cell. void KSpreadCanvas::replace( const QString &newText, int /*index*/, int /*replacedLength*/, int /*searchWordLenght*/,const QRect &cellRect ) { // Which cell was this again? KSpreadCell *cell = activeTable()->cellAt( cellRect.left(), ); // I remember, update it! cell->setDisplayDirtyFlag(); cell->setCellText( newText ); cell->clearDisplayDirtyFlag(); activeTable()->updateCell( cell, cellRect.left(), ); } void KSpreadCanvas::slotScrollHorz( int _value ) { if ( activeTable() == 0L ) return; if ( _value < 0 ) { _value = 0; kdDebug (36001) << "KSpreadCanvas::slotScrollHorz: value out of range (_value: " << _value << ")" << endl; } int xpos = activeTable()->columnPos( QMIN( KS_colMax, m_pView->activeTable()->maxColumn()+10 ), this ); if(_value>(xpos + m_iXOffset)) _value=xpos + m_iXOffset; activeTable()->enableScrollBarUpdates( false ); // Relative movement int dx = m_iXOffset - _value; // New absolute position m_iXOffset = _value; scroll( dx, 0 ); hBorderWidget()->scroll( dx, 0 ); activeTable()->enableScrollBarUpdates( true ); } void KSpreadCanvas::slotScrollVert( int _value ) { if ( activeTable() == 0L ) return; if ( _value < 0 ) { _value = 0; kdDebug (36001) << "KSpreadCanvas::slotScrollVert: value out of range (_value: " << _value << ")" << endl; } int ypos = activeTable()->rowPos( QMIN( KS_rowMax, m_pView->activeTable()->maxRow()+10 ) , this ); if(_value>(ypos + m_iYOffset)) _value=ypos + m_iYOffset; activeTable()->enableScrollBarUpdates( false ); // Relative movement int dy = m_iYOffset - _value; // New absolute position m_iYOffset = _value; scroll( 0, dy ); vBorderWidget()->scroll( 0, dy ); activeTable()->enableScrollBarUpdates( true ); } void KSpreadCanvas::slotMaxColumn( int _max_column ) { int xpos = activeTable()->columnPos( QMIN( KS_colMax, _max_column + 10 ), this ); //Don't go beyond the maximum column range (KS_colMax) const int _sizeMaxX = activeTable()->sizeMaxX(); if ( ( xOffset() + xpos ) > ( _sizeMaxX - width() ) ) xpos = _sizeMaxX - width() - xOffset(); horzScrollBar()->setRange( 0, xpos + xOffset() ); } void KSpreadCanvas::slotMaxRow( int _max_row ) { int ypos = activeTable()->rowPos( QMIN( KS_rowMax, _max_row + 10 ), this ); //Don't go beyond the maximum row range (KS_rowMax) unsigned long _sizeMaxY = activeTable()->sizeMaxY(); if ( ( yOffset() + ypos ) > ( _sizeMaxY - height() ) ) ypos = _sizeMaxY - height() - yOffset(); vertScrollBar()->setRange( 0, ypos + yOffset() ); } void KSpreadCanvas::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { // Dont allow modifications if document is readonly. if ( !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() ) return; // Special handling for choose mode. if( m_bChoose ) { chooseMouseMoveEvent( _ev ); return; } // Working on this table ? KSpreadTable *table = activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; // Get the current selected rectangle QRect selection( table->selectionRect() ); int xpos; int ypos; int row = table->topRow( _ev->pos().y(), ypos, this ); int col = table->leftColumn( _ev->pos().x(), xpos, this ); if( col > KS_colMax || row > KS_rowMax ) { kdDebug(36001) << "KSpreadCanvas::mouseMoveEvent: col or row is out of range: col: " << col << " row: " << row << endl; return; } // Find out where the little "corner" (in lower right direction) is. QRect corner; // No selection or just complete rows/columns ? if ( selection.left() == 0 || table->isRowSelected() || table->isColumnSelected() ) { int x = table->columnPos( markerColumn(), this ); int y = table->rowPos( markerRow(), this ); KSpreadCell *cell = table->cellAt( markerColumn(), markerRow() ); int w = cell->width( markerColumn(), this ); int h = cell->height( markerRow(), this ); if(cell->extraXCells()) w= cell->extraWidth(); corner = QRect( x + w - 2, y + h -1, 5, 5 ); } else // if we have a rectangular selection ( not complete rows or columns ) { int x = table->columnPos( selection.left(), this ); int y = table->rowPos(, this ); int x2 = table->columnPos( selection.right(), this ); KSpreadCell *cell = table->cellAt( selection.right(), ); int tw = cell->width( selection.right(), this ); int w = ( x2 - x ) + tw; cell = table->cellAt( selection.left(), selection.bottom() ); int y2 = table->rowPos( selection.bottom(), this ); int th = cell->height( selection.bottom(), this ); int h = ( y2 - y ) + th; corner = QRect( x + w - 2, y + h -1, 5, 5 ); } // Test whether the mouse is over some anchor { KSpreadCell *cell = table->visibleCellAt( col, row ); QString anchor = cell->testAnchor( _ev->pos().x() - xpos, _ev->pos().y() - ypos ); if ( !anchor.isEmpty() && anchor != m_strAnchor ) setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() ); m_strAnchor = anchor; } // // Now set the cursor correctly. // if ( corner.contains( _ev->pos() ) ) setCursor( sizeFDiagCursor ); else if ( !m_strAnchor.isEmpty() ) setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() ); else setCursor( arrowCursor ); // No marking, selecting etc. in progess? Then quit here. if ( m_eMouseAction == NoAction ) return; // Set the new lower right corner of the selection if ( col <= m_iMouseStartColumn ) { selection.setLeft( col ); selection.setRight( m_iMouseStartColumn ); } else selection.setRight( col ); if ( row <= m_iMouseStartRow ) { selection.setTop( row ); selection.setBottom( m_iMouseStartRow ); } else selection.setBottom( row ); selection=table->selectionCellMerged(selection); // If nothing changed, then quit if ( selection == table->selectionRect() ) return; // Set the new selection table->setSelection( selection, QPoint( col, row ), this ); // Scroll the table if necessary if ( _ev->pos().x() < 0 ) horzScrollBar()->setValue( xOffset() + xpos ); else if ( _ev->pos().x() > width() ) { if ( col < KS_colMax ) { ColumnLayout *cl = table->columnLayout( col + 1 ); xpos = table->columnPos( col + 1, this ); horzScrollBar()->setValue( xOffset() + ( xpos + cl->width( this ) - width() ) ); } } if ( _ev->pos().y() < 0 ) vertScrollBar()->setValue( yOffset() + ypos ); else if ( _ev->pos().y() > height() ) { if ( row < KS_rowMax ) { RowLayout *rl = table->rowLayout( row + 1 ); ypos = table->rowPos( row + 1, this ); vertScrollBar()->setValue( yOffset() + ( ypos + rl->height( this ) - height() ) ); } } // Show where we are now. updatePosWidget(); m_bMouseMadeSelection = true; } void KSpreadCanvas::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* _ev ) { if( m_bChoose ) { chooseMouseReleaseEvent( _ev ); return; } m_bMousePressed = false; KSpreadTable *table = activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; QRect selection( table->selectionRect() ); // The user started the drag in the lower right corner of the marker ? if ( m_eMouseAction == ResizeCell ) { int x=m_iMouseStartColumn; int y=m_iMouseStartRow; if( m_iMouseStartColumn>selection.left()) x=selection.left(); if( m_iMouseStartRow > ) y; KSpreadCell *cell = table->nonDefaultCell( x, y ); if ( !m_pView->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { KSpreadUndoMergedCell *undo = new KSpreadUndoMergedCell( m_pView->doc(), table, x, y,cell->extraXCells() ,cell->extraYCells()); m_pView->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } cell->forceExtraCells( x,y, abs(selection.right() - selection.left()), abs(selection.bottom() - ); selection.setCoords( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); table->setSelection( selection, this ); m_pView->updateEditWidget(); if(table->getAutoCalc()) table->recalc(); } else if ( m_eMouseAction == AutoFill ) { QRect dest = table->selectionRect(); table->autofill( m_rctAutoFillSrc, dest ); selection.setCoords( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); table->setSelection( selection, this ); m_pView->updateEditWidget(); } // The user started the drag in the middle of a cell ? else if ( m_eMouseAction == Mark ) { // Get the object in the lower right corner KSpreadCell *cell = table->cellAt( m_iMouseStartColumn, m_iMouseStartRow ); // Did we mark only a single cell ? // Take care: One cell may obscure other cells ( extra size! ). if ( selection.left() + cell->extraXCells() == selection.right() && + cell->extraYCells() == selection.bottom() ) { // Delete the selection selection.setCoords( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); table->setSelection( selection, this ); gotoLocation(KSpreadPoint(util_cellName(m_iMouseStartColumn, m_iMouseStartRow))); } else m_pView->updateEditWidget(); } m_eMouseAction = NoAction; m_bMouseMadeSelection = FALSE; } void KSpreadCanvas::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { // If in choose mode, we handle the mouse differently. if( m_bChoose ) { chooseMousePressEvent( _ev ); return; } KSpreadTable *table = activeTable(); m_bMousePressed = true; if ( !table ) return; // We were editing a cell -> save value and get out of editing mode if ( m_pEditor ) { deleteEditor( true ); // save changes } // Remember current values. QRect selection( table->selectionRect() ); int old_column = markerColumn(); int old_row = markerRow(); // Check whether we clicked in the little marker in the lower right // corner of a cell or a marked area. { // Get the position and size of the marker/marked-area int xpos; int ypos; int w, h; // No selection or complete rows/columns are selected if ( selection.left() == 0 || table->isRowSelected() || table->isColumnSelected() ) { xpos = table->columnPos( markerColumn(), this ); ypos = table->rowPos( markerRow(), this ); KSpreadCell *cell = table->cellAt( markerColumn(), markerRow() ); w = cell->width( markerColumn() ); h = cell->height( markerRow() ); if(cell->extraXCells()) w= cell->extraWidth(); } else // if we have a rectangular selection ( not complete rows or columns ) { xpos = table->columnPos( selection.left(), this ); ypos = table->rowPos(, this ); int x = table->columnPos( selection.right(), this ); KSpreadCell *cell = table->cellAt( selection.right(), ); int tw = cell->width( selection.right(), this ); w = ( x - xpos ) + tw; cell = table->cellAt( selection.left(), selection.bottom() ); int y = table->rowPos( selection.bottom(), this ); int th = cell->height( selection.bottom(), this ); h = ( y - ypos ) + th; } // Did we click in the lower right corner of the marker/marked-area ? if ( _ev->pos().x() >= xpos + w - 2 && _ev->pos().x() <= xpos + w + 3 && _ev->pos().y() >= ypos + h - 1 && _ev->pos().y() <= ypos + h + 4 ) { // Auto fill ? That is done using the left mouse button. if ( _ev->button() == LeftButton ) { m_eMouseAction = AutoFill; // Do we have a selection already ? if ( selection.left() != 0 && table->isRowSelected() == FALSE && table->isColumnSelected() == FALSE) { /* Selection is ok */ m_rctAutoFillSrc = selection; } else // Select the current cell { KSpreadCell *cell = table->cellAt( markerColumn(), markerRow() ); selection.setCoords( markerColumn(), markerRow(), QMIN(KS_colMax, markerColumn() + cell->extraXCells()), QMIN(KS_rowMax, markerRow() + cell->extraYCells()) ); m_rctAutoFillSrc.setCoords( markerColumn(), markerRow(), markerColumn(), markerRow() ); } m_iMouseStartColumn = QMIN(markerColumn(),selection.left()); m_iMouseStartRow = QMIN(markerRow(),; } // Resize a cell (dont with the right mouse button) ? // But for that to work there must not be a selection. else if ( _ev->button() == MidButton && selection.left() == 0 ) { m_eMouseAction = ResizeCell; KSpreadCell *cell = table->cellAt( markerColumn(), markerRow() ); selection.setCoords( markerColumn(), markerRow(), QMIN(KS_colMax, markerColumn() + cell->extraXCells()), QMIN(KS_rowMax, markerRow() + cell->extraYCells()) ); m_iMouseStartColumn = markerColumn(); m_iMouseStartRow = markerRow(); } table->setSelection( selection, this ); return; } } // In which cell did the user click ? int xpos, ypos; int row = table->topRow( _ev->pos().y(), ypos, this ); int col = table->leftColumn( _ev->pos().x(), xpos, this ); //you cannot move marker when col > KS_colMax or row > KS_rowMax if( col > KS_colMax || row > KS_rowMax){ kdDebug(36001) << "KSpreadCanvas::mousePressEvent: col or row is out of range: col: " << col << " row: " << row << endl; return; } // Unselect a selection ? if ( _ev->button() == LeftButton || !selection.contains( QPoint( col, row ) ) ) table->unselect(); // Extending an existing selection with the shift button ? if ( m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() && selection.right() != KS_colMax && selection.bottom() != KS_rowMax && _ev->state() & ShiftButton ) { if( col != old_column || row != old_row ) { if(old_column>col) { int tmp=col; col=old_column; old_column=tmp; } if(old_row>row) { int tmp=row; row=old_row; old_row=tmp; } if( selection.left()!=0 && selection.right()!=0 &&!=0 && selection.bottom()!=0 ) { //if you have a selection and you go up in the table //so bottom is the bottom of the selection //not the markercolumn if(selection.bottom()>row) row = selection.bottom(); if(selection.right()>col) col = selection.right(); } selection.setLeft(old_column); selection.setRight( col ); selection.setTop(old_row); selection.setBottom( row ); table->setSelection( selection, QPoint( old_column, old_row ), this ); //always put Marker in top and left //otherwise all functions don't work // table->setMarker( QPoint( old_column, old_row ) ); return; } } // activeTable()->setMarker( QPoint( col, row ) ); KSpreadCell *cell = table->cellAt( col, row, true ); // Go to the upper left corner of the obscuring object if cells are merged if (cell->isObscuringForced()) { col = cell->obscuringCellsColumn(); row = cell->obscuringCellsRow(); cell = table->cellAt(col, row, true); // activeTable()->setSelection( QRect(col, row, col, row) ); } // Start a marking action ? if ( !m_strAnchor.isEmpty() && _ev->button() == LeftButton ) { bool isLink = (m_strAnchor.find("http://") == 0 || m_strAnchor.find("mailto:") == 0 || m_strAnchor.find("ftp://") == 0 || m_strAnchor.find("file:") == 0 ); bool isLocalLink = (m_strAnchor.find("file:") == 0); if( isLink ) { QString question = i18n("Do you want to open this link to '%1'?\n").arg(m_strAnchor); if( isLocalLink ) { question += i18n("Note that opening a link to a local file may " "compromise your system's security!"); } // this will also start local programs, so adding a "don't warn again" // checkbox will probably be too dangerous int choice = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, question, i18n("Open Link?")); if( choice == KMessageBox::Yes ) { (void) new KRun( m_strAnchor ); } } else { gotoLocation( KSpreadPoint( m_strAnchor, m_pDoc->map() ) ); } } else if ( _ev->button() == LeftButton ) { m_eMouseAction = Mark; selection.setCoords( col, row, col + cell->extraXCells(), row + cell->extraYCells() ); table->setSelection( selection, this ); m_iMouseStartColumn = col; m_iMouseStartRow = row; } else if ( _ev->button() == RightButton ) { // No selection or the mouse press was outside of an existing selection ? if ( selection.left() == 0 || !selection.contains( QPoint(col, row )) ) table->setMarker( QPoint( col, row ) ); } // Paste operation with the middle button ? if( _ev->button() == MidButton ) { table->setMarker( QPoint( col, row ) ); table->paste( QPoint( markerColumn(), markerRow() ) ); } // Update the edit box m_pView->updateEditWidget(); updatePosWidget(); // Context menu ? if ( _ev->button() == RightButton ) { // TODO: Handle anchor QPoint p = mapToGlobal( _ev->pos() ); m_pView->openPopupMenu( p ); } } void KSpreadCanvas::chooseMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { if ( !m_bMousePressed ) return; KSpreadTable *table = activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; int ypos, xpos; int row = table->topRow( _ev->pos().y(), ypos, this ); int col = table->leftColumn( _ev->pos().x(), xpos, this ); /*if ( col < m_iMouseStartColumn ) col = m_iMouseStartColumn; if ( row < m_iMouseStartRow ) row = m_iMouseStartRow;*/ if( col > KS_colMax || row > KS_rowMax ) { kdDebug(36001) << "KSpreadCanvas::chooseMouseMoveEvent: col or row is out of range: col: " << col << " row: " << row << endl; return; } // Noting changed ? QRect selection( table->chooseRect() ); /*if ( row == selection.bottom() && col == selection.right() ) return; */ // Set the new lower right corner of the selection /*selection.setRight( col ); selection.setBottom( row );*/ if ( col <= m_iMouseStartColumn ) { selection.setLeft( col ); selection.setRight( m_iMouseStartColumn ); } else selection.setRight( col ); if ( row <= m_iMouseStartRow ) { selection.setTop( row ); selection.setBottom( m_iMouseStartRow); } else selection.setBottom( row ); table->setChooseRect( selection ); // Scroll the table if neccessary if ( _ev->pos().x() < 0 ) horzScrollBar()->setValue( xOffset() + xpos ); else if ( _ev->pos().x() > width() ) { if ( col < KS_colMax ) { ColumnLayout *cl = table->columnLayout( col + 1 ); xpos = table->columnPos( col + 1, this ); horzScrollBar()->setValue( xOffset() + ( xpos + cl->width( this ) - width() ) ); } } if ( _ev->pos().y() < 0 ) vertScrollBar()->setValue( yOffset() + ypos ); else if ( _ev->pos().y() > height() ) { if ( row < KS_rowMax ) { RowLayout *rl = table->rowLayout( row + 1 ); ypos = table->rowPos( row + 1, this ); vertScrollBar()->setValue( yOffset() + ( ypos + rl->height( this ) - height() ) ); } } } void KSpreadCanvas::chooseMouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* ) { m_bMousePressed = FALSE; } void KSpreadCanvas::chooseMousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { m_bMousePressed = TRUE; KSpreadTable *table = activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; QRect selection = table->chooseRect(); int ypos, xpos; int row = table->topRow( _ev->pos().y(), ypos, this ); int col = table->leftColumn( _ev->pos().x(), xpos, this ); if( col > KS_colMax || row > KS_rowMax ) { kdDebug(36001) << "KSpreadCanvas::chooseMousePressEvent: col or row is out of range: col: " << col << " row: " << row << endl; return; } if ( ( (!table->isColumnSelected()) && (!table->isRowSelected())) && ( _ev->state() & ShiftButton ) ) { if ( col != m_iMouseStartColumn || row != m_iMouseStartRow ) { if ( selection.left() !=0 && selection.right() !=0 && !=0 && selection.bottom() !=0 ) { if ( col < m_iMouseStartColumn ) col = m_iMouseStartColumn; if ( row < m_iMouseStartRow ) row = m_iMouseStartRow; if ( row == selection.bottom() && col == selection.right() ) return; } selection.setLeft(m_iMouseStartColumn); selection.setRight( col ); selection.setTop(m_iMouseStartRow); selection.setBottom( row ); table->setChooseRect( selection ); return; } } setChooseMarkerColumn( col ); setChooseMarkerRow( row ); KSpreadCell *cell = table->cellAt( chooseMarkerColumn(), chooseMarkerRow() ); // Go to the upper left corner of the obscuring object if it is a merged cell if ( cell->isObscuringForced() ) { setChooseMarkerRow( cell->obscuringCellsRow() ); setChooseMarkerColumn( cell->obscuringCellsColumn() ); cell = table->cellAt( chooseMarkerColumn(), chooseMarkerRow() ); } if ( cell->isForceExtraCells() ) { selection.setCoords( chooseMarkerColumn(), chooseMarkerRow(), chooseMarkerColumn() + cell->extraXCells(), chooseMarkerRow() + cell->extraYCells() ); } else { selection.setCoords( chooseMarkerColumn(), chooseMarkerRow(), chooseMarkerColumn(), chooseMarkerRow() ); } table->setChooseRect( selection ); m_iMouseStartColumn = chooseMarkerColumn(); m_iMouseStartRow = chooseMarkerRow(); } void KSpreadCanvas::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent* ) { if ( m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() ) createEditor(); } void KSpreadCanvas::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent* _ev ) { if ( vertScrollBar() ) QApplication::sendEvent( vertScrollBar(), _ev ); } void KSpreadCanvas::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* _ev ) { if ( m_pDoc->isLoading() ) return; if ( !activeTable() ) return; // printf("PAINT EVENT %i %i %i %i\n", _ev->rect().x(), _ev->rect().y(), _ev->rect().width(), _ev->rect().height() ); QRect rect( _ev->rect() ); if ( rect.left() < 0 ) rect.rLeft() = 0; if ( rect.right() > width() ) rect.rRight() = width(); if ( < 0 ) rect.rTop() = 0; if ( rect.bottom() > height() ) rect.rBottom() = height(); // printf("PAINT EVENT %i %i %i %i\n", rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height() ); QPainter painter; painter.begin( this ); QWMatrix m = m_pView->matrix(); painter.setWorldMatrix( m ); m = m.invert(); QPoint tl = rect.topLeft() ); QPoint br = rect.bottomRight() ); //kdDebug(36001) << "Mapped topleft to " << tl.x() << ":" << tl.y() << endl;; // Clip away children QRegion rgn = painter.clipRegion(); if ( rgn.isEmpty() ) rgn = QRegion( rect ); QPtrListIterator it( m_pDoc->children() ); for( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( ((KSpreadChild*)it.current())->table() == activeTable() && !m_pView->hasDocumentInWindow( it.current()->document() ) ) { rgn -= it.current()->region( painter.worldMatrix() ); } } painter.setClipRegion( rgn ); // Draw content m_pDoc->paintContent( painter, QRect( tl, br ), FALSE, activeTable() ); painter.restore(); // Draw children // QPtrListIterator it( m_pDoc->children() ); it.toFirst(); for( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( ((KSpreadChild*)it.current())->table() == activeTable() && !m_pView->hasDocumentInWindow( it.current()->document() ) ) { // #### todo: paint only if child is visible inside rect; m_pDoc->paintChild( it.current(), painter, m_pView ); painter.restore(); } } painter.end(); if( choose_visible ) drawChooseMarker( ); } void KSpreadCanvas::focusInEvent( QFocusEvent* ) { if ( !m_pEditor ) return; //kdDebug(36001) << "m_bChoose : " << ( m_bChoose ? "true" : "false" ) << endl; // If we are in editing mode, we redirect the // focus to the CellEditor or EditWidget // And we know which, using lastEditorWithFocus. // This screws up though (David) if ( lastEditorWithFocus() == EditWidget ) { m_pView->editWidget()->setFocus(); //kdDebug(36001) << "Focus to EditWidget" << endl; return; } //kdDebug(36001) << "Redirecting focus to editor" << endl; m_pEditor->setFocus(); } void KSpreadCanvas::focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent* ) { } void KSpreadCanvas::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* _ev ) { // If we rise horizontally, then check if we are still within the valid area (KS_colMax) if ( _ev->size().width() > _ev->oldSize().width() ){ if ( ( xOffset() + _ev->size().width() ) > activeTable()->sizeMaxX() ) { horzScrollBar()->setRange( 0, activeTable()->sizeMaxX() - _ev->size().width() ); } } // If we lower vertically, then check if the range should represent the maximum range else if ( _ev->size().width() < _ev->oldSize().width() ){ if ( horzScrollBar()->maxValue() == ( activeTable()->sizeMaxX() - _ev->oldSize().width() ) ){ horzScrollBar()->setRange( 0, activeTable()->sizeMaxX() - _ev->size().width() ); } } // If we rise vertically, then check if we are still within the valid area (KS_rowMax) if ( _ev->size().height() > _ev->oldSize().height() ){ if ( ( yOffset() + _ev->size().height() ) > activeTable()->sizeMaxY() ){ vertScrollBar()->setRange( 0, activeTable()->sizeMaxY() - _ev->size().height() ); } } // If we lower vertically, then check if the range should represent the maximum range else if ( _ev->size().height() < _ev->oldSize().height() ){ if ( vertScrollBar()->maxValue() == ( activeTable()->sizeMaxY() - _ev->oldSize().height() ) ){ vertScrollBar()->setRange( 0, activeTable()->sizeMaxY() - _ev->size().height() ); } } } void KSpreadCanvas::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * _ev ) { KSpreadTable *table = activeTable(); QString tmp; if ( !table ) return; // Dont handle the remaining special keys. if ( _ev->state() & ( Qt::AltButton | Qt::ControlButton ) && (_ev->key() != Key_Down) && (_ev->key()!= Key_Up)&& (_ev->key() != Key_Right)&& (_ev->key() != Key_Left)&& (_ev->key() != Key_Home) ) { QWidget::keyPressEvent( _ev ); return; } // Always accept so that events are not // passed to the parent. _ev->accept(); // Find out about the current selection/choose. QRect selection; if ( m_bChoose ) selection = activeTable()->chooseRect(); else selection = activeTable()->selectionRect(); // Is this a key that involves goint to another cell ? If yes, do the // "end of editing" stuff here, instead of for each case - this bool is // also used for make_select (extending selection), so it doesn't include Return bool bChangingCells = ( _ev->key() == Key_Down || _ev->key() == Key_Up || _ev->key() == Key_Left || _ev->key() == Key_Right || _ev->key() == Key_Prior || _ev->key() == Key_Next ); // End of editing a cell if ( ( bChangingCells || _ev->key() == Key_Return || _ev->key() == Key_Enter ) && m_pEditor && !m_bChoose ) { deleteEditor( true /*save changes*/ ); } // Are we making a selection right now ? Go thru this only if no selection is made // or if we neither selected complete rows nor columns. bool make_select = m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() && ((( _ev->state() & ShiftButton ) == ShiftButton ||(( _ev->state() & ShiftButton ) == ShiftButton)&&( _ev->state() & ControlButton ) == ControlButton) && ( bChangingCells || _ev->key() == Key_Home || _ev->key() == Key_End )); ColumnLayout *cl; RowLayout *rl; int moveHide=0; if( !((( _ev->state() & ShiftButton ) == ShiftButton)&&( _ev->state() & ControlButton ) == ControlButton) && (_ev->state() != Qt::ControlButton) ) { KSpread::MoveTo tmpMoveTo=m_pView->doc()->getMoveToValue(); //if shift Button clicked inverse move direction if(_ev->state()==Qt::ShiftButton) { switch( tmpMoveTo) { case KSpread::Bottom: tmpMoveTo=KSpread::Top; break; case KSpread::Top: tmpMoveTo=KSpread::Bottom; break; case KSpread::Left: tmpMoveTo=KSpread::Right; break; case KSpread::Right: tmpMoveTo=KSpread::Left; } } //if( _ev->state() != Qt::ControlButton ){ switch( _ev->key() ) { case Key_Return: case Key_Enter: switch( tmpMoveTo) { case KSpread::Bottom : { if ( !m_bChoose && markerRow() == KS_rowMax ) return; if ( m_bChoose && chooseMarkerRow() == KS_rowMax ) return; if ( m_bChoose ) chooseGotoLocation( chooseMarkerColumn(), QMIN( KS_rowMax, chooseMarkerRow() + 1 ), 0, make_select ); else { QRect selection = activeTable()->selectionRect(); if( selection.left() == 0 ) gotoLocation( markerColumn(), QMIN( KS_rowMax, markerRow() + 1 ), 0, make_select,false,true ); else { if( markerColumn()selectionRect(); if( selection.left() == 0 ) gotoLocation( markerColumn(), QMAX( 1, markerRow() - 1 ), 0, make_select,false,true ); else { if( markerRow() && markerColumn()==selection.left()) gotoLocation( selection.right(), QMAX( 1, selection.bottom() ), 0, make_select,true,true ); else if(markerColumn()==selection.right() && markerRow()> gotoLocation( markerColumn(), QMAX( 1, markerRow() - 1 ), 0, make_select,true,true ); else if(markerColumn() ) gotoLocation( markerColumn(), QMAX( 1, markerRow() - 1 ), 0, make_select,true ,true); else if( markerRow() && markerColumn()<=selection.right()) gotoLocation( markerColumn()-1, QMAX( 1, selection.bottom() ), 0, make_select,true, true ); } } return; } case KSpread::Left : { /*if ( !m_bChoose && markerColumn() == 1 ) return;*/ if ( m_bChoose && chooseMarkerColumn() == 1 ) return; if ( m_bChoose ) chooseGotoLocation( QMAX(chooseMarkerColumn()-1,1), chooseMarkerRow() , 0, make_select ); else { QRect selection = activeTable()->selectionRect(); if( selection.left() == 0 ) gotoLocation( QMAX(markerColumn()-1,1), markerRow() , 0, make_select,false,true ); else { if( markerRow() && markerColumn()==selection.left()) gotoLocation( selection.right(),selection.bottom() , 0, make_select,true,true ); else if(markerColumn()>selection.left() && markerRow()<=selection.bottom()) gotoLocation( QMAX(markerColumn()-1,1), markerRow() , 0, make_select,true,true ); else if(markerColumn()==selection.right()&&markerRow()==selection.bottom() && markerColumn()!=selection.left()) gotoLocation( QMAX(markerColumn()-1,1), markerRow(), 0, make_select,true ,true); else if(markerColumn()==selection.right()&&markerRow()==selection.bottom() && markerColumn()==selection.left()) gotoLocation( markerColumn(),QMAX( markerRow()-1,1), 0, make_select,true ,true); else if( markerColumn()==selection.left() && markerRow()<=selection.bottom()) gotoLocation( selection.right(),QMAX( 1, markerRow()-1 ) , 0, make_select,true, true ); } } return; } case KSpread::Right : { /*if ( !m_bChoose && markerColumn() == KS_colMax) return;*/ if ( m_bChoose && chooseMarkerColumn() == KS_colMax ) return; if ( m_bChoose ) chooseGotoLocation( QMIN( KS_colMax, chooseMarkerColumn()+1 ),chooseMarkerRow() , 0, make_select ); else { QRect selection = activeTable()->selectionRect(); if( selection.left() == 0 ) gotoLocation( QMIN( KS_colMax, markerColumn()+1 ), markerRow() , 0, make_select,false,true ); else { if( markerRow() && markerColumn()==selection.left() && markerColumn()!=selection.right()) gotoLocation( QMIN(markerColumn()+1, KS_colMax), markerRow(), 0, make_select,true,true ); else if( markerRow() && markerColumn()==selection.left() && markerColumn()==selection.right()) gotoLocation( markerColumn(), QMIN(markerRow()+1, KS_rowMax), 0, make_select,true,true ); else if(markerColumn()nonDefaultRowLayout( moveHide ); } while( rl->isHide()); if ( m_bChoose ) chooseGotoLocation( chooseMarkerColumn(), QMIN( KS_rowMax, /*chooseMarkerRow() + 1*/moveHide ), 0, make_select); else gotoLocation( markerColumn(), QMIN( KS_rowMax, /*markerRow() + 1*/ moveHide), 0, make_select,false,true ); return; case Key_Up: if ( !m_bChoose && markerRow() == 1 ) return; if ( m_bChoose && chooseMarkerRow() == 1 ) return; if(m_bChoose) moveHide=chooseMarkerRow(); else moveHide=markerRow(); do { moveHide--; rl= activeTable()->nonDefaultRowLayout( moveHide ); } while( rl->isHide() && moveHide!=0); if(moveHide==0) return; if ( m_bChoose ) chooseGotoLocation( chooseMarkerColumn(), QMAX( 1, /*chooseMarkerRow() - 1*/moveHide ), 0, make_select ); else gotoLocation( markerColumn(), QMAX( 1, /*markerRow() - 1*/ moveHide ), 0, make_select,false,true ); return; case Key_Right: case Key_Tab: if ( !m_bChoose && markerColumn() >= KS_colMax ) return; if ( m_bChoose && chooseMarkerColumn() >= KS_colMax ) return; if(m_bChoose) moveHide=chooseMarkerColumn(); else moveHide=markerColumn() ; do { moveHide++; cl= activeTable()->nonDefaultColumnLayout( moveHide ); } while( cl->isHide() ); if ( m_bChoose ) chooseGotoLocation( QMIN( KS_colMax, /*chooseMarkerColumn() + 1*/moveHide ), chooseMarkerRow(), 0, make_select ); else gotoLocation( QMIN( KS_colMax, /*markerColumn() + 1*/moveHide ), markerRow(), 0, make_select,false,true ); return; case Key_Left: if ( !m_bChoose && markerColumn() == 1 ) return; if ( m_bChoose && chooseMarkerColumn() == 1 ) return; if(m_bChoose) moveHide=chooseMarkerColumn(); else moveHide=markerColumn(); do { moveHide--; cl= activeTable()->nonDefaultColumnLayout( moveHide ); } while( cl->isHide() && moveHide!=0); // if column==0 return; if(moveHide==0) return; if ( m_bChoose ) chooseGotoLocation( QMAX( 1, /*chooseMarkerColumn() - 1*/moveHide ), chooseMarkerRow(), 0, make_select ); else gotoLocation( QMAX( 1, /*markerColumn() - 1*/ moveHide), markerRow(), 0, make_select,false,true ); return; case Key_Escape: if ( m_pEditor ) deleteEditor( false ); _ev->accept(); // ? return; case Key_Home: // We are in edit mode -> go beginning of line if ( m_pEditor ) { // (David) Do this for text editor only, not formula editor... // Don't know how to avoid this hack (member var for editor type ?) if ( m_pEditor->inherits("KSpreadTextEditor") ) QApplication::sendEvent( m_pEditWidget, _ev ); // What to do for a formula editor ? } else { if ( !m_bChoose && markerColumn() == 1 ) return; if ( m_bChoose && chooseMarkerColumn() == 1 ) return; if ( m_bChoose ) chooseGotoLocation( 1, markerRow(), 0, make_select ); else gotoLocation( 1, markerRow(), 0, make_select,false,true ); } return; case Key_End: // move to the last used cell in the row // We are in edit mode -> go beginning of line if ( m_pEditor ) { // (David) Do this for text editor only, not formula editor... // Don't know how to avoid this hack (member var for editor type ?) if ( m_pEditor->inherits("KSpreadTextEditor") ) QApplication::sendEvent( m_pEditWidget, _ev ); // TODO: What to do for a formula editor ? } else { int maxCol = table->maxColumn(); int row = markerRow(); int max = -1; int i; // we have to check every cell, cause there might // be unused cells in the middle for (i = 1; i < maxCol; ++i) { KSpreadCell * cell = table->cellAt(i, row); if (cell != table->defaultCell()) { if (!cell->isObscured()) max = i; } } if (max == -1) return; if ( m_bChoose ) chooseGotoLocation( max, markerRow(), 0, make_select ); else gotoLocation( max, markerRow(), 0, make_select,false,true ); } return; case Key_Prior: if( !m_bChoose && markerRow() == 1 ) return; if( m_bChoose && chooseMarkerRow() == 1 ) return; if ( m_bChoose ) chooseGotoLocation( chooseMarkerColumn(), QMAX( 1, chooseMarkerRow() - 10 ), 0, make_select ); else gotoLocation( markerColumn(), QMAX( 1, markerRow() - 10 ), 0, make_select,false,true ); return; case Key_Next: if( !m_bChoose && markerRow() == KS_rowMax ) return; if( m_bChoose && chooseMarkerRow() == KS_rowMax ) return; if ( m_bChoose ) chooseGotoLocation( chooseMarkerColumn(), QMIN( KS_rowMax, chooseMarkerRow() + 10 ), 0, make_select ); else gotoLocation( markerColumn(), QMIN( KS_rowMax, markerRow() + 10 ), 0, make_select,false,true ); return; case Key_Delete: activeTable()->clearTextSelection( QPoint( markerColumn(), markerRow() ) ); m_pView->editWidget()->setText( "" ); return; case Key_F2: m_pView->editWidget()->setFocus(); if(m_pEditor) m_pView->editWidget()->setCursorPosition(m_pEditor->cursorPosition()-1); m_pView->editWidget()->cursorForward(false); return; default: + if (m_pEditor && (_ev->key() == Key_F4)) + { + m_pEditor->handleKeyPressEvent( _ev ); + _ev->accept(); + return; + } // No null character ... if ( _ev->text().isEmpty() || !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() ) { _ev->accept(); return; } if ( !m_pEditor && !m_bChoose ) { // Switch to editing mode createEditor( CellEditor ); m_pEditor->handleKeyPressEvent( _ev ); } else if ( m_pEditor ) m_pEditor->handleKeyPressEvent( _ev ); return; } // control button not pressed } else { //control button pressed if(!make_select) table->unselect(); int x, y; int colMax; switch(_ev->key()){ //Ctrl+Key_Up case Key_Up: //If we are already at the end, we skip if ( !m_bChoose && markerRow() <= 1 ) return; //If we are already at the end, we skip if ( m_bChoose && chooseMarkerRow() <= 1 ) return; if ( m_bChoose ) //If we are in choose mode, we only go 1 up chooseGotoLocation( chooseMarkerColumn(), QMAX( 1, chooseMarkerRow() - 1 ), 0, make_select ); else{ x = markerColumn(); y = markerRow(); //If we are at the end of a filled or empty block, then move one up if ( activeTable()->cellAt(x, y, true)->isEmpty() != activeTable()->cellAt(x, y-1, true)->isEmpty() ) y --; else { // HELP! This is by far to slow and inefficent! // if this is a filled cell if(!activeTable()->cellAt(x, y, true)->isEmpty()){ //Then we search as long as the previous pervios field is filled while ( (y-1 >= 1) && !(activeTable()->cellAt(x, y-1, true))->isEmpty() ){ y --; } } else{ //Otherwise we search as long as the previous pervios field is empty while ( (y-1 >= 1) && (activeTable()->cellAt(x, y-1, true))->isEmpty() ){ y --; } } } gotoLocation( x, QMAX( 1, y ), 0, make_select, true, true ); repaint(); } return; //Ctrl+Key_Down case Key_Down: //If we are already at the end, we skip if ( !m_bChoose && markerRow() >= KS_rowMax ) return; //If we are already at the end, we skip if ( m_bChoose && chooseMarkerRow() >= KS_rowMax ) return; if ( m_bChoose ) //If we are in choose mode, we only go 1 down chooseGotoLocation( chooseMarkerColumn(), QMIN( KS_rowMax, chooseMarkerRow() + 1 ), 0, make_select ); else{ x = markerColumn(); y = markerRow(); //If we are at the end of a filled or empty block, then move one down if ( ( y < KS_rowMax ) && ( activeTable()->cellAt(x, y, true)->isEmpty() != activeTable()->cellAt(x, y+1, true)->isEmpty() ) ) y ++; else { // if this is a filled cell if(!activeTable()->cellAt(x, y, true)->isEmpty()){ //Then we search as long as the next field is filled while ( (y+1 <= KS_rowMax) && !(activeTable()->cellAt(x, y+1, true))->isEmpty() ){ y ++; } } else{ // If this already the last used field then jump to the end if ( y >= activeTable()->maxRow() ) { y = KS_rowMax; } else { //Otherwise we search for the next filled field and use the last empty one KSpreadCell * _c = activeTable()->getNextCellDown( x, y ); //Found an existing cell, but does it contain something? while ( _c && _c->isEmpty() ) { _c = activeTable()->getNextCellDown( x, _c->row() ); } //If there is filled own, use the previous if ( _c ) y = _c->row() - 1; //Otherwise go to the end else y = KS_rowMax; } } } gotoLocation( x, QMIN( KS_rowMax, y ), 0, make_select, true, true ); // repaint(); //Philipp: For what do we need the repaint here? } return; //Ctrl+Key_Right case Key_Right: // we don't need to go to KS_colMax, maxColumn() is enough colMax = activeTable()->maxColumn(); //If we are already at the end, we skip if ( !m_bChoose && markerColumn() >= colMax ) return; //If we are already at the end, we skip if ( m_bChoose && chooseMarkerColumn() >= colMax ) return; if ( m_bChoose ) //If we are in choose mode, we only go 1 right chooseGotoLocation( QMIN( colMax, chooseMarkerColumn() + 1 ), chooseMarkerRow(), 0, make_select ); else{ x = markerColumn(); y = markerRow(); //If we are at the end of a filled or empty block, then move one right if ( activeTable()->cellAt(x, y, true)->isEmpty() != activeTable()->cellAt(x+1, y, true)->isEmpty() ) x ++; else { // HELP! This is by far to slow and inefficent! // if this is a filled cell if(!activeTable()->cellAt(x, y, true)->isEmpty()){ //Then we search as long as the next field is filled while ( (x+1 <= colMax) && !(activeTable()->cellAt(x+1, y, true))->isEmpty() ){ x ++; } } else{ //Otherwise we search as long as the next field is empty while ( (x+1 <= colMax) && (activeTable()->cellAt(x+1, y, true))->isEmpty() ){ x ++; } } } // if there is nothing on the right anymore, why not stay where we are? // ... for visual feedback if (x >= colMax) x = KS_colMax; gotoLocation( QMIN( KS_colMax, x ), y, 0, make_select, true, true ); repaint(); } return; //Ctrl+Key_Left case Key_Left: //If we are already at the end, we skip if ( !m_bChoose && markerColumn() <= 1 ) return; //If we are already at the end, we skip if ( m_bChoose && chooseMarkerColumn() <= 1 ) return; if ( m_bChoose ) //If we are in choose mode, we only go 1 left chooseGotoLocation( QMAX( 1, chooseMarkerColumn() - 1 ), chooseMarkerRow(), 0, make_select ); else{ x = markerColumn(); y = markerRow(); //If we are at the end of a filled or empty block, then move one left if ( activeTable()->cellAt(x, y, true)->isEmpty() != activeTable()->cellAt(x-1, y, true)->isEmpty() ) x --; else { // HELP! This is by far to slow and inefficent! // if this is a filled cell if(!activeTable()->cellAt(x, y, true)->isEmpty()){ //Then we search as long as the previous field is filled while ( (x-1 >= 1) && !(activeTable()->cellAt(x-1, y, true))->isEmpty() ){ x --; } } else{ //Otherwise we search as long as the previous field is empty while ( (x-1 >= 1) && (activeTable()->cellAt(x-1, y, true))->isEmpty() ){ x --; } } } gotoLocation( QMAX( 1, x ), y, 0, make_select, true, true ); repaint(); } return; //Ctrl+Key_Home case Key_Home: gotoLocation( 1, 1 , 0, make_select, true, true ); repaint(); return; } } /** * Tell the KSpreadView event handler and enable * makro recording by the way. */ // _ev->accept(); // m_pView->eventKeyPressed( _ev, m_bChoose ); } void KSpreadCanvas::deleteEditor( bool saveChanges ) { if( !m_pEditor ) return; // We need to set the line-edit out of edit mode, // but only if we are using it (text editor) // A bit of a hack - perhaps we should store the editor mode ? bool textEditor=true; if ( m_pEditor->inherits("KSpreadTextEditor") ) m_pEditWidget->setEditMode( false ); else textEditor=false; QString t = m_pEditor->text(); // Delete the cell editor first and after that update the document. // That means we get a synchronous repaint after the cell editor // widget is gone. Otherwise we may get painting errors. delete m_pEditor; m_pEditor = 0; if (saveChanges && textEditor) m_pView->setText( t ); else m_pView->updateEditWidget(); setFocus(); } void KSpreadCanvas::createEditor() { KSpreadCell* cell = activeTable()->cellAt( markerColumn(), markerRow() ); createEditor( CellEditor ); if ( cell ) m_pEditor->setText(cell->text()); } void KSpreadCanvas::createEditor( EditorType ed, bool addFocus) { KSpreadTable *table = activeTable(); if ( !m_pEditor ) { KSpreadCell* cell = activeTable()->cellAt( marker() ); if ( ed == CellEditor ) { m_pEditWidget->setEditMode( true ); m_pEditor = new KSpreadTextEditor( cell, this ); } int w, h; int min_w = cell->width( markerColumn(), this ); int min_h = cell->height( markerRow(), this ); if ( cell->isDefault() ) { w = min_w; h = min_h; //kdDebug(36001) << "DEFAULT" << endl; } else { w = cell->extraWidth() + 1; h = cell->extraHeight() + 1; //kdDebug(36001) << "HEIGHT=" << min_h << " EXTRA=" << h << endl; } int xpos = table->columnPos( markerColumn(), this ); int ypos = table->rowPos( markerRow(), this ); QPalette p = m_pEditor->palette(); QColorGroup g( ); QColor color=cell->textColor( markerColumn(), markerRow() ); if(!color.isValid()) color=QApplication::palette().active().text(); g.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, color); color=cell->bgColor( markerColumn(), markerRow() ); if(!color.isValid()) color=g.base(); g.setColor( QColorGroup::Background, color ); m_pEditor->setPalette( QPalette( g, p.disabled(), g ) ); m_pEditor->setFont( cell->textFont( markerColumn(), markerRow() ) ); m_pEditor->setGeometry( xpos, ypos, w, h ); m_pEditor->setMinimumSize( QSize( min_w, min_h ) ); m_pEditor->show(); //kdDebug(36001) << "FOCUS1" << endl; //Laurent 2001-12-05 //Don't add focus when we create a new editor and //we select text in edit widget otherwise we don't delete //selected text. if(addFocus) m_pEditor->setFocus(); //kdDebug(36001) << "FOCUS2" << endl; } } void KSpreadCanvas::closeEditor() { if(m_bChoose) return; if ( m_pEditor ) { deleteEditor( true ); // save changes } } //--------------------------------------------- // // Drawing Engine // //--------------------------------------------- void KSpreadCanvas::updateCellRect( const QRect &_rect ) { updateSelection( _rect, activeTable()->markerRect() ); } void KSpreadCanvas::updateSelection( const QRect &_old_sel, const QRect& old_marker ) { KSpreadTable *table = activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; // Calculate some value which are needed later QRect new_sel = table->selectionRect(); QRect new_marker = table->marker(); QRect old_sel = _old_sel; QRect old_marker_outer; ColumnLayout *cl; RowLayout *rl; int i_right=old_marker.right() ; int i_left=old_marker.left() ; int ; int i_bottom=old_marker.bottom() ; //look at if column is hiding. //if it's hiding refreshing column+1 (or column -1 ) if ( i_right < KS_colMax ) { do { i_right++; cl = activeTable()->nonDefaultColumnLayout( i_right ); } while( cl->isHide() && i_right != KS_colMax ); } if ( i_left > 1 ) { do { i_left--; cl = activeTable()->nonDefaultColumnLayout( i_left ); } while( cl->isHide() && i_left != 1); } if ( i_bottom < KS_rowMax ) { do { i_bottom++; rl = activeTable()->nonDefaultRowLayout( i_bottom ); } while( rl->isHide() && i_bottom != KS_rowMax ); } if ( i_top > 1 ) { do { i_top--; rl = activeTable()->nonDefaultRowLayout( i_top ); } while( rl->isHide() && i_top != 1); } old_marker_outer.setCoords( QMAX( 1, i_left-1 ), QMAX( 1, i_top-1 ), QMIN( KS_colMax, i_right+1 ) , QMIN( KS_rowMax, i_bottom+1 ) ); // Old selection was empty -> Just use the marker if ( old_sel.left() == 0 ) old_sel = old_marker; // New selection was empty -> Just use the marker if ( new_sel.left() == 0 ) new_sel = table->markerRect(); // Which cells were not marked, but were located next to some // selection? They may need repainting, too. QRect old_outer; i_right=old_sel.right() ; i_left=old_sel.left() ; ; i_bottom=old_sel.bottom() ; if ( i_right < KS_colMax ) { do { i_right++; cl = activeTable()->nonDefaultColumnLayout( i_right ); } while( cl->isHide() && i_right != KS_colMax ); } if ( i_left > 1 ) { do { i_left--; cl = activeTable()->nonDefaultColumnLayout( i_left ); } while( cl->isHide() && i_left!=0); } if (i_bottom < KS_rowMax) { do { i_bottom++; rl = activeTable()->nonDefaultRowLayout( i_bottom ); } while( rl->isHide() && i_bottom != KS_rowMax ); } if ( i_top > 1 ) { do { i_top--; rl = activeTable()->nonDefaultRowLayout( i_top ); } while( rl->isHide() && i_top!=0); } old_outer.setCoords( QMAX( 1, i_left-2 ), QMAX( 1, i_top-2 ), QMIN( KS_colMax, i_right+2 ), QMIN( KS_rowMax, i_bottom+2) ); // Which cells are located next to the new selection ? // Determine which area might be subject of repainting. QRect uni = old_sel.unite( new_sel ).unite( old_outer ).unite( old_marker ).unite( new_marker ); // Limit the number of cells uni.rBottom() = QMIN( KS_colMax, uni.bottom() ); uni.rRight() = QMIN( KS_rowMax, uni.right() ); // Determine the position of "uni" rect on the screen. int left = table->columnPos( uni.left() ); int top = table->rowPos( ); QPainter painter; painter.begin( this ); // Do the view transformation. QWMatrix m = m_pView->matrix(); painter.setWorldMatrix( m ); // Which part of the document is visible ? To determine this // just transform the viewport rectangle with the inverse // matrix, since this matrix usually transforms from document // coordinates to view coordinates. m = m.invert(); QPoint tl = QPoint( 0, 0 ) ); QPoint br = QPoint( width(), height() ) ); QRect view( tl, br ); // // Clip away children // QRegion rgn = painter.clipRegion(); if ( rgn.isEmpty() ) rgn = QRegion( QRect( 0, 0, width(), height() ) ); QPtrListIterator it( m_pDoc->children() ); for( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( ((KSpreadChild*)it.current())->table() == activeTable() && !m_pView->hasDocumentInWindow( it.current()->document() ) ) rgn -= it.current()->region( painter.worldMatrix() ); } painter.setClipRegion( rgn ); QPen pen; pen.setWidth( 1 ); painter.setPen( pen ); int top_row =; int bottom_row = uni.bottom(); int left_col = uni.left(); int right_col = uni.right(); int ypos = top; for ( int y = top_row; y <= bottom_row && ypos <= view.bottom(); y++ ) { RowLayout *row_lay = table->rowLayout( y ); int xpos = left; for ( int x = left_col; x <= right_col && xpos <= view.right(); x++ ) { ColumnLayout *col_lay = table->columnLayout( x ); KSpreadCell *cell = table->cellAt( x, y, TRUE ); QPoint p( x, y ); // // Determine which parts of the marker this cell used to // display. // // Parts of this code are copied from KSpreadCell::paintCell. // QRect larger; larger.setCoords( QMAX( 1, old_sel.left() - 1 ), QMAX( 1, - 1 ), QMIN( KS_colMax, old_sel.right() + 1 ), QMIN( KS_rowMax, old_sel.bottom() + 1 ) ); QPoint lr = old_sel.bottomRight(); int old_border = 0; if ( old_sel.left() == x && old_sel.right() == x && == y && old_sel.bottom() == y && ( cell->extraXCells() || cell->extraYCells() ) ) old_border = 1 | 2 | 4 | 8; else if ( old_sel.contains( QPoint(x, y) ) ) { // Upper border ? if ( y == ) old_border |= 1; // Left border ? if ( x == old_sel.left() ) old_border |= 2; // Lower border ? if ( y == old_sel.bottom() ) old_border |= 4; // Right border ? if ( x == old_sel.right() ) old_border |= 8; // The little rect in the lower right corner ? if ( p == lr ) old_border |= 256; } else if ( larger.contains( QPoint(x, y) ) ) { // Upper border ? if ( x >= old_sel.left() && x <= old_sel.right() && y - 1 == old_sel.bottom() ) old_border |= 1; // Left border ? if ( y >= && y <= old_sel.bottom() && x - 1 == old_sel.right() ) old_border |= 2; // Lower border ? if ( x >= old_sel.left() && x <= old_sel.right() && y + 1 == ) old_border |= 4; // Right border ? if ( y >= && y <= old_sel.bottom() && x + 1 == old_sel.left() ) old_border |= 8; // Upper left corner ? if ( p == larger.topLeft() ) old_border |= 16; // Lower left corner ? if ( p == larger.bottomLeft() ) old_border |= 32; // Lower right corner ? if ( p == larger.bottomRight() ) old_border |= 64; // Upper right corner ? if ( p == larger.topRight() ) old_border |= 128; // The little rect in the upper left corner ? if ( p == larger.bottomRight() ) old_border |= 512; // The little rect in the upper right corner ? if ( x == lr.x() && y == lr.y() + 1 ) old_border |= 1024; // The little rect in the upper left corner ? if ( x == lr.x() + 1 && y == lr.y() ) old_border |= 2048; } // // Determine which parts of the marker this cell displays now. // // Parts of this code are copied from KSpreadCell::paintCell. // larger.setCoords( new_sel.left() - 1, - 1, new_sel.right() + 1, new_sel.bottom() + 1 ); lr = new_sel.bottomRight(); int new_border = 0; if ( new_sel.left() == x && new_sel.right() == x && == y && new_sel.bottom() == y && ( cell->extraXCells() || cell->extraYCells() ) ) new_border = 1 | 2 | 4 | 8; else if ( new_sel.contains( QPoint(x, y) ) ) { // Upper border ? if ( y == ) new_border |= 1; // Left border ? if ( x == new_sel.left() ) new_border |= 2; // Lower border ? if ( y == new_sel.bottom() ) new_border |= 4; // Right border ? if ( x == new_sel.right() ) new_border |= 8; // The little rect in the lower right corner ? if ( p == lr ) old_border |= 256; } else if ( larger.contains( QPoint(x, y) ) ) { // Upper border ? if ( x >= new_sel.left() && x <= new_sel.right() && y - 1 == new_sel.bottom() ) new_border |= 1; // Left border ? if ( y >= && y <= new_sel.bottom() && x - 1 == new_sel.right() ) new_border |= 2; // Lower border ? if ( x >= new_sel.left() && x <= new_sel.right() && y + 1 == ) new_border |= 4; // Right border ? if ( y >= && y <= new_sel.bottom() && x + 1 == new_sel.left() ) new_border |= 8; // Upper left corner ? if ( p == larger.topLeft() ) new_border |= 16; // Lower left corner ? if ( p == larger.bottomLeft() ) new_border |= 32; // Lower right corner ? if ( p == larger.bottomRight() ) new_border |= 64; // Upper right corner ? if ( p == larger.topRight() ) new_border |= 128; // The little rect in the upper left corner ? if ( p == larger.bottomRight() ) old_border |= 512; // The little rect in the upper right corner ? if ( x == lr.x() && y == lr.y() + 1 ) old_border |= 1024; // The little rect in the upper left corner ? if ( x == lr.x() + 1 && y == lr.y() ) old_border |= 2048; } // Draw if the cell // a) was part of the selection, but is no longer. // b) the exact opposite of a) // c) One of its edges used to show the marker but does no longer if ( ( new_sel.contains( p ) ^ old_sel.contains( p ) ) || // a) and b) ( ( old_border & new_border ) != old_border ) // c) ||new_marker.contains(p)||old_marker.contains(p)) { cell->paintCell( view, painter, QPoint(xpos, ypos), QPoint(x,y)); } xpos += col_lay->width(); } ypos += row_lay->height(); } painter.end(); // XIM Position int xpos_xim, ypos_xim; xpos_xim = table->columnPos( markerColumn(), this ); ypos_xim = table->rowPos( markerRow(), this ); setMicroFocusHint(xpos_xim, ypos_xim, 0, 16); } //--------------------------------------------- // // Choose Marker // //--------------------------------------------- void KSpreadCanvas::updateChooseMarker( const QRect& _old, const QRect& _new ) { if ( isChooseMarkerVisible() ) { drawChooseMarker( _old ); drawChooseMarker( _new ); } else { choose_visible = TRUE; drawChooseMarker( _new ); } if ( _new.left() == 0 || !m_bChoose || !m_pEditor ) { //kdDebug(36001) << "updateChooseMarker len=0" << endl; length_namecell = 0; return; } KSpreadTable* table = activeTable(); // ##### Torben: Clean up here! QString name_cell; //kdDebug(36001) << m_chooseStartTable->tableName() << ", " // << table->tableName() << endl; if( m_chooseStartTable != table ) { if ( _new.left() >= _new.right() && >= _new.bottom() ) name_cell = util_cellName( table, _new.left(), ); else name_cell = util_rangeName( table, _new ); } else { if ( _new.left() >= _new.right() && >= _new.bottom() ) name_cell = util_cellName( _new.left(), ); else name_cell = util_rangeName( _new ); } int old = length_namecell; length_namecell= name_cell.length(); length_text = m_pEditor->text().length(); //kdDebug(36001) << "updateChooseMarker2 len=" << length_namecell << endl; QString text = m_pEditor->text(); QString res = text.left( m_pEditor->cursorPosition() - old ) + name_cell + text.right( text.length() - m_pEditor->cursorPosition() ); int pos = m_pEditor->cursorPosition() - old; ((KSpreadTextEditor*)m_pEditor)->blockCheckChoose( TRUE ); m_pEditor->setText( res ); ((KSpreadTextEditor*)m_pEditor)->blockCheckChoose( FALSE ); m_pEditor->setCursorPosition( pos + length_namecell ); //kdDebug(36001) << "old=" << old << " len=" << length_namecell << " pos=" << pos << endl; } void KSpreadCanvas::updatePosWidget() { QRect selection = m_pView->activeTable()->selectionRect(); QString buffer; QString tmp; KSpreadCell *cell=activeTable()->cellAt(markerColumn(),markerRow()); QRect extraCell; extraCell.setCoords(markerColumn(),markerRow(), markerColumn()+cell->extraXCells(),markerRow()+cell->extraYCells()); // No selection, or only one cell merged selected if ( selection.left() == 0 || extraCell==selection ) { if(activeTable()->getLcMode()) { buffer="L"+tmp.setNum( markerRow() ); buffer+="C"+tmp.setNum( markerColumn() ); } else { buffer=util_encodeColumnLabelText( markerColumn() ); buffer+=tmp.setNum( markerRow() ); } } /*else if((!activeTable->isRowSelected( selection.) && (!activeTable->isColumnSelected( selection.)) { if(activeTable()->getLcMode()) { buffer=tmp.setNum( (selection.bottom()-m_iMarkerRow+1) )+"Lx"; buffer+=tmp.setNum((selection.right()-m_iMarkerColumn+1))+"C"; } else { buffer=util_encodeColumnLabelText( m_iMarkerColumn ); buffer+=tmp.setNum(m_iMarkerRow); buffer+=":"; buffer+=util_encodeColumnLabelText( selection.right() ); buffer+=tmp.setNum(selection.bottom()); } }*/ else { if(activeTable()->getLcMode()) { buffer=tmp.setNum( (selection.bottom() )+"Lx"; if( activeTable()->isRowSelected( selection ) ) buffer+=tmp.setNum((KS_colMax-selection.left()+1))+"C"; else buffer+=tmp.setNum((selection.right()-selection.left()+1))+"C"; } else { //encodeColumnLabelText return @@@@ when column >KS_colMax //=> it's not a good display //=> for the moment I display pos of marker buffer=util_encodeColumnLabelText( selection.left() ); buffer+=tmp.setNum(; buffer+=":"; buffer+=util_encodeColumnLabelText( QMIN( KS_colMax, selection.right() ) ); buffer+=tmp.setNum(selection.bottom()); //buffer=activeTable()->columnLabel( m_iMarkerColumn ); //buffer+=tmp.setNum(m_iMarkerRow); } } m_pPosWidget->setText(buffer); } void KSpreadCanvas::drawChooseMarker() { drawChooseMarker( activeTable()->chooseRect() ); } void KSpreadCanvas::drawChooseMarker( const QRect& selection ) { // Draw nothing if the selection is empty if ( selection.left() == 0 ) return; QPainter painter; painter.begin( this ); int xpos; int ypos; int w, h; if ( selection.left() == 0 || activeTable()->isRowSelected( selection ) || activeTable()->isColumnSelected( selection ) ) { xpos = activeTable()->columnPos( chooseMarkerColumn(), this ); ypos = activeTable()->rowPos( chooseMarkerRow(), this ); KSpreadCell *cell = activeTable()->cellAt( chooseMarkerColumn(), chooseMarkerRow() ); w = cell->width( chooseMarkerColumn(), this ); h = cell->height( chooseMarkerRow(), this ); } else { xpos = activeTable()->columnPos( selection.left(), this ); ypos = activeTable()->rowPos(, this ); int x = activeTable()->columnPos( selection.right(), this ); KSpreadCell *cell = activeTable()->cellAt( selection.right(), ); int tw = cell->width( selection.right(), this ); w = ( x - xpos ) + tw; cell = activeTable()->cellAt( selection.left(), selection.bottom() ); int y = activeTable()->rowPos( selection.bottom(), this ); int th = cell->height( selection.bottom(), this ); h = ( y - ypos ) + th; } RasterOp rop = painter.rasterOp(); painter.setRasterOp( NotROP ); QPen pen; pen.setWidth( 2 ); pen.setStyle(DashLine); painter.setPen( pen ); painter.drawLine( xpos - 2, ypos - 1, xpos + w + 2, ypos - 1 ); painter.drawLine( xpos - 1, ypos + 1, xpos - 1, ypos + h + 3 ); painter.drawLine( xpos + 1, ypos + h + 1, xpos + w - 3, ypos + h + 1 ); painter.drawLine( xpos + w, ypos + 1, xpos + w, ypos + h - 2 ); // painter.fillRect( xpos + w - 2, ypos + h - 1, 5, 5, black ); painter.setRasterOp( rop ); painter.end(); } void KSpreadCanvas::setChooseMarker( const QPoint& p ) { if ( p.x() == m_i_chooseMarkerColumn && p.y() == m_i_chooseMarkerRow ) return; m_i_chooseMarkerRow = p.y(); m_i_chooseMarkerColumn = p.x(); // This will trigger a redraw activeTable()->setChooseRect( QRect( p.x(), p.y(), 1, 1 ) ); } void KSpreadCanvas::adjustArea(bool makeUndo) { QRect selection( activeTable()->selectionRect() ); QRect rect=selection; if(activeTable()->areaIsEmpty()) return; if(selection.left() == 0) rect.setCoords(markerColumn(),markerRow(),markerColumn(),markerRow() ); if(makeUndo) { if ( !doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( doc(),activeTable() , rect ); doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } } // Columns selected if( activeTable()->isColumnSelected() ) { for (int x=selection.left(); x <= selection.right(); x++ ) { hBorderWidget()->adjustColumn(x,false); } } // Rows selected else if( activeTable()->isRowSelected() ) { for(int y =; y <= selection.bottom(); y++ ) { vBorderWidget()->adjustRow(y,false); } } // No selection else if( selection.left() == 0 || == 0 || selection.bottom() == 0 || selection.right() == 0 ) { vBorderWidget()->adjustRow(markerRow(),false); hBorderWidget()->adjustColumn(markerColumn(),false); } // Selection of a rectangular area else { for (int x=selection.left(); x <= selection.right(); x++ ) { hBorderWidget()->adjustColumn(x,false); } for(int y =; y <= selection.bottom(); y++ ) { vBorderWidget()->adjustRow(y,false); } } } void KSpreadCanvas::equalizeRow() { QRect selection( activeTable()->selectionRect() ); bool selected = ( selection.left() != 0 ); RowLayout *rl; int size; if(selected) { rl = m_pView->activeTable()->rowLayout(; size=rl->height(this); for(int;i<=selection.bottom();i++) size=QMAX(m_pView->activeTable()->rowLayout(i)->height(this),size); m_pView->vBorderWidget()->equalizeRow(size); } } void KSpreadCanvas::equalizeColumn() { ColumnLayout *cl; QRect selection( activeTable()->selectionRect() ); bool selected = ( selection.left() != 0 ); int size; if(selected) { cl = m_pView->activeTable()->columnLayout(selection.left()); size=cl->width(this); for(int i=selection.left()+1;i<=selection.right();i++) size=QMAX(m_pView->activeTable()->columnLayout(i)->width(this),size); m_pView->hBorderWidget()->equalizeColumn(size); } } /**************************************************************** * * KSpreadVBorder * ****************************************************************/ KSpreadVBorder::KSpreadVBorder( QWidget *_parent, KSpreadCanvas *_canvas, KSpreadView *_view) : QWidget( _parent, "", /*WNorthWestGravity*/WStaticContents | WResizeNoErase | WRepaintNoErase ) { m_pView = _view; m_pCanvas = _canvas; m_lSize = 0L; setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); setMouseTracking( TRUE ); m_bResize = FALSE; m_bSelection = FALSE; m_iSelectionAnchor=1; } void KSpreadVBorder::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { m_bResize = FALSE; m_bSelection = FALSE; if(!m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite()) return; KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); // We were editing a cell -> save value and get out of editing mode if ( m_pCanvas->editor() ) { m_pCanvas->deleteEditor( true ); // save changes } // Find the first visible row and the y position of this row. int y = 0; int row = table->topRow( 0, y, m_pCanvas ); // Did the user click between two rows ? while ( y < height() ) { int h = table->rowLayout( row )->height( m_pCanvas ); row++; if ( row > KS_rowMax ) row = KS_rowMax; if ( _ev->pos().y() >= y + h - 1 && _ev->pos().y() <= y + h + 1 && !(table->rowLayout( row )->isHide()&&row==1) ) m_bResize = TRUE; y += h; } int tmp2; int tmpRow=table->topRow( _ev->pos().y() - 1, tmp2, m_pCanvas ); if(table->rowLayout(tmpRow )->isHide()&&tmpRow==1) m_bResize = false; // So he clicked between two rows ? if ( m_bResize ) { // Determine row to resize int tmp; m_iResizedRow = table->topRow( _ev->pos().y() - 1, tmp, m_pCanvas ); paintSizeIndicator( _ev->pos().y(), true ); } else { m_bSelection = TRUE; int tmp; int hit_row = table->topRow( _ev->pos().y(), tmp, m_pCanvas ); if(hit_row > KS_rowMax) return; m_iSelectionAnchor = hit_row; QRect rect = m_pCanvas->activeTable()->selectionRect(); QRect selection; if(!rect.contains( QPoint(1,hit_row)) || !(_ev->button() == RightButton) || (!m_pCanvas->activeTable()->isRowSelected()) ) { selection.setCoords( 1, hit_row, KS_colMax, hit_row ); table->setSelection( selection, m_pCanvas ); } if ( _ev->button() == RightButton ) { QPoint p = mapToGlobal( _ev->pos() ); m_pView->popupRowMenu( p ); m_bSelection=FALSE; } m_pView->updateEditWidget(); } } void KSpreadVBorder::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); if( !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() ) return; if ( m_bResize ) { // Remove size indicator painted by paintSizeIndicator QPainter painter; painter.begin( m_pCanvas ); painter.setRasterOp( NotROP ); painter.drawLine( 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->width(), m_iResizePos ); painter.end(); int start = m_iResizedRow; int end = m_iResizedRow; QRect selection = m_pCanvas->activeTable()->selectionRect(); QRect rect; rect.setCoords( 1, m_iResizedRow, KS_colMax, m_iResizedRow ); if( m_pCanvas->activeTable()->isRowSelected() ) { if( selection.contains( QPoint( 1, m_iResizedRow ) ) ) {; end=selection.bottom(); rect=selection; } } int height = 0; int y = table->rowPos( m_iResizedRow, m_pCanvas ); if (( m_pCanvas->zoom() * (float)( _ev->pos().y() - y ) ) <=0 /*(2.0* m_pCanvas->zoom())*/) height = 0 /*(int)(2.0* m_pCanvas->zoom())*/; else height = _ev->pos().y() - y; if ( !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { if(height!=0) { KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(),m_pCanvas->activeTable() , rect ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } else { //hide row KSpreadUndoHideRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoHideRow( m_pCanvas->doc(),m_pCanvas->activeTable() ,,(rect.bottom() ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } } for(int i = start; i <= end; i++ ) { RowLayout *rl = table->nonDefaultRowLayout( i ); if(height!=0) { if(!rl->isHide()) rl->setHeight( height, m_pCanvas ); } else rl->setHide(true ); } if(height==0) table->emitHideColumn(); delete m_lSize; m_lSize = 0; } else if (m_bSelection) { QRect rect = table->selectionRect(); // TODO: please don't remove. Right now it's useless, but it's for a future feature // Norbert bool m_frozen = false; if ( m_frozen ) { kdDebug(36001) << "selected: T " << << " B " << rect.bottom() << endl; int i; RowLayout * row; QValueListhiddenRows; for ( i =; i <= rect.bottom(); ++i ) { row = m_pView->activeTable()->rowLayout( i ); if ( row->isHide() ) { hiddenRows.append(i); } } if (hiddenRows.count() > 0) m_pView->activeTable()->showRow(0, -1, hiddenRows); } } m_bSelection = FALSE; m_bResize = FALSE; } void KSpreadVBorder::adjustRow( int _row, bool makeUndo ) { int adjust; int select; if(_row==-1) { adjust=m_pCanvas->activeTable()->adjustRow(QPoint( m_pCanvas->markerColumn(), m_pCanvas->markerRow() )); select=m_iSelectionAnchor; } else { adjust=m_pCanvas->activeTable()->adjustRow(QPoint( m_pCanvas->markerColumn(), m_pCanvas->markerRow() ),_row); select=_row; } if(adjust!=-1) { if(makeUndo && !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { QRect rect; rect.setCoords( 1, select, KS_colMax, select); KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(),m_pCanvas->activeTable() , rect ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); RowLayout *rl = table->nonDefaultRowLayout( select ); adjust=QMAX((int)(2.0* m_pCanvas->zoom()),adjust); rl->setHeight(adjust,m_pCanvas); } } void KSpreadVBorder::equalizeRow( int resize ) { KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); Q_ASSERT( table ); QRect selection( table->selectionRect() ); if ( !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(),m_pCanvas->activeTable() , selection ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } RowLayout *rl; for (int;i<=selection.bottom();i++) { rl= table->nonDefaultRowLayout( i ); resize=QMAX((int)(2.0* m_pCanvas->zoom()), resize); rl->setHeight( resize, m_pCanvas ); } } void KSpreadVBorder::resizeRow( int resize, int nb, bool makeUndo ) { KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); Q_ASSERT( table ); if( nb == -1 ) // I don't know, where this is the case { if( makeUndo && !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { QRect rect; rect.setCoords( 1, m_iSelectionAnchor, KS_colMax, m_iSelectionAnchor ); KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), rect ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } RowLayout *rl = table->nonDefaultRowLayout( m_iSelectionAnchor ); resize = QMAX( (int)(2.0* m_pCanvas->zoom()), resize ); rl->setHeight( resize, m_pCanvas ); } else { QRect selection( table->selectionRect() ); if( selection.bottom()==0 || || selection.left()==0 || selection.right()==0 ) { if( makeUndo && !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { QRect rect; rect.setCoords( 1, m_pCanvas->markerRow(), KS_colMax, m_pCanvas->markerRow() ); KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), rect ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } RowLayout *rl = table->nonDefaultRowLayout( m_pCanvas->markerRow() ); resize=QMAX((int)(2.0* m_pCanvas->zoom()), resize); rl->setHeight( resize, m_pCanvas ); } else { if(makeUndo && !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), selection ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } RowLayout *rl; for ( int; i<=selection.bottom(); i++ ) { rl = table->nonDefaultRowLayout( i ); resize=QMAX((int)(2.0* m_pCanvas->zoom()), resize); rl->setHeight( resize, m_pCanvas ); } } } } void KSpreadVBorder::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { if(!m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite()) return; KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); // The button is pressed and we are resizing ? if ( m_bResize ) { paintSizeIndicator( _ev->pos().y(), false ); } // The button is pressed and we are selecting ? else if ( m_bSelection ) { int y = 0; int row = table->topRow( _ev->pos().y(), y, m_pCanvas ); if( row > KS_rowMax ) return; QRect selection = table->selectionRect(); if ( row < m_iSelectionAnchor ) { selection.setTop( row ); selection.setBottom( m_iSelectionAnchor ); } else { selection.setBottom( row ); selection.setTop( m_iSelectionAnchor ); } table->setSelection( selection, m_pCanvas ); if ( _ev->pos().y() < 0 ) m_pCanvas->vertScrollBar()->setValue( m_pCanvas->yOffset() + y ); else if ( _ev->pos().y() > m_pCanvas->height() ) { if (row < KS_rowMax) { RowLayout *rl = table->rowLayout( row + 1 ); y = table->rowPos( row + 1, m_pCanvas ); m_pCanvas->vertScrollBar()->setValue( m_pCanvas->yOffset() + y + rl->height( m_pCanvas ) - m_pCanvas->height() ); } } } // No button is pressed and the mouse is just moved else { int tmp; int tmpRow = table->topRow( _ev->pos().y() - 1, tmp, m_pCanvas ); int ypos = _ev->pos().y(); if ( ( (table->topRow( ( ypos - 1), tmp, m_pCanvas ) != tmpRow) || (table->topRow( ( ypos - 1) + 3, tmp, m_pCanvas ) != tmpRow) ) && !(table->rowLayout(tmpRow)->isHide() && tmpRow == 1) ) { setCursor(splitVCursor); return; } /* Doesn't work correctly, gets removed if it turns out that the new version really works, Norbert while ( y < height() ) { int h = table->rowLayout( row )->height( m_pCanvas ); if ( _ev->pos().y() >= y + h - 1 && _ev->pos().y() <= y + h + 1 &&!(table->rowLayout(tmpRow)->isHide()&&tmpRow==1)) { setCursor(splitVCursor); return; } y += h; } */ setCursor( arrowCursor ); } } void KSpreadVBorder::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * /*_ev */) { KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); if(!m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite()) return; adjustRow(); } void KSpreadVBorder::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent* _ev ) { if ( m_pCanvas->vertScrollBar() ) QApplication::sendEvent( m_pCanvas->vertScrollBar(), _ev ); } void KSpreadVBorder::paintSizeIndicator( int mouseY, bool firstTime ) { KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); QPainter painter; painter.begin( m_pCanvas ); painter.setRasterOp( NotROP ); if (!firstTime) painter.drawLine( 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->width(), m_iResizePos ); m_iResizePos = mouseY; // Dont make the row have a height < 2 pixel. //int twenty = (int)( 2.0 * m_pCanvas->zoom() ); int y = table->rowPos( m_iResizedRow, m_pCanvas ); if ( m_iResizePos < y /*+ twenty*/ ) m_iResizePos = y /*+ twenty*/; painter.drawLine( 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->width(), m_iResizePos ); painter.end(); QString tmpSize; if(m_iResizePos!=y) tmpSize=i18n("Height: %1").arg((int)((m_iResizePos-y)/m_pCanvas->zoom())); else tmpSize=i18n("Hide Row"); painter.begin(this); int len = painter.fontMetrics().width(tmpSize ); int hei = painter.fontMetrics().height( ); painter.end(); if(!m_lSize) { m_lSize=new QLabel(m_pCanvas); m_lSize->setGeometry(3,3+y,len+2, hei+2 ) ; m_lSize->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter); m_lSize->setText(tmpSize); m_lSize->show(); } else { m_lSize->setGeometry(3,3+y,len+2, hei+2 ); m_lSize->setText(tmpSize); } } void KSpreadVBorder::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* _ev ) { KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; QPainter painter; painter.begin( this ); QPen pen; pen.setWidth( 1 ); painter.setPen( pen ); // painter.setBackgroundColor( colorGroup().base() ); // painter.eraseRect( _ev->rect() ); //QFontMetrics fm = painter.fontMetrics(); // Matthias Elter: This causes a SEGFAULT in ~QPainter! // Only god and the trolls know why ;-) // bah...took me quite some time to track this one down... painter.setClipRect( _ev->rect() ); int ypos; int top_row = table->topRow( _ev->rect().y(), ypos, m_pCanvas ); int bottom_row = table->bottomRow( _ev->rect().bottom(), m_pCanvas ); QRect selection( table->selectionRect() ); QFont normalFont = painter.font(); QFont boldFont = normalFont; boldFont.setBold( TRUE ); KSpreadCell *cell=table->cellAt(m_pCanvas->markerColumn(),m_pCanvas->markerRow()); QRect extraCell; extraCell.setCoords(m_pCanvas->markerColumn(),m_pCanvas->markerRow(), m_pCanvas->markerColumn()+cell->extraXCells(),m_pCanvas->markerRow()+cell->extraYCells()); //several cells selected but not just a cell merged bool area= (selection.left() != 0 && extraCell!=selection); for ( int y = top_row; y <= bottom_row; y++ ) { bool highlighted = (area && y >= && y <= selection.bottom() ); bool selected = ( highlighted && (table->isRowSelected()) ); RowLayout *row_lay = table->rowLayout( y ); if ( selected ) { QBrush fillSelected( colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) ); qDrawShadePanel( &painter, 0, ypos, YBORDER_WIDTH, row_lay->height( m_pCanvas ), colorGroup(), FALSE, 1, &fillSelected ); } else if ( highlighted ) { QBrush fillHighlighted( colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Background ) ); qDrawShadePanel( &painter, 0, ypos, YBORDER_WIDTH, row_lay->height( m_pCanvas ), colorGroup(), true, 1, &fillHighlighted ); } else { QBrush fill( colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Background ) ); qDrawShadePanel( &painter, 0, ypos, YBORDER_WIDTH, row_lay->height( m_pCanvas ), colorGroup(), FALSE, 1, &fill ); } char buffer[ 20 ]; sprintf( buffer, "%i", y ); // Reset painter painter.setFont( normalFont ); painter.setPen( colorGroup().text() ); if ( selected ) painter.setPen( colorGroup().highlightedText() ); else if ( highlighted ) painter.setFont( boldFont ); int len = painter.fontMetrics().width(buffer ); if(!row_lay->isHide()) painter.drawText( (YBORDER_WIDTH-len)/2, ypos + ( row_lay->height( m_pCanvas ) + painter.fontMetrics().ascent() - painter.fontMetrics().descent() ) / 2, buffer ); ypos += row_lay->height( m_pCanvas ); } m_pCanvas->updatePosWidget(); painter.end(); } /**************************************************************** * * KSpreadHBorder * ****************************************************************/ KSpreadHBorder::KSpreadHBorder( QWidget *_parent, KSpreadCanvas *_canvas,KSpreadView *_view ) : QWidget( _parent, "", /*WNorthWestGravity*/ WStaticContents| WResizeNoErase | WRepaintNoErase ) { m_pView = _view; m_pCanvas = _canvas; m_lSize = 0L; setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); setMouseTracking( TRUE ); m_bResize = FALSE; m_bSelection = FALSE; m_iSelectionAnchor=1; } void KSpreadHBorder::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); if(!m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite()) return; // We were editing a cell -> save value and get out of editing mode if ( m_pCanvas->editor() ) { m_pCanvas->deleteEditor( true ); // save changes } m_bResize = FALSE; m_bSelection = FALSE; int x = 0; int col = table->leftColumn( 0, x, m_pCanvas ); while ( x < width() && !m_bResize ) { int w = table->columnLayout( col )->width( m_pCanvas ); col++; if ( col > KS_colMax ) col = KS_colMax; if ( _ev->pos().x() >= x + w - 1 && _ev->pos().x() <= x + w + 1 && !(table->columnLayout( col )->isHide()&&col==1)) m_bResize = TRUE; x += w; } //if col is hide and it's the first column //you mustn't resize it. int tmp2; int tmpCol=table->leftColumn( _ev->pos().x() - 1, tmp2, m_pCanvas ); if ( table->columnLayout(tmpCol )->isHide() && tmpCol == 1) m_bResize = false; QRect rect = table->selectionRect(); if ( m_bResize ) { // Determine the column to resize int tmp; m_iResizedColumn = table->leftColumn( _ev->pos().x() - /*3*/1, tmp, m_pCanvas ); paintSizeIndicator( _ev->pos().x(), true ); } else if ( ( rect.left() != rect.right() ) && ( tmpCol >= rect.left() ) && ( tmpCol <= rect.right() ) && _ev->button() == RightButton ) { QPoint p = mapToGlobal( _ev->pos() ); m_pView->popupColumnMenu( p ); } else { m_bSelection = TRUE; int tmp; int hit_col = table->leftColumn( _ev->pos().x(), tmp, m_pCanvas ); if( hit_col > KS_colMax) return; m_iSelectionAnchor = hit_col; QRect r; if(!rect.contains( QPoint(hit_col,1)) || !(_ev->button() == RightButton) || !(table->isRowSelected()) ) { r.setCoords( hit_col, 1, hit_col, KS_rowMax ); table->setSelection( r, m_pCanvas ); } if ( _ev->button() == RightButton ) { QPoint p = mapToGlobal( _ev->pos() ); m_pView->popupColumnMenu( p ); m_bSelection=FALSE; } m_pView->updateEditWidget(); } } void KSpreadHBorder::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); if(!m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite()) return; if ( m_bResize ) { // Remove size indicator painted by paintSizeIndicator QPainter painter; painter.begin( m_pCanvas ); painter.setRasterOp( NotROP ); painter.drawLine( m_iResizePos, 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->height() ); painter.end(); int start=m_iResizedColumn; int end=m_iResizedColumn; QRect selection = m_pCanvas->activeTable()->selectionRect(); QRect rect; rect.setCoords( m_iResizedColumn, 1, m_iResizedColumn, KS_rowMax ); if( m_pCanvas->activeTable()->isColumnSelected() ) { if(selection.contains(QPoint(m_iResizedColumn,1))) { start=selection.left(); end=selection.right(); rect=selection; } } int width=0; int x = table->columnPos( m_iResizedColumn, m_pCanvas ); if ( ( m_pCanvas->zoom() * (float)( _ev->pos().x() - x ) ) <=0.0 ) width= 0 ; /*(int)(2.0* m_pCanvas->zoom());*/ else width=_ev->pos().x() - x; if ( !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { //juste resize if(width!=0) { KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(),m_pCanvas->activeTable() , rect ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } else {//hide column KSpreadUndoHideColumn *undo = new KSpreadUndoHideColumn( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(),rect.left(),(rect.right()-rect.left())); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } } for(int i=start;i<=end;i++) { ColumnLayout *cl = table->nonDefaultColumnLayout( i ); if( width!=0) { if(!cl->isHide()) cl->setWidth( width, m_pCanvas ); } else cl->setHide(true); } if(width==0) table->emitHideRow(); delete m_lSize; m_lSize=0; } else if (m_bSelection) { QRect rect = table->selectionRect(); // TODO: please don't remove. Right now it's useless, but it's for a future feature // Norbert bool m_frozen = false; if ( m_frozen ) { kdDebug(36001) << "selected: L " << rect.left() << " R " << rect.right() << endl; int i; ColumnLayout * col; QValueListhiddenCols; for ( i = rect.left(); i <= rect.right(); ++i ) { col = m_pView->activeTable()->columnLayout( i ); if ( col->isHide() ) { hiddenCols.append(i); } } if (hiddenCols.count() > 0) m_pView->activeTable()->showColumn(0, -1, hiddenCols); } } m_bSelection = FALSE; m_bResize = FALSE; } void KSpreadHBorder::adjustColumn( int _col, bool makeUndo ) { int adjust; int select; if( _col==-1 ) { adjust = m_pCanvas->activeTable()->adjustColumn(QPoint( m_pCanvas->markerColumn(), m_pCanvas->markerRow() )); select=m_iSelectionAnchor; } else { adjust=m_pCanvas->activeTable()->adjustColumn(QPoint( m_pCanvas->markerColumn(), m_pCanvas->markerRow() ),_col); select=_col; } if(adjust!=-1) { KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); if( makeUndo && !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { QRect rect; rect.setCoords( select, 1, select, KS_rowMax ); KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(),m_pCanvas->activeTable() , rect ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } ColumnLayout *cl = table->nonDefaultColumnLayout( select ); adjust = QMAX( (int)(2.0 * m_pCanvas->zoom()), adjust ); cl->setWidth( adjust, m_pCanvas ); } } void KSpreadHBorder::equalizeColumn( int resize ) { KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); Q_ASSERT( table ); QRect selection( table->selectionRect() ); if ( !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(),m_pCanvas->activeTable() , selection ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } ColumnLayout *cl; for (int i=selection.left();i<=selection.right();i++) { cl= table->nonDefaultColumnLayout( i ); resize = QMAX( (int)(2.0* m_pCanvas->zoom()), resize ); cl->setWidth( resize, m_pCanvas ); } } void KSpreadHBorder::resizeColumn( int resize, int nb, bool makeUndo ) { KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); Q_ASSERT( table ); if( nb == -1 ) { if( makeUndo && !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { QRect rect; rect.setCoords( m_iSelectionAnchor, 1, m_iSelectionAnchor, KS_rowMax ); KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), rect ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } ColumnLayout *cl = table->nonDefaultColumnLayout( m_iSelectionAnchor ); resize = QMAX( (int)(2.0* m_pCanvas->zoom()), resize ); cl->setWidth( resize, m_pCanvas ); } else { QRect selection( table->selectionRect() ); if( selection.bottom() == 0 || == 0 || selection.left() == 0 || selection.right() == 0 ) { if( makeUndo && !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { QRect rect; rect.setCoords( m_iSelectionAnchor, 1, m_iSelectionAnchor, KS_rowMax ); KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), rect ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } ColumnLayout *cl = table->nonDefaultColumnLayout( m_pCanvas->markerColumn() ); resize = QMAX( (int)(2.0* m_pCanvas->zoom()), resize ); cl->setWidth( resize, m_pCanvas ); } else { if( makeUndo && !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), selection ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } ColumnLayout *cl; for ( int i=selection.left(); i<=selection.right(); i++ ) { cl = table->nonDefaultColumnLayout( i ); resize = QMAX( (int)(2.0* m_pCanvas->zoom()), resize ); cl->setWidth( resize, m_pCanvas ); } } } } void KSpreadHBorder::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * /*_ev */) { KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); if(!m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite()) return; adjustColumn(); } void KSpreadHBorder::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); if(!m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite()) return; if ( m_bResize ) { paintSizeIndicator( _ev->pos().x(), false ); } else if ( m_bSelection ) { int x = 0; int col = table->leftColumn( _ev->pos().x(), x, m_pCanvas ); if( col > KS_colMax ) return; QRect r = table->selectionRect(); if ( col < m_iSelectionAnchor ) { r.setLeft( col ); r.setRight( m_iSelectionAnchor ); } else { r.setRight( col ); r.setLeft( m_iSelectionAnchor ); } table->setSelection( r, m_pCanvas ); if ( _ev->pos().x() < 0 ) m_pCanvas->horzScrollBar()->setValue( m_pCanvas->xOffset() + x ); else if ( _ev->pos().x() > m_pCanvas->width() ) { if ( col < KS_colMax ) { ColumnLayout *cl = table->columnLayout( col + 1 ); x = table->columnPos( col + 1, m_pCanvas ); m_pCanvas->horzScrollBar()->setValue( m_pCanvas->xOffset() + ( x + cl->width( m_pCanvas ) - m_pCanvas->width() ) ); } } } // Perhaps we have to modify the cursor else { //if col is hide and it's the first column //you mustn't resize it. int tmp2; int tmpCol=table->leftColumn( _ev->pos().x() - 1, tmp2, m_pCanvas ); /* Doesn't work correctly, gets removed if it turns out that the new version really works, Norbert while ( x < width() ) { int w = table->columnLayout( col )->width( m_pCanvas ); if ( _ev->pos().x() >= x + w - 1 && _ev->pos().x() <= x + w + 1 &&!(table->columnLayout(tmpCol)->isHide() && tmpCol == 1) ) { setCursor(splitHCursor); return; } x += w; } */ int xpos = _ev->pos().x(); if ( ( (table->leftColumn( ( xpos - 1), tmp2, m_pCanvas ) != tmpCol) || (table->leftColumn( ( xpos - 1) + 3, tmp2, m_pCanvas ) != tmpCol) ) && !(table->columnLayout(tmpCol)->isHide() && tmpCol == 1) ) { setCursor(splitHCursor); return; } setCursor( arrowCursor ); } } void KSpreadHBorder::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent* _ev ) { if ( m_pCanvas->horzScrollBar() ) QApplication::sendEvent( m_pCanvas->horzScrollBar(), _ev ); } void KSpreadHBorder::paintSizeIndicator( int mouseX, bool firstTime ) { KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); QPainter painter; painter.begin( m_pCanvas ); painter.setRasterOp( NotROP ); if (!firstTime) painter.drawLine( m_iResizePos, 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->height() ); m_iResizePos = mouseX; //int twenty = (int)( 2.0 * m_pCanvas->zoom() ); // Dont make the column have a width < 2 pixels. int x = table->columnPos( m_iResizedColumn, m_pCanvas ); if ( m_iResizePos <= x /*+ twenty*/ ) m_iResizePos = x /*+ twenty*/; painter.drawLine( m_iResizePos, 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->height() ); painter.end(); QString tmpSize; if(m_iResizePos !=x) tmpSize=i18n("Width: %1").arg((int)((m_iResizePos-x)/m_pCanvas->zoom())); else tmpSize=i18n("Hide Column"); painter.begin(this); int len = painter.fontMetrics().width(tmpSize ); int hei = painter.fontMetrics().height( ); painter.end(); if(!m_lSize) { m_lSize=new QLabel(m_pCanvas); m_lSize->setGeometry(x+3,3,len+2, hei+2 ) ; m_lSize->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter); m_lSize->setText(tmpSize); m_lSize->show(); } else { m_lSize->setGeometry(x+3,3,len+2, hei+2 ) ; m_lSize->setText(tmpSize); } } void KSpreadHBorder::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* _ev ) { KSpreadTable *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); if (!table ) return; QPainter painter; painter.begin( this ); QPen pen; pen.setWidth( 1 ); painter.setPen( pen ); painter.setBackgroundColor( white ); // painter.eraseRect( _ev->rect() ); //QFontMetrics fm = painter.fontMetrics(); // Matthias Elter: This causes a SEGFAULT in ~QPainter! // Only god and the trolls know why ;-) // bah...took me quite some time to track this one down... // Determine which columns need painting int xpos; int left_col = table->leftColumn( _ev->rect().x(), xpos, m_pCanvas ); int right_col = table->rightColumn( _ev->rect().right(), m_pCanvas ); QRect selection( table->selectionRect() ); QFont normalFont = painter.font(); QFont boldFont = normalFont; boldFont.setBold( TRUE ); KSpreadCell *cell=table->cellAt(m_pCanvas->markerColumn(),m_pCanvas->markerRow()); QRect extraCell; extraCell.setCoords(m_pCanvas->markerColumn(),m_pCanvas->markerRow(), m_pCanvas->markerColumn()+cell->extraXCells(),m_pCanvas->markerRow()+cell->extraYCells()); //several cells selected but not just a cell merged bool area=( selection.left()!=0 && extraCell!=selection ); for ( int x = left_col; x <= right_col; x++ ) { bool highlighted = ( area && x >= selection.left() && x <= selection.right()); bool selected = ( highlighted && table->isColumnSelected() && (!table->isRowSelected()) ); ColumnLayout *col_lay = table->columnLayout( x ); if ( selected ) { QBrush fillSelected( colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) ); qDrawShadePanel( &painter, xpos, 0, col_lay->width( m_pCanvas ), XBORDER_HEIGHT, colorGroup(), FALSE, 1, &fillSelected ); } else if ( highlighted ) { QBrush fillHighlighted( colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Background ) ); qDrawShadePanel( &painter, xpos, 0, col_lay->width( m_pCanvas ), XBORDER_HEIGHT, colorGroup(), true, 1, &fillHighlighted ); } else { QBrush fill( colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Background ) ); qDrawShadePanel( &painter, xpos, 0, col_lay->width( m_pCanvas ), XBORDER_HEIGHT, colorGroup(), FALSE, 1, &fill ); } // Reset painter painter.setFont( normalFont ); painter.setPen( colorGroup().text() ); if ( selected ) painter.setPen( colorGroup().highlightedText() ); else if ( highlighted ) painter.setFont( boldFont ); if(!m_pView->activeTable()->getShowColumnNumber()) { int len = painter.fontMetrics().width( util_encodeColumnLabelText( x ) ); if(!col_lay->isHide()) painter.drawText( xpos + ( col_lay->width( m_pCanvas ) - len ) / 2, ( XBORDER_HEIGHT + painter.fontMetrics().ascent() - painter.fontMetrics().descent() ) / 2, util_encodeColumnLabelText( x ) ); } else { QString tmp; int len = painter.fontMetrics().width( tmp.setNum(x) ); if(!col_lay->isHide()) painter.drawText( xpos + ( col_lay->width( m_pCanvas ) - len ) / 2, ( XBORDER_HEIGHT + painter.fontMetrics().ascent() - painter.fontMetrics().descent() ) / 2, tmp.setNum(x) ); } xpos += col_lay->width( m_pCanvas ); } m_pCanvas->updatePosWidget(); painter.end(); } /**************************************************************** * * KSpreadToolTip * ****************************************************************/ KSpreadToolTip::KSpreadToolTip( KSpreadCanvas* canvas ) : QToolTip( canvas ), m_canvas( canvas ) { } void KSpreadToolTip::maybeTip( const QPoint& p ) { KSpreadTable *table = m_canvas->activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; // Over which cell is the mouse ? int ypos, xpos; int row = table->topRow( p.y(), ypos, m_canvas ); int col = table->leftColumn( p.x(), xpos, m_canvas ); KSpreadCell* cell = table->visibleCellAt( col, row ); if ( !cell ) return; // Get the comment QString comment= cell->comment(col,row); // Determine position and width of the current cell. cell = table->cellAt( col, row ); int u = cell->width( col, m_canvas ); // Special treatment for obscured cells. if ( cell->isObscured() && cell->isObscuringForced() ) { // Find the obscuring cell int moveX = cell->obscuringCellsColumn(); int moveY = cell->obscuringCellsRow(); cell = table->cellAt( moveX, moveY ); // Use the obscuring cells dimensions u = cell->width( moveX, m_canvas ); xpos = table->columnPos( moveX, m_canvas ); ypos = table->rowPos( moveY, m_canvas ); } // Is the cursor over the comment marker (if there is any) then // show the comment. QRect marker( xpos + u - 10, ypos, 10, 10 ); if ( marker.contains( p ) ) { tip( marker, comment ); } } #include "kspread_canvas.moc"