diff --git a/libdbusmenuqt/dbusmenuimporter.cpp b/libdbusmenuqt/dbusmenuimporter.cpp index 677ffb4f..9c4a1df6 100644 --- a/libdbusmenuqt/dbusmenuimporter.cpp +++ b/libdbusmenuqt/dbusmenuimporter.cpp @@ -1,543 +1,544 @@ /* This file is part of the dbusmenu-qt library Copyright 2009 Canonical Author: Aurelien Gateau This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "dbusmenuimporter.h" // Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Local #include "dbusmenutypes_p.h" #include "dbusmenushortcut_p.h" #include "utils_p.h" // Generated #include "dbusmenu_interface.h" //#define BENCHMARK #ifdef BENCHMARK #include static QTime sChrono; #endif #define DMRETURN_IF_FAIL(cond) if (!(cond)) { \ qWarning() << "Condition failed: " #cond; \ return; \ } static const char *DBUSMENU_PROPERTY_ID = "_dbusmenu_id"; static const char *DBUSMENU_PROPERTY_ICON_NAME = "_dbusmenu_icon_name"; static const char *DBUSMENU_PROPERTY_ICON_DATA_HASH = "_dbusmenu_icon_data_hash"; static QAction *createKdeTitle(QAction *action, QWidget *parent) { QToolButton *titleWidget = new QToolButton(0); QFont font = titleWidget->font(); font.setBold(true); titleWidget->setFont(font); titleWidget->setIcon(action->icon()); titleWidget->setText(action->text()); titleWidget->setDown(true); titleWidget->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon); QWidgetAction *titleAction = new QWidgetAction(parent); titleAction->setDefaultWidget(titleWidget); return titleAction; } class DBusMenuImporterPrivate { public: DBusMenuImporter *q; DBusMenuInterface *m_interface; QMenu *m_menu; using ActionForId = QMap; ActionForId m_actionForId; QTimer *m_pendingLayoutUpdateTimer; QSet m_idsRefreshedByAboutToShow; QSet m_pendingLayoutUpdates; QDBusPendingCallWatcher *refresh(int id) { auto call = m_interface->GetLayout(id, 1, QStringList()); QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(call, q); watcher->setProperty(DBUSMENU_PROPERTY_ID, id); QObject::connect(watcher, &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished, q, &DBusMenuImporter::slotGetLayoutFinished); return watcher; } QMenu *createMenu(QWidget *parent) { QMenu *menu = q->createMenu(parent); return menu; } /** * Init all the immutable action properties here * TODO: Document immutable properties? * * Note: we remove properties we handle from the map (using QMap::take() * instead of QMap::value()) to avoid warnings about these properties in * updateAction() */ QAction *createAction(int id, const QVariantMap &_map, QWidget *parent) { QVariantMap map = _map; QAction *action = new QAction(parent); action->setProperty(DBUSMENU_PROPERTY_ID, id); QString type = map.take(QStringLiteral("type")).toString(); if (type == QLatin1String("separator")) { action->setSeparator(true); } if (map.take(QStringLiteral("children-display")).toString() == QLatin1String("submenu")) { QMenu *menu = createMenu(parent); action->setMenu(menu); } QString toggleType = map.take(QStringLiteral("toggle-type")).toString(); if (!toggleType.isEmpty()) { action->setCheckable(true); if (toggleType == QLatin1String("radio")) { QActionGroup *group = new QActionGroup(action); group->addAction(action); } } bool isKdeTitle = map.take(QStringLiteral("x-kde-title")).toBool(); updateAction(action, map, map.keys()); if (isKdeTitle) { action = createKdeTitle(action, parent); } return action; } /** * Update mutable properties of an action. A property may be listed in * requestedProperties but not in map, this means we should use the default value * for this property. * * @param action the action to update * @param map holds the property values * @param requestedProperties which properties has been requested */ void updateAction(QAction *action, const QVariantMap &map, const QStringList &requestedProperties) { Q_FOREACH(const QString &key, requestedProperties) { updateActionProperty(action, key, map.value(key)); } } void updateActionProperty(QAction *action, const QString &key, const QVariant &value) { if (key == QLatin1String("label")) { updateActionLabel(action, value); } else if (key == QLatin1String("enabled")) { updateActionEnabled(action, value); } else if (key == QLatin1String("toggle-state")) { updateActionChecked(action, value); } else if (key == QLatin1String("icon-name")) { updateActionIconByName(action, value); } else if (key == QLatin1String("icon-data")) { updateActionIconByData(action, value); } else if (key == QLatin1String("visible")) { updateActionVisible(action, value); } else if (key == QLatin1String("shortcut")) { updateActionShortcut(action, value); } else { qWarning() << "Unhandled property update" << key; } } void updateActionLabel(QAction *action, const QVariant &value) { QString text = swapMnemonicChar(value.toString(), '_', '&'); action->setText(text); } void updateActionEnabled(QAction *action, const QVariant &value) { action->setEnabled(value.isValid() ? value.toBool(): true); } void updateActionChecked(QAction *action, const QVariant &value) { if (action->isCheckable() && value.isValid()) { action->setChecked(value.toInt() == 1); } } void updateActionIconByName(QAction *action, const QVariant &value) { const QString iconName = value.toString(); const QString previous = action->property(DBUSMENU_PROPERTY_ICON_NAME).toString(); if (previous == iconName) { return; } action->setProperty(DBUSMENU_PROPERTY_ICON_NAME, iconName); if (iconName.isEmpty()) { action->setIcon(QIcon()); return; } action->setIcon(q->iconForName(iconName)); } void updateActionIconByData(QAction *action, const QVariant &value) { const QByteArray data = value.toByteArray(); uint dataHash = qHash(data); uint previousDataHash = action->property(DBUSMENU_PROPERTY_ICON_DATA_HASH).toUInt(); if (previousDataHash == dataHash) { return; } action->setProperty(DBUSMENU_PROPERTY_ICON_DATA_HASH, dataHash); QPixmap pix; if (!pix.loadFromData(data)) { qWarning() << "Failed to decode icon-data property for action" << action->text(); action->setIcon(QIcon()); return; } action->setIcon(QIcon(pix)); } void updateActionVisible(QAction *action, const QVariant &value) { action->setVisible(value.isValid() ? value.toBool() : true); } void updateActionShortcut(QAction *action, const QVariant &value) { QDBusArgument arg = value.value(); DBusMenuShortcut dmShortcut; arg >> dmShortcut; QKeySequence keySequence = dmShortcut.toKeySequence(); action->setShortcut(keySequence); } QMenu *menuForId(int id) const { if (id == 0) { return q->menu(); } QAction *action = m_actionForId.value(id); if (!action) { return 0; } return action->menu(); } void slotItemsPropertiesUpdated(const DBusMenuItemList &updatedList, const DBusMenuItemKeysList &removedList); void sendEvent(int id, const QString &eventId) { m_interface->Event(id, eventId, QDBusVariant(QString()), 0u); } }; DBusMenuImporter::DBusMenuImporter(const QString &service, const QString &path, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , d(new DBusMenuImporterPrivate) { DBusMenuTypes_register(); d->q = this; d->m_interface = new DBusMenuInterface(service, path, QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); d->m_menu = 0; d->m_pendingLayoutUpdateTimer = new QTimer(this); d->m_pendingLayoutUpdateTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(d->m_pendingLayoutUpdateTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &DBusMenuImporter::processPendingLayoutUpdates); connect(d->m_interface, &DBusMenuInterface::LayoutUpdated, this, &DBusMenuImporter::slotLayoutUpdated); connect(d->m_interface, &DBusMenuInterface::ItemActivationRequested, this, &DBusMenuImporter::slotItemActivationRequested); connect(d->m_interface, &DBusMenuInterface::ItemsPropertiesUpdated, this, [this](const DBusMenuItemList &updatedList, const DBusMenuItemKeysList &removedList) { d->slotItemsPropertiesUpdated(updatedList, removedList); }); d->refresh(0); } DBusMenuImporter::~DBusMenuImporter() { // Do not use "delete d->m_menu": even if we are being deleted we should // leave enough time for the menu to finish what it was doing, for example // if it was being displayed. d->m_menu->deleteLater(); delete d; } void DBusMenuImporter::slotLayoutUpdated(uint revision, int parentId) { Q_UNUSED(revision) if (d->m_idsRefreshedByAboutToShow.remove(parentId)) { return; } d->m_pendingLayoutUpdates << parentId; if (!d->m_pendingLayoutUpdateTimer->isActive()) { d->m_pendingLayoutUpdateTimer->start(); } } void DBusMenuImporter::processPendingLayoutUpdates() { QSet ids = d->m_pendingLayoutUpdates; d->m_pendingLayoutUpdates.clear(); Q_FOREACH(int id, ids) { d->refresh(id); } } QMenu *DBusMenuImporter::menu() const { if (!d->m_menu) { d->m_menu = d->createMenu(0); } return d->m_menu; } void DBusMenuImporterPrivate::slotItemsPropertiesUpdated(const DBusMenuItemList &updatedList, const DBusMenuItemKeysList &removedList) { Q_FOREACH(const DBusMenuItem &item, updatedList) { QAction *action = m_actionForId.value(item.id); if (!action) { // We don't know this action. It probably is in a menu we haven't fetched yet. continue; } QVariantMap::ConstIterator it = item.properties.constBegin(), end = item.properties.constEnd(); for(; it != end; ++it) { updateActionProperty(action, it.key(), it.value()); } } Q_FOREACH(const DBusMenuItemKeys &item, removedList) { QAction *action = m_actionForId.value(item.id); if (!action) { // We don't know this action. It probably is in a menu we haven't fetched yet. continue; } Q_FOREACH(const QString &key, item.properties) { updateActionProperty(action, key, QVariant()); } } } QAction *DBusMenuImporter::actionForId(int id) const { return d->m_actionForId.value(id); } void DBusMenuImporter::slotItemActivationRequested(int id, uint /*timestamp*/) { QAction *action = d->m_actionForId.value(id); DMRETURN_IF_FAIL(action); actionActivationRequested(action); } void DBusMenuImporter::slotGetLayoutFinished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher) { int parentId = watcher->property(DBUSMENU_PROPERTY_ID).toInt(); watcher->deleteLater(); QMenu *menu = d->menuForId(parentId); QDBusPendingReply reply = *watcher; if (!reply.isValid()) { qWarning() << reply.error().message(); if (menu) { emit menuUpdated(menu); } return; } #ifdef BENCHMARK DMDEBUG << "- items received:" << sChrono.elapsed() << "ms"; #endif DBusMenuLayoutItem rootItem = reply.argumentAt<1>(); if (!menu) { qWarning() << "No menu for id" << parentId; return; } //remove outdated actions QSet newDBusMenuItemIds; newDBusMenuItemIds.reserve(rootItem.children.count()); for (const DBusMenuLayoutItem &item: rootItem.children) { newDBusMenuItemIds << item.id; } for (QAction *action: menu->actions()) { int id = action->property(DBUSMENU_PROPERTY_ID).toInt(); if (! newDBusMenuItemIds.contains(id)) { action->deleteLater(); d->m_actionForId.remove(id); } } //insert or update new actions into our menu for (const DBusMenuLayoutItem &dbusMenuItem: rootItem.children) { DBusMenuImporterPrivate::ActionForId::Iterator it = d->m_actionForId.find(dbusMenuItem.id); QAction *action = nullptr; if (it == d->m_actionForId.end()) { int id = dbusMenuItem.id; action = d->createAction(id, dbusMenuItem.properties, menu); d->m_actionForId.insert(id, action); connect(action, &QObject::destroyed, this, [this, id]() { d->m_actionForId.remove(id); }); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [action, id, this]() { sendClickedEvent(id); }); if (action->menu()) { auto menu = action->menu(); connect(menu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, [menu, this]() { updateMenu(menu); }); } + connect(menu, &QMenu::aboutToHide, this, &DBusMenuImporter::slotMenuAboutToHide); menu->addAction(action); } else { action = *it; QStringList filteredKeys = dbusMenuItem.properties.keys(); filteredKeys.removeOne("type"); filteredKeys.removeOne("toggle-type"); filteredKeys.removeOne("children-display"); d->updateAction(*it, dbusMenuItem.properties, filteredKeys); } } emit menuUpdated(menu); } void DBusMenuImporter::sendClickedEvent(int id) { d->sendEvent(id, QStringLiteral("clicked")); } void DBusMenuImporter::updateMenu() { updateMenu(DBusMenuImporter::menu()); } void DBusMenuImporter::updateMenu(QMenu * menu) { Q_ASSERT(menu); QAction *action = menu->menuAction(); Q_ASSERT(action); int id = action->property(DBUSMENU_PROPERTY_ID).toInt(); auto call = d->m_interface->AboutToShow(id); QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(call, this); watcher->setProperty(DBUSMENU_PROPERTY_ID, id); connect(watcher, &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished, this, &DBusMenuImporter::slotAboutToShowDBusCallFinished); } void DBusMenuImporter::slotAboutToShowDBusCallFinished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher) { int id = watcher->property(DBUSMENU_PROPERTY_ID).toInt(); watcher->deleteLater(); QMenu *menu = d->menuForId(id); if (!menu) { return; } QDBusPendingReply reply = *watcher; if (reply.isError()) { qWarning() << "Call to AboutToShow() failed:" << reply.error().message(); menuUpdated(menu); return; } //Note, this isn't used by Qt's QPT - but we get a LayoutChanged emitted before //this returns, which equates to the same thing bool needRefresh = reply.argumentAt<0>(); if (needRefresh || menu->actions().isEmpty()) { d->m_idsRefreshedByAboutToShow << id; d->refresh(id); } else if (menu) { menuUpdated(menu); } } void DBusMenuImporter::slotMenuAboutToHide() { QMenu *menu = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(menu); QAction *action = menu->menuAction(); Q_ASSERT(action); int id = action->property(DBUSMENU_PROPERTY_ID).toInt(); d->sendEvent(id, QStringLiteral("closed")); } void DBusMenuImporter::slotMenuAboutToShow() { QMenu *menu = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(menu); QAction *action = menu->menuAction(); Q_ASSERT(action); int id = action->property(DBUSMENU_PROPERTY_ID).toInt(); d->sendEvent(id, QStringLiteral("opened")); } QMenu *DBusMenuImporter::createMenu(QWidget *parent) { return new QMenu(parent); } QIcon DBusMenuImporter::iconForName(const QString &/*name*/) { return QIcon(); } #include "moc_dbusmenuimporter.cpp"