diff --git a/src/ruqolacore/model/messagemodel.cpp b/src/ruqolacore/model/messagemodel.cpp index 7eff0b04..8bdde101 100644 --- a/src/ruqolacore/model/messagemodel.cpp +++ b/src/ruqolacore/model/messagemodel.cpp @@ -1,398 +1,402 @@ /* * Copyright 2016 Riccardo Iaconelli * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "messagemodel.h" #include "ruqolaserverconfig.h" #include "room.h" #include "ruqola_debug.h" #include "utils.h" #include "rocketchataccount.h" #include "texthighlighter.h" #include "textconverter.h" #include "loadrecenthistorymanager.h" #include //TODO reactivate when we will able to load message between cache and official server. //#define STORE_MESSAGE 1 MessageModel::MessageModel(const QString &roomID, RocketChatAccount *account, Room *room, QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent) , mRoomID(roomID) , mRocketChatAccount(account) , mRoom(room) { mTextConverter = new TextConverter(mRocketChatAccount ? mRocketChatAccount->emojiManager() : nullptr); mLoadRecentHistoryManager = new LoadRecentHistoryManager; qCDebug(RUQOLA_LOG) << "Creating message Model"; #ifdef STORE_MESSAGE if (mRocketChatAccount) { const QString cachePath = mRocketChatAccount->settings()->cacheBasePath(); if (cachePath.isEmpty()) { qCWarning(RUQOLA_LOG) << " Cache Path is not defined"; return; } QDir cacheDir(cachePath + QStringLiteral("/rooms_cache")); // load cache if (QFile::exists(cacheDir.absoluteFilePath(roomID)) && !roomID.isEmpty()) { QFile f(cacheDir.absoluteFilePath(roomID)); if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QDataStream in(&f); while (!f.atEnd()) { char *byteArray; quint32 length; in.readBytes(byteArray, length); const QByteArray arr = QByteArray::fromRawData(byteArray, length); Message m = Message::fromJSon(QJsonDocument::fromBinaryData(arr).object()); addMessage(m); } } } } #endif connect(mRoom, &Room::rolesChanged, this, &MessageModel::refresh); connect(mRoom, &Room::ignoredUsersChanged, this, &MessageModel::refresh); } MessageModel::~MessageModel() { #ifdef STORE_MESSAGE if (mRocketChatAccount) { const QString cachePath = mRocketChatAccount->settings()->cacheBasePath(); if (cachePath.isEmpty()) { qCWarning(RUQOLA_LOG) << " Cache Path is not defined"; return; } QDir cacheDir(cachePath + QStringLiteral("/rooms_cache")); qCDebug(RUQOLA_LOG) << "Caching to..." << cacheDir.path(); if (!cacheDir.exists(cacheDir.path())) { cacheDir.mkpath(cacheDir.path()); } QFile f(cacheDir.absoluteFilePath(mRoomID)); if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QDataStream out(&f); for (const Message &m : qAsConst(mAllMessages)) { const QByteArray ms = Message::serialize(m); out.writeBytes(ms, ms.size()); } } } #endif delete mTextConverter; delete mLoadRecentHistoryManager; } void MessageModel::refresh() { beginResetModel(); endResetModel(); } QHash MessageModel::roleNames() const { QHash roles; roles[OriginalMessage] = QByteArrayLiteral("originalMessage"); roles[MessageConvertedText] = QByteArrayLiteral("messageConverted"); roles[Username] = QByteArrayLiteral("username"); roles[Timestamp] = QByteArrayLiteral("timestamp"); roles[UserId] = QByteArrayLiteral("userID"); roles[SystemMessageType] = QByteArrayLiteral("type"); roles[MessageId] = QByteArrayLiteral("messageID"); roles[RoomId] = QByteArrayLiteral("roomID"); roles[UpdatedAt] = QByteArrayLiteral("updatedAt"); roles[EditedAt] = QByteArrayLiteral("editedAt"); roles[EditedByUserName] = QByteArrayLiteral("editedByUsername"); roles[EditedByUserId] = QByteArrayLiteral("editedByUserID"); roles[Alias] = QByteArrayLiteral("alias"); roles[Avatar] = QByteArrayLiteral("avatar"); roles[Groupable] = QByteArrayLiteral("groupable"); roles[MessageType] = QByteArrayLiteral("messagetype"); roles[Attachments] = QByteArrayLiteral("attachments"); roles[Urls] = QByteArrayLiteral("urls"); roles[Date] = QByteArrayLiteral("date"); roles[CanEditMessage] = QByteArrayLiteral("canEditMessage"); roles[Starred] = QByteArrayLiteral("starred"); roles[UsernameUrl] = QByteArrayLiteral("usernameurl"); roles[Roles] = QByteArrayLiteral("roles"); roles[Reactions] = QByteArrayLiteral("reactions"); roles[Ignored] = QByteArrayLiteral("userIsIgnored"); roles[Pinned] = QByteArrayLiteral("pinned"); roles[DiscussionCount] = QByteArrayLiteral("discussionCount"); roles[DiscussionRoomId] = QByteArrayLiteral("discussionRoomId"); roles[DiscussionLastMessage] = QByteArrayLiteral("discussionLastMessage"); roles[ThreadCount] = QByteArrayLiteral("threadCount"); roles[ThreadLastMessage] = QByteArrayLiteral("threadLastMessage"); roles[ThreadMessageId] = QByteArrayLiteral("threadMessageId"); roles[ThreadMessagePreview] = QByteArrayLiteral("threadMessagePreview"); return roles; } qint64 MessageModel::lastTimestamp() const { if (!mAllMessages.isEmpty()) { //qCDebug(RUQOLA_LOG) << "returning timestamp" << mAllMessages.last().timeStamp(); return mAllMessages.first().timeStamp(); } else { return 0; } } int MessageModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); return mAllMessages.size(); } void MessageModel::addMessage(const Message &message) { auto it = std::upper_bound(mAllMessages.begin(), mAllMessages.end(), message, [](const Message &lhs, const Message &rhs) -> bool { return lhs.timeStamp() < rhs.timeStamp(); } ); //When we have 1 element. if (mAllMessages.count() == 1 && (*mAllMessages.begin()).messageId() == message.messageId()) { (*mAllMessages.begin()) = message; //const QModelIndex index = createIndex(0, 0); qCDebug(RUQOLA_LOG) << "Update Message"; //Q_EMIT dataChanged(index, index); //For the moment !!!! It's not optimal but Q_EMIT dataChanged(index, index); doesn't work beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0); endRemoveRows(); beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0); endInsertRows(); } else if (((it) != mAllMessages.begin() && (*(it - 1)).messageId() == message.messageId())) { qCDebug(RUQOLA_LOG) << "Update Message"; (*(it-1)) = message; //const QModelIndex index = createIndex(it - 1 - mAllMessages.begin(), 0); //For the moment !!!! It's not optimal but Q_EMIT dataChanged(index, index); doesn't work beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), it - 1 - mAllMessages.begin(), it - 1 - mAllMessages.begin()); endRemoveRows(); beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), it - 1 - mAllMessages.begin(), it - 1 - mAllMessages.begin()); endInsertRows(); //Q_EMIT dataChanged(index, index); } else { const int pos = it - mAllMessages.begin(); beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), pos, pos); mAllMessages.insert(it, message); endInsertRows(); } } QVariant MessageModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) { qCWarning(RUQOLA_LOG) << "ERROR: invalid index"; return {}; } const int idx = index.row(); const Message &message = mAllMessages.at(idx); switch (role) { case MessageModel::Username: return message.username(); case MessageModel::OriginalMessage: return message.text(); case MessageModel::MessageConvertedText: //TODO improve it. if (message.messageType() == Message::System) { return message.messageTypeText(); } else { if (mRoom && mRoom->userIsIgnored(message.userId())) { return QString(QStringLiteral("") + i18n("Ignored Message") + QStringLiteral("")); } const QString userName = mRocketChatAccount ? mRocketChatAccount->userName() : QString(); return convertMessageText(message.text(), userName); } case MessageModel::Timestamp: return message.timeStamp(); case MessageModel::UserId: return message.userId(); case MessageModel::SystemMessageType: return message.systemMessageType(); case MessageModel::MessageId: return message.messageId(); case MessageModel::Alias: return message.alias(); case MessageModel::MessageType: return message.messageType(); case MessageModel::Avatar: return message.avatar(); case MessageModel::EditedAt: return message.editedAt(); case MessageModel::EditedByUserName: return message.editedByUsername(); case MessageModel::Attachments: { QVariantList lst; lst.reserve(message.attachements().count()); const auto attachs = message.attachements(); for (const MessageAttachment &att : attachs) { lst.append(QVariant::fromValue(att)); } return lst; } case MessageModel::Urls: { QVariantList lst; lst.reserve(message.urls().count()); const auto urls = message.urls(); for (const MessageUrl &url : urls) { lst.append(QVariant::fromValue(url)); } return lst; } case MessageModel::Date: if (idx > 0) { QDateTime previewDate; previewDate.setMSecsSinceEpoch(mAllMessages.at(idx - 1).timeStamp()); QDateTime currentDate; currentDate.setMSecsSinceEpoch(message.timeStamp()); if (previewDate.date() != currentDate.date()) { return currentDate.date().toString(); } } return QString(); case MessageModel::CanEditMessage: return (message.timeStamp() + (mRocketChatAccount ? mRocketChatAccount->ruqolaServerConfig()->blockEditingMessageInMinutes() * 60 * 1000 : 0)) > QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); case MessageModel::Starred: return message.starred(); case MessageModel::UsernameUrl: { const QString username = message.username(); if (username.isEmpty()) { return {}; } return QStringLiteral("@%1").arg(message.username()); } case MessageModel::Roles: { const QString str = roomRoles(message.userId()).join(QLatin1Char(',')); return str; } case MessageModel::Reactions: { QVariantList lst; const auto reactions = message.reactions().reactions(); lst.reserve(reactions.count()); for (const Reaction &react : reactions) { //Convert reactions lst.append(QVariant::fromValue(react)); } return lst; } case MessageModel::Ignored: return mRoom && mRoom->userIsIgnored(message.userId()); case MessageModel::Pinned: return message.messagePinned().pinned(); case MessageModel::DiscussionCount: return message.discussionCount(); case MessageModel::DiscussionRoomId: return message.discussionRoomId(); case MessageModel::DiscussionLastMessage: return message.discussionLastMessage(); case MessageModel::ThreadCount: return message.threadCount(); case MessageModel::ThreadLastMessage: return message.threadLastMessage(); case MessageModel::ThreadMessageId: return message.threadMessageId(); case MessageModel::ThreadMessagePreview: return threadMessagePreview(message.threadMessageId()); case MessageModel::Groupable: return message.groupable(); } return {}; } QStringList MessageModel::roomRoles(const QString &userId) const { if (mRoom) { return mRoom->rolesForUserId(userId); } return QStringList(); } QString MessageModel::convertMessageText(const QString &str, const QString &userName) const { return mTextConverter->convertMessageText(str, userName, mAllMessages); } void MessageModel::setRoomID(const QString &roomID) { mRoomID = roomID; } bool MessageModel::isEmpty() const { return mAllMessages.isEmpty(); } void MessageModel::deleteMessage(const QString &messageId) { auto it = std::find_if(mAllMessages.begin(), mAllMessages.end(), [messageId](const Message &msg) { return msg.messageId() == messageId; }); if (it != mAllMessages.end()) { const int i = std::distance(mAllMessages.begin(), it); beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), i, i); mAllMessages.erase(it); endRemoveRows(); } } qint64 MessageModel::generateNewStartTimeStamp(qint64 lastTimeStamp) { return mLoadRecentHistoryManager->generateNewStartTimeStamp(lastTimeStamp); } QString MessageModel::threadMessagePreview(const QString &threadMessageId) const { if (!threadMessageId.isEmpty()) { auto it = std::find_if(mAllMessages.cbegin(), mAllMessages.cend(), [threadMessageId](const Message &msg) { return msg.messageId() == threadMessageId; }); if (it != mAllMessages.cend()) { - return (*it).text(); + QString str = (*it).text(); + if (str.length() > 80) { + str = str.left(80) + QStringLiteral("..."); + } + return str; } else { qCDebug(RUQOLA_LOG) << "Thread message" << threadMessageId << "not found"; // could be a very old one } } return {}; }