diff --git a/src/messagemodel.cpp b/src/messagemodel.cpp index aa512aec..afe292e1 100644 --- a/src/messagemodel.cpp +++ b/src/messagemodel.cpp @@ -1,235 +1,236 @@ /* * * Copyright 2016 Riccardo Iaconelli * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include // #include #include #include #include "messagemodel.h" #include "ruqola.h" Message MessageModel::fromJSon(const QJsonObject& o) { Message message; message.messageID = o["messageID"].toString(); message.roomID = o["roomID"].toString(); message.message = o["message"].toString(); message.timestamp = (qint64) o["timestamp"].toDouble(); message.username = o["username"].toString(); message.userID = o["userID"].toString(); message.updatedAt = (qint64) o["updatedAt"].toDouble(); message.editedAt = (qint64) o["editedAt"].toDouble(); message.editedByUsername = o["editedByUsername"].toString(); message.editedByUserID = o["editedByUserID"].toString(); message.url = o["url"].toString(); message.meta = o["meta"].toString(); message.headers = o["headers"].toString(); message.parsedUrl = o["parsedUrl"].toString(); message.imageUrl = o["imageUrl"].toString(); message.color = o["color"].toString(); message.alias = o["alias"].toString(); message.avatar = o["avatar"].toString(); message.groupable = o["groupable"].toBool(); message.parseUrls = o["parseUrls"].toBool(); message.systemMessage = o["systemMessage"].toBool(); message.systemMessageType = o["type"].toString(); return message; } QByteArray MessageModel::serialize(const Message& message) { QJsonDocument d; QJsonObject o; o["messageID"] = message.messageID; o["roomID"] = message.roomID; o["message"] = message.message; o["timestamp"] = message.timestamp; o["username"] = message.username; o["userID"] = message.userID; o["updatedAt"] = message.updatedAt; o["editedAt"] = message.editedAt; o["editedByUsername"] = message.editedByUsername; o["editedByUserID"] = message.editedByUserID; o["url"] = message.url; o["meta"] = message.meta; o["headers"] = message.headers; o["parsedUrl"] = message.parsedUrl; o["imageUrl"] = message.imageUrl; o["color"] = message.color; o["alias"] = message.alias; o["avatar"] = message.avatar; o["groupable"] = message.groupable; o["parseUrls"] = message.parseUrls; o["systemMessage"] = message.systemMessage; o["type"] = message.systemMessageType; d.setObject(o); return d.toBinaryData(); } MessageModel::MessageModel(const QString &roomID, QObject* parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent), m_roomID(roomID) { qDebug() << "Creating message Model"; QDir cacheDir(Ruqola::self()->cacheBasePath()+"/rooms_cache"); // load cache if (QFile::exists(cacheDir.absoluteFilePath(roomID)) && !roomID.isEmpty()) { QFile f(cacheDir.absoluteFilePath(roomID)); if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QDataStream in(&f); while (!f.atEnd()) { char * byteArray; quint32 length; in.readBytes(byteArray, length); QByteArray arr = QByteArray::fromRawData(byteArray, length); Message m = MessageModel::fromJSon(QJsonDocument::fromBinaryData(arr).object()); addMessage(m); // m_allMessages[m.timestamp] = m; // qDebug() << m.message; } } } } MessageModel::~MessageModel() { QDir cacheDir(Ruqola::self()->cacheBasePath()+"/rooms_cache"); qDebug() << "Caching to..." << cacheDir.path(); if (!cacheDir.exists(cacheDir.path())) { cacheDir.mkpath(cacheDir.path()); } QFile f(cacheDir.absoluteFilePath(m_roomID)); if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QDataStream out(&f); foreach (const Message m, m_allMessages) { QByteArray ms = MessageModel::serialize(m); out.writeBytes(ms, ms.size()); } } } QHash MessageModel::roleNames() const { QHash roles; roles[MessageText] = "messageText"; roles[Username] = "username"; roles[Timestamp] = "timestamp"; roles[UserID] = "userID"; roles[SystemMessage] = "systemMessage"; roles[SystemMessageType] = "type"; return roles; } qint64 MessageModel::lastTimestamp() const { if (m_allMessages.size()) { qDebug() << "returning timestamp" << m_allMessages.last().timestamp; return m_allMessages.last().timestamp; } else { return 0; } } int MessageModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const { // qDebug() << "C++ asked for rowcount " << m_allMessages.size(); // if (m_allMessages.contains(m_currentRoom)) { return m_allMessages.size(); (void)parent; } void MessageModel::addMessage(const Message& message) { // Don't add empty messages if (message.message.isEmpty()) { return; } auto existingMessage = qFind(m_allMessages.begin(), m_allMessages.end(), message); bool present = (existingMessage != m_allMessages.end()); auto i = std::upper_bound(m_allMessages.begin(), m_allMessages.end(), message); int pos = i-m_allMessages.begin(); bool messageChanged = false; // if (qFind(m_allMessages.begin(), m_allMessages.end(), message) != m_allMessages.end()) { if (present){ // if (pos != m_allMessages.size()) { // we're at the end // qDebug() << "detecting a message change"; messageChanged = true; //Figure out a better way to update just the really changed message } else { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), pos, pos); } if (messageChanged) { m_allMessages.replace(pos-1, message); } else { m_allMessages.insert(i, message); } if (messageChanged) { emit dataChanged(createIndex(1, 1), createIndex(pos, 1)); } else { endInsertRows(); } } QVariant MessageModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const { int idx = index.row();//-1; if (role == MessageModel::Username) { return m_allMessages.at(idx).username; } else if (role == MessageModel::MessageText) { return m_allMessages.at(idx).message; } else if (role == MessageModel::Timestamp) { return QVariant(m_allMessages.at(idx).timestamp); } else if (role == MessageModel::UserID) { return QVariant(m_allMessages.at(idx).userID); } else if (role == MessageModel::SystemMessage) { return QVariant(m_allMessages.at(idx).systemMessage); } else if (role == MessageModel::SystemMessageType) { return QVariant(m_allMessages.at(idx).systemMessageType); } else { return QVariant(""); } } + // #include "messagelist.moc" diff --git a/src/messagemodel.h b/src/messagemodel.h index 4ac98f8d..53b28f5e 100644 --- a/src/messagemodel.h +++ b/src/messagemodel.h @@ -1,178 +1,159 @@ /* * * Copyright 2016 Riccardo Iaconelli * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #ifndef MESSAGEMODEL_H #define MESSAGEMODEL_H #include #include #include #include #include #include class Message { public: - enum MessageStatus { - Unsent, - Sending, - Sent, - SendFailed - }; - Q_ENUM(MessageStatus) - // To be used in ID find: message ID inline bool operator==(const Message &other) const { return other.messageID == messageID; } // To be used in sorted insert: timestamp inline bool operator<(const Message &other) const { return timestamp < other.timestamp; } - bool isSent() const; - //Message Object Fields // _id QString messageID; // rid QString roomID; // msg QString message; // ts qint64 timestamp; // u QString username; QString userID; // _updatedAt qint64 updatedAt; // editedAt qint64 editedAt; // editedBy QString editedByUsername; QString editedByUserID; // urls QString url; QString meta; QString headers; QString parsedUrl; // attachments QString imageUrl; QString color; // alias QString alias; // avatar QString avatar; // groupable bool groupable; // parseUrls bool parseUrls; bool systemMessage = false; QString systemMessageType; - -signals: - void MessageStatusChanged(); - -private: - - MessageStatus messageStatus() const; - void setMessageStatus(MessageStatus m); - - MessageStatus m_messageStatus; }; class MessageModel : public QAbstractListModel { Q_OBJECT public: enum MessageRoles { Username = Qt::UserRole + 1, MessageText, Timestamp, UserID, SystemMessage, SystemMessageType, MessageID, RoomID, UpdatedAt, EditedAt, EditedByUserName, EditedByUserID, Url, Meta, Headers, ParsedUrl, ImageUrl, Color, Alias, Avatar, Groupable, ParseUrls }; MessageModel(const QString &roomID = "no_room", QObject *parent = 0); virtual ~MessageModel(); void addMessage(const Message& message); virtual int rowCount(const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const; virtual QVariant data(const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const; qint64 lastTimestamp() const; static Message fromJSon(const QJsonObject &source); static QByteArray serialize(const Message &message); -protected: +protected: virtual QHash roleNames() const; + private: const QString m_roomID; QVector m_allMessages; // QMap m_allMessages; // QMap m_allMessages; QString m_writableLocation; QFile *cacheWriter; }; #endif