diff --git a/extension/content-script.js b/extension/content-script.js index 403ece97..2850b9de 100644 --- a/extension/content-script.js +++ b/extension/content-script.js @@ -1,611 +1,612 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2017 Kai Uwe Broulik Copyright (C) 2018 David Edmundson This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ var callbacks = {}; function addCallback(subsystem, action, callback) { if (!callbacks[subsystem]) { callbacks[subsystem] = {}; } callbacks[subsystem][action] = callback; } function sendMessage(subsystem, action, payload) { (chrome.extension.sendMessage || browser.runtime.sendMessage)({ subsystem: subsystem, action: action, payload: payload }); } function executeScript(script) { var element = document.createElement('script'); element.innerHTML = '('+ script +')();'; (document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(element); // We need to remove the script tag after inserting or else websites relying on the order of items in // document.getElementsByTagName("script") will break (looking at you, Google Hangouts) element.parentNode.removeChild(element); } chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (message, sender) { // TODO do something with sender (check privilige or whatever) var subsystem = message.subsystem; var action = message.action; if (!subsystem || !action) { return; } if (callbacks[subsystem] && callbacks[subsystem][action]) { callbacks[subsystem][action](message.payload); } }); var storage = (IS_FIREFOX ? chrome.storage.local : chrome.storage.sync); storage.get(DEFAULT_EXTENSION_SETTINGS, function (items) { if (items.breezeScrollBars.enabled) { loadBreezeScrollBars(); } if (items.mpris.enabled) { loadMpris(); if (items.mprisMediaSessions.enabled) { loadMediaSessionsShim(); } } }); // BREEZE SCROLL BARS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // function loadBreezeScrollBars() { if (!IS_FIREFOX) { var linkTag = document.createElement("link"); linkTag.rel = "stylesheet"; linkTag.href = chrome.extension.getURL("breeze-scroll-bars.css"); (document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(linkTag); } } // MPRIS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // we give our transfer div a "random id" for privacy // from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/105034/create-guid-uuid-in-javascript var mediaSessionsTransferDivId ='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { var r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8); return v.toString(16); }); // also give the function a "random" name as we have to have it in global scope to be able // to invoke callbacks from outside, UUID might start with a number, so prepend something var mediaSessionsClassName = "f" + mediaSessionsTransferDivId.replace(/-/g, ""); var activePlayer; var playerMetadata = {}; var playerCallbacks = []; var players = []; var pendingSeekingUpdate = 0; addCallback("mpris", "play", function () { playerPlay(); }); addCallback("mpris", "pause", function () { playerPause(); }); addCallback("mpris", "playPause", function () { if (activePlayer) { if (activePlayer.paused) { // TODO take into account media sessions playback state playerPlay(); } else { playerPause(); } } }); // there's no dedicated "stop", simulate it be rewinding and reloading addCallback("mpris", "stop", function () { if (activePlayer) { activePlayer.pause(); activePlayer.currentTime = 0; // calling load() now as is suggested in some "how to fake video Stop" code snippets // utterly breaks stremaing sites //activePlayer.load(); // needs to be delayed slightly otherwise we pause(), then send "stopped", and only after that // the "paused" signal is handled and we end up in Paused instead of Stopped state setTimeout(function() { sendMessage("mpris", "stopped"); }, 1); } }); addCallback("mpris", "next", function () { if (playerCallbacks.indexOf("nexttrack") > -1) { executeScript(` function() { try { ${mediaSessionsClassName}.executeCallback("nexttrack"); } catch (e) { console.warn("Exception executing 'nexttrack' media sessions callback", e); } } `); } }); addCallback("mpris", "previous", function () { if (playerCallbacks.indexOf("previoustrack") > -1) { executeScript(` function() { try { ${mediaSessionsClassName}.executeCallback("previoustrack"); } catch (e) { console.warn("Exception executing 'previoustrack' media sessions callback", e); } } `); } }); addCallback("mpris", "setPosition", function (message) { if (activePlayer) { activePlayer.currentTime = message.position; } }); addCallback("mpris", "setPlaybackRate", function (message) { if (activePlayer) { activePlayer.playbackRate = message.playbackRate; } }); addCallback("mpris", "setVolume", function (message) { if (activePlayer) { activePlayer.volume = message.volume; } }); addCallback("mpris", "setLoop", function (message) { if (activePlayer) { activePlayer.loop = message.loop; } }); addCallback("mpris", "identify", function (message) { if (activePlayer) { // We don't have a dedicated "send player info" callback, so we instead send a "playing" // and if we're paused, we'll send a "paused" event right after // TODO figure out a way how to add this to the host without breaking compat var paused = activePlayer.paused; playerPlaying(activePlayer); if (paused) { playerPaused(activePlayer); } } }); function playerPlaying(player) { setPlayerActive(player); } function playerPaused(player) { sendPlayerInfo(player, "paused"); } function setPlayerActive(player) { // Ignore short sounds, they are most likely a chat notification sound // but still allow when undetermined (e.g. video stream) if (!isNaN(player.duration) && player.duration > 0 && player.duration < 5) { return; } activePlayer = player; // when playback starts, send along metadata // a website might have set Media Sessions metadata prior to playing // and then we would have ignored the metadata signal because there was no player sendMessage("mpris", "playing", { + mediaSrc: player.src, duration: player.duration, currentTime: player.currentTime, playbackRate: player.playbackRate, volume: player.volume, loop: player.loop, metadata: playerMetadata, callbacks: playerCallbacks }); } function sendPlayerGone() { activePlayer = undefined; playerMetadata = {}; playerCallbacks = []; sendMessage("mpris", "gone"); } function sendPlayerInfo(player, event, payload) { if (player != activePlayer) { return; } sendMessage("mpris", event, payload); } function registerPlayer(player) { if (players.indexOf(player) > -1) { //console.log("Already know", player); return; } // auto-playing player, become active right away if (!player.paused) { playerPlaying(player); } player.addEventListener("play", function () { playerPlaying(player); }); player.addEventListener("pause", function () { playerPaused(player); }); // what about "stalled" event? player.addEventListener("waiting", function () { sendPlayerInfo(player, "waiting"); }); // playlist is now empty or being reloaded, stop player // e.g. when using Ajax page navigation and the user nagivated away player.addEventListener("emptied", function () { // could have its own signal but for compat it's easier just to pretend to have stopped sendPlayerInfo(player, "stopped"); }); // opposite of "waiting", we finished buffering enough // only if we are playing, though, should we set playback state back to playing player.addEventListener("canplay", function () { if (!player.paused) { sendPlayerInfo(player, "canplay"); } }); player.addEventListener("timeupdate", function () { sendPlayerInfo(player, "timeupdate", { currentTime: player.currentTime }); }); player.addEventListener("ratechange", function () { sendPlayerInfo(player, "ratechange", { playbackRate: player.playbackRate }); }); // TODO use player.seekable for determining whether we can seek? player.addEventListener("durationchange", function () { sendPlayerInfo(player, "duration", { duration: player.duration }); }); player.addEventListener("seeking", function () { if (pendingSeekingUpdate) { return; } // Compress "seeking" signals, this is invoked continuously as the user drags the slider pendingSeekingUpdate = setTimeout(function() { pendingSeekingUpdate = 0; }, 250); sendPlayerInfo(player, "seeking", { currentTime: player.currentTime }); }); player.addEventListener("seeked", function () { sendPlayerInfo(player, "seeked", { currentTime: player.currentTime }); }); player.addEventListener("volumechange", function () { sendPlayerInfo(player, "volumechange", { volume: player.volume }); }); // TODO remove it again when it goes away players.push(player); } function registerAllPlayers() { var players = document.querySelectorAll("video,audio"); players.forEach(registerPlayer); } function playerPlay() { // if a media sessions callback is registered, it takes precedence over us manually messing with the player if (playerCallbacks.indexOf("play") > -1) { executeScript(` function() { try { ${mediaSessionsClassName}.executeCallback("play"); } catch (e) { console.warn("Exception executing 'play' media sessions callback", e); } } `); } else if (activePlayer) { activePlayer.play(); } } function playerPause() { if (playerCallbacks.indexOf("pause") > -1) { executeScript(` function() { try { ${mediaSessionsClassName}.executeCallback("pause"); } catch (e) { console.warn("Exception executing 'pause' media sessions callback", e); } } `); } else if (activePlayer) { activePlayer.pause(); } } function loadMpris() { // TODO figure out somehow when a