diff --git a/kded/engine/types.cpp b/kded/engine/types.cpp index 4321b3b..3010e6b 100644 --- a/kded/engine/types.cpp +++ b/kded/engine/types.cpp @@ -1,63 +1,67 @@ /* * Copyright 2017 by Ivan Cukic * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "types.h" #include namespace PlasmaVault { static QString normalizePath(const QString& path) { QFileInfo fileInfo(path); auto result = fileInfo.canonicalFilePath(); + if (result.isEmpty()) { + result = path; + } + if (result.endsWith('/')) { result.chop(1); } return result; } Device::Device(const QString &device) : m_device(device) { } Device::operator QString() const { // Done here because canonicalFilePath relies on file existence return normalizePath(m_device); } MountPoint::MountPoint(const QString &mountPoint) : m_mountPoint(mountPoint) { } MountPoint::operator QString() const { // Done here because canonicalFilePath relies on file existence return normalizePath(m_mountPoint); } } // namespace PlasmaVault diff --git a/kded/engine/vault.cpp b/kded/engine/vault.cpp index 544f882..a444af2 100644 --- a/kded/engine/vault.cpp +++ b/kded/engine/vault.cpp @@ -1,749 +1,753 @@ /* * Copyright 2017 by Ivan Cukic * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "vault.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "backend_p.h" #include "asynqt/basic/all.h" #include "asynqt/wrappers/process.h" #include "asynqt/operations/listen.h" #include "asynqt/operations/cast.h" #include #define CFG_NAME "name" #define CFG_LAST_STATUS "lastStatus" #define CFG_LAST_ERROR "lastError" #define CFG_MOUNT_POINT "mountPoint" #define CFG_BACKEND "backend" #define CFG_ACTIVITIES "activities" #define CFG_OFFLINEONLY "offlineOnly" namespace PlasmaVault { class Vault::Private { public: Vault * const q; KSharedConfigPtr config; Device device; QTimer savingDelay; enum DeletionState { Normal, DeletionBlocked, DeletionScheduled }; DeletionState deletionState = Normal; struct Data { QString name; MountPoint mountPoint; VaultInfo::Status status; QString message; QStringList activities; bool isOfflineOnly; QString backendName; Backend::Ptr backend; }; using ExpectedData = AsynQt::Expected; ExpectedData data; void updateMessage(const QString &message) { if (!data) return; data->message = message; emit q->messageChanged(message); } void writeConfiguration() { if (data) { const auto deviceStr = device.data(); const auto mountPointStr = data->mountPoint.data(); Q_ASSERT(!deviceStr.isEmpty() && !mountPointStr.isEmpty()); // Saving the data for the current mount KConfigGroup generalConfig(config, "EncryptedDevices"); generalConfig.writeEntry(deviceStr, true); KConfigGroup vaultConfig(config, deviceStr); vaultConfig.writeEntry(CFG_LAST_STATUS, (int)data->status); vaultConfig.writeEntry(CFG_MOUNT_POINT, mountPointStr); vaultConfig.writeEntry(CFG_NAME, data->name); vaultConfig.writeEntry(CFG_BACKEND, data->backend->name()); vaultConfig.writeEntry(CFG_ACTIVITIES, data->activities); vaultConfig.writeEntry(CFG_OFFLINEONLY, data->isOfflineOnly); } else { KConfigGroup generalConfig(config, "EncryptedDevices"); generalConfig.writeEntry(device.data(), false); KConfigGroup vaultConfig(config, device.data()); vaultConfig.writeEntry(CFG_LAST_STATUS, (int)VaultInfo::Error); vaultConfig.writeEntry(CFG_LAST_ERROR, data.error().message() + " (code: " + QString::number(data.error().code()) + ")"); // vaultConfig.deleteEntry(CFG_MOUNT_POINT); // vaultConfig.deleteEntry(CFG_NAME); // vaultConfig.deleteEntry(CFG_BACKEND); // vaultConfig.deleteEntry(CFG_ACTIVITIES); // vaultConfig.deleteEntry(CFG_OFFLINEONLY); } config->sync(); } void updateStatus() { if (data) { // Checking the status, and whether we should update it const auto oldStatus = data->status; if (oldStatus == VaultInfo::Dismantling) { // This means that the vault should be forgotten KConfigGroup generalConfig(config, "EncryptedDevices"); generalConfig.deleteEntry(device.data()); KConfigGroup vaultConfig(config, device.data()); vaultConfig.deleteGroup(); emit q->statusChanged(data->status = VaultInfo::Dismantled); } else { const auto newStatus = isOpened() ? VaultInfo::Opened : isInitialized() ? VaultInfo::Closed : VaultInfo::NotInitialized; if (oldStatus == newStatus) return; data->status = newStatus; emit q->statusChanged(data->status); if (newStatus == VaultInfo::Closed || newStatus == VaultInfo::Opened) { emit q->isOpenedChanged(newStatus == VaultInfo::Opened); } if (oldStatus == VaultInfo::NotInitialized || newStatus == VaultInfo::NotInitialized) { emit q->isInitializedChanged(newStatus); } if (oldStatus == VaultInfo::Creating || oldStatus == VaultInfo::Opening || oldStatus == VaultInfo::Closing || oldStatus == VaultInfo::Dismantling) { emit q->isBusyChanged(false); } writeConfiguration(); org::kde::KDirNotify::emitFilesAdded( QUrl::fromLocalFile(data->mountPoint.data())); } } else { emit q->isOpenedChanged(false); emit q->isInitializedChanged(false); emit q->isBusyChanged(false); writeConfiguration(); emit q->statusChanged(VaultInfo::Error); } } ExpectedData errorData(Error::Code error, const QString &message) const { qWarning() << "error: " << message; return ExpectedData::error(error, message); } ExpectedData loadVault(const Device &device, const QString &name = QString(), const MountPoint &mountPoint = MountPoint(), const Payload &payload = Payload()) const { if (!config->hasGroup(device.data())) { return errorData(Error::DeviceError, i18n("Unknown device")); } Data vaultData; const QString backendName = payload[KEY_BACKEND].toString(); const QStringList activities = payload[KEY_ACTIVITIES].toStringList(); const bool isOfflineOnly = payload[KEY_OFFLINEONLY].toBool(); // status should never be in this state, if we got an error, // d->data should not be valid vaultData.status = VaultInfo::Error; // Reading the mount data from the config - const KConfigGroup vaultConfig(config, device.data()); + KConfigGroup vaultConfig(config, device.data()); vaultData.name = vaultConfig.readEntry(CFG_NAME, name); - vaultData.mountPoint = MountPoint(vaultConfig.readEntry(CFG_MOUNT_POINT, mountPoint.data())); vaultData.backendName = vaultConfig.readEntry(CFG_BACKEND, backendName); vaultData.activities = vaultConfig.readEntry(CFG_ACTIVITIES, activities); vaultData.isOfflineOnly = vaultConfig.readEntry(CFG_OFFLINEONLY, isOfflineOnly); + const QString configuredMountPoint = vaultConfig.readEntry(CFG_MOUNT_POINT, mountPoint.data()); + vaultData.mountPoint = MountPoint(configuredMountPoint); + const QString actualMountPoint = vaultData.mountPoint.data(); + vaultConfig.writeEntry(CFG_MOUNT_POINT, actualMountPoint); + const QDir mountPointDir(vaultData.mountPoint); return // If the backend is not known, we need to fail !Backend::availableBackends().contains(vaultData.backendName) ? errorData(Error::BackendError, i18n("Configured backend does not exist: %1", vaultData.backendName)) : // If the mount point is empty, we can not do anything vaultData.mountPoint.isEmpty() ? errorData(Error::MountPointError, i18n("Mount point is not specified")) : // Lets try to create the mount point !mountPointDir.exists() && !QDir().mkpath(vaultData.mountPoint) ? errorData(Error::MountPointError, i18n("Cannot create the mount point")) : // Instantiate the backend if possible !(vaultData.backend = Backend::instance(vaultData.backendName)) ? errorData(Error::BackendError, i18n("Configured backend cannot be instantiated: %1", vaultData.backendName)) : // otherwise ExpectedData::success(vaultData); } Private(Vault *parent, const Device &device) : q(parent) , config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(PLASMAVAULT_CONFIG_FILE)) , device(device) , data(loadVault(device)) { updateStatus(); } template T followFuture(VaultInfo::Status whileNotFinished, const T &future) { using namespace AsynQt::operators; emit q->isBusyChanged(true); data->status = whileNotFinished; deletionState = DeletionBlocked; return future | onSuccess([this] { updateStatus(); if (deletionState == DeletionScheduled) { q->deleteLater(); } deletionState = Normal; }); } bool isInitialized() const { return data && data->backend->isInitialized(device); } bool isOpened() const { return data && data->backend->isOpened(data->mountPoint); } }; Vault::Vault(const Device &device, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , d(new Private(this, device)) { d->savingDelay.setInterval(300); d->savingDelay.setSingleShot(true); connect(&d->savingDelay, &QTimer::timeout, this, [&] { d->writeConfiguration(); emit infoChanged(); }); } Vault::~Vault() { if (d->isOpened()) { close(); } } void Vault::scheduleDeletion() { if (d->deletionState == Private::Normal) { deleteLater(); } else { d->deletionState = Private::DeletionScheduled; } } void Vault::saveConfiguration() { d->savingDelay.start(); } FutureResult<> Vault::create(const QString &name, const MountPoint &mountPoint, const Payload &payload) { using namespace AsynQt::operators; return // If the backend is already known, and the device is initialized, // we do not want to do it again d->data && d->data->backend->isInitialized(d->device) ? errorResult(Error::DeviceError, i18n("This device is already registered. Cannot recreate it.")) : // Mount not open, check the error messages !(d->data = d->loadVault(d->device, name, mountPoint, payload)) ? errorResult(Error::BackendError, i18n("Unknown error, unable to create the backend.")) : // otherwise d->followFuture(VaultInfo::Creating, d->data->backend->initialize(name, d->device, mountPoint, payload)) | onSuccess([mountPoint] { // If we have successfully created the vault, // lets try to set its icon QFile dotDir(mountPoint + "/.directory"); if (dotDir.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream out(&dotDir); out << "[Desktop Entry]\nIcon=folder-decrypted\n"; } }); } FutureResult<> Vault::import(const QString &name, const MountPoint &mountPoint, const Payload &payload) { using namespace AsynQt::operators; return // If the backend is already known, and the device is initialized, // we do not want to do it again d->data && (!d->data->backend->isInitialized(d->device)) ? errorResult(Error::DeviceError, i18n("This device is not initialized. Cannot import it.")) : // Mount not open, check the error messages !(d->data = d->loadVault(d->device, name, mountPoint, payload)) ? errorResult(Error::BackendError, i18n("Unknown error, unable to create the backend.")) : // otherwise d->followFuture(VaultInfo::Creating, d->data->backend->import(name, d->device, mountPoint, payload)) | onSuccess([mountPoint] { // If we have successfully created the vault, // lets try to set its icon QFile dotDir(mountPoint + "/.directory"); if (dotDir.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream out(&dotDir); out << "[Desktop Entry]\nIcon=folder-decrypted\n"; } }); } FutureResult<> Vault::open(const Payload &payload) { return // We can not mount something that has not been registered // with us before !d->data ? errorResult(Error::BackendError, i18n("Cannot open an unknown vault.")) : // otherwise d->followFuture(VaultInfo::Opening, d->data->backend->open(d->device, d->data->mountPoint, payload)); } FutureResult<> Vault::close() { using namespace AsynQt::operators; return // We can not mount something that has not been registered // with us before !d->data ? errorResult(Error::BackendError, i18n("The vault is unknown, cannot close it.")) : // otherwise d->followFuture(VaultInfo::Closing, d->data->backend->close(d->device, d->data->mountPoint)) | onSuccess([this] (const Result<> &result) { if (!isOpened() || result) { d->updateMessage(QString()); } else { // We want to check whether there is an application // that is accessing the vault AsynQt::Process::getOutput("lsof", { "-t", mountPoint() }) | cast() | onError([this] { d->updateMessage(i18n("Unable to close the vault, an application is using it")); }) | onSuccess([this] (const QString &result) { // based on ksolidnotify.cpp QStringList blockApps; const auto &pidList = result.split(QRegExp(QStringLiteral("\\s+")), QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (pidList.size() == 0) { d->updateMessage(i18n("Unable to close the vault, an application is using it")); close(); } else { KSysGuard::Processes procs; for (const QString &pidStr: pidList) { int pid = pidStr.toInt(); if (!pid) { continue; } procs.updateOrAddProcess(pid); KSysGuard::Process *proc = procs.getProcess(pid); if (!blockApps.contains(proc->name())) { blockApps << proc->name(); } } blockApps.removeDuplicates(); d->updateMessage(i18n("Unable to close the vault, it is used by %1", blockApps.join(", "))); } }); } }); } // FutureResult<> Vault::configure() // { // return close(); // } FutureResult<> Vault::forceClose() { using namespace AsynQt::operators; AsynQt::await( AsynQt::Process::getOutput("lsof", { "-t", mountPoint() }) | cast() | onError([this] { d->updateMessage(i18n("Failed to fetch the list of applications using this vault")); }) | onSuccess([] (const QString &result) { // based on ksolidnotify.cpp QStringList blockApps; const auto &pidList = result.split(QRegExp(QStringLiteral("\\s+")), QString::SkipEmptyParts); KSysGuard::Processes procs; for (const QString &pidStr: pidList) { int pid = pidStr.toInt(); if (!pid) { continue; } procs.sendSignal(pid, SIGKILL); } })); return close(); } FutureResult<> Vault::dismantle(const Payload &payload) { return // We can not mount something that has not been registered // with us before !d->data ? errorResult(Error::BackendError, i18n("The vault is unknown, cannot dismantle it.")) : // otherwise d->followFuture(VaultInfo::Dismantling, d->data->backend->dismantle(d->device, d->data->mountPoint, payload)); } VaultInfo::Status Vault::status() const { return d->data->status; } bool Vault::isValid() const { return d->data; } Device Vault::device() const { return d->device; } QList Vault::availableDevices() { const auto config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(PLASMAVAULT_CONFIG_FILE); const KConfigGroup general(config, "EncryptedDevices"); QList results; for (const auto& item: general.keyList()) { results << Device(item); } return results; } QStringList Vault::statusMessage() { for (const auto& backendName: Backend::availableBackends()) { auto backend = Backend::instance(backendName); backend->validateBackend(); } return {}; } QString Vault::message() const { if (!d->data) { return d->data.error().message(); } else { return d->data->message; } } bool Vault::isInitialized() const { return d->isInitialized(); } bool Vault::isOpened() const { return d->isOpened(); } MountPoint Vault::mountPoint() const { return d->data->mountPoint; } void Vault::setMountPoint(const MountPoint &mountPoint) { if (d->data->mountPoint != mountPoint.data()) { QDir().rmpath(d->data->mountPoint.data()); QDir().mkpath(mountPoint.data()); d->data->mountPoint = mountPoint; saveConfiguration(); } } QStringList Vault::activities() const { return d->data->activities; } void Vault::setActivities(const QStringList &activities) { d->data->activities = activities; emit activitiesChanged(activities); saveConfiguration(); } bool Vault::isOfflineOnly() const { return d->data->isOfflineOnly; } void Vault::setIsOfflineOnly(bool isOfflineOnly) { d->data->isOfflineOnly = isOfflineOnly; emit isOfflineOnlyChanged(isOfflineOnly); saveConfiguration(); } QString Vault::name() const { return d->data->name; } void Vault::setName(const QString &name) { d->data->name = name; emit nameChanged(name); saveConfiguration(); } QString Vault::backend() const { return d->data->backendName; } bool Vault::isBusy() const { if (!d->data) { return false; } switch (status()) { case VaultInfo::Creating: case VaultInfo::Opening: case VaultInfo::Closing: case VaultInfo::Dismantling: return true; default: return false; } } VaultInfo Vault::info() const { VaultInfo vaultInfo; vaultInfo.device = device(); vaultInfo.name = name(); vaultInfo.status = status(); vaultInfo.message = message(); vaultInfo.activities = activities(); vaultInfo.isOfflineOnly = isOfflineOnly(); return vaultInfo; } } // namespace PlasmaVault