diff --git a/src/screencaststream.cpp b/src/screencaststream.cpp index 05abe90..6617fae 100644 --- a/src/screencaststream.cpp +++ b/src/screencaststream.cpp @@ -1,473 +1,473 @@ /* * Copyright © 2018 Red Hat, Inc * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * * Authors: * Jan Grulich */ #include "screencaststream.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(XdgDesktopPortalKdeScreenCastStream, "xdp-kde-screencast-stream") class PwFraction { public: int num; int denom; }; // Stolen from mutter #define MAX_TERMS 30 #define MIN_DIVISOR 1.0e-10 #define MAX_ERROR 1.0e-20 #define PROP_RANGE(min, max) 2, (min), (max) #define BITS_PER_PIXEL 4 static int greatestCommonDivisor(int a, int b) { while (b != 0) { int temp = a; a = b; b = temp % b; } return ABS(a); } static PwFraction pipewireFractionFromDouble(double src) { double V, F; /* double being converted */ int N, D; /* will contain the result */ int A; /* current term in continued fraction */ int64_t N1, D1; /* numerator, denominator of last approx */ int64_t N2, D2; /* numerator, denominator of previous approx */ int i; int gcd; gboolean negative = FALSE; /* initialize fraction being converted */ F = src; if (F < 0.0) { F = -F; negative = TRUE; } V = F; /* initialize fractions with 1/0, 0/1 */ N1 = 1; D1 = 0; N2 = 0; D2 = 1; N = 1; D = 1; for (i = 0; i < MAX_TERMS; ++i) { /* get next term */ A = (gint) F; /* no floor() needed, F is always >= 0 */ /* get new divisor */ F = F - A; /* calculate new fraction in temp */ N2 = N1 * A + N2; D2 = D1 * A + D2; /* guard against overflow */ if (N2 > G_MAXINT || D2 > G_MAXINT) break; N = N2; D = D2; /* save last two fractions */ N2 = N1; D2 = D1; N1 = N; D1 = D; /* quit if dividing by zero or close enough to target */ if (F < MIN_DIVISOR || fabs (V - ((gdouble) N) / D) < MAX_ERROR) break; /* Take reciprocal */ F = 1 / F; } /* fix for overflow */ if (D == 0) { N = G_MAXINT; D = 1; } /* fix for negative */ if (negative) N = -N; /* simplify */ gcd = greatestCommonDivisor(N, D); if (gcd) { N /= gcd; D /= gcd; } PwFraction fraction; fraction.num = N; fraction.denom = D; return fraction; } static void onStateChanged(void *data, pw_remote_state old, pw_remote_state state, const char *error) { Q_UNUSED(old); ScreenCastStream *pw = static_cast(data); switch (state) { case PW_REMOTE_STATE_ERROR: // TODO notify error qCWarning(XdgDesktopPortalKdeScreenCastStream) << "Remote error: " << error; break; case PW_REMOTE_STATE_CONNECTED: // TODO notify error qCDebug(XdgDesktopPortalKdeScreenCastStream) << "Remote state: " << pw_remote_state_as_string(state); if (!pw->createStream()) { pw->stopStreaming(); } break; default: qCDebug(XdgDesktopPortalKdeScreenCastStream) << "Remote state: " << pw_remote_state_as_string(state); break; } } static void onStreamStateChanged(void *data, pw_stream_state old, pw_stream_state state, const char *error_message) { Q_UNUSED(old) ScreenCastStream *pw = static_cast(data); switch (state) { case PW_STREAM_STATE_ERROR: qCWarning(XdgDesktopPortalKdeScreenCastStream) << "Stream error: " << error_message; break; case PW_STREAM_STATE_CONFIGURE: qCDebug(XdgDesktopPortalKdeScreenCastStream) << "Stream state: " << pw_stream_state_as_string(state); Q_EMIT pw->streamReady((uint)pw_stream_get_node_id(pw->pwStream)); break; case PW_STREAM_STATE_UNCONNECTED: case PW_STREAM_STATE_CONNECTING: case PW_STREAM_STATE_READY: case PW_STREAM_STATE_PAUSED: qCDebug(XdgDesktopPortalKdeScreenCastStream) << "Stream state: " << pw_stream_state_as_string(state); Q_EMIT pw->stopStreaming(); break; case PW_STREAM_STATE_STREAMING: qCDebug(XdgDesktopPortalKdeScreenCastStream) << "Stream state: " << pw_stream_state_as_string(state); Q_EMIT pw->startStreaming(); break; } } -#if PW_API_PRE_0_2_0 +#if defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) static void onStreamFormatChanged(void *data, struct spa_pod *format) #else static void onStreamFormatChanged(void *data, const struct spa_pod *format) -#endif +#endif // defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) { qCDebug(XdgDesktopPortalKdeScreenCastStream) << "Stream format changed"; ScreenCastStream *pw = static_cast(data); uint8_t paramsBuffer[1024]; int32_t width, height, stride, size; struct spa_pod_builder pod_builder; -#if PW_API_PRE_0_2_0 +#if defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) struct spa_pod *params[1]; #else const struct spa_pod *params[1]; -#endif +#endif // defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) const int bpp = 4; if (!format) { pw_stream_finish_format(pw->pwStream, 0, nullptr, 0); return; } spa_format_video_raw_parse (format, &pw->videoFormat, &pw->pwType->format_video); width = pw->videoFormat.size.width; height =pw->videoFormat.size.height; stride = SPA_ROUND_UP_N (width * bpp, 4); size = height * stride; pod_builder = SPA_POD_BUILDER_INIT (paramsBuffer, sizeof (paramsBuffer)); params[0] = (spa_pod*) spa_pod_builder_object (&pod_builder, pw->pwCoreType->param.idBuffers, pw->pwCoreType->param_buffers.Buffers, ":", pw->pwCoreType->param_buffers.size, "i", size, ":", pw->pwCoreType->param_buffers.stride, "i", stride, ":", pw->pwCoreType->param_buffers.buffers, "iru", 16, PROP_RANGE (2, 16), ":", pw->pwCoreType->param_buffers.align, "i", 16); pw_stream_finish_format (pw->pwStream, 0, params, G_N_ELEMENTS (params)); } static const struct pw_remote_events pwRemoteEvents = { .version = PW_VERSION_REMOTE_EVENTS, .destroy = nullptr, .info_changed = nullptr, .sync_reply = nullptr, .state_changed = onStateChanged, }; static const struct pw_stream_events pwStreamEvents = { .version = PW_VERSION_STREAM_EVENTS, .destroy = nullptr, .state_changed = onStreamStateChanged, .format_changed = onStreamFormatChanged, .add_buffer = nullptr, .remove_buffer = nullptr, -#if PW_API_PRE_0_2_0 +#if defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) .new_buffer = nullptr, .need_buffer = nullptr, #else .process = nullptr, -#endif +#endif // defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) }; ScreenCastStream::ScreenCastStream(const QSize &resolution, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , resolution(resolution) { } ScreenCastStream::~ScreenCastStream() { if (pwType) { delete pwType; } if (pwStream) { pw_stream_destroy(pwStream); } if (pwRemote) { pw_remote_destroy(pwRemote); } if (pwCore) { pw_core_destroy(pwCore); } if (pwLoop) { pw_loop_leave(pwLoop); pw_loop_destroy(pwLoop); } } void ScreenCastStream::init() { pw_init(nullptr, nullptr); pwLoop = pw_loop_new(nullptr); socketNotifier.reset(new QSocketNotifier(pw_loop_get_fd(pwLoop), QSocketNotifier::Read)); connect(socketNotifier.data(), &QSocketNotifier::activated, this, &ScreenCastStream::processPipewireEvents); pwCore = pw_core_new(pwLoop, nullptr); pwCoreType = pw_core_get_type(pwCore); pwRemote = pw_remote_new(pwCore, nullptr, 0); spa_debug_set_type_map(pwCoreType->map); initializePwTypes(); pw_remote_add_listener(pwRemote, &remoteListener, &pwRemoteEvents, this); pw_remote_connect(pwRemote); } uint ScreenCastStream::nodeId() { if (pwStream) { return (uint)pw_stream_get_node_id(pwStream); } return 0; } bool ScreenCastStream::createStream() { if (pw_remote_get_state(pwRemote, nullptr) != PW_REMOTE_STATE_CONNECTED) { qCWarning(XdgDesktopPortalKdeScreenCastStream) << "Cannot create pipewire stream"; return false; } uint8_t buffer[1024]; spa_pod_builder podBuilder = SPA_POD_BUILDER_INIT(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); const float frameRate = 25; spa_fraction maxFramerate; spa_fraction minFramerate; const spa_pod *params[1]; pwStream = pw_stream_new(pwRemote, "kwin-screen-cast", nullptr); PwFraction fraction = pipewireFractionFromDouble(frameRate); minFramerate = SPA_FRACTION(1, 1); maxFramerate = SPA_FRACTION((uint32_t)fraction.num, (uint32_t)fraction.denom); spa_rectangle minResolution = SPA_RECTANGLE(1, 1); int width = resolution.width(); int height = resolution.height(); spa_fraction paramFraction = SPA_FRACTION(0, 1); params[0] = (spa_pod*)spa_pod_builder_object(&podBuilder, pwCoreType->param.idEnumFormat, pwCoreType->spa_format, "I", pwType->media_type.video, "I", pwType->media_subtype.raw, ":", pwType->format_video.format, "I", pwType->video_format.RGBx, ":", pwType->format_video.size, "Rru", &minResolution, SPA_POD_PROP_MIN_MAX(&width, &height), ":", pwType->format_video.framerate, "F", ¶mFraction, ":", pwType->format_video.max_framerate, "Fru", &maxFramerate, PROP_RANGE (&minFramerate, &maxFramerate)); pw_stream_add_listener(pwStream, &streamListener, &pwStreamEvents, this); -#if PW_API_PRE_0_2_0 +#if defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) if (pw_stream_connect(pwStream, PW_DIRECTION_OUTPUT, nullptr, PW_STREAM_FLAG_NONE, params, G_N_ELEMENTS(¶ms)) != 0) { #else if (pw_stream_connect(pwStream, PW_DIRECTION_OUTPUT, nullptr, static_cast(PW_STREAM_FLAG_DRIVER | PW_STREAM_FLAG_MAP_BUFFERS), params, G_N_ELEMENTS(¶ms)) != 0) { -#endif +#endif // defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) qCWarning(XdgDesktopPortalKdeScreenCastStream) << "Could not connect to stream"; return false; } return true; } bool ScreenCastStream::recordFrame(uint8_t *screenData) { -#if PW_API_PRE_0_2_0 +#if defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) uint32_t bufferId; #else struct pw_buffer *buffer; -#endif +#endif // defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) struct spa_buffer *spa_buffer; uint8_t *map = nullptr; uint8_t *data = nullptr; // TODO check timestamp like mutter does? if (!pwStream) { return false; } -#if PW_API_PRE_0_2_0 +#if defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) bufferId = pw_stream_get_empty_buffer(pwStream); if (bufferId == SPA_ID_INVALID) { qCWarning(XdgDesktopPortalKdeScreenCastStream) << "Failed to get empty stream buffer: " << strerror(errno); return false; } spa_buffer = pw_stream_peek_buffer(pwStream, bufferId); #else buffer = pw_stream_dequeue_buffer(pwStream); -#endif +#endif // defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) -#if PW_API_PRE_0_2_0 +#if defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) if (spa_buffer->datas[0].type == pwCoreType->data.MemFd) { #else spa_buffer = buffer->buffer; if (spa_buffer->datas[0].data) { data = (uint8_t *) spa_buffer->datas[0].data; } else if (spa_buffer->datas[0].type == pwCoreType->data.MemFd) { -#endif +#endif // defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) map = (uint8_t *)mmap(nullptr, spa_buffer->datas[0].maxsize + spa_buffer->datas[0].mapoffset, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, spa_buffer->datas[0].fd, 0); if (map == MAP_FAILED) { qCWarning(XdgDesktopPortalKdeScreenCastStream) << "Failed to mmap pipewire stream buffer: " << strerror(errno); return false; } data = SPA_MEMBER(map, spa_buffer->datas[0].mapoffset, uint8_t); -#if PW_API_PRE_0_2_0 +#if defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) } else if (spa_buffer->datas[0].type == pwCoreType->data.MemPtr) { data = (uint8_t *) spa_buffer->datas[0].data; -#endif +#endif // defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) } else { return false; } memcpy(data, screenData, BITS_PER_PIXEL * videoFormat.size.height * videoFormat.size.width * sizeof(uint8_t)); if (map) { munmap(map, spa_buffer->datas[0].maxsize + spa_buffer->datas[0].mapoffset); } spa_buffer->datas[0].chunk->size = spa_buffer->datas[0].maxsize; -#if PW_API_PRE_0_2_0 +#if defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) pw_stream_send_buffer(pwStream, bufferId); #else pw_stream_queue_buffer(pwStream, buffer); -#endif +#endif // defined(PW_API_PRE_0_2_0) return true; } void ScreenCastStream::removeStream() { // FIXME destroying streams seems to be crashing, Mutter also doesn't remove them, maybe Pipewire does this automatically // pw_stream_destroy(pwStream); // pwStream = nullptr; pw_stream_disconnect(pwStream); } void ScreenCastStream::initializePwTypes() { // raw C-like ScreenCastStream type map auto map = pwCoreType->map; pwType = new PwType(); spa_type_media_type_map(map, &pwType->media_type); spa_type_media_subtype_map(map, &pwType->media_subtype); spa_type_format_video_map (map, &pwType->format_video); spa_type_video_format_map (map, &pwType->video_format); } void ScreenCastStream::processPipewireEvents() { int result = pw_loop_iterate(pwLoop, 0); if (result < 0) { qCWarning(XdgDesktopPortalKdeScreenCastStream) << "Failed to iterate over pipewire loop: " << spa_strerror(result); } } diff --git a/src/screencaststream.h b/src/screencaststream.h index 29277a0..2c57249 100644 --- a/src/screencaststream.h +++ b/src/screencaststream.h @@ -1,111 +1,110 @@ /* * Copyright © 2018 Red Hat, Inc * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * * Authors: * Jan Grulich */ #ifndef SCREEN_CAST_STREAM_H #define SCREEN_CAST_STREAM_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __has_include -# if __has_include() -# include -# define PW_API_PRE_0_2_0 false -# else -# define PW_API_PRE_0_2_0 true -# endif + #if __has_include() + #include + #else + #define PW_API_PRE_0_2_0 + #endif // __has_include() #else -#define PW_API_PRE_0_2_0 true -#endif + #define PW_API_PRE_0_2_0 +#endif // __has_include class PwType { public: spa_type_media_type media_type; spa_type_media_subtype media_subtype; spa_type_format_video format_video; spa_type_video_format video_format; }; class QSocketNotifier; class ScreenCastStream : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit ScreenCastStream(const QSize &resolution, QObject *parent = nullptr); ~ScreenCastStream(); // Public void init(); uint nodeId(); // Public because we need access from static functions bool createStream(); bool recordFrame(uint8_t *screenData); void removeStream(); Q_SIGNALS: void streamReady(uint nodeId); void startStreaming(); void stopStreaming(); private: void initializePwTypes(); private Q_SLOTS: void processPipewireEvents(); public: pw_core *pwCore = nullptr; pw_loop *pwLoop = nullptr; pw_node *pwNode = nullptr; pw_stream *pwStream = nullptr; pw_type *pwCoreType = nullptr; pw_remote *pwRemote = nullptr; PwType *pwType = nullptr; spa_hook remoteListener; spa_hook streamListener; QSize resolution; QScopedPointer socketNotifier; spa_video_info_raw videoFormat; }; #endif // SCREEN_CAST_STREAM_H