diff --git a/kexi/main/KexiMenuWidget.cpp b/kexi/main/KexiMenuWidget.cpp index 248d00fddd0..a04b2566b7f 100644 --- a/kexi/main/KexiMenuWidget.cpp +++ b/kexi/main/KexiMenuWidget.cpp @@ -1,3135 +1,3138 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Jarosław Staniek Based on qmenu.cpp from Qt 4.7 Based on oxygenhelper.cpp Copyright 2009-2010 Hugo Pereira Da Costa Copyright 2008 Long Huynh Huu Copyright 2007 Matthew Woehlke Copyright 2007 C. Boemann Copyright 2007 Fredrik Höglund This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KexiMenuWidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef QT_NO_ACCESSIBILITY # include #endif #ifndef QT_NO_WHATSTHIS # include #endif #include "KexiMenuWidget_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include const int calligraLogoPixmapInternalWidth = 100; const int calligraLogoPixmapInternalHeight = 71; const char calligraUrl[] = "http://www.calligra.org"; // from oxygenhelper.cpp: OxygenHelper::OxygenHelper() : _componentData("oxygen", 0, KComponentData::SkipMainComponentRegistration) { _config = _componentData.config(); _contrast = KGlobalSettings::contrastF(_config); // background contrast is calculated so that it is 0.9 // when KGlobalSettings contrast value of 0.7 _bgcontrast = qMin(1.0, 0.9*_contrast/0.7); } OxygenHelper::~OxygenHelper() { } bool OxygenHelper::lowThreshold(const QColor &color) { const quint32 key( color.rgba() ); ColorMap::iterator iter( m_lowThreshold.find( key ) ); if( iter != m_lowThreshold.end() ) return iter.value(); else { const QColor darker( KColorScheme::shade(color, KColorScheme::MidShade, 0.5 ) ); const bool result( KColorUtils::luma(darker) > KColorUtils::luma(color) ); m_lowThreshold.insert( key, result ); return result; } } bool OxygenHelper::highThreshold(const QColor &color) { const quint32 key( color.rgba() ); ColorMap::iterator iter( m_highThreshold.find( key ) ); if( iter != m_highThreshold.end() ) return iter.value(); else { const QColor lighter( KColorScheme::shade(color, KColorScheme::LightShade, 0.5 ) ); const bool result( KColorUtils::luma(lighter) < KColorUtils::luma(color) ); m_highThreshold.insert( key, result ); return result; } } const QColor& OxygenHelper::backgroundTopColor(const QColor &color) { const quint64 key( color.rgba() ); QColor* out( m_backgroundTopColorCache.object( key ) ); if( !out ) { if( lowThreshold(color) ) out = new QColor( KColorScheme::shade(color, KColorScheme::MidlightShade, 0.0) ); else { const qreal my( KColorUtils::luma( KColorScheme::shade(color, KColorScheme::LightShade, 0.0) ) ); const qreal by( KColorUtils::luma(color) ); out = new QColor( KColorUtils::shade(color, (my - by) * _bgcontrast) ); } m_backgroundTopColorCache.insert( key, out ); } return *out; } const QColor& OxygenHelper::backgroundBottomColor(const QColor &color) { const quint64 key( color.rgba() ); QColor* out( m_backgroundBottomColorCache.object( key ) ); if( !out ) { const QColor midColor( KColorScheme::shade(color, KColorScheme::MidShade, 0.0) ); if( lowThreshold(color) ) out = new QColor( midColor ); else { const qreal by( KColorUtils::luma(color) ); const qreal my( KColorUtils::luma(midColor) ); out = new QColor( KColorUtils::shade(color, (my - by) * _bgcontrast) ); } m_backgroundBottomColorCache.insert( key, out ); } return *out; } const QColor& OxygenHelper::backgroundRadialColor(const QColor &color) { const quint64 key( color.rgba() ); QColor* out( m_backgroundRadialColorCache.object( key ) ); if( !out ) { if( lowThreshold(color) ) out = new QColor( KColorScheme::shade(color, KColorScheme::LightShade, 0.0) ); else if( highThreshold( color ) ) out = new QColor( color ); else out = new QColor( KColorScheme::shade(color, KColorScheme::LightShade, _bgcontrast) ); m_backgroundRadialColorCache.insert( key, out ); } return *out; } QPixmap OxygenHelper::verticalGradient(const QColor &color, int height, int offset) { const quint64 key( (quint64(color.rgba()) << 32) | height | 0x8000 ); QPixmap *pixmap( m_backgroundCache.object( key ) ); if (!pixmap) { pixmap = new QPixmap(1, height); pixmap->fill( Qt::transparent ); QLinearGradient gradient(0, offset, 0, height+offset); gradient.setColorAt(0.0, backgroundTopColor(color)); gradient.setColorAt(0.5, color); gradient.setColorAt(1.0, backgroundBottomColor(color)); QPainter p(pixmap); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.fillRect(pixmap->rect(), gradient); p.end(); m_backgroundCache.insert(key, pixmap); } return *pixmap; } QPixmap OxygenHelper::radialGradient(const QColor &color, int width, int height) { const quint64 key( ( quint64(color.rgba()) << 32) | width | 0xb000 ); QPixmap *pixmap( m_backgroundCache.object( key ) ); if (!pixmap) { pixmap = new QPixmap(width, height); pixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); QColor radialColor = backgroundRadialColor(color); radialColor.setAlpha(255); QRadialGradient gradient(64, height-64, 64); gradient.setColorAt(0, radialColor); radialColor.setAlpha(101); gradient.setColorAt(0.5, radialColor); radialColor.setAlpha(37); gradient.setColorAt(0.75, radialColor); radialColor.setAlpha(0); gradient.setColorAt(1, radialColor); QPainter p(pixmap); p.scale(width/128.0,1); p.fillRect(QRect(0,0,128,height), gradient); p.end(); m_backgroundCache.insert(key, pixmap); } return *pixmap; } void OxygenHelper::renderOxygenWindowBackground(QPainter *p, const QRect &clipRect, const QWidget *widget, const QWidget* window, const QColor& color, int y_shift, int gradientHeight) { // get coordinates relative to the client area // this is stupid. One could use mapTo if this was taking const QWidget* and not // QWidget* as argument. const QWidget* w( widget ); int x(0); int y(-y_shift); while ( w != window && !w->isWindow() && w != w->parentWidget() ) { x += w->geometry().x(); y += w->geometry().y(); w = w->parentWidget(); } if (clipRect.isValid()) { p->save(); p->setClipRegion(clipRect,Qt::IntersectClip); } // calculate upper part height // special tricks are needed // to handle both window contents and window decoration const QRect r = window->rect(); int height( window->frameGeometry().height() ); int width( window->frameGeometry().width() ); if( y_shift > 0 ) { height -= 2*y_shift; width -= 2*y_shift; } const int splitY( qMin(300, (3*height)/4) ); // draw upper linear gradient const QRect upperRect(-x, -y, r.width(), splitY); QPixmap tile( verticalGradient(color, splitY, gradientHeight-64) ); p->drawTiledPixmap(upperRect, tile); // draw lower flat part const QRect lowerRect(-x, splitY-y, r.width(), r.height() - splitY-y_shift); p->fillRect(lowerRect, backgroundBottomColor(color)); // draw upper radial gradient const int radialW( qMin(600, width) ); const QRect radialRect( (r.width() - radialW) / 2-x, -y, radialW, gradientHeight); if (clipRect.intersects(radialRect)) { tile = radialGradient(color, radialW, gradientHeight); p->drawPixmap(radialRect, tile); } if (clipRect.isValid()) { p->restore(); } } //!@name window background gradients //@{ /*! \par y_shift: shift the background gradient upwards, to fit with the windec \par gradientHeight: the height of the generated gradient. for different heights, the gradient is translated so that it is always at the same position from the bottom */ void OxygenHelper::renderWindowBackground(QPainter *p, const QRect &clipRect, const QWidget *widget, const QPalette & pal, int y_shift, int gradientHeight) { renderOxygenWindowBackground( p, clipRect, widget, widget->window(), pal.color( widget->window()->backgroundRole() ), y_shift, gradientHeight ); } void OxygenHelper::renderMenuBackground( QPainter* p, const QRect& clipRect, const QWidget* widget, const QPalette& pal) { renderMenuBackground( p, clipRect, widget, pal.color( widget->window()->backgroundRole() ) ); } void OxygenHelper::renderMenuBackground( QPainter* p, const QRect& clipRect, const QWidget* widget, const QColor& color ) { // get coordinates relative to the client area // this is stupid. One could use mapTo if this was taking const QWidget* and not // QWidget* as argument. const QWidget* w( widget ); int x(0); int y(0); while( !w->isWindow() && w != w->parentWidget() ) { x += w->geometry().x(); y += w->geometry().y(); w = w->parentWidget(); } if (clipRect.isValid()) { p->save(); p->setClipRegion(clipRect,Qt::IntersectClip); } // calculate upper part height // special tricks are needed // to handle both window contents and window decoration QRect r = w->rect(); const int height( w->frameGeometry().height() ); const int splitY( qMin(200, (3*height)/4) ); const QRect upperRect( QRect(0, 0, r.width(), splitY) ); const QPixmap tile( verticalGradient(color, splitY) ); p->drawTiledPixmap(upperRect, tile); const QRect lowerRect( 0,splitY, r.width(), r.height() - splitY ); p->fillRect(lowerRect, backgroundBottomColor(color)); if (clipRect.isValid()) { p->restore(); } } // class KexiMenuWidgetActionPrivate { public: KexiMenuWidgetActionPrivate() : persistentlySelected(false) { } bool persistentlySelected; }; KexiMenuWidgetAction::KexiMenuWidgetAction(QObject *parent) : KAction(parent) , d(new KexiMenuWidgetActionPrivate) { } KexiMenuWidgetAction::KexiMenuWidgetAction(const QString &text, QObject *parent) : KAction(text, parent) , d(new KexiMenuWidgetActionPrivate) { } KexiMenuWidgetAction::KexiMenuWidgetAction(const KIcon &icon, const QString &text, QObject *parent) : KAction(icon, text, parent) , d(new KexiMenuWidgetActionPrivate) { } KexiMenuWidgetAction::KexiMenuWidgetAction(KStandardAction::StandardAction id, QObject *parent) : KAction(parent) , d(new KexiMenuWidgetActionPrivate) { QScopedPointer tmp(KStandardAction::create(id, 0, 0, 0)); setIcon(tmp->icon()); setText(tmp->text()); setShortcut(tmp->shortcut(DefaultShortcut), DefaultShortcut); setShortcut(tmp->shortcut(ActiveShortcut), ActiveShortcut); } +KexiMenuWidgetAction::~KexiMenuWidgetAction() +{ +} void KexiMenuWidgetAction::setPersistentlySelected(bool set) { if (set == d->persistentlySelected) return; //kDebug() << "^^^^" << objectName() << set; d->persistentlySelected = set; } bool KexiMenuWidgetAction::persistentlySelected() const { return d->persistentlySelected; } // from qobject_p.h class QBoolBlocker { public: inline QBoolBlocker(bool &b, bool value=true):block(b), reset(b){block = value;} inline ~QBoolBlocker(){block = reset; } private: bool █ bool reset; }; KexiMenuWidget *KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::mouseDown = 0; int KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::sloppyDelayTimer = 0; void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::init() { oxygenHelper = q->style()->objectName() == "oxygen" ? new OxygenHelper : 0; bespin = oxygenHelper ? false : q->style()->objectName() == "bespin"; qtcurve = oxygenHelper ? false : q->style()->objectName() == "qtcurve"; #ifndef QT_NO_WHATSTHIS //q->setAttribute(Qt::WA_CustomWhatsThis); #endif //q->setAttribute(Qt::WA_X11NetWmWindowTypePopupMenu); defaultMenuAction = menuAction = new QAction(q); //menuAction->d_func()->menu = q; q->setMouseTracking(q->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_MouseTracking, 0, q)); if (q->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_Scrollable, 0, q)) { scroll = new KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller; scroll->scrollFlags = KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollNone; } #ifdef QT_SOFTKEYS_ENABLED selectAction = QSoftKeyManager::createKeyedAction(QSoftKeyManager::SelectSoftKey, Qt::Key_Select, q); cancelAction = QSoftKeyManager::createKeyedAction(QSoftKeyManager::CancelSoftKey, Qt::Key_Back, q); selectAction->setPriority(QAction::HighPriority); cancelAction->setPriority(QAction::HighPriority); q->addAction(selectAction); q->addAction(cancelAction); #endif q->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); } int KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::scrollerHeight() const { return qMax(QApplication::globalStrut().height(), q->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuScrollerHeight, 0, q)); } //Windows and KDE allows menus to cover the taskbar, while GNOME and Mac don't QRect KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::popupGeometry(const QWidget *widget) const { return QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(widget); } //Windows and KDE allows menus to cover the taskbar, while GNOME and Mac don't QRect KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::popupGeometry(int screen) const { return QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(screen); } QList > KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::calcCausedStack() const { QList > ret; for(QWidget *widget = causedPopup.widget; widget; ) { ret.append(widget); if (KexiMenuWidget *qmenu = qobject_cast(widget)) widget = qmenu->causedPopup().widget; else break; } return ret; } void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::updateActionRects() const { if (!itemsDirty) return; q->ensurePolished(); //let's reinitialize the buffer QList actionsList = q->actions(); actionRects.resize(actionsList.count()); actionRects.fill(QRect()); //let's try to get the last visible action int lastVisibleAction = actionsList.count() - 1; for(;lastVisibleAction >= 0; --lastVisibleAction) { const QAction *action = actionsList.at(lastVisibleAction); if (action->isVisible()) { //removing trailing separators if (action->isSeparator() && collapsibleSeparators) continue; break; } } int max_column_width = 0, dh = popupGeometry(q).height(), y = 0; QStyle *style = q->style(); QStyleOption opt; opt.initFrom(q); const int hmargin = style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuHMargin, &opt, q), vmargin = style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuVMargin, &opt, q), icone = KIconLoader::SizeMedium; #ifdef __GNUC__ #warning todo adjust this size for smaller displays #else #pragma WARNING( todo adjust this size for smaller displays ) #endif //style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize, &opt, q); const int fw = style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuPanelWidth, &opt, q); const int deskFw = frameWidth(&opt); //const int tearoffHeight = tearoff ? style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuTearoffHeight, &opt, q) : 0; //for compatibility now - will have to refactor this away tabWidth = 0; maxIconWidth = 0; hasCheckableItems = false; ncols = 1; sloppyAction = 0; for (int i = 0; i < actionsList.count(); ++i) { QAction *action = actionsList.at(i); if (action->isSeparator() || !action->isVisible() || widgetItems.contains(action)) continue; //..and some members hasCheckableItems |= action->isCheckable(); QIcon is = action->icon(); if (!is.isNull()) { maxIconWidth = qMax(maxIconWidth, icone + 4); } } //calculate size QFontMetrics qfm = q->fontMetrics(); bool previousWasSeparator = true; // this is true to allow removing the leading separators for(int i = 0; i <= lastVisibleAction; i++) { QAction *action = actionsList.at(i); if (!action->isVisible() || (collapsibleSeparators && previousWasSeparator && action->isSeparator())) continue; // we continue, this action will get an empty QRect previousWasSeparator = action->isSeparator(); //let the style modify the above size.. QStyleOptionMenuItem opt; q->initStyleOption(&opt, action); const QFontMetrics &fm = opt.fontMetrics; QSize sz; if (QWidget *w = widgetItems.value(action)) { sz = w->sizeHint().expandedTo(w->minimumSize()).expandedTo(w->minimumSizeHint()).boundedTo(w->maximumSize()); } else { //calc what I think the size is.. if (action->isSeparator()) { sz = QSize(2, 2); } else { QString s = action->text(); int t = s.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\t')); if (t != -1) { tabWidth = qMax(int(tabWidth), qfm.width(s.mid(t+1))); s = s.left(t); #ifndef QT_NO_SHORTCUT } else { QKeySequence seq = action->shortcut(); if (!seq.isEmpty()) tabWidth = qMax(int(tabWidth), qfm.width(seq)); #endif } sz.setWidth(fm.boundingRect(QRect(), Qt::TextSingleLine | Qt::TextShowMnemonic, s).width()); sz.setHeight(qMax(fm.height(), qfm.height())); QIcon is = action->icon(); //(not need because iconless items have to be of the same size as icon ones): if (!is.isNull()) { QSize is_sz = QSize(icone, icone); if (is_sz.height() > sz.height()) sz.setHeight(is_sz.height()); //} } sz = style->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_MenuItem, &opt, sz, q); } if (!sz.isEmpty()) { max_column_width = qMax(max_column_width, sz.width()); //wrapping if (!scroll && y+sz.height()+vmargin > dh - (deskFw * 2)) { ncols++; y = vmargin; } y += sz.height(); //update the item actionRects[i] = QRect(0, 0, sz.width(), sz.height()); } } max_column_width += tabWidth; //finally add in the tab width const int sfcMargin = style->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_Menu, &opt, QApplication::globalStrut(), q).width() - QApplication::globalStrut().width(); int leftmargin, topmargin, rightmargin, bottommargin; q->getContentsMargins(&leftmargin, &topmargin, &rightmargin, &bottommargin); const int min_column_width = q->minimumWidth() - (sfcMargin + leftmargin + rightmargin + 2 * (fw + hmargin)); max_column_width = qMax(min_column_width, max_column_width); //calculate position const int base_y = vmargin + fw + topmargin + (scroll ? scroll->scrollOffset : 0) /*+ tearoffHeight*/; int x = hmargin + fw + leftmargin; y = base_y; for(int i = 0; i < actionsList.count(); i++) { QRect &rect = actionRects[i]; if (rect.isNull()) continue; if (!scroll && y+rect.height() > dh - deskFw * 2) { x += max_column_width + hmargin; y = base_y; } rect.translate(x, y); //move rect.setWidth(max_column_width); //uniform width //we need to update the widgets geometry if (QWidget *widget = widgetItems.value(actionsList.at(i))) { widget->setGeometry(rect); widget->setVisible(actionsList.at(i)->isVisible()); } y += rect.height(); } itemsDirty = 0; } QRect KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::actionRect(QAction *act) const { QList actionsList = q->actions(); int index = actionsList.indexOf(act); if (index == -1) return QRect(); updateActionRects(); //we found the action return actionRects.at(index); } void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::hideUpToMenuBar() { bool fadeMenus = q->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_FadeOutOnHide); QWidget *caused = causedPopup.widget; hideMenu(q); //hide after getting causedPopup while(caused) { if (KexiMenuWidget *m = qobject_cast(caused)) { caused = m->causedPopup().widget; hideMenu(m, fadeMenus); if (!fadeMenus) // Mac doesn't clear the action until after hidden. m->setCurrentAction(0); } else { caused = 0; } } setCurrentAction(0); } void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::hideMenu(KexiMenuWidget *menu, bool justRegister) { Q_UNUSED(menu); Q_UNUSED(justRegister); } #if 0 void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::popupAction(QAction *action, int delay, bool activateFirst) { Q_UNUSED(activateFirst); if (action && action->isEnabled()) { if (!delay) q->internalDelayedPopup(); else if (!menuDelayTimer.isActive() && (!action->menu() || !action->menu()->isVisible())) menuDelayTimer.start(delay, q); /* if (activateFirst && action->menu()) action->menu()->d_func()->setFirstActionActive();*/ } else if (KexiMenuWidget *menu = activeMenu) { //hide the current item activeMenu = 0; hideMenu(menu); } } #endif void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::setSyncAction() { QAction *current = currentAction; if(current && (!current->isEnabled() || current->menu() || current->isSeparator())) current = 0; for(QWidget *caused = q; caused;) { if (KexiMenuWidget *m = qobject_cast(caused)) { caused = m->causedPopup().widget; if (m->eventLoop()) m->setSyncAction(current); // synchronous operation } else { break; } } } void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::setFirstActionActive() { updateActionRects(); QList actionsList = q->actions(); for(int i = 0, saccum = 0; i < actionsList.count(); i++) { const QRect &rect = actionRects.at(i); if (rect.isNull()) continue; if (scroll && scroll->scrollFlags & QMenuScroller::ScrollUp) { saccum -= rect.height(); if (saccum > scroll->scrollOffset - scrollerHeight()) continue; } QAction *act = actionsList.at(i); if (!act->isSeparator() && (q->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_AllowActiveAndDisabled, 0, q) || act->isEnabled())) { setCurrentAction(act); break; } } } // popup == -1 means do not popup, 0 means immediately, others mean use a timer void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::setCurrentAction(QAction *action, int popup, KexiMenuWidget::SelectionReason reason, bool activateFirst) { Q_UNUSED(activateFirst); //tearoffHighlighted = 0; if (currentAction) q->update(actionRect(currentAction)); sloppyAction = 0; if (!sloppyRegion.isEmpty()) sloppyRegion = QRegion(); KexiMenuWidget *hideActiveMenu = activeMenu; #ifndef QT_NO_STATUSTIP QAction *previousAction = currentAction; #endif currentAction = action; if (action) { if (!action->isSeparator()) { activateAction(action, QAction::Hover); /*if (popup != -1) { hideActiveMenu = 0; //will be done "later" // if the menu is visible then activate the required action, // otherwise we just mark the action as currentAction // and activate it when the menu will be popuped. if (q->isVisible()) popupAction(currentAction, popup, activateFirst); }*/ q->update(actionRect(action)); if (reason == KexiMenuWidget::SelectedFromKeyboard) { QWidget *widget = widgetItems.value(action); if (widget) { if (widget->focusPolicy() != Qt::NoFocus) widget->setFocus(Qt::TabFocusReason); } else { //when the action has no QWidget, the KexiMenuWidget itself should // get the focus // Since the menu is a pop-up, it uses the popup reason. if (!q->hasFocus()) { q->setFocus(Qt::PopupFocusReason); } } } } else { //action is a separator if (popup != -1) hideActiveMenu = 0; //will be done "later" } #ifndef QT_NO_STATUSTIP } else if (previousAction) { //previousAction->d_func()->showStatusText(topCausedWidget(), QString()); #endif } if (hideActiveMenu) { activeMenu = 0; hideMenu(hideActiveMenu); } } //return the top causedPopup.widget that is not a KexiMenuWidget QWidget *KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::topCausedWidget() const { QWidget* top = causedPopup.widget; while (KexiMenuWidget* m = qobject_cast(top)) top = m->causedPopup().widget; return top; } QAction *KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::actionAt(QPoint p) const { if (!q->rect().contains(p)) //sanity check return 0; QList actionsList = q->actions(); for(int i = 0; i < actionRects.count(); i++) { if (actionRects.at(i).contains(p)) return actionsList.at(i); } return 0; } void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::setOverrideMenuAction(QAction *a) { QObject::disconnect(menuAction, SIGNAL(destroyed()), q, SLOT(overrideMenuActionDestroyed())); if (a) { menuAction = a; QObject::connect(a, SIGNAL(destroyed()), q, SLOT(overrideMenuActionDestroyed())); } else { //we revert back to the default action created by the KexiMenuWidget itself menuAction = defaultMenuAction; } } void KexiMenuWidget::overrideMenuActionDestroyed() { d->menuAction = d->defaultMenuAction; } void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::updateLayoutDirection() { //we need to mimic the cause of the popup's layout direction //to allow setting it on a mainwindow for example //we call setLayoutDirection_helper to not overwrite a user-defined value if (!q->testAttribute(Qt::WA_SetLayoutDirection)) { if (QWidget *w = causedPopup.widget) setLayoutDirection_helper(w, w->layoutDirection()); else if (QWidget *w = q->parentWidget()) setLayoutDirection_helper(w, w->layoutDirection()); else setLayoutDirection_helper(w, QApplication::layoutDirection()); } } bool KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::actionPersistentlySelected(const QAction* action) const { const KexiMenuWidgetAction* kaction = qobject_cast(action); return kaction ? kaction->persistentlySelected() : false; } void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::setActionPersistentlySelected(QAction* action, bool set) { KexiMenuWidgetAction* kaction = qobject_cast(action); if (previousPersistentlySelectedAction) { previousPersistentlySelectedAction->setPersistentlySelected(false); q->update(actionRect(previousPersistentlySelectedAction)); } if (kaction) kaction->setPersistentlySelected(set); previousPersistentlySelectedAction = kaction; } void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::toggleActionPersistentlySelected(QAction* action) { KexiMenuWidgetAction* kaction = qobject_cast(action); if (!kaction) return; setActionPersistentlySelected(kaction, !kaction->persistentlySelected()); } /*! Returns the action associated with this menu. */ QAction *KexiMenuWidget::menuAction() const { return d->menuAction; } /*! \property KexiMenuWidget::title \brief The title of the menu This is equivalent to the QAction::text property of the menuAction(). By default, this property contains an empty string. */ QString KexiMenuWidget::title() const { return d->menuAction->text(); } void KexiMenuWidget::setTitle(const QString &text) { d->menuAction->setText(text); } /*! \property KexiMenuWidget::icon \brief The icon of the menu This is equivalent to the QAction::icon property of the menuAction(). By default, if no icon is explicitly set, this property contains a null icon. */ QIcon KexiMenuWidget::icon() const { return d->menuAction->icon(); } void KexiMenuWidget::setIcon(const QIcon &icon) { d->menuAction->setIcon(icon); } //actually performs the scrolling void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::scrollMenu(QAction *action, QMenuScroller::ScrollLocation location, bool active) { return; if (!scroll || !scroll->scrollFlags) return; updateActionRects(); int newOffset = 0; const int topScroll = (scroll->scrollFlags & QMenuScroller::ScrollUp) ? scrollerHeight() : 0; const int botScroll = (scroll->scrollFlags & QMenuScroller::ScrollDown) ? scrollerHeight() : 0; const int vmargin = q->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuVMargin, 0, q); const int fw = q->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuPanelWidth, 0, q); QList actionsList = q->actions(); if (location == QMenuScroller::ScrollTop) { for(int i = 0, saccum = 0; i < actionsList.count(); i++) { if (actionsList.at(i) == action) { newOffset = topScroll - saccum; break; } saccum += actionRects.at(i).height(); } } else { for(int i = 0, saccum = 0; i < actionsList.count(); i++) { saccum += actionRects.at(i).height(); if (actionsList.at(i) == action) { if (location == QMenuScroller::ScrollCenter) newOffset = ((q->height() / 2) - botScroll) - (saccum - topScroll); else newOffset = (q->height() - botScroll) - saccum; break; } } if(newOffset) newOffset -= fw * 2; } //figure out which scroll flags uint newScrollFlags = QMenuScroller::ScrollNone; if (newOffset < 0) //easy and cheap one newScrollFlags |= QMenuScroller::ScrollUp; int saccum = newOffset; for(int i = 0; i < actionRects.count(); i++) { saccum += actionRects.at(i).height(); if (saccum > q->height()) { newScrollFlags |= QMenuScroller::ScrollDown; break; } } if (!(newScrollFlags & QMenuScroller::ScrollDown) && (scroll->scrollFlags & QMenuScroller::ScrollDown)) { newOffset = q->height() - (saccum - newOffset) - fw*2 - vmargin; //last item at bottom } if (!(newScrollFlags & QMenuScroller::ScrollUp) && (scroll->scrollFlags & QMenuScroller::ScrollUp)) { newOffset = 0; //first item at top } if (newScrollFlags & QMenuScroller::ScrollUp) newOffset -= vmargin; QRect screen = popupGeometry(q); const int desktopFrame = frameWidth(); if (q->height() < screen.height()-(desktopFrame*2)-1) { QRect geom = q->geometry(); if (newOffset > scroll->scrollOffset && (scroll->scrollFlags & newScrollFlags & QMenuScroller::ScrollUp)) { //scroll up const int newHeight = geom.height()-(newOffset-scroll->scrollOffset); if(newHeight > geom.height()) geom.setHeight(newHeight); } else if(scroll->scrollFlags & newScrollFlags & QMenuScroller::ScrollDown) { int newTop = geom.top() + (newOffset-scroll->scrollOffset); if (newTop < desktopFrame+screen.top()) newTop = desktopFrame+screen.top(); if (newTop < geom.top()) { geom.setTop(newTop); newOffset = 0; newScrollFlags &= ~QMenuScroller::ScrollUp; } } if (geom.bottom() > screen.bottom() - desktopFrame) geom.setBottom(screen.bottom() - desktopFrame); if (geom.top() < desktopFrame+screen.top()) geom.setTop(desktopFrame+screen.top()); if (geom != q->geometry()) { #if 0 if (newScrollFlags & QMenuScroller::ScrollDown && q->geometry().top() - geom.top() >= -newOffset) newScrollFlags &= ~QMenuScroller::ScrollDown; #endif q->setGeometry(geom); } } //actually update flags const int delta = qMin(0, newOffset) - scroll->scrollOffset; //make sure the new offset is always negative if (!itemsDirty && delta) { //we've scrolled so we need to update the action rects for (int i = 0; i < actionRects.count(); ++i) { QRect ¤t = actionRects[i]; current.moveTop(current.top() + delta); //we need to update the widgets geometry if (QWidget *w = widgetItems.value(actionsList.at(i))) w->setGeometry(current); } } scroll->scrollOffset += delta; scroll->scrollFlags = newScrollFlags; if (active) setCurrentAction(action); q->update(); //issue an update so we see all the new state.. } void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::scrollMenu(QMenuScroller::ScrollLocation location, bool active) { return; updateActionRects(); QList actionsList = q->actions(); if(location == QMenuScroller::ScrollBottom) { for(int i = actionsList.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) { QAction *act = actionsList.at(i); if (actionRects.at(i).isNull()) continue; if (!act->isSeparator() && (q->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_AllowActiveAndDisabled, 0, q) || act->isEnabled())) { if(scroll->scrollFlags & KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollDown) scrollMenu(act, KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollBottom, active); else if(active) setCurrentAction(act, /*popup*/-1, KexiMenuWidget::SelectedFromKeyboard); break; } } } else if(location == QMenuScroller::ScrollTop) { for(int i = 0; i < actionsList.size(); ++i) { QAction *act = actionsList.at(i); if (actionRects.at(i).isNull()) continue; if (!act->isSeparator() && (q->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_AllowActiveAndDisabled, 0, q) || act->isEnabled())) { if(scroll->scrollFlags & KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollUp) scrollMenu(act, KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollTop, active); else if(active) setCurrentAction(act, /*popup*/-1, KexiMenuWidget::SelectedFromKeyboard); break; } } } } //only directional void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::scrollMenu(QMenuScroller::ScrollDirection direction, bool page, bool active) { return; if (!scroll || !(scroll->scrollFlags & direction)) //not really possible... return; updateActionRects(); const int topScroll = (scroll->scrollFlags & QMenuScroller::ScrollUp) ? scrollerHeight() : 0; const int botScroll = (scroll->scrollFlags & QMenuScroller::ScrollDown) ? scrollerHeight() : 0; const int vmargin = q->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuVMargin, 0, q); const int fw = q->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuPanelWidth, 0, q); const int offset = topScroll ? topScroll-vmargin : 0; QList actionsList = q->actions(); if (direction == QMenuScroller::ScrollUp) { for(int i = 0, saccum = 0; i < actionsList.count(); i++) { saccum -= actionRects.at(i).height(); if (saccum <= scroll->scrollOffset-offset) { scrollMenu(actionsList.at(i), page ? QMenuScroller::ScrollBottom : QMenuScroller::ScrollTop, active); break; } } } else if (direction == QMenuScroller::ScrollDown) { bool scrolled = false; for(int i = 0, saccum = 0; i < actionsList.count(); i++) { const int iHeight = actionRects.at(i).height(); saccum -= iHeight; if (saccum <= scroll->scrollOffset-offset) { const int scrollerArea = q->height() - botScroll - fw*2; int visible = (scroll->scrollOffset-offset) - saccum; for(i++ ; i < actionsList.count(); i++) { visible += actionRects.at(i).height(); if (visible > scrollerArea - topScroll) { scrolled = true; scrollMenu(actionsList.at(i), page ? QMenuScroller::ScrollTop : QMenuScroller::ScrollBottom, active); break; } } break; } } if(!scrolled) { scroll->scrollFlags &= ~QMenuScroller::ScrollDown; q->update(); } } } /* This is poor-mans eventfilters. This avoids the use of eventFilter (which can be nasty for users of QMenuBar's). */ bool KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::mouseEventTaken(QMouseEvent *e) { QPoint pos = q->mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()); if (scroll && !activeMenu) { //let the scroller "steal" the event bool isScroll = false; if (pos.x() >= 0 && pos.x() < q->width()) { for(int dir = QMenuScroller::ScrollUp; dir <= QMenuScroller::ScrollDown; dir = dir << 1) { if (scroll->scrollFlags & dir) { if (dir == QMenuScroller::ScrollUp) isScroll = (pos.y() <= scrollerHeight()); else if (dir == QMenuScroller::ScrollDown) isScroll = (pos.y() >= q->height() - scrollerHeight()); if (isScroll) { scroll->scrollDirection = dir; break; } } } } if (isScroll) { scroll->scrollTimer.start(50, q); return true; } else { scroll->scrollTimer.stop(); } } // if (tearoff) { //let the tear off thingie "steal" the event.. // QRect tearRect(0, 0, q->width(), q->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuTearoffHeight, 0, q)); // if (scroll && scroll->scrollFlags & KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollUp) // tearRect.translate(0, scrollerHeight()); // q->update(tearRect); // if (tearRect.contains(pos) && hasMouseMoved(e->globalPos())) { // setCurrentAction(0); // tearoffHighlighted = 1; // if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) { // hideUpToMenuBar(); // } // return true; // } // tearoffHighlighted = 0; // } if (q->frameGeometry().contains(e->globalPos())) //otherwise if the event is in our rect we want it.. return false; for(QWidget *caused = causedPopup.widget; caused;) { bool passOnEvent = false; QWidget *next_widget = 0; QPoint cpos = caused->mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()); if (KexiMenuWidget *m = qobject_cast(caused)) { passOnEvent = m->rect().contains(cpos); next_widget = m->causedPopup().widget; } if (passOnEvent) { if(e->type() != QEvent::MouseButtonRelease || mouseDown == caused) { QMouseEvent new_e(e->type(), cpos, e->button(), e->buttons(), e->modifiers()); QApplication::sendEvent(caused, &new_e); return true; } } if (!next_widget) break; caused = next_widget; } return false; } void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::activateCausedStack(const QList > &causedStack, QAction *action, QAction::ActionEvent action_e, bool self) { QBoolBlocker guard(activationRecursionGuard); if(self) action->activate(action_e); for(int i = 0; i < causedStack.size(); ++i) { QPointer widget = causedStack.at(i); if (!widget) continue; //fire if (KexiMenuWidget *qmenu = qobject_cast(widget)) { widget = qmenu->causedPopup().widget; if (action_e == QAction::Trigger) { emit qmenu->triggered(action); } else if (action_e == QAction::Hover) { emit qmenu->hovered(action); } } } } void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::activateAction(QAction *action, QAction::ActionEvent action_e, bool self) { #ifndef QT_NO_WHATSTHIS bool inWhatsThisMode = QWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode(); #endif if (!action || !q->isEnabled() || (action_e == QAction::Trigger #ifndef QT_NO_WHATSTHIS && !inWhatsThisMode #endif && (action->isSeparator() ||!action->isEnabled()))) return; /* I have to save the caused stack here because it will be undone after popup execution (ie in the hide). Then I iterate over the list to actually send the events. --Sam */ const QList > causedStack = calcCausedStack(); if (action_e == QAction::Trigger) { #ifndef QT_NO_WHATSTHIS if (!inWhatsThisMode) actionAboutToTrigger = action; #endif if (q->testAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen)) { hideUpToMenuBar(); } else { for(QWidget *widget = QApplication::activePopupWidget(); widget; ) { if (KexiMenuWidget *qmenu = qobject_cast(widget)) { if(qmenu == q) hideUpToMenuBar(); widget = qmenu->causedPopup().widget; } else { break; } } } #ifndef QT_NO_WHATSTHIS if (inWhatsThisMode) { QString s = action->whatsThis(); if (s.isEmpty()) s = q->whatsThis(); QWhatsThis::showText(q->mapToGlobal(actionRect(action).center()), s, q); return; } #endif } activateCausedStack(causedStack, action, action_e, self); if (action_e == QAction::Hover) { #ifndef QT_NO_ACCESSIBILITY if (QAccessible::isActive()) { int actionIndex = indexOf(action) + 1; QAccessible::updateAccessibility(q, actionIndex, QAccessible::Focus); QAccessible::updateAccessibility(q, actionIndex, QAccessible::Selection); } #endif action->showStatusText(topCausedWidget()); } else { actionAboutToTrigger = 0; } } void KexiMenuWidget::actionTriggered() { if (QAction *action = qobject_cast(sender())) { QWeakPointer actionGuard = action; emit triggered(action); if (!d->activationRecursionGuard && actionGuard) { //in case the action has not been activated by the mouse //we check the parent hierarchy QList< QPointer > list; for(QWidget *widget = parentWidget(); widget; ) { if (qobject_cast(widget)) { list.append(widget); widget = widget->parentWidget(); } else { break; } } d->activateCausedStack(list, action, QAction::Trigger, false); } } } void KexiMenuWidget::actionHovered() { if (QAction * action = qobject_cast(sender())) { emit hovered(action); } } bool KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::hasMouseMoved(const QPoint &globalPos) { //determines if the mouse has moved (ie its initial position has //changed by more than QApplication::startDragDistance() //or if there were at least 6 mouse motions) return motions > 6 || QApplication::startDragDistance() < (mousePopupPos - globalPos).manhattanLength(); } // from QWidgetPrivate void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::setLayoutDirection_helper(QWidget* w, Qt::LayoutDirection direction) { if (!w || (direction == Qt::RightToLeft) == w->testAttribute(Qt::WA_RightToLeft)) return; w->setAttribute(Qt::WA_RightToLeft, (direction == Qt::RightToLeft)); foreach (QObject *obj, w->children()) { QWidget *widget = qobject_cast(obj); if (widget && !widget->isWindow() && !widget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_SetLayoutDirection)) setLayoutDirection_helper(widget, direction); } QEvent e(QEvent::LayoutDirectionChange); QApplication::sendEvent(w, &e); } int KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::frameWidth(const QStyleOption* opt) const { if (!hasFrame) return 0; return q->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuPanelWidth, opt, q); } bool KexiMenuWidget::hasFrame() const { return d->hasFrame; } void KexiMenuWidget::setFrame(bool set) { d->hasFrame = set; } // void QWidgetPrivate::resolveLayoutDirection() // { // Q_Q(const QWidget); // if (!q->testAttribute(Qt::WA_SetLayoutDirection)) // setLayoutDirection_helper(q->isWindow() ? QApplication::layoutDirection() : q->parentWidget()->layoutDirection()); // } /*! Initialize \a option with the values from this menu and information from \a action. This method is useful for subclasses when they need a QStyleOptionMenuItem, but don't want to fill in all the information themselves. \sa QStyleOption::initFrom() QMenuBar::initStyleOption() */ void KexiMenuWidget::initStyleOption(QStyleOptionMenuItem *option, const QAction *action) const { if (!option || !action) return; option->initFrom(this); option->palette = palette(); option->state = QStyle::State_None; if (window()->isActiveWindow()) option->state |= QStyle::State_Active; if (isEnabled() && action->isEnabled() && (!action->menu() || action->menu()->isEnabled())) option->state |= QStyle::State_Enabled; else option->palette.setCurrentColorGroup(QPalette::Disabled); option->font = action->font().resolve(font()); option->fontMetrics = QFontMetrics(option->font); if (d->currentAction && d->currentAction == action && !d->currentAction->isSeparator()) { option->state |= QStyle::State_Selected | (d->mouseDown ? QStyle::State_Sunken : QStyle::State_None); } option->menuHasCheckableItems = d->hasCheckableItems; if (!action->isCheckable()) { option->checkType = QStyleOptionMenuItem::NotCheckable; } else { option->checkType = (action->actionGroup() && action->actionGroup()->isExclusive()) ? QStyleOptionMenuItem::Exclusive : QStyleOptionMenuItem::NonExclusive; option->checked = action->isChecked(); } if (action->menu()) option->menuItemType = QStyleOptionMenuItem::SubMenu; else if (action->isSeparator()) option->menuItemType = QStyleOptionMenuItem::Separator; else if (d->defaultAction == action) option->menuItemType = QStyleOptionMenuItem::DefaultItem; else option->menuItemType = QStyleOptionMenuItem::Normal; if (action->isIconVisibleInMenu()) option->icon = action->icon(); QString textAndAccel = action->text(); #ifndef QT_NO_SHORTCUT if (textAndAccel.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\t')) == -1) { QKeySequence seq = action->shortcut(); if (!seq.isEmpty()) textAndAccel += QLatin1Char('\t') + QString(seq); } #endif option->text = textAndAccel; option->tabWidth = d->tabWidth; option->maxIconWidth = d->maxIconWidth; option->menuRect = rect(); } /*! Constructs a menu with parent \a parent. Although a popup menu is always a top-level widget, if a parent is passed the popup menu will be deleted when that parent is destroyed (as with any other QObject). */ KexiMenuWidget::KexiMenuWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), d(new KexiMenuWidgetPrivate(this)) { d->init(); } /*! Constructs a menu with a \a title and a \a parent. Although a popup menu is always a top-level widget, if a parent is passed the popup menu will be deleted when that parent is destroyed (as with any other QObject). \sa title */ KexiMenuWidget::KexiMenuWidget(const QString &title, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), d(new KexiMenuWidgetPrivate(this)) { d->init(); d->menuAction->setText(title); } /*! \internal */ // KexiMenuWidget::KexiMenuWidget(KexiMenuWidgetPrivate &dd, QWidget *parent) // : QWidget(dd, parent, Qt::Popup) // { // d->init(); // } /*! Destroys the menu. */ KexiMenuWidget::~KexiMenuWidget() { if (!d->widgetItems.isEmpty()) { // avoid detach on shared null hash QHash::iterator it = d->widgetItems.begin(); for (; it != d->widgetItems.end(); ++it) { if (QWidget *widget = it.value()) { QWidgetAction *action = static_cast(it.key()); action->releaseWidget(widget); *it = 0; } } } if (d->eventLoop) d->eventLoop->exit(); //hideTearOffMenu(); delete d; } KexiMenuWidgetAction* KexiMenuWidget::persistentlySelectedAction() const { if (d->previousPersistentlySelectedAction && d->previousPersistentlySelectedAction->persistentlySelected()) { return d->previousPersistentlySelectedAction; } return 0; } void KexiMenuWidget::setPersistentlySelectedAction(KexiMenuWidgetAction* action, bool set) { d->setActionPersistentlySelected(action, set); } const KexiMenuWidgetCaused& KexiMenuWidget::causedPopup() const { return d->causedPopup; } void KexiMenuWidget::setCurrentAction(QAction *a, int popup, KexiMenuWidget::SelectionReason reason, bool activateFirst) { d->setCurrentAction(a, popup, reason, activateFirst); } QEventLoop *KexiMenuWidget::eventLoop() const { return d->eventLoop; } void KexiMenuWidget::setSyncAction(QAction *a) { d->syncAction = a; } /*! \overload This convenience function creates a new action with \a text. The function adds the newly created action to the menu's list of actions, and returns it. \sa QWidget::addAction() */ QAction *KexiMenuWidget::addAction(const QString &text) { QAction *ret = new QAction(text, this); addAction(ret); return ret; } /*! \overload This convenience function creates a new action with an \a icon and some \a text. The function adds the newly created action to the menu's list of actions, and returns it. \sa QWidget::addAction() */ QAction *KexiMenuWidget::addAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text) { QAction *ret = new QAction(icon, text, this); addAction(ret); return ret; } /*! \overload This convenience function creates a new action with the text \a text and an optional shortcut \a shortcut. The action's \l{QAction::triggered()}{triggered()} signal is connected to the \a receiver's \a member slot. The function adds the newly created action to the menu's list of actions and returns it. \sa QWidget::addAction() */ QAction *KexiMenuWidget::addAction(const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, const char* member, const QKeySequence &shortcut) { QAction *action = new QAction(text, this); #ifdef QT_NO_SHORTCUT Q_UNUSED(shortcut); #else action->setShortcut(shortcut); #endif QObject::connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), receiver, member); addAction(action); return action; } /*! \overload This convenience function creates a new action with an \a icon and some \a text and an optional shortcut \a shortcut. The action's \l{QAction::triggered()}{triggered()} signal is connected to the \a member slot of the \a receiver object. The function adds the newly created action to the menu's list of actions, and returns it. \sa QWidget::addAction() */ QAction *KexiMenuWidget::addAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, const char* member, const QKeySequence &shortcut) { QAction *action = new QAction(icon, text, this); #ifdef QT_NO_SHORTCUT Q_UNUSED(shortcut); #else action->setShortcut(shortcut); #endif QObject::connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), receiver, member); addAction(action); return action; } /*! This convenience function creates a new separator action, i.e. an action with QAction::isSeparator() returning true, and adds the new action to this menu's list of actions. It returns the newly created action. \sa QWidget::addAction() */ QAction *KexiMenuWidget::addSeparator() { QAction *action = new QAction(this); action->setSeparator(true); addAction(action); return action; } /*! This convenience function creates a new separator action, i.e. an action with QAction::isSeparator() returning true. The function inserts the newly created action into this menu's list of actions before action \a before and returns it. \sa QWidget::insertAction(), addSeparator() */ QAction *KexiMenuWidget::insertSeparator(QAction *before) { QAction *action = new QAction(this); action->setSeparator(true); insertAction(before, action); return action; } /*! This sets the default action to \a act. The default action may have a visual cue, depending on the current QStyle. A default action usually indicates what will happen by default when a drop occurs. \sa defaultAction() */ void KexiMenuWidget::setDefaultAction(QAction *act) { d->defaultAction = act; } /*! Returns the current default action. \sa setDefaultAction() */ QAction *KexiMenuWidget::defaultAction() const { return d->defaultAction; } /*! Sets the currently highlighted action to \a act. */ void KexiMenuWidget::setActiveAction(QAction *act) { d->setCurrentAction(act, 0); if (d->scroll) d->scrollMenu(act, KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollCenter); } /*! Returns the currently highlighted action, or 0 if no action is currently highlighted. */ QAction *KexiMenuWidget::activeAction() const { return d->currentAction; } /*! \since 4.2 Returns true if there are no visible actions inserted into the menu, false otherwise. \sa QWidget::actions() */ bool KexiMenuWidget::isEmpty() const { bool ret = true; QList actionsList = this->actions(); for(int i = 0; ret && i < actionsList.count(); ++i) { const QAction *action = actionsList.at(i); if (!action->isSeparator() && action->isVisible()) { ret = false; } } return ret; } /*! Removes all the menu's actions. Actions owned by the menu and not shown in any other widget are deleted. \sa removeAction() */ void KexiMenuWidget::clear() { QList acts = actions(); for(int i = 0; i < acts.size(); i++) { #ifdef QT_SOFTKEYS_ENABLED // Lets not touch to our internal softkey actions if(acts[i] == d->selectAction || acts[i] == d->cancelAction) continue; #endif removeAction(acts[i]); if (acts[i]->parent() == this && acts[i]->associatedWidgets().isEmpty()) delete acts[i]; } } /*! If a menu does not fit on the screen it lays itself out so that it does fit. It is style dependent what layout means (for example, on Windows it will use multiple columns). This functions returns the number of columns necessary. */ int KexiMenuWidget::columnCount() const { return d->ncols; } /*! Returns the item at \a pt; returns 0 if there is no item there. */ QAction *KexiMenuWidget::actionAt(const QPoint &pt) const { if (QAction *ret = d->actionAt(pt)) return ret; return 0; } /*! Returns the geometry of action \a act. */ QRect KexiMenuWidget::actionGeometry(QAction *act) const { return d->actionRect(act); } /*! \reimp */ QSize KexiMenuWidget::sizeHint() const { d->updateActionRects(); QSize s; for (int i = 0; i < d->actionRects.count(); ++i) { const QRect &rect = d->actionRects.at(i); if (rect.isNull()) continue; if (rect.bottom() >= s.height()) s.setHeight(rect.y() + rect.height()); if (rect.right() >= s.width()) s.setWidth(rect.x() + rect.width()); } // Note that the action rects calculated above already include // the top and left margins, so we only need to add margins for // the bottom and right. QStyleOption opt(0); opt.initFrom(this); const int fw = d->frameWidth(&opt); int leftmargin, topmargin, rightmargin, bottommargin; getContentsMargins(&leftmargin, &topmargin, &rightmargin, &bottommargin); s.rwidth() += style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuHMargin, &opt, this) + fw + rightmargin + 2 /*frame*/; s.rheight() += style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuVMargin, &opt, this) + fw + bottommargin; return style()->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_Menu, &opt, s.expandedTo(QApplication::globalStrut()), this); } /*! Displays the menu so that the action \a atAction will be at the specified \e global position \a p. To translate a widget's local coordinates into global coordinates, use QWidget::mapToGlobal(). When positioning a menu with exec() or popup(), bear in mind that you cannot rely on the menu's current size(). For performance reasons, the menu adapts its size only when necessary, so in many cases, the size before and after the show is different. Instead, use sizeHint() which calculates the proper size depending on the menu's current contents. \sa QWidget::mapToGlobal(), exec() */ void KexiMenuWidget::popup(const QPoint &p, QAction *atAction) { #ifndef Q_OS_SYMBIAN if (d->scroll) { // reset scroll state from last popup d->scroll->scrollOffset = 0; d->scroll->scrollFlags = KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollNone; } #endif //d->tearoffHighlighted = 0; d->motions = 0; //d->doChildEffects = true; d->updateLayoutDirection(); ensurePolished(); // Get the right font emit aboutToShow(); //const bool actionListChanged = d->itemsDirty; d->updateActionRects(); QPoint pos; /*QPushButton *causedButton = qobject_cast(d->causedPopup().widget); if (actionListChanged && causedButton) pos = QPushButtonPrivate::get(causedButton)->adjustedMenuPosition(); else*/ pos = p; QSize size = sizeHint(); QRect screen; #ifndef QT_NO_GRAPHICSVIEW /*bool isEmbedded = !bypassGraphicsProxyWidget(this) && d->nearestGraphicsProxyWidget(this); if (isEmbedded) screen = d->popupGeometry(this); else*/ #endif screen = d->popupGeometry(QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(p)); const int desktopFrame = d->frameWidth(); bool adjustToDesktop = !window()->testAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen); QList actionsList = this->actions(); #ifdef QT_KEYPAD_NAVIGATION if (!atAction && QApplication::keypadNavigationEnabled()) { // Try to have one item activated if (d->defaultAction && d->defaultAction->isEnabled()) { atAction = d->defaultAction; // TODO: This works for first level menus, not yet sub menus } else { foreach (QAction *action, actionsList) if (action->isEnabled()) { atAction = action; break; } } d->currentAction = atAction; } #endif if (d->ncols > 1) { pos.setY(screen.top() + desktopFrame); } else if (atAction) { for (int i = 0, above_height = 0; i < actionsList.count(); i++) { QAction *action = actionsList.at(i); if (action == atAction) { int newY = pos.y() - above_height; if (d->scroll && newY < desktopFrame) { d->scroll->scrollFlags = d->scroll->scrollFlags | KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollUp; d->scroll->scrollOffset = newY; newY = desktopFrame; } pos.setY(newY); if (d->scroll && d->scroll->scrollFlags != KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollNone && !style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_FillScreenWithScroll, 0, this)) { int below_height = above_height + d->scroll->scrollOffset; for (int i2 = i; i2 < d->actionRects.count(); i2++) below_height += d->actionRects.at(i2).height(); size.setHeight(below_height); } break; } else { above_height += d->actionRects.at(i).height(); } } } QPoint mouse = QCursor::pos(); d->mousePopupPos = mouse; const bool snapToMouse = (QRect(p.x() - 3, p.y() - 3, 6, 6).contains(mouse)); if (adjustToDesktop) { // handle popup falling "off screen" if (isRightToLeft()) { if (snapToMouse) // position flowing left from the mouse pos.setX(mouse.x() - size.width()); if (pos.x() < screen.left() + desktopFrame) pos.setX(qMax(p.x(), screen.left() + desktopFrame)); if (pos.x() + size.width() - 1 > screen.right() - desktopFrame) pos.setX(qMax(p.x() - size.width(), screen.right() - desktopFrame - size.width() + 1)); } else { if (pos.x() + size.width() - 1 > screen.right() - desktopFrame) pos.setX(screen.right() - desktopFrame - size.width() + 1); if (pos.x() < screen.left() + desktopFrame) pos.setX(screen.left() + desktopFrame); } if (pos.y() + size.height() - 1 > screen.bottom() - desktopFrame) { if(snapToMouse) pos.setY(qMin(mouse.y() - (size.height() + desktopFrame), screen.bottom()-desktopFrame-size.height()+1)); else pos.setY(qMax(p.y() - (size.height() + desktopFrame), screen.bottom()-desktopFrame-size.height()+1)); } else if (pos.y() < screen.top() + desktopFrame) { pos.setY(screen.top() + desktopFrame); } if (pos.y() < screen.top() + desktopFrame) pos.setY(screen.top() + desktopFrame); if (pos.y() + size.height() - 1 > screen.bottom() - desktopFrame) { if (d->scroll) { d->scroll->scrollFlags |= uint(KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollDown); int y = qMax(screen.y(),pos.y()); size.setHeight(screen.bottom() - (desktopFrame * 2) - y); } else { // Too big for screen, bias to see bottom of menu (for some reason) pos.setY(screen.bottom() - size.height() + 1); } } } //setGeometry(QRect(pos, size)); //resize(size); show(); #ifndef QT_NO_ACCESSIBILITY //QAccessible::updateAccessibility(this, 0, QAccessible::PopupMenuStart); #endif } #if 0 /*! Executes this menu synchronously. This is equivalent to \c{exec(pos())}. This returns the triggered QAction in either the popup menu or one of its submenus, or 0 if no item was triggered (normally because the user pressed Esc). In most situations you'll want to specify the position yourself, for example, the current mouse position: \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_gui_widgets_qmenu.cpp 0 or aligned to a widget: \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_gui_widgets_qmenu.cpp 1 or in reaction to a QMouseEvent *e: \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_gui_widgets_qmenu.cpp 2 */ QAction *KexiMenuWidget::exec() { return exec(pos()); } /*! \overload Executes this menu synchronously. Pops up the menu so that the action \a action will be at the specified \e global position \a p. To translate a widget's local coordinates into global coordinates, use QWidget::mapToGlobal(). This returns the triggered QAction in either the popup menu or one of its submenus, or 0 if no item was triggered (normally because the user pressed Esc). Note that all signals are emitted as usual. If you connect a QAction to a slot and call the menu's exec(), you get the result both via the signal-slot connection and in the return value of exec(). Common usage is to position the menu at the current mouse position: \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_gui_widgets_qmenu.cpp 3 or aligned to a widget: \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_gui_widgets_qmenu.cpp 4 or in reaction to a QMouseEvent *e: \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_gui_widgets_qmenu.cpp 5 When positioning a menu with exec() or popup(), bear in mind that you cannot rely on the menu's current size(). For performance reasons, the menu adapts its size only when necessary. So in many cases, the size before and after the show is different. Instead, use sizeHint() which calculates the proper size depending on the menu's current contents. \sa popup(), QWidget::mapToGlobal() */ QAction *KexiMenuWidget::exec(const QPoint &p, QAction *action) { createWinId(); QEventLoop eventLoop; d->eventLoop = &eventLoop; popup(p, action); QPointer guard = this; (void) eventLoop.exec(); if (guard.isNull()) return 0; action = d->syncAction; d->syncAction = 0; d->eventLoop = 0; return action; } /*! \overload Executes a menu synchronously. The menu's actions are specified by the list of \a actions. The menu will pop up so that the specified action, \a at, appears at global position \a pos. If \a at is not specified then the menu appears at position \a pos. \a parent is the menu's parent widget; specifying the parent will provide context when \a pos alone is not enough to decide where the menu should go (e.g., with multiple desktops or when the parent is embedded in QGraphicsView). The function returns the triggered QAction in either the popup menu or one of its submenus, or 0 if no item was triggered (normally because the user pressed Esc). This is equivalent to: \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_gui_widgets_qmenu.cpp 6 \sa popup(), QWidget::mapToGlobal() */ QAction *KexiMenuWidget::exec(QList actions, const QPoint &pos, QAction *at, QWidget *parent) { KexiMenuWidget menu(parent); menu.addActions(actions); return menu.exec(pos, at); } /*! \overload Executes a menu synchronously. The menu's actions are specified by the list of \a actions. The menu will pop up so that the specified action, \a at, appears at global position \a pos. If \a at is not specified then the menu appears at position \a pos. The function returns the triggered QAction in either the popup menu or one of its submenus, or 0 if no item was triggered (normally because the user pressed Esc). This is equivalent to: \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_gui_widgets_qmenu.cpp 6 \sa popup(), QWidget::mapToGlobal() */ QAction *KexiMenuWidget::exec(QList actions, const QPoint &pos, QAction *at) { // ### Qt 5: merge return exec(actions, pos, at, 0); } #endif ClickableLogoArea::ClickableLogoArea(QWidget *parent) : QAbstractButton(parent) { connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotClicked())); } void ClickableLogoArea::slotClicked() { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(calligraUrl)); } void ClickableLogoArea::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) { } void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::updateLogoPixmap() { bool isLight; if (bespin) { isLight = q->palette().color(QPalette::Shadow).lightness() >= 128; } else { isLight = KexiUtils::isLightColorScheme(); } const QString calligraLogo = KStandardDirs::locate("data", isLight ? "kexi/pics/calligra-logo-white-glow.png" : "kexi/pics/calligra-logo-black-glow.png"); calligraLogoPixmap = QPixmap(calligraLogo); } int KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::bottomOfLastItem() const { if (actionRects.isEmpty()) { return 0; } return actionRects.last().bottom(); } /* Logo's pixmap is consisted of logo and some glow (cutted-off vertically). (without the glow the math would be simpler) +--------+ + | glow | |--- glowHeight - cutOffGlow | +----+ | + | |logo| | |--- calligraLogoPixmapInternalHeight | +----+ | + | glow | |--- glowHeight - cutOffGlow +--------+ + */ const int glowHeight = 64; const int cutOffGlow = 12; const int spacingAfterLastItem = 10; //! @return distance between bottom border of the logo and bottom border of the entire menu widget int KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::logoBottomMargin() const { /* +----------------+ | Menu item 1 | | | ... | | | Last menu item | | q->height() +----------------+ <--- bottomOfLastItem() | | | |--- spacingAfterLastItem | +----------------+ | glow | | +----+ | | |logo| | | +----+ | + | glow | |--- bottomMargin +----------------+ + */ int bottomMargin = glowHeight - cutOffGlow; if ((q->height() - bottomMargin - calligraLogoPixmapInternalHeight - cutOffGlow) <= (bottomOfLastItem() + spacingAfterLastItem)) { /* Special case when the last menu item would cover the logo: keep the logo below +----------------+ | +----+ | | |logo| | +----------------+ |--- bottomMargin (can be 0 or negative) | */ bottomMargin = q->height() - bottomOfLastItem() - spacingAfterLastItem - cutOffGlow - calligraLogoPixmapInternalHeight; } return bottomMargin; } void KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::updateLogo() { const QRect logoRect((q->width() - 2 - calligraLogoPixmapInternalWidth) / 2, q->height() - logoBottomMargin() - calligraLogoPixmapInternalHeight - cutOffGlow, calligraLogoPixmapInternalWidth, calligraLogoPixmapInternalHeight); if (!clickableLogoArea) { updateLogoPixmap(); clickableLogoArea = new ClickableLogoArea(q); clickableLogoArea->setCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor); clickableLogoArea->setToolTip(i18n("Visit Calligra home page at %1", QLatin1String(calligraUrl))); } clickableLogoArea->setGeometry(logoRect); } /*! \reimp */ void KexiMenuWidget::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) { QWidget::showEvent(event); d->updateLogo(); d->clickableLogoArea->show(); } /*! \reimp */ void KexiMenuWidget::hideEvent(QHideEvent *) { emit aboutToHide(); if (d->eventLoop) d->eventLoop->exit(); d->setCurrentAction(0); #ifndef QT_NO_ACCESSIBILITY QAccessible::updateAccessibility(this, 0, QAccessible::PopupMenuEnd); #endif d->mouseDown = 0; d->hasHadMouse = false; d->causedPopup.widget = 0; d->causedPopup.action = 0; if (d->scroll) d->scroll->scrollTimer.stop(); //make sure the timer stops // this unmarks the previous persistent action d->setActionPersistentlySelected(0, false); } /*! \reimp */ void KexiMenuWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { d->updateActionRects(); QPainter p(this); QRegion emptyArea = QRegion(rect()); if (d->oxygenHelper) { //d->oxygenHelper->renderWindowBackground(&p, rect(), this, palette()); d->oxygenHelper->renderMenuBackground(&p, rect(), this, palette()); // d->oxygenHelper->drawFloatFrame(&p, rect(), palette().window().color(), true); } QStyleOptionMenuItem menuOpt; menuOpt.initFrom(this); menuOpt.state = QStyle::State_None; menuOpt.checkType = QStyleOptionMenuItem::NotCheckable; menuOpt.maxIconWidth = 0; menuOpt.tabWidth = 0; if (d->bespin) { p.fillRect(rect(), palette().shadow()); } else { style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelMenu, &menuOpt, &p, this); } { QStyleOptionFrameV3 opt; opt.initFrom(this); opt.frameShape = QFrame::VLine; opt.state |= QStyle::State_Raised; opt.lineWidth = 1; opt.midLineWidth = 0; //opt.rect = QRect(opt.rect.topRight() - QPoint(0, 0), opt.rect.bottomRight() + QPoint(10, 0)); //const QRect cr = style()->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_ShapedFrameContents, &opt); //opt.lineWidth = opt.rect.right() - cr.right(); opt.rect.setX(opt.rect.width() - opt.lineWidth); opt.rect.setWidth(opt.lineWidth); style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_ShapedFrame, &opt, &p); /* QStyleOption opt; opt.initFrom(this); opt.state |= QStyle::State_Horizontal; opt.rect = QRect(opt.rect.topRight() - QPoint(10, 0), opt.rect.bottomRight() + QPoint(10, 0)); style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_IndicatorToolBarSeparator, &opt, &p, this); */ } //draw the items that need updating.. QList actionsList = this->actions(); for (int i = 0; i < actionsList.count(); ++i) { QAction *action = actionsList.at(i); QRect adjustedActionRect = d->actionRects.at(i); if (!e->rect().intersects(adjustedActionRect) || d->widgetItems.value(action)) continue; //set the clip region to be extra safe (and adjust for the scrollers) QRegion adjustedActionReg(adjustedActionRect); emptyArea -= adjustedActionReg; p.setClipRegion(adjustedActionReg); QStyleOptionMenuItem opt; initStyleOption(&opt, action); opt.rect = adjustedActionRect; if (d->actionPersistentlySelected(action)) { opt.state |= QStyle::State_Selected; if (!d->bespin && !d->qtcurve) { opt.palette.setBrush(QPalette::Window, opt.palette.brush(QPalette::Highlight)); opt.palette.setBrush(QPalette::WindowText, opt.palette.brush(QPalette::HighlightedText)); } } else if (!action->isSeparator()) { if (!d->bespin && opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected) { // lighten the highlight to make it different from // the persistently selected item opt.palette.setColor(QPalette::Highlight, KColorUtils::mix( opt.palette.color(QPalette::Highlight), opt.palette.color(QPalette::Window))); opt.palette.setColor(QPalette::HighlightedText, opt.palette.color(QPalette::Text)); } } // Depending on style Button or Background brush may be used // to fill background of deselected items. Make it transparent. bool transparentBackground = !(opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected); if (d->oxygenHelper && action->isSeparator()) { transparentBackground = false; } if (transparentBackground) { opt.palette.setBrush(QPalette::Button, QBrush(Qt::transparent)); if (!d->bespin) { opt.palette.setBrush(QPalette::Background, QBrush(Qt::transparent)); } } style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_MenuItem, &opt, &p, this); } const int fw = d->frameWidth(); //draw the scroller regions.. if (d->scroll) { menuOpt.menuItemType = QStyleOptionMenuItem::Scroller; menuOpt.state |= QStyle::State_Enabled; if (d->scroll->scrollFlags & KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollUp) { menuOpt.rect.setRect(fw, fw, width() - (fw * 2), d->scrollerHeight()); emptyArea -= QRegion(menuOpt.rect); p.setClipRect(menuOpt.rect); style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_MenuScroller, &menuOpt, &p, this); } if (d->scroll->scrollFlags & KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollDown) { menuOpt.rect.setRect(fw, height() - d->scrollerHeight() - fw, width() - (fw * 2), d->scrollerHeight()); emptyArea -= QRegion(menuOpt.rect); menuOpt.state |= QStyle::State_DownArrow; p.setClipRect(menuOpt.rect); style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_MenuScroller, &menuOpt, &p, this); } } //paint the tear off.. /* if (d->tearoff) { menuOpt.menuItemType = QStyleOptionMenuItem::TearOff; menuOpt.rect.setRect(fw, fw, width() - (fw * 2), style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuTearoffHeight, 0, this)); if (d->scroll && d->scroll->scrollFlags & KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollUp) menuOpt.rect.translate(0, d->scrollerHeight()); emptyArea -= QRegion(menuOpt.rect); p.setClipRect(menuOpt.rect); menuOpt.state = QStyle::State_None; if (d->tearoffHighlighted) menuOpt.state |= QStyle::State_Selected; style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_MenuTearoff, &menuOpt, &p, this); }*/ //draw border if (fw > 0) { QRegion borderReg; borderReg += QRect(0, 0, fw, height()); //left borderReg += QRect(width()-fw, 0, fw, height()); //right borderReg += QRect(0, 0, width(), fw); //top borderReg += QRect(0, height()-fw, width(), fw); //bottom p.setClipRegion(borderReg); emptyArea -= borderReg; QStyleOptionFrame frame; frame.rect = rect(); frame.palette = palette(); frame.state = QStyle::State_None; frame.lineWidth = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuPanelWidth); frame.midLineWidth = 0; style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_FrameMenu, &frame, &p, this); // full frame: style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_FrameWindow, &frame, &p, this); } //finally the rest of the space p.setClipRegion(emptyArea); menuOpt.state = QStyle::State_None; menuOpt.menuItemType = QStyleOptionMenuItem::EmptyArea; menuOpt.checkType = QStyleOptionMenuItem::NotCheckable; menuOpt.rect = rect(); menuOpt.menuRect = rect(); style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_MenuEmptyArea, &menuOpt, &p, this); // version p.setFont(KGlobalSettings::smallestReadableFont()); QColor textColor; textColor = palette().color(QPalette::Base); p.setPen(QPen(textColor)); const int logoBottomMargin = d->logoBottomMargin(); p.drawText(0, height() - logoBottomMargin + 1, width(), logoBottomMargin - 1, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop, QLatin1String(Kexi::versionString())); textColor = palette().color(QPalette::WindowText); textColor.setAlpha(180); p.setPen(QPen(textColor)); p.drawText(0, height() - logoBottomMargin, width(), logoBottomMargin, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop, QLatin1String(Kexi::versionString())); // logo p.drawPixmap((width() - d->calligraLogoPixmap.width()) / 2, height() - logoBottomMargin - d->calligraLogoPixmap.height() + calligraLogoPixmapInternalHeight - 20, d->calligraLogoPixmap); } #ifndef QT_NO_WHEELEVENT /*! \reimp */ void KexiMenuWidget::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) { if (d->scroll && rect().contains(e->pos())) d->scrollMenu(e->delta() > 0 ? KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollUp : KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollDown); } #endif /*! \reimp */ void KexiMenuWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (d->aboutToHide || d->mouseEventTaken(e)) return; if (!rect().contains(e->pos())) { if (d->noReplayFor && QRect(d->noReplayFor->mapToGlobal(QPoint()), d->noReplayFor->size()).contains(e->globalPos())) setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoMouseReplay); if (d->eventLoop) // synchronous operation d->syncAction = 0; d->hideUpToMenuBar(); return; } d->mouseDown = this; QAction *action = d->actionAt(e->pos()); d->setCurrentAction(action, 20); update(); } /*! \reimp */ void KexiMenuWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (d->aboutToHide || d->mouseEventTaken(e)) return; if(d->mouseDown != this) { d->mouseDown = 0; return; } d->mouseDown = 0; d->setSyncAction(); QAction *action = d->actionAt(e->pos()); //kDebug() << "action:" << action << "d->currentAction:" << d->currentAction; if (action && action == d->currentAction) { if (!action->menu()){ #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) //On Windows only context menus can be activated with the right button if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton || d->topCausedWidget() == 0) #endif { if (!d->actionPersistentlySelected(action)) { d->toggleActionPersistentlySelected(action); update(); d->activateAction(action, QAction::Trigger); } } } } else if (d->hasMouseMoved(e->globalPos())) { d->hideUpToMenuBar(); } } /*! \reimp */ void KexiMenuWidget::changeEvent(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::StyleChange || e->type() == QEvent::FontChange || e->type() == QEvent::LayoutDirectionChange) { d->itemsDirty = 1; setMouseTracking(style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_MouseTracking, 0, this)); if (isVisible()) resize(sizeHint()); if (!style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_Scrollable, 0, this)) { delete d->scroll; d->scroll = 0; } else if (!d->scroll) { d->scroll = new KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller; d->scroll->scrollFlags = KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollNone; } } else if (e->type() == QEvent::EnabledChange) { d->menuAction->setEnabled(isEnabled()); } else if (e->type() == QEvent::PaletteChange) { d->updateLogoPixmap(); d->updateLogo(); } QWidget::changeEvent(e); } /*! \reimp */ bool KexiMenuWidget::event(QEvent *e) { switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::Polish: d->updateLayoutDirection(); break; case QEvent::ShortcutOverride: { QKeyEvent *kev = static_cast(e); if (kev->key() == Qt::Key_Up || kev->key() == Qt::Key_Down || kev->key() == Qt::Key_Left || kev->key() == Qt::Key_Right || kev->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || kev->key() == Qt::Key_Return || kev->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { e->accept(); return true; } } break; case QEvent::KeyPress: { QKeyEvent *ke = (QKeyEvent*)e; if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Tab || ke->key() == Qt::Key_Backtab) { keyPressEvent(ke); return true; } } break; /*case QEvent::ContextMenu: if(d->menuDelayTimer.isActive()) { d->menuDelayTimer.stop(); internalDelayedPopup(); } break;*/ case QEvent::Resize: { QStyleHintReturnMask menuMask; QStyleOption option; option.initFrom(this); if (style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_Mask, &option, this, &menuMask)) { setMask(menuMask.region); } d->itemsDirty = 1; d->updateActionRects(); d->updateLogo(); break; } case QEvent::Show: d->mouseDown = 0; d->updateActionRects(); show(); // if (d->currentAction) // d->popupAction(d->currentAction, 0, false); break; #ifndef QT_NO_WHATSTHIS case QEvent::QueryWhatsThis: e->setAccepted(whatsThis().size()); if (QAction *action = d->actionAt(static_cast(e)->pos())) { if (action->whatsThis().size() || action->menu()) e->accept(); } return true; #endif #ifdef QT_SOFTKEYS_ENABLED case QEvent::LanguageChange: { d->selectAction->setText(QSoftKeyManager::standardSoftKeyText(QSoftKeyManager::SelectSoftKey)); d->cancelAction->setText(QSoftKeyManager::standardSoftKeyText(QSoftKeyManager::CancelSoftKey)); } break; #endif default: break; } return QWidget::event(e); } /*! \reimp */ bool KexiMenuWidget::focusNextPrevChild(bool next) { setFocus(); QKeyEvent ev(QEvent::KeyPress, next ? Qt::Key_Tab : Qt::Key_Backtab, Qt::NoModifier); keyPressEvent(&ev); return true; } /*! \reimp */ void KexiMenuWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { d->updateActionRects(); int key = e->key(); if (isRightToLeft()) { // in reverse mode open/close key for submenues are reversed if (key == Qt::Key_Left) key = Qt::Key_Right; else if (key == Qt::Key_Right) key = Qt::Key_Left; } #ifndef Q_WS_MAC if (key == Qt::Key_Tab) //means down key = Qt::Key_Down; if (key == Qt::Key_Backtab) //means up key = Qt::Key_Up; #endif bool key_consumed = false; QList actionsList = this->actions(); switch(key) { case Qt::Key_Home: key_consumed = true; if (d->scroll) d->scrollMenu(KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollTop, true); break; case Qt::Key_End: key_consumed = true; if (d->scroll) d->scrollMenu(KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollBottom, true); break; case Qt::Key_PageUp: key_consumed = true; if (d->currentAction && d->scroll) { if(d->scroll->scrollFlags & KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollUp) d->scrollMenu(KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollUp, true, true); else d->scrollMenu(KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollTop, true); } break; case Qt::Key_PageDown: key_consumed = true; if (d->currentAction && d->scroll) { if(d->scroll->scrollFlags & KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollDown) d->scrollMenu(KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollDown, true, true); else d->scrollMenu(KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollBottom, true); } break; case Qt::Key_Up: case Qt::Key_Down: { key_consumed = true; QAction *nextAction = 0; KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollLocation scroll_loc = KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollStay; if (!d->currentAction) { if(key == Qt::Key_Down) { for(int i = 0; i < actionsList.count(); ++i) { QAction *act = actionsList.at(i); if (d->actionRects.at(i).isNull()) continue; if (!act->isSeparator() && (style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_AllowActiveAndDisabled, 0, this) || act->isEnabled())) { nextAction = act; break; } } } else { for(int i = actionsList.count()-1; i >= 0; --i) { QAction *act = actionsList.at(i); if (d->actionRects.at(i).isNull()) continue; if (!act->isSeparator() && (style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_AllowActiveAndDisabled, 0, this) || act->isEnabled())) { nextAction = act; break; } } } } else { for(int i = 0, y = 0; !nextAction && i < actionsList.count(); i++) { QAction *act = actionsList.at(i); if (act == d->currentAction) { if (key == Qt::Key_Up) { for(int next_i = i-1; true; next_i--) { if (next_i == -1) { if(!style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_SelectionWrap, 0, this)) break; if (d->scroll) scroll_loc = KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollBottom; next_i = d->actionRects.count()-1; } QAction *next = actionsList.at(next_i); if (next == d->currentAction) break; if (d->actionRects.at(next_i).isNull()) continue; if (next->isSeparator() || (!next->isEnabled() && !style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_AllowActiveAndDisabled, 0, this))) continue; nextAction = next; if (d->scroll && (d->scroll->scrollFlags & KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollUp)) { int topVisible = d->scrollerHeight(); /* if (d->tearoff) topVisible += style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuTearoffHeight, 0, this);*/ if (((y + d->scroll->scrollOffset) - topVisible) <= d->actionRects.at(next_i).height()) scroll_loc = KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollTop; } break; } /* if (!nextAction && d->tearoff) d->tearoffHighlighted = 1;*/ } else { y += d->actionRects.at(i).height(); for(int next_i = i+1; true; next_i++) { if (next_i == d->actionRects.count()) { if(!style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_SelectionWrap, 0, this)) break; if (d->scroll) scroll_loc = KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollTop; next_i = 0; } QAction *next = actionsList.at(next_i); if (next == d->currentAction) break; if (d->actionRects.at(next_i).isNull()) continue; if (next->isSeparator() || (!next->isEnabled() && !style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_AllowActiveAndDisabled, 0, this))) continue; nextAction = next; if (d->scroll && (d->scroll->scrollFlags & KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollDown)) { int bottomVisible = height() - d->scrollerHeight(); if (d->scroll->scrollFlags & KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollUp) bottomVisible -= d->scrollerHeight(); /* if (d->tearoff) bottomVisible -= style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuTearoffHeight, 0, this);*/ if ((y + d->scroll->scrollOffset + d->actionRects.at(next_i).height()) > bottomVisible) scroll_loc = KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollBottom; } break; } } break; } y += d->actionRects.at(i).height(); } } if (nextAction) { if (d->scroll && scroll_loc != KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollStay) { d->scroll->scrollTimer.stop(); d->scrollMenu(nextAction, scroll_loc); } d->setCurrentAction(nextAction, /*popup*/-1, KexiMenuWidget::SelectedFromKeyboard); } break; } /*case Qt::Key_Right: if (d->currentAction && d->currentAction->isEnabled() && d->currentAction->menu()) { d->popupAction(d->currentAction, 0, true); key_consumed = true; break; } //FALL THROUGH*/ case Qt::Key_Left: { if (d->currentAction && !d->scroll) { QAction *nextAction = 0; if (key == Qt::Key_Left) { QRect actionR = d->actionRect(d->currentAction); for(int x = actionR.left()-1; !nextAction && x >= 0; x--) nextAction = d->actionAt(QPoint(x, actionR.center().y())); } else { QRect actionR = d->actionRect(d->currentAction); for(int x = actionR.right()+1; !nextAction && x < width(); x++) nextAction = d->actionAt(QPoint(x, actionR.center().y())); } if (nextAction) { d->setCurrentAction(nextAction, /*popup*/-1, KexiMenuWidget::SelectedFromKeyboard); key_consumed = true; } } if (!key_consumed && key == Qt::Key_Left && qobject_cast(d->causedPopup.widget)) { QPointer caused = d->causedPopup.widget; d->hideMenu(this); if (caused) caused->setFocus(); key_consumed = true; } break; } case Qt::Key_Alt: key_consumed = true; if (style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_MenuBar_AltKeyNavigation, 0, this)) { d->hideMenu(this); } break; case Qt::Key_Escape: #ifdef QT_KEYPAD_NAVIGATION case Qt::Key_Back: #endif key_consumed = true; { QPointer caused = d->causedPopup.widget; d->hideMenu(this); // hide after getting causedPopup } break; case Qt::Key_Space: if (!style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_SpaceActivatesItem, 0, this)) break; // for motif, fall through #ifdef QT_KEYPAD_NAVIGATION case Qt::Key_Select: #endif case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_Enter: { if (!d->currentAction) { d->setFirstActionActive(); key_consumed = true; break; } d->setSyncAction(); if (d->currentAction->menu()) ; /*d->popupAction(d->currentAction, 0, true);*/ else d->activateAction(d->currentAction, QAction::Trigger); key_consumed = true; break; } #ifndef QT_NO_WHATSTHIS case Qt::Key_F1: if (!d->currentAction || d->currentAction->whatsThis().isNull()) break; QWhatsThis::enterWhatsThisMode(); d->activateAction(d->currentAction, QAction::Trigger); return; #endif default: key_consumed = false; } if (!key_consumed) { // send to menu bar if ((!e->modifiers() || e->modifiers() == Qt::AltModifier || e->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier) && e->text().length()==1) { bool activateAction = false; QAction *nextAction = 0; if (style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_KeyboardSearch, 0, this) && !e->modifiers()) { int best_match_count = 0; d->searchBufferTimer.start(2000, this); d->searchBuffer += e->text(); for(int i = 0; i < actionsList.size(); ++i) { int match_count = 0; if (d->actionRects.at(i).isNull()) continue; QAction *act = actionsList.at(i); const QString act_text = act->text(); for(int c = 0; c < d->searchBuffer.size(); ++c) { if(act_text.indexOf(d->searchBuffer.at(c), 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive) != -1) ++match_count; } if(match_count > best_match_count) { best_match_count = match_count; nextAction = act; } } } #ifndef QT_NO_SHORTCUT else { int clashCount = 0; QAction *first = 0, *currentSelected = 0, *firstAfterCurrent = 0; QChar c = e->text().at(0).toUpper(); for(int i = 0; i < actionsList.size(); ++i) { if (d->actionRects.at(i).isNull()) continue; QAction *act = actionsList.at(i); QKeySequence sequence = QKeySequence::mnemonic(act->text()); int key = sequence[0] & 0xffff; if (key == c.unicode()) { clashCount++; if (!first) first = act; if (act == d->currentAction) currentSelected = act; else if (!firstAfterCurrent && currentSelected) firstAfterCurrent = act; } } if (clashCount == 1) activateAction = true; if (clashCount >= 1) { if (clashCount == 1 || !currentSelected || !firstAfterCurrent) nextAction = first; else nextAction = firstAfterCurrent; } } #endif if (nextAction) { key_consumed = true; if(d->scroll) d->scrollMenu(nextAction, KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollCenter, false); d->setCurrentAction(nextAction, 20, KexiMenuWidget::SelectedFromElsewhere, true); if (!nextAction->menu() && activateAction) { d->setSyncAction(); d->activateAction(nextAction, QAction::Trigger); } } } if (!key_consumed) { } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 if (key_consumed && (e->key() == Qt::Key_Control || e->key() == Qt::Key_Shift || e->key() == Qt::Key_Meta)) QApplication::beep(); #endif // Q_OS_WIN32 } if (key_consumed) e->accept(); else e->ignore(); } /*! \reimp */ void KexiMenuWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (!isVisible() || d->aboutToHide || d->mouseEventTaken(e)) return; d->motions++; if (d->motions == 0) // ignore first mouse move event (see enterEvent()) return; d->hasHadMouse = d->hasHadMouse || rect().contains(e->pos()); QAction *action = d->actionAt(e->pos()); if (!action) { if (d->hasHadMouse && (!d->currentAction || !(d->currentAction->menu() && d->currentAction->menu()->isVisible()))) d->setCurrentAction(0); return; } else if(e->buttons()) { d->mouseDown = this; } if (d->sloppyRegion.contains(e->pos())) { d->sloppyAction = action; KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::sloppyDelayTimer = startTimer(style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_SubMenuPopupDelay, 0, this)*6); } else { d->setCurrentAction(action, style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_SubMenuPopupDelay, 0, this)); } } /*! \reimp */ void KexiMenuWidget::enterEvent(QEvent *) { d->motions = -1; // force us to ignore the generate mouse move in mouseMoveEvent() } /*! \reimp */ void KexiMenuWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent *) { d->sloppyAction = 0; if (!d->sloppyRegion.isEmpty()) d->sloppyRegion = QRegion(); if (!d->activeMenu && d->currentAction) setActiveAction(0); } /*! \reimp */ void KexiMenuWidget::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *e) { if (d->scroll && d->scroll->scrollTimer.timerId() == e->timerId()) { d->scrollMenu((KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollDirection)d->scroll->scrollDirection); if (d->scroll->scrollFlags == KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::QMenuScroller::ScrollNone) d->scroll->scrollTimer.stop(); }/* else if(d->menuDelayTimer.timerId() == e->timerId()) { d->menuDelayTimer.stop(); internalDelayedPopup(); }*/ else if(KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::sloppyDelayTimer == e->timerId()) { killTimer(KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::sloppyDelayTimer); KexiMenuWidgetPrivate::sloppyDelayTimer = 0; internalSetSloppyAction(); } else if(d->searchBufferTimer.timerId() == e->timerId()) { d->searchBuffer.clear(); } } /*! \reimp */ void KexiMenuWidget::actionEvent(QActionEvent *e) { d->itemsDirty = 1; //setAttribute(Qt::WA_Resized, false); if (e->type() == QEvent::ActionAdded) { connect(e->action(), SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(actionTriggered())); connect(e->action(), SIGNAL(hovered()), this, SLOT(actionHovered())); if (QWidgetAction *wa = qobject_cast(e->action())) { QWidget *widget = wa->requestWidget(this); if (widget) d->widgetItems.insert(wa, widget); } } else if (e->type() == QEvent::ActionRemoved) { e->action()->disconnect(this); if (e->action() == d->currentAction) d->currentAction = 0; if (QWidgetAction *wa = qobject_cast(e->action())) { if (QWidget *widget = d->widgetItems.value(wa)) wa->releaseWidget(widget); } d->widgetItems.remove(e->action()); } if (isVisible()) { d->updateActionRects(); resize(sizeHint()); update(); } } /*! \internal */ void KexiMenuWidget::internalSetSloppyAction() { if (d->sloppyAction) d->setCurrentAction(d->sloppyAction, 0); } #if 0 /*! \internal */ void KexiMenuWidget::internalDelayedPopup() { //hide the current item if (KexiMenuWidget *menu = d->activeMenu) { d->activeMenu = 0; d->hideMenu(menu); } if (!d->currentAction || !d->currentAction->isEnabled() || !d->currentAction->menu() || !d->currentAction->menu()->isEnabled() || d->currentAction->menu()->isVisible()) return; //setup d->activeMenu = d->currentAction->menu(); d->activeMenu->causedPopup().widget = this; d->activeMenu->causedPopup().action = d->currentAction; int subMenuOffset = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_SubMenuOverlap, 0, this); const QRect actionRect(d->actionRect(d->currentAction)); const QSize menuSize(d->activeMenu->sizeHint()); const QPoint rightPos(mapToGlobal(QPoint(actionRect.right() + subMenuOffset + 1, actionRect.top()))); const QPoint leftPos(mapToGlobal(QPoint(actionRect.left() - subMenuOffset - menuSize.width(), actionRect.top()))); QPoint pos(rightPos); KexiMenuWidget *caused = qobject_cast(d->activeMenu->causedPopup().widget); const QRect availGeometry(d->popupGeometry(caused)); if (isRightToLeft()) { pos = leftPos; if ((caused && caused->x() < x()) || pos.x() < availGeometry.left()) { if(rightPos.x() + menuSize.width() < availGeometry.right()) pos = rightPos; else pos.rx() = availGeometry.left(); } } else { if ((caused && caused->x() > x()) || pos.x() + menuSize.width() > availGeometry.right()) { if(leftPos.x() < availGeometry.left()) pos.rx() = availGeometry.right() - menuSize.width(); else pos = leftPos; } } //calc sloppy focus buffer if (style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_SloppySubMenus, 0, this)) { QPoint cur = QCursor::pos(); if (actionRect.contains(mapFromGlobal(cur))) { QPoint pts[4]; pts[0] = QPoint(cur.x(), cur.y() - 2); pts[3] = QPoint(cur.x(), cur.y() + 2); if (pos.x() >= cur.x()) { pts[1] = QPoint(geometry().right(), pos.y()); pts[2] = QPoint(geometry().right(), pos.y() + menuSize.height()); } else { pts[1] = QPoint(pos.x() + menuSize.width(), pos.y()); pts[2] = QPoint(pos.x() + menuSize.width(), pos.y() + menuSize.height()); } QPolygon points(4); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) points.setPoint(i, mapFromGlobal(pts[i])); d->sloppyRegion = QRegion(points); } } //do the popup d->activeMenu->popup(pos); } #endif /*!\internal */ void KexiMenuWidget::setNoReplayFor(QWidget *noReplayFor) { #ifdef Q_WS_WIN d->noReplayFor = noReplayFor; #else Q_UNUSED(noReplayFor); #endif } /*! \property KexiMenuWidget::separatorsCollapsible \since 4.2 \brief whether consecutive separators should be collapsed This property specifies whether consecutive separators in the menu should be visually collapsed to a single one. Separators at the beginning or the end of the menu are also hidden. By default, this property is true. */ bool KexiMenuWidget::separatorsCollapsible() const { return d->collapsibleSeparators; } void KexiMenuWidget::setSeparatorsCollapsible(bool collapse) { if (d->collapsibleSeparators == collapse) return; d->collapsibleSeparators = collapse; d->itemsDirty = 1; if (isVisible()) { d->updateActionRects(); update(); } } diff --git a/kexi/main/KexiMenuWidget.h b/kexi/main/KexiMenuWidget.h index 0e5a8c7d177..dba05843638 100644 --- a/kexi/main/KexiMenuWidget.h +++ b/kexi/main/KexiMenuWidget.h @@ -1,200 +1,201 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Jarosław Staniek Based on qmenu.h from Qt 4.7 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KEXIMENUWIDGET_H #define KEXIMENUWIDGET_H #include #include #include #include #include class KexiMenuWidgetPrivate; class KexiMenuWidgetActionPrivate; class QStyleOptionMenuItem; class QEventLoop; struct KexiMenuWidgetCaused; class KexiMenuWidgetAction : public KAction { Q_OBJECT public: explicit KexiMenuWidgetAction(QObject *parent); KexiMenuWidgetAction(const QString &text, QObject *parent); KexiMenuWidgetAction(const KIcon &icon, const QString &text, QObject *parent); KexiMenuWidgetAction(KStandardAction::StandardAction id, QObject *parent); + ~KexiMenuWidgetAction(); void setPersistentlySelected(bool set); bool persistentlySelected() const; protected: - KexiMenuWidgetActionPrivate * const d; + const QScopedPointer d; }; class KexiMenuWidget : public QWidget { private: Q_OBJECT //Q_PROPERTY(bool tearOffEnabled READ isTearOffEnabled WRITE setTearOffEnabled) Q_PROPERTY(QString title READ title WRITE setTitle) Q_PROPERTY(QIcon icon READ icon WRITE setIcon) Q_PROPERTY(bool separatorsCollapsible READ separatorsCollapsible WRITE setSeparatorsCollapsible) Q_PROPERTY(bool frame READ hasFrame WRITE setFrame) public: explicit KexiMenuWidget(QWidget *parent = 0); explicit KexiMenuWidget(const QString &title, QWidget *parent = 0); ~KexiMenuWidget(); KexiMenuWidgetAction* persistentlySelectedAction() const; void setPersistentlySelectedAction(KexiMenuWidgetAction* action, bool set); #ifdef Q_NO_USING_KEYWORD inline void addAction(QAction *action) { QWidget::addAction(action); } #else using QWidget::addAction; #endif QAction *addAction(const QString &text); QAction *addAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text); QAction *addAction(const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, const char* member, const QKeySequence &shortcut = 0); QAction *addAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, const char* member, const QKeySequence &shortcut = 0); // QAction *addMenu(QMenu *menu); // QMenu *addMenu(const QString &title); // QMenu *addMenu(const QIcon &icon, const QString &title); QAction *addSeparator(); // QAction *insertMenu(QAction *before, QMenu *menu); QAction *insertSeparator(QAction *before); //! @return true if frame is visible. By default the frame is visible. //! It may be still visually no change, e.g. on Oxygen style. bool hasFrame() const; //! Sets frame visibility. void setFrame(bool set); //! @return true if persistent selections are enabled. False by default. //! @see setPersistentSelectionsEnabled() // bool persistentSelectionsEnabled() const; //! Sets flag of for persistent selections in action items. //! In KexiMenuWidget, persistent selection flag is used in place of submenus. // void setPersistentSelectionsEnabled(bool set); bool isEmpty() const; void clear(); void setTearOffEnabled(bool); bool isTearOffEnabled() const; bool isTearOffMenuVisible() const; void hideTearOffMenu(); void setDefaultAction(QAction *); QAction *defaultAction() const; void setActiveAction(QAction *act); QAction *activeAction() const; void popup(const QPoint &pos, QAction *at=0); // QAction *exec(); // QAction *exec(const QPoint &pos, QAction *at=0); // ### Qt 5: merge // static QAction *exec(QList actions, const QPoint &pos, QAction *at=0); // static QAction *exec(QList actions, const QPoint &pos, QAction *at, QWidget *parent); QSize sizeHint() const; QRect actionGeometry(QAction *) const; QAction *actionAt(const QPoint &) const; QAction *menuAction() const; QString title() const; void setTitle(const QString &title); QIcon icon() const; void setIcon(const QIcon &icon); void setNoReplayFor(QWidget *widget); bool separatorsCollapsible() const; void setSeparatorsCollapsible(bool collapse); Q_SIGNALS: void aboutToShow(); void aboutToHide(); void triggered(QAction *action); void hovered(QAction *action); protected: int columnCount() const; void changeEvent(QEvent *); void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *); void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *); void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *); void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *); #ifndef QT_NO_WHEELEVENT void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *); #endif void enterEvent(QEvent *); void leaveEvent(QEvent *); void showEvent(QShowEvent* event); void hideEvent(QHideEvent *); void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *); void actionEvent(QActionEvent *); void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *); bool event(QEvent *); bool focusNextPrevChild(bool next); void initStyleOption(QStyleOptionMenuItem *option, const QAction *action) const; private Q_SLOTS: void internalSetSloppyAction(); //void internalDelayedPopup(); void actionTriggered(); void actionHovered(); void overrideMenuActionDestroyed(); protected: const KexiMenuWidgetCaused& causedPopup() const; enum SelectionReason { SelectedFromKeyboard, SelectedFromElsewhere }; void setCurrentAction(QAction *, int popup = -1, SelectionReason reason = SelectedFromElsewhere, bool activateFirst = false); QEventLoop *eventLoop() const; void setSyncAction(QAction *a); private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(KexiMenuWidget) KexiMenuWidgetPrivate * const d; friend class KexiMenuWidgetPrivate; }; #endif