diff --git a/kspread/kspread_canvas.cc b/kspread/kspread_canvas.cc index dd788ded55..71a54f265a 100644 --- a/kspread/kspread_canvas.cc +++ b/kspread/kspread_canvas.cc @@ -1,5292 +1,5293 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis Copyright (C) 1999 - 2003 The KSpread Team www.koffice.org/kspread This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "kspread_util.h" #include "kspread_editors.h" #include "kspread_map.h" #include "kspread_undo.h" #include "kspread_canvas.h" #include "kspread_doc.h" #include "kspread_global.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KSpreadLocationEditWidget::KSpreadLocationEditWidget( QWidget * _parent, KSpreadView * _view ) : QLineEdit( _parent, "KSpreadLocationEditWidget" ), m_pView(_view) { } void KSpreadLocationEditWidget::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * _ev ) { // Do not handle special keys and accelerators. This is // done by QLineEdit. if ( _ev->state() & ( Qt::AltButton | Qt::ControlButton ) ) { QLineEdit::keyPressEvent( _ev ); // Never allow that keys are passed on to the parent. _ev->accept(); return; } // Handle some special keys here. Eve switch( _ev->key() ) { case Key_Return: case Key_Enter: { QString ltext = text(); QString tmp = ltext.lower(); QValueList::Iterator it; QValueList area = m_pView->doc()->listArea(); for ( it = area.begin(); it != area.end(); ++it ) { if ((*it).ref_name == tmp) { QString tmp = (*it).table_name; tmp += "!"; tmp += util_rangeName((*it).rect); m_pView->canvasWidget()->gotoLocation( KSpreadRange(tmp, m_pView->doc()->map())); return; } } // Set the cell component to uppercase: // Table1!a1 -> Table1!A2 int pos = ltext.find('!'); if ( pos !=- 1 ) tmp = ltext.left(pos)+ltext.mid(pos).upper(); else tmp = ltext.upper(); // Selection entered in location widget if ( ltext.contains( ':' ) ) m_pView->canvasWidget()->gotoLocation( KSpreadRange( tmp, m_pView->doc()->map() ) ); // Location entered in location widget else { KSpreadPoint point( tmp, m_pView->doc()->map()); bool validName = true; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ltext.length(); ++i) { if (!ltext[i].isLetter()) { validName = false; break; } } if ( !point.isValid() && validName) { QRect rect( m_pView->selection() ); KSpreadSheet * t = m_pView->activeTable(); // set area name on current selection/cell m_pView->doc()->addAreaName(rect, ltext.lower(), t->tableName()); } if (!validName) m_pView->canvasWidget()->gotoLocation( point ); } // Set the focus back on the canvas. m_pView->canvasWidget()->setFocus(); _ev->accept(); } break; // Escape pressed, restore original value case Key_Escape: // #### Torben says: This is duplicated code. Bad. if ( m_pView->selectionInfo()->singleCellSelection() ) { setText( util_encodeColumnLabelText( m_pView->canvasWidget()->markerColumn() ) + QString::number( m_pView->canvasWidget()->markerRow() ) ); } else { setText( util_encodeColumnLabelText( m_pView->selection().left() ) + QString::number( m_pView->selection().top() ) + ":" + util_encodeColumnLabelText( m_pView->selection().right() ) + QString::number( m_pView->selection().bottom() ) ); } m_pView->canvasWidget()->setFocus(); _ev->accept(); break; default: QLineEdit::keyPressEvent( _ev ); // Never allow that keys are passed on to the parent. _ev->accept(); } } /**************************************************************** * * KSpreadEditWidget * The line-editor that appears above the table and allows to * edit the cells content. * ****************************************************************/ KSpreadEditWidget::KSpreadEditWidget( QWidget *_parent, KSpreadCanvas *_canvas, QButton *cancelButton, QButton *okButton ) : QLineEdit( _parent, "KSpreadEditWidget" ) { m_pCanvas = _canvas; Q_ASSERT(m_pCanvas != NULL); // Those buttons are created by the caller, so that they are inserted // properly in the layout - but they are then managed here. m_pCancelButton = cancelButton; m_pOkButton = okButton; installEventFilter(m_pCanvas); if ( !m_pCanvas->doc()->isReadWrite() || !m_pCanvas->activeTable() ) setEnabled( false ); QObject::connect( m_pCancelButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotAbortEdit() ) ); QObject::connect( m_pOkButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotDoneEdit() ) ); setEditMode( false ); // disable buttons } void KSpreadEditWidget::showEditWidget(bool _show) { if (_show) { m_pCancelButton->show(); m_pOkButton->show(); show(); } else { m_pCancelButton->hide(); m_pOkButton->hide(); hide(); } } void KSpreadEditWidget::slotAbortEdit() { m_pCanvas->deleteEditor( false /*discard changes*/ ); // will take care of the buttons } void KSpreadEditWidget::slotDoneEdit() { m_pCanvas->deleteEditor( true /*keep changes*/ ); // will take care of the buttons } void KSpreadEditWidget::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent* _ev ) { // Dont handle special keys and accelerators if ( ( _ev->state() & ( Qt::AltButton | Qt::ControlButton ) ) || ( _ev->state() & Qt::ShiftButton ) || ( _ev->key() == Key_Shift ) ) { QLineEdit::keyPressEvent( _ev ); _ev->accept(); return; } if ( !m_pCanvas->doc()->isReadWrite() ) return; if ( !m_pCanvas->editor() ) { // Start editing the current cell m_pCanvas->createEditor( KSpreadCanvas::CellEditor,false ); } KSpreadTextEditor * cellEditor = (KSpreadTextEditor*) m_pCanvas->editor(); switch ( _ev->key() ) { case Key_Down: case Key_Up: case Key_Return: case Key_Enter: cellEditor->setText( text()); // Don't allow to start a chooser when pressing the arrow keys // in this widget, since only up and down would work anyway. // This is why we call slotDoneEdit now, instead of sending // to the canvas. //QApplication::sendEvent( m_pCanvas, _ev ); slotDoneEdit(); m_pCanvas->view()->updateEditWidget(); _ev->accept(); break; case Key_F2: cellEditor->setFocus(); cellEditor->setText( text()); cellEditor->setCursorPosition(cursorPosition()); break; default: QLineEdit::keyPressEvent( _ev ); setFocus(); cellEditor->blockCheckChoose( TRUE ); cellEditor->setText( text() ); cellEditor->blockCheckChoose( FALSE ); cellEditor->setCursorPosition( cursorPosition() ); } } void KSpreadEditWidget::setEditMode( bool mode ) { m_pCancelButton->setEnabled(mode); m_pOkButton->setEnabled(mode); } void KSpreadEditWidget::focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent* ev ) { //kdDebug(36001) << "EditWidget lost focus" << endl; // See comment about setLastEditorWithFocus m_pCanvas->setLastEditorWithFocus( KSpreadCanvas::EditWidget ); QLineEdit::focusOutEvent( ev ); } void KSpreadEditWidget::setText( const QString& t ) { if ( t == text() ) // Why this? (David) return; QLineEdit::setText( t ); } /**************************************************************** * * KSpreadCanvas * ****************************************************************/ KSpreadCanvas::KSpreadCanvas( QWidget *_parent, KSpreadView *_view, KSpreadDoc* _doc ) : QWidget( _parent, "", /*WNorthWestGravity*/ WStaticContents| WResizeNoErase | WRepaintNoErase ), m_dragStart( -1, -1 ), m_dragging( false ) { length_namecell = 0; m_chooseStartTable = NULL; m_pEditor = 0; m_bChoose = FALSE; QWidget::setFocusPolicy( QWidget::StrongFocus ); m_defaultGridPen.setColor( lightGray ); m_defaultGridPen.setWidth( 1 ); m_defaultGridPen.setStyle( SolidLine ); m_dXOffset = 0.0; m_dYOffset = 0.0; m_pView = _view; m_pDoc = _doc; // m_eAction = DefaultAction; m_eMouseAction = NoAction; m_bGeometryStarted = false; // m_bEditDirtyFlag = false; //Now built afterwards(David) //m_pEditWidget = m_pView->editWidget(); m_pPosWidget = m_pView->posWidget(); setBackgroundMode( PaletteBase ); setMouseTracking( TRUE ); m_bMousePressed = false; m_scrollTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect (m_scrollTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( doAutoScroll() ) ); choose_visible = false; setFocus(); installEventFilter( this ); (void)new KSpreadToolTip( this ); setAcceptDrops( true ); } KSpreadCanvas::~KSpreadCanvas() { delete m_scrollTimer; } bool KSpreadCanvas::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ) { /* this canvas event filter acts on events sent to the line edit as well as events to this filter itself. */ if ( !o || !e ) return TRUE; switch ( e->type() ) { case QEvent::KeyPress: { QKeyEvent * keyev = static_cast(e); if (keyev->key()==Key_Tab) { keyPressEvent ( keyev ); return true; } } default: break; } return false; } bool KSpreadCanvas::focusNextPrevChild( bool ) { return TRUE; // Don't allow to go out of the canvas widget by pressing "Tab" } QRect KSpreadCanvas::selection() const { return m_pView->selectionInfo()->selection(); } QPoint KSpreadCanvas::marker() const { return m_pView->selectionInfo()->marker(); } int KSpreadCanvas::markerColumn() const { return m_pView->selectionInfo()->marker().x(); } int KSpreadCanvas::markerRow() const { return m_pView->selectionInfo()->marker().y(); } void KSpreadCanvas::startChoose() { if ( m_bChoose ) return; updateChooseRect(QPoint(0,0), QPoint(0,0)); // It is important to enable this AFTER we set the rect! m_bChoose = TRUE; m_chooseStartTable = activeTable(); } void KSpreadCanvas::startChoose( const QRect& rect ) { if (m_bChoose) return; updateChooseRect(rect.bottomRight(), rect.topLeft()); // It is important to enable this AFTER we set the rect! m_bChoose = TRUE; m_chooseStartTable = activeTable(); } void KSpreadCanvas::endChoose() { if ( !m_bChoose ) return; updateChooseRect(QPoint(0,0), QPoint(0,0)); KSpreadSheet *table=m_pView->doc()->map()->findTable(m_chooseStartTable->tableName()); if (table) m_pView->setActiveTable(table); length_namecell = 0; m_bChoose = FALSE; m_chooseStartTable = 0; } KSpreadHBorder* KSpreadCanvas::hBorderWidget() const { return m_pView->hBorderWidget(); } KSpreadVBorder* KSpreadCanvas::vBorderWidget() const { return m_pView->vBorderWidget(); } QScrollBar* KSpreadCanvas::horzScrollBar() const { return m_pView->horzScrollBar(); } QScrollBar* KSpreadCanvas::vertScrollBar() const { return m_pView->vertScrollBar(); } KSpreadSheet* KSpreadCanvas::findTable( const QString& _name ) const { return m_pDoc->map()->findTable( _name ); } KSpreadSheet* KSpreadCanvas::activeTable() const { return m_pView->activeTable(); } bool KSpreadCanvas::gotoLocation( const KSpreadRange & _range ) { if ( !_range.isValid() ) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Invalid cell reference" ) ); return false; } KSpreadSheet * table = activeTable(); if ( _range.isTableKnown() ) table = _range.table; if ( !table ) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Unknown table name %1" ).arg( _range.tableName ) ); return false; } gotoLocation( _range.range.topLeft(), table, false ); gotoLocation( _range.range.bottomRight(), table, true ); return true; } bool KSpreadCanvas::gotoLocation( const KSpreadPoint& _cell ) { if ( !_cell.isValid() ) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Invalid cell reference") ); return false; } KSpreadSheet* table = activeTable(); if ( _cell.isTableKnown() ) table = _cell.table; if ( !table ) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Unknown table name %1").arg( _cell.tableName ) ); return false; } gotoLocation( _cell.pos, table ); return true; } void KSpreadCanvas::gotoLocation( QPoint const & location, KSpreadSheet* table, bool extendSelection) { // kdDebug() << "GotoLocation: " << location.x() << ", " << location.x() << endl; if ( table && (table != activeTable() )) m_pView->setActiveTable(table); else table = activeTable(); if (extendSelection) { extendCurrentSelection(location); } else { QPoint topLeft(location); KSpreadCell* cell = table->cellAt(location); if ( cell->isObscured() && cell->isObscuringForced() ) { cell = cell->obscuringCells().first(); topLeft = QPoint(cell->column(), cell->row()); } if (m_bChoose) { updateChooseRect(topLeft, topLeft); } else { /* anchor and marker should be on the same cell here */ selectionInfo()->setSelection(topLeft, topLeft, table); } } scrollToCell(location); // Perhaps the user is entering a value in the cell. // In this case we may not touch the EditWidget if ( !m_pEditor && !m_bChoose ) m_pView->updateEditWidgetOnPress(); updatePosWidget(); } void KSpreadCanvas::scrollToCell(QPoint location) { KSpreadSheet* table = activeTable(); if (table == NULL) return; /* we don't need this cell ptr, but this call is necessary to update the scroll bar correctly. I don't like having that as part of the cellAt function but I suppose that's ok for now. */ KSpreadCell* cell = table->cellAt(location.x(), location.y(), true); Q_UNUSED(cell); double unzoomedWidth = doc()->unzoomItX( width() ); double unzoomedHeight = doc()->unzoomItX( height() ); double xpos; if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) xpos = unzoomedWidth - table->dblColumnPos( location.x() ) - xOffset(); else xpos = table->dblColumnPos( location.x() ) - xOffset(); double ypos = table->dblRowPos( location.y() ) - yOffset(); double minY = 40.0; double maxY = unzoomedHeight - 40.0; //kdDebug(36001) << "KSpreadCanvas::gotoLocation : height=" << height() << endl; //kdDebug(36001) << "KSpreadCanvas::gotoLocation : width=" << width() << endl; if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) { double minX = 100.0; // less than that, we scroll double maxX = unzoomedWidth - 100.0; // more than that, we scroll kdDebug() << "rtl: XPos: " << xpos << ", min: " << minX << ", maxX: " << maxX << endl; minX = unzoomedWidth - 100.0; // less than that, we scroll maxX = 100.0; // more than that, we scroll kdDebug() << "rtl2: XPos: " << xpos << ", min: " << minX << ", maxX: " << maxX << ", Offset: " << xOffset() << endl; // do we need to scroll left if ( xpos > minX ) horzScrollBar()->setValue( doc()->zoomItX( xOffset() - xpos + minX ) ); //do we need to scroll right else if ( xpos < maxX ) { double horzScrollBarValue = xOffset() + xpos + maxX; double horzScrollBarValueMax = table->sizeMaxX() + unzoomedWidth; //We don't want to display any area > KS_colMax widths if ( horzScrollBarValue > horzScrollBarValueMax ) horzScrollBarValue = horzScrollBarValueMax; horzScrollBar()->setValue( doc()->zoomItX( horzScrollBarValue ) ); } } else { double minX = 100.0; // less than that, we scroll double maxX = unzoomedWidth - 100.0; // more than that, we scroll // kdDebug() << "ltr: XPos: " << xpos << ", min: " << minX << ", maxX: " << maxX << endl; // do we need to scroll left if ( xpos < minX ) horzScrollBar()->setValue( doc()->zoomItX( xOffset() + xpos - minX ) ); //do we need to scroll right else if ( xpos > maxX ) { double horzScrollBarValue = xOffset() + xpos - maxX; double horzScrollBarValueMax = table->sizeMaxX() - unzoomedWidth; //We don't want to display any area > KS_colMax widths if ( horzScrollBarValue > horzScrollBarValueMax ) horzScrollBarValue = horzScrollBarValueMax; horzScrollBar()->setValue( doc()->zoomItX( horzScrollBarValue ) ); } } // do we need to scroll up if ( ypos < minY ) vertScrollBar()->setValue( doc()->zoomItY( yOffset() + ypos - minY ) ); // do we need to scroll down else if ( ypos > maxY ) { double vertScrollBarValue = yOffset() + ypos - maxY; double vertScrollBarValueMax = table->sizeMaxY() - unzoomedHeight; //We don't want to display any area > KS_rowMax heights if ( vertScrollBarValue > vertScrollBarValueMax ) vertScrollBarValue = vertScrollBarValueMax; vertScrollBar()->setValue( doc()->zoomItY( vertScrollBarValue ) ); } } void KSpreadCanvas::slotScrollHorz( int _value ) { KSpreadSheet * sheet = activeTable(); if ( sheet == 0L ) return; double unzoomedValue = doc()->unzoomItX( _value ); double dwidth = doc()->unzoomItX( width() ); doc()->emitBeginOperation(false); if ( unzoomedValue < 0.0 ) { unzoomedValue = 0.0; kdDebug (36001) << "KSpreadCanvas::slotScrollHorz: value out of range (unzoomedValue: " << unzoomedValue << ")" << endl; } double xpos = sheet->dblColumnPos( QMIN( KS_colMax, m_pView->activeTable()->maxColumn()+10 ) ) - m_dXOffset; if ( unzoomedValue > ( xpos + m_dXOffset ) ) unzoomedValue = xpos + m_dXOffset; sheet->enableScrollBarUpdates( false ); // Relative movement int dx = doc()->zoomItX( m_dXOffset - unzoomedValue ); /* what cells will need painted now? */ QRect area = visibleCells(); double tmp; if (dx > 0) { area.setRight( area.left() ); if ( sheet->isRightToLeft() ) area.setLeft( sheet->leftColumn( dwidth - unzoomedValue, tmp ) ); else area.setLeft( sheet->leftColumn( unzoomedValue, tmp ) ); } else { area.setLeft( area.right() ); if ( sheet->isRightToLeft() ) area.setRight( sheet->rightColumn( unzoomedValue ) ); else area.setRight( sheet->rightColumn( doc()->unzoomItX( width() ) + unzoomedValue ) ); } sheet->setRegionPaintDirty(area); // New absolute position m_dXOffset = unzoomedValue; scroll( dx, 0 ); hBorderWidget()->scroll( dx, 0 ); sheet->enableScrollBarUpdates( true ); doc()->emitEndOperation( sheet->visibleRect( this ) ); } void KSpreadCanvas::slotScrollVert( int _value ) { if ( activeTable() == 0L ) return; doc()->emitBeginOperation(false); double unzoomedValue = doc()->unzoomItY( _value ); if ( unzoomedValue < 0 ) { unzoomedValue = 0; kdDebug (36001) << "KSpreadCanvas::slotScrollVert: value out of range (unzoomedValue: " << unzoomedValue << ")" << endl; } double ypos = activeTable()->dblRowPos( QMIN( KS_rowMax, m_pView->activeTable()->maxRow()+10 ) ); if ( unzoomedValue > ypos ) unzoomedValue = ypos; activeTable()->enableScrollBarUpdates( false ); // Relative movement int dy = doc()->zoomItY( m_dYOffset - unzoomedValue ); /* what cells will need painted now? */ QRect area = visibleCells(); double tmp; if (dy > 0) { area.setBottom(area.top()); area.setTop(activeTable()->topRow(unzoomedValue, tmp)); } else { area.setTop(area.bottom()); area.setBottom(activeTable()->bottomRow(doc()->unzoomItY(height()) + unzoomedValue)); } activeTable()->setRegionPaintDirty( area ); // New absolute position m_dYOffset = unzoomedValue; scroll( 0, dy ); vBorderWidget()->scroll( 0, dy ); activeTable()->enableScrollBarUpdates( true ); doc()->emitEndOperation( activeTable()->visibleRect( this ) ); } void KSpreadCanvas::slotMaxColumn( int _max_column ) { double xpos = activeTable()->dblColumnPos( QMIN( KS_colMax, _max_column + 10 ) ) - xOffset(); double unzoomWidth = doc()->unzoomItX( width() ); //Don't go beyond the maximum column range (KS_colMax) double sizeMaxX = activeTable()->sizeMaxX(); if ( xpos > sizeMaxX - xOffset() - unzoomWidth ) xpos = sizeMaxX - xOffset() - unzoomWidth; horzScrollBar()->setRange( 0, doc()->zoomItX( xpos + xOffset() ) ); } void KSpreadCanvas::slotMaxRow( int _max_row ) { double ypos = activeTable()->dblRowPos( QMIN( KS_rowMax, _max_row + 10 ) ) - yOffset(); double unzoomHeight = doc()->unzoomItX( height() ); //Don't go beyond the maximum row range (KS_rowMax) double sizeMaxY = activeTable()->sizeMaxY(); if ( ypos > sizeMaxY - yOffset() - unzoomHeight ) ypos = sizeMaxY - yOffset() - unzoomHeight; vertScrollBar()->setRange( 0, doc()->zoomItY( ypos + yOffset() ) ); } void KSpreadCanvas::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { // Dont allow modifications if document is readonly. Selecting is no modification if ( (!m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite()) && (m_eMouseAction!=Mark)) return; if ( m_dragging ) return; if ( m_dragStart.x() != -1 ) { QPoint p ( (int) _ev->pos().x() + xOffset(), (int) _ev->pos().y() + yOffset() ); if ( ( m_dragStart - p ).manhattanLength() > 4 ) { m_dragging = true; startTheDrag(); m_dragStart.setX( -1 ); } m_dragging = false; return; } // Working on this table ? KSpreadSheet *table = activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; // Special handling for choose mode. if ( m_bChoose ) { chooseMouseMoveEvent( _ev ); return; } double ev_PosX = doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + xOffset(); double ev_PosY = doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->pos().y() ) + yOffset(); double dwidth = doc()->unzoomItX( width() ); double xpos; double ypos; int col; if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) col = table->leftColumn( dwidth - ev_PosX, xpos ); else col = table->leftColumn( ev_PosX, xpos ); int row = table->topRow( ev_PosY, ypos ); if ( col > KS_colMax || row > KS_rowMax ) { return; } QRect rct( selectionInfo()->selection() ); QRect r1; QRect r2; double lx = table->dblColumnPos( rct.left() ); double rx = table->dblColumnPos( rct.right() + 1 ); double ty = table->dblRowPos( rct.top() ); double by = table->dblRowPos( rct.bottom() + 1 ); r1.setLeft( lx - 1 ); r1.setTop( ty - 1 ); r1.setRight( rx + 1 ); r1.setBottom( by + 1 ); r2.setLeft( lx + 1 ); r2.setTop( ty + 1 ); r2.setRight( rx - 1 ); r2.setBottom( by - 1 ); QRect selectionHandle = m_pView->selectionInfo()->selectionHandleArea(); // Test whether the mouse is over some anchor { KSpreadCell *cell = table->visibleCellAt( col, row ); QString anchor = cell->testAnchor( doc()->zoomItX( ev_PosX - xpos ), doc()->zoomItY( ev_PosY - ypos ) ); if ( !anchor.isEmpty() && anchor != m_strAnchor ) setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() ); m_strAnchor = anchor; } if ( selectionHandle.contains( QPoint( doc()->zoomItX( ev_PosX ), doc()->zoomItY( ev_PosY ) ) ) ) { //If the cursor is over the hanlde, than it might be already on the next cell. //Recalculate the cell! if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) col = table->leftColumn( dwidth - ev_PosX - doc()->unzoomItX( 2 ), xpos ); else col = table->leftColumn( ev_PosX - doc()->unzoomItX( 2 ), xpos ); row = table->topRow( ev_PosY - doc()->unzoomItY( 2 ), ypos ); if ( !table->isProtected() ) setCursor( sizeFDiagCursor ); } else if ( !m_strAnchor.isEmpty() ) { if ( !table->isProtected() ) setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() ); } else if ( r1.contains( QPoint( ev_PosX, ev_PosY ) ) && !r2.contains( QPoint( ev_PosX, ev_PosY ) ) ) setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() ); else setCursor( arrowCursor ); // No marking, selecting etc. in progess? Then quit here. if ( m_eMouseAction == NoAction ) return; // Set the new extent of the selection gotoLocation( QPoint( col, row ), table, true ); } void KSpreadCanvas::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* _ev ) { if ( m_scrollTimer->isActive() ) m_scrollTimer->stop(); m_bMousePressed = false; if ( m_bChoose ) { chooseMouseReleaseEvent( _ev ); return; } KSpreadSheet *table = activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; KSpreadSelection* selectionInfo = m_pView->selectionInfo(); QRect s( selection() ); if ( selectionInfo->singleCellSelection() ) { KSpreadCell* cell = table->cellAt( selectionInfo->marker() ); cell->clicked( this ); } // The user started the drag in the lower right corner of the marker ? if ( m_eMouseAction == ResizeCell && !table->isProtected() ) { QPoint selectionAnchor = selectionInfo->selectionAnchor(); int x = selectionAnchor.x(); int y = selectionAnchor.y(); if ( x > s.left()) x = s.left(); if ( y > s.top() ) y = s.top(); KSpreadCell *cell = table->nonDefaultCell( x, y ); if ( !m_pView->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { KSpreadUndoMergedCell *undo = new KSpreadUndoMergedCell( m_pView->doc(), table, x, y, cell->extraXCells(), cell->extraYCells() ); m_pView->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } cell->forceExtraCells( x, y, abs( s.right() - s.left() ), abs( s.bottom() - s.top() ) ); m_pView->updateEditWidget(); if ( table->getAutoCalc() ) table->recalc(); } else if ( m_eMouseAction == AutoFill && !table->isProtected() ) { QRect dest = s; table->autofill( m_rctAutoFillSrc, dest ); m_pView->updateEditWidget(); } // The user started the drag in the middle of a cell ? else if ( m_eMouseAction == Mark ) { m_pView->updateEditWidget(); } m_eMouseAction = NoAction; m_dragging = false; m_dragStart.setX( -1 ); } void KSpreadCanvas::processClickSelectionHandle( QMouseEvent *event ) { // Auto fill ? That is done using the left mouse button. if ( event->button() == LeftButton ) { m_eMouseAction = AutoFill; m_rctAutoFillSrc = selection(); } // Resize a cell (done with the right mouse button) ? // But for that to work there must not be a selection. else if ( event->button() == MidButton && selectionInfo()->singleCellSelection()) { m_eMouseAction = ResizeCell; } return; } void KSpreadCanvas::extendCurrentSelection( QPoint cell ) { KSpreadSheet* table = activeTable(); QPoint chooseAnchor = selectionInfo()->getChooseAnchor(); // KSpreadCell* destinationCell = table->cellAt(cell); if ( m_bChoose ) { if ( chooseAnchor.x() == 0 ) { updateChooseRect( cell, cell ); } else { updateChooseRect( cell, chooseAnchor ); } } else { /* the selection simply becomes a box with the anchor and given cell as opposite corners */ selectionInfo()->setSelection( cell, selectionInfo()->selectionAnchor(), table ); } } void KSpreadCanvas::processLeftClickAnchor() { bool isLink = (m_strAnchor.find("http://") == 0 || m_strAnchor.find("mailto:") == 0 || m_strAnchor.find("ftp://") == 0 || m_strAnchor.find("file:") == 0 ); bool isLocalLink = (m_strAnchor.find("file:") == 0); if ( isLink ) { QString question = i18n("Do you want to open this link to '%1'?\n").arg(m_strAnchor); if ( isLocalLink ) { question += i18n("Note that opening a link to a local file may " "compromise your system's security!"); } // this will also start local programs, so adding a "don't warn again" // checkbox will probably be too dangerous int choice = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, question, i18n("Open Link?")); if ( choice == KMessageBox::Yes ) { (void) new KRun( m_strAnchor ); } } else { gotoLocation( KSpreadPoint( m_strAnchor, m_pDoc->map() ) ); } } void KSpreadCanvas::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { if ( _ev->button() == LeftButton ) m_bMousePressed = true; // If in choose mode, we handle the mouse differently. if ( m_bChoose ) { chooseMousePressEvent( _ev ); return; } KSpreadSheet *table = activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; double dwidth = 0.0; double ev_PosX; if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) { dwidth = doc()->unzoomItX( width() ); ev_PosX = dwidth - doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + xOffset(); } else ev_PosX = doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + xOffset(); double ev_PosY = doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->pos().y() ) + yOffset(); // We were editing a cell -> save value and get out of editing mode if ( m_pEditor ) { deleteEditor( true ); // save changes } m_scrollTimer->start( 50 ); // Remember current values. QRect s( selection() ); // Did we click in the lower right corner of the marker/marked-area ? if ( selectionInfo()->selectionHandleArea().contains( QPoint( doc()->zoomItX( ev_PosX ), doc()->zoomItY( ev_PosY ) ) ) ) { processClickSelectionHandle( _ev ); return; } // In which cell did the user click ? double xpos; double ypos; int col = table->leftColumn( ev_PosX, xpos ); int row = table->topRow( ev_PosY, ypos ); { // start drag ? QRect rct( selectionInfo()->selection() ); QRect r1; QRect r2; { double lx = table->dblColumnPos( rct.left() ); double rx = table->dblColumnPos( rct.right() + 1 ); double ty = table->dblRowPos( rct.top() ); double by = table->dblRowPos( rct.bottom() + 1 ); r1.setLeft( lx - 1 ); r1.setTop( ty - 1 ); r1.setRight( rx + 1 ); r1.setBottom( by + 1 ); r2.setLeft( lx + 1 ); r2.setTop( ty + 1 ); r2.setRight( rx - 1 ); r2.setBottom( by - 1 ); } m_dragStart.setX( -1 ); if ( r1.contains( QPoint( ev_PosX, ev_PosY ) ) && !r2.contains( QPoint( ev_PosX, ev_PosY ) ) ) { m_dragStart.setX( (int) ev_PosX ); m_dragStart.setY( (int) ev_PosY ); return; } } // kdDebug() << "Clicked in cell " << col << ", " << row << endl; //you cannot move marker when col > KS_colMax or row > KS_rowMax if ( col > KS_colMax || row > KS_rowMax) { kdDebug(36001) << "KSpreadCanvas::mousePressEvent: col or row is out of range: col: " << col << " row: " << row << endl; return; } // Extending an existing selection with the shift button ? if ( m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() && s.right() != KS_colMax && s.bottom() != KS_rowMax && _ev->state() & ShiftButton ) { gotoLocation( QPoint( col, row ), activeTable(), true ); return; } KSpreadCell *cell = table->cellAt( col, row ); // Go to the upper left corner of the obscuring object if cells are merged if (cell->isObscuringForced()) { cell = cell->obscuringCells().first(); col = cell->column(); row = cell->row(); } // Start a marking action ? if ( !m_strAnchor.isEmpty() && _ev->button() == LeftButton ) { processLeftClickAnchor(); updatePosWidget(); } else if ( _ev->button() == LeftButton ) { m_eMouseAction = Mark; gotoLocation( QPoint( col, row ), activeTable(), false ); } else if ( _ev->button() == RightButton && !s.contains( QPoint( col, row ) ) ) { // No selection or the mouse press was outside of an existing selection ? gotoLocation( QPoint( col, row ), activeTable(), false ); } // Paste operation with the middle button ? if ( _ev->button() == MidButton ) { if ( m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() && !table->isProtected() ) { selectionInfo()->setMarker( QPoint( col, row ), table ); table->paste( QRect(marker(), marker()) ); table->setRegionPaintDirty(QRect(marker(), marker())); } updatePosWidget(); } // Update the edit box m_pView->updateEditWidgetOnPress(); // Context menu ? if ( _ev->button() == RightButton ) { updatePosWidget(); // TODO: Handle anchor QPoint p = mapToGlobal( _ev->pos() ); m_pView->openPopupMenu( p ); } } void KSpreadCanvas::startTheDrag() { KSpreadSheet * table = activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; // right area for start dragging KSpreadTextDrag * d = new KSpreadTextDrag( this ); setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() ); QRect rct( selectionInfo()->selection() ); QDomDocument doc = table->saveCellRect( rct ); // Save to buffer QBuffer buffer; buffer.open( IO_WriteOnly ); QTextStream str( &buffer ); str.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 ); str << doc; buffer.close(); d->setPlain( table->copyAsText( selectionInfo() ) ); d->setKSpread( buffer.buffer() ); d->dragCopy(); setCursor( KCursor::arrowCursor() ); } void KSpreadCanvas::chooseMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { if ( !m_bMousePressed ) return; KSpreadSheet * table = activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; double tmp; double ev_PosX = doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ); double ev_PosY = doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->pos().y() ); int col = table->leftColumn( (ev_PosX + xOffset()), tmp ); // TODO int row = table->topRow( (ev_PosY + yOffset()), tmp ); if ( col > KS_colMax || row > KS_rowMax ) { return; } QPoint chooseMarker = selectionInfo()->getChooseMarker(); // Nothing changed ? if ( row == chooseMarker.y() && col == chooseMarker.x() ) { return; } gotoLocation( QPoint( col, row ), table, ( m_eMouseAction != NoAction ) ); } void KSpreadCanvas::chooseMouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* ) { // gets done in mouseReleaseEvent // m_bMousePressed = FALSE; m_eMouseAction = NoAction; } void KSpreadCanvas::chooseMousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { KSpreadSheet *table = activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; double ev_PosX = doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ); double ev_PosY = doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->pos().y() ); double ypos, xpos; int col = table->leftColumn( (ev_PosX + xOffset()), xpos ); // TODO rtl int row = table->topRow( (ev_PosY + yOffset()), ypos ); if ( col > KS_colMax || row > KS_rowMax ) { return; } bool extend = ( ( ( !util_isColumnSelected(selection() ) ) && ( !util_isRowSelected(selection() ) ) ) && ( _ev->state() & ShiftButton ) ); gotoLocation( QPoint( col, row ), activeTable(), extend ); if ( _ev->button() == LeftButton ) { m_eMouseAction = Mark; } return; } void KSpreadCanvas::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent* ) { if ( m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() && activeTable() ) createEditor(); } void KSpreadCanvas::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent* _ev ) { if ( vertScrollBar() ) QApplication::sendEvent( vertScrollBar(), _ev ); } void KSpreadCanvas::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* _ev ) { if ( m_pDoc->isLoading() ) return; KSpreadSheet* table = activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; // ElapsedTime et( "KSpreadCanvas::paintEvent" ); double dwidth = doc()->unzoomItX( width() ); KoRect rect = doc()->unzoomRect( _ev->rect() & QWidget::rect() ); rect.moveBy( xOffset(), yOffset() ); KoPoint tl = rect.topLeft(); KoPoint br = rect.bottomRight(); double tmp; int left_col; int right_col; //Philipp: I don't know why we need the +1, but otherwise we don't get it correctly //Testcase: Move a dialog slowly up left. Sometimes the top/left most points are not painted if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) { right_col = table->leftColumn( dwidth - tl.x(), tmp ); left_col = table->rightColumn( dwidth - br.x() + 1.0 ); } else { left_col = table->leftColumn( tl.x(), tmp ); right_col = table->rightColumn( br.x() + 1.0 ); } int top_row = table->topRow( tl.y(), tmp ); int bottom_row = table->bottomRow( br.y() + 1.0 ); QRect vr( QPoint(left_col, top_row), QPoint(right_col, bottom_row) ); m_pView->m_pDoc->emitBeginOperation( false ); table->setRegionPaintDirty( vr ); m_pView->m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( vr ); } void KSpreadCanvas::focusInEvent( QFocusEvent* ) { if ( !m_pEditor ) return; //kdDebug(36001) << "m_bChoose : " << ( m_bChoose ? "true" : "false" ) << endl; // If we are in editing mode, we redirect the // focus to the CellEditor or EditWidget // And we know which, using lastEditorWithFocus. // This screws up though (David) if ( lastEditorWithFocus() == EditWidget ) { m_pView->editWidget()->setFocus(); //kdDebug(36001) << "Focus to EditWidget" << endl; return; } //kdDebug(36001) << "Redirecting focus to editor" << endl; m_pEditor->setFocus(); } void KSpreadCanvas::focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent* ) { if ( m_scrollTimer->isActive() ) m_scrollTimer->stop(); m_bMousePressed = false; } void KSpreadCanvas::dragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent * _ev ) { KSpreadSheet * table = activeTable(); if ( !table ) { _ev->ignore(); return; } _ev->accept( KSpreadTextDrag::canDecode( _ev ) ); double xpos = table->dblColumnPos( selectionInfo()->selection().left() ); double ypos = table->dblRowPos( selectionInfo()->selection().top() ); double width = table->columnFormat( selectionInfo()->selection().left() )->dblWidth( this ); double height = table->rowFormat( selectionInfo()->selection().top() )->dblHeight( this ); QRect r1( xpos - 1, ypos - 1, width + 3, height + 3 ); double ev_PosX = doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + xOffset(); double ev_PosY = doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->pos().y() ) + yOffset(); if ( r1.contains( QPoint( ev_PosX, ev_PosY ) ) ) _ev->ignore( r1 ); } void KSpreadCanvas::dragLeaveEvent( QDragLeaveEvent * ) { if ( m_scrollTimer->isActive() ) m_scrollTimer->stop(); } void KSpreadCanvas::dropEvent( QDropEvent * _ev ) { m_dragging = false; KSpreadSheet * table = activeTable(); if ( !table || table->isProtected() ) { _ev->ignore(); return; } double xpos = table->dblColumnPos( selectionInfo()->selection().left() ); double ypos = table->dblRowPos( selectionInfo()->selection().top() ); double width = table->columnFormat( selectionInfo()->selection().left() )->dblWidth( this ); double height = table->rowFormat( selectionInfo()->selection().top() )->dblHeight( this ); QRect r1( xpos - 1, ypos - 1, width + 3, height + 3 ); double ev_PosX = doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + xOffset(); double ev_PosY = doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->pos().y() ) + yOffset(); if ( r1.contains( QPoint( ev_PosX, ev_PosY ) ) ) { _ev->ignore( ); return; } else _ev->accept( ); double tmp; int col = table->leftColumn( ev_PosX, tmp ); int row = table->topRow( ev_PosY, tmp ); if ( !KSpreadTextDrag::canDecode( _ev ) ) { _ev->ignore(); return; } QByteArray b; bool makeUndo = true; if ( _ev->provides( KSpreadTextDrag::selectionMimeType() ) ) { if ( KSpreadTextDrag::target() == _ev->source() ) { if ( !m_pDoc->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { KSpreadUndoDragDrop * undo = new KSpreadUndoDragDrop( m_pDoc, table, selectionInfo()->selection(), QRect( col, row, selectionInfo()->selection().width(), selectionInfo()->selection().height() ) ); m_pDoc->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); makeUndo = false; } table->deleteSelection( selectionInfo(), false ); } b = _ev->encodedData( KSpreadTextDrag::selectionMimeType() ); table->paste( b, QRect( col, row, 1, 1 ), makeUndo ); if ( _ev->source() == this ) _ev->acceptAction(); _ev->accept(); } else { QString text; if ( !QTextDrag::decode( _ev, text ) ) { _ev->ignore(); return; } // if ( KSpreadTextDrag::target() == _ev->source() ) // table->deleteSelection( selectionInfo() ); table->pasteTextPlain( text, QRect( col, row, 1, 1 ) ); _ev->accept(); if ( _ev->source() == this ) _ev->acceptAction(); return; } } void KSpreadCanvas::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* _ev ) { double ev_Width = doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->size().width() ); double ev_Height = doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->size().height() ); // If we rise horizontally, then check if we are still within the valid area (KS_colMax) if ( _ev->size().width() > _ev->oldSize().width() ) { if ( ( xOffset() + ev_Width ) > doc()->zoomItX( activeTable()->sizeMaxX() ) ) { horzScrollBar()->setRange( 0, doc()->zoomItX( activeTable()->sizeMaxX() - ev_Width ) ); } } // If we lower vertically, then check if the range should represent the maximum range else if ( _ev->size().width() < _ev->oldSize().width() ) { if ( horzScrollBar()->maxValue() == int( doc()->zoomItX( activeTable()->sizeMaxX() ) - ev_Width ) ) { horzScrollBar()->setRange( 0, doc()->zoomItX( activeTable()->sizeMaxX() - ev_Width ) ); } } // If we rise vertically, then check if we are still within the valid area (KS_rowMax) if ( _ev->size().height() > _ev->oldSize().height() ) { if ( ( yOffset() + ev_Height ) > doc()->zoomItY( activeTable()->sizeMaxY() ) ) { vertScrollBar()->setRange( 0, doc()->zoomItY( activeTable()->sizeMaxY() - ev_Height ) ); } } // If we lower vertically, then check if the range should represent the maximum range else if ( _ev->size().height() < _ev->oldSize().height() ) { if ( vertScrollBar()->maxValue() == int( doc()->zoomItY( activeTable()->sizeMaxY() ) - ev_Height ) ) { vertScrollBar()->setRange( 0, doc()->zoomItY( activeTable()->sizeMaxY() - ev_Height ) ); } } } QRect KSpreadCanvas::moveDirection( KSpread::MoveTo direction, bool extendSelection ) { QPoint destination; QPoint cursor; if (m_bChoose) { cursor = selectionInfo()->getChooseCursor(); /* if the cursor is unset, pretend we're starting at the regular cursor */ if (cursor.x() == 0 || cursor.y() == 0) { cursor = selectionInfo()->cursorPosition(); } } else { cursor = selectionInfo()->cursorPosition(); } QPoint cellCorner = cursor; KSpreadCell* cell = activeTable()->cellAt(cursor.x(), cursor.y()); /* cell is either the same as the marker, or the cell that is forced obscuring the marker cell */ if (cell->isObscuringForced()) { cell = cell->obscuringCells().first(); cellCorner = QPoint(cell->column(), cell->row()); } /* how many cells must we move to get to the next cell? */ int offset = 0; RowFormat *rl = NULL; ColumnFormat *cl = NULL; switch (direction) /* for each case, figure out how far away the next cell is and then keep going one row/col at a time after that until a visible row/col is found NEVER use cell->column() or cell->row() -- it might be a default cell */ { case KSpread::Bottom: offset = cell->mergedYCells() - (cursor.y() - cellCorner.y()) + 1; rl = activeTable()->rowFormat( cursor.y() + offset ); while ( ((cursor.y() + offset) <= KS_rowMax) && rl->isHide()) { offset++; rl = activeTable()->rowFormat( cursor.y() + offset ); } destination = QPoint(cursor.x(), QMIN(cursor.y() + offset, KS_rowMax)); break; case KSpread::Top: offset = (cellCorner.y() - cursor.y()) - 1; rl = activeTable()->rowFormat( cursor.y() + offset ); while ( ((cursor.y() + offset) >= 1) && rl->isHide()) { offset--; rl = activeTable()->rowFormat( cursor.y() + offset ); } destination = QPoint(cursor.x(), QMAX(cursor.y() + offset, 1)); break; case KSpread::Left: offset = (cellCorner.x() - cursor.x()) - 1; cl = activeTable()->columnFormat( cursor.x() + offset ); while ( ((cursor.x() + offset) >= 1) && cl->isHide()) { offset--; cl = activeTable()->columnFormat( cursor.x() + offset ); } destination = QPoint(QMAX(cursor.x() + offset, 1), cursor.y()); break; case KSpread::Right: offset = cell->mergedXCells() - (cursor.x() - cellCorner.x()) + 1; cl = activeTable()->columnFormat( cursor.x() + offset ); while ( ((cursor.x() + offset) <= KS_colMax) && cl->isHide()) { offset++; cl = activeTable()->columnFormat( cursor.x() + offset ); } destination = QPoint(QMIN(cursor.x() + offset, KS_colMax), cursor.y()); break; case KSpread::BottomFirst: offset = cell->mergedYCells() - (cursor.y() - cellCorner.y()) + 1; rl = activeTable()->rowFormat( cursor.y() + offset ); while ( ((cursor.y() + offset) <= KS_rowMax) && rl->isHide()) { ++offset; rl = activeTable()->rowFormat( cursor.y() + offset ); } destination = QPoint( 1, QMIN( cursor.y() + offset, KS_rowMax ) ); break; } gotoLocation(destination, activeTable(), extendSelection); m_pView->updateEditWidget(); return QRect( cursor, destination ); } void KSpreadCanvas::processEnterKey(QKeyEvent* event) { /* save changes to the current editor */ if (!m_bChoose) { deleteEditor( true ); } /* use the configuration setting to see which direction we're supposed to move when enter is pressed. */ KSpread::MoveTo direction = m_pView->doc()->getMoveToValue(); //if shift Button clicked inverse move direction if (event->state() & Qt::ShiftButton) { switch( direction ) { case KSpread::Bottom: direction = KSpread::Top; break; case KSpread::Top: direction = KSpread::Bottom; break; case KSpread::Left: direction = KSpread::Right; break; case KSpread::Right: direction = KSpread::Left; break; case KSpread::BottomFirst: direction = KSpread::BottomFirst; break; } } /* never extend a selection with the enter key -- the shift key reverses direction, not extends the selection */ QRect r( moveDirection( direction, false ) ); m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( r ); } void KSpreadCanvas::processArrowKey( QKeyEvent *event) { /* NOTE: hitting the tab key also calls this function. Don't forget to account for it */ /* save changes to the current editor */ if (!m_bChoose) { deleteEditor( true ); } KSpread::MoveTo direction = KSpread::Bottom; bool makingSelection = event->state() & ShiftButton; switch (event->key()) { case Key_Down: direction = KSpread::Bottom; break; case Key_Up: direction = KSpread::Top; break; case Key_Left: direction = KSpread::Left; break; case Key_Right: case Key_Tab: direction = KSpread::Right; break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); break; } QRect r( moveDirection( direction, makingSelection ) ); m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( r ); } void KSpreadCanvas::processEscapeKey(QKeyEvent * event) { if ( m_pEditor ) deleteEditor( false ); event->accept(); // ? QPoint cursor; if (m_bChoose) { cursor = selectionInfo()->getChooseCursor(); /* if the cursor is unset, pretend we're starting at the regular cursor */ if (cursor.x() == 0 || cursor.y() == 0) cursor = selectionInfo()->cursorPosition(); } else cursor = selectionInfo()->cursorPosition(); m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( QRect( cursor, cursor ) ); } bool KSpreadCanvas::processHomeKey(QKeyEvent* event) { bool makingSelection = event->state() & ShiftButton; KSpreadSheet* table = activeTable(); if ( m_pEditor ) // We are in edit mode -> go beginning of line { // (David) Do this for text editor only, not formula editor... // Don't know how to avoid this hack (member var for editor type ?) if ( m_pEditor->inherits("KSpreadTextEditor") ) QApplication::sendEvent( m_pEditWidget, event ); // What to do for a formula editor ? return false; } else { QPoint destination; /* start at the first used cell in the row and cycle through the right until we find a cell that has some output text. But don't look past the current marker. The end result we want is to move to the left to the first cell with text, or just to the first column if there is no more text to the left. But why? In excel, home key sends you to the first column always. We might want to change to that behavior. */ if (event->state() & ControlButton) { /* ctrl + Home will always just send us to location (1,1) */ destination = QPoint( 1, 1 ); } else { QPoint marker = m_bChoose ? selectionInfo()->getChooseMarker() : selectionInfo()->marker(); KSpreadCell * cell = table->getFirstCellRow(marker.y()); while (cell != NULL && cell->column() < marker.x() && cell->isEmpty()) { cell = table->getNextCellRight(cell->column(), cell->row()); } int col = ( cell ? cell->column() : 1 ); if ( col == marker.x()) col = 1; destination = QPoint(col, marker.y()); } if ( selectionInfo()->marker() == destination ) { m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( QRect( destination, destination ) ); return false; } gotoLocation( destination, activeTable(), makingSelection ); } return true; } bool KSpreadCanvas::processEndKey( QKeyEvent *event ) { bool makingSelection = event->state() & ShiftButton; KSpreadSheet* table = activeTable(); KSpreadCell* cell = NULL; QPoint marker = m_bChoose ? selectionInfo()->getChooseMarker() : selectionInfo()->marker(); // move to the last used cell in the row // We are in edit mode -> go beginning of line if ( m_pEditor ) { // (David) Do this for text editor only, not formula editor... // Don't know how to avoid this hack (member var for editor type ?) if ( m_pEditor->inherits("KSpreadTextEditor") ) QApplication::sendEvent( m_pEditWidget, event ); // TODO: What to do for a formula editor ? m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( QRect( marker, marker ) ); return false; } else { int col = 1; cell = table->getLastCellRow(marker.y()); while (cell != NULL && cell->column() > markerColumn() && cell->isEmpty()) { cell = table->getNextCellLeft(cell->column(), cell->row()); } col = (cell == NULL) ? KS_colMax : cell->column(); QPoint destination( col, marker.y() ); if ( destination == marker ) { m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( QRect( destination, destination ) ); return false; } gotoLocation( destination, activeTable(), makingSelection ); } return true; } bool KSpreadCanvas::processPriorKey(QKeyEvent *event) { bool makingSelection = event->state() & ShiftButton; if (!m_bChoose) { deleteEditor( true ); } QPoint marker = m_bChoose ? selectionInfo()->getChooseMarker() : selectionInfo()->marker(); QPoint destination(marker.x(), QMAX(1, marker.y() - 10)); if ( destination == marker ) { m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( QRect( destination, destination ) ); return false; } gotoLocation(destination, activeTable(), makingSelection); return true; } bool KSpreadCanvas::processNextKey(QKeyEvent *event) { bool makingSelection = event->state() & ShiftButton; if (!m_bChoose) { deleteEditor( true /*save changes*/ ); } QPoint marker = m_bChoose ? selectionInfo()->getChooseMarker() : selectionInfo()->marker(); QPoint destination(marker.x(), QMAX(1, marker.y() + 10)); if ( marker == destination ) { m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( QRect( destination, destination ) ); return false; } gotoLocation(destination, activeTable(), makingSelection); return true; } void KSpreadCanvas::processDeleteKey(QKeyEvent* /* event */) { activeTable()->clearTextSelection( selectionInfo() ); m_pView->editWidget()->setText( "" ); QPoint cursor; if ( m_bChoose ) { cursor = selectionInfo()->getChooseCursor(); /* if the cursor is unset, pretend we're starting at the regular cursor */ if (cursor.x() == 0 || cursor.y() == 0) cursor = selectionInfo()->cursorPosition(); } else cursor = selectionInfo()->cursorPosition(); m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( QRect( cursor, cursor ) ); return; } void KSpreadCanvas::processF2Key(QKeyEvent* /* event */) { m_pView->editWidget()->setFocus(); if ( m_pEditor ) m_pView->editWidget()->setCursorPosition( m_pEditor->cursorPosition() - 1 ); m_pView->editWidget()->cursorForward( false ); QPoint cursor; if ( m_bChoose ) { cursor = selectionInfo()->getChooseCursor(); /* if the cursor is unset, pretend we're starting at the regular cursor */ if (cursor.x() == 0 || cursor.y() == 0) cursor = selectionInfo()->cursorPosition(); } else cursor = selectionInfo()->cursorPosition(); m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( QRect( cursor, cursor ) ); return; } void KSpreadCanvas::processF4Key(QKeyEvent* event) { /* I have no idea what this is doing. But it was in the code so I'm leaving it */ if ( m_pEditor ) { m_pEditor->handleKeyPressEvent( event ); - event->accept(); + m_pView->editWidget()->setFocus(); + m_pView->editWidget()->setCursorPosition( m_pEditor->cursorPosition() ); } QPoint cursor; if ( m_bChoose ) { cursor = selectionInfo()->getChooseCursor(); /* if the cursor is unset, pretend we're starting at the regular cursor */ if (cursor.x() == 0 || cursor.y() == 0) cursor = selectionInfo()->cursorPosition(); } else cursor = selectionInfo()->cursorPosition(); m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( QRect( cursor, cursor ) ); return; } void KSpreadCanvas::processOtherKey(QKeyEvent *event) { // No null character ... if ( event->text().isEmpty() || !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() || !activeTable() || activeTable()->isProtected() ) { event->accept(); } else { if ( !m_pEditor && !m_bChoose ) { // Switch to editing mode createEditor( CellEditor ); m_pEditor->handleKeyPressEvent( event ); } else if ( m_pEditor ) m_pEditor->handleKeyPressEvent( event ); } QPoint cursor; if ( m_bChoose ) { cursor = selectionInfo()->getChooseCursor(); /* if the cursor is unset, pretend we're starting at the regular cursor */ if (cursor.x() == 0 || cursor.y() == 0) cursor = selectionInfo()->cursorPosition(); } else cursor = selectionInfo()->cursorPosition(); m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( QRect( cursor, cursor ) ); return; } bool KSpreadCanvas::processControlArrowKey( QKeyEvent *event ) { bool makingSelection = event->state() & ShiftButton; KSpreadSheet* table = activeTable(); KSpreadCell* cell = NULL; KSpreadCell* lastCell; QPoint destination; bool searchThroughEmpty = TRUE; int row; int col; QPoint marker = m_bChoose ? selectionInfo()->getChooseMarker() : selectionInfo()->marker(); /* here, we want to move to the first or last cell in the given direction that is actually being used. Ignore empty cells and cells on hidden rows/columns */ switch ( event->key() ) { //Ctrl+Key_Up case Key_Up: cell = table->cellAt( marker.x(), marker.y() ); if ( (cell != NULL) && (!cell->isEmpty()) && (marker.y() != 1)) { lastCell = cell; row = marker.y()-1; cell = table->cellAt(cell->column(), row); while ((cell != NULL) && (row > 0) && (!cell->isEmpty()) ) { if (!(table->rowFormat(cell->row())->isHide())) { lastCell = cell; searchThroughEmpty = FALSE; } row--; if ( row > 0 ) cell = table->cellAt(cell->column(), row); } cell = lastCell; } if (searchThroughEmpty) { cell = table->getNextCellUp(marker.x(), marker.y()); while ((cell != NULL) && (cell->isEmpty() || (table->rowFormat(cell->row())->isHide()))) { cell = table->getNextCellUp(cell->column(), cell->row()); } } if (cell == NULL) row = 1; else row = cell->row(); while ( table->rowFormat(row)->isHide() ) { row++; } destination.setX(marker.x()); destination.setY(row); break; //Ctrl+Key_Down case Key_Down: cell = table->cellAt( marker.x(), marker.y() ); if ( (cell != NULL) && (!cell->isEmpty()) && (marker.y() != KS_rowMax)) { lastCell = cell; row = marker.y()+1; cell = table->cellAt(cell->column(), row); while ((cell != NULL) && (row < KS_rowMax) && (!cell->isEmpty()) ) { if (!(table->rowFormat(cell->row())->isHide())) { lastCell = cell; searchThroughEmpty = FALSE; } row++; cell = table->cellAt(cell->column(), row); } cell = lastCell; } if (searchThroughEmpty) { cell = table->getNextCellDown(marker.x(), marker.y()); while ((cell != NULL) && (cell->isEmpty() || (table->rowFormat(cell->row())->isHide()))) { cell = table->getNextCellDown(cell->column(), cell->row()); } } if (cell == NULL) row = KS_rowMax; else row = cell->row(); while ( table->rowFormat(row)->isHide() ) { row--; } destination.setX(marker.x()); destination.setY(row); break; //Ctrl+Key_Left case Key_Left: cell = table->cellAt( marker.x(), marker.y() ); if ( (cell != NULL) && (!cell->isEmpty()) && (marker.x() != 1)) { lastCell = cell; col = marker.x()-1; cell = table->cellAt(col, cell->row()); while ((cell != NULL) && (col > 0) && (!cell->isEmpty()) ) { if (!(table->columnFormat(cell->column())->isHide())) { lastCell = cell; searchThroughEmpty = FALSE; } col--; if ( col > 0 ) cell = table->cellAt(col, cell->row()); } cell = lastCell; } if (searchThroughEmpty) { cell = table->getNextCellLeft(marker.x(), marker.y()); while ((cell != NULL) && (cell->isEmpty() || (table->columnFormat(cell->column())->isHide()))) { cell = table->getNextCellLeft(cell->column(), cell->row()); } } if (cell == NULL) col = 1; else col = cell->column(); while ( table->columnFormat(col)->isHide() ) { col++; } destination.setX(col); destination.setY(marker.y()); break; //Ctrl+Key_Right case Key_Right: cell = table->cellAt( marker.x(), marker.y() ); if ( (cell != NULL) && (!cell->isEmpty()) && (marker.x() != KS_colMax)) { lastCell = cell; col = marker.x()+1; cell = table->cellAt(col, cell->row()); while ((cell != NULL) && (col < KS_colMax) && (!cell->isEmpty()) ) { if (!(table->columnFormat(cell->column())->isHide())) { lastCell = cell; searchThroughEmpty = FALSE; } col++; cell = table->cellAt(col, cell->row()); } cell = lastCell; } if (searchThroughEmpty) { cell = table->getNextCellRight(marker.x(), marker.y()); while ((cell != NULL) && (cell->isEmpty() || (table->columnFormat(cell->column())->isHide()))) { cell = table->getNextCellRight(cell->column(), cell->row()); } } if (cell == NULL) col = KS_colMax; else col = cell->column(); while ( table->columnFormat(col)->isHide() ) { col--; } destination.setX(col); destination.setY(marker.y()); break; } if ( marker == destination ) { m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( QRect( destination, destination ) ); return false; } gotoLocation( destination, table, makingSelection ); return true; } void KSpreadCanvas::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * _ev ) { KSpreadSheet * table = activeTable(); if ( !table || formatKeyPress( _ev )) return; // Dont handle the remaining special keys. if ( _ev->state() & ( Qt::AltButton | Qt::ControlButton ) && (_ev->key() != Key_Down) && (_ev->key() != Key_Up) && (_ev->key() != Key_Right) && (_ev->key() != Key_Left) && (_ev->key() != Key_Home) ) { QWidget::keyPressEvent( _ev ); return; } // Always accept so that events are not // passed to the parent. _ev->accept(); m_pDoc->emitBeginOperation(false); switch( _ev->key() ) { case Key_Return: case Key_Enter: processEnterKey( _ev ); return; break; case Key_Down: case Key_Up: case Key_Left: case Key_Right: case Key_Tab: /* a tab behaves just like a right arrow */ if (_ev->state() & ControlButton) { if ( !processControlArrowKey( _ev ) ) return; } else { processArrowKey( _ev ); return; } break; case Key_Escape: processEscapeKey( _ev ); return; break; case Key_Home: if ( !processHomeKey( _ev ) ) return; break; case Key_End: if ( !processEndKey( _ev ) ) return; break; case Key_Prior: /* Page Up */ if ( !processPriorKey( _ev ) ) return; break; case Key_Next: /* Page Down */ if ( !processNextKey( _ev ) ) return; break; case Key_Delete: processDeleteKey( _ev ); return; break; case Key_F2: processF2Key( _ev ); return; break; case Key_F4: processF4Key( _ev ); return; break; default: processOtherKey( _ev ); return; break; } m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( table->visibleRect( this ) ); return; } double KSpreadCanvas::getDouble( KSpreadCell * cell ) { cell->setFactor( 1.0 ); if ( cell->isDate() ) { QDate date = cell->valueDate(); QDate dummy(1900, 1, 1); return (dummy.daysTo( date ) + 1); } if ( cell->isTime() ) { QTime time = cell->valueTime(); QTime dummy; return dummy.secsTo( time ); } if ( cell->value().isNumber() ) return cell->value().asFloat(); return 0.0; } void KSpreadCanvas::convertToDouble( KSpreadCell * cell ) { if ( cell->isTime() || cell->isDate() ) cell->setValue( getDouble( cell ) ); cell->setFactor( 1.0 ); } void KSpreadCanvas::convertToPercent( KSpreadCell * cell ) { if ( cell->isTime() || cell->isDate() ) cell->setValue( getDouble( cell ) ); cell->setFactor( 100.0 ); cell->setFormatType( KSpreadCell::Percentage ); } void KSpreadCanvas::convertToMoney( KSpreadCell * cell ) { if ( cell->isTime() || cell->isDate() ) cell->setValue( getDouble( cell ) ); cell->setFormatType( KSpreadCell::Money ); cell->setFactor( 1.0 ); cell->setPrecision( m_pDoc->locale()->fracDigits() ); } void KSpreadCanvas::convertToTime( KSpreadCell * cell ) { if ( cell->isDefault() || cell->isEmpty() ) return; if ( cell->isDate() ) cell->setValue( getDouble( cell ) ); cell->setFormatType( KSpreadFormat::SecondeTime ); QTime time = cell->value().asDateTime().time(); int msec = (int) ( (cell->value().asFloat() - (int) cell->value().asFloat())* 1000 ); time = time.addMSecs( msec ); cell->setCellText( time.toString() ); } void KSpreadCanvas::convertToDate( KSpreadCell * cell ) { if ( cell->isDefault() || cell->isEmpty() ) return; if ( cell->isTime() ) cell->setValue( getDouble( cell ) ); cell->setFormatType( KSpreadFormat::ShortDate ); cell->setFactor( 1.0 ); QDate date(1900, 1, 1); date = date.addDays( (int) cell->value().asFloat() - 1 ); date = cell->value().asDateTime().date(); cell->setCellText( util_dateFormat(m_pDoc->locale(), date, KSpreadCell::ShortDate) ); } bool KSpreadCanvas::formatKeyPress( QKeyEvent * _ev ) { if (!(_ev->state() & ControlButton )) return false; int key = _ev->key(); if ( key != Key_Exclam && key != Key_At && key != Key_Ampersand && key != Key_Dollar && key != Key_Percent && key != Key_AsciiCircum && key != Key_NumberSign ) return false; KSpreadCell * cell = 0L; KSpreadSheet * table = activeTable(); QRect rect = selection(); m_pDoc->emitBeginOperation(false); table->setRegionPaintDirty( rect ); int right = rect.right(); int bottom = rect.bottom(); if ( !m_pDoc->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { QString dummy; KSpreadUndoCellFormat * undo = new KSpreadUndoCellFormat( m_pDoc, table, rect, dummy ); m_pDoc->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } if ( util_isRowSelected(selection()) ) { for ( int r = rect.top(); r <= bottom; ++r ) { cell = table->getFirstCellRow( r ); while ( cell ) { if ( cell->isObscuringForced() ) { cell = table->getNextCellRight( cell->column(), r ); continue; } QPen pen; switch ( _ev->key() ) { case Key_Exclam: convertToDouble( cell ); cell->setFormatType( KSpreadCell::Number ); cell->setPrecision( 2 ); break; case Key_Dollar: convertToMoney( cell ); break; case Key_Percent: convertToPercent( cell ); break; case Key_At: convertToTime( cell ); break; case Key_NumberSign: convertToDate( cell ); break; case Key_AsciiCircum: cell->setFormatType( KSpreadCell::Scientific ); convertToDouble( cell ); cell->setFactor( 1.0 ); break; case Key_Ampersand: if ( r == rect.top() ) { pen = QPen( m_pView->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine); cell->setTopBorderPen( pen ); } else if ( r == rect.bottom() ) { pen = QPen( m_pView->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine); cell->setBottomBorderPen( pen ); } break; default: m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( rect ); return false; } // switch cell = table->getNextCellRight( cell->column(), r ); } // while (cell) RowFormat * rw = table->nonDefaultRowFormat( r ); QPen pen; switch ( _ev->key() ) { case Key_Exclam: rw->setFormatType( KSpreadCell::Number ); rw->setPrecision( 2 ); break; case Key_Dollar: rw->setFormatType( KSpreadCell::Money ); rw->setFactor( 1.0 ); rw->setPrecision( m_pDoc->locale()->fracDigits() ); break; case Key_Percent: rw->setFactor( 100.0 ); rw->setFormatType( KSpreadCell::Percentage ); break; case Key_At: rw->setFormatType( KSpreadFormat::SecondeTime ); rw->setFactor( 1.0 ); break; case Key_NumberSign: rw->setFormatType( KSpreadFormat::ShortDate ); rw->setFactor( 1.0 ); break; case Key_AsciiCircum: rw->setFormatType( KSpreadCell::Scientific ); rw->setFactor( 1.0 ); break; case Key_Ampersand: if ( r == rect.top() ) { pen = QPen( m_pView->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine); rw->setTopBorderPen( pen ); } if ( r == rect.bottom() ) { pen = QPen( m_pView->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine); rw->setBottomBorderPen( pen ); } break; default: m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( rect ); return false; } table->emit_updateRow( rw, r ); } m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( rect ); return true; } if ( util_isColumnSelected(selection()) ) { for ( int c = rect.left(); c <= right; ++c ) { cell = table->getFirstCellColumn( c ); while ( cell ) { if ( cell->isObscuringForced() ) { cell = table->getNextCellDown( c, cell->row() ); continue; } QPen pen; switch ( _ev->key() ) { case Key_Exclam: convertToDouble( cell ); cell->setFormatType( KSpreadCell::Number ); cell->setPrecision( 2 ); break; case Key_Dollar: convertToMoney( cell ); break; case Key_Percent: convertToPercent( cell ); break; case Key_At: convertToTime( cell ); break; case Key_NumberSign: convertToDate( cell ); break; case Key_AsciiCircum: cell->setFormatType( KSpreadCell::Scientific ); convertToDouble( cell ); cell->setFactor( 1.0 ); break; case Key_Ampersand: if ( c == rect.left() ) { pen = QPen( m_pView->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine); cell->setLeftBorderPen( pen ); } else if ( c == rect.right() ) { pen = QPen( m_pView->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine); cell->setRightBorderPen( pen ); } break; default: m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( rect ); return false; } cell = table->getNextCellDown( c, cell->row() ); } ColumnFormat * cw = table->nonDefaultColumnFormat( c ); QPen pen; switch ( _ev->key() ) { case Key_Exclam: cw->setFormatType( KSpreadCell::Number ); cw->setPrecision( 2 ); break; case Key_Dollar: cw->setFormatType( KSpreadCell::Money ); cw->setFactor( 1.0 ); cw->setPrecision( m_pDoc->locale()->fracDigits() ); break; case Key_Percent: cw->setFactor( 100.0 ); cw->setFormatType( KSpreadCell::Percentage ); break; case Key_At: cw->setFormatType( KSpreadFormat::SecondeTime ); cw->setFactor( 1.0 ); break; case Key_NumberSign: cw->setFormatType( KSpreadFormat::ShortDate ); cw->setFactor( 1.0 ); break; case Key_AsciiCircum: cw->setFactor( 1.0 ); cw->setFormatType( KSpreadCell::Scientific ); break; case Key_Ampersand: if ( c == rect.left() ) { pen = QPen( m_pView->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine); cw->setLeftBorderPen( pen ); } if ( c == rect.right() ) { pen = QPen( m_pView->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine); cw->setRightBorderPen( pen ); } break; default: m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( rect ); return false; } table->emit_updateColumn( cw, c ); } m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( rect ); return true; } for ( int row = rect.top(); row <= bottom; ++row ) { for ( int col = rect.left(); col <= right; ++ col ) { cell = table->nonDefaultCell( col, row ); if ( cell->isObscuringForced() ) continue; QPen pen; switch ( _ev->key() ) { case Key_Exclam: convertToDouble( cell ); cell->setFormatType( KSpreadCell::Number ); cell->setPrecision( 2 ); break; case Key_Dollar: convertToMoney( cell ); break; case Key_Percent: convertToPercent( cell ); break; case Key_At: convertToTime( cell ); break; case Key_NumberSign: convertToDate( cell ); break; case Key_AsciiCircum: cell->setFormatType( KSpreadCell::Scientific ); convertToDouble( cell ); cell->setFactor( 1.0 ); break; case Key_Ampersand: if ( row == rect.top() ) { pen = QPen( m_pView->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine); cell->setTopBorderPen( pen ); } if ( row == rect.bottom() ) { pen = QPen( m_pView->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine); cell->setBottomBorderPen( pen ); } if ( col == rect.left() ) { pen = QPen( m_pView->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine); cell->setLeftBorderPen( pen ); } if ( col == rect.right() ) { pen = QPen( m_pView->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine); cell->setRightBorderPen( pen ); } break; default: m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( rect ); return false; } // switch } // for left .. right } // for top .. bottom _ev->accept(); m_pDoc->emitEndOperation( rect ); return true; } void KSpreadCanvas::doAutoScroll() { if ( !m_bMousePressed ) { m_scrollTimer->stop(); return; } bool select = false; QPoint pos( mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() ) ); //Provide progressive scrolling depending on the mouse position if ( pos.y() < 0 ) { vertScrollBar()->setValue( vertScrollBar()->value() - autoScrollAccelerationY( - pos.y() ) ); select = true; } else if ( pos.y() > height() ) { vertScrollBar()->setValue( vertScrollBar()->value() + autoScrollAccelerationY( pos.y() - height() ) ); select = true; } if ( pos.x() < 0 ) { horzScrollBar()->setValue( horzScrollBar()->value() - autoScrollAccelerationX( - pos.x() ) ); select = true; } else if ( pos.x() > width() ) { horzScrollBar()->setValue( horzScrollBar()->value() + autoScrollAccelerationX( pos.x() - width() ) ); select = true; } if ( select ) { QMouseEvent * event = new QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseMove, pos, 0, 0); mouseMoveEvent( event ); delete event; } //Restart timer m_scrollTimer->start( 50 ); } double KSpreadCanvas::autoScrollAccelerationX( int offset ) { switch( static_cast( offset / 20 ) ) { case 0: return 5.0; case 1: return 20.0; case 2: return doc()->unzoomItX( width() ); case 3: return doc()->unzoomItX( width() ); default: return doc()->unzoomItX( width() * 5.0 ); } } double KSpreadCanvas::autoScrollAccelerationY( int offset ) { switch( static_cast( offset / 20 ) ) { case 0: return 5.0; case 1: return 20.0; case 2: return doc()->unzoomItY( height() ); case 3: return doc()->unzoomItY( height() ); default: return doc()->unzoomItY( height() * 5.0 ); } } void KSpreadCanvas::deleteEditor( bool saveChanges ) { if ( !m_pEditor ) return; // We need to set the line-edit out of edit mode, // but only if we are using it (text editor) // A bit of a hack - perhaps we should store the editor mode ? bool textEditor = true; if ( m_pEditor->inherits("KSpreadTextEditor") ) m_pEditWidget->setEditMode( false ); else textEditor = false; QString t = m_pEditor->text(); // Delete the cell editor first and after that update the document. // That means we get a synchronous repaint after the cell editor // widget is gone. Otherwise we may get painting errors. delete m_pEditor; m_pEditor = 0; if ( saveChanges && textEditor ) { if ( t.at(0)=='=' ) { //a formula int openParenthese = t.contains('(' ); int closeParenthese = t.contains(')' ); int diff = QABS( openParenthese - closeParenthese ); if ( openParenthese > closeParenthese ) { for (int i=0; i < diff;i++) { t=t+')'; } } } m_pView->setText( t ); } else m_pView->updateEditWidget(); setFocus(); } void KSpreadCanvas::createEditor() { KSpreadCell * cell = activeTable()->nonDefaultCell( markerColumn(), markerRow(), false ); if ( !createEditor( CellEditor ) ) return; if ( cell ) m_pEditor->setText( cell->text() ); } bool KSpreadCanvas::createEditor( EditorType ed, bool addFocus ) { KSpreadSheet * table = activeTable(); if ( !m_pEditor ) { KSpreadCell * cell = table->nonDefaultCell( marker().x(), marker().y(), false ); if ( table->isProtected() && !cell->notProtected( marker().x(), marker().y() ) ) return false; if ( ed == CellEditor ) { m_pEditWidget->setEditMode( true ); m_pEditor = new KSpreadTextEditor( cell, this ); } double w, h; double min_w = cell->dblWidth( markerColumn() ); double min_h = cell->dblHeight( markerRow() ); if ( cell->isDefault() ) { w = min_w; h = min_h; //kdDebug(36001) << "DEFAULT" << endl; } else { w = cell->extraWidth(); h = cell->extraHeight(); //kdDebug(36001) << "HEIGHT=" << min_h << " EXTRA=" << h << endl; } double xpos = table->dblColumnPos( markerColumn() ) - xOffset(); double ypos = table->dblRowPos( markerRow() ) - yOffset(); QPalette p = m_pEditor->palette(); QColorGroup g( p.active() ); QColor color = cell->textColor( markerColumn(), markerRow() ); if ( !color.isValid() ) color = QApplication::palette().active().text(); g.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, color); color = cell->bgColor( markerColumn(), markerRow() ); if ( !color.isValid() ) color = g.base(); g.setColor( QColorGroup::Background, color ); m_pEditor->setPalette( QPalette( g, p.disabled(), g ) ); QFont tmpFont = cell->textFont( markerColumn(), markerRow() ); tmpFont.setPointSizeFloat( 0.01 * doc()->zoom() * tmpFont.pointSizeFloat() ); m_pEditor->setFont( tmpFont ); KoRect rect( xpos, ypos, w, h ); //needed to circumvent rounding issue with height/width m_pEditor->setGeometry( doc()->zoomRect( rect ) ); m_pEditor->setMinimumSize( QSize( doc()->zoomItX( min_w ), doc()->zoomItY( min_h ) ) ); m_pEditor->show(); //kdDebug(36001) << "FOCUS1" << endl; //Laurent 2001-12-05 //Don't add focus when we create a new editor and //we select text in edit widget otherwise we don't delete //selected text. if ( addFocus ) m_pEditor->setFocus(); //kdDebug(36001) << "FOCUS2" << endl; } return true; } void KSpreadCanvas::closeEditor() { if ( m_bChoose ) return; if ( m_pEditor ) { deleteEditor( true ); // save changes } } void KSpreadCanvas::updateChooseRect(const QPoint &newMarker, const QPoint &newAnchor) { KSpreadSheet* table = activeTable(); QPoint oldAnchor = selectionInfo()->getChooseAnchor(); QPoint oldMarker = selectionInfo()->getChooseMarker(); QPoint chooseCursor = selectionInfo()->getChooseCursor(); QRect oldChooseRect = selectionInfo()->getChooseRect(); if ( newMarker == oldMarker && newAnchor == oldAnchor ) { return; } selectionInfo()->setChooseMarker(newMarker); selectionInfo()->setChooseAnchor(newAnchor); QRect newChooseRect = selectionInfo()->getChooseRect(); /* keep the choose cursor updated. If you don't know what the 'cursor' is supposed to represent, check the comments of the regular selection cursor in kspread_selection.h (KSpreadSelection::m_cursorPosition). It's the same thing here except for the choose selection. */ if ( !newChooseRect.contains(chooseCursor) ) { selectionInfo()->setChooseCursor(table, newMarker); } setSelectionChangePaintDirty(table, oldChooseRect, newChooseRect); /* this signal is used in the formula editor to update the text display */ emit m_pView->sig_chooseSelectionChanged(activeTable(), newChooseRect); if ( !m_pEditor ) { length_namecell = 0; return; } /* the rest of this function updates the text showing the choose rect */ /***** TODO - should this be here? */ if (newMarker.x() != 0 && newMarker.y() != 0) /* don't update the text if we are removing the marker */ { QString name_cell; if ( m_chooseStartTable != table ) { if ( newMarker == newAnchor ) name_cell = KSpreadCell::fullName( table, newChooseRect.left(), newChooseRect.top() ); else name_cell = util_rangeName( table, newChooseRect ); } else { if ( newMarker == newAnchor ) name_cell = KSpreadCell::name( newChooseRect.left(), newChooseRect.top() ); else name_cell = util_rangeName( newChooseRect ); } int old = length_namecell; length_namecell= name_cell.length(); length_text = m_pEditor->text().length(); //kdDebug(36001) << "updateChooseMarker2 len=" << length_namecell << endl; QString text = m_pEditor->text(); QString res = text.left( m_pEditor->cursorPosition() - old ) + name_cell + text.right( text.length() - m_pEditor->cursorPosition() ); int pos = m_pEditor->cursorPosition() - old; ((KSpreadTextEditor*)m_pEditor)->blockCheckChoose( TRUE ); m_pEditor->setText( res ); ((KSpreadTextEditor*)m_pEditor)->blockCheckChoose( FALSE ); m_pEditor->setCursorPosition( pos + length_namecell ); editWidget()->setText( res ); //kdDebug(36001) << "old=" << old << " len=" << length_namecell << " pos=" << pos << endl; } } void KSpreadCanvas::setSelectionChangePaintDirty(KSpreadSheet* sheet, QRect area1, QRect area2) { QValueList cellRegions; /* first of all, let's not get confused by an unset region at 0,0,0,0 Just reset to region to something ridiculous that will be ignored by a paint call */ if (area1.contains(QPoint(0,0))) { area1.setLeft(-100); area1.setRight(-100); } if (area2.contains(QPoint(0,0))) { area2.setLeft(-50); area2.setRight(-50); } /* let's try to only paint where the selection is actually changing*/ bool newLeft = area1.left() != area2.left(); bool newTop = area1.top() != area2.top(); bool newRight = area1.right() != area2.right(); bool newBottom = area1.bottom() != area2.bottom(); bool topLeftSame = !newLeft && !newTop; bool topRightSame = !newTop && !newRight; bool bottomLeftSame = !newLeft && !newBottom; bool bottomRightSame = !newBottom && !newRight; if (!topLeftSame && !topRightSame && !bottomLeftSame && !bottomRightSame) { /* the two areas are not related. */ /* since the marker/selection border extends into neighboring cells, we want to calculate all the cells bordering these regions. */ ExtendRectBorder(area1); ExtendRectBorder(area2); cellRegions.append(area1); cellRegions.append(area2); } else { /* at least one corner is the same -- let's only paint the extension on corners that are not the same */ /* first, calculate some numbers that we'll use a few times */ int farLeft = QMIN(area1.left(), area2.left()); if (farLeft != 1) farLeft--; int innerLeft = QMAX(area1.left(), area2.left()); if (innerLeft != KS_colMax) innerLeft++; int farTop = QMIN(area1.top(), area2.top()); if (farTop != 1) farTop--; int innerTop = QMAX(area1.top(), area2.top()); if (innerTop != KS_rowMax) innerTop++; int farRight = QMAX(area1.right(), area2.right()); if (farRight != KS_colMax) farRight++; int innerRight = QMIN(area1.right(), area2.right()); if (innerRight != 1) innerRight--; int farBottom = QMAX(area1.bottom(), area2.bottom()); if (farBottom!= KS_rowMax) farBottom++; int innerBottom = QMIN(area1.bottom(), area2.bottom()); if (innerBottom != 1) innerBottom--; if (newLeft) { cellRegions.append(QRect(QPoint(farLeft, farTop), QPoint(innerLeft, farBottom))); } if (newTop) { cellRegions.append(QRect(QPoint(farLeft, farTop), QPoint(farRight, innerTop))); } if (newRight) { cellRegions.append(QRect(QPoint(innerRight, farTop), QPoint(farRight, farBottom))); } if (newBottom) { cellRegions.append(QRect(QPoint(farLeft, innerBottom), QPoint(farRight, farBottom))); } } QValueList::iterator it = cellRegions.begin(); while (it != cellRegions.end()) { sheet->setRegionPaintDirty(*it); it++; } } void KSpreadCanvas::ExtendRectBorder(QRect& area) { ColumnFormat *cl; RowFormat *rl; //look at if column is hiding. //if it's hiding refreshing column+1 (or column -1 ) int left = area.left(); int right = area.right(); int top = area.top(); int bottom = area.bottom(); //Maybe the case for ridiculous settings, see setSelectionChangePaintDirty //No need to extend then, avoids warnings if ( left < 1 && right < 1 ) return; if ( right < KS_colMax ) { do { right++; cl = activeTable()->nonDefaultColumnFormat( right ); } while ( cl->isHide() && right != KS_colMax ); } if ( left > 1 ) { do { left--; cl = activeTable()->nonDefaultColumnFormat( left ); } while ( cl->isHide() && left != 1); } if ( bottom < KS_rowMax ) { do { bottom++; rl = activeTable()->nonDefaultRowFormat( bottom ); } while ( rl->isHide() && bottom != KS_rowMax ); } if ( top > 1 ) { do { top--; rl = activeTable()->nonDefaultRowFormat( top ); } while ( rl->isHide() && top != 1); } area.setLeft(left); area.setRight(right); area.setTop(top); area.setBottom(bottom); } void KSpreadCanvas::updatePosWidget() { QString buffer; // No selection, or only one cell merged selected if ( selectionInfo()->singleCellSelection() ) { if (activeTable()->getLcMode()) { buffer = "L" + QString::number( markerRow() ) + "C" + QString::number( markerColumn() ); } else { buffer = util_encodeColumnLabelText( markerColumn() ) + QString::number( markerRow() ); } } else { if (activeTable()->getLcMode()) { buffer = QString::number( (selection().bottom()-selection().top()+1) )+"Lx"; if ( util_isRowSelected( selection() ) ) buffer+=QString::number((KS_colMax-selection().left()+1))+"C"; else buffer+=QString::number((selection().right()-selection().left()+1))+"C"; } else { //encodeColumnLabelText return @@@@ when column >KS_colMax //=> it's not a good display //=> for the moment I display pos of marker buffer=util_encodeColumnLabelText( selection().left() ) + QString::number(selection().top()) + ":" + util_encodeColumnLabelText( QMIN( KS_colMax, selection().right() ) ) + QString::number(selection().bottom()); //buffer=activeTable()->columnLabel( m_iMarkerColumn ); //buffer+=tmp.setNum(m_iMarkerRow); } } if (buffer != m_pPosWidget->text()) m_pPosWidget->setText(buffer); } void KSpreadCanvas::adjustArea(bool makeUndo) { QRect s( selection() ); if (activeTable()->areaIsEmpty(s)) return; if (makeUndo) { if ( !doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( doc(),activeTable() , s ); doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } } // Columns selected if ( util_isColumnSelected(s) ) { for (int x=s.left(); x <= s.right(); x++ ) { hBorderWidget()->adjustColumn(x,false); } } // Rows selected else if ( util_isRowSelected(s) ) { for(int y = s.top(); y <= s.bottom(); y++ ) { vBorderWidget()->adjustRow(y,false); } } // No selection // Selection of a rectangular area else { for (int x=s.left(); x <= s.right(); x++ ) { hBorderWidget()->adjustColumn(x,false); } for(int y = s.top(); y <= s.bottom(); y++ ) { vBorderWidget()->adjustRow(y,false); } } } void KSpreadCanvas::equalizeRow() { QRect s( selection() ); RowFormat *rl = m_pView->activeTable()->rowFormat(s.top()); int size=rl->height(this); if ( s.top() == s.bottom() ) return; for(int i=s.top()+1;i<=s.bottom();i++) { KSpreadSheet *table = activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; size=QMAX(m_pView->activeTable()->rowFormat(i)->height(this),size); } m_pView->vBorderWidget()->equalizeRow(size); } void KSpreadCanvas::equalizeColumn() { QRect s( selection() ); ColumnFormat *cl = m_pView->activeTable()->columnFormat(s.left()); int size=cl->width(this); if ( s.left() == s.right() ) return; for(int i=s.left()+1;i<=s.right();i++) { size=QMAX(m_pView->activeTable()->columnFormat(i)->width(this),size); } m_pView->hBorderWidget()->equalizeColumn(size); } QRect KSpreadCanvas::visibleCells() { KoRect unzoomedRect = doc()->unzoomRect( QRect( 0, 0, width(), height() ) ); unzoomedRect.moveBy( xOffset(), yOffset() ); double tmp; int left_col = activeTable()->leftColumn( unzoomedRect.left(), tmp ); int right_col = activeTable()->rightColumn( unzoomedRect.right() ); int top_row = activeTable()->topRow( unzoomedRect.top(), tmp ); int bottom_row = activeTable()->bottomRow( unzoomedRect.bottom() ); return QRect( left_col, top_row, right_col - left_col + 1, bottom_row - top_row + 1 ); } //--------------------------------------------- // // Drawing Engine // //--------------------------------------------- void KSpreadCanvas::paintUpdates() { if (activeTable() == NULL) return; QPainter painter(this); //Save clip region QRegion rgnComplete( painter.clipRegion() ); QWMatrix matrix; if ( m_pView ) { matrix = m_pView->matrix(); } else { matrix = painter.worldMatrix(); } painter.save(); clipoutChildren( painter, matrix ); KoRect unzoomedRect = doc()->unzoomRect( QRect( 0, 0, width(), height() ) ); // unzoomedRect.moveBy( xOffset(), yOffset() ); /* paint any visible cell that has the paintDirty flag */ QRect range = visibleCells(); KSpreadRangeIterator it(range, activeTable()); KSpreadCell* cell = NULL; double topPos = activeTable()->dblRowPos(range.top()); double leftPos = activeTable()->dblColumnPos(range.left()); KoPoint dblCorner( leftPos - xOffset(), topPos - yOffset() ); int x; int y; int right = range.right(); int bottom = range.bottom(); KSpreadSheet * sheet = activeTable(); for ( x = range.left(); x <= right; ++x ) { for ( y = range.top(); y <= bottom; ++y ) { if ( sheet->cellIsPaintDirty( QPoint( x, y ) ) ) { cell = sheet->cellAt( x, y ); cell->calc(); cell->makeLayout( painter, x, y ); bool paintBordersBottom = false; bool paintBordersRight = false; bool paintBordersLeft = false; bool paintBordersTop = false; QPen bottomPen( cell->effBottomBorderPen( x, y ) ); QPen rightPen( cell->effRightBorderPen( x, y ) ); QPen leftPen( cell->effLeftBorderPen( x, y ) ); QPen topPen( cell->effTopBorderPen( x, y ) ); // paint right border if rightmost cell or if the pen is more "worth" than the left border pen // of the cell on the left or if the cell on the right is not painted. In the latter case get // the pen that is of more "worth" if ( x >= KS_colMax ) paintBordersRight = true; else if ( sheet->cellIsPaintDirty( QPoint( x + 1, y ) ) ) { paintBordersRight = true; if ( cell->effRightBorderValue( x, y ) < sheet->cellAt( x + 1, y )->effLeftBorderValue( x + 1, y ) ) rightPen = sheet->cellAt( x + 1, y )->effLeftBorderPen( x + 1, y ); } else { paintBordersRight = true; if ( cell->effRightBorderValue( x, y ) < sheet->cellAt( x + 1, y )->effLeftBorderValue( x + 1, y ) ) rightPen = sheet->cellAt( x + 1, y )->effLeftBorderPen( x + 1, y ); } // similiar for other borders... // bottom border: if ( y >= KS_rowMax ) paintBordersBottom = true; else if ( sheet->cellIsPaintDirty( QPoint( x, y + 1 ) ) ) { if ( cell->effBottomBorderValue( x, y ) > sheet->cellAt( x, y + 1 )->effTopBorderValue( x, y + 1 ) ) paintBordersBottom = true; } else { paintBordersBottom = true; if ( cell->effBottomBorderValue( x, y ) < sheet->cellAt( x, y + 1 )->effTopBorderValue( x, y + 1 ) ) bottomPen = sheet->cellAt( x, y + 1 )->effTopBorderPen( x, y + 1 ); } // left border: if ( x == 1 ) paintBordersLeft = true; else if ( sheet->cellIsPaintDirty( QPoint( x - 1, y ) ) ) { paintBordersLeft = true; if ( cell->effLeftBorderValue( x, y ) < sheet->cellAt( x - 1, y )->effRightBorderValue( x - 1, y ) ) leftPen = sheet->cellAt( x - 1, y )->effRightBorderPen( x - 1, y ); } else { paintBordersLeft = true; if ( cell->effLeftBorderValue( x, y ) < sheet->cellAt( x - 1, y )->effRightBorderValue( x - 1, y ) ) leftPen = sheet->cellAt( x - 1, y )->effRightBorderPen( x - 1, y ); } // top border: if ( y == 1 ) paintBordersTop = true; else if ( sheet->cellIsPaintDirty( QPoint( x, y - 1 ) ) ) { paintBordersTop = true; if ( cell->effTopBorderValue( x, y ) < sheet->cellAt( x, y - 1 )->effBottomBorderValue( x, y - 1 ) ) topPen = sheet->cellAt( x, y - 1 )->effBottomBorderPen( x, y - 1 ); } else { paintBordersTop = true; if ( cell->effTopBorderValue( x, y ) < sheet->cellAt( x, y - 1 )->effBottomBorderValue( x, y - 1 ) ) topPen = sheet->cellAt( x, y - 1 )->effBottomBorderPen( x, y - 1 ); } cell->paintCell( unzoomedRect, painter, m_pView, dblCorner, QPoint( x, y ), paintBordersRight, paintBordersBottom, paintBordersLeft, paintBordersTop, rightPen, bottomPen, leftPen, topPen ); } dblCorner.setY( dblCorner.y() + sheet->rowFormat( y )->dblHeight( ) ); } dblCorner.setY( topPos - yOffset() ); dblCorner.setX( dblCorner.x() + sheet->columnFormat( x )->dblWidth( ) ); } /* now paint the selection and choose selection */ paintChooseRect(painter, unzoomedRect); paintNormalMarker(painter, unzoomedRect); //restore clip region with children area painter.restore(); painter.setClipRegion( rgnComplete ); paintChildren( painter, matrix ); } void KSpreadCanvas::clipoutChildren( QPainter& painter, QWMatrix& matrix ) { QRegion rgn = painter.clipRegion(); if ( rgn.isEmpty() ) rgn = QRegion( QRect( 0, 0, width(), height() ) ); QPtrListIterator itChild( m_pDoc->children() ); for( ; itChild.current(); ++itChild ) { // if ( ((KSpreadChild*)it.current())->table() == table && // !m_pView->hasDocumentInWindow( it.current()->document() ) ) if ( ( ( KSpreadChild*)itChild.current() )->table() == activeTable() ) { rgn -= itChild.current()->region( matrix ); } } painter.setClipRegion( rgn ); } void KSpreadCanvas::paintChildren( QPainter& painter, QWMatrix& matrix ) { painter.setWorldMatrix( matrix ); QPtrListIterator itChild( m_pDoc->children() ); itChild.toFirst(); for( ; itChild.current(); ++itChild ) { if ( ( ( KSpreadChild*)itChild.current() )->table() == activeTable() && ( m_pView && !m_pView->hasDocumentInWindow( itChild.current()->document() ) ) ) { // #### todo: paint only if child is visible inside rect painter.save(); m_pDoc->paintChild( itChild.current(), painter, m_pView ); painter.restore(); } } } void KSpreadCanvas::paintChooseRect(QPainter& painter, const KoRect &viewRect) { double positions[4]; bool paintSides[4]; QRect chooseRect = m_pView->selectionInfo()->getChooseRect(); if ( chooseRect.left() != 0 ) { QPen pen; pen.setWidth( 2 ); pen.setStyle( DashLine ); retrieveMarkerInfo( chooseRect, viewRect, positions, paintSides ); double left = positions[0]; double top = positions[1]; double right = positions[2]; double bottom = positions[3]; bool paintLeft = paintSides[0]; bool paintTop = paintSides[1]; bool paintRight = paintSides[2]; bool paintBottom = paintSides[3]; RasterOp rop = painter.rasterOp(); painter.setRasterOp( NotROP ); painter.setPen( pen ); if ( paintTop ) { painter.drawLine( doc()->zoomItX( left ), doc()->zoomItY( top ), doc()->zoomItX( right ), doc()->zoomItY( top ) ); } if ( paintLeft ) { painter.drawLine( doc()->zoomItX( left ), doc()->zoomItY( top ), doc()->zoomItX( left ), doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) ); } if ( paintRight ) { painter.drawLine( doc()->zoomItX( right ), doc()->zoomItY( top ), doc()->zoomItX( right ), doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) ); } if ( paintBottom ) { painter.drawLine( doc()->zoomItX( left ), doc()->zoomItY( bottom ), doc()->zoomItX( right ), doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) ); } /* restore the old raster mode */ painter.setRasterOp( rop ); } return; } void KSpreadCanvas::paintNormalMarker(QPainter& painter, const KoRect &viewRect) { double positions[4]; bool paintSides[4]; QRect marker = selection(); QPen pen( Qt::black, 3 ); painter.setPen( pen ); retrieveMarkerInfo( marker, viewRect, positions, paintSides ); painter.setPen( pen ); double left = positions[0]; double top = positions[1]; double right = positions[2]; double bottom = positions[3]; bool paintLeft = paintSides[0]; bool paintTop = paintSides[1]; bool paintRight = paintSides[2]; bool paintBottom = paintSides[3]; /* the extra '-1's thrown in here account for the thickness of the pen. want to look like this: not this: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * */ int l = 1; if ( paintTop ) { painter.drawLine( doc()->zoomItX( left ) - l, doc()->zoomItY( top ), doc()->zoomItX( right ) + 2 * l, doc()->zoomItY( top ) ); } if ( paintLeft ) { painter.drawLine( doc()->zoomItX( left ), doc()->zoomItY( top ), doc()->zoomItX( left ), doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) ); } if ( paintRight && paintBottom ) { /* then the 'handle' in the bottom right corner is visible. */ painter.drawLine( doc()->zoomItX( right ), doc()->zoomItY( top ), doc()->zoomItX( right ), doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) - 3 ); painter.drawLine( doc()->zoomItX( left ) - l, doc()->zoomItY( bottom ), doc()->zoomItX( right ) - 3, doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) ); painter.fillRect( doc()->zoomItX( right ) - 2, doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) - 2, 5, 5, painter.pen().color() ); } else { if ( paintRight ) { painter.drawLine( doc()->zoomItX( right ), doc()->zoomItY( top ), doc()->zoomItX( right ), doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) ); } if ( paintBottom ) { painter.drawLine( doc()->zoomItX( left ) - l, doc()->zoomItY( bottom ), doc()->zoomItX( right ) + l, doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) ); } } } void KSpreadCanvas::retrieveMarkerInfo( const QRect &marker, const KoRect &viewRect, double positions[], bool paintSides[] ) { KSpreadSheet * table = activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; double dWidth = doc()->unzoomItX( width() ); double xpos; double x; if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) { xpos = dWidth - table->dblColumnPos( marker.left() ) - xOffset(); x = dWidth - table->dblColumnPos( marker.right() ) - xOffset(); } else { xpos = table->dblColumnPos( marker.left() ) - xOffset(); x = table->dblColumnPos( marker.right() ) - xOffset(); } double ypos = table->dblRowPos( marker.top() ) - yOffset(); const ColumnFormat *columnFormat = table->columnFormat( marker.right() ); double tw = columnFormat->dblWidth( ); double w = ( x - xpos ) + tw; double y = table->dblRowPos( marker.bottom() ) - yOffset(); const RowFormat* rowFormat = table->rowFormat( marker.bottom() ); double th = rowFormat->dblHeight( ); double h = ( y - ypos ) + th; /* left, top, right, bottom */ positions[0] = xpos; positions[1] = ypos; if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) positions[2] = xpos - w + 1; else positions[2] = xpos + w; positions[3] = ypos + h; /* these vars are used for clarity, the array for simpler function arguments */ double left = positions[0]; double top = positions[1]; double right = positions[2]; double bottom = positions[3]; if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) kdDebug() << "X: " << x << ", xpos: " << xpos << ", w: " << w << ", Right: " << right << ", VRight: " << viewRect.right() << ", Left: " << left << ", VLeft: " << viewRect.left() << endl; /* left, top, right, bottom */ if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) { paintSides[0] = (viewRect.left() <= left) && (left - 1 <= viewRect.right()) && (bottom >= viewRect.top()) && (top <= viewRect.bottom()); paintSides[1] = (viewRect.top() <= top) && (top <= viewRect.bottom()) && (right >= viewRect.left()) && (left - 1 <= viewRect.right()); paintSides[3] = (viewRect.top() <= bottom) && (bottom <= viewRect.bottom()) && (right >= viewRect.left()) && (left - 1 <= viewRect.right()); } else { paintSides[0] = (viewRect.left() <= left) && (left <= viewRect.right()) && (bottom >= viewRect.top()) && (top <= viewRect.bottom()); paintSides[1] = (viewRect.top() <= top) && (top <= viewRect.bottom()) && (right >= viewRect.left()) && (left <= viewRect.right()); paintSides[3] = (viewRect.top() <= bottom) && (bottom <= viewRect.bottom()) && (right >= viewRect.left()) && (left <= viewRect.right()); } paintSides[2] = (viewRect.left() <= right ) && (right <= viewRect.right()) && (bottom >= viewRect.top()) && (top <= viewRect.bottom()); positions[0] = QMAX( left, viewRect.left() ); positions[1] = QMAX( top, viewRect.top() ); positions[2] = QMIN( right, viewRect.right() ); positions[3] = QMIN( bottom, viewRect.bottom() ); } /**************************************************************** * * KSpreadVBorder * ****************************************************************/ KSpreadVBorder::KSpreadVBorder( QWidget *_parent, KSpreadCanvas *_canvas, KSpreadView *_view) : QWidget( _parent, "", /*WNorthWestGravity*/WStaticContents | WResizeNoErase | WRepaintNoErase ) { m_pView = _view; m_pCanvas = _canvas; m_lSize = 0L; setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); setMouseTracking( TRUE ); m_bResize = FALSE; m_bSelection = FALSE; m_iSelectionAnchor=1; m_bMousePressed = FALSE; m_scrollTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect (m_scrollTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( doAutoScroll() ) ); } KSpreadVBorder::~KSpreadVBorder() { delete m_scrollTimer; } void KSpreadVBorder::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { if ( !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() ) return; if ( _ev->button() == LeftButton ) m_bMousePressed = true; const KSpreadSheet *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); double ev_PosY = m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->pos().y() ) + m_pCanvas->yOffset(); double dHeight = m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItY( height() ); m_bResize = FALSE; m_bSelection = FALSE; // We were editing a cell -> save value and get out of editing mode if ( m_pCanvas->editor() ) { m_pCanvas->deleteEditor( true ); // save changes } m_scrollTimer->start( 50 ); // Find the first visible row and the y position of this row. double y; int row = table->topRow( m_pCanvas->yOffset(), y ); // Did the user click between two rows? while ( y < dHeight && ( !m_bResize ) ) { double h = table->rowFormat( row )->dblHeight(); row++; if ( row > KS_rowMax ) row = KS_rowMax; if ( ( ev_PosY >= y + h - 2 ) && ( ev_PosY <= y + h + 1 ) && !( table->rowFormat( row )->isHide() && row == 1 ) ) m_bResize = TRUE; y += h; } //if row is hide and it's the first row //you mustn't resize it. double tmp2; int tmpRow = table->topRow( ev_PosY - 1, tmp2 ); if ( table->rowFormat( tmpRow )->isHide() && tmpRow == 1 ) m_bResize = false; // So he clicked between two rows ? if ( m_bResize ) { // Determine row to resize double tmp; m_iResizedRow = table->topRow( ev_PosY - 1, tmp ); if ( !table->isProtected() ) paintSizeIndicator( _ev->pos().y(), true ); } else { m_bSelection = TRUE; double tmp; int hit_row = table->topRow( ev_PosY, tmp ); if ( hit_row > KS_rowMax ) return; m_iSelectionAnchor = hit_row; QRect rect = m_pView->selection(); if ( !rect.contains( QPoint(1, hit_row) ) || !( _ev->button() == RightButton ) || ( !util_isRowSelected( rect ) ) ) { QPoint newMarker( 1, hit_row ); QPoint newAnchor( KS_colMax, hit_row ); m_pView->selectionInfo()->setSelection( newMarker, newAnchor, m_pView->activeTable() ); } if ( _ev->button() == RightButton ) { QPoint p = mapToGlobal( _ev->pos() ); m_pView->popupRowMenu( p ); m_bSelection = FALSE; } m_pView->updateEditWidget(); } } void KSpreadVBorder::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { if ( m_scrollTimer->isActive() ) m_scrollTimer->stop(); m_bMousePressed = false; if ( !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() ) return; KSpreadSheet *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); double ev_PosY = m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->pos().y() ) + m_pCanvas->yOffset(); if ( m_bResize ) { // Remove size indicator painted by paintSizeIndicator QPainter painter; painter.begin( m_pCanvas ); painter.setRasterOp( NotROP ); painter.drawLine( 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->width(), m_iResizePos ); painter.end(); int start = m_iResizedRow; int end = m_iResizedRow; QRect rect; rect.setCoords( 1, m_iResizedRow, KS_colMax, m_iResizedRow ); if ( util_isRowSelected( m_pView->selection() ) ) { if ( m_pView->selection().contains( QPoint( 1, m_iResizedRow ) ) ) { start = m_pView->selection().top(); end = m_pView->selection().bottom(); rect = m_pView->selection(); } } double height = 0.0; double y = table->dblRowPos( m_iResizedRow ); if ( ev_PosY - y <= 0.0 ) height = 0.0; else height = ev_PosY - y; if ( !table->isProtected() ) { if ( !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { //just resize if ( height != 0.0 ) { KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), rect ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } else { //hide row KSpreadUndoHideRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoHideRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), rect.top(), ( rect.bottom() - rect.top() ) ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } } for( int i = start; i <= end; i++ ) { RowFormat *rl = table->nonDefaultRowFormat( i ); if ( height != 0.0 ) { if ( !rl->isHide() ) rl->setDblHeight( height ); } else rl->setHide( true ); } if ( height == 0.0 ) table->emitHideColumn(); delete m_lSize; m_lSize = 0; } } else if ( m_bSelection ) { QRect rect = m_pView->selection(); // TODO: please don't remove. Right now it's useless, but it's for a future feature // Norbert bool m_frozen = false; if ( m_frozen ) { kdDebug(36001) << "selected: T " << rect.top() << " B " << rect.bottom() << endl; int i; RowFormat * row; QValueListhiddenRows; for ( i = rect.top(); i <= rect.bottom(); ++i ) { row = m_pView->activeTable()->rowFormat( i ); if ( row->isHide() ) { hiddenRows.append(i); } } if ( hiddenRows.count() > 0 ) m_pView->activeTable()->showRow( 0, -1, hiddenRows ); } } m_bSelection = FALSE; m_bResize = FALSE; } void KSpreadVBorder::adjustRow( int _row, bool makeUndo ) { double adjust = -1.0; int select; if ( _row == -1 ) { adjust = m_pCanvas->activeTable()->adjustRow( m_pView->selectionInfo() ); select = m_iSelectionAnchor; } else { adjust = m_pCanvas->activeTable()->adjustRow( m_pView->selectionInfo(), _row ); select = _row; } if ( adjust != -1.0 ) { KSpreadSheet * table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); if ( _row == -1 ) { RowFormat * rl = table->nonDefaultRowFormat( select ); if ( kAbs( rl->dblHeight() - adjust ) < DBL_EPSILON ) return; } if ( makeUndo && !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { QRect rect; rect.setCoords( 1, select, KS_colMax, select); KSpreadUndoResizeColRow * undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), rect ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } RowFormat * rl = table->nonDefaultRowFormat( select ); rl->setDblHeight( QMAX( 2.0, adjust ) ); } } void KSpreadVBorder::equalizeRow( double resize ) { KSpreadSheet *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); Q_ASSERT( table ); QRect selection( m_pView->selection() ); if ( !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), selection ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } RowFormat *rl; for ( int i = selection.top(); i <= selection.bottom(); i++ ) { rl = table->nonDefaultRowFormat( i ); resize = QMAX( 2.0, resize); rl->setDblHeight( resize ); } } void KSpreadVBorder::resizeRow( double resize, int nb, bool makeUndo ) { KSpreadSheet *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); Q_ASSERT( table ); if ( nb == -1 ) // I don't know, where this is the case { if ( makeUndo && !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { QRect rect; rect.setCoords( 1, m_iSelectionAnchor, KS_colMax, m_iSelectionAnchor ); KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), rect ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } RowFormat *rl = table->nonDefaultRowFormat( m_iSelectionAnchor ); rl->setDblHeight( QMAX( 2.0, resize ) ); } else { QRect selection( m_pView->selection() ); if ( m_pView->selectionInfo()->singleCellSelection() ) { if ( makeUndo && !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { QRect rect; rect.setCoords( 1, m_pCanvas->markerRow(), KS_colMax, m_pCanvas->markerRow() ); KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), rect ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } RowFormat *rl = table->nonDefaultRowFormat( m_pCanvas->markerRow() ); rl->setDblHeight( QMAX( 2.0, resize ) ); } else { if ( makeUndo && !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), selection ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } RowFormat *rl; for ( int i = selection.top(); i<=selection.bottom(); i++ ) { rl = table->nonDefaultRowFormat( i ); rl->setDblHeight( QMAX( 2.0, resize ) ); } } } } void KSpreadVBorder::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * /*_ev */) { KSpreadSheet *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); if ( !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() || table->isProtected() ) return; adjustRow(); } void KSpreadVBorder::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { if ( !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() ) return; KSpreadSheet *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); double ev_PosY = m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->pos().y() ) + m_pCanvas->yOffset(); double dHeight = m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItY( height() ); // The button is pressed and we are resizing ? if ( m_bResize ) { if ( !table->isProtected() ) paintSizeIndicator( _ev->pos().y(), false ); } // The button is pressed and we are selecting ? else if ( m_bSelection ) { double y; int row = table->topRow( ev_PosY, y ); if ( row > KS_rowMax ) return; QPoint newAnchor = m_pView->selectionInfo()->selectionAnchor(); QPoint newMarker = m_pView->selectionInfo()->marker(); newMarker.setY( row ); newAnchor.setY( m_iSelectionAnchor ); m_pView->selectionInfo()->setSelection( newMarker, newAnchor, m_pView->activeTable() ); if ( _ev->pos().y() < 0 ) m_pCanvas->vertScrollBar()->setValue( m_pCanvas->doc()->zoomItY( ev_PosY ) ); else if ( _ev->pos().y() > m_pCanvas->height() ) { if ( row < KS_rowMax ) { RowFormat *rl = table->rowFormat( row + 1 ); y = table->dblRowPos( row + 1 ); m_pCanvas->vertScrollBar()->setValue( (m_pCanvas->doc()->zoomItY( ev_PosY + rl->dblHeight() ) - dHeight )); } } } // No button is pressed and the mouse is just moved else { //What is the internal size of 1 pixel const double unzoomedPixel = m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItY( 1 ); double y; int tmpRow = table->topRow( m_pCanvas->yOffset(), y ); while ( y < m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItY( height() ) + m_pCanvas->yOffset() ) { double h = table->rowFormat( tmpRow )->dblHeight(); //if col is hide and it's the first column //you mustn't resize it. if ( ev_PosY >= y + h - 2 * unzoomedPixel && ev_PosY <= y + h + unzoomedPixel && !( table->rowFormat( tmpRow )->isHide() && tmpRow == 1 ) ) { setCursor( splitVCursor ); return; } y += h; tmpRow++; } setCursor( arrowCursor ); } } void KSpreadVBorder::doAutoScroll() { if ( !m_bMousePressed ) { m_scrollTimer->stop(); return; } QPoint pos( mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() ) ); if ( pos.y() < 0 || pos.y() > height() ) { QMouseEvent * event = new QMouseEvent( QEvent::MouseMove, pos, 0, 0 ); mouseMoveEvent( event ); delete event; } //Restart timer m_scrollTimer->start( 50 ); } void KSpreadVBorder::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent* _ev ) { if ( m_pCanvas->vertScrollBar() ) QApplication::sendEvent( m_pCanvas->vertScrollBar(), _ev ); } void KSpreadVBorder::paintSizeIndicator( int mouseY, bool firstTime ) { KSpreadSheet *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); QPainter painter; painter.begin( m_pCanvas ); painter.setRasterOp( NotROP ); if ( !firstTime ) painter.drawLine( 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->width(), m_iResizePos ); m_iResizePos = mouseY; // Dont make the row have a height < 2 pixel. int y = m_pCanvas->doc()->zoomItY( table->dblRowPos( m_iResizedRow ) - m_pCanvas->yOffset() ); if ( m_iResizePos < y + 2 ) m_iResizePos = y; painter.drawLine( 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->width(), m_iResizePos ); painter.end(); QString tmpSize; if ( m_iResizePos != y ) tmpSize = i18n("Height: %1 %2").arg( KoUnit::ptToUnit( m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItY( m_iResizePos - y ), m_pView->doc()->getUnit() ) ) .arg( m_pView->doc()->getUnitName() ); else tmpSize = i18n( "Hide Row" ); painter.begin( this ); int len = painter.fontMetrics().width( tmpSize ); int hei = painter.fontMetrics().height(); painter.end(); if ( !m_lSize ) { m_lSize = new QLabel( m_pCanvas ); m_lSize->setGeometry( 3, y + 3, len + 2, hei + 2 ); m_lSize->setAlignment( Qt::AlignVCenter ); m_lSize->setText( tmpSize ); m_lSize->show(); } else { m_lSize->setGeometry( 3, y + 3, len + 2, hei + 2 ); m_lSize->setText( tmpSize ); } } void KSpreadVBorder::updateRows( int from, int to ) { KSpreadSheet *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; int y0 = table->rowPos( from, m_pCanvas ); int y1 = table->rowPos( to+1, m_pCanvas ); update( 0, y0, width(), y1-y0 ); } void KSpreadVBorder::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* _ev ) { KSpreadSheet *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; QPainter painter( this ); QPen pen( Qt::black, 1 ); painter.setPen( pen ); // painter.setBackgroundColor( colorGroup().base() ); // painter.eraseRect( _ev->rect() ); //QFontMetrics fm = painter.fontMetrics(); // Matthias Elter: This causes a SEGFAULT in ~QPainter! // Only god and the trolls know why ;-) // bah...took me quite some time to track this one down... painter.setClipRect( _ev->rect() ); double yPos; //Get the top row and the current y-position int y = table->topRow( (m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->rect().y() ) + m_pCanvas->yOffset()), yPos ); //Align to the offset yPos = yPos - m_pCanvas->yOffset(); int width = m_pCanvas->doc()->zoomItX( YBORDER_WIDTH ); QFont normalFont = painter.font(); if ( m_pCanvas->doc()->zoom() < 100 ) { normalFont.setPointSizeFloat( 0.01 * m_pCanvas->doc()->zoom() * normalFont.pointSizeFloat() ); } QFont boldFont = normalFont; boldFont.setBold( TRUE ); //several cells selected but not just a cell merged bool area = !( m_pView->selectionInfo()->singleCellSelection() ); //Loop through the rows, until we are out of range while ( yPos <= m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->rect().bottom() ) ) { bool highlighted = ( area && y >= m_pView->selection().top() && y <= m_pView->selection().bottom() ); bool selected = ( highlighted && (util_isRowSelected(m_pView->selection())) ); bool current = ( !highlighted && y == m_pView->selection().top() ); const RowFormat *row_lay = table->rowFormat( y ); int zoomedYPos = m_pCanvas->doc()->zoomItY( yPos ); int height = m_pCanvas->doc()->zoomItY( yPos + row_lay->dblHeight() ) - zoomedYPos; if ( selected ) { QBrush fillSelected( colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) ); qDrawShadePanel( &painter, 0, zoomedYPos, width, height, colorGroup(), FALSE, 1, &fillSelected ); } else if ( highlighted ) { QBrush fillHighlighted( colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Background ) ); qDrawShadePanel( &painter, 0, zoomedYPos, width, height, colorGroup(), true, 1, &fillHighlighted ); } else { QBrush fill( colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Background ) ); qDrawShadePanel( &painter, 0, zoomedYPos, width, height, colorGroup(), FALSE, 1, &fill ); } QString rowText = QString::number( y ); // Reset painter painter.setFont( normalFont ); painter.setPen( colorGroup().text() ); if ( selected ) painter.setPen( colorGroup().highlightedText() ); else if ( highlighted || current ) painter.setFont( boldFont ); int len = painter.fontMetrics().width( rowText ); if (!row_lay->isHide()) painter.drawText( ( width-len )/2, zoomedYPos + ( height + painter.fontMetrics().ascent() - painter.fontMetrics().descent() ) / 2, rowText ); yPos += row_lay->dblHeight(); y++; } } void KSpreadVBorder::focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent* ) { if ( m_scrollTimer->isActive() ) m_scrollTimer->stop(); m_bMousePressed = false; } /**************************************************************** * * KSpreadHBorder * ****************************************************************/ KSpreadHBorder::KSpreadHBorder( QWidget *_parent, KSpreadCanvas *_canvas,KSpreadView *_view ) : QWidget( _parent, "", /*WNorthWestGravity*/ WStaticContents| WResizeNoErase | WRepaintNoErase ) { m_pView = _view; m_pCanvas = _canvas; m_lSize = 0L; setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); setMouseTracking( TRUE ); m_bResize = FALSE; m_bSelection = FALSE; m_iSelectionAnchor=1; m_bMousePressed = FALSE; m_scrollTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect ( m_scrollTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( doAutoScroll() ) ); } KSpreadHBorder::~KSpreadHBorder() { delete m_scrollTimer; } void KSpreadHBorder::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { if (!m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite()) return; if ( _ev->button() == LeftButton ) m_bMousePressed = true; const KSpreadSheet *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); // We were editing a cell -> save value and get out of editing mode if ( m_pCanvas->editor() ) { m_pCanvas->deleteEditor( true ); // save changes } m_scrollTimer->start( 50 ); double ev_PosX; double dWidth = m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItX( width() ); if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) ev_PosX = dWidth - m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + m_pCanvas->xOffset(); else ev_PosX = m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + m_pCanvas->xOffset(); m_bResize = FALSE; m_bSelection = FALSE; // Find the first visible column and the x position of this column. double x; const double unzoomedPixel = m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItX( 1 ); if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) { int tmpCol = table->leftColumn( m_pCanvas->xOffset(), x ); kdDebug() << "evPos: " << ev_PosX << ", x: " << x << ", COL: " << tmpCol << endl; while ( ev_PosX > x && ( !m_bResize ) ) { double w = table->columnFormat( tmpCol )->dblWidth(); kdDebug() << "evPos: " << ev_PosX << ", x: " << x << ", w: " << w << ", COL: " << tmpCol << endl; ++tmpCol; if ( tmpCol > KS_colMax ) tmpCol = KS_colMax; //if col is hide and it's the first column //you mustn't resize it. if ( ev_PosX >= x + w - unzoomedPixel && ev_PosX <= x + w + unzoomedPixel && !( table->columnFormat( tmpCol )->isHide() && tmpCol == 1 ) ) { m_bResize = true; } x += w; } //if col is hide and it's the first column //you mustn't resize it. double tmp2; tmpCol = table->leftColumn( dWidth - ev_PosX + 1, tmp2 ); if ( table->columnFormat( tmpCol )->isHide() && tmpCol == 0 ) { kdDebug() << "No resize: " << tmpCol << ", " << table->columnFormat( tmpCol )->isHide() << endl; m_bResize = false; } kdDebug() << "Resize: " << m_bResize << endl; } else { int col = table->leftColumn( m_pCanvas->xOffset(), x ); // Did the user click between two columns? while ( x < dWidth && ( !m_bResize ) ) { double w = table->columnFormat( col )->dblWidth(); col++; if ( col > KS_colMax ) col = KS_colMax; if ( ( ev_PosX >= x + w - unzoomedPixel ) && ( ev_PosX <= x + w + unzoomedPixel ) && !( table->columnFormat( col )->isHide() && col == 1 ) ) m_bResize = TRUE; x += w; } //if col is hide and it's the first column //you mustn't resize it. double tmp2; int tmpCol = table->leftColumn( ev_PosX - 1, tmp2 ); if ( table->columnFormat( tmpCol )->isHide() && tmpCol == 1 ) m_bResize = false; } // So he clicked between two rows ? if ( m_bResize ) { // Determine the column to resize double tmp; if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) { m_iResizedColumn = table->leftColumn( ev_PosX - 1, tmp ); // kdDebug() << "RColumn: " << m_iResizedColumn << ", PosX: " << ev_PosX << endl; if ( !table->isProtected() ) paintSizeIndicator( _ev->pos().x(), true ); } else { m_iResizedColumn = table->leftColumn( ev_PosX - 1, tmp ); if ( !table->isProtected() ) paintSizeIndicator( _ev->pos().x(), true ); } // kdDebug() << "Column: " << m_iResizedColumn << endl; } else { m_bSelection = TRUE; double tmp; int hit_col = table->leftColumn( ev_PosX, tmp ); if ( hit_col > KS_colMax ) return; m_iSelectionAnchor = hit_col; QRect rect = m_pView->selection(); if ( !rect.contains( QPoint( hit_col, 1 ) ) || !( _ev->button() == RightButton ) || ( !util_isColumnSelected( rect ) ) ) { QPoint newMarker( hit_col, 1 ); QPoint newAnchor( hit_col, KS_rowMax ); m_pView->selectionInfo()->setSelection( newMarker, newAnchor, m_pView->activeTable() ); } if ( _ev->button() == RightButton ) { QPoint p = mapToGlobal( _ev->pos() ); m_pView->popupColumnMenu( p ); m_bSelection = FALSE; } m_pView->updateEditWidget(); } } void KSpreadHBorder::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { if ( m_scrollTimer->isActive() ) m_scrollTimer->stop(); m_bMousePressed = false; if ( !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() ) return; KSpreadSheet * table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); if ( m_bResize ) { double dWidth = m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItX( width() ); double ev_PosX; // Remove size indicator painted by paintSizeIndicator QPainter painter; painter.begin( m_pCanvas ); painter.setRasterOp( NotROP ); painter.drawLine( m_iResizePos, 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->height() ); painter.end(); int start = m_iResizedColumn; int end = m_iResizedColumn; QRect rect; rect.setCoords( m_iResizedColumn, 1, m_iResizedColumn, KS_rowMax ); if ( util_isColumnSelected(m_pView->selection()) ) { if ( m_pView->selection().contains( QPoint( m_iResizedColumn, 1 ) ) ) { start = m_pView->selection().left(); end = m_pView->selection().right(); rect = m_pView->selection(); } } double width = 0.0; double x; if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) { ev_PosX = dWidth - m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + m_pCanvas->xOffset(); x = table->dblColumnPos( m_iResizedColumn ); if ( dWidth - ev_PosX - x <= 0.0 ) width = 0.0; else width = ev_PosX - x; } else { ev_PosX = m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + m_pCanvas->xOffset(); x = table->dblColumnPos( m_iResizedColumn ); if ( ev_PosX - x <= 0.0 ) width = 0.0; else width = ev_PosX - x; } if ( !table->isProtected() ) { if ( !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { //just resize if ( width != 0.0 ) { KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), rect ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } else {//hide column KSpreadUndoHideColumn *undo = new KSpreadUndoHideColumn( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), rect.left(), (rect.right()-rect.left())); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } } for( int i = start; i <= end; i++ ) { ColumnFormat *cl = table->nonDefaultColumnFormat( i ); if ( width != 0.0 ) { if ( !cl->isHide() ) cl->setDblWidth( width ); } else cl->setHide( true ); } if ( width == 0.0 ) table->emitHideRow(); delete m_lSize; m_lSize = 0; } } else if ( m_bSelection ) { QRect rect = m_pView->selection(); // TODO: please don't remove. Right now it's useless, but it's for a future feature // Norbert bool m_frozen = false; if ( m_frozen ) { kdDebug(36001) << "selected: L " << rect.left() << " R " << rect.right() << endl; int i; ColumnFormat * col; QValueListhiddenCols; for ( i = rect.left(); i <= rect.right(); ++i ) { col = m_pView->activeTable()->columnFormat( i ); if ( col->isHide() ) { hiddenCols.append(i); } } if ( hiddenCols.count() > 0 ) m_pView->activeTable()->showColumn( 0, -1, hiddenCols ); } } m_bSelection = FALSE; m_bResize = FALSE; } void KSpreadHBorder::adjustColumn( int _col, bool makeUndo ) { double adjust = -1.0; int select; if ( _col == -1 ) { adjust = m_pCanvas->activeTable()->adjustColumn( m_pView->selectionInfo() ); select = m_iSelectionAnchor; } else { adjust = m_pCanvas->activeTable()->adjustColumn( m_pView->selectionInfo(), _col ); select = _col; } if ( adjust != -1.0 ) { KSpreadSheet * table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); if ( _col == -1 ) { ColumnFormat * cl = table->nonDefaultColumnFormat( select ); if ( kAbs( cl->dblWidth() - adjust ) < DBL_EPSILON ) return; } if ( makeUndo && !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { QRect rect; rect.setCoords( select, 1, select, KS_rowMax ); KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), rect ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } ColumnFormat * cl = table->nonDefaultColumnFormat( select ); cl->setDblWidth( QMAX( 2.0, adjust ) ); } } void KSpreadHBorder::equalizeColumn( double resize ) { KSpreadSheet *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); Q_ASSERT( table ); QRect selection( m_pView->selection() ); if ( !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), selection ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } ColumnFormat *cl; for ( int i = selection.left(); i <= selection.right(); i++ ) { cl = table->nonDefaultColumnFormat( i ); resize = QMAX( 2.0, resize ); cl->setDblWidth( resize ); } } void KSpreadHBorder::resizeColumn( double resize, int nb, bool makeUndo ) { KSpreadSheet *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); Q_ASSERT( table ); if ( nb == -1 ) { if ( makeUndo && !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { QRect rect; rect.setCoords( m_iSelectionAnchor, 1, m_iSelectionAnchor, KS_rowMax ); KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), rect ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } ColumnFormat *cl = table->nonDefaultColumnFormat( m_iSelectionAnchor ); cl->setDblWidth( QMAX( 2.0, resize ) ); } else { QRect selection( m_pView->selection() ); if ( m_pView->selectionInfo()->singleCellSelection() ) { if ( makeUndo && !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { QRect rect; rect.setCoords( m_iSelectionAnchor, 1, m_iSelectionAnchor, KS_rowMax ); KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), rect ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } ColumnFormat *cl = table->nonDefaultColumnFormat( m_pCanvas->markerColumn() ); cl->setDblWidth( QMAX( 2.0, resize ) ); } else { if ( makeUndo && !m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->isLocked() ) { KSpreadUndoResizeColRow *undo = new KSpreadUndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeTable(), selection ); m_pCanvas->doc()->undoBuffer()->appendUndo( undo ); } ColumnFormat *cl; for ( int i = selection.left(); i <= selection.right(); i++ ) { cl = table->nonDefaultColumnFormat( i ); cl->setDblWidth( QMAX( 2.0, resize ) ); } } } } void KSpreadHBorder::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * /*_ev */) { KSpreadSheet *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); if ( !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() || table->isProtected() ) return; adjustColumn(); } void KSpreadHBorder::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * _ev ) { if ( !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() ) return; KSpreadSheet *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); double dWidth = m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItX( width() ); double ev_PosX = m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + m_pCanvas->xOffset(); // The button is pressed and we are resizing ? if ( m_bResize ) { if ( !table->isProtected() ) paintSizeIndicator( _ev->pos().x(), false ); } // The button is pressed and we are selecting ? else if ( m_bSelection ) { double x; int col; if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) col = table->leftColumn( dWidth - ev_PosX, x ); else col = table->leftColumn( ev_PosX, x ); if ( col > KS_colMax ) return; QPoint newMarker = m_pView->selectionInfo()->marker(); QPoint newAnchor = m_pView->selectionInfo()->selectionAnchor(); newMarker.setX( col ); newAnchor.setX( m_iSelectionAnchor ); m_pView->selectionInfo()->setSelection( newMarker, newAnchor, m_pView->activeTable() ); if ( _ev->pos().x() < 0 ) // TODO rtl m_pCanvas->horzScrollBar()->setValue( m_pCanvas->doc()->zoomItX( ev_PosX ) ); else if ( _ev->pos().x() > m_pCanvas->width() ) { if ( col < KS_colMax ) { ColumnFormat *cl = table->columnFormat( col + 1 ); x = table->dblColumnPos( col + 1 ); m_pCanvas->horzScrollBar()->setValue( (m_pCanvas->doc()->zoomItX( ev_PosX + cl->dblWidth() ) - dWidth) ); } } } // No button is pressed and the mouse is just moved else { //What is the internal size of 1 pixel const double unzoomedPixel = m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItX( 1 ); double x; if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) { int tmpCol = table->leftColumn( m_pCanvas->xOffset(), x ); x = dWidth - x; while ( ev_PosX < x ) { double w = table->columnFormat( tmpCol )->dblWidth(); //if col is hide and it's the first column //you mustn't resize it. if ( ev_PosX >= x - w - unzoomedPixel && ev_PosX <= x - w + unzoomedPixel && !( table->columnFormat( tmpCol )->isHide() && tmpCol == 0 ) ) { setCursor( splitHCursor ); return; } x -= w; tmpCol++; } setCursor( arrowCursor ); } else { int tmpCol = table->leftColumn( m_pCanvas->xOffset(), x ); while ( x < m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItY( width() ) + m_pCanvas->xOffset() ) { double w = table->columnFormat( tmpCol )->dblWidth(); //if col is hide and it's the first column //you mustn't resize it. if ( ev_PosX >= x + w - unzoomedPixel && ev_PosX <= x + w + unzoomedPixel && !( table->columnFormat( tmpCol )->isHide() && tmpCol == 1 ) ) { setCursor( splitHCursor ); return; } x += w; tmpCol++; } setCursor( arrowCursor ); } } } void KSpreadHBorder::doAutoScroll() { if ( !m_bMousePressed ) { m_scrollTimer->stop(); return; } QPoint pos( mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() ) ); if ( pos.x() < 0 || pos.x() > width() ) { QMouseEvent * event = new QMouseEvent( QEvent::MouseMove, pos, 0, 0 ); mouseMoveEvent( event ); delete event; } //Restart timer m_scrollTimer->start( 50 ); } void KSpreadHBorder::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent* _ev ) { if ( m_pCanvas->horzScrollBar() ) QApplication::sendEvent( m_pCanvas->horzScrollBar(), _ev ); } void KSpreadHBorder::paintSizeIndicator( int mouseX, bool firstTime ) { KSpreadSheet *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); assert( table ); QPainter painter; painter.begin( m_pCanvas ); painter.setRasterOp( NotROP ); if ( !firstTime ) painter.drawLine( m_iResizePos, 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->height() ); m_iResizePos = mouseX; // Dont make the column have a width < 2 pixels. int x = m_pCanvas->doc()->zoomItX( table->dblColumnPos( m_iResizedColumn ) - m_pCanvas->xOffset() ); if ( m_iResizePos < x + 2 ) m_iResizePos = x; painter.drawLine( m_iResizePos, 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->height() ); painter.end(); QString tmpSize; if ( m_iResizePos != x ) tmpSize = i18n("Width: %1 %2") .arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber( KoUnit::ptToUnit( m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItX( m_iResizePos - x ), m_pView->doc()->getUnit() ))) .arg( m_pView->doc()->getUnitName() ); else tmpSize = i18n( "Hide Column" ); painter.begin( this ); int len = painter.fontMetrics().width( tmpSize ); int hei = painter.fontMetrics().height(); painter.end(); if ( !m_lSize ) { m_lSize = new QLabel( m_pCanvas ); m_lSize->setGeometry( x + 3, 3, len + 2, hei + 2 ); m_lSize->setAlignment( Qt::AlignVCenter ); m_lSize->setText( tmpSize ); m_lSize->show(); } else { m_lSize->setGeometry( x + 3, 3, len + 2, hei + 2 ); m_lSize->setText( tmpSize ); } } void KSpreadHBorder::updateColumns( int from, int to ) { KSpreadSheet *table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; int x0 = table->columnPos( from, m_pCanvas ); int x1 = table->columnPos( to+1, m_pCanvas ); update( x0, 0, x1-x0, height() ); } void KSpreadHBorder::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* _ev ) { KSpreadSheet * table = m_pCanvas->activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; QPainter painter( this ); QPen pen( Qt::black, 1 ); painter.setPen( pen ); painter.setBackgroundColor( white ); painter.setClipRect( _ev->rect() ); // painter.eraseRect( _ev->rect() ); //QFontMetrics fm = painter.fontMetrics(); // Matthias Elter: This causes a SEGFAULT in ~QPainter! // Only god and the trolls know why ;-) // bah...took me quite some time to track this one down... double xPos; //Get the left column and the current x-position int x = table->leftColumn( int( m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->rect().x() ) + m_pCanvas->xOffset() ), xPos ); //Align to the offset xPos = xPos - m_pCanvas->xOffset(); int height = m_pCanvas->doc()->zoomItY( KSpreadFormat::globalRowHeight() + 2 ); QFont normalFont = painter.font(); if ( m_pCanvas->doc()->zoom() < 100 ) { normalFont.setPointSizeFloat( 0.01 * m_pCanvas->doc()->zoom() * normalFont.pointSizeFloat() ); } QFont boldFont = normalFont; boldFont.setBold( TRUE ); KSpreadCell *cell = table->cellAt( m_pView->marker() ); QRect extraCell; extraCell.setCoords( m_pCanvas->markerColumn(), m_pCanvas->markerRow(), m_pCanvas->markerColumn() + cell->extraXCells(), m_pCanvas->markerRow() + cell->extraYCells()); //several cells selected but not just a cell merged bool area = ( m_pView->selection().left()!=0 && extraCell != m_pView->selection() ); if ( table->isRightToLeft() ) { xPos = m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->rect().right() ) - xPos; //Loop through the columns, until we are out of range while ( xPos >= m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->rect().left() ) ) { bool highlighted = ( area && x >= m_pView->selection().left() && x <= m_pView->selection().right()); bool selected = ( highlighted && util_isColumnSelected( m_pView->selection() ) && ( !util_isRowSelected( m_pView->selection() ) ) ); bool current = ( !highlighted && x == m_pView->selection().left() ); const ColumnFormat * col_lay = table->columnFormat( x ); xPos -= col_lay->dblWidth(); int zoomedXPos = m_pCanvas->doc()->zoomItX( xPos ); int width = m_pCanvas->doc()->zoomItX( xPos + col_lay->dblWidth() ) - zoomedXPos; if ( selected ) { QBrush fillSelected( colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) ); qDrawShadePanel( &painter, zoomedXPos, 0, width, height, colorGroup(), FALSE, 1, &fillSelected ); } else if ( highlighted ) { QBrush fillHighlighted( colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Background ) ); qDrawShadePanel( &painter, zoomedXPos, 0, width, height, colorGroup(), true, 1, &fillHighlighted ); } else { QBrush fill( colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Background ) ); qDrawShadePanel( &painter, zoomedXPos, 0, width, height, colorGroup(), FALSE, 1, &fill ); } // Reset painter painter.setFont( normalFont ); painter.setPen( colorGroup().text() ); if ( selected ) painter.setPen( colorGroup().highlightedText() ); else if ( highlighted || current ) painter.setFont( boldFont ); if ( !m_pView->activeTable()->getShowColumnNumber() ) { QString colText = util_encodeColumnLabelText( x ); int len = painter.fontMetrics().width( colText ); if ( !col_lay->isHide() ) painter.drawText( zoomedXPos + ( width - len ) / 2, ( height + painter.fontMetrics().ascent() - painter.fontMetrics().descent() ) / 2, colText ); } else { QString tmp; int len = painter.fontMetrics().width( tmp.setNum(x) ); if (!col_lay->isHide()) painter.drawText( zoomedXPos + ( width - len ) / 2, ( height + painter.fontMetrics().ascent() - painter.fontMetrics().descent() ) / 2, tmp.setNum(x) ); } ++x; } } else { //Loop through the columns, until we are out of range while ( xPos <= m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->rect().right() ) ) { bool highlighted = ( area && x >= m_pView->selection().left() && x <= m_pView->selection().right()); bool selected = ( highlighted && util_isColumnSelected( m_pView->selection() ) && ( !util_isRowSelected( m_pView->selection() ) ) ); bool current = ( !highlighted && x == m_pView->selection().left() ); const ColumnFormat *col_lay = table->columnFormat( x ); int zoomedXPos = m_pCanvas->doc()->zoomItX( xPos ); int width = m_pCanvas->doc()->zoomItX( xPos + col_lay->dblWidth() ) - zoomedXPos; if ( selected ) { QBrush fillSelected( colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) ); qDrawShadePanel( &painter, zoomedXPos, 0, width, height, colorGroup(), FALSE, 1, &fillSelected ); } else if ( highlighted ) { QBrush fillHighlighted( colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Background ) ); qDrawShadePanel( &painter, zoomedXPos, 0, width, height, colorGroup(), true, 1, &fillHighlighted ); } else { QBrush fill( colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Background ) ); qDrawShadePanel( &painter, zoomedXPos, 0, width, height, colorGroup(), FALSE, 1, &fill ); } // Reset painter painter.setFont( normalFont ); painter.setPen( colorGroup().text() ); if ( selected ) painter.setPen( colorGroup().highlightedText() ); else if ( highlighted || current ) painter.setFont( boldFont ); if ( !m_pView->activeTable()->getShowColumnNumber() ) { QString colText = util_encodeColumnLabelText( x ); int len = painter.fontMetrics().width( colText ); if (!col_lay->isHide()) painter.drawText( zoomedXPos + ( width - len ) / 2, ( height + painter.fontMetrics().ascent() - painter.fontMetrics().descent() ) / 2, colText ); } else { QString tmp; int len = painter.fontMetrics().width( tmp.setNum(x) ); if (!col_lay->isHide()) painter.drawText( zoomedXPos + ( width - len ) / 2, ( height + painter.fontMetrics().ascent() - painter.fontMetrics().descent() ) / 2, tmp.setNum(x) ); } xPos += col_lay->dblWidth(); ++x; } } } void KSpreadHBorder::focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent* ) { if ( m_scrollTimer->isActive() ) m_scrollTimer->stop(); m_bMousePressed = false; } /**************************************************************** * * KSpreadToolTip * ****************************************************************/ KSpreadToolTip::KSpreadToolTip( KSpreadCanvas* canvas ) : QToolTip( canvas ), m_canvas( canvas ) { } void KSpreadToolTip::maybeTip( const QPoint& p ) { KSpreadSheet *table = m_canvas->activeTable(); if ( !table ) return; // Over which cell is the mouse ? double ypos, xpos; int col = table->leftColumn( (m_canvas->doc()->unzoomItX( p.x() ) + m_canvas->xOffset()), xpos ); int row = table->topRow( (m_canvas->doc()->unzoomItY( p.y() ) + m_canvas->yOffset()), ypos ); KSpreadCell* cell = table->visibleCellAt( col, row ); if ( !cell ) return; // Get the comment QString comment = cell->comment( col, row ); //If the cell is too short, get the content QString content; if ( cell->testFlag( KSpreadCell::Flag_CellTooShortX ) || cell->testFlag( KSpreadCell::Flag_CellTooShortY ) ) content = cell->strOutText(); if ( content.isEmpty() && comment.isEmpty() ) return; //Append the content text if ( !content.isEmpty() ) { //Add 2 extra lines and a text, when both should be in the tooltip if ( !comment.isEmpty() ) comment = "\n\n" + i18n("Comment:") + "\n" + comment; comment = content + comment; } // Determine position and width of the current cell. cell = table->cellAt( col, row ); double u = cell->dblWidth( col ); double v = cell->dblHeight( row ); // Special treatment for obscured cells. if ( cell->isObscured() && cell->isObscuringForced() ) { cell = cell->obscuringCells().first(); int moveX = cell->column(); int moveY = cell->row(); // Use the obscuring cells dimensions u = cell->dblWidth( moveX ); v = cell->dblHeight( moveY ); xpos = table->dblColumnPos( moveX ); ypos = table->dblRowPos( moveY ); } // Get the cell dimensions KoRect unzoomedMarker( xpos - m_canvas->xOffset(), ypos - m_canvas->yOffset(), u, v ); QRect marker( m_canvas->doc()->zoomRect( unzoomedMarker ) ); if ( marker.contains( p ) ) { tip( marker, comment ); } } #include "kspread_canvas.moc" diff --git a/kspread/kspread_editors.cc b/kspread/kspread_editors.cc index 34d04e4524..79ea91c6bc 100644 --- a/kspread/kspread_editors.cc +++ b/kspread/kspread_editors.cc @@ -1,320 +1,328 @@ #include "kspread_editors.h" #include "kspread_canvas.h" #include "kspread_cell.h" #include "kspread_doc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /******************************************** * * KSpreadCellEditor * ********************************************/ KSpreadCellEditor::KSpreadCellEditor( KSpreadCell* _cell, KSpreadCanvas* _parent, const char* _name ) : QWidget( _parent, _name ) { m_pCell = _cell; m_pCanvas = _parent; setFocusPolicy( QWidget::StrongFocus ); } KSpreadCellEditor::~KSpreadCellEditor() { } /******************************************** * * KSpreadTextEditor * ********************************************/ KSpreadTextEditor::KSpreadTextEditor( KSpreadCell* _cell, KSpreadCanvas* _parent, const char* _name ) : KSpreadCellEditor( _cell, _parent, _name ), m_sizeUpdate(false), m_length(0), m_fontLength(0) { m_pEdit = new KLineEdit( this ); m_pEdit->installEventFilter( this ); m_pEdit->setFrame( FALSE ); m_pEdit->setCompletionMode((KGlobalSettings::Completion)canvas()->view()->doc()->completionMode() ); m_pEdit->setCompletionObject( &canvas()->view()->doc()->completion(),true ); setFocusProxy( m_pEdit ); connect( m_pEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( slotTextChanged( const QString& ) ) ); connect( m_pEdit, SIGNAL(completionModeChanged( KGlobalSettings::Completion )),this,SLOT (slotCompletionModeChanged(KGlobalSettings::Completion))); // A choose should always start at the edited cell // canvas()->setChooseMarkerRow( canvas()->markerRow() ); // canvas()->setChooseMarkerColumn( canvas()->markerColumn() ); m_blockCheck = FALSE; // set font size according to zoom factor QFont font( _cell->font() ); font.setPointSizeFloat( 0.01 * _parent->doc()->zoom() * font.pointSizeFloat() ); m_pEdit->setFont( font ); if (m_fontLength == 0) { QFontMetrics fm( m_pEdit->font() ); m_fontLength = fm.width('x'); } } KSpreadTextEditor::~KSpreadTextEditor() { canvas()->endChoose(); } void KSpreadTextEditor::cut() { if(m_pEdit) m_pEdit->cut(); } void KSpreadTextEditor::paste() { if( m_pEdit) m_pEdit->paste(); } void KSpreadTextEditor::copy() { if( m_pEdit) m_pEdit->copy(); } void KSpreadTextEditor::setEditorFont(QFont const & font, bool updateSize) { if (!m_pEdit) return; QFont tmpFont( font ); tmpFont.setPointSizeFloat( 0.01 * canvas()->doc()->zoom() * tmpFont.pointSizeFloat() ); m_pEdit->setFont( tmpFont ); if (updateSize) { QFontMetrics fm( m_pEdit->font() ); m_fontLength = fm.width('x'); int mw = fm.width( m_pEdit->text() ) + m_fontLength; // don't make it smaller: then we would have to repaint the obscured cells if (mw < width()) mw = width(); int mh = fm.height(); if (mh < height()) mh = height(); setGeometry(x(), y(), mw, mh); m_sizeUpdate = true; } } void KSpreadTextEditor::slotCompletionModeChanged(KGlobalSettings::Completion _completion) { canvas()->view()->doc()->setCompletionMode( _completion ); } void KSpreadTextEditor::slotTextChanged( const QString& t ) { // if ( canvas->chooseCursorPosition() >= 0 ) // m_pEdit->setCursorPosition( canvas->chooseCursorPosition() ); if (!checkChoose()) return; if (t.length() > m_length) { // allocate more space than needed. Otherwise it might be too slow m_length = t.length() + 5; // Too slow for long texts // QFontMetrics fm( m_pEdit->font() ); // int mw = fm.width( t ) + fm.width('x'); int mw = m_fontLength * m_length; if (mw < width()) mw = width(); setGeometry(x(), y(), mw, height()); m_length -= 2; } if ( (cell()->formatType()) == KSpreadCell::Percentage ) { if ( (t.length() == 1) && t[0].isDigit() ) { QString tmp = t + " %"; m_pEdit->setText(tmp); m_pEdit->setCursorPosition(1); return; } } canvas()->view()->editWidget()->setText( t ); // canvas()->view()->editWidget()->setCursorPosition( m_pEdit->cursorPosition() ); } bool KSpreadTextEditor::checkChoose() { if ( m_blockCheck ) return false; QString t = m_pEdit->text(); if ( t[0] != '=' ) canvas()->endChoose(); else { QChar r = t[ m_pEdit->cursorPosition() - 1 - canvas()->chooseTextLen() ]; if ( ( r == '*' || r == '|' || r == '&' || r == '-' || r == '+' || r == '/' || r == '!' || r == '(' || r == '^' || r == ',' || r == '%' || r == '[' || r == '{' || r == '~' || r == '=' || r == ';' || r == '>' || r == '<') ) { canvas()->startChoose(); } else { canvas()->endChoose(); } } return true; } void KSpreadTextEditor::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* ) { m_pEdit->setGeometry( 0, 0, width(), height() ); } void KSpreadTextEditor::handleKeyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * _ev ) { if (_ev->key() == Qt::Key_F4) { if (m_pEdit == 0) { QApplication::sendEvent( m_pEdit, _ev ); return; } QRegExp exp("(\\$?)([a-zA-Z]+)(\\$?)([0-9]+)$"); int cur = m_pEdit->cursorPosition(); - QString tmp( m_pEdit->text().left( cur ) ); - QString tmp2( m_pEdit->text().right( m_pEdit->text().length() - cur ) ); + QString tmp, tmp2; + int n = -1; - int n = exp.search(tmp); + // this is ugly, and sort of hack + // FIXME rewrite to use the real KSpreadTokenizer + for( unsigned i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) + { + tmp = m_pEdit->text().left( cur+i ); + tmp2 = m_pEdit->text().right( m_pEdit->text().length() - cur - i ); - if (n == -1) - return; + n = exp.search(tmp); + if( n >= 0 ) break; + } + + if (n == -1) return; QString newPart; if ((exp.cap(1) == "$") && (exp.cap(3) == "$")) newPart = "$" + exp.cap(2) + exp.cap(4); else if ((exp.cap(1) != "$") && (exp.cap(3) != "$")) newPart = "$" + exp.cap(2) + "$" + exp.cap(4); else if ((exp.cap(1) == "$") && (exp.cap(3) != "$")) newPart = exp.cap(2) + "$" + exp.cap(4); else if ((exp.cap(1) != "$") && (exp.cap(3) == "$")) newPart = exp.cap(2) + exp.cap(4); QString newString = tmp.left(n); newString += newPart; - cur = newString.length(); + cur = newString.length() - i; newString += tmp2; m_pEdit->setText(newString); m_pEdit->setFocus(); m_pEdit->setCursorPosition( cur ); _ev->accept(); return; } // Send the key event to the QLineEdit QApplication::sendEvent( m_pEdit, _ev ); } QString KSpreadTextEditor::text() const { return m_pEdit->text(); } void KSpreadTextEditor::setText(QString text) { if (m_pEdit != 0) m_pEdit->setText(text); if (m_fontLength == 0) { QFontMetrics fm( m_pEdit->font() ); m_fontLength = fm.width('x'); } } int KSpreadTextEditor::cursorPosition() const { return m_pEdit->cursorPosition(); } void KSpreadTextEditor::setCursorPosition( int pos ) { m_pEdit->setCursorPosition(pos); canvas()->view()->editWidget()->setCursorPosition( pos ); checkChoose(); } void KSpreadTextEditor::insertFormulaChar(int /*c*/) { } bool KSpreadTextEditor::eventFilter( QObject* o, QEvent* e ) { // Only interested in QLineEdit if ( o != m_pEdit ) return FALSE; if ( e->type() == QEvent::FocusOut ) { canvas()->setLastEditorWithFocus( KSpreadCanvas::CellEditor ); return FALSE; } if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress || e->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease ) { QKeyEvent* k = (QKeyEvent*)e; if ( !( k->state() & Qt::ShiftButton )|| canvas()->chooseFormulaArea()) { if ( k->key() == Key_Right || k->key() == Key_Left || k->key() == Key_Up || k->key() == Key_Down || k->key() == Key_Next || k->key() == Key_Prior || k->key() == Key_Escape || k->key() == Key_Tab ) { // Send directly to canvas QApplication::sendEvent( parent(), e ); return TRUE; } } // End choosing. May be restarted by KSpreadTextEditor::slotTextChanged if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress && !k->text().isEmpty() ) { //kdDebug(36001) << "eventFilter End Choose" << endl; canvas()->endChoose(); //kdDebug(36001) << "Cont" << endl; } } return FALSE; } #include "kspread_editors.moc"