diff --git a/application/modules/default/views/scripts/home/partials/common_rightsidebar.phtml b/application/modules/default/views/scripts/home/partials/common_rightsidebar.phtml index 1e3fdfb62..187e7f7d2 100644 --- a/application/modules/default/views/scripts/home/partials/common_rightsidebar.phtml +++ b/application/modules/default/views/scripts/home/partials/common_rightsidebar.phtml @@ -1,172 +1,174 @@ . **/ $modelInfo = new Default_Model_Info(); $this->supporters = $modelInfo->getNewActiveSupporters(9); $helpPrintDate = new Default_View_Helper_PrintDate(); + +$git_url = Zend_Registry::get('config')->settings->server->opencode->host; ?>
countSupporters?> people support those who create freedom
supporters as $user) { if($i++>6) break; ?>
see all
getIdentity(); if(null == $identity || (null != $identity && !$this->isSupporter($identity->member_id))) { ?> Become a Supporter isSupporter($identity->member_id))) { ?> Thank you for your support!
inlineScript()->appendScript( ' $(document).ready(function(){ RssNews.setup(); BlogJson.setup(); - GitlabNewProjectsJson.setup(); + GitlabNewProjectsJson.setup("'.$git_url.'"); }); '); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/httpdocs/theme/flatui/js/script.js b/httpdocs/theme/flatui/js/script.js index fa071d578..61d7d70f7 100644 --- a/httpdocs/theme/flatui/js/script.js +++ b/httpdocs/theme/flatui/js/script.js @@ -1,2232 +1,2231 @@ /** * ocs-webserver * * Copyright 2016 by pling GmbH. * * This file is part of ocs-webserver. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . **/ var newProductPage = (function () { return { setup: function () { function adjustScrollableContentHeight() { var pling_box_height = $('#pling-it-box').height(); $('.scrollable-content').height(pling_box_height); $('.scrollable-content').jScrollPane({ mouseWheelSpeed: 30 }); } function adjustSupportersHeight() { var comments_height = $('#donations-panel').find('#comments').height(); var supporters_height = $('#donations-panel').find('#supporters').height(); if (comments_height > supporters_height) { $('#donations-panel').find('#supporters').height(comments_height); } } $(document).ready(function () { adjustScrollableContentHeight(); adjustSupportersHeight(); $('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown.bs.tab', function (e) { adjustSupportersHeight(); }); }); } } })(); // only instantiate when needed to instantiate: var ImagePreview = { hasError: false, setup: function () { this.initProductPicture(); this.initTitlePicture(); this.initProfilePicture(); this.initProfilePictureBackground(); }, previewImage: function (input, img_id) { if (input.files && input.files[0]) { var reader = new FileReader(); var image = new Image(); var file = input.files[0]; reader.readAsDataURL(input.files[0]); reader.onload = function (_image) { var image_element = $('#' + img_id); image.src = _image.target.result; // url.createObjectURL(file); image.onload = function () { var w = this.width, h = this.height, t = file.type, // ext only: // file.type.split('/')[1], n = file.name, s = ~~(file.size / 1024); // + 'KB' ImagePreview.hasError = false; image_element.parent().parent().find('div.bg-danger').remove(); if (w > 2000 || w < 20 || h > 2000 || h < 20) { //image_element.attr('src', '').hide().parent().append('
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File too large
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File too large
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Invalid file type: ' + file.type + '
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Invalid file type
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Donation must be a numeric value.
' }).popover('show'); return false; } minValue = validateElement.attr('min'); if (parseFloat(validateValue) < parseFloat(minValue)) { event.preventDefault(); $('#pling-amount').popover({ placement: 'bottom', html: 'true', content: '
Donation must be equal or greater than ' + minValue + '.
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Donation must be smaller or equal than ' + maxValue + '.
' }).popover('show'); return false; } }); function minmax(value, min, max) { if (parseInt(value) < 0 || isNaN(value)) return 0; else if (parseInt(value) > 100) return 100; else return value; } } } })(); var SlideShowRender = (function () { return { setup: function () { // add the active class to the first image $('#slideshow-container').find('img:first').addClass('active'); $('#slideshow-container').find('#navigation').find('a:first').addClass('active'); // trigger slideshow //SlideShow.setup(); } } })(); var ProductSlideShow = (function () { return { setup: function () { // arrows function $('#slideshow-container').find('#arrows').find('a').on('click', function (e) { var this_id = $(this).attr('id'); var slides = $('#slideshow-container #slides'); var current_img = slides.find('img.active'); var current_img_rel = current_img.attr('rel'); var current_nav_link = $('#slideshow-container').find('#navigation').find('a.active'); if (this_id == 'prev') { var prev_img_rel = parseInt(current_img_rel) - parseInt(1); 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var redirect = data.login_url; if (redirect) { window.location = redirect; } else { window.location = "/login"; } } } else { $(target).empty().html('Service is temporarily unavailable. Our engineers are working quickly to resolve this issue.
Find out why you may have encountered this error.'); } } if (toggle) { $(toggle).modal('show'); } }); return false; }); } } })(); var OpendownloadfileWerbung= (function () { return { setup: function () { $('body').on('click', 'a.opendownloadfile', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var file_id = $(this).attr("data-file_id"); var file_type = $(this).attr('data-file_type'); var file_name = $(this).attr('data-file_name'); var file_size = $(this).attr('data-file_size'); var project_id = $(this).attr('data-project_id'); var link_type = $(this).attr('data-link_type'); $.fancybox({ 'hideOnContentClick': true, 'autoScale': true, 'scrolling' : 'no', 'cyclic': 'true', 'transitionIn': 'elastic', 'transitionOut': 'elastic', 'type': 'iframe', 'width':'300', 'height':'200', 'iframe': {'scrolling': 'yes'}, 'autoSize':false, 'id': 'opendownloadfilepopup', helpers: { overlay: { locked: false } }, href:'/dl?file_id='+file_id+'&file_type='+file_type+'&file_name='+file_name+'&file_size='+file_size+'&project_id='+project_id+'&link_type='+link_type }); return false; }); } } })(); var PartialsButton = (function () { return { setup: function () { $('body').on('click', 'Button.partialbutton', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var url = $(this).attr("data-href"); var target = $(this).attr("data-target"); var toggle = $(this).data('toggle'); var pageFragment = $(this).attr("data-fragment"); var spin = $(''); $(target).append(spin); $(target).load(url + ' ' + pageFragment, function (response, status, xhr) { if (status == "error") { if (xhr.status == 401) { if (response) { var data = jQuery.parseJSON(response); var redirect = data.login_url; if (redirect) { window.location = redirect; } else { window.location = "/login"; } } } else { $(target).empty().html('Service is temporarily unavailable. Our engineers are working quickly to resolve this issue.
Find out why you may have encountered this error.'); } } if (toggle) { $(toggle).modal('show'); } }); return false; }); } } })(); var PartialsButtonHeartDetail = (function () { return { setup: function () { $('body').on('click', '.partialbuttonfollowproject', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var url = $(this).attr("data-href"); var target = $(this).attr("data-target"); var auth = $(this).attr("data-auth"); var toggle = $(this).data('toggle'); var pageFragment = $(this).attr("data-fragment"); if (!auth) { $('#like-product-modal').modal('show'); return; } // product owner not allow to heart copy from voting.... var loginuser = $('#like-product-modal').find('#loginuser').val(); var productcreator = $('#like-product-modal').find('#productcreator').val(); if (loginuser == productcreator) { // ignore $('#like-product-modal').find('#votelabel').text('Project owner not allowed'); $('#like-product-modal').find('.modal-body').empty(); $('#like-product-modal').modal('show'); return; } var spin = $(''); $(target).prepend(spin); $.ajax({ url: url, cache: false }) .done(function( response ) { $(target).find('.spinning').remove(); if(response.status =='error'){ $(target).html( response.msg ); }else{ if(response.action=='delete'){ //$(target).find('.likelabel').html(response.cnt +' Likes'); $(target).find('.plingtext').html(response.cnt); $(target).find('.plingtext').addClass('heartnumberpurple'); $(target).find('.plingheart').removeClass('heartproject').addClass('heartgrey'); $(target).find('.plingheart').removeClass('fa-heart').addClass('fa-heart-o'); }else{ //$(target).find('.likelabel').html(response.cnt +' Likes'); $(target).find('.plingtext').html(response.cnt); //$(target).find('.plingtext').html(response.cnt+' Fans'); $(target).find('.plingtext').removeClass('heartnumberpurple'); $(target).find('.plingheart').removeClass('heartgrey').addClass('heartproject'); $(target).find('.plingheart').removeClass('fa-heart-o').addClass('fa-heart'); } } }); return false; }); } } })(); var PartialsButtonPlingProject = (function () { return { setup: function () { $('#plingbtn').hover(function(){ $(this).attr('src','/images/system/pling-btn-hover.png'); }, function(){ $(this).attr('src',$(this).attr('data-src')); }); $('body').on('click', '.partialbuttonplingproject', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var url = $(this).attr("data-href"); var target = $(this).attr("data-target"); var auth = $(this).attr("data-auth"); var issupporter = $(this).attr("data-issupporter"); var toggle = $(this).data('toggle'); var pageFragment = $(this).attr("data-fragment"); if (!auth) { $('#like-product-modal').modal('show'); return; } // product owner not allow to heart copy from voting.... var loginuser = $('#like-product-modal').find('#loginuser').val(); var productcreator = $('#like-product-modal').find('#productcreator').val(); if (loginuser == productcreator) { // ignore $('#like-product-modal').find('#votelabel').text('Project owner not allowed'); $('#like-product-modal').find('.modal-body').empty(); $('#like-product-modal').modal('show'); return; } if (!issupporter) { // ignore $('#like-product-modal').find('#votelabel').html('
To pling a product and help the artist please consider becoming a supporter. Thanks!

Become a supporter
'); $('#like-product-modal').modal('show'); return; } $(target).find('.plingnum').html(''); $.ajax({ url: url, cache: false }) .done(function( response ) { //$(target).find('.spinning').remove(); if(response.status =='error'){ $(target).html( response.msg ); }else{ if(response.action=='delete'){ //pling deleted if(response.cnt==0) { $(target).find('.plingnum').html('Pling me'); }else { $(target).find('.plingnum').html(response.cnt+ ' Plings'); } $(target).find('#plingbtn').attr('src','/images/system/pling-btn-normal.png'); $(target).find('#plingbtn').attr('data-src','/images/system/pling-btn-normal.png'); }else{ //pling inserted $(target).find('.plingnum').html(response.cnt+ ' Plings'); $(target).find('#plingbtn').attr('src','/images/system/pling-btn-active.png'); $(target).find('#plingbtn').attr('data-src','/images/system/pling-btn-active.png'); } } }); return false; }); } } })(); var PartialsReview = (function () { return { setup: function () { $('body').on('click', 'a.partialreview', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); 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Find out why you may have encountered this error.
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