diff --git a/httpdocs/theme/react/app-opendesktop-home/app.js b/httpdocs/theme/react/app-opendesktop-home/app.js index d08ece837..4bce5de4b 100644 --- a/httpdocs/theme/react/app-opendesktop-home/app.js +++ b/httpdocs/theme/react/app-opendesktop-home/app.js @@ -1,300 +1,301 @@ class App extends React.Component { constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { loading:true }; this.initHomePage = this.initHomePage.bind(this); this.updateDimensions = this.updateDimensions.bind(this); this.convertDataObject = this.convertDataObject.bind(this); } componentWillMount() { this.updateDimensions(); } componentWillUnmount(){ window.removeEventListener("resize", this.updateDimensions); window.removeEventListener("orientationchange",this.updateDimensions); } componentDidMount() { console.log(window.featuredProduct); this.initHomePage(); } initHomePage(){ window.addEventListener("resize", this.updateDimensions); window.addEventListener("orientationchange",this.updateDimensions); let env = "live"; if (location.hostname.endsWith('cc')) { env = "test"; } else if (location.hostname.endsWith('localhost')) { env = "test"; } this.setState({env:env},function(){ this.convertDataObject(); }); } updateDimensions(){ const width = window.innerWidth; let device; if (width >= 910){ device = "large"; } else if (width < 910 && width >= 610){ device = "mid"; } else if (width < 610){ device = "tablet"; } this.setState({device:device}); } convertDataObject() { let productGroupsArray = []; for (var i in window.data) { if (i !== "comments"){ const productGroup = { title:i, products:JSON.parse(window.data[i]) } productGroupsArray.push(productGroup); } } this.setState({productGroupsArray:productGroupsArray,loading:false}); } render(){ let productCarouselsContainer; if (this.state.loading === false){ productCarouselsContainer = this.state.productGroupsArray.map((pgc,index) => (
)); } return (
) } } class SpotlightProduct extends React.Component { constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = {}; } componentDidMount() { console.log(window.featuredProduct); } render(){ let imageBaseUrl; if (this.props.env === 'live') { imageBaseUrl = 'cn.opendesktop.org'; } else { imageBaseUrl = 'cn.opendesktop.cc'; } return(

In the Spotlight





); } } class ProductCarousel extends React.Component { constructor(props){ super(props); let showRightArrow = false; if (this.props.products.length > 5){ showRightArrow = true; } this.state = { showRightArrow:showRightArrow, showLeftArrow:false }; this.updateDimensions = this.updateDimensions.bind(this); this.animateProductCarousel = this.animateProductCarousel.bind(this); } componentWillMount() { window.addEventListener("resize", this.updateDimensions); } componentDidMount() { this.updateDimensions(); } updateDimensions(){ const containerWidth = $('#main-content').width(); console.log(containerWidth); const containerNumber = Math.ceil(this.props.products / 5); console.log(containerNumber); const sliderWidth = containerWidth * containerNumber; console.log(sliderWidth); const itemWidth = containerWidth / 5; console.log(itemWidth); this.setState({ sliderPosition:0, containerWidth:containerWidth, sliderWidth:sliderWidth, itemWidth:itemWidth }); } animateProductCarousel(dir){ let newSliderPosition = this.state.sliderPosition; if (dir === 'left'){ newSliderPosition = this.state.sliderPosition - this.state.containerWidth; } else { newSliderPosition = this.state.sliderPosition + this.state.containerWidth; } this.setState({sliderPosition:newSliderPosition},function(){ let showLeftArrow = true, showRightArrow = true; const endPoint = this.state.sliderWidth - this.state.containerWidth; if (this.state.sliderPosition <= 0){ showLeftArrow = false; } if (this.state.sliderPosition >= endPoint){ showRightArrow = false; } this.setState({ showLeftArrow:showLeftArrow, showRightArrow:showRightArrow }); }); } render(){ let carouselItemsDisplay; if (this.props.products && this.props.products.length > 0){ carouselItemsDisplay = this.props.products.map((product,index) => ( )); } let rightArrowDisplay, leftArrowDisplay; if (this.state.showLeftArrow){ leftArrowDisplay = (
this.animateProductCarousel('left')} className="carousel-arrow arrow-left">
); } if (this.state.showRightArrow){ rightArrowDisplay = (
this.animateProductCarousel('right')} className="carousel-arrow arrow-right">
); } return (

{this.props.title.match(/[A-Z][a-z]+/g).join(' ')}

) } } class ProductCarouselItem extends React.Component { constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = {}; } render(){ let imageBaseUrl; if (this.props.env === 'live') { imageBaseUrl = 'cn.opendesktop.org'; } else { imageBaseUrl = 'cn.opendesktop.cc'; } return (
{this.props.product.title} {this.props.product.username}
) } } ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById('main-content') ); diff --git a/httpdocs/theme/react/opendesktop-home.js b/httpdocs/theme/react/opendesktop-home.js index 992feb5b2..2c658729f 100644 --- a/httpdocs/theme/react/opendesktop-home.js +++ b/httpdocs/theme/react/opendesktop-home.js @@ -1,347 +1,352 @@ class App extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { loading: true }; this.initHomePage = this.initHomePage.bind(this); this.updateDimensions = this.updateDimensions.bind(this); this.convertDataObject = this.convertDataObject.bind(this); } componentWillMount() { this.updateDimensions(); } componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener("resize", this.updateDimensions); window.removeEventListener("orientationchange", this.updateDimensions); } componentDidMount() { console.log(window.featuredProduct); this.initHomePage(); } initHomePage() { window.addEventListener("resize", this.updateDimensions); window.addEventListener("orientationchange", this.updateDimensions); let env = "live"; if (location.hostname.endsWith('cc')) { env = "test"; } else if (location.hostname.endsWith('localhost')) { env = "test"; } this.setState({ env: env }, function () { this.convertDataObject(); }); } updateDimensions() { const width = window.innerWidth; let device; if (width >= 910) { device = "large"; } else if (width < 910 && width >= 610) { device = "mid"; } else if (width < 610) { device = "tablet"; } this.setState({ device: device }); } convertDataObject() { let productGroupsArray = []; for (var i in window.data) { if (i !== "comments") { const productGroup = { title: i, products: JSON.parse(window.data[i]) }; productGroupsArray.push(productGroup); } } this.setState({ productGroupsArray: productGroupsArray, loading: false }); } render() { let productCarouselsContainer; if (this.state.loading === false) { productCarouselsContainer = this.state.productGroupsArray.map((pgc, index) => React.createElement( "div", { key: index, className: "section" }, React.createElement( "div", { className: "container" }, React.createElement(ProductCarousel, { products: pgc.products, device: this.state.device, title: pgc.title, link: '/', env: this.state.env }) ) )); } return React.createElement( "main", { id: "opendesktop-homepage" }, React.createElement(SpotlightProduct, { env: this.state.env }), productCarouselsContainer ); } } class SpotlightProduct extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {}; } componentDidMount() { console.log(window.featuredProduct); } render() { let imageBaseUrl; if (this.props.env === 'live') { imageBaseUrl = 'cn.opendesktop.org'; } else { imageBaseUrl = 'cn.opendesktop.cc'; } return React.createElement( "div", { id: "spotlight-product" }, + React.createElement( + "h2", + null, + "In the Spotlight" + ), React.createElement( "div", { className: "container" }, React.createElement( "div", { className: "spotlight-image" }, React.createElement("img", { src: "https://" + imageBaseUrl + "/cache/300x230-1/img/" + window.featuredProduct.image_small }) ), React.createElement( "div", { className: "spotlight-info" }, React.createElement( "div", { className: "info-top" }, React.createElement( "h2", null, - "title" + React.createElement("a", { href: "/p/" + window.featuredProduct.project_id }) ), React.createElement( "h3", null, "category" ), React.createElement( "div", { className: "user-info" }, React.createElement("img", { src: window.featuredProduct.profile_image_url }), window.featuredProduct.username ) ), React.createElement( "div", { className: "info-description" }, window.featuredProduct.description ) ) ) ); } } class ProductCarousel extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); let showRightArrow = false; if (this.props.products.length > 5) { showRightArrow = true; } this.state = { showRightArrow: showRightArrow, showLeftArrow: false }; this.updateDimensions = this.updateDimensions.bind(this); this.animateProductCarousel = this.animateProductCarousel.bind(this); } componentWillMount() { window.addEventListener("resize", this.updateDimensions); } componentDidMount() { this.updateDimensions(); } updateDimensions() { const containerWidth = $('#main-content').width(); console.log(containerWidth); const containerNumber = Math.ceil(this.props.products / 5); console.log(containerNumber); const sliderWidth = containerWidth * containerNumber; console.log(sliderWidth); const itemWidth = containerWidth / 5; console.log(itemWidth); this.setState({ sliderPosition: 0, containerWidth: containerWidth, sliderWidth: sliderWidth, itemWidth: itemWidth }); } animateProductCarousel(dir) { let newSliderPosition = this.state.sliderPosition; if (dir === 'left') { newSliderPosition = this.state.sliderPosition - this.state.containerWidth; } else { newSliderPosition = this.state.sliderPosition + this.state.containerWidth; } this.setState({ sliderPosition: newSliderPosition }, function () { let showLeftArrow = true, showRightArrow = true; const endPoint = this.state.sliderWidth - this.state.containerWidth; if (this.state.sliderPosition <= 0) { showLeftArrow = false; } if (this.state.sliderPosition >= endPoint) { showRightArrow = false; } this.setState({ showLeftArrow: showLeftArrow, showRightArrow: showRightArrow }); }); } render() { let carouselItemsDisplay; if (this.props.products && this.props.products.length > 0) { carouselItemsDisplay = this.props.products.map((product, index) => React.createElement(ProductCarouselItem, { key: index, product: product, itemWidth: this.state.itemWidth, env: this.props.env })); } let rightArrowDisplay, leftArrowDisplay; if (this.state.showLeftArrow) { leftArrowDisplay = React.createElement( "div", { className: "product-carousel-left" }, React.createElement( "a", { onClick: () => this.animateProductCarousel('left'), className: "carousel-arrow arrow-left" }, React.createElement("span", { className: "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left" }) ) ); } if (this.state.showRightArrow) { rightArrowDisplay = React.createElement( "div", { className: "product-carousel-right" }, React.createElement( "a", { onClick: () => this.animateProductCarousel('right'), className: "carousel-arrow arrow-right" }, React.createElement("span", { className: "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" }) ) ); } return React.createElement( "div", { className: "product-carousel" }, React.createElement( "div", { className: "product-carousel-header" }, React.createElement( "h2", null, React.createElement( "a", { href: this.props.link }, this.props.title.match(/[A-Z][a-z]+/g).join(' '), " ", React.createElement("span", { className: "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" }) ) ) ), React.createElement( "div", { className: "product-carousel-wrapper" }, leftArrowDisplay, React.createElement( "div", { className: "product-carousel-container" }, React.createElement( "div", { className: "product-carousel-slider", style: { "width": this.state.sliderWidth, "left": "-" + this.state.sliderPosition + "px" } }, carouselItemsDisplay ) ), rightArrowDisplay ) ); } } class ProductCarouselItem extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {}; } render() { let imageBaseUrl; if (this.props.env === 'live') { imageBaseUrl = 'cn.opendesktop.org'; } else { imageBaseUrl = 'cn.opendesktop.cc'; } return React.createElement( "div", { className: "product-carousel-item", style: { "width": this.props.itemWidth } }, React.createElement( "a", { href: "/p/" + this.props.product.project_id }, React.createElement( "figure", null, React.createElement("img", { className: "very-rounded-corners", src: 'https://' + imageBaseUrl + '/cache/200x171/img/' + this.props.product.image_small }) ), React.createElement( "div", { className: "product-info" }, React.createElement( "span", { className: "product-info-title" }, this.props.product.title ), React.createElement( "span", { className: "product-info-user" }, this.props.product.username ) ) ) ); } } ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(App, null), document.getElementById('main-content'));