diff --git a/tests/old-style-connect/config.json b/tests/old-style-connect/config.json index 68f9285..ce3eaeb 100644 --- a/tests/old-style-connect/config.json +++ b/tests/old-style-connect/config.json @@ -1,48 +1,41 @@ { + "minimum_qt_version" : 550, "tests" : [ { "filename" : "main.cpp", - "link" : true, - "minimum_qt_version" : 550 + "link" : true }, { "filename" : "main.cpp_fixed.cpp", "isFixedFile" : true, - "link" : true, - "minimum_qt_version" : 550 + "link" : true }, { "filename" : "usingnamespace.cpp", - "link" : true, - "minimum_qt_version" : 550 + "link" : true }, { "filename" : "usingnamespace.cpp_fixed.cpp", "isFixedFile" : true, - "link" : true, - "minimum_qt_version" : 550 + "link" : true }, { "filename" : "namespaces.cpp", - "link" : true, - "minimum_qt_version" : 550 + "link" : true }, { "filename" : "namespaces.cpp_fixed.cpp", "isFixedFile" : true, - "link" : true, - "minimum_qt_version" : 550 + "link" : true }, { "filename" : "namespaces.h_fixed.cpp", "isFixedFile" : true, - "link" : false, - "minimum_qt_version" : 550 + "link" : false }, { "filename" : "q_private_slot.cpp", - "link" : true, - "minimum_qt_version" : 550 + "link" : true } ] } diff --git a/tests/run_tests.py b/tests/run_tests.py index da042fc..991a413 100755 --- a/tests/run_tests.py +++ b/tests/run_tests.py @@ -1,441 +1,459 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python2 import sys, os, subprocess, string, re, json, threading, multiprocessing from threading import Thread from sys import platform as _platform def isWindows(): return _platform == 'win32' class QtInstallation: def __init__(self): self.int_version = 000 self.qmake_header_path = "/usr/include/qt/" def compiler_flags(self): return "-isystem " + self.qmake_header_path + ("" if isWindows() else " -fPIC") class Test: def __init__(self, check): self.filename = "" self.minimum_qt_version = 500 self.maximum_qt_version = 999 self.minimum_clang_version = 360 self.compare_everything = False self.isFixedFile = False self.link = False # If true we also call the linker self.check = check self.expects_failure = False self.qt_major_version = 5 # Tests use Qt 5 by default self.env = os.environ self.checks = [] self.flags = "" self.blacklist_platforms = [] def isScript(self): return self.filename.endswith(".sh") def setQtMajorVersion(self, major_version): if major_version == 4: self.qt_major_version = 4 if self.minimum_qt_version >= 500: self.minimum_qt_version = 400 def envString(self): result = "" for key in self.env: result += key + '="' + self.env[key] + '" ' return result def setEnv(self, e): self.env = os.environ.copy() for key in e: key_str = key.encode('ascii', 'ignore') self.env[key_str] = e[key].encode('ascii', 'ignore') class Check: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.minimum_clang_version = 360 # clang 3.6.0 + self.minimum_qt_version = 500 + self.maximum_qt_version = 999 self.enabled = True self.tests = [] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # utility functions #1 def get_command_output(cmd, test_env = os.environ): try: output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, env=test_env) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: return e.output,False return output,True def load_json(check_name): check = Check(check_name) filename = check_name + "/config.json" if not os.path.exists(filename): print "Error: " + filename + " not found" return check f = open(filename, 'r') contents = f.read() f.close() decoded = json.loads(contents) check_blacklist_platforms = [] if 'minimum_clang_version' in decoded: check.minimum_clang_version = decoded['minimum_clang_version'] + if 'minimum_qt_version' in decoded: + check.minimum_qt_version = decoded['minimum_qt_version'] + + if 'maximum_qt_version' in decoded: + check.maximum_qt_version = decoded['maximum_qt_version'] + if 'enabled' in decoded: check.enabled = decoded['enabled'] if 'blacklist_platforms' in decoded: check_blacklist_platforms = decoded['blacklist_platforms'] if 'tests' in decoded: for t in decoded['tests']: test = Test(check) test.blacklist_platforms = check_blacklist_platforms test.filename = t['filename'] + if 'minimum_qt_version' in t: test.minimum_qt_version = t['minimum_qt_version'] + else: + test.minimum_qt_version = check.minimum_qt_version + if 'maximum_qt_version' in t: test.maximum_qt_version = t['maximum_qt_version'] + else: + test.maximum_qt_version = check.maximum_qt_version + if 'minimum_clang_version' in t: test.minimum_clang_version = t['minimum_clang_version'] + else: + test.minimum_clang_version = check.minimum_clang_version + if 'blacklist_platforms' in t: test.blacklist_platforms = t['blacklist_platforms'] if 'compare_everything' in t: test.compare_everything = t['compare_everything'] if 'isFixedFile' in t: test.isFixedFile = t['isFixedFile'] if 'link' in t: test.link = t['link'] if 'qt_major_version' in t: test.setQtMajorVersion(t['qt_major_version']) if 'env' in t: test.setEnv(t['env']) if 'checks' in t: test.checks = t['checks'] if 'flags' in t: test.flags = t['flags'] if 'expects_failure' in t: test.expects_failure = t['expects_failure'] if not test.checks: test.checks.append(test.check.name) check.tests.append(test) return check def find_qt_installation(major_version, qmakes): installation = QtInstallation() for qmake in qmakes: qmake_version_str,success = get_command_output(qmake + " -query QT_VERSION") if success and qmake_version_str.startswith(str(major_version) + "."): qmake_header_path = get_command_output(qmake + " -query QT_INSTALL_HEADERS")[0].strip() if qmake_header_path: installation.qmake_header_path = qmake_header_path installation.int_version = int(qmake_version_str.replace(".", "")) if _verbose: print "Found Qt " + str(installation.int_version) + " using qmake " + qmake break if installation.int_version == 0 and major_version >= 5: # Don't warn for missing Qt4 headers print "Error: Couldn't find a Qt" + str(major_version) + " installation" return installation def libraryName(): if _platform == 'win32': return 'ClangLazy.dll' elif _platform == 'darwin': return 'ClangLazy.dylib' else: return 'ClangLazy.so' def more_clazy_args(): return " -Xclang -plugin-arg-clang-lazy -Xclang no-inplace-fixits -Wno-unused-value -Qunused-arguments " def compiler_command(qt): if 'CLAZY_CXX' in os.environ: return os.environ['CLAZY_CXX'] + more_clazy_args() + qt.compiler_flags() return "clang -std=c++14 -Xclang -load -Xclang " + libraryName() + " -Xclang -add-plugin -Xclang clang-lazy " + more_clazy_args() + qt.compiler_flags() def dump_ast_command(test): return "clang -std=c++14 -fsyntax-only -Xclang -ast-dump -fno-color-diagnostics -c " + qt_installation(test.qt_major_version).compiler_flags() + " " + test.filename def compiler_name(): if 'CLAZY_CXX' in os.environ: return os.environ['CLAZY_CXX'] # so we can set clazy.bat instead return 'clang' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get clang version version,success = get_command_output(compiler_name() + ' --version') match = re.search('clang version (.*?)[ -]', version) try: version = match.group(1) except: print "Could not determine clang version, is it in PATH?" sys.exit(-1) CLANG_VERSION = int(version.replace('.', '')) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global variables _enable_fixits_argument = "-Xclang -plugin-arg-clang-lazy -Xclang enable-all-fixits" _link_flags = "-lQt5Core -lQt5Gui -lQt5Widgets" _help_command = "echo | clang -Xclang -load -Xclang " + libraryName() + " -Xclang -add-plugin -Xclang clang-lazy -Xclang -plugin-arg-clang-lazy -Xclang help -c -xc -" _dump_ast = "--dump-ast" in sys.argv _verbose = "--verbose" in sys.argv _help = "--help" in sys.argv _num_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() _lock = threading.Lock() _was_successful = True _qt5_installation = find_qt_installation(5, ["QT_SELECT=5 qmake", "qmake-qt5", "qmake"]) _qt4_installation = find_qt_installation(4, ["QT_SELECT=4 qmake", "qmake-qt4", "qmake"]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # utility functions #2 def qt_installation(major_version): if major_version == 5: return _qt5_installation elif major_version == 4: return _qt4_installation return None def run_command(cmd, output_file = "", test_env = os.environ): lines,success = get_command_output(cmd, test_env) lines = lines.replace("std::_Container_base0", "std::_Vector_base") # Hack for Windows, we have std::_Vector_base in the expected data lines = lines.replace("std::_Vector_alloc", "std::_Vector_base") if not success and not output_file: print lines return False lines = lines.replace('\r\n', '\n') if output_file: f = open(output_file, 'w') f.writelines(lines) f.close() else: print lines return success def print_usage(): print "Usage for " + sys.argv[0].strip("./") + ":\n" print " " + sys.argv[0] + " [--help] [--dump-ast] [check1,check2,check3]" print print " Without any check supplied, all checks will be run." print " --dump-ast is provided for debugging purposes.\n" print "Help for clang plugin:" print run_command(_help_command) def files_are_equal(file1, file2): try: f = open(file1, 'r') lines1 = f.readlines() f.close() f = open(file2, 'r') lines2 = f.readlines() f.close() return lines1 == lines2 except: return False def get_check_names(): return filter(lambda entry: os.path.isdir(entry), os.listdir(".")) # Returns all files with .cpp_fixed extension. These were rewritten by clang. def get_fixed_files(): return filter(lambda entry: entry.endswith('.cpp_fixed.cpp'), os.listdir(".")) def print_differences(file1, file2): return run_command("diff -Naur {} {}".format(file1, file2)) def extract_word(word, in_file, out_file): in_f = open(in_file, 'r') out_f = open(out_file, 'w') for line in in_f: if word in line: out_f.write(line) in_f.close() out_f.close() def run_unit_test(test): qt = qt_installation(test.qt_major_version) if _verbose: print print "Qt version: " + str(qt.int_version) print "Qt headers: " + qt.qmake_header_path if qt.int_version < test.minimum_qt_version or qt.int_version > test.maximum_qt_version or CLANG_VERSION < test.minimum_clang_version: return True if _platform in test.blacklist_platforms: return True checkname = test.check.name filename = checkname + "/" + test.filename output_file = filename + ".out" result_file = filename + ".result" expected_file = filename + ".expected" compiler_cmd = compiler_command(qt) if test.link: cmd = compiler_cmd + " " + _link_flags else: cmd = compiler_cmd + " -c " if test.isScript(): clazy_cmd = "./" + filename else: clazy_cmd = cmd + test.flags + " -Xclang -plugin-arg-clang-lazy -Xclang " + string.join(test.checks, ',') + " " if not test.isFixedFile: # When compiling the already fixed file disable fixit, we don't want to fix twice clazy_cmd += _enable_fixits_argument + " " clazy_cmd += filename if test.compare_everything: result_file = output_file if test.isFixedFile: result_file = filename if _verbose: print "Running: " + clazy_cmd using_werror = "-Werror" in test.flags cmd_success = run_command(clazy_cmd, output_file, test.env) if (not cmd_success and not using_werror) or (cmd_success and using_werror): print "[FAIL] " + checkname + " (Failed to build test. Check " + output_file + " for details)" print return False if not test.compare_everything and not test.isFixedFile: word_to_grep = "warning:" if not using_werror else "error:" extract_word(word_to_grep, output_file, result_file) printableName = checkname if len(test.check.tests) > 1: printableName += "/" + test.filename success = files_are_equal(expected_file, result_file) if test.expects_failure: if success: print "[XOK] " + printableName else: print "[XFAIL] " + printableName if not print_differences(expected_file, result_file): return False else: if success: print "[OK] " + printableName else: print "[FAIL] " + printableName if not print_differences(expected_file, result_file): return False return True def run_unit_tests(tests): result = True for test in tests: result = result and run_unit_test(test) global _was_successful, _lock with _lock: _was_successful = _was_successful and result def dump_ast(check): for test in check.tests: run_command(dump_ast_command(test) + " > " + test.filename + ".ast") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def load_checks(all_check_names): checks = [] for name in all_check_names: try: check = load_json(name) if check.enabled: checks.append(check) except: print "Error while loading " + name raise sys.exit(-1) return checks #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # main if _help: print_usage() sys.exit(0) args = sys.argv[1:] switches = ["--verbose", "--dump-ast", "--help"] if _dump_ast: del(args[args.index("--dump-ast")]) os.environ['CLAZY_CHECKS'] = '' all_check_names = get_check_names() all_checks = load_checks(all_check_names) requested_check_names = filter(lambda x: x not in switches, args) requested_check_names = map(lambda x: x.strip("/\\"), requested_check_names) for check_name in requested_check_names: if check_name not in all_check_names: print "Unknown check: " + check_name print sys.exit(-1) if not requested_check_names: requested_check_names = all_check_names requested_checks = filter(lambda check: check.name in requested_check_names, all_checks) requested_checks = filter(lambda check: check.minimum_clang_version <= CLANG_VERSION, requested_checks) threads = [] if _dump_ast: for check in requested_checks: os.chdir(check.name) dump_ast(check) os.chdir("..") else: list_of_chunks = [[] for x in range(_num_threads)] # Each list is a list of Test to be worked on by a thread i = _num_threads for check in requested_checks: for test in check.tests: if not test.isFixedFile: i = (i + 1) % _num_threads list_of_chunks[i].append(test) for tests in list_of_chunks: if not tests: continue; t = Thread(target=run_unit_tests, args=(tests,)) t.start() threads.append(t) for thread in threads: thread.join() sys.exit(0 if _was_successful else -1)