diff --git a/Changelog b/Changelog index 3d21807..fd1cac4 100644 --- a/Changelog +++ b/Changelog @@ -1,120 +1,121 @@ * v0.0.1 (June 10th, 2015) - (...) * v1.0 (September 12th, 2016) - (...) * v1.1 (February 20th, 2017) - macOS and Windows support - New checks: child-event-qobject-cast ctor-missing-parent-argument returning-data-from-temporary qt-macros base-class-event connect-non-signal incorrect-emit tr-non-literal - Fixes against clang 4.0 - Fixes against Qt 5.9 - 60% performance improvement - Fixed many false positives * v1.2 (July 8th, 2017) - clazy-standalone executable. Allows to run clazy against a JSON compilation database instead of as a plugin. clang-tidy doesn't support loading external modules (https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32739) so this is a good workaround. - qt-compat mode. Allows to disable Qt5 specific checks by passing -Xclang -plugin-arg-clazy -Xclang qt4-compat - New checks: install-event-filter qcolor-from-literal strict-iterators connect-not-normalized - returning-data-from-temporary now checks for temporary QByteArrays casting to char* when returned - returning-data-from-temporary now checks for assignment too, not only return statements - unused-non-trivial-variable now warns for unused QList, QVector and many more types - ASTMatchers based checks are now supported - clang 3.7 was dropped due to ASTMatchers source incompatibilities. Use clazy v1.1 for clang >= 3.6 support - clazylib.so no longer gets built by default, only the plugin (ClangLazy.so) gets built. Pass -DCLAZY_BUILD_UTILS_LIB=ON to enable the utils library if you're developing tools using clazy's convenience functions, which you're probably not. - CLAZY_INSTALL_NO_HEADERS option was removed. Either install the utils library and headers or nothing at all. By default nothing is installed, except the plugin and man pages. * v1.3 (November 26th, 2017) - New checks: thread-with-slots connect-3arg-lambda qproperty-without-notify virtual-signal overridden-signal qhash-namespace const-signal-or-slot lambda-unique-connection - missing-qobject-macro is now a level2 check, instead of level1. Because, people can omit Q_OBJECT intentionally. - Added -only-qt option, which will make clazy bailout early on non-Qt files. For this purpose, the definition of a Qt file is whenever -DQT_CORE_LIB is passed, which is usually the case in most build systems. - Added -qt-developer option, when building Qt with clazy it will honour specific guidelines for Qt, which are not many right now but the list will grow. * v1.4 (September 23rd, 2018) - New Checks: connect-by-name skipped-base-method qstring-varargs fully-qualified-moc-types qt-keywords, with fixit included qhash-with-char-pointer-key wrong-qevent-cast static-pmf raw-environment-function empty-qstringliteral - auto-unexpected-qstringbuilder now also warns for lambdas returning QStringBuilder - performance optimizations - Added -header-filter= option to clazy-standalone. Only headers matching the regexp will have warnings, besides the .cpp file from the translation unit, which is never filtered out. - Added -ignore-dirs= option to clazy-standalone, and its CLAZY_IGNORE_DIRS env variable equivalent. - Added CLAZY_HEADER_FILTER env variable which adds above functionality to both clazy and clazy-standalone - unused-non-trivial-variable got unused-non-trivial-variable-no-whitelist option - unused-non-trivial-variable got user-blacklist and user-whitelist support - container-inside-loop is now a manual check instead of level2 - HiddenLevel was renamed to ManualLevel - connect-3arg-lambda now warns when passing a lambda to QTimer::singleShot() or QMenu::addAction() without a context object - old-style-connect warns for QMenu::addAction() and QMessageBox::open() too now * v1.5 (January 31st, 2019) - New Checks: ifndef-define-typo lowercase-qml-type-name qrequiredresult-candidates - New Fixits: range-loop now supports adding missing refs or const-ref range-loop now supports adding qAsConst() function-args-by-ref now adding missing refs or const-ref (experimental) Introduced CLAZY_FIXIT_SUFFIX env variable - Removed support for the obscure -DCLAZY_BUILD_UTILS_LIB to simplify the CMakeLists.txt - Renamed the clazy plugin from ClangLazy.so to ClazyPlugin.so - fully-qualified-moc-types now warns for slot/invokable return values too. They need to be fully qualified for QML. - Fixed a crash (clang assert) in raw-environment-function * v1.6 (, 2019) - New Checks: - heap-allocated-small-trivial-type - signal-with-return-value + - qproperty-type-mismatch - Moved all level3 checks to manual level. Doesn't make sense to enable all of them. Each one must be carefully considered. - Fixit infrastructure was overhauled Clazy no longer rewrites files directly, to avoid races when parallel invocations change the same header. Clazy now exports a yaml file with the replacements, to be applied with clang-apply-replacements. The same way other clang tooling do it. The way to enable code rewrite is now: -Xclang -plugin-arg-clazy -Xclang export-fixes for clang or -export-fixes=somefile.yaml for clazy-standalone All other fixit arguments and fixit env variables were removed Thanks to Christian Gagneraud for contributing the fixit yaml exporter! diff --git a/CheckSources.cmake b/CheckSources.cmake index 34132e2..b447535 100644 --- a/CheckSources.cmake +++ b/CheckSources.cmake @@ -1,88 +1,89 @@ set(CLAZY_CHECKS_SRCS ${CLAZY_CHECKS_SRCS} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/assert-with-side-effects.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/container-inside-loop.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/detaching-member.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/heap-allocated-small-trivial-type.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/ifndef-define-typo.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/inefficient-qlist.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/isempty-vs-count.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/qhash-with-char-pointer-key.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/qrequiredresult-candidates.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/qstring-varargs.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/qt-keywords.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/qt4-qstring-from-array.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/qvariant-template-instantiation.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/raw-environment-function.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/reserve-candidates.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/signal-with-return-value.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/thread-with-slots.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/tr-non-literal.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/manuallevel/unneeded-cast.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/connect-by-name.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/connect-non-signal.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/connect-not-normalized.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/container-anti-pattern.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/empty-qstringliteral.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/fully-qualified-moc-types.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/lambda-in-connect.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/lambda-unique-connection.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/lowercase-qml-type-name.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/mutable-container-key.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/qcolor-from-literal.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/qdatetime-utc.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/qenums.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/qfileinfo-exists.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/qgetenv.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/qmap-with-pointer-key.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/qstring-arg.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/qstring-insensitive-allocation.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/qstring-ref.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/qt-macros.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/strict-iterators.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/temporary-iterator.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/unused-non-trivial-variable.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/writing-to-temporary.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/wrong-qevent-cast.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level0/wrong-qglobalstatic.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/auto-unexpected-qstringbuilder.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/child-event-qobject-cast.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/connect-3arg-lambda.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/const-signal-or-slot.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/detaching-temporary.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/foreach.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/incorrect-emit.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/inefficient-qlist-soft.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/install-event-filter.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/non-pod-global-static.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/overridden-signal.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/post-event.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/qdeleteall.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/qhash-namespace.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/qlatin1string-non-ascii.cpp + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/qproperty-type-mismatch.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/qproperty-without-notify.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/qstring-left.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/range-loop.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/returning-data-from-temporary.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/rule-of-two-soft.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/skipped-base-method.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level1/virtual-signal.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level2/base-class-event.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level2/copyable-polymorphic.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level2/ctor-missing-parent-argument.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level2/function-args-by-ref.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level2/function-args-by-value.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level2/global-const-char-pointer.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level2/implicit-casts.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level2/missing-qobject-macro.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level2/missing-typeinfo.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level2/old-style-connect.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level2/qstring-allocations.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level2/returning-void-expression.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level2/rule-of-three.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level2/static-pmf.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level2/virtual-call-ctor.cpp ) if(HAS_STD_REGEX OR CLAZY_BUILD_WITH_CLANG) set(CLAZY_CHECKS_SRCS ${CLAZY_CHECKS_SRCS} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/checks/level2/old-style-connect.cpp) endif() diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 8809ca6..db5d3a6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,485 +1,486 @@ *WARNING:* master is the development branch. Please use the v1.5 branch. clazy v1.6 =========== clazy is a compiler plugin which allows clang to understand Qt semantics. You get more than 50 Qt related compiler warnings, ranging from unneeded memory allocations to misusage of API, including fix-its for automatic refactoring. Table of contents ================= * [Source Code](#source-code) * [Pre-built binaries](#pre-built-binaries) * [Build Instructions](#build-instructions) * [Linux](#linux) * [Install dependencies](#install-dependencies) * [Build and install clang](#build-and-install-clang) * [Build clazy](#build-clazy) * [Windows](#windows) * [Build and install clang](#build-and-install-clang-1) * [Build clazy](#build-clazy-1) * [macOS with MacPorts](#macos-with-macports) * [Install clang](#install-clang) * [Build clazy](#build-clazy-2) * [macOS with Homebrew](#macos-with-homebrew) * [Install clang](#install-clang-1) * [Build clazy](#build-clazy-3) * [Setting up your project to build with clazy](#setting-up-your-project-to-build-with-clazy) * [List of checks](#list-of-checks) * [Selecting which checks to enable](#selecting-which-checks-to-enable) * [Example via env variable](#example-via-env-variable) * [Example via compiler argument](#example-via-compiler-argument) * [clazy-standalone and JSON database support](#clazy-standalone-and-json-database-support) * [Enabling Fixits](#enabling-fixits) * [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) * [Qt4 compatibility mode](#qt4-compatibility-mode) * [Reducing warning noise](#reducing-warning-noise) * [Reporting bugs and wishes](#reporting-bugs-and-wishes) * [Authors](#authors) * [Contributing patches](#contributing-patches) # Source Code You can get clazy from: - - git@git.kde.org:clazy - git://anongit.kde.org/clazy # Pre-built binaries Pre-built binaries are produced by KDAB, you can get them from https://downloads.kdab.com/clazy/. Currently MSVC2015, MSVC2017 (based on clang-7.0) and Linux AppImage packages (based on clang-8.0) are provided. # Build Instructions ## Linux ### Install dependencies - OpenSUSE tumbleweed: `zypper install cmake git-core llvm llvm-devel llvm-clang llvm-clang-devel` - Ubuntu: `apt install g++ cmake clang llvm-dev git-core libclang-dev` - Archlinux: `pacman -S make llvm clang python2 cmake git gcc` - Fedora: be sure to *remove* the llvm-static package and only install the one with dynamic libraries - Other distros: Check llvm/clang build docs. ### Build and install clang clang and LLVM >= 4.0 are required. Use clazy v1.1 if you need 3.7 support, or v1.3 for 3.8 support. If your distro provides clang then you can skip this step. ``` $ git clone https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm.git $ cd /tools/ && git clone https://github.com/llvm-mirror/clang.git $ cd /projects && git clone https://github.com/llvm-mirror/compiler-rt.git $ mkdir /build && cd /build $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=X86 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. $ make -jX && make install ``` ### Build clazy ``` $ cd clazy/ $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release $ make && make install ``` See troubleshooting section if you have problems. ## Windows ### Build and install clang These instructions assume your terminal is suitable for development (msvc2015). jom, nmake, git, cmake and cl should be in your PATH. clang and LLVM >= 4.0 are required. Be sure to pass -DLLVM_EXPORT_SYMBOLS_FOR_PLUGINS=ON to CMake when building LLVM, otherwise clazy won't work. ``` > git clone https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm.git > cd \tools\ && git clone https://github.com/llvm-mirror/clang.git > git checkout release_40 > cd clang > git checkout release_40 > mkdir \build && cd \build > cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\my_install_folder\llvm\ -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="X86" -DLLVM_EXPORT_SYMBOLS_FOR_PLUGINS=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "NMake Makefiles JOM" .. > jom > nmake install > Add c:\my_install_folder\llvm\bin\ to PATH ``` ### Build clazy Be sure to point CLANG_LIBRARY_IMPORT to clang.lib. It's probably inside your LLVM build dir since it doesn't get installed. ``` > cd clazy\ > cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\my_install_folder\llvm\ -DCLANG_LIBRARY_IMPORT=C:\path\to\llvm-build\lib\clang.lib -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "NMake Makefiles JOM" > jom && nmake install ``` ## macOS with MacPorts ### Install clang ``` $ sudo port install clang-3.9 llvm-3.9 $ sudo ln -sf /opt/local/bin/llvm-config-mp-3.9 /opt/local/bin/llvm-config $ sudo port select --set clang mp-clang-3.9 ``` ### Build clazy ``` $ export CXX=clang++ $ cmake $ make $ make install ``` ## macOS with Homebrew The recommended way is to build clazy yourself, but alternatively you can try user recipes, such as: ``` $ brew install kde-mac/kde/clazy ``` for stable branch, or for master: ``` $ brew install kde-mac/kde/clazy --HEAD ``` As these are not verified or tested by the clazy developers please don't report bugs to us. For building yourself, read on. You'll have to install clang and build clazy from source. ### Install clang ``` $ brew install --with-clang llvm ``` ### Build clazy ``` $ export CXX=clang++ $ export LLVM_ROOT=/usr/local/opt/llvm $ cmake $ make $ make install ``` # Setting up your project to build with clazy Note: Wherever `clazy` is mentioned, replace with `clazy-cl.bat` if you're on Windows, or replace with `Clazy-x86_64.AppImage` if you're using AppImage. Note: If you prefer running clazy over a JSON compilation database instead of using it as a plugin, jump to [clazy-standalone](#clazy-standalone-and-json-database-support). You should now have the clazy command available to you, in `/bin/`. Compile your programs with it instead of clang++/g++. Note that this command is just a convenience wrapper which calls: `clang++ -Xclang -load -Xclang ClazyPlugin.so -Xclang -add-plugin -Xclang clazy` If you have multiple versions of clang installed (say clang++-3.8 and clang++-3.9) you can choose which one to use by setting the CLANGXX environment variable, like so: `export CLANGXX=clang++-3.8; clazy` To build a CMake project use: `cmake . -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clazy` and rebuild. To make it the compiler for qmake projects, just run qmake like: `qmake -spec linux-clang QMAKE_CXX="clazy"` On Windows with MSVC it's simply: `qmake QMAKE_CXX="clazy-cl.bat"` Alternatively, if you want to use clang directly, without the wrapper: `qmake -spec linux-clang QMAKE_CXXFLAGS="-Xclang -load -Xclang ClazyPlugin.so -Xclang -add-plugin -Xclang clazy"` On Windows it's similar, just inspect the contents of `clazy-cl.bat`. It's recommended that you disable pre-compiled headers and don't use ccache. You're all set, clazy will now run some checks on your project, but not all of them. Read on if you want to enable/disable which checks are run. # List of checks There are many checks and they are divided in levels: - level0: Very stable checks, 99.99% safe, mostly no false-positives, very desirable - level1: The default level. Very similar to level 0, slightly more false-positives but very few. - level2: Also very few false-positives, but contains noisy checks which not everyone agree should be default. - manual: Checks here need to be enabled explicitly, as they don't belong to any level. They can be very stable or very unstable. clazy runs all checks from level1 by default. - Checks from Manual Level: - [assert-with-side-effects](docs/checks/README-assert-with-side-effects.md) - [container-inside-loop](docs/checks/README-container-inside-loop.md) - [detaching-member](docs/checks/README-detaching-member.md) - [heap-allocated-small-trivial-type](docs/checks/README-heap-allocated-small-trivial-type.md) - [ifndef-define-typo](docs/checks/README-ifndef-define-typo.md) - [inefficient-qlist](docs/checks/README-inefficient-qlist.md) - [isempty-vs-count](docs/checks/README-isempty-vs-count.md) - [qhash-with-char-pointer-key](docs/checks/README-qhash-with-char-pointer-key.md) - [qrequiredresult-candidates](docs/checks/README-qrequiredresult-candidates.md) - [qstring-varargs](docs/checks/README-qstring-varargs.md) - [qt-keywords](docs/checks/README-qt-keywords.md) (fix-qt-keywords) - [qt4-qstring-from-array](docs/checks/README-qt4-qstring-from-array.md) (fix-qt4-qstring-from-array) - [qvariant-template-instantiation](docs/checks/README-qvariant-template-instantiation.md) - [raw-environment-function](docs/checks/README-raw-environment-function.md) - [reserve-candidates](docs/checks/README-reserve-candidates.md) - [signal-with-return-value](docs/checks/README-signal-with-return-value.md) - [thread-with-slots](docs/checks/README-thread-with-slots.md) - [tr-non-literal](docs/checks/README-tr-non-literal.md) - [unneeded-cast](docs/checks/README-unneeded-cast.md) - Checks from Level 0: - [connect-by-name](docs/checks/README-connect-by-name.md) - [connect-non-signal](docs/checks/README-connect-non-signal.md) - [connect-not-normalized](docs/checks/README-connect-not-normalized.md) - [container-anti-pattern](docs/checks/README-container-anti-pattern.md) - [empty-qstringliteral](docs/checks/README-empty-qstringliteral.md) - [fully-qualified-moc-types](docs/checks/README-fully-qualified-moc-types.md) - [lambda-in-connect](docs/checks/README-lambda-in-connect.md) - [lambda-unique-connection](docs/checks/README-lambda-unique-connection.md) - [lowercase-qml-type-name](docs/checks/README-lowercase-qml-type-name.md) - [mutable-container-key](docs/checks/README-mutable-container-key.md) - [qcolor-from-literal](docs/checks/README-qcolor-from-literal.md) - [qdatetime-utc](docs/checks/README-qdatetime-utc.md) (fix-qdatetime-utc) - [qenums](docs/checks/README-qenums.md) - [qfileinfo-exists](docs/checks/README-qfileinfo-exists.md) - [qgetenv](docs/checks/README-qgetenv.md) (fix-qgetenv) - [qmap-with-pointer-key](docs/checks/README-qmap-with-pointer-key.md) - [qstring-arg](docs/checks/README-qstring-arg.md) - [qstring-insensitive-allocation](docs/checks/README-qstring-insensitive-allocation.md) - [qstring-ref](docs/checks/README-qstring-ref.md) (fix-missing-qstringref) - [qt-macros](docs/checks/README-qt-macros.md) - [strict-iterators](docs/checks/README-strict-iterators.md) - [temporary-iterator](docs/checks/README-temporary-iterator.md) - [unused-non-trivial-variable](docs/checks/README-unused-non-trivial-variable.md) - [writing-to-temporary](docs/checks/README-writing-to-temporary.md) - [wrong-qevent-cast](docs/checks/README-wrong-qevent-cast.md) - [wrong-qglobalstatic](docs/checks/README-wrong-qglobalstatic.md) - Checks from Level 1: - [auto-unexpected-qstringbuilder](docs/checks/README-auto-unexpected-qstringbuilder.md) (fix-auto-unexpected-qstringbuilder) - [child-event-qobject-cast](docs/checks/README-child-event-qobject-cast.md) - [connect-3arg-lambda](docs/checks/README-connect-3arg-lambda.md) - [const-signal-or-slot](docs/checks/README-const-signal-or-slot.md) - [detaching-temporary](docs/checks/README-detaching-temporary.md) - [foreach](docs/checks/README-foreach.md) - [incorrect-emit](docs/checks/README-incorrect-emit.md) - [inefficient-qlist-soft](docs/checks/README-inefficient-qlist-soft.md) - [install-event-filter](docs/checks/README-install-event-filter.md) - [non-pod-global-static](docs/checks/README-non-pod-global-static.md) - [overridden-signal](docs/checks/README-overridden-signal.md) - [post-event](docs/checks/README-post-event.md) - [qdeleteall](docs/checks/README-qdeleteall.md) - [qhash-namespace](docs/checks/README-qhash-namespace.md) - [qlatin1string-non-ascii](docs/checks/README-qlatin1string-non-ascii.md) + - [qproperty-type-mismatch](docs/checks/README-qproperty-type-mismatch.md) - [qproperty-without-notify](docs/checks/README-qproperty-without-notify.md) - [qstring-left](docs/checks/README-qstring-left.md) - [range-loop](docs/checks/README-range-loop.md) (fix-range-loop-add-ref,fix-range-loop-add-qasconst) - [returning-data-from-temporary](docs/checks/README-returning-data-from-temporary.md) - [rule-of-two-soft](docs/checks/README-rule-of-two-soft.md) - [skipped-base-method](docs/checks/README-skipped-base-method.md) - [virtual-signal](docs/checks/README-virtual-signal.md) - Checks from Level 2: - [base-class-event](docs/checks/README-base-class-event.md) - [copyable-polymorphic](docs/checks/README-copyable-polymorphic.md) - [ctor-missing-parent-argument](docs/checks/README-ctor-missing-parent-argument.md) - [function-args-by-ref](docs/checks/README-function-args-by-ref.md) (fix-function-args-by-ref) - [function-args-by-value](docs/checks/README-function-args-by-value.md) - [global-const-char-pointer](docs/checks/README-global-const-char-pointer.md) - [implicit-casts](docs/checks/README-implicit-casts.md) - [missing-qobject-macro](docs/checks/README-missing-qobject-macro.md) - [missing-typeinfo](docs/checks/README-missing-typeinfo.md) - [old-style-connect](docs/checks/README-old-style-connect.md) (fix-old-style-connect) - [qstring-allocations](docs/checks/README-qstring-allocations.md) (fix-qlatin1string-allocations,fix-fromLatin1_fromUtf8-allocations,fix-fromCharPtrAllocations) - [returning-void-expression](docs/checks/README-returning-void-expression.md) - [rule-of-three](docs/checks/README-rule-of-three.md) - [static-pmf](docs/checks/README-static-pmf.md) - [virtual-call-ctor](docs/checks/README-virtual-call-ctor.md) # Selecting which checks to enable You may want to choose which checks to enable before starting to compile. If you don't specify anything then all checks from level0 and level1 will run. To specify a list of checks to run, or to choose a level, you can use the `CLAZY_CHECKS` env variable or pass arguments to the compiler. You can disable checks by prefixing with `no-`, in case you don't want all checks from a given level. ## Example via env variable ``` export CLAZY_CHECKS="unneeded-cast,qmap-with-key-pointer,virtual-call-ctor" # Enables only these 3 checks export CLAZY_CHECKS="level0,no-qenums" # Enables all checks from level0, except for qenums export CLAZY_CHECKS="level0,detaching-temporary" # Enables all from level0 and also detaching-temporary ``` ## Example via compiler argument `clazy -Xclang -plugin-arg-clazy -Xclang level0,detaching-temporary` Don't forget to re-run cmake/qmake/etc if you altered the c++ flags to specify flags. # clazy-standalone and JSON database support The `clazy-standalone` binary allows you to run clazy over a compilation database JSON file, in the same way you would use `clang-tidy` or other clang tooling. This way you don't need to build your application, only the static analysis is performed. Note: If you're using the AppImage, use `Clazy-x86_64.AppImage --standalone` instead of `clazy-standalone`. `clazy-standalone` supports the same env variables as the clazy plugin. You can also specify a list of checks via the `-checks` argument. Running on one cpp file: `clazy-standalone -checks=install-event-filter,qmap-with-pointer-key,level0 -p compile_commands.json my.file.cpp` Running on all cpp files: `find . -name "*cpp" | xargs clazy-standalone -checks=level2 -p default/compile_commands.json` See https://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html for how to generate the compile_commands.json file. Basically it's generated by passing `-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS` to CMake, or using [Bear](https://github.com/rizsotto/Bear) to intercept compiler commands, or, if you're using `qbs`: `qbs generate --generator clangdb` **Note:** Be sure the clazy-standalone binary is located in the same folder as the clang binary, otherwise it will have trouble finding builtin headers, like stddef.h. Alternatively, you can symlink to the folder containing the builtin headers: (Assuming clazy was built with `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/myprefix/`) ``` $ touch foo.c && clang++ '-###' -c foo.c 2>&1 | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -A1 resource "-resource-dir" "/usr/bin/../lib/clang/4.0.1" # this is the interesting path (without the version) $ ln -sf /usr/bin/../lib/clang/ /myprefix/lib/clang $ ln -sf /usr/bin/../include/c++/ /myprefix/include/c++ # Required on macOS ``` If that doesn't work, run `clang -v` and check what's the InstalledDir. Move clazy-standalone to that folder. `clang-tidy` support will be added after is fixed. # Enabling Fixits Some checks support fixits, in which clazy will help re-write your source files whenever it can fix something. Simply pass `-Xclang -plugin-arg-clazy -Xclang export-fixes` to clang, or `-export-fixes=somefile.yaml` for `clazy-standalone`. Alternatively, set the `CLAZY_EXPORT_FIXES` env variable (works only with the plugin, not with standalone). Then run `clang-apply-replacements `, which will modify your code. When using fixits, prefer to run only a single check each time, so they don't conflict with each other modifying the same source lines. **WARNING**: Backup your code and make sure all changes done by clazy are correct. # Troubleshooting - clang: symbol lookup error: `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ClazyPlugin.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK5clang15DeclarationName11getAsStringEv`. This is due to mixing ABIs. Your clang/llvm was compiled with the [new gcc c++ ABI][1] but you compiled the clazy plugin with clang (which uses [the old ABI][2]). The solution is to build the clazy plugin with gcc or use a distro which hasn't migrated to gcc5 ABI yet, such as archlinux. [1]: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/using_dual_abi.html [2]: https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=23529 - [Fedora] cmake can't find LLVM ? Try building llvm/clang yourself (There are reports that /usr/share/llvm/cmake/LLVM-Config.cmake is buggy). - [Fedora] CommandLine Error: `Option 'opt-bisect-limit' registered more than once!` Remove the llvm-static package and use the dynamically linked libraries instead. Alternatively, if you want to use llvm-static, see next item. - CommandLine Error: `Option 'foo' registered more than once!` Means you're building against a static version of LLVM (*.a files instead of *.so). Try passing to cmake -DLINK_CLAZY_TO_LLVM=OFF when building clazy, this was tested successfully against a static LLVM 7.0, and might work with other versions. - Some checks are mysteriously not producing warnings or not applying fixits ? Check if you have ccache interfering and turn it off. - fatal error: 'stddef.h' file not found, while using `clazy-standalone` Be sure the clazy-standalone binary is located in the same folder as the clang binary. - Be sure to disble pch. - macOS: Be sure you're not using Apple Clang - Windows: fatal error LNK1112: module machine type ‘X86’ conflicts with target machine type ‘x64’ If you're building in 32-bit, open clazy-cl.bat and insert a -m32 argument. Should read: %~dp0\clang\clang.exe –driver-mode=cl -m32 (...) # Qt4 compatibility mode When running on codebases that must still compile with Qt4, you can pass `--qt4compat` (a convenience option equivalent to passing `-Xclang -plugin-arg-clazy -Xclang qt4-compat`) to disable checks that only make sense with Qt5. For example, to build a CMake project with Qt4 compatibility use: `CXX="clazy --qt4compat"; cmake .` and rebuild. # Reducing warning noise If you think you found a false-positive, file a bug report. But do make sure to test first without icecc/distcc enabled. If you want to suppress warnings from headers of Qt or 3rd party code, include them with `-isystem` instead of `-I` (gcc/clang only). For MSVC use `/external`, which is available since VS 15.6. Alternatively you can set the CLAZY_HEADER_FILTER env variable to a regexp matching the path where you want warnings, for example `CLAZY_HEADER_FILTER=.*myapplication.*`. You can also exclude paths using a regexp by setting CLAZY_IGNORE_DIRS, for example `CLAZY_IGNORE_DIRS=.*my_qt_folder.*`. You can also suppress individual warnings by file or by line by inserting comments: - To disable clazy in a specific source file, insert this comment, anywhere in the file: `// clazy:skip` - To disable specific checks in a source file, insert a comment such as `// clazy:excludeall=check1,check2` - To disable specific checks in specific source lines, insert a comment in the same line as the warning: `(...) // clazy:exclude=check1,check2` Don't include the `clazy-` prefix. If, for example, you want to disable qstring-allocations you would write: `// clazy:exclude=qstring-allocations` not `clazy-qstring-allocations`. # Reporting bugs and wishes - bug tracker: - IRC: #kde-clazy (freenode) - E-mail: # Authors - Sérgio Martins with contributions from: - Allen Winter - Kevin Funk - Mathias Hasselmann - Laurent Montel - Albert Astals Cid - Aurélien Gâteau - Hannah von Reth - Volker Krause - Christian Ehrlicher - Christian Gagneraud and thanks to: - Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB (), for letting me work on clazy as a research project # Contributing patches New features go to master and bug fixes go to the 1.5 branch. The prefered way to contributing is by using KDE's phabricator, see: - - If you rather just create a pull request in https://github.com/KDE/clazy for a drive-by change, it's also fine, but beware that the maintainer might forget to check on github and the KDE bot will close the PR. In that case just send a reminder to the maintainer (smartins at kde.org). diff --git a/checks.json b/checks.json index 58bfe40..cd0127a 100644 --- a/checks.json +++ b/checks.json @@ -1,610 +1,616 @@ { "available_categories" : ["readability", "qt4", "containers", "qstring", "cpp", "bug", "performance", "deprecation", "qml"], "checks" : [ { "name" : "qt-keywords", "level" : -1, "fixits" : [ { "name" : "qt-keywords" } ] }, { "name" : "signal-with-return-value", "level" : -1, "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "heap-allocated-small-trivial-type", "level" : -1, "categories" : ["performance"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "ifndef-define-typo", "level" : -1, "categories" : ["bug"] }, { "name" : "inefficient-qlist", "level" : -1, "categories" : ["containers", "performance"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "isempty-vs-count", "class_name" : "IsEmptyVSCount", "level" : -1, "categories" : ["readability"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "qrequiredresult-candidates", "class_name" : "QRequiredResultCandidates", "level" : -1, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "qstring-varargs", "level" : -1, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "qt4-qstring-from-array", "class_name" : "Qt4QStringFromArray", "level" : -1, "categories" : ["qt4", "qstring"], "fixits" : [ { "name" : "qt4-qstring-from-array" } ], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "tr-non-literal", "level" : -1, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "raw-environment-function", "level" : -1, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "container-inside-loop", "level" : -1, "categories" : ["containers", "performance"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "qhash-with-char-pointer-key", "level" : -1, "categories" : ["cpp", "bug"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "connect-by-name", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["bug", "readability"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "connect-non-signal", "minimum_qt_version" : 50700, "level" : 0, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "wrong-qevent-cast", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "lambda-in-connect", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "lambda-unique-connection", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "qdatetime-utc", "class_name" : "QDateTimeUtc", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["performance"], "fixits" : [ { "name" : "qdatetime-utc" } ], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "qgetenv", "class_name" : "QGetEnv", "level" : 0, "minimum_qt_version" : 50500, "categories" : ["performance"], "fixits" : [ { "name" : "qgetenv" } ], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "qstring-insensitive-allocation", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["performance", "qstring"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "fully-qualified-moc-types", "class_name" : "FullyQualifiedMocTypes", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["bug", "qml"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "qvariant-template-instantiation", "level" : -1, "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "unused-non-trivial-variable", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["readability"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "connect-not-normalized", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["performance"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "mutable-container-key", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["containers", "bug"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "qenums", "level" : 0, "minimum_qt_version" : 50500, "categories" : ["deprecation"] }, { "name" : "qmap-with-pointer-key", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["containers", "performance"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "qstring-ref", "class_name" : "StringRefCandidates", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["performance", "qstring"], "fixits" : [ { "name" : "missing-qstringref" } ], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "strict-iterators", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["containers", "performance", "bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "writing-to-temporary", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["bug"], "options" : [ { "name" : "widen-criteria" } ], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "container-anti-pattern", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["containers", "performance"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "qcolor-from-literal", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["performance"], "visits_stmts" : true, "ifndef" : "CLAZY_DISABLE_AST_MATCHERS" }, { "name" : "qfileinfo-exists", "class_name" : "QFileInfoExists", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["performance"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "qstring-arg", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["performance", "qstring"], "options" : [ { "name" : "fillChar-overloads" } ], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "empty-qstringliteral", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["performance"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "qt-macros", "class_name" : "QtMacros", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["bug"] }, { "name" : "temporary-iterator", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["containers", "bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "wrong-qglobalstatic", "class_name" : "WrongQGlobalStatic", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["performance"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "lowercase-qml-type-name", "level" : 0, "categories" : ["qml", "bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "auto-unexpected-qstringbuilder", "class_name" : "AutoUnexpectedQStringBuilder", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["bug", "qstring"], "visits_decls" : true, "visits_stmts" : true, "fixits" : [ { "name" : "auto-unexpected-qstringbuilder" } ] }, { "name" : "connect-3arg-lambda", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "const-signal-or-slot", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["readability", "bug"], "visits_decls" : true, "visits_stmts" : true }, + { + "name" : "qproperty-type-mismatch", + "level" : 1, + "categories" : ["bug"], + "visits_decls" : true + }, { "name" : "detaching-temporary", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["containers", "performance"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "foreach", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["containers", "performance"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "incorrect-emit", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["readability"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "inefficient-qlist-soft", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["containers", "performance"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "install-event-filter", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "non-pod-global-static", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["performance"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "post-event", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "qdeleteall", "class_name" : "QDeleteAll", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["containers", "performance"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "qlatin1string-non-ascii", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["bug", "qstring"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "qproperty-without-notify", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "qstring-left", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["bug", "performance", "qstring"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "range-loop", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["containers", "performance"], "visits_stmts" : true, "fixits" : [ { "name" : "range-loop-add-ref" }, { "name" : "range-loop-add-qasconst" } ] }, { "name" : "returning-data-from-temporary", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "rule-of-two-soft", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["cpp", "bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "child-event-qobject-cast", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "virtual-signal", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["bug", "readability"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "overridden-signal", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["bug", "readability"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "qhash-namespace", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "skipped-base-method", "level" : 1, "categories" : ["bug", "cpp"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "unneeded-cast", "level" : -1, "categories" : ["cpp", "readability"], "options" : [ { "name" : "prefer-dynamic-cast-over-qobject" } ], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "ctor-missing-parent-argument", "level" : 2, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "base-class-event", "level" : 2, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "copyable-polymorphic", "level" : 2, "categories" : ["cpp", "bug"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "function-args-by-ref", "level" : 2, "categories" : ["cpp", "performance"], "options" : [ { "name" : "warn-for-overridden-methods" } ], "fixits" : [ { "name" : "function-args-by-ref" } ], "visits_decls" : true, "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "function-args-by-value", "level" : 2, "categories" : ["cpp", "performance"], "options" : [ { "name" : "warn-for-overridden-methods" } ], "visits_decls" : true, "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "global-const-char-pointer", "level" : 2, "categories" : ["cpp", "performance"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "implicit-casts", "level" : 2, "categories" : ["cpp", "bug"], "options" : [ { "name" : "bool-to-int" } ], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "missing-qobject-macro", "level" : 2, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "missing-typeinfo", "class_name" : "MissingTypeInfo", "level" : 2, "categories" : ["containers", "performance"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "old-style-connect", "level" : 2, "minimum_qt_version" : 50500, "ifndef" : "NO_STD_REGEX", "categories" : ["performance"], "fixits" : [ { "name" : "old-style-connect" } ], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "qstring-allocations", "level" : 2, "minimum_qt_version" : 50000, "categories" : ["performance", "qstring"], "fixits" : [ { "name" : "qlatin1string-allocations" }, { "name" : "fromLatin1_fromUtf8-allocations" }, { "name" : "fromCharPtrAllocations" } ], "options" : [ { "name" : "no-msvc-compat" } ], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "returning-void-expression", "level" : 2, "categories" : ["readability", "cpp"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "rule-of-three", "level" : 2, "categories" : ["cpp", "bug"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "virtual-call-ctor", "level" : 2, "categories" : ["cpp", "bug"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "static-pmf", "level" : 2, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_decls" : true }, { "name" : "assert-with-side-effects", "level" : -1, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "detaching-member", "level" : -1, "categories" : ["containers", "performance"], "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "thread-with-slots", "level" : -1, "categories" : ["bug"], "visits_decls" : true, "visits_stmts" : true }, { "name" : "reserve-candidates", "level" : -1, "categories" : ["containers"], "visits_stmts" : true } ] } diff --git a/docs/checks/README-qproperty-type-mismatch.md b/docs/checks/README-qproperty-type-mismatch.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..543e979 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/checks/README-qproperty-type-mismatch.md @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# qproperty-type-mismatch + +Warns when any of the functions or variables declared in a Q_PROPERTY have types, arguments or return types differing with the Q_PROPERTY. + +That is, this will warn on every member function here : + +``` +class Widget : public QWidget { +Q_OBJECT +Q_PROPERTY(bool foo READ foo WRITE setFoo NOTIFY fooChanged) + +public: + int foo() const; + void setFoo(float); +signals: + void fooChanged(); +} +``` diff --git a/readmes.cmake b/readmes.cmake index f833076..dbb94ab 100644 --- a/readmes.cmake +++ b/readmes.cmake @@ -1,93 +1,94 @@ SET(README_manuallevel_FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-assert-with-side-effects.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-container-inside-loop.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-detaching-member.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-heap-allocated-small-trivial-type.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-ifndef-define-typo.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-inefficient-qlist.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-isempty-vs-count.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qhash-with-char-pointer-key.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qrequiredresult-candidates.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qstring-varargs.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qt-keywords.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qt4-qstring-from-array.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qvariant-template-instantiation.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-raw-environment-function.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-reserve-candidates.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-signal-with-return-value.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-thread-with-slots.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-tr-non-literal.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-unneeded-cast.md ) SET(README_LEVEL0_FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-connect-by-name.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-connect-non-signal.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-connect-not-normalized.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-container-anti-pattern.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-empty-qstringliteral.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-fully-qualified-moc-types.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-lambda-in-connect.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-lambda-unique-connection.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-lowercase-qml-type-name.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-mutable-container-key.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qcolor-from-literal.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qdatetime-utc.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qenums.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qfileinfo-exists.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qgetenv.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qmap-with-pointer-key.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qstring-arg.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qstring-insensitive-allocation.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qstring-ref.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qt-macros.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-strict-iterators.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-temporary-iterator.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-unused-non-trivial-variable.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-writing-to-temporary.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-wrong-qevent-cast.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-wrong-qglobalstatic.md ) SET(README_LEVEL1_FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-auto-unexpected-qstringbuilder.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-child-event-qobject-cast.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-connect-3arg-lambda.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-const-signal-or-slot.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-detaching-temporary.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-foreach.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-incorrect-emit.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-inefficient-qlist-soft.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-install-event-filter.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-non-pod-global-static.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-overridden-signal.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-post-event.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qdeleteall.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qhash-namespace.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qlatin1string-non-ascii.md + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qproperty-type-mismatch.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qproperty-without-notify.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qstring-left.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-range-loop.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-returning-data-from-temporary.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-rule-of-two-soft.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-skipped-base-method.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-virtual-signal.md ) SET(README_LEVEL2_FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-base-class-event.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-copyable-polymorphic.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-ctor-missing-parent-argument.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-function-args-by-ref.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-function-args-by-value.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-global-const-char-pointer.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-implicit-casts.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-missing-qobject-macro.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-missing-typeinfo.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-old-style-connect.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-qstring-allocations.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-returning-void-expression.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-rule-of-three.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-static-pmf.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/docs/checks/README-virtual-call-ctor.md ) diff --git a/src/Checks.h b/src/Checks.h index a2df018..df4d11d 100644 --- a/src/Checks.h +++ b/src/Checks.h @@ -1,221 +1,223 @@ /* This file is part of the clazy static checker. Copyright (C) 2017 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company, info@kdab.com Author: Sérgio Martins This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * To add a new check you can either edit this file, or use the python script: * dev-scripts/generate.py > src/Checks.h */ #include "checkmanager.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/assert-with-side-effects.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/container-inside-loop.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/detaching-member.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/heap-allocated-small-trivial-type.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/ifndef-define-typo.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/inefficient-qlist.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/isempty-vs-count.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/qhash-with-char-pointer-key.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/qrequiredresult-candidates.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/qstring-varargs.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/qt-keywords.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/qt4-qstring-from-array.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/qvariant-template-instantiation.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/raw-environment-function.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/reserve-candidates.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/signal-with-return-value.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/thread-with-slots.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/tr-non-literal.h" #include "checks/manuallevel/unneeded-cast.h" #include "checks/level0/connect-by-name.h" #include "checks/level0/connect-non-signal.h" #include "checks/level0/connect-not-normalized.h" #include "checks/level0/container-anti-pattern.h" #include "checks/level0/empty-qstringliteral.h" #include "checks/level0/fully-qualified-moc-types.h" #include "checks/level0/lambda-in-connect.h" #include "checks/level0/lambda-unique-connection.h" #include "checks/level0/lowercase-qml-type-name.h" #include "checks/level0/mutable-container-key.h" #include "checks/level0/qcolor-from-literal.h" #include "checks/level0/qdatetime-utc.h" #include "checks/level0/qenums.h" #include "checks/level0/qfileinfo-exists.h" #include "checks/level0/qgetenv.h" #include "checks/level0/qmap-with-pointer-key.h" #include "checks/level0/qstring-arg.h" #include "checks/level0/qstring-insensitive-allocation.h" #include "checks/level0/qstring-ref.h" #include "checks/level0/qt-macros.h" #include "checks/level0/strict-iterators.h" #include "checks/level0/temporary-iterator.h" #include "checks/level0/unused-non-trivial-variable.h" #include "checks/level0/writing-to-temporary.h" #include "checks/level0/wrong-qevent-cast.h" #include "checks/level0/wrong-qglobalstatic.h" #include "checks/level1/auto-unexpected-qstringbuilder.h" #include "checks/level1/child-event-qobject-cast.h" #include "checks/level1/connect-3arg-lambda.h" #include "checks/level1/const-signal-or-slot.h" #include "checks/level1/detaching-temporary.h" #include "checks/level1/foreach.h" #include "checks/level1/incorrect-emit.h" #include "checks/level1/inefficient-qlist-soft.h" #include "checks/level1/install-event-filter.h" #include "checks/level1/non-pod-global-static.h" #include "checks/level1/overridden-signal.h" #include "checks/level1/post-event.h" #include "checks/level1/qdeleteall.h" #include "checks/level1/qhash-namespace.h" #include "checks/level1/qlatin1string-non-ascii.h" +#include "checks/level1/qproperty-type-mismatch.h" #include "checks/level1/qproperty-without-notify.h" #include "checks/level1/qstring-left.h" #include "checks/level1/range-loop.h" #include "checks/level1/returning-data-from-temporary.h" #include "checks/level1/rule-of-two-soft.h" #include "checks/level1/skipped-base-method.h" #include "checks/level1/virtual-signal.h" #include "checks/level2/base-class-event.h" #include "checks/level2/copyable-polymorphic.h" #include "checks/level2/ctor-missing-parent-argument.h" #include "checks/level2/function-args-by-ref.h" #include "checks/level2/function-args-by-value.h" #include "checks/level2/global-const-char-pointer.h" #include "checks/level2/implicit-casts.h" #include "checks/level2/missing-qobject-macro.h" #include "checks/level2/missing-typeinfo.h" #include "checks/level2/old-style-connect.h" #include "checks/level2/qstring-allocations.h" #include "checks/level2/returning-void-expression.h" #include "checks/level2/rule-of-three.h" #include "checks/level2/static-pmf.h" #include "checks/level2/virtual-call-ctor.h" template RegisteredCheck check(const char *name, CheckLevel level, RegisteredCheck::Options options = RegisteredCheck::Option_None) { auto factoryFuntion = [name](ClazyContext *context){ return new T(name, context); }; return RegisteredCheck{name, level, factoryFuntion, options}; } void CheckManager::registerChecks() { registerCheck(check("assert-with-side-effects", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("container-inside-loop", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("detaching-member", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("heap-allocated-small-trivial-type", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("ifndef-define-typo", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_None)); registerCheck(check("inefficient-qlist", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("isempty-vs-count", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("qhash-with-char-pointer-key", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("qrequiredresult-candidates", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("qstring-varargs", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("qt-keywords", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_None)); registerFixIt(1, "fix-qt-keywords", "qt-keywords"); registerCheck(check("qt4-qstring-from-array", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerFixIt(1, "fix-qt4-qstring-from-array", "qt4-qstring-from-array"); registerCheck(check("qvariant-template-instantiation", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("raw-environment-function", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("reserve-candidates", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("signal-with-return-value", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("thread-with-slots", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts | RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("tr-non-literal", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("unneeded-cast", ManualCheckLevel, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("connect-by-name", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("connect-non-signal", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_Qt4Incompatible | RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("connect-not-normalized", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("container-anti-pattern", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("empty-qstringliteral", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("fully-qualified-moc-types", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("lambda-in-connect", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("lambda-unique-connection", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("lowercase-qml-type-name", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("mutable-container-key", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); #ifndef CLAZY_DISABLE_AST_MATCHERS registerCheck(check("qcolor-from-literal", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); #endif registerCheck(check("qdatetime-utc", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerFixIt(1, "fix-qdatetime-utc", "qdatetime-utc"); registerCheck(check("qenums", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_Qt4Incompatible)); registerCheck(check("qfileinfo-exists", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("qgetenv", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_Qt4Incompatible | RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerFixIt(1, "fix-qgetenv", "qgetenv"); registerCheck(check("qmap-with-pointer-key", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("qstring-arg", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("qstring-insensitive-allocation", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("qstring-ref", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerFixIt(1, "fix-missing-qstringref", "qstring-ref"); registerCheck(check("qt-macros", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_None)); registerCheck(check("strict-iterators", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("temporary-iterator", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("unused-non-trivial-variable", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("writing-to-temporary", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("wrong-qevent-cast", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("wrong-qglobalstatic", CheckLevel0, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("auto-unexpected-qstringbuilder", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts | RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerFixIt(1, "fix-auto-unexpected-qstringbuilder", "auto-unexpected-qstringbuilder"); registerCheck(check("child-event-qobject-cast", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("connect-3arg-lambda", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("const-signal-or-slot", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts | RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("detaching-temporary", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("foreach", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("incorrect-emit", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("inefficient-qlist-soft", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("install-event-filter", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("non-pod-global-static", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("overridden-signal", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("post-event", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("qdeleteall", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("qhash-namespace", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("qlatin1string-non-ascii", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); + registerCheck(check("qproperty-type-mismatch", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("qproperty-without-notify", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("qstring-left", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("range-loop", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerFixIt(1, "fix-range-loop-add-ref", "range-loop"); registerFixIt(2, "fix-range-loop-add-qasconst", "range-loop"); registerCheck(check("returning-data-from-temporary", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("rule-of-two-soft", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("skipped-base-method", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("virtual-signal", CheckLevel1, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("base-class-event", CheckLevel2, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("copyable-polymorphic", CheckLevel2, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("ctor-missing-parent-argument", CheckLevel2, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("function-args-by-ref", CheckLevel2, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts | RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerFixIt(1, "fix-function-args-by-ref", "function-args-by-ref"); registerCheck(check("function-args-by-value", CheckLevel2, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts | RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("global-const-char-pointer", CheckLevel2, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("implicit-casts", CheckLevel2, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("missing-qobject-macro", CheckLevel2, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("missing-typeinfo", CheckLevel2, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); #ifndef NO_STD_REGEX registerCheck(check("old-style-connect", CheckLevel2, RegisteredCheck::Option_Qt4Incompatible | RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerFixIt(1, "fix-old-style-connect", "old-style-connect"); #endif registerCheck(check("qstring-allocations", CheckLevel2, RegisteredCheck::Option_Qt4Incompatible | RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerFixIt(1, "fix-qlatin1string-allocations", "qstring-allocations"); registerFixIt(2, "fix-fromLatin1_fromUtf8-allocations", "qstring-allocations"); registerFixIt(4, "fix-fromCharPtrAllocations", "qstring-allocations"); registerCheck(check("returning-void-expression", CheckLevel2, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsStmts)); registerCheck(check("rule-of-three", CheckLevel2, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("static-pmf", CheckLevel2, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); registerCheck(check("virtual-call-ctor", CheckLevel2, RegisteredCheck::Option_VisitsDecls)); } diff --git a/src/checks/level1/qproperty-type-mismatch.cpp b/src/checks/level1/qproperty-type-mismatch.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5fb520b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/checks/level1/qproperty-type-mismatch.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ +/* + This file is part of the clazy static checker. + + Copyright (C) 2019 Jean-Michaël Celerier + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License + along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to + the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, + Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. +*/ + +#include "qproperty-type-mismatch.h" +#include "HierarchyUtils.h" +#include "TypeUtils.h" +#include "ClazyContext.h" +#include "AccessSpecifierManager.h" +#include "SourceCompatibilityHelpers.h" +#include "StringUtils.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +namespace clang { +class Decl; +class MacroInfo; +} // namespace clang + +using namespace clang; +using namespace std; + + +QPropertyTypeMismatch::QPropertyTypeMismatch(const std::string &name, ClazyContext *context) + : CheckBase(name, context) +{ + enablePreProcessorCallbacks(); +} + +void QPropertyTypeMismatch::VisitDecl(clang::Decl *decl) +{ + if (auto method = dyn_cast(decl)) + VisitMethod(*method); + else if (auto field = dyn_cast(decl)) + VisitField(*field); +} + +void QPropertyTypeMismatch::VisitMethod(const clang::CXXMethodDecl & method) +{ + if (method.isThisDeclarationADefinition() && !method.hasInlineBody()) + return; + + const auto& theClass = method.getParent(); + const auto& classRange = theClass->getSourceRange(); + const auto& methodName = method.getNameInfo().getName().getAsString(); + + for(const auto& prop : m_qproperties) + { + if(classRange.getBegin() < prop.loc && prop.loc < classRange.getEnd()) + { + checkMethodAgainstProperty(prop, method, methodName); + } + } +} + +void QPropertyTypeMismatch::VisitField(const FieldDecl & field) +{ + const auto& theClass = field.getParent(); + const auto& classRange = theClass->getSourceRange(); + const auto& methodName = field.getName().str(); + + for(const auto& prop : m_qproperties) + { + if(classRange.getBegin() < prop.loc && prop.loc < classRange.getEnd()) + { + checkFieldAgainstProperty(prop, field, methodName); + } + } +} + +std::string QPropertyTypeMismatch::cleanupType(QualType type) { + type = type.getNonReferenceType().getCanonicalType().getUnqualifiedType(); + //type.removeLocalCVRQualifiers(Qualifiers::CVRMask); + + std::string str = type.getAsString(); + if(str.compare(0, 6, "class ") == 0) + str = str.substr(6); + else if(str.compare(0, 7, "struct ") == 0) + str = str.substr(7); + + str.erase(std::remove_if(str.begin(), str.end(), [] (char c) { return std::isspace(c); }), str.end()); + + return str; +} + +void QPropertyTypeMismatch::checkMethodAgainstProperty (const Property& prop, const CXXMethodDecl& method, const std::string& methodName){ + + auto error_begin = [&] { return "Q_PROPERTY '" + prop.name + "' of type '" + prop.type + "' is mismatched with "; }; + + if(prop.read == methodName) + { + auto retTypeStr = cleanupType(method.getReturnType()); + if(prop.type != retTypeStr) + { + emitWarning(&method, error_begin() + "method '" + methodName + "' of return type '"+ retTypeStr +"'"); + } + } + else if(prop.write == methodName) + { + switch(method.getNumParams()) + { + case 0: + emitWarning(&method, error_begin() + "method '" + methodName + "' with no parameters"); + break; + case 1: + { + auto parmTypeStr = cleanupType(method.getParamDecl(0)->getType()); + if(prop.type != parmTypeStr) + { + emitWarning(&method, error_begin() + "method '" + methodName + "' with parameter of type '"+ parmTypeStr +"'"); + } + break; + } + default: + emitWarning(&method, error_begin() + "method '" + methodName + "' with too many parameters"); + break; + } + } + else if(prop.notify == methodName) + { + switch(method.getNumParams()) + { + case 0: + // Should this case be ok ? + // I don't think it is good practice to have signals of a property without + // the property value in parameter, but afaik it's valid in Qt. + emitWarning(&method, "Q_PROPERTY '" + prop.name + "' of type '" + prop.type + "' is mismatched with signal '" + methodName + "' with no parameters"); + break; + case 2: + { + auto param1TypeStr = cleanupType(method.getParamDecl(1)->getType()); + if(param1TypeStr.find("QPrivateSignal") == std::string::npos) + { + emitWarning(&method, error_begin() + "signal '" + methodName + "' with too many parameters" + param1TypeStr); + break; + } + + // We want to check the first parameter too : + [[fallthrough]]; + } + case 1: + { + auto param0TypeStr = cleanupType(method.getParamDecl(0)->getType()); + if(prop.type != param0TypeStr) + { + emitWarning(&method, error_begin() + "signal '" + methodName + "' with parameter of type '"+ param0TypeStr +"'"); + } + break; + } + default: + { + emitWarning(&method, error_begin() + "signal '" + methodName + "' with too many parameters"); + break; + } + } + } +} + +void QPropertyTypeMismatch::checkFieldAgainstProperty (const Property& prop, const FieldDecl& field, const std::string& fieldName) +{ + if(prop.member && prop.name == fieldName) + { + auto typeStr = cleanupType(field.getType()); + if(prop.type != typeStr) + { + emitWarning(&field, "Q_PROPERTY '" + prop.name + "' of type '" + prop.type + "' is mismatched with member '" + fieldName + "' of type '"+ typeStr +"'"); + } + } +} + +void QPropertyTypeMismatch::VisitMacroExpands(const clang::Token &MacroNameTok, const clang::SourceRange &range, const MacroInfo *) +{ + IdentifierInfo *ii = MacroNameTok.getIdentifierInfo(); + if(!ii) + return; + if(ii->getName() != "Q_PROPERTY") + return; + + CharSourceRange crange = Lexer::getAsCharRange(range, sm(), lo()); + + string text = Lexer::getSourceText(crange, sm(), lo()); + std::vector split = clazy::splitString(text, ' '); + if(split.size() < 2) + return; + + Property p; + p.loc = range.getBegin(); + + // Handle type + clazy::rtrim(split[0]); + p.type = split[0]; + if(p.type.find("Q_PROPERTY(") == 0) + p.type = p.type.substr(11); + + // Handle name + clazy::rtrim(split[1]); + p.name = split[1]; + + // Handle Q_PROPERTY functions + enum { + None, Read, Write, Notify + } next = None; + + for (std::string &token : split) { + clazy::rtrim(/*by-ref*/token); + switch(next) + { + case None: + { + if (token == "READ") { + next = Read; + continue; + } + else if (token == "WRITE") { + next = Write; + continue; + } + else if (token == "NOTIFY") { + next = Notify; + continue; + } + else if (token == "MEMBER") { + p.member = true; + break; + } + break; + } + case Read: + p.read = token; + break; + case Write: + p.write = token; + break; + case Notify: + p.notify = token; + break; + } + + next = None; + } + + m_qproperties.push_back(std::move(p)); +} + diff --git a/src/checks/level1/qproperty-type-mismatch.h b/src/checks/level1/qproperty-type-mismatch.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0e4086 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/checks/level1/qproperty-type-mismatch.h @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +/* + This file is part of the clazy static checker. + + Copyright (C) 2019 Jean-Michaël Celerier + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License + along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to + the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, + Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. +*/ + +#ifndef CLAZY_QPROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH_H +#define CLAZY_QPROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH_H + +#include "checkbase.h" + +#include + +#include +#include + +class ClazyContext; +namespace clang { +class CXXMethodDecl; +class FieldDecl; +class Decl; +class MacroInfo; +class Token; +} // namespace clang + +/** + * See README-qproperty-type-mismatch.md for more info. + */ +class QPropertyTypeMismatch + : public CheckBase +{ +public: + explicit QPropertyTypeMismatch(const std::string &name, ClazyContext *context); + void VisitDecl(clang::Decl *) override; +private: + void VisitMethod(const clang::CXXMethodDecl &); + void VisitField(const clang::FieldDecl &); + void VisitMacroExpands(const clang::Token &MacroNameTok, + const clang::SourceRange &range, const clang::MacroInfo *minfo = nullptr) override; + + struct Property + { + clang::SourceLocation loc; + bool member{}; + std::string name; + std::string type; + std::string read; + std::string write; + std::string notify; + }; + + std::vector m_qproperties; + std::string cleanupType(clang::QualType type); + void checkMethodAgainstProperty(const Property &prop, const clang::CXXMethodDecl &method, const std::string &methodName); + void checkFieldAgainstProperty(const Property &prop, const clang::FieldDecl &method, const std::string &methodName); +}; + +#endif diff --git a/tests/qproperty-type-mismatch/config.json b/tests/qproperty-type-mismatch/config.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7e6e0c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/qproperty-type-mismatch/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{ + "tests" : [ + { + "filename" : "main.cpp" + } + ] +} diff --git a/tests/qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp b/tests/qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d141e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +#include + +class MyObj : public QObject +{ + Q_OBJECT + Q_PROPERTY(int r_good READ r_good CONSTANT) + Q_PROPERTY(int r_bad READ r_bad CONSTANT) + + Q_PROPERTY(int m_good MEMBER) + Q_PROPERTY(int m_bad MEMBER) + + Q_PROPERTY(int rw_good READ rw_good WRITE set_rw_good NOTIFY rw_good_changed) + Q_PROPERTY(int rw_bad READ rw_bad WRITE set_rw_bad NOTIFY rw_bad_changed) + + Q_PROPERTY(int rw_good_cref READ rw_good_cref WRITE set_rw_good_cref NOTIFY rw_good_cref_changed) + Q_PROPERTY(int rw_bad_cref READ rw_bad_cref WRITE set_rw_bad_cref NOTIFY rw_bad_cref_changed) + + Q_PROPERTY(int* rw_good_ptr READ rw_good_ptr WRITE set_rw_good_ptr NOTIFY rw_good_ptr_changed) + Q_PROPERTY(int* rw_bad_ptr READ rw_bad_ptr WRITE set_rw_bad_ptr NOTIFY rw_bad_ptr_changed) + + int r_good(); // OK + float r_bad(); // Warn + + int m_good; // OK + float m_bad; // Warn + + int rw_good(); // OK + void set_rw_good(int); // OK + + float rw_bad(); // Warn + void set_rw_bad(float); // Warn + + const int& rw_good_cref(); // OK + void set_rw_good_cref(const int&); // OK + + const float& rw_bad_cref(); // Warn + void set_rw_bad_cref(const float&); // Warn + + int* rw_good_ptr(); // OK + void set_rw_good_ptr(int*); // OK + + float* rw_bad_ptr(); // Warn + void set_rw_bad_ptr(float*); // Warn +signals: + void rw_good_changed(int); // OK + void rw_bad_changed(float); // Warn + void rw_good_cref_changed(const int&); // OK + void rw_bad_cref_changed(const float&); // Warn + void rw_good_ptr_changed(int*); // OK + void rw_bad_ptr_changed(float*); // Warn +}; + +class MyGadget +{ + Q_GADGET + Q_PROPERTY(int good MEMBER) + Q_PROPERTY(int bad MEMBER) + + int good; // Ok + float bad; // Warn +}; diff --git a/tests/qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp.expected b/tests/qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp.expected new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4133d40 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp.expected @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp:22:5: warning: Q_PROPERTY 'r_bad' of type 'int' is mismatched with method 'r_bad' of return type 'float' [-Wclazy-qproperty-type-mismatch] +qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp:25:5: warning: Q_PROPERTY 'm_bad' of type 'int' is mismatched with member 'm_bad' of type 'float' [-Wclazy-qproperty-type-mismatch] +qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp:30:5: warning: Q_PROPERTY 'rw_bad' of type 'int' is mismatched with method 'rw_bad' of return type 'float' [-Wclazy-qproperty-type-mismatch] +qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp:31:5: warning: Q_PROPERTY 'rw_bad' of type 'int' is mismatched with method 'set_rw_bad' with parameter of type 'float' [-Wclazy-qproperty-type-mismatch] +qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp:36:5: warning: Q_PROPERTY 'rw_bad_cref' of type 'int' is mismatched with method 'rw_bad_cref' of return type 'float' [-Wclazy-qproperty-type-mismatch] +qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp:37:5: warning: Q_PROPERTY 'rw_bad_cref' of type 'int' is mismatched with method 'set_rw_bad_cref' with parameter of type 'float' [-Wclazy-qproperty-type-mismatch] +qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp:42:5: warning: Q_PROPERTY 'rw_bad_ptr' of type 'int*' is mismatched with method 'rw_bad_ptr' of return type 'float*' [-Wclazy-qproperty-type-mismatch] +qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp:43:5: warning: Q_PROPERTY 'rw_bad_ptr' of type 'int*' is mismatched with method 'set_rw_bad_ptr' with parameter of type 'float*' [-Wclazy-qproperty-type-mismatch] +qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp:46:5: warning: Q_PROPERTY 'rw_bad' of type 'int' is mismatched with signal 'rw_bad_changed' with parameter of type 'float' [-Wclazy-qproperty-type-mismatch] +qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp:48:5: warning: Q_PROPERTY 'rw_bad_cref' of type 'int' is mismatched with signal 'rw_bad_cref_changed' with parameter of type 'float' [-Wclazy-qproperty-type-mismatch] +qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp:50:5: warning: Q_PROPERTY 'rw_bad_ptr' of type 'int*' is mismatched with signal 'rw_bad_ptr_changed' with parameter of type 'float*' [-Wclazy-qproperty-type-mismatch] +qproperty-type-mismatch/main.cpp:60:5: warning: Q_PROPERTY 'bad' of type 'int' is mismatched with member 'bad' of type 'float' [-Wclazy-qproperty-type-mismatch]