diff --git a/src/plugins/queries/kexiquerydesignerguieditor.cpp b/src/plugins/queries/kexiquerydesignerguieditor.cpp index 7f5dfde14..ea8e7478f 100644 --- a/src/plugins/queries/kexiquerydesignerguieditor.cpp +++ b/src/plugins/queries/kexiquerydesignerguieditor.cpp @@ -1,1939 +1,1939 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2004 Lucijan Busch Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Jarosław Staniek This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kexiquerydesignerguieditor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kexiquerypart.h" #include "kexiqueryview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //! @todo remove KEXI_NO_QUERY_TOTALS later #define KEXI_NO_QUERY_TOTALS //! indices for table columns #define COLUMN_ID_COLUMN 0 #define COLUMN_ID_TABLE 1 #define COLUMN_ID_VISIBLE 2 #ifdef KEXI_NO_QUERY_TOTALS # define COLUMN_ID_SORTING 3 # define COLUMN_ID_CRITERIA 4 #else # define COLUMN_ID_TOTALS 3 # define COLUMN_ID_SORTING 4 # define COLUMN_ID_CRITERIA 5 #endif /*! @internal */ class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::Private { public: Private(KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor *p) : q(p) { droppedNewRecord = 0; slotTableAdded_enabled = true; sortColumnPreferredWidth = 0; } bool changeSingleCellValue(KDbRecordData *recordData, int columnNumber, const QVariant& value, KDbResultInfo* result) { data->clearRecordEditBuffer(); if (!data->updateRecordEditBuffer(recordData, columnNumber, value) || !data->saveRecordChanges(recordData, true)) { if (result) *result = data->result(); return false; } return true; } KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor *q; KDbTableViewData *data; KexiDataTableView *dataTable; KexiRelationsView *relations; KexiSectionHeader *head; QSplitter *spl; /*! Used to remember in slotDroppedAtRow() what data was dropped, so we can create appropriate prop. set in slotRecordInserted() This information is cached and entirely refreshed on updateColumnsData(). */ KDbTableViewData *fieldColumnData, *tablesColumnData; /*! Collects identifiers selected in 1st (field) column, so we're able to distinguish between table identifiers selected from the dropdown list, and strings (e.g. expressions) entered by hand. This information is cached and entirely refreshed on updateColumnsData(). The dict is filled with (char*)1 values (doesn't matter what it is); */ QSet fieldColumnIdentifiers; void addFieldColumnIdentifier(const QString& id) { fieldColumnIdentifiers.insert(id.toLower()); } int comboArrowWidth; int sortColumnPreferredWidth; void initSortColumnPreferredWidth(const QVector &items) { int maxw = -1; for (int i=0; i < items.size(); ++i) { maxw = qMax(maxw, q->fontMetrics().width(items[i] + QLatin1String(" "))); } sortColumnPreferredWidth = maxw + KexiUtils::comboBoxArrowSize(q->style()).width(); } KexiDataAwarePropertySet* sets; KDbRecordData *droppedNewRecord; QString droppedNewTable, droppedNewField; bool slotTableAdded_enabled; }; static bool isAsterisk(const QString& tableName, const QString& fieldName) { return tableName == "*" || fieldName.endsWith('*'); } //! @internal \return true if sorting is allowed for \a fieldName and \a tableName static bool sortingAllowed(const QString& fieldName, const QString& tableName) { return !(fieldName == "*" || (fieldName.isEmpty() && tableName == "*")); } //========================================================= KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor( QWidget *parent) : KexiView(parent) , d(new Private(this)) { d->spl = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical, this); d->spl->setChildrenCollapsible(false); d->relations = new KexiRelationsView(d->spl); d->spl->addWidget(d->relations); d->relations->setObjectName("relations"); connect(d->relations, SIGNAL(tableAdded(KDbTableSchema*)), this, SLOT(slotTableAdded(KDbTableSchema*))); connect(d->relations, SIGNAL(tableHidden(KDbTableSchema*)), this, SLOT(slotTableHidden(KDbTableSchema*))); connect(d->relations, SIGNAL(appendFields(KDbTableOrQuerySchema&,QStringList)), this, SLOT(slotAppendFields(KDbTableOrQuerySchema&,QStringList))); d->head = new KexiSectionHeader(xi18n("Query Columns"), Qt::Vertical, d->spl); d->spl->addWidget(d->head); d->dataTable = new KexiDataTableView(d->head, false); d->head->setWidget(d->dataTable); d->dataTable->setObjectName("guieditor_dataTable"); d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->setSpreadSheetMode(true); d->data = new KDbTableViewData(); //just empty data d->sets = new KexiDataAwarePropertySet(this, d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()); connect(d->sets, SIGNAL(propertyChanged(KPropertySet&,KProperty&)), this, SLOT(slotPropertyChanged(KPropertySet&,KProperty&))); initTableColumns(); initTableRows(); QList c; c << COLUMN_ID_COLUMN << COLUMN_ID_TABLE << COLUMN_ID_CRITERIA; if (d->dataTable->tableView()/*sanity*/) { d->dataTable->tableView()->adjustColumnWidthToContents(COLUMN_ID_VISIBLE); d->dataTable->tableView()->setColumnWidth(COLUMN_ID_SORTING, d->sortColumnPreferredWidth); d->dataTable->tableView()->setStretchLastColumn(true); d->dataTable->tableView()->maximizeColumnsWidth(c); d->dataTable->tableView()->setDropsAtRecordEnabled(true); connect(d->dataTable->tableView(), SIGNAL(dragOverRecord(KDbRecordData*,int,QDragMoveEvent*)), this, SLOT(slotDragOverTableRecord(KDbRecordData*,int,QDragMoveEvent*))); connect(d->dataTable->tableView(), SIGNAL(droppedAtRecord(KDbRecordData*,int,QDropEvent*,KDbRecordData*&)), this, SLOT(slotDroppedAtRecord(KDbRecordData*,int,QDropEvent*,KDbRecordData*&))); connect(d->dataTable->tableView(), SIGNAL(newItemAppendedForAfterDeletingInSpreadSheetMode()), this, SLOT(slotNewItemAppendedForAfterDeletingInSpreadSheetMode())); } connect(d->data, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeCell(KDbRecordData*,int,QVariant*,KDbResultInfo*)), this, SLOT(slotBeforeCellChanged(KDbRecordData*,int,QVariant*,KDbResultInfo*))); connect(d->data, SIGNAL(recordInserted(KDbRecordData*,int,bool)), this, SLOT(slotRecordInserted(KDbRecordData*,int,bool))); connect(d->relations, SIGNAL(tablePositionChanged(KexiRelationsTableContainer*)), this, SLOT(slotTablePositionChanged(KexiRelationsTableContainer*))); connect(d->relations, SIGNAL(aboutConnectionRemove(KexiRelationsConnection*)), this, SLOT(slotAboutConnectionRemove(KexiRelationsConnection*))); addChildView(d->relations); addChildView(d->dataTable); setViewWidget(d->spl, false/* no focus proxy*/); setFocusProxy(d->dataTable); d->relations->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); d->head->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); updateGeometry(); d->spl->setSizes(QList() << 800 << 400); } KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::~KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor() { delete d; } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::initTableColumns() { KDbTableViewColumn *col1 = new KDbTableViewColumn("column", KDbField::Enum, xi18n("Column"), xi18n("Describes field name or expression for the designed query.")); col1->setRelatedDataEditable(true); d->fieldColumnData = new KDbTableViewData(KDbField::Text, KDbField::Text); col1->setRelatedData(d->fieldColumnData); d->data->addColumn(col1); KDbTableViewColumn *col2 = new KDbTableViewColumn("table", KDbField::Enum, xi18n("Table"), xi18n("Describes table for a given field. Can be empty.")); d->tablesColumnData = new KDbTableViewData(KDbField::Text, KDbField::Text); col2->setRelatedData(d->tablesColumnData); d->data->addColumn(col2); KDbTableViewColumn *col3 = new KDbTableViewColumn("visible", KDbField::Boolean, xi18n("Visible"), xi18n("Describes visibility for a given field or expression.")); col3->field()->setDefaultValue(QVariant(false)); col3->field()->setNotNull(true); d->data->addColumn(col3); #ifndef KEXI_NO_QUERY_TOTALS KDbTableViewColumn *col4 = new KDbTableViewColumn("totals", KDbField::Enum, futureI18n("Totals"), futureI18n("Describes a way of computing totals for a given field or expression.")); QVector totalsTypes; totalsTypes.append(futureI18n("Group by")); totalsTypes.append(futureI18n("Sum")); totalsTypes.append(futureI18n("Average")); totalsTypes.append(futureI18n("Min")); totalsTypes.append(futureI18n("Max")); //! @todo more like this col4->field()->setEnumHints(totalsTypes); d->data->addColumn(col4); #endif KDbTableViewColumn *col5 = new KDbTableViewColumn("sort", KDbField::Enum, xi18n("Sorting"), xi18n("Describes a way of sorting for a given field.")); QVector sortTypes; sortTypes.append(""); sortTypes.append(xi18n("Ascending")); sortTypes.append(xi18n("Descending")); col5->field()->setEnumHints(sortTypes); d->data->addColumn(col5); d->initSortColumnPreferredWidth(sortTypes); KDbTableViewColumn *col6 = new KDbTableViewColumn("criteria", KDbField::Text, xi18n("Criteria"), xi18n("Describes the criteria for a given field or expression.")); d->data->addColumn(col6); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::initTableRows() { d->data->deleteAllRecords(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)d->sets->size(); i++) { KDbRecordData* data = d->data->createItem(); d->data->append(data); (*data)[COLUMN_ID_VISIBLE] = QVariant(false); } d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->setData(d->data); updateColumnsData(); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::updateColumnsData() { KDbConnection *conn = KexiMainWindowIface::global()->project()->dbConnection(); d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->acceptRecordEditing(); QStringList sortedTableNames; foreach(KexiRelationsTableContainer* cont, *d->relations->tables()) { sortedTableNames += cont->schema()->name(); } qSort(sortedTableNames); //several tables can be hidden now, so remove rows for these tables QList recordsToDelete; for (int r = 0; r < (int)d->sets->size(); r++) { KPropertySet *set = d->sets->at(r); if (set) { QString tableName = (*set)["table"].value().toString(); //QString fieldName = (*set)["field"].value().toString(); const bool allTablesAsterisk = tableName == "*" && d->relations->tables()->isEmpty(); const bool fieldNotFound = tableName != "*" && !(*set)["isExpression"].value().toBool() && sortedTableNames.end() == qFind(sortedTableNames.begin(), sortedTableNames.end(), tableName); if (allTablesAsterisk || fieldNotFound) { //table not found: mark this line for later removal recordsToDelete += r; } } } d->data->deleteRecords(recordsToDelete); //update 'table' and 'field' columns d->tablesColumnData->deleteAllRecords(); d->fieldColumnData->deleteAllRecords(); d->fieldColumnIdentifiers.clear(); KDbRecordData *data = d->fieldColumnData->createItem(); (*data)[COLUMN_ID_COLUMN] = "*"; (*data)[COLUMN_ID_TABLE] = "*"; d->fieldColumnData->append(data); d->addFieldColumnIdentifier((*data)[COLUMN_ID_COLUMN].toString()); //cache tempData()->unregisterForTablesSchemaChanges(); foreach(const QString& tableName, sortedTableNames) { //table /*! @todo what about query? */ const KDbTableSchema *table = d->relations->tables()->value(tableName)->schema()->table(); KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::registerForChanges(conn, tempData(), table); //this table will be used data = d->tablesColumnData->createItem(); (*data)[COLUMN_ID_COLUMN] = table->name(); (*data)[COLUMN_ID_TABLE] = (*data)[COLUMN_ID_COLUMN]; d->tablesColumnData->append(data); //fields data = d->fieldColumnData->createItem(); (*data)[COLUMN_ID_COLUMN] = QString(table->name() + ".*"); (*data)[COLUMN_ID_TABLE] = (*data)[COLUMN_ID_COLUMN]; d->fieldColumnData->append(data); d->addFieldColumnIdentifier((*data)[COLUMN_ID_COLUMN].toString()); //cache foreach(KDbField *field, *table->fields()) { data = d->fieldColumnData->createItem(); (*data)[COLUMN_ID_COLUMN] = QString(table->name() + '.' + field->name()); (*data)[COLUMN_ID_TABLE] = QString(" " + field->name()); d->fieldColumnData->append(data); d->addFieldColumnIdentifier((*data)[COLUMN_ID_COLUMN].toString()); //cache } } //! @todo } KexiRelationsView *KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::relationsView() const { return d->relations; } KexiQueryPartTempData * KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::tempData() const { return static_cast(window()->data()); } static QString msgCannotSwitch_EmptyDesign() { return xi18n("Cannot switch to data view, because query design is empty.\n" "First, please create your design."); } bool KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::buildSchema(QString *errMsg) { //build query schema KDbConnection *conn = KexiMainWindowIface::global()->project()->dbConnection(); KexiQueryPartTempData * temp = tempData(); if (temp->query()) { KexiQueryView *queryDataView = dynamic_cast(window()->viewForMode(Kexi::DataViewMode)); if (queryDataView) { queryDataView->setData(0); } temp->clearQuery(); } else { temp->setQuery(new KDbQuerySchema()); } //add tables foreach(KexiRelationsTableContainer* cont, *d->relations->tables()) { /*! @todo what about query? */ temp->query()->addTable(cont->schema()->table()); } //add fields, also build: // -WHERE expression // -ORDER BY list KDbExpression whereExpr; const int count = qMin(d->data->count(), d->sets->size()); bool fieldsFound = false; KDbTableViewDataConstIterator it(d->data->constBegin()); for (int i = 0; i < count && it != d->data->constEnd(); ++it, i++) { if (!(**it)[COLUMN_ID_TABLE].isNull() && (**it)[COLUMN_ID_COLUMN].isNull()) { //show message about missing field name, and set focus to that cell qDebug() << "no field provided!"; d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->setCursorPosition(i, 0); if (errMsg) *errMsg = xi18nc("@info", "Select column for table %1", (**it)[COLUMN_ID_TABLE].toString()); return false; } KPropertySet *set = d->sets->at(i); if (set) { QString tableName = (*set)["table"].value().toString().trimmed(); QString fieldName = (*set)["field"].value().toString(); QString fieldAndTableName = fieldName; KDbField *currentField = 0; // will be set if this column is a single field if (!tableName.isEmpty()) fieldAndTableName.prepend(tableName + "."); const bool fieldVisible = (*set)["visible"].value().toBool(); QString criteriaStr = (*set)["criteria"].value().toString(); QByteArray alias((*set)["alias"].value().toByteArray()); if (!criteriaStr.isEmpty()) { KDbToken token; KDbExpression criteriaExpr = parseExpressionString(criteriaStr, &token, true/*allowRelationalOperator*/); if (!criteriaExpr.isValid()) {//for sanity if (errMsg) *errMsg = xi18nc("@info", "Invalid criteria %1", criteriaStr); return false; } //build relational expression for column variable KDbVariableExpression varExpr(fieldAndTableName); criteriaExpr = KDbBinaryExpression(varExpr, token, criteriaExpr); //critera ok: add it to WHERE section if (whereExpr.isNull()) { whereExpr = criteriaExpr; } else { //first expr. whereExpr = KDbBinaryExpression(whereExpr, KDbToken::AND, criteriaExpr); } } if (tableName.isEmpty()) { if ((*set)["isExpression"].value().toBool() == true) { //add expression column KDbToken dummyToken; KDbExpression columnExpr = parseExpressionString(fieldName, &dummyToken, false/*!allowRelationalOperator*/); if (!columnExpr.isValid()) { if (errMsg) *errMsg = xi18nc("@info", "Invalid expression %1", fieldName); return false; } if (fieldVisible) { if (!temp->query()->addExpression(columnExpr)) { if (errMsg) *errMsg = xi18nc("@info", "Invalid expression %1", fieldName); return false; } fieldsFound = true; } else { if (!temp->query()->addInvisibleExpression(columnExpr)) { if (errMsg) *errMsg = xi18nc("@info", "Invalid expression %1", fieldName); return false; } } if (!alias.isEmpty()) temp->query()->setColumnAlias(temp->query()->fieldCount() - 1, alias); } //! @todo } else if (tableName == "*") { //all tables asterisk if (fieldVisible) { if (!temp->query()->addAsterisk(new KDbQueryAsterisk(temp->query()))) { return false; } fieldsFound = true; } else { if (!temp->query()->addInvisibleAsterisk(new KDbQueryAsterisk(temp->query()))) { return false; } } continue; } else { KDbTableSchema *t = conn->tableSchema(tableName); if (fieldName == "*") { //single-table asterisk: + ".*" + number if (fieldVisible) { if (!t || !temp->query()->addAsterisk(new KDbQueryAsterisk(temp->query(), *t))) { return false; } fieldsFound = true; } else { if (!t || !temp->query()->addInvisibleAsterisk(new KDbQueryAsterisk(temp->query(), *t))) { return false; } } } else { if (!t) { qWarning() << "query designer: NO TABLE '" << (*set)["table"].value().toString() << "'"; continue; } currentField = t->field(fieldName); if (!currentField) { qWarning() << "query designer: NO FIELD '" << fieldName << "'"; continue; } if (!fieldVisible && criteriaStr.isEmpty() && set->contains("isExpression") && (*set)["sorting"].value().toString() != "nosorting") { qDebug() << "invisible field with sorting: do not add it to the fields list"; continue; } const int tablePosition = temp->query()->tablePosition(t->name()); if (fieldVisible) { if (!temp->query()->addField(currentField, tablePosition)) { return false; } fieldsFound = true; } else { if (!temp->query()->addInvisibleField(currentField, tablePosition)) { return false; } } if (!alias.isEmpty()) temp->query()->setColumnAlias(temp->query()->fieldCount() - 1, alias); } } } else {//!set //qDebug() << (**it)[COLUMN_ID_TABLE].toString(); } } if (!fieldsFound) { if (errMsg) *errMsg = msgCannotSwitch_EmptyDesign(); return false; } //set always, because if whereExpr==NULL, //this will clear prev. expr QString errorMessage; QString errorDescription; if (!temp->query()->setWhereExpression(whereExpr, &errorMessage, &errorDescription)) { qWarning() << "Invalid expression cannot be set as WHERE:" << whereExpr; qWarning() << "message=" << errorMessage << "description=" << errorDescription; return false; } qDebug() << "WHERE set to" << whereExpr; //add relations (looking for connections) foreach(KexiRelationsConnection* conn, *d->relations->relationsConnections()) { KexiRelationsTableContainer *masterTable = conn->masterTable(); KexiRelationsTableContainer *detailsTable = conn->detailsTable(); /*! @todo what about query? */ temp->query()->addRelationship( masterTable->schema()->table()->field(conn->masterField()), detailsTable->schema()->table()->field(conn->detailsField())); } // Add sorting information (ORDER BY) - we can do that only now // after all KDbQueryColumnInfo items are instantiated KDbOrderByColumnList orderByColumns; it = d->data->constBegin(); int fieldNumber = -1; //field number (empty rows are omitted) for (int i = 0/*row number*/; i < count && it != d->data->constEnd(); ++it, i++) { KPropertySet *set = d->sets->at(i); if (!set) continue; fieldNumber++; KDbField *currentField = 0; KDbQueryColumnInfo *currentColumn = 0; const QString sortingString((*set)["sorting"].value().toString()); if (sortingString != "ascending" && sortingString != "descending") { continue; } const KDbOrderByColumn::SortOrder sortOrder = sortingString == QLatin1String("ascending") ? KDbOrderByColumn::SortOrder::Ascending : KDbOrderByColumn::SortOrder::Descending; if (!(*set)["visible"].value().toBool()) { // this row defines invisible field but contains sorting information, // what means KDbField should be used as a reference for this sorting // Note1: alias is not supported here. // Try to find a field (not mentioned after SELECT): currentField = temp->query()->findTableField((*set)["field"].value().toString()); if (!currentField) { qWarning() << "NO FIELD" << (*set)["field"].value().toString() << "available for sorting"; continue; } orderByColumns.appendField(currentField, sortOrder); continue; } currentField = temp->query()->field(fieldNumber); if (!currentField || currentField->isExpression() || currentField->isQueryAsterisk()) //! @todo support expressions here continue; //! @todo ok, but not for expressions QString aliasString((*set)["alias"].value().toString()); currentColumn = temp->query()->columnInfo( conn, (*set)["table"].value().toString() + "." + (aliasString.isEmpty() ? currentField->name() : aliasString)); if (currentField && currentColumn) { if (currentColumn->isVisible()) orderByColumns.appendColumn(currentColumn, sortOrder); else if (currentColumn->field()) orderByColumns.appendField(currentColumn->field(), sortOrder); } } temp->query()->setOrderByColumnList(orderByColumns); qDebug() << KDbConnectionAndQuerySchema(conn, *temp->query()); temp->registerTableSchemaChanges(temp->query()); //! @todo ? return true; } tristate KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::beforeSwitchTo(Kexi::ViewMode mode, bool *dontStore) { Q_ASSERT(dontStore); qDebug() << mode; if (!d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->acceptRecordEditing()) return cancelled; qDebug() << "queryChangedInView:" << tempData()->queryChangedInView(); if (mode == Kexi::DesignViewMode) { return true; } else if (mode == Kexi::DataViewMode) { if (!isDirty() && window()->neverSaved()) { KMessageBox::information(this, msgCannotSwitch_EmptyDesign()); return cancelled; } if (tempData()->queryChangedInView() != Kexi::NoViewMode || !tempData()->query()) { //remember current design in a temporary structure QString errMsg; //build schema; problems are not allowed if (!buildSchema(&errMsg)) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, errMsg); return cancelled; } } *dontStore = true; //! @todo return true; } else if (mode == Kexi::TextViewMode) { *dontStore = true; if (tempData()->queryChangedInView() != Kexi::NoViewMode || !tempData()->query()) { //remember current design in a temporary structure //build schema; ignore problems buildSchema(); } /* if (tempData()->query && tempData()->query->fieldCount()==0) { //no fields selected: let's add "*" (all-tables asterisk), // otherwise SQL statement will be invalid tempData()->query->addAsterisk( new KDbQueryAsterisk( tempData()->query ) ); }*/ //! @todo return true; } return false; } tristate KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::afterSwitchFrom(Kexi::ViewMode mode) { KDbConnection *conn = KexiMainWindowIface::global()->project()->dbConnection(); if (!d->relations->setConnection(conn)) { window()->setStatus(conn); return false; } if (mode == Kexi::NoViewMode || (mode == Kexi::DataViewMode && !tempData()->query())) { //this is not a SWITCH but a fresh opening in this view mode if (!window()->neverSaved()) { if (!loadLayout()) { //err msg window()->setStatus(conn, xi18n("Query definition loading failed."), xi18n("Query design may be corrupted so it could not be opened even in text view.\n" "You can delete the query and create it again.")); return false; } // Invalid queries case: // KexiWindow::switchToViewMode() first opens DesignViewMode, // and then KexiQueryPart::loadSchemaObject() doesn't allocate KDbQuerySchema object // do we're carefully looking at window()->schemaObject() KDbQuerySchema * q = dynamic_cast(window()->schemaObject()); if (q) { KDbResultInfo result; showFieldsForQuery(q, result); if (!result.success) { window()->setStatus(&result, xi18n("Query definition loading failed.")); tempData()->proposeOpeningInTextViewModeBecauseOfProblems = true; return false; } } //! @todo load global query properties } } else if (mode == Kexi::TextViewMode || mode == Kexi::DataViewMode) { // Switch from text or data view. In the second case, the design could be changed as well // because there could be changes made in the text view before switching to the data view. if (tempData()->queryChangedInView() == Kexi::TextViewMode) { //SQL view changed the query design //-clear and regenerate GUI items initTableRows(); //! @todo if (tempData()->query()) { //there is a query schema to show showTablesForQuery(tempData()->query()); //-show fields KDbResultInfo result; showFieldsAndRelationsForQuery(tempData()->query(), result); if (!result.success) { window()->setStatus(&result, xi18n("Query definition loading failed.")); return false; } } else { d->relations->clear(); } } //! @todo load global query properties } if (mode == Kexi::DataViewMode) { //this is just a SWITCH from data view //set cursor if needed: if (d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->currentRecord() < 0 || d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->currentColumn() < 0) { d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->ensureCellVisible(0, 0); d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->setCursorPosition(0, 0); } } if (d->sets->size() > 0) { d->dataTable->tableView()->adjustColumnWidthToContents(COLUMN_ID_COLUMN); d->dataTable->tableView()->adjustColumnWidthToContents(COLUMN_ID_TABLE); } tempData()->setQueryChangedInView(false); setFocus(); //to allow shared actions proper update return true; } KDbObject* KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::storeNewData(const KDbObject& object, KexiView::StoreNewDataOptions options, bool *cancel) { Q_ASSERT(cancel); Q_UNUSED(options); KDbConnection *conn = KexiMainWindowIface::global()->project()->dbConnection(); if (!d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->acceptRecordEditing()) { *cancel = true; return 0; } QString errMsg; KexiQueryPartTempData * temp = tempData(); if (!temp->query() || !(viewMode() == Kexi::DesignViewMode && temp->queryChangedInView() == Kexi::NoViewMode)) { //only rebuild schema if it has not been rebuilt previously if (!buildSchema(&errMsg)) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, errMsg); *cancel = true; return 0; } } (KDbObject&)*temp->query() = object; //copy main attributes bool ok = conn->storeNewObjectData(temp->query()); if (ok) { ok = KexiMainWindowIface::global()->project()->removeUserDataBlock(temp->query()->id()); // for sanity } window()->setId(temp->query()->id()); if (ok) ok = storeLayout(); if (!ok) { temp->setQuery(0); return 0; } return temp->takeQuery(); //will be returned, so: don't keep it in temp } tristate KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::storeData(bool dontAsk) { if (!d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->acceptRecordEditing()) return cancelled; const bool was_dirty = isDirty(); tristate res = KexiView::storeData(dontAsk); //this clears dirty flag if (true == res) res = buildSchema(); if (true == res) res = storeLayout(); if (true != res) { if (was_dirty) setDirty(true); } return res; } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::showTablesForQuery(KDbQuerySchema *query) { // instead of hiding all tables and showing some tables, // show only these new and hide these unncecessary; the same for connections) d->slotTableAdded_enabled = false; //speedup d->relations->removeAllConnections(); //connections will be recreated d->relations->hideAllTablesExcept(query->tables()); foreach(KDbTableSchema* table, *query->tables()) { d->relations->addTable(table); } d->slotTableAdded_enabled = true; updateColumnsData(); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::addConnection( KDbField *masterField, KDbField *detailsField) { SourceConnection conn; conn.masterTable = masterField->table()->name(); //<<name(); conn.detailsTable = detailsField->table()->name(); conn.detailsField = detailsField->name(); d->relations->addConnection(conn); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::showFieldsForQuery(KDbQuerySchema *query, KDbResultInfo& result) { showFieldsOrRelationsForQueryInternal(query, true, false, result); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::showRelationsForQuery(KDbQuerySchema *query, KDbResultInfo& result) { showFieldsOrRelationsForQueryInternal(query, false, true, result); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::showFieldsAndRelationsForQuery(KDbQuerySchema *query, KDbResultInfo& result) { showFieldsOrRelationsForQueryInternal(query, true, true, result); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::showFieldsOrRelationsForQueryInternal( KDbQuerySchema *query, bool showFields, bool showRelations, KDbResultInfo& result) { KDbConnection *conn = KexiMainWindowIface::global()->project()->dbConnection(); result.clear(); const bool was_dirty = isDirty(); //1. Show explicitly declared relations: if (showRelations) { foreach(KDbRelationship *rel, *query->relationships()) { //! @todo: now only sigle-field relationships are implemented! KDbField *masterField = rel->masterIndex()->fields()->first(); KDbField *detailsField = rel->detailsIndex()->fields()->first(); addConnection(masterField, detailsField); } } //2. Collect information about criterias // --this must be top level chain of AND's // --this will also show joins as: [table1.]field1 = [table2.]field2 KDbUtils::CaseInsensitiveHash criterias; KDbExpression e = query->whereExpression(); KDbExpression eItem; while (e.isValid()) { //eat parentheses because the expression can be (....) AND (... AND ... ) while (e.isValid() && e.isUnary() && e.token() == '(') e = e.toUnary().arg(); if (e.isBinary() && e.token() == KDbToken::AND) { eItem = e.toBinary().left(); e = e.toBinary().right(); } else { eItem = e; e = KDbExpression(); } //eat parentheses while (eItem.isValid() && eItem.isUnary() && eItem.token() == '(') eItem = eItem.toUnary().arg(); if (!eItem.isValid()) continue; qDebug() << eItem; KDbBinaryExpression binary(eItem.toBinary()); if (binary.isValid() && eItem.expressionClass() == KDb::RelationalExpression) { KDbField *leftField = 0, *rightField = 0; if (eItem.token() == '=' && binary.left().isVariable() && binary.right().isVariable() && (leftField = query->findTableField(binary.left().toString(0).toString())) && (rightField = query->findTableField(binary.right().toString(0).toString()))) { //! @todo move this check to parser on KDbQuerySchema creation //! or to KDbQuerySchema creation (WHERE expression should be then simplified //! by removing joins //this is relationship defined as following JOIN: [table1.]field1 = [table2.]field2 if (showRelations) { //! @todo testing primary key here is too simplified; maybe look ar isForeignKey() or indices.. //! @todo what about multifield joins? if (leftField->isPrimaryKey()) addConnection(leftField /*master*/, rightField /*details*/); else addConnection(rightField /*master*/, leftField /*details*/); //! @todo addConnection() should have "bool oneToOne" arg, for 1-to-1 relations } } else if (binary.left().isVariable()) { //this is: variable , op , argument //store variable -> argument: criterias.insertMulti(binary.left().toVariable().name(), binary.right()); } else if (binary.right().isVariable()) { //this is: argument , op , variable //store variable -> argument: criterias.insertMulti(binary.right().toVariable().name(), binary.left()); } } } //while if (!showFields) return; //3. show fields (including * and table.*) int row_num = 0; QSet usedCriterias; // <-- used criterias will be saved here // so in step 4. we will be able to add // remaining invisible columns with criterias qDebug() << KDbConnectionAndQuerySchema(conn, *query); foreach(KDbField* field, *query->fields()) { qDebug() << *field; } foreach(KDbField* field, *query->fields()) { //append a new row QString tableName, fieldName, columnAlias, criteriaString; KDbBinaryExpression criteriaExpr; KDbExpression criteriaArgument; if (field->isQueryAsterisk()) { if (field->table()) {//single-table asterisk tableName = field->table()->name(); fieldName = "*"; } else {//all-tables asterisk tableName = "*"; fieldName = ""; } } else { columnAlias = query->columnAlias(row_num); if (field->isExpression()) { //! @todo ok? perhaps do not allow to omit aliases? fieldName = field->expression().toString(0).toString(); } else { tableName = field->table()->name(); fieldName = field->name(); criteriaArgument = criterias.value(fieldName); if (!criteriaArgument.isValid()) {//try table.field criteriaArgument = criterias.value(tableName + "." + fieldName); } if (criteriaArgument.isValid()) {//criteria expression is just a parent of argument criteriaExpr = criteriaArgument.parent().toBinary(); usedCriterias.insert(criteriaArgument.toString(0).toString()); //save info. about used criteria } } } //create new row data KDbRecordData *newRecord = createNewRow(tableName, fieldName, true /* visible*/); if (criteriaExpr.isValid()) { //! @todo fix for !INFIX operators if (criteriaExpr.token() == '=') criteriaString = criteriaArgument.toString(0).toString(); else criteriaString = criteriaExpr.token().toString() + " " + criteriaArgument.toString(0).toString(); (*newRecord)[COLUMN_ID_CRITERIA] = criteriaString; } d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->insertItem(newRecord, row_num); //OK, row inserted: create a new set for it KPropertySet &set = *createPropertySet(row_num, tableName, fieldName, true/*new one*/); if (!columnAlias.isEmpty()) set["alias"].setValue(columnAlias, KProperty::DefaultValueOptions ^ KProperty::ValueOption::RememberOld); if (!criteriaString.isEmpty()) set["criteria"].setValue(criteriaString, KProperty::DefaultValueOptions ^ KProperty::ValueOption::RememberOld); if (field->isExpression()) { if (!d->changeSingleCellValue(newRecord, COLUMN_ID_COLUMN, QVariant(columnAlias + ": " + field->expression().toString(0).toString()), &result)) return; //problems with setting column expression } row_num++; } //4. show ORDER BY information d->data->clearRecordEditBuffer(); const KDbOrderByColumnList* orderByColumns = query->orderByColumnList(); const QHash columnsOrder( query->columnsOrder(conn, KDbQuerySchema::ColumnsOrderMode::UnexpandedListWithoutAsterisks)); for (auto orderByColumnIt(orderByColumns->constBegin()); orderByColumnIt != orderByColumns->constEnd(); ++orderByColumnIt) { KDbOrderByColumn* orderByColumn = *orderByColumnIt; KDbQueryColumnInfo *column = orderByColumn->column(); KDbRecordData *data = 0; KPropertySet *rowPropertySet = 0; if (column) { //sorting for visible column if (column->isVisible()) { if (columnsOrder.contains(column)) { const int columnPosition = columnsOrder.value(column); data = d->data->at(columnPosition); rowPropertySet = d->sets->at(columnPosition); qDebug() << "\tSetting \"" << *orderByColumn << "\" sorting for record #" << columnPosition; } } } else if (orderByColumn->field()) { //this will be presented as invisible field: create new row KDbField* field = orderByColumn->field(); QString tableName(field->table() ? field->table()->name() : QString()); data = createNewRow(tableName, field->name(), false /* !visible*/); d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->insertItem(data, row_num); rowPropertySet = createPropertySet(row_num, tableName, field->name(), true /*newOne*/); propertySetSwitched(); qDebug() << "\tSetting \"" << *orderByColumn << "\" sorting for invisible field" << field->name() << ", table " << tableName << " -row #" << row_num; row_num++; } //alter sorting for either existing or new row if (data && rowPropertySet) { // this will automatically update "sorting" property d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(data, COLUMN_ID_SORTING, orderByColumn->sortOrder() == KDbOrderByColumn::SortOrder::Ascending ? 1 : 2); // in slotBeforeCellChanged() d->data->saveRecordChanges(data, true); (*rowPropertySet)["sorting"].clearModifiedFlag(); // this property should look "fresh" if (!(*data)[COLUMN_ID_VISIBLE].toBool()) //update (*rowPropertySet)["visible"].setValue(QVariant(false), KProperty::DefaultValueOptions ^ KProperty::ValueOption::RememberOld); } } //5. Show fields for unused criterias (with "Visible" column set to false) foreach(const KDbExpression &criteriaArgument, criterias) { // <-- contains field or table.field if (usedCriterias.contains(criteriaArgument.toString(0).toString())) continue; //unused: append a new row KDbBinaryExpression criteriaExpr = criteriaArgument.parent().toBinary(); if (!criteriaExpr.isValid()) { qWarning() << "criteriaExpr is not a binary expr"; continue; } KDbVariableExpression columnNameArgument = criteriaExpr.left().toVariable(); //left or right if (!columnNameArgument.isValid()) { columnNameArgument = criteriaExpr.right().toVariable(); if (!columnNameArgument.isValid()) { qWarning() << "columnNameArgument is not a variable (table or table.field) expr"; continue; } } KDbField* field = 0; if (!columnNameArgument.name().contains('.') && query->tables()->count() == 1) { //extreme case: only field name provided for one-table query: field = query->tables()->first()->field(columnNameArgument.name()); } else { field = query->findTableField(columnNameArgument.name()); } if (!field) { qWarning() << "no columnInfo found in the query for name" << columnNameArgument.name(); continue; } QString tableName, fieldName, /*columnAlias,*/ criteriaString; //! @todo what about ALIAS? tableName = field->table()->name(); fieldName = field->name(); //create new row data KDbRecordData *newRecord = createNewRow(tableName, fieldName, false /* !visible*/); if (criteriaExpr.isValid()) { //! @todo fix for !INFIX operators if (criteriaExpr.token() == '=') criteriaString = criteriaArgument.toString(0).toString(); else criteriaString = criteriaExpr.token().toString() + " " + criteriaArgument.toString(0).toString(); (*newRecord)[COLUMN_ID_CRITERIA] = criteriaString; } d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->insertItem(newRecord, row_num); //OK, row inserted: create a new set for it KPropertySet &set = *createPropertySet(row_num++, tableName, fieldName, true/*new one*/); //! @todo if (!columnAlias.isEmpty()) //! @todo set["alias"].setValue(columnAlias, false); //// if (!criteriaString.isEmpty()) set["criteria"].setValue(criteriaString, KProperty::DefaultValueOptions ^ KProperty::ValueOption::RememberOld); set["visible"].setValue(QVariant(false), KProperty::DefaultValueOptions ^ KProperty::ValueOption::RememberOld); } //current property set has most probably changed propertySetSwitched(); if (!was_dirty) setDirty(false); //move to 1st column, 1st row d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->ensureCellVisible(0, 0); // tempData()->registerTableSchemaChanges(query); } bool KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::loadLayout() { KDbConnection *conn = KexiMainWindowIface::global()->project()->dbConnection(); QString xml; //! @todo errmsg if (!loadDataBlock(&xml, "query_layout") || xml.isEmpty()) { //in a case when query layout was not saved, build layout by hand // -- dynamic cast because of a need for handling invalid queries // (as in KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::afterSwitchFrom()): KDbQuerySchema * q = dynamic_cast(window()->schemaObject()); if (q) { showTablesForQuery(q); KDbResultInfo result; showRelationsForQuery(q, result); if (!result.success) { window()->setStatus(&result, xi18n("Query definition loading failed.")); return false; } } return true; } QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent(xml); QDomElement doc_el = doc.documentElement(), el; if (doc_el.tagName() != "query_layout") { //! @todo errmsg return false; } const bool was_dirty = isDirty(); //add tables and relations to the relation view for (el = doc_el.firstChild().toElement(); !el.isNull(); el = el.nextSibling().toElement()) { if (el.tagName() == "table") { KDbTableSchema *t = conn->tableSchema(el.attribute("name")); int x = el.attribute("x", "-1").toInt(); int y = el.attribute("y", "-1").toInt(); int width = el.attribute("width", "-1").toInt(); int height = el.attribute("height", "-1").toInt(); QRect rect; if (x != -1 || y != -1 || width != -1 || height != -1) rect = QRect(x, y, width, height); d->relations->addTable(t, rect); } else if (el.tagName() == "conn") { SourceConnection src_conn; src_conn.masterTable = el.attribute("mtable"); src_conn.masterField = el.attribute("mfield"); src_conn.detailsTable = el.attribute("dtable"); src_conn.detailsField = el.attribute("dfield"); d->relations->addConnection(src_conn); } } if (!was_dirty) setDirty(false); return true; } bool KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::storeLayout() { KDbConnection *conn = KexiMainWindowIface::global()->project()->dbConnection(); KexiQueryPartTempData * temp = tempData(); // Save SQL without driver-escaped keywords. if (window()->schemaObject()) //set this instance as obsolete (only if it's stored) conn->setQuerySchemaObsolete(window()->schemaObject()->name()); KDbSelectStatementOptions options; options.setAddVisibleLookupColumns(false); - KDbNativeStatementBuilder builder; + KDbNativeStatementBuilder builder(conn, KDb::KDbEscaping); KDbEscapedString sql; if (!builder.generateSelectStatement(&sql, temp->query(), options)) { return false; } if (!storeDataBlock(sql.toString(), "sql")) { return false; } //serialize detailed XML query definition QString xml = "", tmp; foreach(KexiRelationsTableContainer* cont, *d->relations->tables()) { /*! @todo what about query? */ tmp = QString("schema()->name()) + "\" x=\"" + QString::number(cont->x()) + "\" y=\"" + QString::number(cont->y()) + "\" width=\"" + QString::number(cont->width()) + "\" height=\"" + QString::number(cont->height()) + "\"/>"; xml += tmp; } foreach(KexiRelationsConnection *conn, *d->relations->relationsConnections()) { tmp = QString("masterTable()->schema()->name()) + "\" mfield=\"" + conn->masterField() + "\" dtable=\"" + QString(conn->detailsTable()->schema()->name()) + "\" dfield=\"" + conn->detailsField() + "\"/>"; xml += tmp; } xml += ""; if (!storeDataBlock(xml, "query_layout")) { return false; } return true; } QSize KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::sizeHint() const { QSize s1 = d->relations->sizeHint(); QSize s2 = d->head->sizeHint(); return QSize(qMax(s1.width(), s2.width()), s1.height() + s2.height()); } KDbRecordData* KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::createNewRow(const QString& tableName, const QString& fieldName, bool visible) const { KDbRecordData *newRecord = d->data->createItem(); QString key; if (tableName == "*") key = "*"; else { if (!tableName.isEmpty()) key = (tableName + "."); key += fieldName; } (*newRecord)[COLUMN_ID_COLUMN] = key; (*newRecord)[COLUMN_ID_TABLE] = tableName; (*newRecord)[COLUMN_ID_VISIBLE] = QVariant(visible); #ifndef KEXI_NO_QUERY_TOTALS (*newRecord)[COLUMN_ID_TOTALS] = QVariant(0); #endif return newRecord; } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotDragOverTableRecord( KDbRecordData * /*data*/, int /*record*/, QDragMoveEvent* e) { if (e->mimeData()->hasFormat("kexi/field")) { e->setAccepted(true); } } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotDroppedAtRecord(KDbRecordData * /*data*/, int /*record*/, QDropEvent *ev, KDbRecordData*& newRecord) { QString sourcePartClass; QString srcTable; QStringList srcFields; if (!KexiFieldDrag::decode(ev, &sourcePartClass, &srcTable, &srcFields)) { return; } if (srcFields.count() != 1) { return; } //insert new row at specific place newRecord = createNewRow(srcTable, srcFields[0], true /* visible*/); d->droppedNewRecord = newRecord; d->droppedNewTable = srcTable; d->droppedNewField = srcFields[0]; //! @todo } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotNewItemAppendedForAfterDeletingInSpreadSheetMode() { KDbRecordData *data = d->data->last(); if (data) (*data)[COLUMN_ID_VISIBLE] = QVariant(false); //the same init as in initTableRows() } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotRecordInserted(KDbRecordData* data, int record, bool /*repaint*/) { if (d->droppedNewRecord && d->droppedNewRecord == data) { createPropertySet(record, d->droppedNewTable, d->droppedNewField, true); propertySetSwitched(); d->droppedNewRecord = 0; } tempData()->setQueryChangedInView(true); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotTableAdded(KDbTableSchema* /*t*/) { if (!d->slotTableAdded_enabled) return; updateColumnsData(); setDirty(); tempData()->setQueryChangedInView(true); d->dataTable->setFocus(); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotTableHidden(KDbTableSchema* /*t*/) { updateColumnsData(); setDirty(); tempData()->setQueryChangedInView(true); } QByteArray KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::generateUniqueAlias() const { //! @todo add option for using non-i18n'd "expr" prefix? const QByteArray expStr( xi18nc("short for 'expression' word (only latin letters, please)", "expr").toLatin1()); //! @todo optimization: cache it? QSet aliases; const int setsSize = d->sets->size(); for (int r = 0; r < setsSize; r++) { //! @todo use iterator here KPropertySet *set = d->sets->at(r); if (set) { const QByteArray a((*set)["alias"].value().toByteArray().toLower()); if (!a.isEmpty()) aliases.insert(a); } } int aliasNr = 1; for (;;aliasNr++) { if (!aliases.contains(expStr + QByteArray::number(aliasNr))) break; } return expStr + QByteArray::number(aliasNr); } //! @todo this is primitive, temporary: reuse SQL parser KDbExpression KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::parseExpressionString(const QString& fullString, KDbToken *token, bool allowRelationalOperator) { Q_ASSERT(token); QString str = fullString.trimmed(); int len = 0; //KDbExpression expr; //1. get token *token = KDbToken(); //2-char-long tokens if (str.startsWith(QLatin1String(">="))) { *token = KDbToken::GREATER_OR_EQUAL; len = 2; } else if (str.startsWith(QLatin1String("<="))) { *token = KDbToken::LESS_OR_EQUAL; len = 2; } else if (str.startsWith(QLatin1String("<>"))) { *token = KDbToken::NOT_EQUAL; len = 2; } else if (str.startsWith(QLatin1String("!="))) { *token = KDbToken::NOT_EQUAL2; len = 2; } else if (str.startsWith(QLatin1String("=="))) { *token = '='; len = 2; } else if (str.startsWith(QLatin1String("LIKE "), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { *token = KDbToken::LIKE; len = 5; } else if (str.startsWith(QLatin1String("NOT "), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { str = str.mid(4).trimmed(); if (str.startsWith(QLatin1String("LIKE "), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { *token = KDbToken::NOT_LIKE; len = 5; } else { return KDbExpression(); } } else { if (str.startsWith(QLatin1Char('=')) //1-char-long tokens || str.startsWith(QLatin1Char('<')) || str.startsWith(QLatin1Char('>'))) { *token = str[0].toLatin1(); len = 1; } else { if (allowRelationalOperator) *token = '='; } } if (!allowRelationalOperator && token->isValid()) return KDbExpression(); //1. get expression after token if (len > 0) str = str.mid(len).trimmed(); if (str.isEmpty()) return KDbExpression(); KDbExpression valueExpr; QRegularExpressionMatch match; if (str.length() >= 2 && ( (str.startsWith(QLatin1Char('"')) && str.endsWith(QLatin1Char('"'))) || (str.startsWith(QLatin1Char('\'')) && str.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\'')))) ) { valueExpr = KDbConstExpression(KDbToken::CHARACTER_STRING_LITERAL, str.mid(1, str.length() - 2)); } else if (str.startsWith(QLatin1Char('[')) && str.endsWith(QLatin1Char(']'))) { valueExpr = KDbQueryParameterExpression(str.mid(1, str.length() - 2)); } else if ((match = QRegularExpression("^(\\d{1,4})-(\\d{1,2})-(\\d{1,2})$").match(str)).hasMatch()) { valueExpr = KDbConstExpression(KDbToken::DATE_CONST, QDate::fromString( match.captured(1).rightJustified(4, '0') + "-" + match.captured(2).rightJustified(2, '0') + "-" + match.captured(3).rightJustified(2, '0'), Qt::ISODate)); } else if ((match = QRegularExpression("^(\\d{1,2}):(\\d{1,2})$").match(str)).hasMatch() || (match = QRegularExpression("^(\\d{1,2}):(\\d{1,2}):(\\d{1,2})$").match(str)).hasMatch()) { QString res = match.captured(1).rightJustified(2, '0') + ":" + match.captured(2).rightJustified(2, '0') + ":" + match.captured(3).rightJustified(2, '0'); // qDebug() << res; valueExpr = KDbConstExpression(KDbToken::TIME_CONST, QTime::fromString(res, Qt::ISODate)); } else if ((match = QRegularExpression("^(\\d{1,4})-(\\d{1,2})-(\\d{1,2})\\s+(\\d{1,2}):(\\d{1,2})$").match(str)).hasMatch() || (match = QRegularExpression("^(\\d{1,4})-(\\d{1,2})-(\\d{1,2})\\s+(\\d{1,2}):(\\d{1,2}):(\\d{1,2})$").match(str)).hasMatch()) { QString res = match.captured(1).rightJustified(4, '0') + "-" + match.captured(2).rightJustified(2, '0') + "-" + match.captured(3).rightJustified(2, '0') + "T" + match.captured(4).rightJustified(2, '0') + ":" + match.captured(5).rightJustified(2, '0') + ":" + match.captured(6).rightJustified(2, '0'); // qDebug() << res; valueExpr = KDbConstExpression(KDbToken::DATETIME_CONST, QDateTime::fromString(res, Qt::ISODate)); } else if ((str[0] >= '0' && str[0] <= '9') || str[0] == '-' || str[0] == '+') { //number QLocale locale; const QChar decimalSym = locale.decimalPoint(); bool ok; int pos = str.indexOf('.'); if (pos == -1) {//second chance: local decimal symbol pos = str.indexOf(decimalSym); } if (pos >= 0) {//real const number const int left = str.leftRef(pos).toInt(&ok); if (!ok) return KDbExpression(); const int right = str.midRef(pos + 1).toInt(&ok); if (!ok) return KDbExpression(); valueExpr = KDbConstExpression(KDbToken::REAL_CONST, QPoint(left, right)); //decoded to QPoint } else { //integer const const qint64 val = str.toLongLong(&ok); if (!ok) return KDbExpression(); valueExpr = KDbConstExpression(KDbToken::INTEGER_CONST, val); } } else if (str.toLower() == "null") { valueExpr = KDbConstExpression(KDbToken::SQL_NULL, QVariant()); } else {//identfier if (!KDb::isIdentifier(str)) return KDbExpression(); valueExpr = KDbVariableExpression(str); // the default is 'fieldname' //find first matching field for name 'str': foreach(KexiRelationsTableContainer *cont, *d->relations->tables()) { /*! @todo what about query? */ if (cont->schema()->table() && cont->schema()->table()->field(str)) { valueExpr = KDbVariableExpression(cont->schema()->table()->name() + '.' + str); // the expression is now: tablename.fieldname //! @todo KEXI3 check this we're calling KDbQuerySchema::validate() instead of this: valueExpr.toVariable().field = cont->schema()->table()->field(str); break; } } } return valueExpr; } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotBeforeCellChanged(KDbRecordData *data, int colnum, QVariant* newValue, KDbResultInfo* result) { switch (colnum) { case COLUMN_ID_COLUMN: slotBeforeColumnCellChanged(data, *newValue, result); break; case COLUMN_ID_TABLE: slotBeforeTableCellChanged(data, *newValue, result); break; case COLUMN_ID_VISIBLE: slotBeforeVisibleCellChanged(data, *newValue, result); break; #ifndef KEXI_NO_QUERY_TOTALS case COLUMN_ID_TOTALS: slotBeforeTotalsCellChanged(data, newValue, result); break; #endif case COLUMN_ID_SORTING: slotBeforeSortingCellChanged(data, *newValue, result); break; case COLUMN_ID_CRITERIA: slotBeforeCriteriaCellChanged(data, *newValue, result); break; default: Q_ASSERT_X(false, "colnum", "unhandled value"); } } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotBeforeColumnCellChanged(KDbRecordData *data, QVariant& newValue, KDbResultInfo* result) { if (newValue.isNull()) { d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(data, COLUMN_ID_TABLE, QVariant(), false/*!allowSignals*/); d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(data, COLUMN_ID_VISIBLE, QVariant(false));//invisible d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(data, COLUMN_ID_SORTING, QVariant()); #ifndef KEXI_NO_QUERY_TOTALS d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(data, COLUMN_ID_TOTALS, QVariant());//remove totals #endif d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(data, COLUMN_ID_CRITERIA, QVariant());//remove crit. d->sets->eraseCurrentPropertySet(); return; } //auto fill 'table' column QString fieldId(newValue.toString().trimmed()); //tmp, can look like "table.field" QString fieldName; //"field" part of "table.field" or expression string QString tableName; //empty for expressions QByteArray alias; const bool isExpression = !d->fieldColumnIdentifiers.contains(fieldId.toLower()); if (isExpression) { //this value is entered by hand and doesn't match //any value in the combo box -- we're assuming this is an expression //-table remains null //-find "alias" in something like "alias : expr" const int id = fieldId.indexOf(':'); if (id > 0) { alias = fieldId.left(id).trimmed().toLatin1(); if (!KDb::isIdentifier(alias)) { result->success = false; result->allowToDiscardChanges = true; result->column = COLUMN_ID_COLUMN; result->message = xi18nc("@info", "Entered column alias %1 is not a valid identifier.", QString::fromLatin1(alias)); result->description = xi18n("Identifiers should start with a letter or '_' character"); return; } } fieldName = fieldId.mid(id + 1).trimmed(); //check expr. KDbExpression e; KDbToken dummyToken; if ((e = parseExpressionString(fieldName, &dummyToken, false/*allowRelationalOperator*/)).isValid()) { fieldName = e.toString(0).toString(); //print it prettier //this is just checking: destroy expr. object } else { result->success = false; result->allowToDiscardChanges = true; result->column = COLUMN_ID_COLUMN; result->message = xi18nc("@info", "Invalid expression %1", fieldName); return; } } else {//not expr. //this value is properly selected from combo box list if (fieldId == "*") { tableName = "*"; } else { if (!KDb::splitToTableAndFieldParts( fieldId, &tableName, &fieldName, KDb::SetFieldNameIfNoTableName)) { qWarning() << "no 'field' or 'table.field'"; return; } } } KProperty::ValueOptions valueOptions = KProperty::DefaultValueOptions; KPropertySet *set = d->sets->findPropertySetForItem(*data); if (!set) { valueOptions ^= KProperty::ValueOption::RememberOld; // no old val. const int row = d->data->indexOf(data); if (row < 0) { result->success = false; return; } set = createPropertySet(row, tableName, fieldName, true); propertySetSwitched(); } d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(data, COLUMN_ID_TABLE, QVariant(tableName), false/*!allowSignals*/); d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(data, COLUMN_ID_VISIBLE, QVariant(true)); #ifndef KEXI_NO_QUERY_TOTALS d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(data, COLUMN_ID_TOTALS, QVariant(0)); #endif if (!sortingAllowed(fieldName, tableName)) { // sorting is not available for "*" or "table.*" rows //! @todo what about expressions? d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(data, COLUMN_ID_SORTING, QVariant()); } //update properties (*set)["field"].setValue(fieldName, valueOptions); if (isExpression) { //-no alias but it's needed: if (alias.isEmpty()) //-try oto get old alias alias = (*set)["alias"].value().toByteArray(); if (alias.isEmpty()) //-generate smallest unique alias alias = generateUniqueAlias(); } (*set)["isExpression"].setValue(QVariant(isExpression), valueOptions); if (!alias.isEmpty()) { (*set)["alias"].setValue(alias, valueOptions); //pretty printed "alias: expr" newValue = QString(QString(alias) + ": " + fieldName); } (*set)["caption"].setValue(QString(), valueOptions); (*set)["table"].setValue(tableName, valueOptions); updatePropertiesVisibility(*set); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotBeforeTableCellChanged(KDbRecordData *data, QVariant& newValue, KDbResultInfo* result) { Q_UNUSED(result) if (newValue.isNull()) { if (!(*data)[COLUMN_ID_COLUMN].toString().isEmpty()) { d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(data, COLUMN_ID_COLUMN, QVariant(), false/*!allowSignals*/); } d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(data, COLUMN_ID_VISIBLE, QVariant(false));//invisible #ifndef KEXI_NO_QUERY_TOTALS d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(data, COLUMN_ID_TOTALS, QVariant());//remove totals #endif d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(data, COLUMN_ID_CRITERIA, QVariant());//remove crit. d->sets->eraseCurrentPropertySet(); } //update property KPropertySet *set = d->sets->findPropertySetForItem(*data); if (set) { if ((*set)["isExpression"].value().toBool() == false) { (*set)["table"] = newValue; (*set)["caption"] = QVariant(QString()); } else { //do not set table for expr. columns newValue = QVariant(); } updatePropertiesVisibility(*set); } } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotBeforeVisibleCellChanged(KDbRecordData *data, QVariant& newValue, KDbResultInfo* result) { Q_UNUSED(result) KProperty::ValueOptions valueOptions = KProperty::DefaultValueOptions; if (!propertySet()) { valueOptions ^= KProperty::ValueOption::RememberOld; // no old val. createPropertySet(d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->currentRecord(), (*data)[COLUMN_ID_TABLE].toString(), (*data)[COLUMN_ID_COLUMN].toString(), true); #ifndef KEXI_NO_QUERY_TOTALS d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(data, COLUMN_ID_TOTALS, QVariant(0));//totals #endif propertySetSwitched(); } KPropertySet &set = *propertySet(); set["visible"].setValue(newValue, valueOptions); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotBeforeTotalsCellChanged(KDbRecordData *data, QVariant& newValue, KDbResultInfo* result) { #ifdef KEXI_NO_QUERY_TOTALS Q_UNUSED(data) Q_UNUSED(newValue) Q_UNUSED(result) #else //! @todo unused yet setDirty(true); tempData()->setQueryChangedInView(true); #endif } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotBeforeSortingCellChanged(KDbRecordData *data, QVariant& newValue, KDbResultInfo* result) { KProperty::ValueOptions valueOptions = KProperty::DefaultValueOptions; KPropertySet *set = d->sets->findPropertySetForItem(*data); if (!set) { valueOptions ^= KProperty::ValueOption::RememberOld; // no old val. set = createPropertySet(d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->currentRecord(), (*data)[COLUMN_ID_TABLE].toString(), (*data)[COLUMN_ID_COLUMN].toString(), true); #ifndef KEXI_NO_QUERY_TOTALS d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(data, COLUMN_ID_TOTALS, QVariant(0));//totals #endif propertySetSwitched(); } QString table(set->property("table").value().toString()); QString field(set->property("field").value().toString()); if (newValue.toInt() == 0 || sortingAllowed(field, table)) { KProperty &property = set->property("sorting"); QString key(property.listData()->keysAsStringList()[ newValue.toInt()]); qDebug() << "new key=" << key; property.setValue(key, valueOptions); } else { //show msg: sorting is not available result->success = false; result->allowToDiscardChanges = true; result->column = COLUMN_ID_SORTING; result->message = xi18n("Could not set sorting for multiple columns (%1)", table == "*" ? table : (table + ".*")); } } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotBeforeCriteriaCellChanged(KDbRecordData *data, QVariant& newValue, KDbResultInfo* result) { //! @todo this is primitive, temporary: reuse SQL parser //QString operatorStr, argStr; KDbExpression e; const QString str = newValue.toString().trimmed(); KDbToken token; QString field, table; KPropertySet *set = d->sets->findPropertySetForItem(*data); if (set) { field = (*set)["field"].value().toString(); table = (*set)["table"].value().toString(); } if (!str.isEmpty() && (!set || table == "*" || field.contains("*"))) { //asterisk found! criteria not allowed result->success = false; result->allowToDiscardChanges = true; result->column = COLUMN_ID_CRITERIA; if (propertySet()) result->message = xi18nc("@info", "Could not set criteria for %1", table == "*" ? table : field); else result->message = xi18n("Could not set criteria for empty record"); } else if (str.isEmpty() || (e = parseExpressionString(str, &token, true/*allowRelationalOperator*/)).isValid()) { if (e.isValid()) { QString tokenStr; if (token != '=') { tokenStr = token.toString() + " "; } if (set) { (*set)["criteria"] = QString(tokenStr + e.toString(0).toString()); //print it prettier } //this is just checking: destroy expr. object } else if (set && str.isEmpty()) { (*set)["criteria"] = QVariant(); //clear it } setDirty(true); tempData()->setQueryChangedInView(true); } else { result->success = false; result->allowToDiscardChanges = true; result->column = COLUMN_ID_CRITERIA; result->message = xi18nc("@info", "Invalid criteria %1", newValue.toString()); } } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotTablePositionChanged(KexiRelationsTableContainer*) { setDirty(true); // this is not needed here because only position has changed: tempData()->setQueryChangedInView(true); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotAboutConnectionRemove(KexiRelationsConnection*) { setDirty(true); tempData()->setQueryChangedInView(true); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotAppendFields( KDbTableOrQuerySchema& tableOrQuery, const QStringList& fieldNames) { //! @todo how about query columns and multiple fields? KDbTableSchema *table = tableOrQuery.table(); if (!table || fieldNames.isEmpty()) return; QString fieldName(fieldNames.first()); if (fieldName != "*" && !table->field(fieldName)) return; int row_num; //find last filled row in the GUI table for (row_num = d->sets->size() - 1; row_num >= 0 && !d->sets->at(row_num); row_num--) { } row_num++; //after //add row KDbRecordData *newRecord = createNewRow(table->name(), fieldName, true /* visible*/); d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->insertItem(newRecord, row_num); d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->setCursorPosition(row_num, 0); //create buffer createPropertySet(row_num, table->name(), fieldName, true/*new one*/); propertySetSwitched(); d->dataTable->setFocus(); } KPropertySet *KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::propertySet() { return d->sets->currentPropertySet(); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::updatePropertiesVisibility(KPropertySet& set) { const bool asterisk = isAsterisk( set["table"].value().toString(), set["field"].value().toString() ); #ifdef KEXI_SHOW_UNFINISHED set["caption"].setVisible(!asterisk); #endif set["alias"].setVisible(!asterisk); /*always invisible #ifdef KEXI_SHOW_UNFINISHED set["sorting"].setVisible( !asterisk ); #endif*/ propertySetReloaded(true); } KPropertySet* KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::createPropertySet(int row, const QString& tableName, const QString& fieldName, bool newOne) { //const bool asterisk = isAsterisk(tableName, fieldName); KPropertySet *set = new KPropertySet(d->sets); KProperty *prop; //meta-info for property editor set->addProperty(prop = new KProperty("this:classString", xi18nc("Query column", "Column"))); prop->setVisible(false); //! \todo add table_field icon (add buff->addProperty(prop = new KexiProperty("this:iconName", KexiIconName("table_field")) ); // prop->setVisible(false); set->addProperty(prop = new KProperty("this:visibleObjectNameProperty", "visibleName")); prop->setVisible(false);//always hidden set->addProperty(prop = new KProperty("this:objectNameReadOnly", true)); prop->setVisible(false);//always hidden set->addProperty(prop = new KProperty("visibleName", QVariant(tableName + '.' + fieldName))); prop->setVisible(false);//always hidden set->addProperty(prop = new KProperty("table", QVariant(tableName))); prop->setVisible(false);//always hidden set->addProperty(prop = new KProperty("field", QVariant(fieldName))); prop->setVisible(false);//always hidden set->addProperty(prop = new KProperty("caption", QVariant(QString()), xi18n("Caption"))); #ifndef KEXI_SHOW_UNFINISHED prop->setVisible(false); #endif set->addProperty(prop = new KProperty("alias", QVariant(QString()), xi18n("Alias"))); set->addProperty(prop = new KProperty("visible", QVariant(true))); prop->setVisible(false); /*! @todo set->addProperty(prop = new KexiProperty("totals", QVariant(QString())) ); prop->setVisible(false);*/ //sorting KPropertyListData *listData = new KPropertyListData( {"nosorting", "ascending", "descending"}, QVariantList{xi18n("None"), xi18n("Ascending"), xi18n("Descending")}); set->addProperty(prop = new KProperty("sorting", listData, listData->keys().first(), xi18n("Sorting"))); prop->setVisible(false); set->addProperty(prop = new KProperty("criteria", QVariant(QString()))); prop->setVisible(false); set->addProperty(prop = new KProperty("isExpression", QVariant(false))); prop->setVisible(false); d->sets->set(row, set, newOne); updatePropertiesVisibility(*set); return set; } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::setFocus() { d->dataTable->setFocus(); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotPropertyChanged(KPropertySet& set, KProperty& property) { const QByteArray pname(property.name()); /*! @todo use KexiProperty::setValidator(QString) when implemented as described in TODO #60 */ if (pname == "alias" || pname == "name") { const QVariant& v = property.value(); if (!v.toString().trimmed().isEmpty() && !KDb::isIdentifier(v.toString())) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, KDb::identifierExpectedMessage(property.caption(), v.toString())); property.resetValue(); } if (pname == "alias") { if (set["isExpression"].value().toBool() == true) { //update value in column #1 d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->acceptEditor(); d->data->updateRecordEditBuffer(d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->selectedRecord(), 0, QVariant(set["alias"].value().toString() + ": " + set["field"].value().toString())); d->data->saveRecordChanges(d->dataTable->dataAwareObject()->selectedRecord(), true); } } } tempData()->setQueryChangedInView(true); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotNewItemStored(KexiPart::Item* item) { d->relations->objectCreated(item->pluginId(), item->name()); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotItemRemoved(const KexiPart::Item& item) { d->relations->objectDeleted(item.pluginId(), item.name()); } void KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor::slotItemRenamed(const KexiPart::Item& item, const QString& oldName) { d->relations->objectRenamed(item.pluginId(), oldName, item.name()); } diff --git a/src/plugins/queries/kexiquerydesignersql.cpp b/src/plugins/queries/kexiquerydesignersql.cpp index d33e91464..593ebb481 100644 --- a/src/plugins/queries/kexiquerydesignersql.cpp +++ b/src/plugins/queries/kexiquerydesignersql.cpp @@ -1,464 +1,465 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2003 Lucijan Busch Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Jarosław Staniek This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kexiquerydesignersql.h" #include "kexiquerydesignersqleditor.h" #include "kexiquerypart.h" #include "kexisectionheader.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static bool compareSql(const QString& sql1, const QString& sql2) { //! @todo use reformatting functions here return sql1.trimmed() == sql2.trimmed(); } //=================== //! @internal class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::Private { public: Private() : statusPixmapOk(koDesktopIcon("dialog-ok")) , statusPixmapErr(koDesktopIcon("dialog-error")) , statusPixmapInfo(koDesktopIcon("dialog-information")) , parsedQuery(0) , heightForStatusMode(-1) , justSwitchedFromNoViewMode(false) , slotTextChangedEnabled(true) { } KexiQueryDesignerSqlEditor *editor; QLabel *pixmapStatus, *lblStatus; QHBoxLayout *statusHLyr; QFrame *statusMainWidget; KexiSectionHeader *head; QWidget *bottomPane; QPixmap statusPixmapOk, statusPixmapErr, statusPixmapInfo; QSplitter *splitter; //! For internal use, this pointer is usually copied to TempData structure, //! when switching out of this view (then it's cleared). KDbQuerySchema *parsedQuery; //! For internal use, statement passed in switching to this view KDbEscapedString origStatement; //! needed to remember height for both modes, between switching int heightForStatusMode; //! helper for beforeSwitchTo() bool justSwitchedFromNoViewMode; //! helper for slotTextChanged() bool slotTextChangedEnabled; }; //=================== KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::KexiQueryDesignerSqlView(QWidget *parent) : KexiView(parent) , d(new Private()) { d->splitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical, this); d->splitter->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Minimum); d->splitter->setChildrenCollapsible(false); d->head = new KexiSectionHeader(xi18n("SQL Query Text"), Qt::Vertical); d->splitter->addWidget(d->head); d->splitter->setStretchFactor( d->splitter->indexOf(d->head), 3/*stretch*/); d->editor = new KexiQueryDesignerSqlEditor(d->head); d->editor->setObjectName("sqleditor"); d->editor->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Minimum); d->head->setWidget(d->editor); connect(d->editor, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(slotTextChanged())); // -- bottom pane (status) d->bottomPane = new QWidget; QVBoxLayout *bottomPaneLyr = new QVBoxLayout(d->bottomPane); d->splitter->addWidget(d->bottomPane); d->splitter->setStretchFactor( d->splitter->indexOf(d->bottomPane), 1/*KeepSize*/); // -- status pane d->statusMainWidget = new QFrame(d->bottomPane); bottomPaneLyr->addWidget(d->statusMainWidget); d->statusMainWidget->setAutoFillBackground(true); d->statusMainWidget->setFrameShape(QFrame::StyledPanel); d->statusMainWidget->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Plain); d->statusMainWidget->setBackgroundRole(QPalette::Base); QPalette pal(QToolTip::palette()); pal.setBrush(QPalette::Base, QToolTip::palette().brush(QPalette::Button)); d->statusMainWidget->setPalette(pal); d->statusHLyr = new QHBoxLayout(d->statusMainWidget); d->statusHLyr->setContentsMargins(0, KexiUtils::marginHint() / 2, 0, KexiUtils::marginHint() / 2); d->statusHLyr->setSpacing(0); d->pixmapStatus = new QLabel(d->statusMainWidget); d->statusHLyr->addWidget(d->pixmapStatus); d->pixmapStatus->setFixedWidth(d->statusPixmapOk.width()*3 / 2); d->pixmapStatus->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); d->pixmapStatus->setAutoFillBackground(true); d->lblStatus = new QLabel(d->statusMainWidget); d->statusHLyr->addWidget(d->lblStatus); d->lblStatus->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); d->lblStatus->setWordWrap(true); d->lblStatus->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); d->lblStatus->setMinimumHeight(d->statusPixmapOk.width()); addChildView(d->editor); setViewWidget(d->splitter); d->splitter->setFocusProxy(d->editor); setFocusProxy(d->editor); // -- setup local actions QList viewActions; QAction* a; viewActions << (a = new QAction(KexiIcon("validate"), xi18n("Check Query"), this)); a->setObjectName("querypart_check_query"); a->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_F5)); a->setToolTip(xi18n("Check Query")); a->setWhatsThis(xi18n("Checks query for validity.")); addAction(a); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotCheckQuery())); setViewActions(viewActions); slotCheckQuery(); updateGeometry(); } KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::~KexiQueryDesignerSqlView() { delete d; } KexiQueryDesignerSqlEditor *KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::editor() const { return d->editor; } void KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::setStatusOk() { d->pixmapStatus->setPixmap(d->statusPixmapOk); setStatusText("

" + xi18n("The query is correct") + "

"); } void KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::setStatusError(const QString& msg) { d->pixmapStatus->setPixmap(d->statusPixmapErr); setStatusText("

" + xi18n("The query is incorrect") + "

" + msg + "

"); } void KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::setStatusEmpty() { d->pixmapStatus->setPixmap(d->statusPixmapInfo); setStatusText( xi18n("Please enter your query and execute \"Check query\" function to verify it.")); } void KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::setStatusText(const QString& text) { d->lblStatus->setText(text); } tristate KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::beforeSwitchTo(Kexi::ViewMode mode, bool *dontStore) { Q_ASSERT(dontStore); //! @todo *dontStore = true; if (mode == Kexi::DesignViewMode || mode == Kexi::DataViewMode) { QString sqlText = d->editor->text().trimmed(); KexiQueryPartTempData * temp = tempData(); const bool sqlTextIsEmpty = sqlText.isEmpty(); if (sqlTextIsEmpty && mode == Kexi::DesignViewMode) { //special case: empty SQL text, allow to switch to the design view if (temp->query()) { temp->setQueryChangedInView(true); //query changed temp->setQuery(0); } } else { const bool designViewWasVisible = window()->viewForMode(mode) != 0; //should we check SQL text? if (designViewWasVisible && !sqlTextIsEmpty //for empty text always show error && !d->justSwitchedFromNoViewMode //unchanged, but we should check SQL text && compareSql(d->origStatement.toString(), d->editor->text())) { //statement unchanged! - nothing to do temp->setQueryChangedInView(false); } else { //yes: parse SQL text if (sqlTextIsEmpty || !slotCheckQuery()) { if (KMessageBox::Cancel == KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, xi18n("The query you entered is incorrect." "Do you want discard changes made to this SQL " "text and switch to the other view?"), QString(), KGuiItem(xi18n("Discard Changes and Switch"), KStandardGuiItem::yes().iconName()), KGuiItem(xi18n("Don't Switch"), KStandardGuiItem::cancel().iconName()))) { return cancelled; } //do not change original query - it's invalid temp->setQueryChangedInView(false); //this view is no longer _just_ switched from "NoViewMode" d->justSwitchedFromNoViewMode = false; d->slotTextChangedEnabled = false; d->editor->setText(d->origStatement.toString()); d->slotTextChangedEnabled = true; slotCheckQuery(); return true; } //this view is no longer _just_ switched from "NoViewMode" d->justSwitchedFromNoViewMode = false; //replace old query schema with new one temp->setQuery(d->parsedQuery); //this will also delete temp->query() d->parsedQuery = 0; temp->setQueryChangedInView(true); } } d->origStatement = KDbEscapedString(d->editor->text()); } d->editor->setFocus(); return true; } tristate KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::afterSwitchFrom(Kexi::ViewMode mode) { if (mode == Kexi::NoViewMode) { //User opened text view _directly_. //This flag is set to indicate for beforeSwitchTo() that even if text has not been changed, //SQL text should be invalidated. d->justSwitchedFromNoViewMode = true; } + KDbConnection *conn = KexiMainWindowIface::global()->project()->dbConnection(); KexiQueryPartTempData * temp = tempData(); KDbQuerySchema *query = temp->query(); if (!query) {//try to just get saved schema, instead of temporary one query = dynamic_cast(window()->schemaObject()); } if (mode != 0/*failure only if it is switching from prev. view*/ && !query) { //! @todo msg return false; } if (query) { // Use query with Kexi keywords (but not driver-specific keywords) escaped. temp->setQuery(query); if (temp->queryChangedInView() != Kexi::NoViewMode) { KDbSelectStatementOptions options; options.setAddVisibleLookupColumns(false); - KDbNativeStatementBuilder builder; + KDbNativeStatementBuilder builder(conn, KDb::KDbEscaping); if (!builder.generateSelectStatement(&d->origStatement, query, options)) { //! @todo msg return false; } } } if (d->origStatement.isEmpty() && !window()->partItem()->neverSaved()) { //no valid query delivered or query has not been modified: // just load sql text, no matter if it's valid QString sql; if (!loadDataBlock(&sql, "sql", true /*canBeEmpty*/)) { return false; } d->origStatement = KDbEscapedString(sql); d->slotTextChangedEnabled = false; d->editor->setText(d->origStatement.toString()); d->slotTextChangedEnabled = true; } if (temp->queryChangedInView() == Kexi::DesignViewMode /* true in this scenario: - user switched from SQL to Design, - changed the design, - switched to Data - switched back to SQL */ || mode != Kexi::DataViewMode) /* true in this scenario: user switched from No-view or Design view */ { if (!compareSql(d->origStatement.toString(), d->editor->text())) { d->slotTextChangedEnabled = false; d->editor->setText(d->origStatement.toString()); d->slotTextChangedEnabled = true; } } QTimer::singleShot(100, d->editor, SLOT(setFocus())); return true; } QString KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::sqlText() const { return d->editor->text(); } bool KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::slotCheckQuery() { QString sqlText(d->editor->text().trimmed()); if (sqlText.isEmpty()) { delete d->parsedQuery; d->parsedQuery = 0; setStatusEmpty(); return true; } KDbParser *parser = KexiMainWindowIface::global()->project()->sqlParser(); const bool ok = parser->parse(KDbEscapedString(sqlText)); delete d->parsedQuery; d->parsedQuery = parser->query(); if (!d->parsedQuery || !ok || !parser->error().type().isEmpty()) { KDbParserError err = parser->error(); setStatusError(err.message()); d->editor->jump(err.position()); delete d->parsedQuery; d->parsedQuery = 0; return false; } setStatusOk(); return true; } void KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::slotTextChanged() { if (!d->slotTextChangedEnabled) return; setDirty(true); setStatusEmpty(); } void KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::updateActions(bool activated) { if (activated) { if (isDirty()) { slotCheckQuery(); } } setAvailable("querypart_check_query", true); KexiView::updateActions(activated); } KexiQueryPartTempData* KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::tempData() const { return dynamic_cast(window()->data()); } KDbObject* KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::storeNewData(const KDbObject& object, KexiView::StoreNewDataOptions options, bool *cancel) { Q_ASSERT(cancel); Q_UNUSED(options); //here: we won't store query layout: it will be recreated 'by hand' in GUI Query Editor const bool queryOK = slotCheckQuery(); bool ok = true; KDbObject* query = 0; if (queryOK) { if (d->parsedQuery) { query = d->parsedQuery; //will be returned, so: don't keep it d->parsedQuery = 0; } else { //empty query query = new KDbObject(); //just empty } } else { // the query is not ok if (KMessageBox::Yes != KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this, xi18n("This query is invalid." "Do you want to save it?"), 0, KStandardGuiItem::save(), KStandardGuiItem::dontSave(), "askBeforeSavingInvalidQueries" /*config entry*/)) { *cancel = true; return 0; } query = new KDbObject(); //just empty } (KDbObject&)*query = object; //copy main attributes ok = KexiMainWindowIface::global()->project()->dbConnection()->storeNewObjectData(query); if (ok) { ok = KexiMainWindowIface::global()->project()->removeUserDataBlock(query->id()); // for sanity } if (ok) { window()->setId(query->id()); ok = storeDataBlock(d->editor->text(), "sql"); } if (!ok) { delete query; query = 0; } return query; } tristate KexiQueryDesignerSqlView::storeData(bool dontAsk) { if (window()->schemaObject()) { //set this instance as obsolete (only if it's stored) KexiMainWindowIface::global()->project()->dbConnection()->setQuerySchemaObsolete(window()->schemaObject()->name()); } tristate res = KexiView::storeData(dontAsk); if (~res) return res; if (res == true) { res = storeDataBlock(d->editor->text(), "sql"); #if 0 bool queryOK = slotCheckQuery(); if (queryOK) { res = storeDataBlock(d->editor->text(), "sql"); } else { //query is not ok //! @todo allow saving invalid queries //! @todo just ask this question: res = false; } #endif } if (res == true) { QString empty_xml; res = storeDataBlock(empty_xml, "query_layout"); //clear } if (!res) setDirty(true); return res; } diff --git a/src/plugins/reports/KexiDBReportDataSource.cpp b/src/plugins/reports/KexiDBReportDataSource.cpp index 34fd08b9b..ed38d0b64 100644 --- a/src/plugins/reports/KexiDBReportDataSource.cpp +++ b/src/plugins/reports/KexiDBReportDataSource.cpp @@ -1,326 +1,326 @@ /* * Kexi Report Plugin * Copyright (C) 2007-2017 by Adam Pigg * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "KexiDBReportDataSource.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KexiDBReportDataSource::Private { public: explicit Private(KDbConnection *pDb) : cursor(0), connection(pDb), originalSchema(0), copySchema(0) { } ~Private() { delete copySchema; delete originalSchema; } QString objectName; KDbCursor *cursor; KDbConnection *connection; KDbQuerySchema *originalSchema; KDbQuerySchema *copySchema; }; KexiDBReportDataSource::KexiDBReportDataSource(const QString& objectName, const QString& pluginId, KDbConnection* pDb) : d(new Private(pDb)) { d->objectName = objectName; getSchema(pluginId); } void KexiDBReportDataSource::setSorting(const QList& sorting) { if (d->copySchema) { if (sorting.isEmpty()) return; KDbOrderByColumnList order; for (int i = 0; i < sorting.count(); i++) { if (!order.appendField(d->connection, d->copySchema, sorting[i].field(), KDbOrderByColumn::fromQt(sorting[i].order()))) { qWarning() << "Cannot set sort field" << i << sorting[i].field(); return; } } d->copySchema->setOrderByColumnList(order); } else { qWarning() << "Unable to sort null schema"; } } void KexiDBReportDataSource::addCondition(const QString &field, const QVariant &value, const QString& relation) { if (d->copySchema) { KDbField *fld = d->copySchema->findTableField(field); if (fld) { if (relation.length() == 1) { QString errorMessage; QString errorDescription; if (!d->copySchema->addToWhereExpression(fld, value, KDbToken(relation.toLatin1()[0]), &errorMessage, &errorDescription)) { qWarning() << "Invalid expression cannot be added to WHERE:" << fld << relation << value; qWarning() << "addToWhereExpression() failed, message=" << errorMessage << "description=" << errorDescription; } } else { qWarning() << "Invalid relation passed in:" << relation; } } } else { qDebug() << "Unable to add expresstion to null schema"; } } KexiDBReportDataSource::~KexiDBReportDataSource() { close(); delete d; } bool KexiDBReportDataSource::open() { if ( d->connection && d->cursor == 0 ) { if ( d->objectName.isEmpty() ) { return false; } else if ( d->copySchema) { qDebug() << "Opening cursor.." << KDbConnectionAndQuerySchema(d->connection, *d->copySchema); d->cursor = d->connection->executeQuery(d->copySchema, KDbCursor::Option::Buffered); } if ( d->cursor ) { qDebug() << "Moving to first record.."; return d->cursor->moveFirst(); } else return false; } return false; } bool KexiDBReportDataSource::close() { if (d->cursor) { const bool ok = d->cursor->close(); d->connection->deleteCursor(d->cursor); d->cursor = nullptr; return ok; } return true; } bool KexiDBReportDataSource::getSchema(const QString& pluginId) { if (d->connection) { delete d->originalSchema; d->originalSchema = 0; delete d->copySchema; d->copySchema = 0; if ((pluginId.isEmpty() || pluginId == "org.kexi-project.table") && d->connection->tableSchema(d->objectName)) { qDebug() << d->objectName << "is a table.."; d->originalSchema = new KDbQuerySchema(d->connection->tableSchema(d->objectName)); } else if ((pluginId.isEmpty() || pluginId == "org.kexi-project.query") && d->connection->querySchema(d->objectName)) { qDebug() << d->objectName << "is a query.."; qDebug() << KDbConnectionAndQuerySchema(d->connection, *d->connection->querySchema(d->objectName)); d->originalSchema = new KDbQuerySchema(*(d->connection->querySchema(d->objectName)), d->connection); } if (d->originalSchema) { - const KDbNativeStatementBuilder builder(d->connection); + const KDbNativeStatementBuilder builder(d->connection, KDb::DriverEscaping); KDbEscapedString sql; if (builder.generateSelectStatement(&sql, d->originalSchema)) { qDebug() << "Original:" << sql; } else { qDebug() << "Original: ERROR"; } qDebug() << KDbConnectionAndQuerySchema(d->connection, *d->originalSchema); d->copySchema = new KDbQuerySchema(*d->originalSchema, d->connection); qDebug() << KDbConnectionAndQuerySchema(d->connection, *d->copySchema); if (builder.generateSelectStatement(&sql, d->copySchema)) { qDebug() << "Copy:" << sql; } else { qDebug() << "Copy: ERROR"; } } return true; } return false; } QString KexiDBReportDataSource::sourceName() const { return d->objectName; } int KexiDBReportDataSource::fieldNumber ( const QString &fld ) const { if (!d->cursor || !d->cursor->query()) { return -1; } const KDbQueryColumnInfo::Vector fieldsExpanded(d->cursor->query()->fieldsExpanded( d->connection, KDbQuerySchema::FieldsExpandedMode::Unique)); for (int i = 0; i < fieldsExpanded.size(); ++i) { if (0 == QString::compare(fld, fieldsExpanded[i]->aliasOrName(), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return i; } } return -1; } QStringList KexiDBReportDataSource::fieldNames() const { if (!d->originalSchema) { return QStringList(); } QStringList names; const KDbQueryColumnInfo::Vector fieldsExpanded(d->originalSchema->fieldsExpanded( d->connection, KDbQuerySchema::FieldsExpandedMode::Unique)); for (int i = 0; i < fieldsExpanded.size(); i++) { //! @todo in some Kexi mode captionOrAliasOrName() would be used here (more user-friendly) names.append(fieldsExpanded[i]->aliasOrName()); } return names; } QVariant KexiDBReportDataSource::value (int i) const { if ( d->cursor ) return d->cursor->value ( i ); return QVariant(); } QVariant KexiDBReportDataSource::value ( const QString &fld ) const { int i = fieldNumber ( fld ); if (d->cursor && i >= 0) return d->cursor->value ( i ); return QVariant(); } bool KexiDBReportDataSource::moveNext() { if ( d->cursor ) return d->cursor->moveNext(); return false; } bool KexiDBReportDataSource::movePrevious() { if ( d->cursor ) return d->cursor->movePrev(); return false; } bool KexiDBReportDataSource::moveFirst() { if ( d->cursor ) return d->cursor->moveFirst(); return false; } bool KexiDBReportDataSource::moveLast() { if ( d->cursor ) return d->cursor->moveLast(); return false; } qint64 KexiDBReportDataSource::at() const { if ( d->cursor ) return d->cursor->at(); return 0; } qint64 KexiDBReportDataSource::recordCount() const { if (d->copySchema) { return d->connection->recordCount(d->copySchema); } return 1; } QStringList KexiDBReportDataSource::dataSourceNames() const { //Get the list of queries in the database QStringList qs; if (d->connection && d->connection->isConnected()) { QList tids = d->connection->tableIds(); qs << ""; for (int i = 0; i < tids.size(); ++i) { KDbTableSchema* tsc = d->connection->tableSchema(tids[i]); if (tsc) qs << tsc->name(); } QList qids = d->connection->queryIds(); qs << ""; for (int i = 0; i < qids.size(); ++i) { KDbQuerySchema* qsc = d->connection->querySchema(qids[i]); if (qsc) qs << qsc->name(); } } return qs; } KReportDataSource* KexiDBReportDataSource::create(const QString& source) const { return new KexiDBReportDataSource(source, QString(), d->connection); }