diff --git a/src/dcc/whiteboardpaintarea.cpp b/src/dcc/whiteboardpaintarea.cpp index dfd530a8..27bb0dc5 100644 --- a/src/dcc/whiteboardpaintarea.cpp +++ b/src/dcc/whiteboardpaintarea.cpp @@ -1,876 +1,886 @@ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ /* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Bernd Buschinski */ #include "whiteboardpaintarea.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#if __has_cpp_attribute(clang::fallthrough) +#define FALLTHROUGH [[clang::fallthrough]]; +#elif __has_cpp_attribute(fallthrough) +#define FALLTHROUGH [[fallthrough]]; +#else +#define FALLTHROUGH +#endif + namespace Konversation { namespace DCC { static const int InvalidLastPos = -32546; WhiteBoardPaintArea::WhiteBoardPaintArea(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent), m_mousePressed(false), m_lastPos(InvalidLastPos, InvalidLastPos), m_tool(WhiteBoardGlobals::Pencil), m_foregroundColor(Qt::black), m_backgroundColor(Qt::white), m_penWidth(1) { m_imagePixmap = new QPixmap(width(), height()); m_imagePixmap->fill(Qt::white); m_overlayPixmap = new QPixmap(width(), height()); m_overlayPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); // because not all gfx driver can handle bigger images setMaximumSize(WhiteBoardGlobals::MaxImageSize, WhiteBoardGlobals::MaxImageSize); setMinimumSize(100,100); setCursor(Qt::CrossCursor); } WhiteBoardPaintArea::~WhiteBoardPaintArea() { delete m_imagePixmap; delete m_overlayPixmap; } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::setTool(WhiteBoardGlobals::WhiteBoardTool tool) { //qDebug() << "newtool" << tool; if (tool != m_tool && (m_tool == WhiteBoardGlobals::Text || m_tool == WhiteBoardGlobals::TextExtended)) { finishText(); makeLastPosInvalid(); update(); } m_tool = tool; } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::setForegroundColor(const QColor& color) { m_foregroundColor = color; if (m_tool == WhiteBoardGlobals::Text || m_tool == WhiteBoardGlobals::TextExtended) { if (isLastPosValid()) { m_overlayPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); text(m_overlayPixmap, m_font, m_foregroundColor, m_backgroundColor, m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), m_writtenText, true, m_tool); update(); } } } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::setBackgroundColor(const QColor& color) { m_backgroundColor = color; } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::swapColors(const QColor& newForeground, const QColor& newBackground) { m_foregroundColor = newForeground; m_backgroundColor = newBackground; if (m_tool == WhiteBoardGlobals::Text || m_tool == WhiteBoardGlobals::TextExtended) { if (isLastPosValid()) { m_overlayPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); text(m_overlayPixmap, m_font, m_foregroundColor, m_backgroundColor, m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), m_writtenText, true, m_tool); update(); } } } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::setPenWidth(int width) { m_penWidth = width; } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::setFont(const QFont& font) { m_font = font; if (isLastPosValid() && m_tool == WhiteBoardGlobals::TextExtended) { m_overlayPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); text(m_overlayPixmap, m_font, m_foregroundColor, m_backgroundColor, m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), m_writtenText, true, m_tool); update(); } } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::clear() { m_imagePixmap->fill(Qt::white); m_overlayPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); m_mousePressed = false; makeLastPosInvalid(); update(); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::drawLine(int lineWidth, const QColor& penColor, const QColor& brushColor, int xFrom, int yFrom, int xTo, int yTo) { checkImageSize(xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo, lineWidth); QPainter tPaint(m_imagePixmap); tPaint.setPen(getPen(penColor, lineWidth, WhiteBoardGlobals::Line)); tPaint.setBrush(brushColor); // drawLine with lineWidth=1 creates a dot // but drawLine with lineWith>1 creates nothing (with Qt 4.6.1, Bug?) // check if start==endPos and use drawPoint in this case if (xFrom == xTo && yFrom == yTo) { tPaint.drawPoint(xFrom, yFrom); } else { tPaint.drawLine(xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo); } tPaint.end(); update(); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::drawRectangle(int lineWidth, const QColor& penColor, int xFrom, int yFrom, int xTo, int yTo) { checkImageSize(xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo, lineWidth); QPainter tPaint(m_imagePixmap); tPaint.setPen(getPen(penColor, lineWidth, WhiteBoardGlobals::Rectangle)); tPaint.drawRect(xFrom, yFrom, xTo-xFrom, yTo-yFrom); tPaint.end(); update(); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::drawFilledRectangle(int lineWidth, const QColor& penColor, const QColor& brushColor, int xFrom, int yFrom, int xTo, int yTo) { checkImageSize(xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo, lineWidth); QPainter tPaint(m_imagePixmap); tPaint.setPen(getPen(penColor, lineWidth, WhiteBoardGlobals::FilledRectangle)); tPaint.setBrush(brushColor); drawRect(&tPaint, xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo); tPaint.end(); update(); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::drawEllipse(int lineWidth, const QColor& penColor, int xFrom, int yFrom, int xTo, int yTo) { checkImageSize(xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo, lineWidth); QPainter tPaint(m_imagePixmap); tPaint.setPen(getPen(penColor, lineWidth, WhiteBoardGlobals::Ellipse)); tPaint.drawEllipse(xFrom, yFrom, xTo-xFrom, yTo-yFrom); tPaint.end(); update(); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::drawFilledEllipse(int lineWidth, const QColor& penColor, const QColor& brushColor, int xFrom, int yFrom, int xTo, int yTo) { checkImageSize(xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo, lineWidth); QPainter tPaint(m_imagePixmap); tPaint.setPen(getPen(penColor, lineWidth, WhiteBoardGlobals::FilledEllipse)); tPaint.setBrush(brushColor); tPaint.drawEllipse(xFrom, yFrom, xTo-xFrom, yTo-yFrom); tPaint.end(); update(); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::drawArrow(int lineWidth, const QColor& penColor, int xFrom, int yFrom, int xTo, int yTo) { checkImageSize(xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo, lineWidth); QPainter tPaint(m_imagePixmap); tPaint.setPen(getPen(penColor, lineWidth, WhiteBoardGlobals::Arrow)); arrow(&tPaint, xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo); tPaint.end(); update(); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::useEraser(int lineWidth, int xFrom, int yFrom, int xTo, int yTo) { checkImageSize(xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo, lineWidth); QPainter tPaint(m_imagePixmap); tPaint.setPen(getPen(Qt::white, lineWidth, WhiteBoardGlobals::Eraser)); tPaint.drawLine(xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo); tPaint.end(); update(); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::useFloodFill (int x, int y, const QColor& color) { checkImageSize(x, y, 0, 0, 1); floodfill(x, y, color); update(); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::useBlt(int x1src, int y1src, int x2src, int y2src, int xdest, int ydest) { //TODO optimize me checkImageSize(x2src, y2src, xdest, ydest, 1); QPixmap copyPix(m_imagePixmap->copy(x1src, y1src, x2src-x1src, y2src-y1src)); QPainter tPaint(m_imagePixmap); tPaint.drawPixmap(xdest, ydest, copyPix); tPaint.end(); update(); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::useText(int x1, int y1, const QString& textString) { text(m_imagePixmap, QFont(), Qt::black, Qt::white, x1, y1, textString, false, WhiteBoardGlobals::Text); update(); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::useTextExtended(int x1, int y1, const QFont& font, const QColor& foreGround, const QColor& backGround, const QString& textString) { text(m_imagePixmap, font, foreGround, backGround, x1, y1, textString, false, WhiteBoardGlobals::TextExtended); update(); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::save(const QString& fileName) { m_imagePixmap->save(fileName); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { //qDebug(); QPainter tPaint; tPaint.begin(this); foreach (const QRect& rect, event->region()) { tPaint.drawPixmap(rect, *m_imagePixmap, rect); tPaint.drawPixmap(rect, *m_overlayPixmap, rect); } tPaint.end(); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event) // qDebug() << "newsize:" << event->size(); // qDebug() << "newcontent:" << contentsRect().width() << " " << contentsRect().height(); resizeImage(contentsRect().width(), contentsRect().height()); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { // pencil is unabled to cancel as its always directly send if (event->buttons() & Qt::RightButton && m_tool != WhiteBoardGlobals::Pencil) { m_mousePressed = false; m_overlayPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); m_writtenText.clear(); makeLastPosInvalid(); update(); } else if (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) { m_mousePressed = true; if (m_tool == WhiteBoardGlobals::FloodFill) { makeLastPosInvalid(); QCursor oldCur = cursor(); setCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); floodfill(event->pos().x(), event->pos().y(), m_foregroundColor); setCursor(oldCur); emit usedFloodFill(event->pos().x(), event->pos().y(), m_foregroundColor); update(); } else if (m_tool == WhiteBoardGlobals::TextExtended || m_tool == WhiteBoardGlobals::Text) { m_mousePressed = false; m_overlayPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); if (isLastPosValid()) { finishText(); m_lastPos = event->pos(); text(m_overlayPixmap, m_font, m_foregroundColor, m_backgroundColor, event->pos().x(), event->pos().y(), m_writtenText, true, m_tool); setFocus(); } else { m_lastPos = event->pos(); text(m_overlayPixmap, m_font, m_foregroundColor, m_backgroundColor, event->pos().x(), event->pos().y(), m_writtenText, true, m_tool); setFocus(); } update(); } else { makeLastPosInvalid(); mouseMoveEvent(event); } } } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton && m_mousePressed) { m_mousePressed = false; switch (m_tool) { case WhiteBoardGlobals::Line: emit drawedLine(m_penWidth, m_foregroundColor, m_backgroundColor, m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), event->pos().x(), event->pos().y()); break; case WhiteBoardGlobals::Pencil: case WhiteBoardGlobals::Eraser: case WhiteBoardGlobals::FloodFill: case WhiteBoardGlobals::Stamp: case WhiteBoardGlobals::ColorPicker: break; case WhiteBoardGlobals::Rectangle: emit drawedRectangle(m_penWidth, m_foregroundColor, m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), event->pos().x(), event->pos().y()); break; case WhiteBoardGlobals::FilledRectangle: emit drawedFilledRectangle(m_penWidth, m_foregroundColor, m_backgroundColor, m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), event->pos().x(), event->pos().y()); break; case WhiteBoardGlobals::Ellipse: emit drawedEllipse(m_penWidth, m_foregroundColor, m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), event->pos().x(), event->pos().y()); break; case WhiteBoardGlobals::FilledEllipse: emit drawedFilledEllipse(m_penWidth, m_foregroundColor, m_backgroundColor, m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), event->pos().x(), event->pos().y()); break; case WhiteBoardGlobals::Arrow: emit drawedArrow(m_penWidth, m_foregroundColor, m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), event->pos().x(), event->pos().y()); break; case WhiteBoardGlobals::Text: case WhiteBoardGlobals::TextExtended: //don't finish writing here, finish it on tool change or when clicking somewhere else return; case WhiteBoardGlobals::Selection: qDebug() << "TODO implement whiteboard Selection"; return; } QPainter tPainter(m_imagePixmap); tPainter.drawPixmap(0,0, *m_overlayPixmap); tPainter.end(); m_overlayPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); makeLastPosInvalid(); update(); } } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (m_mousePressed) { if (isLastPosValid()) { checkImageSize(event->pos().x(), event->pos().y(), m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), m_penWidth); } else { checkImageSize(event->pos().x(), event->pos().y(), 0, 0, m_penWidth); } QPainter tPainter(m_overlayPixmap); tPainter.setPen(getPen(m_foregroundColor, m_penWidth, m_tool)); switch (m_tool) { case WhiteBoardGlobals::Pencil: { if (isLastPosValid()) { tPainter.drawLine(m_lastPos, event->pos()); emit drawedPencil(m_penWidth, m_foregroundColor, m_backgroundColor, m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), event->pos().x(), event->pos().y()); } else { tPainter.drawPoint(event->pos()); emit drawedLine(m_penWidth, m_foregroundColor, m_backgroundColor, event->pos().x(), event->pos().y(), event->pos().x(), event->pos().y()); } } m_lastPos = event->pos(); break; case WhiteBoardGlobals::FilledEllipse: tPainter.setBrush(m_backgroundColor); // fallthrough, same as WhiteBoardGlobals::Ellipse just // with extra color + FALLTHROUGH case WhiteBoardGlobals::Ellipse: { if (isLastPosValid()) { m_overlayPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); const int xStart = m_lastPos.x(); const int yStart = m_lastPos.y(); const int xTo = event->pos().x() - xStart; const int yTo = event->pos().y() - yStart; tPainter.drawEllipse(xStart, yStart, xTo, yTo); } else { tPainter.drawPoint(event->pos()); m_lastPos = event->pos(); } } break; case WhiteBoardGlobals::FilledRectangle: tPainter.setBrush(m_backgroundColor); // fallthrough, same as WhiteBoardGlobals::Rectangle just // with extra color + FALLTHROUGH case WhiteBoardGlobals::Rectangle: { if (isLastPosValid()) { m_overlayPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); drawRect(&tPainter, m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), event->pos().x(), event->pos().y()); } else { tPainter.drawPoint(event->pos()); m_lastPos = event->pos(); } } break; case WhiteBoardGlobals::Line: { if (isLastPosValid()) { m_overlayPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); tPainter.drawLine(m_lastPos, event->pos()); } else { tPainter.drawPoint(event->pos()); m_lastPos = event->pos(); } } break; case WhiteBoardGlobals::Eraser: { tPainter.setPen(getPen(Qt::white, m_penWidth, m_tool)); if (isLastPosValid()) { tPainter.drawLine(m_lastPos, event->pos()); emit usedEraser(m_penWidth, m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), event->pos().x(), event->pos().y()); } else { qDebug() << "draw eraser point"; tPainter.drawPoint(event->pos()); emit usedEraser(m_penWidth, event->pos().x(), event->pos().y(), event->pos().x(), event->pos().y()); } } m_lastPos = event->pos(); break; case WhiteBoardGlobals::FloodFill: //handle in mousePressEvent, otherwise the would always trigger a floodfill on move break; case WhiteBoardGlobals::Arrow: { if (isLastPosValid()) { m_overlayPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); arrow(&tPainter, m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), event->pos().x(), event->pos().y()); } else { m_lastPos = event->pos(); } } break; case WhiteBoardGlobals::TextExtended: case WhiteBoardGlobals::Text: //handle in mousePressEvent break; case WhiteBoardGlobals::ColorPicker: { QImage image = m_imagePixmap->toImage(); QColor fgColor(image.pixel(event->pos().x(), event->pos().y())); m_foregroundColor = fgColor; emit colorPicked(fgColor); } break; case WhiteBoardGlobals::Stamp: case WhiteBoardGlobals::Selection: qDebug() << "TODO implement whiteboard Selection/Stamp"; break; } tPainter.end(); update(); } } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { // qDebug() << event->text() << event->text().length() << int(event->text()[0].toLatin1()); if ((m_tool == WhiteBoardGlobals::Text || m_tool == WhiteBoardGlobals::TextExtended) && isLastPosValid()) { if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || event->key() == Qt::Key_Return) { finishText(); update(); return; } if (event->key() != Qt::Key_Backspace) { QString eventText = event->text(); //chars before 32(space) are not printable if (eventText.length() == 1 && !eventText.at(0).isPrint()) { return; } m_writtenText += eventText; } else { m_writtenText.chop(1); } m_overlayPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); text(m_overlayPixmap, m_font, m_foregroundColor, m_backgroundColor, m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), m_writtenText, true, m_tool); update(); } QWidget::keyPressEvent(event); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::makeLastPosInvalid() { m_lastPos.setX(InvalidLastPos); m_lastPos.setY(InvalidLastPos); } bool WhiteBoardPaintArea::isLastPosValid() { if (m_lastPos.x() > InvalidLastPos && m_lastPos.y() > InvalidLastPos) { return true; } return false; } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::checkImageSize(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int penWidth) { // qDebug() << x1 << y1 << x2 << y2; if (width() == WhiteBoardGlobals::MaxImageSize && height() == WhiteBoardGlobals::MaxImageSize) { return; } const int maxX = qMax(qMin(qMax(x1+penWidth,x2+penWidth), WhiteBoardGlobals::MaxImageSize), width()); const int maxY = qMax(qMin(qMax(y1+penWidth,y2+penWidth), WhiteBoardGlobals::MaxImageSize), height()); if (maxX > width() || maxY > height()) { // if the image is not visible we receive no resizeEvent resizeImage(maxX, maxY); resize(maxX, maxY); } } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::resizeImage(int width, int height) { if (m_imagePixmap->height() < height || m_imagePixmap->width() < width) { QPixmap* oldImg = m_imagePixmap; m_imagePixmap = new QPixmap(width, height); m_imagePixmap->fill(Qt::white); QPainter tPaint(m_imagePixmap); tPaint.drawPixmap(0, 0, *oldImg); tPaint.end(); delete oldImg; QPixmap* oldOverlay = m_overlayPixmap; m_overlayPixmap = new QPixmap(width, height); m_overlayPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter tPaintOverlay(m_overlayPixmap); tPaintOverlay.drawPixmap(0, 0, *oldOverlay); tPaintOverlay.end(); delete oldOverlay; const int maxWidth = qMin(qMax(width, minimumSize().width()), WhiteBoardGlobals::MaxImageSize); const int maxHeight = qMin(qMax(height, minimumSize().height()), WhiteBoardGlobals::MaxImageSize); setMinimumSize(maxWidth, maxHeight); } } QPen WhiteBoardPaintArea::getPen(const QColor& color, int lineWidth, WhiteBoardGlobals::WhiteBoardTool tool) { switch (tool) { case WhiteBoardGlobals::Pencil: case WhiteBoardGlobals::Line: case WhiteBoardGlobals::Eraser: case WhiteBoardGlobals::Arrow: return QPen(color, lineWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin); default: return QPen(color, lineWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap, Qt::MiterJoin); } } struct StackCoords { int x; int y; }; void WhiteBoardPaintArea::floodfill(int x, int y, const QColor& fillColor) { // A recursiv "fast" floodfill *can* cause a stackoverflow // so we use a "slow" stack + extra data. // TODO optimize me, mass QImage::pixel use is slow QImage image = m_imagePixmap->toImage(); const int width = image.width(); const int height = image.height(); if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= width || y >= height) { return; } QRgb originalColor = image.pixel(x,y); QRgb color = fillColor.rgb(); if (color == originalColor) { //already filled return; } QStack tStack; StackCoords t; t.x = x; t.y = y; tStack.push(t); while (!tStack.isEmpty()) { StackCoords co = tStack.pop(); image.setPixel(co.x, co.y, color); StackCoords tLeft; tLeft.x = co.x-1; tLeft.y = co.y; if (tLeft.x >= 0 && image.pixel(tLeft.x, tLeft.y) == originalColor) { tStack.push(tLeft); } StackCoords tRight; tRight.x = co.x+1; tRight.y = co.y; if (tRight.x < width && image.pixel(tRight.x, tRight.y) == originalColor) { tStack.push(tRight); } StackCoords tUp; tUp.x = co.x; tUp.y = co.y-1; if (tUp.y >= 0 && image.pixel(tUp.x, tUp.y) == originalColor) { tStack.push(tUp); } StackCoords tDown; tDown.x = co.x; tDown.y = co.y+1; if (tDown.y < height && image.pixel(tDown.x, tDown.y) == originalColor) { tStack.push(tDown); } } delete m_imagePixmap; m_imagePixmap = new QPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image)); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::arrow(QPainter* painter, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { //eh? this got somehow out of control //TODO simplify me const int yDiff = y1 - y2; const int xDiff = x1 - x2; qreal angle; if (xDiff == 0 && yDiff == 0) { return; } else if (xDiff == 0 && yDiff > 0) { angle = M_PI; } else if (xDiff > 0 && yDiff == 0) { angle = 2.0*M_PI/4.0*3.0; } else if (xDiff == 0 && yDiff < 0) { angle = 0; } else if (xDiff < 0 && yDiff == 0) { angle = M_PI/2.0; } else { angle = atan(qreal(yDiff)/qreal(xDiff)); if (xDiff > 0.0 && yDiff > 0.0) { angle = (M_PI/2.0) - angle + M_PI; } else if (xDiff > 0.0 && yDiff < 0.0) { angle = (2.0*M_PI/4.0*3.0) - angle; } else if (xDiff < 0.0) { angle = (M_PI/2.0) - angle; } } static const int arrowLength = 9; angle -= M_PI; static const qreal radDiff = qreal(2)* M_PI / qreal(360) * 22; qreal tRightAngle = angle + radDiff; const int x1Arrow = static_cast(sin(tRightAngle) * arrowLength + x2); const int y1Arrow = static_cast(cos(tRightAngle) * arrowLength + y2); qreal tLeftAngle = angle - radDiff; const int x2Arrow = static_cast(sin(tLeftAngle) * arrowLength + x2); const int y2Arrow = static_cast(cos(tLeftAngle) * arrowLength + y2); painter->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); painter->drawLine(x1Arrow, y1Arrow, x2, y2); painter->drawLine(x2Arrow, y2Arrow, x2, y2); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::text(QPaintDevice* device, const QFont& font, const QColor& foreGround, const QColor& backGround, int x1, int y1, const QString& textString, bool drawSelection, Konversation::DCC::WhiteBoardGlobals::WhiteBoardTool tool) { QFontMetrics tMetrics(font); QSize tSize = tMetrics.size(Qt::TextSingleLine, textString); //HACK if size changes device is invalid bool isOverlay = (device == m_overlayPixmap); checkImageSize(x1,y1,x1+tSize.width(), y1+tSize.height()); if (isOverlay) { device = m_overlayPixmap; } else { device = m_imagePixmap; } QPainter tPaint(device); tPaint.setFont(font); if (tool == WhiteBoardGlobals::TextExtended) { tPaint.setBrush(backGround); //paint background, but I don't like it // tPaint.setPen(getPen(backGround, 1, WhiteBoardGlobals::FilledRectangle)); // tPaint.drawRect(x1, y1, tSize.width(), tSize.height()); tPaint.setPen(getPen(foreGround, 1, tool)); } tPaint.drawText(x1, y1+tSize.height(), textString); if (drawSelection) { //draw white and blue dash to make it also visible on blue background tPaint.setBrush(Qt::transparent); QPen tPen = getPen(Qt::blue, 1, tool); tPen.setStyle(Qt::CustomDashLine); static const qreal dashLength = 4; QVector dashes; dashes << dashLength << dashLength; tPen.setDashPattern(dashes); tPaint.setPen(tPen); tPaint.drawRect(x1-1,y1-1, tSize.width()+1, tSize.height()+1); tPen.setDashOffset(dashLength); tPen.setColor(Qt::white); tPaint.setPen(tPen); tPaint.drawRect(x1-1,y1-1, tSize.width()+1, tSize.height()+1); } tPaint.end(); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::finishText() { m_overlayPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); if (m_writtenText.isEmpty()) { return; } text(m_imagePixmap, m_font, m_foregroundColor, m_backgroundColor, m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), m_writtenText, false, m_tool); if (m_tool == WhiteBoardGlobals::TextExtended) { emit usedTextExtended(m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), m_font, m_foregroundColor, m_backgroundColor, m_writtenText); } else if (m_tool == WhiteBoardGlobals::Text) { emit usedText(m_lastPos.x(), m_lastPos.y(), m_writtenText); } m_writtenText.clear(); } void WhiteBoardPaintArea::drawRect(QPainter* painter, int xFrom, int yFrom, int xTo, int yTo) { // if Length is smaller zero then the filled brush is too big by one pixel the left and top // the border(pen) is correct though, is it a Qt bug? (Qt-4.6.2 + raster) int xLength = xTo - xFrom; int yLength = yTo - yFrom; if (xLength < 0) { xLength = -xLength; } if (yLength < 0) { yLength = -yLength; } painter->drawRect(qMin(xFrom, xTo), qMin(yFrom, yTo), xLength, yLength); } } }