diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 7a030b7..45db81e 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ # KDE neon Docker images - Plasma Updated daily with the latest from KDE neon, itself automatically updated with the latest KDE software. ## Running Flavours available are: `kdeneon/plasma:dev-unstable`, `kdeneon/plasma:dev-stable`, `kdeneon/plasma:user`, `kdeneon/plasma:user-lts` For flavours with all applications installed see `kdeneon/all`. By default it will run a full session with startkde on DISPLAY=:1, you can use Xephyr as an X server window. ``` Xephyr -screen 1024x768 :1 & docker run -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix kdeneon/plasma:dev-unstable ``` Or you can tell it to run on DISPLAY=:0 and run a single app ``` -xhost +si:localuser:$USER +xhost + docker run -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=:0 kdeneon/plasma:dev-unstable dolphin ``` diff --git a/neondocker/neondocker.rb b/neondocker/neondocker.rb index 343c8b0..11721d5 100755 --- a/neondocker/neondocker.rb +++ b/neondocker/neondocker.rb @@ -1,236 +1,237 @@ #!/usr/bin/ruby # Copyright 2017 Jonathan Riddell # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of # the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version # accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved # by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy # defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . begin require 'docker' rescue puts 'Could not find docker-api library, run: sudo gem install docker-api' exit 1 end require 'optparse' require 'mkmf' =begin A wee command to simplify running KDE neon Docker images. KDE neon Docker images are the fastest and easiest way to test out KDE's software. You can use them on top of any Linux distro. ## Pre-requisites Install Docker and ensure you add yourself into the necessary group. Also install Xephyr which is the X-server-within-a-window to run Plasma. With Ubuntu this is: ```apt install docker.io xserver-xephyr usermod -G docker newgrp docker ``` # Run To run a full Plasma session of Neon Developer Unstable Edition: `neondocker` To run a full Plasma session of Neon User Edition: `neondocker --edition user` For more options see `neondocker --help` =end class NeonDocker attr_accessor :options # settings attr_accessor :tag # docker image tag to use attr_accessor :container # my Docker::Container def command_options @options = { pull: false, all: false, edition: 'dev-unstable', kill: false } OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: neondocker [options] [standalone-application]' opts.on('-p', '--pull', 'Always pull latest version') do |v| @options[:pull] = v end opts.on('-a', '--all', 'Use Neon All images (larger, contains all apps)') do |v| @options[:all] = v end opts.on('-e', '--edition EDITION', '[user-lts,user,dev-stable,dev-unstable]') do |v| @options[:edition] = v end opts.on('-k', '--keep-alive', 'keep-alive container on exit') do |v| @options[:keep_alive] = v end opts.on('-r', '--reattach', 'reuse an existing container [assumes -k]') do |v| @options[:reattach] = v end opts.on('-n', '--new', 'Always start a new container even if one is already running' \ 'from the requested image') { |v| @options[:new] = v } opts.on('-w', '--wayland', 'Run a Wayland session') do |v| @options[:wayland] = v end opts.on_tail('standalone-application: Run a standalone application ' \ 'rather than full Plasma shell. Assumes -n to always ' \ 'start a new container.') end.parse! edition_options = ['user-lts', 'user', 'dev-stable', 'dev-unstable'] unless edition_options.include?(@options[:edition]) puts "Unknown edition. Valid editions are: #{edition_options}" exit 1 end @options end def validate_docker Docker.validate_version! rescue puts 'Could not connect to Docker, check it is installed, running and ' \ 'your user is in the right group for access' exit 1 end # Has the image already been downloaded to the local Docker? def docker_has_image? # jings there has to be a way to filter for this Docker::Image.all.each do |image| unless image.info['RepoTags'].nil? if image.info['RepoTags'].include?(@tag) return true end end end false end def docker_image_tag image_type = @options[:all] ? 'all' : 'plasma' @tag = 'kdeneon/' + image_type + ':' + @options[:edition] end def docker_pull puts "Downloading image #{@tag}" Docker::Image.create('fromImage' => @tag) end # Is the command available to run? def installed?(command) MakeMakefile.find_executable(command) end def running_xhost unless installed?('xhost') puts 'xhost is not installed, run apt install xserver-xephyr or similar' exit 1 end - system('xhost +') + user = ENV['USER'] + system("xhost +") yield system('xhost -') end def xdisplay return @xdisplay if defined? @xdisplay @xdisplay = (0..1024).find { |i| !File.exist?("/tmp/.X11-unix/X#{i}") } end def running_xephyr installed = installed?('Xephyr') unless installed puts 'Xephyr is not installed, apt-get install xserver-xephyr or similar' exit 1 end xephyr = IO.popen("Xephyr -screen 1024x768 :#{xdisplay}") yield Process.kill("KILL", xephyr.pid) end # If this image already has a container then use that, else start a new one def container return @container if defined? @container if @options[:reattach] all_containers = Docker::Container.all(all: true) all_containers.each do |container| if container.info['Image'] == @tag @container = Docker::Container.get(container.info['id']) end end begin @container = Docker::Container.create('Image' => @tag) rescue Docker::Error::NotFoundError puts "Could not find an image with @tag #{@tag}" return nil end elsif !ARGV.empty? @container = Docker::Container.create('Image' => @tag, 'Cmd' => ARGV, 'Env' => ['DISPLAY=:0']) elsif @options[:wayland] @container = Docker::Container.create('Image' => @tag, 'Env' => ['DISPLAY=:0'], 'Cmd' => ['startplasmacompositor']) else @container = Docker::Container.create('Image' => @tag, 'Env' => ["DISPLAY=:#{xdisplay}"]) end @container end # runs the container and wait until Plasma or whatever has stopped running def run_container # find devices to bind for Wayland devices = Dir["/dev/dri/*"] + Dir["/dev/video*"] devices_list = [] devices.each do |dri| devices_list.push({'PathOnHost' => dri, 'PathInContainer' => dri, 'CgroupPermissions' => 'mrw'}) end container.start('Binds' => ['/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix'], 'Devices' => devices_list) container.refresh! while container.info['State']['Status'] == 'running' sleep 1 container.refresh! end if !@options[:keep_alive] || @options[:reattach] container.delete end end end if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__ neon_docker = NeonDocker.new options = neon_docker.command_options neon_docker.validate_docker neon_docker.docker_image_tag options[:pull] = true unless neon_docker.docker_has_image? neon_docker.docker_pull if options[:pull] if !ARGV.empty? || options[:wayland] neon_docker.running_xhost do neon_docker.run_container end else neon_docker.running_xephyr do neon_docker.run_container end end exit 0 end