diff --git a/i18n/de/okular-kde-org.inc b/i18n/de/okular-kde-org.inc index faf8706..0a634d5 100644 --- a/i18n/de/okular-kde-org.inc +++ b/i18n/de/okular-kde-org.inc @@ -1,145 +1,266 @@ okular-devel\nand hosted at kde.org."] = "Wir haben eine Mailingliste, um die Okular-Entwicklung zu koordinieren. Die Mailingliste lautet\nokular-devel\nund ist auf kde.org gehostet."; $text["You can use it to talk about the development of the core application, but also\nfeedback about existent or new backends is appreciated."] = "Sie können sie verwenden, um über die Entwicklung der Kernanwendung zu diskutieren; aber auch Rückmeldungen zu existierenden oder neuen Anzeigemodulen sind gern gesehen."; $text["IRC"] = "IRC"; $text["We have also an IRC channel where talk. The channel is\n#okular, on the\nFreenode network."] = "Wir haben auch einen IRC-Kanal. Der Kanal heißt\n#okular und befindet sich im\nFreenode-Netzwerk."; $text["Usually some of the Okular developers hang there."] = "Normalerweise treffen Sie dort einige der Okular-Entwickler an."; $text["Forum"] = "Forum"; $text["If you prefer using a forum you can use the Okular forum inside the bigger KDE Community Forums."] = "Möchten Sie lieber ein Forum benutzen, gehen Sie zum Okular-Forum, ein Teil der vielen KDE-Community-Foren."; $text["Bugs and Wishes"] = "Fehlerberichte und Wünsche"; $text["Bugs and Wishes should be reported to the KDE bug tracker at http://bugs.kde.org."] = "Fehler und Wünsche können im KDE-Fehlerverfolgungssystem http://bugs.kde.org berichtet werden."; $text["Download"] = "Download"; $text["Binary packages"] = "Binärpakete"; $text["The recommended way for end-user installations of Okular is using binary packages:"] = "Die empfohlene Art und Weise der Okular-Installation für Benutzer ist, Binärpakete zu verwenden:"; $text["For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular package (might be part of the broader kdegraphics package) and install it."] = "Für GNU/Linux und die BSD-Betriebssysteme verwenden Sie die Paketverwaltung, um das Okular-Paket zu finden und zu installieren. Es könnte auch Teil des Pakets „kdegraphics“ sein."; $text["For Windows have a look at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on Windows."] = "Für Windows werfen Sie einen Blick auf die Webseite der „KDE on Windows“-Initiative, um Informationen über die Installation von KDE auf Windows zu finden."; $text["For Mac Os X have a look at the KDE on Mac OS X webpage for information on how to install KDE on Mac OS X."] = "Für Mac OS X werfen Sie einen Blick auf die Webseite der „KDE on Mac OS X“-Initiative, um Informationen über die Installation von KDE auf Mac OS X zu finden."; $text["Packaging status"] = "Paketstatus"; $text["N.B: The table above refers to the KDE Applications release version that Okular was part of. The actual Okular version as reported by the About dialog is different, e.g. Okular 1.2.1 was released as part of KDE Applications 17.08.1 and would should up with such number in the table."] = "In der Tabelle oben werden die Veröffentlichungsversionen der KDE-Anwendungen aufgeführt, in denen Okular enthalten war. Die im Dialog \"Über Okular\" angezeigte Version hat eine andere Nummerierung, zum Beispiel wurde die Version 1.2.1 von Okular als Teil der KDE-Anwendungen 17.08.01 veröffentlicht und wird mit dieser Versionsnummer in der Tabelle angezeigt."; $text["Compiling Okular from source"] = "Okular aus dem Quelltext installieren"; $text["If you want to compile Okular, you need to have an already set up compilation environment."] = "Wenn Sie Okular ausprobieren möchten, brauchen Sie eine bereits eingerichtete KDE--Entwicklungsumgebung."; $text["Distributions should provide development packages usable for compiling KDE applications."] = "Distributionen sollten normalerweise Entwicklungspakete anbieten, die für das Kompilieren von KDE-Anwendungen verwendet werden können."; $text["In case you want to compile the development version of Okular, please refer to Build from source at KDE's Community Wiki."] = "Falls Sie die Entwicklungsversionen von Okular kompilieren möchten, halten Sie sich an die Anweisungen auf Build from source im KDE-Community-Wiki."; $text["If you are interested in stable tarballs of Okular visit the\nKDE Applications download folder and download the okular tarball."] = "Falls Sie nach Quellcodearchiven (Tarballs) mit stabilen Versionen von Okular suchen, besuchen Sie die Seite mit KDE-Anwendungen und laden Sie dort das Quelltextarchiv „okular“ herunter."; $text["Optional packages"] = "Optionale Pakete"; $text["There are some optional package you could install in order to have some more functionalities in Okular."] = "Es gibt einige optionale Pakete, die Sie installieren können, um einige weitere Funktionen in Okular zu erhalten."; $text["Some are already packaged for your distro, but other maybe not. So, if possible, use the packages your distro ships."] = "Von einigen davon gibt es möglicherweise bereits Pakete für Ihre Distribution, von anderen jedoch vielleicht auch nicht. Sie sollten, falls möglich, die von Ihrer Distribution bereitgestellten Pakete verwenden."; $text["Poppler (PDF backend)"] = "Poppler (PDF-Anzeigemodul)"; $text["To compile the PDF backend, you need the Poppler library (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."] = "Um das PDF-Anzeigemodul zu kompilieren, wird die Poppler-Bibliothek (http://poppler.freedesktop.org) benötigt."; $text["The minimum version required is poppler 0.24"] = "Die benötigte Mindestversion ist oppler 0.24"; $text["Libspectre (PostScript backend)"] = "Libspectre (PostScript-Anzeigemodul)"; $text["In order to compile and use the PostScipt (PS) backend, you need libspectre >= 0.2."] = "Um das PostScript-Anzeigemodul (PS) kompilieren und verwenden zu können, wird die libspectre-Bibliothek >= 0.2 benötigt."; $text["If your distro does not package libspectre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."] = "Falls Ihre Distribution keine Pakete von libspectre anbietet oder die angebotene Version nicht genügt, können Sie libspectre auf http://libspectre.freedesktop.org herunterladen."; $text["DjVuLibre (DjVu backend)"] = "DjVuLibre (DjVu-Anzeigemodul)"; $text["To compile the DjVu backend, you need DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."] = "Um das DjVu-Anzeigemodul zu kompilieren, wird von DjVuLibre eine Version >= 3.5.17 benötigt."; $text["If your distro does not package DjVuLibre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."] = "Falls Ihre Distribution keine Pakete von DjVuLibre anbietet oder die angebotene Version nicht genügt, können Sie DjVuLibre auf http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org herunterladen."; $text["libTIFF (TIFF/fax backend)"] = "libTIFF (TIFF/Fax-Anzeigemodul)"; $text["libTIFF is needed to compile the TIFF/fax backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libTIFF wird zum Kompilieren des TIFF/Fax-Anzeigemoduls benötigt. Derzeit ist keine Mindestversion dafür vorgeschrieben, sodass jede einigermaßen aktuelle Version der, von Ihrer Distribution bereitgestellten, Bibliothek für das Kompilieren funktionieren sollte. Falls es damit Probleme gibt, zögern Sie nicht, die Okular-Entwickler zu kontaktieren."; $text["libCHM (CHM backend)"] = "libCHM (CHM-Anzeigemodul)"; $text["libCHM is needed to compile the CHM backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libCHM wird zum Kompilieren des CHM-Anzeigemoduls benötigt. Derzeit ist keine Mindestversion dafür vorgeschrieben, sodass jede einigermaßen aktuelle Version der, von Ihrer Distribution bereitgestellten, Bibliothek für das Kompilieren funktionieren sollte. Falls es damit Probleme gibt, zögern Sie nicht, die Okular-Entwickler zu kontaktieren."; $text["Libepub (EPub backend)"] = "Libepub (EPUB-Anzeigemodul)"; $text["In order to compile and use the EPub backend, you need the epub library."] = "Um das EPUB-Anzeigemodul kompilieren und verwenden zu können, wird die epub-Bibliothek benötigt."; $text["If your distro does not package libepub, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."] = "Falls Ihre Distribution keine Pakete von libepub anbietet oder die angebotene Version nicht genügt, können Sie libepub auf http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools herunterladen."; $text["You can download and compile Okular this way:"] = "Sie können Okular so herunterladen und kompilieren:"; $text["If you install Okular in a different path than your system install directory it is possible that you need to run"] = "Falls Sie Okular in einem anderen Pfad als Ihre systemweite Installation installieren, ist es möglicherweise nötig, folgendes auszuführen:"; $text["so that the correct Okular instance and libraries are picked up. Obviously you need to replace x86_64-linux-gnu with the correct name for your architecture."] = "Dadurch werden die korrekte Okular-Programmdatei und die korrekten Okular-Bibliotheken verwendet. Sie müssen aber „x86_64-linux-gnu“ durch den richtigen Ordnernamen für Ihre Rechnerarchitektur ersetzen."; $text["Frequently Asked Questions"] = "Häufig gestellte Fragen"; $text["Compiling Okular"] = "Okular kompilieren"; $text["The Poppler backend does not compile. It complains about 'class Poppler::TextBox' and 'edge'."] = "Das Poppler-Anzeigemodul lässt sich nicht kompilieren. Es beschwert sich über „class Poppler::TextBox“ und „edge“."; $text["Do you get an error output similar to"] = "Erhalten Sie eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie hier?"; $text["If so, most probably you updated from Poppler 0.6.x or previous to Poppler 0.8."] = "Falls ja, dann haben Sie höchstwahrscheinlich Ihre Poppler-Version von Poppler 0.6.x oder älter auf Poppler 0.8 aktualisiert."; $text["What you can do is simple:"] = "Das Problem lässt sich durch Ausführen von"; $text["in the build directory of Okular. Then run cmake again, and all should work as expected."] = "im Build-Ordner von Okular beheben. Führen Sie anschließend „cmake“ erneut aus und alles sollte wie erwartet funktionieren."; $text["Running Okular"] = "Okular ausführen"; $text["Okular tells me there are no plugins installed. What can I do?"] = "Okular meldet, dass keine Module installiert sind. Was kann ich tun?"; $text["In a shell set up for your KDE 4 installation, execute the command"] = "Führen Sie folgenden Befehl in einer Konsole aus"; $text["After that, Okular should find its plugins as expected."] = "Anschließend sollte Okular seine Module finden."; $text["General usage"] = "Allgemeine Verwendung"; $text["Why the newly added annotations are not in my PDF document?"] = "Warum sind meine neu hinzugefügten Anmerkungen nicht in meinem PDF-Dokument?"; $text["By default, Okular saves annotations in the local data directory\nfor each user. Since KDE 4.9, it's optionally possible to store them directly in\na PDF file by choosing \"File -> Save As...\", so they can be seen in other\nPDF viewers."] = "Per Voreinstellung speichert Okular Anmerkungen im lokalen Datenordner/n jedes Benutzers. Seit KDE 4.9 ist es auch möglich, diese direkt in der PDF-Datei\nzu speichern. Wird die Datei mit „Datei -> Speichern unter ...“ gespeichert,\nkönnen die Anmerkungen auch in anderen PDF-Betrachtern angezeigt werden."; $text["Note that this feature requires Poppler 0.20 or newer for regular PDF\ndocuments. If the PDF document you are annotating is encrypted, this feature\nrequires Poppler 0.22 or newer."] = "Beachten Sie, dass diese Funktion für normale PDF-Dateien Poppler 0.20\noder neuer voraussetzt. Ist die PDF-Datei verschlüsselt, benötigen Sie\nPoppler 0.2.2 oder neuer."; $text["How can I annotate a document and send it to a friend/colleague/etc?"] = "Wie kann ich Anmerkungen zu einem Dokument machen und es einem Freund/Kollegen/usw. senden?"; $text["Since KDE 4.2, Okular has the \"document archiving\" feature. This is\nan Okular-specific format for carrying the document plus various metadata\nrelated to it (currently only annotations)."] = "Seit KDE 4.2 besitzt Okular die Funktion „Dokumentarchiv“.\nDas ist ein Okular-spezifisches Format, mit dem Dokumente zusammen mit verschiedenen Metadaten (derzeit nur Anmerkungen) gespeichert werden können."; $text["You can save a \"document archive\" from the open document by choosing \"File\n-> Export As -> Document Archive\"."] = "Sie können ein Dokumentarchiv speichern, indem Sie im Menü „Datei“ → „Exportieren als“ → „Dokumentarchiv“ auswählen."; $text["To open an Okular document archive, just open it with Okular as it would be eg\na PDF document."] = "Um ein Okular-Dokumentarchiv zu öffnen, gehen Sie einfach so vor, als ob Sie ein PDF-Dokument öffnen würden."; $text["If you're annotating a PDF document, you can also save annotations\ndirectly in the PDF file (see previous question)"] = "Wenn Sie einer PDF-Datei Anmerkungen hinzufügen, können Sie diese\nauch direkt in der PDF-Datei speichern (siehe vorherige Frage)."; $text["Using Ubuntu, I cannot read CHM and EPub documents,\neven if I have okular-extra-backends and libchm1 installed. Why?"] = "Warum kann ich mit Ubuntu keine CHM- und EPUB-Dokumente lesen,\nobwohl ich „okular-extra-backends“ und „libchm1“ installiert habe?"; $text["Ubuntu (thus Kubuntu as well) packages of Okular are compiled without\nthe support for these two formats."] = "Die Okular-Pakete von Ubuntu (und daher auch von Kubuntu) sind ohne\nUnterstützung für diese zwei Formate kompiliert."; $text["The reason is explained in the following Launchpad report: "] = "Der Grund ist im folgenden Launchpad-Report erläutert: "; $text["Why the speak options in the Tools menu are grayed out?"] = "Warum sind die Sprachausgabe-Optionen im Menü „Extras“ ausgegraut?"; $text["Because you don't have the KDE Text To Speech tools, install Jovie (formerly known as ktts) and they should be enabled"] = "Das liegt daran, dass die KDE-Sprachausgabewerkzeuge nicht installiert sind. Installieren Sie Jovie (früher bekannt als KTTS); die Menüpunkte sollten dann verfügbar sein."; $text["Some characters are not rendered and when enabling debug some lines mention 'Missing language pack for xxx'"] = "Einige Zeichen werden nicht angezeigt und mit aktiviertem Debug gibt es Zeilen wie „Missing language pack for xxx“"; $text["Install the poppler-data package"] = "Installieren Sie das Paket poppler-data"; $text["Document format handlers status"] = "Status der Unterstützung für Dokumentformate"; $text["Document Format Handlers"] = "Unterstützung für Dokumentformate"; $text["This page always refers to the stable series of Okular (currently KDE 4.5.x)."] = "Diese Seite bezieht sich auf die stabile Version von Okular (derzeit KDE 4.5.x)"; $text["Features/Formats"] = "Funktionen/Formate"; $text["Main library used"] = "Verwendete Bibliothek"; $text["Loading"] = "Laden"; $text["Rendering"] = "Rendern"; $text["Threaded rendering"] = "Paralleles Rendern"; $text["Document information"] = "Dokument-Informationen"; $text["TOC"] = "Inhaltsverzeichnis"; $text["Font information"] = "Schriftartinformationen"; $text["Text extraction"] = "Extrahieren von Text"; $text["Links"] = "Verknüpfungen"; $text["Paper Size"] = "Papierformat"; $text["Printing"] = "Drucken"; $text["Text Exporting"] = "Export von Text"; $text["Other Features"] = "Weitere Funktionen"; $text["Annotations"] = "Anmerkungen"; $text["Forms"] = "Formulare"; $text["Inverse search"] = "Umgekehrte Suche"; $text["Document Rights"] = "Dokument-Rechte"; $text["Embedded files"] = "Eingebettete Dateien"; $text["Sounds"] = "Klänge"; $text["Movies"] = "Filme"; $text["What is it?"] = "Was ist es?"; $text["Okular logo"] = "Okular-Logo"; $text["Okular is a universal document viewer based developed by KDE. Okular works on multiple platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc."] = "Okular ist ein universeller Dokumentenbetrachter, der von KDE entwickelt wird. Okular ist auf mehreren Plattformen verfügbar, darunter auch Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD usw."; $text["The last stable release is Okular %1, shipped as part of the KDE Applications %3 release."] = "Die aktuelle stabile Version ist Okular %1, die zusammen mit den KDE-Anwendungen %3 veröffentlicht wurde."; $text["Okular combines the excellent functionalities with the versatility of supporting different kind of documents, like PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub and others."] = "Okular kombiniert herausragende Funktionen mit der Unterstützung für eine Vielzahl verschiedener Arten von Dokumenten, wie z. B. PDF, PostScript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, EPUB und weiteren."; $text["The document format handlers page has a chart describing in more detail the supported formats and the features supported in each of them."] = "Die Seite Dokumentformat-Unterstützung enthält eine detaillierte Tabelle der unterstützten Formate und deren unterstützten Funktionen."; $text["If you are interested in contributing to Okular, please contact us."] = "Falls Sie Interesse daran haben, an Okular mitzuarbeiten, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte."; $text["If you do not want or can not contribute, testers are fully welcome, so follow these instructions to see how to download and build Okular."] = "Falls sie nicht mitarbeiten möchten oder können, können Sie uns auch als Tester weiterhelfen. Folgen Sie diesen Anweisungen, um zu erfahren, wie Okular heruntergeladen und kompiliert wird."; $text["Okular is a Free Software PDF reader."] = "Okular ist ein freier PDF-Betrachter."; $text["Okular Homepage"] = "Okular-Webseite"; $text["Main"] = "Hauptseite"; $text["Format support"] = "Formatunterstützung"; $text["Development News"] = "Neuigkeiten aus der Entwicklung"; $text["Screenshots"] = "Bildschirmfotos"; $text["FAQ"] = "FAQ"; $text["Team"] = "Team"; $text["Related apps/projects"] = "Verwandte Anwendungen/Projekte"; $text["Free Software PDF readers"] = "Freie PDF-Betrachter"; +$text["Okular news"] = "Okular-Neuigkeiten"; +$text["Okular 1.5 released"] = "Okular 1.5 veröffentlicht"; +$text["August 16, 2018"] = "16. August 2018"; +$text["The 1.5 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 18.08 release. This release introduces Form improvements among various other fixes and small features. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.08.0#okular. Okular 1.5 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 1.5 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Anwendungen 18.08 veröffentlicht. Diese Veröffentlichung enthält Verbesserungen beim Bearbeiten von Formularen sowie Fehlerkorrekturen und Verbesserungen. Das vollständige Änderungsprotokoll finden Sie auf der Seite https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.08.0#okular. Okular 1.5 ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 1.4 released"] = "Okular 1.4 veröffentlicht"; +$text["April 19, 2018"] = "19. April 2018"; +$text["The 1.4 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 18.04 release. This release introduces improved JavaScript support in PDF files and supports PDF rendering cancelling, which means that if you have a complex PDF file and you change the zoom while it's rendering it will cancel immediately instead of waiting for the render to finish. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.04.0#okular. Okular 1.4 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 1.4 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Anwendungen 18.04 veröffentlicht. In dieser Veröffentlichung wurde die Unterstützung für JavaScript in PDF-Dateien verbessert, das Rendern von PDF kann abgebrochen werden, d. h. wenn Sie bei komplexen PDFs die Vergrößerung beim Rendern ändern, dann wird das Rendern sofort abgebrochen. Das vollständige Änderungsprotokoll finden Sie auf der Seite https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. Okular 1.4 ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 1.3 released"] = "Okular 1.3 veröffentlicht"; +$text["December 14, 2017"] = "14. Dezember 2017"; +$text["The 1.3 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.12 release. This release introduces changes to how saving annotations and form data works, supports partial rendering updates for files that take long time to render, makes text links interactive on text selection mode, adds a Share option in the File menu, adds Markdown support and fixes some issues regarding HiDPI support. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.12.0#okular. Okular 1.3 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 1.3 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Anwendungen 17.12 veröffentlicht. In dieser Veröffentlichung wurde das Speichern von Anmerkungen und Formulardaten geändert, Aktualisierungen der Anzeige für große Dateien erfolgen inkrementell und Textverknüpfungen sind interaktiv. Zum Menü Datei wurde eine Aktionen zum Veröffentlichen hinzugefügt, Markdown wird jetzt unterstützt und einige Probleme mit HiDPI-Anzeigen wurden gelöst. Das vollständige Änderungsprotokoll finden Sie auf der Seite https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.12.0#okular. Okular 1.3 ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 1.2 released"] = "Okular 1.2 veröffentlicht"; +$text["August 17, 2017"] = "17. August 2017"; +$text["The 1.2 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.08 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and improvements. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. Okular 1.2 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 1.2 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Anwendungen 17.08 veröffentlicht. Diese Veröffentlichung enthält kleinere Fehlerkorrekturen und Verbesserungen. Das vollständige Änderungsprotokoll finden Sie auf der Seite https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. Okular 1.2 ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 1.1 released"] = "Okular 1.1 veröffentlicht"; +$text["April 20, 2017"] = "20. April 2017"; +$text["The 1.1 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.04 release. This release introduces annotation resize functionality, support for automatic calculation of form contents, touch screen improvements and more! You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. Okular 1.1 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 1.1 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Anwendungen 17.04 veröffentlicht. In dieser Veröffentlichung kann die Größe von Anmerkungen geändert werden, automatische Berechnungen in Formularen werden unterstützt, es gibt Verbesserungen für Touchscreens und weitere Verbesserungen. Das vollständige Änderungsprotokoll finden Sie auf der Seite https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. Okular 1.1 ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 1.0 released"] = "Okular 1.0 veröffentlicht"; +$text["December 15, 2016"] = "15. Dezember 2016"; +$text["The 1.0 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.12 release. This release is now based in KDE Frameworks 5, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. Okular 1.0 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 1.0 von Okular wurde heute zusammen mit den KDE-Anwendungen 16.12 veröffentlicht. Diese Veröffentlichung basiert jetzt auf KDE Frameworks 5. Das vollständige Änderungsprotokoll finden Sie auf der Seite https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. Okular 1.0 ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 0.26 released"] = "Okular 0.26 veröffentlicht"; +$text["August 18, 2016"] = "18. August 2016"; +$text["The 0.26 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.08 release. This release introduces very small changes, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. Okular 0.26 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 0.26 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Anwendungen 16.08 veröffentlicht. Diese Veröffentlichung enthält kleinere Änderungen. Das vollständige Änderungsprotokoll finden Sie auf der Seite https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0. Okular 0.26 ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 0.24 released"] = "Okular 0.24 veröffentlicht"; +$text["December 16, 2015"] = "16. Dezember 2015"; +$text["The 0.24 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.12 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and features, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 0.24 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Anwendungen 15.12 veröffentlicht. Diese Veröffentlichung enthält kleinere Fehlerkorrekturen und neue Funktionen. Das vollständige Änderungsprotokoll finden Sie auf der Seite https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 0.23 released"] = "Okular 0.23 veröffentlicht"; +$text["August 19, 2015"] = "19. August 2015"; +$text["The 0.23 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.08 release. This release introduces support for the Fade transition in presentation mode as well as some fixes regarding annotations and video playback. Okular 0.23 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 0.23 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Anwendungen 15.08 veröffentlicht. In dieser Veröffentlichung gibt es Unterstützung für Überblendungen im Präsentationsmodus und auch einige Fehlerkorrekturen für Anmerkungen und die Wiedergabe von Videos. Okular 0.23 ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 0.22 released"] = "Okular 0.22 veröffentlicht"; +$text["April 15, 2015"] = "15. April 2015"; +$text["The 0.22 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.04 release. Okular 0.22 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 0.22 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Anwendungen 15.04 veröffentlicht. Diese Veröffentlichung ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 0.21 released"] = "Okular 0.21 veröffentlicht"; +$text["December 17, 2014"] = "17. Dezember 2014"; +$text["The 0.21 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 14.12 release. This release introduces new features like latex-synctex reverse searching in dvi and small bugfixes. Okular 0.21 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 0.21 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Anwendungen 4.12 veröffentlicht. Diese Veröffentlichung enthält neue Funktionen wie umgekehrte Suche mit latex-synctex in dvi und kleinere Fehlerkorrekturen. Okular 0.21 ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 0.19 released"] = "Okular 0.19 veröffentlicht"; +$text["April 16, 2014"] = "16. April 2014"; +$text["The 0.19 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.13 release. This release introduces new features like tabs support in the interface, use of DPI screen so that page size matches real paper size, improvements to the Undo/Redo framework and other features/refinements. Okular 0.19 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 0.19 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Programmen 4.13 veröffentlicht. Diese Veröffentlichung enthält neue Funktionen wie Unterfenster in der grafischen Oberfläche und benutzt die DPI (Dot per inch - Punktdichte) des Bildschirms, so dass die Seitengröße der Anzeige dem tatsächlichen Papierformat entspricht. Die Funktion Zurücknehmen/Wiederherstellen und weitere Funktionen wurden verbessert und überarbeitet. Okular 0.19 ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 0.18 released"] = "Okular 0.18 veröffentlicht"; +$text["December 12, 2013"] = "12. Dezember 2013"; +$text["The 0.18 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.12 release. This release introduces new features like audio/video support in EPub files and also improvements to existing features like searching and printing. Okular 0.18 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 0.18 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Programmen 4.12 veröffentlicht. Diese Veröffentlichung enthält neue Funktionen wie Unterstützung für Audio und Video in EPUB-Dateien und auch Verbesserungen vorhandener Funktionen wie Suchen und Drucken. Okular 0.18 ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 0.17 released"] = "Okular 0.17 veröffentlicht"; +$text["August 16, 2013"] = "16. August 2013"; +$text["The 0.17 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.11 release. This release introduces new features like undo/redo support for forms and annotations and configurable review tools. Okular 0.17 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 0.17 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Programmen 4.11 veröffentlicht. Diese Veröffentlichung enthält neue Funktionen wie Unterstützung von Rückgängig/Wiederherstellen für Formulare und Anmerkungen und einstellbare Werkzeuge für Rezensionen. Okular 0.17 ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 0.16 released"] = "Okular 0.16 veröffentlicht"; +$text["February 6, 2013"] = "6. Februar 2013"; +$text["The 0.16 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.10 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to zoom to higher levels in PDF documents, an Active based viewer for your tablet devices, more support for PDF movies, viewport follows selection, and annotation editing improvements. Okular 0.16 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 0.16 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Programmen 4.10 veröffentlicht. Diese Veröffentlichung enthält neue Funktionen wie die Fähigkeit, höhere Vergrößerungen anzuzeigen, ein Betrachter für Ihr Tablett, bessere Unterstützung für PDF-Filme, die Ansicht folgt der Auswahl und Verbesserungen bei der Bearbeitung von Anmerkungen. Diese Version ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular forums"] = "Okular-Forum"; +$text["October 10, 2012"] = "10. Oktober 2012"; +$text["We now have a subforum inside the KDE Community Forums. You can find it at http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."] = "Es gibt jetzt ein Unterforum innerhalb der KDE-Community-Foren. Sie finden es auf der Seite http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."; +$text["Okular 0.15 released"] = "Okular 0.15 veröffentlicht"; +$text["August 1, 2012"] = "01. August 2012"; +$text["The 0.15 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.9 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to store annotations with PDF documents, more support for PDF movies, multiple bookmarks per page and some other minor improvements. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.15 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 0.15 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Programmen 4.9 veröffentlicht. Diese Version enthält neue Funktionen wie die Speicherung von Anmerkungen mit PDF-Dokumenten, bessere Unterstützung für PDF-Filme, mehrere Lesezeichen je Seite und weitere Verbesserungen. Eine nicht ganz vollständige Liste der Fehler und Funktionen finden Sie hier. Okular 0.15 ist die empfohlene Version für alle Okular-Benutzer."; +$text["Okular 0.14 released"] = "Okular 0.14 veröffentlicht"; +$text["January 25, 2012"] = "25. Januar 2012"; +$text["The 0.14 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.8 release. This release introduces new features like improved text selection in documents with columns, table selection tool, LaTex rendering in annotations, improved embedded support (for use in e.g. Kile), better layouting for faced pages, smarter screensaver/powermanagement handling, improved page label support, default zoom configuration, improved Landscape printing, etc. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.14 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 0.14 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Programmen 4.8 veröffentlicht. Diese Version enthält neue Funktionen wie die verbessere Textauswahl in spaltenorientierten Dokumenten, das Tabellen-Auswahlwerkzeug, LaTex-Anzeige in Anmerkungen, verbesserte Fähigkeiten zur Einbettung (um z. B. in Kile benutzt zu werden), bessere Ausrichtung sich gegenüber liegender Seiten, besserer Umgang mit Bildschirmschoner und Energieverwaltung, verbesserte Unterstützung für Seitenbeschriftungen, Standard-Zoom-Einstellungen, verbessertes Drucken im Querformat usw. Eine nicht ganz vollständige Liste der Fehler und Funktionen finden Sie hier. Okular 0.14 ist die empfohlene Version für alle Okular-Benutzer."; +$text["Okular 0.13 released"] = "Okular 0.13 veröffentlicht"; +$text["July 27, 2011"] = "27. Juli 2011"; +$text["The 0.13 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.7 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 0.13 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Programmen 4.7 veröffentlicht. Diese Veröffentlichung enthält kleine Korrekturen und Funktionen und ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 0.12 released"] = "Okular 0.12 veröffentlicht"; +$text["January 26, 2011"] = "26. Januar 2011"; +$text["The 0.12 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.6 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 0.12 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Programmen 4.6 veröffentlicht. Diese Veröffentlichung enthält kleine Korrekturen und Funktionen und ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 0.11 released"] = "Okular 0.11 veröffentlicht"; +$text["August 10, 2010"] = "10. August 2010"; +$text["The 0.11 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.5 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Die Version 0.11 von Okular wurde zusammen mit den KDE-Programmen 4.5 veröffentlicht. Diese Veröffentlichung enthält kleine Korrekturen und Funktionen und ist eine empfohlene Aktualisierung für jeden, der Okular benutzt."; +$text["Okular 0.10 released"] = "Okular 0.10 veröffentlicht"; +$text["February 9, 2010"] = "9. Februar 2010"; +$text["The 0.10 version of Okular has been released together with KDE SC 4.4. Besides general improvements in stability this release sports new/improved support for both inverse search and forward search linking latex source code lines with the corresponding locations in dvi and pdf files."] = "Die Version 0.10 von Okular wurde zusammen mit KDE SC 4.4 veröffentlicht. Neben allgemeinen Verbesserungen der Stabilität, enthält die Veröffentlichung neue bzw. verbesserte Unterstützung für Vorwärts- und Rückwärtssuche zum Verknüpfen von Latex-Quellcodezeilen mit den entsprechenden Stellen in den DVI- und PDF-Dateien."; +$text["Okular 0.9.4 released"] = "Okular 0.9.4 veröffentlicht"; +$text["December 1, 2009"] = "1. Dezember 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.3 series includes Okular 0.9.4. It includes some crash fixes, and few small bug fixes in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"] = "Die vierte Wartungsversion der Reihe KDE 4.3 enthält Okular 0.9.4. Diese Version bringt Korrekturen, die Abstürze verhindern und behebt ein paar Fehler in der Benutzeroberfläche. Eine Liste aller behobener Probleme finden Sie hier."; +$text["Okular 0.8.4 released"] = "Okular 0.8.4 veröffentlicht"; +$text["June 3, 2009"] = "3. Juni 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.4. It includes some fixes in OpenDocument Text documents, a couple of crash fixes, and few small bugs in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"] = "Die vierte Wartungsversion der Reihe KDE 4.2 enthält Okular 0.8.4. Diese Version bringt Korrekturen für OpenDocument-Text-Dokumente und behebt Fehler, die Abstürze verhindern und ein paar Fehler in der Benutzeroberfläche. Eine Liste aller behobener Probleme finden Sie hier."; +$text["Okular 0.8.3 released"] = "Okular 0.8.3 veröffentlicht"; +$text["May 6, 2009"] = "6. Mai 2009"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.3. It does not provide much news for Okular, the only relevant change is about thread more safety when generating page images of XPS document. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"] = "Die dritte Wartungsversion der Reihe KDE 4.2 enthält Okular 0.8.3. Diese Version bringt nicht viele Neuigkeiten für Okular. Die einzige erwähnenswerte Änderung ist die Verbesserung der Thread-Sicherheit beim Generieren der Seiten-Abbilder von XPS-Dokumenten. Eine Liste aller behobener Probleme finden Sie hier."; +$text["Okular 0.8.2 released"] = "Okular 0.8.2 veröffentlicht"; +$text["April 2, 2009"] = "2. April 2009"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.2. It includes better support (hopefully working) for DVI and pdfsync inverse search, and fixes and small improvements in the presentation mode. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"] = "Die zweite Wartungsversion der Reihe KDE 4.2 enthält Okular 0.8.2. Diese Version bringt bessere Unterstützung für Rückwärtssuche in DVI- und pdfsync-Dokumenten und Korrekturen und einige Verbesserungen im Präsentationsmodus. Eine Liste aller behobener Probleme finden Sie hier."; +$text["Okular 0.8.1 released"] = "Okular 0.8.1 veröffentlicht"; +$text["March 4, 2009"] = "4. März 2009"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.1. It includes some crash fixes in the CHM and DjVu backends, and minor fixes in the user interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"] = "Die erste Wartungsversion der Reihe KDE 4.2 enthält Okular 0.8.1. Diese Version bringt Korrekturen, die Abstürze in den Backends für CHM und DjVu verhindern und behebt ein paar kleine Fehler in der Benutzeroberfläche. Eine Liste aller behobener Probleme finden Sie hier."; +$text["Okular 0.8 released"] = "Okular 0.8 veröffentlicht"; +$text["January 27, 2009"] = "27. Januar 2009"; +$text["The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.2. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): And, of course, many bugs were fixed."] = "Das Okular-Team freut sich, eine neue Version von Okular ankündigen zu können, die als Teil von KDE 4.2 veröffentlicht worden ist. Einige der neuen Funktionen und Verbesserungen (in zufälliger Reihenfolge): Und natürlich sind viele Fehler behoben worden."; +$text["Okular 0.7.3 released"] = "Okular 0.7.3 veröffentlicht"; +$text["November 4, 2008"] = "4. November 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.3. It includes some minor fixes in the user interface and in the text search. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"] = "Die dritte Wartungsversion der Reihe KDE 4.1 enthält Okular 0.7.3. Diese Version bringt kleinere Korrekturen in der Benutzeroberfläche und der Textsuche. Eine Liste aller behobener Probleme finden Sie hier."; +$text["Okular 0.7.2 released"] = "Okular 0.7.2 veröffentlicht"; +$text["October 3, 2008"] = "3. Oktober 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.2. It includes some minor fixes in the TIFF and Comicbook backends and the change to \"Fit Width\" as default zoom level. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"] = "Die zweite Wartungsversion der Reihe KDE 4.1 enthält Okular 0.7.2. Diese Version bringt ein paar kleinere Korrekturen in den Backends für TIFF und Comicbook und ändert die Voreinstellung der Betrachtungsgröße auf „Seitenbreite“. Eine Liste aller behobener Probleme finden Sie hier."; +$text["Okular 0.7.1 released"] = "Okular 0.7.1 veröffentlicht"; +$text["September 3, 2008"] = "3. September 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.1. It includes some crash fixes among other minor fixes. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"] = "Die erste Wartungsversion der Reihe KDE 4.1 enthält Okular 0.7.1. Diese Version bringt Korrekturen, die Abstürze verhindern und behebt ein paar weitere Fehler.Eine Liste aller behobener Probleme finden Sie hier."; +$text["Okular 0.7 released"] = "Okular 0.7 veröffentlicht"; +$text["July 29, 2008"] = "29. Juli 2008"; +$text["KDE 4.1. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order):\n\nAnd, of course, many bugs were fixed.]]>"] = "KDE 4.1 veröffentlicht wird. Einige der neuen Funktionen und Verbesserungen (in zufälliger Reihenfolge):\n\nUnd natürlich sind viele Fehler behoben worden.]]>"; +$text["Okular 0.6.3 released"] = "Okular 0.6.3 veröffentlicht"; +$text["April 2, 2008"] = "2. April 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"] = "Die dritte Wartungsversion der Reihe KDE 4.0 enthält Okular 0.6.3. Diese Version bringt einige Korrekturen, z. B. Verbesserungen in der Bestimmung der Textposition in PDF-Dokumenten sowie Korrekturen am Anmerkungen-System und am Inhaltsverzeichnis.Eine Liste aller behobener Probleme finden Sie hier."; +$text["Okular 0.6.2 released"] = "Okular 0.6.2 veröffentlicht"; +$text["March 5, 2008"] = "5. März 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"] = "Die zweite Wartungsversion der Reihe KDE 4.0 enthält Okular 0.6.2. Diese Version bringt eine ganze Reihe Korrekturen, wie eine verbesserte Stabilität beim Schließen eines Dokuments und kleinere Korrekturen an den Lesezeichen.Eine Liste aller behobener Probleme finden Sie hier."; +$text["Okular 0.6.1 released"] = "Okular 0.6.1 veröffentlicht"; +$text["February 5, 2008"] = "5. Februar 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"] = "Die erste Wartungsversion der Reihe KDE 4.0 enthält Okular 0.6.1. Diese Version bringt eine ganze Reihe Korrekturen. So werden z. B. Dateien nicht noch einmal heruntergeladen, wenn sie gespeichert werden und die Bedienbarkeit wurde verbessert.Eine Liste aller behobener Probleme finden Sie hier."; +$text["aKademy 2007 Okular presentation material online"] = "Okular-Präsentationsmaterial der aKademy 2007 ist online"; +$text["Jul 10, 2007"] = "10. Juli 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular talk given by Pino Toscano at aKademy 2007 is now online. There are both slides and video available.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tDer Okular-Vortrag, den Pino Toscano auf der aKademy 2007 gehalten hat, ist jetzt verfügbar. Es gibt Folien und dasVideo.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular in kdegraphics"] = "Okular in kdegraphics"; +$text["Apr 4, 2007"] = "4. April 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular is now part of the kdegraphics module. The next version of Okular will be shipped with KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tDas Okular-Team freut sich, ankündigen zu können, dass Okular jetzt Teil des Moduls „kdegraphics“ ist. Die nächste Version von Okular wird zusammen mit KDE 4.0 ausgeliefert.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular joins The Season of Usability project"] = "Okular nimmt am Projekt „The Season of Usability“ teil"; +$text["Jan 31, 2007"] = "31. Januar 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular has been one of the applications selected to participate in the Season of Usability project, run by usability experts at OpenUsability. From here we want to welcome Sharad Baliyan to the team and thank Florian Graessle and Pino Toscano for their continued work on improving Okular.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tDas Okular-Team freut sich, ankündigen zu können, dass Okular eine der Anwendungen ist, die für das Projekt „Season of Usability“ ausgewählt wurde, das von den Usability-Experten von OpenUsability veranstaltet wird. Wir heißen Sharad Baliyan im Team willkommen und danken Florian Graessle und Pino Toscano für ihre ununterbrochene Arbeit, um Okular zu verbessern.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5.81 unstable snapshot released"] = "Entwicklerschnappschuss Okular 0.5.81 veröffentlicht"; +$text["Nov 2, 2006"] = "2. November 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. This snapshot is not completely functional, yet, as we have lots of things to polish and finish, but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tDas Okular-Team freut sich, einen Entwicklerschnappschuss von Okular ankündigen zu können, der mit dem zweiten KDE-4-Entwicklerschnappschuss kompiliert werden kann. Dieser Schnappschuss ist noch nicht voll funktionstüchtig, da noch viele Dinge fertiggestellt und poliert werden müssen. Sie sind aber eingeladen, Okular zu testen, und sich mit Rückmeldungen an die Entwickler zu wenden. Das Paket finden Sie hier. Beachten Sie auch die Download-Seite, um sicher zu gehen, dass Sie alle benötigten Bibliotheken installiert haben.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5 unstable snapshot released"] = "Entwicklerschnappschuss Okular 0.5 veröffentlicht"; +$text["Aug 27, 2006"] = "27. August 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. This snapshot is still not completely functional as we have lots of things to polish and finish but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tDas Okular-Team freut sich, einen Entwicklerschnappschuss von Okular ankündigen zu können, der mit dem KDE-4-Schnappschuss „Krash“ kompiliert werden kann. Dieser Schnappschuss ist noch nicht voll funktionstüchtig, da noch viele Dinge fertiggestellt und poliert werden müssen. Sie sind aber eingeladen, Okular zu testen, und sich mit Rückmeldungen an die Entwickler zu wenden. Das Paket finden Sie hier. Beachten Sie auch die Download-Seite, um sicher zu gehen, dass Sie alle benötigten Bibliotheken installiert haben.\n\t\t\t"; $text["Some images of Okular "in action"..."] = "Einige Bilder, die Okular „in Aktion“ zeigen ..."; $text["Backends in action"] = "Anzeigemodule in Aktion"; $text["Here you can see some of the Okular backends in action on files."] = "Hier sehen Sie einige der Okular-Anzeigemodule in Aktion"; $text["PDF backend"] = "PDF-Anzeigemodul"; $text["PostScript backend"] = "PostScript-Anzeigemodul"; $text["DjVu backend"] = "DjVu-Anzeigemodul"; $text["TIFF/fax backend"] = "TIFF/Fax-Anzeigemodul"; $text["Extraction of embedded files"] = "Extrahieren von eingebetteten Dateien"; $text["Word processor-like text selection"] = "Textauswahl wie bei der Textverarbeitung"; $text["Review mode"] = "Rezensionsmodus"; $text["Annotations (enter in Tools -> Review)"] = "Anmerkungen (Menü „Extras“ → „Rezension“)"; $text["Okular - more than a reader"] = "Okular – mehr als ein einfacher Betrachter"; $text["the Okular developers"] = "den Okular-Entwicklern"; $text["Current Okular Team"] = "Derzeitiges Okular-Team"; $text["The current Okular team is formed by:"] = "Das derzeitige Okular-Team besteht aus:"; $text["(Current maintainer)"] = "(Derzeitiger Betreuer)"; $text["Your name here..."] = "Ihr Name in dieser Liste ..."; $text["Join Okular development!"] = "Treten Sie der Okular-Entwicklung bei"; $text["Former Okular developers"] = "Frühere Okular-Entwickler"; $text["We'd like to thank all the people that worked on Okular in the past:"] = "Wir möchten auch all den Leuten danken, die früher an Okular gearbeitet haben:"; $text["(Original Okular creator)"] = "(Ursprünglicher Okular-Gründer)"; $text["(Usability expert)"] = "(Experte für die Benutzerfreundlichkeit)"; $text["KPDF Developers"] = "KPDF-Entwickler"; $text["We'd like also to thank all the people who worked on KPDF:"] = "Wir möchten auch all den Leuten danken, die an KPDF gearbeitet haben:"; $text["Lots of features"] = "Viele Funktionen"; $text["Fontconfig support, type-ahead find, some patches"] = "Unterstützung für Fontconfig, Suche während des Tippens, einige Patches"; ?> diff --git a/i18n/el/okular-kde-org.inc b/i18n/el/okular-kde-org.inc index d6da060..71e424b 100644 --- a/i18n/el/okular-kde-org.inc +++ b/i18n/el/okular-kde-org.inc @@ -1,129 +1,214 @@ okular-devel\nand hosted at kde.org."] = "Έχουμε μια λίστα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου για τον συντονισμό της ανάπτυξης του Okular. Είναι η\nokular-devel\nκαι φιλοξενείται στο kde.org."; $text["You can use it to talk about the development of the core application, but also\nfeedback about existent or new backends is appreciated."] = "Μπορείτε να τη χρησιμοποιήσετε για να μιλήσετε για την ανάπτυξη της βασικής εφαρμογής, αλλά και τα σχόλιά σας σχετικά με υφιστάμενα ή νέα συστήματα υποστήριξης θα εκτιμηθούν."; $text["IRC"] = "IRC"; $text["We have also an IRC channel where talk. The channel is\n#okular, on the\nFreenode network."] = "Έχουμε και έναν δίαυλο IRC όπου συζητάμε. Ο δίαυλος ονομάζεται\n#okular, στο δίκτυο\nFreenode."; $text["Usually some of the Okular developers hang there."] = "Συνήθως κάποιοι προγραμματιστές του Okular συχνάζουν εκεί."; $text["Forum"] = "Forum"; $text["If you prefer using a forum you can use the Okular forum inside the bigger KDE Community Forums."] = "Αν προτιμάτε να κάνετε χρήση κάποιου forum μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το forum του Okular μέσα στα ευρύτερα Forum της Κοινότητας του KDE."; $text["Bugs and Wishes"] = "Σφάλματα και επιθυμίες"; $text["Bugs and Wishes should be reported to the KDE bug tracker at http://bugs.kde.org."] = "Τα σφάλματα και οι επιθυμίες να αναφέρονται στον ιχνηλάτη σφαλμάτων του KDE στο http://bugs.kde.org."; $text["Download"] = "Λήψη"; $text["Binary packages"] = "Εκτελέσιμα πακέτα"; $text["The recommended way for end-user installations of Okular is using binary packages:"] = "Η συνιστώμενη για τον τελικό χρήστη μέθοδος εγκατάστασης του Okular είναι με τη χρήση εκτελέσιμων πακέτων:"; $text["For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular package (might be part of the broader kdegraphics package) and install it."] = "Για το GNU/Linux και τα BSD χρησιμοποιήστε το διαχειριστή πακέτων για να βρείτε το Okular (ίσως να είναι τμήμα του ευρύτερου πακέτου kdegraphics) και εγκαταστήστε το."; $text["For Windows have a look at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on Windows."] = "Για τα Windows ρίξτε μια ματιά στο KDE on Windows Initiative για πληροφορίες εγκατάστασης του KDE στα Windows."; $text["For Mac Os X have a look at the KDE on Mac OS X webpage for information on how to install KDE on Mac OS X."] = "Για το Mac Os X ρίξτε μια ματιά στον ιστοχώρο KDE on Mac OS X για πληροφορίες εγκατάστασης του KDE σε Mac OS X."; $text["Optional packages"] = "Προαιρετικά πακέτα"; $text["There are some optional package you could install in order to have some more functionalities in Okular."] = "Υπάρχουν μερικά προαιρετικά πακέτα που θα πρέπει να εγκαταστήσετε για να έχετε καλύτερη λειτουργικότητα στο Okular."; $text["Some are already packaged for your distro, but other maybe not. So, if possible, use the packages your distro ships."] = "Ορισμένα είναι ήδη πακεταρισμένα για τη διανομή που χρησιμοποιείτε, κάποια άλλα ίσως όχι. Έτσι, αν είναι δυνατό, χρησιμοποιήστε τα πακέτα που σάς παρέχει η διανομή σας."; $text["Poppler (PDF backend)"] = "Poppler (σύστημα υποστήριξης PDF)"; $text["To compile the PDF backend, you need the Poppler library (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."] = "Για να μεταγλωττίσετε το σύστημα υποστήριξης PDF, χρειάζεστε τη βιβλιοθήκη Poppler (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."; $text["In order to compile and use the PostScipt (PS) backend, you need libspectre >= 0.2."] = "Για τη μεταγλώττιση και χρήση του συστήματος υποστήριξης PostScipt (PS), θα χρειαστείτε libspectre >= 0.2."; $text["If your distro does not package libspectre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."] = "Αν η διανομή που χρησιμοποιείτε δεν περιλαμβάνει το libspectre, ή η έκδοση του πακέτου δεν επαρκεί, μπορείτε να κάνετε λήψη από το http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."; $text["DjVuLibre (DjVu backend)"] = "DjVuLibre (σύστημα υποστήριξης DjVu)"; $text["To compile the DjVu backend, you need DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."] = "Για τη μεταγλώττιση του συστήματος υποστήριξης DjVu, θα χρειαστείτε DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."; $text["If your distro does not package DjVuLibre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."] = "Αν η διανομή που χρησιμοποιείτε δεν περιέχει το DjVuLibre, ή η έκδοση του πακέτου δεν επαρκεί, κάνετε λήψη από το http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."; $text["libTIFF (TIFF/fax backend)"] = "libTIFF (σύστημα υποστήριξης TIFF/fax)"; $text["libTIFF is needed to compile the TIFF/fax backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "Το libTIFF απαιτείται για τη μεταγλώττιση του συστήματος υποστήριξης TIFF/fax. Προς το παρόν δεν υπάρχει ελάχιστη απαιτούμενη έκδοση, έτσι κάθε αρκούντως πρόσφατη έκδοση της βιβλιοθήκης που είναι διαθέσιμη από τη διανομή σας, θα πρέπει να λειτουργήσει. Σε περίπτωση που υπάρχει πρόβλημα με αυτό, μη διστάσετε να έρθετε σε επαφή με τους προγραμματιστές του Okular."; $text["libCHM (CHM backend)"] = "libCHM (σύστημα υποστήριξης CHM)"; $text["libCHM is needed to compile the CHM backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "Το libCHM απαιτείται για τη μεταγλώττιση του συστήματος υποστήριξης CHM. Προς το παρόν δεν υπάρχει ελάχιστη απαιτούμενη έκδοση, έτσι κάθε αρκούντως πρόσφατη έκδοση της βιβλιοθήκης που είναι διαθέσιμη από τη διανομή σας, θα πρέπει να λειτουργήσει. Σε περίπτωση που υπάρχει πρόβλημα με αυτό, μη διστάσετε να έρθετε σε επαφή με τους προγραμματιστές του Okular."; $text["In order to compile and use the EPub backend, you need the epub library."] = "Για τη μεταγλώττιση και χρήση του συστήματος υποστήριξης EPub, θα χρειαστείτε τη βιβλιοθήκη epub."; $text["If your distro does not package libepub, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."] = "Αν η διανομή που χρησιμοποιείτε δεν περιέχει το libepub, ή η έκδοση του πακέτου δεν επαρκεί, μπορείτε να κάνετε λήψη από το http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."; $text["Frequently Asked Questions"] = "Συχνές Ερωτήσεις"; $text["Compiling Okular"] = "Μεταγλώττιση του Okular"; $text["The Poppler backend does not compile. It complains about 'class Poppler::TextBox' and 'edge'."] = "Το σύστημα υποστήριξης Poppler δεν μεταγλωττίζεται. Δίνει μηνύματα σχετικά με 'class Poppler::TextBox' και 'edge'."; $text["Do you get an error output similar to"] = "Έχετε μήνυμα λάθους παρόμοιο με το"; $text["If so, most probably you updated from Poppler 0.6.x or previous to Poppler 0.8."] = "Αν είναι έτσι, μάλλον κάνατε ενημέρωση από Poppler 0.6.x ή προγενέστερο σε Poppler 0.8."; $text["What you can do is simple:"] = "Μπορείτε να κάνετε κάτι απλό:"; $text["in the build directory of Okular. Then run cmake again, and all should work as expected."] = "στον κατάλογο build του Okular. Έπειτα εκτελέστε και πάλι το cmake, και όλα θα πρέπει να λειτουργούν σωστά."; $text["Running Okular"] = "Εκτέλεση του Okular"; $text["Okular tells me there are no plugins installed. What can I do?"] = "Το Okular μου λέει ότι δεν υπάρχουν εγκατεστημένα πρόσθετα. Τι μπορώ να κάνω;"; $text["In a shell set up for your KDE 4 installation, execute the command"] = "Σε ένα κέλυφος για την εγκατάσταση του KDE 4, εκτελέστε την εντολή"; $text["After that, Okular should find its plugins as expected."] = "Μετά από αυτό, το Okular θα πρέπει να βρει τα σωστά πρόσθετα."; $text["General usage"] = "Γενική χρήση"; $text["Why the newly added annotations are not in my PDF document?"] = "Γιατί οι πρόσφατες προσθήκες των σημειώσεων δεν είναι στο PDF έγγραφό μου;"; $text["By default, Okular saves annotations in the local data directory\nfor each user. Since KDE 4.9, it's optionally possible to store them directly in\na PDF file by choosing \"File -> Save As...\", so they can be seen in other\nPDF viewers."] = "Εξ ορισμού, το Okular αποθηκεύει σημειώσεις στον τοπικό κατάλογο δεδομένων\nγια κάθε χρήστη. Από την έκδοση KDE 4.9, γίνεται κατ' επιλογήν να αποθηκεύονται απευθείας σε\nένα PDF αρχείο επιλέγοντας \"Αρχείο -> Αποθήκευση ως...\", ώστε να προβάλλονται\n και με άλλες PDF εφαρμογές."; $text["Note that this feature requires Poppler 0.20 or newer for regular PDF\ndocuments. If the PDF document you are annotating is encrypted, this feature\nrequires Poppler 0.22 or newer."] = "Σημειώστε ότι η λειτουργία αυτή απαιτεί Poppler έκδοση 0.20 ή νεότερη\n για κανονικά PDF έγγραφα. Αν το PDF έγγραφο στο οποίο σημειώνετε είναι κρυπτογραφημένο,\nη λειτουργία αυτή απαιτεί Poppler έκδοση 0.22 ή νεότερη."; $text["How can I annotate a document and send it to a friend/colleague/etc?"] = "Πώς μπορώ να γράψω σχόλια σε ένα έγγραφο και να το στείλω σε φίλο/συνάδελφο/κτλ;"; $text["Since KDE 4.2, Okular has the \"document archiving\" feature. This is\nan Okular-specific format for carrying the document plus various metadata\nrelated to it (currently only annotations)."] = "Από το KDE 4.2, το Okular έχει το χαρακτηριστικό \"φάκελος εγγράφου\".\nΕίναι ένας τύπος ειδικά για το Okular για τη μεταφορά του εγγράφου μαζί με\nδιάφορα μεταδεδομένα σχετικά με αυτό (προς το παρόν μόνο σημειώσεις)."; $text["You can save a \"document archive\" from the open document by choosing \"File\n-> Export As -> Document Archive\"."] = "Μπορείτε να αποθηκεύσετε ένα \"φάκελο εγγράφου\" από το ανοιχτό έγγραφο με την επιλογή \"Αρχείο\n-> Εξαγωγή ως -> Φάκελος Εγγράφου\"."; $text["To open an Okular document archive, just open it with Okular as it would be eg\na PDF document."] = "Για να ανοίξετε ένα φάκελο εγγράφου Okular, απλώς ανοίξτε το με το Okular\nόπως και κάθε άλλο έγγραφο PDF."; $text["If you're annotating a PDF document, you can also save annotations\ndirectly in the PDF file (see previous question)"] = "Αν σημειώνετε σε ένα PDF έγγραφο, μπορείτε και να αποθηκεύετε τις\nσημειώσεις σας απευθείας στο PDF αρχείο (δείτε την προηγούμενη ερώτηση)"; $text["Using Ubuntu, I cannot read CHM and EPub documents,\neven if I have okular-extra-backends and libchm1 installed. Why?"] = "Με το Ubuntu, δεν μπορώ να διαβάσω CHM και EPub έγγραφα,\nακόμη και αν έχω εγκαταστήσει τα okular-extra-backends και libchm1. Γιατί;"; $text["Ubuntu (thus Kubuntu as well) packages of Okular are compiled without\nthe support for these two formats."] = "Τα πακέτα του Okular στο Ubuntu (άρα και στο Kubuntu) μεταγλωττίζονται\nχωρίς υποστήριξη για αυτούς τους δύο τύπους."; $text["The reason is explained in the following Launchpad report: "] = "Αυτό εξηγείται στην παρακάτω αναφορά από το Launchpad: "; $text["Why the speak options in the Tools menu are grayed out?"] = "Γιατί οι επιλογές εκφώνησης στο μενού με τα Εργαλεία είναι γκρίζες;"; $text["Because you don't have the KDE Text To Speech tools, install Jovie (formerly known as ktts) and they should be enabled"] = "Επειδή δεν έχετε τα εργαλεία του KDE για Εκφώνηση Κειμένου (Text To Speech), εγκαταστήστε το Jovie (παλαιότερα γνωστό ως ktts) και θα πρέπει να ενεργοποιηθούν"; $text["Some characters are not rendered and when enabling debug some lines mention 'Missing language pack for xxx'"] = "Ορισμένοι χαρακτήρες δεν αποτυπώνονται και στην ενεργοποίηση της διόρθωσης σφαλμάτων κάποιες γραμμές αναφέρουν 'Λείπει το πακέτο γλώσσας για το xxx'"; $text["Install the poppler-data package"] = "Εγκατάσταση του πακέτου poppler-data"; $text["Document format handlers status"] = "Κατάσταση των χειριστών τύπων εγγράφου"; $text["Document Format Handlers"] = "Χειριστές Τύπων Εγγράφου"; $text["This page always refers to the stable series of Okular (currently KDE 4.5.x)."] = "Η σελίδα αυτή αναφέρεται πάντα στη σειρά σταθερών εκδόσεων του Okular (η τρέχουσα είναι η KDE 4.5.x)."; $text["Features/Formats"] = "Χαρακτηριστικά/Τύποι"; $text["Main library used"] = "Κύρια βιβλιοθήκη"; $text["Loading"] = "Φόρτωση"; $text["Rendering"] = "Απόδοση"; $text["Threaded rendering"] = "Νηματική απόδοση"; $text["Document information"] = "Πληροφορίες εγγράφου"; $text["TOC"] = "Περιεχόμενα"; $text["Font information"] = "Πληροφορίες γραμματοσειράς"; $text["Text extraction"] = "Ανάκτηση κειμένου"; $text["Links"] = "Σύνδεσμοι"; $text["Paper Size"] = "Μέγεθος Σελίδας"; $text["Printing"] = "Εκτύπωση"; $text["Text Exporting"] = "Εξαγωγή Κειμένου"; $text["Other Features"] = "Άλλα Χαρακτηριστικά"; $text["Annotations"] = "Σημειώσεις"; $text["Forms"] = "Φόρμες"; $text["Inverse search"] = "Αντίστροφη αναζήτηση"; $text["Document Rights"] = "Δικαιώματα"; $text["Embedded files"] = "Ενσωματωμένα αρχεία"; $text["Sounds"] = "Ήχοι"; $text["Movies"] = "Κινηματογράφος"; $text["What is it?"] = "Τι είναι αυτό;"; $text["Okular logo"] = "λογότυπο Okular"; $text["The document format handlers page has a chart describing in more detail the supported formats and the features supported in each of them."] = "Η σελίδα του κώδικα χειρισμού τύπων εγγράφου περιέχει ένα διάγραμμα που περιγράφει με μεγαλύτερη λεπτομέρεια τους υποστηριζόμενους τύπους και τα υποστηριζόμενα χαρακτηριστικά για καθέναν από αυτούς."; $text["If you are interested in contributing to Okular, please contact us."] = "Αν ενδιαφέρεστε να συμβάλλετε στο Okular, παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας."; $text["If you do not want or can not contribute, testers are fully welcome, so follow these instructions to see how to download and build Okular."] = "Αν δεν επιθυμείτε ή δεν μπορείτε να συμβάλλετε, είστε ευπρόσδεκτοι για δοκιμές/έλεγχο του κώδικα, και σε αυτήν την περίπτωση ακολουθήστε αυτές τις οδηγίες για να αποθηκεύσετε τοπικά τον πηγαίο κώδικα και να τον μετατρέψετε στο Okular."; $text["Okular is a Free Software PDF reader."] = "Το Okular είναι Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό ανάγνωσης αρχείων PDF."; $text["Okular Homepage"] = "Ιστοσελίδα του Okular"; $text["Main"] = "Αρχική σελίδα"; $text["Format support"] = "Υποστηριζόμενοι τύποι"; $text["Development News"] = "Νέα από τους Προγραμματιστές"; $text["Screenshots"] = "Στιγμιότυπα"; $text["FAQ"] = "Συχνές Ερωτήσεις"; $text["Team"] = "Ομάδα"; $text["Related apps/projects"] = "Σχετικές εφαρμογές/έργα"; $text["Free Software PDF readers"] = "Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό ανάγνωσης αρχείων PDF"; +$text["Okular news"] = "Νέα του Okular"; +$text["Okular 0.18 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.18 του Okular"; +$text["December 12, 2013"] = "12 Δεκεμβρίου 2013"; +$text["The 0.18 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.12 release. This release introduces new features like audio/video support in EPub files and also improvements to existing features like searching and printing. Okular 0.18 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Η έκδοση 0.18 του Okular κυκλοφόρησε μαζί με την έκδοση KDE Applications 4.12. Εισάγει μερικά νέα χαρακτηριστικά όπως υποστήριξη πολυμέσων/ήχου σε αρχεία EPub και βελτιώσεις σε υπάρχοντα και χαρακτηριστικά όπως η αναζήτηση και η εκτύπωση. Συνιστάται σε όσους χρησιμοποιούν το Okular να κάνουν την ενημέρωση στην έκδοση 0.18."; +$text["Okular 0.17 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.17 του Okular"; +$text["August 16, 2013"] = "16 Αυγούστου 2013"; +$text["The 0.17 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.11 release. This release introduces new features like undo/redo support for forms and annotations and configurable review tools. Okular 0.17 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Η έκδοση 0.17 του Okular κυκλοφόρησε μαζί με την έκδοση KDE Applications 4.11. Η κυκλοφορία αυτή εισάγει μερικά νέα χαρακτηριστικά όπως υποστήριξη αναίρεσης/επανάληψης για φόρμες και σημειώσεις και διαμορφώσιμα εργαλεία επιθεώρησης. Συνιστάται σε όσους χρησιμοποιούν το Okular να κάνουν την ενημέρωση στην έκδοση 0.17."; +$text["Okular 0.16 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.16 του Okular"; +$text["February 6, 2013"] = "6 Φεβρουαρίου 2013"; +$text["The 0.16 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.10 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to zoom to higher levels in PDF documents, an Active based viewer for your tablet devices, more support for PDF movies, viewport follows selection, and annotation editing improvements. Okular 0.16 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Η έκδοση 0.16 του Okular κυκλοφόρησε μαζί με την έκδοση KDE Applications 4.10. Η έκδοση αυτή περιλαμβάνει νέα χαρακτηριστικά όπως τη δυνατότητα αλλαγής πλάνου σε υψηλότερα επίπεδα για τα PDF έγγραφα, έναν προβολέα με βάση το Active για τις ταμπλέτες σας, περισσότερη υποστήριξη για PDF κινηματογραφικές ταινίες, η ορατή περιοχή ακολουθεί την επιλογή, και βελτιώσεις στην επεξεργασία σχολιασμού. Το Okular 0.16 είναι συνιστώμενη ενημέρωση για όσους χρησιμοποιούν Okular."; +$text["Okular forums"] = "Okular forums"; +$text["October 10, 2012"] = "10 Οκτωβρίου 2012"; +$text["We now have a subforum inside the KDE Community Forums. You can find it at http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."] = "Διαθέτουμε τώρα ένα υποφόρουμ μέσα στα forum της Κοινότητας του KDE. Θα τα βρείτε στο http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."; +$text["Okular 0.15 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.15 του Okular"; +$text["August 1, 2012"] = "1 Αυγούστου 2012"; +$text["The 0.15 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.9 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to store annotations with PDF documents, more support for PDF movies, multiple bookmarks per page and some other minor improvements. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.15 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Η 0.15 έκδοση του Okular έχει ανακοινωθεί μαζί με την έκδοση KDE Applications 4.9. Η έκδοση αυτή εισάγει νέα χαρακτηριστικά όπως τη δυνατότητα αποθήκευσης σημειώσεων με PDF έγγραφα, περισσότερη υποστήριξη για PDF κινηματογραφία, πολλαπλούς σελιδοδείκτες ανά σελίδα και κάποιες άλλες δευτερεύουσες βελτιώσεις. Μπορείτε να βρείτε μια μη πλήρη λίστα σφαλμάτων και χαρακτηριστικών στο \">bugzilla. Το Okular 0.15 είναι η συνιστώμενη ενημέρωση για όσους χρησιμοποιούν το Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.14 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.14 του Okular"; +$text["January 25, 2012"] = "25 Ιανουαρίου 2012"; +$text["The 0.14 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.8 release. This release introduces new features like improved text selection in documents with columns, table selection tool, LaTex rendering in annotations, improved embedded support (for use in e.g. Kile), better layouting for faced pages, smarter screensaver/powermanagement handling, improved page label support, default zoom configuration, improved Landscape printing, etc. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.14 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Η 0.14 έκδοση του Okular έχει ανακοινωθεί μαζί με την έκδοση KDE Applications 4.8. Η έκδοση αυτή εισάγει νέα χαρακτηριστικά όπως βελτιωμένη επιλογή κειμένου σε έγγραφα με στήλες, εργαλείο επιλογής πίνακα, αποτύπωση LaTex σε σχολιασμό, βελτιωμένη ενσωμάτωση υποστήριξης (για χρήση π.χ. στο Kile), καλύτερη σελιδοποίηση για αντικριστές σελίδες, εξυπνότερο χειρισμό οθόνης φύλαξης / διαχείρισης ενέργειας, βελτιωμένη υποστήριξη τίτλου σελίδας, προκαθορισμένη διαμόρφωση ζουμ, βελτιωμένη εκτύπωση για προσανατολισμό τοπίου κτλ. Μπορείτε να βρείτε μια μη πλήρη λίστα σφαλμάτων και χαρακτηριστικών στο bugzilla. Το Okular 0.14 είναι η συνιστώμενη ενημέρωση για όσους χρησιμοποιούν το Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.13 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.13 του Okular"; +$text["July 27, 2011"] = "27 Ιουλίου 2011"; +$text["The 0.13 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.7 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Η έκδοση 0.13 του Okular κυκλοφόρησε μαζί με την έκδοση KDE Applications 4.7. Περιλαμβάνει μικρές διορθώσεις και χαρακτηριστικά και σε όσους χρησιμοποιούν Okular συνιστάται να κάνουν την ενημέρωση."; +$text["Okular 0.12 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.12 του Okular"; +$text["January 26, 2011"] = "26 Ιανουαρίου 2011"; +$text["The 0.12 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.6 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Η έκδοση 0.12 του Okular κυκλοφόρησε μαζί με την έκδοση KDE Applications 4.6. Περιλαμβάνει μικρές διορθώσεις και χαρακτηριστικά και σε όσους χρησιμοποιούν Okular συνιστάται να κάνουν την ενημέρωση."; +$text["Okular 0.11 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.11 του Okular"; +$text["August 10, 2010"] = "10 Αυγούστου 2010"; +$text["The 0.11 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.5 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Η Okular 0.11 κυκλοφόρησε μαζί με την έκδοση KDE Applications 4.5. Περιλαμβάνει μικρές διορθώσεις και χαρακτηριστικά και σε όσους χρησιμοποιούν Okular συνιστάται να κάνουν την ενημέρωση. "; +$text["Okular 0.10 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.10 του Okular"; +$text["February 9, 2010"] = "9 Φεβρουαρίου 2010 "; +$text["The 0.10 version of Okular has been released together with KDE SC 4.4. Besides general improvements in stability this release sports new/improved support for both inverse search and forward search linking latex source code lines with the corresponding locations in dvi and pdf files."] = "Η κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.10 έγινε μαζί με το KDE SC 4.4. Παράλληλα με γενικές βελτιώσεις σταθερότητας αυτή η έκδοση παρέχει νέα/βελτιωμένη υποστήριξη για αντίστροφη αναζήτηση και εμπρόσθια αναζήτηση με σύνδεση των γραμμών του πηγαίου κώδικα latex με τις αντίστοιχες τοποθεσίες στα αρχεία dvi και pdf."; +$text["Okular 0.9.4 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.9.4 του Okular"; +$text["December 1, 2009"] = "1 Δεκεμβρίου 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.3 series includes Okular 0.9.4. It includes some crash fixes, and few small bug fixes in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"] = "Η τέταρτη έκδοση συντήρησης της σειράς 4.3 του KDE περιλαμβάνει το Okular 0.9.4 με κάποιες διορθώσεις κατάρρευσης και ορισμένες διορθώσεις σφαλμάτων ήσσονος σημασίας στη διεπαφή. Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε για όλα τα διορθωμένα προβλήματα στο http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.4 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.8.4 του Okular"; +$text["June 3, 2009"] = "3 Ιουνίου 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.4. It includes some fixes in OpenDocument Text documents, a couple of crash fixes, and few small bugs in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"] = "Η τέταρτη έκδοση συντήρησης της σειράς 4.2 του KDE περιλαμβάνει το Okular 0.8.4 με κάποιες διορθώσεις για έγγραφα τύπου OpenDocument Text, κάποιες διορθώσεις κατάρρευσης και ορισμένες διορθώσεις σφαλμάτων ήσσονος σημασίας στη διεπαφή. Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε για όλα τα διορθωμένα προβλήματα στο http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.3 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.8.3 του Okular"; +$text["May 6, 2009"] = "6 Μαΐου 2009"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.3. It does not provide much news for Okular, the only relevant change is about thread more safety when generating page images of XPS document. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"] = "Η τρίτη έκδοση συντήρησης της σειράς 4.2 του KDE περιλαμβάνει το Okular 0.8.3. Δεν φέρνει κάτι νέο για το Okular, η μόνη αλλαγή αφορά την αυξημένη ασφάλεια νημάτων εκτέλεσης κατά την παραγωγή σελιδο-εικόνων για έγγραφα XPS. Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε για όλα τα διορθωμένα προβλήματα στο http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.2 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.8.2 του Okular"; +$text["April 2, 2009"] = "2 Απριλίου 2009"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.2. It includes better support (hopefully working) for DVI and pdfsync inverse search, and fixes and small improvements in the presentation mode. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"] = "Η δεύτερη έκδοση συντήρησης της σειράς 4.2 του KDE περιλαμβάνει το Okular 0.8.2 με καλύτερη υποστήριξη (ελπίζουμε ότι λειτουργεί) για αντίστροφη αναζήτηση σε DVI και pdfsync και με διορθώσεις και μικρο-βελτιώσεις στη λειτουργία των παρουσιάσεων. Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε για όλα τα διορθωμένα προβλήματα στο http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.1 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.8.1 του Okular"; +$text["March 4, 2009"] = "4 Μαρτίου 2009"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.1. It includes some crash fixes in the CHM and DjVu backends, and minor fixes in the user interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"] = "Η πρώτη έκδοση συντήρησης της σειράς 4.2 του KDE περιλαμβάνει το Okular 0.9.4 με κάποιες διορθώσεις κατάρρευσης στα συστήματα υποστήριξης των CHM και DjVu και διορθώσεις ήσσονος σημασίας στη διεπαφή. Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε για όλα τα διορθωμένα προβλήματα στο http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.8 του Okular"; +$text["January 27, 2009"] = "27 Ιανουαρίου 2009"; +$text["The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.2. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): And, of course, many bugs were fixed."] = "Η ομάδα Okular με υπερηφάνεια ανακοινώνει μια νέα έκδοση του Okular, η οποία διατίθεται ως τμήμα του KDE 4.2. Κάποια από τα νέα χαρακτηριστικά και τις βελτιώσεις περιλαμβάνουν (με τυχαία σειρά): Και, φυσικά, πολλές διορθώσεις σφαλμάτων."; +$text["Okular 0.7.3 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.7.3 του Okular"; +$text["November 4, 2008"] = "4 Νοεμβρίου 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.3. It includes some minor fixes in the user interface and in the text search. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"] = "Η τρίτη έκδοση συντήρησης της σειράς 4.1 του KDE περιλαμβάνει το Okular 0.7.3 με κάποιες ήσσονος σημασίας διορθώσεις στη διεπαφή και στην αναζήτηση κειμένου. Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε για όλα τα διορθωμένα προβλήματα στο http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.2 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.7.2 του Okular"; +$text["October 3, 2008"] = "3 Οκτωβρίου 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.2. It includes some minor fixes in the TIFF and Comicbook backends and the change to \"Fit Width\" as default zoom level. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"] = "Η δεύτερη έκδοση συντήρησης της σειράς 4.1 του KDE περιλαμβάνει το Okular 0.7.2 με κάποιες ήσσονος σημασίας διορθώσεις στα συστήματα υποστήριξης των TIFF και Comicbook και την αλλαγή σε \"Προσαρμογή στο πλάτος\" ως το προεπιλεγμένο επίπεδο διαστάσεων για ανάγνωση. Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε για όλα τα διορθωμένα προβλήματα στο http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.1 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.7.1 του Okular"; +$text["September 3, 2008"] = "3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.1. It includes some crash fixes among other minor fixes. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"] = "Η πρώτη έκδοση συντήρησης της σειράς 4.1 του KDE περιλαμβάνει το Okular 0.7.1 με κάποιες διορθώσεις κατάρρευσης μεταξύ άλλων ήσσονος σημασίας διορθώσεων. Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε για όλα τα διορθωμένα προβλήματα στο http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.7 του Okular"; +$text["July 29, 2008"] = "29 Ιουλίου 2008"; +$text["KDE 4.1. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order):\n\nAnd, of course, many bugs were fixed.]]>"] = "KDE 4.1. Κάποια από τα νέα χαρακτηριστικά και τις βελτιώσεις περιλαμβάνουν (με τυχαία σειρά): \nΚαι, φυσικά, πολλές διορθώσεις σφαλμάτων.]]>"; +$text["Okular 0.6.3 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.6.3 του Okular"; +$text["April 2, 2008"] = "2 Απριλίου 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"] = "Η τρίτη έκδοση συντήρησης της σειράς 4.0 του KDE περιλαμβάνει το Okular 0.6.3 με κάποιες διορθώσεις σφάλματος, για παράδειγμα έναν καλύτερο τρόπο να έχουμε τη θέση του κειμένου σε ένα έγγραφο PDF και λίγες διορθώσεις για το σύστημα σημειώσεων και τον πίνακα περιεχομένων. Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε για όλα τα διορθωμένα προβλήματα στο http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.2 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.6.2 του Okular"; +$text["March 5, 2008"] = "5 Μαρτίου 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"] = "Η δεύτερη έκδοση συντήρησης της σειράς 4.0 του KDE περιλαμβάνει το Okular 0.6.2 με αρκετές διορθώσεις σφάλματος, με μεγαλύτερη σταθερότητα στο κλείσιμο ενός εγγράφου και μικρές διορθώσεις για το σύστημα των σελιδοδεικτών. Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε για όλα τα διορθωμένα προβλήματα στο http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.1 released"] = "Κυκλοφορία της έκδοσης 0.6.1 του Okular"; +$text["February 5, 2008"] = "5 Φεβρουαρίου 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"] = "Η πρώτη έκδοση συντήρησης της σειράς 4.0 του KDE περιλαμβάνει το Okular 0.6.1 με αρκετές διορθώσεις σφάλματος, με λιγότερες επαναλήψεις στη λήψη αρχείων κατά την αποθήκευση, χρηστικές βελτιώσεις κλπ. Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε για όλα τα διορθωμένα προβλήματα στο http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"; +$text["aKademy 2007 Okular presentation material online"] = "aKademy 2007 Online παρουσίαση υλικού για το Okular"; +$text["Jul 10, 2007"] = "10 Ιουλ 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular talk given by Pino Toscano at aKademy 2007 is now online. There are both slides and video available.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tΗ ομιλία για το Okular του Pino Toscano στην aKademy 2007 είναι τώρα online. Υπάρχουν και διαφάνειες διαθέσιμες και βίντεο.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular in kdegraphics"] = "Το Okular στο kdegraphics"; +$text["Apr 4, 2007"] = "4 Απρ 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular is now part of the kdegraphics module. The next version of Okular will be shipped with KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tΗ ομάδα Okular με υπερηφάνεια ανακοινώνει ότι το Okular είναι τώρα τμήμα της ενότητας kdegraphics. Η επόμενη έκδοση του Okular θα διανεμηθεί με το KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular joins The Season of Usability project"] = "Το Okular συμμετέχει στο πρόγραμμα The Season of Usability"; +$text["Jan 31, 2007"] = "31 Ιαν 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular has been one of the applications selected to participate in the Season of Usability project, run by usability experts at OpenUsability. From here we want to welcome Sharad Baliyan to the team and thank Florian Graessle and Pino Toscano for their continued work on improving Okular.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tΗ ομάδα Okular με υπερηφάνεια ανακοινώνει ότι το Okular είναι μία από τις εφαρμογές που έχουν επιλεγεί να συμμετάσχουν στο πρόγραμμα Season of Usability, που διευθύνεται από ειδικούς στην ευχρηστία στο OpenUsability. Από εδώ θέλουμε να καλωσορίσουμε τον Sharad Baliyan στην ομάδα και να ευχαριστήσουμε τους Florian Graessle και Pino Toscano για τη συνεχή δουλειά τους για τη βελτίωση του Okular.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5.81 unstable snapshot released"] = "Κυκλοφόρησε το πειραματικό στιγμιότυπο Okular 0.5.81"; +$text["Nov 2, 2006"] = "2 Νοε 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. This snapshot is not completely functional, yet, as we have lots of things to polish and finish, but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tΗ ομάδα Okular με υπερηφάνεια ανακοινώνει την έκδοση ενός στιγμιότυπου του Okular που μεταγλωττίζεται στο Δεύτερο Στιγμιότυπο Προγραμματιστών KDE 4. Αυτό το στιγμιότυπο δεν είναι πλήρως λειτουργικό ακόμη, καθώς έχουμε πολλά πράγματα προς εκλέπτυνση και ολοκλήρωση, αλλά είστε ελεύθεροι να το δοκιμάσετε και να σχολιάσετε όσο θέλετε. Μπορείτε να βρείτε το πακέτο του στιγμιότυπου στο ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Ρίξτε μια ματιά στη σελίδα λήψης για να βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχετε όλες τις απαραίτητες βιβλιοθήκες.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5 unstable snapshot released"] = "Κυκλοφόρησε το πειραματικό στιγμιότυπο Okular 0.5"; +$text["Aug 27, 2006"] = "27 Αυγ 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. This snapshot is still not completely functional as we have lots of things to polish and finish but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tΗ ομάδα Okular με υπερηφάνεια ανακοινώνει την έκδοση ενός στιγμιότυπου του Okular που μεταγλωττίζεται με το στιγμιότυπο KDE 4 'Krash'. Αυτό το στιγμιότυπο δεν είναι πλήρως λειτουργικό ακόμη, καθώς έχουμε πολλά πράγματα προς εκλέπτυνση και ολοκλήρωση, αλλά είστε ελεύθεροι να το δοκιμάσετε και να σχολιάσετε όσο θέλετε. Μπορείτε να βρείτε το πακέτο του στιγμιότυπου στο ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Ρίξτε μια ματιά στη σελίδα λήψης για να βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχετε όλες τις απαραίτητες βιβλιοθήκες.\n\t\t\t"; $text["Some images of Okular "in action"..."] = "Μερικές εικόνες του Okular "σε δράση"..."; $text["Backends in action"] = "Συστήματα υποστήριξης σε δράση"; $text["Here you can see some of the Okular backends in action on files."] = "Εδώ βλέπετε κάποια από τα συστήματα υποστήριξης του Okular να επενεργούν σε αρχεία."; $text["PDF backend"] = "Σύστημα υποστήριξης PDF"; $text["PostScript backend"] = "Σύστημα υποστήριξης PostScript"; $text["DjVu backend"] = "Σύστημα υποστήριξης DjVu"; $text["TIFF/fax backend"] = "Σύστημα υποστήριξης TIFF/fax"; $text["Extraction of embedded files"] = "Ανάκτηση ενσωματωμένων αρχείων"; $text["Word processor-like text selection"] = "Επιλογή παρόμοια με επεξεργαστή κειμένου"; $text["Review mode"] = "Λειτουργία επιθεώρησης"; $text["Annotations (enter in Tools -> Review)"] = "Σημειώσεις (από Εργαλεία -> Επιθεώρηση)"; $text["Okular - more than a reader"] = "Okular - κάτι περισσότερο από πρόγραμμα ανάγνωσης"; $text["the Okular developers"] = "οι προγραμματιστές του Okular"; $text["Current Okular Team"] = "Ενεργή Ομάδα Okular"; $text["The current Okular team is formed by:"] = "Ενεργά μέλη της ομάδας Okular είναι οι:"; $text["(Current maintainer)"] = "(Ενεργός συντηρητής)"; $text["Your name here..."] = "Το όνομά σας εδώ..."; $text["Join Okular development!"] = "Συμβάλλετε στην ανάπτυξη του Okular!"; $text["Former Okular developers"] = "Πρώην προγραμματιστές του Okular"; $text["We'd like to thank all the people that worked on Okular in the past:"] = "Θα θέλαμε επίσης να ευχαριστήσουμε όσους εργάστηκαν για το Okular στο παρελθόν:"; $text["(Original Okular creator)"] = "(Αρχικός δημιουργός Okular)"; $text["(Usability expert)"] = "(Ειδικός χρηστικότητας)"; $text["KPDF Developers"] = "Προγραμματιστές KPDF"; $text["We'd like also to thank all the people who worked on KPDF:"] = "Θα θέλαμε επίσης να ευχαριστήσουμε όσους εργάστηκαν στο KPDF:"; $text["Lots of features"] = "Πλήθος χαρακτηριστικών"; $text["Fontconfig support, type-ahead find, some patches"] = "Fontconfig υποστήριξη, type-ahead εύρεση, ενημερώσεις βελτίωσης"; ?> diff --git a/i18n/es/okular-kde-org.inc b/i18n/es/okular-kde-org.inc index 942fd4b..8cbc912 100644 --- a/i18n/es/okular-kde-org.inc +++ b/i18n/es/okular-kde-org.inc @@ -1,145 +1,266 @@ okular-devel\nand hosted at kde.org."] = "Tenemos una lista de correo para coordinar el desarrollo de Okular. La lista de correo\nes okular-devel\ny está hospedada en kde.org."; $text["You can use it to talk about the development of the core application, but also\nfeedback about existent or new backends is appreciated."] = "Puede usarla para hablar sobre el desarrollo de la aplicación principal, aunque\ntambién se agradece cualquier observación sobre motores nuevos o existentes."; $text["IRC"] = "IRC"; $text["We have also an IRC channel where talk. The channel is\n#okular, on the\nFreenode network."] = "También tenemos un canal IRC donde charlar. El canal es\n#okular, en la red\nFreenode."; $text["Usually some of the Okular developers hang there."] = "Siempre suele haber algún desarrollador de Okular por allí."; $text["Forum"] = "Foro"; $text["If you prefer using a forum you can use the Okular forum inside the bigger KDE Community Forums."] = "Si prefiere usar un foro, puede ir al foro de Okular dentro de los Foros de la Comunidad KDE."; $text["Bugs and Wishes"] = "Errores y peticiones"; $text["Bugs and Wishes should be reported to the KDE bug tracker at http://bugs.kde.org."] = "Los errores y las peticiones se deben notificar en el sistema de seguimiento de fallos de http://bugs.kde.org."; $text["Download"] = "Descargar"; $text["Binary packages"] = "Paquetes binarios"; $text["The recommended way for end-user installations of Okular is using binary packages:"] = "El modo recomendado de instalar Okular para el usuario final es el uso de paquetes binarios:"; $text["For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular package (might be part of the broader kdegraphics package) and install it."] = "En GNU/Linux y BSD, utilice el gestor de paquetes de su distribución para encontrar el paquete de Okular (puede formar parte del paquete mayor kdegraphics) e instalarlo."; $text["For Windows have a look at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on Windows."] = "En Windows, consulte la página web Iniciativa KDE en Windows para obtener información sobre cómo instalar KDE en Windows."; $text["For Mac Os X have a look at the KDE on Mac OS X webpage for information on how to install KDE on Mac OS X."] = "En Mac OS X, consulte la página web KDE en Mac OS X para obtener información sobre cómo instalar KDE en Mac OS X."; $text["Packaging status"] = "Estado de los paquetes"; $text["N.B: The table above refers to the KDE Applications release version that Okular was part of. The actual Okular version as reported by the About dialog is different, e.g. Okular 1.2.1 was released as part of KDE Applications 17.08.1 and would should up with such number in the table."] = "N. B.: La tabla superior hace referencia a la versión de las Aplicaciones de KDE de la que formaba parte Okular. La versión real de Okular que aparece en el diálogo «Acerca de» es diferente. Por ejemplo, Okular 1.2.1 se lanzó como parte de las Aplicaciones de KDE 17.08.1, por lo que aparece con ese número en la tabla."; $text["Compiling Okular from source"] = "Compilación del código fuente de Okular"; $text["If you want to compile Okular, you need to have an already set up compilation environment."] = "Si desea compilar Okular, necesitará disponer de un entorno de compilación previamente configurado."; $text["Distributions should provide development packages usable for compiling KDE applications."] = "Las distribuciones deberían proporcionar los paquetes de desarrollo necesarios para compilar aplicaciones para KDE."; $text["In case you want to compile the development version of Okular, please refer to Build from source at KDE's Community Wiki."] = "En el caso de que desee compilar la versión de desarrollo de Okular, consulte Compilar a partir del código fuente en la Wiki de la Comunidad de KDE."; $text["If you are interested in stable tarballs of Okular visit the\nKDE Applications download folder and download the okular tarball."] = "Si está interesado en obtener archivos comprimidos con un Okular estable, visite\nla carpeta de descarga de aplicaciones de KDE y descargue el archivo comprimido «okular»."; $text["Optional packages"] = "Paquetes opcionales"; $text["There are some optional package you could install in order to have some more functionalities in Okular."] = "Existen algunos paquetes opcionales que puede instalar para disponer de más funcionalidades en Okular."; $text["Some are already packaged for your distro, but other maybe not. So, if possible, use the packages your distro ships."] = "Algunos ya estarán empaquetados por su distribución, pero es posible que otros no lo estén. Siempre que sea posible debería usar los paquetes que proporciona su distribución."; $text["Poppler (PDF backend)"] = "Poppler (motor PDF)"; $text["To compile the PDF backend, you need the Poppler library (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."] = "Para compilar el motor PDF necesitará la biblioteca Poppler (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."; $text["The minimum version required is poppler 0.24"] = "La versión mínima necesaria es poppler 0.24"; $text["Libspectre (PostScript backend)"] = "Libspectre (motor PostScript)"; $text["In order to compile and use the PostScipt (PS) backend, you need libspectre >= 0.2."] = "Para poder compilar y usar el motor PostScript (PS), necesita libspectre >=0.2."; $text["If your distro does not package libspectre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."] = "Si su distribución no empaqueta libspectre, o la versión empaquetada no es suficiente, puede descargarla de http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."; $text["DjVuLibre (DjVu backend)"] = "DjVuLibre (motor DjVu)"; $text["To compile the DjVu backend, you need DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."] = "Para compilar el motor DjVu necesita DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."; $text["If your distro does not package DjVuLibre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."] = "Si su distribución no empaqueta DjVuLibre, o la versión empaquetada no es suficiente, puede descargarla de http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."; $text["libTIFF (TIFF/fax backend)"] = "libTIFF (motor TIFF/fax)"; $text["libTIFF is needed to compile the TIFF/fax backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "Necesita libTIFF para compilar el motor TIFF/fax. En la actualidad no se requiere ninguna versión mínima, por lo que debería funcionar cualquier versión reciente de la biblioteca proporcionada por su distribución. En caso de encontrar problemas con ella, no dude en contactar con los desarrolladores de Okular."; $text["libCHM (CHM backend)"] = "libCHM (motor CHM)"; $text["libCHM is needed to compile the CHM backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "Necesita libCHM para compilar el motor CHM. En la actualidad no se requiere ninguna versión mínima, por lo que debería funcionar cualquier versión reciente de la biblioteca proporcionada por su distribución. En caso de encontrar problemas con ella, no dude en contactar con los desarrolladores de Okular."; $text["Libepub (EPub backend)"] = "Libepub (motor EPub)"; $text["In order to compile and use the EPub backend, you need the epub library."] = "Para compilar y usar el motor EPub necesita la biblioteca epub."; $text["If your distro does not package libepub, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."] = "Si su distribución no empaqueta libepub o la versión empaquetada no es suficiente, puede descargarla de http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."; $text["You can download and compile Okular this way:"] = "Puede descargar y compilar Okular de este modo:"; $text["If you install Okular in a different path than your system install directory it is possible that you need to run"] = "Si instala Okular en una ruta distinta al directorio de instalación de su sistema, es posible que necesite ejecutar"; $text["so that the correct Okular instance and libraries are picked up. Obviously you need to replace x86_64-linux-gnu with the correct name for your architecture."] = "para usar la versión correcta de Okular y de las bibliotecas. Obviamente, debe sustituir «x86_64-linux-gnu» por el nombre correcto para su arquitectura."; $text["Frequently Asked Questions"] = "Preguntas frecuentes"; $text["Compiling Okular"] = "Compilación de Okular"; $text["The Poppler backend does not compile. It complains about 'class Poppler::TextBox' and 'edge'."] = "El motor Poppler no compila. Se queja de «class Poppler::TextBox» y de «edge»."; $text["Do you get an error output similar to"] = "Si ha obtenido un error similar a:"; $text["If so, most probably you updated from Poppler 0.6.x or previous to Poppler 0.8."] = "En este caso, lo más probable es que haya actualizado de Poppler 0.6.x o anterior a Poppler 0.8."; $text["What you can do is simple:"] = "Lo que puede hacer es, simplemente:"; $text["in the build directory of Okular. Then run cmake again, and all should work as expected."] = "en el directorio «build» de Okular. Luego, vuelva a ejecutar cmake. Todo debería funcionar correctamente."; $text["Running Okular"] = "Ejecución de Okular"; $text["Okular tells me there are no plugins installed. What can I do?"] = "Okular dice que no hay complementos instalados. ¿Qué puedo hacer?"; $text["In a shell set up for your KDE 4 installation, execute the command"] = "En un terminal configurado para su instalación de KDE 4, ejecute la orden"; $text["After that, Okular should find its plugins as expected."] = "Tras ello, Okular debería encontrar sus complementos correctamente."; $text["General usage"] = "Uso general"; $text["Why the newly added annotations are not in my PDF document?"] = "¿Por qué las últimas notas añadidas no están en mi documento PDF?"; $text["By default, Okular saves annotations in the local data directory\nfor each user. Since KDE 4.9, it's optionally possible to store them directly in\na PDF file by choosing \"File -> Save As...\", so they can be seen in other\nPDF viewers."] = "De manera predeterminada, Okular guarda las notas en el directorio de datos local\npara cada usuario. A partir de KDE 4.9, es posible, de manera opcional, guardarlas directamente en\nun archivo PDF seleccionando «Archivo -> Guardar como...», de forma que se pueda visualizar en otros\nlectores de PDF."; $text["Note that this feature requires Poppler 0.20 or newer for regular PDF\ndocuments. If the PDF document you are annotating is encrypted, this feature\nrequires Poppler 0.22 or newer."] = "Tenga en cuenta que esta funcionalidad necesita Poppler 0.20 o posterior para los documentos PDF\nnormales. Si el documento PDF en el que está añadiendo notas está cifrado, esta característica\nnecesita Poppler 0.22 o posterior."; $text["How can I annotate a document and send it to a friend/colleague/etc?"] = "¿Cómo puedo hacer notas en un documento y enviárselas a un amigo?"; $text["Since KDE 4.2, Okular has the \"document archiving\" feature. This is\nan Okular-specific format for carrying the document plus various metadata\nrelated to it (currently only annotations)."] = "Desde KDE 4.2, Okular posee la función de «archivos comprimidos de\ndocumentos». Se trata de un formato específico de Okular para contener el\ndocumento y diversos metadatos asociados con él (solo notas en la actualidad)."; $text["You can save a \"document archive\" from the open document by choosing \"File\n-> Export As -> Document Archive\"."] = "Puede guardar un «archivo comprimido de documento» a partir del documento\nabierto seleccionando «Archivo-> Exportar como -> Archivo comprimido\ndel documento»."; $text["To open an Okular document archive, just open it with Okular as it would be eg\na PDF document."] = "Para abrir un archivo comprimido de documento de Okular, ábralo en Okular\ncomo si se tratara de un documento PDF."; $text["If you're annotating a PDF document, you can also save annotations\ndirectly in the PDF file (see previous question)"] = "Si las notas no las está añadiendo a un documento PDF, también puede guardarlas\ndirectamente en el archivo PDF (consulte la pregunta anterior)"; $text["Using Ubuntu, I cannot read CHM and EPub documents,\neven if I have okular-extra-backends and libchm1 installed. Why?"] = "Usando Ubuntu, no puedo leer documentos CHM ni EPub, incluso\nsi tengo instalados okular-extra-backends y libchm1. ¿Por qué?"; $text["Ubuntu (thus Kubuntu as well) packages of Okular are compiled without\nthe support for these two formats."] = "Los paquetes de Okular que proporciona Ubuntu (así como Kubuntu) están\ncompilados sin implementar estos dos formatos."; $text["The reason is explained in the following Launchpad report: "] = "El motivo se explica en el siguiente informe de Launchpad: "; $text["Why the speak options in the Tools menu are grayed out?"] = "¿Por qué aparecen deshabilitadas las opciones de habla del menú Herramientas?"; $text["Because you don't have the KDE Text To Speech tools, install Jovie (formerly known as ktts) and they should be enabled"] = "Porque no tiene instaladas las herramientas de lectura de texto de KDE. Instale Jovie (anteriormente conocido como ktts) para que se habiliten estas opciones."; $text["Some characters are not rendered and when enabling debug some lines mention 'Missing language pack for xxx'"] = "Algunos caracteres no se muestran y, cuando se activa la depuración, en algunas líneas pone «Falta el paquete de idioma para xxx»"; $text["Install the poppler-data package"] = "Instale el paquete poppler-data"; $text["Document format handlers status"] = "Estado de los gestores de formatos de documentos"; $text["Document Format Handlers"] = "Gestores de formatos de documentos"; $text["This page always refers to the stable series of Okular (currently KDE 4.5.x)."] = "Esta página siempre se refiere a la serie estable de Okular (en la actualidad, KDE 4.5.x)."; $text["Features/Formats"] = "Características/formatos"; $text["Main library used"] = "Biblioteca principal usada"; $text["Loading"] = "Carga"; $text["Rendering"] = "Visualización"; $text["Threaded rendering"] = "Visualización multihilo"; $text["Document information"] = "Información del documento"; $text["TOC"] = "Índice"; $text["Font information"] = "Información sobre tipos de letra"; $text["Text extraction"] = "Extracción de texto"; $text["Links"] = "Enlaces"; $text["Paper Size"] = "Tamaño del papel"; $text["Printing"] = "Impresión"; $text["Text Exporting"] = "Exportación de texto"; $text["Other Features"] = "Otras características"; $text["Annotations"] = "Notas"; $text["Forms"] = "Formularios"; $text["Inverse search"] = "Búsqueda inversa"; $text["Document Rights"] = "Derechos del documento"; $text["Embedded files"] = "Archivos empotrados"; $text["Sounds"] = "Sonidos"; $text["Movies"] = "Películas"; $text["What is it?"] = "¿Qué es esto?"; $text["Okular logo"] = "Logotipo de Okular"; $text["Okular is a universal document viewer based developed by KDE. Okular works on multiple platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc."] = "Okular es un visor universal de documentos desarrollado por KDE. Okular funciona en diversas plataformas, entre otras, Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc."; $text["The last stable release is Okular %1, shipped as part of the KDE Applications %3 release."] = "La última versión estable es Okular %1 y está incluida en el lanzamiento de las Aplicaciones de KDE %3."; $text["Okular combines the excellent functionalities with the versatility of supporting different kind of documents, like PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub and others."] = "Okular combina excelentes funcionalidades con la versatilidad de admitir diferentes tipos de documentos, como PDF, PostScript, DjVu, CHM, XPS y ePub, entre otros."; $text["The document format handlers page has a chart describing in more detail the supported formats and the features supported in each of them."] = "La página de manejadores de formatos de documento contiene una tabla que describe con más detalle los formatos permitidos y las características permitidas para cada uno de ellos."; $text["If you are interested in contributing to Okular, please contact us."] = "Si está interesado en colaborar con Okular, contacte con nosotros."; $text["If you do not want or can not contribute, testers are fully welcome, so follow these instructions to see how to download and build Okular."] = "Si no quiere o no puede colaborar, los probadores son bienvenidos. Siga estas instrucciones para saber cómo descargar y compilar Okular."; $text["Okular is a Free Software PDF reader."] = "Okular es un lector PDF de software libre."; $text["Okular Homepage"] = "Página web de Okular"; $text["Main"] = "Principal"; $text["Format support"] = "Formatos permitidos"; $text["Development News"] = "Noticias de desarrollo"; $text["Screenshots"] = "Capturas de pantalla"; $text["FAQ"] = "Preguntas frecuentes"; $text["Team"] = "Equipo"; $text["Related apps/projects"] = "Aplicaciones relacionadas"; $text["Free Software PDF readers"] = "Lectores PDF de software libre"; +$text["Okular news"] = "Noticias de Okular"; +$text["Okular 1.5 released"] = "Okular 1.5 publicado"; +$text["August 16, 2018"] = "16 de agosto de 2018"; +$text["The 1.5 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 18.08 release. This release introduces Form improvements among various other fixes and small features. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.08.0#okular. Okular 1.5 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 1.5 de Okular ha sido publicada junto al lanzamiento de las aplicaciones de KDE 18.08. Esta versión introduce mejoras en formularios entre otras correcciones y funcionalidades menores. Puede consultar el registro de cambios completo en https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.08.0#okular. Okular 1.5 es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.4 released"] = "Okular 1.4 publicado"; +$text["April 19, 2018"] = "19 de abril de 2018"; +$text["The 1.4 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 18.04 release. This release introduces improved JavaScript support in PDF files and supports PDF rendering cancelling, which means that if you have a complex PDF file and you change the zoom while it's rendering it will cancel immediately instead of waiting for the render to finish. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.04.0#okular. Okular 1.4 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 1.4 de Okular ha sido publicada junto al lanzamiento de las aplicaciones de KDE 18.04. Esta versión introduce mejoras en el uso de JavaScript en archivos PDF y permite cancelar la visualización en PDF, lo que significa que si tiene un archivo PDF complejo y modifica la ampliación mientras se está generando su visualización, el proceso se interrumpirá inmediatamente en lugar de tener que esperar a que se termine de generar. Puede consultar el registro de cambios completo en https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.04.0#okular. Okular 1.4 es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.3 released"] = "Okular 1.3 publicado"; +$text["December 14, 2017"] = "14 de diciembre de 2017"; +$text["The 1.3 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.12 release. This release introduces changes to how saving annotations and form data works, supports partial rendering updates for files that take long time to render, makes text links interactive on text selection mode, adds a Share option in the File menu, adds Markdown support and fixes some issues regarding HiDPI support. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.12.0#okular. Okular 1.3 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 1.3 de Okular ha sido publicada junto al lanzamiento de las aplicaciones de KDE 17.12. Esta versión introduce cambios en cómo se guardan las anotaciones y los datos de los formularios, permite la visualización parcial de archivos que necesitan mucho tiempo para visualizarse, hace que los enlaces de texto sean interactivos en el modo de selección de texto, añade una opción «Compartir» en el menú «Archivo», añade visualización de Markdown y corrige algunos problemas relacionados con el uso de HiDPI. Puede consultar el registro de cambios completo en https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.12.0#okular. Okular 1.3 es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.2 released"] = "Okular 1.2 publicado"; +$text["August 17, 2017"] = "17 de agosto de 2017"; +$text["The 1.2 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.08 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and improvements. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. Okular 1.2 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 1.2 de Okular ha sido publicada junto al lanzamiento de las aplicaciones de KDE 17.08. Esta versión contiene correcciones de errores y mejoras menores. Puede consultar el registro de cambios completo en https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. Okular 1.2 es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.1 released"] = "Okular 1.1 publicado"; +$text["April 20, 2017"] = "20 de abril de 2017"; +$text["The 1.1 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.04 release. This release introduces annotation resize functionality, support for automatic calculation of form contents, touch screen improvements and more! You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. Okular 1.1 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 1.1 de Okular ha sido publicada junto al lanzamiento de las aplicaciones de KDE 17.04. Esta versión introduce la función de cambiar el tamaño de las anotaciones, el cálculo automático del contenido de los formularios y mejoras para pantallas táctiles, entre otras. Puede consultar el registro de cambios completo en https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. Okular 1.1 es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.0 released"] = "Okular 1.0 publicado"; +$text["December 15, 2016"] = "15 de diciembre de 2016"; +$text["The 1.0 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.12 release. This release is now based in KDE Frameworks 5, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. Okular 1.0 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 1.0 de Okular ha sido publicada junto al lanzamiento de las aplicaciones de KDE 16.12. Esta versión está basada en KDE Frameworks 5. Puede consultar el registro de cambios completo en https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. Okular 1.0 es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.26 released"] = "Lanzamiento de Okular 0.26"; +$text["August 18, 2016"] = "18 de agosto de 2016"; +$text["The 0.26 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.08 release. This release introduces very small changes, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. Okular 0.26 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 0.26 de Okular ha sido publicada junto al lanzamiento de las aplicaciones de KDE 16.08. Esta versión contiene muy pocos cambios. Puede consultar el registro de cambios completo en https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. Okular 0.26 es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.24 released"] = "Lanzamiento de Okular 0.24"; +$text["December 16, 2015"] = "16 de diciembre de 2015"; +$text["The 0.24 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.12 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and features, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 0.24 de Okular ha sido publicada junto al lanzamiento de las aplicaciones de KDE 15.11. Esta versión contiene correcciones de errores y funcionalidades menores. Puede consultar el registro de cambios completo en https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.23 released"] = "Lanzamiento de Okular 0.23"; +$text["August 19, 2015"] = "19 de agosto de 2015"; +$text["The 0.23 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.08 release. This release introduces support for the Fade transition in presentation mode as well as some fixes regarding annotations and video playback. Okular 0.23 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Junto a las aplicaciones de KDE 15.08, se ha lanzado la versión 0.23 de Okular. Esta versión incluye la implementación de la transición de sombreado en el modo de presentación, así como algunas soluciones de errores en las anotaciones y en la reproducción de vídeo. Okular 0.23 es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.22 released"] = "Okular 0.22 publicado"; +$text["April 15, 2015"] = "15 de abril de 2015"; +$text["The 0.22 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.04 release. Okular 0.22 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 0.22 de Okular ha sido publicada junto con el lanzamiento de las aplicaciones de KDE 15.04. Okular 0.22 es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.21 released"] = "Okular 0.21 publicado"; +$text["December 17, 2014"] = "17 de diciembre de 2014"; +$text["The 0.21 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 14.12 release. This release introduces new features like latex-synctex reverse searching in dvi and small bugfixes. Okular 0.21 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 0.21 de Okular ha sido publicada junto al lanzamiento de las aplicaciones de KDE 14.12. Esta versión incluye nuevas funcionalidades, como la búsqueda hacia atrás latex-synctex en dvi, así como soluciones de pequeños errores. Okular 0.21 es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.19 released"] = "Okular 0.19 publicado"; +$text["April 16, 2014"] = "16 de abril de 2014"; +$text["The 0.19 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.13 release. This release introduces new features like tabs support in the interface, use of DPI screen so that page size matches real paper size, improvements to the Undo/Redo framework and other features/refinements. Okular 0.19 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 0.19 de Okular ha sido publicada junto al lanzamiento de las Aplicaciones de KDE 4.13. Esta versión incluye nuevas funcionalidades como el uso de pestañas en la interfaz, el uso de la resolución de la pantalla para que el tamaño de la página se corresponda con el tamaño real del papel, mejoras en la infraestructura de deshacer y rehacer, y alguna otra funcionalidad o. refinamiento. Okular 0.19 es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.18 released"] = "Okular 0.18 publicado"; +$text["December 12, 2013"] = "12 de diciembre de 2013"; +$text["The 0.18 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.12 release. This release introduces new features like audio/video support in EPub files and also improvements to existing features like searching and printing. Okular 0.18 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 0.18 de Okular ha sido publicada junto al lanzamiento de las aplicaciones de KDE 4.12. Esta versión incluye nuevas funcionalidades como la reproducción de audio y vídeo para el formato ePub y también mejoras para las funcionalidades existentes como la de búsqueda e impresión. Okular 0.18 es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.17 released"] = "Okular 0.17 publicado"; +$text["August 16, 2013"] = "16 de agosto de 2013"; +$text["The 0.17 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.11 release. This release introduces new features like undo/redo support for forms and annotations and configurable review tools. Okular 0.17 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 0.17 de Okular ha sido publicada junto al lanzamiento de las aplicaciones de KDE 4.11. Esta versión incluye nuevas funcionalidades como la implementación de deshacer/rehacer para formularios y anotaciones y las herramientas de revisión configurables. Okular 0.17 es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.16 released"] = "Okular 0.16 publicado"; +$text["February 6, 2013"] = "6 de febrero de 2013"; +$text["The 0.16 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.10 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to zoom to higher levels in PDF documents, an Active based viewer for your tablet devices, more support for PDF movies, viewport follows selection, and annotation editing improvements. Okular 0.16 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 0.16 de Okular ha sido publicada junto con el lanzamiento de las aplicaciones de KDE 4.10. Esta versión introduce nuevas características, como la posibilidad de ampliación a mayores niveles en documentos PDF, un visor basado en Active para dispositivos de tipo tablet, mejor implementación de vídeos en PDF, el área de visión sigue a la selección y mejoras en la edición de notas. Okular 0.16 es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular forums"] = "Foros de Okular"; +$text["October 10, 2012"] = "10 de octubre de 2012"; +$text["We now have a subforum inside the KDE Community Forums. You can find it at http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."] = "En la actualidad tenemos un foro dentro de los Foros de la Comunidad KDE. Puede acceder a él en http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."; +$text["Okular 0.15 released"] = "Okular 0.15 publicado"; +$text["August 1, 2012"] = "1 de agosto de 2012"; +$text["The 0.15 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.9 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to store annotations with PDF documents, more support for PDF movies, multiple bookmarks per page and some other minor improvements. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.15 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 0.15 de Okular se ha publicado junto al lanzamiento de las Aplicaciones de KDE 4.9. Este lanzamiento introduce nuevas funcionalidades, como la posibilidad de almacenar notas junto a los documentos PDF, mejor implementación de las películas PDF, varios marcadores por página y otras mejoras menores. Puede encontrar una lista incompleta de los errores corregidos y de las características implementadas en bugzilla. Okular 0.15 es una actualización recomendada para quienes usen Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.14 released"] = "Okular 0.14 publicado"; +$text["January 25, 2012"] = "25 de enero de 2012"; +$text["The 0.14 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.8 release. This release introduces new features like improved text selection in documents with columns, table selection tool, LaTex rendering in annotations, improved embedded support (for use in e.g. Kile), better layouting for faced pages, smarter screensaver/powermanagement handling, improved page label support, default zoom configuration, improved Landscape printing, etc. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.14 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 0.14 de Okular se ha publicado junto al lanzamiento de las Aplicaciones de KDE 4.8. Este lanzamiento introduce nuevas funcionalidades, como la selección de texto mejorada en documentos con columnas, la herramienta de selección de tablas, visualización de contenido LaTeX en las notas, mejora del componente empotrado (para usar, por ejemplo, en Kile), mejor disposición de las páginas encaradas, gestión más inteligente del salvapantallas y de la gestión de energía, mejor implementación de etiquetas de páginas, configuración de la ampliación por omisión, mejor impresión en modo apaisado, etc. Puede encontrar una lista incompleta de los errores corregidos y de las características implementadas en bugzilla. Okular 0.14 es una actualización recomendada para quienes usen Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.13 released"] = "Okular 0.13 publicado"; +$text["July 27, 2011"] = "27 de julio de 2011"; +$text["The 0.13 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.7 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 0.13 de Okular ha sido publicada junto con el lanzamiento de las aplicaciones de KDE 4.7. Esta versión incluye correcciones y características menores, y es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.12 released"] = "Okular 0.12 publicado"; +$text["January 26, 2011"] = "26 de enero de 2011"; +$text["The 0.12 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.6 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 0.12 de Okular ha sido publicada junto con el lanzamiento de las aplicaciones de KDE 4.6. Esta versión incluye correcciones y características menores, y es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.11 released"] = "Okular 0.11 publicado"; +$text["August 10, 2010"] = "10 de agosto de 2010"; +$text["The 0.11 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.5 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versión 0.11 de Okular ha sido publicada junto al lanzamiento de las aplicaciones de KDE 4.5. Esta versión incluye correcciones y características menores, y es una actualización recomendada para todos los usuarios de Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.10 released"] = "Okular 0.10 publicado"; +$text["February 9, 2010"] = "9 de febrero de 2010"; +$text["The 0.10 version of Okular has been released together with KDE SC 4.4. Besides general improvements in stability this release sports new/improved support for both inverse search and forward search linking latex source code lines with the corresponding locations in dvi and pdf files."] = "La versión 0.10 de Okular ha sido publicada junto con KDE 4.4. Además de mejoras generales en estabilidad, esta versión tiene soporte mejorado para búsqueda, enlazando líneas de código fuente LaTeX con las ubicaciones correspondientes en archivos dvi y pdf."; +$text["Okular 0.9.4 released"] = "Okular 0.9.4 publicado"; +$text["December 1, 2009"] = "1 de diciembre de 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.3 series includes Okular 0.9.4. It includes some crash fixes, and few small bug fixes in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"] = "El cuarto lanzamiento de la serie KDE 4.3 incluye Okular 0.9.4. Incluye algunos arreglos pequeños a la interfaz. Puede ver todos los problemas solucionados en http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.4 released"] = "Okular 0.8.4 publicado"; +$text["June 3, 2009"] = "3 de junio de 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.4. It includes some fixes in OpenDocument Text documents, a couple of crash fixes, and few small bugs in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"] = "El cuarto lanzamiento de la serie KDE 4.2 incluye Okular 0.8.4. Incluye algunos arreglos en documentos OpenDocument Text, y algunos cambios pequeños a la interfaz. Puede ver todos los problemas solucionados en http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_3_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.3 released"] = "Okular 0.8.3 publicado"; +$text["May 6, 2009"] = "6 de mayo de 2009"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.3. It does not provide much news for Okular, the only relevant change is about thread more safety when generating page images of XPS document. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"] = "El tercer lanzamiento de la serie KDE 4.2 incluye Okular 0.8.3. No hay mucho de nuevo en Okular. El único cambio relevante es mayor estabilidad al generar imágenes de páginas en un documento XPS.Puede ver todos los problemas solucionados en http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.2 released"] = "Okular 0.8.2 publicado"; +$text["April 2, 2009"] = "2 de abril de 2009"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.2. It includes better support (hopefully working) for DVI and pdfsync inverse search, and fixes and small improvements in the presentation mode. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"] = "El segundo lanzamiento de la serie KDE 4.2 incluye Okular 0.8.2. Incluye soporte ampliamente mejorado para búsqueda inversa en documentos DVI y pdfsync, y algunas mejoras y correcciones menores en el modo de presentación.Puede ver todos los problemas solucionados en http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.1 released"] = "Okular 0.8.1 publicado"; +$text["March 4, 2009"] = "4 de marzo de 2009"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.1. It includes some crash fixes in the CHM and DjVu backends, and minor fixes in the user interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"] = "El primer lanzamiento de mantenimiento de la serie KDE 4.2 incluye Okular 0.8.1. Incluye algunos arreglos de estabilidad en los motores de CHM y DjVu, y cambios menores en la interfaz de usuario.Puede ver todos los problemas solucionados en http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4__2to4_2_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8 released"] = "Okular 0.8 publicado"; +$text["January 27, 2009"] = "27 de enero de 2009"; +$text["The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.2. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): And, of course, many bugs were fixed."] = "El equipo de Okular está orgulloso en anunciar una nueva versión de Okular, publicada como parte de KDE 4.2. Algunas de las nuevas características y mejoras incluyen (sin orden particular): Y por supuesto, muchos otros fallos arreglados."; +$text["Okular 0.7.3 released"] = "Okular 0.7.3 publicado"; +$text["November 4, 2008"] = "4 de noviembre de 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.3. It includes some minor fixes in the user interface and in the text search. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"] = "El tercer lanzamiento de mantenimiento de la serie KDE 4.1 incluye Okular 0.7.3, que contiene cambios menores en la interfaz de usuario y en la búsqueda de texto. Puede ver todos los problemas solucionados en http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.2 released"] = "Okular 0.7.2 publicado"; +$text["October 3, 2008"] = "3 de octubre de 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.2. It includes some minor fixes in the TIFF and Comicbook backends and the change to \"Fit Width\" as default zoom level. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"] = "El segundo lanzamiento de mantenimiento de la serie KDE 4.1 incluye Okular 0.7.2, que contiene varias correcciones de errores menores en los motores TIFF y Comicbook, y el cambio a «Ajustar al ancho» como nivel de ampliación por omisión. Puede ver todos los problemas solucionados en http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.1 released"] = "Okular 0.7.1 publicado"; +$text["September 3, 2008"] = "3 de septiembre de 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.1. It includes some crash fixes among other minor fixes. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"] = "El primer lanzamiento de mantenimiento de la serie KDE 4.1 incluye Okular 0.9.4, que contiene algunas soluciones a cuelgues entre otras correcciones menores. Puede ver los problemas solucionados en http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7 released"] = "Okular 0.7 publicado"; +$text["July 29, 2008"] = "29 de julio de 2008"; +$text["KDE 4.1. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order):\n\nAnd, of course, many bugs were fixed.]]>"] = "KDE 4.1. Algunas de las nuevas funcionalidades y mejoras incluidas (en orden aleatorio) son:\n\nY, por supuesto, se corrigieron numerosos errores.]]>"; +$text["Okular 0.6.3 released"] = "Okular 0.6.3 publicado"; +$text["April 2, 2008"] = "2 de abril de 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"] = "La tercera versión de mantenimiento de la serie KDE 4.0 incluye Okular 0.6.3, que contiene unas cuantas correcciones de errores (como, por ejemplo, un modo mejor de obtener la posición del texto en un documento PDF) y algunas mejoras en el sistema de anotaciones y en la tabla de contenido. Puede ver todos los problemas solucionados en http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.2 released"] = "Okular 0.6.2 publicado"; +$text["March 5, 2008"] = "5 de marzo de 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"] = "La segunda versión de mantenimiento de la serie KDE 4.0 incluye Okular 0.6.2, que contiene varias correcciones de errores (entre ellas, una mayor estabilidad cuando se cierra un documento) y alguna mejora en el sistema de marcadores. Puede ver los problemas solucionados en http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.1 released"] = "Okular 0.6.1 publicado"; +$text["February 5, 2008"] = "5 de febrero de 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"] = "La primera versión de mantenimiento de la serie KDE 4.0 incluye Okular 0.6.1, que contiene varias correcciones de errores (entre ellas, no volver a descargar archivos cuando se guardan), mejoras de usabilidad, etc. Puede ver todos los problemas solucionados en http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"; +$text["aKademy 2007 Okular presentation material online"] = "Material en línea de la presentación de Okular en aKademy 2007"; +$text["Jul 10, 2007"] = "10 de julio de 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular talk given by Pino Toscano at aKademy 2007 is now online. There are both slides and video available.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tLa charla sobre Okular dada por Pino Toscano en la aKademy 2007 está disponible en Internet. Hay una presentación y vídeo disponibles.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular in kdegraphics"] = "Okular en kdegraphics"; +$text["Apr 4, 2007"] = "4 de abril de 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular is now part of the kdegraphics module. The next version of Okular will be shipped with KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tEl equipo de Okular se enorgullece de anunciar que Okular ya forma parte del módulo kdegraphics. La próxima versión de Okular estará incluida con KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular joins The Season of Usability project"] = "Okular se une al proyecto Temporada de Usabilidad"; +$text["Jan 31, 2007"] = "31 de enero de 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular has been one of the applications selected to participate in the Season of Usability project, run by usability experts at OpenUsability. From here we want to welcome Sharad Baliyan to the team and thank Florian Graessle and Pino Toscano for their continued work on improving Okular.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tEl equipo de Okular se enorgullece de anunciar que Okular ha sido una de las aplicaciones seleccionadas para participar en el proyecto Temporada de usabilidad, dirigido por expertos en usabilidad de OpenUsability. Desde aquí damos la bienvenida a Sharad Baliyan al equipo y agradecemos a Florian Graessle y Pino Toscano su trabajo constante para mejorar Okular.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5.81 unstable snapshot released"] = "Snapshot inestable de Okular 0.5.81 publicado"; +$text["Nov 2, 2006"] = "2 de noviembre de 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. This snapshot is not completely functional, yet, as we have lots of things to polish and finish, but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\tEl equipo de Okular se enorgullece de anunciar el lanzamiento de una snapshot de Okular que compila con la segunda snapshot KDE 4. Esta snapshot aún no es completamente funcional, ya que todavía tenemos muchas cosas que pulir y finalizar, pero puede probarla y enviar sus comentarios y sugerencias. Puede encontrar el paquete de la snapshot en ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Consulte la página de descargas para asegurarse de que tiene todas las bibliotecas necesarias.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5 unstable snapshot released"] = "Snapshot inestable de Okular 0.5 publicado"; +$text["Aug 27, 2006"] = "27 de agosto de 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. This snapshot is still not completely functional as we have lots of things to polish and finish but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\tEl equipo de Okular se enorgullece de anunciar el lanzamiento de una snapshot de Okular que compila con la snapshot KDE 4 «Krash». Esta snapshot aún no es completamente funcional, ya que todavía tenemos muchas cosas que pulir y finalizar, pero puede probarla y enviar sus comentarios y sugerencias. Puede encontrar el paquete de la snapshot en ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Consulte la página de descargas para asegurarse de que tiene todas las bibliotecas necesarias.\n\t\t\t"; $text["Some images of Okular "in action"..."] = "Algunas imágenes de Okular «en acción»..."; $text["Backends in action"] = "Motores en acción"; $text["Here you can see some of the Okular backends in action on files."] = "Aquí puede ver algunos de los motores de Okular en acción sobre archivos."; $text["PDF backend"] = "Motor PDF"; $text["PostScript backend"] = "Motor PostScript"; $text["DjVu backend"] = "Motor DjVu"; $text["TIFF/fax backend"] = "Motor TIFF/fax"; $text["Extraction of embedded files"] = "Extracción de archivos empotrados"; $text["Word processor-like text selection"] = "Selección de texto como en un procesador de textos"; $text["Review mode"] = "Modo revisión"; $text["Annotations (enter in Tools -> Review)"] = "Notas (entre en Herramientas -> Revisar)"; $text["Okular - more than a reader"] = "Okular - más que un lector"; $text["the Okular developers"] = "los desarrolladores de Okular"; $text["Current Okular Team"] = "Equipo actual de Okular"; $text["The current Okular team is formed by:"] = "El equipo actual de Okular está formado por:"; $text["(Current maintainer)"] = "(Encargado actual)"; $text["Your name here..."] = "Aquí va su nombre..."; $text["Join Okular development!"] = "¡Únase al desarrollo de Okular!"; $text["Former Okular developers"] = "Los anteriores desarrolladores de Okular"; $text["We'd like to thank all the people that worked on Okular in the past:"] = "Nuestro agradecimiento para todas las personas que trabajaron en Okular en el pasado:"; $text["(Original Okular creator)"] = "(Creador original de Okular)"; $text["(Usability expert)"] = "(Experto en usabilidad)"; $text["KPDF Developers"] = "Desarrolladores de KPDF"; $text["We'd like also to thank all the people who worked on KPDF:"] = "Nuestro agradecimiento también es para todos los que trabajaron en KPDF:"; $text["Lots of features"] = "Un montón de características"; $text["Fontconfig support, type-ahead find, some patches"] = "Implementación de Fontconfig, anticipación de búsqueda, algunos parches"; ?> diff --git a/i18n/et/okular-kde-org.inc b/i18n/et/okular-kde-org.inc index c63cd8c..414a726 100644 --- a/i18n/et/okular-kde-org.inc +++ b/i18n/et/okular-kde-org.inc @@ -1,125 +1,199 @@ okular-devel\nand hosted at kde.org."] = "Meie postiloend on mõeldud Okulari arendustegevuse koordineerimiseks. \nSelle nimi on okular-devel\nja sellele pakub majutust kde.org."; $text["You can use it to talk about the development of the core application, but also\nfeedback about existent or new backends is appreciated."] = "Seda võib tarvitada kõnelemiseks tuumikrakenduse arendamisest, \naga ka tagasiside olemasolevate või uute taustaprogrammide kohta on oodatud."; $text["IRC"] = "IRC"; $text["We have also an IRC channel where talk. The channel is\n#okular, on the\nFreenode network."] = "Meil on vestlemiseks olemas ka IRC kanal. See on \n#okular \nFreenode võrgus."; $text["Usually some of the Okular developers hang there."] = "Tavaliselt leiab sealt eest ikka mõned Okulari arendajad."; $text["Forum"] = "Foorum"; $text["If you prefer using a forum you can use the Okular forum inside the bigger KDE Community Forums."] = "Kui eelistad kasutada foorumeid, leiad Okulari foorumi ulatuslikuma KDE kogukonna foorumite raames."; $text["Bugs and Wishes"] = "Veateated ja soovid"; $text["Bugs and Wishes should be reported to the KDE bug tracker at http://bugs.kde.org."] = "Vigadest ja soovidest tuleb teada anda KDE vigade jälgimise süsteemis http://bugs.kde.org."; $text["Download"] = "Allalaadimine"; $text["Binary packages"] = "Binaarpaketid"; $text["The recommended way for end-user installations of Okular is using binary packages:"] = "Soovitatav viis Okulari paigaldamiseks lõppkasutaja masinasse on binaarpaketid:"; $text["For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular package (might be part of the broader kdegraphics package) and install it."] = "GNU/Linuxi ja BSD korral kasuta tarkvarahaldurit Okulari paketi leidmiseks (võib kuuluda laiemasse kdegraphcis'i paketti) ja selle paigaldamiseks."; $text["For Windows have a look at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on Windows."] = "Windowsi korral vaata veebilehekülge KDE on Windows, kus leiab täpsemad juhised, kuidas KDE-d Windowsis paigaldada."; $text["For Mac Os X have a look at the KDE on Mac OS X webpage for information on how to install KDE on Mac OS X."] = "Mac OS X korral vaata veebilehekülge KDE on Mac OS X, kus leiab täpsemad juhised, kuidas KDE-d Mac OS X-is paigaldada."; $text["Optional packages"] = "Lisapaketid"; $text["There are some optional package you could install in order to have some more functionalities in Okular."] = "Mõningad lisapaketid aitavad paigaldamise korral kasutada Okulari funktsionaalsust täielikumalt."; $text["Some are already packaged for your distro, but other maybe not. So, if possible, use the packages your distro ships."] = "Mõned on kindlasti juba sinu distributsioonis pakendatud, aga kõik ei pruugi olla. Nii et kui võimalik, kasuta pakette, mida pakub sinu distributsioon."; $text["Poppler (PDF backend)"] = "Poppler (PDF-i taustaprogramm)"; $text["To compile the PDF backend, you need the Poppler library (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."] = "PDF-i taustaprogrammi kompileerimiseks on vajalik Poppleri teek (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."; $text["In order to compile and use the PostScipt (PS) backend, you need libspectre >= 0.2."] = "PostScripti (PS) taustaprogrammi kompileerimiseks on vajalik libspectre >= 0.2."; $text["If your distro does not package libspectre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."] = "Kui sinu distributsioon ei ole libspectre'i pakendanud või pakendatud versioon on liiga vana, saab selle alla laadida aadressilt http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."; $text["DjVuLibre (DjVu backend)"] = "DjVuLibre (DjVu taustaprogramm)"; $text["To compile the DjVu backend, you need DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."] = "DjVu taustaprogrammi kompileerimiseks on vajalik DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."; $text["If your distro does not package DjVuLibre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."] = "Kui sinu distributsioon ei ole DjVuLibre'i pakendanud või pakendatud versioon on liiga vana, saab selle alla laadida aadressilt http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."; $text["libTIFF (TIFF/fax backend)"] = "libTIFF (TIFF-i/faksi taustaprogramm)"; $text["libTIFF is needed to compile the TIFF/fax backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libTIFF on vajalik TIF-i/faksi taustaprogrammi kompileerimiseks. Praegu ei ole kehtestatud minimaalset nõutavat versiooni, nii et sobima peaks teegi iga vähegi uuem versioon. Probleemide tekkimisel ära kõhkle ühendust võtmast Okulari arendajatega."; $text["libCHM (CHM backend)"] = "libCHM (CHM-i taustaprogramm)"; $text["libCHM is needed to compile the CHM backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libCHM on vajalik CHM taustaprogrammi kompileerimiseks. Praegu ei ole kehtestatud minimaalset nõutavat versiooni, nii et sobima peaks teegi iga vähegi uuem versioon. Probleemide tekkimisel ära kõhkle ühendust võtmast Okulari arendajatega."; $text["In order to compile and use the EPub backend, you need the epub library."] = "EPubi taustaprogrammi kompileerimiseks on vajalik teek epub."; $text["If your distro does not package libepub, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."] = "Kui sinu distributsioon ei ole libepub'i pakendanud või pakendatud versioon on liiga vana, saab selle alla laadida aadressilt http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."; $text["Frequently Asked Questions"] = "Korduma kippuvad küsimused"; $text["Compiling Okular"] = "Okulari kompileerimine"; $text["The Poppler backend does not compile. It complains about 'class Poppler::TextBox' and 'edge'."] = "Poppleri taustaprogramm ei kompileeru, kurdab 'class Poppler::TextBox' ja 'edge' üle."; $text["Do you get an error output similar to"] = "Kas veateade on umbes selline:"; $text["If so, most probably you updated from Poppler 0.6.x or previous to Poppler 0.8."] = "Sellisel juhul oled usutavasti uuendanud Poppleri 0.6.x või vanemagi pealt 0.8 peale."; $text["What you can do is simple:"] = "Parandamine on lihtne:"; $text["Running Okular"] = "Okulari töö"; $text["Okular tells me there are no plugins installed. What can I do?"] = "Okular teatab, et pluginaid pole paigaldatud. Mida ette võtta?"; $text["In a shell set up for your KDE 4 installation, execute the command"] = "Anna oma KDE 4 paigalduse shellis käsk"; $text["After that, Okular should find its plugins as expected."] = "Pärast seda peaks Okular juba pluginad nagu kord ja kohus leidma."; $text["General usage"] = "Üldine kasutamine"; $text["Why the newly added annotations are not in my PDF document?"] = "Miks ei ole äsja lisatud annotatsioone minu PDF-dokumendis?"; $text["How can I annotate a document and send it to a friend/colleague/etc?"] = "Kuidas annoteerida dokumenti ja saata see oma sõbrale/töökaaslasele/kellele iganes?"; $text["Since KDE 4.2, Okular has the \"document archiving\" feature. This is\nan Okular-specific format for carrying the document plus various metadata\nrelated to it (currently only annotations)."] = "Alates KDE 4.2 on Okularil \"dokumendi arhiveerimise\" võimalus. \nSee on Okularile eriomane vorming, mis sisaldab nii dokumenti kui ka \nmitmesuguseid sellega seotud metaandmeid (praegu ainult annotatsioone)."; $text["You can save a \"document archive\" from the open document by choosing \"File\n-> Export As -> Document Archive\"."] = "Avatud dokument tuleb salvestada \"dokumendiarhiiviks\", valides \n\"Fail-> Eksport -> Dokumendiarhiiv\"."; $text["To open an Okular document archive, just open it with Okular as it would be eg\na PDF document."] = "Okulari dokumendiarhiivi avamiseks ava see lihtsalt Okulariga, \nnagu oleks tegemist tavalise PDF- või muu dokumendiga."; $text["Using Ubuntu, I cannot read CHM and EPub documents,\neven if I have okular-extra-backends and libchm1 installed. Why?"] = "Ma ei saa Ubuntus lugeda CHM- ega EPub-dokumente, \nehkki mul on paigaldatud okular-extra-backends ja libchm1. Miks?"; $text["Ubuntu (thus Kubuntu as well) packages of Okular are compiled without\nthe support for these two formats."] = "Okulari Ubuntu (ja ka Kubuntu) paketid on kompileeritud ilma nende \nkahe vormingu toetuseta."; $text["The reason is explained in the following Launchpad report: "] = "Põhjust selgitab järgmine Launchpadi raport: "; $text["Why the speak options in the Tools menu are grayed out?"] = "Miks kõnelemiskäsud menüüs Tööriistad on hallid ega ole kasutatavad?"; $text["Because you don't have the KDE Text To Speech tools, install Jovie (formerly known as ktts) and they should be enabled"] = "Sest sul puuduvad KDE teksti kõnelemise tööriistad. Paigalda Jovie (varem ktts) ja need peaksid muutuma kasutatavaks."; $text["Some characters are not rendered and when enabling debug some lines mention 'Missing language pack for xxx'"] = "Mõningaid märke ei renderdata ja silumise sisselülitamisel näeb mõnel real kirja 'Missing language pack for xxx'"; $text["Install the poppler-data package"] = "Paigaldada tuleb pakett poppler-data"; $text["Document format handlers status"] = "Dokumendivormingute käitlejate staatus"; $text["Document Format Handlers"] = "Dokumendivormingute käitlejad"; $text["This page always refers to the stable series of Okular (currently KDE 4.5.x)."] = "Käesolev lehekülg kõneleb alati Okulari stabiilsetest väljalasetest (praegu KDE 4.5.x)."; $text["Features/Formats"] = "Omadused / Vormingud"; $text["Main library used"] = "Peamine teek"; $text["Loading"] = "Laadimine"; $text["Rendering"] = "Renderdamine"; $text["Threaded rendering"] = "Lõimedes renderdamine"; $text["Document information"] = "Dokumendi teave"; $text["TOC"] = "Sisukord"; $text["Font information"] = "Fonditeave"; $text["Text extraction"] = "Teksti ekstraktimine"; $text["Links"] = "Lingid"; $text["Paper Size"] = "Paberi suurus"; $text["Printing"] = "Trükkimine"; $text["Text Exporting"] = "Teksti eksportimine"; $text["Other Features"] = "Muud omadused"; $text["Annotations"] = "Annotatsioonid"; $text["Forms"] = "Vormid"; $text["Inverse search"] = "Pöördotsing"; $text["Document Rights"] = "Dokumendi õigused"; $text["Embedded files"] = "Põimitud failid"; $text["Sounds"] = "Helid"; $text["Movies"] = "Filmid"; $text["What is it?"] = "Mis see on?"; $text["Okular logo"] = "Okulari logo"; $text["The document format handlers page has a chart describing in more detail the supported formats and the features supported in each of them."] = "Dokumendivormingute käitlejate leheküljel leiab tabeli, kus kirjeldatakse toetatud vorminguid ja neis toetatud omadusi põhjalikumalt."; $text["If you are interested in contributing to Okular, please contact us."] = "Kui soovid Okulari käekäigule kaasa aidata, võta palun meiega ühendust."; $text["If you do not want or can not contribute, testers are fully welcome, so follow these instructions to see how to download and build Okular."] = "Kui sa ei soovi või ei suuda midagi juurde anda, siis on alati teretulnud ka testijad, nii et järgi juhiseid, kuidas Okular alla laadida ja paigaldada."; $text["Okular is a Free Software PDF reader."] = "Okular on vabatarkvaraline PDF-failide lugemisvahend."; $text["Okular Homepage"] = "Okulari kodulehekülg"; $text["Main"] = "Avalehekülg"; $text["Format support"] = "Vormingute toetus"; $text["Development News"] = "Arendusuudised"; $text["Screenshots"] = "Ekraanipildid"; $text["FAQ"] = "KKK"; $text["Team"] = "Meeskond"; $text["Related apps/projects"] = "Seonduvad rakendused/projektid"; $text["Free Software PDF readers"] = "Vabatarkvaralised PDF-failide lugemisvahendid"; +$text["Okular news"] = "Okulari uudised"; +$text["Okular forums"] = "Okulari foorumid"; +$text["October 10, 2012"] = "10. oktoober 2012"; +$text["We now have a subforum inside the KDE Community Forums. You can find it at http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."] = "Meil on nüüd KDE kogukonna foorumite raames oma foorum. Selle leiab aadressil http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."; +$text["Okular 0.15 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.15"; +$text["August 1, 2012"] = "1. august 2012"; +$text["Okular 0.14 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.14"; +$text["January 25, 2012"] = "25. jaanuar 2012"; +$text["Okular 0.13 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.13"; +$text["July 27, 2011"] = "27. juuli 2011"; +$text["The 0.13 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.7 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okulari versioon 0.13 ilmus koos KDE rakenduste väljalaskega 4.7. See väljalase sisaldab väiksemaid parandusi ja uusi võimalusi ning kõigil, kes kasutavad Okulari, on soovitatav see kasutusele võtta."; +$text["Okular 0.12 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.12"; +$text["January 26, 2011"] = "26. jaanuar 2011"; +$text["The 0.12 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.6 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okulari versioon 0.12 ilmus koos KDE rakenduste väljalaskega 4.6. See väljalase sisaldab väiksemaid parandusi ja uusi võimalusi ning kõigil, kes kasutavad Okulari, on soovitatav see kasutusele võtta."; +$text["Okular 0.11 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.11"; +$text["August 10, 2010"] = "10. august 2010"; +$text["The 0.11 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.5 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okulari versioon 0.11 ilmus koos KDE rakenduste väljalaskega 4.5. See väljalase sisaldab väiksemaid parandusi ja uusi võimalusi ning kõigil, kes kasutavad Okulari, on soovitatav see kasutusele võtta."; +$text["Okular 0.10 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.10"; +$text["February 9, 2010"] = "9. veebruar 2010"; +$text["The 0.10 version of Okular has been released together with KDE SC 4.4. Besides general improvements in stability this release sports new/improved support for both inverse search and forward search linking latex source code lines with the corresponding locations in dvi and pdf files."] = "Okulari versioon 0.10 ilmus koos KDE tarkvarakomplektiga 4.4. Lisaks üldisele stabiilsuse parandamisele pakub see väljalase uut või parandatud tuge nii pöörd- kui ka edasiotsingule, seostades LaTeXi lähekoodifaili read vastavate asukohtadega dvi- ja pdf-failides."; +$text["Okular 0.9.4 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.9.4"; +$text["December 1, 2009"] = "1. detsember 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.3 series includes Okular 0.9.4. It includes some crash fixes, and few small bug fixes in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"] = "KDE 4.3 seeria neljas hooldusväljalase sisaldab Okulari 0.9.4. See sisaldab mõningate krahhide parandamist ja väiksemaid veaparandusi liideses. Kõiki parandatud vigu näeb muutuste logis http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.4 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.8.4"; +$text["June 3, 2009"] = "3. juuni 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.4. It includes some fixes in OpenDocument Text documents, a couple of crash fixes, and few small bugs in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"] = "KDE 4.2 seeria neljas hooldusväljalase sisaldab Okulari 0.8.4. See sisaldab mõningaid parandusi OpenDocumenti tekstidokumentide jaoks, mõne krahhi parandamist ja väiksemaid veaparandusi liideses. Kõiki parandatud vigu näeb muutuste logis http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.3 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.8.3"; +$text["May 6, 2009"] = "6. mai 2009"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.3. It does not provide much news for Okular, the only relevant change is about thread more safety when generating page images of XPS document. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"] = "KDE 4.2 seeria kolmas hooldusväljalase sisaldab Okulari 0.8.3. See ei too Okulari osas kaasa erilisi muutusi, ainuke olulisem on lõimeturvalisuses suurendamine XPS-dokumendi leheküljepiltide genereerimisel. Kõiki parandatud vigu näeb muutuste logis http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.2 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.8.2"; +$text["April 2, 2009"] = "2. aprill 2009"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.2. It includes better support (hopefully working) for DVI and pdfsync inverse search, and fixes and small improvements in the presentation mode. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"] = "KDE 4.2 seeria teine hooldusväljalase sisaldab Okulari 0.8.2. See sisaldab paremat (ja loodetavasti toimivat) DVI ja pdfsynci pöördotsingu toetust ning väiksemaid parandusi esitlusrežiimis. Kõiki parandatud vigu näeb muutuste logis http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.1 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.8.1"; +$text["March 4, 2009"] = "4. märts 2009"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.1. It includes some crash fixes in the CHM and DjVu backends, and minor fixes in the user interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"] = "KDE 4.2 seeria neljas hooldusväljalase sisaldab Okulari 0.8.1. See sisaldab mõningate krahhide parandamist CHM ja DjVu taustaprogrammides ja väiksemaid veaparandusi liideses. Kõiki parandatud vigu näeb muutuste logis http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.8"; +$text["January 27, 2009"] = "27. jaanuar 2009"; +$text["The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.2. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): And, of course, many bugs were fixed."] = "Okulari meeskond teatab uhkusega Okulari uue versiooni ilmumisest, mis lasti välja KDE 4.2 koosseisus. Mõned uued omadused ja parandused (suvalises järjekorras): Ja mõistagi väga paljude vigade parandamine."; +$text["Okular 0.7.3 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.7.3"; +$text["November 4, 2008"] = "4. november 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.3. It includes some minor fixes in the user interface and in the text search. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"] = "KDE 4.1 seeria kolmas hooldusväljalase sisaldab Okulari 0.7.3. See sisaldab mõningaid väiksemaid parandusi kasutajaliides ja tekstiotsingus. Kõiki parandatud vigu näeb muutuste logis http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.2 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.7.2"; +$text["October 3, 2008"] = "3. oktoober 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.2. It includes some minor fixes in the TIFF and Comicbook backends and the change to \"Fit Width\" as default zoom level. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"] = "KDE 4.1 seeria teine hooldusväljalase sisaldab Okulari 0.7.2. See sisaldab mõningaid väiksemaid parandusi TIFF-i ja Comicbooki taustaprogrammis ning \"Mahuta laiusele\" muutmist vaikimis suurendustasemeks. Kõiki parandatud vigu näeb muutuste logis http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.1 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.7.1"; +$text["September 3, 2008"] = "3. september 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.1. It includes some crash fixes among other minor fixes. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"] = "KDE 4.1 seeria esimene hooldusväljalase sisaldab Okulari 0.7.1. See sisaldab mõningate krahhide parandamist ja väiksemaid veaparandusi. Kõiki parandatud vigu näeb muutuste logis http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.7"; +$text["July 29, 2008"] = "29. juuli 2008"; +$text["KDE 4.1. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order):\n\nAnd, of course, many bugs were fixed.]]>"] = "KDE 4.1 koosseisus. Mõned uued omadused ja parandused (suvalises järjekorras):\n\nJa mõistagi väga paljude vigade parandamine.]]>"; +$text["Okular 0.6.3 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.6.3"; +$text["April 2, 2008"] = "2. aprill 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"] = "KDE 4.0 seeria kolmas hooldusväljalase sisaldab Okulari 0.6.3. See sisaldab mõningaid veaparandusi, nt. paremat meetodit tuvastamaks teksti asukohta PDF-dokumendis, ning mitmeid parandusi annoteerimise süsteemis ja sisukordades. Kõiki parandatud vigu näeb muutuste logis http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.2 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.6.2"; +$text["March 5, 2008"] = "5. märts 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"] = "KDE 4.0 seeria teine hooldusväljalase sisaldab Okulari 0.6.2. See sisaldab mõningaid veaparandusi, sealhulgas suuremat stabiilsust dokumendi sulgemisel, ja väiksemaid parandusi järjehoidjate süsteemis. Kõiki parandatud vigu näeb muutuste logis http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.1 released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.6.1"; +$text["February 5, 2008"] = "5. veebruar 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"] = "KDE 4.0 seeria esimene hooldusväljalase sisaldab Okulari 0.6.1. See sisaldab mõningaid veaparandusi, sealhulgas paremat failide taasallalaadimisest loobumist salvestamisel, kasutusmugavuse parandusi jms. Kõiki parandatud vigu näeb muutuste logis http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"; +$text["aKademy 2007 Okular presentation material online"] = "aKademy 2007 Okulari esitlusmaterjalid internetis"; +$text["Jul 10, 2007"] = "10. juuli 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular talk given by Pino Toscano at aKademy 2007 is now online. There are both slides and video available.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tPino Toscano esitatud Okulari kõne aKademy 2007 ajal on nüüd internetis. Saadaval on nii slaidid kui ka video.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular in kdegraphics"] = "Okular moodulis kdegraphics"; +$text["Apr 4, 2007"] = "4. aprill 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular is now part of the kdegraphics module. The next version of Okular will be shipped with KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tOkulari meeskond teatab uhkusega, et Okular kuulub nüüd moodulisse kdegraphics. Okulari järgmine versioon avaldatakse juba KDE 4.0 koosseisus.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular joins The Season of Usability project"] = "Okular ühineb The Season of Usability projektiga"; +$text["Jan 31, 2007"] = "31. jaanuar 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular has been one of the applications selected to participate in the Season of Usability project, run by usability experts at OpenUsability. From here we want to welcome Sharad Baliyan to the team and thank Florian Graessle and Pino Toscano for their continued work on improving Okular.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tOkulari meeskond teatab uhkusega, et Okular on ühe raendusena valitud osalema Season of Usability projektis, mida juhivad OpenUsability kasutamishõlpsuse eksperdid. Me soovime siinkohal tervitada oma meeskonna uut liiget Sharad Baliyani ning tänada Florian Graesslet ja Pino Toscanot nende jätkuva töö eest Okulari täiustamisel.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5.81 unstable snapshot released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.5.81 ebastabiilne väljalase"; +$text["Nov 2, 2006"] = "2. november 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. This snapshot is not completely functional, yet, as we have lots of things to polish and finish, but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tOkulari meeskond teatab uhkusega väljalaske ilmumisest, mida saab kompileerida teise KDE 4 arendajate väljalaskega. See väljalase ei ole veel täisfunktsionaalsusega, meil on veel palju viimistleda ja lõpule viia, aga seda saab testida ja anda tagasisidet kõige kohta, mis on valesti või ka hästi. Väljalaske paketi leiab aadressilt ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Vaadake allalaadimiste lehekülge kontrollimaks, kas teil on olemas kõik vajalikud teegid.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5 unstable snapshot released"] = "Ilmus Okular 0.5 ebastabiilne väljalase"; +$text["Aug 27, 2006"] = "27. august 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. This snapshot is still not completely functional as we have lots of things to polish and finish but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tOkulari meeskond teatab uhkusega väljalaske ilmumisest, mida saab kompileerida KDE 4 väljalaskega 'Krash'. See väljalase ei ole veel täisfunktsionaalsusega, meil on veel palju viimistleda ja lõpule viia, aga seda saab testida ja anda tagasisidet kõige kohta, mis on valesti või ka hästi. Väljalaske paketi leiab aadressilt ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Vaadake allalaadimiste lehekülge kontrollimaks, kas teil on olemas kõik vajalikud teegid.\n\t\t\t"; $text["Some images of Okular "in action"..."] = "Mõned pildid Okularist "töös"..."; $text["Backends in action"] = "Taustaprogrammid tegevuses"; $text["Here you can see some of the Okular backends in action on files."] = "Siin näeb tegutsemas mõningaid Okulari taustaprogramme."; $text["PDF backend"] = "PDF-i taustaprogramm"; $text["PostScript backend"] = "PostScripti taustaprogramm"; $text["DjVu backend"] = "DjVu taustaprogramm"; $text["TIFF/fax backend"] = "TIFF-i/faksi taustaprogramm"; $text["Extraction of embedded files"] = "Põimitud failide ekstraktimine"; $text["Word processor-like text selection"] = "Tekstitöötlusrakenduse moodi teksti valimine"; $text["Review mode"] = "Ülevaaterežiim"; $text["Annotations (enter in Tools -> Review)"] = "Annotatsioonid (avamiseks Tööriistad -> Annotatsioon)"; $text["Okular - more than a reader"] = "Okular - rohkem kui lugemisvahend"; $text["the Okular developers"] = "Okulari arendajad"; $text["Current Okular Team"] = "Praegune Okulari meeskond"; $text["The current Okular team is formed by:"] = "Praeguse Okulari meeskonna moodustavad:"; $text["(Current maintainer)"] = "(Praegune hooldaja)"; $text["Your name here..."] = "Siia on oodatud sinu nimi..."; $text["Join Okular development!"] = "Ühine Okulari arendajatega!"; $text["Former Okular developers"] = "Endised Okulari arendajad"; $text["We'd like to thank all the people that worked on Okular in the past:"] = "Me soovime tänada kõiki inimesi, kes on varem andnud oma panuse Okulari heaks:"; $text["(Original Okular creator)"] = "(Algne Okulari looja)"; $text["(Usability expert)"] = "(Kasutamismugavuse asjatundja)"; $text["KPDF Developers"] = "KPDF-i arendajad"; $text["We'd like also to thank all the people who worked on KPDF:"] = "Me soovime tänada kõiki inimesi, kes andsid oma panuse KPDF-i heaks:"; $text["Lots of features"] = "Rohkelt omadusi"; $text["Fontconfig support, type-ahead find, some patches"] = "Fontconfigi toetus, kirjutamise ajal otsimise toetus, mõned paigad"; ?> diff --git a/i18n/fi/okular-kde-org.inc b/i18n/fi/okular-kde-org.inc index a0e17ca..1ebe24c 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/okular-kde-org.inc +++ b/i18n/fi/okular-kde-org.inc @@ -1,136 +1,236 @@ okular-devel\nand hosted at kde.org."] = "Okularin kehitystä ohjataan sähköpostilistalta\nokular-devel,\njota ylläpidetään kde.orgissa."; $text["You can use it to talk about the development of the core application, but also\nfeedback about existent or new backends is appreciated."] = "Voit käyttää sitä ydinsovelluksen kehityksestä keskustelemiseen, mutta myös\npalautetta olemassa olevista tai uusista taustaosista arvostetaan."; $text["IRC"] = "IRC"; $text["We have also an IRC channel where talk. The channel is\n#okular, on the\nFreenode network."] = "Meillä on myös IRC-kanava. Kanava on #okular, ja se sijaitsee Freenode-verkossa."; $text["Usually some of the Okular developers hang there."] = "Okularin kehittäjät ovat usein kanavalla."; $text["Forum"] = "Foorumi"; $text["If you prefer using a forum you can use the Okular forum inside the bigger KDE Community Forums."] = "Jos suosit foorumeja, voit käyttää (englanniksi) Okular-foorumia, joka on osa KDE:n yhteisöfoorumeja."; $text["Bugs and Wishes"] = "Virheet ja toiveet"; $text["Bugs and Wishes should be reported to the KDE bug tracker at http://bugs.kde.org."] = "Virheistä ja toiveista tulisi ilmoittaa (englanniksi) KDE:n vianseurantajärjestelmään osoitteessa http://bugs.kde.org."; $text["Download"] = "Lataa"; $text["Binary packages"] = "Binaaripaketit"; $text["The recommended way for end-user installations of Okular is using binary packages:"] = "Okularin loppukäyttäjäasennuksissa suositeltu tapa on käyttää binaaripaketteja."; $text["For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular package (might be part of the broader kdegraphics package) and install it."] = "GNU/Linuxissa ja BSD:issä paketinhallinta löytää Okular-paketin (joka voi olla osa laajempaa kdegraphics-pakettia) ja asentaa sen."; $text["For Windows have a look at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on Windows."] = "Windowsissa etsi KDE on Windows Initiative -sivustolta ohjeita KDE:n asentamiseksi Windowsiin."; $text["For Mac Os X have a look at the KDE on Mac OS X webpage for information on how to install KDE on Mac OS X."] = "Mac OS X:ssä etsi KDE on Mac OS X -sivustolta ohjeita KDE:n asentamiseksi Mac OS X:een."; $text["Compiling Okular from source"] = "Okularin kääntäminen lähdekoodista"; $text["If you want to compile Okular, you need to have an already set up compilation environment."] = "Jos haluat kääntää Okularin, sinun pitää ensin asentaa kääntämisympäristö."; $text["Distributions should provide development packages usable for compiling KDE applications."] = "Jakelujen tulisi tarjota KDE-sovellusten kääntämiseen käyttökelpoiset kehityspaketit."; $text["If you are interested in stable tarballs of Okular visit the\nKDE Applications download folder and download the okular tarball."] = "Jos olet kiinnostunut Okularin vakaista tar-paketeista, siirry\nKDE Applications -latauskansioon ja lataa okular-tar-paketti."; $text["Optional packages"] = "Valinnaiset paketit"; $text["There are some optional package you could install in order to have some more functionalities in Okular."] = "On joitakin valinnaisia paketteja, jotka voit asentaa saadaksesi lisätoiminnallisuutta Okulariin."; $text["Some are already packaged for your distro, but other maybe not. So, if possible, use the packages your distro ships."] = "Jakelusi on jo paketoinut joitakin – tai sitten ei. Jos mahdollista, käytä jakelusi toimittamia paketteja."; $text["Poppler (PDF backend)"] = "Poppler (PDF-taustaosa)"; $text["To compile the PDF backend, you need the Poppler library (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."] = "PDF-taustaosan kääntämiseksi tarvitset Poppler-kirjaston (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."; $text["In order to compile and use the PostScipt (PS) backend, you need libspectre >= 0.2."] = "Kääntääksesi ja käyttääksesi PostScript-taustaosan (PS) tarvitset libspectren version >= 0.2."; $text["If your distro does not package libspectre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."] = "Ellei jakelusi paketoi libspectreä tai paketoitu versio ei kelpaa, voit ladata sen osoitteesta http://libspectre.freedesktop.org/."; $text["DjVuLibre (DjVu backend)"] = "DjVuLibre (DjVu-taustaosa)"; $text["To compile the DjVu backend, you need DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."] = "DjVu-taustaosan kääntämiseksi tarvitset DjVuLibren >= 3.5.17."; $text["If your distro does not package DjVuLibre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."] = "Ellei jakelusi paketoi DjVuLibreä tai paketoitu versio ei kelpaa, voit ladata sen osoitteesta http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org/."; $text["libTIFF (TIFF/fax backend)"] = "libTIFF (TIFF/faksi-taustaosa)"; $text["libTIFF is needed to compile the TIFF/fax backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libTIFFiä tarvitaan TIFF/faksi-taustaosan kääntämiseksi. Nykyisellään ei vaadita tiettyä versiota, joten jakelusi pakettien riittävän uusi kirjaston versio kelvannee. Jos siitä seuraa ongelmia, älä epäröi ottaa yhteyttä Okularin kehittäjiin."; $text["libCHM (CHM backend)"] = "libCHM (CHM-taustaosa)"; $text["libCHM is needed to compile the CHM backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libCHM:ää tarvitaan CHM-taustaosan kääntämiseksi. Nykyisellään ei vaadita tiettyä versiota, joten jakelusi pakettien riittävän uusi kirjaston versio kelvannee. Jos siitä seuraa ongelmia, älä epäröi ottaa yhteyttä Okularin kehittäjiin."; $text["In order to compile and use the EPub backend, you need the epub library."] = "EPub-taustaosan kääntämiseksi ja käyttämiseksi tarvitset epub-kirjaston."; $text["If your distro does not package libepub, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."] = "Ellei jakelusi paketoi libepubia tai paketoitu versio ei kelpaa, voit ladata sen osoitteesta http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools/."; $text["Frequently Asked Questions"] = "Usein kysytyt kysymykset"; $text["Compiling Okular"] = "Okularin kääntäminen"; $text["The Poppler backend does not compile. It complains about 'class Poppler::TextBox' and 'edge'."] = "Poppler-taustaosa ei käänny vaan valittaa kohteista ”class Poppler::TextBox” ja ”edge”."; $text["Do you get an error output similar to"] = "Saatko virhetulosteen, joka on samankaltainen kuin"; $text["If so, most probably you updated from Poppler 0.6.x or previous to Poppler 0.8."] = "Jos saat, olet todennäköisesti päivittänyt Poppler 0.6.x:stä tai aiemmasta Poppler 0.8:aan."; $text["What you can do is simple:"] = "Hyvin yksinkertaisesti:"; $text["in the build directory of Okular. Then run cmake again, and all should work as expected."] = "Okularin build-kansiossa. Aja sitten cmake uudelleen ja kaiken tulisi mennä odotetusti."; $text["Running Okular"] = "Okularin käynnistäminen"; $text["Okular tells me there are no plugins installed. What can I do?"] = "Okular kertoo, ettei liitännäisiä ole asennettu. Mitä voin tehdä?"; $text["In a shell set up for your KDE 4 installation, execute the command"] = "Suorita KDE 4 -asennuksesi päätteessä komento"; $text["After that, Okular should find its plugins as expected."] = "Sen jälkeen Okularin tulisi löytää liitännäisensä odotetusti."; $text["General usage"] = "Yleiskäyttö"; $text["Why the newly added annotations are not in my PDF document?"] = "Miksi vasta lisättyjä merkintöjä ei löydy PDF-asiakirjastani?"; $text["By default, Okular saves annotations in the local data directory\nfor each user. Since KDE 4.9, it's optionally possible to store them directly in\na PDF file by choosing \"File -> Save As...\", so they can be seen in other\nPDF viewers."] = "Oletusarvoisesti Okular tallentaa merkinnät käyttäjäkohtaiseen paikalliseen datakansioon. KDE 4.9:stä lähtien on mahdollista tallentaa ne myös suoraan PDF-tiedostoon valitsemalla ”Tiedosto → Tallenna nimellä…”, jolloin ne näkyvät myös muissa PDF-katselimissa."; $text["Note that this feature requires Poppler 0.20 or newer for regular PDF\ndocuments. If the PDF document you are annotating is encrypted, this feature\nrequires Poppler 0.22 or newer."] = "Huomaa, että tämä ominaisuus vaatii Popplerin version 0.20 tai uudemman, jos PDF ei ole salattu. Jos merkintöjä sisältävä PDF on salattu, vaaditaan Popplerin versio 0.22 tai uudempi."; $text["How can I annotate a document and send it to a friend/colleague/etc?"] = "Kuinka voin tehdä asiakirjaan merkintöjä ja lähettää sen kaverille/kollegalle/jne.?"; $text["Since KDE 4.2, Okular has the \"document archiving\" feature. This is\nan Okular-specific format for carrying the document plus various metadata\nrelated to it (currently only annotations)."] = "KDE:sta 4.2 lähtien Okularissa on ollut ”asiakirjojen arkistointi” -piirre.\nSe on Okularin oma tiedostomuoto, jossa asiakirjan lisäksi siirtyy sitä\nkoskeva metatieto (nykyisellään vain merkinnät)."; $text["You can save a \"document archive\" from the open document by choosing \"File\n-> Export As -> Document Archive\"."] = "Voit tallentaa ”asiakirja-arkiston” avoimesta asiakirjasta valitsemalla ”Tiedosto\n-> Vie muodossa -> Asiakirja-arkisto”."; $text["To open an Okular document archive, just open it with Okular as it would be eg\na PDF document."] = "Okular-asiakirja-arkiston avaamiseksi avaa se Okularissa kuin se olisi esim.\nPDF-asiakirja."; $text["If you're annotating a PDF document, you can also save annotations\ndirectly in the PDF file (see previous question)"] = "Jos teet PDF-asiakirjaan merkintöjä, voit tallentaa ne myös suoraan PDF-tiedostoon (katso aiemmat kysymykset)."; $text["Using Ubuntu, I cannot read CHM and EPub documents,\neven if I have okular-extra-backends and libchm1 installed. Why?"] = "Ubuntussa en voi lukea CHM- ja EPub-asiakirjoja,\nvaikka okular-extra-backend- ja libchml-paketit on asennettu. Miksen?"; $text["Ubuntu (thus Kubuntu as well) packages of Okular are compiled without\nthe support for these two formats."] = "Ubuntun (ja siten myös Kubuntun) Okular-paketit ovat käännetty ilman\nnäiden kahden tiedostomuodon tukea."; $text["The reason is explained in the following Launchpad report: "] = "Syy on selitetty seuraavassa Launchpad-raportissa: "; $text["Why the speak options in the Tools menu are grayed out?"] = "Miksi työkaluvalikon Puhu-valinnat näkyvät harmaina?"; $text["Because you don't have the KDE Text To Speech tools, install Jovie (formerly known as ktts) and they should be enabled"] = "Koska sinulla ei ole KDE:n puhesynteesityökaluja. Asenna Jovie (tunnettiin aiemmin nimellä ktts), ja niiden pitäisi tulla käyttöön."; $text["Some characters are not rendered and when enabling debug some lines mention 'Missing language pack for xxx'"] = "Joitakin merkkejä ei piirretty, ja kun virheenpaikannus otettiin käyttöön, joillakin riveillä mainitaan ”kieleltä xxx puuttuva kielipaketti”"; $text["Install the poppler-data package"] = "Asenna poppler-data -paketti"; $text["Document format handlers status"] = "Tiedostomuotojen käsittelyn tila"; $text["Document Format Handlers"] = "Tiedostomuotojen käsittely"; $text["This page always refers to the stable series of Okular (currently KDE 4.5.x)."] = "Tämä sivu viittaa aina Okularin vakaaseen sarjaan (tätä nykyä KDE 4.5.x)."; $text["Features/Formats"] = "Piirteet/Tiedostomuodot"; $text["Main library used"] = "Käytetty pääkirjasto"; $text["Loading"] = "Lataus"; $text["Rendering"] = "Hahmonnus"; $text["Threaded rendering"] = "Säikeistetty hahmonnus"; $text["Document information"] = "Asiakirjan tiedot"; $text["TOC"] = "Sisällysluettelo"; $text["Font information"] = "Fonttitiedot"; $text["Text extraction"] = "Tekstin erottaminen"; $text["Links"] = "Linkit"; $text["Paper Size"] = "Paperikoko"; $text["Printing"] = "Tulostus"; $text["Text Exporting"] = "Tekstin vienti"; $text["Other Features"] = "Muut ominaisuudet"; $text["Annotations"] = "Merkinnät"; $text["Forms"] = "Lomakkeet"; $text["Inverse search"] = "Käänteinen haku"; $text["Document Rights"] = "Asiakirjan käyttöoikeudet"; $text["Embedded files"] = "Upotetut tiedostot"; $text["Sounds"] = "Äänet"; $text["Movies"] = "Elokuvat"; $text["What is it?"] = "Mikä Okular on?"; $text["Okular logo"] = "Okularin logo"; $text["Okular is a universal document viewer based developed by KDE. Okular works on multiple platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc."] = "Okular on KDE:n kehittämä yleiskäyttöinen asiakirjakatselin. Okular toimii useissa ympäristöissä, kuten Linuxissa, Windowsissa, Mac OS X:ssä, BSD:issä jne."; $text["The last stable release is Okular %1, shipped as part of the KDE Applications %3 release."] = "Viimeisin vakaa versio on Okular %1, joka toimitetaan KDE Applications %3:n mukana."; $text["Okular combines the excellent functionalities with the versatility of supporting different kind of documents, like PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub and others."] = "Okular yhdistää erinomaisen toiminnallisuuden moninaisten eri asiakirjamuotojen kuten PDF:n, PostScriptin, DjVu’n, CHM:n, XPS:n, ePubin ja muiden tukeen."; $text["The document format handlers page has a chart describing in more detail the supported formats and the features supported in each of them."] = "Tiedostomuotojen käsittely -sivulla on kaavio, joka kuvaa tarkemmin tuetut tiedostomuodot sekä sen, mitä niiden ominaisuuksia tuetaan."; $text["If you are interested in contributing to Okular, please contact us."] = "Jos olet kiinnostunut auttamaan Okularin kehityksessä, ota meihin yhteyttä (englanniksi)."; $text["If you do not want or can not contribute, testers are fully welcome, so follow these instructions to see how to download and build Okular."] = "Ellet halua tai osaa avustaa kehityksessä, testaajat ovat aina tervetulleita. Näissä ohjeissa kerrotaan, miten ladata ja kääntää Okular."; $text["Okular is a Free Software PDF reader."] = "Okular on vapaan ohjelmiston PDF-katselin."; $text["Okular Homepage"] = "Okularin kotisivu"; $text["Main"] = "Etusivu"; $text["Format support"] = "Tiedostomuotojen tuki"; $text["Development News"] = "Kehitysuutisia"; $text["Screenshots"] = "Kuvankaappauksia"; $text["FAQ"] = "UKK"; $text["Team"] = "Kehitysryhmä"; $text["Related apps/projects"] = "Aiheeseen liittyvät sovellukset/projektit"; $text["Free Software PDF readers"] = "Vapaan ohjelmiston PDF-katselimet"; +$text["Okular news"] = "Okular-uutiset"; +$text["Okular 0.24 released"] = "Okular 0.24 julkaistiin"; +$text["December 16, 2015"] = "16. joulukuuta 2015"; +$text["The 0.24 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.12 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and features, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okularin versio 0.24 on julkaistu KDE:n sovellusten 15.12-julkaisuversiossa. Tämä julkaisuversio esittelee pieniä virhekorjauksia ja ominaisuuksia. Täyden muutoslokin voit katsoa osoitteessa https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 on suositeltu päivitys kaikille Okularin käyttäjille."; +$text["Okular 0.23 released"] = "Okular 0.23 julkaistiin"; +$text["August 19, 2015"] = "19. elokuuta 2015"; +$text["The 0.23 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.08 release. This release introduces support for the Fade transition in presentation mode as well as some fixes regarding annotations and video playback. Okular 0.23 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okularin versio 0.23 on julkaistu KDE Applications 15.08:n mukana. Tässä julkaisuversiossa on uutta häivytyssiirtymä esitystilassa sekä joitakin korjauksia merkintätukeen ja videoiden toistoon. Okular 0.23 on suositeltu päivitys kaikille Okularin käyttäjille."; +$text["Okular 0.22 released"] = "Okular 0.22 julkaistiin"; +$text["April 15, 2015"] = "15. huhtikuuta 2015"; +$text["The 0.22 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.04 release. Okular 0.22 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okularin versio 0.22 on julkaistu KDE Applications 15.04 -julkaisuversiossa. Okular 0.22 on suositeltu päivitys kaikille Okularin käyttäjille."; +$text["Okular 0.21 released"] = "Okular 0.21 julkaistiin"; +$text["December 17, 2014"] = "17. joulukuuta 2014"; +$text["The 0.21 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 14.12 release. This release introduces new features like latex-synctex reverse searching in dvi and small bugfixes. Okular 0.21 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okularin versio 0.21 on julkaistu KDE Applications 14.12:n mukana. Tässä julkaisuversiossa on uusia ominaisuuksia kuten LaTeX-SyncTeX-käänteishaun DVI-tiedostoissa ja pieniä korjauksia. Okular 0.21 on suositeltu päivitys kaikille Okularin käyttäjille."; +$text["Okular 0.19 released"] = "Okular 0.19 julkaistiin"; +$text["April 16, 2014"] = "16. huhtikuuta 2014"; +$text["The 0.19 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.13 release. This release introduces new features like tabs support in the interface, use of DPI screen so that page size matches real paper size, improvements to the Undo/Redo framework and other features/refinements. Okular 0.19 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okularin versio 0.19 on julkaistu KDE:n sovellusten 4.13-julkaisuversiossa. Tämä julkaisuversio esittelee uusia ominaisuuksia kuten välilehdet, näytön DPI:n käytön, jotta sivun koko vastaa todellista paperikokoa, parannuksia toimintojen kumoamiseen ja uudelleen tekemiseen sekä muita ominaisuuksia/parannuksia. Okular 0.19 on suositeltu päivitys kaikille Okularin käyttäjille."; +$text["Okular 0.18 released"] = "Okular 0.18 julkaistiin"; +$text["December 12, 2013"] = "12. joulukuuta 2013"; +$text["The 0.18 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.12 release. This release introduces new features like audio/video support in EPub files and also improvements to existing features like searching and printing. Okular 0.18 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okularin versio 0.18 on julkaistu KDE:n sovellusten 4.12-julkaisuversiossa. Tämä julkaisuversio esittelee uusia ominaisuuksia kuten äänen ja videon tuen EPub-tiedostoille sekä parannuksia olemassa oleviin ominaisuuksiin kuten hakuun ja tulostukseen. Okular 0.18 on suositeltu päivitys kaikille Okularin käyttäjille."; +$text["Okular 0.17 released"] = "Okular 0.17 julkaistiin"; +$text["August 16, 2013"] = "16. elokuuta 2013"; +$text["The 0.17 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.11 release. This release introduces new features like undo/redo support for forms and annotations and configurable review tools. Okular 0.17 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okularin versio 0.17 on julkaistu KDE:n sovellusten 4.11-julkaisuversiossa. Tämä julkaisuversio esittelee uusia ominaisuuksia kuten kumoa/tee uudelleen -tuen lomakkeille sekä merkinnöille ja tarkastelutyökalujen muuttamismahdollisuuden. Okular 0.17 on suositeltu päivitys kaikille Okularin käyttäjille."; +$text["Okular 0.16 released"] = "Okular 0.16 julkaistiin"; +$text["February 6, 2013"] = "6. helmikuuta 2013"; +$text["The 0.16 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.10 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to zoom to higher levels in PDF documents, an Active based viewer for your tablet devices, more support for PDF movies, viewport follows selection, and annotation editing improvements. Okular 0.16 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okularin versio 0.16 on julkaistu KDE:n sovellusten 4.10-julkaisuversiossa. Tämä julkaisuversio esittelee uusia ominaisuuksia kuten mahdollisuuden zoomata PDF-asiakirjoja entistä lähemmäksi, Activeen pohjautuvan katselimen tableteille, lisää tukea PDF-elokuville, valintaa seuraavan näkymän sekä parannuksia merkintöjen muokkaamiseen. Okular 0.16 on suositeltu päivitys kaikille Okularin käyttäjille."; +$text["Okular forums"] = "Okular-foorumi"; +$text["October 10, 2012"] = "10. lokakuuta 2012"; +$text["We now have a subforum inside the KDE Community Forums. You can find it at http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."] = "Meillä on nyt alifoorumi KDE:n yhteisöfoorumeissa. Löydät sen osoitteesta http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."; +$text["Okular 0.15 released"] = "Okular 0.15 julkaistiin"; +$text["August 1, 2012"] = "1. elokuuta 2012"; +$text["The 0.15 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.9 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to store annotations with PDF documents, more support for PDF movies, multiple bookmarks per page and some other minor improvements. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.15 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okularin versio 0.15 on julkaistu KDE:n sovellusten 4.9-julkaisuversiossa. Tämä julkaisuversio esittelee uusia ominaisuuksia kuten mahdollisuuden tallentaa PDF-asiakirjojen merkinnät, lisätuen PDF-elokuville, useammat kirjanmerkit sivuille sekä muita vähäisempiä parannuksia. Epätäydellisen luettelon vioista ja piirteistä löydät bugzillasta. Okular 0.15 on suositeltu päivitys kaikille Okularin käyttäjille."; +$text["Okular 0.14 released"] = "Okular 0.14 julkaistiin"; +$text["January 25, 2012"] = "25. tammikuuta 2012"; +$text["The 0.14 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.8 release. This release introduces new features like improved text selection in documents with columns, table selection tool, LaTex rendering in annotations, improved embedded support (for use in e.g. Kile), better layouting for faced pages, smarter screensaver/powermanagement handling, improved page label support, default zoom configuration, improved Landscape printing, etc. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.14 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okularin versio 0.14 on julkaistu KDE:n sovellusten 4.8-julkaisuversiossa. Tämä julkaisuversio esittelee uusia ominaisuuksia kuten parannetun tekstin valinnan usean palstan asiakirjoissa, taulukon valintatyökalun, LaTeX-koodin piirtämisen merkinnöissä, parannetun upottamistuen (käytettäväksi esim. Kilessä), vastakkaisten sivujen paremman asettelun, älykkäämmän yhteistoiminnan näytönsäästäjän ja virranhallinnan kanssa, parannetun sivunimien tuen, oletusarvoisen zoomauksen asetukset, parannetun vaakasuuntaisen tulostuksen jne. Epätäydellisen luettelon vioista ja piirteistä löydät bugzillasta. Okular 0.14 on suositeltu päivitys kaikille Okularin käyttäjille."; +$text["Okular 0.13 released"] = "Okular 0.13 julkaistiin"; +$text["July 27, 2011"] = "27. heinäkuuta 2011"; +$text["The 0.13 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.7 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okularin versio 0.13 on julkaistu KDE:n sovellusten 4.7-julkaisuversiossa. Tämä julkaisuversio esittelee pieniä korjauksia sekä ominaisuuksia, ja on suositeltu päivitys kaikille Okularin käyttäjille."; +$text["Okular 0.12 released"] = "Okular 0.12 julkaistiin"; +$text["January 26, 2011"] = "26. tammikuuta 2011"; +$text["The 0.12 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.6 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okularin versio 0.12 on julkaistu KDE:n sovellusten 4.6-julkaisuversiossa. Tämä julkaisuversio esittelee pieniä korjauksia sekä ominaisuuksia, ja on suositeltu päivitys kaikille Okularin käyttäjille."; +$text["Okular 0.11 released"] = "Okular 0.11 julkaistiin"; +$text["August 10, 2010"] = "10. elokuuta 2010"; +$text["The 0.11 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.5 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okularin versio 0.11 on julkaistu KDE:n sovellusten 4.5-julkaisuversiossa. Tämä julkaisuversio esittelee pieniä korjauksia sekä ominaisuuksia, ja on suositeltu päivitys kaikille Okularin käyttäjille."; +$text["Okular 0.10 released"] = "Okular 0.10 julkaistiin"; +$text["February 9, 2010"] = "9. helmikuuta 2010"; +$text["The 0.10 version of Okular has been released together with KDE SC 4.4. Besides general improvements in stability this release sports new/improved support for both inverse search and forward search linking latex source code lines with the corresponding locations in dvi and pdf files."] = "Okularin versio 0.11 on julkaistu KDE SC 4.4:ssä. Yleisten vakausparannusten lisäksi tässä julkaisussa on uusi tai parannettu tuki sekä tavalliselle että käänteiselle haulle, joka linkittää LaTeX-lähdekoodirivit DVI- ja PDF-tiedostojen vastaaviin kohtiin."; +$text["Okular 0.9.4 released"] = "Okular 0.9.4 julkaistiin"; +$text["December 1, 2009"] = "1. joulukuuta 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.3 series includes Okular 0.9.4. It includes some crash fixes, and few small bug fixes in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"] = "Okular 0.9.4 on julkaistu KDE 4.3-sarjan neljännessä korjausjulkaisussa. Tähän julkaisuversioon kuuluu joitakin kaatumiskorjauksia sekä pieniä käyttöliittymän virhekorjauksia. Voit lukea kaikista korjatuista ongelmista osoitteessa http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.4 released"] = "Okular 0.8.4 julkaistiin"; +$text["June 3, 2009"] = "3. kesäkuuta 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.4. It includes some fixes in OpenDocument Text documents, a couple of crash fixes, and few small bugs in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"] = "Okular 0.8.4 on julkaistu KDE 4.2-sarjan neljännessä korjausjulkaisussa. Tähän julkaisuversioon kuuluu joitakin korjauksia OpenDocument Text -asiakirjojen käsittelyyn, muutamia kaatumiskorjauksia sekä muutamia käyttöliittymäkorjauksia. Voit lukea kaikista korjatuista ongelmista osoitteessa http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.3 released"] = "Okular 0.8.3 julkaistiin"; +$text["May 6, 2009"] = "6. toukokuuta 2009"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.3. It does not provide much news for Okular, the only relevant change is about thread more safety when generating page images of XPS document. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"] = "Okular 0.8.3 on julkaistu KDE 4.2-sarjan kolmannessa korjausjulkaisussa. Tässä julkaisuversiossa ei ole paljon uutta. Ainut olennainen muutos koskee suurempaa säieturvallisuutta luotaessa XPS-asiakirjojen sivujen kuvia. Voit lukea kaikista korjatuista ongelmista osoitteessa http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.2 released"] = " Okular 0.8.2 julkaistiin"; +$text["April 2, 2009"] = "2. huhtikuuta 2009"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.2. It includes better support (hopefully working) for DVI and pdfsync inverse search, and fixes and small improvements in the presentation mode. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"] = "Okular 0.8.2 on julkaistu KDE 4.2-sarjan toisessa korjausjulkaisussa. Tähän julkaisuversioon kuuluu parempi (toivottavasti toimiva) tuki DVI:n sekä pdfsyncin käänteiselle haulle, ja korjauksia sekä pieniä parannuksia esitystilaan. Voit lukea kaikista korjatuista ongelmista osoitteessa http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.1 released"] = "Okular 0.8.1 julkaistiin"; +$text["March 4, 2009"] = "4. maaliskuuta 2009"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.1. It includes some crash fixes in the CHM and DjVu backends, and minor fixes in the user interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"] = "Okular 0.8.1 on julkaistu KDE 4.2-sarjan ensimmäisessä korjausjulkaisussa. Tähän julkaisuversioon kuuluu joitakin kaatumiskorjauksia CHM- ja DjVu-taustaosissa sekä pieniä käyttöliittymäkorjauksia. Voit lukea kaikista korjatuista ongelmista osoitteessa http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8 released"] = "Okular 0.8 julkaistiin"; +$text["January 27, 2009"] = "27. tammikuuta 2009"; +$text["The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.2. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): And, of course, many bugs were fixed."] = "Okularin kehitysryhmä ylpeänä ilmoittaa uudesta Okularin versiosta, joka on julkaistu osana KDE 4.2:ta. Julkaisuversioon kuuluu mm. seuraavat uudet ominaisuudet ja parannukset (satunnaisessa järjestyksessä): Lisäksi tietysti monia virheitä korjattiin."; +$text["Okular 0.7.3 released"] = "Okular 0.7.3 julkaistiin"; +$text["November 4, 2008"] = "4. marraskuuta 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.3. It includes some minor fixes in the user interface and in the text search. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"] = "Okular 0.7.3 on julkaistu KDE 4.1-sarjan kolmannessa korjausjulkaisussa. Tähän julkaisuversioon kuuluu pieniä käyttöliittymä- ja tekstihakukorjauksia. Voit lukea kaikista korjatuista ongelmista osoitteessa http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.2 released"] = "Okular 0.7.2 julkaistiin"; +$text["October 3, 2008"] = "3. lokakuuta 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.2. It includes some minor fixes in the TIFF and Comicbook backends and the change to \"Fit Width\" as default zoom level. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"] = "Okular 0.7.2 on julkaistu KDE 4.1-sarjan toisessa korjausjulkaisussa. Tähän julkaisuversioon kuuluu pieniä korjauksia TIFF- ja Comicbook-taustaosiin. Oletuszoomaustasoksi on myös vaihdettu ”Sovita leveyteen”. Voit lukea kaikista korjatuista ongelmista osoitteessa http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.1 released"] = "Okular 0.7.1 julkaistiin"; +$text["September 3, 2008"] = "3. syyskuuta 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.1. It includes some crash fixes among other minor fixes. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"] = "Okular 0.7.1 on julkaistu KDE 4.1-sarjan ensimmäisessä korjausjulkaisussa. Tähän julkaisuversioon kuuluu joitakin kaatumiskorjauksia sekä muita pieniä korjauksia. Voit lukea kaikista korjatuista ongelmista osoitteessa http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7 released"] = "Okular 0.7 julkaistiin"; +$text["July 29, 2008"] = "29. heinäkuuta 2008"; +$text["KDE 4.1. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order):\n\nAnd, of course, many bugs were fixed.]]>"] = "KDE 4.1:tä. Julkaisuversioon kuuluu mm. seuraavat uudet ominaisuudet ja parannukset (satunnaisessa järjestyksessä):\n\nLisäksi tietysti monia virheitä korjattiin.]]>"; +$text["Okular 0.6.3 released"] = "Okular 0.6.3 julkaistiin"; +$text["April 2, 2008"] = "2. huhtikuuta 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"] = "Okular 0.6.3 on julkaistu KDE 4.0-sarjan kolmannessa korjausjulkaisussa. Tähän julkaisuversioon kuuluu muutamia virhekorjauksia kuten parempi tapa saada tekstin sijainti PDF-asiakirjassa ja muutamia korjauksia merkintäjärjestelmään sekä sisällysluetteloon. Voit lukea kaikista korjatuista ongelmista osoitteessa http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.2 released"] = "Okular 0.6.2 julkaistiin"; +$text["March 5, 2008"] = "5. maaliskuuta 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"] = "Okular 0.6.2 on julkaistu KDE 4.0-sarjan toisessa korjausjulkaisussa. Tähän julkaisuversioon kuuluu aika monta virhekorjausta kuten suurempi vakaus suljettaessa asiakirjoja sekä pieniä korjauksia kirjanmerkkijärjestelmään. Voit lukea kaikista korjatuista ongelmista osoitteessa http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.1 released"] = "Okular 0.6.1 julkaistiin"; +$text["February 5, 2008"] = "5. helmikuuta 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"] = "Okular 0.6.1 on julkaistu KDE 4.0-sarjan ensimmäisessä korjausjulkaisussa. Tähän julkaisuversioon kuuluu aika monta virhekorjausta kuten tiedostojen uudelleenlataamisen välttäminen niitä tallennettaessa, käytettävyysparannuksia jne. Voit lukea kaikista korjatuista ongelmista osoitteessa http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"; +$text["aKademy 2007 Okular presentation material online"] = "aKademy 2007:ssä pidetyn Okularia koskevan esityksen materiaalit verkossa"; +$text["Jul 10, 2007"] = "10. heinäkuuta 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular talk given by Pino Toscano at aKademy 2007 is now online. There are both slides and video available.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tPino Toscanon aKademy 2007:ssä pitämä Okular-puhe on nyt verkossa. Sekä diat että video ovat saatavilla.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular in kdegraphics"] = "Okular kdegraphicsissa"; +$text["Apr 4, 2007"] = "4. huhtikuuta 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular is now part of the kdegraphics module. The next version of Okular will be shipped with KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tOkularin kehitysryhmä ylpeänä ilmoittaa, että Okular on nyt osa kdegraphics-moduulia. Okularin seuraava versio toimitetaan KDE 4.0:n mukana.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular joins The Season of Usability project"] = "Okular liittyy The Season of Usability -projektiin"; +$text["Jan 31, 2007"] = "31. tammikuuta 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular has been one of the applications selected to participate in the Season of Usability project, run by usability experts at OpenUsability. From here we want to welcome Sharad Baliyan to the team and thank Florian Graessle and Pino Toscano for their continued work on improving Okular.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tOkularin kehitysryhmä ylpeänä ilmoittaa, että Okular on valittu osallistumaan Season of Usability -projektiin, jota vetävät OpenUsabilityn käytettävyysasiantuntijat. Haluamme tässä toivottaa Sharad Baliyanin tervetulleeksi kehitysryhmäämme ja kiittää Florian Graessleä ja Pino Toscanoa heidän jatkuvasta työstään Okularin parantamisessa.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5.81 unstable snapshot released"] = "Okularin epävakaa kehitysversio 0.5.81 julkaistiin"; +$text["Nov 2, 2006"] = "2. marraskuuta 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. This snapshot is not completely functional, yet, as we have lots of things to polish and finish, but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tOkularin kehitysryhmä ylpeänä ilmoittaa uuden Okularin kehitysversion julkaisusta, joka on tarkoitettu käännettäväksi toisen KDE 4 -kehittäjien kehitysversion kanssa. Tämä kehitysversio ei ole vielä täysin toimiva, koska hiottavaa ja viimeisteltävää on paljon, mutta kokeile vapaasti ja anna niin paljon palautetta kuin haluat. Löydät paketin osoitteesta ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Tarkista lataussivulta, että sinulla on kaikki tarvittavat kirjastot.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5 unstable snapshot released"] = "Okularin epävakaa kehitysversio 0.5 julkaistiin"; +$text["Aug 27, 2006"] = "27. elokuuta 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. This snapshot is still not completely functional as we have lots of things to polish and finish but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tOkularin kehitysryhmä ylpeänä ilmoittaa uuden Okularin kehitysversion julkaisusta, joka on tarkoitettu käännettäväksi KDE 4 'Krash' -kehitysversion kanssa. Tämä kehitysversio ei ole vielä täysin toimiva, koska hiottavaa ja viimeisteltävää on paljon, mutta kokeile vapaasti ja anna niin paljon palautetta kuin haluat. Löydät paketin osoitteesta ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Tarkista lataussivulta, että sinulla on kaikki tarvittavat kirjastot.\n\t\t\t"; $text["Some images of Okular "in action"..."] = "Joitakin kuvia Okularista toiminnassa…"; $text["Backends in action"] = "Taustaosat toiminnassa"; $text["Here you can see some of the Okular backends in action on files."] = "Tässä voit nähdä joitakin Okularin taustaosista toiminnassa."; $text["PDF backend"] = "PDF-taustaosa"; $text["PostScript backend"] = "PostScript-taustaosa"; $text["DjVu backend"] = "DjVu-taustaosa"; $text["TIFF/fax backend"] = "TIFF/faksi-taustaosa"; $text["Extraction of embedded files"] = "Upotettujen tiedostojen purku"; $text["Word processor-like text selection"] = "Tekstinkäsittelymäinen tekstin valinta"; $text["Review mode"] = "Tarkastelutila"; $text["Annotations (enter in Tools -> Review)"] = "Merkinnät (syöttö kohdasta Työkalut -> Tarkastele)"; $text["Okular - more than a reader"] = "Okular – enemmän kuin lukuohjelma"; $text["the Okular developers"] = "Okular-kehittäjät"; $text["Current Okular Team"] = "Okularin nykyiset kehittäjät"; $text["The current Okular team is formed by:"] = "Okularin nykyisen kehitysryhmän muodostavat:"; $text["(Current maintainer)"] = "(nykyinen ylläpitäjä)"; $text["Your name here..."] = "Sinun nimesi voisi olla tässä…"; $text["Join Okular development!"] = "Liity Okularin kehittämiseen!"; $text["Former Okular developers"] = "Okularin aiemmat kehittäjät"; $text["We'd like to thank all the people that worked on Okular in the past:"] = "Haluaisimme kiittää kaikkia Okularin parissa aiemmin työskennelleitä:"; $text["(Original Okular creator)"] = "(Okularin alkuperäinen luoja)"; $text["(Usability expert)"] = "(käytettävyysasiantuntija)"; $text["KPDF Developers"] = "KPDF:n kehittäjät"; $text["We'd like also to thank all the people who worked on KPDF:"] = "Haluaisimme myös kiittää KPDF:n parissa työskennelleitä:"; $text["Lots of features"] = "Runsaasti ominaisuuksia"; $text["Fontconfig support, type-ahead find, some patches"] = "Fontconfig-tuki, etsi samalla kun kirjoitat -haku, jotkin paikkaukset"; ?> diff --git a/i18n/fr/okular-kde-org.inc b/i18n/fr/okular-kde-org.inc index 12b3e8b..ab00037 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/okular-kde-org.inc +++ b/i18n/fr/okular-kde-org.inc @@ -1,145 +1,266 @@ okular-devel\nand hosted at kde.org."] = "Une liste de diffusion est en place pour coordonner le développement de Okular. Cette liste est okular-devel\net est hébergée par « kde.org »."; $text["You can use it to talk about the development of the core application, but also\nfeedback about existent or new backends is appreciated."] = "Vous pouvez l'utiliser pour parler du développement de l'application de base mais\nun retour sur l'existant ou sur les nouveaux moteurs est tout aussi apprécié."; $text["IRC"] = "IRC"; $text["We have also an IRC channel where talk. The channel is\n#okular, on the\nFreenode network."] = "Un canal IRC pour parler existe aussi. Le canal est \n#okular, sur le réseau\nFreenode."; $text["Usually some of the Okular developers hang there."] = "Habituellement, vous y trouverez des développeurs d'Okular qui y sont connectés."; $text["Forum"] = "Forum"; $text["If you prefer using a forum you can use the Okular forum inside the bigger KDE Community Forums."] = "Si vous préférez utiliser un forum, vous pouvez utiliser le forum d'Okular parmi les plus importants forums de la communauté KDE."; $text["Bugs and Wishes"] = "Bogues et souhaits"; $text["Bugs and Wishes should be reported to the KDE bug tracker at http://bugs.kde.org."] = "Les bogues et les souhaits doivent être signalés dans le gestionnaire de bogues de KDE à http://bugs.kde.org."; $text["Download"] = "Téléchargement"; $text["Binary packages"] = "Paquets binaires"; $text["The recommended way for end-user installations of Okular is using binary packages:"] = "Pour les utilisateurs finaux, Il est recommandé d'utiliser des paquets binaires pour installer Okular :"; $text["For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular package (might be part of the broader kdegraphics package) and install it."] = "Pour des systèmes GNU/Linux et BSD, veuillez utiliser le gestionnaire de paquets pour trouver le paquet « okular » (il devrait être inclus dans le paquet plus général « kdegraphics ») et l'installer."; $text["For Windows have a look at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on Windows."] = "Pour Windows, veuillez regarder à la page Internet Initiative KDE dans Windows pour y trouver des informations sur l'installation de KDE dans Windows."; $text["For Mac Os X have a look at the KDE on Mac OS X webpage for information on how to install KDE on Mac OS X."] = "Pour Mac OS X, veuillez regarder à la page Internet KDE dans Mac OS X pour trouver des informations sur l'installation de KDE dans Mac OS X."; $text["Packaging status"] = "État des paquetages"; $text["N.B: The table above refers to the KDE Applications release version that Okular was part of. The actual Okular version as reported by the About dialog is different, e.g. Okular 1.2.1 was released as part of KDE Applications 17.08.1 and would should up with such number in the table."] = "Note : le tableau ci-dessus fait référence à la version de KDE Applications dont fait partie Okular. La version réelle d'Okular telle qu'affichée dans la fenêtre « À propos » est différente. Par exemple, Okular 1.2.1 fait partie de KDE Applications 17.08.1 et apparaît avec ce numéro dans le tableau."; $text["Compiling Okular from source"] = "Compilation d'Okular depuis les sources"; $text["If you want to compile Okular, you need to have an already set up compilation environment."] = "Si vous voulez compiler Okular, vous devez déjà avoir installé un environnement de compilation."; $text["Distributions should provide development packages usable for compiling KDE applications."] = "Les distributions devraient fournir des paquets de développement utilisables pour compiler les applications KDE."; $text["In case you want to compile the development version of Okular, please refer to Build from source at KDE's Community Wiki."] = "Dans le cas où vous voudriez compiler la version de développement d'Okular, veuillez vous reporter à Compiler depuis les sources sur le wiki de la communauté de KDE."; $text["If you are interested in stable tarballs of Okular visit the\nKDE Applications download folder and download the okular tarball."] = "Si vous êtes intéressé par l'archive stables d'Okular, veuillez visiter la \ndossier de téléchargement des applications KDE et télécharger l'archive d'Okular."; $text["Optional packages"] = "Paquets optionnels"; $text["There are some optional package you could install in order to have some more functionalities in Okular."] = "Pour obtenir plus de fonctionnalités dans Okular, vous pouvez installer des paquets optionnels."; $text["Some are already packaged for your distro, but other maybe not. So, if possible, use the packages your distro ships."] = "Quelques uns sont déjà empaquetés pour votre distribution mais certains autres non. Ainsi, si possible, veuillez utiliser les paquets que votre distribution fournit."; $text["Poppler (PDF backend)"] = "Poppler (moteur PDF)"; $text["To compile the PDF backend, you need the Poppler library (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."] = "Pour compiler le moteur PDF, la bibliothèque « poppler » est nécessaire (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."; $text["The minimum version required is poppler 0.24"] = "La version minimale requise est poppler 0.24"; $text["Libspectre (PostScript backend)"] = "Libspectre (moteur PostScript)"; $text["In order to compile and use the PostScipt (PS) backend, you need libspectre >= 0.2."] = "Pour pouvoir compiler et utiliser le moteur PostScript (PS), la bibliothèque « libspectre » >= 0.2 est nécessaire."; $text["If your distro does not package libspectre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."] = "Si votre distribution ne fournit pas de paquet « libspectre » ou si la version de son paquet est trop ancienne, vous pouvez le télécharger à l'adresse http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."; $text["DjVuLibre (DjVu backend)"] = "DjVu-Libre (Moteur DjVu)"; $text["To compile the DjVu backend, you need DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."] = "Pour compiler le moteur DjVu, la bibliothèque « djvulibre » >= 3.5.17 est nécessaire."; $text["If your distro does not package DjVuLibre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."] = "Si votre distribution ne propose pas de paquet « djvulibre » ou si la version de ce paquet est trop ancienne, vous pouvez la télécharger à l'adresse http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."; $text["libTIFF (TIFF/fax backend)"] = "LibTIFF (Moteur TIFF / fax)"; $text["libTIFF is needed to compile the TIFF/fax backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "La bibliothèque « libtiff » est nécessaire pour compiler le moteur « TIFF / fax ». Pour l'instant, il n'y a pas de version minimale requise et par conséquent, toute version suffisamment récente de cette bibliothèque et disponible pour votre distribution devrait fonctionner. En cas de problèmes sur ce point, n'hésitez pas à prendre contact avec les les développeurs d'Okular."; $text["libCHM (CHM backend)"] = "libCHM (moteur CHM)"; $text["libCHM is needed to compile the CHM backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "La bibliothèque « libchm » est nécessaire pour compiler le moteur « CHM ». Pour l'instant, il n'y a pas de version minimale requise et par conséquent, toute version suffisamment récente de cette bibliothèque et disponible pour votre distribution devrait fonctionner. En cas de problèmes, n'hésitez pas à prendre contact avec les les développeurs d'Okular."; $text["Libepub (EPub backend)"] = "Libepub (moteur EPub)"; $text["In order to compile and use the EPub backend, you need the epub library."] = "Pour pouvoir compiler et utiliser le moteur « EPub », la bibliothèque « epub » est nécessaire."; $text["If your distro does not package libepub, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."] = "Si votre distribution ne propose pas de paquet pour « libepub » ou si la version empaquetée est trop ancienne, vous pouvez la télécharger à l'adresse http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."; $text["You can download and compile Okular this way:"] = "Vous pouvez télécharger et compiler Okular comme suit :"; $text["If you install Okular in a different path than your system install directory it is possible that you need to run"] = "Si vous installez Okular dans un emplacement différent que votre emplacement d'installation du système, il est possible que vous deviez exécuter"; $text["so that the correct Okular instance and libraries are picked up. Obviously you need to replace x86_64-linux-gnu with the correct name for your architecture."] = "pour que l'instance et les bibliothèques correctes d'Okular soient utilisées. Bien sûr, remplacez x86_64-linux-gnu par le nom de votre architecture."; $text["Frequently Asked Questions"] = "Questions fréquemment posées"; $text["Compiling Okular"] = "Compilation d'Okular"; $text["The Poppler backend does not compile. It complains about 'class Poppler::TextBox' and 'edge'."] = "Impossible de compiler le moteur « Poppler ». Les messages d'erreurs se référent aux classes « TextBox » et « Edge » de « Poppler »."; $text["Do you get an error output similar to"] = "Avez vous un message d'erreur similaire à"; $text["If so, most probably you updated from Poppler 0.6.x or previous to Poppler 0.8."] = "Si tel est le cas, vous avez fait une mise à jour probablement en partant de Poppler 0.6.x ou des versions antérieures vers Poppler 0.8."; $text["What you can do is simple:"] = "Ce que vous pouvez faire est simple :"; $text["in the build directory of Okular. Then run cmake again, and all should work as expected."] = "dans l'emplacement de compilation d'Okular. Ensuite, exécutez « cmake » une fois encore et tout devrait fonctionner comme prévu."; $text["Running Okular"] = "Lancement d'Okular"; $text["Okular tells me there are no plugins installed. What can I do?"] = "Okular indique qu'il n'y a pas de modules externes installés. Que dois-je faire ? "; $text["In a shell set up for your KDE 4 installation, execute the command"] = "Dans une console, veuillez configurer votre installation de KDE 4 en exécutant la commande"; $text["After that, Okular should find its plugins as expected."] = "Après cela, Okular devrait trouver ces modules externes comme attendu."; $text["General usage"] = "Utilisation générale"; $text["Why the newly added annotations are not in my PDF document?"] = "Pourquoi mes annotations nouvellement ajoutées ne sont pas dans mon document PDF ? "; $text["By default, Okular saves annotations in the local data directory\nfor each user. Since KDE 4.9, it's optionally possible to store them directly in\na PDF file by choosing \"File -> Save As...\", so they can be seen in other\nPDF viewers."] = "Par défaut, Okular enregistre les annotations dans le dossier local de données\npour chaque utilisateur. Depuis KDE 4.9, il est possible de façon optionnel de les enregistrer directement dans\nun fichier « PDF » en choisissant « Fichier -> Enregistrer sous... ». Ainsi, ces derniers peuvent être visibles dans d'autres afficheurs « PDF »."; $text["Note that this feature requires Poppler 0.20 or newer for regular PDF\ndocuments. If the PDF document you are annotating is encrypted, this feature\nrequires Poppler 0.22 or newer."] = "Veuillez noter que cette fonctionnalité nécessite « Poppler » 0.20 ou plus récente pour des documents standards « PDF ».\nSi le document « PDF » que vous annotez est chiffré, cette fonctionnalité nécessite « Poppler » 0.22 ou plus récente."; $text["How can I annotate a document and send it to a friend/colleague/etc?"] = "Comment puis-je annoter un document et l'envoyer vers un ami, un collègue, etc. ?"; $text["Since KDE 4.2, Okular has the \"document archiving\" feature. This is\nan Okular-specific format for carrying the document plus various metadata\nrelated to it (currently only annotations)."] = "Depuis KDE 4.2, Okular intègre une fonctionnalité « d'archivage de document ». Celle-ci repose sur un format spécifique à Okular intégrant diverses métadonnées, spécifiques au document\n (pour l'instant, uniquement les annotations)."; $text["You can save a \"document archive\" from the open document by choosing \"File\n-> Export As -> Document Archive\"."] = "Vous pouvez enregistrer une « archive de document » à partir du document ouvert en choisissant « Fichier\n-> Exporter sous -> Archive de document »."; $text["To open an Okular document archive, just open it with Okular as it would be eg\na PDF document."] = "Pour ouvrir une archive de document d'Okular, il vous suffit de l'ouvrir avec Okular comme vous le feriez, par exemple, \navec un document PDF."; $text["If you're annotating a PDF document, you can also save annotations\ndirectly in the PDF file (see previous question)"] = "Si vous annotez un document PDF, vous pouvez aussi enregistrer les annotations\n directement dans le fichier PDF (Voir la question précédente)"; $text["Using Ubuntu, I cannot read CHM and EPub documents,\neven if I have okular-extra-backends and libchm1 installed. Why?"] = "Lorsque j'utilise Ubuntu, je ne peux pas lire des documents de type « CHN » ou « EPub », \nmême en ayant installé les bibliothèque « okular-extra-backends » et « libchm1 ». Pourquoi ?"; $text["Ubuntu (thus Kubuntu as well) packages of Okular are compiled without\nthe support for these two formats."] = "Les paquet pour Ubuntu (aussi bien que de Kubuntu) sont compilés sans \nla prise en charge de ces deux formats."; $text["The reason is explained in the following Launchpad report: "] = "La raison est donnée dans le rapport Launchpad suivant :"; $text["Why the speak options in the Tools menu are grayed out?"] = "Pourquoi les options de synthèse vocale dans le menu « Outils » sont elles grisées ?"; $text["Because you don't have the KDE Text To Speech tools, install Jovie (formerly known as ktts) and they should be enabled"] = "Parce que les outils KDE de synthèse vocale de KDE sont absents. Pour les activer, il suffit d'installer Jovie (précédemment nommé KTTS)"; $text["Some characters are not rendered and when enabling debug some lines mention 'Missing language pack for xxx'"] = "Certains caractères ne sont pas rendus et quand vous activez le mode de débogage, certaines lignes mentionnent « Paquet de langues manquants pour xxx »"; $text["Install the poppler-data package"] = "Veuillez installer le paquet « poppler-data »"; $text["Document format handlers status"] = "État du gestionnaire de format de document "; $text["Document Format Handlers"] = "Gestionnaires de format de document "; $text["This page always refers to the stable series of Okular (currently KDE 4.5.x)."] = "Cette page référence toujours les versions stables d'Okular (actuellement KDE 4.5.x)."; $text["Features/Formats"] = "Fonctionnalités / Formats"; $text["Main library used"] = "Principale bibliothèque utilisée"; $text["Loading"] = "Chargement en cours"; $text["Rendering"] = "Rendu"; $text["Threaded rendering"] = "Rendu multi-tâches"; $text["Document information"] = "Information sur le document"; $text["TOC"] = "Table des matières"; $text["Font information"] = "Informations sur les polices de caractères"; $text["Text extraction"] = "Extraction de texte"; $text["Links"] = "Liens"; $text["Paper Size"] = "Taille du papier"; $text["Printing"] = "Impression"; $text["Text Exporting"] = "Exportation de texte"; $text["Other Features"] = "Autres fonctionnalités"; $text["Annotations"] = "Annotations"; $text["Forms"] = "Formulaires"; $text["Inverse search"] = "Recherche inversée"; $text["Document Rights"] = "Droits du document"; $text["Embedded files"] = "Fichiers inclus"; $text["Sounds"] = "Sons"; $text["Movies"] = "Films"; $text["What is it?"] = "Qu'est ce que c'est ?"; $text["Okular logo"] = "Logo d'Okular"; $text["Okular is a universal document viewer based developed by KDE. Okular works on multiple platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc."] = "Okular est un afficheur universel de documents réalisé à partir de KPDF. Okular fonctionne sur de multiples plate-formes, comme Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc."; $text["The last stable release is Okular %1, shipped as part of the KDE Applications %3 release."] = "La dernière version stable d'Okular est la version %1, livrée avec la version %3 des applications de KDE."; $text["Okular combines the excellent functionalities with the versatility of supporting different kind of documents, like PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub and others."] = "Okular combine les excellentes fonctionnalités avec la flexibilité de prise en charge de différents types de documents tels que PDF, PostScript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, EPub et autres."; $text["The document format handlers page has a chart describing in more detail the supported formats and the features supported in each of them."] = "La page du gestionnaire de formats de documents propose un schéma décrivant plus en détails les formats pris en charge et les fonctionnalités disponibles pour chacun d'entre eux."; $text["If you are interested in contributing to Okular, please contact us."] = "Si vous êtes intéressé par une contribution à Okular, veuillez nous contacter."; $text["If you do not want or can not contribute, testers are fully welcome, so follow these instructions to see how to download and build Okular."] = "Si vous ne voulez pas ou ne pouvez pas contribuer, les testeurs sont vraiment les bienvenus. Veuillez alors suivre ces instructions pour voir comment télécharger et générer Okular."; $text["Okular is a Free Software PDF reader."] = "Okular est un logiciel libre pour lecture de PDF."; $text["Okular Homepage"] = "Page d'accueil d'Okular"; $text["Main"] = "Principal"; $text["Format support"] = "Prise en charge de formats"; $text["Development News"] = "Nouvelles du développement"; $text["Screenshots"] = "Copies d'écran"; $text["FAQ"] = "FAQ"; $text["Team"] = "Équipe"; $text["Related apps/projects"] = "Applications / projets liés"; $text["Free Software PDF readers"] = "Logiciels libres de lecture de PDF"; +$text["Okular news"] = "Nouvelles d'Okular"; +$text["Okular 1.5 released"] = "Publication de la version 1.5 d'Okular"; +$text["August 16, 2018"] = "16 août 2018"; +$text["The 1.5 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 18.08 release. This release introduces Form improvements among various other fixes and small features. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.08.0#okular. Okular 1.5 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 1.5 d'Okular a été livrée avec la version 18.08 des applications KDE. Cette version intègre des améliorations des formes ainsi que des corrections et fonctionnalités mineures. Vous pouvez consulter la liste complète des changements à cette adresse : https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.08.0#okular. La version 1.5 d'Okular est une mise à jour recommandée pour toute personne utilisant Okular. "; +$text["Okular 1.4 released"] = "Publication de la version 1.4 d'Okular"; +$text["April 19, 2018"] = "19 avril 2018"; +$text["The 1.4 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 18.04 release. This release introduces improved JavaScript support in PDF files and supports PDF rendering cancelling, which means that if you have a complex PDF file and you change the zoom while it's rendering it will cancel immediately instead of waiting for the render to finish. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.04.0#okular. Okular 1.4 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 1.14 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 18.04 de KDE. Cette version intègre une prise en charge améliorée de JavaScript au sein des fichiers PDF et l'ajout de la prise en charge de l'annulation du rendu PDF. Si vous ouvrez un fichier PDF compliqué et changez de zoom pendant le rendu, celui-ci sera immédiatement annulé au lieu d'aller jusqu'à son terme. Vous pouvez consulter la liste des changements à cette adresse : https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.04.0#okular. La version 1.4 d'Okular est une mise à jour recommandée pour toute personne utilisant Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.3 released"] = "Publication de la version 1.3 d'Okular"; +$text["December 14, 2017"] = "14 décembre 2017"; +$text["The 1.3 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.12 release. This release introduces changes to how saving annotations and form data works, supports partial rendering updates for files that take long time to render, makes text links interactive on text selection mode, adds a Share option in the File menu, adds Markdown support and fixes some issues regarding HiDPI support. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.12.0#okular. Okular 1.3 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 1.3 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 17.12 de KDE. Cette version intègre des changements dans l'enregistrement des données des formulaires et des annotations, une prise en charge du rendu partiel pour les fichiers mettant beaucoup de temps à s'afficher, rend les liens texte interactifs en mode sélection de texte, ajoute une option « Partager » dans le menu « Fichier », prend en charge Markdown et corrige quelques problèmes relatifs à la prise en charge de HiDPI. Vous pouvez consulter la liste des changements à cette adresse : https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.12.0#okular. La version 1.3 d'Okular est une mise à jour recommandée pour toute personne utilisant Okular. "; +$text["Okular 1.2 released"] = "Publication de la version 1.2 d'Okular"; +$text["August 17, 2017"] = "17 août 2017"; +$text["The 1.2 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.08 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and improvements. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. Okular 1.2 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 1.2 d'Okular a été livrée avec la version 17.08 des applications KDE. Cette version intègre des changements mineurs et des améliorations. Vous pouvez lire la liste des changements à cette adresse : https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. La version 1.2 d'Okular est une mise à jour recommandée pour toute personne utilisant Okular. "; +$text["Okular 1.1 released"] = "Publication de la version 1.1 d'Okular"; +$text["April 20, 2017"] = "20 avril 2017"; +$text["The 1.1 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.04 release. This release introduces annotation resize functionality, support for automatic calculation of form contents, touch screen improvements and more! You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. Okular 1.1 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 1.1 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 17.04 de KDE. Cette version intègre une fonctionnalité de redimensionnement des annotations, la gestion de calcul automatique des champs de formulaires, des améliorations dans l'utilisation en mode tactile et bien plus ! Vous pouvez lire la liste des changements à cette adresse : https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. La version 1.1 d'Okular est une mise à jour recommandée pour toute personne utilisant Okular. "; +$text["Okular 1.0 released"] = "Publication de la version 1.0 d'Okular"; +$text["December 15, 2016"] = "15 décembre 2016"; +$text["The 1.0 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.12 release. This release is now based in KDE Frameworks 5, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. Okular 1.0 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 1.0 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 16.12 de KDE Applications. Cette version repose sur la version 5 du framework KDE. Vous pouvez lire la liste des changements à cette adresse : https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. La version 1.0 d'Okular est une mise à jour recommandée pour toute personne utilisant Okular. "; +$text["Okular 0.26 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.26 d'Okular"; +$text["August 18, 2016"] = "18 août 2016"; +$text["The 0.26 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.08 release. This release introduces very small changes, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. Okular 0.26 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 0.26 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 16.08 de KDE. Cette version intègre des changements mineurs. Vous pouvez lire la liste des changements à cette adresse : https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. La version 0.26 d'Okular est une mise à jour recommandée pour toute personne utilisant Okular. "; +$text["Okular 0.24 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.24 d'Okular"; +$text["December 16, 2015"] = "16 décembre 2015"; +$text["The 0.24 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.12 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and features, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 0.24 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 15.12 de KDE. Cette version intègre la corrections de problèmes mineurs et de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Vous pouvez lire la liste des changements à cette adresse : https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. La version 0.24 de Okular est une mise à jour recommandée pour toute personne utilisant Okular. "; +$text["Okular 0.23 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.23 d'Okular"; +$text["August 19, 2015"] = "19 août 2015"; +$text["The 0.23 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.08 release. This release introduces support for the Fade transition in presentation mode as well as some fixes regarding annotations and video playback. Okular 0.23 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 0.23 d'Okular a été livrée avec la version 15.08 des applications KDE. Cette version intègre des nouvelles fonctionnalités comme le fondu enchaîné en mode présentation et des corrections concernant les annotations et la lecture de vidéos. Okular 0.23 est une mise à jour recommandée pour tout utilisateur d'Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.22 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.22 d'Okular"; +$text["April 15, 2015"] = "15 avril 2015"; +$text["The 0.22 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.04 release. Okular 0.22 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 0.22 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 15.04 des applications KDE. Okular 0.22 est une mise à jour recommandée pour tout utilisateur d'Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.21 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.21 d'Okular"; +$text["December 17, 2014"] = "17 décembre 2014"; +$text["The 0.21 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 14.12 release. This release introduces new features like latex-synctex reverse searching in dvi and small bugfixes. Okular 0.21 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 0.21 d'Okular a été livrée avec la version 14.12 des applications KDE. Cette version intègre des nouvelles fonctionnalités comme la prise en charge de la recherche inversée en dvi et des corrections de bugs mineurs. Okular 0.21 est une mise à jour recommandée pour tout utilisateur d'Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.19 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.19 d'Okular"; +$text["April 16, 2014"] = "16 avril 2014"; +$text["The 0.19 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.13 release. This release introduces new features like tabs support in the interface, use of DPI screen so that page size matches real paper size, improvements to the Undo/Redo framework and other features/refinements. Okular 0.19 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 0.19 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 4.13 de KDE. Cette version intègre des nouvelles fonctionnalités comme la prise en charge des onglets dans l'interface, l'utilisation de la valeur de DPI de l'écran pour que la taille des pages soit celle du papier, des améliorations des fonctions annuler/refaire et d'autres fonctionnalités/améliorations. La version 0.19 d'Okular est recommandée pour toute personne utilisant Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.18 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.18 d'Okular"; +$text["December 12, 2013"] = "12 décembre 2013"; +$text["The 0.18 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.12 release. This release introduces new features like audio/video support in EPub files and also improvements to existing features like searching and printing. Okular 0.18 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 0.18 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 4.12 de KDE. Cette version intègre des nouvelles fonctionnalités comme la prise en charge de l'audio et de la vidéo dans les fichiers EPub ainsi que l'amélioration de fonctionnalités existantes comme la recherche et l'impression. La version 0.18 d'Okular est recommandée pour toute personne utilisant Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.17 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.17 d'Okular"; +$text["August 16, 2013"] = "16 août 2013"; +$text["The 0.17 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.11 release. This release introduces new features like undo/redo support for forms and annotations and configurable review tools. Okular 0.17 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 0.17 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 4.11 de KDE. Cette version intègre des nouvelles fonctionnalités comme la prise en charge de « Annuler » / « Refaire » pour les formulaires et les annotations et que des outils configurables d'analyse. La version 0.17 de Okular est recommandée pour toute personne utilisant Okular. "; +$text["Okular 0.16 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.16 d'Okular"; +$text["February 6, 2013"] = "6 février 2013"; +$text["The 0.16 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.10 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to zoom to higher levels in PDF documents, an Active based viewer for your tablet devices, more support for PDF movies, viewport follows selection, and annotation editing improvements. Okular 0.16 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 0.16 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 4.10 de KDE. Cette version intègre de nouvelles fonctionnalités comme la capacité de faire un zoom plus important dans des documents PDF, un afficheur réalisé à partir de « Active » pour vos tablettes, plus de prise en charge des vidéos PDF, sélection de suivi de fenêtre et des améliorations pour les modifications d'annotations. Okular 0.16 est une mise à jour recommandée pour quiconque utilisant Okular."; +$text["Okular forums"] = "Forums d'Okular"; +$text["October 10, 2012"] = "10 octobre 2012"; +$text["We now have a subforum inside the KDE Community Forums. You can find it at http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."] = "Un sous-forum existe maintenant parmi les forums de la communauté de KDE. Vous pouvez le trouver à l'adresse http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."; +$text["Okular 0.15 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.15 d'Okular"; +$text["August 1, 2012"] = "1er août 2012"; +$text["The 0.15 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.9 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to store annotations with PDF documents, more support for PDF movies, multiple bookmarks per page and some other minor improvements. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.15 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 0.15 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 4.9 de KDE. Cette version intègre de nouvelles fonctionnalités telles que l'enregistrement d'annotations dans des documents PDF, une meilleure prise en charge des films PDF, les signets multiples par page et quelques autres améliorations mineures. Vous pouvez trouver un liste partielle des anomalies corrigées et des fonctionnalités à l'adresse bugzilla. La version 0.15 d'Okular est une mise à jour recommandée pour toute personne utilisant Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.14 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.14 d'Okular"; +$text["January 25, 2012"] = "25 janvier 2012"; +$text["The 0.14 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.8 release. This release introduces new features like improved text selection in documents with columns, table selection tool, LaTex rendering in annotations, improved embedded support (for use in e.g. Kile), better layouting for faced pages, smarter screensaver/powermanagement handling, improved page label support, default zoom configuration, improved Landscape printing, etc. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.14 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 0.14 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 4.8 de KDE. Cette version intègre de nouvelles fonctionnalités telles que la sélection améliorée de texte dans des documents avec des colonnes, un outil de sélection de table, le rendu LaTeX dans les annotations, la prise en charge améliorée de l'intégration (par exemple pour être utilisé dans Kile), une meilleure mise en page pour les pages en vis à vis, une gestion plus élégante de la gestion de l'énergie et de l'écran de veille, la prise en charge améliorée des en-têtes de pages, la configuration du zoom par défaut, l'impression améliorée en mode paysage, etc. Vous pouvez trouver un liste partielle des anomalies corrigées et des fonctionnalités à l'adresse bugzilla. La version 0.14 d'Okular est une mise à jour recommandée pour toute personne utilisant Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.13 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.13 d'Okular"; +$text["July 27, 2011"] = "27 juillet 2011"; +$text["The 0.13 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.7 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 0.13 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 4.7 de KDE. Cette version intègre des corrections et des fonctionnalités mineures. Elle est une mise à jour recommandée pour toute personne utilisant Okular. "; +$text["Okular 0.12 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.12 d'Okular"; +$text["January 26, 2011"] = "26 janvier 2011"; +$text["The 0.12 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.6 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 0.12 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 4.6 de KDE. Cette version intègre des corrections et des fonctionnalités mineures. Elle est une mise à jour recommandée pour toute personne utilisant Okular. "; +$text["Okular 0.11 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.11 d'Okular"; +$text["August 10, 2010"] = "10 août 2010"; +$text["The 0.11 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.5 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La version 0.11 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 4.5 de KDE. Cette version intègre des corrections et des fonctionnalités mineures. Elle est une mise à jour recommandée pour toute personne utilisant Okular. "; +$text["Okular 0.10 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.10 d'Okular"; +$text["February 9, 2010"] = "9 février 2010"; +$text["The 0.10 version of Okular has been released together with KDE SC 4.4. Besides general improvements in stability this release sports new/improved support for both inverse search and forward search linking latex source code lines with the corresponding locations in dvi and pdf files."] = "La version 0.10 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la version 4.4 SC de KDE. En plus d'améliorations générales concernant la stabilité, cette version apporte la prise en charge nouvelle ou améliorée des recherches en avant ou en arrière en faisant le lien entre les lignes de code source LaTeX avec les emplacements correspondants dans les fichiers « DVI » ou « pdf »."; +$text["Okular 0.9.4 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.9.4 d'Okular"; +$text["December 1, 2009"] = "1er décembre 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.3 series includes Okular 0.9.4. It includes some crash fixes, and few small bug fixes in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"] = "La version 0.9.4 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la quatrième version de maintenance de la famille de KDE 4.3. Elle corrige des plantages et quelques erreurs mineures dans l'interface. Vous pouvez prendre connaissance de tous les problèmes corrigés à l'adresse http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.4 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.8.4 d'Okular"; +$text["June 3, 2009"] = "3 juin 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.4. It includes some fixes in OpenDocument Text documents, a couple of crash fixes, and few small bugs in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"] = "La version 0.8.4 d'Okular a été livrée avec les applications fournies avec la quatrième version de maintenance de la famille de KDE 4.2. Elle corrige des problèmes dans les documents de format « OpenDocument », un ensemble de corrections de plantage et quelques erreurs mineures dans l'interface. Vous pouvez prendre connaissance de tous les problèmes corrigés à l'adresse http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.3 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.8.3 d'Okular"; +$text["May 6, 2009"] = "6 mai 2009"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.3. It does not provide much news for Okular, the only relevant change is about thread more safety when generating page images of XPS document. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"] = "La version 0.8.3 d'Okular a été livrée avec la troisième version de maintenance de KDE 4.2. Elle ne fournit que peu de nouveautés pour Okular. Le seul changement significatif est le traitement plus sûr de la génération des pages d'images de document « XPS ». Vous pouvez prendre connaissance de tous les problèmes corrigés à l'adresse http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.2 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.8.2 d'Okular"; +$text["April 2, 2009"] = "2 avril 2009"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.2. It includes better support (hopefully working) for DVI and pdfsync inverse search, and fixes and small improvements in the presentation mode. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"] = "La version 0.8.2 d'Okular a été livrée avec la deuxième version de maintenance de KDE 4.2. Elle fournit une meilleure prise en charge (fonctionnant heureusement fort bien) des recherches en arrière dans les fichiers « DVI » et « pdf-sync », ainsi que des corrections et des améliorations mineures dans le mode de présentation. Vous pouvez prendre connaissance de tous les problèmes corrigés à l'adresse http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.1 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.8.1 d'Okular"; +$text["March 4, 2009"] = "4 mars 2009"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.1. It includes some crash fixes in the CHM and DjVu backends, and minor fixes in the user interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"] = "La version 0.8.1 d'Okular a été livrée avec la première version de maintenance de KDE 4.2. Elle ne corrige que quelques plantages dans les moteurs « CHM » et « DjVu » ainsi que des erreurs mineures dans l'interface utilisateur. Vous pouvez prendre connaissance de tous les problèmes corrigés à l'adresse http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.8 d'Okular"; +$text["January 27, 2009"] = "27 janvier 2009"; +$text["The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.2. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): And, of course, many bugs were fixed."] = "L'équipe d'Okular est fière de vous annoncer une nouvelle version d'Okular, livrée avec la version KDE 4.2. Quelques unes des nouvelles fonctionnalités et des améliorations qu'elle apporte sont listées ci-dessous (dans un ordre arbitraire) : et, bien sûr, de nombreuses corrections d'anomalies."; +$text["Okular 0.7.3 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.7.3 d'Okular"; +$text["November 4, 2008"] = "4 novembre 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.3. It includes some minor fixes in the user interface and in the text search. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"] = "La version 0.7.3 d'Okular a été livrée avec la troisième version de maintenance de KDE 4.1. Elle ne corrige que quelques problèmes mineurs dans l'interface utilisateur et dans la recherche de texte. Vous pouvez prendre connaissance de tous les problèmes corrigés à l'adresse http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.2 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.7.2 d'Okular"; +$text["October 3, 2008"] = "3 octobre 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.2. It includes some minor fixes in the TIFF and Comicbook backends and the change to \"Fit Width\" as default zoom level. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"] = "La version 0.7.2 d'Okular a été livrée avec la deuxième version de maintenance de KDE 4.1. Elle corrige quelques problèmes mineurs dans dans les moteurs « TIFF » et « ComicBook » ainsi que des changements à « Ajuster la largeur » comme niveau de zoom par défaut. Vous pouvez prendre connaissance de tous les problèmes corrigés à l'adresse http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.1 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.7.1 d'Okular"; +$text["September 3, 2008"] = "3 septembre 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.1. It includes some crash fixes among other minor fixes. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"] = "La version 0.7.1 d'Okular a été livrée avec la première version de maintenance de KDE 4.1. Elle corrige quelques plantages en plus d'autres problèmes mineurs. Vous pouvez prendre connaissance de tous les problèmes corrigés à l'adresse http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.7 d'Okular"; +$text["July 29, 2008"] = "29 juillet 2008"; +$text["KDE 4.1. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order):\n\nAnd, of course, many bugs were fixed.]]>"] = " de KDE 4.1. Quelques nouvelles fonctionnalités et des améliorations sont listées ci-dessous (dans un ordre arbitraire) :\n\nEt, bien sûr, la correction de nombreuses erreurs.]]>"; +$text["Okular 0.6.3 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.6.3 d'Okular"; +$text["April 2, 2008"] = "2 avril 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"] = "La version 0.6.3 d'Okular a été livrée avec la troisième version de maintenance de KDE 4.0. Elle apporte quelques corrections d'anomalies, comme par exemple, une meilleure façon d'obtenir la position d'un texte dans un document PDF ainsi qu'un ensemble de corrections pour le système d'annotations et concernant la table des matières. Vous pouvez prendre connaissance de tous les problèmes corrigés à l'adresse http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.2 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.6.2 d'Okular"; +$text["March 5, 2008"] = "5 mars 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"] = "La version 0.6.2 d'Okular a été livrée avec la seconde version de maintenance de KDE 4.0. Elle apporte quelques corrections d'anomalies, comme une plus grande stabilité lors de la fermeture d'un document et des corrections mineures concernant la gestion des signets. Vous pouvez prendre connaissance de tous les problèmes corrigés à l'adresse http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.1 released"] = "Publication de la version 0.6.1 d'Okular"; +$text["February 5, 2008"] = "5 février 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"] = "La version 0.6.1 d'Okular a été livrée avec la première version de maintenance de KDE 4.0. Elle apporte quelques corrections d'anomalies, comme une meilleure gestion de l'enregistrement limitant le re-téléchargement des fichiers, des améliorations pour faciliter l'utilisation, etc. Vous pouvez prendre connaissance de tous les problèmes corrigés à l'adresse http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"; +$text["aKademy 2007 Okular presentation material online"] = "Matériel de présentation concernant Okular et mis en ligne suite à « Akademy 2007 »"; +$text["Jul 10, 2007"] = "10 juillet 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular talk given by Pino Toscano at aKademy 2007 is now online. There are both slides and video available.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\t Le discours sur Okular fait par Pino Toscano à Akademy 2007 est maintenant en ligne. Les éléments suivants sont disponibles : les diapositives de présentation et la vidéo.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular in kdegraphics"] = "Okular dans « kdegraphics »"; +$text["Apr 4, 2007"] = "4 avril 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular is now part of the kdegraphics module. The next version of Okular will be shipped with KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\t L'équipe d'Okular est fière de vous annoncer que Okular fait partie maintenant du module « kdegraphics ». La prochaine version d'Okular sera livrée avec KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular joins The Season of Usability project"] = "Okular rejoint le projet « The Season of Usability » "; +$text["Jan 31, 2007"] = "31 janvier 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular has been one of the applications selected to participate in the Season of Usability project, run by usability experts at OpenUsability. From here we want to welcome Sharad Baliyan to the team and thank Florian Graessle and Pino Toscano for their continued work on improving Okular.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\t L'équipe d'Okular est fière de vous annoncer que Okular est l'une des applications sélectionnées pour participer au projet Season of Usability, mis en œuvre par des experts en ergonomie à OpenUsability. A ce jour, nous nous réjouissons d'accueillir Sharad Baliyan dans l'équipe et nous remercions Florian Graessle et Pino Toscano pour leurs travaux soutenus pour améliorer Okular.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5.81 unstable snapshot released"] = "Publication de la version de développement instable 0.5.81 d'Okular"; +$text["Nov 2, 2006"] = "2 novembre 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. This snapshot is not completely functional, yet, as we have lots of things to polish and finish, but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\t L'équipe d'Okular est fière de vous annoncer la livraison d'une première pré version d'Okular correspondant à la deuxième pré version des développeurs de KDE 4. Cette pré version n'est pas encore tout à fait fonctionnelle puisqu'il reste beaucoup de choses à affiner et à terminer. Mais, vous êtes libre de la tester et de de nous fournir autant de retours que vous pouvez. Vous pouvez trouver le paquet de la pré version à ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Vous pouvez aussi regarder à la page detéléchargement pour être sûr que vous possédez toutes les bibliothèques nécessaires.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5 unstable snapshot released"] = "Publication de la version de développement instable 0.5 d'Okular"; +$text["Aug 27, 2006"] = "27 août 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. This snapshot is still not completely functional as we have lots of things to polish and finish but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\t L'équipe d'Okular est fière de vous annoncer la livraison d'une pré version d'Okular correspondant à la pré version KDE 4 « Krash ». Cette pré version n'est pas encore tout à fait fonctionnelle puisqu'il reste beaucoup de choses à affiner et à terminer. Mais, vous êtes libre de la tester et de de nous fournir autant de retours que vous pouvez. Vous pouvez trouver le paquet de la pré version à ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Vous pouvez aussi consulter la page detéléchargement pour être sûr que vous possédez toutes les bibliothèques nécessaires. \n\t\t\t"; $text["Some images of Okular "in action"..."] = "Quelques images d'Okular "en action"..."; $text["Backends in action"] = "Moteurs en action"; $text["Here you can see some of the Okular backends in action on files."] = "Vous pouvez voir ici quelques uns des moteurs d'Okular en action sur des fichiers."; $text["PDF backend"] = "Moteur PDF"; $text["PostScript backend"] = "Moteur PostScript"; $text["DjVu backend"] = "Moteur DjVu"; $text["TIFF/fax backend"] = "Moteur TIFF / fax"; $text["Extraction of embedded files"] = "Extraction des fichiers inclus"; $text["Word processor-like text selection"] = "Sélection du texte comme un traitement de texte"; $text["Review mode"] = "Mode révision"; $text["Annotations (enter in Tools -> Review)"] = "Annotations (aller dans Outils / Révision)"; $text["Okular - more than a reader"] = "Okular - plus qu'un lecteur"; $text["the Okular developers"] = "Les développeurs d'Okular"; $text["Current Okular Team"] = "Équipe actuelle d'Okular"; $text["The current Okular team is formed by:"] = "l'équipe actuelle d'Okular est constituée de :"; $text["(Current maintainer)"] = "(Mainteneur actuel)"; $text["Your name here..."] = "Votre nom ici..."; $text["Join Okular development!"] = "Rejoignez le développement d'Okular !"; $text["Former Okular developers"] = "Les développeurs précédents d'Okular"; $text["We'd like to thank all the people that worked on Okular in the past:"] = "Nous tenons aussi à féliciter toutes les personnes qui ont travaillé sur Okular dans le passé :"; $text["(Original Okular creator)"] = "(Créateur original d'Okular)"; $text["(Usability expert)"] = "(Expert en ergonomie)"; $text["KPDF Developers"] = "Développeurs KPDF"; $text["We'd like also to thank all the people who worked on KPDF:"] = "Nous tenons aussi à féliciter toutes les personnes qui ont travaillé sur KPDF :"; $text["Lots of features"] = "Beaucoup de fonctionnalités"; $text["Fontconfig support, type-ahead find, some patches"] = "Prise en charge de « fontconfig », recherche par saisie en avant, quelques patches"; ?> diff --git a/i18n/it/okular-kde-org.inc b/i18n/it/okular-kde-org.inc index 36deb13..469cd35 100644 --- a/i18n/it/okular-kde-org.inc +++ b/i18n/it/okular-kde-org.inc @@ -1,145 +1,266 @@ okular-devel\nand hosted at kde.org."] = "Abbiamo una mailing list per coordinare lo sviluppo di Okular. La mailing list\nè okular-devel\ned è ospitata su kde.org."; $text["You can use it to talk about the development of the core application, but also\nfeedback about existent or new backends is appreciated."] = "Puoi usarla per parlare dello sviluppo dell'applicazione principale, ma è anche\napprezzato l'invio delle impressioni sui motori esistenti o nuovi."; $text["IRC"] = "IRC"; $text["We have also an IRC channel where talk. The channel is\n#okular, on the\nFreenode network."] = "Abbiamo inoltre un canale IRC per parlarne. Il canale è\n#okular, sulla rete\nFreenode."; $text["Usually some of the Okular developers hang there."] = "Normalmente alcuni degli sviluppatori di Okular si trovano lì."; $text["Forum"] = "Forum"; $text["If you prefer using a forum you can use the Okular forum inside the bigger KDE Community Forums."] = "Se preferisci i forum, puoi usare il forum di Okular, che si trova all'interno della più vasta Comunità di forum di KDE."; $text["Bugs and Wishes"] = "Errori e suggerimenti"; $text["Bugs and Wishes should be reported to the KDE bug tracker at http://bugs.kde.org."] = "Gli errori e i suggerimenti dovrebbero essere segnalati nel sistema di tracciamento dei bug di KDE in http://bugs.kde.org."; $text["Download"] = "Scarica"; $text["Binary packages"] = "Pacchetti binari"; $text["The recommended way for end-user installations of Okular is using binary packages:"] = "Il modo raccomandato per l'installazione di Okular da parte dell'utente finale è l'uso dei pacchetti binari:"; $text["For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular package (might be part of the broader kdegraphics package) and install it."] = "Per i sistemi GNU/Linux e BSD usa il gestore di pacchetti per trovare il pacchetto di Okular (potrebbe far parte del pacchetto kdegraphics) e installalo."; $text["For Windows have a look at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on Windows."] = "Per i sistemi Windows vedi la pagina Iniziativa KDE su Windows per informazioni su come installare KDE su Windows."; $text["For Mac Os X have a look at the KDE on Mac OS X webpage for information on how to install KDE on Mac OS X."] = "Per i sistemi Mac OS X vedi la pagina KDE su Mac OS X per informazioni su come installare KDE su Mac OS X."; $text["Packaging status"] = "Stato dei pacchetti"; $text["N.B: The table above refers to the KDE Applications release version that Okular was part of. The actual Okular version as reported by the About dialog is different, e.g. Okular 1.2.1 was released as part of KDE Applications 17.08.1 and would should up with such number in the table."] = "N.B.: la tabella sopra riportata si riferisce al rilascio di KDE Applications nella versione di cui Okular faceva parte. La reale versione di Okular, come riportata nella finestra di dialogo Informazioni su, è diversa, per es. Okular 1.2.1 è stato rilasciato come parte di KDE Applications 17.08.1 e nella tabella dovrebbe comparire con tale numero."; $text["Compiling Okular from source"] = "Compilazione di Okular da sorgente"; $text["If you want to compile Okular, you need to have an already set up compilation environment."] = "Se vuoi compilare Okular, devi aver già impostato l'ambiente compilazione."; $text["Distributions should provide development packages usable for compiling KDE applications."] = "Le distribuzioni dovrebbero fornire i pacchetti di sviluppo usabili per compilare le applicazioni per KDE."; $text["In case you want to compile the development version of Okular, please refer to Build from source at KDE's Community Wiki."] = "Nel caso tu voglia compilare le versioni di sviluppo di Okular, visita la pagina Build from source nel wiki della Comunità di KDE."; $text["If you are interested in stable tarballs of Okular visit the\nKDE Applications download folder and download the okular tarball."] = "Se sei interessato agli archivi stabili di Okular visita la\ncartella di scaricamento delle applicazioni KDE e scarica l'archivio dei sorgenti di Okular."; $text["Optional packages"] = "Pacchetti opzionali"; $text["There are some optional package you could install in order to have some more functionalities in Okular."] = "Esistono alcuni pacchetti opzionali da installare per avere più funzionalità con Okular."; $text["Some are already packaged for your distro, but other maybe not. So, if possible, use the packages your distro ships."] = "Alcuni sono già all'interno della tua distribuzione, ma altri forse no. Quindi usa i pacchetti che la tua distribuzione fornisce, se è possibile."; $text["Poppler (PDF backend)"] = "Poppler (motore PDF)"; $text["To compile the PDF backend, you need the Poppler library (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."] = "Per compilare il motore PDF, hai bisogno della libreria Poppler (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."; $text["The minimum version required is poppler 0.24"] = "La versione minima richiesta è poppler 0.24"; $text["Libspectre (PostScript backend)"] = "Libspectre (motore Postscript)"; $text["In order to compile and use the PostScipt (PS) backend, you need libspectre >= 0.2."] = "Per compilare e usare il motore Postscript (PS), hai bisogno di libspectre >= 0.2."; $text["If your distro does not package libspectre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."] = "Se la tua distribuzione non fornisce libspectre, o la versione fornita non è sufficiente, puoi scaricarla da http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."; $text["DjVuLibre (DjVu backend)"] = "DjVuLibre (motore DjVu)"; $text["To compile the DjVu backend, you need DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."] = "Per compilare il motore DjVu, hai bisogno di DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."; $text["If your distro does not package DjVuLibre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."] = "Se la tua distribuzione non fornisce DjVuLibre, o la versione fornita non è sufficiente, puoi scaricarla http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."; $text["libTIFF (TIFF/fax backend)"] = "libTIFF (motore TIFF/fax)"; $text["libTIFF is needed to compile the TIFF/fax backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libTIFF è necessario per compilare il motore TIFF/fax. Attualmente non esiste una versione minima richiesta, dunque qualsiasi versione recente della libreria disponibile per la tua distribuzione dovrebbe funzionare. In caso di problemi con questa, non esitare a contattare gli sviluppatori di Okular."; $text["libCHM (CHM backend)"] = "libCHM (motore CHM)"; $text["libCHM is needed to compile the CHM backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libCHM è necessario per compilare il motore CHM. Attualmente non esiste una versione minima richiesta, dunque qualsiasi versione recente della libreria disponibile per la tua distribuzione dovrebbe funzionare. In caso di problemi con questa, non esitare a contattare gli sviluppatori di Okular."; $text["Libepub (EPub backend)"] = "Libepub (motore EPub)"; $text["In order to compile and use the EPub backend, you need the epub library."] = "Per compilare e usare il motore EPub, hai bisogno della libreria epub."; $text["If your distro does not package libepub, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."] = "Se la tua distribuzione non fornisce libepub, o la versione installata non è sufficiente, puoi scaricarla da http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."; $text["You can download and compile Okular this way:"] = "Puoi scaricare e compilare Okular in questo modo:"; $text["If you install Okular in a different path than your system install directory it is possible that you need to run"] = "Se installi Okular in un percorso differente dalla cartella di installazione, forse avrai necessità di eseguire"; $text["so that the correct Okular instance and libraries are picked up. Obviously you need to replace x86_64-linux-gnu with the correct name for your architecture."] = "in modo che siano prelevate l'istanza e le librerie corrette di Okular. Naturalmente devi sostituire x86_64-linux-gnu col nome corretto per la tua architettura."; $text["Frequently Asked Questions"] = "Domande ricorrenti "; $text["Compiling Okular"] = "Compilazione di Okular"; $text["The Poppler backend does not compile. It complains about 'class Poppler::TextBox' and 'edge'."] = "Il motore Poppler non si compila. Restituisce un avviso riguardo 'class Poppler::TextBox' e 'edge'."; $text["Do you get an error output similar to"] = "Hai ottenuto un errore simile a"; $text["If so, most probably you updated from Poppler 0.6.x or previous to Poppler 0.8."] = "Se è così, probabilmente hai aggiornato da Poppler 0.6.x o da una versione precedente, a Poppler 0.8."; $text["What you can do is simple:"] = "Quello che puoi fare è semplice:"; $text["in the build directory of Okular. Then run cmake again, and all should work as expected."] = "nella cartella di generazione di Okular. Dopo esegui cmake di nuovo e tutto dovrebbe funzionare come atteso."; $text["Running Okular"] = "Esecuzione di Okular"; $text["Okular tells me there are no plugins installed. What can I do?"] = "Okular mi dice che non ci sono estensioni installate. Cosa posso fare?"; $text["In a shell set up for your KDE 4 installation, execute the command"] = "In una shell preparata per la tua installazione KDE 4, esegui il comando"; $text["After that, Okular should find its plugins as expected."] = "Dopo questo, Okular dovrebbe trovare le sue estensioni come previsto."; $text["General usage"] = "Uso generale"; $text["Why the newly added annotations are not in my PDF document?"] = "Perché le mie ultime annotazioni non si trovano nel mio documento PDF?"; $text["By default, Okular saves annotations in the local data directory\nfor each user. Since KDE 4.9, it's optionally possible to store them directly in\na PDF file by choosing \"File -> Save As...\", so they can be seen in other\nPDF viewers."] = "Per impostazione predefinita, Okular salva le annotazioni della cartella dati locale\nper ciascun utente. Da KDE 4.9 è possibile, come opzione, memorizzarle direttamente\nin un file PDF scegliendo \"File -> Save come...\", in modo da poter essere visualizzate in altri\nvisori PDF."; $text["Note that this feature requires Poppler 0.20 or newer for regular PDF\ndocuments. If the PDF document you are annotating is encrypted, this feature\nrequires Poppler 0.22 or newer."] = "Nota che questa caratteristica richiede Poppler 0.20 o successivo per i normali\ndocumenti PDF. Se il documento PDF che stai annotando è cifrato, sarà necessario\nPoppler 0.22 o successivo."; $text["How can I annotate a document and send it to a friend/colleague/etc?"] = "Come posso annotare un documento e inviarlo a un amico/collega/ecc.?"; $text["Since KDE 4.2, Okular has the \"document archiving\" feature. This is\nan Okular-specific format for carrying the document plus various metadata\nrelated to it (currently only annotations)."] = "Già dalla versione KDE 4.2, Okular possiede la funzione di «archiviazione del documento».\nQuesto è un formato specifico di Okular per il trasporto del documento, più altri metadati\nad esso correlati (attualmente solo le annotazioni)."; $text["You can save a \"document archive\" from the open document by choosing \"File\n-> Export As -> Document Archive\"."] = "Puoi salvare un «archivio del documento» dal documento aperto selezionando «File\n-> Esporta come -> Archivio di documento»."; $text["To open an Okular document archive, just open it with Okular as it would be eg\na PDF document."] = "Per aprire un archivio di documento Okular, basta aprirlo con Okular come se fosse,\nad esempio, un documento PDF."; $text["If you're annotating a PDF document, you can also save annotations\ndirectly in the PDF file (see previous question)"] = "Se stai annotando un documento PDF, puoi salvare le annotazioni\ndirettamente nel file PDF (vedi la domanda precedente)"; $text["Using Ubuntu, I cannot read CHM and EPub documents,\neven if I have okular-extra-backends and libchm1 installed. Why?"] = "Usando Ubuntu, non posso leggere documenti CHM ed EPub,\nanche se ho installato okular-extra- backends e libchm1. Perché?"; $text["Ubuntu (thus Kubuntu as well) packages of Okular are compiled without\nthe support for these two formats."] = "I pacchetti di Okular per Ubuntu (anche per Kubuntu) sono stati compilati\nsenza il supporto per questi due formati."; $text["The reason is explained in the following Launchpad report: "] = "Il motivo è stato spiegato nel seguente rapporto Launchpad: "; $text["Why the speak options in the Tools menu are grayed out?"] = "Perché le opzioni della pronuncia nel menu degli Strumenti sono in grigio?"; $text["Because you don't have the KDE Text To Speech tools, install Jovie (formerly known as ktts) and they should be enabled"] = "Perché non sono stati installati gli strumenti KDE Text To Speech. Installa Jovie (precedentemente noto come ktts) e dovrebbero abilitarsi."; $text["Some characters are not rendered and when enabling debug some lines mention 'Missing language pack for xxx'"] = "Alcuni caratteri non vengono resi e quando si abilita il debug alcune righe menzionano 'Missing language pack for xxx'"; $text["Install the poppler-data package"] = "Installa il pacchetto poppler-data"; $text["Document format handlers status"] = "Stato gestori di formati del documento"; $text["Document Format Handlers"] = "Gestori dei formati del documento"; $text["This page always refers to the stable series of Okular (currently KDE 4.5.x)."] = "Questa pagina si riferisce sempre alle serie stabili di Okular (attualmente KDE 4.5.x)."; $text["Features/Formats"] = "Caratteristiche/Formati"; $text["Main library used"] = "Libreria principale usata"; $text["Loading"] = "Caricamento"; $text["Rendering"] = "Esecuzione"; $text["Threaded rendering"] = "Esecuzione usando i thread"; $text["Document information"] = "Informazioni documento"; $text["TOC"] = "Indice dei contenuti"; $text["Font information"] = "Informazioni caratteri"; $text["Text extraction"] = "Estrazione testo"; $text["Links"] = "Collegamenti"; $text["Paper Size"] = "Dimensione foglio"; $text["Printing"] = "Stampa"; $text["Text Exporting"] = "Esportazione testo"; $text["Other Features"] = "Altre caratteristiche"; $text["Annotations"] = "Annotazioni"; $text["Forms"] = "Moduli"; $text["Inverse search"] = "Ricerca inversa"; $text["Document Rights"] = "Diritti documento"; $text["Embedded files"] = "Allegati"; $text["Sounds"] = "Suoni"; $text["Movies"] = "Filmati"; $text["What is it?"] = "Che cos'è?"; $text["Okular logo"] = "Logo di Okular"; $text["Okular is a universal document viewer based developed by KDE. Okular works on multiple platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc."] = "Okular è un lettore universale di documenti sviluppato da KDE. Okular funziona su varie piattaforme, incluse (ma non solo) Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, ecc."; $text["The last stable release is Okular %1, shipped as part of the KDE Applications %3 release."] = "L'ultimo rilascio stabile è Okular %1, fornito come parte del rilascio KDE Applications %3."; $text["Okular combines the excellent functionalities with the versatility of supporting different kind of documents, like PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub and others."] = "Okular combina funzionalità eccellenti con la versatilità del supporto per diversi tipi di documenti, come PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub e altri."; $text["The document format handlers page has a chart describing in more detail the supported formats and the features supported in each of them."] = "La pagina dei gestori di formato dei documenti presenta un grafico che descrive con maggiori dettagli i formati supportati e le loro caratteristiche."; $text["If you are interested in contributing to Okular, please contact us."] = "Se sei interessato a contribuire a Okular, contattaci."; $text["If you do not want or can not contribute, testers are fully welcome, so follow these instructions to see how to download and build Okular."] = "Se non vuoi o non puoi contribuire, puoi usare le versioni di prova, seguendo queste istruzioni per vedere come scaricare e compilare Okular."; $text["Okular is a Free Software PDF reader."] = "Okular è un lettore PDF libero e gratuito."; $text["Okular Homepage"] = "Pagina iniziale Okular"; $text["Main"] = "Principale"; $text["Format support"] = "Supporto formati"; $text["Development News"] = "Notizie sullo sviluppo"; $text["Screenshots"] = "Schermate"; $text["FAQ"] = "Domande ricorrenti"; $text["Team"] = "Squadra"; $text["Related apps/projects"] = "Applicazioni/progetti correlati"; $text["Free Software PDF readers"] = "Lettori PDF liberi"; +$text["Okular news"] = "Notizie di Okular"; +$text["Okular 1.5 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 1.5"; +$text["August 16, 2018"] = "16 agosto 2018"; +$text["The 1.5 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 18.08 release. This release introduces Form improvements among various other fixes and small features. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.08.0#okular. Okular 1.5 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 1.5 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con KDE Applications 18.08. Questo rilascio introduce miglioramenti ai moduli, varie correzioni e piccole funzionalità. Puoi verificare le novità di versione all'indirizzo https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.08.0#okular. È un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.4 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 1.4"; +$text["April 19, 2018"] = "19 aprile 2018"; +$text["The 1.4 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 18.04 release. This release introduces improved JavaScript support in PDF files and supports PDF rendering cancelling, which means that if you have a complex PDF file and you change the zoom while it's rendering it will cancel immediately instead of waiting for the render to finish. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.04.0#okular. Okular 1.4 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 1.4 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 18.04. Questo rilascio introduce il supporto migliorato per JavaScript nei file PDF e supporta l'annullamento della resa PDF, il che significa che se hai un file PDF complesso e cambi l'ingrandimento durante l'elaborazione della resa, questa sarà annullata immediatamente anziché attendere la fine dell'elaborazione. Puoi verificare le novità di versione all'indirizzo https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.04.0#okular. È un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.3 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 1.3"; +$text["December 14, 2017"] = "14 dicembre 2017"; +$text["The 1.3 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.12 release. This release introduces changes to how saving annotations and form data works, supports partial rendering updates for files that take long time to render, makes text links interactive on text selection mode, adds a Share option in the File menu, adds Markdown support and fixes some issues regarding HiDPI support. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.12.0#okular. Okular 1.3 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 1.3 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 17.12. Questo rilascio introduce modifiche al salvataggio delle annotazioni e ai lavori sui dati di formulario, supporta parzialmente gli aggiornamenti di resa per i file per i quali sono richiesti lunghi tempi di elaborazione, rende i collegamenti di testo attivi nella modalità di selezione testo, aggiunge un'opzione Condividi nel menu File, aggiunge il supporto a Markdown e risolve alcuni problemi concernenti il supporto a HiDPI. Puoi verificare le novità di versione all'indirizzo https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.12.0#okular. È un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.2 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 1.2"; +$text["August 17, 2017"] = "17 agosto 2017"; +$text["The 1.2 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.08 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and improvements. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. Okular 1.2 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 1.2 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme a KDE Applications 17.08. Questo rilascio introduce correzioni minori e miglioramenti. Puoi verificare le novità di versione all'indirizzo https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. È un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.1 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 1.1"; +$text["April 20, 2017"] = "20 aprile 2017"; +$text["The 1.1 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.04 release. This release introduces annotation resize functionality, support for automatic calculation of form contents, touch screen improvements and more! You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. Okular 1.1 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 1.1 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 17.04. Questo rilascio introduce la funzione di ridimensionamento delle annotazioni, il supporto per il calcolo automatico del contenuto delle forme, miglioramenti allo schermo tattile e altro ancora. Puoi verificare le novità di versione all'indirizzo https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. È un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.0 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 1.0"; +$text["December 15, 2016"] = "15 dicembre 2016"; +$text["The 1.0 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.12 release. This release is now based in KDE Frameworks 5, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. Okular 1.0 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 1.0 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 16.12. Questo rilascio si basa ora su KDE Frameworks 5, puoi verificare tutte le novità di versione all'indirizzo https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. È un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.26 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.26"; +$text["August 18, 2016"] = "18 agosto 2016"; +$text["The 0.26 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.08 release. This release introduces very small changes, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. Okular 0.26 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 0.26 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 16.08. Questo rilascio introduce pochissime modifiche, puoi verificare le novità di versione all'indirizzo https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. È un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.24 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.24"; +$text["December 16, 2015"] = "16 dicembre 2015"; +$text["The 0.24 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.12 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and features, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 0.24 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 15.12. Questo rilascio introduce correzioni e funzionalità minori, puoi verificare le novità di versione all'indirizzo https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. È un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.23 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.23"; +$text["August 19, 2015"] = "19 agosto 2015"; +$text["The 0.23 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.08 release. This release introduces support for the Fade transition in presentation mode as well as some fixes regarding annotations and video playback. Okular 0.23 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 0.23 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 15.08. Questo rilascio introduce il supporto alla transizione Dissolvenza in modalità presentazione e alcune correzioni di errori riguardanti le annotazioni e la riproduzione video. È un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.22 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.22"; +$text["April 15, 2015"] = "15 aprile 2015"; +$text["The 0.22 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.04 release. Okular 0.22 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 0.22 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 15.04. Okular 0.22 è un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.21 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.21"; +$text["December 17, 2014"] = "17 dicembre 2014"; +$text["The 0.21 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 14.12 release. This release introduces new features like latex-synctex reverse searching in dvi and small bugfixes. Okular 0.21 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 0.21 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 14.12. Questo rilascio introduce nuove funzionalità come la ricerca inversa sulla funzione synctex di latex in dvi e diverse correzioni di errori. È un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.19 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.19"; +$text["April 16, 2014"] = "16 aprile 2014"; +$text["The 0.19 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.13 release. This release introduces new features like tabs support in the interface, use of DPI screen so that page size matches real paper size, improvements to the Undo/Redo framework and other features/refinements. Okular 0.19 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 0.19 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 4.13. Questo rilascio introduce nuove funzionalità come il supporto delle schede nell'interfaccia, l'uso della schermata DPI in modo che corrisponda alla reale dimensione della pagina, miglioramenti alle funzioni di Annulla/Rifai e altre ancora. È un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.18 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.18"; +$text["December 12, 2013"] = "12 dicembre 2013"; +$text["The 0.18 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.12 release. This release introduces new features like audio/video support in EPub files and also improvements to existing features like searching and printing. Okular 0.18 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 0.18 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 4.12. Questo rilascio introduce nuove funzionalità come il supporto audio/video nei file EPub e miglioramenti a caratteristiche esistenti, quali la ricerca e la stampa. È un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.17 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.17"; +$text["August 16, 2013"] = "16 agosto 2013"; +$text["The 0.17 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.11 release. This release introduces new features like undo/redo support for forms and annotations and configurable review tools. Okular 0.17 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 0.17 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 4.11. Questo rilascio introduce nuove funzionalità come il supporto annulla/rifai per i moduli e le annotazioni e strumenti configurabili per la revisione. È un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.16 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.16"; +$text["February 6, 2013"] = "6 febbraio 2013"; +$text["The 0.16 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.10 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to zoom to higher levels in PDF documents, an Active based viewer for your tablet devices, more support for PDF movies, viewport follows selection, and annotation editing improvements. Okular 0.16 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 0.16 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 4.10. Questo rilascio introduce nuove funzionalità, come la capacità di ingrandimento maggiore nei documenti PDF, un visualizzatore basato su Active per i tablet, maggiore supporto per i filmati PDF, l'area di visualizzazione segue la selezione e sono stati fatti miglioramenti nella modifica delle annotazioni. Okular 0.16 è un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular forums"] = "Forum di Okular"; +$text["October 10, 2012"] = "10 ottobre 2012"; +$text["We now have a subforum inside the KDE Community Forums. You can find it at http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."] = "Ora abbiamo un forum secondario all'interno dei forum della Comunità di KDE. Puoi trovarlo in http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."; +$text["Okular 0.15 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.15"; +$text["August 1, 2012"] = "1 agosto 2012"; +$text["The 0.15 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.9 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to store annotations with PDF documents, more support for PDF movies, multiple bookmarks per page and some other minor improvements. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.15 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 0.15 di Okular è stata rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE4.9. Questo rilascio introduce nuove caratteristiche come la capacità di memorizzare annotazioni nei documenti PDF, maggiore supporto per i filmati PDF, più segnalibri per pagina e altri vari miglioramenti. Potete trovare un elenco non completo deglierrori risolti e delle caratteristiche in bugzilla. Okular 0.15 è un aggiornamentoconsigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.14 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.14"; +$text["January 25, 2012"] = "25 gennaio 2012"; +$text["The 0.14 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.8 release. This release introduces new features like improved text selection in documents with columns, table selection tool, LaTex rendering in annotations, improved embedded support (for use in e.g. Kile), better layouting for faced pages, smarter screensaver/powermanagement handling, improved page label support, default zoom configuration, improved Landscape printing, etc. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.14 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 0.14 di Okular è stata rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 4.8. Questo rilascio introduce nuove funzionalità come una selezione migliorata nei documenti con colonne, lo strumento di selezione tabella, la resa LaTex nelle annotazioni, supporto incorporato migliorato (per l'utilizzo in Kile, per esempio), migliore composizione per le pagine a fronte, gestione più intelligente del salvaschermo e della gestione energetica, supporto migliorato per le etichette delle pagine, configurazione predefinita dello zoom, stampa orizzontalemigliorata, ecc. Potete trovare un elenco non completo degli errori risolti e delle funzionalità in bugzilla. Okular 0.14 è un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.13 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.13"; +$text["July 27, 2011"] = "27 luglio 2011"; +$text["The 0.13 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.7 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 0.13 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 4.7. Questo rilascio introduce piccole correzioni e funzionalità ed è un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.12 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.12"; +$text["January 26, 2011"] = "26 gennaio 2011"; +$text["The 0.12 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.6 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 0.12 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 4.6. Questo rilascio introduce piccole correzioni e funzionalità ed è un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.11 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.11"; +$text["August 10, 2010"] = "10 agosto 2010"; +$text["The 0.11 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.5 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "La versione 0.11 di Okular è stato rilasciata insieme con le applicazioni di KDE 4.5. Questo rilascio introduce piccole correzioni e funzionalità ed è un aggiornamento consigliato per chiunque utilizzi Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.10 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.10"; +$text["February 9, 2010"] = "9 febbraio 2010"; +$text["The 0.10 version of Okular has been released together with KDE SC 4.4. Besides general improvements in stability this release sports new/improved support for both inverse search and forward search linking latex source code lines with the corresponding locations in dvi and pdf files."] = "La versione 0.10 di Okular è stata rilasciata insieme con KDE SC 4.4. Oltre che al miglioramento generale della stabilità, questa nuova versione offre supporto migliorato sia per la ricerca inversa che in avanti, le quali collegano le righe del codice sorgente in LaTeX con le posizioni corrispondenti nei file dvi e pdf."; +$text["Okular 0.9.4 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.9.4"; +$text["December 1, 2009"] = "1 dicembre 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.3 series includes Okular 0.9.4. It includes some crash fixes, and few small bug fixes in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"] = "Il quarto rilascio di manutenzione della serie KDE 4.3, comprende Okular 0.9.4. Sono incluse alcune correzioni dei crash e qualche piccola correzione degli errori nell'interfaccia. Tutti i problemi risolti sono consultabili in http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.4 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.8.4"; +$text["June 3, 2009"] = "3 giugno 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.4. It includes some fixes in OpenDocument Text documents, a couple of crash fixes, and few small bugs in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"] = "Il quarto rilascio di manutenzione della serie KDE 4.2, comprende Okular 0.8.4. Sono incluse alcune correzioni nei documenti di OpenDocument Text, un paio di correzioni dei crash e qualche piccola correzione degli errori nell'interfaccia. Tutti i problemi risolti sono consultabili in http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.3 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.8.3"; +$text["May 6, 2009"] = "6 maggio 2009"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.3. It does not provide much news for Okular, the only relevant change is about thread more safety when generating page images of XPS document. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"] = "Il terzo rilascio di manutenzione della serie KDE 4.2 comprende Okular 0.8.3. Non contiene molte novità per Okular, l'unico cambiamento rilevante riguarda la sicurezza maggiore dei thread durante la generazione delle immagini pagina di documento XPS. Tutti i problemi risolti sono consultabili in http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.2 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.8.2"; +$text["April 2, 2009"] = "2 aprile 2009"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.2. It includes better support (hopefully working) for DVI and pdfsync inverse search, and fixes and small improvements in the presentation mode. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"] = "Il secondo rilascio di manutenzione della serie KDE 4.2 comprende Okular 0.8.2. Include un supporto migliore (si spera funzionante) per la ricerca inversa di DVI e pdfsync, varie correzioni e piccoli miglioramenti in modalità presentazione. Tutti i problemi risolti sono consultabili in http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.1 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.8.1"; +$text["March 4, 2009"] = "4 marzo 2009"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.1. It includes some crash fixes in the CHM and DjVu backends, and minor fixes in the user interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"] = "Il primo rilascio di manutenzione della serie KDE 4.2 comprende Okular 0.8.1. Include alcune correzioni dei crash dei backend CHM e DjVu e correzioni minori dell'interfaccia utente. Tutti i problemi risolti sono consultabili in http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.8"; +$text["January 27, 2009"] = "27 gennaio 2009"; +$text["The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.2. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): And, of course, many bugs were fixed."] = "La squadra di Okular è orgogliosa di annunciare una nuova versione di Okular, rilasciata come parte di KDE 4.2. Alcune delle nuove funzionalità e miglioramenti includono (in ordine casuale): E, ovviamente, sono stati corretti molti errori."; +$text["Okular 0.7.3 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.7.3"; +$text["November 4, 2008"] = "4 novembre 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.3. It includes some minor fixes in the user interface and in the text search. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"] = "Il terzo rilascio di manutenzione della serie KDE 4.1 comprende Okular 0.7.3. Include alcune correzioni minori dell'interfaccia utente e nella ricerca testuale. Tutti i problemi risolti sono consultabili in http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.2 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.7.2"; +$text["October 3, 2008"] = "3 ottobre 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.2. It includes some minor fixes in the TIFF and Comicbook backends and the change to \"Fit Width\" as default zoom level. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"] = "Il secondo rilascio di manutenzione della serie KDE 4.1 comprende Okular 0.7.2. Include alcune correzioni minori nei motori TIFF e Comikbook e il passaggio a «Adatta larghezza» come livello predefinito di zoom. Tutti i problemi risolti sono consultabili in http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.1 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.7.1"; +$text["September 3, 2008"] = "3 settembre 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.1. It includes some crash fixes among other minor fixes. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"] = "Il primo rilascio di manutenzione della serie KDE 4.1 comprende Okular 0.7.1. Include alcune correzioni dei crash, oltre ad altre correzioni minori. Tutti i problemi risolti sono consultabili in http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.7"; +$text["July 29, 2008"] = "29 luglio 2008"; +$text["KDE 4.1. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order):\n\nAnd, of course, many bugs were fixed.]]>"] = "KDE 4.1. Alcune delle nuove funzionalità e miglioramenti includono (in ordine casuale):\n\nE, ovviamente, sono stati corretti molti errori.]]>"; +$text["Okular 0.6.3 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.6.3"; +$text["April 2, 2008"] = "2 aprile 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"] = "Il terzo rilascio di manutenzione della serie KDE 4.0 comprende Okular 0.6.3. Include alcune correzioni degli errori, per es. un modo migliore per avere la posizione del testo in un documento PDF e un paio di correzioni del sistema di annotazioni e del sommario. Tutti i problemi risolti sono consultabili in http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.2 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.6.2"; +$text["March 5, 2008"] = "5 marzo 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"] = "Il secondo rilascio di manutenzione della serie KDE 4.0 comprende Okular 0.6.2. Include alcune correzioni errori, inclusa una maggiore stabilità nella chiusura di un documento e piccole correzioni nel sistema dei segnalibri. Tutti i problemi risolti sono consultabili in http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.1 released"] = "Rilasciato Okular 0.6.1"; +$text["February 5, 2008"] = "5 febbraio 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"] = "Il primo rilascio di manutenzione della serie KDE 4.0 comprende Okular 0.6.1. Include pochissime correzioni errori, tra cui il non riscaricamento dei file durante il salvataggio, miglioramenti dell'usabilità, etc. Tutti i problemi risolti sono consultabili in http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"; +$text["aKademy 2007 Okular presentation material online"] = "Materiale in linea di presentazione di Okular all'aKademy 2007"; +$text["Jul 10, 2007"] = "10 luglio 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular talk given by Pino Toscano at aKademy 2007 is now online. There are both slides and video available.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tLa presentazione su Okular di Pino Toscano all'aKademy 2007 è ora in linea. Sono disponibili sia le diapositive, sia il video.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular in kdegraphics"] = "Okular in kdegraphics"; +$text["Apr 4, 2007"] = "4 aprile 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular is now part of the kdegraphics module. The next version of Okular will be shipped with KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tLa squadra di Okular è orgogliosa di annunciare che Okular fa ora parte del modulo kdegraphics. La prossima versione di Okular sarà distribuita con KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular joins The Season of Usability project"] = "Okular entra a far parte del progetto Season of Usability"; +$text["Jan 31, 2007"] = "31 gennaio 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular has been one of the applications selected to participate in the Season of Usability project, run by usability experts at OpenUsability. From here we want to welcome Sharad Baliyan to the team and thank Florian Graessle and Pino Toscano for their continued work on improving Okular.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tLa squadra di Okular è orgogliosa di annunciare che Okular è stata una delle applicazioni selezionate a partecipare al progetto Season of Usability, gestito da esperti di usabilità di OpenUsability. Vogliamo dare il benvenuto a Sharad Baliyan e ringraziare Florian Graessle e Pino Toscano per il loro continuo lavoro nel suo miglioramento.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5.81 unstable snapshot released"] = "Rilasciata la versione Okular 0.5.81 non stabile"; +$text["Nov 2, 2006"] = "2 novembre 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. This snapshot is not completely functional, yet, as we have lots of things to polish and finish, but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tLa squadra di Okular è orgogliosa di annunciare il rilascio di una versione di prova di Okular che si compila nel Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. Questa versione non è ancora completamente funzionale, poiché abbiamo parecchie cose da raffinare e finire, ma siete liberi di provarlo e fornire un feedback quanto si vuole. Potete trovare la versione di prova in ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Date un'occhiata alla pagina di download per essere sicuri di avere tutte le librerie necessarie.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5 unstable snapshot released"] = "Rilasciata la versione Okular 0.5 non stabile"; +$text["Aug 27, 2006"] = "27 agosto 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. This snapshot is still not completely functional as we have lots of things to polish and finish but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tLa squadra di Okular è orgogliosa di annunciare il rilascio di una versione di prova di Okular che si compila nel KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. Questa versione non è ancora completamente funzionale, poiché abbiamo parecchie cose da raffinare e finire, ma siete liberi di provarlo e fornire un feedback quanto si vuole. Potete trovare la versione di prova in ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Date un'occhiata alla pagina di download per essere sicuri di avere tutte le librerie necessarie.\n\t\t\t"; $text["Some images of Okular "in action"..."] = "Alcune immagini di Okular "in azione"..."; $text["Backends in action"] = "Motori in azione"; $text["Here you can see some of the Okular backends in action on files."] = "Qui puoi vedere alcuni motori di Okular in azione sui file."; $text["PDF backend"] = "Motore PDF"; $text["PostScript backend"] = "Motore PostScript"; $text["DjVu backend"] = "Motore DjVu"; $text["TIFF/fax backend"] = "Motore TIFF/fax"; $text["Extraction of embedded files"] = "Estrazione di allegati"; $text["Word processor-like text selection"] = "Selezione di testo in stile elaboratore testi"; $text["Review mode"] = "Modalità revisione"; $text["Annotations (enter in Tools -> Review)"] = "Annotazioni (entra in Strumenti -> Revisione)"; $text["Okular - more than a reader"] = "Okular - più che un lettore"; $text["the Okular developers"] = "gli sviluppatori di Okular"; $text["Current Okular Team"] = "Squadra attuale di Okular"; $text["The current Okular team is formed by:"] = "La squadra attuale di Okular è formata da:"; $text["(Current maintainer)"] = "(Responsabile attuale)"; $text["Your name here..."] = "Il tuo nome qui..."; $text["Join Okular development!"] = "Unisciti allo sviluppo di Okular!"; $text["Former Okular developers"] = "Sviluppatori precedenti di Okular"; $text["We'd like to thank all the people that worked on Okular in the past:"] = "Vorremmo ringraziare tutte le persone che in passato hanno lavorato su Okular:"; $text["(Original Okular creator)"] = "(Primo creatore di Okular)"; $text["(Usability expert)"] = "(Esperto di usabilità)"; $text["KPDF Developers"] = "Sviluppatori KPDF"; $text["We'd like also to thank all the people who worked on KPDF:"] = "Vorremmo inoltre ringraziare tutte le persone che hanno lavorato su KPDF."; $text["Lots of features"] = "Molte funzionalità"; $text["Fontconfig support, type-ahead find, some patches"] = "Supporto fontconfig, ricerca con digitazione, alcune patch."; ?> diff --git a/i18n/nl/okular-kde-org.inc b/i18n/nl/okular-kde-org.inc index a304c2d..0b3587b 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/okular-kde-org.inc +++ b/i18n/nl/okular-kde-org.inc @@ -1,145 +1,266 @@ okular-devel\nand hosted at kde.org."] = "We hebben een e-maillijst om de ontwikkeling van Okular te coördineren. De e-maillijst\nis okular-devel\nen wordt gehost bij kde.org."; $text["You can use it to talk about the development of the core application, but also\nfeedback about existent or new backends is appreciated."] = "U kunt het gebruiken om te praten over de ontwikkeling van de hoofdtoepassing, maar ook\nterugkoppeling geven over bestaande of nieuwe backends wordt gewaardeerd."; $text["IRC"] = "IRC"; $text["We have also an IRC channel where talk. The channel is\n#okular, on the\nFreenode network."] = "We hebben ook een IRC-kanaal waar we praten. Het kanaal is\n#okular, op het\nnetwerk van Freenode."; $text["Usually some of the Okular developers hang there."] = "Gewoonlijk hangt daar een van de ontwikkelaars van Okular rond."; $text["Forum"] = "Forum"; $text["If you prefer using a forum you can use the Okular forum inside the bigger KDE Community Forums."] = "Als u de voorkeur geeft aan een forum dan kunt u het Okular-forum in de grotere Forums van de KDE gemeenschap gebruiken."; $text["Bugs and Wishes"] = "Bugs en wensen"; $text["Bugs and Wishes should be reported to the KDE bug tracker at http://bugs.kde.org."] = "Bugs en wensen zouden gerapporteerd moeten worden in de KDE bugtracker op http://bugs.kde.org."; $text["Download"] = "Downloaden"; $text["Binary packages"] = "Binaire pakketten"; $text["The recommended way for end-user installations of Okular is using binary packages:"] = "De aanbevolen manier voor installatie van Okular door eindgebruiker is met binaire pakketten:"; $text["For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular package (might be part of the broader kdegraphics package) and install it."] = "Voor GNU/Linux en de BSD's gebruikt u de pakketbeheerder om het pakket Okular te vinden (kan onderdeel zijn van het bredere pakket kdegraphics) en het te installeren."; $text["For Windows have a look at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on Windows."] = "Kijk voor Windows op de webpagina KDE on Windows Initiative voor informatie over hoe KDE onder Windows te installeren."; $text["For Mac Os X have a look at the KDE on Mac OS X webpage for information on how to install KDE on Mac OS X."] = "Kijk voor Mac OS X op de webpagina KDE on Mac OS X voor informatie over hoe KDE onder Mac OS X te installeren."; $text["Packaging status"] = "Status van pakket maken"; $text["N.B: The table above refers to the KDE Applications release version that Okular was part of. The actual Okular version as reported by the About dialog is different, e.g. Okular 1.2.1 was released as part of KDE Applications 17.08.1 and would should up with such number in the table."] = "N.B: De bovenstaande tabel refereert aan de KDE Applications uitgaveversie waarvan Okular een onderdeel was. De aktuele Okular versie zoals gerapporteerd door de Over dialoog verschilt, bijv. Okular 1.2.1 is uitgegeven als onderdeel van KDE Applications 17.08.1 en zou met zo'n getal in de tabel moeten verschijnen."; $text["Compiling Okular from source"] = "Okular compileren vanuit de broncode"; $text["If you want to compile Okular, you need to have an already set up compilation environment."] = "Als u Okular wilt compileren hebt u een reeds ingestelde omgeving voor compileren nodig."; $text["Distributions should provide development packages usable for compiling KDE applications."] = "Distributies moeten een ontwikkelplatform leveren voor het compileren KDE toepassingen."; $text["In case you want to compile the development version of Okular, please refer to Build from source at KDE's Community Wiki."] = "In het geval dat u de ontwikkelversie van Okular wilt compileren, kijk dan op Bouwen vanuit de broncode op de wiki van de gemeenschap van KDE."; $text["If you are interested in stable tarballs of Okular visit the\nKDE Applications download folder and download the okular tarball."] = "Als u geïnteresseerd bent in stabiele tarballs van Okular bezoek dan de\nKDE downloadmap voor KDE toepassingen en download de tarball van okular."; $text["Optional packages"] = "Optionele pakketten"; $text["There are some optional package you could install in order to have some more functionalities in Okular."] = "Er zijn enige optionele pakketten die u kunt installeren om meer functionaliteit in Okular te hebben."; $text["Some are already packaged for your distro, but other maybe not. So, if possible, use the packages your distro ships."] = "Sommige zijn al met uw distributie meegeleverd, maar andere mogelijk niet. Gebruik dus, indien mogelijk, de pakketten die met uw distributie meekomen."; $text["Poppler (PDF backend)"] = "Poppler (PDF-backend)"; $text["To compile the PDF backend, you need the Poppler library (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."] = "Om de PDF-backend te compileren hebt u de Poppler bibliotheek nodig (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."; $text["The minimum version required is poppler 0.24"] = "De minimaal vereiste versie is poppler 0.24"; $text["Libspectre (PostScript backend)"] = "Libspectre (PostScript-backend)"; $text["In order to compile and use the PostScipt (PS) backend, you need libspectre >= 0.2."] = "Om de PostScipt(PS)-backend te kunnen compileren en gebruiken hebt u libspectre >= 0.2 nodig."; $text["If your distro does not package libspectre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."] = "Als uw distributie libspectre niet meelevert of de versie van het pakket is niet hoog genoeg, dan kunt u het downloaden van http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."; $text["DjVuLibre (DjVu backend)"] = "DjVuLibre (DjVu-backend)"; $text["To compile the DjVu backend, you need DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."] = "Om de DjVu-backend te compileren hebt u DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17 nodig."; $text["If your distro does not package DjVuLibre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."] = "Als uw distributie DjVuLibre niet meelevert of de versie van het pakket is niet hoog genoeg, dan kunt u het downloaden van http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."; $text["libTIFF (TIFF/fax backend)"] = "libTIFF (TIFF/fax-backend)"; $text["libTIFF is needed to compile the TIFF/fax backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libTIFF is nodig om de TIFF/fax-backend te compileren. Op dit moment is er geen minimaal vereiste versie, dus elke tamelijk recente versie van de bibliotheek, die beschikbaar is in uw distributie zou moeten werken. In geval van problemen daarmee, aarzel dan niet om contact op te nemen met de ontwikkelaars van Okular."; $text["libCHM (CHM backend)"] = "libCHM (CHM-backend)"; $text["libCHM is needed to compile the CHM backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libCHM is nodig om de CHM-backend te compileren. Op dit moment is er geen minimaal vereiste versie, dus elke tamelijk recente versie van de bibliotheek, die beschikbaar is in uw distributie zou moeten werken. In geval van problemen daarmee, aarzel dan niet om contact op te nemen met de ontwikkelaars van Okular."; $text["Libepub (EPub backend)"] = "Libepub (EPub-backend)"; $text["In order to compile and use the EPub backend, you need the epub library."] = "Om de EPub-backend te kunnen compileren en gebruiken hebt u de epub-bibliotheek nodig."; $text["If your distro does not package libepub, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."] = "Als uw distributie libepub, niet meelevert of de versie van het pakket is niet hoog genoeg, dan kunt u het downloaden van http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."; $text["You can download and compile Okular this way:"] = "U kunt Okular op deze manier downloaden en compileren:"; $text["If you install Okular in a different path than your system install directory it is possible that you need to run"] = "Als u Okular installeert in een ander pad dan de installatiemap van uw systeem, dan is het mogelijk dat u uitvoert"; $text["so that the correct Okular instance and libraries are picked up. Obviously you need to replace x86_64-linux-gnu with the correct name for your architecture."] = "zodat het juiste Okular exemplaar en bibliotheken worden opgepakt. U moet natuurlijk ook x86_64-gnu vervangen door de juiste naam voor uw architectuur."; $text["Frequently Asked Questions"] = "Veel voorkomende vragen"; $text["Compiling Okular"] = "Okular compileren"; $text["The Poppler backend does not compile. It complains about 'class Poppler::TextBox' and 'edge'."] = "De Poppler-backend compileert niet. Het klaagt over 'class Poppler::TextBox' en 'edge'."; $text["Do you get an error output similar to"] = "Krijgt u uitvoer van fouten vergelijkbaar met"; $text["If so, most probably you updated from Poppler 0.6.x or previous to Poppler 0.8."] = "Zo ja, dan is het meest waarschijnlijk dat u vanaf Poppler 0.6.x of een vorige versie naar Poppler 0.8 hebt opgewaardeerd."; $text["What you can do is simple:"] = "U kunt het eenvoudigst doen:"; $text["in the build directory of Okular. Then run cmake again, and all should work as expected."] = "in de bouwmap van Okular. Voer opnieuw cmake uit en alles zou moeten werken zoals verwacht."; $text["Running Okular"] = "Okular uitvoeren"; $text["Okular tells me there are no plugins installed. What can I do?"] = "Okular meldt mij dat er geen plugins zijn geïnstalleerd. Wat kan ik doen?"; $text["In a shell set up for your KDE 4 installation, execute the command"] = "In een shell die is ingesteld voor uw installatie van KDE 4, voer het commando uit"; $text["After that, Okular should find its plugins as expected."] = "Daarna moet Okular zijn plugins plugins kunnen vinden zoals verwacht."; $text["General usage"] = "Algemeen gebruik"; $text["Why the newly added annotations are not in my PDF document?"] = "Waarom zijn de nieuw toegevoegde annotaties niet in mijn PDF-document?"; $text["By default, Okular saves annotations in the local data directory\nfor each user. Since KDE 4.9, it's optionally possible to store them directly in\na PDF file by choosing \"File -> Save As...\", so they can be seen in other\nPDF viewers."] = "Standaard bewaart Okular annotaties voor elke gebruiker in de lokale\ngegevensmap. Sinds KDE 4.9 is het optioneel mogelijk om ze direct in\neen PDF-bestand op te slaan door \"Bestand -> Opslaan als...\" te\nkiezen, zodat ze gezien kunnen worden in andere PDF-viewers."; $text["Note that this feature requires Poppler 0.20 or newer for regular PDF\ndocuments. If the PDF document you are annotating is encrypted, this feature\nrequires Poppler 0.22 or newer."] = "Merk op dat deze mogelijkheid Poppler 0.20 of nieuwer vereist\nvoor reguliere PDF-documenten. Als het PDF-document waaraan u\nannotaties toevoegt versleuteld is, dan vereist deze mogelijkheid\nPoppler 0.22 of nieuwer."; $text["How can I annotate a document and send it to a friend/colleague/etc?"] = "Hoe kan ik een document van annotatie voorzien en het naar een vriend/collega/etc verzenden?"; $text["Since KDE 4.2, Okular has the \"document archiving\" feature. This is\nan Okular-specific format for carrying the document plus various metadata\nrelated to it (currently only annotations)."] = "Sinds KDE 4.2 heeft Okular de functie \"document archievering\". Dit is\neen format specifiek voor Okular voor het dragen van het document plus verschillende metagegevens\ndaaraan gerelateerd (nu alleen annotaties)."; $text["You can save a \"document archive\" from the open document by choosing \"File\n-> Export As -> Document Archive\"."] = "U kunt een \"documentarchief\" opslaan vanuit het geopende document door te kiezen \"Bestand\n-> Exporteren als -> documentarchief\"."; $text["To open an Okular document archive, just open it with Okular as it would be eg\na PDF document."] = "Om een Okular-documentarchief te openen, opent u het gewoon met Okular zoals\nbijv. een PDF-document."; $text["If you're annotating a PDF document, you can also save annotations\ndirectly in the PDF file (see previous question)"] = "Als u annotaties toevoegt aan een PDF-document, dan kunt u deze\ndirect in het PDF-bestand opslaan (zie vorige vraag)"; $text["Using Ubuntu, I cannot read CHM and EPub documents,\neven if I have okular-extra-backends and libchm1 installed. Why?"] = "Met Ubuntu kan ik geen CHM- en EPub-documenten lezen,\nzelfs als ik okular-extra-backends en libchm1 heb geïnstalleerd. Waarom?"; $text["Ubuntu (thus Kubuntu as well) packages of Okular are compiled without\nthe support for these two formats."] = "Ubuntu (dus ook Kubuntu) pakketten van Okular zijn gecompileerd zonder\nde ondersteuning voor deze twee formats."; $text["The reason is explained in the following Launchpad report: "] = "De reden wordt uitgelegd in het volgende Launchpad-rapport: "; $text["Why the speak options in the Tools menu are grayed out?"] = "Waarom zijn de spraakopties in het menu Hulpmiddelen grijs?"; $text["Because you don't have the KDE Text To Speech tools, install Jovie (formerly known as ktts) and they should be enabled"] = "Omdat u geen KDE hulpmiddelen Tekst-naar-spraak hebt, installeer Jovie (eerder bekend als ktts) en ze zullen zijn ingeschakeld"; $text["Some characters are not rendered and when enabling debug some lines mention 'Missing language pack for xxx'"] = "Sommige tekens worden niet weergegeven en bij inschakelen van debug melden sommige regels mention 'Taalpakket voor xxx ontbreekt'"; $text["Install the poppler-data package"] = "Installeer het pakket poppler-data"; $text["Document format handlers status"] = "Status van documentformaatbehandelaars"; $text["Document Format Handlers"] = "Documentformaatbehandelaars"; $text["This page always refers to the stable series of Okular (currently KDE 4.5.x)."] = "Deze pagina verwijst altijd naar de stabiele serie van Okular (nu KDE 4.5.x)."; $text["Features/Formats"] = "Mogelijkheden/formats"; $text["Main library used"] = "Hoofdbibliotheek gebruikt"; $text["Loading"] = "Laden"; $text["Rendering"] = "Rendering"; $text["Threaded rendering"] = "Weergave met threads"; $text["Document information"] = "Documentinformatie"; $text["TOC"] = "TOC"; $text["Font information"] = "Lettertype-informatie"; $text["Text extraction"] = "Extractie van tekst"; $text["Links"] = "Koppelingen"; $text["Paper Size"] = "Papiergrootte"; $text["Printing"] = "Afdrukken"; $text["Text Exporting"] = "Exporteren van tekst"; $text["Other Features"] = "Overige mogelijkheden"; $text["Annotations"] = "Annotaties"; $text["Forms"] = "Formulieren"; $text["Inverse search"] = "Geïnverteerd zoeken"; $text["Document Rights"] = "Documentrechten"; $text["Embedded files"] = "Ingebedde bestanden"; $text["Sounds"] = "Geluiden"; $text["Movies"] = "Films"; $text["What is it?"] = "Wat is het?"; $text["Okular logo"] = "Okular-logo"; $text["Okular is a universal document viewer based developed by KDE. Okular works on multiple platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc."] = "Okular is een universele documentviewer gebaseerd op ontwikkeling door KDE. Okular werkt op meerdere platforms, inclusief, maar niet beperkt tot Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc."; $text["The last stable release is Okular %1, shipped as part of the KDE Applications %3 release."] = "De laatste stabiele uitgave is Okular %1, meegeleverd als onderdeel van de uitgave KDE Applications %3."; $text["Okular combines the excellent functionalities with the versatility of supporting different kind of documents, like PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub and others."] = "Okular combineert de uitmuntende functionaliteiten met de verscheidenheid in de ondersteuning van verschillende soorten documenten, zoals PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub en andere."; $text["The document format handlers page has a chart describing in more detail the supported formats and the features supported in each of them."] = "De pagina documentformaatbehandelaars heeft een grafiek die in meer detail de ondersteunde formaten beschrijft en de mogelijkheden die elk hiervan ondersteunt."; $text["If you are interested in contributing to Okular, please contact us."] = "Als u geïnteresseerd bent in bijdragen aan Okular, neem dan contact met ons op."; $text["If you do not want or can not contribute, testers are fully welcome, so follow these instructions to see how to download and build Okular."] = "Als u niet wilt of kunt bijdragen, dan bent u als tester heel welkom, volg dan deze instructies om te zien hoe Okular is te downloaden en te bouwen."; $text["Okular is a Free Software PDF reader."] = "Okular is een Vrije software PDF-lezer."; $text["Okular Homepage"] = "Homepage van Okular"; $text["Main"] = "Hoofdpagina"; $text["Format support"] = "Format-ondersteuning"; $text["Development News"] = "Nieuws over ontwikkeling"; $text["Screenshots"] = "Schermafdrukken"; $text["FAQ"] = "FAQ"; $text["Team"] = "Team"; $text["Related apps/projects"] = "Gerelateerde toep./projecten"; $text["Free Software PDF readers"] = "Vrije software PDF-lezers"; +$text["Okular news"] = "Okular-nieuws"; +$text["Okular 1.5 released"] = "Okular 1.5 vrijgegeven"; +$text["August 16, 2018"] = "16 augustus 2018"; +$text["The 1.5 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 18.08 release. This release introduces Form improvements among various other fixes and small features. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.08.0#okular. Okular 1.5 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 1.5 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 18.08. Deze vrijgave introduceert verbeteringen aan formulieren naast verschillende andere reparaties en functies. U kunt de volledige log met wijzigingen bekijken op https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.08.0#okular. Okular 1.5 wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 1.4 released"] = "Okular 1.4 vrijgegeven"; +$text["April 19, 2018"] = "19 april 2018"; +$text["The 1.4 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 18.04 release. This release introduces improved JavaScript support in PDF files and supports PDF rendering cancelling, which means that if you have a complex PDF file and you change the zoom while it's rendering it will cancel immediately instead of waiting for the render to finish. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.04.0#okular. Okular 1.4 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De versie 1.4 van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 18.04. Deze vrijgave introduceert verbeterde ondersteuning van JavaScript in PDF bestanden en ondersteunt annuleren van PDF rendering, wat betekent dat als u een complex PDF-bestand hebt en u wijzigt de zoom terwijl het bezig is met renderen, het dat onmiddellijk zal annuleren, in plaatst van te wachten op het gereed zijn hiervan. U kunt de volledige log met wijzigingen bekijken op https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. Okular 1.4 wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 1.3 released"] = "Okular 1.3 vrijgegeven"; +$text["December 14, 2017"] = "14 december 2017"; +$text["The 1.3 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.12 release. This release introduces changes to how saving annotations and form data works, supports partial rendering updates for files that take long time to render, makes text links interactive on text selection mode, adds a Share option in the File menu, adds Markdown support and fixes some issues regarding HiDPI support. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.12.0#okular. Okular 1.3 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De versie 1.3 van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 17.12. Deze vrijgave introduceert wijzigingen over hoe annotaties op te slaan en formuliergegevens, ondersteunt gedeeltelijke rendering van het bijwerken van bestanden die veel tijd nemen om te renderen, die koppelingen naar teksten interactief maken in tekstselectiemodus, een optie gedeeld in het menu Bestand toevoegt, ondersteuning voor Markdown toevoegt en enige problemen repareert met betrekking tot ondersteuning van HiDPI. U kunt de volledige wijzigingslog raadplegen op https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.12.0#okular. Okular 1.3 is een aanbevolen update voor iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 1.2 released"] = "Okular 1.2 vrijgegeven"; +$text["August 17, 2017"] = "17 augustus 2017"; +$text["The 1.2 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.08 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and improvements. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. Okular 1.2 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 1.2 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 17.08. Deze vrijgave introduceert zeer kleine reparaties en verbeteringen. U kunt de volledige log met wijzigingen bekijken op https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. Okular 1.2 wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 1.1 released"] = "Okular 1.1 vrijgegeven"; +$text["April 20, 2017"] = "20 april 2017"; +$text["The 1.1 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.04 release. This release introduces annotation resize functionality, support for automatic calculation of form contents, touch screen improvements and more! You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. Okular 1.1 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De versie 1.1 van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 17.04. Deze vrijgave introduceert functionaliteit voor in grootte wijzigen van annotaties, ondersteuning voor automatisch berekenen van inhoud van formulieren, verbeteringen voor aanraakschermen en meer! U kunt de volledige log met wijzigingen bekijken op https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. Okular 1.1 wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 1.0 released"] = "Okular 1.0 vrijgegeven"; +$text["December 15, 2016"] = "15 december 2016"; +$text["The 1.0 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.12 release. This release is now based in KDE Frameworks 5, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. Okular 1.0 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 1.0 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 16.12. Deze uitgave is nu gebaseerd op KDE Frameworks 5, u kunt de volledige log met wijzigingen bekijken op https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. Okular 1.0 wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 0.26 released"] = "Okular 0.26 vrijgegeven"; +$text["August 18, 2016"] = "18 augustus 2016"; +$text["The 0.26 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.08 release. This release introduces very small changes, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. Okular 0.26 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 0.26 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 16.08. Deze vrijgave introduceert zeer kleine wijzigingen, u kunt de volledige log met wijzigingen bekijken op https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. Okular 0.26 wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 0.24 released"] = "Okular 0.24 vrijgegeven"; +$text["December 16, 2015"] = "16 december 2015"; +$text["The 0.24 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.12 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and features, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 0.24 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 15.12. Deze vrijgave introduceert kleine reparaties van bugs en functies, u kunt de volledige log met wijzigingen bekijken op https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 0.23 released"] = "Okular 0.23 vrijgegeven"; +$text["August 19, 2015"] = "19 augustus 2015"; +$text["The 0.23 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.08 release. This release introduces support for the Fade transition in presentation mode as well as some fixes regarding annotations and video playback. Okular 0.23 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 0.23 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 15.08. Deze vrijgave introduceert ondersteuning voor overgangen met vervagings in modus presentatie evenals reparaties met betrekking tot annotaties en afspelen van video. Okular 0.23 wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 0.22 released"] = "Okular 0.22 vrijgegeven"; +$text["April 15, 2015"] = "15 april 2015"; +$text["The 0.22 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.04 release. Okular 0.22 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 0.22 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 15.04. Okular 0.22 wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 0.21 released"] = "Okular 0.21 vrijgegeven"; +$text["December 17, 2014"] = "17 december 2014"; +$text["The 0.21 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 14.12 release. This release introduces new features like latex-synctex reverse searching in dvi and small bugfixes. Okular 0.21 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 0.21 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 14.12. Deze vrijgave introduceert nieuwe functies zoals ondersteuning van latex-synctex omgekeerd zoeken in dvi en kleine reparaties van bugs. Okular 0.21 wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 0.19 released"] = "Okular 0.19 vrijgegeven"; +$text["April 16, 2014"] = "16 april 2014"; +$text["The 0.19 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.13 release. This release introduces new features like tabs support in the interface, use of DPI screen so that page size matches real paper size, improvements to the Undo/Redo framework and other features/refinements. Okular 0.19 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 0.19 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 4.13. Deze vrijgave introduceert nieuwe functies zoals ondersteuning voor tabbladen in het interface, gebruik van de DPI van het scherm, zodat de afmetingen van de pagina overeenkomen met de afmetingen van het papier, verbeteringen aan het ongedaan maken/opnieuw doen en andere functies/verfijningen. Okular 0.19 wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 0.18 released"] = "Okular 0.18 vrijgegeven"; +$text["December 12, 2013"] = "12 december 2013"; +$text["The 0.18 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.12 release. This release introduces new features like audio/video support in EPub files and also improvements to existing features like searching and printing. Okular 0.18 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 0.18 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 4.12. Deze vrijgave introduceert nieuwe functies zoals ondersteuning voor audio-/video- en EPub-bestanden en ook verbeteringen van bestaande functies zoals zoeken en afdrukken. Okular 0.18 wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 0.17 released"] = "Okular 0.17 vrijgegeven"; +$text["August 16, 2013"] = "16 augustus 2013"; +$text["The 0.17 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.11 release. This release introduces new features like undo/redo support for forms and annotations and configurable review tools. Okular 0.17 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 0.17 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 4.11. Deze vrijgave introduceert nieuwe functies zoals ondersteuning van ongedaan maken / opnieuw doen voor formulieren en annotaties en instelbare hulpmiddelen voor herzien. Okular 0.17 wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 0.16 released"] = "Okular 0.16 vrijgegeven"; +$text["February 6, 2013"] = "6 februari 2013"; +$text["The 0.16 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.10 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to zoom to higher levels in PDF documents, an Active based viewer for your tablet devices, more support for PDF movies, viewport follows selection, and annotation editing improvements. Okular 0.16 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 0.16 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 4.10. Deze vrijgave introduceert nieuwe functies zoals het zoomen naar hogere niveaus in PDF documenten, een op Active gebaseerde viewer voor tablets, meer ondersteuning voor PDF-films, gezichtsveld volgt de selectie en verbeteringen aan het bewerken van annotaties. Okular 0.16 wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular forums"] = "Okular-forums"; +$text["October 10, 2012"] = "10 oktober 2012"; +$text["We now have a subforum inside the KDE Community Forums. You can find it at http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."] = "We hebben nu een subforum in de Forums van de KDE gemeenschap. U kunt deze vinden op http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."; +$text["Okular 0.15 released"] = "Okular 0.15 vrijgegeven"; +$text["August 1, 2012"] = "1 augustus 2012"; +$text["The 0.15 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.9 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to store annotations with PDF documents, more support for PDF movies, multiple bookmarks per page and some other minor improvements. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.15 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 0.15 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met KDE Applications 4.9 vrijgave. Deze vrijgave introduceert nieuwe features zoals de mogelijkheid annotaties in PDF documenten meer ondersteuning voor PDF films, meerdere bladwijzers per pagina en enige kleinere verbeteringen. U kunt een niet complete lijst met bugs en features vinden in bugzilla. Okular 0.15 is een aanbevolen update voor iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 0.14 released"] = "Okular 0.14 vrijgegeven"; +$text["January 25, 2012"] = "25 januari 2012"; +$text["The 0.14 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.8 release. This release introduces new features like improved text selection in documents with columns, table selection tool, LaTex rendering in annotations, improved embedded support (for use in e.g. Kile), better layouting for faced pages, smarter screensaver/powermanagement handling, improved page label support, default zoom configuration, improved Landscape printing, etc. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.14 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 0.14 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met KDE Applications 4.8 vrijgave. Deze vrijgave introduceert nieuwe features zoals verbeterde tekstselectie in documenten met kolommen, hulpmiddel voor tabelselectie, LaTex rendering in annotaties, verbeterd ingebedde ondersteuning (voor gebruik in bijv. Kile), betere opmaak voor pagina's tegenover elkaar, betere behandeling van schermbeveiliging/energiebeheer, verbeterde ondersteuning voor paginalabels, standaard zoomconfiguratie, verbeterd afdrukken van landschapindeling, etc. U kunt een niet complete lijst met bugs en features vinden in bugzilla. Okular 0.14 is een aanbevolen update voor iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 0.13 released"] = "Okular 0.13 vrijgegeven"; +$text["July 27, 2011"] = "27 juli 2011"; +$text["The 0.13 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.7 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 0.13 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 4.7. Deze vrijgave introduceert kleine reparaties en biedt extra mogelijkheden en wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 0.12 released"] = "Okular 0.12 vrijgegeven"; +$text["January 26, 2011"] = "26 januari 2011"; +$text["The 0.12 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.6 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 0.12 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 4.6. Deze vrijgave introduceert kleine reparaties en biedt extra mogelijkheden en wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 0.11 released"] = "Okular 0.11 vrijgegeven"; +$text["August 10, 2010"] = "10 augustus 2010"; +$text["The 0.11 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.5 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "De 0.11 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met de vrijgave van KDE Applications 4.5. Deze vrijgave introduceert kleine reparaties en biedt extra mogelijkheden en wordt aanbevolen aan iedereen die Okular gebruikt."; +$text["Okular 0.10 released"] = "Okular 0.10 vrijgegeven"; +$text["February 9, 2010"] = "9 februari 2010"; +$text["The 0.10 version of Okular has been released together with KDE SC 4.4. Besides general improvements in stability this release sports new/improved support for both inverse search and forward search linking latex source code lines with the corresponding locations in dvi and pdf files."] = "De 0.10 versie van Okular is vrijgegeven samen met KDE SC 4.4. Naast algemene verbeteringen in stabiliteit kreeg deze uitgave nieuw/verbeterde ondersteuning voor zowel omgekeerd en voorwaarts zoeken waarmee broncoderegels in latex gekoppeld worden aan de overeenkomstige locaties in dvi- en pdf-bestanden."; +$text["Okular 0.9.4 released"] = "Okular 0.9.4 vrijgegeven"; +$text["December 1, 2009"] = "1 december 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.3 series includes Okular 0.9.4. It includes some crash fixes, and few small bug fixes in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"] = "De vierde onderhoudsuitgave van de KDE 4.3 serie bevat Okular 0.9.4. Het bevat reparaties van enige crashes en een paar kleine bugreparaties in het interface. U kunt over alle reparaties lezen op http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.4 released"] = "Okular 0.8.4 vrijgegeven"; +$text["June 3, 2009"] = "3 juni 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.4. It includes some fixes in OpenDocument Text documents, a couple of crash fixes, and few small bugs in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"] = "De vierde onderhoudsuitgave van de KDE 4.2 serie bevat Okular 0.8.4. Het bevat reparaties in documenten in OpenDocument Text, een paar reparaties voor crashes en een paar kleine raparaties in het interface. U kunt over alle reparaties lezen op http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_3_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.3 released"] = "Okular 0.8.3 vrijgegeven"; +$text["May 6, 2009"] = "6 mei 2009"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.3. It does not provide much news for Okular, the only relevant change is about thread more safety when generating page images of XPS document. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"] = "De derde onderhoudsuitgave van de KDE 4.2 serie bevat Okular 0.8.3. Het levert niet veel nieuws voor Okular, de enige relevante wijziging is over het bieden van meer veiligheid bij het maken paginaafbeeldingen van een XPS-document. U kunt over alle reparaties lezen op http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.2 released"] = "Okular 0.8.2 vrijgegeven"; +$text["April 2, 2009"] = "2 april 2009"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.2. It includes better support (hopefully working) for DVI and pdfsync inverse search, and fixes and small improvements in the presentation mode. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"] = "De tweede onderhoudsuitgave van de KDE 4.2 seriee bevat Okular 0.8.2. Het bevat betere ondersteuning (hopelijk werkend) voor DVI en \"pdfsync inverse\" zoeken en reparaties en kleine verbeteringen in de presentatiemodus. U kunt over alle reparaties lezen op http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.1 released"] = "Okular 0.8.1 vrijgegeven"; +$text["March 4, 2009"] = "4 maart 2009"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.1. It includes some crash fixes in the CHM and DjVu backends, and minor fixes in the user interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"] = "De eerste onderhoudsuitgave van de KDE 4.2 serie bevat Okular 0.8.1. Het bevat reparaties van enige crashes in de CHM- en DjVU-backends en een paar kleine reparaties in het gebruikersinterface. U kunt over alle reparaties lezen op http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8 released"] = "Okular 0.8 vrijgegeven"; +$text["January 27, 2009"] = "27 januari 2009"; +$text["The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.2. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): And, of course, many bugs were fixed."] = "Het team van Okular kondigt met enige trots een nieuwe versie aan van Okular, vrijgegeven als onderdeel van KDE 4.2. Enige van de nieuwe functies en verbeteringen omvatten (in willekeurige volgorde): En, natuurlijk, zijn er veel bugs gerepareerd."; +$text["Okular 0.7.3 released"] = "Okular 0.7.3 vrijgegeven"; +$text["November 4, 2008"] = "4 november 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.3. It includes some minor fixes in the user interface and in the text search. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"] = "De derde onderhoudsuitgave van de KDE 4.1 serie bevat Okular 0.7.3. Het bevat reparaties in het interface en in het zoeken naar tekst. U kunt over alle reparaties lezen op http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.2 released"] = "Okular 0.7.2 vrijgegeven"; +$text["October 3, 2008"] = "3 oktober 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.2. It includes some minor fixes in the TIFF and Comicbook backends and the change to \"Fit Width\" as default zoom level. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"] = "De tweede onderhoudsuitgave van de KDE 4.1 serie bevat Okular 0.7.2. Het bevat kleine reparaties in de TIFF- en Comicbook-backends en de wijziging naar \"Passend in breedte\" als de standaard voor het zoomniveau. U kunt over alle reparaties lezen op http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.1 released"] = "Okular 0.7.1 vrijgegeven"; +$text["September 3, 2008"] = "3 september 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.1. It includes some crash fixes among other minor fixes. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"] = "De eerste onderhoudsuitgave van de KDE 4.1 serie bevat Okular 0.7.1. Het bevat reparaties van enige crashes en een paar kleine reparaties. U kunt over alle reparaties lezen op http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7 released"] = "Okular 0.7 vrijgegeven"; +$text["July 29, 2008"] = "29 juli 2008"; +$text["KDE 4.1. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order):\n\nAnd, of course, many bugs were fixed.]]>"] = "KDE 4.1. Enige van de nieuwe functies en verbeteringen bevatten (in willekeurige volgorde):\n\nAnd, of course, many bugs were fixed.]]>"; +$text["Okular 0.6.3 released"] = "Okular 0.6.3 vrijgegeven"; +$text["April 2, 2008"] = "2 april 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"] = "De derde onderhoudsuitgave van de KDE 4.0 serie bevat Okular 0.6.3. Het bevat reparaties van enige bugs, d.w.z. een betere manier om posities van tekst in een PDF-document te verkrijgen en enige reparaties voor systeem van annotaties en de inhoudsopgave. U kunt over alle reparaties lezen op http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.2 released"] = "Okular 0.6.2 vrijgegeven"; +$text["March 5, 2008"] = "5 maart 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"] = "De tweede onderhoudsuitgave van de KDE 4.0 serie bevat Okular 0.6.2. Het bevat reparaties van enige bugs, met meer stabiliteit bij het sluiten van document en kleine reparaties aan het systeem voor bladwijzers. U kunt over alle reparaties lezen op http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.1 released"] = "Okular 0.6.1 vrijgegeven"; +$text["February 5, 2008"] = "5 februari 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"] = "De eerste onderhoudsuitgave van de KDE 4.0 serie bevat Okular 0.6.1. Het bevat een behoorlijk aantal reparaties van bugs, waaronder een betere manier om bestanden niet opnieuw te doenloaden bij opslaan, verbeteringen bij het gebruik, etc. U kunt over alle reparaties lezen op http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"; +$text["aKademy 2007 Okular presentation material online"] = "aKademy 2007 Okular presentatiemateriaal staat online"; +$text["Jul 10, 2007"] = "10 juli 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular talk given by Pino Toscano at aKademy 2007 is now online. There are both slides and video available.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tDe lezing over Okular gegeven door Pino Toscano op aKademy 2007 is nu online. Er zijn zowel dia's als video beschikbaar.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular in kdegraphics"] = "Okular in kdegraphics"; +$text["Apr 4, 2007"] = "4 april 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular is now part of the kdegraphics module. The next version of Okular will be shipped with KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tHet team van Okular is er trots op dat Okular nu onderdeel is van de module kdegraphics. De volgende versie van Okular zal worden meegeleverd met KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular joins The Season of Usability project"] = "Okular doet mee met \"The Season of Usability project\""; +$text["Jan 31, 2007"] = "31 jan. 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular has been one of the applications selected to participate in the Season of Usability project, run by usability experts at OpenUsability. From here we want to welcome Sharad Baliyan to the team and thank Florian Graessle and Pino Toscano for their continued work on improving Okular.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tHet team van Okular is er trots op dat Okular is een van de toepassingen die is geselecteerd om mee te doen in het project Season of Usability, dat wordt uitgevoerd door experts in bruikbaarheid op OpenUsability. Van deze plaats verwelkomen we Sharad Baliyan in het team en danken Florian Graessle en Pino Toscano voor hun voortdurende werk aan het verbeteren van Okular.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5.81 unstable snapshot released"] = "Okular 0.5.81 niet stabiele versie vrijgegeven"; +$text["Nov 2, 2006"] = "2 nov. 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. This snapshot is not completely functional, yet, as we have lots of things to polish and finish, but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tHet team van Okular is er trots op om de vrijgave van een versie van Okular aan te kondigen die compileert tegen de Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. Deze versie is nog niet volledig functioneel omdat er nog veel dingen opgepoetst en beëindigd moeten worden, maar u bent vrij om het te testen en zo veel mogelijk terugkoppeling te geven. U kunt het snapshot pakket vinden op ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Kijk ook eens op de download-pagina om er zeker van te zijn dat u alle noodzakelijke bibliotheken hebt.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5 unstable snapshot released"] = "Okular 0.5 niet stabiele versie vrijgegeven"; +$text["Aug 27, 2006"] = "27 aug. 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. This snapshot is still not completely functional as we have lots of things to polish and finish but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tHet team van Okular is er trots op om de vrijgave van een versie van Okular aan te kondigen die compileert tegen de KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. Deze versie is nog niet volledig functioneel omdat er nog veel dingen opgepoetst en beëindigd moeten worden, maar u bent vrij om het te testen en zo veel mogelijk terugkoppeling te geven. U kunt het snapshot pakket vinden op ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Kijk ook eens op de download-pagina om er zeker van te zijn dat u alle noodzakelijke bibliotheken hebt.\n\t\t\t"; $text["Some images of Okular "in action"..."] = "Enige afbeeldingen van Okular "in actie"..."; $text["Backends in action"] = "Backends in actie"; $text["Here you can see some of the Okular backends in action on files."] = "Hier ziet u enige backends van Okular in actie op bestanden."; $text["PDF backend"] = "PDF-backend"; $text["PostScript backend"] = "PostScript-backend"; $text["DjVu backend"] = "DjVu-backend"; $text["TIFF/fax backend"] = "TIFF/fax-backend"; $text["Extraction of embedded files"] = "Extractie van ingebedde bestanden"; $text["Word processor-like text selection"] = "Tekstselectie zoals in een tekstbewerker"; $text["Review mode"] = "Recentiemodus"; $text["Annotations (enter in Tools -> Review)"] = "Annotaties (toegang via Hulpmiddelen -> Recenseren)"; $text["Okular - more than a reader"] = "Okular - meer dan een lezer"; $text["the Okular developers"] = "De ontwikkelaars van Okular"; $text["Current Okular Team"] = "Huidige team van Okular"; $text["The current Okular team is formed by:"] = "Het huidige team van Okular wordt gevormd door:"; $text["(Current maintainer)"] = "(Huidige onderhouder)"; $text["Your name here..."] = "Freek de Kruijf"; $text["Join Okular development!"] = "Doe mee met het ontwikkelen van Okular!"; $text["Former Okular developers"] = "Voormalige ontwikkelaars van Okular"; $text["We'd like to thank all the people that worked on Okular in the past:"] = "Wij willen alle personen die in het verleden aan Okular hebben gewerkt bedanken:"; $text["(Original Okular creator)"] = "(Oorspronkelijke maker van Okular)"; $text["(Usability expert)"] = "(Bruikbaarheidsexpert)"; $text["KPDF Developers"] = "KPDF-ontwikkelaars"; $text["We'd like also to thank all the people who worked on KPDF:"] = "Wij willen ook alle personen die aan KPDF hebben gewerkt bedanken:"; $text["Lots of features"] = "Heel veel functies"; $text["Fontconfig support, type-ahead find, some patches"] = "Ondersteuning van lettertypeconfiguratie, type-ahead-zoeken, enige patches"; ?> diff --git a/i18n/pl/okular-kde-org.inc b/i18n/pl/okular-kde-org.inc index 990d805..1453347 100644 --- a/i18n/pl/okular-kde-org.inc +++ b/i18n/pl/okular-kde-org.inc @@ -1,135 +1,235 @@ okular-devel\nand hosted at kde.org."] = "Posiadamy listę dyskusyjną do koordynowania rozwoju Okular. Jest utrzymywana na serwerach kde.org, jej nazwa to\n okular-devel"; $text["You can use it to talk about the development of the core application, but also\nfeedback about existent or new backends is appreciated."] = "Możesz go użyć, aby porozmawiać o rozwoju kluczowych aplikacji, alerównież\ndostarczyc nam cennych opinii na temat istniejących lub nowych modułów."; $text["IRC"] = "IRC"; $text["We have also an IRC channel where talk. The channel is\n#okular, on the\nFreenode network."] = "Mamy także kanał IRC (#okular) w sieci Freenode, "; $text["Usually some of the Okular developers hang there."] = "Zazwyczaj można tam spotkać niektórych deweloperów Okular."; $text["Forum"] = "Forum"; $text["If you prefer using a forum you can use the Okular forum inside the bigger KDE Community Forums."] = "Jeśli wolisz używać forum, to możesz używać forum Okulara wewnątrz większego Forum Społeczności KDE."; $text["Bugs and Wishes"] = "Błędy i życzenia"; $text["Bugs and Wishes should be reported to the KDE bug tracker at http://bugs.kde.org."] = "Błędy i życzenia powinny być zgłaszane (po angielsku) na serwerze śledzenia błędów KDE pod adresem http://bugs.kde.org."; $text["Download"] = "Pobierz"; $text["Binary packages"] = "Pakiety binarne"; $text["The recommended way for end-user installations of Okular is using binary packages:"] = "Zalecany dla użytkownika końcowego sposób instalacji Okular to użycie pakietów binarnych: "; $text["For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular package (might be part of the broader kdegraphics package) and install it."] = "Jeśli używasz GNU/Linux lub BSD skorzystaj z menedżera pakietów, aby znaleźć i zainstalować Okular (może być częścią większego pakietu kdegraphics)."; $text["For Windows have a look at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on Windows."] = "Jeśli używasz Windows, zajrzyj na KDE dla Windows po informacje przydatne do instalacji KDE w systemie Windows."; $text["For Mac Os X have a look at the KDE on Mac OS X webpage for information on how to install KDE on Mac OS X."] = "Jeśli używasz Mac OS X, zajrzyj na KDE dla Mac OS X po informacje przydatne do instalacji KDE w systemie Mac Os X."; $text["Compiling Okular from source"] = "Kompilowanie Okulara ze źródeł"; $text["If you want to compile Okular, you need to have an already set up compilation environment."] = "Jeśli chcesz skompilować Okulara, musisz mieć już ustawione środowisko kompilowania."; $text["Distributions should provide development packages usable for compiling KDE applications."] = "Dystrybucje powinny dostarczyć rozwojowe pakiety nadające się do skompilowania aplikacji KDE."; $text["Optional packages"] = "Opcjonalne pakiety"; $text["There are some optional package you could install in order to have some more functionalities in Okular."] = "Istnieje kilka opcjonalnych pakietów, które można zainstalować w celu polepszenia funkcjonalności Okular."; $text["Some are already packaged for your distro, but other maybe not. So, if possible, use the packages your distro ships."] = "Niektóre z nich są już przygotowane dla Twojego systemu, ale innych może nie być. Tak więc, jeśli to możliwe, należy używać pakietów dostarczanych przez dystrybucję."; $text["Poppler (PDF backend)"] = "Poppler (moduł PDF)"; $text["To compile the PDF backend, you need the Poppler library (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."] = "Do skompilowania modułu PDF niezbędna jest biblioteka Poppler (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."; $text["In order to compile and use the PostScipt (PS) backend, you need libspectre >= 0.2."] = "Aby skompilować i używać moduł PostScipt (PS), potrzeba libspectre >= 0.2."; $text["If your distro does not package libspectre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."] = "Jeśli Twoja dystrybucja nie dostarcza libspectre lub dostępna wersja nie jestodpowiednia, można go pobrać z http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."; $text["DjVuLibre (DjVu backend)"] = "DjVuLibre (moduł DjVu)"; $text["To compile the DjVu backend, you need DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."] = "Aby skompilować moduł DjVu, potrzeba DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."; $text["If your distro does not package DjVuLibre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."] = "Jeśli Twoja dystrybucja nie dostarcza DjVuLibre lub dostępna wersja nie jestodpowiednia, można go pobrać z http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."; $text["libTIFF (TIFF/fax backend)"] = "libTIFF (moduł TIFF/fax)"; $text["libTIFF is needed to compile the TIFF/fax backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libtiff jest niezbędne do skompilowania modułu TIFF/fax. Obecnie nie maminimalnej wymaganej wersji, więc wszelkie stosunkowo aktualne wydania bibliotekidostępne dla Twojej dystrybucji powinny działać. W przypadku problemów zachęcamy do kontaktu z deweloperami Okular."; $text["libCHM (CHM backend)"] = "libCHM (moduł CHM)"; $text["libCHM is needed to compile the CHM backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libCHM jest niezbędne do skompilowania modułu CHM. Obecnie nie ma minimalnej wymaganej wersji, więc wszelkie stosunkowo aktualne wydania biblioteki dostępne dla Twojej dystrybucji powinny działać. W przypadku problemów zachęcamy do kontaktu z deweloperami Okular."; $text["In order to compile and use the EPub backend, you need the epub library."] = "Aby skompilować i używać modułu EPub, potrzeba biblioteki epub."; $text["If your distro does not package libepub, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."] = "Jeśli Twoja dystrybucja nie dostarcza libepub lub dostępna wersja nie jestodpowiednia, można go pobrać z http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."; $text["Frequently Asked Questions"] = "Często zadawane pytania"; $text["Compiling Okular"] = "Kompilacja Okular"; $text["The Poppler backend does not compile. It complains about 'class Poppler::TextBox' and 'edge'."] = "Moduł Poppler nie kompiluje się. Zgłasza błąd dotyczący 'class Poppler::TextBox' oraz 'edge'."; $text["Do you get an error output similar to"] = "Czy otrzymujesz na wyjściu błąd podobny do"; $text["If so, most probably you updated from Poppler 0.6.x or previous to Poppler 0.8."] = "Jeśli tak, to najprawdopodobniej zaktualizowano Poppler 0.6.x lub poprzedni do Poppler 0.8."; $text["What you can do is simple:"] = "To co możesz zrobić, jest proste:"; $text["in the build directory of Okular. Then run cmake again, and all should work as expected."] = "w katalogu budowania Okulara. Następnie uruchom ponownie cmake i wszystko powinno działać zgodnie z oczekiwaniami."; $text["Running Okular"] = "Uruchamianie Okular"; $text["Okular tells me there are no plugins installed. What can I do?"] = "Okular informuje, nie ma zainstalowanych żadnych wtyczek. Co mogę zrobić?"; $text["In a shell set up for your KDE 4 installation, execute the command"] = "W powłoce, skonfigurowanej dla instalacji KDE 4, wykonaj polecenie"; $text["After that, Okular should find its plugins as expected."] = "Po tym Okular powinien, zgodnie z oczekiwaniami, znaleźć swoje wtyczki."; $text["General usage"] = "Ogólne zasady"; $text["Why the newly added annotations are not in my PDF document?"] = "Dlaczego nowo dodane adnotacje nie są zawarte w moim dokumencie PDF?"; $text["By default, Okular saves annotations in the local data directory\nfor each user. Since KDE 4.9, it's optionally possible to store them directly in\na PDF file by choosing \"File -> Save As...\", so they can be seen in other\nPDF viewers."] = "Domyślnie, Okular zachowuje przypisy w lokalnym katalogu danych\nkażdego użytkownika. Od KDE 4.9, opcjonalnie można przechowywać je\nbezpośrednio w pliku PDF wybierając \"Plik -> Zapisz jako...\", tak aby można je było zobaczyć\nw innych przeglądarkach PDF."; $text["Note that this feature requires Poppler 0.20 or newer for regular PDF\ndocuments. If the PDF document you are annotating is encrypted, this feature\nrequires Poppler 0.22 or newer."] = "Ta funkcja wymaga Poppler 0.20 lub nowszego dla zwykłych\ndokumentów PDF. Jeśli dokument PDF, do którego tworzysz przypisy, jest szyfrowany, to funkcja ta wymaga\nPoppler 0.22 lub nowszego."; $text["How can I annotate a document and send it to a friend/colleague/etc?"] = "Jak mogę dodać adnotację do dokumentu i wysłać go do przyjaciela/kolegi/etc?"; $text["Since KDE 4.2, Okular has the \"document archiving\" feature. This is\nan Okular-specific format for carrying the document plus various metadata\nrelated to it (currently only annotations)."] = "Od KDE 4.2 Okular ma funkcję \"archiwizacji dokumentów\". Jest to\nspecyficzny format służący do przenoszenia dokumentów oraz różnych związanych z nim\nmetadanych (obecnie tylko adnotacji)."; $text["You can save a \"document archive\" from the open document by choosing \"File\n-> Export As -> Document Archive\"."] = "Możesz zapisać \"archiwum dokumentów\" z otwartego dokumentu, wybierając\"Plik\n-> Eksportuj jako -> Archiwum dokumentów\"."; $text["To open an Okular document archive, just open it with Okular as it would be eg\na PDF document."] = "Aby otworzyć archiwum dokumentów Okular, wystarczy otworzyć go tak samo jak np.\ndokument PDF."; $text["If you're annotating a PDF document, you can also save annotations\ndirectly in the PDF file (see previous question)"] = "Jeśli tworzysz przypisy w dokumencie PDF, możesz także je zachować\nbezpośrednio w pliku PDF (zobacz poprzednie pytanie)"; $text["Using Ubuntu, I cannot read CHM and EPub documents,\neven if I have okular-extra-backends and libchm1 installed. Why?"] = "Korzystając z Ubuntu nie mogę odczytać dokumentów CHM i ePub,\npomimo posiadania zainstalowanych pakietów okular-extra-backends i libchm1. Dlaczego?"; $text["Ubuntu (thus Kubuntu as well) packages of Okular are compiled without\nthe support for these two formats."] = "Paczki Okular dla Ubuntu (jak również dla Kubuntu) są kompilowane bez\nwsparcia dla tych dwóch formatów."; $text["The reason is explained in the following Launchpad report: "] = "Powód jest opisany w następnym sprawozdaniu na Launchpad:"; $text["Why the speak options in the Tools menu are grayed out?"] = "Dlaczego opcje mowy w menu Narzędzia są szare?"; $text["Because you don't have the KDE Text To Speech tools, install Jovie (formerly known as ktts) and they should be enabled"] = "Ponieważ nie masz narzędzi KDE Text To Speech. Zainstaluj Jovie (dawniej znany jako ktts), wtedy opcje powinny stać się włączone"; $text["Some characters are not rendered and when enabling debug some lines mention 'Missing language pack for xxx'"] = "Pewne znaki nie są wyświetlane i przy włączeniu debugowania pewne wiersze pokazują 'Brakuje pakietu językowego dla xxx'"; $text["Install the poppler-data package"] = "Zainstaluj pakiet poppler-data"; $text["Document format handlers status"] = "Stan programów obsługujących formaty dokumentów"; $text["Document Format Handlers"] = "Programy obsługujące formaty dokumentów"; $text["This page always refers to the stable series of Okular (currently KDE 4.5.x)."] = "Ta strona odnosi się zawsze do stabilnej serii Okular (obecnie KDE 4.5.x)."; $text["Features/Formats"] = "Cechy/formaty"; $text["Main library used"] = "Główna biblioteka"; $text["Loading"] = "Wczytywanie"; $text["Rendering"] = "Tworzenie"; $text["Threaded rendering"] = "Wątkowe renderowanie"; $text["Document information"] = "Informacje o dokumencie"; $text["TOC"] = "Spis treści"; $text["Font information"] = "Informacje o czcionce"; $text["Text extraction"] = "Wyodrębnianie tekstu"; $text["Links"] = "Odnośniki"; $text["Paper Size"] = "Rozmiar papieru"; $text["Printing"] = "Drukowanie"; $text["Text Exporting"] = "Eksportowanie tekstu"; $text["Other Features"] = "Inne cechy"; $text["Annotations"] = "Adnotacje"; $text["Forms"] = "Formularze"; $text["Inverse search"] = "Wyszukiwanie odwrotne"; $text["Document Rights"] = "Prawa do dokumentu"; $text["Embedded files"] = "Osadzone pliki"; $text["Sounds"] = "Dźwięki"; $text["Movies"] = "Wideo"; $text["What is it?"] = "Co to jest?"; $text["Okular logo"] = "Logo Okular"; $text["Okular is a universal document viewer based developed by KDE. Okular works on multiple platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc."] = "Okular jest wszechstronną przeglądarką dokumentów rozwijaną przez KDE. Okular działa na wielu platformach takich jak Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, itp."; $text["The last stable release is Okular %1, shipped as part of the KDE Applications %3 release."] = "Ostatnią stabilną wersją jest Okular %1, dostarczany jako część składowa wydania Aplikacji KDE %3."; $text["Okular combines the excellent functionalities with the versatility of supporting different kind of documents, like PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub and others."] = "Okular łączy w sobie doskonałą funkcjonalność z wszechstronną obsługą różnego rodzaju dokumentów, takich jak PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub i innych."; $text["The document format handlers page has a chart describing in more detail the supported formats and the features supported in each of them."] = "Strona programów obsługujących formaty dokumentów zawiera tabelę opisującą w szczegółach wspierane formaty i funkcje obsługiwane w każdym z nich."; $text["If you are interested in contributing to Okular, please contact us."] = "Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany współtworzeniem Okulara, skontaktuj się z nami."; $text["If you do not want or can not contribute, testers are fully welcome, so follow these instructions to see how to download and build Okular."] = "Jeśli nie chcesz lub nie możesz współtworzyć z nami Okulara to wiedz, że testerzy są zawsze mile widziani. Zobacz instrukcję, jak pobrać i skompilować Okular."; $text["Okular is a Free Software PDF reader."] = "Okular jestprzeglądarką PDF zaliczaną do darmowego oprogramowania."; $text["Okular Homepage"] = "Strona domowa Okulara"; $text["Main"] = "Strona główna"; $text["Format support"] = "Obsługiwane formaty plików"; $text["Development News"] = "Aktualności na temat rozwoju"; $text["Screenshots"] = "Zrzuty ekranu"; $text["FAQ"] = "FAQ"; $text["Team"] = "Zespół"; $text["Related apps/projects"] = "Powiązane aplikacje/projekty"; $text["Free Software PDF readers"] = "Przeglądarki PDF zaliczane do wolnego oprogramowania"; +$text["Okular news"] = "Aktualności Okular"; +$text["Okular 0.24 released"] = "Okular 0.24 wydany"; +$text["December 16, 2015"] = "16 grudnia 2015"; +$text["The 0.24 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.12 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and features, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Wersja 0.24 Okulara została wydana wraz z wydaniem Aplikacji do KDE 15.12. Wydanie to wprowadza pomniejsze poprawki błędów i nowe funkcje, pełny dziennik zmian możesz obejrzeć na https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 jest zalecanym uaktualnieniem dla wszystkich go używających."; +$text["Okular 0.23 released"] = "Okular 0.23 wydany"; +$text["August 19, 2015"] = "18 sierpnia 2015"; +$text["The 0.23 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.08 release. This release introduces support for the Fade transition in presentation mode as well as some fixes regarding annotations and video playback. Okular 0.23 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Wersja 0.23 Okulara została wydana wraz z wydaniem Aplikacji do KDE 15.08. Wydanie to wprowadza przejścia z zanikaniem w trybie prezentacji, a także poprawki dotyczące przypisów i odtwarzania filmów. Okular 0.23 jest zalecanym uaktualnieniem dla wszystkich go używających."; +$text["Okular 0.22 released"] = "Okular 0.22 wydany"; +$text["April 15, 2015"] = "15 kwiecień 2015"; +$text["The 0.22 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.04 release. Okular 0.22 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Wersja 0.22 programu Okular została wydana wraz z wydaniem Aplikacji KDE 15.04. Okular 0.22 jest zalecaną aktualizacją dla wszystkich użytkowników Okulara."; +$text["Okular 0.21 released"] = "Okular 0.21 wydany"; +$text["December 17, 2014"] = "17 grudnia 2014"; +$text["The 0.21 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 14.12 release. This release introduces new features like latex-synctex reverse searching in dvi and small bugfixes. Okular 0.21 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Wersja 0.21 Okulara została wydana wraz z wydaniem Aplikacji do KDE 14.12. Wydanie to wprowadza funkcje takie jak wyszukiwanie wsteczne latex-synctex w dvi, a także naprawiono w nim małe błędy. Okular 0.21 jest zalecanym uaktualnieniem dla wszystkich go używających."; +$text["Okular 0.19 released"] = "Okular 0.19 wydany"; +$text["April 16, 2014"] = "16 kwiecień 2014"; +$text["The 0.19 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.13 release. This release introduces new features like tabs support in the interface, use of DPI screen so that page size matches real paper size, improvements to the Undo/Redo framework and other features/refinements. Okular 0.19 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Wersja 0.19 Okulara została wydana wraz z wydaniem Aplikacji do KDE 4.13. Wydanie to nabiera cech takich jak obsługa kart w interfejsie, wykorzystywanie parametru DPI ekranów, tak aby rozmiar strony pasował do rzeczywistego rozmiaru papieru, ulepszenia do struktury cofnij/powtórz oraz inne funkcje/ulepszenia. Okular 0.19 jest zalecanym uaktualnieniem dla wszystkich go używających."; +$text["Okular 0.18 released"] = "Okular 0.18 wydany"; +$text["December 12, 2013"] = "12 grudnia 20013"; +$text["The 0.18 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.12 release. This release introduces new features like audio/video support in EPub files and also improvements to existing features like searching and printing. Okular 0.18 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Wersja 0.18 Okulara została wydana wraz z wydaniem Aplikacji do KDE 4.12. Wydanie to wprowadza funkcje takie jak obsługa dźwięku/obrazu w plikach EPub, a także usprawnienia do istniejących funkcji takich jak znajdywanie i drukowanie. Okular 0.18 jest zalecanym uaktualnieniem dla wszystkich go używających."; +$text["Okular 0.17 released"] = "Okular 0.17 wydany"; +$text["August 16, 2013"] = "16 sierpnia 2013"; +$text["The 0.17 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.11 release. This release introduces new features like undo/redo support for forms and annotations and configurable review tools. Okular 0.17 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Wersja 0.17 Okulara została wydana wraz z wydaniem Aplikacji do KDE 4.11. Wydanie to wprowadza funkcje takie jak obsługa cofnij/ponów dla formularzy i przypisów oraz konfigurowalne narzędzie recenzji. Okular 0.17 jest zalecanym uaktualnieniem dla wszystkich go używających."; +$text["Okular 0.16 released"] = "Okular 0.16 wydany"; +$text["February 6, 2013"] = "6 lutego 2013"; +$text["The 0.16 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.10 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to zoom to higher levels in PDF documents, an Active based viewer for your tablet devices, more support for PDF movies, viewport follows selection, and annotation editing improvements. Okular 0.16 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Wersja 0.16 Okulara została wydana wraz z wydaniem Aplikacji KDE 4.10. Wydanie to wprowadza nowe funkcje, takie jak możliwość przybliżania do wyższych poziomów w dokumentach PDF, przeglądarkę opartą na Active dla urządzeń typu tablet, więcej wsparcia dla filmów PDF, widok podążający za wyborem i ulepszenia do edytowania przypisów. Okular 0.16 jest zalecanym uaktualnieniem dla każdego użytkownika Okulara."; +$text["Okular forums"] = "Fora Okulara"; +$text["October 10, 2012"] = "10 października 2012"; +$text["We now have a subforum inside the KDE Community Forums. You can find it at http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."] = "Od teraz mamy podforum wewnątrz forum Społeczności KDE. Możesz je znaleźć pod adresem http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."; +$text["Okular 0.15 released"] = "Okular 0.15 wydany"; +$text["August 1, 2012"] = "1 sierpnia 2012"; +$text["The 0.15 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.9 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to store annotations with PDF documents, more support for PDF movies, multiple bookmarks per page and some other minor improvements. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.15 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Wersja 0.15 Okulara została wydana wraz z wydaniem Aplikacji KDE 4.9. Wydanie to wprowadza nowe funkcje, takie jak możliwość przechowywania przypisów w dokumentach PDF, więcej wsparcia dla filmów PDF, wiele zakładek na stronę i kilka innych pomniejszych ulepszeń. Niepełną listę poprawionych błędów i nowych funkcji można znaleźć na stronie bugzilli. Okular 0.15 jest zalecanym uaktualnieniem dla każdego kto używa Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.14 released"] = "Okular 0.14 wydany"; +$text["January 25, 2012"] = "25 stycznia 2012"; +$text["The 0.14 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.8 release. This release introduces new features like improved text selection in documents with columns, table selection tool, LaTex rendering in annotations, improved embedded support (for use in e.g. Kile), better layouting for faced pages, smarter screensaver/powermanagement handling, improved page label support, default zoom configuration, improved Landscape printing, etc. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.14 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Wersja 0.14 Okulara została wydana wraz z wydaniem Aplikacji KDE 4.8. Wydanie to wprowadza nowe funkcje, takie jak ulepszone zaznaczanie tekstu w dokumentach z kolumnami, narzędzie zaznaczania tabeli, wyświetlanie języka LaTex w adnotacjach, ulepszona obsługa osadzania (do użycia np. w Kile), lepszy układ stron sąsiadujących, inteligentniejsza obsługa wygaszacza ekranu/ zarządzania energią, ulepszona obsługa etykiet stron, domyślna konfiguracja przybliżenia, ulepszone drukowanie w poziomie, itp. Niekompletną listę poprawionych błędów i nowych funkcji na stronie bugzilla. Okular 0.14 jest zalecanym uaktualnieniem dla każdego kto używa Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.13 released"] = "Okular 0.13 wydany"; +$text["July 27, 2011"] = "27 lipca 2011"; +$text["The 0.13 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.7 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Wersja 0.13 programu Okular została opublikowana wraz z Aplikacjami KDE w wersji 4.7. To wydanie wprowadza drobne poprawki oraz funkcje i jest zalecaną aktualizacją dla wszystkich użytkowników Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.12 released"] = "Okular 0.12 wydany"; +$text["January 26, 2011"] = "26 stycznia 2011"; +$text["The 0.12 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.6 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Wersja 0.12 programu Okular została opublikowana wraz z Aplikacjami KDE w wersji 4.6. To wydanie wprowadza drobne poprawki oraz funkcje i jest zalecaną aktualizacją dla wszystkich użytkowników Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.11 released"] = "Okular 0.11 wydany"; +$text["August 10, 2010"] = "10 sierpnia 2010"; +$text["The 0.11 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.5 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Wersja 0.11 programu Okular została opublikowana wraz z Aplikacjami KDE w wersji 4.5. To wydanie wprowadza drobne poprawki oraz funkcje i jest zalecaną aktualizacją dla wszystkich użytkowników Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.10 released"] = "Okular 0.10 wydany"; +$text["February 9, 2010"] = "9 lutego 2010"; +$text["The 0.10 version of Okular has been released together with KDE SC 4.4. Besides general improvements in stability this release sports new/improved support for both inverse search and forward search linking latex source code lines with the corresponding locations in dvi and pdf files."] = "Wersja 0.10 programu Okular została opublikowana wraz z KDE SC 4.4. Oprócz ogólnej poprawy stabilności to wydanie wprowadza nowe/ulepszone wsparcie zarówno dla wyszukiwania wstecz, jak i wyszukiwania wprzód razem z łączeniem kodu źródłowego latex z odpowiadającymi miejscami w plikach dvi i pdf."; +$text["Okular 0.9.4 released"] = "Okular 0.9.4 wydany"; +$text["December 1, 2009"] = "1 grudnia 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.3 series includes Okular 0.9.4. It includes some crash fixes, and few small bug fixes in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"] = "Czwarte wydanie podtrzymujące linię KDE 4.3 obejmuje Okular 0.9.4. Zawiera ono kilka poprawek awarii i drobnych błędów w interfejsie. Listę wszystkich zmian można znaleźć na http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.4 released"] = "Okular 0.8.4 wydany"; +$text["June 3, 2009"] = "3 czerwca 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.4. It includes some fixes in OpenDocument Text documents, a couple of crash fixes, and few small bugs in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"] = "Czwarte wydanie podtrzymujące linię KDE 4.2 obejmuje Okular 0.8.4. Zawiera ono poprawki dokumentów tekstowych OpenDocument. Oprócz tego naprawiono kilka awarii oraz błędy w interfejsie. Listę wszystkich zmian można znaleźć na http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.3 released"] = "Okular 0.8.3 wydany"; +$text["May 6, 2009"] = "6 maja 2009"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.3. It does not provide much news for Okular, the only relevant change is about thread more safety when generating page images of XPS document. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"] = "Trzecie wydanie podtrzymujące linię KDE 4.2 obejmuje Okular 0.8.3. Nie wprowadza wielu nowości do programu Okular. Jedyna istotna zmiana dotyczy większego bezpieczeństwa wątku podczas generowania obrazów stron dokumentu XPS. Listę wszystkich zmian można znaleźć na http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.2 released"] = "Okular 0.8.2 wydany"; +$text["April 2, 2009"] = "2 kwietnia 2009"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.2. It includes better support (hopefully working) for DVI and pdfsync inverse search, and fixes and small improvements in the presentation mode. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"] = "Drugie wydanie podtrzymujące linię KDE 4.2 obejmuje Okular 0.8.2. Zawiera ono ulepszone wsparcie (mamy nadzieję, że działające) dla DVI, wyszukiwanie odwrotne pdfsync oraz drobne poprawki i ulepszenia w trybie prezentacji. Listę wszystkich zmian można znaleźć na http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.1 released"] = "Okular 0.8.1 wydany"; +$text["March 4, 2009"] = "4 marca 2009"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.1. It includes some crash fixes in the CHM and DjVu backends, and minor fixes in the user interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"] = "Pierwsze wydanie podtrzymujące linię KDE 4.2 obejmuje Okular 0.8.1. Zawiera ono ważne poprawki w modułach CHM i DjVu oraz drobne ulepszenia interfejsu użytkownika. Listę wszystkich zmian można znaleźć na http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8 released"] = "Okular 0.8 wydany"; +$text["January 27, 2009"] = "27 stycznia 2009"; +$text["The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.2. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): And, of course, many bugs were fixed."] = "Zespół Okular dumnie ogłasza wydanie nowej wersji Okular jako części KDE 4.2. Kilka nowych funkcji i udoskonaleń (w losowej kolejności): Oraz, oczywiście, usunięcie wielu błędów."; +$text["Okular 0.7.3 released"] = "Okular 0.7.3 wydany"; +$text["November 4, 2008"] = "4 listopada 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.3. It includes some minor fixes in the user interface and in the text search. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"] = "Trzecie wydanie podtrzymujące linię KDE 4.1 obejmuje Okular 0.7.3. Zawiera ono drobne poprawki interfejsu użytkownika oraz dodaje wyszukiwanie tekstu. Listę wszystkich zmian można znaleźć na http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.2 released"] = "Okular 0.7.2 wydany"; +$text["October 3, 2008"] = "3 października 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.2. It includes some minor fixes in the TIFF and Comicbook backends and the change to \"Fit Width\" as default zoom level. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"] = "Drugie wydanie podtrzymujące linię KDE 4.1 obejmuje Okular 0.7.2. Zawiera ono drobne poprawki w modułach TIFF i Comicbook oraz zmienia domyślny poziom powiększenia na \"dopasowany do szerokości\". Listę wszystkich zmian można znaleźć na http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.1 released"] = "Okular 0.7.1 wydany"; +$text["September 3, 2008"] = "3 września 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.1. It includes some crash fixes among other minor fixes. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"] = "Pierwsze wydanie podtrzymujące linię KDE 4.1 obejmuje Okular 0.7.1. Zawiera ono ważne poprawki pomiędzy drobnymi ulepszeniami. Listę wszystkich zmian można znaleźć na http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7 released"] = "Okular 0.7 wydany"; +$text["July 29, 2008"] = "29 lipca 2008"; +$text["KDE 4.1. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order):\n\nAnd, of course, many bugs were fixed.]]>"] = "KDE 4.1.Kilka nowych funkcji i udoskonaleń (w losowej kolejności):\n\nOraz, oczywiście, usunięcie wielu błędów.]]> "; +$text["Okular 0.6.3 released"] = "Okular 0.6.3 wydany"; +$text["April 2, 2008"] = "2 kwietnia 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"] = "Trzecie wydanie podtrzymujące linię KDE 4.0 obejmuje Okular 0.6.3. Zawiera kilka poprawek, np. lepszy sposób na pobranie pozycji tekstu w dokumencie PDF, kilka poprawek dla systemu adnotacji oraz spis treści. Listę wszystkich zmian można znaleźć na http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.2 released"] = "Okular 0.6.2 wydany"; +$text["March 5, 2008"] = "5 marca 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"] = "Drugie wydanie podtrzymujące linię KDE 4.0 obejmuje Okular 0.6.2. Zawiera sporo poprawek błędów, w tym większą stabilność podczas zamykania dokumentów i drobne poprawki systemu zakładek. Listę wszystkich zmian można znaleźć na http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.1 released"] = "Okular 0.6.1 wydany"; +$text["February 5, 2008"] = "5 lutego 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"] = "Pierwsze wydanie podtrzymujące linię KDE 4.0 obejmuje Okular 0.6.1. Zawiera sporo poprawek błędów, w tym ulepszone nieponawianie pobierania plików podczas zapisywania, usprawnienia użytkowania, itp. Listę wszystkich zmian można znaleźć na http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"; +$text["aKademy 2007 Okular presentation material online"] = "aKademy 2007 - prezentacja Okular (materiały online)"; +$text["Jul 10, 2007"] = "10 lipca 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular talk given by Pino Toscano at aKademy 2007 is now online. There are both slides and video available.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tWystąpienie dotyczące Okular, autorstwa Pino Toscano na aKademy 2007 jest już online. Są tam dostępne zarówno slajdy jak i wideo.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular in kdegraphics"] = "Okular w kdegraphics"; +$text["Apr 4, 2007"] = "4 kwietnia 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular is now part of the kdegraphics module. The next version of Okular will be shipped with KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tZespół Okular dumnie ogłasza, że Okular jest teraz częścią modułu kdegraphics. Następna wersja programu zostanie dostarczona wraz z KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular joins The Season of Usability project"] = "Okular dołączył do projektu The Season of Usability"; +$text["Jan 31, 2007"] = "31 stycznia 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular has been one of the applications selected to participate in the Season of Usability project, run by usability experts at OpenUsability. From here we want to welcome Sharad Baliyan to the team and thank Florian Graessle and Pino Toscano for their continued work on improving Okular.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tZespół Okular dumnie ogłasza, że Okular jest jedną z aplikacji wybranych do udziału w projekcie Season of Usability, prowadzonym przez ekspertów użyteczności z OpenUsability. Z tego miejsca chcemy przywitać w zespole Sharada Baliyana oraz podziękować Florianowi Graessle i Pino Toscano za kontynuowanie ich pracy nad ulepszaniem Okular.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5.81 unstable snapshot released"] = "Okular 0.5.81 (wersja niestabilna) wydany"; +$text["Nov 2, 2006"] = "2 listopada 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. This snapshot is not completely functional, yet, as we have lots of things to polish and finish, but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tTZespół Okular dumnie ogłasza wydanie migawki Okulara dla Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. Migawka wciąż nie jest całkowicie funkcjonalna, mamy wiele rzeczy do dopracowania, ale jeśli chcecie, możecie ją przetestować i dostarczyć jak najwięcej informacji zwrotnych. Pakiet można znaleźć na ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Odwiedź także stronę pobierania i upewnij się, że masz wszystkie niezbędne biblioteki.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5 unstable snapshot released"] = "Okular 0.5 (wersja niestabilna) wydany"; +$text["Aug 27, 2006"] = "27 sierpnia 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. This snapshot is still not completely functional as we have lots of things to polish and finish but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tZespół Okular dumnie ogłasza wydanie migawki Okular dla KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. Migawka wciąż nie jest całkowicie funkcjonalna, mamy wiele rzeczy do dopracowania, ale jeśli chcecie, możecie ją przetestować i dostarczyć jak najwięcej informacji zwrotnych. Pakiet można znaleźć na ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Odwiedź także stronę pobierania i upewnij się, że masz wszystkie niezbędne biblioteki.\n\t\t\t"; $text["Some images of Okular "in action"..."] = "Kilka zdjęć programu Okular "w akcji"..."; $text["Backends in action"] = "Moduły w akcji"; $text["Here you can see some of the Okular backends in action on files."] = "Tutaj można zobaczyć niektóre z modułów Okular podczas działania na plikach."; $text["PDF backend"] = "moduł PDF"; $text["PostScript backend"] = "moduł PostScript"; $text["DjVu backend"] = "moduł DjVu"; $text["TIFF/fax backend"] = "moduł TIFF/fax"; $text["Extraction of embedded files"] = "Wydobywanie osadzonych plików"; $text["Word processor-like text selection"] = "Zaznaczanie tekstu jak w edytorze tekstowym"; $text["Review mode"] = "Tryb przeglądania"; $text["Annotations (enter in Tools -> Review)"] = "Adnotacje (wejdź w Narzędzia -> Recenzja)"; $text["Okular - more than a reader"] = "Okular - więcej niż przeglądarka"; $text["the Okular developers"] = "deweloperzy Okular"; $text["Current Okular Team"] = "Obecny zespół Okular"; $text["The current Okular team is formed by:"] = "Obecny zespół Okular tworzą:"; $text["(Current maintainer)"] = "(Obecny opiekun)"; $text["Your name here..."] = "Tu jest miejsce na twoje imię..."; $text["Join Okular development!"] = "Dołącz do twórców Okulara!"; $text["Former Okular developers"] = "Poprzedni programiści Okular"; $text["We'd like to thank all the people that worked on Okular in the past:"] = "Chcielibyśmy również podziękować wszystkim, którzy pracowali nad programem Okular w przeszłości:"; $text["(Original Okular creator)"] = "(Pierwotny twórca Okulara)"; $text["(Usability expert)"] = "(Ekspert użyteczności)"; $text["KPDF Developers"] = "Programiści KPDF"; $text["We'd like also to thank all the people who worked on KPDF:"] = "Chcielibyśmy również podziękować wszystkim ludziom, którzy pracowali nad KPDF:"; $text["Lots of features"] = "Wiele funkcji"; $text["Fontconfig support, type-ahead find, some patches"] = "Wsparcie dla fontconfig, znajdywania type-ahead,kilka łatek"; ?> diff --git a/i18n/pt/okular-kde-org.inc b/i18n/pt/okular-kde-org.inc index c3623fa..a69767f 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/okular-kde-org.inc +++ b/i18n/pt/okular-kde-org.inc @@ -1,145 +1,266 @@ okular-devel\nand hosted at kde.org."] = "Temos uma lista de correio com a qual coordenar o desenvolvimento do Okular. A lista de correio é \na okular-devel\ne está alojada em kde.org."; $text["You can use it to talk about the development of the core application, but also\nfeedback about existent or new backends is appreciated."] = "Podê-la-á usar para falar acerca do desenvolvimento da aplicação de base,\nmas também poderá dar sugestões sobre infra-estruturas novas ou existentes."; $text["IRC"] = "IRC"; $text["We have also an IRC channel where talk. The channel is\n#okular, on the\nFreenode network."] = "Temos também um canal de IRC onde conversar. O canal é o\n#okular, na rede\nFreenode."; $text["Usually some of the Okular developers hang there."] = "Normalmente, alguns dos programadores do Okular passam por lá."; $text["Forum"] = "Fórum"; $text["If you prefer using a forum you can use the Okular forum inside the bigger KDE Community Forums."] = "Se preferir usar um fórum, poderá usar o fórum do Okular dentro dos Fóruns da Comunidade do KDE."; $text["Bugs and Wishes"] = "Erros e Sugestões"; $text["Bugs and Wishes should be reported to the KDE bug tracker at http://bugs.kde.org."] = "Os erros e sugestões deverão ser comunicados ao sistema de registo de erros do KDE em http://bugs.kde.org."; $text["Download"] = "Transferências"; $text["Binary packages"] = "Pacotes binários"; $text["The recommended way for end-user installations of Okular is using binary packages:"] = "A forma recomendada para fazer instalações do Okular é através dos pacotes binários:"; $text["For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular package (might be part of the broader kdegraphics package) and install it."] = "No caso do GNU/Linux e dos BSD's, use o gestor de pacotes para encontrar o pacote do Okular (normalmente será o pacote mais abrangente 'kdegraphics') e instalá-lo."; $text["For Windows have a look at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on Windows."] = "Para o Windows, dê uma vista de olhos na página Web Iniciativa do KDE no Windows para saber mais informações como instalar o KDE no Windows."; $text["For Mac Os X have a look at the KDE on Mac OS X webpage for information on how to install KDE on Mac OS X."] = "Para o Mac OS X, dê uma vista de olhos na página Web sobre o KDE no Mac OS X para saber informações como instalar o KDE no Mac OS X."; $text["Packaging status"] = "Estado dos pacotes"; $text["N.B: The table above refers to the KDE Applications release version that Okular was part of. The actual Okular version as reported by the About dialog is different, e.g. Okular 1.2.1 was released as part of KDE Applications 17.08.1 and would should up with such number in the table."] = "N.B: A tabela acima refere-se à versão das Aplicações do KDE de que o Okular fez parte. A versão actual do Okular indicada pela janela 'Acerca' é diferente, p.ex. o Okular 1.2.1 foi lançado como parte das Aplicações do KDE 17.08.1 e deveria aparecer com esse número na tabela."; $text["Compiling Okular from source"] = "Compilar o Okular a partir do código"; $text["If you want to compile Okular, you need to have an already set up compilation environment."] = "Se quiser compilar o Okular, terá de ter um ambiente de compilação já configurado."; $text["Distributions should provide development packages usable for compiling KDE applications."] = "As distribuições deverão oferecer pacotes de desenvolvimentos que possam ser usados para compilar as aplicações do KDE."; $text["In case you want to compile the development version of Okular, please refer to Build from source at KDE's Community Wiki."] = "No caso de querer compilar a versão de desenvolvimento do Okular, veja por favor em Compilar a partir do código na Wiki da Comunidade do KDE."; $text["If you are interested in stable tarballs of Okular visit the\nKDE Applications download folder and download the okular tarball."] = "Se estiver interessado em pacotes TAR estáveis do Okular, vá à \npágina de transferências das Aplicações do KDE\ne transfira o pacote TAR do Okular."; $text["Optional packages"] = "Pacotes opcionais"; $text["There are some optional package you could install in order to have some more functionalities in Okular."] = "Existem alguns pacotes opcionais que poderá instalar para poder ter mais algumas funcionalidades no Okular."; $text["Some are already packaged for your distro, but other maybe not. So, if possible, use the packages your distro ships."] = "Já existem alguns pacotes equivalentes para a sua distribuição, mas poderão não existir outros. Por isso, se possível, use os pacotes que a sua distribuição fornecer."; $text["Poppler (PDF backend)"] = "Poppler (infra-estrutura de PDF)"; $text["To compile the PDF backend, you need the Poppler library (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."] = "Para compilar a infra-estrutura de PDF, precisa da biblioteca Poppler (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."; $text["The minimum version required is poppler 0.24"] = "A versão mínima necessária é o poppler 0.24"; $text["Libspectre (PostScript backend)"] = "Libspectre (Infra-estrutura de PostScript)"; $text["In order to compile and use the PostScipt (PS) backend, you need libspectre >= 0.2."] = "Para poder compilar e usar a infra-estrutura de PostScript (PS), precisa do libspectre >= 0.2."; $text["If your distro does not package libspectre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."] = "Se a sua distribuição não tiver o pacote 'libspectre', ou se a versão do pacote não for a suficiente, podê-lo-á transferir a partir do http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."; $text["DjVuLibre (DjVu backend)"] = "DjVuLibre (infra-estrutura do DjVu)"; $text["To compile the DjVu backend, you need DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."] = "Para compilar a infra-estrutura do DjVu , precisa do DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."; $text["If your distro does not package DjVuLibre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."] = "Se a sua distribuição não tiver o pacote do DjVuLibre, ou se a versão do mesmo for insuficiente, podê-lo-á obter a partir de http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."; $text["libTIFF (TIFF/fax backend)"] = "libTIFF (infra-estrutura de TIFF/fax)"; $text["libTIFF is needed to compile the TIFF/fax backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "A libTIFF é necessária para compilar a infra-estrutura de TIFF/fax. De momento, não existe nenhuma versão mínima necessária, por isso qualquer versão relativamente recente da biblioteca que estiver disponível na sua distribuição deverá funcionar. No caso de ter problemas com isso, não hesite em contactar a equipa de desenvolvimento do Okular."; $text["libCHM (CHM backend)"] = "libCHM (infra-estrutura de CHM)"; $text["libCHM is needed to compile the CHM backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "A libCHM é necessária para compilar a infra-estrutura de CHM. De momento, não existe nenhuma versão mínima necessária, por isso qualquer versão relativamente recente da biblioteca que estiver disponível na sua distribuição deverá funcionar. No caso de ter problemas com isso, não hesite em contactar a equipa de desenvolvimento do Okular."; $text["Libepub (EPub backend)"] = "Libepub (infra-estrutura do EPub)"; $text["In order to compile and use the EPub backend, you need the epub library."] = "Para poder compilar e usar a infra-estrutura do EPub, irá necessitar da biblioteca do mesmo."; $text["If your distro does not package libepub, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."] = "Se a sua distribuição não tiver o pacote 'libepub', ou se a versão do mesmo for insuficiente, podê-lo-á obter a partir de http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."; $text["You can download and compile Okular this way:"] = "Pode obter e compilar o Okular desta forma:"; $text["If you install Okular in a different path than your system install directory it is possible that you need to run"] = "Se instalar o Okular numa localização diferente da pasta de instalação do seu sistema, é possível que tenha de executar"; $text["so that the correct Okular instance and libraries are picked up. Obviously you need to replace x86_64-linux-gnu with the correct name for your architecture."] = "para que a instância e as bibliotecas correctas do Okular sejam escolhidas. Obviamente, terá de substituir o 'x86_64-linux-gnu' pelo nome correcto da sua arquitectura."; $text["Frequently Asked Questions"] = "Perguntas Mais Frequentes"; $text["Compiling Okular"] = "Compilar o Okular"; $text["The Poppler backend does not compile. It complains about 'class Poppler::TextBox' and 'edge'."] = "A infra-estrutura do Poppler não compila. Queixa-se acerca de 'class Poppler::TextBox' e 'edge'."; $text["Do you get an error output similar to"] = "Obteve uma mensagem de erro semelhante a"; $text["If so, most probably you updated from Poppler 0.6.x or previous to Poppler 0.8."] = "Se sim, provavelmente actualizou a partir da versão do Poppler 0.6.x ou anteriores à 0.8."; $text["What you can do is simple:"] = "O que poderá fazer é simples:"; $text["in the build directory of Okular. Then run cmake again, and all should work as expected."] = "na pasta de compilação do Okular. Depois, corra de novo o 'cmake' e tudo deverá funcionar como esperado."; $text["Running Okular"] = "Executar o Okular"; $text["Okular tells me there are no plugins installed. What can I do?"] = "O Okular diz-me que não tem 'plugins' instalados. O que posso fazer?"; $text["In a shell set up for your KDE 4 installation, execute the command"] = "Numa consola configurada para a sua instalação do KDE 4, execute o comando"; $text["After that, Okular should find its plugins as expected."] = "Depois disso, o Okular deverá encontrar os seus 'plugins' como esperado."; $text["General usage"] = "Uso geral"; $text["Why the newly added annotations are not in my PDF document?"] = "Porque é que as novas anotações não estão no meu documento em PDF?"; $text["By default, Okular saves annotations in the local data directory\nfor each user. Since KDE 4.9, it's optionally possible to store them directly in\na PDF file by choosing \"File -> Save As...\", so they can be seen in other\nPDF viewers."] = "Por omissão, o Okular grava as anotações na pasta de dados locais de cada utilizador.\nDesde o KDE 4.9, é possível e opcional gravá-los directamente num ficheiro PDF\nse escolher \"Ficheiro -> Gravar Como...\", para que possam ser vistos noutro\nvisualizador de PDF."; $text["Note that this feature requires Poppler 0.20 or newer for regular PDF\ndocuments. If the PDF document you are annotating is encrypted, this feature\nrequires Poppler 0.22 or newer."] = "Lembre-se que esta funcionalidade necessita do Poppler 0.20 ou posterior para\ndocumentos PDF normais. Se o documento que estiver a anotar estiver encriptado,\nesta funcionalidade precisa do Poppler 0.22 ou posterior."; $text["How can I annotate a document and send it to a friend/colleague/etc?"] = "Como é que posso anotar um documento e enviá-lo para um amigo/colega/etc?"; $text["Since KDE 4.2, Okular has the \"document archiving\" feature. This is\nan Okular-specific format for carrying the document plus various metadata\nrelated to it (currently only annotations)."] = "Desde o KDE 4.2, o Okular tem a funcionalidade de \"arquivo do documento\".\nEste é um formato específico do Okular para levar o documento mais alguns\nmeta-dados relacionados com ele (de momento, somente as anotações)."; $text["You can save a \"document archive\" from the open document by choosing \"File\n-> Export As -> Document Archive\"."] = "Poderá gravar um \"arquivo de documento\" para o documento aberto se escolher\n\"Ficheiro -> Exportar Como -> Arquivo do Documento\"."; $text["To open an Okular document archive, just open it with Okular as it would be eg\na PDF document."] = "Para abrir um arquivo de documento do Okular, basta abri-lo no Okular como\nse fosse, por exemplo, um documento em PDF."; $text["If you're annotating a PDF document, you can also save annotations\ndirectly in the PDF file (see previous question)"] = "Se estiver a anotar um documento PDF, poderá também gravar as anotações\ndirectamente no ficheiro PDF (ver a questão anterior)"; $text["Using Ubuntu, I cannot read CHM and EPub documents,\neven if I have okular-extra-backends and libchm1 installed. Why?"] = "Ao usar o Ubuntu, não consigo ler documentos CHM e EPub, mesmo que\ntenha o 'okular-extra-backends' e o 'libchm1' instalados. Porquê?"; $text["Ubuntu (thus Kubuntu as well) packages of Okular are compiled without\nthe support for these two formats."] = "Os pacotes do Ubuntu (e do Kubuntu também) para o Okular são compilados\nsem o suporte para estes dois formatos."; $text["The reason is explained in the following Launchpad report: "] = "A razão está explicada no seguinte relatório do Launchpad: "; $text["Why the speak options in the Tools menu are grayed out?"] = "Porque é que as opções de fala no menu Ferramentas estão cinzentas?"; $text["Because you don't have the KDE Text To Speech tools, install Jovie (formerly known as ktts) and they should be enabled"] = "Porque não tem as ferramentas de Texto-para-Fala do KDE; instale o Jovie (anteriormente chamado de KTTS) e tudo deverá ficar activo"; $text["Some characters are not rendered and when enabling debug some lines mention 'Missing language pack for xxx'"] = "Alguns caracteres não são desenhados e, ao activar a depuração, algumas linhas indicam 'Falta o pacote da língua xxx'"; $text["Install the poppler-data package"] = "Instalar o pacote 'poppler-data'"; $text["Document format handlers status"] = "Estado do tratamento de formatos de documentos"; $text["Document Format Handlers"] = "Tratamento de Formatos de Documentos"; $text["This page always refers to the stable series of Okular (currently KDE 4.5.x)."] = "Esta página refere-se sempre à série estável do Okular (para o KDE 4.5.x, de momento)."; $text["Features/Formats"] = "Funcionalidades/Formatos"; $text["Main library used"] = "Biblioteca principal usada"; $text["Loading"] = "A carregar"; $text["Rendering"] = "Rasterização"; $text["Threaded rendering"] = "Desenho multi-tarefa"; $text["Document information"] = "Informação do documento"; $text["TOC"] = "Índice Analítico"; $text["Font information"] = "Informação dos tipos de letra"; $text["Text extraction"] = "Extracção de texto"; $text["Links"] = "Hiperligações"; $text["Paper Size"] = "Tamanho do Papel"; $text["Printing"] = "Impressão"; $text["Text Exporting"] = "Exportação do Texto"; $text["Other Features"] = "Outras Funcionalidades"; $text["Annotations"] = "Anotações"; $text["Forms"] = "Formulários"; $text["Inverse search"] = "Pesquisa inversa"; $text["Document Rights"] = "Direitos do Documento"; $text["Embedded files"] = "Ficheiros incorporados"; $text["Sounds"] = "Sons"; $text["Movies"] = "Filmes"; $text["What is it?"] = "O que é isto?"; $text["Okular logo"] = "Logótipo do Okular"; $text["Okular is a universal document viewer based developed by KDE. Okular works on multiple platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc."] = "O Okular é um visualizador de documentos universal, desenvolvido pelo KDE. O Okular funciona em várias plataformas, incluindo mas não estando limitadas, o Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc."; $text["The last stable release is Okular %1, shipped as part of the KDE Applications %3 release."] = "A última versão estável é o Okular %1 que faz parte da versão %3 das Aplicações do KDE."; $text["Okular combines the excellent functionalities with the versatility of supporting different kind of documents, like PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub and others."] = "O Okular combina as funcionalidades excelentes com a versatilidade de suportar diferentes tipos de documentos, como o PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub, entre outros."; $text["The document format handlers page has a chart describing in more detail the supported formats and the features supported in each of them."] = "A página de tratamento de formatos de documentos tem um gráfico que detalha mais os formatos suportados e as funcionalidades implementadas em cada um deles."; $text["If you are interested in contributing to Okular, please contact us."] = "Se estiver interessado em contribuir para o Okular, por favor contacte-nos."; $text["If you do not want or can not contribute, testers are fully welcome, so follow these instructions to see how to download and build Okular."] = "Se não quiser ou não puder contribuir, pessoas para testar são sempre bem-vindas por isso siga estas instruções para ver como transferir e compilar o Okular."; $text["Okular is a Free Software PDF reader."] = "O Okular é um leitor de PDF's em 'Software' Livre."; $text["Okular Homepage"] = "Página Web do Okular"; $text["Main"] = "Principal"; $text["Format support"] = "Suporte para Formatos"; $text["Development News"] = "Notícias de Desenvolvimento"; $text["Screenshots"] = "Imagens"; $text["FAQ"] = "FAQ"; $text["Team"] = "Equipa"; $text["Related apps/projects"] = "Aplicações/Projectos Relacionados"; $text["Free Software PDF readers"] = "Leitores de PDF de 'Software' Livre"; +$text["Okular news"] = "Notícias do Okular"; +$text["Okular 1.5 released"] = "O Okular 1.5 foi lançado"; +$text["August 16, 2018"] = "16 de Agosto de 2018"; +$text["The 1.5 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 18.08 release. This release introduces Form improvements among various other fixes and small features. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.08.0#okular. Okular 1.5 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 1.5 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 18.08 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz melhorias nos formulários, entre outras pequenas correcções de erros e funcionalidades. Poderá verificar o registo de alterações completo em https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=1.08.0#okular. É uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.4 released"] = "O Okular 1.4 foi lançado"; +$text["April 19, 2018"] = "19 de Abril de 2018"; +$text["The 1.4 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 18.04 release. This release introduces improved JavaScript support in PDF files and supports PDF rendering cancelling, which means that if you have a complex PDF file and you change the zoom while it's rendering it will cancel immediately instead of waiting for the render to finish. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.04.0#okular. Okular 1.4 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 1.4 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 18.04 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz um suporte para JavaScript melhorado nos ficheiros PDF e suporta o cancelamento de desenho do PDF, o que significa que se tiver um ficheiro PDF complexo e queira mudar a ampliação, enquanto está a desenhar, irá cancelar automaticamente em vez de esperar que o desenho termine. Poderá verificar o registo de alterações completo em https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.04.0#okular. O Okular 1.4 é uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.3 released"] = "O Okular 1.3 foi lançado"; +$text["December 14, 2017"] = "14 de Dezembro de 2017"; +$text["The 1.3 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.12 release. This release introduces changes to how saving annotations and form data works, supports partial rendering updates for files that take long time to render, makes text links interactive on text selection mode, adds a Share option in the File menu, adds Markdown support and fixes some issues regarding HiDPI support. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.12.0#okular. Okular 1.3 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 1.3 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 17.12 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz alterações na forma como as anotações e os dados dos formulários funcionam, suporta as actualizações parciais do desenho para os ficheiros que demoram bastante tempo a carregar, torna as ligações de texto interactivas no modo de selecção de texto, adiciona uma opção para Partilhar no menu Ficheiro, adiciona o suporte de Markdown e corrige alguns problemas que dizem respeito ao suporte para HiDPI. Poderá verificar o registo de alterações completo em https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.12.0#okular. O Okular 1.3 é uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.2 released"] = "O Okular 1.2 foi lançado"; +$text["August 17, 2017"] = "17 de Agosto de 2017"; +$text["The 1.2 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.08 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and improvements. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. Okular 1.2 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 1.2 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 17.08 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz pequenas correcções de erros e funcionalidades, podendo verificar o registo de alterações completo em https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. É uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.1 released"] = "O Okular 1.1 foi lançado"; +$text["April 20, 2017"] = "20 de Abril de 2017"; +$text["The 1.1 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.04 release. This release introduces annotation resize functionality, support for automatic calculation of form contents, touch screen improvements and more! You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. Okular 1.1 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 1.1 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 17.04 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz a funcionalidade de dimensionamento das anotações, o suporte para o cálculo automático do conteúdo dos formulários, melhorias para ecrãs tácteis, entre outras coisas! Poderá verificar o registo de alterações completo em https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. O Okular 1.1 é uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.0 released"] = "O Okular 1.0 foi lançado"; +$text["December 15, 2016"] = "15 de Dezembro de 2016"; +$text["The 1.0 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.12 release. This release is now based in KDE Frameworks 5, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. Okular 1.0 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 1.0 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 16.12 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão baseia-se agora nas Plataformas do KDE 5, podendo verificar o registo de alterações completo em https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. É uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.26 released"] = "O Okular 0.26 foi lançado"; +$text["August 18, 2016"] = "18 de Agosto de 2016"; +$text["The 0.26 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.08 release. This release introduces very small changes, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. Okular 0.26 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.26 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 16.08 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz pequenas correcções de erros e funcionalidades, podendo verificar o registo de alterações completo em https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. É uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.24 released"] = "O Okular 0.24 foi lançado"; +$text["December 16, 2015"] = "16 de Dezembro de 2015"; +$text["The 0.24 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.12 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and features, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.24 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 15.12 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz pequenas correcções de erros e funcionalidades, podendo verificar o registo de alterações completo em https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. É uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.23 released"] = "O Okular 0.23 foi lançado"; +$text["August 19, 2015"] = "19 de Agosto de 2015"; +$text["The 0.23 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.08 release. This release introduces support for the Fade transition in presentation mode as well as some fixes regarding annotations and video playback. Okular 0.23 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.23 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 15.08 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz o suporte para a transição por Desvanecimento no modo de apresentação, assim como algumas correcções de erros que dizem respeito às anotações e à reprodução de vídeo. É uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.22 released"] = "O Okular 0.22 foi lançado"; +$text["April 15, 2015"] = "15 de Abril de 2015"; +$text["The 0.22 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.04 release. Okular 0.22 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.22 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 15.04 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão é uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.21 released"] = "O Okular 0.21 foi lançado"; +$text["December 17, 2014"] = "17 de Dezembro de 2014"; +$text["The 0.21 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 14.12 release. This release introduces new features like latex-synctex reverse searching in dvi and small bugfixes. Okular 0.21 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.21 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 14.12 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz novas funcionalidades, como o suporte para a pesquisa inversa em latex-synctex para os ficheiros DVI, bem como algumas pequenas correcções de erros. É uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.19 released"] = "O Okular 0.19 foi lançado"; +$text["April 16, 2014"] = "16 de Abril de 2014"; +$text["The 0.19 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.13 release. This release introduces new features like tabs support in the interface, use of DPI screen so that page size matches real paper size, improvements to the Undo/Redo framework and other features/refinements. Okular 0.19 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.19 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 4.13 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz novas funcionalidades, como o suporte de páginas na interface, a utilização da resolução em PPP's do monitor para que o tamanho da página corresponda ao tamanho do papel real, melhorias na funcionalidade para Desfazer/Refazer, assim como outras melhorias menores. É uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.18 released"] = "O Okular 0.18 foi lançado"; +$text["December 12, 2013"] = "12 de Dezembro de 2013"; +$text["The 0.18 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.12 release. This release introduces new features like audio/video support in EPub files and also improvements to existing features like searching and printing. Okular 0.18 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.18 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 4.12 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz novas funcionalidades, como o suporte de áudio/vídeo para os ficheiros ePub, assim como melhorias na pesquisa e impressão. É uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.17 released"] = "O Okular 0.17 foi lançado"; +$text["August 16, 2013"] = "16 de Agosto de 2013"; +$text["The 0.17 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.11 release. This release introduces new features like undo/redo support for forms and annotations and configurable review tools. Okular 0.17 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.17 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 4.11 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz novas funcionalidades, como o suporte para desfazer/refazer em formulários e anotações, assim como ferramentas de revisão configuráveis. É uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.16 released"] = "O Okular 0.16 foi lançado"; +$text["February 6, 2013"] = "6 de Fevereiro de 2013"; +$text["The 0.16 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.10 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to zoom to higher levels in PDF documents, an Active based viewer for your tablet devices, more support for PDF movies, viewport follows selection, and annotation editing improvements. Okular 0.16 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.16 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 4.10 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz novas funcionalidades, como a ampliação para níveis maiores nos documentos PDF, um visualizador baseado no Active para as suas tabletes, mais suporte para filmes em PDF, seguimento da área de visualização pela selecção e melhorias na edição de anotações. O Okular 0.16 é uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular forums"] = "Fóruns do Okular"; +$text["October 10, 2012"] = "10 de Outubro de 2012"; +$text["We now have a subforum inside the KDE Community Forums. You can find it at http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."] = "Agora temos um sub-fórum dentro dos Fóruns da Comunidade do KDE. Podê-lo-á encontrar em http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."; +$text["Okular 0.15 released"] = "O Okular 0.15 foi lançado"; +$text["August 1, 2012"] = "1 de Agosto de 2012"; +$text["The 0.15 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.9 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to store annotations with PDF documents, more support for PDF movies, multiple bookmarks per page and some other minor improvements. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.15 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.15 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 4.9 das aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz funcionalidades novas, como a capacidade de gravar as anotações com os documentos PDF, mais suporte para os filmes em PDF, vários favoritos por página e mais algumas pequenas melhorias. Poderá encontrar uma lista incompleta dos erros e funcionalidades no Bugzilla. O Okular 0.15 é uma actualização recomendada para todos os que utilizam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.14 released"] = "O Okular 0.14 foi lançado"; +$text["January 25, 2012"] = "25 de Janeiro de 2012"; +$text["The 0.14 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.8 release. This release introduces new features like improved text selection in documents with columns, table selection tool, LaTex rendering in annotations, improved embedded support (for use in e.g. Kile), better layouting for faced pages, smarter screensaver/powermanagement handling, improved page label support, default zoom configuration, improved Landscape printing, etc. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.14 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.14 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 4.8 das aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz funcionalidades novas, como uma selecção de textos melhorada em documentos com colunas, uma ferramenta de selecção de tabelas, representação em LaTeX nas anotações, suporte incorporado melhorado (para usar p.ex. no Kile), melhor disposição das páginas em face, tratamento mais inteligente da gestão de energia/protecção do ecrã, suporte melhorado para legenda r páginas, configuração predefinida da ampliação, impressão em paisagem melhorada,etc. Poderá encontrar uma lista incompleta dos erros e funcionalidades no Bugzilla. O Okular 0.14 é uma actualização recomendada para todos os que utilizam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.13 released"] = "O Okular 0.13 foi lançado"; +$text["July 27, 2011"] = "27 de Julho de 2011"; +$text["The 0.13 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.7 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.13 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 4.7 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz algumas pequenas correcções e funcionalidades, e é uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.12 released"] = "O Okular 0.12 foi lançado"; +$text["January 26, 2011"] = "26 de Janeiro de 2011"; +$text["The 0.12 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.6 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.12 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 4.6 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz algumas pequenas correcções e funcionalidades, e é uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.11 released"] = "O Okular 0.11 foi lançado"; +$text["August 10, 2010"] = "10 de Agosto de 2010"; +$text["The 0.11 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.5 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.11 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 4.5 das Aplicações do KDE. Esta versão introduz algumas pequenas correcções e funcionalidades, e é uma actualização recomendada para todos os que usam o Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.10 released"] = "O Okular 0.10 foi lançado"; +$text["February 9, 2010"] = "9 de Fevereiro de 2010"; +$text["The 0.10 version of Okular has been released together with KDE SC 4.4. Besides general improvements in stability this release sports new/improved support for both inverse search and forward search linking latex source code lines with the corresponding locations in dvi and pdf files."] = "A versão 0.10 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com o KDE SC 4.4. Para além de algumas melhorias gerais na estabilidade, esta versão possui um suporte novo/melhorado tanto para a pesquisa normal como a inversa, assim como a associação de linhas de código em LaTeX aos locais correspondentes nos ficheiros DVI e PDF."; +$text["Okular 0.9.4 released"] = "O Okular 0.9.4 foi lançado"; +$text["December 1, 2009"] = "1 de Dezembro de 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.3 series includes Okular 0.9.4. It includes some crash fixes, and few small bug fixes in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"] = "A quarta versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.3 inclui o Okular 0.9.4. Inclui algumas correcções de estoiros e algumas pequenas correcções de erros na interface. Poderá ler todas as questões corrigidas em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.4 released"] = "O Okular 0.8.4 foi lançado"; +$text["June 3, 2009"] = "3 de Junho de 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.4. It includes some fixes in OpenDocument Text documents, a couple of crash fixes, and few small bugs in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"] = "A quarta versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.2 inclui o Okular 0.8.4. Inclui algumas correcções nos documentos de OpenDocument Text, algumas correcções de estoiros e alguns pequenos erros na interface. Poderá ver todas as questões corrigidas em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.3 released"] = "O Okular 0.8.3 foi lançado"; +$text["May 6, 2009"] = "6 de Maio de 2009"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.3. It does not provide much news for Okular, the only relevant change is about thread more safety when generating page images of XPS document. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"] = "A terceira versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.2 inclui o Okular 0.8.3. Não traz muitas novidades para o Okular, sendo a única alteração relevante a maior segurança ao gerar as imagens das páginas dos documentos XPS. Poderá ler todas as questões corrigidas em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.2 released"] = "O Okular 0.8.2 foi lançado"; +$text["April 2, 2009"] = "2 de Abril de 2009"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.2. It includes better support (hopefully working) for DVI and pdfsync inverse search, and fixes and small improvements in the presentation mode. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"] = "A segunda versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.2 inclui o Okular 0.8.2. Inclui um melhor suporte (e supostamente funcional) para a pesquisa inversa em DVI e com o 'pdfsync', assim como algumas correcções e pequenas melhorias no modo de apresentação. Poderá ler todas as questões corrigidas em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.1 released"] = "O Okular 0.8.1 foi lançado"; +$text["March 4, 2009"] = "4 de Março de 2009"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.1. It includes some crash fixes in the CHM and DjVu backends, and minor fixes in the user interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"] = "A primeira versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.2 inclui o Okular 0.8.1. Inclui alguns estoiros nas infra-estruturas para CHM e DjVu, assim como algumas pequenas correcções na interface do utilizador. Poderá ler todas as questões corrigidas em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8 released"] = "O Okular 0.8 foi lançado"; +$text["January 27, 2009"] = "27 de Janeiro de 2009"; +$text["The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.2. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): And, of course, many bugs were fixed."] = "A equipa do Okular orgulha-se de anunciar uma nova versão do Okular, lançada como parte do KDE 4.2. Algumas das novas funcionalidade e melhorias incluem (por ordem aleatória): E, obviamente, foram corrigidos muitos erros."; +$text["Okular 0.7.3 released"] = "O Okular 0.7.3 foi lançado"; +$text["November 4, 2008"] = "4 de Novembro de 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.3. It includes some minor fixes in the user interface and in the text search. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"] = "A terceira versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.1 inclui o Okular 0.7.3. Este inclui algumas correcções menores na interface do utilizador e na pesquisa de texto. Poderá ler todas as questões corrigidas em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.2 released"] = "O Okular 0.7.2 foi lançado"; +$text["October 3, 2008"] = "3 de Outubro de 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.2. It includes some minor fixes in the TIFF and Comicbook backends and the change to \"Fit Width\" as default zoom level. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"] = "A segunda versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.1 inclui o Okular 0.7.2. Inclui algumas pequenas correcções nas infra-estruturas TIFF e Comicbook e a alteração para o \"Ajustar à Largura\" como ampliação por omissão. Poderá ler todas as questões corrigidas em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.1 released"] = "O Okular 0.7.1 foi lançado"; +$text["September 3, 2008"] = "3 de Setembro de 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.1. It includes some crash fixes among other minor fixes. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"] = "A primeira versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.1 inclui o Okular 0.7.1. Inclui algumas correcções de estoiros, assim como algumas pequenas afinações. Poderá ver todas as questões corrigidas em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7 released"] = "O Okular 0.7 foi lançado"; +$text["July 29, 2008"] = "29 de Julho de 2008"; +$text["KDE 4.1. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order):\n\nAnd, of course, many bugs were fixed.]]>"] = "KDE 4.1. Algumas das novas funcionalidades e melhorias incluem (por ordem aleatória):\n\nE, obviamente, foram corrigidos muitos erros.]]>"; +$text["Okular 0.6.3 released"] = "O Okular 0.6.3 foi lançado"; +$text["April 2, 2008"] = "2 de Abril de 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"] = "A terceira versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.0 inclui o Okular 0.6.3. Inclui algumas correcções de erros, i.e., uma forma melhor de obter a posição do texto num documento PDF, assim como algumas correcções no sistema de anotações e no índice. Poderá ler todas as questões corrigidas em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.2 released"] = "O Okular 0.6.2 foi lançado"; +$text["March 5, 2008"] = "5 de Março de 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"] = "A segunda versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.0 inclui o Okular 0.6.2. Este inclui algumas correcções de erros, incluindo uma melhor estabilidade ao fechar um documento, assim como algumas pequenas correcções para o sistema de marcação de favoritos. Poderá ler todas as questões corrigidas em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.1 released"] = "O Okular 0.6.1 foi lançado"; +$text["February 5, 2008"] = "5 de Fevereiro de 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"] = "A primeira versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.0 inclui o Okular 0.6.1. Este inclui algumas correcções de erros, incluindo a correcção da transferência sucessiva dos ficheiros ao gravar, algumas melhorias de usabilidade, etc. Poderá ler todas as questões corrigidas em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"; +$text["aKademy 2007 Okular presentation material online"] = "Material 'online' de apresentações do Okular no aKademy 2007"; +$text["Jul 10, 2007"] = "10 de Julho de 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular talk given by Pino Toscano at aKademy 2007 is now online. There are both slides and video available.\n\t\t\t"] = "\nA apresentação do Okular, dada pelo Pino Toscano na aKademy 2007 está agora disponível. Existem tanto 'slides' como um vídeo disponíveis."; +$text["Okular in kdegraphics"] = "Okular no kdegraphics"; +$text["Apr 4, 2007"] = "4 de Abril de 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular is now part of the kdegraphics module. The next version of Okular will be shipped with KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"] = "\nA equipa do Okular está orgulhosa de anunciar que o Okular faz agora parte do módulo 'kdegraphics'. A próxima versão do Okular irá sair com o KDE 4.0.\n "; +$text["Okular joins The Season of Usability project"] = "O Okular junta-se ao projecto Season of Usability"; +$text["Jan 31, 2007"] = "31 de Janeiro de 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular has been one of the applications selected to participate in the Season of Usability project, run by usability experts at OpenUsability. From here we want to welcome Sharad Baliyan to the team and thank Florian Graessle and Pino Toscano for their continued work on improving Okular.\n\t\t\t"] = "\nA equipa do Okular está orgulhosa em anunciar que o Okular foi uma das aplicações seleccionadas para participar no projecto Season of Usability, efectuado por peritos em usabilidade da OpenUsability. A partir daqui, desejamos as boas-vindas à equipa para Sharad Baliyan e muito obrigado a Florian Graessle e a Pino Toscano pelo seu trabalho continuado na melhoria do Okular.\n "; +$text["Okular 0.5.81 unstable snapshot released"] = "A versão instável do Okular 0.5.81 foi lançada"; +$text["Nov 2, 2006"] = "2 de Novembro de 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. This snapshot is not completely functional, yet, as we have lots of things to polish and finish, but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\nA equipa do Okular está orgulhosa em anunciar o lançamento de uma versão do Okular que compila contra a Segunda Versão de Desenvolvimento do KDE 4. Esta imagem ainda não está completamente funcional; para além disso, ainda temos montes de coisas para polir e terminar, mas está completamente à vontade para o testar e dar o máximo de reacções a ele que desejar. Poderá encontrar o pacote instável em ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Dê uma vista de olhos na página de transferências para garantir que tem todas as bibliotecas necessárias.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5 unstable snapshot released"] = "A versão instável do Okular 0.5 foi lançada"; +$text["Aug 27, 2006"] = "27 de Agosto de 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. This snapshot is still not completely functional as we have lots of things to polish and finish but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tA equipa do Okular orgulha-se de anunciar o lançamento de uma versão do Okular que compila contra a versão 'Krash' do KDE 4. Esta imagem ainda não está completamente funcional, dado que ainda temos montes de coisas para polir e terminar, mas está completamente à vontade para a testar e nos dar o máximo de comentários que desejar. Poderá encontrar o pacote instável em ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Dê uma vista de olhos na página de transferências para garantir que tem todas as bibliotecas necessárias.\n\t\t\t"; $text["Some images of Okular "in action"..."] = "Algumas imagens do Okular "em acção"..."; $text["Backends in action"] = "Infra-estruturas em acção"; $text["Here you can see some of the Okular backends in action on files."] = "Aqui poderá ver algumas das infra-estruturas do Okular em acção sobre os ficheiros."; $text["PDF backend"] = "Infra-estrutura de PDF"; $text["PostScript backend"] = "Infra-estrutura de PostScript"; $text["DjVu backend"] = "Infra-estrutura de DjVu"; $text["TIFF/fax backend"] = "Infra-estrutura de TIFF/Fax"; $text["Extraction of embedded files"] = "Extracção de ficheiros incorporados"; $text["Word processor-like text selection"] = "Selecção de texto como nos processadores de texto"; $text["Review mode"] = "Modo de revisão"; $text["Annotations (enter in Tools -> Review)"] = "Anotações (vá a Ferramentas -> Revisão)"; $text["Okular - more than a reader"] = "Okular - mais que um leitor"; $text["the Okular developers"] = "a equipa de desenvolvimento do Okular"; $text["Current Okular Team"] = "Equipa Actual do Okular"; $text["The current Okular team is formed by:"] = "A equipa actual do Okular é composta por:"; $text["(Current maintainer)"] = "(Manutenção actual)"; $text["Your name here..."] = "O seu nome aqui..."; $text["Join Okular development!"] = "Junte-se ao desenvolvimento do Okular!"; $text["Former Okular developers"] = "A equipa de desenvolvimento anterior do Okular"; $text["We'd like to thank all the people that worked on Okular in the past:"] = "Também queremos agradecer a toda a gente que trabalhou no Okular no passado:"; $text["(Original Okular creator)"] = "(Criador original do Okular)"; $text["(Usability expert)"] = "(Perito em usabilidade)"; $text["KPDF Developers"] = "Programadores do KPDF"; $text["We'd like also to thank all the people who worked on KPDF:"] = "Também queremos agradecer a toda a gente que trabalhou no KPDF:"; $text["Lots of features"] = "Montes de funcionalidades"; $text["Fontconfig support, type-ahead find, some patches"] = "Suporte para o Fontconfig, pesquisa incremental, algumas correcções"; ?> diff --git a/i18n/pt_BR/okular-kde-org.inc b/i18n/pt_BR/okular-kde-org.inc index b39f6e0..744bf36 100644 --- a/i18n/pt_BR/okular-kde-org.inc +++ b/i18n/pt_BR/okular-kde-org.inc @@ -1,145 +1,257 @@ okular-devel\nand hosted at kde.org."] = "Nós temos uma lista de discussão para coordenar o desenvolvimento do Okular. A lista de discussão\né a okular-devel\ne está armazenada em kde.org."; $text["You can use it to talk about the development of the core application, but also\nfeedback about existent or new backends is appreciated."] = "Você pode usá-la para falar sobre o desenvolvimento da estrutura do aplicativo,\nmas também poderá fazer comentários e sugestões sobre novas infraestruturas ou as existentes."; $text["IRC"] = "IRC"; $text["We have also an IRC channel where talk. The channel is\n#okular, on the\nFreenode network."] = "Nós também temos um canal de IRC onde conversar. O canal é o\n#okular, na rede\nFreenode."; $text["Usually some of the Okular developers hang there."] = "Normalmente, alguns dos desenvolvedores do Okular passam por lá."; $text["Forum"] = "Fórum"; $text["If you prefer using a forum you can use the Okular forum inside the bigger KDE Community Forums."] = "Se preferir usar um fórum, você pode acessar o fórum do Okular existente nos Fóruns do KDE Community."; $text["Bugs and Wishes"] = "Erros e solicitações de novas funcionalidades"; $text["Bugs and Wishes should be reported to the KDE bug tracker at http://bugs.kde.org."] = "Os erros e as solicitações de novas funcionalidades podem ser relatados no sistema de registros de erros do KDE em http://bugs.kde.org."; $text["Download"] = "Download"; $text["Binary packages"] = "Pacotes binários"; $text["The recommended way for end-user installations of Okular is using binary packages:"] = "A forma recomendada para os usuários fazerem instalações do Okular é através dos pacotes binários:"; $text["For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular package (might be part of the broader kdegraphics package) and install it."] = "Para o GNU/Linux e os BSDs, use o gerenciador de pacotes para localizar o pacote do Okular (normalmente será o pacote do grupo kdegraphics) e instalá-lo."; $text["For Windows have a look at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on Windows."] = "Para o Windows, consulte a página Web Iniciativa do KDE no Windows para obter mais informações de como instalar o KDE no Windows."; $text["For Mac Os X have a look at the KDE on Mac OS X webpage for information on how to install KDE on Mac OS X."] = "Para o Mac OS X, consulte a página Web KDE no Mac OS X para obter informações de como instalar o KDE no Mac OS X."; $text["Packaging status"] = "Status dos pacotes"; $text["N.B: The table above refers to the KDE Applications release version that Okular was part of. The actual Okular version as reported by the About dialog is different, e.g. Okular 1.2.1 was released as part of KDE Applications 17.08.1 and would should up with such number in the table."] = "Note: A tabela acima refere-se a versão do KDE Applications da que o Okular faz parte. A versão do Okular como relatado na janela Sobre é diferente, por ex.: Okular 1.2.1 foi lançado como parte do KDE Applications 17.08.1 e aparecerá como esse número na tabela."; $text["Compiling Okular from source"] = "Compilando o Okular a partir do código-fonte"; $text["If you want to compile Okular, you need to have an already set up compilation environment."] = "Se quiser compilar o Okular, você precisa ter um ambiente de compilação configurado."; $text["Distributions should provide development packages usable for compiling KDE applications."] = "As distribuições deverão oferecer pacotes de desenvolvimento que possam ser usados para compilar os aplicativos do KDE."; $text["In case you want to compile the development version of Okular, please refer to Build from source at KDE's Community Wiki."] = "Caso queira compilar a versão de desenvolvimento do Okular, consulte Compilando a partir do código fonte na wiki da comunidade KDE."; $text["If you are interested in stable tarballs of Okular visit the\nKDE Applications download folder and download the okular tarball."] = "Se estiver interessado em pacotes TAR estáveis do Okular, visite a \npasta de download do KDE Applications e baixe o pacote TAR do Okular."; $text["Optional packages"] = "Pacotes opcionais"; $text["There are some optional package you could install in order to have some more functionalities in Okular."] = "Existem alguns pacotes opcionais que você poderá instalar para ter mais algumas funcionalidades no Okular."; $text["Some are already packaged for your distro, but other maybe not. So, if possible, use the packages your distro ships."] = "Já existem alguns pacotes equivalentes para a sua distribuição, mas alguns poderão não existir. Por isso, se possível, use os pacotes que a sua distribuição fornecer."; $text["Poppler (PDF backend)"] = "Poppler (infraestrutura de PDF)"; $text["To compile the PDF backend, you need the Poppler library (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."] = "Para compilar a infraestrutura de PDF, você precisa da biblioteca Poppler (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."; $text["The minimum version required is poppler 0.24"] = "A versão mínima necessária é poppler 0.24"; $text["Libspectre (PostScript backend)"] = "Libspectre (infraestrutura do PostScript)"; $text["In order to compile and use the PostScipt (PS) backend, you need libspectre >= 0.2."] = "Para poder compilar e usar a infraestrutura de PostScript (PS), você precisa do libspectre >= 0.2."; $text["If your distro does not package libspectre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."] = "Se a sua distribuição não tiver o pacote libspectre, ou se a versão do pacote não atende ao requisito mínimo, você pode baixá-lo em http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."; $text["DjVuLibre (DjVu backend)"] = "DjVuLibre (infraestrutura do DjVu)"; $text["To compile the DjVu backend, you need DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."] = "Para compilar a infraestrutura do DjVu, você precisa do DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."; $text["If your distro does not package DjVuLibre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."] = "Se a sua distribuição não tiver o pacote do DjVuLibre, ou se a versão do pacote não atende ao requisito mínimo, você pode baixá-lo em http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."; $text["libTIFF (TIFF/fax backend)"] = "libTIFF (infraestrutura de TIFF/fax)"; $text["libTIFF is needed to compile the TIFF/fax backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "A libTIFF é necessária para compilar a infraestrutura de TIFF/fax. Atualmente, não há uma versão mínima necessária e, por isso, qualquer versão recente da biblioteca deverá funcionar. Caso tenha problemas, não hesite em contactar os desenvolvedores do Okular."; $text["libCHM (CHM backend)"] = "libCHM (infraestrutura de CHM)"; $text["libCHM is needed to compile the CHM backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "A libCHM é necessária para compilar a infraestrutura de TIFF/fax. Atualmente, não há uma versão mínima necessária e, por isso, qualquer versão recente da biblioteca deverá funcionar. Caso tenha problemas, não hesite em contactar os desenvolvedores do Okular."; $text["Libepub (EPub backend)"] = "Libepub (infraestrutura EPub)"; $text["In order to compile and use the EPub backend, you need the epub library."] = "Para poder compilar e usar a infraestrutura do EPub, você precisa da biblioteca epub."; $text["If your distro does not package libepub, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."] = "Se a sua distribuição não tiver o pacote libepub, ou se a versão do pacote não atende ao requisito mínimo, você pode baixá-lo em http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."; $text["You can download and compile Okular this way:"] = "Você pode baixar e compilar o Okular desta forma:"; $text["If you install Okular in a different path than your system install directory it is possible that you need to run"] = "Se você instalar o Okular em um caminho diferente da pasta de instalação do seu sistema, possivelmente será necessário executar"; $text["so that the correct Okular instance and libraries are picked up. Obviously you need to replace x86_64-linux-gnu with the correct name for your architecture."] = "para que a instância e as bibliotecas corretas do Okular sejam acessadas. Obviamente você precisa substituir x86_64-linux-gnu com o nome correto de sua arquitetura."; $text["Frequently Asked Questions"] = "Perguntas frequentes"; $text["Compiling Okular"] = "Compilando o Okular"; $text["The Poppler backend does not compile. It complains about 'class Poppler::TextBox' and 'edge'."] = "A infraestrutura do Poppler não compila. Apresenta problemas na 'class Poppler::TextBox' e 'edge'."; $text["Do you get an error output similar to"] = "Você obteve uma mensagem de erro semelhante a"; $text["If so, most probably you updated from Poppler 0.6.x or previous to Poppler 0.8."] = "Se sim, provavelmente você atualizou a partir da versão do Poppler 0.6.x ou anterior à 0.8."; $text["What you can do is simple:"] = "O que pode fazer é simples:"; $text["in the build directory of Okular. Then run cmake again, and all should work as expected."] = "na pasta de compilação do Okular. Depois, execute novamente o cmake e tudo deverá funcionar como esperado."; $text["Running Okular"] = "Executando o Okular"; $text["Okular tells me there are no plugins installed. What can I do?"] = "O Okular informou que não há plugins instalados. O que posso fazer?"; $text["In a shell set up for your KDE 4 installation, execute the command"] = "Em um console configurado para a sua instalação do KDE 4, execute o comando"; $text["After that, Okular should find its plugins as expected."] = "Após isso, o Okular deve encontrar os seus plugins como esperado."; $text["General usage"] = "Uso geral"; $text["Why the newly added annotations are not in my PDF document?"] = "Porque as novas anotações adicionadas não estão no meu documento PDF?"; $text["By default, Okular saves annotations in the local data directory\nfor each user. Since KDE 4.9, it's optionally possible to store them directly in\na PDF file by choosing \"File -> Save As...\", so they can be seen in other\nPDF viewers."] = "Por padrão, o Okular grava as anotações na pasta de dados local de cada\nusuário. Desde o KDE 4.9, é possível armazená-las diretamente no arquivo PDF\nao escolher \"Arquivo -> Salvar como...\", para que possam ser vistas em outros visualizadores\narquivos PDF."; $text["Note that this feature requires Poppler 0.20 or newer for regular PDF\ndocuments. If the PDF document you are annotating is encrypted, this feature\nrequires Poppler 0.22 or newer."] = "Lembre-se de que este recurso necessita do Poppler 0.20 ou posterior,\npara documentos PDF normais. Se o documento que estiver fazendo anotações for\ncriptografado, será necessário o Poppler 0.22 ou posterior."; $text["How can I annotate a document and send it to a friend/colleague/etc?"] = "Como eu posso anotar um documento e enviá-lo para um amigo/colega/etc?"; $text["Since KDE 4.2, Okular has the \"document archiving\" feature. This is\nan Okular-specific format for carrying the document plus various metadata\nrelated to it (currently only annotations)."] = "Desde o KDE 4.2, o Okular tem a funcionalidade \"arquivo do documento\".\nEste é um formato específico do Okular para transporte de documentos, juntamente\ncom os metadados a ele relacionados (no momento, somente as anotações)."; $text["You can save a \"document archive\" from the open document by choosing \"File\n-> Export As -> Document Archive\"."] = "Você pode salvar um \"arquivo de documento\" a partir do documento aberto escolhendo\n\"Arquivo -> Exportar como -> Arquivo de documento\"."; $text["To open an Okular document archive, just open it with Okular as it would be eg\na PDF document."] = "Para abrir um arquivo de documento do Okular, basta abri-lo no Okular como\nse fosse, por exemplo, um documento em PDF."; $text["If you're annotating a PDF document, you can also save annotations\ndirectly in the PDF file (see previous question)"] = "Se estiver fazendo anotações em um documento PDF, você também pode\ngravá-las diretamente no arquivo PDF (veja a pergunta anterior)"; $text["Using Ubuntu, I cannot read CHM and EPub documents,\neven if I have okular-extra-backends and libchm1 installed. Why?"] = "Ao usar o Ubuntu, eu não consigo ler documentos em CHM e EPub, mesmo que\ntenha o okular-extra-backends e o libchm1 instalados. Porquê?"; $text["Ubuntu (thus Kubuntu as well) packages of Okular are compiled without\nthe support for these two formats."] = "Os pacotes do Ubuntu (e do Kubuntu também) para o Okular são compilados\nsem suporte a estes dois formatos."; $text["The reason is explained in the following Launchpad report: "] = "O motivo está explicado no seguinte relatório do Launchpad: "; $text["Why the speak options in the Tools menu are grayed out?"] = "Por que as opções de fala no menu Ferramentas estão desabilitadas?"; $text["Because you don't have the KDE Text To Speech tools, install Jovie (formerly known as ktts) and they should be enabled"] = "Porque você não tem as ferramentas de Texto-para-Fala do KDE. Instale o Jovie (anteriormente chamado de KTTS) e tudo deverá ficar habilitado"; $text["Some characters are not rendered and when enabling debug some lines mention 'Missing language pack for xxx'"] = "Alguns caracteres não são renderizados e quando a depuração está ativa algumas linhas mencionam 'Falta do pacote de linguagem para xxx'"; $text["Install the poppler-data package"] = "Instale o pacote poppler-data"; $text["Document format handlers status"] = "Estado do tratamento de formatos de documentos"; $text["Document Format Handlers"] = "Tratamento de formatos de documentos"; $text["This page always refers to the stable series of Okular (currently KDE 4.5.x)."] = "Esta página refere-se sempre à série estável do Okular (atualmente, para o KDE 4.5.x)."; $text["Features/Formats"] = "Funcionalidades/Formatos"; $text["Main library used"] = "Biblioteca principal usada"; $text["Loading"] = "Carregando"; $text["Rendering"] = "Renderização"; $text["Threaded rendering"] = "Renderização multitarefa"; $text["Document information"] = "Informações do documento"; $text["TOC"] = "Índice analítico"; $text["Font information"] = "Informações da fonte"; $text["Text extraction"] = "Extração de texto"; $text["Links"] = "Links"; $text["Paper Size"] = "Tamanho do papel"; $text["Printing"] = "Impressão"; $text["Text Exporting"] = "Exportação de texto"; $text["Other Features"] = "Outras funcionalidades"; $text["Annotations"] = "Anotações"; $text["Forms"] = "Formulários"; $text["Inverse search"] = "Pesquisa inversa"; $text["Document Rights"] = "Direitos do documento"; $text["Embedded files"] = "Arquivos incorporados"; $text["Sounds"] = "Sons"; $text["Movies"] = "Filmes"; $text["What is it?"] = "O que é?"; $text["Okular logo"] = "Logotipo do Okular"; $text["Okular is a universal document viewer based developed by KDE. Okular works on multiple platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc."] = "O Okular é um visualizador de documentos universal desenvolvido pelo KDE. Ele funciona em várias plataformas, incluindo, mas não se limitando, o Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc."; $text["The last stable release is Okular %1, shipped as part of the KDE Applications %3 release."] = "A última versão estável é o Okular %1, distribuída como parte do lançamento do KDE Applications %3."; $text["Okular combines the excellent functionalities with the versatility of supporting different kind of documents, like PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub and others."] = "O Okular combina suas excelentes funcionalidades com a versatilidade do suporte a diferentes tipos de documentos, como PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub, entre outros."; $text["The document format handlers page has a chart describing in more detail the supported formats and the features supported in each of them."] = "A página de tratamento de formatos de documentos tem um gráfico que detalha mais os formatos suportados e as funcionalidades implementadas em cada um deles."; $text["If you are interested in contributing to Okular, please contact us."] = "Se você estiver interessado em contribuir para o Okular, por favor, contacte-nos."; $text["If you do not want or can not contribute, testers are fully welcome, so follow these instructions to see how to download and build Okular."] = "Se você não quiser ou não puder contribuir, pessoas para testar são sempre bem-vindas. Para isso, siga estas instruções para ver como baixar e compilar o Okular."; $text["Okular is a Free Software PDF reader."] = "O Okular é um Software Livre para leitura de PDFs."; $text["Okular Homepage"] = "Página Web do Okular"; $text["Main"] = "Principal"; $text["Format support"] = "Formatos suportados"; $text["Development News"] = "Notícias do desenvolvimento"; $text["Screenshots"] = "Imagens"; $text["FAQ"] = "Perguntas frequentes"; $text["Team"] = "Equipe"; $text["Related apps/projects"] = "Aplicativos/projetos relacionados"; $text["Free Software PDF readers"] = "Softwares Livres de leitura de PDFs"; +$text["Okular news"] = "Notícias do Okular"; +$text["Okular 1.2 released"] = "O Okular 1.2 foi lançado"; +$text["August 17, 2017"] = "17 de agosto de 2017"; +$text["The 1.2 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.08 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and improvements. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. Okular 1.2 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 1.2 do Okular foi lançada junto com o KDE Applications versão 17.08. Esta versão introduz pequenas correções e melhorias. Você pode verificar o registro de alterações completo em https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. O Okular 1.2 é uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.1 released"] = "O Okular 1.1 foi lançado"; +$text["April 20, 2017"] = "20 de abril de 2017"; +$text["The 1.1 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.04 release. This release introduces annotation resize functionality, support for automatic calculation of form contents, touch screen improvements and more! You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. Okular 1.1 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 1.1 do Okular foi lançada junto com o KDE Applications versão 17.04. Esta versão introduz a funcionalidade de redimensionar anotações, suporte a cálculo automático de conteúdos de formulários, melhorias no touch screen e mais! Você pode verificar o registro de alterações completo em https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. O Okular 1.1 é uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.0 released"] = "O Okular 1.0 foi lançado"; +$text["December 15, 2016"] = "15 de dezembro de 2016"; +$text["The 1.0 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.12 release. This release is now based in KDE Frameworks 5, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. Okular 1.0 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 1.0 do Okular foi lançada junto com o KDE Applications versão 16.12. Esta versão é agora baseada no KDE Frameworks 5, você pode verificar o registro de alterações completo em https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. O Okular 1.0 é uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.26 released"] = "O Okular 0.26 foi lançado"; +$text["August 18, 2016"] = "18 de agosto de 2016"; +$text["The 0.26 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.08 release. This release introduces very small changes, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. Okular 0.26 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.26 do Okular foi lançada junto com o KDE Applications versão 16.08. Esta versão introduz pequenas alterações, você pode verificar o registro de alterações completo em https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. O Okular 0.26 é uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.24 released"] = "O Okular 0.24 foi lançado"; +$text["December 16, 2015"] = "16 de dezembro de 2015"; +$text["The 0.24 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.12 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and features, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.24 do Okular foi lançada junto com a versão 15.12 do KDE Applications. Esta versão introduz pequenas correções de erros e novas funcionalidades, e você pode verificar o registro de alterações completo em https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. É uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.23 released"] = "O Okular 0.23 foi lançado"; +$text["August 19, 2015"] = "19 de agosto de 2015"; +$text["The 0.23 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.08 release. This release introduces support for the Fade transition in presentation mode as well as some fixes regarding annotations and video playback. Okular 0.23 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.23 do Okular foi lançada junto com o KDE Applications 15.08. Esta versão introduz o suporte a transições com desaparecimento no modo de apresentação, assim como algumas correções relacionadas a reprodução de vídeo e anotações. É uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.22 released"] = "O Okular 0.22 foi lançado"; +$text["April 15, 2015"] = "15 de abril de 2015"; +$text["The 0.22 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.04 release. Okular 0.22 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.22 do Okular foi lançada junto com a versão 15.04 do KDE Applications. Esta versão do Okular é uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do programa."; +$text["Okular 0.21 released"] = "O Okular 0.21 foi lançado"; +$text["December 17, 2014"] = "17 de dezembro de 2014"; +$text["The 0.21 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 14.12 release. This release introduces new features like latex-synctex reverse searching in dvi and small bugfixes. Okular 0.21 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.21 do Okular foi lançada junto com a versão 14.12 do KDE Applications. Esta versão introduz novas funcionalidades, como suporte para pesquisa inversa em latex-synctex para arquivos DVI, assim como pequenas correções. É uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.19 released"] = "O Okular 0.19 foi lançado"; +$text["April 16, 2014"] = "16 de abril de 2014"; +$text["The 0.19 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.13 release. This release introduces new features like tabs support in the interface, use of DPI screen so that page size matches real paper size, improvements to the Undo/Redo framework and other features/refinements. Okular 0.19 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.19 do Okular foi lançada junto com a versão 4.13 do KDE Applications. Esta versão introduz novas funcionalidades, como suporte a abas na interface, uso de resolução de tela que faz com que a página corresponda ao tamanho real do papel, melhorias nas funcionalidades de Desfazer/Refazer e outros refinamentos. É uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.18 released"] = "O Okular 0.18 foi lançado"; +$text["December 12, 2013"] = "12 de dezembro de 2013"; +$text["The 0.18 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.12 release. This release introduces new features like audio/video support in EPub files and also improvements to existing features like searching and printing. Okular 0.18 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.18 do Okular foi lançada junto com a versão 4.12 do KDE Applications. Esta versão introduz novas funcionalidades, como suporte a áudio/vídeo em arquivos EPub e também melhorias nas funcionalidades já existentes, como pesquisa e impressão. É uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.17 released"] = "O Okular 0.17 foi lançado"; +$text["August 16, 2013"] = "16 de agosto de 2013"; +$text["The 0.17 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.11 release. This release introduces new features like undo/redo support for forms and annotations and configurable review tools. Okular 0.17 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.17 do Okular foi lançada junto com a versão 4.11 do KDE Applications. Esta versão introduz novas funcionalidades, como suporte a desfazer/refazer para formulários e anotações, assim como ferramentas de revisão configuráveis. É uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.16 released"] = "O Okular 0.16 foi lançado"; +$text["February 6, 2013"] = "6 de fevereiro de 2013"; +$text["The 0.16 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.10 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to zoom to higher levels in PDF documents, an Active based viewer for your tablet devices, more support for PDF movies, viewport follows selection, and annotation editing improvements. Okular 0.16 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.16 do Okular foi lançada junto com a versão 4.10 do KDE Applications. Esta versão introduz novas funcionalidades, como a habilidade maiores ampliações de documentos em PDF; um visualizador para tablets baseado no Active; melhor suporte para vídeos em arquivos PDF; a janela de exibição segue a seleção; e melhorias na edição de anotações. É uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do Okular."; +$text["Okular forums"] = "Fóruns do Okular"; +$text["October 10, 2012"] = "10 de outubro de 2012"; +$text["We now have a subforum inside the KDE Community Forums. You can find it at http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."] = "Nós temos um tópico dentro dos fóruns do KDE Community. Você pode encontrá-lo em http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."; +$text["Okular 0.15 released"] = "O Okular 0.15 foi lançado"; +$text["August 1, 2012"] = "1º de agosto de 2012"; +$text["The 0.15 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.9 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to store annotations with PDF documents, more support for PDF movies, multiple bookmarks per page and some other minor improvements. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.15 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.15 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 4.9 do KDE Applications. Esta versão introduz novas funcionalidades, tais como a habilidade de armazenar anotações nos documentos PDF, mais suporte para filmes PDF, múltiplos favoritos por página e algumas outras melhorias. Você pode encontrar uma lista incompleta dos erros e funcionalidades no bugzilla. É uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.14 released"] = "O Okular 0.14 foi lançado"; +$text["January 25, 2012"] = "25 de janeiro de 2012"; +$text["The 0.14 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.8 release. This release introduces new features like improved text selection in documents with columns, table selection tool, LaTex rendering in annotations, improved embedded support (for use in e.g. Kile), better layouting for faced pages, smarter screensaver/powermanagement handling, improved page label support, default zoom configuration, improved Landscape printing, etc. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.14 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.14 do Okular foi lançada em conjunto com a versão 4.8 do KDE Applications. Esta versão introduz novas funcionalidades, tais como a seleção de textos melhorada em documentos com colunas, a ferramenta de seleção de tabelas, a representação em LaTeX nas anotações, o suporte incorporado melhorado (para usar no Kile, p.ex.), melhor disposição das páginas em face, o tratamento mais inteligente do gerenciamento energia/proteção de tela, o suporte melhorado para legenda de páginas, a configuração padrão do zoom, a melhoria da impressão em paisagem, etc. Você pode encontrar uma lista incompleta dos erros e funcionalidades no bugzilla. É uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.13 released"] = "O Okular 0.13 foi lançado"; +$text["July 27, 2011"] = "27 de julho de 2011"; +$text["The 0.13 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.7 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.13 do Okular foi lançada junto com a versão 4.7 do KDE Applications. Esta versão introduz algumas pequenas correções e funcionalidades, e é uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.12 released"] = "O Okular 0.12 foi lançado"; +$text["January 26, 2011"] = "26 de janeiro de 2011"; +$text["The 0.12 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.6 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.12 do Okular foi lançada junto com a versão 4.6 do KDE Applications. Esta versão introduz algumas pequenas correções e funcionalidades, e é uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.11 released"] = "O Okular 0.11 foi lançado"; +$text["August 10, 2010"] = "10 de agosto de 2010"; +$text["The 0.11 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.5 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "A versão 0.11 do Okular foi lançada junto com a versão 4.5 do KDE Applications. Esta versão introduz algumas pequenas correções e funcionalidades, e é uma atualização recomendada a todos os usuários do Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.10 released"] = "O Okular 0.10 foi lançado"; +$text["February 9, 2010"] = "9 de fevereiro de 2010"; +$text["The 0.10 version of Okular has been released together with KDE SC 4.4. Besides general improvements in stability this release sports new/improved support for both inverse search and forward search linking latex source code lines with the corresponding locations in dvi and pdf files."] = "A versão 0.10 do Okular foi lançada junto com o KDE SC 4.4. Além de algumas melhorias gerais na estabilidade, essa versão possui um suporte novo/melhorado tanto para a pesquisa normal como a inversa, assim como a associação de linhas de código em LaTeX aos locais correspondentes nos arquivos DVI e PDF."; +$text["Okular 0.9.4 released"] = "O Okular 0.9.4 foi lançado"; +$text["December 1, 2009"] = "1 de dezembro de 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.3 series includes Okular 0.9.4. It includes some crash fixes, and few small bug fixes in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"] = "A quarta versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.3 inclui o Okular 0.9.4. Ela incorpora algumas correções de falhas e algumas pequenas correções de erros na interface. Você pode ler todos os detalhes das correções em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.4 released"] = "O Okular 0.8.4 foi lançado"; +$text["June 3, 2009"] = "3 de junho de 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.4. It includes some fixes in OpenDocument Text documents, a couple of crash fixes, and few small bugs in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"] = "A quarta versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.2 inclui o Okular 0.8.4. Ela incorpora algumas correções nos documentos em Texto OpenDocument, algumas correções de falhas e alguns pequenos erros na interface. Você pode ler todos os detalhes das correções em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.3 released"] = "O Okular 0.8.3 foi lançado"; +$text["May 6, 2009"] = "6 de maio de 2009"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.3. It does not provide much news for Okular, the only relevant change is about thread more safety when generating page images of XPS document. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"] = "A terceira versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.2 inclui o Okular 0.8.3. Ela não incorpora muitas novidades ao Okular, sendo a única alteração relevante a maior segurança ao gerar imagens das páginas dos documentos XPS. Você pode ler todos os detalhes das correções em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.2 released"] = "O Okular 0.8.2 foi lançado"; +$text["April 2, 2009"] = "2 de abril de 2009"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.2. It includes better support (hopefully working) for DVI and pdfsync inverse search, and fixes and small improvements in the presentation mode. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"] = "A segunda versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.2 inclui o Okular 0.8.2. Ela incorpora um melhor suporte (supostamente funcional) para a pesquisa inversa em DVI e com o pdfsync, assim como algumas correções e pequenas melhorias no modo de apresentação. Você pode ler todos os detalhes das correções em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.1 released"] = "O Okular 0.8.1 foi lançado"; +$text["March 4, 2009"] = "4 de março de 2009"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.1. It includes some crash fixes in the CHM and DjVu backends, and minor fixes in the user interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"] = "A primeira versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.2 inclui o Okular 0.8.1. Ela incorpora algumas correções de falhas nas infraestruturas CHM e DjVu e pequenas correções na interface do usuário. Você pode ler todos os detalhes das correções em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8 released"] = "O Okular 0.8 foi lançado"; +$text["January 27, 2009"] = "27 de janeiro de 2009"; +$text["The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.2. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): And, of course, many bugs were fixed."] = "A equipe do Okular orgulha-se em anunciar uma nova versão do Okular, lançada como parte do KDE 4.2. Algumas das novas funcionalidades e melhorias incluem (em ordem aleatória): E, obviamente, muitos erros foram corrigidos."; +$text["Okular 0.7.3 released"] = "O Okular 0.7.3 foi lançado"; +$text["November 4, 2008"] = "4 de novembro de 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.3. It includes some minor fixes in the user interface and in the text search. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"] = "A terceira versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.1 inclui o Okular 0.7.3. Ela incorpora algumas pequenas correções na interface do usuário e na pesquisa de texto. Você pode ler todos os detalhes das correções em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.2 released"] = "O Okular 0.7.2 foi lançado"; +$text["October 3, 2008"] = "3 de outubro de 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.2. It includes some minor fixes in the TIFF and Comicbook backends and the change to \"Fit Width\" as default zoom level. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"] = "A segunda versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.1 inclui o Okular 0.7.2. Ela incorpora algumas pequenas correções nas infraestruturas TIFF e Comicbook e altera o nível de zoom padrão para \"Ajustar à largura\". Você pode ler todos os detalhes das correções em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.1 released"] = "O Okular 0.7.1 foi lançado"; +$text["September 3, 2008"] = "3 de setembro de 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.1. It includes some crash fixes among other minor fixes. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"] = "A primeira versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.1 inclui o Okular 0.7.1. Ela incorpora algumas correções de falhas e outras pequenas melhorias. Você pode ler todos os detalhes das correções em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7 released"] = "O Okular 0.7 foi lançado"; +$text["July 29, 2008"] = "29 de julho de 2008"; +$text["KDE 4.1. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order):\n\nAnd, of course, many bugs were fixed.]]>"] = "KDE 4.1. Algumas das novas funcionalidades e melhorias incluem (em ordem aleatória):\n\nE, obviamente, foram corrigidos muitos erros.]]>"; +$text["Okular 0.6.3 released"] = "O Okular 0.6.3 foi lançado"; +$text["April 2, 2008"] = "2 de abril de 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"] = "A terceira versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.0 inclui o Okular 0.6.3. Ela incorpora algumas correções de erros, por exemplo, uma melhor maneira de obter a posição do texto em um documento PDF, assim como algumas correções no sistema de anotações e no índice. Você pode ler todos os detalhes das correções em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.2 released"] = "O Okular 0.6.2 foi lançado"; +$text["March 5, 2008"] = "5 de março de 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"] = "A segunda versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.0 inclui o Okular 0.6.2. Ela incorpora algumas correções de erros, incluindo uma melhor estabilidade ao fechar um documento, assim como pequenas correções do sistema de favoritos. Você pode ler todos os detalhes das correções em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.1 released"] = "O Okular 0.6.1 foi lançado"; +$text["February 5, 2008"] = "5 de fevereiro de 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"] = "A primeira versão de manutenção da série KDE 4.0 inclui o Okular 0.6.1. Ela incorpora algumas pequenas correções de erros, incluindo a correção na transferência sucessiva de arquivos durante o salvamento, melhoria na usabilidade, etc. Você pode ler todos os detalhes das correções em http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"; +$text["aKademy 2007 Okular presentation material online"] = "Material on-line de apresentações do Okular no aKademy 2007"; +$text["Jul 10, 2007"] = "10 de julho de 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular talk given by Pino Toscano at aKademy 2007 is now online. There are both slides and video available.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tA apresentação do Okular, feita pelo Pino Toscano na aKademy 2007 está agora disponível. Existem apresentações e um vídeo disponíveis.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular in kdegraphics"] = "Okular no kdegraphics"; +$text["Apr 4, 2007"] = "4 de abril de 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular is now part of the kdegraphics module. The next version of Okular will be shipped with KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tA equipe do Okular está orgulhosa em anunciar que o Okular agora faz parte do módulo kdegraphics. A próxima versão do Okular será lançada com o KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular joins The Season of Usability project"] = "O Okular juntou-se ao projeto The Season of Usability"; +$text["Jan 31, 2007"] = "31 de janeiro de 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular has been one of the applications selected to participate in the Season of Usability project, run by usability experts at OpenUsability. From here we want to welcome Sharad Baliyan to the team and thank Florian Graessle and Pino Toscano for their continued work on improving Okular.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tA equipe do Okular está orgulhosa em anunciar que o Okular foi um dos aplicativos selecionados para participar do projeto Season of Usability, executado por especialistas em usabilidade da OpenUsability. A partir daqui, desejamos as boas-vindas da equipe para Sharad Baliyan e agradecemos a Florian Graessle e Pino Toscano pelo seu trabalho contínuo na melhoria do Okular.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5.81 unstable snapshot released"] = "A versão instável do Okular 0.5.81 foi lançada"; +$text["Nov 2, 2006"] = "2 de novembro de 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. This snapshot is not completely functional, yet, as we have lots of things to polish and finish, but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tA equipe do Okular está orgulhosa em anunciar o lançamento de uma versão que compila junto com a segunda versão de desenvolvimento do KDE 4. Esta imagem ainda não está completamente funcional, pois ainda temos diversas coisas para ajustar e finalizar. Entretanto, fique à vontade para testá-lo e nos enviar sugestões de melhorias. Você pode encontrar o pacote em ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Verifique na página download para garantir que você possui todas as bibliotecas necessárias.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5 unstable snapshot released"] = "A versão instável do Okular 0.5 foi lançada"; +$text["Aug 27, 2006"] = "27 de agosto de 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. This snapshot is still not completely functional as we have lots of things to polish and finish but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tA equipe do Okular está orgulhosa em anunciar o lançamento de uma versão que compila junto com a versão 'Krash' do KDE 4. Esta imagem ainda não está completamente funcional, pois ainda temos diversas coisas para ajustar e finalizar. Entretanto, fique à vontade para testá-lo e nos enviar sugestões de melhorias. Você pode encontrar o pacote em ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Verifique na página download para garantir que você possui todas as bibliotecas necessárias.\n\t\t\t"; $text["Some images of Okular "in action"..."] = "Algumas imagens do Okular "em ação"..."; $text["Backends in action"] = "Infraestruturas em ação"; $text["Here you can see some of the Okular backends in action on files."] = "Aqui você pode ver algumas das infraestruturas do Okular em ação sobre os arquivos."; $text["PDF backend"] = "Infraestrutura PDF"; $text["PostScript backend"] = "Infraestrutura PostScript"; $text["DjVu backend"] = "Infraestrutura DjVu"; $text["TIFF/fax backend"] = "Infraestrutura TIFF/fax"; $text["Extraction of embedded files"] = "Extração de arquivos incorporados"; $text["Word processor-like text selection"] = "Seleção de texto como em processadores de texto"; $text["Review mode"] = "Modo de revisão"; $text["Annotations (enter in Tools -> Review)"] = "Anotações (Ferramentas -> Revisão)"; $text["Okular - more than a reader"] = "Okular - mais que um leitor"; $text["the Okular developers"] = "os desenvolvedores do Okular"; $text["Current Okular Team"] = "Equipe atual do Okular"; $text["The current Okular team is formed by:"] = "A equipe atual do Okular é composta por:"; $text["(Current maintainer)"] = "(Mantenedor atual)"; $text["Your name here..."] = "Seu nome aqui..."; $text["Join Okular development!"] = "Junte-se ao desenvolvimento do Okular!"; $text["Former Okular developers"] = "Desenvolvedores anteriores do Okular"; $text["We'd like to thank all the people that worked on Okular in the past:"] = "Nós gostaríamos de agradecer a todas as pessoas que trabalharam no Okular no passado:"; $text["(Original Okular creator)"] = "(Criador original do Okular)"; $text["(Usability expert)"] = "(Especialista em usabilidade)"; $text["KPDF Developers"] = "Desenvolvedores do KPDF"; $text["We'd like also to thank all the people who worked on KPDF:"] = "Nós também queremos agradecer a todas as pessoas que trabalharam no KPDF:"; $text["Lots of features"] = "Diversas funcionalidades"; $text["Fontconfig support, type-ahead find, some patches"] = "Suporte para o Fontconfig, pesquisa incremental e algumas correções"; ?> diff --git a/i18n/ru/okular-kde-org.inc b/i18n/ru/okular-kde-org.inc index 7b62b16..0570ae1 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/okular-kde-org.inc +++ b/i18n/ru/okular-kde-org.inc @@ -1,132 +1,226 @@ okular-devel\nand hosted at kde.org."] = "Для координации разработки Okular существует отдельная почтовая рассылка okular-devel на сервере kde.org."; $text["You can use it to talk about the development of the core application, but also\nfeedback about existent or new backends is appreciated."] = "Вы можете использовать её для обсуждения как самой программы, так и модулей поддержки форматов документов."; $text["IRC"] = "IRC"; $text["We have also an IRC channel where talk. The channel is\n#okular, on the\nFreenode network."] = "У нас также есть свой канал IRC: #okular в сети Freenode."; $text["Usually some of the Okular developers hang there."] = "Обычно несколько разработчиков Okular находятся на этом канале."; $text["Forum"] = "Форум"; $text["If you prefer using a forum you can use the Okular forum inside the bigger KDE Community Forums."] = "Если вы предпочитаете общение в форумах, вам может быть полезен форум Okular, один из множества форумов сообщества KDE."; $text["Bugs and Wishes"] = "Ошибки и пожелания"; $text["Bugs and Wishes should be reported to the KDE bug tracker at http://bugs.kde.org."] = "Сообщать об ошибках и пожеланиях следует на сайте отслеживания ошибок KDE http://bugs.kde.org."; $text["Download"] = "Загрузка"; $text["Binary packages"] = "Бинарные пакеты"; $text["The recommended way for end-user installations of Okular is using binary packages:"] = "Обычным пользователям рекомендуется устанавливать Okular из бинарных пакетов:"; $text["For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular package (might be part of the broader kdegraphics package) and install it."] = "Если вы используете системы GNU/Linux или BSD найдите пакет Okular в программе управления пакетами и установите его. Иногда Okular входит в состав пакета kdegraphics."; $text["For Windows have a look at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on Windows."] = "Если вы используете Windows, информация об установке находится на сайте KDE для Windows."; $text["For Mac Os X have a look at the KDE on Mac OS X webpage for information on how to install KDE on Mac OS X."] = "Если вы используете Mac OS X, информация об установке находится на сайте KDE для Mac OS X."; $text["Compiling Okular from source"] = "Компиляция Okular из исходного кода"; $text["If you want to compile Okular, you need to have an already set up compilation environment."] = "Чтобы скомпилировать Okular, необходимо иметь установленную среду сборки."; $text["Distributions should provide development packages usable for compiling KDE applications."] = "В дистрибутивах должны присутствовать пакеты для разработчиков, позволяющие компилировать приложения KDE."; $text["Optional packages"] = "Дополнительные пакеты"; $text["There are some optional package you could install in order to have some more functionalities in Okular."] = "Есть несколько необязательных пакетов, которые расширяют функциональность Okular."; $text["Some are already packaged for your distro, but other maybe not. So, if possible, use the packages your distro ships."] = "Некоторые из них уже собраны в дистрибутивах, но, возможно, не все. По возможности используйте пакеты, поставляемые с вашим дистрибутивом."; $text["Poppler (PDF backend)"] = "Poppler (модуль поддержки PDF)"; $text["To compile the PDF backend, you need the Poppler library (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."] = "Чтобы скомпилировать модуль поддержки PDF, нужна библиотека Poppler (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."; $text["In order to compile and use the PostScipt (PS) backend, you need libspectre >= 0.2."] = "Чтобы скомпилировать и использовать модуль поддержки PostScript (PS), необходима библиотека libspectre >= 0.2."; $text["If your distro does not package libspectre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."] = "Если в вашем дистрибутиве отсутствует пакет libspectre, или версия пакета устарела, вы можете скачать его с http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."; $text["DjVuLibre (DjVu backend)"] = "DjVuLibre (модуль поддержки DjVu)"; $text["To compile the DjVu backend, you need DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."] = "Чтобы скомпилировать модуль поддержки DjVu, необходима библиотека DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."; $text["If your distro does not package DjVuLibre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."] = "Если в вашем дистрибутиве отсутствует пакет DjVuLibre, или версия пакета устарела, вы можете скачать его с http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."; $text["libTIFF (TIFF/fax backend)"] = "libTIFF (модуль поддержки TIFF и факсов)"; $text["libTIFF is needed to compile the TIFF/fax backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libTIFF нужна для того, чтобы скомпилировать модуль поддержки TIFF/fax. Сейчас не требуется какая-либо минимальная версия этой библиотеки, поэтому любая свежая версия библиотеки должна работать в вашем дистрибутиве. Если возникнут проблемы, то не стесняйтесь и обращайтесь к разработчикам Okular."; $text["libCHM (CHM backend)"] = "libCHM (модуль поддержки CHM)"; $text["libCHM is needed to compile the CHM backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libCHM нужна для того, чтобы скомпилировать модуль поддержки CHM. Сейчас не требуется какая-либо минимальная версия этой библиотеки, поэтому любая свежая версия библиотеки должна работать в вашем дистрибутиве. Если возникнут проблемы, то не стесняйтесь и обращайтесь к разработчикам Okular."; $text["In order to compile and use the EPub backend, you need the epub library."] = "Чтобы скомпилировать и использовать модуль поддержки EPub, необходима библиотека epub."; $text["If your distro does not package libepub, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."] = "Если в вашем дистрибутиве отсутствует библиотека libepub, или версия пакета устарела, вы можете скачать его с http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."; $text["Frequently Asked Questions"] = "Часто задаваемые вопросы"; $text["Compiling Okular"] = "Компиляция Okular"; $text["The Poppler backend does not compile. It complains about 'class Poppler::TextBox' and 'edge'."] = "Модуль поддержки Poppler не компилируется. Он сообщает об ошибке, связанной с «class Poppler::TextBox» и «edge»."; $text["Do you get an error output similar to"] = "Вы получаете сообщение об ошибке, похожее на"; $text["If so, most probably you updated from Poppler 0.6.x or previous to Poppler 0.8."] = "Если так, то скорее всего вы обновились с Poppler 0.6.x или с версии, предшествовавшей Poppler 0.8."; $text["What you can do is simple:"] = "Вы можете выполнить следующие простые действия:"; $text["in the build directory of Okular. Then run cmake again, and all should work as expected."] = "в каталоге, где вы собираете Okular. Затем выполните cmake и всё должно работать."; $text["Running Okular"] = "Запуск Okular"; $text["Okular tells me there are no plugins installed. What can I do?"] = "Okular сообщает мне о том, что модули не установлены. Что я должен делать?"; $text["In a shell set up for your KDE 4 installation, execute the command"] = "В оболочке, настроенной под установленный у вас KDE4, выполните команду"; $text["After that, Okular should find its plugins as expected."] = "После этого Okular должен найти свои модули."; $text["General usage"] = "Общее использование"; $text["Why the newly added annotations are not in my PDF document?"] = "Почему новых добавленных комментариев нет в моём документе PDF?"; $text["By default, Okular saves annotations in the local data directory\nfor each user. Since KDE 4.9, it's optionally possible to store them directly in\na PDF file by choosing \"File -> Save As...\", so they can be seen in other\nPDF viewers."] = "По умолчанию Okular сохраняет комментарии локально, в каталоге пользователя.\nНо начиная с KDE 4.9, их можно сохранить непосредственно в файле PDF,\nвыбрав в меню «Файл -> Сохранить как...», и тогда они будут видны и в других\nпросмотрщиках PDF."; $text["Note that this feature requires Poppler 0.20 or newer for regular PDF\ndocuments. If the PDF document you are annotating is encrypted, this feature\nrequires Poppler 0.22 or newer."] = "Заметьте, что для сохранения комментариев в обычных PDF-документах требуется\nPoppler 0.20 или новее. Если же PDF-документ зашифрован, вам потребуется Poppler версии\nне ниже 0.22."; $text["How can I annotate a document and send it to a friend/colleague/etc?"] = "Как я могу прокомментировать документ и отправить его другу/коллеге/и т.д.?"; $text["Since KDE 4.2, Okular has the \"document archiving\" feature. This is\nan Okular-specific format for carrying the document plus various metadata\nrelated to it (currently only annotations)."] = "Начиная с KDE 4.2 в Okular была встроена функция «архивации документов».\nЭто специфичный для Okular формат для переноса документа на другие\nкомпьютеры, а также различных метаданных, связанных с ним (в настоящее\nвремя только для комментариев)."; $text["You can save a \"document archive\" from the open document by choosing \"File\n-> Export As -> Document Archive\"."] = "Вы можете сохранить «архив документа» из открытого документа,\nвыбрав «Файл -> Экспорт в -> Архив документа...»."; $text["To open an Okular document archive, just open it with Okular as it would be eg\na PDF document."] = "Для того чтобы открыть в Okular архив документа, просто откройте\nего в Okular, как это было бы, например, с документами PDF."; $text["If you're annotating a PDF document, you can also save annotations\ndirectly in the PDF file (see previous question)"] = "Если вы добавляете комментарии к PDF-документу, вы можете сохранить их\nнепосредственно в файле PDF (см. предыдущий вопрос)"; $text["Using Ubuntu, I cannot read CHM and EPub documents,\neven if I have okular-extra-backends and libchm1 installed. Why?"] = "Я использую Ubuntu и не могу читать документы CHM и EPub,\nхотя в системе установлены okular-extra-backends и libchm1. Почему?"; $text["Ubuntu (thus Kubuntu as well) packages of Okular are compiled without\nthe support for these two formats."] = "Пакеты Okular в Ubuntu (и в Kubuntu) скомпилированы без\nподдержки этих форматов."; $text["The reason is explained in the following Launchpad report: "] = "Причина объясняется в этом сообщении на Launchpad: "; $text["Why the speak options in the Tools menu are grayed out?"] = "Почему команды синтеза речи в меню Сервис неактивны?"; $text["Because you don't have the KDE Text To Speech tools, install Jovie (formerly known as ktts) and they should be enabled"] = "Потому что у вас не установлены инструменты «KDE Text To Speech tools». Установите Jovie (также известен как ktts), и эти действия должны активироваться."; $text["Some characters are not rendered and when enabling debug some lines mention 'Missing language pack for xxx'"] = "Некоторые символы не отображаются, а если включить отладочную информацию, появляются сообщения вида «Missing language pack for xxx»"; $text["Install the poppler-data package"] = "Установите пакет poppler-data."; $text["Document format handlers status"] = "Статус поддержки форматов документов"; $text["Document Format Handlers"] = "Поддержка форматов документов"; $text["This page always refers to the stable series of Okular (currently KDE 4.5.x)."] = "Эта страница всегда относится к стабильной версии Okular (на данный момент — KDE 4.5.x)."; $text["Features/Formats"] = "Особенности/форматы"; $text["Main library used"] = "Используемая библиотека"; $text["Loading"] = "Открытие"; $text["Rendering"] = "Отрисовка"; $text["Threaded rendering"] = "Многопоточная отрисовка"; $text["Document information"] = "Сведения о документе"; $text["TOC"] = "Оглавление"; $text["Font information"] = "Сведения о шрифтах"; $text["Text extraction"] = "Извлечение текста"; $text["Links"] = "Ссылки"; $text["Paper Size"] = "Размер бумаги"; $text["Printing"] = "Печать"; $text["Text Exporting"] = "Экспорт текста"; $text["Other Features"] = "Другие возможности"; $text["Annotations"] = "Аннотации"; $text["Forms"] = "Формы"; $text["Inverse search"] = "Обратный поиск"; $text["Document Rights"] = "Права документа"; $text["Embedded files"] = "Встроенные файлы"; $text["Sounds"] = "Звуки"; $text["Movies"] = "Фильмы"; $text["What is it?"] = "Что это?"; $text["Okular logo"] = "Логотип Okular"; $text["The document format handlers page has a chart describing in more detail the supported formats and the features supported in each of them."] = "На этой странице вы можете узнать больше об уже поддерживаемых форматах и форматах, поддержка которых планируется."; $text["If you are interested in contributing to Okular, please contact us."] = "Если вы заинтересованы в поддержке проекта Okular, пожалуйста свяжитесь с нами."; $text["If you do not want or can not contribute, testers are fully welcome, so follow these instructions to see how to download and build Okular."] = "Если вы не хотите или не можете поддержать проект, то мы будем не менее рады, если вы поможете в тестировании Okular. Следуйте этим инструкциям, чтобы узнать, как скачать и собрать Okular."; $text["Okular is a Free Software PDF reader."] = "Okular — свободное приложение для чтения PDF."; $text["Okular Homepage"] = "Домашняя страница Okular"; $text["Main"] = "Главная"; $text["Format support"] = "Поддерживаемые форматы"; $text["Development News"] = "Новости разработки"; $text["Screenshots"] = "Снимки окон"; $text["FAQ"] = "Ответы на вопросы"; $text["Team"] = "Команда"; $text["Related apps/projects"] = "Похожие приложения/проекты"; $text["Free Software PDF readers"] = "Свободные приложения для чтения PDF"; +$text["Okular news"] = "Новости Okular"; +$text["Okular 0.22 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.22"; +$text["April 15, 2015"] = "15 апреля 2015 г."; +$text["The 0.22 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.04 release. Okular 0.22 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Версия Okular 0.22 была выпущена в составе пакета приложений KDE 15.04. Мы рекомендуем всем, кто использует Okular, обновиться до новой версии."; +$text["Okular 0.21 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.21"; +$text["December 17, 2014"] = "17 декабря 2014 г."; +$text["The 0.21 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 14.12 release. This release introduces new features like latex-synctex reverse searching in dvi and small bugfixes. Okular 0.21 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Версия Okular 0.21 была выпущена в составе пакета приложений KDE 14.12. В ней добавлена новая функция синхронизации с файлом TeX с помощью SyncTeX, а также исправлены некоторые небольшие ошибки. Мы рекомендуем всем, кто использует Okular, обновиться до версии 0.21."; +$text["Okular 0.19 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.19"; +$text["April 16, 2014"] = "16 апреля 2014 г."; +$text["The 0.19 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.13 release. This release introduces new features like tabs support in the interface, use of DPI screen so that page size matches real paper size, improvements to the Undo/Redo framework and other features/refinements. Okular 0.19 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Версия Okular 0.19 была выпущена в составе набора приложений KDE 4.13. В ней добавлены новые функции, например возможность открыть несколько документов во вкладках одного окна, учёт разрешения экрана в точках на дюйм, чтобы размер страницы на экране соответствовал размеру на бумаге, а также улучшения работы отмены и возврата действий. Мы рекомендуем всем, кто использует Okular, обновиться до версии 0.19."; +$text["Okular 0.18 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.18"; +$text["December 12, 2013"] = "12 декабря 2013 г."; +$text["The 0.18 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.12 release. This release introduces new features like audio/video support in EPub files and also improvements to existing features like searching and printing. Okular 0.18 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Версия Okular 0.18 была выпущена в составе набора приложений KDE 4.12. В ней, в частности, добавилась поддержка воспроизведения аудио/видео в файлах EPub, а также были улучшены функции поиска и печати. Мы рекомендуем всем, кто использует Okular, обновиться до версии 0.18."; +$text["Okular 0.17 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.17"; +$text["August 16, 2013"] = "16 августа 2013 г."; +$text["The 0.17 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.11 release. This release introduces new features like undo/redo support for forms and annotations and configurable review tools. Okular 0.17 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Версия Okular 0.17 была выпущена вместе с другими приложениями KDE 4.11. В ней добавились функции отмены/возврата действий при редактировании форм и примечаний, а также настраиваемые инструменты рецензирования. Мы рекомендуем всем, кто использует Okular, обновиться до версии 0.17."; +$text["Okular 0.16 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.16"; +$text["February 6, 2013"] = "6 февраля 2013 г."; +$text["The 0.16 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.10 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to zoom to higher levels in PDF documents, an Active based viewer for your tablet devices, more support for PDF movies, viewport follows selection, and annotation editing improvements. Okular 0.16 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "В составе набора приложений KDE 4.10 выпущена версия Okular 0.16. Новшества этой версии: большая степень увеличения документов PDF, просмотрщик для планшетов, реализованный на базе Active, улучшенная поддержка фильмов в PDF, следование области просмотра за выделением и усовершенствованное редактирование аннотаций. Всем, кто использует Okular, рекомендуется обновить его до версии 0.16."; +$text["Okular forums"] = "Форумы Okular"; +$text["October 10, 2012"] = "10 октября 2012 г."; +$text["We now have a subforum inside the KDE Community Forums. You can find it at http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."] = "Теперь у нас есть свой отдельный форум на сайте Форумов сообщества KDE по адресу: http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."; +$text["Okular 0.15 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.15"; +$text["August 1, 2012"] = "1 августа 2012 г."; +$text["The 0.15 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.9 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to store annotations with PDF documents, more support for PDF movies, multiple bookmarks per page and some other minor improvements. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.15 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "В составе набора приложений KDE 4.9 выпущена версия Okular 0.15. В этой версии появилась возможность сохранять аннотации в документах PDF и делать несколько закладок на одной странице, расширенная поддержка фильмов в PDF и ряд других улучшений. Список исправленных ошибок и новых функций вы можете найти в bugzilla. Всем, кто использует Okular, рекомендуется обновить его до версии 0.15."; +$text["Okular 0.14 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.14"; +$text["January 25, 2012"] = "25 января 2012 г."; +$text["The 0.14 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.8 release. This release introduces new features like improved text selection in documents with columns, table selection tool, LaTex rendering in annotations, improved embedded support (for use in e.g. Kile), better layouting for faced pages, smarter screensaver/powermanagement handling, improved page label support, default zoom configuration, improved Landscape printing, etc. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.14 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "В составе набора приложений KDE 4.8 выпущена версия Okular 0.14. В числе новых функции этой версии: улучшенное выделение текста в документах с колонками, инструмент выделения таблиц, вывод LaTex в аннотациях, улучшенная поддержка интеграции (например, для использования с Kile), улучшенная раскладка страниц с разворотом, более продуманное управление хранителем экрана/питанием, усовершенствованная поддержка меток страниц, настройка масштаба по умолчанию, улучшенная печать в альбомной ориентации и т.д. Неполный список исправленных ошибок и новых функций вы можете найти в bugzilla. Всем, кто использует Okular, рекомендуется обновить его до версии 0.15."; +$text["Okular 0.13 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.13"; +$text["July 27, 2011"] = "27 июля 2011 г."; +$text["The 0.13 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.7 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Версия Okular 0.13 была выпущена вместе с другими приложениями KDE 4.7. В этот выпуск были включены небольшие исправления, а также добавлены новые функции. Мы рекомендуем всем, кто использует Okular, обновиться до новой версии."; +$text["Okular 0.12 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.12"; +$text["January 26, 2011"] = "26 января 2011 г."; +$text["The 0.12 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.6 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Версия Okular 0.12 была выпущена вместе с другими приложениями KDE 4.6. В этот выпуск были включены небольшие исправления, а также добавлены новые функции. Мы рекомендуем всем, кто использует Okular, обновиться до новой версии."; +$text["Okular 0.11 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.11"; +$text["August 10, 2010"] = "10 августа 2010 г."; +$text["The 0.11 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.5 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Версия Okular 0.11 была выпущена вместе с другими приложениями KDE 4.5. В этот выпуск были включены небольшие исправления, а также добавлены новые функции. Мы рекомендуем всем, кто использует Okular, обновиться до новой версии."; +$text["Okular 0.10 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.10"; +$text["February 9, 2010"] = "9 февраля 2010 г."; +$text["The 0.10 version of Okular has been released together with KDE SC 4.4. Besides general improvements in stability this release sports new/improved support for both inverse search and forward search linking latex source code lines with the corresponding locations in dvi and pdf files."] = "Версия Okular 0.11 была выпущена вместе с другими приложениями KDE SC 4.4. Помимо общего улучшения стабильности, этот выпуск поддерживает «обратный поиск», а также поиск, связывающий строки исходного кода LaTeX с соответствующими местами в файлах DVI и PDF."; +$text["Okular 0.9.4 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.9.4"; +$text["December 1, 2009"] = "1 декабря 2009 г."; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.3 series includes Okular 0.9.4. It includes some crash fixes, and few small bug fixes in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"] = "Четвёртый выпуск KDE 4.3 включает в себя Okular 0.9.4. В Okular 0.9.4 были исправлены ошибки, приводящие к аварийному завершению программы, а также некоторые небольшие исправления в интерфейсе. Вы можете прочитать больше обо всех исправлениях на http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.4 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.8.4"; +$text["June 3, 2009"] = "4 июня 2009 г."; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.4. It includes some fixes in OpenDocument Text documents, a couple of crash fixes, and few small bugs in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"] = "Четвёртый выпуск KDE 4.2 включает в себя Okular 0.8.4. В Okular 0.8.4 были исправлены некоторые ошибки в текстовых документах OpenDocument, были исправлены ошибки, приводящие к аварийному завершению программы, а также в этот выпуск вошли небольшие исправления интерфейса. Вы можете прочитать обо всех исправлениях на http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.3 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.8.3"; +$text["May 6, 2009"] = "6 мая 2009 г."; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.3. It does not provide much news for Okular, the only relevant change is about thread more safety when generating page images of XPS document. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"] = "Третий выпуск KDE 4.2 включает в себя Okular 0.8.3. В этом выпуске нет важных исправлений Okular, только изменения алгоритма генерации изображений страниц документа формата XPS. Вы можете прочитать обо всех исправлениях на http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.2 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.8.2"; +$text["April 2, 2009"] = "2 апреля 2009 г."; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.2. It includes better support (hopefully working) for DVI and pdfsync inverse search, and fixes and small improvements in the presentation mode. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"] = "Второй выпуск KDE 4.2 включает в себя Okular 0.8.2. Он включает лучшую поддержку обратного поиска в DVI и PDF и улучшения в работе режима презентации. Вы можете прочитать обо всех исправлениях на http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.1 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.8.1"; +$text["March 4, 2009"] = "4 марта 2009 г."; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.1. It includes some crash fixes in the CHM and DjVu backends, and minor fixes in the user interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"] = "Первый выпуск KDE 4.2 включает в себя Okular 0.8.1. В выпуске Okular 0.8.1 были исправлены некоторые ошибки, приводящие к аварийному завершению программы при работе с файлами CHM и DjVu, и небольшие изменения в пользовательском интерфейсе. Вы можете прочитать обо всех исправлениях на http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.8"; +$text["January 27, 2009"] = "27 января 2009 г."; +$text["The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.2. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): And, of course, many bugs were fixed."] = "Команда Okular рада сообщить о выпуске новой версии, этот выпуск является частью KDE 4.2. Некоторые из новых функций и усовершенствований включают в себя (в произвольном порядке): И, конечно, многие ошибки были исправлены."; +$text["Okular 0.7.3 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.7.3"; +$text["November 4, 2008"] = "4 ноября 2008 г."; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.3. It includes some minor fixes in the user interface and in the text search. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"] = "Третий выпуск KDE 4.1 включает в себя Okular 0.7.3. В Okular 0.7.3 были исправлены некоторые небольшие ошибки в пользовательском интерфейсе и поиске. Вы можете прочитать обо всех исправлениях на http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.2 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.7.2"; +$text["October 3, 2008"] = "3 октября 2008 г."; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.2. It includes some minor fixes in the TIFF and Comicbook backends and the change to \"Fit Width\" as default zoom level. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"] = "Второй выпуск KDE 4.1 включает в себя Okular 0.7.2. В Okular 0.7.2 были исправлены некоторые небольшие ошибки при работе с модулями поддержки TIFF и Comicbook, а также «По ширине страницы» был установлен как основной масштаб. Вы можете прочитать обо всех исправлениях на http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.1 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.7.1"; +$text["September 3, 2008"] = "3 сентября 2008 г."; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.1. It includes some crash fixes among other minor fixes. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"] = "Первый выпуск KDE 4.1 включает в себя Okular 0.7.1. Okular 0.7.1 включает в себя некоторые исправления ошибок, приводящих к аварийному завершению программы, а также другие мелкие исправления. Вы можете прочитать обо всех исправлениях на http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.7"; +$text["July 29, 2008"] = "29 июля 2008 г."; +$text["KDE 4.1. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order):\n\nAnd, of course, many bugs were fixed.]]>"] = "KDE 4.1. Некоторые новые функции и улучшения (в произвольном порядке):\n\nИ, конечно, многие ошибки были исправлены.]]>"; +$text["Okular 0.6.3 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.6.3"; +$text["April 2, 2008"] = "2 апреля 2008 г."; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"] = "Третий выпуск KDE 4.0 включает в себя Okular 0.6.3. В Okular 0.6.3 были исправлены некоторые ошибки, например лучший способ получить позицию текста в документах PDF, а также несколько исправлений для системы аннотаций, и поддержка оглавлений. Вы можете прочитать обо всех исправлениях на http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.2 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.6.2"; +$text["March 5, 2008"] = "5 марта 2008 г."; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"] = "Второй выпуск KDE 4.0 включает в себя Okular 0.6.2. В Okular 0.6.2 было сделано довольно много исправлений, включая улучшение стабильности при закрытии документа, а также маленькие исправления в системе закладок. Вы можете прочитать обо всех исправлениях на http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.1 released"] = "Выпущен Okular 0.6.1"; +$text["February 5, 2008"] = "5 февраля 2008 г."; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"] = "Первый выпуск KDE 4.0 включает в себя Okular 0.6.1. В Okular 0.6.1 было сделано довольно много исправлений, включая отсутствие необходимости перезагружать файлы при сохранении, улучшения удобства использования и так далее. Вы можете прочитать обо всех исправлениях на http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"; +$text["aKademy 2007 Okular presentation material online"] = "Презентации Okular на aKademy 2007 в сети Интернет"; +$text["Jul 10, 2007"] = "10 июля 2007 г."; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular talk given by Pino Toscano at aKademy 2007 is now online. There are both slides and video available.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tВыступление Pino Toscano об Okular на aKademy 2007 теперь доступно в сети Интернет. Доступны как слайды, так и видеозапись.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular in kdegraphics"] = "Okular является частью kdegraphics"; +$text["Apr 4, 2007"] = "4 апреля 2007 г."; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular is now part of the kdegraphics module. The next version of Okular will be shipped with KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tКоманда Okular рада представить Okular как часть модуля kdegraphics. Следующая версия Okular выйдет с KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular joins The Season of Usability project"] = "Okular вступил в проект «The Season of Usability»"; +$text["Jan 31, 2007"] = "31 января 2007 г."; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular has been one of the applications selected to participate in the Season of Usability project, run by usability experts at OpenUsability. From here we want to welcome Sharad Baliyan to the team and thank Florian Graessle and Pino Toscano for their continued work on improving Okular.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tКоманда Okular рада сообщить, что Okular был выбран одним из приложений для участия в проекте Season of Usability экспертами на OpenUsability. Мы хотим поприветствовать Sharad Baliyan в команде и сказать спасибо Florian Graessle и Pino Toscano за их работу по улучшению Okular.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5.81 unstable snapshot released"] = "Выпущена нестабильная версия Okular 0.5.81"; +$text["Nov 2, 2006"] = "2 ноября 2006 г."; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. This snapshot is not completely functional, yet, as we have lots of things to polish and finish, but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tКоманда Okular рада представить нестабильный выпуск Okular как часть Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. Этот выпуск тестовый, с незавершённой функциональностью, но вы можете помочь нам, протестировав его и прислав нам результаты тестирования. Вы можете найти этот выпуск на ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Обратите внимание на страницу загрузок, чтобы убедиться, что у вас есть все необходимые библиотеки.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5 unstable snapshot released"] = "Выпущена нестабильная версия Okular 0.5"; +$text["Aug 27, 2006"] = "27 августа 2006 г."; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. This snapshot is still not completely functional as we have lots of things to polish and finish but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tКоманда Okular рада представить нестабильный выпуск Okular как часть KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. Этот выпуск тестовый, с незавершённой функциональностью, но вы можете помочь нам, протестировав его и прислав нам результаты тестирования. Вы можете найти этот выпуск на ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Обратите внимание на страницу загрузок, чтобы убедиться, что у вас есть все необходимые библиотеки.\n\t\t\t"; $text["Some images of Okular "in action"..."] = "Некоторые картинки, на которых вы можете увидеть Okular «в действии»..."; $text["Backends in action"] = "Модули поддержки форматов в действии"; $text["Here you can see some of the Okular backends in action on files."] = "Здесь вы можете видеть некоторые модули поддержки Okular при работе с файлами."; $text["PDF backend"] = "Модуль поддержки PDF"; $text["PostScript backend"] = "Модуль поддержки PostScript"; $text["DjVu backend"] = "Модуль поддержки DjVu"; $text["TIFF/fax backend"] = "Модуль поддержки TIFF/fax"; $text["Extraction of embedded files"] = "Извлечение вложенных файлов"; $text["Word processor-like text selection"] = "Способ выделения текста, похожий на выделение текста в текстовом процессоре"; $text["Review mode"] = "Режим рецензирования"; $text["Annotations (enter in Tools -> Review)"] = "Аннотации (Сервис -> Рецензирование)"; $text["Okular - more than a reader"] = "Okular - больше, чем программа для чтения"; $text["the Okular developers"] = "Разработчики Okular"; $text["Current Okular Team"] = "Текущая команда Okular"; $text["The current Okular team is formed by:"] = "Текущая команда Okular состоит из:"; $text["(Current maintainer)"] = "(нынешний руководитель)"; $text["Your name here..."] = "Ваше имя здесь..."; $text["Join Okular development!"] = "Вступите в команду разработчиков Okular!"; $text["Former Okular developers"] = "Бывшие разработчики Okular"; $text["We'd like to thank all the people that worked on Okular in the past:"] = "Мы также благодарим всех, кто работал над Okular в прошлом:"; $text["(Original Okular creator)"] = "(создатель Okular)"; $text["(Usability expert)"] = "(эксперт по эргономике)"; $text["KPDF Developers"] = "Разработчики KPDF"; $text["We'd like also to thank all the people who worked on KPDF:"] = "Мы также благодарим всех людей, которые работали над KPDF:"; $text["Lots of features"] = "Множество функций"; $text["Fontconfig support, type-ahead find, some patches"] = "Поддержка Fontconfig, инкрементальный поиск и некоторые другие улучшения"; ?> diff --git a/i18n/sv/okular-kde-org.inc b/i18n/sv/okular-kde-org.inc index e6a7d25..489e68c 100644 --- a/i18n/sv/okular-kde-org.inc +++ b/i18n/sv/okular-kde-org.inc @@ -1,145 +1,266 @@ okular-devel\nand hosted at kde.org."] = "Vi har en e-postlista för att koordinera Okulars utveckling. E-postlistan\när okular-devel\noch finns på kde.org."; $text["You can use it to talk about the development of the core application, but also\nfeedback about existent or new backends is appreciated."] = "Den kan användas för att diskutera utvecklingen av huvudprogrammet, men också\nåtermatning om befintliga eller nya gränssnitt uppskattas."; $text["IRC"] = "IRC"; $text["We have also an IRC channel where talk. The channel is\n#okular, on the\nFreenode network."] = "Vi har också en IRC-kanal för diskussioner. Kanalen är\n#okular på nätverket Freenode."; $text["Usually some of the Okular developers hang there."] = "Oftast håller några av Okulars utvecklare till där."; $text["Forum"] = "Forum"; $text["If you prefer using a forum you can use the Okular forum inside the bigger KDE Community Forums."] = "Om du föredrar att använda ett forum, kan du använda Okulars forum inne i det större KDE:s gemenskapsforum."; $text["Bugs and Wishes"] = "Fel och önskningar"; $text["Bugs and Wishes should be reported to the KDE bug tracker at http://bugs.kde.org."] = "Fel och önskningar ska rapporteras till KDE:s felspårare på http://bugs.kde.org."; $text["Download"] = "Nerladdning"; $text["Binary packages"] = "Binärpaket"; $text["The recommended way for end-user installations of Okular is using binary packages:"] = "Det rekommenderade sättet för slutanvändare att installera Okular är att använda binärpaket:"; $text["For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular package (might be part of the broader kdegraphics package) and install it."] = "Använd pakethanteraren i GNU/Linux och BSD för att hitta paketet Okular (kan vara en del av det mer omfattande paketet kdegraphics) och installera det."; $text["For Windows have a look at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on Windows."] = "För Windows, ta en titt på KDE på Windows webbsida för information om hur man installerar KDE på Windows."; $text["For Mac Os X have a look at the KDE on Mac OS X webpage for information on how to install KDE on Mac OS X."] = "För Mac OS X, ta en titt på KDE på Max OS X webbsida för information om hur man installerar KDE på Max OS X."; $text["Packaging status"] = "Paketeringsstatus"; $text["N.B: The table above refers to the KDE Applications release version that Okular was part of. The actual Okular version as reported by the About dialog is different, e.g. Okular 1.2.1 was released as part of KDE Applications 17.08.1 and would should up with such number in the table."] = "Observera: Tabellen ovan hänvisar till versionen av KDE-program som utgåvan av Okular ingick i. Själva versionen av Okular som rapporteras i dialogrutan Om är annorlunda, t.ex. gavs Okular 1.2.1 ut som en del av KDE-program 17.08.1 och visas i tabellen med detta nummer."; $text["Compiling Okular from source"] = "Kompilera Okular från källkod"; $text["If you want to compile Okular, you need to have an already set up compilation environment."] = "Om du vill kompilera Okular, måste du redan ha en tillgänglig kompileringsmiljö."; $text["Distributions should provide development packages usable for compiling KDE applications."] = "Distributioner bör tillhandahålla utvecklingspaket användbara för att kompilera KDE-program."; $text["In case you want to compile the development version of Okular, please refer to Build from source at KDE's Community Wiki."] = "Om du vill kompilera utvecklingsversionen av Okular, se Building from source på KDE:s Community Wiki."; $text["If you are interested in stable tarballs of Okular visit the\nKDE Applications download folder and download the okular tarball."] = "Om du är intresserade av stabila komprimerade tar-arkiv av Okular, besök\nnerladdningskatalogen för KDE-program och ladda ner det komprimerade tar-arkivet okular."; $text["Optional packages"] = "Valfria paket"; $text["There are some optional package you could install in order to have some more functionalities in Okular."] = "Det finns några valfria paket som går att installera för att få ytterligare funktioner i Okular."; $text["Some are already packaged for your distro, but other maybe not. So, if possible, use the packages your distro ships."] = "Vissa är redan paketerade för din distribution, men andra kanske inte är det. Om möjligt, använd alltså paketen som din distribution levererar."; $text["Poppler (PDF backend)"] = "Poppler (PDF-gränssnitt)"; $text["To compile the PDF backend, you need the Poppler library (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."] = "För att kompilera PDF-gränssnitttet, behövs biblioteket Poppler (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."; $text["The minimum version required is poppler 0.24"] = "Den tidigaste versionen som krävs är poppler 0.24"; $text["Libspectre (PostScript backend)"] = "Libspectre (Postscript-gränssnitt)"; $text["In order to compile and use the PostScipt (PS) backend, you need libspectre >= 0.2."] = "För att kompilera och använda Postscript-gränssnittet (PS), behövs libspectre >= 0.2."; $text["If your distro does not package libspectre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."] = "Om din distribution inte paketerar libspectre, eller den paketerade versionen inte är tillräcklig, kan det laddas ner från http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."; $text["DjVuLibre (DjVu backend)"] = "DjVuLibre (DjVu-gränssnitt)"; $text["To compile the DjVu backend, you need DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."] = "För att kompilear DjVu-gränssnittet, behövs DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."; $text["If your distro does not package DjVuLibre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."] = "Om din distribution inte paketerar DjVuLibre, eller den paketerade versionen inte är tillräcklig, kan det laddas ner från http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."; $text["libTIFF (TIFF/fax backend)"] = "libTIFF (TIFF/telefax-gränssnitt)"; $text["libTIFF is needed to compile the TIFF/fax backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libTIFF behövs för att kompilera TIFF/telefax-gränssnittet. För närvarande finns det ingen tidigaste version som krävs, så vilken som helst ganska ny version av biblioteket från distributionen bör fungera. Vid problem med det, tveka inte att kontakta Okulars utvecklare."; $text["libCHM (CHM backend)"] = "libCHM (CHM-gränssnitt)"; $text["libCHM is needed to compile the CHM backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libCHM behövs för att kompilera CHM-gränssnittet. För närvarande finns det ingen tidigaste version som krävs, så vilken som helst ganska ny version av biblioteket från distributionen bör fungera. Vid problem med det, tveka inte att kontakta Okulars utvecklare."; $text["Libepub (EPub backend)"] = "Libepub (EPub-gränssnitt)"; $text["In order to compile and use the EPub backend, you need the epub library."] = "För att kompilera och använda EPub-gränssnittet behövs biblioteket epub."; $text["If your distro does not package libepub, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."] = "Om distributionen inte paketerar libepub, eller den packeterade versionen inte är tillräcklig, kan den laddas ner från http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."; $text["You can download and compile Okular this way:"] = "Du kan ladda ner och kompilera Okular på följande sätt:"; $text["If you install Okular in a different path than your system install directory it is possible that you need to run"] = "Om du installerar Okular med en annan sökväg än systemets installationskatalog är det möjligt att du behöver köra"; $text["so that the correct Okular instance and libraries are picked up. Obviously you need to replace x86_64-linux-gnu with the correct name for your architecture."] = "så att rätt instans av Okular och biblioteken hämtas. Naturligtvis måste x86_64-linux-gnu ersättas av det riktiga namnet på din arkitektur."; $text["Frequently Asked Questions"] = "Vanliga frågor"; $text["Compiling Okular"] = "Kompilera Okular"; $text["The Poppler backend does not compile. It complains about 'class Poppler::TextBox' and 'edge'."] = "Poppler-gränssnittet går inte att kompilera. Det klagar på 'class Poppler::TextBox' och 'edge'."; $text["Do you get an error output similar to"] = "Fick du ett felmeddelande som liknar"; $text["If so, most probably you updated from Poppler 0.6.x or previous to Poppler 0.8."] = "Om det är fallet uppdaterade du troligtvis från Poppöer 0.6.x eller tidigare till Poppler 0.8."; $text["What you can do is simple:"] = "Vad du kan göra åt det är enkelt:"; $text["in the build directory of Okular. Then run cmake again, and all should work as expected."] = "i byggkatalogen för Okular. Kör därefter cmake igen, så bör allting fungera som förväntat."; $text["Running Okular"] = "Att köra Okular"; $text["Okular tells me there are no plugins installed. What can I do?"] = "Okular talar om för mig att det inte finns några insticksprogram installerade. Vad kan man göra åt det?"; $text["In a shell set up for your KDE 4 installation, execute the command"] = "I ett skal inställt för KDE 4-installationen, kör kommandot"; $text["After that, Okular should find its plugins as expected."] = "Därefter bör Okular hitta sina insticksprogram som förväntat."; $text["General usage"] = "Allmän användning"; $text["Why the newly added annotations are not in my PDF document?"] = "Varför finns inte de nytillagda kommentarerna i mitt PDF-dokument?"; $text["By default, Okular saves annotations in the local data directory\nfor each user. Since KDE 4.9, it's optionally possible to store them directly in\na PDF file by choosing \"File -> Save As...\", so they can be seen in other\nPDF viewers."] = "Normalt sparar Okular kommentarer i varje användares lokala\ndatakatalog. Från KDE 4.9 är det valfritt möjligt att lagra dem direkt\ni en PDF-fil genom att välja \"Arkiv -> Spara som...\", så att de\när synliga i andra PDF-visningsprogram."; $text["Note that this feature requires Poppler 0.20 or newer for regular PDF\ndocuments. If the PDF document you are annotating is encrypted, this feature\nrequires Poppler 0.22 or newer."] = "Observera att funktionen kräver Poppler 0.20 eller senare för\nvanliga PDF-dokument. Om PDF-dokumentet som du kommenterar\när krypterat, kräver funktionen Poppler 0.22 eller senare."; $text["How can I annotate a document and send it to a friend/colleague/etc?"] = "Hur kan man lägga till kommentarer i ett dokument och skicka det till en vän, kollega, etc.?"; $text["Since KDE 4.2, Okular has the \"document archiving\" feature. This is\nan Okular-specific format for carrying the document plus various metadata\nrelated to it (currently only annotations)."] = "Sedan KDE 4.2 har Okular funktionen \"dokumentarkivering\". Det är ett\nOkular-specifikt format för att ta hand om dokumentet samt diverse\nmetadata som hör ihop med det (för närvarande bara kommentarer)."; $text["You can save a \"document archive\" from the open document by choosing \"File\n-> Export As -> Document Archive\"."] = "Ett \"dokumentarkiv\" kan sparas från det öppna dokumentet genom att\nvälja \"Arkiv -> Exportera som -> Dokumentarkiv\"."; $text["To open an Okular document archive, just open it with Okular as it would be eg\na PDF document."] = "För att öppna ett Okular dokumentarkiv, öppna det bara med Okular\nsom om det t.ex. skulle vara ett PDF-dokument."; $text["If you're annotating a PDF document, you can also save annotations\ndirectly in the PDF file (see previous question)"] = "Om du kommenterar PDF-dokument kan du också spara\nkommentarerna direkt i PDF-filen (se föregående fråga)."; $text["Using Ubuntu, I cannot read CHM and EPub documents,\neven if I have okular-extra-backends and libchm1 installed. Why?"] = "Med Ubuntu kan man inte läsa CHM- och EPub-dkoument,\nfastän okular-extra-backends och libchm1 är installerade. Varför?"; $text["Ubuntu (thus Kubuntu as well) packages of Okular are compiled without\nthe support for these two formats."] = "Paket med Okular från Ubuntu (och därmed också Kubuntu är\nkompilerade utan stöd för dessa två format."; $text["The reason is explained in the following Launchpad report: "] = "Orsaken förklaras i följande rapport från Launchpad: "; $text["Why the speak options in the Tools menu are grayed out?"] = "Varför är uppläsningsalternativen i verktygsmenyn gråa?"; $text["Because you don't have the KDE Text To Speech tools, install Jovie (formerly known as ktts) and they should be enabled"] = "Eftersom du inte har KDE:s text-till-tal verktyg. Installera Jovie (tidigare känt som ktts) så ska de aktiveras."; $text["Some characters are not rendered and when enabling debug some lines mention 'Missing language pack for xxx'"] = "Vissa tecken återges inte och när felsökning aktiveras anger vissa rader: 'Missing language pack for xxx'"; $text["Install the poppler-data package"] = "Installera paketet poppler-data"; $text["Document format handlers status"] = "Status för hantering av dokumentformat"; $text["Document Format Handlers"] = "Hantering av dokumentformat"; $text["This page always refers to the stable series of Okular (currently KDE 4.5.x)."] = "Den här sidan hänvisar alltid till Okulars stabila serie (för närvarande KDE 4.5.x)."; $text["Features/Formats"] = "Funktioner och format"; $text["Main library used"] = "Använt huvudbibliotek"; $text["Loading"] = "Inläsning"; $text["Rendering"] = "Återgivning"; $text["Threaded rendering"] = "Trådad återgivning"; $text["Document information"] = "Dokumentinformation"; $text["TOC"] = "Innehållsförteckning"; $text["Font information"] = "Information om teckensnitt"; $text["Text extraction"] = "Textextrahering"; $text["Links"] = "Länkar"; $text["Paper Size"] = "Pappersstorlek"; $text["Printing"] = "Utskrift"; $text["Text Exporting"] = "Textexport"; $text["Other Features"] = "Andra funktioner"; $text["Annotations"] = "Kommentarer"; $text["Forms"] = "Formulär"; $text["Inverse search"] = "Omvänd sökning"; $text["Document Rights"] = "Dokumenträttigheter"; $text["Embedded files"] = "Inbäddade filer"; $text["Sounds"] = "Ljud"; $text["Movies"] = "Filmer"; $text["What is it?"] = "Vad är det?"; $text["Okular logo"] = "Okulars logotyp"; $text["Okular is a universal document viewer based developed by KDE. Okular works on multiple platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc."] = "Okular är en universell dokumentvisare baserad på KDE för KDE 4. Det betyder att Okular fungerar på flera plattformar, inklusive men inte begränsat till Linux, Windows, Max OS X, *BSD, etc."; $text["The last stable release is Okular %1, shipped as part of the KDE Applications %3 release."] = "Den senaste stabila utgåvan är Okular %1, levererad som en del av KDE:s programutgåva %3."; $text["Okular combines the excellent functionalities with the versatility of supporting different kind of documents, like PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub and others."] = "Okular kombinerar utmärkta funktioner med mångsidigt stöd för olika dokumenttyper, som PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub med flera."; $text["The document format handlers page has a chart describing in more detail the supported formats and the features supported in each of them."] = "Sidan med hantering av dokumentformat har ett diagram som beskriver de format som stöds mer detaljerat, och funktionerna som stöds för vart och ett av dem."; $text["If you are interested in contributing to Okular, please contact us."] = "Om du är intresserad av att bidra till Okular, kontakta oss gärna."; $text["If you do not want or can not contribute, testers are fully welcome, so follow these instructions to see how to download and build Okular."] = "Om du inte vill eller inte kan bidra, är testare mycket välkomna, så följ dessa instruktioner för att ta reda på hur man laddar ner och bygger Okular."; $text["Okular is a Free Software PDF reader."] = "Okular är en PDF-läsare med fri programvara."; $text["Okular Homepage"] = "Okulars hemsida"; $text["Main"] = "Första sidan"; $text["Format support"] = "Formatstöd"; $text["Development News"] = "Utvecklingsnyheter"; $text["Screenshots"] = "Skärmbilder"; $text["FAQ"] = "Vanliga frågor"; $text["Team"] = "Grupp"; $text["Related apps/projects"] = "Liknande program eller projekt"; $text["Free Software PDF readers"] = "PDF-läsare med fri programvara"; +$text["Okular news"] = "Nyheter om Okular"; +$text["Okular 1.5 released"] = "Okular 1.5 utgiven"; +$text["August 16, 2018"] = "16:e augusti, 2018"; +$text["The 1.5 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 18.08 release. This release introduces Form improvements among various other fixes and small features. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.08.0#okular. Okular 1.5 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 1.5 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 18.08 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan introducerar förbättringar av Formulär bland diverse andra felrättningar och mindre funktionsförbättringar. Du kan titta på den fullständiga ändringsloggen på https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.08.0#okular. Okular 1.5 är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.4 released"] = "Okular 1.4 utgiven"; +$text["April 19, 2018"] = "19:e april, 2018"; +$text["The 1.4 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 18.04 release. This release introduces improved JavaScript support in PDF files and supports PDF rendering cancelling, which means that if you have a complex PDF file and you change the zoom while it's rendering it will cancel immediately instead of waiting for the render to finish. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.04.0#okular. Okular 1.4 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 1.4 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 18.04 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan introducerar förbättrat stöd för Javascript i PDF-filer och stöder att avbryta PDF-återgivning, vilket betyder att om du har en komplicerad PDF-fil och ändrar zoomning medan den återges avbryts det omedelbart istället för att vänta på att återgivningen ska bli klar. Den fullständiga ändringsloggen finns på https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.04.0#okular. Okular 1.4 är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.3 released"] = "Okular 1.3 utgiven"; +$text["December 14, 2017"] = "14:e december, 2017"; +$text["The 1.3 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.12 release. This release introduces changes to how saving annotations and form data works, supports partial rendering updates for files that take long time to render, makes text links interactive on text selection mode, adds a Share option in the File menu, adds Markdown support and fixes some issues regarding HiDPI support. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.12.0#okular. Okular 1.3 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 1.3 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 17.12 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan introducerar ändringar av hur spara kommentarer och formulärdata fungerar, lägger till stöd för partiell återgivning av uppdateringar för filer som tar lång tid att återge, gör textlänkar interaktiva i textmarkeringsläge, lägger till alternativet Dela i arkivmenyn, lägger till stöd för Markdown och rättar några fel rörande stöd för hög upplösning. Du kan titta på den fullständiga ändringsloggen på https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.12.0#okular. Okular 1.3 är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.2 released"] = "Okular 1.2 utgiven"; +$text["August 17, 2017"] = "17:e augusti, 2017"; +$text["The 1.2 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.08 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and improvements. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. Okular 1.2 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 1.2 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 17.08 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan introducerar mindre felrättningar och förbättringar. Den fullständiga ändringsloggen finns på https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. Okular 1.2 är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.1 released"] = "Okular 1.1 utgiven"; +$text["April 20, 2017"] = "20:a april, 2017"; +$text["The 1.1 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.04 release. This release introduces annotation resize functionality, support for automatic calculation of form contents, touch screen improvements and more! You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. Okular 1.1 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 1.1 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 17.04 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan introducerar funktionalitet för att ändra storlek på kommentarer, stöd för automatisk beräkning av formulärinnehåll, förbättringar för pekskärmar med mera. Den fullständiga ändringsloggen finns på https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. Okular 1.1 är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.0 released"] = "Okular 1.0 utgiven"; +$text["December 15, 2016"] = "15:e december, 2016"; +$text["The 1.0 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.12 release. This release is now based in KDE Frameworks 5, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. Okular 1.0 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 1.0 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 16.12 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan är nu baserad på KDE Ramverk 5. Den fullständiga ändringsloggen finns på https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. Okular 1.0 är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.26 released"] = "Okular 0.26 utgiven"; +$text["August 18, 2016"] = "18:e augusti, 2016"; +$text["The 0.26 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.08 release. This release introduces very small changes, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. Okular 0.26 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 0.26 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 16.08 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan introducerar mycket små ändringar. Den fullständiga ändringsloggen finns på https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. Okular 0.26 är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.24 released"] = "Okular 0.24 utgiven"; +$text["December 16, 2015"] = "16:e december, 2015"; +$text["The 0.24 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.12 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and features, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 0.24 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 15.12 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan introducerar mindre felrättningar och funktionalitet. Den fullständiga ändringsloggen finns på https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.23 released"] = "Okular 0.23 utgiven"; +$text["August 19, 2015"] = "19:e augusti, 2015"; +$text["The 0.23 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.08 release. This release introduces support for the Fade transition in presentation mode as well as some fixes regarding annotations and video playback. Okular 0.23 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 0.23 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 15.08 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan introducerar nya funktioner som latex-synctex omvänd sökning i DVI och mindre felrättningar. Okular 0.23 är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.22 released"] = "Okular 0.22 utgiven"; +$text["April 15, 2015"] = "15:e april, 2015"; +$text["The 0.22 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.04 release. Okular 0.22 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 0.22 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 15.04 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.21 released"] = "Okular 0.21 utgiven"; +$text["December 17, 2014"] = "17:e december, 2014"; +$text["The 0.21 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 14.12 release. This release introduces new features like latex-synctex reverse searching in dvi and small bugfixes. Okular 0.21 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 0.21 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 14.12 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan introducerar nya funktioner som latex-synctex omvänd sökning i DVI och mindre felrättningar. Okular 0.21 är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.19 released"] = "Okular 0.19 utgiven"; +$text["April 16, 2014"] = "16:e april, 2014"; +$text["The 0.19 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.13 release. This release introduces new features like tabs support in the interface, use of DPI screen so that page size matches real paper size, improvements to the Undo/Redo framework and other features/refinements. Okular 0.19 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 0.19 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 4.13 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan introducerar nya funktioner som stöd för flikar i gränssnittet, användning av skärmens bildpunkter per tum så att sidstorleken motsvarar den verkliga pappersstorleken, förbättringar i ramverket för ångra och gör om, samt andra funktioner och förfiningar. Okular 0.19 är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.18 released"] = "Okular 0.18 utgiven"; +$text["December 12, 2013"] = "12:e december, 2013"; +$text["The 0.18 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.12 release. This release introduces new features like audio/video support in EPub files and also improvements to existing features like searching and printing. Okular 0.18 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 0.18 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 4.12 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan introducerar nya funktioner som stöd för ljud och video i Epub-filer och dessutom förbättringar av befintliga funktioner som sökning och utskrift. Okular 0.18 är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.17 released"] = "Okular 0.17 utgiven"; +$text["August 16, 2013"] = "16:e augusti, 2013"; +$text["The 0.17 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.11 release. This release introduces new features like undo/redo support for forms and annotations and configurable review tools. Okular 0.17 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 0.17 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 4.11 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan introducerar nya funktioner som stöd för ångra/gör om i formulär, kommentarer och inställningsbara granskningsverktyg. Okular 0.17 är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.16 released"] = "Okular 0.16 utgiven"; +$text["February 6, 2013"] = "6:e februari, 2013"; +$text["The 0.16 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.10 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to zoom to higher levels in PDF documents, an Active based viewer for your tablet devices, more support for PDF movies, viewport follows selection, and annotation editing improvements. Okular 0.16 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 0.16 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 4.10 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan introducerar nya funktioner, som möjlighet att zooma till större förstoring i PDF-dokument, en Aktiv-baserad visare för läsplattor, mer stöd för PDF-filmer, visning följer markering, och förbättringar av kommentarredigering. Okular 0.16 är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular forums"] = "Okulars forum"; +$text["October 10, 2012"] = "10:e oktober, 2012"; +$text["We now have a subforum inside the KDE Community Forums. You can find it at http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."] = "Nu har vi ett delforum inne i KDE:s gemenskapsforum. Du hittar det på http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."; +$text["Okular 0.15 released"] = "Okular 0.15 utgiven"; +$text["August 1, 2012"] = "1:e augusti, 2012"; +$text["The 0.15 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.9 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to store annotations with PDF documents, more support for PDF movies, multiple bookmarks per page and some other minor improvements. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.15 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 0.15 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med KDE:s 4.9 programutgåva Utgåvan introducerar nya funktioner som möjlighet att lagra anmärkningar med PDF-dokument, bättre stöd för PDF-filmer, flera bokmärken per sida och några andra mindre förbättringar. En icke fullständig lista med fel och funktioner finns i bugzilla. Okular 0.15 är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.14 released"] = "Okular 0.14 utgiven"; +$text["January 25, 2012"] = "25:e januari, 2012"; +$text["The 0.14 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.8 release. This release introduces new features like improved text selection in documents with columns, table selection tool, LaTex rendering in annotations, improved embedded support (for use in e.g. Kile), better layouting for faced pages, smarter screensaver/powermanagement handling, improved page label support, default zoom configuration, improved Landscape printing, etc. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.14 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 0.14 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med KDE:s 4.8 programutgåva Utgåvan introducerar nya funktioner som förbättrad textmarkering i dokument med kolumner, tabellmarkeringsvertyg. Latex återgivning i anmärkningar, förbättrat stöd för inbyggnad (för användning i t.ex. Kile), bättre layout för motsatta sidor, smartare skärmsläckare och krafthantering, förbättrat stöd för sidetiketter, förvald zoominställning, förbättrad liggande utskrift, etc. En icke fullständig lista med fel och funktioner finns i bugzilla. Okular 0.14 är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.13 released"] = "Okular 0.13 utgiven"; +$text["July 27, 2011"] = "27:e juli, 2011"; +$text["The 0.13 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.7 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 0.13 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 4.7 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan introducerar mindre rättelser och funktioner och är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.12 released"] = "Okular 0.12 utgiven"; +$text["January 26, 2011"] = "26:e januari, 2011"; +$text["The 0.12 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.6 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 0.12 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 4.6 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan introducerar mindre rättelser och funktioner och är en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.11 released"] = "Okular 0.11 utgiven"; +$text["August 10, 2010"] = "10:e augusti, 2010"; +$text["The 0.11 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.5 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Version 0.11 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med utgåva 4.5 av KDE:s program. Utgåvan introducerar mindre rättelser och funktioner och utgör en rekommenderad uppdatering för alla som använder Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.10 released"] = "Okular 0.10 utgiven"; +$text["February 9, 2010"] = "9:e februari, 2010"; +$text["The 0.10 version of Okular has been released together with KDE SC 4.4. Besides general improvements in stability this release sports new/improved support for both inverse search and forward search linking latex source code lines with the corresponding locations in dvi and pdf files."] = "Version 0.10 av Okular har givits ut tillsammans med KDE:s programvarusamling 4..4. Förutom allmänna förbättringar av stabiliteten, ståtar utgåvan med nytt, förbättrat stöd för både omvänd sökning och sökning framåt som länkar källkodsrader i Latex med motsvarande platser i dvi- och pdf-filer."; +$text["Okular 0.9.4 released"] = "Okular 0.9.4 utgiven"; +$text["December 1, 2009"] = "1:a december, 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.3 series includes Okular 0.9.4. It includes some crash fixes, and few small bug fixes in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"] = "Den fjärde underhållsutgåvan i KDE 4.3-serien inkluderar Okular 0.9.4. Den innehåller några kraschfixar, och ett fåtal mindre felrättningar av gränssnittet. Man kan läsa om alla rättade problem på http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.4 released"] = "Okular 0.8.4 utgiven"; +$text["June 3, 2009"] = "3:e juni, 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.4. It includes some fixes in OpenDocument Text documents, a couple of crash fixes, and few small bugs in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"] = "Den fjärde underhållsutgåvan i KDE 4.2-serien inkluderar Okular 0.8.4. Den innehåller några fixar för OpenDocument textdokument, några kraschfixar, och ett fåtal mindre fel i gränssnittet. Man kan läsa alla rättade problem på http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.3 released"] = "Okular 0.8.3 utgiven"; +$text["May 6, 2009"] = "6:e maj, 2009"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.3. It does not provide much news for Okular, the only relevant change is about thread more safety when generating page images of XPS document. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"] = "Den tredje underhållsutgåvan i KDE 4.2-serien inkluderar Okular 0.8.3. Den innehåller inte mycket nytt för Okular. Den enda relevanta ändringen är att gå fram försiktigare när sidbilder skapas av XPS-dokument. Man kan läsa alla rättade problem på http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.2 released"] = "Okular 0.8.2 utgiven"; +$text["April 2, 2009"] = "2:a april, 2009"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.2. It includes better support (hopefully working) for DVI and pdfsync inverse search, and fixes and small improvements in the presentation mode. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"] = "Den andra underhållsutgåvan i KDE 4.2-serien inkluderar Okular 0.8.2. Den innehåller bättre stöd för omvänd sökning med DVI och pdfsync (som förhoppningsvis fungerar), samt rättningar och små förbättringar av presentationsläget. Man kan läsa alla rättade problem på http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8.1 released"] = "Okular 0.8.1 utgiven"; +$text["March 4, 2009"] = "4:e mars, 2009"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.1. It includes some crash fixes in the CHM and DjVu backends, and minor fixes in the user interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"] = "Den första underhållsutgåvan i KDE 4.2-serien inkluderar Okular 0.8.1. Den innehåller några kraschfixar i CHM- och DjVu-gränssnitten, och mindre rättningar av användargränssnittet. Man kan läsa alla rättade problem på http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.8 released"] = "Okular 0.8 utgiven"; +$text["January 27, 2009"] = "27:e januari, 2009"; +$text["The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.2. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): And, of course, many bugs were fixed."] = "Okular-gruppen presenterar med stolthet en ny version av Okular, utgiven som en del av KDE 4.2. Några av de nya funktionerna och förbättringarna omfattar (i godtycklig ordning): Och, naturligtvis rättades många fel."; +$text["Okular 0.7.3 released"] = "Okular 0.7.3 utgiven"; +$text["November 4, 2008"] = "4:e november, 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.3. It includes some minor fixes in the user interface and in the text search. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"] = "Den tredje underhållsutgåvan i KDE 4.1-serien inkluderar Okular 0.7.3. Den innehåller några mindre rättningar av användargränssnittet och i textsökningen. Man kan läsa alla rättade problem på http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.2 released"] = "Okular 0.7.2 utgiven"; +$text["October 3, 2008"] = "3:e oktober, 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.2. It includes some minor fixes in the TIFF and Comicbook backends and the change to \"Fit Width\" as default zoom level. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"] = "Den andra underhållsutgåvan i KDE 4.1-serien inkluderar Okular 0.7.2. Den innehåller några mindre rättningar av TIFF- och Comicbook-gränssnitten och ändringen till \"Fyll bredden\" som förvald zoomnivå. Man kan läsa alla rättade problem på http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7.1 released"] = "Okular 0.7.1 utgiven"; +$text["September 3, 2008"] = "3:e september, 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.1. It includes some crash fixes among other minor fixes. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"] = "Den första underhållsutgåvan i KDE 4.1-serien inkluderar Okular 0.7.1. Den innehåller några kraschfixar bland andra mindre rättningar. Man kan läsa alla rättade problem på http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"; +$text["Okular 0.7 released"] = "Okular 0.7 utgiven"; +$text["July 29, 2008"] = "29:e juli, 2008"; +$text["KDE 4.1. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order):\n\nAnd, of course, many bugs were fixed.]]>"] = "KDE 4.1. Några av de nya funktionerna och förbättringarna omfattar (i godtycklig ordning):\n\nOch, naturligtvis har många fel rättats.]]>"; +$text["Okular 0.6.3 released"] = "Okular 0.6.3 utgiven"; +$text["April 2, 2008"] = "2:a april, 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"] = "Den tredje underhållsutgåvan i KDE 4.0-serien inkluderar Okular 0.6.3. Den innehåller några felrättningar, t.ex. ett bättre sätt att hämta textpositionen i ett PDF-dokument, och några rättningar av kommentarsystemet och innehållsförteckningen. Man kan läsa alla rättade problem på http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.2 released"] = "Okular 0.6.2 utgiven"; +$text["March 5, 2008"] = "5:e mars, 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"] = "Den tredje underhållsutgåvan i KDE 4.0-serien inkluderar Okular 0.6.2. Den innehåller en hel del felrättningar, inklusive bättre stabilitet när ett dokument stängs, och små rättningar av bokmärkessystemet. Man kan läsa alla rättade problem på http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"; +$text["Okular 0.6.1 released"] = "Okular 0.6.1 utgiven"; +$text["February 5, 2008"] = "5:e februari, 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"] = "Den första underhållsutgåvan i KDE 4.0-serien inkluderar Okular 0.6.1. Den innehåller en hel del felrättningar, inklusive bättre inte ladda ner filer igen när de sparas, förbättringar av användbarheten, etc. Man kan läsa alla rättade problem på http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"; +$text["aKademy 2007 Okular presentation material online"] = "Presentationsmaterial om Okular från aKademy 2007 på nätet"; +$text["Jul 10, 2007"] = "10:e juli, 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular talk given by Pino Toscano at aKademy 2007 is now online. There are both slides and video available.\n\t\t\t"] = "\nFöredraget om Okular som Pino Toscano höll på aKademy 2007 finns nu på nätet. Både stordiabilder och video är tillgängliga.\n "; +$text["Okular in kdegraphics"] = "Okular i kdegraphics"; +$text["Apr 4, 2007"] = "4:e april, 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular is now part of the kdegraphics module. The next version of Okular will be shipped with KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"] = "\nOkular-gruppen kungör med stolthet att Okular nu är en del av modulen kdegraphics module. Nästa version av Okular kommer att levereras med KDE 4.0.\n "; +$text["Okular joins The Season of Usability project"] = "Okular går med i projektet Användbarhetens årstid (Season of Usability)"; +$text["Jan 31, 2007"] = "31:e januari, 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular has been one of the applications selected to participate in the Season of Usability project, run by usability experts at OpenUsability. From here we want to welcome Sharad Baliyan to the team and thank Florian Graessle and Pino Toscano for their continued work on improving Okular.\n\t\t\t"] = "\nOkular-gruppen kungör med stolthet att Okular är ett av de program som har valts ut att delta i projektet Användbarhetens årstid (Season of Usability), skött av användbarhetsexperter på OpenUsability. Därifrån välkomnar vi Sharad Baliyan till gruppen, och tackar Florian Graessle och Pino Toscano för deras pågående arbete med att förbättra Okular.\n "; +$text["Okular 0.5.81 unstable snapshot released"] = "Okular 0.5.81 instabil förutgåva utgiven"; +$text["Nov 2, 2006"] = "2:a november, 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. This snapshot is not completely functional, yet, as we have lots of things to polish and finish, but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\nOkular-gruppen presenterar med stolthet förutgåvan av Okular som går att kompilera med andra förutgåvan av KDE 4 för utvecklare. Förutgåvan har inte ännu fullständig funktionalitet, eftersom vi har mycket att polera och slutföra, men prova den gärna och ge så mycket återmatning som du vill. Paketet med förutgåvan finns på ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Ta en titt på nerladdningssidan för att försäkra dig om att du har biblioteken som krävs.\n "; +$text["Okular 0.5 unstable snapshot released"] = "Okular 0.5 instabil förutgåva utgiven"; +$text["Aug 27, 2006"] = "27:e augusti, 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. This snapshot is still not completely functional as we have lots of things to polish and finish but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\nOkular-gruppen presenterar med stolthet förutgåvan av Okular som går att kompilera med förutgåvan av KDE 4, 'Krash'. Förutgåvan har inte ännu fullständig funktionalitet, eftersom vi har mycket att polera och slutföra, men prova den gärna och ge så mycket återmatning som du vill. Paketet med förutgåvan finns på ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Ta en titt på nerladdningssidan för att försäkra dig om att du har biblioteken som krävs.\n "; $text["Some images of Okular "in action"..."] = "Några bilder av Okular "i arbete" ..."; $text["Backends in action"] = "Gränssnitt i arbete"; $text["Here you can see some of the Okular backends in action on files."] = "Här kan du se några av Okulars gränssnitt användas med olika filer."; $text["PDF backend"] = "PDF-gränssnitt"; $text["PostScript backend"] = "Postscript-gränssnitt"; $text["DjVu backend"] = "Djvu-gränssnitt"; $text["TIFF/fax backend"] = "TIFF/telefax-gränssnitt"; $text["Extraction of embedded files"] = "Extrahera inbäddade filer"; $text["Word processor-like text selection"] = "Textmarkering som liknar en ordbehandlare"; $text["Review mode"] = "Granskningsläge"; $text["Annotations (enter in Tools -> Review)"] = "Kommentarer (skriv in med Verktyg -> Granskning)"; $text["Okular - more than a reader"] = "Okular - mer än ett läsprogram"; $text["the Okular developers"] = "Okulars utvecklare"; $text["Current Okular Team"] = "Nuvarande Okular-grupp"; $text["The current Okular team is formed by:"] = "Nuvarande Okular-grupp består av:"; $text["(Current maintainer)"] = "(Nuvarande underhåll)"; $text["Your name here..."] = "Ange ditt namn här ..."; $text["Join Okular development!"] = "gå med i utvecklingen av Okular!"; $text["Former Okular developers"] = "Tidigare utvecklare av Okular"; $text["We'd like to thank all the people that worked on Okular in the past:"] = "Vi vill också tacka alla de som tidigare arbetat med Okular:"; $text["(Original Okular creator)"] = "(Ursprunglig skapare av Okular)"; $text["(Usability expert)"] = "(Expert på användbarhet)"; $text["KPDF Developers"] = "KPDF-utvecklare"; $text["We'd like also to thank all the people who worked on KPDF:"] = "Vi vill också tacka alla de som arbetat med KPDF:"; $text["Lots of features"] = "Mänger av funktioner"; $text["Fontconfig support, type-ahead find, some patches"] = "Stöd för Fontconfig, sök under inskrivning, vissa programfixar"; ?> diff --git a/i18n/tr/okular-kde-org.inc b/i18n/tr/okular-kde-org.inc index aa842cb..095b84a 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/okular-kde-org.inc +++ b/i18n/tr/okular-kde-org.inc @@ -1,129 +1,211 @@ okular-devel\nand hosted at kde.org."] = "Okular geliştirimini koordine ettiğimiz bir e-posta listemiz var. E-posta listesinin\nadı okular-devel'dir\n ve kde.org'da barındırılmaktadır."; $text["You can use it to talk about the development of the core application, but also\nfeedback about existent or new backends is appreciated."] = "Bu listeyi çekirdek uygulamanın geliştirimi hakkında konuşmak için kullanabilirsiniz, ancak bunun dışında\nmevcut veya yeni arka uçlar hakkında da geri bildirimde bulunabilirsiniz."; $text["IRC"] = "IRC"; $text["We have also an IRC channel where talk. The channel is\n#okular, on the\nFreenode network."] = "Biz konuşmak için ayrıca bir IRC kanalına sahibiz. Kanala\nFreenode ağı üzerindeki\n #okular'dan ulaşabilirsiniz."; $text["Usually some of the Okular developers hang there."] = "Genellikle Okular geliştiricilerinden bazıları orada takılmaktadır."; $text["Forum"] = "Forum"; $text["If you prefer using a forum you can use the Okular forum inside the bigger KDE Community Forums."] = "Eğer forum kullanmayı tercih ediyorsanız KDE Topluluk Forumu içerisindeki Okular forumuna bakabilirsiniz."; $text["Bugs and Wishes"] = "Hatalar ve İstekler"; $text["Bugs and Wishes should be reported to the KDE bug tracker at http://bugs.kde.org."] = "Hatalar ve İstekler, KDE hata izleyicisi http://bugs.kde.org adresine bildirilmelidir."; $text["Download"] = "İndir"; $text["Binary packages"] = "İkilik paketler"; $text["The recommended way for end-user installations of Okular is using binary packages:"] = "Okular'ın son kullanıcı kurulumları için önerilen yöntem ikilik paketlerin kullanımıdır:"; $text["For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular package (might be part of the broader kdegraphics package) and install it."] = "GNU/Linux ve BSD sistemlerde Okular paketini bulmak için paket yöneticisini kullanın (geniş kapsamlı kdegraphics paketinin bir parçası olabilir) ve buradan yükleyin."; $text["For Windows have a look at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on Windows."] = "Windows için Windows Üzerinde KDE Girişimi'ne bakabilir ve Windows'ta KDE'nin nasıl kurulacağıyla ilgili bilgi edinebilirsiniz."; $text["For Mac Os X have a look at the KDE on Mac OS X webpage for information on how to install KDE on Mac OS X."] = "Mac Os X için Mac OS X Üzerinde KDE internet sayfasına bakabilir ve Mac OS X'te KDE'nin nasıl kurulacağıyla ilgili bilgi edinebilirsiniz."; $text["Optional packages"] = "İsteğe bağlı paketler"; $text["There are some optional package you could install in order to have some more functionalities in Okular."] = "Okular'da daha çok fonksiyona sahip olmak için kurabileceğiniz bazı isteğe bağlı paketler vardır."; $text["Some are already packaged for your distro, but other maybe not. So, if possible, use the packages your distro ships."] = "Bazıları dağıtımınız için halihazırda paketlenmiştir ama bazıları paketlenmemiş olabilir. Mümkünse dağıtımınızın sunduğu paketleri kullanın."; $text["Poppler (PDF backend)"] = "Poppler (PDF arka ucu)"; $text["To compile the PDF backend, you need the Poppler library (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."] = "PDF arka ucunu derlemek için Poppler kütüphanesine (http://poppler.freedesktop.org) ihtiyacınız var."; $text["In order to compile and use the PostScipt (PS) backend, you need libspectre >= 0.2."] = "PostScipt (PS) arka ucunu derlemek ve kullanmak için libspectre >= 0.2 kütüphanesine ihtiyacınız var."; $text["If your distro does not package libspectre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."] = "Dağıtımınız libspectre'yi paketlemediyse veya paketlenen sürüm yeterli değilse kütüphaneyi http://libspectre.freedesktop.org adresinden indirebilirsiniz."; $text["DjVuLibre (DjVu backend)"] = "DjVuLibre (DjVu arka ucu)"; $text["To compile the DjVu backend, you need DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."] = "DjVu arka ucunu derlemek için DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17 kütüphanesine ihtiyacınız var."; $text["If your distro does not package DjVuLibre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."] = "Dağıtımınız DjVuLibre'yi paketlemediyse veya paketlenen sürüm yeterli değilse kütüphaneyi http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org adresinden indirebilirsiniz."; $text["libTIFF (TIFF/fax backend)"] = "libTIFF (TIFF/faks arka ucu)"; $text["libTIFF is needed to compile the TIFF/fax backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libTIFF, TIFF/faks arka ucunu derlemek için gerekmektedir. Şu an gerekli en düşük sürüm yoktur, dağıtımınızdaki son sürümlerden biri çalışacaktır. Herhangi bir sorun durumunda Okular geliştiricileri ile iletişime geçmekten çekinmeyin."; $text["libCHM (CHM backend)"] = "libCHM (CHM arka ucu)"; $text["libCHM is needed to compile the CHM backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "libCHM, CHM arka ucunu derlemek için gerekmektedir. Şu an gerekli en düşük sürüm yoktur, dağıtımınızdaki son sürümlerden biri çalışacaktır. Herhangi bir sorun durumunda Okular geliştiricileri ile iletişime geçmekten çekinmeyin."; $text["In order to compile and use the EPub backend, you need the epub library."] = "EPub arka ucunu derlemek ve kullanmak için epub kütüphanesine ihtiyacınız var."; $text["If your distro does not package libepub, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."] = "Dağıtımınız libepub'ı paketlemediyse veya paketlenen sürüm yeterli değilse kütüphaneyi http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools adresinden indirebilirsiniz."; $text["Frequently Asked Questions"] = "Sıkça Sorulan Sorular"; $text["Compiling Okular"] = "Okular'ı Derlemek"; $text["The Poppler backend does not compile. It complains about 'class Poppler::TextBox' and 'edge'."] = "Poppler arka ucu derlenmedi. 'class Poppler::TextBox' ve 'edge' ile ilgili sorun çıkartıyor."; $text["Do you get an error output similar to"] = "Benzer bir hata çıktısı alıyor musunuz"; $text["If so, most probably you updated from Poppler 0.6.x or previous to Poppler 0.8."] = "Öyleyse büyük bir ihtimalle Poppler 0.6.x ve öncesinden Poppler 0.8'e güncelleme yaptınız."; $text["What you can do is simple:"] = "Yapacağınız şey basit:"; $text["in the build directory of Okular. Then run cmake again, and all should work as expected."] = "Okular'ın inşa dizininde bu komutu çalıştırın. Sonra tekrar cmake komutunu verin, her şeyin beklendiği gibi çalışması gerekir."; $text["Running Okular"] = "Okular'ı Çalıştırmak"; $text["Okular tells me there are no plugins installed. What can I do?"] = "Okular hiçbir eklenti yüklü değil diyor. Ne yapabilirim?"; $text["In a shell set up for your KDE 4 installation, execute the command"] = "Kabukta KDE 4 kurulumunuz için ayarlama yapmak için şu komutu çalıştırın"; $text["After that, Okular should find its plugins as expected."] = "Bundan sonra Okular'ın eklentilerini beklendiği şekilde bulması gerekir."; $text["General usage"] = "Genel kullanım"; $text["Why the newly added annotations are not in my PDF document?"] = "Neden yeni eklenmiş notlar PDF belgemde değil?"; $text["By default, Okular saves annotations in the local data directory\nfor each user. Since KDE 4.9, it's optionally possible to store them directly in\na PDF file by choosing \"File -> Save As...\", so they can be seen in other\nPDF viewers."] = "Öntanımlı olarak, Okular açıklama notlarını her kullanıcının kendi yerel veri\ndizininde saklar. KDE 4.9'dan beri, diğer PDF görüntüleyicilerinde de görülebilmesi\niçin isteğe bağlı olarak doğrudan \"Dosya -> Farklı Kaydet...\" seçerek de bir PDF\ndosyasına saklamak mümkündür."; $text["Note that this feature requires Poppler 0.20 or newer for regular PDF\ndocuments. If the PDF document you are annotating is encrypted, this feature\nrequires Poppler 0.22 or newer."] = "Bu özelliğin normal PDF belgeleri için Poppler 0.20 veya daha yeni bir sürümünün\ngerektirdiğini unutmayın. Eğer açıklama yazdığınız PDF belgesi şifreli ise, bu özellik\nPoppler 0.22 veya daha yeni sürümünü gerektirir."; $text["How can I annotate a document and send it to a friend/colleague/etc?"] = "Bir belgeye not ekleyerek nasıl bir arkadaşıma, meslektaşıma vs. gönderebilirim?"; $text["Since KDE 4.2, Okular has the \"document archiving\" feature. This is\nan Okular-specific format for carrying the document plus various metadata\nrelated to it (currently only annotations)."] = "KDE 4.2'den bu yana Okular \"belge arşivi\" özelliğine sahiptir. Bu belgeyi\nve onunla ilgili üst verileri (şu an yalnızca notlar) taşımak için Okular'a özgü bir biçimdir."; $text["You can save a \"document archive\" from the open document by choosing \"File\n-> Export As -> Document Archive\"."] = "Açık belgeden bir \"belge arşivi\" kaydetmek için \"Dosya\n-> Dışarı Aktar -> Belge Arşivi\" seçeneğini seçebilirsiniz."; $text["To open an Okular document archive, just open it with Okular as it would be eg\na PDF document."] = "Bir Okular belge arşivini açmak için bir PDF belgesi örneğinde olacağı gibi\nsadece onu Okular ile açmanız yeterli."; $text["If you're annotating a PDF document, you can also save annotations\ndirectly in the PDF file (see previous question)"] = "Eğer bir PDF belgesine açıklama yazıyorsanız, açıklamaları doğrudan\nPDF dosyasına kaydetmeniz de mümkün (önceki soruya bakın)"; $text["Using Ubuntu, I cannot read CHM and EPub documents,\neven if I have okular-extra-backends and libchm1 installed. Why?"] = "Ubuntu kullanırken okular-extra-backends ve libchm1 paketlerini\nyüklesem bile CHM ve EPub belgelerini okuyamıyorum. Bu neden olabilir?"; $text["Ubuntu (thus Kubuntu as well) packages of Okular are compiled without\nthe support for these two formats."] = "Okular'ın Ubuntu (aynı şekilde Kubuntu) paketleri bu iki biçimi\ndesteklemeyecek şekilde derlenmiştir."; $text["The reason is explained in the following Launchpad report: "] = "Neden aşağıdaki Launchpad kaydında açıklanmıştır: "; $text["Why the speak options in the Tools menu are grayed out?"] = "Neden Araçlar menüsündeki oku seçeneği grileştirilmiş?"; $text["Because you don't have the KDE Text To Speech tools, install Jovie (formerly known as ktts) and they should be enabled"] = "Çünkü KDE Text To Speech araçlarına sahip değilsiniz, (daha önce ktts olarak bilinen) Jovie'yi yüklerseniz bu seçenekler aktifleşecektir."; $text["Some characters are not rendered and when enabling debug some lines mention 'Missing language pack for xxx'"] = "Bazı karakterler gösterilmiyor ve hata ayıklama aktifleştirildiğinde bazı satırlar 'xxx için eksik dil paketi' olduğundan bahsediyor."; $text["Install the poppler-data package"] = "poppler-data paketini yükleyin"; $text["Document format handlers status"] = "Belge biçimi işleyicileri durumu"; $text["Document Format Handlers"] = "Belge Biçimi İşleyicileri"; $text["This page always refers to the stable series of Okular (currently KDE 4.5.x)."] = "Bu sayfa her zaman Okular'ın kararlı serisini gösterir (şu an KDE 4.5.x)."; $text["Features/Formats"] = "Özellikler/Biçimler"; $text["Main library used"] = "Kullanılan ana kütüphane"; $text["Loading"] = "Yükleniyor"; $text["Rendering"] = "Hazırlama"; $text["Threaded rendering"] = "İş parçacıklı tarama"; $text["Document information"] = "Belge bilgileri"; $text["TOC"] = "İÇT"; $text["Font information"] = "Yazı tipi bilgileri"; $text["Text extraction"] = "Metin dışa aktarımı"; $text["Links"] = "Bağlantılar"; $text["Paper Size"] = "Kağıt Boyutu"; $text["Printing"] = "Yazdırma"; $text["Text Exporting"] = "Metin Aktarımı"; $text["Other Features"] = "Diğer Özellikler"; $text["Annotations"] = "Notlar"; $text["Forms"] = "Formlar"; $text["Inverse search"] = "Ters arama"; $text["Document Rights"] = "Belge Hakları"; $text["Embedded files"] = "Gömülü dosyalar"; $text["Sounds"] = "Sesler"; $text["Movies"] = "Filmler"; $text["What is it?"] = "Nedir?"; $text["Okular logo"] = "Okular logosu"; $text["The document format handlers page has a chart describing in more detail the supported formats and the features supported in each of them."] = "Belge biçimi işleyicileri sayfasında desteklenen biçimleri ve her birinin desteklediği özellikleri daha ayrıntılı açıklayan bir grafik bulunmaktadır."; $text["If you are interested in contributing to Okular, please contact us."] = "Okular'a katkı vermekle ilgileniyorsanız lütfen bizimle iletişime geçin."; $text["If you do not want or can not contribute, testers are fully welcome, so follow these instructions to see how to download and build Okular."] = "Katkı veremiyor veya vermek istemiyorsanız, testçi de olabilirsiniz, Okular'ı nasıl indirip derleyeceğinizi öğrenmek için şu talimatları okuyabilirsiniz."; $text["Okular is a Free Software PDF reader."] = "Okular Özgür Yazılım PDF okuyucularından biridir."; $text["Okular Homepage"] = "Okular Ana Sayfası"; $text["Main"] = "Ana Sayfa"; $text["Format support"] = "Biçim desteği"; $text["Development News"] = "Geliştirim Haberleri"; $text["Screenshots"] = "Ekran Görüntüleri"; $text["FAQ"] = "SSS"; $text["Team"] = "Takım"; $text["Related apps/projects"] = "İlgili uygulamalar/projeler"; $text["Free Software PDF readers"] = "Özgür Yazılım PDF okuyucuları"; +$text["Okular news"] = "Okular haberleri"; +$text["Okular 0.17 released"] = "Okular 0.17 yayımlandı"; +$text["August 16, 2013"] = "16 Ağustos 2013"; +$text["The 0.17 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.11 release. This release introduces new features like undo/redo support for forms and annotations and configurable review tools. Okular 0.17 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okular'ın 0.17 sürümü KDE uygulamalarının 4.11 sürümüyle birlikte yayımlandı. Bu sürüm formlar ve yorumlar için geri alma/yineleme özelliği ve yapılandırılabilir inceleme araçları gibi yeni özellikler içeriyor. Okular 0.17, Okular kullanan herkes için önerilen bir güncellemedir."; +$text["Okular 0.16 released"] = "Okular 0.16 yayımlandı"; +$text["February 6, 2013"] = "6 Şubat 2013"; +$text["The 0.16 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.10 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to zoom to higher levels in PDF documents, an Active based viewer for your tablet devices, more support for PDF movies, viewport follows selection, and annotation editing improvements. Okular 0.16 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okular'ın 0.16 sürümü KDE uygulamalarının 4.10 sürümüyle birlikte yayımlandı. Bu sürüm PDF belgelerinde daha yüksek seviyelerde yakınlaştırma, tablet cihazlarınızda Active tabanlı görüntüleyici, PDF videoları için daha fazla destek, görünüm noktasının seçimi takip etmesi ve açıklama düzenleme ilerlemeleri. Okular 0.16, Okular kullanan herkes için önerilen bir güncellemedir."; +$text["Okular forums"] = "Okular forumları"; +$text["October 10, 2012"] = "10 Ekim 2012"; +$text["We now have a subforum inside the KDE Community Forums. You can find it at http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."] = "Artık KDE Topluluk Forumları altında alt forumumuz var. http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251 adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz."; +$text["Okular 0.15 released"] = "Okular 0.15 yayımlandı"; +$text["August 1, 2012"] = "1 Ağustos 2012"; +$text["The 0.15 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.9 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to store annotations with PDF documents, more support for PDF movies, multiple bookmarks per page and some other minor improvements. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.15 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okular'ın 0.15 sürümü KDE Uygulamaları 4.9 sürümü ile birlikte yayınlandı. Bu sürüm açıklama notlarını PDF belgelerinde saklama, PDF videoları için daha fazla destek, her sayfa için birden fazla yer imi ve bazı diğer ilerlemeler içeriyor. Tam olmayan hata ve özellikleri bugzilla içerisinde bulabilirsiniz. Okular 0.15, Okular kullanan herkes için önerilen bir güncellemedir."; +$text["Okular 0.14 released"] = "Okular 0.14 yayımlandı"; +$text["January 25, 2012"] = "25 Ocak 2012"; +$text["The 0.14 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.8 release. This release introduces new features like improved text selection in documents with columns, table selection tool, LaTex rendering in annotations, improved embedded support (for use in e.g. Kile), better layouting for faced pages, smarter screensaver/powermanagement handling, improved page label support, default zoom configuration, improved Landscape printing, etc. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.14 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okular'ın 0.14 sürümü KDE uygulamalarının 4.8 sürümüyle birlikte yayımlandı. Bu yayım sütunlu belgelerde geliştirilmiş metin seçimi, tablo seçim aracı, notlarda LaTex tarama, geliştirilmiş gömülü dosya desteği (ör. Kile ile kullanım için), karşı karşıya sayfalar için daha iyi yerleşim, daha akıllı ekran koruyucu / güç yönetimi uyumu, geliştirilmiş sayfa etiketi desteği, öntanımlı yakınlaştırma yapılandırması, geliştirilmiş yatay yazdırma, vb. içeriyor. Hata ve özelliklerin tam olmayan bir listesini bugzilla'da bulabilirsiniz. Okular kullanan herkese Okular 0.14'e güncelleme yapmaları önerilir."; +$text["Okular 0.13 released"] = "Okular 0.13 yayımlandı"; +$text["July 27, 2011"] = "27 Temmuz 2011"; +$text["The 0.13 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.7 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okular'ın 0.13 sürümü KDE uygulamalarının 4.7 sürümüyle birlikte yayımlandı. Bu yayım küçük hata düzültmeleriyle özellikler içeriyor ve Okular kullanan herkese güncelleme yapmaları önerilir."; +$text["Okular 0.12 released"] = "Okular 0.12 yayımlandı"; +$text["January 26, 2011"] = "26 Ocak 2011"; +$text["The 0.12 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.6 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okular'ın 0.12 sürümü KDE uygulamalarının 4.6 sürümüyle birlikte yayımlandı. Bu yayım küçük hata düzültmeleriyle özellikler içeriyor ve Okular kullanan herkese güncelleme yapmaları önerilir."; +$text["Okular 0.11 released"] = "Okular 0.11 yayımlandı"; +$text["August 10, 2010"] = "10 Ağustos 2010"; +$text["The 0.11 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.5 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Okular'ın 0.11 sürümü KDE uygulamalarının 4.5 sürümüyle birlikte yayımlandı. Bu yayım küçük hata düzültmeleriyle özellikler içeriyor ve Okular kullanan herkese güncelleme yapmaları önerilir."; +$text["Okular 0.10 released"] = "Okular 0.10 yayımlandı"; +$text["February 9, 2010"] = "9 Şubat 2010"; +$text["The 0.10 version of Okular has been released together with KDE SC 4.4. Besides general improvements in stability this release sports new/improved support for both inverse search and forward search linking latex source code lines with the corresponding locations in dvi and pdf files."] = "Okular'ın 0.10 sürümü KDE 4.4 yazılım derlemesiyle birlikte yayımlandı. Kararlılıktaki genel iyileştirmelerin yanında bu sürüme, yeni/geliştirilmiş ters ve ileri arama özelliği ile dvi ve pdf dosyalarının lateks kaynak kod satırlarına bağlı ilgili yerlerde arama desteği eklenmiştir..."; +$text["Okular 0.9.4 released"] = "Okular 0.9.4 yayımlandı"; +$text["December 1, 2009"] = "1 Aralık 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.3 series includes Okular 0.9.4. It includes some crash fixes, and few small bug fixes in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"] = "KDE 4.3 serisinin dördüncü bakım sürümü Okular 0.9.4'ü içeriyor. Bu sürümde bazı çöküş düzeltmeleri ve arayüzde bazı küçük hata düzeltmeleri bulunuyor. Tüm düzeltilen durumları http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php adresinde okuyabilirsiniz."; +$text["Okular 0.8.4 released"] = "Okular 0.8.4 yayımlandı"; +$text["June 3, 2009"] = "3 Haziran 2009"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.4. It includes some fixes in OpenDocument Text documents, a couple of crash fixes, and few small bugs in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"] = "KDE 4.2 serisinin dördüncü bakım sürümü Okular 0.8.4'ü içeriyor. Bu sürüm OpenDocument metin belgelerinde bazı düzeltmeler, birkaç çökme düzeltmesi ve arayüzde bazı küçük hata düzeltmeleri içeriyor. Düzeltilen tüm durumları http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php adresinde okuyabilirsiniz."; +$text["Okular 0.8.3 released"] = "Okular 0.8.3 yayımlandı"; +$text["May 6, 2009"] = "6 Mayıs 2009"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.3. It does not provide much news for Okular, the only relevant change is about thread more safety when generating page images of XPS document. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"] = "KDE 4.2 serisinin üçüncü bakım sürümü Okular 0.8.3'ü içeriyor. Bu sürümde Okular için pek fazla haber yok, konuyla ilgili tek değişiklik XPS belgelerinin sayfa görüntüleri oluşturulurken daha güvenli iş parçacıklarının kullanımıyla ilgili. Tüm düzeltilmiş durumları http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php adresinde okuyabilirsiniz."; +$text["Okular 0.8.2 released"] = "Okular 0.8.2 yayımlandı"; +$text["April 2, 2009"] = "2 Nisan 2009"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.2. It includes better support (hopefully working) for DVI and pdfsync inverse search, and fixes and small improvements in the presentation mode. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"] = "KDE 4.2 serisinin ikinci bakım sürümü Okular 0.8.2'yi içeriyor. Bu sürüm DVI ve pdfsync için daha iyi (çalışmasının umulduğu) ters arama desteği, düzeltmeler ve sunum kipiyle ilgili küçük iyileştirmeler içeriyor. Düzeltilen tüm durumları http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php adresinde okuyabilirsiniz."; +$text["Okular 0.8.1 released"] = "Okular 0.8.1 yayımlandı"; +$text["March 4, 2009"] = "4 Mart 2009"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.1. It includes some crash fixes in the CHM and DjVu backends, and minor fixes in the user interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"] = "KDE 4.2 serisinin ilk bakım sürümü Okular 0.8.1'i içeriyor. Bu sürüm CHM ve DjVu arka uçlarında bazı çökme düzeltmeleri ve kullanıcı arayüzünde küçük düzeltmeleri içeriyor. Düzeltilen tüm durumları http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php adresinde okuyabilirsiniz."; +$text["Okular 0.8 released"] = "Okular 0.8 yayımlandı"; +$text["January 27, 2009"] = "27 Ocak 2009"; +$text["The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.2. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): And, of course, many bugs were fixed."] = "Okular takımı KDE 4.2'nin bir parçası olarak Okular'ın yeni sürümünü duyurmaktan gurur duyar. İçerilen yeni özellik ve iyileştirmelerden bazıları (rastgele sırayla): Ve tabii ki pek çok hata düzeltildi."; +$text["Okular 0.7.3 released"] = "Okular 0.7.3 yayımlandı"; +$text["November 4, 2008"] = "4 Kasım 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.3. It includes some minor fixes in the user interface and in the text search. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"] = "KDE 4.1 serisinin üçüncü bakım sürümü Okular 0.7.3'ü içeriyor. Bu sürüm kullanıcı arayüzünde ve metin aramada bazı küçük düzeltmeleri içeriyor. Düzeltilen tüm durumları http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php adresinde okuyabilirsiniz."; +$text["Okular 0.7.2 released"] = "Okular 0.7.2 yayımlandı"; +$text["October 3, 2008"] = "3 Ekim 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.2. It includes some minor fixes in the TIFF and Comicbook backends and the change to \"Fit Width\" as default zoom level. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"] = "KDE 4.1 serisinin ikinci bakım sürümü Okular 0.7.2'yi içeriyor. Bu sürüm TIFF ve Comicbook arka uçlarında bazı küçük düzeltmeleri ve \"Genişliğe Sığdır\" seçeneğinin öntanımlı yakınlaştırma seviyesi olması değişimini içeriyor. Düzeltilen tüm durumları http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php adresinde okuyabilirsiniz."; +$text["Okular 0.7.1 released"] = "Okular 0.7.1 yayımlandı"; +$text["September 3, 2008"] = "3 Eylül 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.1. It includes some crash fixes among other minor fixes. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"] = "KDE 4.1 serisinin ilk bakım sürümü Okular 0.7.1'i içeriyor. Bu sürüm bazı çökme düzeltmelerinin yanı sıra bazı küçük düzeltmeleri içeriyor. Düzeltilen tüm durumları http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php adresinde okuyabilirsiniz."; +$text["Okular 0.7 released"] = "Okular 0.7 yayımlandı"; +$text["July 29, 2008"] = "29 Temmuz 2008"; +$text["KDE 4.1. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order):\n\nAnd, of course, many bugs were fixed.]]>"] = "KDE 4.1'in bir parçası olarak Okular'ın yeni sürümünü duyurmaktan gurur duyar. Yeni özellik ve iyileştirmelerden bazıları (rastgele sırayla):\n\nVe elbette pek çok hata düzeltildi.]]>"; +$text["Okular 0.6.3 released"] = "Okular 0.6.3 yayımlandı"; +$text["April 2, 2008"] = "2 Nisan 2008"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"] = "KDE 4.0 serisinin üçüncü bakım sürümü Okular 0.6.3'ü içeriyor. Bu sürüm PDF belgelerinde metin konumu almak için daha iyi bir yol bulunması gibi birkaç hata düzeltmesi, not sisteminde ve içerik tablosunda çeşitli düzeltmeler içeriyor. Düzeltilen tüm durumları http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php adresinde okuyabilirsiniz."; +$text["Okular 0.6.2 released"] = "Okular 0.6.2 yayımlandı"; +$text["March 5, 2008"] = "5 Mart 2008"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"] = "KDE 4.0 serisinin ikinci bakım sürümü Okular 0.6.2'yi içeriyor. Bu sürüm belge kapatırken daha fazla kararlılık sağlanması ve yer imleme sisteminde küçük düzeltmeler dahil olmak üzere pek çok hata düzeltmesi içermektedir. Tüm düzeltilen durumları http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php adresinde okuyabilirsiniz."; +$text["Okular 0.6.1 released"] = "Okular 0.6.1 yayımlandı"; +$text["February 5, 2008"] = "5 Şubat 2008"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"] = "KDE 4.0 serisinin ilk bakım sürümü Okular 0.6.1'i içeriyor. Bu sürüm tekrar indirilmeyen dosyaların daha iyi kaydedilmesi, kullanılabilirlik iyileştirmeleri dahil olmak üzere pek çok hata düzeltmesi içeriyor. Tüm düzeltilen durumları http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php adresinde okuyabilirsiniz."; +$text["aKademy 2007 Okular presentation material online"] = "aKademy 2007 Okular sunum materyali çevrimiçi"; +$text["Jul 10, 2007"] = "10 Temmuz 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular talk given by Pino Toscano at aKademy 2007 is now online. There are both slides and video available.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tPino Toscano tarafından yapılan aKademy 2007'da yapılan Okular konuşması şimdi çevrimiçi. Hem slaytlar hem de video hazır.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular in kdegraphics"] = "kdegraphics'te Okular"; +$text["Apr 4, 2007"] = "4 Nisan 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular is now part of the kdegraphics module. The next version of Okular will be shipped with KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tOkular takımı kdegraphics modülünün bir parçası olarak Okular'ın yeni sürümünü duyurmaktan gurur duyar. Okular'ın gelecek sürümü KDE 4.0 ile birlikte sunulacak.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular joins The Season of Usability project"] = "Okular, The Season of Usability projesine katılıyor"; +$text["Jan 31, 2007"] = "31 Ocak 2007"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular has been one of the applications selected to participate in the Season of Usability project, run by usability experts at OpenUsability. From here we want to welcome Sharad Baliyan to the team and thank Florian Graessle and Pino Toscano for their continued work on improving Okular.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tOkular takımı Okular'ın OpenUsability'deki kullanılabilirlik uzmanları tarafından gerçekleştirilen Season of Usability'e katılmak için seçilmiş uygulamalardan biri olduğunu duyurmaktan gurur duyar. Buradan Sharad Baliyan'a takıma hoş geldin demek ve Florian Graessle ile Pino Toscanois'e Okular'ın iyileştirilmesi konusundaki süren çalışmaları için teşekkür etmek isteriz.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5.81 unstable snapshot released"] = "Okular 0.5.81 kararsız anlık görüntüsü yayımlandı"; +$text["Nov 2, 2006"] = "2 Kasım 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. This snapshot is not completely functional, yet, as we have lots of things to polish and finish, but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tOkular takımı İkinci KDE 4 Geliştirici Derlemesi'ne karşı Okular'ın bu derleme dağıtımını gururla bildirir. Hala tamamlamamız ve düzeltmemiz gereken birçok şey olduğundan, bu derleme henüz tamamen işlevsel değildir, ancak istediğiniz kadar geri bildirim göndermekte ve test etmekte özgürsünüz. Derleme paketini ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2 adresinde bulabilirsiniz. Tüm gerekli kütüphanelere sahip olduğunuzdan emin olmak için indirme sayfasına bakın.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5 unstable snapshot released"] = "Okular 0.5 kararsız anlık görüntüsü yayımlandı"; +$text["Aug 27, 2006"] = "27 Ağustos 2006"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. This snapshot is still not completely functional as we have lots of things to polish and finish but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tOkular takımı KDE 4 'Krash' derlemesi'ne karşı Okular'ın bu derleme dağıtımını gururla bildirir. Hala tamamlamamız ve düzeltmemiz gereken birçok şey olduğundan, bu derleme henüz tamamen işlevsel değildir, ancak istediğiniz kadar geri bildirim göndermekte ve test etmekte özgürsünüz. Derleme paketini ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2 adresinde bulabilirsiniz. Tüm gerekli kütüphanelere sahip olduğunuzdan emin olmak için indirme sayfasına bakın.\n\t\t\t"; $text["Some images of Okular "in action"..."] = "Okular'ın "iş başındayken" bazı resimleri..."; $text["Backends in action"] = "Arka uçlar iş başında"; $text["Here you can see some of the Okular backends in action on files."] = "Burada bazı Okular arka uçlarının dosyalar üzerinde çalışmasını görebilirsiniz."; $text["PDF backend"] = "PDF arka ucu"; $text["PostScript backend"] = "PostScript arka ucu"; $text["DjVu backend"] = "DjVu arka ucu"; $text["TIFF/fax backend"] = "TIFF/faks arka ucu"; $text["Extraction of embedded files"] = "Gömülü dosyaların dışa aktarımı"; $text["Word processor-like text selection"] = "Kelime işlemci benzeri metin seçimi"; $text["Review mode"] = "Gözden Geçirme kipi"; $text["Annotations (enter in Tools -> Review)"] = "Notlar (Araçlar -> Gözden Geçir)"; $text["Okular - more than a reader"] = "Okular - bir okuyucudan daha fazlası"; $text["the Okular developers"] = "Okular geliştiricileri"; $text["Current Okular Team"] = "Şu Anki Okular Takımı"; $text["The current Okular team is formed by:"] = "Şu anki Okular takımı aşağıdaki isimlerden oluşmaktadır:"; $text["(Current maintainer)"] = "(Şu anki bakıcı)"; $text["Your name here..."] = "Buraya sizin isminiz..."; $text["Join Okular development!"] = "Okular'ın Geliştirimine Katılın!"; $text["Former Okular developers"] = "Önceki Okular geliştiricileri"; $text["We'd like to thank all the people that worked on Okular in the past:"] = "Ayrıca geçmişte Okular üzerinde çalışan herkese teşekkür ederiz:"; $text["(Original Okular creator)"] = "(İlk Okular yaratıcısı)"; $text["(Usability expert)"] = "(Kullanılabilirlik uzmanı)"; $text["KPDF Developers"] = "KPDF Geliştiricileri"; $text["We'd like also to thank all the people who worked on KPDF:"] = "Ayrıca KPDF üzerinde çalışan herkese teşekkür ederiz."; $text["Lots of features"] = "Pek çok özellik"; $text["Fontconfig support, type-ahead find, some patches"] = "Fontconfig desteği, yazar yazmaz bulma, çeşitli yamalar"; ?> diff --git a/i18n/uk/okular-kde-org.inc b/i18n/uk/okular-kde-org.inc index 6c5de48..7c3f936 100644 --- a/i18n/uk/okular-kde-org.inc +++ b/i18n/uk/okular-kde-org.inc @@ -1,145 +1,266 @@ okular-devel\nand hosted at kde.org."] = "Для координування розробки Okular створено спеціальний список листування. Цей список листування\nмає назву okular-devel,\nйого розташовано на сервері kde.org."; $text["You can use it to talk about the development of the core application, but also\nfeedback about existent or new backends is appreciated."] = "Ви можете скористатися списком листування для спілкування з приводу розробки програми і для\nнадання відгуків щодо поточних або бажаних модулів програми."; $text["IRC"] = "IRC"; $text["We have also an IRC channel where talk. The channel is\n#okular, on the\nFreenode network."] = "Крім того, нами створено канал IRC для обговорень. Канал має назву\n#okular, його розташовано\nу мережі Freenode."; $text["Usually some of the Okular developers hang there."] = "Зазвичай, на каналі можна зустріти когось з розробників Okular."; $text["Forum"] = "Форум"; $text["If you prefer using a forum you can use the Okular forum inside the bigger KDE Community Forums."] = "Якщо ви надаєте перевагу спілкуванню на форумах, ви можете скористатися форумом Okular, частиною великого комплексу форумів KDE."; $text["Bugs and Wishes"] = "Вади і побажання"; $text["Bugs and Wishes should be reported to the KDE bug tracker at http://bugs.kde.org."] = "Про вади і побажання слід повідомляти за допомогою системи стеження за вадами KDE за адресою http://bugs.kde.org."; $text["Download"] = "Отримання"; $text["Binary packages"] = "Бінарні пакунки"; $text["The recommended way for end-user installations of Okular is using binary packages:"] = "Для встановлення Okular на робочі станції рекомендуємо вам скористатися бінарними пакунками:"; $text["For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular package (might be part of the broader kdegraphics package) and install it."] = "У дистрибутивах GNU/Linux і BSD ви можете скористатися для пошуку пакунка Okular програмою для керування пакунками (програма може бути частиною загального пакунка kdegraphics) і встановити відповідний пакунок."; $text["For Windows have a look at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on Windows."] = "Якщо ви є користувачем Windows, зверніться до сторінки KDE у Windows, щоб дізнатися про те, як встановити програми KDE у Windows."; $text["For Mac Os X have a look at the KDE on Mac OS X webpage for information on how to install KDE on Mac OS X."] = "Якщо ви є користувачем Mac OS X, зверніться до сторінки KDE у Mac OS, щоб дізнатися про те, як встановити програми KDE у Mac OS X."; $text["Packaging status"] = "Стан пакування"; $text["N.B: The table above refers to the KDE Applications release version that Okular was part of. The actual Okular version as reported by the About dialog is different, e.g. Okular 1.2.1 was released as part of KDE Applications 17.08.1 and would should up with such number in the table."] = "Зауваження: у таблиці вказано версію випуску набору програм KDE, частиною якого є Okular. Номер версії, яку Okular показує у діалоговому вікні «Про програму» є іншим, наприклад, Okular 1.2.1 було випущено як частину Програм KDE 17.08.1, тому він фігурує у таблиці із відповідним номером."; $text["Compiling Okular from source"] = "Збирання Okular з початкових кодів"; $text["If you want to compile Okular, you need to have an already set up compilation environment."] = "Якщо ви хочете спробувати зібрати Okular, вам слід встановити бібліотеки середовища для збирання."; $text["Distributions should provide development packages usable for compiling KDE applications."] = "У сховищах пакунків дистрибутивів можна знайти пакунки для розробки, якими можна скористатися для збирання програм KDE."; $text["In case you want to compile the development version of Okular, please refer to Build from source at KDE's Community Wiki."] = "Якщо ви маєте намір зібрати поточну версію Okular, розробку якої ще не завершено, зверніться до статті щодо збирання з початкових кодів та запуску програмного забезпечення KDE."; $text["If you are interested in stable tarballs of Okular visit the\nKDE Applications download folder and download the okular tarball."] = "Якщо вам потрібні архіви з кодом стабільної версії Okular, відвідайте\nсторінку отримання кодів KDE і отримайте архів з кодами okular."; $text["Optional packages"] = "Додаткові пакунки"; $text["There are some optional package you could install in order to have some more functionalities in Okular."] = "Для того, щоб мати змогу скористатися додатковими можливостями Okular, вам варто встановити декілька додаткових пакунків."; $text["Some are already packaged for your distro, but other maybe not. So, if possible, use the packages your distro ships."] = "Деякі з цих пакунків же є у сховищах вашого дистрибутива, але інших може там не виявитися. Отже, якщо можете, користуйтеся пакунками зі сховищ дистрибутива."; $text["Poppler (PDF backend)"] = "Poppler (модуль PDF)"; $text["To compile the PDF backend, you need the Poppler library (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."] = "Щоб зібрати модуль PDF, вам слід встановити бібліотеку Poppler (http://poppler.freedesktop.org)."; $text["The minimum version required is poppler 0.24"] = "Мінімальною версією, з якою працює програма є poppler 0.24"; $text["Libspectre (PostScript backend)"] = "Libspectre (модуль обробки PostScript)"; $text["In order to compile and use the PostScipt (PS) backend, you need libspectre >= 0.2."] = "З метою збирання та наступного використання модуля PostScipt (PS) вам слід встановити libspectre >= 0.2."; $text["If your distro does not package libspectre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."] = "Якщо у сховищі пакунків вашого дистрибутива немає libspectre або версія пакунка у сховищі є занадто застарілою, ви можете отримати бібліотеку зі сторінки http://libspectre.freedesktop.org."; $text["DjVuLibre (DjVu backend)"] = "DjVuLibre (модуль DjVu)"; $text["To compile the DjVu backend, you need DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."] = "Для збирання модуля DjVu має бути встановлено бібліотеку DjVuLibre >= 3.5.17."; $text["If your distro does not package DjVuLibre, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."] = "Якщо у сховищі пакунків вашого дистрибутива немає DjVuLibre або версія пакунка у сховищі є занадто застарілою, ви можете отримати бібліотеку зі сторінки http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org."; $text["libTIFF (TIFF/fax backend)"] = "libTIFF (модуль TIFF/факсів)"; $text["libTIFF is needed to compile the TIFF/fax backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "Для збирання модуля TIFF/факсів потрібна бібліотека libTIFF. У поточній версії програми не передбачено обмежень на мінімальну версію, отже програма може працювати з будь-якою з версій бібліотеки зі сховища пакунків вашого дистрибутива. Якщо у вас виникають проблеми з цією бібліотекою, будь ласка, повідомте про них розробникам Okular."; $text["libCHM (CHM backend)"] = "libCHM (модуль CHM)"; $text["libCHM is needed to compile the CHM backend. Currently there is no minimum required version, so any quite recent version of the library available from your distro should work. In case of troubles with that, do not hesitate to contact the Okular developers."] = "Для збирання модуля CHM потрібна бібліотека libCHM. У поточній версії програми не передбачено обмежень на мінімальну версію, отже програма може працювати з будь-якою з версій бібліотеки зі сховища пакунків вашого дистрибутива. Якщо у вас виникають проблеми з цією бібліотекою, будь ласка, повідомте про них розробникам Okular."; $text["Libepub (EPub backend)"] = "Libepub (модуль EPub)"; $text["In order to compile and use the EPub backend, you need the epub library."] = "Для збирання і використання модуля EPub вам слід встановити бібліотеку epub."; $text["If your distro does not package libepub, or the packaged version is not enough, you can download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."] = "Якщо у сховищі пакунків вашого дистрибутива немає libepub, або версія пакунка у сховищі є занадто застарілою, ви можете отримати бібліотеку зі сторінки http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools."; $text["You can download and compile Okular this way:"] = "Ви можете отримати і зібрати Okular у такий спосіб:"; $text["If you install Okular in a different path than your system install directory it is possible that you need to run"] = "Якщо ви маєте намір встановити Okular до каталогу, який не включено до системи каталогів, ймовірно, вам доведеться віддати такі команди:"; $text["so that the correct Okular instance and libraries are picked up. Obviously you need to replace x86_64-linux-gnu with the correct name for your architecture."] = "щоб система використовувала належну програму і бібліотеки Okular. Звичайно ж, вам слід замінити x86_64-linux-gnu на відповідну назву архітектури вашої системи."; $text["Frequently Asked Questions"] = "Поширені питання"; $text["Compiling Okular"] = "Збирання Okular"; $text["The Poppler backend does not compile. It complains about 'class Poppler::TextBox' and 'edge'."] = "Модуль Poppler не збирається. Система показує повідомлення про нестачу «class Poppler::TextBox» та «edge»."; $text["Do you get an error output similar to"] = "Бачите повідомлення про помилку, подібне до такого:"; $text["If so, most probably you updated from Poppler 0.6.x or previous to Poppler 0.8."] = "Якщо це так, найімовірніше ви оновили Poppler 0.6.x або ще ранішу версію до Poppler 0.8."; $text["What you can do is simple:"] = "Спосіб усування негараздів простий:"; $text["in the build directory of Okular. Then run cmake again, and all should work as expected."] = "у каталозі збирання Okular. Після цього віддайте команду cmake ще раз, все має запрацювати."; $text["Running Okular"] = "Запуск Okular"; $text["Okular tells me there are no plugins installed. What can I do?"] = "Okular повідомляє про те, що не встановлено жодного додатка. Що робити?"; $text["In a shell set up for your KDE 4 installation, execute the command"] = "У командній оболонці налаштуйте середовище KDE 4 за допомогою команди"; $text["After that, Okular should find its plugins as expected."] = "Після виконання цієї команди Okular має знайти всі свої додатки."; $text["General usage"] = "Звичайне користування"; $text["Why the newly added annotations are not in my PDF document?"] = "Чому щойно доданий анотацій немає у моєму документі PDF?"; $text["By default, Okular saves annotations in the local data directory\nfor each user. Since KDE 4.9, it's optionally possible to store them directly in\na PDF file by choosing \"File -> Save As...\", so they can be seen in other\nPDF viewers."] = "Типово Okular зберігає анотації у локальному каталозі кожного з\nкористувачів системи. З версії для KDE 4.9 можна зберігати анотації\nбезпосередньо у файлі PDF за допомогою пункту меню «Файл -> Зберегти\nяк...». Збережені таким чином анотації можна буде переглядати у інших\nпрограмах для перегляду PDF."; $text["Note that this feature requires Poppler 0.20 or newer for regular PDF\ndocuments. If the PDF document you are annotating is encrypted, this feature\nrequires Poppler 0.22 or newer."] = "Зауважте, що для того, щоб можна було скористатися цією можливістю для звичайних\nфайлів PDF, програму має бути зібрано з бібліотекою Poppler 0.20 або новішою. Якщо ж\nдокумент PDF, до якого ви додаєте анотації, зашифровано, вам знадобиться бібліотека Poppler 0.22 або новіша."; $text["How can I annotate a document and send it to a friend/colleague/etc?"] = "Як можна додати анотації до документа і надіслати їх другові, колезі або комусь іншому?"; $text["Since KDE 4.2, Okular has the \"document archiving\" feature. This is\nan Okular-specific format for carrying the document plus various metadata\nrelated to it (currently only annotations)."] = "Починаючи з KDE 4.2, у Okular передбачено можливість архівування документів.\nАрхів документа є форматом Okular, у файлах якого зберігається сам документ\nта пов’язані з ним метадані (у поточній версії лише анотації)."; $text["You can save a \"document archive\" from the open document by choosing \"File\n-> Export As -> Document Archive\"."] = "Ви можете зберегти «архів документа» за допомогою пункту меню «Файл\n-> Експортувати як -> Архів з документом»."; $text["To open an Okular document archive, just open it with Okular as it would be eg\na PDF document."] = "Щоб відкрити архів з документом Okular, просто відкрийте файл архіву у Okular, як ви це робите, наприклад\nз документами PDF."; $text["If you're annotating a PDF document, you can also save annotations\ndirectly in the PDF file (see previous question)"] = "Якщо ви додаєте анотації до документа PDF, ви можете зберегти ці анотації у файлі PDF (див. попереднє питання)."; $text["Using Ubuntu, I cannot read CHM and EPub documents,\neven if I have okular-extra-backends and libchm1 installed. Why?"] = "В Ubuntu я не можу відкрити за допомогою програми документи CHM і EPub навіть після встановлення okular-extra-backends і libchm1. У чому причина?"; $text["Ubuntu (thus Kubuntu as well) packages of Okular are compiled without\nthe support for these two formats."] = "Пакунки Okular для Ubuntu (а отже і Kubuntu) зібрано без підтримки цих двох форматів."; $text["The reason is explained in the following Launchpad report: "] = "Причину викладено у звіті про ваду Launchpad за вказаною нижче адресою: "; $text["Why the speak options in the Tools menu are grayed out?"] = "Чому пункти декламування тексту у меню «Інструменти» позначено сірим кольором?"; $text["Because you don't have the KDE Text To Speech tools, install Jovie (formerly known as ktts) and they should be enabled"] = "Ви не встановили програм для синтезу мовлення з тексту у KDE. Встановіть Jovie (раніше ця програма називалася KTTS) і пункти стануть доступними."; $text["Some characters are not rendered and when enabling debug some lines mention 'Missing language pack for xxx'"] = "Деякі символи не оброблялися. Після вмикання діагностики з’являлися згадки про те, що «Не встановлено мовного пакунка для xxx» («Missing language pack for xxx»)."; $text["Install the poppler-data package"] = "Встановіть пакунок poppler-data"; $text["Document format handlers status"] = "Стан розробки інструментів обробки форматів документів"; $text["Document Format Handlers"] = "Інструменти обробки форматів документів"; $text["This page always refers to the stable series of Okular (currently KDE 4.5.x)."] = "На цій сторінці наведено дані щодо стабільної версії Okular (у поточній версії для KDE 4.5.x)."; $text["Features/Formats"] = "Можливості/Формати"; $text["Main library used"] = "Основна бібліотека"; $text["Loading"] = "Завантаження"; $text["Rendering"] = "Обробка"; $text["Threaded rendering"] = "Розгалужена обробка"; $text["Document information"] = "Отримання відомостей щодо документа"; $text["TOC"] = "Зміст"; $text["Font information"] = "Дані щодо шрифтів"; $text["Text extraction"] = "Видобування тексту"; $text["Links"] = "Посилання"; $text["Paper Size"] = "Розмір паперу"; $text["Printing"] = "Друк"; $text["Text Exporting"] = "Експортування тексту"; $text["Other Features"] = "Інші можливості"; $text["Annotations"] = "Анотації"; $text["Forms"] = "Форми"; $text["Inverse search"] = "Зворотний пошук"; $text["Document Rights"] = "Права на документ"; $text["Embedded files"] = "Вбудовані файли"; $text["Sounds"] = "Звуки"; $text["Movies"] = "Відео"; $text["What is it?"] = "Що це за програма?"; $text["Okular logo"] = "Логотип Okular"; $text["Okular is a universal document viewer based developed by KDE. Okular works on multiple platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc."] = "Okular є універсальною програмою для перегляду документів, розробленою KDE. Okular може працювати на багатьох програмних платформах, зокрема Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD тощо."; $text["The last stable release is Okular %1, shipped as part of the KDE Applications %3 release."] = "Останньою стабільною версією є Okular %1. Ця версія є частиною набору програм KDE %3."; $text["Okular combines the excellent functionalities with the versatility of supporting different kind of documents, like PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub and others."] = "Okular поєднує у собі чудові можливості та роботу з документами у багатьох форматах, зокрема PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub тощо."; $text["The document format handlers page has a chart describing in more detail the supported formats and the features supported in each of them."] = "На сторінці опису інструментів обробки форматів документів наведено таблицю з докладними відомостями щодо підтримки форматів та можливостей обробки кожного з цих форматів."; $text["If you are interested in contributing to Okular, please contact us."] = "Якщо ви бажаєте долучитися до розробки Okular, будь ласка, зв’яжіться з нами."; $text["If you do not want or can not contribute, testers are fully welcome, so follow these instructions to see how to download and build Okular."] = "Якщо ви не маєте наміру брати участь у розробці або не можете цього зробити, ви можете допомогти з тестуванням. Скористайтеся цими настановами щодо отримання та збирання Okular."; $text["Okular is a Free Software PDF reader."] = "Okular є вільною програмою для читання документів з відкритим кодом."; $text["Okular Homepage"] = "Домашня сторінка Okular"; $text["Main"] = "Головна сторінка"; $text["Format support"] = "Підтримка форматів"; $text["Development News"] = "Новини від розробників"; $text["Screenshots"] = "Знімки вікон"; $text["FAQ"] = "Поширені питання"; $text["Team"] = "Команда"; $text["Related apps/projects"] = "Пов’язані програми/проекти"; $text["Free Software PDF readers"] = "Програми для читання PDF з відкритим кодом"; +$text["Okular news"] = "Новини Okular"; +$text["Okular 1.5 released"] = "Випущено Okular 1.5"; +$text["August 16, 2018"] = "16 серпня 2018 року"; +$text["The 1.5 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 18.08 release. This release introduces Form improvements among various other fixes and small features. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.08.0#okular. Okular 1.5 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з набором програм KDE 18.08 випущено версію 1.5 Okular. У цьому випуску ви зможете скористатися поліпшеннями у заповненні форм, незначними виправленнями у коді та удосконаленнями можливостей. Із повним списком змін можна ознайомитися тут. Рекомендуємо оновитися до версії 1.5 усім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.4 released"] = "Випущено Okular 1.4"; +$text["April 19, 2018"] = "19 квітня 2018 року"; +$text["The 1.4 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 18.04 release. This release introduces improved JavaScript support in PDF files and supports PDF rendering cancelling, which means that if you have a complex PDF file and you change the zoom while it's rendering it will cancel immediately instead of waiting for the render to finish. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=18.04.0#okular. Okular 1.4 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з набором програм KDE 18.04 випущено версію 1.4 Okular. У цьому випуску ви зможете скористатися поліпшеною підтримкою JavaScript у файлах PDF та підтримкою скасовування обробки PDF для показу. Це означає, що, якщо файл PDF є надто складним, і ви змінили масштаб під час його перегляду, ви можете скасувати обробку зображення негайно, не чекаючи, доки її буде завершено. Ознайомитися із повним журналом змін можна на цій сторінці. Рекомендуємо оновитися до версії 1.4 усім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.3 released"] = "Випущено Okular 1.3"; +$text["December 14, 2017"] = "14 грудня 2017 року"; +$text["The 1.3 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.12 release. This release introduces changes to how saving annotations and form data works, supports partial rendering updates for files that take long time to render, makes text links interactive on text selection mode, adds a Share option in the File menu, adds Markdown support and fixes some issues regarding HiDPI support. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.12.0#okular. Okular 1.3 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом із випуском Програм KDE 17.12 було випущено версію 1.3 програми Okular. У цьому випуску змінено спосіб збереження анотацій та даних форм, реалізовано часткове оновлення зображення для файлів, обробка яких є надто тривалою, реалізовано інтерактивні посилання у тексті у режимі вибору тексту, додано пункт «Оприлюднити» у меню «Файл», додано підтримку формату Markdown та виправлено деякі проблеми у режимі високої роздільної здатності. Ознайомитися із повним журналом змін можна тут. Okular 1.3 є рекомендованим оновленням для усіх користувачів Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.2 released"] = "Випущено Okular 1.2"; +$text["August 17, 2017"] = "17 серпня 2017 року"; +$text["The 1.2 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.08 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and improvements. You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.08.0#okular. Okular 1.2 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з набором програм KDE 17.08 випущено версію 1.2 Okular. У цьому випуску ви зможете скористатися незначними виправленнями вад та поліпшеннями. Із повним списком змін можна ознайомитися тут. Рекомендуємо оновитися до версії 1.2 усім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.1 released"] = "Випущено Okular 1.1"; +$text["April 20, 2017"] = "20 квітня 2017 року"; +$text["The 1.1 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 17.04 release. This release introduces annotation resize functionality, support for automatic calculation of form contents, touch screen improvements and more! You can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=17.04.0#okular. Okular 1.1 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з набором програм KDE 17.04 випущено версію 1.1 Okular. У цьому випуску ви зможете скористатися функціональними можливостями із зміни розмірів анотацій, підтримкою автоматичного обчислення вмісту форм, поліпшеннями у роботі на сенсорних панелях тощо! Із повним списком змін можна ознайомитися тут. Рекомендуємо оновитися до версії 1.1 усім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 1.0 released"] = "Випущено Okular 1.0"; +$text["December 15, 2016"] = "15 грудня 2016 року"; +$text["The 1.0 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.12 release. This release is now based in KDE Frameworks 5, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.12.0#okular. Okular 1.0 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з набором програм KDE 16.12 випущено версію 1.0 Okular. Цей випуск засновано на KDE Frameworks 5. Із повним списком змін можна ознайомитися тут. Рекомендуємо оновитися до версії 1.0 усім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.26 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.26"; +$text["August 18, 2016"] = "18 серпня 2016 року"; +$text["The 0.26 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 16.08 release. This release introduces very small changes, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications.php?version=16.08.0#okular. Okular 0.26 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з набором програм KDE 16.08 випущено версію 0.26 Okular. У цьому випуску ви зможете скористатися незначними змінами у коді. Із повним списком змін можна ознайомитися тут. Рекомендуємо оновитися до версії 0.26 усім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.24 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.24"; +$text["December 16, 2015"] = "16 грудня 2015 року"; +$text["The 0.24 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.12 release. This release introduces minor bugfixes and features, you can check the full changelog at https://www.kde.org/announcements/fulllog_applications-15.12.0.php#okular. Okular 0.24 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з набором програм KDE 15.12 випущено версію 0.24 Okular. У цьому випуску ви зможете скористатися новими можливостями та виправленнями незначних вад. Із повним списком змін можна ознайомитися тут. Рекомендуємо оновитися до версії 0.24 усім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.23 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.23"; +$text["August 19, 2015"] = "19 серпня 2015 року"; +$text["The 0.23 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.08 release. This release introduces support for the Fade transition in presentation mode as well as some fixes regarding annotations and video playback. Okular 0.23 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з набором програм KDE 15.08 випущено версію 0.23 Okular. У цьому випуску ви зможете скористатися підтримкою переходу між слайдами у режимі презентації, а також деякими виправленнями у обробці анотацій та відтворення відео. Рекомендуємо оновитися до версії Okular 0.23 усім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.22 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.22"; +$text["April 15, 2015"] = "15 квітня 2015 року"; +$text["The 0.22 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 15.04 release. Okular 0.22 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з набором програм KDE 15.04 випущено версію 0.22 Okular. Рекомендуємо встановити цю версію всім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.21 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.21"; +$text["December 17, 2014"] = "17 грудня 2014 року"; +$text["The 0.21 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 14.12 release. This release introduces new features like latex-synctex reverse searching in dvi and small bugfixes. Okular 0.21 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з набором програм KDE 14.12 випущено версію 0.21 Okular. У цьому випуску ви зможете скористатися новими можливостями, зокрема зворотним пошуком у коді LaTeX з DVI за допомогою synctex, а також виправленнями вад. Рекомендуємо оновитися до цієї версії усім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.19 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.19"; +$text["April 16, 2014"] = "16 квітня 2014 року"; +$text["The 0.19 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.13 release. This release introduces new features like tabs support in the interface, use of DPI screen so that page size matches real paper size, improvements to the Undo/Redo framework and other features/refinements. Okular 0.19 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з випуском програм KDE 4.13 було випущено версію 0.19 Okular. У цьому випуску впроваджено нові можливості, зокрема підтримку вкладок у інтерфейсі, врахування роздільної здатності екрана з метою встановлення відповідності між розміром сторінки та справжнім розміром аркуша паперу, покращено можливості зі скасування та повторювання дій, а також реалізовано інші незначні можливості та удосконалення. Рекомендуємо оновитися до версії 0.19 усім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.18 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.18"; +$text["December 12, 2013"] = "12 грудня 2013 року"; +$text["The 0.18 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.12 release. This release introduces new features like audio/video support in EPub files and also improvements to existing features like searching and printing. Okular 0.18 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з набором програм KDE 4.12 випущено версію 0.18 Okular. У цьому випуску ви зможете скористатися новими можливостями, зокрема підтримкою звукових та відеододатків у файлах EPub, та покращеннями наявних можливостей, зокрема пошуку і друку. Рекомендуємо оновитися до версії 0.18 усім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.17 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.17"; +$text["August 16, 2013"] = "16 серпня 2013 року"; +$text["The 0.17 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.11 release. This release introduces new features like undo/redo support for forms and annotations and configurable review tools. Okular 0.17 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з набором програм KDE 4.11 випущено версію 0.17 Okular. У цьому випуску ви зможете скористатися новими можливостями, зокрема підтримкою скасування і повернення результатів редагування форм та анотацій, а також можливістю налаштовувати панель інструментів рецензування. Рекомендуємо оновитися до цієї версії усім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.16 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.16"; +$text["February 6, 2013"] = "6 лютого 2010 року"; +$text["The 0.16 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.10 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to zoom to higher levels in PDF documents, an Active based viewer for your tablet devices, more support for PDF movies, viewport follows selection, and annotation editing improvements. Okular 0.16 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з набором програм KDE 4.10 випущено версію 0.16 Okular. У цьому випуску ви зможете скористатися покращеними можливостями з масштабування зображень у документах PDF, засобом перегляду документів на планшетних пристроях, пересуванням поля зору за позначеним фрагментом та покращеннями у редагування анотацій. Рекомендуємо встановити Okular 0.16 всім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular forums"] = "Форум Okular"; +$text["October 10, 2012"] = "10 жовтня 2012 року"; +$text["We now have a subforum inside the KDE Community Forums. You can find it at http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."] = "Тепер у нас є підфорум у комплексі форумів спільноти KDE. Знайти його можна за адресою http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=251."; +$text["Okular 0.15 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.15"; +$text["August 1, 2012"] = "1 серпня 2012 року"; +$text["The 0.15 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.9 release. This release introduces new features like the ability to store annotations with PDF documents, more support for PDF movies, multiple bookmarks per page and some other minor improvements. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.15 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з випуском набору програм KDE версії 4.9 було випущено версію 0.15 Okular. У цьому випуску реалізовано нові можливості, зокрема можливість зберігання анотацій разом з документами PDF, покращену підтримку відео у PDF, можливість встановлення декількох закладок на одній сторінці та декілька інших незначних покращень. З неповним списком виправлених вад та реалізованих можливостей можна ознайомитися на сторінці системи стеження за вадами. Рекомендуємо встановити Okular 0.15 всім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.14 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.14"; +$text["January 25, 2012"] = "25 січня 2012 року"; +$text["The 0.14 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.8 release. This release introduces new features like improved text selection in documents with columns, table selection tool, LaTex rendering in annotations, improved embedded support (for use in e.g. Kile), better layouting for faced pages, smarter screensaver/powermanagement handling, improved page label support, default zoom configuration, improved Landscape printing, etc. You can find a non complete list of bugs and features in bugzilla. Okular 0.14 is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з випуском набору програм KDE версії 4.8 було випущено версію 0.14 Okular. У цьому випуску реалізовано нові можливості, зокрема покращено інструмент позначення тексту у документах з врахуванням колонок, інструмент позначення таблиць, показ анотацій у документах LaTeX, удосконалено підтримку роботи у вбудованому режимі (наприклад у Kile), компонування титульних сторінок, роботу зі зберігачем екрана та засобами енергозбереження, покращено підтримку міток сторінок, типові параметри масштабування, друк у альбомному режимі тощо. З повним списком виправлених вад та реалізованих можливостей можна ознайомитися на сторінці системи стеження за вадами. Рекомендуємо встановити Okular 0.14 всім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.13 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.13"; +$text["July 27, 2011"] = "27 липня 2011 року"; +$text["The 0.13 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.7 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з набором програм KDE 4.7 випущено версію 0.13 Okular. У цьому випуску ви зможете скористатися невеликими виправленнями та новими можливостями. Рекомендуємо встановити цю версію всім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.12 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.12"; +$text["January 26, 2011"] = "26 січня 2011 року"; +$text["The 0.12 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.6 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з набором програм KDE 4.6 випущено версію 0.12 Okular. У цьому випуску ви зможете скористатися невеликими виправленнями та новими можливостями. Рекомендуємо встановити цю версію всім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.11 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.11"; +$text["August 10, 2010"] = "10 серпня 2010 року"; +$text["The 0.11 version of Okular has been released together with KDE Applications 4.5 release. This release introduce small fixes and features and is a recommended update for everyone using Okular."] = "Разом з набором програм KDE 4.5 випущено версію 0.11 Okular. У цьому випуску ви зможете скористатися невеликими виправленнями та новими можливостями. Рекомендуємо встановити цю версію всім, хто користується Okular."; +$text["Okular 0.10 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.10"; +$text["February 9, 2010"] = "9 лютого 2010 року"; +$text["The 0.10 version of Okular has been released together with KDE SC 4.4. Besides general improvements in stability this release sports new/improved support for both inverse search and forward search linking latex source code lines with the corresponding locations in dvi and pdf files."] = "Разом з KDE SC 4.4 було випущено версію 0.10 Okular. Окрім загальних покращень у стабільності роботи, у цьому випуску ви зможете скористатися новими або покращеними можливостями зі зворотного і прямого пошуку у коді документа, програма краще встановлює відповідність між кодом LaTeX і відповідними місцями у файлах dvi і pdf."; +$text["Okular 0.9.4 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.9.4"; +$text["December 1, 2009"] = "1 грудня 2009 року"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.3 series includes Okular 0.9.4. It includes some crash fixes, and few small bug fixes in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_3_3to4_3_4.php"] = "До складу четвертої модифікації випуску KDE 4.3 включено Okular 0.9.4. У програмі виправлено декілька аварійних завершень роботи та невеличкі вади у інтерфейсі. Докладніше з даними щодо виправлення вад можна ознайомитися тут"; +$text["Okular 0.8.4 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.8.4"; +$text["June 3, 2009"] = "3 червня 2009 року"; +$text["The forth maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.4. It includes some fixes in OpenDocument Text documents, a couple of crash fixes, and few small bugs in the interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_3to4_2_4.php"] = "До складу четвертої модифікації випуску KDE 4.2 включено Okular 0.8.4. У програмі виправлено роботу з текстовими документами у форматі OpenDocument, пару аварійних завершень роботи та невеличкі вади у інтерфейсі. Докладніше з даними щодо виправлення вад можна ознайомитися тут"; +$text["Okular 0.8.3 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.8.3"; +$text["May 6, 2009"] = "6 травня 2009 року"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.3. It does not provide much news for Okular, the only relevant change is about thread more safety when generating page images of XPS document. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_2to4_2_3.php"] = "До складу третьої модифікації випуску KDE 4.2 включено Okular 0.8.3. Змін у цій версії Okular не дуже-то й багато. Єдиною помітною зміною є безпечніша робота з потоками під час створення зображень сторінок документів XPS. Докладний список виправлених недоліків можна знайти тут"; +$text["Okular 0.8.2 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.8.2"; +$text["April 2, 2009"] = "2 квітня 2009 року"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.2. It includes better support (hopefully working) for DVI and pdfsync inverse search, and fixes and small improvements in the presentation mode. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php"] = "До складу другої модифікації випуску KDE 4.2 включено Okular 0.8.2. У новій версії ви зможете скористатися кращою підтримкою (сподіваємося і надійнішою) зворотного пошуку у DVI і pdfsync, а також виправленнями та незначними покращеннями у режимі презентації. Список всіх виправлених вад можна знайти тут"; +$text["Okular 0.8.1 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.8.1"; +$text["March 4, 2009"] = "4 березня 2009 року"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.2 series includes Okular 0.8.1. It includes some crash fixes in the CHM and DjVu backends, and minor fixes in the user interface. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2to4_2_1.php"] = "До складу першої модифікації випуску KDE 4.2 включено Okular 0.8.1. У програмі виправлено декілька аварійних завершень роботи під час роботи з модулями CHM та DjVU та невеличкі вади у інтерфейсі. Докладніше з даними щодо виправлення вад можна ознайомитися тут"; +$text["Okular 0.8 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.8"; +$text["January 27, 2009"] = "27 січня 2009 року"; +$text["The Okular team is proud to announce a new version of Okular, released as part of KDE 4.2. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order): And, of course, many bugs were fixed."] = "Команда розробників Okular з гордістю оголошує про випуск нової версії Okular, яка є частиною KDE 4.2. У новій версії ви зможете скористатися новими можливостями та покращеннями (у випадковому порядку): Ну, і звичайно, було виправлено багато інших вад."; +$text["Okular 0.7.3 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.7.3"; +$text["November 4, 2008"] = "4 листопада 2008 року"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.3. It includes some minor fixes in the user interface and in the text search. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_2to4_1_3.php"] = "До складу третьої модифікації випуску KDE 4.1 включено Okular 0.7.3. У програмі виправлено декілька незначних вад у інтерфейсі користувача та у пошуку текстових рядків. Докладніше з даними щодо виправлення вад можна ознайомитися тут"; +$text["Okular 0.7.2 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.7.2"; +$text["October 3, 2008"] = "3 жовтня 2008 року"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.2. It includes some minor fixes in the TIFF and Comicbook backends and the change to \"Fit Width\" as default zoom level. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1_1to4_1_2.php"] = "До складу другої модифікації випуску KDE 4.1 включено Okular 0.7.2. У новій версії виправлено вади у модулях TIFF і Comicbook та переведено програму на типове використання масштабування «Влаштувати ширину». Докладніше про виправлені вади можна дізнатися тут"; +$text["Okular 0.7.1 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.7.1"; +$text["September 3, 2008"] = "3 вересня 2008 року"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.1 series includes Okular 0.7.1. It includes some crash fixes among other minor fixes. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_1to4_1_1.php"] = "До складу першої модифікації випуску KDE 4.1 включено Okular 0.7.1. У програмі виправлено декілька аварійних завершень роботи та інші невеличкі вади. Докладніше з даними щодо виправлення вад можна ознайомитися тут"; +$text["Okular 0.7 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.7"; +$text["July 29, 2008"] = "29 липня 2008 року"; +$text["KDE 4.1. Some of the new features and improvements include (in random order):\n\nAnd, of course, many bugs were fixed.]]>"] = "KDE 4.1. Серед нових можливостей та покращень (у довільному порядку):\n\nНі, і звичайно ж, виправлено багато вад.]]>"; +$text["Okular 0.6.3 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.6.3"; +$text["April 2, 2008"] = "2 квітня 2008 року"; +$text["The third maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.3. It includes few bug fixes, i.e. a better way to get the text position in a PDF document, and a couple of fixes for the annotation system, and the table of contents. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_2to4_0_3.php"] = "До складу третьої модифікації випуску KDE 4.0 включено Okular 0.6.3. У новій версії виправлено декілька вад, зокрема покращено позиціювання тексту у документах PDF, виправлено декілька вад у системі анотування та показі вмісту документів. Повний список виправлених вад можна знайти тут"; +$text["Okular 0.6.2 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.6.2"; +$text["March 5, 2008"] = "5 березня 2008 року"; +$text["The second maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.2. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including more stability when closing a document, and small fixes for the bookmark system. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0_1to4_0_2.php"] = "До складу другої модифікації випуску KDE 4.0 включено Okular 0.6.2. У новій версії виправлено декілька вад, зокрема вад зі стабільністю роботи під час закриття документів та незначних вад у системі закладок. Повний список виправлених вад можна знайти тут"; +$text["Okular 0.6.1 released"] = "Випущено Okular 0.6.1"; +$text["February 5, 2008"] = "5 лютого 2008 року"; +$text["The first maintenance release of the KDE 4.0 series includes Okular 0.6.1. It includes quite a few bug fixes, including better not redownloading files when saving, usability improvements, etc. You can read all the fixed issues at http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_0to4_0_1.php"] = "До складу першої модифікації випуску KDE 4.0 включено Okular 0.6.1. У новій версії виправлено декілька вад, зокрема усунуто ваду з повторним завантаженням файлів після зберігання, програмою стало зручніше користуватися. Повний список виправлених вад можна знайти тут."; +$text["aKademy 2007 Okular presentation material online"] = "Інтернет-матеріали презентації Okular на aKademy 2007"; +$text["Jul 10, 2007"] = "10 липня 2007 року"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular talk given by Pino Toscano at aKademy 2007 is now online. There are both slides and video available.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tТепер ви можете ознайомитися у інтернеті з доповіддю Pino Toscano щодо Okular на aKademy 2007. Ви можете переглянути слайди та відео.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular in kdegraphics"] = "Okular на kdegraphics"; +$text["Apr 4, 2007"] = "4 квітня 2007 року"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular is now part of the kdegraphics module. The next version of Okular will be shipped with KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tКоманда розробників Okular з радістю оголошує про те, що Okular тепер є частиною модуля kdegraphics. Наступну версію Okular буде випущено разом з KDE 4.0.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular joins The Season of Usability project"] = "Okular приєднався до проекту Season of Usability"; +$text["Jan 31, 2007"] = "31 січня 2007 року"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce Okular has been one of the applications selected to participate in the Season of Usability project, run by usability experts at OpenUsability. From here we want to welcome Sharad Baliyan to the team and thank Florian Graessle and Pino Toscano for their continued work on improving Okular.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tКоманда розробників Okular з гордістю оголошує про те, що Okular було обрано серед інших програм для участі у проекті Season of Usability, який підтримується знавцями з дизайну зі спілки OpenUsability. Ми хотіли б привітати нового учасника команди, Sharad Baliyan, та подякувати Florian Graessle та Pino Toscano за їхню невтомну працю з покращення Okular.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5.81 unstable snapshot released"] = "Випущено нестабільну версію Okular 0.5.81"; +$text["Nov 2, 2006"] = "2 листопада 2006 року"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the Second KDE 4 Developers Snapshot. This snapshot is not completely functional, yet, as we have lots of things to polish and finish, but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tКоманда розробників Okular з гордістю оголошує про випуск версії Okular, яку можна зібрати з другою версією для розробників KDE 4. Нова версія ще не є повною, багато речей ще не зовсім досконалі та завершені, але ви можете спробувати програму та повідомити нам про всі ваші враження від її роботи. Знайти пакунок з цією версією програми можна тут: ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.81.tar.bz2. Не забудьте зазирнути на сторінку отримання, що переконатися, що у системі встановлено всі потрібні для роботи бібліотеки.\n\t\t\t"; +$text["Okular 0.5 unstable snapshot released"] = "Випущено нестабільну версію Okular 0.5"; +$text["Aug 27, 2006"] = "27 серпня 2006 року"; +$text["\n\t\t\t\tThe Okular team is proud to announce the release of a snapshot of Okular that compiles against the KDE 4 'Krash' snapshot. This snapshot is still not completely functional as we have lots of things to polish and finish but you are free to test it and provide as much feedback as you want. You can find the snapshot package at ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Have a look at the download page to be sure you have all the necessary libraries.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tКоманда розробників Okular з гордістю оголошує про випуск версії Okular, яку можна зібрати з версією KDE 4 «Krash». Нова версія ще не є повною, багато речей ще не зовсім досконалі та завершені, але ви можете спробувати програму та повідомити нам про всі ваші враження від її роботи. Знайти пакунок з цією версією програми можна тут: ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/KDE4.x/graphics/okular-0.5.tar.bz2. Не забудьте зазирнути на сторінку отримання, що переконатися, що у системі встановлено всі потрібні для роботи бібліотеки.\n\t\t\t"; $text["Some images of Okular "in action"..."] = "Деякі знімки, пов’язані з роботою Okular…"; $text["Backends in action"] = "Модулі у дії"; $text["Here you can see some of the Okular backends in action on files."] = "Тут можна побачити результати використання деяких з модулів Okular для перегляду файлів."; $text["PDF backend"] = "Модуль PDF"; $text["PostScript backend"] = "Модуль PostScript"; $text["DjVu backend"] = "Модуль DjVu"; $text["TIFF/fax backend"] = "Модуль TIFF/факсів"; $text["Extraction of embedded files"] = "Видобування даних з вбудованих файлів"; $text["Word processor-like text selection"] = "Позначення фрагментів тексту подібно до текстових процесорів"; $text["Review mode"] = "Режим рецензування"; $text["Annotations (enter in Tools -> Review)"] = "Анотації (вмикання за допомогою меню «Інструменти -> Рецензування»)"; $text["Okular - more than a reader"] = "Okular — більше за програму для читання"; $text["the Okular developers"] = "розробники Okular"; $text["Current Okular Team"] = "Поточна команда з розробки Okular"; $text["The current Okular team is formed by:"] = "Поточна команда розробників Okular складається з:"; $text["(Current maintainer)"] = "(Поточний супровідник)"; $text["Your name here..."] = "Тут може бути ваше ім’я…"; $text["Join Okular development!"] = "Приєднуйтеся до розробки Okular!"; $text["Former Okular developers"] = "Колишні розробники Okular"; $text["We'd like to thank all the people that worked on Okular in the past:"] = "Ми також хотіли б висловити вдячність всім тим, хто брав участь у розробці попередніх версій Okular:"; $text["(Original Okular creator)"] = "(Автор першої версії Okular)"; $text["(Usability expert)"] = "(Експерт зі зручності користування)"; $text["KPDF Developers"] = "Розробники KPDF"; $text["We'd like also to thank all the people who worked on KPDF:"] = "Ми також хотіли б висловити вдячність всім тим, хто брав участь у розробці KPDF:"; $text["Lots of features"] = "Багато можливостей"; $text["Fontconfig support, type-ahead find, some patches"] = "Підтримка fontconfig, випереджувальний пошук, деякі латки"; ?>