diff --git a/src/backends/octave/octavesession.cpp b/src/backends/octave/octavesession.cpp index 8483e6cb..eb172137 100644 --- a/src/backends/octave/octavesession.cpp +++ b/src/backends/octave/octavesession.cpp @@ -1,311 +1,315 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2010 Miha Čančula This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "octavesession.h" #include "octaveexpression.h" #include "octavecompletionobject.h" #include "octavesyntaxhelpobject.h" #include "result.h" #include "textresult.h" #include "settings.h" #include "octave-backend-config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "octavehighlighter.h" #include #include #include OctaveSession::OctaveSession ( Cantor::Backend* backend ) : Session ( backend ), m_process(nullptr), m_currentExpression(nullptr), m_watch(nullptr), m_variableModel(new Cantor::DefaultVariableModel(this)) { qDebug() << octaveScriptInstallDir; } OctaveSession::~OctaveSession() { } void OctaveSession::login() { qDebug() << "login"; emit loginStarted(); m_process = new KProcess ( this ); QStringList args; args << QLatin1String("--silent"); args << QLatin1String("--interactive"); args << QLatin1String("--persist"); // Add the cantor script directory to search path args << QLatin1String("--eval"); args << QString::fromLatin1("addpath %1;").arg(octaveScriptInstallDir); if (OctaveSettings::integratePlots()) { // Do not show the popup when plotting, rather only print to a file args << QLatin1String("--eval"); args << QLatin1String("graphics_toolkit gnuplot;"); args << QLatin1String("--eval"); args << QLatin1String("set (0, \"defaultfigurevisible\",\"off\");"); } else { args << QLatin1String("--eval"); args << QLatin1String("set (0, \"defaultfigurevisible\",\"on\");"); } // Do not show extra text in help commands args << QLatin1String("--eval"); args << QLatin1String("suppress_verbose_help_message(1);"); // Print the temp dir, used for plot files args << QLatin1String("--eval"); args << QLatin1String("____TMP_DIR____ = tempdir"); m_process->setProgram ( OctaveSettings::path().toLocalFile(), args ); qDebug() << m_process->program(); m_process->setOutputChannelMode ( KProcess::SeparateChannels ); connect ( m_process, SIGNAL ( readyReadStandardOutput() ), SLOT ( readOutput() ) ); connect ( m_process, SIGNAL ( readyReadStandardError() ), SLOT ( readError() ) ); connect ( m_process, SIGNAL ( error ( QProcess::ProcessError ) ), SLOT ( processError() ) ); m_process->start(); if (OctaveSettings::integratePlots()) { m_watch = new KDirWatch(this); m_watch->setObjectName(QLatin1String("OctaveDirWatch")); connect (m_watch, SIGNAL(dirty(QString)), SLOT(plotFileChanged(QString)) ); } if(!OctaveSettings::self()->autorunScripts().isEmpty()){ QString autorunScripts = OctaveSettings::self()->autorunScripts().join(QLatin1String("\n")); evaluateExpression(autorunScripts, OctaveExpression::DeleteOnFinish); } } void OctaveSession::logout() { qDebug() << "logout"; m_process->write("exit\n"); if (!m_process->waitForFinished(1000)) { m_process->kill(); } } void OctaveSession::interrupt() { qDebug() << "interrupt"; if (m_currentExpression) { m_currentExpression->interrupt(); } m_expressionQueue.clear(); qDebug() << "Sending SIGINT to Octave"; +#ifndef Q_OS_WIN kill(m_process->pid(), SIGINT); +#else + //TODO: interrupt the process on windows +#endif changeStatus(Done); } void OctaveSession::processError() { qDebug() << "processError"; emit error(m_process->errorString()); } Cantor::Expression* OctaveSession::evaluateExpression ( const QString& command, Cantor::Expression::FinishingBehavior finishingBehavior ) { qDebug() << "evaluating: " << command; OctaveExpression* expression = new OctaveExpression ( this ); expression->setCommand ( command ); expression->setFinishingBehavior ( finishingBehavior ); expression->evaluate(); return expression; } void OctaveSession::runExpression ( OctaveExpression* expression ) { qDebug() << "runExpression"; if ( status() != Done ) { m_expressionQueue.enqueue ( expression ); qDebug() << m_expressionQueue.size(); } else { m_currentExpression = expression; changeStatus(Running); connect(m_currentExpression, SIGNAL(statusChanged(Cantor::Expression::Status)), this, SLOT(currentExpressionStatusChanged(Cantor::Expression::Status))); QString command = expression->command(); command.replace(QLatin1Char('\n'), QLatin1Char(',')); command += QLatin1Char('\n'); m_process->write ( command.toLocal8Bit() ); } } void OctaveSession::readError() { qDebug() << "readError"; QString error = QString::fromLocal8Bit(m_process->readAllStandardError()); if (!m_currentExpression || error.isEmpty()) { return; } m_currentExpression->parseError(error); } void OctaveSession::readOutput() { qDebug() << "readOutput"; while (m_process->bytesAvailable() > 0) { if (m_tempDir.isEmpty() && !m_process->canReadLine()) { qDebug() << "Waiting"; // Wait for the full line containing octave's tempDir return; } QString line = QString::fromLocal8Bit(m_process->readLine()); if (!m_currentExpression) { if (m_prompt.isEmpty() && line.contains(QLatin1String(":1>"))) { qDebug() << "Found Octave prompt:" << line; line.replace(QLatin1String(":1"), QLatin1String(":[0-9]+")); m_prompt.setPattern(line); changeStatus(Done); if (!m_expressionQueue.isEmpty()) { runExpression(m_expressionQueue.dequeue()); } emit loginDone(); } else if (line.contains(QLatin1String("____TMP_DIR____"))) { m_tempDir = line; m_tempDir.remove(0,18); m_tempDir.chop(1); // isolate the tempDir's location qDebug() << "Got temporary file dir:" << m_tempDir; if (m_watch) { m_watch->addDir(m_tempDir, KDirWatch::WatchFiles); } } } else if (line.contains(m_prompt)) { // Check for errors before finalizing the expression // this makes sure that all errors are caught readError(); m_currentExpression->finalize(); if (m_currentExpression->command().contains(QLatin1String(" = "))) { emit variablesChanged(); } if (m_currentExpression->command().contains(QLatin1String("function "))) { emit functionsChanged(); } } else { // Avoid many calls to setResult if a lot of output came at the same time while (m_process->canReadLine()) { line += QString::fromLocal8Bit(m_process->readLine()); } m_currentExpression->parseOutput(line); } } } void OctaveSession::currentExpressionStatusChanged(Cantor::Expression::Status status) { qDebug() << "currentExpressionStatusChanged"; if (!m_currentExpression) { return; } switch (status) { case Cantor::Expression::Computing: break; case Cantor::Expression::Interrupted: break; case Cantor::Expression::Done: case Cantor::Expression::Error: changeStatus(Done); if (!m_expressionQueue.isEmpty()) { runExpression(m_expressionQueue.dequeue()); } break; } } void OctaveSession::plotFileChanged(const QString& filename) { if (!QFile::exists(filename) || !filename.split(QLatin1Char('/')).last().contains(QLatin1String("c-ob-"))) { return; } if (m_currentExpression) { m_currentExpression->parsePlotFile(filename); } } Cantor::CompletionObject* OctaveSession::completionFor ( const QString& cmd, int index ) { return new OctaveCompletionObject ( cmd, index, this ); } Cantor::SyntaxHelpObject* OctaveSession::syntaxHelpFor ( const QString& cmd ) { return new OctaveSyntaxHelpObject ( cmd, this ); } QSyntaxHighlighter* OctaveSession::syntaxHighlighter ( QObject* parent ) { OctaveHighlighter* highlighter = new OctaveHighlighter ( parent, this ); connect ( this, SIGNAL(functionsChanged()), highlighter, SLOT(updateFunctions()) ); connect ( this, SIGNAL(variablesChanged()), highlighter, SLOT(updateVariables()) ); return highlighter; } QAbstractItemModel* OctaveSession::variableModel() { return m_variableModel; } void OctaveSession::runSpecificCommands() { m_process->write("figure(1,'visible','off')"); }